Half-Life - Natural Selection

Half-Life - Natural Selection

01.10.2013 15:34:36
Half Life: Natural Selection Mod (3.00b)
Natural Selection: Combat Guide
Version 1.00

Copyright 2003 Wood Elf
E-Mail - BattleBotv_8_2@Hotmail.com

First Site: www.GameFAQs.com

E-mail me suggestions or corrections.

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1.00 What is Combat?
2.00 Upgrade Tech Tree (Marine)
3.00 Upgrade Tech Tree (Kharaa)
4.00 Stratagys (Marine)
5.00 Stratagys (Kharaa)
6.00 Stratagys (Marine Natural Selection forums)
7.00 Stratagys (Kharaa Natural Selection forums)
8.00 Stratagys (Marine E-mail Stratagys)
9.00 Stratagys (Kharaa E-mail Stratagys)
10.00 Experince Table
11.00 Weapons (Marine)
12.00 Attacks (Kharaa)
13.00 Tips and Suggestions
14.00 Versions
15.00 Credits and Thanks
16.00 FAQs

Note: I would very much like people to submit stratagy builds. That's one of
the reasons I made this walkthrough.

1.00 What is Combat?

Combat is ALOT differnt from the normal Natural Selection game. Its one where
its just killing spree. The more you kill, you get more experince and then get
levels. You can upgrade for abilitys, weapons and much more. Marines only have
Command Console (Though you cant enter it) and Armory. Aliens only have a Hive.
The goal is to kill the enemy Command Console or Hive, who ever kills the
objective first, wins.

If you chose to be a Lerk with your points, you will spawn as a lerk, it wont
resest you back to Skulk also. Basicly, it will keep what ever you spent your
points on before you died (if you do).

2.00 Upgrade Tech Tree (Marine)

Note: If you get something like Motion Tracking, only you can use it, its not
for every one.
Note 2: All Upgrades cost 1 point, execpt Jetpack and Heavy Armor, which costs

| | |
| | |
Intel Equip Commander
|---------|---------| |---------|---------|
| | Mines Welder Grenade |
| | |
MotionTracking ScannerSweep Catalyst


Motion Tracking:
Simple Enough, you get Motion Tracking. It shows moving Kharaa as blue circles,
so you can see if they around the cornor. But dont rely on it so much, because
they can stay still on a wall and will not show up.


Scanner Sweep:
If your having pesky problems with cloaking aliens, this is your answer. It
does a scan where you are standing. Once a Onos was trying to sneak in our base
and a ally scanned and bye bye onos.


When ever you die and come back to life, you will have 1 mine. I personly like
placing them at the Command Console, so it will kill Skulks or damage any other


A unfair advantadge for Marines, since you can weld the Command Chair, which
gives you experince.


You have a Single Grenade. It is the same as a single Grenade Launcher shot,
execpt it takes longer to throw (And looks like hes doing kung-fu fist).


If you kill an enemy, the "commander" will give you a Catalyst pack which will
add an extra +25% movment speed and +25% attack rate for a health cost


Allows you to call in for Ammo and Medpacks.


ArmorLvl 1
ArmorLvl 2
| | |
HeavyArmor ArmorLvl3 Jetpack


Armor Level 1:
Increases the Armor level by 1. This will make it so skulks cannot get a 1 hit
kill against you.


Armor Level 2:
Guess what, it increases it to level 2, what a surprise!


Armor Level 3:
I wonder... Maybe, level 3 armor?


Heavy Armor:
Gives you Heavy Armor, simple enough. Though, Heavy Armor is not as effective
in Combat than origanel since the Kharaa can get all the upgrades (Skulk can
take down 2 HA, I did it ^_^)


Gives you a Jetpack. I belive its sort of cheap since you can fly around
shooting Grenade Launcher while Skulks try to leap after you.

Note: This is not a choose one like the last tech-tree. You need Damage 1 to
get Shotgun. Need Shotgun to get Grenade Launcher ect.

| |
DamageLvl2 Shotgun
| |
| |
DamageLvl3 |----------|----------|


Damage Level 1:
Damage from weapons and mines increases by 10%


Damage Level 2:
Like before, it increases by another 10%.


Damage Level 3:
Lets see... Another 10% mayhap?


Gives you a shotgun when you chose it.


Grenade Launcher:
Same as Shotgun but it gives a Grenade Launcher of course.


Heavy Machine Gun:
Yet again, same thing, execpt with Machine Gun.

3.00 Upgrade Tech Tree (Kharaa)

They have a differnt tech tree, if you want to call it that. They dont have any
limitations like Armor Level 1, then going to Armor Level 2 execpt for getting
to higher lifeforms. You go Lerk, Fade then Onos and getting ability 3 then 4.



You start to cloak after a period of time. The higher the level of cloaking,
the quicker you start to cloak. If you use walk skill, it does not disable your
invisibility but if you run, it disables your cloaking.

Scent of Fear:
Injured enemies show up on the screen how the Motion Tracking does, only with a
different icon. The higher the level I think the less damage they need to show

It decreases the speed of attack but increases the damage (Slot 1 only).



It increases the regeneration of energy, 33% per level.

Increases movement speed. You move faster for each level.

Decreases the sound made by moving. Normally a marine can tell if a Kharaa is
near by listening to sounds made by them walking.



Once near death, you MAY (not always, but MAY) teleport to a hive.

This heals your HP. Once that is fully healed, it starts healing armor. Each
level increases the amount of healing per second.

Each level of this upgrade increases armor by 16%

4.00 Stratagys (Marine)

Note: This is just a guide, not a follow by the letter guide.

Weapon Damage 1
Grenade Launcher
Armor Level 1
Armor Level 2
Weapons Damage 2 / Armor Level 3 / Resupply

This is a setup where you can fly around shooting grenades all over the place
and dodge enemys. This is sort of cheap since you can keep dodging the enemys
and hit their hive.


Damage Level 1
Armor Level 1
Armor Level 2
Heavy Armor
Armor Level 3
Grenade Launcher / Heavy Machine Gun
Damage Level 2

This is another stratagy I use. If a full team gets this, the aliens are dead.


Mine/Hand Grenade/Resupply
Armor Level 1
Armor Level 2
Welder/Motion Tracking
Wait or Damage Level 1
Jetpack or Shotgun
Resupply/Mine/Hand Grenade/Damage Level 1

I recently tried this, and it was fun. I personly like to get Jetpack rather
than Shotgun. And its your choice, basicly get Mine or Hand Grenade, these are
under rated. About every minute or so, I got a mine kill. And Grenades, great
with Motion Tracking or large groups of Skulks. Then the final is a wide range.
Only get Motion Tracking if you have a microphone, so you can tell you allies
where their coming.

5.00 Stratagys (Kharaa)

Note: This is just a guide, not a follow by the letter guide.

Super Skulk:
Scent of Fear

This is my favorite Kharaa setup. The reason why there is only 5 upgrades, the
rest are your choice. The most unused upgrades I use is Redemption and Carapace.


Scent of Fear

Basicly, the Lerk is currently very powerfull, so any thing is a good choice
basicly. Celerity and Scent of Fear are very important though.


2: Save
3: Save
4: Fade
5: Regeneration
6: Focus
7: Carapace / Adrenaline / Celerity
8: Carapace / Adrenaline / Celerity
9: Carapace / Adrenaline / Celerity
10: Anything (I like Scent of Fear).

This is a set up I love. You can take out 4 shotgunners against you if your
very good at the fade (I did it ^_^). It also, with the Adren, you can quickly
blink in and slash then out before they can fire at you. Since Beta 2, I dont
like Acid Rocket with its decreases splash and damage. Fades are Underated in
NS:C (In my opinion).

6.00 Stratagys (Marine Natural Selection forums)

My usual Allround setup for Marines on most maps (and if i don't have any
assigned task). Use MT to kill early-game Skulks easily and don't get killed
from hiding spots too often. When you have the JP use MT to avoid direct
confrontation and go for the hive to get EXP and distract the Aliens. Then get
some upgrades to last longer near their hive and do more damage to it.

Level 2: Motion Tracking
Level 3: Armor 1
Level 4: Armor 2
Level 5: -
Level 6: Jetpack
Level 7: Resupply
Level 8: Weapon 1
Level 9: Shotgun
Level 10: Weapon 2


"Heavy Defense" setup for Marines.

Level 2: Motion Tracking
Level 3: Armor 1
Level 4: Armor 2
Level 5: Heavy Armor
Level 6: Resupply
Level 7: Weapon 1
Level 8: Shotgun
Level 9: HMG
Level 10: Weapon 2

From Hypergrip


2.motion tracking
8.hand grenade
10.armor 1

From Lucid


full frontal
level 2: weapons 1
level 3: weapons 2
level 4: resupply
level 5: weapons 3
level 6: armor 1
level 7: shotgun
level 8: armor 2
level 9: HA
level 10: GL or HMG "depends"

Works quite well if your a good shot

All out Weapons (my brothers way)
level 2: weapons 1
level 3: weapons 2
level 4: weapons 3
level 5: shotgun
level 6: HMG
level 7: Armor 1
level 8: Armor 2
level 9: HA
level 10: resupply

(dont know how he lives with out resupply, im dependent on it.)

From ArmedSoldier522


My shotgun ****ness:

1 - Resupply (optional)
2 - Weapons 1
3 - Shotgun
4 - Weapons 2
5 - Weapons 3
6 - Armor 1
7 - Armor 2
8 - Jp or HA
9 - If HA then Armor 3 or whatever you want.

From Extreme


Marine ~~
Weapon lvl 1
Armor lvl 1
Armor lvl 2
Weapon lvl 2
Weapon lvl 3

From Quadie


When I'm rines I go

weapon 1

From thenooby


My favorite, and very effective, if you are an attacker:

Level 2: Level-1 Weapons
Level 3: Shotgun
Level 4: Level-2 Weapons
Level 5: Level-1 Armor
Level 6: Level-2 Armor
Level 7: Level-3 Weapons
Level 8: n/a
Level 9: Jetpack
Level 10: Heavy Machine Gun / Grenade Launcher - Depends on mood and the

From Shadowcat


rines : supa marine
lvl 2: armor 1
lvl 3: armor 2
lvl 4: heavy
lvl 5: weap 1
lvl 6: shottie
lvl 7: weap 2
lvl 8: weap 3
lvl 9: motion
lvl 10: resupply

From J3K


JP/sg (lvls)

2)wep lvl1
4)resupply (if the game is smallish)
5)armor 1
6)armor 2
9)wep 2

Sgs provide enough firepower while you build up your armor, getting resupply is
optional but quite handy as you dont have to hump the armory and can sustain
away from spawn shooting the hive and gaining xp. This build is usefull in
smallish games where there arent many lerks.

From spidermonkey


[Big Hitter]
this is my standard marine setup unless we have troubles with cloakers or
larger enemies to deal with

Level 2: Weapons 1
Level 3: Weapons 2
Level 4: Weapons 3
Level 5: Armor 1
Level 6: Armor 2
Level 8: Jetpack
Level 9: Shotgun
Level 10: Ressuply

[By the time I get ressuply, I have everything I need to take out the hive in a
matter of a few Minutes]

From Zyco


and in marine :

-engineer : mines > grenade > welder > w1 > shotgun > GL > MT , gives much more
exp than you would think.

-5 minute HA train member : w1 > shotgun > a1 > a2 > HA > welder > w2 , helps
if other people do the same , not fantastic otherwise.

-skulk trap : mine > MT > w1 > shotgun > w2 , helps you shoot in the back of
clueless skulks and lerks. If you're silent enough , you can rack up kills
while approaching the hive.

Oh , and mines own. They're not meant to be placed in obvious minefields as
deterants (won't help much when you have onos rushing your CC) , you should
place them to kill aliens like antipersonel mines. Even if they're seemingly
obvious , an alien is more likely to trip on them in the middle of the fight if
they're not in his way at first. A cara skulk survives a mine blast , a wounded
fade doesn't !
You know you're being good as a mine layer if alien players start saying things
like "why am I walking on mines right before me ?" "nasty" "wth ?" "I hate you
!" ect

From Stakhanov


-Armor 1
-Weapon 1
-Armor 2
Now From here i can go several ways


From Nuclear Core Meltdown


If I'm Marines I always get mines first, they're wonderful. (And I second that)

So here it goes:

-Armor 1
-Weapon 1
-Armor 2
Now From here i can go several ways


From Nuclear Core Meltdown


As marines, my favorite is

wpn 1
wpn 2
wpn 3
armor 1

From Amelek


I typically go with:

lvl 2: Damage 1
lvl 3: Damage 2
lvl 4: Damage 3
lvl 5: Shotgun
lvl 6: Armor 1
lvl 7: Armor 2
lvl 8: Armor 3
lvl 9: Save
lvl 10: JP, Heavy, or HMG

As you can see I'm an offensively minded marine, and I don't mind using the lmg
for a while if it's upgraded. A lvl 3 LMG does about as much damage as an
un-upgraded HMG, it's quite underrated. I do lots of damage early on in the
game while the enemy is still weak, and rely on that fact to not die due to my
weak armor. By level 5 which I usually get to pretty quickly, I have a deadly
lvl3 shotgun to start mowing down the slightly upgraded aliens. Then I start
building up my armor, as by now the aliens are getting tougher and more
aggressive. If the game lasts long enough for me to get to lvl 9 and 10, watch

As you can see I've never thought highly of the other marine upgrades... I view
offensive capability as much more of a priority.

Of course this build isnt set in stone... I adapt and change it should the need


7.00 Stratagys (Kharaa Natural Selection forums)

Skulk ~~
Scent of Fear

From Quadie


Level 2: Carapase
Level 3: Regeneration
Level 4: Cloaking
Level 5: Adrenaline
Level 6: Next Ability
Level 7: Next Ability
Level 8: n/a
Level 9: Lerk
Level 10: Fade

From Shadow Cat


aliens : supa skulk
lvl 2: focus
lvl 3: leap
lvl 4: cara
lvl 5: scent of fear
lvl 6: silence
lvl 7: regen
lvl 9: celerity
lvl 10: xeno / or adren

From J3k


Ninja Skulk

Lvl 2: Focus
Lvl 3: Silence
Lvl 4: Regeneration
Lvl 5: Celerity
Lvl 6: Cloaking
Lvl 7: Leap
Lvl 8: Adrenaline
Lvl 9: Carapace
Lvl 10: Xeno

very good for sneak attack and excellent for early game (focus owns early game)

From briguy992


Xeno rush

5)scent of fear

*if the game is not won, you can convert to lerk or fade (getting regen adren
or focus instead of carapace)

The idea (basically in larger games) is to leap/xeno into a bunch of ppl, sof
helps greatly and you might get it before celerity. Xeno is not strong enough
after they reach ha/lvl 3 armor but if they go jp, xeno away.

From spidermonkey


Xenoleap Skulk, good for freaking up Rines and make them play NSC

3.Cara for surviving longer
4.SoF, for seeing Groups of enemys
5.Adren, for gaining Adren faster, after leaping
6.Reg, for Regeneration, if you got wounded on your Way to Base
7.Silence, not needed but good for stealthy Leaping, Xeno can not be silenced
8.Lerk Point, if you get no Kills and the Team needs support
9.Lerk Point

Ok, you see a Group of RInes with SoF, you activate Xeno, and then you leap
into them and bite the Rines,
One-Hit kills at the Start, but harder Kills with HAs and lvl1+ Armors, at
lvl10 it just sucks, because you have to wait 40-60 seconds or so, but then the
Rines got better Armor and you go Lerk to support your team anyways

From microwaved.


ninja lerk in combat


From ooga_shaga


I use a variety of builds to try and keep the otherwise rather repetetive
combat mode(in my opinion) fresh but one I've found effective towards combating
grenade spamming nubs is an onos rush build.

2nd ability or carapace

I also use this fade acid rocketer build for when I have to go against a lot of

2nd ability
3rd ability
Depending on map/circumstance, one of these three: focus/celerity/scent of h4x

I don't really get to play marine too often since everyone stacks the marine
team because kills are so easy to make as marine while alien is an exercise in

From Rage against the Pepsi machine


[Swifty - Smaller Games]
I use this setup to deal with Light marines and in smaller games (6v6 and less)

Level 2: Cloaking
Level 3: Silence
Level 4: Celerity
Level 5: Scent of Fear
Level 6: Leap
Level 7: Carapace
Level 8: Regeneration
Level 9: Adrenaline
Level 10: Xenocide

[Big Hitter - Bigger Games]
I use this setup to deal with Heavier marines and in larger games (7v7 and

Level 2: Celerity
Level 4: Lerk
Level 5: Carapace
Level 6: Fade
Level 7: Regeneration
Level 8: Next Ability
Level 10: Onos

[Or some variation of this]

From Zyco


Uhm... what's interesting is NS combat is to always have a different upgrade

Though I do have a few favorites , in alien :

-onos rushing (saving for fade then onos) , with cara regen it's a CC buster.

-xeno/lerk , leap > xeno > SoF > adren > cara > celerity > lerk , helps in
larger games to kill lot and lots of marines very fast.

-stealth skulk , cloaking > SoF > focus > silence > cara > leap , useless in
14+ games but incredibly effective at annoying vent-loving jetpackers.

From Stakhanov


Multi-purpose skulk:
Level 2-4 (in no particular order) - Celerity, Leap, Carapace.

Then upgrade whatever you want. My lerk is:
5. save
6. Lerk
7. Adren
8. Regen
9. Primal Scream
10. SoF usually, but whatever I'm feelin.

My fade is:
5-6. save
7. Fade
8. Adren
9. Acid Rockey
10. Regen

My onos is:
5-8. Save
9. Onos
10. Regen or adren depending on whether I need to tank or stompnos,

From (e)kent


For Lerk I go

-Save 3

For Fade i'll get
-save 3

For Onos I get

-3rd Ability
-Save For onos

From Nuclear Core Meltdown


I just got my favorite! Super Skulk!

Level 2: Carapase
Level 3: Regeneration
Level 4: Cloak
Level 5: Focus
Level 6: Silence
Level 7: Next Ability
Level 8: Next Ability
Level 9: Adrenaline
Level 10: Cerelity

From Shadowcat


For Lerk I go

-Save 3

For Fade i'll get
-save 3

For Onos I get

-3rd Ability
-Save For onos

From Nuclear Core Meltdown


Cheap **** Onos
STOMP IS FOR THE WEAK why four star A S S onyl has 3 letters

From Parasetic_Life_Form


Mine is the I KILL j00 Plan for the Kharaa.

2: Focus
3: Celerity
4: save
5: save
6: Fade
7: Regeneration
8: Carapace

At this point, if your team needs an Onos, save to 10 and do it. However, I
find this more fun:

9: Scent of Fear
10: New Ability (that regen thingie, the name escapes me)

I swear, doing a Focused Swipe during a Blink and getting a kill is the single
most exhilirating experience EVER

From Ledneh

8.00 Stratagys (Marine E-mail Stratagys)

None yet...

9.00 Stratagys (Kharaa E-mail Stratagys)

None yet...

10.00 Experince Table

Lvl - Xp Requirment - Marine - Alien
1 -- Private Hatchling
2 100 Private First Class Xenoform
3 250 Corporal Minion
4 450 Sergeant Ambusher
5 700 Lieutenant Attacker
6 1000 Captain Rampager
7 1350 Commander Slaughterer
8 1750 Major Eliminator
9 2200 Field Marshal Nightmare
10 2700 General Behemoth

Enemy Lvl - Xp Gained
Level 1 60
Level 2 70
Level 3 80
Level 4 90
Level 5 100
Level 6 110
Level 7 120
Level 8 130
Level 9 140
Level 0 150

Note: You will split all experince to nearby marines, no matter who killed the
skulk or what ever the enemy is.


aliens (no focus):

lvl2: clerity
lvl3: silence
lvl4: regen
lvl5: save
lvl6: lerk
lvl7: aren
lvl8: cara
lvl9: umbra
lvl10: primal

From frostymoose

11.00 Weapons (Marine)

Name: Light Machine Gun (LMG)
Ammo per clip: 50
Max Clips: 5
Damage: 10 per bullet
Fire Rate: 10.00 shots/sec
Accuracy: Good
Info: This weapon is the standard of grunts (you spawn with it). It's an ok
weapon until middle game. It’s Light damage, so it deals less damage against
fades and onos.


Name: Pistol
Ammo per clip: 20
Max Clips: 3
Damage: 20 per bullet
Fire Rate: 5.00 shots/sec
Accuracy: Excellent
Info: Basic side-arm for marines. I like to use the pistol against skulks for a
long hallway and then switch to the Light Machine Gun


Name: Shotgun (SG)
Ammo per clip: 8
Max Clips: 4
Damage: 10 per bullet (17 bullets per shot)
Fire Rate: 0.77 shots/sec
Accuracy: Low
Info: In my opinion, the best weapon. It can deal a total of 170 damage, and
that’s without weapon upgrades. And you don’t need a advance armory for it.
Unlike the more favored Heavy Machine Gun, which costs 5 more and 30 for a the
advance armory (Even though there are no advance armorys in combat)


Name: Heavy Machine Gun (HMG)
Ammo per clip: 125
Max Clips: 2
Damage: 20 per bullet (half vs structures)
Fire Rate: 9.09 shots/sec
Accuracy: Low
Info: This is the most favored weapon in the game but I don’t think it’s as
good as Shotgun. It has about 4x the field of fire of a LMG


Name: Grenade Launcher (GL)
Ammo per clip: 4
Max Clips: 7.2
Damage: 125 per grenade (double against structures)
Fire Rate: 0.83 shots/sec
Accuracy: Very Poor/Great (it always shoots in the same place if you hold
still, but it hard to aim on a moving target).
Info: It’s good to have one of these for about every 5 Shotgunners/Heavy
Machine gunners. They are great for taking down buildings and the quickest way
to take down hives.


Name: Welder
Ammo per clip: N/A
Max Clips: N/A
Damage: 4 per spark
Fire Rate: Slow
Accuracy: Good
Info: This "weapon" is used to repair buildings and is used on weldable panels.
It’s funny to see a weld kill.


Name: Mine
Ammo per clip: N/A
Max Clips: N/A
Damage: About 120
Fire Rate: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Info: Gain a trip mine., it does deal about 120 damage per
hit. So it can take out a 100 res onos.


Name: Hand Grenade
Ammo per clip: N/A
Max Clips: N/A
Damage: 100 (Double vs structures)
Fire Rate: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Info: A hangrenade, I think its a better idea to get a mine, they are generaly
more usefull unless they add more than 1 hand grenade you spawn with.


Name: Catalyst
Ammo per clip: N/A
Max Clips: N/A
Damage: N/A
Fire Rate: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Info: Once researched at the Arms Lab, the commander is able to drop a Catalyst
which increases attack rate and movment speed by +25%, but it does hurt the
marine 25 HP *CoughStarCraftStimPackCough*.

Name: Heavy Armor (HA)
Info: Heavy Armor makes you move slower, but you start with 200 armor (30 extra
per armor level). If alot of marines get equiped with this, along with advance
weapons and welders, its called a Heavy Train.


Name: Jetpack (JP)
Info: This allows the marine to fly into the air. Most people think they are a
lot worse than Heavy Armor. They require more skill, but they are better since
they don’t need constant maintenance from welders (in my opinion).

12.00 Attacks (Kharaa)


Name: Bite
Damage: 80
Energy Cost: 5%
Fire Rate: 1.25 bites/sec
Info: The most deadly weapon at start of the game (besides SG, bwahahahaha).
Two hits will kill a marine without level 1 armor upgrade.

Name: Parasite
Damage: 10
Energy Cost: 30%
Fire Rate: 2.00 shots/sec
Info: This is good to use on a marine BEFORE you start to attack. If you die,
the marine will still show up on hive sight (it's like Motion Tracking, only
they can move and still see them). It can also be used on buildings but it does
not damage them. It can be used to flip switches.

Name: Leap
Damage: 80
Energy Cost: 25%
Fire Rate: N/A
Info: Good to do a leap and then start biting the marine to surprise the enemy.
Some people like to use the Leap attack to dodge bullets.

Name: Xenocide
Damage: 200
Energy Cost: 70%
Fire Rate: N/A
Info: After about 2 seconds once you start (it takes a full energy bar) you
will do a kamikaze attack that deals 200 damage (It's like a grenade, deals
less damage the further away you are).



Name: Spit
Damage: 25
Energy Cost: 12%
Fire Rate: 1.25 shots/sec
Info: The basic attack for Gorges. This can kill a marine fairly fast if he is
going solo and if the gorge is good.

Name: Healing Spray
Damage: 25
Energy Cost: 15%
Fire Rate: 0.63
Info: This is used to either to hurt the enemy or to heal your allies. If you
see a friendly standing next to you, check his HP/Armor and see if he needs

Name: Bilebomb
Damage: 200
Energy Cost: 22%
Fire Rate: 0.67 shots/sec
Info: This deals a lot of damage to buildings only. There currently is a bug
where you need to be on the same level of the building so you can’t bilebomb
stuff from the vent (as of 2.01)

Name: Web
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 18%
Fire Rate: 2.00 shots/sec
Info: If a marine gets hit with the webs that stick on the wall, they will slow
down and will not be able to attack. So place them carefully so they will hit
all marines that walk through. I got this off of Natural-Selection.org web

|........................| Looking down a corridor, wall on each side.

|o.......................| Say you shot web at "o"...

|........................| And then shot here....

|___________.............| The web will connect like so.



Name: Bite
Damage: 60
Energy Cost: 5%
Fire Rate: 1.56 bites/sec
Info: Since its 65 damage, if you get Focus it will not be an instant kill, but
the new lerk flight (From 3.00), will make up for that.

Name: Spores
Damage: 7 hp/second
Energy Cost: 35%
Fire Rate: 0.50 shots/sec
Info: This creates a cloud of spores that hurts all enemies in its radius.
Great to spore armory or infantry portal. Heavy Armor filters out the spores so
it can’t hurt them.

Name: Umbrella
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 30%
Fire Rate: 1.00 shots/sec
Info: This blocks every 2 out of 3 bullets. Great to stop HMG shots against

Name: Primal Scream
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 30%
Fire Rate: 1.00 shots/sec
Info: Any alien near the Lerk when he lets out this powerfull scream, their
attack rate will be increased +30%, attack speed increases +30% and max energy
is increased +60% for 3 seconds.



Name: Slash
Damage: 90
Energy Cost: 7%/swipe
Fire Rate: 1.11 swipes/sec
Info: Deals about the same amount of bite but it is a little slower than it.

Name: Blink
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 5%/blink
Fire Rate: 20.00 blinks/sec
Info: This makes you move very fast. The best way to get across the map for any
life form. It does take a lot of energy though, so get Adrenaline or Celerity.

Name: Metabolize
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 35%/use
Fire Rate: 1.00 uses/sec
Info: Each time you use this weapon, it heals you 20 HP. It works in the same
way as regeneration.

Name: Acid Rocket
Damage: 50 (Splash Damage)
Energy Cost: 20%/shot
Fire Rate: 1.00 shots/sec
Info: This is my favorite fade weapon. It’s the best way to take down marines
with jetpacks and to take down turrets without being shot at.



Name: Gore
Damage: 80 hp/hit (Double vs structures)
Energy Cost: 6%/hit
Fire Rate: 1.05 hits/sec
Info: The basic attack, great for taking out turrets, so all the other life
forms can come in without fear of turrets.

Name: Devour
Damage: 3 hp/sec
Energy Cost: 20%/attempt
Fire Rate: 0.50 attempts/sec
Info: You eat the person, the marine slowly gets hurt over time and dies after
so many seconds. If the Onos dies or if they use redemption, the marine comes
out and lives.

Name: Stomp
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 30%/stomp
Fire Rate: Slow
Info: If a marine gets hit by this "weapon", they get stunned for 2-3 seconds.
Great to start with and then follow up with devour.

Name: Charge
Damage: 320 hp/hit
Energy Cost: 7%/hit
Fire Rate: N/A
Info: It makes the onos move faster but drains so much energy. It does not do
much damage for the energy cost.

13.00 Tips and Suggestions

Please, DONT CALL ANY ONE HACKERS. This gets VERY annoying. Tough love time,
you are a bad player if you call some one else hacker 99% of the time.

ALWAYS stay in groups.

Get Motion Tracking if you have a mic, and help your allies out. (Marine Only)

Expect to be ambushed from vents and ceilings. (Marine Only).

Use ledges, walls, ceilings and boxes to your advantadge. Kill or be killed.
(Kharaa only)

Take the weakest link down.

Dont rush, defend your base, and let the experince roll in.

14.00 Versions

1.01 More builds, and Tips and Suggestions section added.


1.00 Put on GameFAQs

15.00 Credits and Thanks

Me for making this
CJayC for making this great site
Every one who helped make Natural Selection
All who submited stratagys, to many to name. But I do add their name at the end
of the build (I hate people who don't give credit).

16.00 FAQs

None yet.

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Combat Scenarios Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Сентябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

01.Октябрь 2013
Marine/Kharaa Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

30.Август 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Октябрь 2013
Kharaa Perfect Guide
Engl. FAQ

04.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018