Morrowind - Tribunal

Morrowind - Tribunal

02.10.2013 20:39:55
-------------------------The Elder Scrolls 3: Tribunal-------------------------
-----------------------------Museum Artifacts FAQ------------------------------
---------------------------Written by Chris Coderre----------------------------

version: FINAL
Last Updated: 1-14-05


1. Introduction

2. Contact Info

3. Legal Stuff

4. Traveling to Mournhold

5. Donating to the Museum

6. Mournhold Artifacts
- BiPolar Blade
- Dagger of Symmachus
- Mace of Slurring
- Robe of the Lich

7. Vvardenfell Artifacts
- Auriel's Bow
- Auriel's Shield
- Bloodworm Helm
- Boots of Blinding Speed
- Boots of the Apostle
- Bow of Shadows
- Chrysamere
- Cuirass of the Savior's Hide
- Dragonbone Cuirass
- Ebony Mail
- Eleidon's Ward
- Fang of Haynekhtnamet
- Goldbrand
- Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw
- Ice Blade of the Monarch
- Lord's Mail
- Mace of Molag Bal
- Ring of Phynaster
- Skull-Crusher
- Spear of Bitter Mercy
- Spell Breaker
- Staff of Hasedoki
- Staff of Magnus
- Ten Pace Boots
- Umbra Sword
- Vampiric Ring
- Veloth's Judgement
- Warlock's Ring

This is a guide written to help you collect all the unique items in the Museum
of Artifacts.

The Museum of Artifacts is in Mournhold, in the western part of the city, known
as Godsreach. The museum curator, Torasa Aram, will buy these artifacts from
you when you bring them to her, for 50% of their value up to 30,000 gold. So,
if you bring her an artifact worth 18,000 gold, she'll give you 9,000 gold for
it. If you bring her an artifact worth 60,000 gold or more, she'll give you
30,000 gold. Not only is the museum a very good opportunity to make a ton of
money, it's also fun hunting down these treasures all over Morrowind.

There is a book on the bench in the back of the museum called "Famed Artifacts
of Tamriel" which supposedly lists all the artifacts that the museum wants.
I hate this book. It lists MANY of the artifacts that you need, but it also
has a bunch that Torasa Aram won't buy from you. Do you know how frustrating it
is to have spent hours hunting down an artifact in that book only to find out
that the museum won't buy it? For example, the last artifact listed in the book
is the Daedric Crescent, one of the rarest treasures in all of Vvardenfell.
You'd think the museum would be happy to have such an item, but of course you
can't even talk to Torasa Aram about it. (If you're wondering by the way, to
get the crescent you have to find an amulet in Divayth Fyr's office that takes
you to Magas Volar, where there's a special Dremora with the Crescent. But
I digress.) The only two artifacts that aren't in the book are the Boots of
Blinding Speed and Auriel's Shield.

You may want to read the appropriate section for an artifact before selling it,
because sometimes the artifact is needed for a faction quest. For example, if
you find the Lord's Mail and sell it to the musuem, you won't be able to
complete the Imperial Legion quest where you are supposed to recover it.
In cases like this, you want to complete the faction quest first and THEN sell
the artifact to the museum. I don't think there are any artifacts that cannot
be sold to the museum after completing the faction quest (thanks to Daron for
some help with this).

Note that this is not a guide to find all the unique items in Morrowind. There
are a ton of unique items in the game, but this guide only covers the ones that
you can sell to the museum in Mournhold. As far as I know, I have all of them
listed already.

2. Contact Info|
This guide is in its final state right now and will not be updated. I've
removed my email address for a couple reasons, the biggest of which is that I
haven't played this game for about two years, and whenever I got a question I
usually had to look up the answer in the editor that came with the game. If you
stil happen to have my email address from an earlier version of the FAQ, please
don't send me anything regarding this game or it will be ignored.

If you REALLY have a question that you can't find an answer to here, then there
are lots of other FAQs out there that will probably help you. Some good sites
to start with are or If you still can't figure it
out, then I encourage you to do some snooping in the game editor. There's some
fun stuff that can be done once you get the hang of it.

I apologize for any inconvenience that the removal of my email address may
cause anyone, but I can't keep answering questions on a game I haven't played
for years. Besides, at the moment I am (like everyone else, probably) drooling
over the screenshots for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. If you haven't checked
them out yet, then head over to and see for yourself, but
be prepared to have your jaw hit the floor.

3. Legal Stuff|
You know the drill. This guide is the copyrighted property of Chris Coderre.
You may not use this guide for any commercial use or anything other than
private, personal use.

If you want to use a part or all of this guide on your website, well then you
should have asked me before now. It is not to be posted on any other websites
than the ones that it is currently on.

4. Traveling to Mournhold|
This is not a walkthrough of the Tribunal expansion set, nor is it a guide for
all the quests of Mournhold. However, due to the massive amount of email I've
received asking me how to get to Mournhold, I decided to add this section.
After all, you can't sell artifacts to the museum if you can't even get to the

This process differs depending on what version of the game you have. If you're
playing on the PC, then the first time your character sleeps after you install
Tribunal, you will be attacked by a Dark Brotherhood assassin dressed like a
ninja. If you're playing the Game of the Year edition, which includes the
Tribunal expansion from the beginning, then you have to be Level 8 or above.
(Thanks to Jeremy for clarifying this). In either case, your journal will
be updated, suggesting that you report to a guard. Once you do so, they will
tell you to go see Apelles Matius in western Ebonhart. He's the one wearing a
full set of Adamantium armor.

He will refer you to Asciene Rane in the Grand Council Chambers, who can send
you back and forth to the mainland. She should be on the first floor of the
Grand Council Chambers, and when you speak with her she will send you to
Mournhold. Once there, you can speak with the Argonian Effe-Tei whenever you
want to return to Vvardenfell.

This is my understanding of the process of getting to Mournhold. I'm not
entirely sure of the specifics, as this is not the focus of the guide, but I
believe this is correct. Once you get to Mournhold you are free to continue on
the Dark Brotherhood quest or just explore for a bit. The museum is in
Godsreach, the western quarter of the city, when you're ready for it.

5. Donating to the Museum|
As part of the quest "The Blade of Nerevar," given to you by Almalexia, you
have to obtain a Dwemer artifact from Torasa Aram, the curator of the museum.
To do this, she asks you to donate two items to her collection. For some, this
can be a problem. If you have already sold her all or nearly all of the
artifacts mentioned in this FAQ, then you will have none left to donate. For
that reason, it is best to either do this quest as early as you can, so that
you don't run out of items to sell, or set aside two items in advance, for when
you get to this quest. It's also a good idea to look for the harder-to-find
items first, so that you don't get stuck hunting for the hardest item on the
list to donate.

If you have already sold all or all but one of the items on the list when you
start this quest, I think you're stuck. As far as I know, the only way out of
that situation is to use the console to cheat and get the Dwemer artifact
directly. The command for this is:
Player->AddItem "dwemer_shield_battle_unique" 1
I don't condone using the console to add items normally, but this is a special
situation. (Thanks to Lloyd for bringing this to my attention)

6. Mournhold Artifacts|
These four artifacts are new to Tribunal and can be found within the city of
Mournhold. They are all gotten through quests, which makes them fairly easy to
find. None of them are part of faction quests.

-BiPolar Blade

Type: Longblade, Two-Handed
Chop: 5-61 Slash: 1-50 Thrust: 1-35
Value: 40,000

Cast When Strikes: Frenzy Humanoid 30 pts for 15 secs
Calm Humanoid 30 pts for 15 secs

Location: You get this blade from "The Matchmaker" quest. To start, find Marena
Gilnith in the western end of the Great Bazaar. Talk to her about "meet someone
new" and she'll tell you that she wants you to find her a nice, single man. The
guy you want is Sunel Hlas, in the Trader shop here in the Bazaar. Talk to him
about "women" and mention Marena Gilnith. Then you'll have to go talk with her
again to set up the date. Head back to Sunel Hlas, and talk about Marena
Gilnith TWICE, without saying goodbye. The second time, you get the chance to
give him advice. Tell him to be optimistic and not so depressed. Come back a
few days later to ask how the date went. Marena Gilnith should be upstairs in
the shop, and Sunel Hlas will give you the BiPolar Blade.

This quest will occasionally not work. Apparently there is a certain chance of
the date going wrong, based on what response you give to Sunel. If you tell him
to be optimistic, then you have a 75% chance of the date going well, but that's
still a 25% chance of it going wrong. If you do everything as desribed above,
but when you talk to Sunel at the end he tells you that the date went awfully,
and Marena will refuse to speak to you, then it's just bad luck. As far as I
know, there's really only two ways around it if this happens to you. If you
happen to have a save game from far enough back, you can load it and do the
quest over again to see if it works the second time (since this quest takes
several days, however, this can be a pain in the ass). The second way is to
just cheat and use the console to get the BiPolar Blade. The command for this
Player->AddItem "Bipolar Blade" 1
Again, I don't recommend using the console to get items under normal
circumstances, but if this quest fails then there's no other way to get the
artifact. (Thanks to Lloyd for pointing this out and to kos-mos1 for explaining
the statistics to me)

-Dagger of Symmachus

Type: Shortblade, One-Handed
Chop: 12-17 Slash: 13-16 Thrust: 13-13
Value: 20,000

Constant Effect: Fortify Short Blade 10 pts
Fortify Endurance 10 pts
Refect 10%

Location: This dagger is given to you by King Helseth after you defeat his
champion Karrod in the quest "Helseth's Champion." Helseth should be in his
throne room. If he's not, then you have to do more main quests for either the
Temple or for Tienius Delitian, who's standing right next to the throne. After
finishing Helseth's "An Assassination Attempt" quest, he'll invite you to duel
Karrod. Come back the next day and speak to Helseth again, and everyone will
move to the sides of the room. Use this time to cast any protective or fortify
spells, or to summon creatures to help in the fight. In a moment Karrod will
attack you. Compared to some of the other enemies in Mournhold, Karrod is not
that difficult. He has no offensive spells and no refect ability either, but
be careful when using spells that you don't hit anyone else in the room. Karrod
will end the fight when his health drops below 100 (out of 634). Then speak to
Helseth and he'll give you the Dagger of Symmachus.

-Mace of Slurring

Type: Blunt Weapon, One-Handed
Chop: 8-28 Slash: 8-28 Thrust: 1-6
Value: 20,000

Cast When Strikes: Drain Speechcraft 10-20 pts for 15 secs

Location: This mace is obtained through the mission "The Thief." Go to Sadri
Manor in Godsreach and you'll learn that Golena Sadri downstairs has gone
crazy. Talk to Alvan Llarys, the guy next to Golena, and he'll say that Golena
was seen talking to Elbert Nermarc recently. Head up to the Craftsmen's Hall
and find Elbert upstairs. He'll tell you about some strange devices that Golena
showed him. Head back to Sadri Manor and you'll find Alvan Llarys locked out.
Open the level 90 lock on the door and head inside to find the Ordinator dead
downstairs. Feel free to grab his armor now, because he'll disappear once this
quest is over. Go through the trap door in the floor and follow the sewers
until you find a trap door with crates on top of it. Activate the lever on the
pipe nearby to raise the water level and swim through the trapdoor. From there
go to the next ladder up. In this hallway there are strange devices that blast
you with magic attacks when you come near them. There's no way to disable them
or destroy them, so your only choice is to make a run for it or try to sneak
past. If you have reflect or spell absorption spells then turn them on. At the
end of the hall you'll come to a large room with Golena Sadri on the other end.
She's wearing a nearly full set of glass armor and using a Daedric Longbow with
excellent arrows, so be careful. Once she's dead, take the Mace of Slurring off
of her body, and report back to Alvan Llarys.

-Robe of the Lich

Type: Robe
Value: 22,000

Cast When Used: Drain Health 600 pts on self
Fortify Magicka 300 pts on self

Location: This comes form the "Crimson Plague" quest, which is one LONG quest,
so I'll just summarize. Start the quest by entering Gedna Relvel's tomb in the
Temple Gardens, off of the Temple Sewers. You'll get a message about a smell
inside the tomb. You can leave after that, there's not much else inside the
tomb yet. After a while, you'll hear in "latest rumors" about a disease in
Mournhold. Talk to the healer in the Temple Hall of Ministry, Nerile Andaren.
She'll have you deliver two potions to people in Mournhold, then send you into
the sewers to investigate. In the basement you'll find a Khajiit named Shunari
standing over a knocked-out Ordinator. Talk to her and she'll tell you to meet
her in the Temple Gardens. When you do, you'll need to be able to cure her of a
common disease; either cast a spell or talk to Nerile Andaren to get a scroll.
Then speak with Shunari and she'll tell you about how she saw Gedna Relvel in
the tomb. Keep talking with her until she mentions the secret passage. Head
back into the tomb and find the room with the wooden ladder. To the left of it
there is a rock on the ground which you need to step on to open the passage.
Past some skeletons you'll find the Lich Gedna Relvel. She is quite a hard
enemy. Her magic attack is insane: Poison 100-200 pts, Fire Damage 100-200 pts,
and Frost Damage 100-200 pts on target. Ouch. It'll probably be enough to kill
you in two or three hits. Once you manage to take her down, you can take the
Robe of the Lich off her body.

7. Vvardenfell Artifacts|
All of the following artifacts can be found in Morrowind and do not require the
Tribunal expansion to get. Some are obtained through faction quests, some are
just lying around for you to find, and some are from Daedric Shrine quests.

-Auriel's Bow

Type: Marksman
Damage: 2-50
Value: 30,000

No Enchanting

Faction Quest: House Telvanni, "Auriel's Bow" Don't sell it if you plan to do
this quest. Therana takes it from you at the end of the quest if
you choose to give it to her. You can refuse, but she'll attack
you. Don't kill her if you want any further dealings with House

Location: This bow is in the hands of Ralyn Othravel in Ghostgate, Tower of
Dawn. He has it on him, but not equipped, so it is possible to pickpocket him
and take it without being noticed, but you'll need a very high sneak skill.
Otherwise you'll need to just kill him.

-Auriel's Shield

Type: Heavy Armor Shield
Value: 17,000

No Enchanting

Faction Quest: None

Location: Auriel's Shield is also in Ghostgate, in the Tower of Dusk this time.
Drelyne Llenim, who's upstairs, has it equipped, so you have to kill her if you
want to get her shield. Try to taunt her into attacking you, since your crime
will be reported if you attack her.

-Bloodworm Helm

Type: Heavy Armor Helm
Value: 34,000

Cast When Used: Turn Undead 20-30 pts for 30 secs in 20 ft on target
Summon Skeletal Minion for 30 secs

Faction Quest: None

Location: This helm is in the Maren Ancestral Tomb, West-SouthWest from the
Erabenimsun Camp. From the camp, head west on the path and you'll run right
into the tomb. Inside you'll find a Nord named Crazy Batou, wearing the
Bloodworm Helm. He's marked as essential, so when you kill him you get the
message that the thread of the prophesy has been severed and all that. The
only reason he's marked as essential is because he was an important character
in Daggerfall, the previous installment of The Elder Scrolls series (thanks to
Oz Dark Knight for this info).Anyway, kill him and take his helm to obtain this

-Boots of Blinding Speed

Type: Light Armor Boots
Value: 500

Constant Effect: Blind 100% on Self
Fortify Speed 200 pts on Self

Faction Quest: None

Location: You get these boots from Pemenie, a Redguard who's hanging out on the
path north of Caldera. She's pretty easy to spot as her boots are glowing. If
you just want her boots, then kill her and take them; she's a pretty easy kill.
If you want to do it the polite way, then talk to her and agree to escort her
to Gnaar Mok. When you get there, she'll hand the boots over willingly. If you
talk to the people in Gnaar Mok after that, they'll tell you she's got a price
on her head, and when you talk to Pemenie about it she'll get upset and attack
you. So you end up killing her anyway.

-Boots of the Apostle

Type: Light Armor Boots
Value: 55,000

Cast When Used: Levitate 30-40 pts for 30 secs

Faction Quest: Imperial Cult, "Boots of the Apostle" You need to present these
boots for that quest, but you get to keep them afterwards.

Location: These boots are on a dead warrior in the underground caves of
Berandas. Berandas is southeast of Gnisis, across the river. It's not hard to
find, being a giant stone stronghold and all. There are several Daedra inside
Berandas, including two Winged Twilights right next to the dead warrior, so
wait until you're a reasonable level to try this. Also, if you levitate up to
a platform above the dead warrior you'll find a woman named Ama Nin, who gives
you Mara's Skirt and Mara's Blouse if you give her a Divine Intervention
Scroll. If you speak with Lalatia Varian at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart
she'll tell you that you probably met an incarnation of the god Mara. Cosmic.

-Bow of Shadows

Type: Marksman
Damage: 4-40
Value: 42,000

Cast When Used: Invisibility for 30 secs on self
Fortify Speed 20 pts for 30 secs on self

Faction Quest: None

Location: This Bow is lying on a table in the Venim Ancestral Tomb, just north
of the Zainab Camp. From the camp head straight north and you'll run right into
it. Inside the tomb you'll find Goris the Maggot King, who is part of a little
side quest that doesn't have any journal entries. Apparently Goris is a necro-
mancer that works with bandits and then betrays them, sending legions of dead
after them. In the Nerano Ancestral Tomb, a little west from Tel Vos, there's a
note from a bandit named Bakarak talking about how Goris raided their hideout.
Nearby is the body of a woman named Ursine, who is carrying a key. This key
opens a door in their rendezvous point, the Indaren Ancestral Tomb, which is
on the northern coast of the mainland, northwest from the Daedric ruins of
Zergonipal and north of some Dwemer ruins. Inside the Indaren Tomb, past the
locked door, is the body of Tyronius. On it you will find a key and a note
to his brother telling him to avenge his death by killing Goris. In the note he
says that Goris hides out in a tomb in Tel Mora, and that his key fits the lock
there. Take the key and head to the Venim Ancestral Tomb to find Goris. This is
just a side quest and is not required, but it's cool to see how the makers of
this game threw so much extra stuff into it (thanks to Bronthion for some help
on this quest).


Type: Longblade, Two-Handed
Chop: 5-70 Slash: 5-60 Thrust: 5-40
Value: 95,000

Cast When Used: Resist Fire 5-20% for 30 secs
Restore Health 5-20 pts
Reflect 5-20% for 30 secs

Faction Quest: Imperial Legion, "Lord's Mail" You have to turn this over to
Varus Vatinius for his last quest, but you can take it back
after killing him in the duel.

Location: The Paladin's Blade is in the cavern of Abanabi, southwest of Sadrith
Mora. From Wolverine Hall, go one island west, then one island south and you'll
see the entrance to Abanabi facing north on that island. Inside, head down
until you find a large room filled with water. The Dunmer woman Draramu Hloran
is on a raised wooden platform in this room, weilding Chrysamere. Kill her and
take her blade. There's also some raw diamond and ebony in this room, so grab
that before leaving.

-Cuirass of the Savior's Hide

Type: Light Armor Cuirass
Value: 150,000

Constant Effect: Resist Magicka 60%

Faction Quest: None

Location: The Cuirass of the Savior's hide is in a closet in the Tower of Tel
Fyr, near Divayth Fyr's office. While it's not hard to find, it has a level 100
lock and it's trapped. There is a key for it, but to get that key you need to
open a chest with the same lock level. There's a trail of keys that you can
follow if you choose, starting with the one of Divayth Fyr's desk, then to the
Corprusarium, and I'm not sure where from there. There aren't too many chests,
so you can follow the trail if you wish, or just pick the lock on the closet
and take the Cuirass.

-Dragonbone Cuirass

Type: Heavy Armor Cuirass
Value: 180,000

Constant Effect: Resist Fire 100%

Faction Quest: None

Location: The Dragonbone Cuirass is a tough one to find. It's in the central
vault of the Mudan Dwemer ruins. To get there, head south out of Ebonheart onto
the small island there. From that island, swim out into the water to the south-
west. Not too far off the coast you'll find an entrance, underwater, to the
Mudan Grotto. You'll need some sort of water breathing spell to get through
here since it's all underwater. Continue through the grotto until you get to
the the Lost Dwewer Checkpoint. From there go down the stairs and to the left
until you find a ladder to the right tower. The corpse in front of you has a
key on him which opens a cabinet upstairs in the Lost Dwewer Checkpoint area.
Inside the cabinet is another key. Take this one and head north into the
Central Vault, using your new key to open the door. In here you need to kill
the Steam Centurion Guard and take the key off his body which opens the cabinet
right next to you. Inside is the Dragonbone Cuirass. Whew.

-Ebony Mail

Type: Medium Armor Cuirass
Value: 120,000

Constant Effect: Resist Fire 75%
Shield 50 pts
Resist Magicka 20%

Faction Quest: Temple, "Ebony Mail" You have to get this cuirass for Saryoni's
last quest. Just show it to him before you sell it to the

Location: As far as I know, you can only get this artifact if you're a member
of the Temple. You'll need to advance far enough to get Archcanon Tholer
Saryoni's final quest. This quest has you out searching for the Mount
Assarnibibi shrine. It's pretty easy to find, just head south from the
Erabenimsun Camp, then turn east when you see the path. Activate the shrine and
you will receive the Ebony Mail.

-Eleidon's Ward

Type: Heavy Armor Shield
Value: 200,000

Cast When Used: Restore Health 50-100 pts on self

Faction Quest: None

Location: You find this shield in the cavern of Ibar-dad, east of Khuul. Go
east of Khuul over the mountains and you'll see the entrance to this cavern in
the foyada right in front of you. It seems like a pretty standard bandit cave
until you start seeing Daedric ruins. At the end of the cave, you'll find two
Dremora Lords guarding a locked door. Inside is a small room with a Golden
Saint in front of some kind of burial chambers. There's a corpse with some nice
Daedric equipment, including a Daedric Face of Inspiration. Eleidon's Ward is
fixed to the wall above you. You'll have to jump or levitate up to get it.

-Fang of Haynekhtnamet

Type: Short Blade, One-Handed
Chop: 11-20 Slash: 11-20 Thrust: 13-30
Value: 32,000

Cast When Strikes: Shock Damage 20-40 pts

Faction Quest: None

Location: This dagger is lying in a trough in the Shrine of Pitted Dreams in
the Sixth House base of Mamaea. The entrance to Mamaea is directly east of
Berandas, which is south of Gnisis. Head east from Berandas and the door to
Mamaea is east-facing on the side of a hill. If you reach the Daedric ruins,
you've gone too far. Mamea is fairly large, but it's also pretty easy to
navigate. Just head to the back and the dagger is in a tub next to a dreamer
priest, along with some other useful items (including another Daedric Face of


Type: Long Blade, One-Handed
Chop: 10-50 Slash: 10-45 Thrust: 10-25
Value: 150,000

Cast When Strikes: Fire Damage 10-30 pts

Faction Quest: None

Location: This is a very frustrating artifact to obtain, simply because it
takes FOREVER. You get this blade through the Daedric Shrine quest of Boethiah.
Boethiah's shrine is underwater, just northwest of Hla Oad. Go northwest until
you find the Daedric ruins that are above water, then from there swim west
and look for the ruins beneath you. Find the head of the statue and activate it
to trigger another painfully slow message from a Daedra lord (while you're
struggling to hold your breath underwater, no less). Boethiah will tell you to
rebuild his shrine, and to look for a sculptor to do it in Caldera. Head to
Caldera and go upstairs in the Ghorak Manor and find Duma Gro-Lag. He says
he'll build the shrine, but he needs 2,000 gold and a statue book to show him
what the shrine needs to look like. The book you want is called Boethiah's
Glory. You can find it at Jobasha's Rare Books in the Vivec Foreign Quarter.
You could steal it, but it's only worth 25 gold. Either way, when you bring
Duma Gro-Lag the gold and the book he says he'll build the shrine at Khartag
Point, and that it will take a few weeks. A few weeks in this game is a LONG
time. Specifically, it'll take about 20 days. You could just go to Khartag
Point and rest for 20 days in a row, but that's kind of a waste of time. You
could probably rise to the top of a guild or two while you're waiting. Anyway,
when the shrine is finished activate it to receive Goldbrand.

-Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw

Type: Heavy Armor Helm
Value: 125,000

Constant Effect: Fortify Agility 40 pts
Fortify Endurance 40 pts

Faction Quest: None

Location: This helm is given to you by the Daedra Lord Malacath after
completing his quest. Malacath's shrine is inside the Daedric ruins of
Assurdirapal, south of Vas. The best way to get there is probably to take a
boat to Dagon Fel and head west along the island until you get to the coast.
From there, go west-southwest until you see the Daedric ruins. It's on the same
island as Ald Redaynia, on the east side. Once inside, head down to the inner
shrine and you'll find the statue. Malacath tells you to kill the descendent of
Oreyn Bearclaw, the false hero. If you ask around in Vivec you'll hear that his
descendent, Farvyn Oreyn, is off helping the people of Gnaak Mok. Go there,
and Farvyn Oreyn will be to the south of the town, next to a few dead bull
netches. When you talk to him, mention that you were sent by Malacath to kill
him and he'll attack you. Farvyn himself isn't too tough, but his too guards
may be, depending on your level. When Farvyn is dead, return to the shrine of
Malacath to claim your reward.

-Ice Blade of the Monarch

Type: Long Blade, Two-Handed
Chop: 5-50 Slash: 4-40 Thrust: 3-30
Value: 95,000

Cast When Strikes: Frost Damage 10-40 pts

Faction Quest: Imperial Cult, "Ice Blade of the Monarch" You need to recover
this blade for that quest, but you get to keep it afterwards.

Location: This blade is easily found inside the Dunmer stronghold of Rotheran.
Head south out of Dagon Fel and follow the path, it'll take you straight there.
Llaren Terano is holding the sword, and he is in the Arena area of Rotheran,
on the stairs on the right side. He's fairly low level, but he has some strong
spells and he'll use the Ice Blade against you, so he may be challenging for
lower level characters.

-Lord's Mail

Type: Heavy Armor Cuirass
Value: 190,000

Cast When Used: Cure Poison on self
Resist Magicka 20-30% for 30 secs on self

Faction Quest: Imperial Legion, "Lord's Mail" Varius Vatinius has you recover
this. You can take it back from him after you duel him to become
the new Knight of the Imperial Dragon.

Location: The Lord's Mail is easy to find, and you may have found it by
accident already. It's in the Underground Caves underneath Ebonheart. To get
there, either pick the lock on the hidden door right next to the shrine in the
Imperial Commission, or use the external entrance. The entrance to the caves is
underwater, just northeast of the Grand Council Chambers. Inside you'll find a
man named Furius Acilius wearing the armor. When you talk to him he'll attack
you. Just kill him and take the mail.

-Mace of Molag Bal

Type: Blunt Weapon, One-Handed
Chop: 3-30 Slash: 3-35 Thrust: 1-4
Value: 25,000

Cast When Strikes: Absorb Strength 1-15 pts for 30 secs
Absorb Magicka 1-20 pts for 30 secs

Faction Quest: None

Location: This artifact comes from another Daedric shrine quest. The shrine of
Molag Bal is inside Yansirramus, southwest of Tel Aruhn in the western part of
Zafirbel Bay. The statue is just inside the entrance. When activated, he will
tell you to kill the Daedroth Menta Na in Kora-Dur, and gives you a ket to get
in. The door to Kora-Dur is directly east of Kogoruhn, the Dunmer Stronghold.
You can get to Kogoruhn by heading northeast from Maar Gan, and once there go
straight east. The entrance to Kora-Dur is facing north. Menta Na is at the
very back of the cave. Kill him and return to the statue of Molag Bal to get
the mace.

-Ring of Phynaster

Type: Ring
Value: 18,000

Constant Effect: Resist Poison 20%
Resist Magicka 20%
Resist Shock 20%

Faction Quest: None

Location: The Ring of Phynaster is inside the Senim Ancestral Tomb, which is
easily found just southeast of Dagon Fel. From Dagon Fel take the road east,
then follow it south and you'll run right into the tomb. At the back of the
tomb you'll find a corpse on a platform decorated in bonemold armor. The ring
is on the corpse.


Type: Blunt Weapon, Two-Handed
Chop: 10-60 Slash: 10-50 Thrust: 7-10
Value: 48,000

Constant Effect: Feather 15 pts
Fortify Attack 5 pts

Faction Quest: Imperial Cult, "Skull-Crusher" You have to present this weapon
to finish the quest, but you get to keep it after.

Location: This warhammer is inside the Daedric ruins of Anudnabia, which are
east of Sadrith Mora, on the same island. Unfortunately, the entrance is
blocked, so you need to find another way in. Head one island to the northeast
to find the Omaren Ancestral Tomb. At the back of this tomb you'll find a
Daedric door to the Forgotten Vaults of Anudnabia. Inside you'll find a forge
with a chest floating above it, with the Skull-Crusher inside. You'll need to
levitate up to get it.

-Spear of Bitter Mercy

Type: Spear, Two-Handed
Chop: 1-15 Slash: 1-15 Thrust: 15-60
Value: 130,000

Cast When Used: Reflect 20-30% for 30 secs on self
Summon Storm Atronach for 30 secs

Faction Quest: None

Location: You get the Spear of Bitter Mercy through Sheogorath's quest.
Sheogorath's shrine is not in the usual Daedric ruins, but underneath the city
of Vivec. To get there, head to the St. Delyn Underworks. The entrance to the
shrine, called Ihinipalit, is in the southeast of the underworks. The statue is
right in front of you when you walk through, but you'll need to dispatch some
Daedra worshippers first. Sheogorath is the Daedra Lord of madness, so this
quest is strange. He tells you to get the Fork of Horripulation and use it to
kill a Giant Bull Netch. The fork is in the posession of Big Head, the hermit.
His shack is on a small island northwest of Vas. Head west from Dagon Fel to
the water, then swim west-northwest until you find the island. It's a long
swim. If you have the paper map that came with the game, you'll see the island
with a little shack drawn on it. Once you get there, Big Head tells you to take
the fork. It's the barbecue fork on the table. You need to take it and use it
to kill the Giant Bull Netch which is directly east of Big Head's shack. Swim
east one island and you'll see the netch. Try to soften it up a bit with
another, more effective weapon and then deliver the death blow with the fork.
If you slip up and kill it with a different weapon, you'll fail the quest, and
you don't get a second chance, so be careful. You can also poison it and then
switch to the Fork of Horripulation before it dies. However you do it, return
to Sheogorath's shrine, with the fork, to receive the Spear of Bitter Mercy.

-Spell Breaker

Type: Heavy Armor Shield
Value: 115,000

Cast When Used: Silence for 30 secs in 30 ft on target
Reflect 10-20% for 30 secs on self

Faction Quest: Vampire Quest, any clan

Location: This is probably the hardest artifact to obtain, simply because you
have to be a vampire to begin the quest. As you may know, being a vampire means
you can't talk to anyone who isn't a vampire (including Torasa Aram, the museum
curator, so you won't be able to sell her the artifact once you get it), so
it's a big commitment to make. There is a quest to cure yourself of vampirism,
but it's long and involved and not really relevant to this guide. Anyway, if
you really want to get all the artifacts in this FAQ, you should leave this one
for last, or be prepared to do the quest to cure yourself after you're done
being a vampire.

To start, you need to find the Salvel Ancestral Tomb, northeast of the Red
Mountain and just inside the Ghostfence. Inside you'll find a vampire named
Mastrius, who will give you the quest if you're a vampire.(Sometimes he's lying
on the ground when you enter, I have no idea why. If this happens just leave
and come back.) He'll tell you to bring him a Daedra's heart and, more
importantly, the Spell Breaker.

After you get the quest, the shield will be inside the Dwewer ruins of Bthuand.
Bthuand isn't really near anything. It's about halfway between the Ahemmusa
Camp and the Dunmer stronghold Falasmaryon. You could head west and a little
north from Tel Vos, but you'll need to cross the mountains. Once you find the
ruins, head inside and down the stairs to the southeast. You'll see a lot of
collapsed rocks and broken piping. The shield is lying in the rocks at the
southernmost part of this room. It might be difficult to spot. Once you have
the shield, you can either pocket it for yourself or bring it back to Mastrius
like a good little vampire. In thanks, he will suck your blood and try to kill
you, but hey, it's your choice. If you do bring it back to him and complete the
quest, you can take the shield back off of his dead body after you kill him,
along with his Ebony Armor.
Thanks to FreakyAye and Dan Simpson for helping me with this quest.

-Staff of Hasedoki

Type: Blunt Weapon, Two-Handed
Chop: 5-10 Slash: 1-10 Thrust: 5-15
Value: 75,000

Cast When Used: Resist Magicka 30-40% for 30 secs

Faction Quest: None

Location: This staff is in the posession of an orc named Koffutto Gilgar in the
Gimothran Ancestral Tomb. To get to the Gimothran tomb, take the path west then
south from Falensarano, which is in the southern reaches of the Grazelands.
Inside the tomb, at the back you'll find Koffutto Gilgar with the staff. Note
that there is a locked door first, and a corpse in front of it with a note that
mentions how his companion died before getting this far. He says his companion
has the key to the door. The person he's talking about is in the Baram
Ancestral Tomb, on an island southeast of Indoranyon, but it's only a level 50
lock, so you can probably just pick it.

-Staff of Magnus

Type: Blunt Weapon, Two-Handed
Chop: 5-15 Slash: 1-10 Thrust: 5-15
Value: 210,000

Cast When Used: Spell Absorption 25-50 pts for 60 secs
Restore Health 1 pt for 60 secs

Faction Quest: Mages' Guild, "The Staff of Magnus" You need to show the staff
to Ajira to finish the quest, but she lets you keep it.

Location: The Staff of Magnus is inside the cavern of Assu, right next to the
entrance to Mount Kand. To get there, head northwest out of Molag Mar, uphill.
Assu is a pretty standard cave, except that there are several Daedroths and
Atronachs inside. At the end of the cave you'll find a room filled with water
and a raised platform with a Dunmer woman named Dreveni Hlaren on it. She has
the staff of Magnus, so kill her and take it.

-Ten Pace Boots

Type: Heavy Armor Boots
Value: 140,000

Cast When Used: Fortify Speed 20 pts for 120 secs
Fortify Athletics 20 pts for 120 secs
Drain Fatigue 5 pts for 120 secs
Slowfall 1 pt for 120 secs

Faction Quest: None

Location: These boots are in a locked chest in the inner shrine of Bal Fell.
Bal Fell is a few islands east of Vivec, just past Velanda Omani's manor. Once
inside Bal Fell, head into the Inner Shrine area, and the chest you want is at
the foot of the statue. It has a level 75 lock and a trap, and no key, so
you'll need to pick the lock. Inside are the Ten Pace Boots.

-Umbra Sword

Type: Longblade, Two-Handed
Chop: 10-50 Slash: 10-45 Thrust: 10-40
Value: 110,000

Cast When Used: Soultrap for 120 secs in target

Faction Quest: None

Location: You get this blade through the "Umbra" quest. In Suran, you may hear
rumors about some crazy orc who has killed several people nearby. If you ask
the bartender in the tradehouse, Ashumanu Eraishah, she'll tell you she saw
someone decked out in armor in the hills to the east. If you levitate over the
mountains, you will find the Orc Umbra directly east of Suran. Talk to him and
he'll tell you that he wants to die a warrior's death and challenges you to
kill him. If you accept, he'll attack you right away. He's a pretty challenging
opponent, but since he's outdoors you can levitate up above him and cheap him
to death. He has no spells or projectile attacks, so you can attack him with
spells or marksman weapons from safety. Once he's dead, take his sword off his
body and help yourself to his full set of Orcish armor if you want.

-Vampiric Ring

Type: Ring
Value: 32,000

Cast When Used: Absorb Fatigue 20-30 pts for 10 secs on touch
Absorb Health 20-30 pts for 10 secs on touch

Faction Quest: None

Location: The Vampiric Ring is pretty easy to find in Ald Redaynia. It's pretty
out of the way, but not hard to spot. You can either head west out of Dagon Fel
until you get to the long, thin island that Ald Redaynia is on the very west
end of. Or you can go to Khuul and treck up the coast, then swim north once you
get to the Urshilaku Camp. Either way, once inside the Ald Redaynia Tower, take
the door on your right and head up until you find the Skeleton War Wizard. Kill
him and take the Vampiric Ring off of his body. Also note the Bitter Cup on the
alter next to you. It is used in a Thieves Guild quest, but if you're not
planning on doing that quest, you might want to take advantage of this object.
It raises your highest attribute by twenty and lowers your lowest attribute by
twenty. You may or may not think this is worth it, it's up to you. Even if you
are planning on doing the Thieves Guild mission, you should grab it now to save
coming all the way back here later.

-Veloth's Judgement

Type: Blunt Weapon, Two-Handed
Chop: 1-70 Slash: 1-60 Thrust: 1-4
Value: 30,000

Cast When Strikes: Fire Damage 4-10 pts for 10 secs
Drain Agility 25 pts for 10 secs
Absorb Fatigue 5 pts for 10 secs

Faction Quest: Temple, "Slay Raxle Berne" Tharer Rotheloth gives you this
artifact at the beginning of the quest. You get to keep it.

Location: This artifact can only be obtained if you are a member of the Temple.
Tharer Rotheloth in the Molag Mar temple gives you the quest "Slay Raxle Berne"
and he gives you some vampire-hunting equipment. Veloth's Judgement is included
in this package.

-Warlock's Ring

Type: Ring
Value: 22,000

Cast When Used: Reflect 10-20% for 30 secs
Fortify Speed 10-20 pts for 30 secs

Faction Quest: Mages' Guild, "Warlock's Ring" You need to show it to Ajira to
finish the quest, but she lets you keep it afterwards.

Location: This ring is in the hands of Vindamea Drethan in the caves of
Ashirbadon, east of Bal Fell. Bal Fell is a few islands east of Vivec, and
Ashirbadon is one island east of Bal Fell. Inside Ashirbadon you'll find
Vindamea Drethan on a wooden platform with the Warlock's Ring in her posession.

Copyright 2003-2005 Chris Coderre
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