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After reading this don´t post any question about how to fly the
DODO and the Tank because I and other will get sick of those
stupid questions about how to fly.Now read this carefully and
don´t get nervous because when you think about it it´s damn
-. How to fly the DODO:
First,get to the Airport in SSV.Then get a DODO.Get to the
beginning of the runway and press X while holding R1,than
release R1 and hold down,than,when you see sparks coming from
the DODO release down and you´ll shoot in the air,tap down
untill you are parellel with the ocean and DO NOT PRESS UP
because this will do the DODO stall out and crash and also do
not fly over unique jumps because the camera will be in slow
motion and you´ll crash.Also don´t get nervous when the plane
goes down because the DODO just gains speed and will get up
-. The Tank
First get the Tank (get six stars or give in the cheat)Then
find a nice,peacefull road with no cars or any other
obstacles.Then,when you have found it make sure no unique jumps
are ahead because this will cause you to crash or even let the
Game freeze!Give in the FLY CODE (
Right,R2,Circle,R1,L2,Down,L1,R1 ) then place your turret
backwards and FLOOR IT..keep firing backwards....and take
off!Than when taking off tap down untill you´re parallel with
the street level.DO NOT HOLD LEFT OR RIGHT or else the Tank
will spin very fast and the Game freezes.....
You can fly nearly everywhere where it´s solid.But do not fly
to the edge of the map or else the game freezes!
A few places to fly:
-. Donald Loves Building
-. The building next to Donald Loves place.
-. The Building above your Hideout
-. The Building behind the police in Shoreside Vale
-. The Observartory
-. The Ghosttown
-. The Lighthouse
-. One level higher than Kenjis place since it´s not solid
-. The Building across Kenjis Place (the balconys,but watch out
because the railing is not solid)
-. The construction site building
-. The Hospital in Staunton
Enjoy it up there ! !
Copyright to Thomas Mulders (thomphson2002@hotmail.com)
Copyright to ROCKSTAR for Grand Theft Auto 3