Emperor - Schlacht um Dune

Emperor - Schlacht um Dune

03.10.2013 13:12:32
+Emperor: Battle For Dune Unit FAQ +
+Platform: PC/Mac +
+By: Dallas Keen dukeofcaladan (walkthroughgamer@yahoo.com)+
+Version: 1.26 +
+FAQ #: 1 +
+Date Started: 07/01/03 +

+Table Of Contents+

1. Introduction
2. Basic House And Unit Overview
3. Detailed Unit Overview
4. Version History
5. Legal Information
6. Credit
7. Contact Information
8. My Work

+1. Introduction+

Well greetings everyone. I am Dallas Keen, and I am pleased to present
my first ever guide (FAQ, walkthrough, whatever) to you. I hope that
this guide will help you better understand all of the units in the game.
But of course, I cannot do that without your help, so please if you see
any problems (ANY AT ALL) , or if you have any suggestions drop me an
email at walkthroughgamer@yahoo.com . And also I have descent experience
in Emperor, so you can trust that this guide is above 97.5 % accurate.

You can hit Ctrl + F and find any unit or section.

+2. Basic House And Unit Overview+

Atreides: This house is what you can basically call the "Good Guy". They
are very useful if you want to play a defensive game or bide time for a
big rush. Their unit variety beholds many strategies. And you can easily
make a good unit group without much effort. Also since they have a unit
called the Atreides Repair Vehicle, they can repair any mechanical unit
basically making them invincible. And also only in this house, if you
get your infantry units up to three veteran levels, then you can allow
them to renter the barracks to train one chevron troops but for every
elite (three chevron warrior) you can train one chevron guy, you if you
get three of one unit, then you can train elite guys. If you are just
picking up the game, you might want to try this house.

Atreides Units (Alphabetized):
(1. Atreides Advanced Carryall
(2. Atreides Air Drone
(3. Atreides APC
(4. Atreides Engineer
(5. Atreides Hawk Strike (not really a unit but it acts as one, so I
will still tell about it)
(6. Atreides Infantry
(7. Atreides Kindjal Infantry
(8. Atreides Minotaurus
(9. Atreides Mongoose
(10. Atreides Ornithopter
(11. Atreides Repair Vehicle
(12. Atreides Sand Bike
(13. Atreides Scout
(14. Atreides Sniper
(15. Atreides Sonic Tank

Harkonnen: This house is the "Bad Guy". My favorite house. This house
is for those of you whole like to constantly attack. Their units are
hard to defend with but you can tear up a base with 'em in no time. But
like I said, their unit variety is for attacking so you might want to
try rushing early in a game. They may not be able to repair, but their
units have tough armor.

Harkonnen Units (Alphabetized):
(1. Harkonnen Advanced Carryall
(2. Harkonnen Air Defense Platform
(3. Harkonnen Assault Tank
(4. Harkonnen Buzzsaw
(5. Harkonnen Death Hand (still acts as a unit)
(6. Harkonnen Devastator
(7. Harkonnen Engineer
(8. Harkonnen Flame Tank
(9. Harkonnen Flamethrower Infantry
(10. Harkonnen Gunship
(11. Harkonnen Inkvine Catapult
(12. Harkonnen Light Infantry
(13. Harkonnen Missile Tank
(14. Harkonnen Scout
(15. Harkonnen Trooper

Ordos: Um... these guys aren't bad or good, they are just there. The
games where only supposed to have Atreides and Harkonnen. But they
needed an extra house to tie it together. I hate this house. They stink.
Their armor is weak, and they don't have any weapons that do massive
damage. The only good thing is that they have self repair.

Ordos Units (Alphabetized):
(1. Ordos AA Trooper
(2. Ordos Advanced Carryall
(3. Ordos Anti-Aircraft Mine
(4. Ordos APC
(5. Ordos Chaos Lightning (still acts as a unit)
(6. Ordos Chemical Trooper
(7. Ordos Deviator
(8. Ordos Dust Scout
(9. Ordos Engineer
(10. Ordos Eye in the Sky
(11. Ordos Kobra
(12. Ordos Laser Tank
(13. Ordos Mortar Infantry
(14. Ordos Saboteur
(15. Ordos Scout

Shared House Units: All of the houses have units that they have in

Shared House Units:
(1. Harvester
(2. Carryall
(3. MCV

Subhouses: Aside from the great houses, we have other houses called
subhouses that you can ally with during the game. Or choose two of
during a skirmish battle.

Fremen Units:
(1. Fremen Fedaykin
(2. Fremen Warrior

Sardaukar Units:
(1. Sardaukar, Imperial
(2. Sardaukar, Elite

Ix Units:
(1. Infiltrator
(2. Projector

Tleilaxu Units:
(1. Tleilaxu Contaminator
(2. Tleilaxu Leech

Guild Of Navigators Units:
(1. Guild Maker
(2. Guild NIAB Tank

+3. Detailed Unit Overview+


Unit Name
Armour Type
Turn Rate
Build Time
Tech Level

Atreides Units:

Atreides Advanced Carryall
Health: 900
Amour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 17
Turn Rate: 0.1
Score: 3
Cost: 1800
Build Time:648
Tech Level: 6

Atreides Air Drone
Health: 1200
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 20
Turn Rate: 0.05
Score: 2
Cost: 800
Build Time: 499
Tech Level: 6

Atreides APC
Health: 1200
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 12
Turn Rate: 0.175
Score: 3
Cost: 600
Build Time: 499
Tech Level: 4

Atreides Engineer
Health: 400
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 400
Build Time: 350
Tech Level: 3

Atreides Hawk Strike
Health: N/A
Armour Type: N/A
Speed: N/A
Turn Rate: N/A
Score: N/A
Cost: 0
Build Time: 4536
Tech Level: N/A

Atreides Infantry
Health: 800
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 60
Build Time: 87
Tech Level: 1

Atreides Kindjal Infantry
Health: 800
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 3
Cost: 150
Build Time: 144
Tech Level: 4

Atreides Minotaurus
Health: 2500
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 8
Turn Rate: 0.15
Score: 4
Cost: 1300
Build Time: 589
Tech Level: 5

Atreides Mongoose
Health: 1600
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 10
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 3
Cost: 800
Build Time: 460
Tech Level: 3

Atreides Ornithopter
Health: 1600
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 30
Turn Rate: 0.05
Score: 3
Cost: 1000
Build Time: 499
Tech Level: 5

Atreides Repair Vehicle
Health: 1100
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 8
Turn Rate: 0.175
Score: 3
Cost: 650
Build Time: 589
Tech Level: 5

Atreides Sand Bike
Health: 1200
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 20
Turn Rate: 0.3
Score: 2
Cost: 300
Build Time: 150
Tech Level: 2

Atreides Scout
Health: 200
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 7
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 1
Cost: 30
Build Time: 65
Tech Level: 1

Atreides Sniper
Health: 600
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 150
Build Time: 99
Tech Level: 2

Atreides Sonic Tank
Health: 2000
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.1
Score: 4
Cost: 1400
Build Time: 648
Tech Level: 7

Harkonnen Units:

Harkonnen Advanced Carryall
Health: 900
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 17
Turn Rate: 0.1
Score: 3
Cost: 1800
Build Time: 648
Tech Level: 6

Harkonnen Air Defense Platform
Health: 1200
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 2
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 1500
Build Time: 750
Tech Level: 6

Harkonnen Assault Tank
Health: 2400
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 5
Turn Rate: 0.175
Score: 4
Cost: 900
Build Time: 492
Tech Level: 3

Harkonnen Buzzsaw
Health: 1300
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 12
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 350
Build Time: 180
Tech Level: 2

Harkonnen Death Hand
Health: N/A
Armour Type: N/A
Speed: N/A
Turn Rate: N/A
Score: N/A
Cost: 0
Build Time: 5184
Tech Level: N/A

Harkonnen Devastator
Health: 5000
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 8
Turn Rate: 0.15
Score: 4
Cost: 1750
Build Time: 648
Tech Level: 7

Harkonnen Engineer
Health: 600
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 400
Build Time: 350
Tech Level: 3

Harkonnen Flame Tank
Health: 1800
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.175
Score: 3
Cost: 900
Build Time: 499
Tech Level: 4

Harkonnen Flamethrower Infantry
Health: 800
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 150
Build Time: 144
Tech Level: 4

Harkonnen Gunship
Health: 2600
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 10
Turn Rate: 0.05
Score: 3
Cost: 1000
Build Time: 499
Tech Level: 5

Harkonnen Inkvine Tank
Health: 2000
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 8
Turn Rate: 0.175
Score: 3
Cost: 1000
Build Time: 589
Tech Level: 5

Harkonnen Light Infantry
Health: 600
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 50
Build Time: 87
Tech Level: 1

Harkonnen Missile Tank
Health: 1100
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.175
Score: 3
Cost: 1200
Build Time: 589
Tech Level: 5

Harkonnen Scout
Health: 200
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 1
Cost: 30
Build Time: 86
Tech Level: 1

Harkonnen Trooper
Health: 300
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 90
Build Time: 99
Tech Level: 2

Ordos Units:

Ordos AA Trooper:
Health: 300
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 100
Build Time: 99
Tech Level: 2

Ordos Advanced Carryall
Health: 900
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 17
Turn Rate: 0.1
Score: 3
Cost: 1800
Build Time: 648
Tech Level: 6

Ordos Anti-Aircraft Mine
Health: 1100
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 600
Build Time: 499
Tech Level: 6

Ordos APC
Health: 500
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 20
Turn Rate: 0.05
Score: 3
Cost: 900
Build Time: 499
Tech Level: 4

Ordos Chaos Lightning
Health: N/A
Armour Type: N/A
Speed: N/A
Turn Rate: N/A
Score: N/A
Cost: 0
Build Time: 6220
Tech Level: N/A

Ordos Chemical Trooper
Health: 575
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 50
Build Time: 87
Tech Level: 1

Ordos Deviator
Health: 1300
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 8
Turn Rate: 0.05
Score: 4
Cost: 950
Build Time: 648
Tech Level: 7

Ordos Dust Scout
Health: 1100
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 14
Turn Rate: 0.3
Score: 2
Cost: 350
Build Time: 150
Tech Level: 2

Ordos Engineer
Health: 400
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 400
Build Time: 350
Tech Level: 3

Ordos Eye In The Sky
Health: 1750
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 7
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 3
Cost: 2000
Build Time: 499
Tech Level: 5

Ordos Kobra
Health: 3000
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 12
Turn Rate: 0.175
Score: 4
Cost: 1200
Build Time: 589
Tech Level: 5

Ordos Laser Tank
Health: 800
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 12
Turn Rate: 0.1
Score: 3
Cost: 700
Build Time: 432
Tech Level: 3

Ordos Mortar Infantry
Health: 700
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 100
Build Time: 144
Tech Level: 4

Ordos Saboteur
Health: 600
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 2
Cost: 150
Build Time: 260
Tech Level: 5

Ordos Scout
Health: 200
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 8
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 1
Cost: 30
Build Time: 65
Tech Level: 1

Shared House Units:

Health: 3500
Armour Type: Harvester
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.15
Score: 4
Cost: 1000
Build Time: 504
Tech Level: 2

Health: 1600
Armour Type: Aircraft
Speed: 20
Turn Rate: 0.1
Score: 3
Cost: 1100
Build Time: 450
Tech Level: 5

Health: 4500
Armour Type: MCV
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.175
Score: 4
Cost: 2000
Build Time: 864
Tech Level: 2

Fremen Units:

Fremen Fedaykin
Health: 1000
Armour Type: Infantry and Earplugs (they cannot be hurt by each other)
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 0
Cost: 250
Build Time: 589
Tech Level: 5

Fremen Warrior
Health: 800
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 0
Cost: 150
Build Time: 432
Tech Level: 3

Sardaukar Units:

Sardaukar, Imperial
Health: 900
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 6
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 0
Cost: 300
Build Time: 432
Tech Level: 3

Sardaukar, Elite
Health: 1800
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 7
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 0
Cost: 350
Build Time: 689
Tech Level: 5

Ix Units:

Ixian Infiltrator
Health: 800
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 7
Turn Rate: 0.1
Score: 0
Cost: 500
Build Time: 432
Tech Level: 4

Ixian Projector Tank
Health: 1000
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 14
Turn Rate: 0.1
Score: 0
Cost: 1500
Build Time: 589
Tech Level: 5

Tleilaxu Units:

Tleilaxu Contaminator
Health: 1000
Armour Type: Infantry
Speed: 3.5
Turn Rate: 0.2
Score: 0
Cost: 300
Build Time: 432
Tech Level: 3

Tleilaxu Leech
Health: 1000
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 14
Turn Rate: 0.3
Score: 0
Cost: 800
Build Time: 589
Tech Level: 5

Guild Of Navigators Units:

Guild Maker
Health: 1000
Armour Type: Vehicle
Speed: 4
Turn Rate: 0.3
Score: 0
Cost: 1000
Build Time: 589
Tech Level: 4

Guild NIAB Tank
Health: 3000
Armour Type: Tank
Speed: 12
Turn Rate: 0.3
Score: 0
Cost: 2000
Build Time: 720
Tech Level: 5

+4. Version History+

(1.0 DS: 07/01/03
DF: 07/22/03
Wrote original guide.
Submitted guide to GameFAQs on 07/22/03.

(1.10 DS: 07/23/03
DF: 07/25/03
Corrected some spelling/grammar mistakes.
Added the rest of Atreides, Harkonnen, and Ordos units.
Added shared house units.
Submitted guide to GameFAQs on 07/25/03.

(1.20 DS: 07/26/03
DF: 07/26/03
Corrected most of the spelling/grammar mistakes.
Added the subhouses.
Submitted guide to GameFAQs on 07/26/03.

(1.25 DS: 07/27/03
DF: 07/27/03
Found mistakes about Dune facts.
Fixed some spelling/grammar mistakes.
Fixed some text problems.
Submitted guide to GameFAQs on 07/27/03.

(1.26 DS: 07/31/03
DF: 07/31/03
Added My Work section.
Submitted guide to GameFAQs on 07/31/03.

(1.27 DS: 11/12/03
DF: 11/12/03
Fixed some spelling mistakes.
Submitted guide to GameFAQs on 11/12/03.

+5. Legal Information+

Emperor: Battle For Dune, units, and all related contents and images are
originally copyrighted to Westwood Studios

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

This FAQ is:
Copyright (c) 2003 dukeofcaladan

+6. Credit+

These are all of the people or groups who contributed to this FAQ:

Westwood Studios For creating a great game.
TibEd For helping my research.
GameFAQs For posting my FAQ.
Dallas Keen (me) For writing the FAQ.
My parents For giving moral support.
Chris Dall For correcting some spelling mistakes.
- For giving moral support.
- For reviewing facts about Emperor Dune.
inoculator9 For giving moral support.
- For letting me experience the game differently.
Wayne Dixon For letting me use the format of his FAQ.

+7. Contact Information+

If you have any further questions about this guide you can reach me at:
Put the question as your subject. Otherwise, I will not reply. Also
include your first-last name.

What you can send me:
You can send questions about this FAQ, the game itself, or units. You
can send me suggestions and ideas. You can tell about mistakes, grammar,
and spelling. You can ask about legal stuff (EX: Can I put your FAQ on
my site?) .

What you cannot send me:
Do not send me spam. Do not send me pornography. Try not to send me a
question that is answered in the FAQ.

+8. My Work+

These are FAQs that I have written:

#1 Emperor: Battle For Dune Units Guide
#2 Dune 2000 Units Guide

+End Of Emperor: Battle For Dune Unit FAQ+

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