

11.10.2013 05:57:45
S I M C O P T E R: T H E U N O F F I C I A L G U I D E


Steve Novicki


1 - Introduction
2 - The Copters
3 - The Missions
4 - Legal Information
5 - Farewell

1 - Introduction

This is a guide for SimCopter that I have written. I hope that you
enjoy it, because I have had fun writing it and playing the game
SimCopter. That said, let's get to work!

2 - The Copters

In SimCopter, the main point is to maneuver a helicopter and complete
various missions by earning points. You also receive money for
completing missions; the amount is based on the difficulty of the
mission. You use that money to go buy bigger and better copters and
equipment for them. All of this could not be accomplished without the
use of the following copters. Keep in mind that each copter has
different uses and applications, also.

-Schweitzer 300-

This is the first copter you get at the beginning if the game. It is
normally used as a training helicopter to train pilots. It's extremely
small and lightweight. It also happens to be the cheapest copter you
can purchase.

Engines: Single piston engine, 190 horsepower
Seats: 2
Speed (max): 153 km/h
Range (max): 360 kilometers
Weight: 1,046 pounds
Rotor Diameter: 26 feet, 10 inches

-Bell 206 JetRanger-

Having lots of seats and a very strong engine, I like the Bell 206. It
is a good overall copter, very versatile, and has many functions. A
good choice to buy as soon as possible, because it's also cheap.

Engines: Single turbine engine, 420 horsepower
Seats: 7
Speed: 232 km/h
Range: 666 kilometers
Weight: 1,861 pounds
Rotor Diameter: 36 feet

-McDonnell/Douglas 500-

The first of three McDonnell/Douglas copters available for purchase. It
is as fast as the JetRanger and just half the size of it, too. A very
good copter for lots of transport work.

Engines: Single turbine engine, 278 horsepower
Seats: 6
Speed: 232 km/h
Range: 422 kilometers
Weight: 1,088 pounds
Rotor Diameter: 26 feet, 4 inches

-McDonnell/Douglas 520 NOTAR-

Has overall good size and speed. It doesn't really perform better in
any area than any other copter, and is an expensive copter, considering
its class.

Engines: Single turbine, 375 horsepower
Seats: 5
Speed: 250 km/h
Range: 402 kilometers
Weight: 1,636 pounds
Rotor Diameter: 27 feet, 4 inches

-Bell 212-

While having EXTREMELY large engines and horsepower, this copter still
is not as fast as some of the other copters. The extreme weight and
statistics are mainly because of it's giant capacity, therefore
allowing enormous transport loads.

Engines: Twin coupled turbine engines, 1,290 horsepower
Seats: 15
Speed: 206 km/h
Range: 450 kilometers
Weight: 6,097 pounds
Rotor Diameter: 48 feet, 2 inches

-Augusta A109-

Because it is very heavy, this copter is good for fighting fires since
fire-fighting requires lots of weight. It is not very fast, though. Its
number of seats is a good number for transports, too.

Engines: Twin turbines, 400 horsepower
Seats: 8
Speed: 285 km/h
Range: 648 kilometers
Weight: 3,126 pounds
Rotor Diameter: 36 feet, 1 inch

-Dauphin 2-

This is a very good copter. It is made to transport people and things,
specifically water for fighting fires. It's also pretty fast. A great
overall copter.

Engines: Twin turbines, 680 horsepower
Seats: 13
Speed: 260 km/h
Range: 900 kilometers
Weight: 3,980 pounds
Rotor Diameter: 38 feet, 4 inches

-McDonnell/Douglas Explorer-

This is a kind of good copter, not lacking anything but not surpassing
the statistical data of any other copter. Incredibly, it's the most
expensive copter in the game. You need to fork over $20,000 to buy it,
and that is not an easy task. Also, many other, cheaper copters would
be fine.

Engines: Twin turbines, 629 horsepower
Seats: 10
Speed: 274 km/h
Range: 600 kilometers
Weight: 3,215 pounds
Rotor Diameter: 33 feet, 10 inches

This concludes the section for the SimCopters. There is, however, one
more copter; it is an Easter Egg, hidden away with a special code. See
the Cheat Codes section for more information about this copter.

3 - The Missions

In SimCopter, you must use the aforementioned copters and complete
missions using them. This section is designed to provide information
and strategies on every mission in SimCopter.

-Traffic Jams-

Traffic Jams are the easiest missions to accomplish, and they require
only a megaphone. They occur when something blocks traffic flow on a
street, such as a burning car or your copter parked in the middle of
the road. To clear a traffic jam, you must first fly to the sight of
the jam. Then aim your spotlight right into the heart of the jam. Now,
you can either hit the F6 button, or click on the Megaphone button and
click on Report Traffic. Repeat this procedure as many times as you
have to; the traffic jam(s) should clear up pretty soon. While being an
easy way to make money and points, I find traffic jams having not
enough value to be worth that much, seeing how you normally get either
twenty-five points and one hundred bucks, or fifty points and two
hundred bucks for clearing a traffic jam.


Transports occur when there are people who get sick and tired of
waiting in traffic. They then call you to transport them via helicopter
above all of the traffic. This is a very easy mission to complete, and
all you need is a relatively large capacity copter. First, when the
radio lady sends a message to you informing you of a transport mission,
fly over to the area immediately, considering that the transport people
are the most impatient. Now land right over the transport icon and
wait; the people waiting to be transported should come over and climb
in your copter by themselves. Now press the N button and look at your
map. The description in the box should say 'Transport xx', where xx is
the number of the mission, and have a white line coming off of it. Fly
towards that white line, the end is the people's destination. Once you
get to the destination, land on or near it. The people will climb out
of your copter themselves and you will be awarded.

-Medical Evacuation (Medevac)-

This means that someone has been injured, and you have been called to
airlift him or her to a hospital. First, if you want, you can fly over
to a nearby hospital and pick up a medic if you want. They help the
injured people in your copter and lengthen the amount of time that they
can be in your copter. Then, fly over to the site of the Medevac. Land
and get out of your copter, the medic should get out, too. Now walk
around and try to find the injured person (people). If you can't the
medic should soon. Once they are in your copter, you must now fly to a
nearby hospital in the area. Remember that the hospitals appear as a
cream-color three-tile area on your map. Once you have found a
hospital, land on the roof of it. The medic should climb out of your
copter and take the injured person (people) with him, and then you get
awarded. Congratulations.


Fires can occur to anything in SimCopter, except water. You must have
either a Water Cannon or a Bambi Bucket to extinguish the fire. First,
you must find a water source and fill up your bucket/cannon with water;
you should fill it up all the way. Now find the fire, it shouldn't be
too hard because it is a bright orange, flaming structure/tree. Fly
directly over it with your bucket lowered and drop the water on the
fire. This should extinguish the fire, if it doesn't, you aren't right
over it. I prefer this method of extinguishing fires, but you can also
use the water cannon instead. Fill up your water meter. Now fly right
in front of the fire and let loose with your cannon, make sure to be up
close to the fire. Either way, the fire should go out and you will be

-Life Rescue-

These occur when someone is in trouble that is out of their hands. They
come in three kinds: boat, rooftop, and train rescues. The easiest is
the roof rescue, all you need to do is land on the roof, wait for the
person to get in, now fly off and land on the ground. The person should
get out, and you are then awarded. The boat rescue is a little more
complicated; you need to have a Rescue Harness installed in your
copter. When you get to the site of the rescue, lower your harness to
the person. Get it really close to them, and if everything is perfect,
they will grab on. Then roll up the harness, the person will climb into
your copter. Now transport them to the ground. They will climb out and
you will be awarded. The third is the train rescue, and it is the
hardest. A Sim is trapped on top of a runaway train, and it is up to
you to rescue them from it. Lower your harness and follow the train,
staying as close to the Sim as possible. If the altitude is perfect and
the length of the harness is good, the Sim will grab on. Then roll the
harness up into your copter and the Sims will climb in. Then transport
them to the ground anywhere, they will climb out and you will be


There are a variety of criminals, ranging from robbers to muggers to
arsonists. They can either be on foot or in a car. There is one main
way to catch foot criminals; get a cop or two in your copter from the
roof of a police station. Then fly over to the dispatch site. The
criminals on foot almost always run around like crazy, and wear dark
clothing. Now land on the ground and the cop(s) will get out and start
chasing the criminal. When they say, 'Suspect spotted; in pursuit',
that means that they have spotted the criminal and are chasing them.
When they catch the criminal, which shouldn't be soon, you will be
awarded. In a car, you should get your spotlight on the car and press
F7 to give them a message. Also, press F5 to start a police follow
mode. Now just follow them with your spotlight, the police should
arrive soon. They should get out of their car and start running, when
they do this and you happen to have a cop in your copter, land for a
second, the cop will get out and start chasing the criminal. When he is
caught, you will be awarded.


When you get the message, head to the area. The method you should
follow in order to get the crowd to disperse goes as follows:

Megaphone messages
Tear Gas

Whenever you use a megaphone message, most of the people should
disperse. For the remaining people, fire a few squirts of water with
your water cannon or Bambi bucket. And as a last resort, fire a few
canisters of tear gas on the crowd. That should do the trick. Also, it
wouldn't hurt to dispatch a few police cars to the scene, and make sure
to have some fire dispatches there, in case they start fires. You can
also have a medic or two handy, to prepare for any unfortunate Medevacs
that might occur.


Speeders are different than the other missions; they do not have a
radio dispatch message. There is always one speeder in every city at
all times, and since you do not get a radio message alerting you to the
speeder, it is up to you to find one. If you happen to come across one
on your daily rounds, send down an F7 message to him. You should also
press F5 for the special police chase mode. If you want, throw tear gas
canister at him, but do so with caution. That should do it. Speeders
can be distinguished by the fact that they are normally purple cars
with lots of exhaust coming from the car.

So concludes the missions you can and will get in SimCopter. Remember,
the difficulty of the missions increase with every level (like you will
have more people to care for in a Medevac mission on level fifteen than
opposed to level two). Be sure to complete every mission as quickly as
possible, because the people involved do not like to wait, and you lose
points if you make them wait too long. One last thing: make sure you
always have enough gas and that your copter is not too terribly

4 - Cheat Codes

Of course, what game would be complete without the good old cheat
codes! SimCopter has so many it is probably the Sim game with the most
cheat codes. Listed below is a list of all cheat codes and their

NOTE: You must first press Control + Alt +X to bring up the cheat code
box. Then, type in one of the following codes to receive the following

Shields up. Invincibility
Gas does grow on trees. Unlimited fuel
superpowermultiply When you press the Shift button,
you can run extra fast. Also works
In your copter.
The map, please. Lets you use your map outside your
Been there, done that. Advances you to the next mission.
There's no place like home. Takes you back to your hangar.
I love my helicopter. Warps you back to your helicopter.
Give me bucks or give me death: xx Either gives you the amount
Specified or ends the game.
Warp me to career: xx Warps you to the specified career.
Out for a Sunday drive. Makes the camera follow a random
Car around town. Enter this code
Again to return to normal mode.
Stop and ask for directions. Makes a TXT file map of the city
In your hard drive root directory..
A megephone in the hand is worth
two in the bush. Lets you use your megaphone outside
Your copter.
Lights, camera, action! Starts playing the drive-in movies.
PAMCAREYGOLDMAN Puts pictures of the lead
Producer's wife on all boards.
Gort Lets you see the ending scene
(quite funny, actually!)
Radioactivity Causes a nuclear explosion.
I'm the CEO of McDonnell Douglas Enter this code, then go your
Catalog screen. Press the numbers
1-9 to get the different copters,
Free of charge.

Quite a long list of codes, huh? Just remember that cheating only makes
a game less fun, so do something to compensate for your cheating!

5 - Legal Information

This FAQ is Copyright ® March 12, 2000 by Steve Novicki. All rights
reserved. The author/owner of this FAQ reserves the right to, at any
time, modify the contents of this FAQ in any way. No one is allowed to
rip off (plagiarize) this FAQ without my (Steve Novicki's) personal
consent. Just remember that and do not rip off of it; it's as simple as
that. Send me an e-mail at asking me permission to be
able to use this FAQ for almost any purposes EXCEPT commercial and I
will say yes. I usually check my e-mail every afternoon and night,
sometimes in the morning. Thank you!

7 - Farewell

It has certainly been fun writing this FAQ and playing the marvelous
game SimCopter, and I hope that you have enjoyed reading it. If you
have any questions, comments, suggestions, updates, etc., e-mail them
to me at and I will gladly respond to them. Farewell, my
friends, and happy gaming.

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Dt. Geldtrainer (für v1.0.1.3)

04.Октябрь 2013

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engl. FAQ

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