Quest for Glory 5

Quest for Glory 5

15.10.2013 05:43:25
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire
FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.4

Andrew R Morozin (

(C)Copyright 1999, 2000. All rights reserved

Hello I am Andrew. I have been a fan ever since I got Quest for Glory III: Waging War
mailed to me for free by MCI. I have beaten every Quest for Glory. I have beaten every
Quest for Glory with every possible character even Quest for Glory V! I am sure you
will find everything you need in this Walkthrough/FAQ.
And I hope this FAQ also helps you Macintosh fans too! :)

NOTE!: If you need help on something and can't find it in the guide look
in the FAQ section!
Please do not email me a question unless it is positively 100%
not in this faq! Sorry if I sound rude!

" and " over a hint, tip, code, or secret means I did not find that info out.

New in Version 1.4:
An important note.
Controls section added!....but nothing in it yet..
New secret!
Other new stuff added and fixed, too!



Past Versions:

Version 1.0
First version. So close to perfect! First monster list and explanation on marrying

Version 1.1
Second version. Right up there with perfect! I added the Bow code which I tested and
it worked!

Version 1.2
Third version. Right up there with perfect again! Added another bug and other

Version 1.3
Fourth version. I was mistaken when I said perfect. I forgot a Controls section.
This version had a secret added. Whoopie.

That's all....for now!


Game Info:

Name: Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire (Or for fans that never let go, it's called....)
Hero's Quest V: Dragon Fire
Type: Adventure/RPG
System: PC
Company: Yosemite/Sierra FX
Creator: Lori Ann Cole

For more info check out my review at!
I can tell you that this game is mostly like an Adventure with a lot of action
and a lot of the RPG feel. RPG as in Role Playing Game. And as in Role Playing Game
NOT as in Dungeons and Dragons! Don't worry if you play this game you won't be
a mindless geek the rest of your life. No offense to D&D fans!


Shocking News:

Yosemite has been fired on Black Monday!
No Multiplayer!
It is all the President of Sierra's fault, thank him.
The only good game left is Gabriel Knight (King's Quest went down the crapper).


3.Tips Tips and Tips
4.The FAQ
5.Codes and Secrets
6.Spells and Items
b-Paladin Abilities
a-Before Rites of Rulership
b-Rite of Freedom
c-Rite of Conquest
d-Rite of Valor
e-Rite of Destiny
f-Rite of Courage
g-Rite of Peace
h-Rite of Justice
i-Raid of Suspects Fortress
j-Last Battle
11.Quests and Deeds
e-Any Old Deeds



While I don't mind questions, what you should do first is READ THE FAQ
to see if the answer is in there. If it absolutely, 100% isn't in there,
or if you can't understand what I'm saying, then you can email me about
the question you want answered. If you ask me a question when the answer
is in the FAQ, I probably won't reply back.
Thank you for your cooperation.


{2} Story

After saving a land named Mordavia and saving the world from eternal darkness the Hero
is summoned to the land of Silmaria by his old wizard friend, Erasmus. In the land
of Silmaria the Hero must stop an assassin, destroy the "Dragon of Doom", become
King and/or Chief Thief. Along the way of these four main quests you can help people
by doing simple yet good deeds like finding an old basket, help a gnome keep her
inn, restore a man's arm and much more. The Hero must also settle down and choose one
out of four girls to marry. It is all up to you, the player.

Past adventures that may interest you:

After graduating from the Heroes school, The Hero ventures to a land of
magic and medievil themes, The Hero must save the Baron's son and daughter,
defeat the Brigands and an ugly old Ogress.

After saving Spielburg, The Hero arrives at Shapeir. The theme is arabic
and here you must stop four evil forces, and save another land by defeating
an evil wizard.

After saving Shapeir and Raseir, The Hero now finds himself in Africa
and meets many tribes and strange figures. He must stop a war
between a city and a tribe and kill a demon wizard and stop the demons
from ruling earth!

Many great games, many great stories! Go pick 'em up!

{3} Tips Tips and Tips

-If you are new to Quest for Glory, I advise you to pick Fighter. For skill points put Strength
and Vitality to 400 and the rest goes to Offense.

-Go to the Hall of Kings (where the guards are). Afterwards go back to the Wizard hat place.
Don't really go, though. Along the way you will see the lion. Talk to him. He will give
you something. It will most likely be a Katta Pin. Thieves get a magic grapling hook.

-Once you start go buy stuff. The stuff that you will NEED is the map from the Indian dog
and the Mystic Magnets from the Wizard (the shop with the eyeball). Get some aphoraes too.
The amphorae are the vases. Get them from the dog also.

-If you are a Wizard buy everything from Shakra (the Wizard in the shop). If you don't
get everything there eventually he will be in a deep sleep and you won't ever get anything
from him again.

-If you are a Wizard visit Erasmus about three times. He should give you a spell.

-To raise your strength and offense easily take off your weapons and use the F and G
keyboard buttons freqeuntly. To raise strength and vitality another way is to use the
treadmill in the adventurer's guild. Fighters get points when you can't get anymore
strength points from the treadmill.

-Here is a good tip. Don't ever, ever waste skill points on "Swimming". Never!

-The fastest way to get money is the dagger game. Talk to Nawar in the Dead Parrot Inn.
It is not too hard and the three-in-a-row game will get you rich!

-Download the latest patches at

-Here is another good tip. Go buy the new Quest for Glory Collection series. Beat all the
games. You'll be happy you did.

-Make sure you free Katrina or Erana. You have to free one of them! Katrina is bugged and you
will need to download version 1.1 of the patch to be able to marry her. I tested this
myself. It works.

-Never harm a guard or townsperson!

-Is the game too hard? Go into the controls and put difficulty all the way down.

-Don't put any money in the bank until you robbed the bank twice. This is for thieves.

-Put 500 drachmas in the bank and wait until the bank is arested. Solve the robbery
and get your money back. Thieves can't solve the robbery so thieves shouldn't bother.

-Only get a boat ride from Andre to get to the Mercenaries fortress on the second rite.

-Put the anchovies on the artichoke pizza and the jalapeno peppers on the pepporoni pizza.

-Give the Minotaur Axe to Toro right away!

-At the last fight give Healing potions to Toro and Gort repeatedly and save a few for

-Once you have high pickpocket points pickpocket off of people in the Thives Guild or some
in the Dead Parrot's Inn to get a nice stash o' cash!

-Don't practice Swimming!

{4} The FAQ

Q: How do I marry Katrina?
A: Download version 1.1 of Sierra's patch at then go look at the marriages

Q: Does the new patch fix the Katrina patch?
A: Yes, I have married Katrina myself.

Q: How can I import?
A: Copy all your sav files into the Imports folder. If it won't let you, again download
the latest patch.

Q: Where is the lethe water! And the Styx water!
A: You know the swirling pool in Hades? Put an empty amphorae a little to the left of that
pool. The Styx water is easy to get. It is the river to the far right of the swirling

Q: How do I combine items?
A: Click on an item in your inventory so it shows the close up picture. Then grab the item
you want to combine it with onto the picture. Walah! There ya have it!

Q: Where is this patch!?

Q: What's with the arrows?
A: There was a Bow and Magic Bow...but they took it out of the game. But lucky for Hex
Editor owners because they can now get them! To find out look at the Codes and Secrets
section. I have tested this myself and it works!

Q: How do I marry Budar?
A: You can't. Now go away.

Q: How do I get to the top of Pegasus' nest?
A: Look at the Walkthrough section and the Before the Rites part.

Q: What are the best weapons for each character type?
A: Check the Characters section.

Q: What is the meaning of life?
A: 42

Q: Can I marry all the girls?
A: Think about it bonehead! You can only revive Katrina or Erana. So that is only three left.
And if you revive Katrina she gets jealous easily. So you will have to propose to her
first...It is a waste of time and I am not going to test it! If you want to do it go

Q: After the patch how do I get more than one Hera's Ring?
A: Though I have not tested this...put all your Hera's Rings in the chest in your room until
you have three.

Q: When will multiplayer come out?
A: It is not coming out. The Quest for Glory team was fired on Black Monday. Don't
expect a sequel either.

Q: How do I get to Hydra Island?
A: Read the Walkthrough on the Rite of Valor!

Q: Where is the Monster List?
A: It is in the Characters section. Best Monster list there is!

Q: Quest for Glory V keeps on crashing after playing the starting movie!
A: "What happends is the your computer does not work well in the
quicktime format the game is designed in to cure your lock up do the
1.- go to windows explorer
2.- go to the sierra file name and find the qfg5 folder.
3.- go to Data 4.- go to Mov
5.- ok now see the files with the .mov at the end change the name of
1, 2, 3.
6.- and your done
if you want to see the intro double click on and I think thats
the intro (make sure you do it through windows explorer) and once
you've seen that start the game.
The game will automatically skip all the intro movies and you will go
directly to the main menu. Hope it helped!! it did for me
Lejes Theron"

Q: How do I use this stupid balloonie head face!?
A: To control the airship, or as you say "balloonie head face", get on the balloon by
standing on it and click the mouse once. You are in the air! Now just move by click on
an area on the map or use the direction keys. When you are hovering over the land you want
to land on just simply double click on the mouse, but make sure the mouse pointer is
on the airship or "balloonie head face".

Q: Where is the Pegasus Nest area?
A: Buy a map from Wolfie, the dog artist in the Town Square area of Silmaria.
Then head through the gates to the outside world. Go north of the big mountain
thing on Marete by feet! Do not take boat. Go north of the mountain thing and
step on the horse head.


{5} Codes and Secrets

Duplicate cheat
Drop a item and well its still in midair hit I or whatever opens your inventory.
The item you dropped will still be there drop it again you can keep doing this
and get lots of them. You can do this with any item that is money!

"When you import a character from Quest for Glory 1, 2 or 3, your stats will be higher
than a character imported from Quest for Glory 4. In QFG 1, all the stats are multiped
by 5 in Dragon Fire. If you have all at 100 in QFG 1, you will start with a hero with
all his stats at 500!"

Jump on the bed! It's fuuuuuunnnn!

Go to the Dead Parrot Inn! The door nearest to the balcony is very useful for thieves.
Pick the lock there. All your thief skills will go up except lock picking. Good way
to get pickpocket to 500, eh?

Lots o' Honor
Pick about 50 flowers and give them to Nawar. This is useful for Paladins
if you want all the abilities. You can max out your honor this way.

Getting Magic and Regular Bow
1. At the beginning of the game go RIGHT to Pholus and buy five arrows. Then SAVE
right away!
2. Go into your Hex Editor and find the sav file you saved when you got the arrows.
For example I opened a file called bow.sav
3. Go to the Hex Editor (the game can be on but doesn't need to be) and use the search
string option. If there is no search string option get a new Hex Editor. Search
for the string FC8A. Nothing else! Just FC8A and change it to FB8A. FC8B gets you
the Magic Bow which you should get. If you really want the Bow, just Bow, then to get
it change FC8A to FA8A. That's all! Then load the game you edited and you replaced
your arrows with a Bow or Magical Bow!

The stupid thing about the bows is that the arrows disppear and only appear for about a
mili-second and the Hero never moves his arm to pull the string on the bow!
Anyway I want to tell you there is no other way to get the bows than use the Hex Editor.

"Cast Magical Staff and then Lightning Bolt for a big surprise!"

{6} Spells and Items

A. Spells

Detect Magic
The Wizard starts out with this spell. It can see if there is any magic in the area.

The Wizard starts out with this spell. It can fetch items out of reach or move things
that our out of reach to somewhere else.

First Aid
This spell is given to The Wizard from Erana. It heals the Hero or an ally. The ammount
of healing performed depends on the Hero's skill with the spell. To get it go STRAIGHT
to Erana after exiting Hades!

Juggling Lights
The Wizard starts out with this spell. You will hardly need to use it but if you do this
spell will be useful in a dark area.

The Wizard starts out with this spell. It levitates the Hero to a place he cannot reach.
Keys to use: A,Z or Page up, Page down

The Wizard starts out with this spell. It opens closed or locked doors, chests, alcoves,
and other stuffesses. Sometimes you need to use Trigger before using Open, though.

The Rest in Peace spell can be bought at the Magic Shop. This will keep the Hero from
entering a battle during sleep out in the wilderness.

This can be found in the chest on Hydra Island. This will shrink your opponents.

Summon Staff
Get this spell by giving the Magic Wood to Shakra.This summons your magic staff if you
have one. Only Wizards can get this spell.

The Wizard starts out with this spell. This triggers spells, opens some doors, you need
to use this before using open soon, activates teleports, and much more.

This can be found on a Centaur Wizard's body. This powers up the next spell you use
after it.

The Wizard starts out with this spell.This will make undamaged foes to stop moving
for a short time.

The Wizard starts out with this spell. The Razzle Dazzle spell blinds your foes for
a short time.

The Fascination spell can be bought at the Magic Shop. The Fascination spell casts
a few colors to attract stupid monsters and explodes soon after and hurts them a
little bit.

The Wizard starts out with this spell. This will keep the Wizard hidden for as long as
he does not move.

The Wizard starts out with this spell, in fact this was the first spell ever in a Quest
for Glory! The Zap spell charges your weapon.

The Wizard starts out with this spell. This will keep undead meanies from taking any
stamina or health away while you are near them.

The Wizard starts out with this spell. The Protection spell halves the damage to you
from physical attacks.

The Resistance spell can be bought at the Magic Shop. The Resistance spell protects The
Hero from element attacks such as Fire, Cold, and Lightning. It also provides some
protection from Frost Bite, Lightning Ball, Flame Dart, and Dragon Fire. That's not all!
Resistance also lessens damage from Dragon Fire and natural heat sources.

The Wizard starts out with this spell. Any spells such as Flame Dart, Force Bolt, and
Lightning Ball will bounce off the victim and hit the attacker.

Boom can be bought at the Magic Shop. Boom drops a skull which explodes if anyone walks
withing 10 feet away from it.

Dragon Fire
Dragon Fire can be given to the Hero from Katrina. Dragon Fire summons a Dragon to breathe
fire at all enemies. To get it go STRAIGHT to Katrina after exiting Hades!

Flame Dart
The Wizard starts out with this spell. Flame Dart is a ball of flame.

Force Bolt
The Wizard starts out with this spell. Force Bolt is a magic bouncy ball.

Frost Bite
The Wizard starts out with this spell. Frost Bite affects a whole area and the caster
cannot cast any other spell until Frost Bite finishes. Frost Bite is a harmful gust
of freezing air. While casting I recommend defending yourself or to keep on casting it
in different places.

Lightning Ball
The Wizard starts out with this spell. I do not know where this spell came from but it
appears to be a ball of lightning. Do NOT use this spell underwater. Or you are part
of a Tritons complete daily breakfast.

Thermonuclear Blast
This spell is given to The Wizard from the Famous Adventurer. This spell is extremely
useless. I recommend never using this spell.

This spell is given to the Hero from Erasmus. Whirlwind makes an opponent spin around
and around for a short time.

B. Paladin Abilities

Paladin Sword
The Paladin starts out with this ability.The Paladin Sword is a flaming sword which is
a weapon you will lose if you are dishonorable. It is very powerful.

Honor Shield
The Paladin starts out with this ability. The Honor Shield protects the Paladin from
physical attacks.

Magic Ward
The Paladin starts out with this ability. The Magic Ward protects the Paladin from
offensive spells. Each time the Paladin gets hit his stamina decreases.

The Paladin starts out with this ability. Healing takes stamina away from the Paladin
and turns into health.

Destroy Undead
The Paladin gets Destroy Undead when he reaches 375 of his Honor. Destroy Undead harms
undad foes.

The Paladin gets Peace when he reaches 400 of his Honor. Peace is a really strong Calm
spell for only Paladins.

Sense Aura
The Paladin gets Sense Aura when he reaches 425 of his Honor. When the Paladin uses
Sense Aura he can feel what people nearby are feeling.

Holy Strength
The Paladin gets Holy Strength when he reaches 450 of his honor. Holy Strength increases
The Paladin's combat skill.

The Paladin gets Awe when he reaches 475 of his Honor. Awe usually causes most enemies
to flee.

C. Weapons

Unnequip your weapon and use the F key to punch. This can raise your Strength and
Offense easily without fighting anyone. Just practice in your room or the Adventurer's
Damage = 5

Unnequip your weapon and use the G key to kick. This can raise your Strength and
Offense easily without fighting anyone. Just practice in your room or the Adventurer's
Damage = 8

Pick up rocks when you see them and you can throw rocks at enemies when you are desperate.
But I recommend kicking.
Damage = 5

Thieves and Wizards start out with daggers and they can also be bought from the weapon seller.
Damage = 10

Magic Dagger
The Magic Dagger can be bought at the Magic Shop and can also be found in an alcove in
Minos' treasure room. Magic Daggers cannot be thrown.
Damage = 15

Slasher Dagger
The Slasher Dagger can be bought from the weapon seller. The Slasher Dagger can only
be equipped.
Damage = 20

Poisoned Dagger
The Poisoned Dagger can be found on the assassins' body and the villain's body. They will
both be kept secret. The Poisoned Dagger can only be used once and then it turns into
a regular dagger.
Damage = 510 (Only once)

Throwing Spear
Throwing Spears can be bought from the weapon seller.
Damage = 15

The Spear can be bought from the weapon seller or found on some enemies' bodies.
Damage = 20

Magic Spear
The Magic Spear can be bought from the weapon seller during and after the Rite of Freedom.
Damage = 30

Wurmbane Spear
The Wurmbane Spear can be bought from the weapon seller during and after the Rite of Freedom.
The Wurmbane Spear can onlky be equipped and is the strongest spear there is.
Damage = 35 (45 against Dragons)

The Fighter starts out with this and can also be bought from the weapon seller and found
on many enemies' bodies.
Damage = 25

Magic Sword
The Magic Sword can be bought at the weapon seller.
Damage = 35

Paladin's Sword
The Paladin starts out with this and can only be used by the Paladin. It increases the
Honor skill.
Damage = 40

Ice Diamond Sword
This can only be bought from the weapon seller during and after the Rite of Freedom.
It is affective against Dragons and enemies weak against Cold or Ice.
Damage = 35 (45 against Fire Creatures)

Dragon Slayer Sword
This can only be bought from the weapon seller. It is affective against Dragons.
Damage = 40 (50 against Dragons)

This can be found on the bodies of Tritons. It is a good underwater weapon.
Damage = 25

Magic Axe
The Magic Axe can be bought from the weapon seller and found in a chest in one of the
fishing villages.
Damage = 35

Minotaur Axe
Give this to Toro! Because you can't use it but he can!

These are useless unless Lori Ann Cole makes an upgrade that adds the Magic Bow to
the game. So just sell them now.

The Bow is only to be used if you hack your game with a Hex Editor. It is not as
good as a Magic Bow and that's all I can tell ya.

Magic Bow
The Magic Bow is here! But ONLY for Hex Editors. So go get a Hex Editor! They aren't
at all hard to find. Magic Bows are better than Bows. That's all I know.

Magic Staff
Shakra makes you the Magic Staff when you give him Magical Wood.

D. Armor

Leather Armor
The Thief starts out with this. It can be bought from the weapon seller.
Armor Class = 15

Magic Leather Armor
This can be found in a chest in one of the fishing villages or bought from the weapon seller
during and after the Rite of Freedom.
Armor Class = 20

Chain Mail
Fighters and Paladins start out with this. It can also be bought from the weapon seller.
Armor Class = 20

Magic Chain Armor
This can be bought from the weapon seller during and after the Rite of Freedom.
Armor Class = 25

This can be bought from the weapon seller.
Armor Class = 5

Magic Helm
This can be found inside the Hydra, given to you from the Famous Adventurer if you are a
Fighter or Paladin, or bought from the weapon seller during and after the Rite of Freedom.

The Fighter starts out with this and can also be found on Roman Invaders' bodies
or bought from the weapon seller.
Armor Class = 5

Magic Shield
The Paladin starts out with this and it can also be found in one of the alcoves in
Minos' treasure room.
Armor Class = 10

General's Shield
This can only be found on the body of the General in the Mercenary's Fortress.
Armor Class = 15

Amulet of Defense
This can be found in a chest in one of the fishing villages or found in one of the
alcones in Minos' treasure room. It increases Defense skill.

Amulet of Attack
This can be found in a chest in one of the fishing villages or found in one of the
alcones in Minos' treasure room. It increases Offense skill.

Atlas Armband
This can be found in a chest in one of the fishing villages or found in one of the
alcones in Minos' treasure room. It increases Strength skill.

Stealth Charm
This is given to the Hero from Famous Adventurer and can be found in one of the alcoves
in Minos' treasure room. It increases Stealth skill.

Good Luck Charm
This can be bought from Sarra and can also be found in an alcove in Minos' treasure
room. It increases Luck skill.

Magic Charm Bracelet
This can be bought at the Magic Shop and also found in an alcove in Minos' treasure
room. It increases Magic skill.

E. Items

Hint: For items you need to buy make sure you always bargain!

Mystic Magnets = IMPORTANT ITEM
Buy these at the Magic Shop and put one in the chest in your room at the Inn. You
MUST buy these. But make sure you bargain. Try to bargain around 80 drachmas.
After you out one in the chest you can use the other one to teleport to your room
whenever you want. Any type of character can use this.

Poison Cure Pills = IMPORTANT ITEM
Buy these at the Apothecary Shop. Use these on poisoned people. When you find the
Black Lotus flower give it to Salim to get the new and improved Poison Cure Pills.

Buy this from Wolfie, it is cheap so get it right away. This allows you to go to
places on the overworld.

Buy these from Wolfie, also not to cheap. Buy about ten of them. You need these to
hold important liquids. Don't waste them on regular water.
Here is a tip:
At least two amphorae for Hippocrene water
One amphora needs to be filled with Hydra Goo
One needs to be filled with dirty water (water mixed with blood)
One needs to be filled with river Styx water
One amphora should be filled with Lethe water

Drachmas are very imprtant items. They are the only money used in Silmaria and you need them
to buy stuff! Drachmas can be found on certain monsters bodies, in chests, alcoves, and
can be pickpocketed off of people.

Swimming Handbook = IMPORTANT ITEM
The swimming book teaches you the Swimming skill without wasting atrribute points
at the beginning of the game! To find it click on the pile of books next to
Famous Adventurer's desk.

People with Lockpicking ability start out with this item. Use this to pick locks or
at least practice.

Every character stars out with this. Use this to light a torch or a brazier.

Interesting Toolkit
The Fighter, Wizard, and Paladin will find one in the Bank after the robbery. Give it to
someone with tricky spells. Every character finds another Interesting Toolkit at the
end of the game and must give it to Elsa immediately.

Healing Pills
Buy these at the Apothecary Shop. These restore a bit of health.

Stamina Pills
Buy these at the Apothecary Shop after selling Salim the feathers. These restore a bit
of stamina.

Healing Potion
Buy this at the Apothecary Shop. This restores all health.

Vigor Potion
Buy this at the Apothecary Shop after selling Salim the feathers. This restores all stamina.

Fireproofing Ointment
Buy this at the Apothecary Shop after selling Salim the Hydra scales. This will keep you
from being harmed by heat or fire.

Hera's Ring
Buy Hera's Ring from Sarra. This will allow the Hero to propose to somebody. Bargain
for around 300-350 drachmas.

Buy this from Arestes at the Thieves' Guild. You need this to sneak behind someone
and knock them out without a fight. Can't rob the bank without it! Only Heroes with
Thief abilities can get this. I don't recommend Paladins buying this.

Buy this from Arestes at the Thieves' Guild. Use the tinderbox on this and you can
light up a dark area. You hardly need to use this, though.

Augment Scroll
Find this on any Centaur Wizard's body. It teaches you the Augment Spell. Only Heroes
with Magic User or Wizard abilities can use this.

Shrink Scroll
Find this in the chest in the Hydra. It teaches you the Shrink spell. Only Heroes
with Magic User or Wizard abilities can use this.

Get these from Andre just by talking to him often.

These are at the top of the mountain thing on the nest in the Pegasus area. Each
character has a different way to getting to the top. It's not too hard. After selling
Salim the feathers you can buy some off of him.

The beeswax is in the bee nest in one of the Dragon Pillar areas closest to Silmaria.

Pick the flowers outside of the Apothecary Shop. Every girl likes them.

Just pick them up if you see them. They are very useful.

Buy rope from Arestes in the Thieves' Guild but I recommend for non-thives to wait
until you open the chest inside the Hydra. But Thieves' need two ropes!

Jalapeno Pepper
Get these inside the Apothecary Shop. They are the red things nearest to the ground.

Magic Seeds
Talk to Julanar when you find out Erasmus has fallen into a deep sleep. You can get
as many seeds as you want, just keep saying goodbye to her.

There are two sheets. Thieves need two. One is in the dresser. For non-thives ,take the
one in the dresser. The other sheet is on your bed and thieves must steal it.

Hippocrene Water
Put an amphora on the river in the Pegasus Nest area. You need two amphorae filled
with this water. Don't drink them!

Drugged Chocolate
One day chocolate will appear on the chair in your room at the Inn. Don't eat them.
Deliver them to Salim right away!

Lethe water
Put an amphora on the spinning water in Hades. You only need one amphora of this

Styx Water
Put an amphora on the still water to the right of the spinning pool. You only need one
amphora of this also. But Paladins need to dip something in here...

Put an amphora on the green goo on the tree stump. You only need one amphora filled
with this gunk.

King's Ring
Talk to Rakeesh about the Ring of Truth then tell the guard about Rakeesh's words.
The Paladin must make the Ring of Truth with this.

Icarus Wings
Make these by putting something sticky and what birds have on the wooden frame
hanging on the wall inside Science Island.

Hydra Scales
Get these put touching the Hydra's head after the fight. Give these to Salim to buy
the Fireproofing ointment.

Hydra Teeth
Get these put touching the Hydra's head after the fight. People interested in marrying
Elsa must give these to her. I also recommend The Paladin to give these to her. If you
are not a Paladin and don't want to marry Elsa just keep the teeth to win the Rite of

Sarra's basket
Find this in a battle along the beach near Naxos. Give this to Sarra once you have it.

Waterbreathing Amulet
During the Rite of Peace talk to Erana or Katrina to get this item. This item will allow
the Hero to breathe underwater for as long as he wants to be down there.

Find these in the Dragon Pillar area along the beach north of Silmaria. They are useless.

Magical Wood
Only Wizards can get this after dancing with the Dryads. Give the wood to Shakra right
away to get your very own Magical Staff!

Show the Balloon Picture to Marrak and then buy the Brazier off of him. Use the tinderbox
on the Brazier and it can be used for your very own airship!

Find the Black Lotus in the pool in the Prophetess area. Give the Black Lotus to Salim
right away!

Magic Grapnel
Get the Magic Grapnel from Rakeesh after talking to Logos for the first time. Attach
a rope to the Grapnel and you can climb to a lot of places.

Ann's Deed
To get Ann's Deed give the Peace Statue to Ferrari, but if you have the Blackbird you
must give him that. Ferrari will be at Dead Parrot Inn as long as you have the Peace
Statue or Blackbird. Give Ann's Deed to Ann of course!

Get this in Minos' treasure room. It is in an alcove. Thieves need the Blackbird to
become Chief Thief and/or get Ann's Deed.

Strange Statue
The Strange Statue is on a shelf on the wall in Minos' treasure room.The Strange Statue
can turn you into a cockroach if you touch it. make sure you "cover" it up before getting it.
The Strange Statue is only worth money. That is all.

Lion Statue
The Lion Statue is on the table in Minos' treasure room. Sell it to Arestes.

Peace Statue
Get this from the Queen of Atlantis. You need this to win the Rite of Peace. You can also
give it to Ferrari for Ann's Deed but give it to him after you won the Rite of Peace.

Buy the oil from Arestes in the Thieves' Guild. Oil can be used on Ferrari's window to
help open it.

Balloon Painting
Buy this from Wolfie and show it around! You need it to make yoir very own airship!
Here is a tip:
Show it to Ann and Marrak

Heroes with the pickpocket ability can pickpocket people. Heroes with high pickpocket ability
can steal off of some important characters and get some nice cash.

Ring of Truth
The King's Ring is turned into a Ring of Truth. Find more info in this Guide on how to make
it. The Ring of Truth can detect lies and heal you. Only Paladin's can get it and use it.

Magic Staff
Shakra makes you the Magic Staff when you give him Magical Wood. The Magic Staff is a
weapon for the Wizard and halves the mana used on spells and doesn't waste mana on spells
but spells take away the staffs mana and not the heroes' mana. Confused? Should be.

Sigils of Ios, Keros, Paros, and Tinos
Find these in the chest in each fishing village. These are extra credit for the
Rite of Freedom.

Sigil of Naxos
Fin this in the chest in Naxos. You need this to win the Rite of Freedom.

Proof of Destiny
You get this from the Prophetess. You need it to win the Rite of Destiny.

Immitation Blackbird
Show Wolfie the Blackbird leave the area and return. He will return the original Blacbird
if you talk to him and you can now buy the Immitation Blacbird off of him.

{7} Characters

The Hero
A hero in four lands. Brings peace where ever he goes.
His hobbies include killing every sort of monster there is and becoming champion
fighter. Fighter's best weapon is the Dragon Slayer Sword. If you want a Warrior
get him the Magic Axe or Wurmbane Spear.
Started out as a magic user that had much to learn. But now beginner mages
come to him for help. He is now a top notch Wizard. Wizard's best weapon
is the Magic Staff.
If you are going to save others why not help yourself out also? That's
what the thief thinks. He wants to finally become Chief Thief by finding
the legendary Blackbird. Thief's best weapon is the Slasher Dagger because
you only get two poisoned daggers.
The Paladin puts others before himself. He is anti-thief. Becoming
the most honorable is the Paladin's dream. Paladin's best weapon
is the Paladin's Sword. That one's not too hard to get, eh?

Elsa Von Spielburg
The Hero met her back in Spielburg. He saved her from the brigands. She is now in
Silmaria and after the same crown The Hero is after. Elsa's best weapon is the Magical
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be A Hero?

Magnum Opus
A man that is very obsessed with himself. He is also after the throne. He is a big
man that knows much about martial arts. Don't worry you can beat him. Trust me.

Gort is a dead man revived by the local scientists. Sort of a Frankenstein thing.
He may be forced to try to be King by the scientists but soon he'll leave them and help
you. He may not look smart but he is full of heart.

A local Silmarian guard who wants to serve Silmaria a better way. He is also after
the role of King.

The new guild master for Silmaria's adventurer's guild. You met Toro back in Spielburg.
Remember you beat him up? Toro is also not the brightest but he is one of the nicest.
Toro's best weapon is the Minotaur Axe.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be A Hero?

The famous mage Erana has been dead for many years. With the help of a hero and his
choice she will once again feel the beauty of life. She rests in Hades waiting.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness

The evil Wizard you met back in Mordavia (and found out she was a vampire)
is waiting in Hades. She is not freed from her past non-life. In Hades she suffers
dreams of vampirism. The thing she wanted to get away from comes back to her. That
is why they call it hell. Will you free her spirit so she can be free from evil
and vamprism and still live once again?
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness

The harem girl you emt back in Raseir has moved herself to Silmaria. If you
like sleezy girls start hitting on her. She can be married. Nawar lets you
play the get rich quick Wheel of Fortune game.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire

The fat sleezy sister of Nawar. She should not be a harem girl. She should
not be a girl period. The only use of her is she sells you drinks which raise
stamina. And Nawar enjoys a good drink here and there.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire

The Wizard that summoned you to Silmaria. What is he doing here? Silmaria is
his winter resort! Erasmus is a show-off and people with skills of magic get
a gift from him.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be A Hero?
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness

Someone get Fenris a good humor bar! He lost his funny bone! Now Fenris just gets in
the way and annoys you. He did that before...but now he hardly has any of that
rude humor! And a very annoying voice!
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be A Hero?
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness

The paladin that taught The Paladin. One of the greatest, strongest, and most
honorable men...I mean lion thing. Rakeesh has something you left behind in
Fricana. Rakeesh also helps The Paladin get the mighty Ring of Truth.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War

Rakeesh's lost son is now found. I think Rakeesh's daughter was supposed to be in
this game...but oh well! Shakra runs the magic shop.

An armless man sitting in a bar you say? Well thieves know the truth. Arestes runs
the Thieves' Guild. Kind of odd how he has no arm and all. But he gets the job done.

Cloaked Man
Old Quest for Glory fans start thinking! Who could this be?
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire

The slimy man you met back in Raseir is back! Blue Parrot Inn has moved to Silmaria.
The new name is Dead Parrot Inn. I don't know why but I think it is because the
ghost in the inn.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire

The thief you met back in Blue Parrot in Raseir. He is the friend of Ferrarri
so of course he moved with him. Surprise! He is also the nephew of the Chief
Thief in Mordavia!
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire

Remember the hippee in Tarna? He found that tree in his dreams. Yep! He sailed
to Shapeir and found her! His love also transformed her back. Salim runs the apothecary
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War

Julanar is the tree from Shapeir. She heals you and sometimes gives you magic seeds.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire

Logos is searching for the new King. He is a nice guy with a familiar voice.
Where did I here that voice before? By the way Logos is a Centaur. Don't ask
me why. Cuz I don't know. I didn't make the game.

I'll tell ya what. YOU tell ME what YOU think of HIM.

He may be a computer game character but I get the feeling Andre is a little
...non straight if ya know what I mean. Wink wink nudge nudge. Here is a tip.
Andre is good for only two things. The second rite get a boat ride from him.
The other thing is anchovies. Put the anchovies on artichoke pizza. Oh yeah a third
thing! Andre has a dream. YOU can fulfill it. Here is a hint. Talk to him during
the Rite of Freedom.

Famous Adventurer
One of my favorite characters. He sits around all day writing books of his
past adventures and things that have to do with adventures. The Hero
graduated from his school. With a taste of the hippocrene water the FA
will be insprired and give The Hero a nice gift. But he never leaves
and still keeps writing books. Why I like him? He is funny.

This guy loves fruit! And all other kinds of food. You want food or munchies for
three headed demons? He's got what you need! He even sells braziers!

Marrak's wife who sells lovely jewelry. If you find jewelry you don't need you
can sell it to her. She also sells the Hera's Ring which allows you to propose
to the woman you want to marry.

This Katta just plays her instrument all day. Give her flowers, money, and compliment

This is the nasty manly-man woman hater that they call the weapon seller.

Dr. Pretorius
Dr. Pretorius is the only scientist on Science island and thinks Science should rule
the wolrd. He enjoys anchovies on artichoke pizza.

Dr. Mobius
Dr. Mobius is the only scientist on Science Island and thinks Science should rule
the world. He enjoys jalapeno peppers on pepperoni pizza.

Sam the Banker is the beggar you met way back in Spielburg and he said he would go
to Silmaria one day. He kept his promise. He is still begging for money.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be A Hero?

Queen of Atlantis
She used to be Famous Adventurer's lovers. There are three ways to get the Peace statue from
1. Cast Calm spell and don't hurt anyone. Then talk about Peace Treaty.
2. Cast Peace spell and don't hurt anyone. Then talk about being a Paladin.
3. Kill everyone, kill the Dragonfish, give Queen flowers and tell her about silvertongue.

Ann Agrama
This is the smutty Innkeeper. She will shoot out a lot of sexual innuendoes. She likes
sewing, magic seeds, and keeping her Inn!

He is the Indian dog artist that owns a stand near Sarra the Katta. He sells maps, portraits
of balloons, immitates statues, and amphorae.

You can translate what they say with the manual...but the Hero can't have a conversation with
them. Townspeople are only a little useful for Heroes with the pickpocket ability.
You can pickpocket off of them!

Abdum, Abduel, Abdul, and Abdim
These dudes are annoying. You can fight one of them and Thieves must avoid them when stealing
the Blackbird.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire

These dudes are dumb. The only useful one id outside of the Hall of Kings and will talk to you
and take your proof of completing a Rite.

This thing bothers you when you play the Wheel of Fortune game.
Past Quest for Glory Games:
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire


Roman Invaders
These guys are pathetic. Just dodge their arrows and I recommend getting up close
and personal and hitting them with your best shots. They are located on Marete and
at their fortress.
Tip: Search all the bodies of these guys. They'll make you rich if you sell all the
Swords and Shields you get from them.
Prizes: Sword, Shield, Arrows, Drachmas

Walking Salamanders
These are huge lizards. "They can be located on Marete if you walk around for a few days and
on an island past the Tritons." I also heard in the Forum that Walking Salamanders
are located underwater. You will have to go monster hunting for him yourself since my Game CD
will not work anymore.
Walking Salamander spotted wading into the sea in a Dragon Pillar
area! Happy Hunting!
Weaknesses: Frost Bite spell?
Tips: Watch out for his tail.

Half-bear, half-man. They can be found on Marete.
Prizes: Drachmas, Spearhead, Spear, Leather Armor

These are stronger bearmen that are located on the island just north of Zante and just south
of Lymnos.
Prizes: Drachmas, Spearhead, Spear

Half-boar, half-man. These freaks can be located in the nearest Dragon Pillar area to the east
of Silmaria.
Prizes: Drachmas, Spearhead, Stamina Pills

Half-cougar, half-man. Mrreeeow! It's a cat fight! They are located on the island of Psara.
Look for it on your map. They can also be found on Marete.
Prizes: Drachmas, Spearhead, Spear, Chainmail Armor

These idiots are most likely found in Minos' fortress and Marete.
Tip: The attraction spell works on these morons.
Prizes: Drachmas, Healing Pills, Stamina Pills

These are big ugly monsters. No weapon, they just punch. They can be found on the big island
nearest to Sifnos to the left. Sifnos is the island where the Mercenary Fortress is. The name
of the island is Piperi. Look for it on your map. They can also be found on Marete.
Tip: Watch those fists!
Prizes: Drachmas, Healing Potion, Vigor Potion

This is a monster created by a Quest for Glory fan named Chris Warren that won a "draw-a-rama"
contest. They can be found on pretty much every island except Sifnos.
Prizes: Drachmas, Magic Chain Armor, Healing Potion, Vigor Potion

Centaur Wizards
These are evil Wizards that are of the Centaur race. These creeps are at the Mercenary
Fortress and Mino's Mansion.
Prizes: Drachmas, Magic Dagger, Augment Scroll

Flying Monsters

These annoying bats appear almost everywhere at nighttime only and at the Dragon Pool
Tip: Equip a spear and just try to get at 'em!

These things can be found at the most north Dragon Pillar. Watch out for the fire breath!
Weaknesses: Frost Bite spell, Ice Diamond Sword, Dragon Slayer Sword.
Tip: Equip a spear and stab them 'til they drop!

Winged Homunculi
These are flying devil-monkeys. They are flying monkeys with devil horns. These are as
annoying as Dragonlings and Batties. They can be located in the Dragon Pool area sometimes.
Tip: Equip a spear and get in there!

Underwater Monsters

These can be found in the Queen's room in Atlantis and underwater.
Tip: Watch out when fighting, they breathe poison!

Razored Remora
These can be found in Atlantis and underwater.

Tritons can be found in Atlantis. Possibly all underwater, too?
Tip: Use a spear!

Undead Monsters

These are stupid skeletons which are found only in Hades.
Weakness: Destroy Undead ability.

These are dead heroes and other strong people that will drain your health and stamina
while you wlak near it. They are located only in Hades.
Weakness: Destroy Undead ability.
Tip: Wizards can cast Aura spell to stop the health and stamina drain.

Shades are ghosts. That's all. They can be found in Hades at nighttime.
Weakness: Destroy Undead ability.
Tip: Wizards can cast Aura spell to stop the health and stamina drain.

Big Baddies

Stronger Mercenaries
These tough dudes are located in the locked rooms of each fishing villages.
Tip: Bring a lot of Healing and Vigor Potions.
You fight them on the first Rite (Rite of Freedom)

Mercenary General
He can be found only at the mercenary fortress at Sifnos.
Tip: Makes ure you search his body and get his shield before you go.
You fight him on the second Rite (Rite of Conquest)

This is the ancient three-headed dragon that Hercules once fought. And they said
Hercules was half-god! Puhleez! A dude that graduated from an old fart's school and
a princess can kill this thing and Hydra never could! The Hydra is located on Hydra
Island. Look for Hydra island on your map.
Weaknesses: Frost Bite spell, Ice Diamond Sword, Dragon Slayer Sword, magical weapons.
Tips: Ask for Elsa's help if you are a Fighter or Paladin. You will need to either cut
the Hydra's heads off or burn the stumps. Fighters or Paladins will NEED to cut its
heads off.
You fight it on the third Rite (Rite of Valor)

He is the keeper of Hell.
Tip: If you dare to mess with him make sure you bring a lot of Healing and Vigor potions.
You have an option to fight him on the fifth Rite (Rite of Courage)

This is the deadly assassin that killed King Justinian, Kokeeno, Magnum Opus, all the
other people found dead near Dragon Pillars, and poisoned Rakeesh and Ugarte.
He is located near the bridge in the West gate area in Silmaria.
::punch:: "That's for King Justinian!" ::punch:: "That's for Kokeeno!" ::stab::
"That's for all those innocent people!" ::double-stab:: "That's for Rakeesh!"
::two highfives:: "That's for Magnum and Ugarte!"
Tips: Make sure you have new and improved poison cure pills, and a few Healing potions.
Watch out for the daggers and make sure you search his body to get the poisoned dagger!
You fight him on the last Rite (Rite of Justice)


{8} Bugs

1 - Being unable to marry Katrina. Version 1.1 of Sierra's patch fixed this.
2 - "Game will crash if you throw rocks at Pegaus or at its nest." Fixed in patch.
3 - "Casting leviation at certain area at the Fortress." Fixed in patch...I think.
4 - If you go to the Dragon Pool after day 15 the game will crash but Sierra
fixed that thank heavens!
5 - "You may accidentally fall and kill yourself if you run up or down stairs."
Personally I never heard of this or experienced it.
6 - There is another useful bug! Go to the Dragon pillar north of Silmaria. There you
will find infinite monsters. After you kill them all leave go back and walah!
More monsters!
7 - "Some repeat a bug after Minos died." Don't know what this guy is saying.
8 - When Elsa comes into your room at night sometimes. Sometimes she won't leave.
There are two tricks to getting rid of her. Talk to her about everything or
if you don't want to tell her you love her just sit in the chair and
eventually she will leave.
9 - The item duplication code. To find that go to the Codes and Secrets in this guide.
10 - Without the patch you better have Elsa help you fight the Hydra. Otherwise
the game will crash.
11 - If you don't have the new Sierra patch for Dragon Fire don't click on the
metal gate in the adventurer's guild. You will hear snoring until you finally
quit the game.
12 - "Attacking the guard in the town." ??? Huh? Whatever
13 - No death! Can't kill one of the dumb Budah brothers? You know when this
happens when you get someone down to their last hit and keep slashing at them
but you can't kill them. Very annoying.
14 - The bridge is closed! Ever have troubles crosing the bridge? can't?
The first time I experienced this was when I downloaded the patch. But don't
worry it only happened once or twice!
15 - When you cast Thermonuclear Blast during the Dragon of Doom fight the game crashes.
This happen to you? Happens to me whenever I use the spell. To avoid this...don't cast
Thermonuclear Blast!
16 - From
After watching a few fight's from day 2 to day 9 (including day 5 where I challenged
Kokeeno), the people who won, in this case Toro, Elsa, and Magnum, would just stand
still in the middle of the arena with only fidgeting body movement's, and a fight
would begin with those 3 STILL standing there.
Note: This hasn't happened to me but if it happened to me tell me about how to
fix this!

{9} Controls

Ah. The first Quest for Glory to really need a Controls section.
Here is everything! ...well. Not yet. But soon, hopefully.

If anyone has the sheets of all the controls, I'd appreciate your


{10} Walkthrough

Welcome to the walkthrough! I am going to skip most of the minor stuff and subquests
in this and get right to the important stuff!
By the way after each Rite give your sign of proof to the guard that talks to you
at teh gates of the Hall of Kings when you are ready for the next Rite.

A - Before Rites of Rulership
Before entering the Rites of Rulership make sure you buy all the important items.
Everyone should buy Mystic Magnets, the Map, and some Amphorae.
Thieves should also buy everything in the Thieves' Guild, Wizards should buy everything
at the Magic Shop (a good variety of Mana Potions is useful), and also it is a good
idea for all character types to get newer, better weapons.

Journeying to Pegasus Nest

Fighters and Paladins:
Fighters and Paladins should get a Magic Helm from Famous Adventurer for giving
him Hippocrene water so Fighters and Paladins should not bother buying the Helm.
Fighters and Paladins can get to the top of the nest by standing on the right side
of the seesaw looking thing and throwing a rock at the boulder at the ledge.

Wizards should get the useless Thermonuclear Blast spell for giving Famous Adventurer
some Hippocrene water.
Wizards get to teh top of the nest by using Levitate spell at the right spot.

Thieves should get a Stealth Charm from Famous Adventurer for giving him some Hippocrene
Thieves get to the top of the nest by walking up to the ledge you are able to walk to
and using the Magic Garpnel and rope to get to the other ledge.

Once you stocked up on items it is time to bodybuild! For thieves you must bodybuild
and practice thief skills. The two best workout places are the Adventurer's Guild and
your room at the Inn. In the Adventurer's Guild you can practice your attacks and use
the treadmill. The treadmill raises Strength and Vitality. Attacking raises Luck, Offense,
Strength, and Acrobatics. Thieves should pick the lock on the door closest to the balcony
at teh Dead Parrt Inn (not the main door by the way). Once you have maxed out or are happy
with yoir Skill points and have all the items you need (Potions, special character type
items, Amphorae, Mystic Magnets, Map) and enough money to keep your weapons
updated...go enter the Rites of Rulership!

B-Rite of Freedom
Sign of Proof = Sigil of Naxos

New Weapons!
Pholus is now selling newer, better weapons and armor. Go check it out!
Plus Andre says something new.

Fishing Villages
Here is a tip. Save all of teh fishing villages as fast as you can! And remember save
the one you were left with last. So remember! Your village gets saved last!

Fighters should just go in each village and hack everyone to bits until he finds the

Wizards should use magic and in desperate times should use the Calm spell.

There is no way they won't stop you so just try to ditch the Mercenaries or if your
Thief is strong enough hack 'em!

Paladins should Awe everyone away.

After getting all the Sigils or all villages are saved check the Dragon Pillar closest
to Silmaria. You will see a body. You can figure out how to tell the guards about the
body because I do not know.

C-Rite of Conquest
Sign of Proof = General's Shield

Do whatever you want before you go but don't take too long! As soon as you are ready
talk to Andre. Pay him 50 drachmas to rent the boat. If you have helped him, though
he will only make you pay 25 drachmas. He will tell you where the island is where the
Mercenary Fortress is. Go there.

hack your way to the General! Once you get inside the fortress kill the Centaur Wizard.
The General will appear, kill him, loot his body, and get the shield.

Wizards can use spells to get the job done. The calm spell works if you are desperate.

You CAN sneak in! Just make it so your Thief is sneaking and don't get caught. Sneak your
way into the fortress and throw them daggers at the Centaur Wizard but when you are out
get up close and hack the poor freak. Do the same thing with the General. When the
General is dead search his body and get the shield.

Paladins can Awe everyone away but must slash the Centaur Wizard and General to death.
When the poor ugly beast is dead search his corpse and take the shield.

D-Rite of Valor
Sign of Proof = Hydra Teeth

Do whatever you want before going to Science island but don't take long.

Time to visit the nerd. I mean Scientist. Before you go make sure you have a feather and
some honey. you can get honey in the Drahon Pillar area to the northeast of Silmaria (very
close). When you get to Science Island Pull the lever near the big fan thing and wait
until it is on. Then force the other lever (force is an option, pick it). The spear will
break off. No more lever. They used a spear, right? Go get a spear from Pholus and stick
it in. Then pull that and wait for the gondola. When it comes, push the lever. Get on
the Gondola. Now you need to move that lever from a distance. Wizards can use the Force
Bolt spell while the others can throw rocks.
When you are on the island click on the shiny green thing. Take the test to get inside
the building. When you are in you can talk to the Scientist and take the other test if
you wish. But when you are done go straight to the wooden wing frame on the wall.
Put honey on it, then the feather. When it looks like wings wait until morning and click
on it. You will now fly to Hydra Island! MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN AMPHORA BEFORE GOING!

Fight with Hydra
Before you start fighting make sure you put an amphora on the glowing gren stuff on the
tree stump. When you start fighting the Hydra Elsa will appear! You will have the option for
asking for help or not. Say yes. Then you will have the option of what role you
play in the fight. Here are some tips.

Fighters should choose fight while Elsa torches the stumps of their heads. Fighters
should have the Magic Sword or Dragon Slayer Sword for this fight. I highly recommend
the Dragon Slayer Sword.

Wizards should choose to torch the stumps. After Elsa decapitates a head use the Flame
Dart spell on the stump of the head.

Thieves should choose to torch the stumps, also. If you do not have a torch then you
should choose to hack it. Thieves should use a Maggic or Slasher Dagger if they have no
torch to burn the Hydra with.

Paladins should choose to hack it while Elsa burns it. I recommend the Paladin's sword
for this fight and the rest of the game. The Paladin's Sword is the strongest weapon for the

Once you killed the hydra and got the teeth and scales (do whatever you want with the
teeth here, it is up to you) go inside the Hydra. Take whatever you want but make sure
you check out the chest here.

Fighters and Paladins:
Make sure your health is maxed out and force the chest open.

Cast Trigger then open to open the chest.

Disarm the trap then pick the lock.

E-Rite of Destiny
Sign of Proof = Proof of Destiny

Do whatever you want befor eyou leave but again don't take too long because Elsa is
right on your tail on this Rite.

Back to Science Island
You will need to make your own airship now! You will need a few iingredients first.
Did you take the sheet in your dresser drawer? Did you show Ann the Balloon Picture?
If yes to both questions then give Ann the sheet. The next day she will give you a new
sheet that is perfect for a balloon. Next make sure you got Goo and Rope from hydra island.
If you did not you will fail the Rites of Destiny and Peace. Show the balloon picture to
Marrak and buy the brazier. Now you need something to put all the ingredients on. Go to
Science Island.
When you are in the building rid ethe elevator and go through the doorway that is nearest
to the elevator (of course on second floor). You should be standing on what looks like a
big drum. Click on the computer (shiny green thing) and for the first number put 100 and
second put 50. Choose closed. This will bring up the winged gondola.

Putting Winged Gondola Together:
1. The first step is to put the sewn sheet on the gondola.
2. Put Rope on Gondola.
3. Put Goo on Gondola.
4. Put Brazier in Gondola.
5. Use tinderbox on Brazier. Now you are up, up and away!

The Island you need to get to is just a little northwest to the northest Dragon Pillar.

Dryad Forest
Every character type gets points for this but only the Wizard gets the Magical Wood to
make a Magic Staff. To dance with the Dryads give Hippocrene water to all seven Dryads.
Then just run around for a while and don't leave until the dance is over. Afterwards
Wizrads should pick up their Magical Wood and leave.

Now is finally the soon end of the Rite of Destiny. Pick up the purple flower in the pool,
read the stone hat is near the pool and flip a drachma into the pool. The pool is useful
as you see? After you flip a coin in the pool the Prophetess will appear and tell you
your destiny. Take your proof of destiny and leave. DO NOT USE THE MYSTIC MAGNETS!
Take the balloon back to Marete. If you take your balloon to an island and use the Mystic
Magnets and more balloon. ALWAYS make sure your airship is ON Marete!

F-Rite of Courage
Sign of Proof = River Styx Water

Do whatever you want before you enter Hades but yes ,once again, don't take your time.
Before entering Hades make sure you have a good ammount of amphorae on ya.

Entering Hades
You will need two things to enter Hades. You will need to have read the stone near
the pool in teh Prophetess area (you can go back with your airship if you haven't done so),
and you need water with blood mixed in it. If you have read the stone in the Prophetess
area go straight to the Dragon Pillar area that is marked with a skull on the map (how
did Wolfie know where Hell's gates were located?). When you are there you should notice
the corpse lying near the water. Fill an amphora with the water here. Then go down to the
end of this little river and notice the hold underwater. Pour the dirty wtaer back in.
Hell is now open but there is a fee to get in. There are two ways to get into Hades:
1. The right way. Bribe Cerburus with a pepperoni pizza, gyro, and chocolates.
2. The wrong way. Fight him until you are in and out. This gets annoying.

Now that you are in...

Just go in and fight the already dead people until you are done your duties.
To get down the one ledge make sure your health is maxed, then jump. When you are down
heal yourself right away.

Make sure you have the Aura spell on at all times and just hurry up with your business.
To get down the ledge cast the Levitate spell. Believe me I did this myself.

Just ditch the poor dead fools. When you get to the ledge try the grapnel and hook. I do
not remember if I tried the grapnel and rope or just jumped. But before you jump try
killing the skeleton below you with daggers. If he doesn't die heal yourself to the max
and when you get down heal yourself right away, again.

Paladins get it easy. Just use Destroy Undead on anyone who bothers you. When you get to
the ledge heal yourself to teh max, jump, and hela yourself immediately again.

When you get to the two rivers get whatever you want just make sure you fill an amphora
with the river water to the right of the spinning pool. Now run around to the other side
of the two rivers until you reach a small palace liek building. You now have an important
descision to make. You must revive either Erana or Katrina. It is up to you but you
must choose one or you will not beat the game. And of COURSE sacrifice yourself. I just
said you must choose one! so don't ask me if you need to sacrifice your life. Don't
worry the nice Satan guy will bring you back.

When you revived either Katrina or Erana and got the river Styx water (and Lethe water if
you want to help Erasmus and Shakra) leave Hades and never return!

G-Rite of Peace
Sign of Proof = Peace Statue

Do whatever you want before going to Atlantis and don't worry about time you are the
only person who can get to Atlantis and back alive.

When you are ready go to Atlantis first you need to be able to breathe water. Go to
the island where Erana or Katrina is waiting for you. Both islands are east of Marete.
Get the waterbreathing amulet, equip it, and fly over to Atlantis which is a little
southwest to Marete. But first Fighters and Thieves must have a talk with the Famous
Adventurer and grab some flowers.

Now that you are underwater and in the Atlantis area you must go talk with the Queen.
I will guide you to her and how to make peace with her.

Bring a spear (not a throwing spear) I recommend the Wurmbane Spear to Atlantis.
Force the gate open and kill the Tritons that attack you. Enter through the tunnel.
Kill anything that attacks you and force the other gates open. Kill everyone until
you have defeated their Dragonfish. Then give flowers to the Queen and talk
to her. Tell her about Silvertoungue. You are done!

Cast open on the gates and cast calm on the Tritons that attack you. Enter the tunnel.
Cast calm whenever some tries to attack you. Cast open on the other gates. cast calm
in the Queen room area and talk to the Queen. talk about Peace Treaty. You are done!

I heard about secret passages but I didn't use any. I did the same thing I did with
The Fighter. So read "Fighters" for The Thief.

Bring a spear (not a throwing spear) I recommend a Wurmbane Spear. Force the gates open
and cast Peace on the Tritons that attack you. Enter the tunnel and cast Peace on anything
that attacks you. Force the other gates open. cast Peace when anyone attacks you. Talk to
the Queen and talk about "Being a Paladin". You are done!

Remember DO NOT use the Mystic Magnets! Fly the airship back to Marete.

H-Rite of Justice
Sign of Proof = Body of Assassin

Do whatever you want before you fight the assassin but don't take more than a few days.

When you are ready make sure you have given the Black Lotus to Salim and gave gotten the
new improved poison cure pills. Now if you have the new pills wait until midnight and walk
around the bridge in the west gate area. The assassin should appear and you will fight him.
You must kill him. Fighters and Paladins should just hack his brains out (Fighters with
Dragon Slayer Sword and Paladins with Paladin's Sword), Wizards should hit him in the
noggin a few times with the Magic Staff and cast a few offensive spells, and Thives should
get up close and slash him with the Slasher Dagger. After the fight you get a poisoned
dagger (use it on the Dragon of Doom) and win the first part of the Rite of Justice.

Now it is time to find out who is behind all of this.
Fighters should threaten the suspect.
Wizards should talk with him about it.
Thieves should trick him into confessing.
Paladins should use the Ring of Truth.

I-Raid of Suspects Fortress

Now it is time to go into the suspects fortress and stop him/her from destroying the
Prophecy Stone before the Dragon of Doom awakens.

Fighters should just kill off all the goons and bash the main gates. Then kill all the goons
and bash the main doors. Inside the mansion the Fighter should kill of the goons, lock the
first door on the right side of the screen, and kill the Centaur Wizards. Then open the door
to the treasure room. In the treasure room grab the toolkit as fast as possible. If your
timing is good this will prevent two Goons from botherng you. Give the toolkit to Elsa
and kill the Minotaur. The suspect will break the propecy stone and you will see a nice
movie of the Dragon of Doom awakening. Quickly loot the suspects body, then search the
Minotaur's body. After Elsa shows you the alcove with the potions inside SAVE! Then go try
to disarm the trap. This may take a few tries. After opening the alcove and getting the stuff
Erana or Katrina will appear and you will enter the fight with the Dragon of Doom.

Wizards should calm the Goons and levitate or cast open I am not sure. You choose. But save
if you decide to try levitate. Once inside you must cast calm and kill of the Centaur Wizards,
lock the first door on the right side of the screen and head to open the treasure room door.
In the treasure room grab the toolkit as fast as possible. If your
timing is good this will prevent two Goons from botherng you. Give the toolkit to Elsa
and kill the Minotaur. The suspect will break the propecy stone and you will see a nice
movie of the Dragon of Doom awakening. Quickly loot the suspects body, then search the
Minotaur's body. After Elsa shows you the alcove with the potions inside SAVE! Then go try
to disarm the trap. This may take a few tries. After opening the alcove and getting the stuff
Erana or Katrina will appear and you will enter the fight with the Dragon of Doom.

Thieves should sneak and blackjack all the Goons. Use the grapnel over th wall or pick
the lock on the gates I am not sure. Then you will come to the mansion entrance. You should be
spotted by now, I am thinking. I think you just pick the doors lock. I am sorry I do not
remember every little thing. Inside just hack and slash everyone. Lock the first door on
the right of the screen and head for the treasure room. In the treasure room grab the toolkit
as fast as possible. If your timing is good this will prevent two Goons from botherng you.
Give the toolkit to Elsa and kill the Minotaur. The suspect will break the propecy stone
and you will see a nice movie of the Dragon of Doom awakening. Quickly loot the suspects
body, then search the Minotaur's body. After Elsa shows you the alcove with the potions
inside SAVE! Then go try to disarm the trap. This may take a few tries. After opening
the alcove and getting the stuff Erana or Katrina will appear and you will enter the fight
with the Dragon of Doom.

Paladins should just cast Awe and bash the gates and main door down. Inside the mansion
cast Awe again, lock the first door on teh right of the screen, and open the door to
the treasure room. In the treasure room grab the toolkit as fast as possible. If your
timing is good this will prevent two Goons from botherng you. Give the toolkit to Elsa
and kill the Minotaur. The suspect will break the propecy stone and you will see a nice
movie of the Dragon of Doom awakening. Quickly loot the suspects body, then search the
Minotaur's body. After Elsa shows you the alcove with the potions inside SAVE! Then go try
to disarm the trap. This may take a few tries. After opening the alcove and getting the stuff
Erana or Katrina will appear and you will enter the fight with the Dragon of Doom.

J-Last Battle

Here it is! The darkest battle! Time to prove yourself!

If Fenrus didn't teleport Gort and Toro to the battle ask Erana or Katrina for recruits.
Remember to use the Fireproofing ointment. Give the Minotaur Axe to Toro and give Toro
and Gort lots of Healing Potions but leave a few for yourself. Ask Toro and Gort to help
fix the pillar or the Dragon will not die. Remembe rto hit the Dragon with both poisoned
daggers (or at least one).

Fighters should have the Dragon Slayer Sword, General's Shield, Magic Helm, Magic Chain
Armor, and Amulet of Defense equipped. Just hack at the Dragon!

Wizards should have the Magic Staff, Magic Leather Armor, and Amulet of Defense or Magic
Charm Bracelet equipped.

Thieves should have Slasher Dagger, Magic Leather Armor, and Amulet of Defense equipped.

Paladins should have Paladin's Sword, Magic Chain Armor, Magic helm, Magic Shield, and
Amulet of Defense or Amulet of Attack (I used the Ring of Truth myself).

Any problems with the Dragon flying away? Remember to always fix the pillar but if not
just that works tell Erana or Katrina you will sacrifice yourself. Gort will volunteer
and say "I belong dead" and the Dragon will have one hit left before it kills itself.
or you can even try actually sacrificing yourself if you want, but never, ever use
Thermonuclear Blast! After the fight you get to choose to be a King or a Hero.
Choose one. Both will give you game points. Thieves also get to see if he is to become
next Chief Thief.

Well, have fun with the game? I hope you did!


{11} Quests and Deeds

Note: For all the marriages quests see the marriage question.
The answer is there. Go there to find out how to marry each woman.
But only one for each man!


One of the fighter's quests is to become champion of the Collessium. (The fighting
arena). To do this enter the Rites of Rulership after Elsa is champion. Make sure you
have beaten every champion. Soon you will get an oppurtunity to be champion. This
way you will get big bucks and no one else will be champion again!

To kill or not to kill? To kill!
Go on a hunting spree! Kill every kind of monster you can! To see how many
monsters and where they can be located go to the end of the Characters section.

Get married to Elsa
Since the Fighter is paired up with Elsa I am going to mark down marrying Elsa
as one of the Fighter's quest.


Get every spell
Well go! Get every spell there is! Become a master Wizard! For information
on all spells and how to get them go to the Spells and Items section. The
Paladin abilities are there too.

The sacred Magical Staff
Find the sacred magical wood and make yourself a nifty sacred magical staff! Every
Wizard has one you know?

Save Katrina
When you venture to Hades pick Katrina so she can live. (That is if Sierra made a new
patch and you want to marry her or you really want the Dragon Fire spell).

Marry Katrina
Now that you saved her marry her. The Wizard is paired up with Katrina so I added
this to the Wizard's quest list. (Katrina married at this time for there is a bug. You
will need version 1.1 of the patch to be able to marry her. Believe me I tested this
myself, for I have married Katrina).


Steal from everyone in Silmaria.
Even your friends! Steal, rob, steal, steal, steal! Pick everyone's pocket break into
every house that the game allows you to, rob the bank TWICE, and steal from the
merchant's stands!
How to rob the bank:
Go at night. Blackjack every guard and hide their bodies (loot them first). When
every guard is gone go up to the bank and pick the lock. Go inside and pick that
lock. Save here. Now disarm the trap. You are now wealthy! Well maybe. It depends.

Give some money to some friends
Every night go to the Chief Thief contest thingie on the wall. here is the trick.
Raise. Don't call or fold. raise! Raise every night. You don't have to raise
a lot, just raise. And make sure you put in the most money. If you don't do
this it is possible to not win the Chief Thief contest.

Be the best thief there is!
Pick the lock on the door nearest to the balcony at the Dead Parrot Inn. This
will raise all thief abilities except lock picking. Keep doing this and get
everything to 500. And when you are able to pick the lock in the Bank for
the second time you are the best thief there ever was!
Locations of Robberies:
1. House just to teh right of Ferrari's house.
2. Bank (Twice)
3. Minos' Place
4. Ferrari's House
How to break in each robbery loaction:
1. To steal from the house to the right of Ferrari's house pick the lock but you'll need
a lit torch. Buy a torch from Arestes and us ethe tinderbox on it. Now just go rob
the joint! You can practice stealth if you want but it is not needed since no one is home.
2. To rob the bank twice you will need good thief skills. Practice lock picking on the door
closest to the balcony on the Dead parrot Inn (not the main doors). You will need a
blackjack. Us ethe blackjack on every guard and make sure to not get caught by another
guard. After you knock out a gaurd loot him and then hide his body. Do this until every
guard is gone. Then go break into the Bank with the toolkit.
3. On the Rite of Justice sleep at the Inn until Elsa eventually takes you to Minos'
place to get the Blackbird.
4. After you give Ferrari the Blackbird climb all the roofs until you end up on Ferrari's
roof. Put oil on the middle window and use the toolkit on it. You are now in!
Remember you will need to replace the Blackbird with a fake.

Find your wanted prize!
Yep! Go get that Blackbird! It will finally be yours!

How to get the Blackbird:
Show Elsa the thief's sign. Sleep at the Inn at the first night of the last rite.
Elsa will take you to Minos' fortress. Sneak in and get to the treasure room.
When you are there look at all the alcoves (examine or use the eye). When you
see an alcove with only a statue of a falcon that is the one! So save and disarm
trap. Now you have the blackbird!

How to rip off Minos:
After getting the blackbird do the same thing for all the alcoves and the
treasure boxes. But leave the alcove with the healing potions. You'll need
that later. Now that you took everything from all the alcoves and chest there
is more. Grab the lion statue off of the table. There is one last thing to do.
Did you steal the sheet from the bed? Now it will be useful. Use the grapling
hook on the shelf with the ugly statue. When you climb up save. Get the
statue. Now that you learned your lesson load your game and use the sheet on
the statue. Now you have everything. Jump off the shelf and get the grapling
hook and rope back. Now use your mystic magnet.

Become Chief Thief
With the Blackbird you will win the Chief Thief contest for sure! Why not become King
of Silmaria, too? That is if you tricked Ferrarri!

How to become Chief Thief:
Ok after getting the Blackbird from Minos go show Arestes! But make sure you put
in the most money for the Cheif Thief contest.

How to be Chief Thief AND King of Silmaria:
After getting the Blackbird from Minos go show Arestes. After showing Arestes go
give the Blackbird to Ferrarri. He will give you Ann's deed which you need to marry
Nawar. Now at night climb up the building right next to Ferrari's house. Now climb
up to more buildings and at the top jump! Then jump, jump, use sneak and jump.
Sneaking will prevent the fat guy frm hearing you. Now this is where the oil comes
handy. Put the oil on the middle window and click on the window and pick use
tool kit. Make sure you are sneaking. Now don't go near the fat man. Go to
the table and take the vase. Now click on the table and pick push. Now climb up
the table and grab the Blackbird. Now here is the tricky part. You need a fake
Blackbird. At day time before you do all this give the Blackbird to the dog
artist. Then enter a building and leave. Go talk to the dog and he will give you
the Blackbird back. Now buy the fake Blackbird from him. Back to the burglary.
Replace the real Blackbird with the fake and get down. Go back out the same
window you entered from. Remember take nothing but the vase and Blackbird.

Marry Nawar
Go flirt! The Thief is paired up with Nawar so I added this too to
the Thief's quest list.


Make the Ring of Truth
Find all the locations for the Ring of Truth. It's one of the Paladin's main quest!
Ingredients for Ring of Truth:
1. Ring of a King - Talk to Rakeesh about Ring of Truth. Tell Guard in front of Hall of
Kings about Rakeesh's words. You now have King's Ring.
2. Blood of a Dragon - Use the King's Ring in the Dragon Pool but you need a patch to get
in there after day 15.
3. Blood from yourself - Get hurt and then put the King's Ring on The Paladin.
4. Water of Binding - Use the King's Ring in the River Styx.

Get all the Paladin abilities.
Start raising that honor!
How to get all abilities:
Try giving Nawar flowers over and over again. Or you can beat qfg 2, 3, and 4 as
Paladin and get lots of honor. Riiight. Start picking those flowers.

Save Erana
It is finally time to meet Erana. When you risk your life in Hades pick Erana to live.

Marry Erana
The Paladin is obviously paired up with Erana. So I added this also to the
Paladin's quest list. I am getting sick of that line.

Sacrifice yourself once more.
When you fight the Dragon offer to sacrifice yourself.

Restore Arestes Arm
When Arestes is in jail talk to him about his arm. Tell Julanar about this then talk to
him once more.

E-Any Old Deeds

Sarra's Basket
To find the Katta's old basket get in a fight near Naxos along the beach. You will see
the basket just laying around.

Get Andre his Dream Job
Andre always wanted to be a Healer. Talk to him until he mentions this and then tell
Julanar. Then talk to Andre once more.

Solve the Robbery
Go in the bank and pick up the toolkit. Show Erasmus the toolkit. Think of the clue
he gives you. Still stuck? Go to the dead parrot inn after having a chit chat with Erasmus.
Follow the suspect. For wizards here is a hint. If you can't open something you can't see...
Trigger it! By the way thieves can't solve the bank robbery since thieves are supposed to rob
it themselves...TWICE! And only twice!

Have Inn Painted
Show Balloon Painting to Ann and tell her about Wolfie. Baboom! The deed is done.

Get Ann's Deed
To get the Deed give the Peace Statue. But if you are a thief you must give him the
Blackbird. Of course if you give him the Blackbird, steal it back!

Dance with the Dryads
To dance with Dryads give hippocrene water to all of the dryads then wait until the
dance is over. Don't leave until it is. Wizards will get Magic Wood for this.

Dance at the Inn
Here is what worked for me: I went to the Inn through the door outside on the 9th day
around 9:00 and was asked to dance at the Inn. You need to have had the Inn painted to do
this first, though.

Cure Erasmus, Shakra, Rakeesh, and Ugarte
To cure Rakeesh and Ugarte just give the Black Lotus to Salim.
To cure Erasmus and Shakra give water from the River Lethe and the poisoned chocolates to

Help Famous Adventurer
Give FA the water from the Hippocrene River. The river is in the Pegasus Nest area.

Make note of the Deaths (Mega Spoiler!)
As a Paladin I HIGHLY recommend you doing this. Make sure you let Logos know about the
deaths of Kokeeno and Magnum Opus.

Find the Secret of Gort
Get the Lab Assistant password and use the computer where Gort normally stands. When he is
not standing there (I think it is the Rite of Peace), use the computer to open the secret
lab. The Hero now finds out Gort is not entirely alive. He is like F.R.A.N.K.I.E from

Make the Scientists feel Special
Get anchovies from Andre by talking to him a lot. put the anchovies on the Artichoke
pizza. Give the Artichoke and Anchovie Pizza to Dr. Pretorius.
Take jalapeno peppers from the Apothecary Shop and put them on the Pepperoni Pizza
and give it to Dr. Mobius.

Give Ann Magic Seeds
When Erasmus is first announced to be in a deep sleep talk to Julanar and say goodbye.
Each time you say goodbye you get Magical Seeds. Give some to Ann Agrama.


{12} Marriage

Elsa Von Spielburg
Elsa is paired up with The Fighter but anyone can marry her.
She will like:
Talk to her a lot
Give her hydra teeth after you kill the Hydra
Tell her you love her
Hera's Ring
Ice Diamond Sword (she will be useful at the end of the game with this baby!)

Nawar is paired up with The Thief. I don't recommend Nawar to The Paladin.
She will like:
Talk to her a lot
Fight abdull (if you don't have the new patch from sierra throw a dagger at the guard
outside of Dead Parrot)
Give Ann the deed from Ferrari
Tell her you love her
Hera's Ring

Erana is paired up with The Paladin and cannot be married to The Thief.
She likes:
Honorable deeds (complete all the sub quests)
Magic seeds
Talk to her a lot
Tell her you love her
Hera's Ring

Katrina is paired up with The Wizard and Thieves and Paladins cannot marry her. But not yet.
Katrina is bugged you will need version 1.1 of the patch to marry her. I tested this
myself and it DOES work despite what anybody says.
She will like:
Talk to her a lot
Tell her you love her
Don't flirt with other women
Amulet of Defense
Hera's Ring

{13} Credits

Rana Loreus's FAQ/Walkthrough ( at
I took a few things from her guide. Most of the facts with the " and " over
them are from her guide.
He gave me the Item Duplication Code
I found out the tested version of getting the bows from him.
Told me of a bug in the arena.
Told me of the new secret added in version 1.3

I give a thousand thanks to these people.

Well I hope you liked my FAQ/Walkthrough on Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire! I have worked
hard to make it perfect and hope I succeeded. By the way anything without " and " over it
I have tested. So all this works. Remember to beat teh game with all possible characters
because this game is too fun to not!

Special Thanks: for taking so many of my reviews into their website
-Lori Ann Cole for making one of the best games I have ever played for some Quest for Glory saves and the item duplication code
-Rana Loreus for making a really good FAQ/Walkthrough so I could get some stuff I missed
in the game. I also got a few ideas on how to organize my FAQ from hers. Plus she gave me
permission to use her stuff! Nice person I'll say.
-Sierra for making the patch for this game
-Chris Warren for making the Weirdlings for telling me the tested version of getting the bows! for telling me of the bug that caused problems in the arena.

Please look for other Strategy Guides or FAQs/Walkthroughs at and look for
my reviews there too! Have a nice day!
~Andrew R Morozin

Other FAQ/Walkthroughs by Andrew R Morozin:
Mario Party (Nintendo 64) Already out!
Super Smash Bros. (Nintendo 64) Already out!
Pokemon Snap (Nintendo 64) Already out!
Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero? (PC)
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire (PC)
Quest for Glory III: Waging War (PC)
Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness (PC)
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire (PC) Already out!
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire (Macintosh) Already out!
Harvest Moon (Super Nintendo) Already out!
Harvest Moon GB (Gameboy) Already out!
Harvest Moon GBC (Gameboy Color)
Harvest Moon 64 (Nintendo 64)
Legend of the River King GB (Gameboy) Already out!
Legend of the River King GBC (Gameboy Color)
The Secret of Monkey Island (PC)
The Secret of Monkey Island (Macintosh)
The Secret of Monkey Island (Sega CD)
Monkey Island: LeChuck's Revenge (PC)
Monkey Island: LeChuck's Revenge (Macintosh)
Monkey Island: LeChuck's Revenge (Amiga)
The Curse of Monkey Island (PC)

In-depth FAQs by Andrew R Morozin:
Mother (EarthBound 0) - Soundtrack Song Lyrics [Already out!]

If the FAQs listed by me are not at yet, just wait!


That's all! Please do not take ANYTHING from my guide without my permission. For
permission , or if you want toemail me errors or some things I missed in the game you can
email me at .

This document copyrighted 1999, all rights reserved.

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