Oh, No! More Lemmings

Oh, No! More Lemmings

17.10.2013 01:48:36
Wild, Wicked, and Havoc Levels


This is a continuation to the solutions for the Tame and Crazy levels which
were written by Jason Strausman. That file is named NLEMM1.WLK. I want to
especially thank Nancy B. Linsley whom I consulted as we helped each other
solve several of the levels.

It is not uncommon to find other solutions than those listed below. Whatever
works, I always say. I had found that at least 3 of the solutions I had worked
out would never work again for me, so I had to find ones that were repeatable.

Because of the complexity of some of the later levels in this game, it is
almost impossible to eliminate important details in the interest of not giving
away too much, but without which there isn't a complete solution. I've tried
not to give away so much that you won't ever get into trouble as you execute
the solutions below. Don't expect to finish any of the levels after 1 or 2
attempts (unless you're exceptionally lucky). Each solution has been tested
several times to make sure the results are consistent. If you do find any
errors of commission or omission, I'd appreciate hearing from you. And
finally, if you get stuck and can't make a solution work, please send me a
note. I can supply more details if you need or want them.

Whenever a solution refers to building at the edge of something, that should
be taken to mean the extreme edge in all cases except when noted otherwise.
Many THIN platforms have lines which divide the platform into well defined
segments. When you have to assign a bomber skill on such platforms, consider
each line to be one second apart from the next.


Wild 1: "Pop Your Top." You can only afford to lose 7 lemmings on this level.
For this explanation, the entrances are numbered 1 thru 4 (left to right). You
will only need to use bombers from entrances 3 and 4. For this and other levels
like it, you need to find the correct time to assign the bombing skill. This is
a process of trial and error. In general, look for the narrowest points in
barriers that separate one part of the structure from another. The 1st lemmings
from entrances 3 and 4 should be made bombers such that they make openings
into a common cavity below them. Then assign a bomber from entrance 3 to make
an opening down to the next cavity and a lemming from entrance 4 to open a
hole to the lowest cavity just to the right of the exit. Now use one (or 2)
miners to mine thru to the left down to the exit from the lowest accessible
cavity. Use a builder out of entrance #2 to build over to entrance #3. Use a
basher to get from entrance #1 to entrance #2.

Wild 2: "Lemming Hotel." Make the 1st lemming dig down over the peak
underneath the landing platform and set blockers behind him. Have the scout
bash thru both tubes at the bottom of the peak, then build over the gap to his
right. Next, make him a builder up to the ice obstacle beyond the 3 identical
ice mounds. Then have him bash through the obstacle, and build to the next
platform on the right. Have him build up to the tall tube in the middle. Make
him a digger when he breaks thru the tube. After digging a ways, make him build
and bash thru the last tube. Don't let him drop off the other side before
building a few steps. (Use a bashing skill to stop him early.)

Wild 3: "Lemming Rhythms." Set blockers at the right and left edges of the
landing platform. Make the next lemming dig down on the left after turning to
the right. Set another blocker to keep other lemmings from going into the
shaft being dug. The digger will need to stop digging about half way to his
destination and bash right for a bit before continuing to dig. The destination
is the 2nd mortar line above the lowest platform. When he reaches the line,
make him a basher, then a builder when he bashes through. Make him build to
the lowest hanging pulley block, bash through it and build far enough to get
over the next platform underneath. Make him stop building so he'll drop to the
platform. Make him build off the next 2 platforms, then over the last gap to
the entrance. As he starts building over the last gap, release the middle
blocker by making a lemming a miner who will mine left into the previously dug

Wild 4: "Meeting Adjourned." As the 1st lemming drops to the tree top, let
him move right a short distance, then dig down. After breaking through to the
rock platform underneath, make the 1st lemming that reaches the 4th rock from
the left edge of the tree platform a basher. Set a blocker behind him. Make
the same basher bash through the next rock obstacle. Make him a builder when
he breaks through. Make him bash through the next obstacle then build again.
When he arrives over the next rock obstacle, make him a basher to stop building
and drop down. Make him build from the peak of the obstacle he dropped down on.
Make him build over the last gap to the exit. Release the blocker by bashing
under his feet.

Wild 5: "Lemming Head." Because there are blockers available, you will not
have to time any bombers on this level. All lemmings will drop safely to the
lowest brass tube. Set two blockers in succession to bomb through the 1st
junction of horizontal and vertical tubes on the lowest platform. Do the same
for the next junction. Set a blocker at the bottom of the drop off after the
last explosion. Have a lemming build to the right from a point that will make
only one long ladder all the way to the highest platform on the right.

Wild 6: "Just a Quicky." As soon as the 1st scout goes all the way to the
right and turns around, make him a builder. When he starts the 2nd ladder
section, have another lemming break through the previous ladder section
somewhere by digging. Have the lead scout bash thru the lattice work close to
floor level and build to the left far enough to so he'll drop on the brass
tube extending to the right from the exit platform. Have one of the remaining
lemmings bash through the vertical brass tube. Increase the release rate
to 99.

Wild 7: "You Take the High Road." Start with the upper entrance. When the
lead scout gets to the top of the split brick pyramid have him start building
to cover the split before the next lemming gets there. Now immediately pause
the game and go to the lower entrance. Restart the action and make the lead
lemming bash through the taller 2 columns. As soon as he starts bashing through
the 2nd column, go back up stairs and have a lemming bash through the first
3 of 5 small brick arches. When he starts to cut through the 3rd arch, pause
the game again, go back down to the lower level and make the lead lemming
start building a bridge from the pit between the 2 metal pedestals up to the
right pedestal. Go up to the upper level again and have a basher finish
bashing through the last 2 arches. Make a lemming build to the left from the
pit between the slanting bricks.

Wild 8: "It's a Tight Fit." Make the first lemming an athlete, then pause
the game. Increase the release rate to about 80. Restart the game and make each
of the remaining lemmings climbers as they drop to the ground. Then quickly
make each one a floater. After the lead lemming floats to the platform below
and walks right, find a spot for him to bridge which will only require the
laying of four steps. (At the minimum release rate of 1 (which this game
started at), only four ladder steps can ever be built before the next lemming
catches up.)

Wild 9: "Ice Station Lemming." Ignore the top entrance, there's nothing
to be done. On the lower level, make the lead lemming a builder to the left
from the bottom of the left side of the third little ice hill from the left.
Have another lemming break the ladder behind him somewhere. Make the leader
bash through the ice wall when he reaches it. Have him build left from the
other side and be sure to close the gap to the rock wall above. When the gap
is closed, make him build to the right to get to the upper entrance platform.
Lastly, have a lemming repair the broken ladder below.

Wild 10: "Higgledy Piggeldy." Don't worry about the lemmings you're going to
lose at the beginning of this level. You'll rescue more than needed. Make the
first lemming build right from the right end of the ramp. When the next
lemming gets across the gap, make him dig down on the right side of the green
area so that he leaves no edge on the right (his left side as he digs). When
he gets far enough down to build to the right so his ladder will not leave a
gap over the next platform, have him start building. Have a lemming build left
to the next platform. Bash all the way through the upper platform to the exit
using only 1 bashing skill. Increase the release rate to 99.

Wild 11: "Mutiny On the Bounty." Have the lead lemming build over the notch
in the left slanting bricks, then turn around and build to close the gap
between the brick ramp and red column. Make a lemming who's traveling to the
right into an athlete. Have him build one ladder section over the right side
of the chain hanging over the water. Have him bash through the brick extension
at the top of the brick ramp. When he reaches the platform at the bottom have
him build right to the column, then left. He should start building right at a
point that will ensure that the ladder going left will either reach or cross
over the small platform in mid air. If he gets only to the small platform,
have him build left again from the platform to the wall on his left. When he
turns back to the right, climbs the column and floats back down, make him mine
through the stairs he just built so the exit can be reached. Go back where the
rest of the lemmings are and have one build to the right under the right edge
of the over-hanging metal platform. Increase the release rate to 99.

Wild 12: "Snow Joke." Make the 1st lemming a builder and climber and have him
build off the right edge of the landing platform. Make the 3rd lemming a
climber. Set blockers on the left and right sides of the landing platform.
Have the 1st lemming to climb over the arrowed obstacle build right to the ice
obstacle up high (2 ladder sections only). Let the 2nd scout come back and bash
through the arrowed object. Increase the release rate to 99. Have the 1st
lemming bash through the obstacle he is approaching. Have him build one ladder
section off the right edge of the platform he is on. His next task will be to
build a series of ladders crisscrossing between the wall on the right and ice
hanging down from above with the 5 building skills remaining. Make sure all
gaps are closed and go for maximum height. When he first turns to build left,
pause the game and go back and release the right blocker on the landing
platform. When the lead lemming builds the last ladder to the right, make him
a basher to get to the exit.

Wild 13: "Onward and Upward." Make the 1st two lemmings climbers. Make the
3rd lemming a blocker when he reaches the middle of the 3rd red floor tile
from the right hand wall. (You may have to adjust his position slightly to the
left or right in a later try to get an even distribution of lemmings on the
landing platform.) When the 1st lemming gets to the thin red post above, make
him a blocker up next to the post. Make the next lemming a miner as soon as he
turns left off the blocker. Now make the blocker a bomber to break through the
post. When the 2nd lemming completes the ramp and turns back to the right, make
him build over the gap to the right. When he starts the 2nd ladder section,
pause the game, release the remaining blocker and increase the release rate to
99. Restart the game and have the lead lemming bash through the brick obstacle
up ahead. When he reaches the top of the following set of gray stairs, make him
a bomber. Make the next leader a bomber at a point where he will explode just
as he gets to the right end of the lower platform.

Wild 14: "Ice Spy." Make the 1st lemming a blocker the instant he hits the
landing platform. Make the 2nd lemming build across the last large flat area of
ice on the landing platform to avoid a lethal sensor. Make the next lemming
a blocker to the left of the ladder. After building over the sensor, make the
leader build over the gap below to get to the next platform, then have him bash
through the ice spike ahead. He will cross over an arched bridge, then must
build a set of crisscrossed ladders (close all gaps) to get high to the right
so he can bash through to the ice slope on the other side. (Reserve 1 builder
skill for later.) After he bashes through and walks down the slope to a level
area of the ice, then reaches the last flat area of ice to the right, make
him a builder once more to avoid another lethal sensor. When he's across, make
him bash through the last obstacle to get to the exit. Go back and release the
blocker on the right and increase the release rate to 99.

Wild 15: "The Silence of the Lemmings." There are 2 entrances. The first
lemming will drop from the left entrance. Make him a blocker as soon as he
touches down. Go to the right entrance and make the 1st lemming out of there a
blocker right next to the Lemming Crusher on the right, then make him a bomber.
Now go back to the left entrance and isolate a single lemming to the far right
by setting another blocker to the right of the entrance. Go back to the right
side once again. If the bomber was stopped at the right place, the resulting
crater will let the rest of the lemmings walk under and by the crusher. Have
the lead lemming build a single ladder across the right side of the chain.
Make the lead lemming and the following 2 lemmings bombers and space their
starting positions so they will make holes in the top 3 platforms to the right
of the ramp on the right side of the chain. When a lemming reaches the 4th
platform, make him a bomber at a point that he will explode at the far right
end. Immediately go back to the left entrance and have the isolated lemming on
the right dig down when he is moving to the right. When he gets under the
metal, make him a basher. When he starts across the bridge over the water
below, pause the game to increase the release rate to 99, then release the
remaining lemmings. When the leader gets across the bridge, make him a basher.

Wild 16: "Take care, Sweetie." When the only lemming lands, make him build
right so he hits his head on the underside of the gray box above. Have him
build over the 1st gap to the left of the entrance. Let him drop down the next
gap and walk right in the tunnel below. When he gets to the far right of the
tunnel, he will have to build 2 bridges, 1 to the right and one to the left.
When he finishes the one on the left, no gap can be left between the top step
and the wall. As he completes the last bridge he'll turn back to the right,
then the left. As he turns left, make him a climber.

Wild 17: "The Chain with no name." Make the 1st lemming a builder to close
the gap on the far left of the landing platform. Have a lemming bash through
the 3 columns on the right of the entrance. Have somebody build a 2 section
ladder ahead of the far right column. When the last lemming has dropped off
the right edge of the ladder before it is finished, make him a miner under the
ladder when he turns around and walks left. Make him mine to the right at the
right end of the platform underneath the landing platform. When he gets to the
lowest floor, let him walk right and turn back to the left. When he's 4 1/2
lines from the brick platform that supports the exit, make him build left until
he hits his head. When he gets back down to the base of the ladder, have him
build right. When he's half way finished with the last ladder section, go back
to the landing platform and make any lemming who's traveling right mine
through the left end of the ladder ahead of the opening in the platform
underneath the ladder. Increase the release rate to 99.

Wild 18: "Dr. Lemminggood." The first 6 lemmings must be made bombers. The
1st 2 must be made bombers the instant they land (4th line from the right).
The next 2 must be made bombers when they reach the 3rd line from the right.
The 5th and 6th lemmings when they touch the 2nd line from the right. Let the
7th lemming through. When he lands on the bottom platform, make him a builder.
Go back to the landing platform and have someone build across the hole at the
right end to seal it off. When the ladder is completed below (to the top right
platform), go back to the landing platform and make a lemming a bomber so he
will explode while on the ladder. When the ladder is blown, pause the game and
increase the release rate to 99. Restart the game. If any lemmings start to go
left underneath the landing platform, make each one a builder to turn them

Wild 19: "Lemming delica." Make the 1st lemming a builder at the right edge
of the upward slanting green projection on the right side of the landing area.
The first lemming to touch down on the 1st mossy green platform should build a
2 section ladder off it's right edge. When a lemming drops to the 2nd platform
to the right, have him build to bridge to the 3rd lower platform on his right.
Before the 2nd bridge builder completes his bridge to the 3rd upper platform,
make another lemming bash through the bridge behind him so no one else can
follow the builder and will drop to the 2nd mossy platform below. Set a blocker
at the left edge of the metal platform on the right. When the 2nd builder
completes his 2 section ladder, have him build to the 4th platform. While he's
doing this, have another lemming start building right next to the blocker

Let him complete only one section now. Make the lemming above build off the
right edge of the 4th platform (one section). When he drops down to the metal
platform below, make him build to the rocks on his right. When he gets there,
make him a basher. When he gets to the other side, make him start building over
to the platform on the right from where the last large rock drops off
sharply. Have him build off the right edge of the next platform. His ladder
should continue all the way to the green post on the right. When he turns
around, have him build left up to the exit. Now pause the game and increase
the release rate to 99. Go back to the unfinished ladder on the metal platform
and have someone complete it.

Wild 20: "Got anything. . . .Lemmingy?" When the 1st lemming gets to the top
of the stairs to the right of the entrance, make him a builder from the left
edge of the step. Make the 2nd lemming a builder as soon as he lands. Make the
3rd lemming a digger when he gets to the first platform to the right where a
chain hangs down. He should start digging when he's directly over the line in
the middle of the platform. (The lemmings that follow must be able to land on
the platform ahead of where he is digging. At the same time, they must also
be able to touch the pulley block below when they step off the platform.) When
the 1st lemming reaches the pit down below make him build left out of the pit
to reach the exit. When the digger is about 3/4 of the way down the chain, make
him a builder. Increase the release rate if necessary.


Wicked 1: "Lemming Tomato Ketchup Facility." There are 2 entrances. When the
1st lemming from the lower entrance gets to the last bit of brick platform
ahead of the lemming crusher, make him a miner. Now go to the upper level and
make the lead scout a climber. Make him and the next lemming bombers in
positions that will result in creating an opening in the bottom of the brick
obstacle on the right end of the landing platform. Set them to go off on each
side of the obstacle. The 1st lemming through should be made a digger in the
notch on the other side of the brick obstacle. When he gets to the 1st hole
completely underneath the platform, make him a basher in either direction.
Increase the release rate to 99.

Wicked 2: "Introducing SUPERLEMMING" (or "Speedy Gonzalez"). The clock for
this level has been speeded up many fold. If your system has a button on the
case that allows you to use a lower speed, push it. If it doesn't, and you
don't have any software to slow the game down, then you're in for an exciting
level. When "SUPER" turns back to the left after landing, make him mine down
to come out over the right-hand platform below. When he turns to the right
again, have him bash through the next 5 obstacles. When he gets to the set of
5 stacked platforms, let him dig through each one.

Next are 5 gaps to be bridged in order to reach the exit. At the 4th gap, you
should detect the clock starting to slow down somewhat. For the 5th and final
gap, make him dig at the right end (leaving no material on his right). Make
him a builder before he digs all the way through, then a basher after he gets
across the gap, but before he hits his head.

Wicked 3: "This Corrosion." Make the first 2 lemmings build across the gap on
the right end of the landing platform. Make a left moving lemming a climber.
Make him build from the left edge of the 2nd platform down over to the red ball
with a hook on it. When he turns back to the right, make him bash through the
white column between the top 2 platforms. Next, make him build to close the gap
on the right. When he comes back to the red ball, let him climb the chain and
come down on the other side to drop to the small platform below. Make him a
builder as soon as he lands. When he turns around, make him build right to the
3rd platform down. Have him bash through the white column between the 2nd and
3rd platforms. When he gets to the candy-striped post on the left side of the
exit, make him a builder. When he drops down, make him build to the right to
close the gap. Now dig through the two bridges above so that the openings are
offset from one another and the lemmings will not fall all the way to the
bottom without touching the 2nd level. Increase the release rate to 99.

Wicked 4: "Oh No! It's the 4TH DIMENSION." Ignore the two upper entrances for
now. Starting on the lower left, make the 1st lemming a builder as soon as he
touches down. Make the 1st lemming from the lower right entrance a builder from
a point where he will reach the wall on the right using only 1 ladder.

Meanwhile, keep the lemming going on the lower left. The 1st lemming to step
up on the metal platform on the lower left should be made a builder as soon as
he steps on it. Meanwhile, when the lemming on the lower right finishes
building and comes back down the ladder, make him build left when he's half
way back down. Keep him building until he's over the gray stairs above.

When the lemming from the lower left gets to the lower left side of the exit
platform and turns around, make him build left. He'll hit his head and turn
to the right; when he gets back up the ladder, make him add another step.
Continue the process of adding steps until he steps on the gray stairs and
heads right to the exit. When the next lemming steps on the gray stairs behind
him, make him build left immediately to the red platform above. When he turns
back to the right and steps on the exit platform, make him build right
immediately so he won't go out the exit. Make the next lemming who gets to the
right side of the exit platform, build right to close the gap under the gray
stairs leading up to the upper right entrance. Have a lemming bash through the
brick obstacle at the top of the stairs. Go to the upper left landing area and
select a lemming who is moving to the left. Make him a bomber so he'll explode
next to the column on the right end of the platform.

Wicked 5: "Chill Out." When the 1st lemming lands, make him dig until the next
lemming appears out of the entrance above. Pause the game. Increase the release
rate to about 80. Make the digger a basher as soon as the game restarts. Pause
the game again after 1 or 2 bashes, but before the 2nd lemming gets too near
the left edge of the platform. As soon as the game restarts, make the basher
a digger once again. Pause the game again and get ready to make the 2nd lemming
a builder as soon as he reaches the left edge of the platform. Pause the game
and make the digger a basher for the 2nd time before he digs too deep for the
lemmings that follow to get up the step that he dug. Now increase the release
rate to 99. All 18 remaining lemmings should turn around in the tunnel before
the basher breaks out at the right end. When the basher walks down to the
bottom floor and turns left, make him a climber.

Wicked 6: "Pop Til You Drop!" This level consists mainly of working out the
timings for where bombers will explode. The 4 mining skills can be used to
reach the exit from the right entrance (#4) without having to use a bomber.
Including the entrance platforms there are 5 levels of openings above the exit.
For this explanation the levels are numbered 1 to 5 (bottom to top) and the
openings on each level are numbered from left to right. For example, the 1st
lemming out of the right entrance will mine left to level #4, opening #7 (4-7).
When he gets to 4-7, he should mine again from the far left to opening 3-4
which is directly above the exit. Next he should mine to 2-3, then to the
right to the exit.

Now, work out the bomber timings so all explosions occur while the lemmings
are moving to the right. For example, a lemming from entrance #3 (2nd from the
right) can be made a bomber just as he turns back to the right from the left
end of the landing platform. Similarly, the lemmings from entrance #2, can
make an opening using a nearly identical timing as for entrance #3. The
objective is to get everyone down to opening 2-3 and out to the exit.

Wicked 7: "Last Lemming to Lemming Central." Here again, you have to work out
the bomber timings so no 2 holes in the platforms are directly over each other.
Use the 2 blockers at the right end of the top platform and one line in from
the right edge of the next platform down. Make the 1st lemming out of the left
entrance a bomber when he gets to the 5th line from the left end of the landing
platform. The 2nd lemming out of the right entrance should be made a bomber
after he turns to the left and crosses the 1st line from the right edge of the
platform. The next lemming from the right entrance should be made a bomber when
he gets to the 2nd line from the right end of the top platform as he is moving
left. You can work out the timing for the final bomber as well as which
lemmings to use as blockers.

Wicked 8: "A Towering Problem." Make lemming #1 an athlete, then make him a
bomber at a point on the first pole that will result in an opening in the pole
near floor level without creating a hole in the platform. Same scenario
for another lemming for the 2nd pole after the opening is created in pole #1.
Make another lemming climb the 3rd pole. When he gets to the line on the
platform between poles 3 and 4, make him a builder, then a bomber right away
as he builds. He should explode right beside the pole and blow a hole
in it and destroy most of the ladder. Make another lemming climb the 3rd pole,
then make him a builder to get across the gap to the exit landing. Make one
last lemming climb the 3rd pole. Make him a bomber somewhere on the way up so
he will blow away the bottom of the pole without creating a hole in the

Wicked 9: "How on Earth?" Make the 1st lemming a builder from the right edge
of the platform and also a floater. Set 2 blockers at the extreme edges of the
landing platform. Make a lemming a builder when he's right next to the left
blocker (1 ladder section only). Have the 1st lemming build from the right
edges of both lower platforms. When he turns around to the left, make him a
builder again when he's slightly higher than half way down the ladder. When he
gets back to the green platform, make him build to the exit platform. Now make
a lemming complete the ladder on the landing platform and increase the release
rate to 99.

Wicked 10: "Temple of Love." Make the 1st lemming a floater. Make the 2nd
lemming a blocker just to the right edge of the small platform below the right
end of the landing platform. When the 1st lemming lands below, make him a
builder to close off the exit at the right end of the platform. When he turns
around and gets to the bottom of the gray stairs, make him build left up to the
little gray platform over the other set of gray stairs. Make him build from the
left edge of the brick platform on the left (gray floor). Make him
build one more ladder section after he gets beyond the edge of the metal
platform above. Make him a blocker at the end. Go back to the landing platform
and make any lemming a climber. When he climbs out left over the brick
obstacle, make him a digger on the left side of the notch below. When he gets
to the blocker and turns to the right, have him build up to the exit platform.
Go back to the landing platform and release the blocker.

Wicked 11: "Rocky Road." Have the first lemming build one ladder section from
the right end of the landing platform that will not quite reach the next
platform above and to the right. Make the leading lemming a miner when he gets
to the little knob at the left end of the flat rock ahead of the lizard on the
tree limb. Set 2 blockers behind him with one lemming trapped between them.
Increase the release rate to 99. Have the leader bash through the tree trunk,
then build right, then left when he gets to the top of the ramp beyond the
tree. When he gets on the platform after building left, make him a blocker at
the top. Now go back and release the single lemming between 2 blockers. When he
gets to the next blocker ahead and turns around, make him a builder over to
the platform on the right. Make him build to the next platform. Next, make him
a miner before the end of the green area on the next platform. When he's about
a third of the way down, go back and release the blocker holding back the rest
of the lemmings. Just ahead of the lead lemming is a ramp. At the bottom of the
ramp is a thin, green stem sticking up. Have the lemming start mining just
ahead of this lethal trap. Then have him build across the last gap before the

Wicked 12: "Suicidal Tendencies." This is simpler than it looks. At each
opportunity, the lead lemming should build right from the extreme right edge of
each platform including the top step of the stairs at the beginning. Position a
blocker dead center over the last full segment on the right end of the landing
platform. Set another blocker on the left end of the platform. When the lead
lemming gets to the brick ramp on the right, make him a miner at a point where
he and those who follow will land safely on the platform below the brick ramp.
Make him a builder on the right end of this platform. Now release the blocker
on the right.

Wicked 13: "Almost Nearly Virtual Reality." Make the 1st lemming a blocker as
soon as he touches down. Make the next lemming a builder at the right edge of
the landing platform. When he gets to the chain, have him bash through it and
when he falls to the pulley block below, make him a builder. The next lemming
should build to the right off the edge of the platform below the previous
builder. When the previous builder is done, make him a blocker. When the next
builder gets to the next chain, make him a basher, then a builder when he falls
to the pulley block below. Repeat this for the last chain and pulley block to
the right. Make the leader a builder to get up to the metal platform on his
right. When he gets up on the platform and turns around, make him build
left. When he is over the platform on his left, cease building. When he turns
back to the right, make him a builder to the exit. When he starts to build the
last section of the ladder, go back and release the blocker holding back the
remaining lemmings. Increase the release rate to max by pausing the game before
blowing up the blocker.

Wicked 14: "The Lemming Learning Curve." Make the 1st lemming a miner when he
is above the left edge of the little platform below. When he gets to the bottom
platform, make him a blocker as soon as he touches down. Make the next two
lemmings climbers. When the leader is centered over the last whole brick on
the right of the platform above, make him a miner to cut off the pointed
platform edge. Make the following lemming a builder when he reaches the same
spot (he should build no more than 5 steps before he turns left). Make him a
miner when he gets to the bottom of the steps. When the 1st lemming gets to the
steps that were built, have him bash through them at the base. Now increase the
release rate to 99.

Wicked 15: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, EGG AND LEMMING." When the 1st lemming appears
out of the entrance, make him a floater. After he lands and walks to a notch
in the landing platform's flat surface, make him a miner. When he strikes
metal and turns around, make him a builder at the top of the ramp. Set a
blocker at the bottom of the ramp using the first lemming that survives the
fall to the ladder being built. When the ladder is complete and the lemming
drops left off the landing platform, start him building so he has to begin a
second section of ladder before he gets to the ice obstacle on the left. Set a
blocker at the left end of the landing platform. When the lead lemming
turns back to the right, make him a builder again at the base of the ladder.
When he goes back and steps up on the ice shelf, make him a miner immediately.
When he drops down at the end of the mining operation, make him a builder a
couple of steps down from the drop off. Make him continue building until he
gets to the exit platform. Now increase the release rate to 99 and release the
blocker on the left.

Wicked 16: "5 Alive." Make the 1st lemming a bomber the instant he starts to
fall from the entrance. Make lemmings 2 and 5 floaters. Make #3 a miner as
soon as he reaches the bottom of the bomb crater. Make the 2nd lemming to
reappear on the left side of the bomb pit, a climber. Make the one ahead of him
a builder at the left end of the platform.

Wicked 17: "Down the Tube." All lemmings will land on the ball underneath the
entrance. Make # 1 lemming a builder when he comes back down the ramp and is at
the narrowest point between the ramp and ball. Make a lemming moving down the
ramp a climber. When he drops off the left side of the ball, make him a blocker
as soon as he touches down, then a bomber. Select another lemming moving down
the ramp on the right and make him a climber. He should go over the ball and
land on the left platform below. Make him build off the left edge
of the platform. As soon as he starts building the second section of ladder,
have a lemming above build left over the ball. Increase the release rate to 99.

Wicked 18: "LoTs moRe wHeRe TheY coMe FRom." (The intermittent capital letters
in the title refer, of course, to the spiky walking course that the lemmings
must endure.) Make lemming #1 a builder at the right end of the landing
platform. Have lemmings 2 and 3 build left and right respectively to seal off
the outlet below the metal platform and to prevent other lemmings from getting
underneath the iceberg.

Continue the bridge overhead to the side of the iceberg. As soon as the bridge
is complete, make the next two lemmings who are coming up the ladder, climbers.
Make the one who follows them a bomber so the hole in the ladder will allow all
who follow to drop down for safekeeping. When the lead climber gets to the gap
just in front of the tallest peak on the iceberg, make him a miner. When the
next one gets there and turns around, make him a miner. Now, stay with the
first miner/climber as he mines all the way to the right lower corner of the
iceberg. You'll probably have to use several building skills to get him turned
to the right so he can't get back under the iceberg.

Have him build over the remaining gaps to the exit. At some point, the 2nd
climber/miner will arrive to help. If you want, make him help build so he won't
fall into the icy water. Now go back and build up the bridge leading to the
ramp-tunnel built by the 2nd miner so the remaining lemmings can head for the
exit. If any lemmings are unable to reach the ladder because an ice spike is in
their way, build over it/them. Now increase the release rate to 99.

Wicked 19: "Up, Down or Round and Round." Let the lemmings walk down
to the bottom floor. Make lemming #1 bash through the first column and lemming
#2 bash through the second one (saves some time later). 3 ladders must be
built to get to the platform below the exit platform. You will need two builder
skills for getting to the exit and to build over a hazard on the platform
below the exit. That leaves 4 builder skills to build 3 ladders below. 2 out of
the 3 gaps must be built across with 1 builder each. Ladders one and three
(counting from bottom to top) must be started at the extreme right edges of
their respective platforms - the rear edge of the 1st brick must look as if it
has nothing to cling to. You then have 2 building skills left to get across the
gap for ladder number two. As soon as a lemming starts to build the middle
ladder, pause and increase the release rate to 99. When the first lemming gets
to the platform below the exit, make him a builder just as he steps on the
platform. When the first lemming gets to the top of the stairs leading to the
exit, make him a builder to close the small gap at the top.

Wild 20: "The Lemming Funhouse." Make the 1st lemming build to the right from
a point where the ladder will not quite close the gap over to wall. At the same
time, the 2nd lemming must drop safely to the platform below which has 2 sloped
sides. Make the 2nd lemming a blocker beside the lemming crusher on the right
end of the lowest platform. Make lemming number 3 build left from the lowest
point of the left slope below to close the gap over the water. Make the next
lemming a digger just as he starts down the right slope. Make the 1st lemming
to reach the gap over the water on the lowest platform build across it. Make
the next lemming to safely cross the gap build across the final gap to the
left. The building operations for both gaps must start very close to the edge.
Now increase the release rate to 99.


NOTE: Due to the complexity of some of the solutions that follow, a few have
been written so that there's a solution outline at the beginning for those
who want to figure out the details for themselves, followed by the same
solution with a greater level of detail (but not all).

Havoc 1: "Tubular Lemmings." Make #1 lemming a blocker as soon as he touches
down. Make #3 lemming a blocker underneath the icicle hanging over the right
side of the landing platform. Make #2 lemming build to close the gap at the
left edge of the platform underneath. As he builds, make a lemming build left
off the right blocker above (one ladder section only). Pause the game and
increase the release rate to 99. Make the lemming below start bashing through
the 1st two tubes on his right. Make him build to tubes 3 and 4 and start him
bashing when he gets there. When he's half way through, make him a digger.
Make him a basher again when he's even with the line on his left that
separates the top and middle rows of metal platform blocks. Make him build
clear across to the 6th tube. Then make him alternately bash, build, and bash
to get to the metal platform on the right. When he gets to the 3rd metal
platform block from the left and to the 2nd bolt on this platform, make him a
builder again. Let him build only 5 steps, then make him stop by making him a
basher. Make him build over the gap to the right. Go back to the landing
platform and continue the ladder to the left to let the remaining lemmings
escape. After all the lemmings have passed the builder, make him a basher so
he'll stop building.

Havoc 2: "Be more than just a number." Make lemming #1 build left from the 2nd
bolt from the right edge of the landing platform (one section only). Make
another lemming an athlete. When he lands below the landing platform, make him
a builder at the left edge of his landing point. When he comes back to the left
again, make him build across the gap where he landed. When he gets to the other
side, make him a blocker at the left edge of the metal block. Make another
lemming a climber. Make him a digger the instant he drops into the notch to the
right of the blocker. Make him a digger again on the right side of the notch
below. After he falls to the lowest platform, make him a builder just as he is
clear of the tall metal pedestal supporting all the platforms. Make him build
left when he gets to the single metal block up high on the right. When he
starts building, go back and complete the ladder on the landing platform.
Increase the release rate to 99.

Havoc 3: "It's the price you have to pay." This level employs a "trick" of
sorts at the beginning. The trick is to use only 2 bashing skills to get
through the 3 posts to the right of the entrance. Depending on the speed of
your system, the approach will be different. If one approach doesn't work for
you, try the other.

Method 1 (faster machines): Make the 1st lemming a basher a short distance
ahead of the 1st post (he must bash some material on this first swing). When he
gets to the 2nd post (unless he is still bashing), start him bashing again just
as he gets to the post. He should bash non-stop through the 3rd post.

Method 2 (slower machines): Make the 1st lemming bash just as he gets to the
1st post. He should bash non-stop through the 2nd post. Start him bashing again
at the 3rd post.

Pause the game now and increase the release rate to 99. Restart. One lemming
will turn to the left. Make him build over the gap at the left edge of the
platform. When he gets to the left where the brass tube turns downward, make
him dig down on the left side of this tube. When he's almost to the bottom,
make him a miner. Make him a basher when he's above the level of the exit
platform on the left side of the rock (?) obstacle.

Havoc 4: "The race against cliches." Solution Outline

This level consists of a single entrance, but with upper and lower platforms.
The upper platform will be used by 2 lemmings and will have to be bashed
through in the middle where it hangs from the roof. The other 18 will use the
lower platform. All 20 will be made climbers, but only 18 will be made
floaters. To beat this one will require the liberal use of the pause key
(don't try to use the mouse to pause the game). The first and last lemmings
will have to take the upper route so they will be climbers only. Start by
getting the maximum distance between the 2nd lemming and the rest of the pack.
After the second lemming leaves the entrance, increase the release rate to
about 70 which will provide a comfortable distance between lemmings for
assigning skills to each individual lemming as well as ensuring they all get
to the exit before time runs out.

Havoc 4: Detailed Solution

Start by making the 1st lemming a climber. The moment the 2nd lemming
appears at the entrance trap door, pause the game and increase the release rate
to about 70. Restart. When the 2nd lemming turns and walks left, make him an
athlete. Now wait for the first lemming to reach the top of the platform on the
right. Make him a builder at the middle of the large flat spot on the platform.
The instant you do so, pause the game again. Move the cross-hair to the
platform to the left of the entrance. You should be able to make the next 6
lemmings climbers before pausing the game again.

Look up high. The first lemming should be nearing the left edge of the
platform. When he gets to the extreme left edge, make him a builder. Once
again, pause the game immediately. Go back and continue making all the
lemmings climbers except for the last one. Work your cross-hair to the right
as soon as the last lemming lands from the entrance. Now quickly, starting
with the 2nd lemming in the line-up going over the tubes, make each one a
floater (completing the transition to athlete). (If you hear a "splat," you
missed one and will have to start the level over again.)

Check the floater count and make sure it is zero. Go back to the top and make
the lemming up there bash through the area holding the platform to the roof.
At this time the last lemming back at the landing area should be walking
towards the wall on his right. Make him a climber. When he gets to the top,
make him add a step to the ladder on the right then ignore him.

There's one tube on the lower platform that must be bashed through by the
leader because it cannot be climbed over. The instant he starts bashing pause
the game and check on the progress of the lemming above. Make him a digger when
he gets over the last tube on the lower platform. Make sure he digs far enough
left that the lemming behind him will drop safely to the tube below and not to
the right of it. Make him build over the gap on the left of the lower platform.

Havoc 5: "There's madness in the method." Make the 1st lemming a basher at the
last instant before he can turn around at the brick wall on the right of the
entrance. While holding down the right mouse button, prepare to make the 2nd
lemming a miner the instant he turns left. (Check the manual for the use of the
right mouse button.) If he started mining too late, he will not survive the
drop to the pit below, although the others might. Let the 1st lemming continue
to bash until he nears the right side of the brick obstacle, then make him a
builder so he will stop. Make a climber out of one of the 1st lemmings to drop
down to the pit below. Make him bash through the brick obstacle after he climbs
up to the next platform above the pit. Make another lemming behind him a
climber - the one you pick must be able to catch up with the basher about the
time he is in the center of the structure. The 2nd climber should turn back to
the right and start mining no later than the mid-point of the structure above
his head. Because of synchronization problems, there's a definite possibility
that the 2nd climber will not turn around. If this happens, you'll have no
choice but to start the game over.

Havoc 6: "Now get out of that!" Make the 1st lemming a miner just ahead of
the first mound of snow at the top of the ramp. Make the next lemming a blocker
just where the miner started mining. Before the miner breaks all the way
through, make him a builder so he'll stop mining. Now immediately pause
the game. A lemming will be coming back down the ramp and be nearing a little
slope just below the entrance. Make him a miner just as he starts up the slope.
Make him mine only long enough to prevent the next lemmings from walking
farther to the left. Make the miner a builder to make him stop. Now go back to
the first lemming and make him mine left from the bottom of the ramp. Stop him
by making him a builder before he breaks through. Continue having him make
new ramps below by alternately mining and building. 7 ramps must be built with
the last breaking out to the right side of the ice. Now go make a lemming a
miner at the left side of the blocker, which will release him and let the rest
of the lemmings loose. Increase the release rate to 99.

Havoc 7: "Creature discomforts." Go immediately to the left entrance and make
the 1st lemming a blocker when he's over the last line on the left end of the
landing platform. Now pause the game. Go to the right entrance. The 1st lemming
will be nearing the left end of the platform. Restart the game and make him
build to the 1st small platform. Set the next lemming as a blocker left of the
entrance. Have the builder build again from the left edge of the 1st platform
he reaches. When he finishes one ladder section, let him drop down and start
building again from the left edge of that platform. When he's over the last
small platform, let him drop down and build 2 more ladder sections to the exit.
When he starts to build the last section, go back to the right and release the
blocker. At this time you should have approximately 1-1/2 minutes left. Go to
the left entrance and make at least 6 of the lemmings climbers (more if you
want to rescue more). When a climber drops down from the column on the right
side, make him a digger. Have the first lemming that is walking left after the
hole is dug and drops down to the small platform on the left, build left as
soon as he touches down. Have the last lemming who drops through the hole, bash
through the column on his right, then bash through the next column. Make him
mine through the next 2 columns he comes to. Make him a builder just as he
finishes his last mining job. He'll only need one ladder section. As he starts
to build, go back to where the rest of the lemmings are and have one of them
build to the right from the top of the ladder in the pit.

Havoc 8: "Lemming about Town." When the 1st lemming lands and turns left, make
him a climber. Make another lemming build right just as he lands (1 section
only). Make the climber a miner when he reaches the center of the top of the
obstacle he just climbed. When he comes back to the right, make him build over
the gap to the thin platform using only 1 ladder section. Make him build over
the small gap at the right end of the thin platform. When he gets to the 5th
line from the left in the red block platform, make him a digger for a short
distance, then a builder so he'll turn around. After he turns around, find a
likely spot for him to mine down to the next lower platform. Mine again from
the same relative spot as the previous platform. When he gets down to the last
platform before the landing platform, make him a miner so he will come out on a
line about even with the top of the ladder on the landing platform. Let him
reclimb the brick structure, turn around and start across the thin red
platform high above. When he's about half way across, have a lemming start a
new section at the top of the ladder below. Make the leader a builder to cross
the last gap over to the exit platform.

Havoc 9: "AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH" (aptly named). Do NOT adjust the release
rate until the ladder to the exit is complete. Let the 1st lemming walk to the
wall on the right and turn left. The next 18 (at least) lemmings must be made
climbers. Start the first lemming building when he gets to the left edge of the
platform. Listen carefully for the sound of the last 3 bricks being laid for
each ladder section (turn off the music before starting this level if you have
to). While the ladder is being built, continue making each lemming a climber.

A critical point in the operation will occur when the 1st climber arrives
over the 4 white columns positioned in mid-air to the right. You must make the
lead lemming a miner so all the ones who follow will fall to the white columns.
(Pause the game just before assigning the mining skill, if need be, so things
don't get out of hand.) Once this last maneuver is done, much of the pressure
will be gone. Continue servicing the builder and assigning lemmings as
climbers. When the ladder is nearly complete (5 sections), you can stop
assigning climbers. When a climber drops off the right side of the white
columns, make him a miner so the lemmings trapped in the pit below can come
out. The first climber to get back to the brick obstacle must be made to mine
as soon as he gets there. Now increase the release rate.

Havoc 10: "Flow Control." Start by pausing the game before the entrance opens.
Increase the release rate to 99. Restart. As soon as 3 or 4 lemmings have
appeared at the entrance trapdoor, pause the game again and decrease the
release rate to minimum (50). Restart again. When a single lemming gets past
the suction machines, make him build over the gap to the exit. When the ladder
is about half complete, pause once again and increase the release rate back to

Havoc 11: "Welcome to the party, pal!" Solution Outline

To solve this level, you'll just need one leader to do all the work. Let the
1st lemming build a ladder to the right that only one other lemming can get by
before the ladder is complete. The lead lemming needs to dig down, then build
up the next shaft (nearly all ladders must be started so that the first step of
one is built on the last step of the previous one). When there are only 50
seconds left, you must release the lemmings back at the landing platform.

Havoc 11: Detailed Solution. Make the 1st lemming a builder slightly
less than a half inch from the right wall. Make the 2nd lemming a digger when
he drops off the incomplete ladder (after he turns back to the left). Have him
dig through the remaining green platforms from left to right so that the lowest
platform is pierced at the far right. Have him build left from the left end of
the green ledge he drops to below. When he hits the wall and turns around to
the right, make him a builder at the 5th step from the bottom of the ladder.
Next, have him build from the right edge of the next platform. As soon as he
gets to the wall on the other side and turns around make him build left, then
zig-zap upwards with a series of ladders until he gets to the opening at the
top. (When he turns around to start a new ladder section, make him lay the
brick for the next ladder on top of the previous ladder so he will gain the
maximum height necessary - it is suggested you slow your system down while
these ladders are being built, if you can. When he gets to the top and drops
off to the green platform below, either make him a builder as soon as he
touches down, or make him a builder from the right edge, then a basher when he
is safely over the next platform below. You should be watching the clock and
when 50 seconds remain on the timer, go back to the landing platform and have a
lemming dig through the ladder on the right. Pause the game and increase the
release rate to 99 if you haven't already done so. When the lead lemming drops
off the top ladder from the top ledge, repeat the procedure you used above
(build, or build and bash). Complete the level by building over the remaining
2 gaps from the right edge of each platform.

Havoc 12: "It's all a matter of timing." Solution Outline

Both timing and starting positions are equally important. Those players with
slower systems will probably enjoy an advantage. You will quickly observe that
although the release rate is 1, twice as many lemmings will descend from the
middle entrance as from the other two. The beginnings for the upper and lower
platforms are identical. Make the 1st lemming on both platforms builders at a
point where they will drop safely to the small platform below. The 2nd lemmings
to descend from the bottom and top entrances must be delayed so the 1st guys
have enough time to finish building; this means making them builders. Because
lemmings descend from the middle entrance at twice the rate as the other 2, you
must make the 1st lemming build 2 ladder sections so he ends up just over the
small upper platform that a lemming from the upper entrance is building from.
The lemming behind the 1st guy will have to drop down to the small platform
below the landing platform and do the building. The 3rd lemming will have to be
delayed. Synchronization details are provided in the detailed solution below if
you need them.

Havoc 12: Detailed Solution for Synchronization

The starting points for the 1st lemmings from the upper and lower platforms
are at a point where the leading edge of the 1st step laid is at or slightly
over the last line near the right end of their respective platforms. The
starting point for the 1st lemming from the middle entrance is about halfway
across the last segment of the right end of the platform. After they have all
started building, the following events will start to occur in the order listed.

1) Bottom entrance: Lemming #2 will land and must be made a builder

2) Bottom entrance: Lemming #1 will land on small platform below and must
build again from the extreme right edge.

3) Middle entrance: Lemming #1 must start a 2nd ladder section.

4) Middle entrance: Lemming #3 must be made a builder before he gets to

5) Upper entrance: Lemming #1 will drop to small platform and build from right

6) Upper entrance: Lemming #2 will land and must build while he's on platform.

7) Bottom entrance: Lemming #1 must build from extreme left edge of platform
so that it only takes 3 steps to protect landing of next lemming.

8) High and to the right: You will see 1 or 2 lemmings getting near the gap
that hasn't been closed yet. Make 1 or both builders.

Pause and increase the release rate to 99.

Havoc 13: "Highland Fling." Set the 1st lemming as a blocker when his feet
touch down. Make the 3rd lemming a blocker before the ramp begins. Make the
2nd lemming bash through the rock obstacle. Make him a builder at the instant
he leaves the last flat rock area on the other side of the 1st rock obstacle.
If he hits his head before completing the bridge, turn him around back in the
tunnel by making him a builder. When he finishes the ladder, make him a miner
before he can turn around. (If you make him a miner too soon, he'll fall thru
a gap at the end of the ladder.) After he mines thru the 2nd rock obstacle and
gets to the green floor, make him a builder to avoid a lethal trap ahead of
him. Have him next build right and left just before the end of the green area
of the platform. Go back and release the blocker on the right and increase the
release rate to 99.

Havoc 14: "Synchronized Lemming." Solution Outline

Slow your system down for this one if you can. The following are the
individual solutions for each quadrant of the level.

Upper right (UR): 2 ladders must be built.

Lower right (LR): 2 columns must be bashed.

Upper left (UL): this quadrant consists essentially of 3 brick pyramids with
thin vertical slots in the top of each and a small cavity within each. Make the
first lemming a basher when he is as close to the left wall of the cavity of
the first pyramid on the right as you can get him. This will ensure that he
bashes non-stop to the cavity in the middle pyramid. When he drops into the
middle cavity, make him bash starting a short distance back from the left wall
so he will stop when he gets through the middle pyramid. When he walks to the
top of the left pyramid, make him build over the thin slot in the middle.

Lower left (LL): Make the leading lemming a climber when he starts to walk
left. When he gets on top of the 1st brick obstacle, make him dig down on the
LEFT half. Let him go when he finishes. Make a 2nd lemming a climber and have
him dig down on the remaining half of the same obstacle. When he reaches
bottom, make him a builder. Synchronizing details follow if you want them.

Havoc 14: Details for synchronizing all 4 quadrants.

1) LR - 1st lemming bashes thru 1st column.

2) UR - 1st lemming touches down and must start building immediately.

3) LL - 1st lemming lands, but can be ignored for now.

4) LR - 1st lemming bashes thru 2nd column. Ignore LR quadrant after this.

5) UL - 1st lemming lands, turns around and starts bashing.

6) LL - make lemming a climber, then a digger when he gets over the LEFT half
of the brick obstacle.

7) UL - make 1st lemming bash out of 2nd cavity.

8) LL - make 2nd lemming a climber.

9) UL - make lemming build from top of left brick pyramid.

10) LL - make lemming dig down on remaining half of brick obstacle

11) UR - make lemming who is now near or on the right platform build when he
gets to the middle of the right platform segment.

12) LL - have digger build left has soon as he touches bottom and takes a
step. Pause game immediately and increase release rate to 99.

Havoc 15: "Have an Ice Day." Make the lead lemming a digger over the highest
ice peak under the flat area in the middle of the landing ramp. Make the 2nd
lemming a blocker between the two flat spots half way down the ramp. Allow the
lead lemming to walk left as far as he can and turn back to the right. Make him
a builder at the water's edge. Let him drop to the small island in the middle
then build again over to the shore. After he crosses, he will walk down into a
small valley then up 4 snow covered rocks. When he gets to the 4th rock, make
him a basher. After he bashes, make him build across the water on both sides of
the ice island. When he turns back to the left and gets to the base (left side)
of the highest point on the island, make him a builder. After he gets to
the exit platform, make him build to get over the short tube. The exit stairs
(and sensor) are buried under snow. Make him a blocker at the right side of the
doorway, then a bomber. Go back and release the blocker on the landing ramp.

Havoc 16: "Scaling the heights." Make the 1st lemming a climber just as he
leaves the entrance. When he gets clear down to the notch at the bottom of the
cliff, make him a builder to close the small gap. The next lemming will pass
him as he builds. Make him a blocker when he's about 2 inches to the right of
the cliff. Before too many more lemmings arrive, have one build to the left to
the cliff after turning around at the blocker. When the climber gets to the top
of the cliff and walks left to the last high rock before the exit, make him a
miner at the base. When he breaks through and walks down a slight amount, make
him a builder. When he hits his head and turns back to the left, let him walk
down to the base of the ladder and begin mining again. When the first lemming
gets back to the top of the ladder, make him a blocker. Have another lemming
build to the right to get to the top of the cliff. The first one that gets
there should be set as a blocker at the right edge. Another lemming should
build left off the last blocker, towards the exit.

Havoc 17: "When Lemmings Dare." Solution Outline

Lots of precision required for this level and slow down your system if you

First, you have to avoid the sticky tongues of 2 lizard type creatures which
means you have to take care where you start building ladders that face them.
When you've established a lead lemming, set a blocker right behind the leader
on the platform underneath the landing platform. Next, you will notice that
there's a small rock projection at the bottom of a metal platform below the
nose of the 2nd lizard. You'll need to use this to build to the right from.
This means you'll have to stop the building overhead (use a basher) just when
the leader is even with the tip of the lizards nose. If he floats all the way
to the lowest platform, you will not have enough skills to extricate him before
he can get to the exit. When he gets turned back around and on the platform
underneath the one holding the 2nd lizard, he must make his way down to the
exit so he comes out between the letters "U" and "T" in the word OUT over the
exit doorway.

Havoc 17: Detailed Solution. Make #1 lemming a builder as soon as he touches
down. Make lemming #2 a floater. As soon as #2 lemming gets near the left end
of the platform below the landing platform, make him a builder. He should lay
down 2 bricks just ahead of the left edge and turn around.

(You'll have to find a spot for him to lay down the first brick where the
lizard won't get him after laying down the 2nd brick or when he returns to
continue laying more bricks.)

Make #3 lemming a blocker a short distance behind #2. When #2 turns around
off the blocker and continues building, make him build until he's even with
the tip of the lizard's nose. Then make him a basher so he will stop building
and float down.

He should descend to a rock projection at the bottom of a metal square. When
he turns to the right, make him a builder again just before he falls off the
rock. Depending on where he starts building, he will have to build right once,
left once, then right once more from the end of the previous ladder. Or he
will have to build right twice, then left over to the metal platform. Finding
the exact positions for where to start the 1st and last ladder sections will
be a matter of trial and error; there's no way to describe them accurately

After he makes it safely to the metal platform and walks left to the slanted
green shaft, make him a digger. When he's even with the bottom of the metal
platform, make him a miner. Now pause the game and increase the release rate
to 99 if you haven't done so already. Restart and release the blocker above.
The miner should finish between the letters "U" and "T" in the word OUT on the
exit building. Too far one way or the other will result in a restart of the

Havoc 18: "Lemmings in a situation." Make the 1st lemming an athlete. After he
descends to the lowest platform on the right, make him a builder just to the
left of the last mortar line from the end of the platform. He'll build 2 ladder
sections and turn around. Make him a builder off the left edge of the little
brick ledge over the water. When he gets to the other side, make him a digger.
Let him walk left and back to the right. Before he can step down to the small
brick ledge over the left side of the water trough, make him dig out half the
distance to the brick ledge, then make him a builder. After he turns left and
steps out of the short tunnel and onto the brick platform, have him build 2
ladder sections. At the end of the 2nd section he should climb the post. When
he gets to the top, make him a digger. When he nears the previously built
ladder, make him a builder again. As he is building, go back to the landing
platform and make a lemming in the center of the pack, a climber. After he
climbs out (left or right side), make him a floater, then forget him until
later. Go back to the leader and make him start a second ladder section. When
he gets to the post, make him a basher. Make him build across the next gap
starting from the extreme left edge. When he drops to the platform on the other
side, make him build as soon as his feet touch down. When he finishes the
ladder, make him a blocker. The next lemming should be getting near. When he
gets to the blocker and turns right, make him a builder half way back down the
stairs. Now go back to the landing platform and select a lemming on the extreme
right edge of the platform by holding the cross-hair to the right of the
platform then slowly bring it to the left until a box takes the place of the
cross-hair. When the box becomes visible, make that lemming a bomber.

Havoc 19: "Looks a Bit Nippy Out There." On either side of the entrance are 2
objects that resemble cats that are facing each other nose to nose. There are 2
narrow gaps between these objects. When the 1st lemming falls to the lowest
narrow gap, make him a builder. When's he's done, build left from the right
side of the gap. Pause the game and increase the release rate to 99. When
lemming #75 starts to leave the entrance, pause the game again and decrease the
release rate to the minimum. Restart and wait for lemming #79 to touch the
nose of the cat on the left. Make him a builder. Lemming #80 will go into a
holding area between the back and tail of the cat on the right. When the lead
lemming turns around and goes a short ways over the top of the ear of the cat
on the left, make him a digger. Let him dig down a short distance (about the
height of one lemming), then make him a builder. When he finishes building,
let him come back down and then go back up before making him a basher. When he
finishes bashing through the obstacle on his left, have him dig down directly
over the exit doorway.

Now bring the other lemming up the cat's back by making him a climber. When he
gets back to the noses, let him mine for a couple whacks with his pick, then
make him a basher. When he comes out on the back of the cat, make him a
builder. When he turns to the right, make him a builder again somewhere so he
will turn around to the left again. When he gets to the top of the ladder
you'll have one chance to close the gap at the top. (Lay the last brick as far
left as you can.) When he turns and comes back down the ladder a few steps,
make him a builder again. When he hits his head and stops building, he'll turn
around to the left, then again to the right. Let him get back to the base of
the ladder which was started at the end of the bashed tunnel. Now make him a
miner to free the rest of the lemmings. When he gets back to the ladder stub
that he quit building when he hit his head, make him a builder again from the
extreme right edge of the last brick laid. Since he's a climber, if he fails
to turn around and go left to the exit, the short digging job behind the cat's
ear needs to be extended a little ways the next time.

Havoc 20: "LOoK BeFoRe YoU LeAp." Start by pausing the game before the
entrance trap doors open.

Move over to the left entrance. Restart the game. The 1st lemming out of the
left entrance will fall through the gap between 2 rock obstacles. When he's
about 60% of the way thru the gap, he'll hit a ledge and walk left very
briefly, then turn to the right. When he's taken half a step, make him a
bomber. The explosion below should create a crater that will not let the
lemmings that follow walk out over the left edge. (If it doesn't, adjust the
place where the 1st lemming is made a bomber.) Make the 2nd lemming test
to see if he can walk out to the left. If he can't, then make him an athlete.
Now go to the right entrance where 2 or 3 lemmings are already moving back and
forth on the right side of the top level. Near the right edge is a small, green
bush. 6 lemmings must be made bombers on or next to this bush; three as they
are moving right and three as they are moving left. The details for where to
make all 6 bombers are below if you can't figure it out. The object is to bomb
a path over to the left because the lemmings from the left entrance will need
to share some of the same openings. After you've gotten all the bombings done
satisfactorily, continue.

Now go back to the left entrance after ensuring that the lemmings on the right
will land safely on the exit platform. To the right is the athlete in a valley
between to rock obstacles. As he walks left and starts up the right side of the
3rd rock from the left, make him a miner. When he breaks through and the
lemmings get up to the valley, make the first one to reach the right side a
miner. When he breaks thru and lemmings start walking up the ramp to the right
entrance, make the 1st one that is moving along by himself a bomber just as he
reaches the 1st green bush below the top of the ramp. Make another one a bomber
from the same place. Now increase the release rate to max.

The following is a list of the positions to use on or about the bush. Each
item starts with the direction the lemming must be moving in:

1) Right - left base of bush

2) Right - right side just over the top of the bush.

3) Right - top of the bush

4) Left - top of the bush

5) Left - half way down the left side

6) Left - left base of bush

OH NO! MORE LEMMINGS! is published and distributed by Psygnosis, Ltd.

This walkthru is copyright (c) 1993 by Warren Buss

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engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Teil 2 - Havoc Levels
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05.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
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