

15.10.2013 09:30:58


To travel around the city of Neutropolis the player must go to one
of the bus stops, there is at least one at each location. If he
USES the bus stop he will be presented with the map screen. This
is represented by a smoggy panorama of the city. As each new
location is revealed one of the existing buildings will light up.

1. In the apartment:

EXAMINE the sofa to find the MONEY and the GADGET. (These appear on
the floor after Kent has broken the settee.)
PICK UP the Cushion off the bed, this will reveal the REMOTE CONTROL.
PICK UP and EXAMINE the Flyer on the floor near the door. This and
the TV will hint that a good way to get into the factory would be to
go and get a job there.
EXAMINE the Note that you are already carrying. This ties in with
the above items.
Go into the kitchen. PICKUP the Can of Food.
PICK UP the Nodding Bird.
Go into the Bathroom and PICKUP the SHARKPOON from the bath.
PICK UP the T-SHIRT from the cabinet made from fruit rhinds (Kent's
Return to the main room and USE the NODDING BIRD with the REMOTE. A
new Object will appear on the floor. This keeps the TV turned on.
You can now go to the Window and USE Window to open it. USE the
Window again to climb out.

2. Dai's Window-Cleaner Cradle

Simply TALK to Dai and listen to what he has to say. He needs a cup
of coffee. (See the option "Can you take me down?" ) USE Window to
climb back in to the apartment.

1. In the apartment:

Go to the kitchen. USE the Kettle to make it boil.
Then USE the Kettle on the Cup to pour the water in the cup.
EXAMINE the cup.
USE the White Paint with the Cup to make the coffee milky.
EXAMINE the cup again. PICK UP the Cup.
Climb back out to the cradle.
Talk to Dai again and you will automatically give him the cup of
milky coffee. He takes you down to ground level. (Or will do,

3. The Plush-Rest Factory Reception

USE Doors to open them.
WEAR (USE with picture of Kent) the T-SHIRT, to fool PRU.
Walk up to the Woman in the middle of the hall and talk to her. This
gives you permission to go through the door at the far end of the
hall. Do so. Turn to your right and go into the Hospitality niche.
To enter USE Doors.
USE the Water Machine to get a white cup.
PICK UP the cup for later.
USE the Bizarre Sculpture (really a coffee machine) and a small cup
of coffee will appear on the floor.
PICK UP the cup. (At this point there will be an animated sequence of
Kent destroying the room because the coffee is hot, he drops it and
blunders round the room!)
Tiddler (Boss man of test) will walk in and talk to Kent.

4. At the Plush Rest factory.

After the cut scene where Tiddler is seen to escort Kent into the
factory we find Kent and Tiddler at the beginning of a conversation.
The player should TALK to Tiddler about everything he can.
He will learn about, the running of the test department, the waste
engineers, and something about the gadget he has found.
To get the debris go into the small toilet cubicle, stand on the
armtidge and USE the grille in the roof.
You will now be in an air duct.
Negotiate this small maze-ette and find out where the DEBRIS is.
PICK UP the DEBRIS, find your way back to the toilet.
PICK UP the BELT from in the duct while you are at it.
Put the debris on the bed next to the one that the striking tester
is lying on. The WASTE ENGINEER will come and collect it and take it
back to the grinder room.
You will realise that the Slumba Swift bed needs power if it is to
PICK UP the CURRENT SENDER from Tiddler's office and the CURRENT
bare wire. The bed will now work.
Again USE the DEBRIS with the bed. This time the WASTE ENGINEER will
come, but this time he will crash and burn.
You can now get into the grinder room.
USE the POWER BOX to turn off the GRINDERS.
USE one of the GRINDERS to go up the conveyer belt to the DUMPSTER.

5. Meeting Heather.

A GDV will show the player crashing through a hatch in the ceiling of
the hide-out, covered in little bits of foam, etc.
Heather will now talk to the player. She is playing a tape which
sounds like a crowd of burly men who would like to kill you, all the
time she is talking. She will turn it off when it is agreed that the
player can join the group, after performing two tasks
Broadcast the tape of Brian.
Paint the "Sculpture" in the mint Mall.
Two new locations will be added to the map. The MINT MALL and The

4. The TV Station

There is a SECURITY GAURD on the steps of the building. He will deny
entry to wonders within. If you attempt to walk in a GDV will show
you flying out of the gate and on to the pavement beyond.
By TALKING to him you will discover that he makes many allusions to
rats in his speech. Each time he does so he will twitch a little as
if uncomfortable with the thought.
Go to the mall, in the thrifty fifty shop PICK UP the RUBBER RAT TOY
and come back.
He will look a little flustered. By TALKING to the SECURITY GAURD you
will learn that a real rat might do the trick. If you cast your mind
back you will recall that there is one trapped in the washing machine
back at the flat.
To open the door of the washer you need a BLOCK OF FROZEN FOOD, cos'
it's heavy and tasteless.
To bring the BLOCK OF FROZEN FOOD from the mall to the flat without
it melting you should wrap it in the TOWEL from the bathroom.
USE the FOOD on the WASHING MACHINE DOOR, it will now be broken.
You now need something to contain the RAT in for transportation. PICK
UP the LITTLE BOX from the top of the micro wave in the kitchen.
Take the Rat to the SECURITY GAURD. Use the RAT and a GDV will be
shown of the GAURD scarpering.
You can now enter the building.
Cross the main room to the office door. Go in and TALK to the
receptionist on the left. She will allow you to talk to Mr. Johnson on
the right. TALK to Mr. Johnson and he will eventually give you an
Leave and walk down the hall to the security doors leading to the
Control Room. Use ACCESS CARD on the SECURITY DOOR to gain access to
the control room. USE VIDEO on TAPE MACHINE B to insert the tape.
Listen to the presenters chattering and watch the codes which flare
up on the screen of the control CPU. You should learn that RUN VT A
makes the tape of Saul's demise run. Logically then RUN VT B should
get the tape of the rock god Brian Deluge on the air.
Unfortunately the CONTROL COMPUTER is password protected.
To get the password go and talk to the ELECTRONIC ENGINEER in one of
the other offices, he is struggling to fix a computer.
The password is his middle name, this is on his badge. By talking to
him you will learn that he will not divulge his name. Nor will he
let you EXAMINE it.
You need to make the geeky geezer remove his shirt. Go back to the
flat and USE the ACCESS CARD on the BEANS SPLAT. This will scrape a
large amount off the wall.
This will make him remove his shirt and throw it at you. He storms
off in a considerable huff demanding that you clean it (you don't).
You now have the password (Holen, his middle name) to the editing
Access it's inner workings and enter the RUN VT B control line.
A GDV of Brian Deluge will now be played. A recorded performance of
him doing one of his "Tunes".
Mission accomplished.

6. The MINT Mall.

NORM 2782 will not allow you access to the SCULPTURE.
Norm says the only reasons he will leave his post would be
emergencies. Find out what these are by TALKING to him.
TALK to the Blind guy, he will tell you that his dog DEEPHA barks
like a fool when ever he hears other dogs. He also has a bull horn
slung around his neck. The blind man will also ask for some BOOKs
in return for some MATCHES.
Go back to the FACTORY and PICK UP the PAPERBACK BOOKS from the only
unlocked locker in the locker room.
USE the BELT on the WEIRD EXTINGUISHER in the grinder room. Watch
the mess evolve in glorious GDV.
Go around the rear of the factory, near the river. Find the BARREL
USE the WEIRD EXTINGUISHER with the YELLOW PAINT. This will fill
it up.
go back to the MINT MALL.
USE the PAPERBACK BOOKS with the BLIND MAN. He will give you a BOX
OF MATCHES in return. Plus he will allow you to keep FIRE STARTER
Go to the THRIFTY FIFTY shop.
USE the YAPPY PUPPIES with the SMALL GLIDERS (Twice). You will then
see a GDV of loads of gliders flying out over the SHOP LIFTER STOPPER.
We then cut back to the game and you can PICK UP the CROPPERS.
Go to the CAVE OF COMESTIBLES. LOOK at the food and TALK to Ray
Twill (The paranoid assistant) until he breaks down and begins
thumping the desk. Do it until the LIGHTS go OFF.
While the lights are off USE the FRUIT CROPPERS on the PLUM SHAPED
Go to the DISCO LA LA! store.
USE the CLAP CD with the STEREO.
All of the DOGS will begin yapping and jumping around stimulated by
the high decibel clapping noises. DEEPHA the dog will appear barking
like a hurricane. NORM 2782 will run from his post near the sculpture,
allowing Kent to go there.
Goto the SCULPTURE, USE the MATCHES with the BOOK.
LOOK at the fire and your character will automatically call NORM.
He will appear and discharge the WEIRD EXTINGUISHER (which he will
have confiscated earlier, when Kent arrives with it FULL).
Watch the mayhem unfold.
You will find yourself in a totally dark place. The only way to light
it is to USE the MATCHES with the photograph of Kent.
Watch the GDV of the mall exploding. You will now have a chum
(NORM 2782), he has a piece of shrapnel in his head and is very
confused by his new thoughts.
Go and talk to the group.
They will tell you that they now wish to free SAUL, brother of the
evil dictator PAUL.
you must go to the ORDINARY OUTPOST (OO from here on in) dressed in
NORM 2782's UNIFORM. Locate the prisoner and free him.
At the OO.
Quite complicated this bit. Once the player is inside there are only
two ways out. One is via the window which gets broken. The other is
by going up to the roof.
You will gather that Paul Nystalux is about to visit the OO.
Talk to the RECEPTIONIST. He will tell you to go to the RESEARCH
He will give you the code. Use this on the KEY PAD on the lift to
your left (1572).
Talk to the SCIENTIST.
Release the prisoner by cutting his STRAPS with the SCISSORS.
A GDV will show what the prisoner does.
Go into the newly opened lab by USING the BROKEN WINDOW.
USE the glass on the FINGERPRINTS (which are on the EXTINGUISHER).
This lifts them off the surface. The only place to get rid of the
evidence is in the GRINDER (although the player does not have to
do this, the plot will branch if he doesn't).
USE the BROKEN WINDOW to get on to the SCAFFOLD.
USE PULLEY To get out of the OO.
Go to the HAULAGE CONTAINER in the factory compound.
Pick up the LARGE COG lying in the puddle.
Use LADDER with CONTAINER to get on top of it.
Pick up the SMALL COG from the BROKEN MACHINE.
Go back to the OO and use both COGS with the SIDE PANEL of the
Use more or less anything with the GRINDER to get rid of it,
specifically all of the evidence against Kent. This will allow the
player to go on a slightly different fork in the plot.
Get rid of the prisoner by getting to grips with the ZOOMTOOB. Put
the prisoner in a capsule. Down calls the capsule; red opens the
door; put prisoner in capsule; up sends capsule away.
The scientist will ask you to go up to the processing floor and
get a new subject.
go back down to the lobby in the lift.
Talk to the receptionist.
Turn the fountain on by treading on the suspect slab behind the
pillar. Talk to receptionist from slab. The receptionist will then
go to the loo.
Examine the code he has left lying on his desk, use it on the other
lift (the one you haven't used yet). Code 1312
At the processing floor, talk to the Norm there and get him to leave.
Press the red button or wait, a secret door will now open.
This is the mood filter chamber.
Look around, examine things, the door will seal behind you. Examine
Saul (at end of room), he dissapears. Examine screen, they reappear.
To open the door examine Saul.
Unfortunately at this point Paul and a couple of his cronies appear.
He will deliver one of two speeches, leading to one of two plot
If you destroyed the evidence then Paul will be gob smacked by your
(He thinks you are a norm) incompetence. He will sentence you to a
stint in the cells. This bit is a little bit complicated.
Break the bench in the first cell by Using it. This reveals a
Pick up the splint of the bench.
Wait to get sucked into the mood filter.
Examine the sign that Saul is holding up
Wait to get sucked down into the next cell.
Break the bench in here by using it.
Pick up the 2x4 piece of bench from here.
Pick up the scrap of cloth from the floor orifice
Use the eating utensils in the Food mat to prise the transmitter from
it's housing in the broken bench.
Wait to get sucked down into the mood filter.
Examine Saul's sign.
Wait to get sucked down into the third and final cell.
Break the bench in here using the 2X4 picked up in a previous cell
(if you didn't get it you will have to go around again).
This leathering breaks the transmitter here. It is no longer any use.
You must find another working one from somewhere.
Write a note to Saul on the scrap of cloth. Use the gravy for ink.
Use the splint from cell one with the note and pass it across the
corridor to Saul. OR show it to Saul in the mood filter
Wait to go into the mood filter once more.
Saul should hold up a sign with a toilet pictured on it. This is a
clue as to the where abouts of the next transmitter.
Sabotage the faulty food mat in the third cell with the broken wall
bracket (found in a previous cell).
This will cause the room to flood.
The guard will now attend to your needs.
Kent will now be cleaned by the guard.
Go into the toilet cubicle.
Open the lid on the cistern.
Pick up the third transmitter.
Go back to the cell.
Wait to go into the mood filter.
Once there all hell will break loose.
A LARGE GDV will now play, this shows Kent and Saul escaping to the
roof and Dai being shot by the Norms. The game becomes interactive
when they arrive back at the group HQ.
Paul will sentence Norm (You) to a long stint in the corridors of
the blue pens. There is a man here, he is making a documentary about
Norm 2782 and his stint in captivity at the mercy of the
"Revolutionaries". This man is a pain in the arse.
The man has bugged some of the key parts of this location, in order
to observe Norm as he goes about his duties. You must get rid of
these bugs in order to progress.
Pick up all you can off the notice board in the Norm staff room.
Pick up the piece of paper from the bureau.
Pick up the piece of paper from the bin.
All of these have codes written on them. These codes are to be used
on the machine in the adjoining room.
The letters refer to the positions of the pedals set into the floor.
The number refers to the position of the lever at the bottom of the
console. The large red button should be pressed to activate each code.
Before each code can be entered You must find one of the bugs hidden
a round the room.
One is on the sign.
One is behind one of the lights in the corner (tricky one this).
One is in deep shadow beneath the control console.
Use all of the codes, some do nothing.
Use the one which was found in the bin. This zaps you. The last code
can be found stuck to the underneath of the control console.
Enter this code. This should begin the emergency evacuation procedure.
Go to the lift and watch the story unfold.


Go into TV shop.
Try to pick up Micro-TV on counter.
TALK to bloke. Ask him for a remote.
When he leaves, rush round the counter:
PICKUP the keys.
USE the keys on the back door to lock the bloke in.
USE the box to get into the Loft.
Get mallet from behind loft crate.
USE mallet on Slats.
Go through slats and walk until fall down hole into the power station.
PICKUP the hanging teddy. He falls on the floor, but you now have the
long wire.
PICKUP teddy again. You now have his eyes.
Go down steps.
PICK UP the little pink wire.
Put coins or teddy eyes in Slot.
Back up stairs.
Press the button on the wall labelled START.
Down the stairs. Pickup the glowing light bulb.
Use the long wire on the bulb pins exposed in the light bulb socket.
Up stairs. Open control box.
Use the Circuit Board.
Here you use the pink wire to solve the wiring puzzle.
This is not done yet!
Temp: Type 1 2 3 ENTER into keypad screen.
Open box again.
Use long wire on circuit board to complete power connection.


Go to the mall.
Pick up the two rubber pipes there.
Go back to the street.
Attach one to the smelly grille (assuming you have taken the
sharkpoon from the bath). Attach it's other end to the grille on the
Use the other tube in the bathroom. Attach one end to the hole in the
bath, attach the other end to the extractor fan above the bath.
The Norms will now activate the emergency door opener. You can now
rescue Dai from the rear of the van.


Saul and Heather have decided that the sub station mission were not
acceptable enough. To this end they are aiming high, the Pollutotron
must be blown up if the group have any hope of succeeding in making a
difference to the future of the city.
Talk to Heather, she will tell you of a few components she wants to
make a missile.
Go to the mall, pick up the broken wood.
Pick up the single fire cracker.
Pick up the rope from around the waffle.
Go to the container at the factory compound.
Open it by lighting the fumes at the top OR attempt to pick up the
acetylene canister.
Use the canister with some matches (at the mall if you no longer have
The doors will now blow off taking Kent with them.
Use wood with the barrels. Use the rope with the wood and barrels.
Use the raft with the river.
Use the toxic canisters with the raft.
Climb on to the raft and use it.
You will now appear down at the docks.
Watch the launch of the rocket.


Now you must go to the stadium to fetch Saul's brain backup machine.
He is going mental so there is no alternative. You must also smuggle
Brian's guitar on to the stage.
Talk to Saul and Heather, make sure you know what you are doing.
Get the goggles from near to the packing crates in the main area.
Turn off the light near the sewer head to get past the Norm troopers
who are standing there.
Use the gap in the wall to get up to the grating. Pickup the
batteries lying there.
Use the batteries with the goggles.
Smash down the grating with the guitar.
Break down the any suspect walls. (There are three, one of them can
not be smashed, this is the entrance to the secret labs).
Take the roof brace down from behind one of the walls. This will
cause a collapse, bringing one of the crates down from above.
Use the brace on the sign near to the wall which will not break. OR
use it an the loose tile around the corner. Either of these will
keep the false wall open.
This opens the wall.
Go down into the labs.
Pick up the Norm poster on the wall.
Use the hole to get through.
Pick up the fire axe lying in amongst the rubble.
Go back outside to the fallen crate.
Smash the crate into tiny bits with the fire axe.
Pickup the emergency containment suit inside.
Go back to the room with the microwave in (where you got the axe).
Open the microwave.
Use the suit with the brain.
Go up to the sewers again.
Pick up the roof brace from the last place you left it
Use the roof brace on the elevator door to open it (you found the
elevator when you smashed down the false wall earlier.
Use the elevator.

Solution by Lucio Burroni from Arezzo Italy

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