World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

16.10.2013 13:50:28
World of Warcraft: Hunter’ Pet Skill Guide

Why? Because after searching the web I found that there was a lack of pet skill
guides. I believe I came across one that had any information, and it was still
quite flawed. After a few days of message board stalking, I collected all the
information I needed to slam this guide together. This is my first guide (so
needlessly to say this will be ghetto) but hopefully not my last.

Please send me comments, feedback, corrections, ect to

Here goes~

*This skill cannot be used by Crabs, Scorpids, or Owls*

Rank 1

Effect: Bites the enemy, causing 7 to 9 damage

Pet level required: 1

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 35

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Dun Morogh: Snow Tracker Wolf (5-7), Winter Wolf (6-8)

· Elwynn Forest: Forest Spider (6)

· Durotar: Dreadmaw Crocolisk (9-11)

· Mulgore: Prairie Wolf (5-6)

· Teldrassil: Githyiss the Vile(?), Webwood Venomfang (7-8)

· Tirisfal Glades: Spiders under the monastery (10)

Rank 2

Effect: Bites the enemy, causing 16 to 18 damage

Pet level required: 8

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 35

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Barrens: Oasis Snapjaw (15-16)

· Dun Morogh: Starving Winter Wolf (8-9), Timber (10)

· Ellwyn Forest: Mother Fang (10), Prowler (9-10)

· Loch Modan: Forest Lurker (10-14), Loch Crocolisk (14-15)

· Mulgore: Prairie Wolf Alpha (9-10)

· Redridge Mountains: Tarantula (15-16)

· Teldrassil: Giant Webwood Spider (10-11), Lady Sathrah (12), Webwood
Silkspinner (8-9)

· Tirisfal Glades: Worg (10-11)

· Westfall: Coyote Packleader (11-12)

Rank 3

Effect: Bites the enemy, causing 24 to 28 damage

Pet level required: 16

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 35

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Ashenvale: Ghostpaw Runner (19-20)

· Duskwood: Green Recluse (21), Lupos (23 elite)

· Hillsbrad Foothills: Spider

· Loch Modan: Wood Lurker (17-18)

· Redridge: Greater Tarantula

· Silverpine Forest: Bloodsnout Worg (16-17)

· Stonetalon Mountains: Besseleth (Elite 21), Creeper, Webspinner

· Tarren Mills: Forest Moss Creeper

· Wailing Caverns: Deviate Crocolisk (Elite)

Rank 4

Effect: Bites the enemy, causing 31 to 37 damage

Pet level required: 24

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 35

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Ashenvale: Ghostpaw Alpha (27-28), Wildthorn Lurker (27-29)

· Blackfathom Deep: Ghamoo-Ra

· Duskwood: Black Mastiff (25-26), Black Ravager (24-25), Naraxis

· Hillsbrad Foothills: Giant Moss Creeper (24), Snapjaw (30-32)

· Tarren Mills: Elder Moss Creeper (27)

· Wetlands: Giant Wetlands Crocolisk

Rank 5

Effect: Bites the enemy, causing 40 to 48 damage

Pet level required: 32

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 35

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Arathi Highlands: Giant Plains Creeper, Plains Creeper (32-33)

· Badlads: Crag Coyote (35-36)

· Dustwallow Marsh: Darkfang Lurker (36), Drywallow Crocolisk (35-36), Mudrock
Tortoise (37)

· Thousand Needles: Turtle (34-35) near the Racetrack

Rank 6

Effect: Bites the enemy, causing 49 to 59 damage

Pet level required: 40

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 35

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Dustwallow Marsh: Deadmire (45), Mudrock Snapjaw (42)

· Felwood: Felpaw Wolf (48)

· Feralas: Longtooth Runner (40-41), Snarler (42), Undead Wolf (41, 47)

· Hinterlands: Old Cliff Jumper (42 Elite), Witherbark Broodguard (45)

· Searing Gorge: Rekk'tilac (48)

· Swamp of Sorrows: Deathstrike Tarantula (40+), Sawtooth Snapper (41)

Rank 7

Effect: Bites the enemy, causing 66 to 80 damage

Pet level required: 48

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 35

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Felwood: Felpaw Ravager (51-52)

· Hinterlands: Saltwater Snapjaw (49), Vilebranch Raiding Wolf (50-52 Elite)

· Stormwind: Sewer Beast (rare 50 elite spawn in the canals)

· Tanaris: Giant Surf Gliders (Elite 48-50) on Land's End Beach

· Western Plagueland: Diseased Wolf, Plague Lurker (55)

Rank 8

Effect: Bites the enemy, causing 81 to 99 damage

Pet level required: 56

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 35

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Blackrock Spires: Bloodaxe Worg (56-57) - in the patrols right before
Halycon, and in the room right after Halycon

*This skill cannot be used by Bats, Boars, Crocolisks, Gorillas, Hyenas,
Spiders, Tall Striders, Turtles, Wind Serpents, or Wolves / Worgs*

Rank 1

Effect: Claws the enemy, causing 4 to 6 damage

Pet level required: 1

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 25

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Dun Morogh: Ice Claw Bear (7-8)

· Durotar: Pygmy Surf Crawler (5-6), Scorpid Workers (3)

· Teldrassil: Strigid Owl (5-6)

Rank 2

Effect: Claws the enemy, causing 8 to 12 damage

Pet level required: 8

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 25

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Darkshore: Thistle Bear (11-12), Tide Crawler (12)

· Dun Morogh: Bjarn (12), Mangeclaw (11)

· Durotar: Deathflayer (11), Encrusted Surf Crawler (9-10), Venomtail Scorpid

· Ellwyn Forest: Young Forest Bear (8-9)

· Orgrimmar: Scorpid ?

· Silverpine: Bear ?

· Teldrassil: Strigid Hunter (8-9)

Rank 3

Effect: Claws the enemy, causing 12 to 16 damage

Pet level required: 16

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 25

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Ashenvale: Ashenvale Bear (21-22), Clattering Crawler (19-20)

· Darkshore: Den Mother (19)

· Hillsbrad Foothills: Gray Bear (21-22)

· Loch Modan: Black Bear Patriarch (16-17), Ol' Sooty (Elite 20)

· Tarren Mills: Gray Bear (22)

· Westfall: Crab

Rank 4

Effect: Claws the enemy, causing 12 to 16 damage

Pet level required: 24

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 25

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Ashenvale: Elder Ashenvale Bear (25-26)

· Desolace: Scorpashi Snapper (30-31)

· Thousand Needles: Scorpid Reaver (30-31) in Shimmering Flats

Rank 5

Effect: Claws the enemy, causing 21 to 29 damage

Pet level required: 32

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 25

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Desolace: Scorpashi Lasher (34-35)

· Dustwallow Marsh: Drywallow Snappers (37-38)

Rank 6

Effect: Claws the enemy, causing 26 to 36 damage

Pet level required: 40

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 25

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Feralas: Ironfur Bear (41-42)

· Swamp of Sorrows: Silt Crawler (40-41)

· Tanaris: Scorpid Hunter (40-41)

Rank 7

Effect: Claws the enemy, causing 35 to 49 damage

Pet level required: 48

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 25

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Burning Steppes: Deathlash Scorpid (55)

· Felwood: Angerclaw Mauler (49-50), Ironbeak Hunter (50-52)

· Feralas: Ironfur Patriarch (48-49)

· Winterspring: Shardtooth Bear (53-55), Winterspring Owl (54-56)

Rank 8

Effect: Claws the enemy, causing 43 to 59 damage

Pet level required: 56

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 25

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Western Plaguelands: Diseased Grizzly (56)

· Winterspring: Elder Shardtooth (57-58), Winterspring Screecher (57-59)


Rank 1

Effect: Cowers, causing no damage but lowering your pet’s threat, making the
enemy less likely to attack your pet

Pet level required: 5

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Barrens: Elder Plainstrider (8-9), Fleeting Plainstrider (12-13)

· Darkshore: Foreststrider Fledging (11-13), Moonstalker Runt (10-11)

· Dun Morogh: Juvenile Snow Leopard (6)

· Durotar: Durotar Tiger (7-8)

· Mulgore: Elder Plainstrider (8-9), Flatland Cougar (7-8), Mazzranache (9)

· Teldrassil: Mangy Nightsaber (2), Nightsaber (5-6)

· Tirisfal Glades: Greater Duskbat (6-7)

Rank 2

Effect: Cowers, causing no damage but lowering your pet’s threat, making the
enemy less likely to attack your pet. More threat is lost via rank 2 then rank 1

Pet level required: 15

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Barrens: Ornery Plainstrider (16-17), Savannah Patriarch (15-16)

· Darkshore: Giant Foreststrider (17-19), Moonstalker Sire (17-18)

· Hillsbrad Foothills: Starving Mountain Lion (23-24)

· Stonetalon Mountains: Panther, Twilight Runner (23-24)

Rank 3

Effect: Cowers, causing no damage but lowering your pet’s threat, making the
enemy less likely to attack your pet. More threat is lost via rank 3 then rank 2

Pet level required: 25

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Hillsbrad Foothills: Feral Mountain Lion (28)

· Razorfen Kraul: Blind Hunter (32), Kraul Bat (31+)

· Stranglethorn Vale: Stranglethorn Tiger (32-33), Young Stranglethorn Panther
(30-31), Young Stranglethorn Tiger (30-31), Panther (32-33)

· Thousand Needles: Crag Stalker (25-26)

Rank 4

Effect: Cowers, causing no damage but lowering your pet’s threat, making the
enemy less likely to attack your pet. More threat is lost via rank 4 then rank 2

Pet level required: 35

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Badlands: Ridge Huntress (38), Ridge Stalker (36-37)

Rank 5

Effect: Cowers, causing no damage but lowering your pet’s threat, making the
enemy less likely to attack your pet. More threat is lost via rank 5 then rank 4

Pet level required: 45

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Eastern Plaguelands: Noxious Plaguebat (54-56), Plaguebat (53)

· Stranglethorn Vale: Jaguero Stalker (50) near Booty Bay

Rank 6

Effect: Cowers, causing no damage but lowering your pet’s threat, making the
enemy less likely to attack your pet. More threat is lost via rank 6 then rank 5

Pet level required: 55

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 5 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Eastern Plaguelands: Monstrous Plaguebat (56-58)

· Winterspring: Frostsaber Cub (55)

*This skill cannot be used by Bears, Crabs, Crocolisks, Gorillas, Raptors,
Scorpids, Spiders, Turtles, or any flying beasts*

Rank 1

Effect: Increases pet’s movement speed by 40 for 15 seconds

Pet level required: 30

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Range: N/A

Focus cost: 20

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Badlands: Crag Coyote (36), Elder Crag Wolf (?)

· Desolace: Magram Bonepaw (37-38)

· Stranglethorn Vale: Stranglethorn Tigers (32-33)

· Swamp of Sorrows: Swamp Jaguar (37)

Rank 2

Effect: Increases pet’s movement speed by 60 for 15 seconds

Pet level required: 40

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Range: N/A

Focus cost: 20

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Badlands: Broken Tooth (37), Ridge Stalker Patriarch

· Blasted Lands: Ashmane Boar (48)

· Feralas: Longtooth Runner (40-41)

· Hinterlands: Old Cliff Jumper (42), Silvermane Stalker (48)

· Stranglethorn Vale: Bhag'Thera (Elite 43), Elder Shadowmaw Panther (41-43)

· Tanaris: Blisterpaw Hyena (41-42), Starving Blisterpaw (42)

Rank 3
Effect: Increases pet’s movement speed by 80 for 15 seconds

Pet level required: 50

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Range: N/A

Focus cost: 20

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Blackrock Spires: Bloodaxe Worg (56-57)

· Blasted Lands: Grunter (50), Hyena Ravage (Elite)

· Blackrock Spires: Blackrock Worg (54-55)

· Hinterlands: Vilebranch Raiding Wolf (50-51)

· Winterspring: Frostsaber Huntress (58-59), Frostsaber Stalker (60), Rak'shiri
(rare blue frostsaber)

*This skill cannot be learned by ANY land beast*

Rank 1

Effect: Increases pet’s movement speed by 40 for 15 seconds

Pet level required: 30

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Range: N/A

Focus cost: 20

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Arathi Highlands: Mesa Buzzard (35), Young Mesa Buzzard (31)

· Razorfen Kraul: Razorfen Kraul Bat (31)

· Desolace: Dread Flyer (36-37)

Rank 2

Effect: Increases pet’s movement speed by 60 for 15 seconds

Pet level required: 40

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Range: N/A

Focus cost: 20

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Felwood: Ironbeak Owls (48-49)

· Feralas: Rogue Vale Screecher (46), Wind Serpent (44)

· Tanaris: Roc (42-43)

Rank 3

Effect: Increases pet’s movement speed by 80 for 15 seconds

Pet level required: 50

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Range: N/A

Focus cost: 20

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
· Badlands: Zaricotl (55)

· Blasted Lands: Spiteflayer (Elite 52)

· Eastern Plaguelands: Plaguebat (54)

· Felwood: Ironbeak Hunter (51), Ironbeak Screecher (53)

· Winterspring: Winterspring Owl (55), Winterspring Screecher (59)


Rank 1

Effect: Taunts the target, increasing the likelihood that the creature will
focus attacks on your pet.

Pet level required: 1

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 30 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
Innate ability in the Hunter’s “Beast Training” list

Rank 2

Effect: Taunts the target, increasing the likelihood that the creature will
focus attacks on your pet. Your pet gains a substantial amount more threat then
with previous rank.

Pet level required: 10

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 30 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
Innate ability in the Hunter’s “Beast Training” list

Rank 3

Effect: Taunts the target, increasing the likelihood that the creature will
focus attacks on your pet. Your pet gains a substantial amount more threat then
with previous ranks.

Pet level required: 20

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 30 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
Learned from Pet Trainer for 30silver once reaching lvl20

Rank 4

Effect: Taunts the target, increasing the likelihood that the creature will
focus attacks on your pet. Your pet gains a substantial amount more threat then
with previous ranks.

Pet level required: 30

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 30 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
Learned from Pet Trainer for 1gold once reaching lvl30

Rank 5

Effect: Taunts the target, increasing the likelihood that the creature will
focus attacks on your pet. Your pet gains a substantial amount more threat then
with previous ranks.

Pet level required: 40

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 30 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
Learned from Pet Trainer for 2gold once reaching lvl40

Rank 6

Effect: Taunts the target, increasing the likelihood that the creature will
focus attacks on your pet. Your pet gains a substantial amount more threat then
with previous ranks.

Pet level required: 50

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 30 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
Learned from Pet Trainer for 4gold & 70s once reaching lvl50

Rank 7

Effect: Taunts the target, increasing the likelihood that the creature will
focus attacks on your pet. Your pet gains a substantial amount more threat then
with previous ranks.

Pet level required: 60

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Range: 30 yards

Focus cost: 15

Cast time: Instant

Where it can be found:
Learned from Pet Trainer for 5gold & 90silver once reaching lvl60

Legal Junk
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly for a profit or charge in any way. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited unless due
credit is displayed. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document
are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
This guide is copywrite 2005 Baylin Crum.
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