

17.10.2013 23:28:08

By boscobuddy(Jack Harris)

Also By Me:
Cy Girls Walk Thru PS2
Rogue Ops Walk Thru PS2
Will Rock Walk Thru PC

This walkthrough is copyrighted.You have permission to put the complete
walkthru on your website, or other form of media, so that others can access it


This walkthru is based solely on my style of play, which is
the 'cover your ass' method. It doesn't make any sense to me
to just stand out in the open, be swarmed by enemies, just to
see whether you or your enemy can eat the most lead. Your enemies
have bullet-absorbing body armor, rapid fire weapons,
hyper-sensitive hearing & sight, and acrobatics all at
their disposal. You on the other hand have some good weapons,
but some jinky butt power-ups. You can't even lean around a
corner and shoot anybody. Why should most of the enemies in
this game be the only ones with enough sense to come in out of
the rain? This walkthru is just a guideline, to tell you where
enemies and stuff are located. Use whatever style of play
suits you, and I promise not to steal your copy of the game when
you're not looking.



Lean Left-----W
Lean Right-----R

Fire-----Left Mouse
Alt. Fire-----Right Mouse
Reload----Wheel Mouse
Next Slot-----Wheel Up
Previous Slot-----Wheel Down

Slot 1-----Silencer Pistol
Slot 2-----Sniper Rifle
Slot 3-----M-16
Slot 4-----Tonfa
Slot 5-----Shock Gun

Quick Save-----F1
Quick Load-----F12
Power Of The Angel-----T
Mission Objective-----Tab

Cheat mode:
Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Then, one
of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function. I have found that on some computer's the cheat mode purple
console window doesn't display, and you can't enter the cheats.
I have not found any solution to this problem. Maybe the people who made the
game can help.

Effect Code

God mode-----lua god()
Disable God mode---lua ungod()
Add weapons-----lua medave()
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupSocom)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupM16)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupSniper)
Level skip-----lua levelend()

Invisibility-----lua PlayerInvisible()
Disable invisibility---lua PlayerVisible()
Full ammunition-----lua allammo()

Toggle flight mode--lua PTFly()
Add weapons----lua medoof()
Set speed-----lua speed()

Low gore-----lua PTLowGoreVersion()
Empty weapon slots-----lua ResetWeaponSlots()

Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupKnife)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupColt)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupMac10)

Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupPumpGun)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupGatlingGun)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupFlamer)

Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupJackhammer)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupUdderGun)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupA_Gun)

Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupIonRifle)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupPitBull)
Spawn indicated weapon-----lua summon(PickupSpectreEyes)


SMK=Small Med Kit=10 points
MMK=Medium Med Kit=25 points(?)
LMK=Large Med Kit=50 points

To put weapons into your empty slots. Just get the on screen hand
icon, and press the number key for whatever slot that you want to put the new
weapon in.

It seems that you can only have one Angel Force Power-up at a time.

When I say Expose Yourself, I mean to move from behind cover to where you can
be seen by the enemy, then quickly move back and wait for them to come to you.

When I say Peek Out, I mean use the appropriate Lean Key.

When I say Ease Out, I mean to lightly tap the appropriate directional movement
key, until you can just see enough of the enemy to shoot without being seen.

When I say Draw The Enemy Out, I mean to fire a shot into the area where the
enemy is, without exposing yourself.

When they won't come to you, move close to the edge of your cover, and use the
lean keys to see exactly where they are(unfortunately, you can't shoot when
you're leaning). Then slowly ease to the side, and when you can target just a
little part of them-and they can't get a bead on you, repeatedly fire, and the
shots may make them fully expose themselves for killing.

Quicksave your game frequently. Move over any weapons that dead enemies leave
behind, to get their ammo.

Thru out the game, look for explosive canisters and drums with red marks on
them. Shooting these while enemies are near them will make it easier to take
out enemies. Oftentimes-but not always, shooting forklifts, cars or trucks,
will make them explode.

Boxes and scenery can often times be shot, to destroy them, or to move them out
of the way.

In your five weapons slots at the top of the screen, you can only add and
remove weapons from the first three slots. The tonfa and stun gun in slots four
and five cannot be removed. Which is weird, because all of your enemies in the
game fire some kind of rapid fire projectile weapon. So you never get close
enough to an enemy to stun or club them. Which means that those two weapons are
totally useless. I stand corrected. I have found a use for stun gun and tonfa.
You can use them to break up boxes, vent covers, and other destroyable items in
the game.

Get in the habit of reloading every time you shoot someone.

Since most of your enemies are highly perceptive to noise, can dodge, roll, and
move around on their own, the locations I give are general. They'll be in the
area that I say, but not necessarily in the exact spot.

After killing soldiers and anyone with M-16 ammo, check their weapons for ammo.
The rifle with the hand grip on top is what I'm referring to as the M-16. The
Silencer Pistol, The Sniper Rifle, and the M-16 are the only weapons that you
need throughout the game.


From the start position move forward towards the Saunder's body, and get his
BLUE CAR KEY by walking into it. Pickup items will be floating and revolving
and all you have to do is walk into them to collect them. Get the WALKIE-TALKIE
and so you can communicate with Max. Check your objectives regularly to see
what you need to be doing.

Jump up on the table, to get the silver cylinders, which are ammo for the
pea-shooter pistol that you start out with. You get ammo the same way that you
get pickup items-by walking across it. Get the BLUE ACCESS CARD, so you can
open the door.

The silver and various colored mechanisms besides doors, are the access locks
to open those doors. When you get a icon of a hand displayed on the screen,
that indicates that you can interact with the object by pressing the Use Key.
Open the door, and walk over the thug's weapon. When you get the interact icon,
press the #1 key, to switch your peashooter for his Silencer Pistol.

Move forward down the hall, stop before the corner. Crouch down, and fire a
shot down the hall, to make the thugs come after you.
As soon as you see any part of their body come around the corner, shoot till
they both are dead. The thugs leaves behind their weapons and ammo. Move over
any weapon and box of ammo to acquire whatever ammo is available.

You really do want to silence that alarm. Move down the hall and stop at the
corner before the copy machine with the dead guy on it.
Reload, and move along the left wall under the clocks, to the corner. Move past
the corner. Let the thugs to the left see you, then quickly move back out of
sight. Wait for him and his buddy to come a runnin. Afterwards, get their ammo.

Enter the large sunken room and go left around the perimeter. Enter the Men's
Washroom. Around the corner to the right and thru the doorway, is another thug
to kill. Move up to the doorway, and let him see you, then quickly move back.
When he comes, shoot before he does. Press the #2 key over his weapon, to put
the DOUBLE AUTOMATIC PISTOLS into the slot. Get his ammo, then enter the

On the far left wall are a couple of LMKs represented by a white box with a red
cross on it-which will restore 50% of your health. Don't take any health packs
that you don't need, but remember where they are, so that you can return and
get them when you do need them. As you exit the washroom, there will be a trio
of thugs waiting in the large sunken room.

Crouchwalk around the washroom hallway, and lean around the corner to see where
the thugs are. Ease right until you get a bead on one and shoot to kill. Kill
the other two, then head back across the room, up the steps, and go left. Stop
just past the alarm on the right wall, and peek around the corner. Past the red
fire hydrant, is another thug. Lean out to check his location. Ease out and
kill him, or let him come to you. If he returns back to patrolling, move
forward, and crouch besides the black couch. When he stops and faces to the
right, shoot him.

There is another thug around the corner to the left. Notice the green flashing
alarm by the door ahead. That means that these doors are unlocked. Open the
door, then quickly step back to the right side, because there are thugs on the
other side. Ease back to the door, and when you get a bead on them, shoot the
first one. The other one is behind the desk to the right. Ease around the right
side of the doorway, until you get a bead on a piece of his clothing, then fire.

Enter the room, and get their ammo. Go around to the right, behind the desk,
and with the use key, shut that damned alarm off. When you head back out,
another guard will have appeared. Shoot when he has his back to you.

Face the doorway, and ease to the right, until you can see any part of the
thugs white shirt in the hallway on the left. Shoot till you kill him. Head
back towards the sunken room, and take out another guard in either the hallway
or sunken room. Enter the sunken room, and go around to the right, past the
elevators to the door with the green light. Enter, and to the left of the left
arrow on the wall will be another thug to take out. To the right of the blue
sign with the white arrow is a SMK.

Head up three short flights of steps. Ease forward up the fourth flight, and
take out the female thug and her buddy. One of them may be to the left, in the
room with the wanted posters. Go right and around the corner to the left, will
be three thugs. Switch to your double pistols, expose yourself, then fire when
they come around the corner. Switch back to your Silencer Pistol and ammo up.
To the right of the elevators, will be a fourth thug.

Head up the steps and around to the right. Head past the broken out window, to
find a MMK ahead. Quicksave before going out onto the couch. Crouch down, and
ease to the left edge of the roof, and look down. Shoot whatever thugs that you
see. Move to the right side, and do the same thing. Move along the walkway, but

Quicksave, then after you think that you've killed both thugs below, go the
right of the square hole and climb down the ladder. If you get shot at while
climbing down, reload, and seek out the shooter from up top. There may be a
shooter behind you at the bottom of the ladder with his back to you when you
turn around.
Move to the other side of the area, and get the YELLOW KEY CARD.

In the center area down below to the right, is a door that you need to get the
green key card to open. You'll be back here later. Head back to the ladder and
climb up. Jump off to the left. Drop down the square hole.

Head back the other way towards the door. There are thugs on the other side.
Jump onto the handrail, and open the door. From on top of the handrail, ease
to the left, and kill the thugs in the doorway. Go thru, and down the hall to
the left. There are two thugs ahead and around to the left.

Down the next hall to the left, behind some overturned furniture, will be
another thug. Hop across the overturned furniture without entering the next
hall. Down the next hall to the left will be another thug. Fire a shot towards
him to draw him out. Go past the door with the yellow mechanism on the left,
and around the corner to the right will be a SELF HEALING power-up to get. This
one allows you to press the Angel Force key to replace lost health.

Turn around behind you, and enter the small room. Hop on the boxes, push the
grating out of the way, and crouch-jump into the duct. If the grating gets
jammed in the vent hole, use your tonfa to break it. (This is the only kind of
thing that your tonfa will be useful for.)

Move to the end, and push out the grating here, and shoot the thug below to
the left. Drop down into the room. The SLOW MOTION power-up is really useless,
because it badly distorts the onscreen display. So keep your distance from it,
or you will automatically replace the self-healing-good one with it. Push the
straight chairs between it and you, so that you can get to the shelves. You can
only have one power-up at a time, and any new one that you get, replaces the
current one.

There is a LMK on the shelf. Put the SHOTGUN in your #3 slot, until you can get
your hands on something better. Shotgun ammo is hard to come by. Although
powerful, the shotgun is slow to reload. Climb back up into the air duct and
return to where you came from.

Go back and open the yellow access door and move thru the hall. When you get to
the two straight chairs by the wall, take out the thug to the right. Move into
the room, and up to the next door. Arm your shotgun. This door raises straight
up, and there is a thug behind it, so crouch down, and shoot as soon as you see
his legs.

Arm your double pistols. Move past him, onto the elevator and face the
activation switch to ride up to the warehouse. Quickly crouch down and turn to
your right. Move a little ways off the elevator, and let the guards see you.
Stay crouched, and let them come to you. There will be about four guards, and
you'll probably lose a good amount of health.

Move around behind the elevator, and walk along the wall. When you come to the
little room at the end, shoot the guard in the doorway. Near this guard on the
wall, is a LMK. Above the file cabinets on your right, is the RED KEY CARD.
Crouch and push the blue chair at the other end next to the file cabinets, to
reach it. There is a MMK.

Head into the doorway where the guard was, and down the steps. Shoot the thug
at the bottom. Go to the red access door, open it, and quickly run back up the
steps. Arm your shotgun, and ease back down, and then shoot several thugs.
First head around to the left, and enter the glass door room, and find the LMK
on the wall.

Head out of here and to the right, and get another LMK in the room straight
ahead. Come back out, go right passing the black leaning couch, and open the
door. Head right, and shoot around the left corner to draw the thug.

Continue forward, and stop before the next corner. Wait before approaching the
open doorway to the outside area. When the female in the white sweater passes
by, shoot her thru the glass door, and her buddy too. There may be a third
thug across on the other side of the walkway. Shoot thru the glass handrail, to
bring the downstairs thug upstairs. There may be another one down there also.

Go around to the other side, and shoot the thugs down below, before going down
the steps. Behind the desk on the wall will be a LMK. Go over to where the blue
sign with the white arrow is on the wall, and go down that hall. Shoot the two
thugs on the left, and standing to the right side, open the red access door.
Draw the thug behind it, kill him, and then enter.

Around to the left, will be more thugs. Fire a shot down the hallway to draw
them to you. Move into the doorway, and fire a shot to bring a third thug. Get
the GREEN KEY CARD on the left. In one of the shooting bays, is a LMK.

Retrace your steps back out the door, and go straight ahead, down the steps
besides the left pointing arrow on the wall. Open the GREEN DOOR, crouchwalk
outside, and shoot the female thug up the steps on the right. Shoot the thug
on your level to the left. Go forward to the other end, and open the GREEN
ACCESS DOOR, and kill the thug to the left.

The arrow sign on the wall says that the Parking Deck is to the right. Open the
other GREEN ACCESS DOOR, and shoot the thug. Move forward to the column, and
take out the thugs ahead to the left, and up on the second floor of this
building, to the left. There will be a thug above and behind you on the right,
as you move forward. In front of the brown park bench, is a MMK. A shot fired
somewhere in the area of the silver car will cause an explosion, killing some
of the guys to the left.

Move forward between the left wall and the park benches. Turn left at the
corner, and there may be a thug down the steps on the left. Run up the stairs,
enter the doorway, and stand beside the wall protrusion on the left. Shoot the
thug coming down the steps.

Reload, and as you ease around the corner, take out the male and female thugs.
Move straight down the hallway, to the room with the checkered floor. Approach
the sleeping guard on the left. An onscreen icon will indicate that you can't
shoot this guy. Max tells you to use your powers to extract the code to open
the steel doors from the guards mind. This is the end of the level.

After the cutscene, Max tells you that you are now in the guards thoughts.
Switch to your pistol in the #5 Slot, and move forward along the walkway. Go up
the ramp, and climb the stairs. When you get to the end, jump down to the lower
walkway. Take the SPECTRE EYE, which feeds off of ectoplasm, and put it into a
vacant slot. Listen out for the distinctive sound of the ghosts, to let you
know when they are about to appear. When the ghosts appears, shoot them with
it. When you kill a ghost, they leave behind another spectre eye with ammo
inside. Keep following the path, and eventually, it will lead you inside a
large structure.

Continue forward past the barrels on the pathway, to the circle of skulls with
another spectre eye in the middle. Go left and follow the pathway. Now you've
got to jump across columns with small platforms on top, while dodging the
flames that shoot up. Quicksave before you start. The small platforms with the
planks extending from them won't drop out from under you. Neither will the ones
with blood on them. When you're near fire, wait for it to stop shooting up,
before moving past it.

Jump past the one with the blood stain on it, to the next one and keep going
when you can. When you reach the end, you meet the Rev. Crowley, killer of
Saunders. After the cutscene, move forward into the doors, and follow the path
to the end. Climb down the ladder on the right. Move forward near the first of
a series of poles that shoot out of the wall.

Move forward to the far side of the square platform with four chains connected
to it. Kill the ghost that attacks. If after standing on it, and you don't get
knocked off, quicksave.

Head down the planks to the large square platform with three blood stains on
it. Stop on the start of the long plank that leads away on the other side.
Quicksave again, once you've determined that you are safe.

Move forward, and stop about halfway between the two bloodstains, then kill
another ghost.

Move all the way to the end, and stop before stepping down to the next
platform. When the nearest pole retracts, make a mad dash to the beginning of
the next lower plank.

This is a long one with about four poles shooting out, so do this one in
increments. Drop down to the beginning of the next plank and save when you're
sure that you are safe.

Do this one in one straight run, dropping down to each lower platform. Ignore
the ghost that appears, and just keep going. Drop into the big blue circle that
is red in the middle. The game will reload, and you'll be starting the next

Move forward down the corridor and in the left and right alcoves, take the
four red ammo clips. Two zombie-like dudes with knives approach. Shoot them
with your pistol from inside the alcove.

Continue on down the corridor. Shoot the ghost that appears ahead, then get the
SELF HEALING power-up. As soon as you take it, quickly turnaround, and run back
to one of the ammo alcoves, because several zombies with guns will approach
from the front. Expose yourself, then kill them when they approach.

Put the rifle with the right mouse zoom feature in the #1 slot, and the Spectre
Eye in the #2 slot. Get the ammo. Head back and stop before the ramp goes down.
Ease forward, and use the zoom feature, to take out the two zombie shooters at
the bottom of the ramp. Use your pistol on the knife wielders, and the zoom
rifle on the shooters.

Crouchwalk, as you approach the raised pedestal, press the use key. Then move
backwards, and take one of the side ramps down to the lower level. Kill the
knifer along the way. Notice the SLOW MOTION & SELF HEALING power-ups. Come
back for the self healing one when you need it later. As you move forward,
there will be a couple of shooters down below.

Continue working your way downward, using your scope, to take out zombies that
shoot from a distance. Crouchwalk up the last ramp to the SHIELD power-up, and
look in the darkened doorway to the left, and kill three shooters and knifers.
Go in near where the three zombies were, and go up the long ladder.

At the top, move along the side, to the other end, and crouchwalk forward. Use
your rifle on the four zombies ahead. As you go down and up a ramp, there will
be a couple of large spiders that you should use the Spectre's Eye on as you
backpedal. Head back, and continue up another dark colored ramp, and press use
at the pedestal with the hand on it to your left.

This will connect another path which is below and to the left of where you just
pressed the use key. Crouch-walk down the light green ramp, and shoot as many
of the zombies that are ahead as you can. Follow it down, and kill about six
shooters before they notice you. Use your spectre eye on the two ghosts. Don't
be ashamed to back up and put some distance between you and your enemies. After
all are dead, go forward, around the big hole, and press another hand pedestal,
to make a couple of more ramps connect.

Go up either ramp, and ahead will be a couple of zombies in the water that you
can pistol whip. Head towards the red lights and a ghost may appear. Pistol
whip four more zombies, and press the nearest two of the four hand switches.
Now zoom in above the gate, and take out four shooters, before moving. Move
forward, and press the 3rd & 4th switches to unlock the gate ahead, where the
shooters are. Zoom in, and slowly move forward, taking out zombies, as soon as
you see any part of them.

Continue forward, and as you head up the steps on the left, zoom in and take
out the shooter near the top. Go to the right, past a head on the wall that is
sticking it's tongue out at you, and press another switch. Come back to the
head on the wall, and head up some more steps. Zoom in on the shooters at the

Continue on and go down some stairs-there's a shooter at the bottom-past
another head on the wall that is also sticking it's tongue out at you, and
press another switch. This will lower a body with it's hands tied behind it's
back down to the round platform below. Head down some more steps, to find the
SELF HEALING power-up at the bottom.

Now retrace your steps up and down the stairs to reach the hanging man. When
you reach him, you will automatically get the code off the front of his jacket,
and return to the real world and unlock the steel doors. This will end the

This level is the same as the demo level. You can go either to the left or
right. Around to the left, is a female thug, and a male thug who is hiding
between the parked vehicles. Around to the right is a guy with double pistols,
and another male thug further back.

Get your Shotgun out, and run to the right, then at the corner take a left.
Charge at the male thug who is running towards you as you kill him. Keep
running, and kill the next one, who is coming around the curve ahead. Then
quickly go to the right, before the red & white raised wooden arms, around the
square column on the right. Kill the female from the left side when she gets
here, then the male who was hiding between the vehicles.

Past the red & white arms, is a curved area that leads to a ramp going down on
both sides of this level of the garage. There are more thugs at the bottom of
the ramp on each side. Before you go down, get the ammo, and be aware, that the
double pistols use up ammo real fast. Switch back to your Silencer Pistol.

Head left from your start point. Head to the top of the ramp, and let the thugs
at the bottom see you. Then quickly move back behind the red and white arms.
They will stop at the top of the ramp. Ease forward, and lean around the curved
left wall, and when you spot the first one, ease out and kill him. Rinse and
repeat, until you have them all. There are about five in all.

Instead of heading down, go back around to the right side, and do the same
thing at the top of this ramp using your double pistols. After the last one,
ammo up, then head down to the bottom and into the lower parking area. There
may be one more to the right.

To your right is a door that requires a orange key card. Head forward and then
to the right. There may be a thug or two down to the right. Get the ORANGE KEY
CARD in the corner and there's 2 LMKs on the wall nearby. Head back to the
orange door and open it. The door will open, and you will see another LMK on
the wall. Wait to get it.

Around to the right will be more thugs. Ease around the doorway and shoot the
first one on the right. Ease further in, and shoot the scaffolding that's
laying on it's side, to move it out of the way, then take out the second one.
Get their ammo and continue on. You'll come to some red & white steps, with a
shooter at the bottom. Kill the shooter from up top or shooting thru the steps.

Head down the steps, and let the thugs in the 2nd lower parking area see you
and give chase. Take out anybody that comes into this area at the bottom of the
steps. Enter the parking area, and go left from the white van with the phone
number on it. Go to the wall, and you'll find a MMK in front of the car.

Jump across the hood of this car and the one next to it, and enter the open
doorway. Ease up the stairs shoot the thug in the back. Enter the next
doorway, and you'll see 2 MMKs on the wall. Don't take them, unless your health
is low.

Peek around the curved part of the hall, and take out three thugs with your
double pistols. Head towards the doorway with the smoking skull picture next to
it. Kill the thug on the left, and his buddy too. If you shoot the canisters,
they will explode. Go thru the canister room, and in the next room, turn left,
and double pistol the thugs who are part way down the steps.

Head down the steps, take out the thug when he comes thru the doorway with the
exit sign above it. Go under the steps, to find 3 MMKs, a BOX OF AMMO, and a

Head thru the doorway, and across the red & white striped threshold, and get
the BOX OF AMMO, to the right. There are more canisters ahead. At the other end
of this canister room, there are 2 more BOXES OF AMMO to get.

Notice the sign on the wall that says the door will open in the event of a
fire. Move back to the red & white striped threshold, and shoot one of the
canisters. This will cause all four canisters to explode, and the door will
open. Move near the doorway, and notice the pickup on the other side of the van
ahead. There is a self-healing power-up there.

Around the doorway to the left are several thugs bunched together-if you
haven't let them see you yet. Face left, ease out the doorway, and fire away.
There are about four of them there. Your double pistols work well here.

If they spot you and scramble, then keep exposing yourself out the doorway and
quickly ducking back in, so you can target their locations. After you kill all
those on the left. Run forward, and get the SELF HEALING power-up. Then come
back around the two cars and from the cover of the various cars, mop up. There
are about seven thugs in all.

After all are dead, ammo up, then move to the far end of the garage, and go to
the black car, which is between a red car, and a gold car. The hand icon will
appear on screen. Press the use key, to start the car, and end the level.

Head to the right, and enter the doorway with the departures sign above it.
Fire a shot down the hall way to draw two thugs. In the baggage check-in area,
crouch down and go left, behind the counter, and take out three thugs. Straight
ahead from where you enter this area, is a violin case with a shotgun type
weapon. It's more powerful, but doesn't hold nearly as many shots. Also you
won't find a lot of ammo for it.

Behind the baggage handlers area, and in the room at the end, is a MMK. Go thru
the other open doorway. Kill the guard to the left and two more to the right.
There is a fourth guard at the top of the ramp. At the top of the ramp, go
right, and enter the fiery area. Stay away from the flames, and go left, to the
other end of the room. Enter the doorway, and kill the thug on the right.

Continue past the overhead fan, and at the end, shoot the thug who is down the
steps. At the bottom of the steps, to the right, is a SMK. Shoot the three
glass windows that are above the green boxes. Climb the green boxes, and shoot
the four thugs thru the window, then jump thru. There are a few more thugs
around the corner. Continue on, and shoot the thug down the steps to the left.

There is a SMK near the Christmas Tree. Continue past the Christmas Tree for
another thug, then go down the steps, but stop before the bottom. Fire a shot
up the next few steps to the right, to draw two more thugs. Head up to the door
at the top, and open it. There are 2 SMKS, & 1 MMK to the left. Now go right to
the doorway. If you keep circling around, you'll come to another SHOTGUN type
weapon, and 2 BOXES OF AMMO-one of which is for the shotgun. Come back to the
open doorway.

Move forward, and take cover behind the tall column. There's a thug ahead, and
two more above him on the mezzanine. Take out the upper ones first. Move around
to the right, keeping the second column between you and the machine gunner,
then when you get a shot, take him out.

Go to the left of the first column, and enter the door. Head up the steps and
take out another gunman on the mezzanine. There are 3 LMKS on the wall up
here. Use them only if you need to, then return back down stairs, and head to
the other end. There's a female thug on the ramp going up and dude to the left
of her. Get his BOX of AMMO, and head thru the doorway marked Gates 01-18.

There are a couple of thugs around the corner to the left, and two more farther
back at the top of each escalator. The two on the escalator are too far away
for your bullets to reach them, so run forward, and crouch behind the luggage
in the hallway. Crouch-walk, as you push the luggage towards them, then ease to
the side, and kill them. Head up the escalator.

Take out two more in the next room, and go past the sign that keeps changing.
Another pair of thugs around to the left. Run forward, and put the tall gray
column-which is next to the movable walkway, between you and them, then ease to
the right, and take out the female and machine gunner. Ride the moving walkway,
and head down to the other end of the room. A thug might run in from the right.
Peek around the corner.

One or two more thugs down the hallway to the right. Enter the doorway on the
left, and cross the walkway above the arcing current. Go down the steps, and
when they end, use the horizontal pipes and head back the other way. At the
wall, use the narrow ledge, until you are above the small green platform with
the hand switch on it. Drop down onto it and equip your shotgun or double
pistols. Quick Save. Press the switch, which will open the security door that
is below and behind you. Turn, jump over the rail, and into the doorway before
it closes again as you are taking out the two thugs straight ahead.

Then move forward, and take out the female to the right. There's another thug,
around the corner to the left. At the end, climb the ladder. Get on top of the
box, and crouch-jump into the square duct. When the thug walks away from you,
shoot the grating, and then shoot the thug. Drop down to the floor. There's a
SMK on the floor. Continue thru the hall, shooting the female further ahead on
the right. A machine gunner and two thugs may come out of the doorway on the
left, so it's double pistols for them.

There's a thug down the ramp farther ahead. Fire shots down the ramp, to make
him come to you for killing. Switch to your double pistols. Walk along inside
the handrail. When you get near the other end where the yellow and white fire
truck is, a dude will come from the right, and a female from the left. Quickly
kill him first, then use the last narrow handrail posts for cover, until you
can get a bead on the female. Another machine gunner dude is to the right. Head
past the yellow airport van, up the steps by the fire extinguisher, and the
dude should come to you.

Head down this hallway, and ease around the left corner, and kill first one,
then the other thug. A female thug will come running around the next left turn.
Head up the steps, and open the door. Go to the other end, and up the steps.
Open the door, and enter. Kill the dude that comes walking out the door and
enter that room. There's a MMK beneath the chair, then go back out the door.
Shoot the canisters so that they will explode, and create an exit for you.

Go down the ramp, carefully crossing the planks. Move forward, and stop before
the corner where the two barrels are. Expose yourself, so that the thug on the
other side of the barricade runs towards you. Then back up, and shoot the
canisters that are leaning against the wall. That should take care of him, now
ease around the corner, and take out his partner.

Head down the hallway, and stop before the corner. Ease around the corner, and
kill the thug. Kill another one who will be coming around the next corner just
as you get there. Open the door, and go out. Go straight ahead, and don't
touch the electrified fence. At the next corner, climb the ladder on the left
corner wall.

Go to the other end, and open the trap door, to get to the freight container
with out being seen. Drop down and knock the grating out with your tonfa.

Switch back to your pistol and go to the left. Get the LMK on the wall to top
off your health. Look down to the right, and you will see a crate with a green
light on it. This is your final destination, once you get the invisibility

Go left, climb three ladders, follow the catwalk and stop after the first right
turn. Look down on your right, and you'll see a gray concrete building. You're
going to get to this side of that building, prior to getting into the green
light blue container.

Continue on along the series of catwalks and ladders. When you are directly
above the plane, go to the right, and get the SELF HEALING power-up if you
want, but it won't do you any good, because you're about to swap it for
something else. Now head back to the nose of the plane, and go along the
catwalk to the right. When you get to the steps going down, stop and quicksave.
You need to get down to the floor, without being seen.

Watch the activity down on the floor, and when the guards are all walking
towards the tail of the plane, crouchwalk down the steps, climb down the ladder
to the floor, and get the INVISIBILITY pickup-but don't use it yet. Move close
to the solid crate-which is between two parts of the fence, and wait to see if
you've been discovered. If not, then quicksave, and get ready to beat your feet.

Now you've got get to the back of the blue crate with the green light on the
back without being seen.

Turn on your invisibility power, and run straight across the hangar, to the far
wall on the other side of the hangar. When you pass the farthest set of
airplane wheels, your invisibility will have worn off by now. When you get to
the wall, go left to the end, then make another left, to the concrete building.
Crouchwalk around the building, to the other side. Quickly move into the alcove
made into the building. See that where you need to go, is straight ahead
diagonally to the right. QUICKSAVE. Crouchwalk along the wire fence, and at the
corner continue to the right. Then head towards the green light, and go inside
the container. The container will be loaded on the plane, and the level will

Max tells you that the plane is losing altitude, and that you must get to the
cockpit, to use the navigational controls. Afterwards, you will get into the
presidents escape pod, and Max will guide you to Central Park.

You shouldn't need the MMK on the floor, since you start each level at full
health, but you can come back for it later after you lose some health. Walk
into the container doors to open them. Look around the left door, and shoot the
thug, then move around the container to the left.

Stop before you reach the steps. There is a thug further down the corridor
behind the shelves. Ease left, and fire a shot towards the end of the hallway,
but don't let the guy that is further back behind the shelves see you. Keep
firing single shots down the corridor, until you here the footsteps, then back
away, and wait for the thug to come to you.

Look down to the shelves ahead, and if the thug is there and sees you, he'll
come to you also. If not, equip your shotgun, and cross the steps. At the
bottom of the few steps, expose yourself, then step back and wait for the
machine gunner. Now continue on, notice the door on the right, which has the
Escape Pod inside. Get the SHIELD power-up on the left. Continue on and fire a
shot at the wall light before the left turn, to bring another thug into view.

Head up the staircase to the next floor and switch to your double pistols. The
President's Room on the right requires the orange keycard. As you head back in
the opposite direction, several thugs will appear ahead and to the left. Let
them see you, then back down a few steps of the staircase, and use the raised
floor door for cover. When they come into sight shoot. Afterwards, move back up
the steps and take a few steps towards the other end. There may be a thug
around to the left.

Head thru the lounge area, and shotgun a female who is in the open doorway on
the left, just past the Conference Room. She may come running out, as you

There is a MMK in the room that she came out of. Come back out, go left into
the Secret Service Area, and get the ORANGE KEY CARD. Now head back to the
President's Room. As you pass the green lamp, notice the staircase going up.

Open the door to the President's Room, but don't go in yet. There are three
guards huddled to the right of the doorway. Lean in, to see where they are.
Left strafe in, and shoot, then quickly run back out, and wait for those that
you didn't kill to come to you. One will always remain back behind the bar on
the right, so move to the left of the doorway by the telephone on the wall, and
look diagonally to the right to get that one. If they manage to scatter, before
you kill them all, one will always be behind the door as you enter.

Run in and go behind the door, shooting the thug if he is there. Stay crouched
behind the door, and the female from behind the bar, should come to you if she
is still there. If so, shoot her as her gun comes around the door. Peek around
the doorway to the next room on the left, and kill another thug. Get the RED
KEY CARD. There is a LMK by the two face bowls, but try not to get it until
just before you initialize the escape pod.

Head back out of the President's Room, and go left past the stairs going up. Go
to the conference room ahead on the left, stand to the left of the red door
mechanism, and open the door. Quickly move to the left side of the doors. Then
ease back to the right, until you can target and shoot the thug in the back on
the left. Afterwards, head over to the laptop computer where the glowing red
light is, and press use.

It tells you that the doors have been open. Max tells you that the police have
sealed off New York. And that he is going to drop you at the Central Park Zoo,
to meet Professor Lindstrom. Crouch down, and head back out of here and towards
the staircase going up. Shoot the thug at the top right, before he sees you,
then head up the steps. This is the navigator's room. As you approach the door
ahead, it will raise, and a machine gunner will start shooting at you. Shotgun
him before the door finishes going up.

Head into the cockpit, and notice the laptop which asks do you want to
initialize the escape pod sequence. Before you do, head back downstairs, and
find a health pickup, to top off your health, then return back to the cockpit.
Also stock up on ammo for your machine pistols.

Take the time to crouch and push ALL the chairs into the stairwell. Making
sure that there are no chairs in the middle aisle of the navigators room. Go
into the cockpit, and push the larger square metal piece of luggage to the left
side of the room. Then face the console with the red light. Arm your machine
pistols. SAVE YOUR GAME IN A SAVE SLOT. This is so that if you die, you don't
have to play the whole level over again.

When you activate the computer, you're going to be taking a different route to
the escape pod, and you will be moving against the clock. Apparently, you have
to reach the escape pod in a certain amount of time or you die when the plane
crashes, but there is no on screen clock to let you know how much time you have
left. You're going to need to take the time to kill your enemies, because you
don't have enough health and power-ups to outlast all the weapons that will be
shooting you.

NOTE: It might make things easier, if you divide your escape into four
segments, quicksaving after each successful segment completion.


After you press use at the laptop. Quickly turn around behind you to the right,
and if the thug is directly behind the raised door ahead, then run to the left
side of the doorway of this room, and ease right to kill him. If he is further
back in the raised door room, then run along the left side of the next room,
and stand to the left of the raised door. Then ease right and take him out and
the machine gunner to the left. RELOAD, and shoot the female who is crouched to
the left, just on the other side of the doorway.

Run across the RIGHT side of this room, getting the MMK and the machine
gunner's ammo. Then veer to the left, and shoot out the vent grill. You kind
of need to be at full health when you enter the vent. Run up to it, CROUCH-JUMP
up into it. If the grill fell in such a way that it is blocking access, shoot
it to destroy it. As you move in the vent to the right, RELOAD. Shoot the exit
vent cover, and jump down. If your health is still very high, Quicksave.


Move forward to the pipe, and equip your SHIELD. Shoot the machine gunner
around to the left. Move forward, and shoot another machine gunner and female
thug at the right end of the next pipe. Get the machine gunner's ammo. Run thru
the SLOW MOTION power-up, and shoot the next vent cover off. CROUCH-JUMP up
into it, and RELOAD as you move around to the right. Quicksave.


The exit vent cover will be up under you, and you need to walk straight onto
it, so that when you shoot it out and drop to the floor you'll be facing the
thug that is shooting at you. Immediately shoot the thug. Then activate your
slow motion power-up, and run thru this section without wasting time or ammo on
any of the enemies.

You're going to run forward, then to the right. Then back to the left, and
straight ahead. When you see the staircase going up, go around and under it.
Take the steps beneath them down to the lower floor, Quicksaving as you go
down. If you machine pistol is low on ammo, switch to your silencer pistol.


Veer to the right and thru the lighted hallway, shooting the thug in your way.

Move to the right, going along the shelves, shooting another thug that's in
your way and stop before the end. RELOAD. Look around to the left, and shoot
the machine gunner. Go diagonally to the left, and shoot the other machine
gunner blocking your path. Run forward, veer to the right to be in the escape
pod, and to end the level.

Your escape pod lands in Central Park, and Max tells you to find the zoo. From
the start, there are a couple of cops walking back and forth in front of you.
Before they see you and start shooting, quickly turn to your right, and run to
the perimeter wall, and jump the handrail, and take cover against the wall. As
if the small targeting reticule isn't hard enough to see, now you've got
falling snow making targeting a lot more difficult. There's a MMK in the escape
pod which you shouldn't need if you got away before you were spotted.

Follow the wall to the left, hopping the low handrail. To the left on the
walkway before the next low handrail, will be three guards. As long as you
don't alert them to your presence, you should be able to run along the wall,
and hop the next two low handrails.

NOTE: With the perimeter wall, and SINGLE PARKED PATROL CAR to your back, the
left fork and right forks of the road leads to two Crazy Bill's Wild Hot Dog
carts. But be aware, that these areas are crawling with cops. You shouldn't
need to replenish your health just yet. When your health gets low, return along
the perimeter wall to this place, use your scope to kill the cops, and then go
to the carts to replenish your health

Go between the PARKED PATROL CAR, and the gate, and keep going along the wall.
Go between the huge rock and the wall. You'll pass some gunmen, but don't stop,
just keep going along the wall, and if they fire, most of their shots will miss

Eventually you'll come to a cop sitting backwards on a rearing horse. Your on
screen display, will indicate that you can't shoot this guy. Keep going along
the wall, and you'll pass three parked patrol cars.

As you get to the third parked patrol car, notice the dark alcove in the wall.
Continue forward, until the cops spot you and starts to give chase. Backpedal
as you shoot him. Move to the wall, and go forward to where the wall sticks out
near the second cop. Either fire a shot at him or let yourself be seen. When he
comes into sight, shoot him.

Crouchwalk to the handrail, and follow it forward. When you see the third cop
thru the railing, watch for him to turn away from you and go in the other
direction. Then stand up, and shoot him in the back. Don't go after his ammo,
or other cops on the bridge will see you.

Continue on along the perimeter wall. Move to the back of the area with the
Yellow Cab on the other side of the fence. Wait to see if anybody is in
pursuit. Quicksave. Notice the round boulders. There is a stationary female to
the left of them, It's very dark here, and she is hard to see since she is
standing still, so move to the tree ahead. Kill her, which will alert other
cops, so run back along the wall, all the way to the three parked patrol cars
if necessary, to make the other cops give up their pursuit.

Head back along the perimeter wall, until you get close enough to shoot the cop
ahead, before he sees you.

Move forward along it, to the second outcropping of the wall-which is past the
park bench, next to the pole with five white lights on top of it. Peek around
and when the cops back is turned, kill him. Then move out and back behind
cover, to make the fourth cop come to you for killing.

This is the Zoo, so move around the wall that is next to the five white lights
lamp post, and walk into the yellow note on the wall, to find that the meeting
has been moved to the statue of Gov. Stone. Quickly move back behind the side
of the wall, when you see the helicopter to the right. It has dropped off some
Army guys, with automatic weapons. There should be at least three, maybe four.
Switch to your shotgun or machine pistols. Pick off the army guys by easing out
a little bit and shooting any part of them that is exposed.

the zoom feature, by pressing the right mouse button. Use this to snipe
enemies, before you get into range, where they see you, and start shooting
back. When you use the zoom, the rifle has a high kick, which makes you shoot
above your target. Especially, if you fire several shots in succession. For
best results, try for single shots from a safe distance.

Pass the 'you are here sign' in front of the zoo, and continue along the wall.
You'll pass some tall boulders, and will see another 'you are here sign' with a
cop nearby. Snipe him then go to the second sign. There may be a second shooter
in the trees, just past the sign. Continue to the right, along the path next to
the sign post with arrows pointing to the museum, statue, and zoo.

When you see the ice covered lake with the platform shaped mound of snow in it,
go and walk on the ice, and follow it. You'll go pass a raised structure with
steps, which is the Fountain. Keep going along on the ice, as it circles around
the fountain. Ahead to the left, you'll see the statue of Gov Stone. Kill the
two cops nearby with your scope from a distance. There are two cops to the
left, by the 'you are here sign.' There are several cops behind the hill that
is behind the statue that you should ease around to the right to snipe. Go to
the back of the statue, to get another message from your contact to now meet
him at the museum.

As soon as you get the message, another helicopter will land to the right of
the patrol car, and two soldiers will come towards you. From behind the statue,
look around the left side and shoot them before they reach you. Quicksave, and
go get their ammo. Retrace your steps back across the ice, passing the
fountain, and go to the perimeter wall.

Before you head to the museum, you may need to go to the hot dog stand, to
replenish your health. The museum is to the left along the perimeter wall. But
you should go to the right along the perimeter wall, to replenish your health.
Along the way, snipe any cops that you can get a bead on.

When you get to the hill before the single parked patrol car, turn to the
right, and snipe the cops around both hot dog machines. Then move down the
hill, jump the handrail, and crouchwalk to the back of the hot dog machine.
Repeatedly press the use key, till your health is back at 100%. Now move back
to the perimeter wall, and go left.

The Museum, is the building with the vertical banners waving in front of it.
From the corner of the building, move to the side of where the handrail is.
Snipe the single guard out front, then move along the building front, and
enter. Hop across the broken fossils to get to the back of the room. Find
another note in the doorway, saying that he is now back at the zoo. As soon as
you take the note, several army guys will enter the building, so quicksave.

Stay in the alcove, ease out, and shoot the one to the left. This will make the
others approach, so kill them also. There should be at least three. When it's
clear, be sure to get their ammo for your sniper rifle. Now move to just inside
the front entrance, fire a single shot, to make the last army guy come inside.
When he does, kill him and get his ammo also.

Go back outside to the left, hop the handrail, and continue along the building
front. Head back to the perimeter wall, and follow it back to the zoo. Go past
the front of the zoo, to the single bench with Prof. Lindstrom sleeping on it.
You've finally found him, and after a cutscene, the level will end.

Your objectives are to destroy all the clocks, return to the guillotine, and
rescue Lindstroem. You have 66 minutes to accomplish all of this. As you
progressively shoot the clocks, the speed of the countdown will slow down
accordingly, and the ticking will get softer and softer.

There are nine clocks with icons for each at the bottom of the screen. As you
destroy a clock, the icon will disappear. To find the clocks, you have to
listen for their ticking to get louder as you get near them, and softer as you
move away from them.

For the most part, try to run past the attacking enemies. When you can't avoid
them, repeatedly shoot and kill the larger creatures, and just jump over the
small bugs that scurry around. One shot will kill them. Your gun has an
unlimited supply of ammo. You start and finish in the guillotine area.

First thing, press the #5 key to draw you pistol.

Move to the hallway opening on the right that is to the left of the two
barrels. Look into the church opening on the left, and shoot clock #1 that is
to the right of the altar.

Now come back out to the guillotine start area, and go to the right. Just past
the broken down wagon, there is a narrow gangway to enter here. At the end, go
to the right, and shoot Clock #2.

Turn to the left, and look thru the railing and into the graveyard. Against the
back wall is Clock #3.

Head back out of here to the guillotine start area, and turn right. Go all the
way to the end and enter the opening straight ahead, where you see the two
lights. At the end, go to the right, then all the way to the end, and shoot
Clock #4 on the left.

Turn back around, and make an immediate right turn. Cross over the water, and
go to the right. Go up and down some stairs, and in the open court yard, go
right. Try to run past the two large spiders-one coming from the front, and
another from the right. Also try to avoid the large hopping creatures.

From where you entered, go to the right, and up the ramp to the raised area
with hanging cages, and shoot Clock #5. Keep moving to the other side of the
raised area.

Head down the ramp on the other side of this raised area, and enter the opening
nearby straight ahead where you see the two lights. Go up and down a few steps,
and turn into the gangway on the right, before the next set of steps going up.
Shoot Clock #6 on the left.

Come back out of here and go to the right, and up about ten steps. Cross an arc
shaped bridge, and down some more steps, and shoot the wood fence on the left
next to two barrels, to expose Clock #7.

Continue to the right, along this path, and after it goes to the right, shoot
Clock #8 on the left.

Keep going forward, and enter the opening on the left at the end. Keep going
until you get to a large open area where you'll see a wooden wagon to your
right front. Go past this wagon on the left side of it, jumping over the boxes
besides it. Go straight ahead to another opening. Head up the stairs ahead. On
the first landing, turn right, and shoot the large spider. Then shoot Clock #9
inside the room. After you shoot the last clock, the timer stops counting down.

You want to avoid the two hopping creatures down below. Go back down the steps
to the ground, and go left around this building to the end. Diagonally ahead to
the left, is an arc shaped bridge that you should cross. On the other side, go
left thru the tunnel. You are now in the graveyard. Head to the right of the
tall doors with the light above them. Head into the opening, and at the end,
make a right, heading towards the two barrels. To the right is the guillotine
start area. Go up on the guillotine, and free Prof Lindstroem. You'll get a
cutscene, where Lindstroem tells you to go to the Pussy Bar, and say the
password to Brad Allen, who will give you the documents. This will end the


Move forward to the left, and press use to get behind the bar. Get the AMMO in
the corner. There is a SHOTGUN under the bar that you don't need. Come back
out, and enter the door across from the bar. To the right, is a SMK. Go left,
to open the safe, to get the documents, which are too smeared to read.

Stay in the Safe Room, arm your sniper rifle and aim at the door. You hear a
police siren outside. The door below the exit sign, is blasted open. Shoot the
cop that comes to you. The other one is outside next to the opened door of the
patrol car.

Afterwards, go and crouch by the farthest of the two dumpsters on the left.
Fire a shot down the gangway on the left, which will bring three FBI agents
from the far end. Snipe them before they get close. Head down the gangway, and
go right at the corner. Switch back to your silencer pistol.

Enter the hallway, stand sideways in the doorway on the left, and fire a shot
down the hallway ahead. This will bring an agent to you. Move forward, near the
barrel at the corner, and fire a shot down the left hallway, to bring two more
agents into play. There is an exploding red drum to the left, that can be shot

Go forward and turn the corner to the right. Stand back, and shoot the gas
canister leaning against the left wall. This will create a doorway with another
agent inside. Ease right and kill him. Move up the steps, and down the hall to
the right. Open the door, and look out. There is a cop or two standing off to
the left. Ease around the open door, and kill them.

The second one may be standing further to the left, so move up to the open
door, and fire a shot around it to the left, to make him come stand in front of
the doorway for killing.

Diagonally to the left, from where you step outside, is a raised canister for
you to shoot and create an opening for you to use. You may want to backtrack
and top off your health and ammo. Hop up the boxes and over the concrete wall
to the other side.

Go forward and stop before the corner on the right. Fire a shot around the
corner to draw the female thug. Further ahead on the right, past the fire, are
some basement steps, a machine gunner may be waiting for you to approach, if
you didn't get him with the female. Crouch down, and fire a shot down the
steps, to make him come to the top, then take him out.

Head down the steps, and into the hallway. There's a LMK on the wall. In the
doorway on the left, and down to the left, is another thug. After you kill him,
shoot the red drum in the left corner, to take care of the other one. A cop may
come in the doorway on the right, which is to the right from the doorway that
you are in. Run in the doorway, and use the square column ahead for cover. He
may come over near to where you are.

Head clockwise around the perimeter of the room, to the doorway on the right.
If the guy didn't come out, he'll be in here on the left. Also kill the guy who
is down on the right. There is a LMK under the steps that lead down into this
room. Exit out the door by the red park bench and head up the ramp. There are
four thugs up here, so draw them out, and run back in the door for cover.

Afterwards, there are steps behind the tire for you to go up. But first, go to
the right, and shoot the gold lock off the door, then shoot the canister in the
chain link fence room. This will make an opening into the adjacent room where
there is a LMK. Come back out, and head up the steps. Go to the left, and open
the door.

There's a thug to the left, standing besides an explosive canister, that you
can shoot thru the fence, before he sees you. There's another gunman standing
behind the flaming barrel that you won't see, if you don't know that he is
there. Now open the wooden fence gate and enter. Move forward and to the left
crouching besides the dumpsters. Kill the gunman in the opening on the left if
he is still there. As you head into the opening, you find that there are two
more of those guys that you can't shoot.

Enter the door that is between them, and run in and take cover behind the wall
because there is a thug ahead down the steps. He and another FBI agent should
come up the steps to you. Enter the Ode Warehouse, and go to the right. Follow
the hallway, step outside, then quickly back in, letting the agent on the right
see you. Back into the hallway, and let him come to you. Kill another one to
the left of the next doorway. Head back outside, and up the two sets of steps.

Kill the guy around the doorway to the left, then continue on, and kill a
couple of more who are down the steps. They'll come up to where you are, if you
let them see you. Head down the steps, and thru the hall ahead. Go around the
wall, and see the doorway leading back outside again. Just around the doorway,
up the ramp is a thug, and another down along besides it. Fire a shot outside,
to make the one on the ground come to you. Then ease left and take out the one
at the top of the ramp. Now would be a good time to backtrack, and top off your
health, because you're getting ready to leave this area, and won't be able to

Afterwards, go to the top of the ramp, turn left, and jump to the narrow wall
ledge. You'll hear a helicopter over head. Follow this around, and drop down to
continue on. Before you exit back out into the large open area, know that there
are three soldiers way back to the left.

From this point on, a number of your enemies will be using sniper rifles just
like the one that you've already got. So from here on in, that should be your
main weapon.

Expose yourself just enough to make them come to you for killing. There's a
third one further back to the left, that you'll have to come out to get. Use
the square columns near the guys that you can't shoot, to get closer to him.
He'll be all the way at the end, and around the corner to the left.

In the middle of the street, with three yellow and black barricades around it,
is a manhole with a ladder for you to climb down. Go down the ladder with the
rungs behind you, so that when you reach the bottom, you be able to kill the
guy who is ahead to your right. Stay in this little alcove, and make the other
two come to you. Look to the right, and snipe the fourth one.

Proceed thru the sewer, going from side to side, and try to get the dropped
ammo that's in the water. When you get to the wall, turn right. Around the
corner to the left, in an alcove to the left is a gunman to snipe. You can also
shoot the barrels to make him move, then shoot him.

Proceed forward, and near the other end, when you hear the footsteps, run back
to the right wall, just before the two barrels, and use the wall for cover as
you snipe two more guys. Move back on the other side of the barrels, so that
you can take them out easier.

Proceed forward, and kill the one at the end to the left. Proceed to the left,
and kill the guy around the corner to the right. Past him are some steps on the
left leading up, with a female shooter at the top. Crouch down, and you can get
a head shot when she appears. Climb the steps, and run past the opening on the
right, and the guard will run into the room on the left. Shoot the boards out
from in front of the doorway, then ease over and kill the guy.

Enter the doorway and follow the hall and snipe the thug around the corner to
the left. Open the door, and quickly duck back around the corner, because a
sniper will be on the bridge ahead to the right, shooting at you. Take him out
first, then deal with the one to his left. Before you move past the open door,
be aware, that there is a third one either walking the plank above your head,
or on the wall above to your right. Stand in the doorway, and fire a shot up
into the walkway above. He will jump down in front of you, where you can put
his lights out.

Walk over to the wall where the snowman is, and move a good distance to the
right side of it along the wall. Shoot the snowman, to expose a canister, then
shoot the canister to create an opening in the wall. Move over besides the
opening, and shoot the three soldiers. If you only shoot one soldier, the
others will be hiding on the other side of the cars, waiting to ambush you.
Besides the van, is a drum. Crouch behind it and push it towards the back to
use for cover as you approach the remaining guards.

Open the brown door in the left corner on the other side of the vehicles. On
the left, you encounter two wrapped presents. Move to the last door on the
right with the name Julia Prophet on it. You encounter a vision of your Aunt
Julie, and she tells you to go to the church of the saints, and meet Father
Malloy. This ends the level.

You start out in the same hallway standing next to a door with your Aunt
Julie's name on it. Switch back to your silencer pistol. Turn around behind you
and back away as you face the large gray door. Soon two muggers will open it
and charge at you for killing. Head thru the door, and notice the MMK on the
floor. Around the next corner to the left will be a thug, followed by a cop,
and a few more muggers. Quickly backpedal into the previous hallway as you
shoot them.

Continue on and move outside the building and head to the left. There is an
open door way on the other side of the street to the left of the red fire
hydrant, with a thug and a cop inside to the right. Make them come to you.
Continue thru the halls, and there is another cop around the corner to the
right of the red fire extinguisher on the wall, that you can make come to you.
Head to the end of the hall, to the last door on the left with the red exit
sign above it.

Open the door, and move forward beside the box with the cat on it. Fire a
single shot at the first doorway on the left, just past the fence ahead. This
will make a thug come out of it so you can shoot him. Now move forward and
shoot the gold padlock on the gate, so you can go thru. Go straight ahead down
the gangway, ease up the few steps, and into the doorway. Shoot the thug on the

Head left towards the two LMKS on the wall, then quickly back up. A cop will
come up the stairs so that you can shoot him.

Now turn back around, and go to the right. As you climb over the snow, shoot
the mugger on the right. There's a MMK at the end of the gangway to the right.
Further along this route, it is blocked by a fence.

Go to the left which leads to the street, where three shooters are waiting for
you. Move to the fence, and fire a shot down the gangway to the right, then
move back, and wait for one of the cops to come to you. Rinse and repeat, to
get the other one.

Go right, down the gangway, and stop before the end. Fire a shot around to the
left, to bring a third cop to you. Go left where he came from. Go up the steps
on the left, and open the right side door, then fire a shot to the right to
draw the FBI guy to the right of the door. Move inside the door, and look to
your left, to see a door that requires a yellow key card. This is where you're
going to come back to when you get the key card. Get your sniper rifle out.

Ease towards the doorway and snipe one of the three or four soldiers. Backpedal
away from the doorway, then ease back forward, and start to pick them off.

Enter the large Lobby area. There is a MMK on the couch to the right. Next to
the broken elevator, go around behind the bar, stand to the side, and open the
door. Ease to the left, and snipe the soldier down the hallway straight ahead.
Enter the doorway, and get the YELLOW KEY CARD on the right. There is a SMK
next to the computer.

To the right of where the last soldier was, is a jail cell type door. Open it,
and fire a shot down the steps, to draw the thug. If you continue along this
path, it will lead you back to where the two large med kits on the wall were.
The only thing that going back leads to, is about four more enemies to kill.
It's mainly just a waste of time and ammo.

Come back out into the Lobby, and go back out the doorway where you came in
on the right. Go all the way to the end of the hall, and use the key card to
open the Yellow Door Panel. Shoot the soldier at the top of the steps on the
left. There's another one down around the side of the steps. Crouchwalk up the
steps, and kill another one to the right.

As you head up the second set of stairs, look to the right, and snipe two more
soldiers on the third set of steps. Get the SHIELD power-up on the landing, and
continue on up. Let the next guard on the next landing, see you, then quickly
retreat and let him come down to you. Keep going up, and there's a MMK on that

Let another one come to you as you head up the next flight of stairs. Another
MMK on the next landing. Keep going, and kill another guard. Continue on up,
killing more guys as you go. There is a landing with a SMK on it. After you get
the landing with the third MMK, there's one more landing to the top. When you
get to the very top, stand to the side of the doorway, and shoot the two guys
that come running thru. Peek around the doorway to the left, to spot another
one. Fire a shot down the hallway, and he'll come and stand in the doorway for
you. There's a SMK on the top landing, and in the elevator, is a LMK.

As you proceed down the hall, one will come from the right at the end. Followed
by another, and standing down the hall to the right will be a third one that
you can snipe.

Quickly run towards the end of the hall. At the end of this hall, four will
come from the left at the end, one at a time. Reload after each one, and before
you move forward to trigger the next one.

As you head towards the glass doors on the left, shoot thru the upper left
glass pane, to take out the one to the left, on the roof above. Shoot out the
rest of the panes of glass so you can quickly get back inside.

Turn to the right, and ease out the right side opening where the glass was, and
go besides the wall protrusion on the right. Peek around the wall, and locate
the two windows-one above the other. Each has a shooter in it. Snipe them both,
starting with the upper one, before coming out onto the balcony. Head down the
ladder on the left, and shoot some more panes of glass, to find a MMK.
Backtrack to the steps if you need your health topped off, and ammo up.

Continue down the next ladder. Jump the hand rail and land on the planks below.
Take them to the ledge below, and follow it. Switch back to your Silencer
Pistol. At the doorway at the end, without going in, shoot the two muggers,
female shooter in black, and FBI guy around the wall to the right.

Kill another mugger thru the doorway on the left. There's a MMK behind the
books on the floor. As you pass thru the room with two fire cans in opposite
corners, look down the next hallway, and snipe the female in the left corner
hidden just to the right of the burning barrel, and the guy that comes to check
on her. Move to the end of this hall, and quickly back, and kill two shooters
in black that come from the right. There's a mugger to the right.

Before going any further, backtrack and ammo up. Then return here, and head
across this open area, and into the doorway ahead. When you get to the area
with the single brown plank, let the soldiers see you, and come to you for
killing. There'll be about ten of them. If they don't come across the plank,
then you'll have to pick them off from here.

Head across the plank without falling off and killing yourself. When you get on
the roof, use the concrete smokestacks for cover, and head down to the other
end, and kill any remaining soldiers.

Past the open doorway on your left, around the corner to the left, might be a
soldier waiting to ambush you. Look down the narrow space between the two brick
structures in front of you, and use your scope, to try and shoot any of the
canisters laying on the ground near the soldiers in the back. If so, one
explosion will take care of them all. If not, then go around the concrete
blocks on the right side, and in the back under the large billboard, snipe any
soldier that you can, and the rest will come to you.

Before heading to the exit at the far end, turn back around and head back
towards the plank that you crossed. Enter the doorway on the right. Down the
steps, are two LMKS on the wall. But make sure you've cleared the roof of
soldiers before using them. Come back up the steps, top off your ammo, and head
to the far end on your left.

You'll see a large billboard above four large fans that are in concrete. If you
didn't shoot them earlier, laying around on the ground, you'll see a lot of
canisters. From a safe distance, shoot the canisters to make them explode. This
will expose an opening, with a ladder to go down.

Climb down the long ladder and when you reach the end of the solid wall behind
you, turn around on the ladder. Scope and snipe the soldier thru the openings
in the grillwork. Then finish climbing down. Another soldier will appear at the
other end, so quickly move to the side behind the cover of the wall and take
him out. There's a MMK in the corridor on the right, and another soldier may
come from the end. So use the side wall protrusions in the corridor for cover
until you reach the other end.

Move toward the doorway at the other end, but don't go out it. Shoot the red
fire truck ahead, to make it explode. Move into the doorway, to let the
soldiers see you, then quickly back up and snipe any you see. Then run and
stand besides the overturned fire truck. Expose yourself around the left side
of the fire truck, then duck back and kill several soldiers when they come

You're going to make a run for it-while being shot at-to the far end where
you'll climb the steps of the cathedral.

Turn on your shield power, then put on your running shoes, and beat your feet
to the top of the front stairs of the cathedral-which is straight ahead on the
other side of the fire truck. Ignore the shots that are being fired at you.
You'll get a cutscene, where you talk to Father Malloy where he tells you to
search yourself, and thus end the level.

You'll be attacked by psycho killers throughout this level that can't be
killed. You can only knock them down for a few seconds before they get back up
and slashes at you again. Your best bet, is to avoid them whenever possible. If
one is blocking your path, to get past it, you need to shoot him in the white
box attached to his chest, until it knocks him flat on his back, then run past
before he can get back up on his feet again. There are some places where he
can't reach you, like wide tables, or certain rooms and doorways.

From your start position, diagonally to your left, is a counter, and just past
that, is a narrow opening with a door that leads to the hotel manager's old
office, and is your way out. Press the #5 key to arm your pistol. Run past the
psycho approaching diagonally ahead from the right. Go past the counter, and
stop in front of the door on the left. Crouch down, and when the psycho comes
and swipes at you, he'll break the door, so you can quickly back into the room,
and out of his range.

Jump up on the table, to get the BLUE KEY TO THE REAR ENTRANCE, that is
floating above the table.

On the wall, is a square opening, which is a vent shaft that goes down to the
basement. From the vent tunnels in the basement, you can get to a maze of hotel
hallways, that is the wrong way to go. So you can ignore it.

Shoot the psycho to knock him on his back, then jump past him, and go left to
another entrance, which is to the right of the 'out of order' elevator, and
leads outside. Go to the right, before another psycho killer attacks, and get
the SELF HEALING power-up.

Shoot this psycho down, then run back past him, and jump over the balcony
handrail on the right. Go to the other side of the pool. Which should give you
a bit of a breather. Turn around and you'll see a round part of the building,
with a light in the window. Below and to the left of that is a boarded up
doorway. From this end, shoot the boards out. Then keeping the pool between you
and the psycho, run past him, and into the doorway.

To the left, are some stairs going up, which will lead you to a bedroom with a
hole in the floor, where you can drop thru it to be in the same maze of hotel
hallways that the vent on the wall led to.

I get the feeling that to go the vent route, or the hole in the floor route,
will lead you to a set of dummy hallways, that won't do anything to help you
accomplish your mission. Which is to break into the psycho killer's room, and
take the key to the upper lobby. So disregard the steps going up also.

Instead, open the door ahead, thanks to the blue key that you just got. Head
down the steps and go to the left. Go down some more steps, follow the hallway,
shooting a new breed of psychos, who instead of falling down, disappears for a
few seconds before reappearing again elsewhere. Head up the steps, and follow
the hallways, until you get to the kitchen. In the pantry room on the left, is
a big spider, and the SHIELD power-up.

Go straight ahead from where you entered the kitchen, enter the doorway. This
is like a large dining room, and to the left on the table, is another SELF
HEALING power-up. To the right of where you entered the dining room, is a
boarded up doorway. Enter the doorway BETWEEN where you entered, and the
boarded up doorway, and head up the stairs.

Shoot the boards that are blocking your way. Shoot or avoid any psychos that
you encounter in this area. To the left, is a locked door, that you need the
upper lobby key for.

Go right, and keep following the right wall. When you get to the ice machine
that's turned on it's side, jump over it, and go straight to the back wall. At
the corner, turn left, and you'll see a room on the right with several boards
across the doorway, and an upright ice machine in front of it. Shoot the boards
out, and enter the room. Get the KEY TO THE UPPER LOBBY.

Now you need to get back to that locked door, that was to the left, when you
came up the steps. Head back out of here, and go left, then right at the
corner. Keep going straight, and jump ON TOP of the ice machine that is on it's
side. Shoot one or two large spiders that are in your path. Jump down, and go
straight ahead to the end of the hall. Turn left, then right, passing the steps
that you came up, and go to the door on the left. Open and enter it. Go out
onto the walkway, and follow it, until you reach the elevator with the red &
white buttons besides it on the wall. Enter it, and end the level.

Shoot all the boxes that you encounter, because some contain goodies.

As soon as you regain control, shoot the two ghosts coming from ahead as you
move forward. Put the Spectre Eye, that the ghost dropped into the #3 slot.
Move onto the circular platform, and press the hand pedestal. The circular
platform will start to descend, so turn around behind you. As it is descending,
two more ghosts will appear, so look above and all around Angie. The ghosts
make a distinctive sound, when they are about to appear, so listen for it.

When it gets to the bottom a passage will open in front of you. Head into the
passage. Shoot the crawlers and zombies with your pistol, to save the Eye's
ammo for the ghost, as you move toward the next room. Shoot the three-high
stack of boxes on the right, for a MMK.

Go across the room, and press the hand switch on the wall, to open the door to
the left of it. Stand with your back against the now closed door, and shoot the
nine zombies that come out of each jail cell. Then move forward a little ways,
to activate the flamethrower. Shoot the top box on the stack in the middle of
the room, so that you can have a clear target. Move back to the door, and shoot
the flame thrower with your pistol, until he dies. He won't come past the
boxes. Shoot the remaining boxes, to expose a MMK. Put the flamethrower into an
empty slot.

Move forward to the next doorway, and shoot all the boxes, to expose a crawler.
Move forward, and use the hand switch on the right. Head thru the new doorway,
and kill the two crawlers before you ignore the SLOW MOTION power-up. Enter the
next room, shoot the boxes, then the spiders from afar. When they start to
approach, backpedal onto the bridge, as you shoot them. Continue down the
steps, doing the same thing. There are about ten spiders in all.

Head down the steps, and get the SHIELD power-up by the door, to replace the
stupid slow motion power-up that you accidentally got when you were
back-pedaling. Use the hand switch to open the door, which will be locked once
you go thru.

This next area, is a large circular walkway, that you can make figure eights
with, as you run. Several enemies attack you-spiders, crawlers, and zombies.
Switch to your pistol-because your other weapons can cause health damage to
Angie, as she is shooting at enemies that she is approaching.

Keep shooting enemies as you run towards them while running around this area.
Don't stop to kill an enemy, until most of them are dead. Just shoot it a few
times-decreasing it's health, as you head towards and past it. The large
spiders can damage you the most, so kill them first, then the zombies. The
crawlers, you can jump over until they are all that's left. Don't let all these
enemies corner and gang up on you.

After you've killed everything, Follow the arrow on the wall to the right of
where you entered, to be in a hallway. Shoot the enemies ahead from the
doorway, before proceeding then shoot the boxes. Get a MMK. Under the ramp, is
a SELF HEALING power-up. Head up the ramp, and as soon as the large spider
makes it's presence known, move back to the previous corridor where you can
safely kill it.

Move forward, then down the ramp on the right. Shoot the boxes under the
walkway, to find a SHIELD power-up. There is also a MMK inside one of the boxes
surrounding the power-up.

Head back up to the walkway, and proceed into the hallway ahead. Press the hand
switch to open the door. Below the chains, is a SELF HEALING power-up. Stepping
onto the floor in this large room is what activates the zombies to appear. The
ramp is your safe area where they cannot come-unless you step back onto the
main floor.

There is a machine gun in the middle of the room, which is a trap. As soon as
you grab it, it disappears, and is replaced with the pistol that you already
had. If you find that after grabbing the machine gun, you can't move, press the
use key to make the machine gun re-appear, and then you'll be able to move.
Save yourself the headache, and just shoot the zombies with your pistol, from
up on the ramp. After they are all dead, follow the lined path to the left, to

Head down the ramp, and step off into what looks like a fiery pit. You meet
your inner self, who shows you your true powers, and says to use the power of
the light. This ends the level.

Arm your silencer pistol, and move over to the left opening. When the thug that
is patrolling the back area, is walking away from you, shoot him in the back.
Move forward, and jump the counter to enter the center area. If the beeping
alarm came on, shoot the computer screens to the left of the little snowman.
Get the GREEN KEY CARD. Jump the counter again, and head towards the escalators
on the left.

There is a SLOW MOTION power-up under the escalators that you can pretend you
don't see. Crouch-walk up the rightmost escalator, and shoot the thug who is in
the doorway to the left. Move forward, and open the door, and quickly move to
the left. Ease back to the right, and listen for the thug to be walking away
from you. Then shoot the thug who is patrolling in the back. There is also a
female thug to the left.

Move to the left, and open the door. Ease around the right side of the doorway,
and shoot the two thugs in the next area. Move to the right side of the doorway
by the fire hydrant, and fire a shot to draw the thug into the doorway. Ease
left and shoot the thug. There is a female thug to the left, hiding in the
doorway. Move to the end of the left wall, and face the doorway, as you ease to
the right. When you get her in your sights, kill her. Afterwards, move around
to the left, and go into the doorway.

There is a thug thru the next doorway on the left. Enter that area, and shoot
the glass window, then hop thru. Crouch down, jump and push forward to get
thru. There are 2 LMKS on the wall. Open the door on the left, and quickly move
to the left of it. Ease right, and snipe the male and female thugs to the left.
Move into the room, and go to the machine between the two Building Tech signs
on the wall. Press use, then quickly turn and jump over the hand rail, to the
left of the steps. Move towards the door, and take out the two shooters inside.

Head across the walkway, and stop to the left of the second doorway. Ease
around it, draw and shoot the two thugs. As you move forward thru this
corridor, there is a LMK on the left wall. Thru the next doorway, there are
some stairs going up on the left side. Move around the doorway, and shoot the
two thugs at the top of the stairs.

Crouchwalk up the escalator, and shoot the female who is standing a little ways
away. Head across these walkways, to the other side. Thru the doorway on the
left, let one of the thugs see you, and come to you. Move to the doorway, and
up the stairs. Behind you to the right, will be a LMK and maybe a thug.

Move thru the doorway near the top of the stairs, and down the hall on the
left. There is a LMK on the right wall, in the alcove. Ease up to the doorway
on the right, and shoot the thug diagonally to the right. Shoot the female who
is further to the right. Enter the room, going to the left, and ignore the SLOW
MOTION power-up.

Enter the nearby doorway, and stand beside the fire extinguisher on the square
column. Snipe the thug near the top of the escalator. Head up, and shoot
another one to the left. As you head up the next escalator snipe the one who
runs to the top, followed by his buddy. Look around the doorway on the right,
and shoot the patrolling thugs around to the right.

There is another one patrolling, that is a bit away from you, so use your
sniper rifle on him as he's moving away from you. The switch back to your
Silencer Pistol.

Move across the walkway, and stop before you get to the end of the right wall.
Ease forward, and shoot the female in the corner to the right. Then fire a shot
to draw the male thug.

You may want to backtrack and top off your health. Head into the open elevator
next to the fire hydrant. Walk to the back of the elevator where the grill
plate is hanging down, and walk up the wall(?). Now climb the ladder and go
almost to the top. Then jump off to the LEFT platform on the side and quickly
move towards the open elevator door. Slowly back up, and aim at the patrolling
thug who will come into view for just a second. If you can't see him, then fire
a shot to draw him.

Peek around the open elevator doorway, to see if the stationary one is still
there. If so, then back up until you can get a bead on him and fire.

Move around the corner to the left, and stop before the next corner. To the
left, is another thug with a machine gun. Make some noise moving past the
debris, so he'll come to you. There is also a female back to the left. Move
into the doorway, and fire a shot, to get the attention of a machine gunner who
to the right. Move thru the doorway, and stand beside the wall protrusion, and
fire a shot around the corner, to draw two more who are around the corner to
the right.

Go left by walking on the narrow connecting rail. Stand near the green door
lock, and open the door. Ease to the left, and shoot the thug that is posing in
front of you. Then the other one that comes to investigate. Get the ORANGE KEY
CARD. There are 3 SMGs on the coffee table.

Shoot out the window, and jump out onto the window washers contraption. Press
the switch on the right to ride up to the top. Wait until the thug is walking
away from you, then shoot thru the glass to break it and kill him. There are 2
LMKs on the left wall.

Move into the hallway, and use your key card to open the door. Switch to your
automatic pistols. Fire a shot up the steps straight ahead, and let yourself be
seen. Several thugs will gather at the top of the steps. Kill them in mass,
then switch back to your silencer pistol. If the thugs can't be persuaded to
stand at the top of the steps, then go to plan "B".

Crouch and move up the steps, and crouch along the left low wall. Shoot into
the cubicles, to draw the guards, and when they come to the top of the steps,
shoot. There are about five thugs in and around the cubicles. Jump up onto the
top of the leftmost cubicle wall, and walk along it to the area where the
tables & benches are, to connect to the next cubicle wall. Near the end, move
towards the center isle, under the Tenko Sign. Press the switch on the machine,
to deactivate the safety devices.

Turn around and walk back down the center aisle. When you get to the crossroad,
go to the right and up the steps. Go right again, towards the Tenko Sign. Ease
to the doorway, and shoot the thug who is either standing in it or to the left
of it. Crouchwalk into the next room, and get the thug on the left also. Go
thru this room, into the next one and behind the counter. Crouch down and enter
the passageway. This will drop you down to the laundry room.

Enter the next room, and walk into the corner on your right. Stand so that you
are facing the closed door, and the doorway is on your left. Ease to the right
while aiming down into the room below. Shoot the thug on the dark brown strip
of floor. Drop down onto the pipes, and run to cover on your right besides the
red fire hydrant. Three thugs will come your way. If you only shoot two, the
third one is in thru the next doorway on the steps with a machine gun. You
might want to snipe him.

Up under the pipes that you jumped down on, is a AMMO pickup. Head thru the
doorway, and notice the 2 LMKs on the left wall. Head up the stairs, and open
the door. There are three or four thugs to the far right in the next room. You
can snipe them to make things easy for yourself. Move thru the doorway. You are
now in the lobby area where you first shot the first thug in the back when you
started this level. In the area where you got the first green keycard, is a
stationary female shooter to snipe.

Go into the open elevator on the right. Press the control panel to ride up.
Stand to the side, and look up, so that you can see when the door is about to
open. Keep your sniper rifle equipped. When it stops, and the doors open, look
around them, to find about four soldiers. If they don't come to your, run into
the next little room for cover. Shoot a couple of soldiers that come to the
doorway. Shoot a fourth one in the back of the room to the right.

Move into the room, and notice the 2 LMKs on the first two columns. The
soldiers may have taken cover in the back of the room, which means that you'll
have to go in and get them.

Enter the passageway behind the counter and ride another elevator. Exit, and
shoot the thug on the right, then head to the right. In the last room, notice
the 2 LMKs on the left. Head back past the elevator and snipe the soldier
ahead. A machine gunner is far to the left of where the soldier was.

Move along the right wall, and ease left across the doorway, and kill the
soldier. There are 3 SMKs on the coffee table. In the bedroom, notice the
handcuffs attached to the headboard, and secretly smile to yourself. Move to
the doorway on the other side of the bed. In the room past the computer room,
off to the right, will be two thugs.

Keep going, and head up the broken steps. Crouch and jump to the single piece
of wood that is going up. Walk up it, and jump out the window. You'll get a
cutscene where you talk with a crazy Governor Stone, which will finally end
this level.

This dream level, is a cartoon with some really cool sounding background music.
Avoid the exploding bunny rabbits. You have only a small amount of land to move
on, before you reach the edge and fall off. A pink rabbit is constantly
dropping exploding Easter eggs from the top of the center structure.

Draw your pistol from the #5 slot, run around and shoot the four horn shaped
machines. Reload your pistol while you're running from one horn shaped machine
to the next, so you don't get to a machine, and have to reload when you get

They will explode, and leave a red button for you to press. Make sure that you
aren't standing to close to the horn shaped machines when they explode, or
you'll lose a lot of health. Each time you press a red button, it does damage
to the pink rabbit. When you press the fourth button, he will be knocked down
to the ground where you are. After he falls, go to the little pool of water,
and talk with governor stone, to end the level.

Arm your Sniper rifle. Move to the right behind where the wall sticks out, and
shoot the soldier on the left in the back. The other one will eventually
approach you to be killed also. Since these guys wear body armor, get the
scoped rifle that one of them drops, if it isn't already in your arsenal. Move
forward down the corridor, and at the end, a FBI guy will come walking around
the corner to kill.

Continue around to the right and crouchwalk about two-thirds of the way down
this corridor. On the train platform nearest to you, there are soldiers to your
left and right. Crouchwalk and move forward to the last set of wall protrusions
on each side of you. Scope and shoot the single soldier on the far platform.
Use single shots to make him stand still, then rapid fire to finish him off.

This will activate the ones on the left and right on the nearest train
platform. Ease forward along the RIGHT WALL and aim in the area of the picture
of the woman on the far platform. The soldier on the left on the near platform
will walk into view, so you can kill him. If you wound him, then quickly back
up because they both might come up to the steps.

If you get him, then move forward the steps, and aim towards the right, between
the square white column, and the right wall. When he walks into view kill him.
Check all the soldiers bodies for sniper rifle ammo before proceeding.
Afterwards, come down the steps to the steps that lead down onto the tracks.

Quicksave. Now you're going to have to cross the tracks, and be quick about it.
Notice the ladder to get back up on the other side is straight in front of you.
After the train that is nearest to you goes by, quickly cross the first set of
tracks, go up the two steps in the center, and stand there between the two
tracks. If both trains can pass you with out hitting you, then quicksave.

Line yourself up in front of the ladder on the other platform. When the other
train goes past, run across the tracks, and climb the little ladder and onto
the platform going to the left. Quicksave. Head towards the steps, and stand
under the "A Wizzards Dream" sign on the wall. Ease around the corner, and
shoot the soldier when he comes down. Move around the corner to the left, and
crouch down at the bottom of the steps. Fire a single shot to the top of the
steps. When the two soldiers run up to the top of the steps, shoot them a few
times, then quickly move back around the corner. When they come down to the
bottom of the steps, finish killing them.

Head up the steps along the right wall. There are three soldiers to the right
behind the chain metal door. Shoot a single shot thru the chain metal door on
the right to make one of the three guards behind it move to where you can kill
him. Then ease left, and snipe the one in the bunker. Ease left a little more,
and snipe the one who is patrolling back and forth. There may or may not be a
fourth thug who is further back. If you can move in front of the chain metal
gate without being shot, you should be okay.

Then get the SELF HEALING power-up and head up the left set of steps close to
the wall, but stop before you reach the top. There are about four soldiers on
the left, including one with a GATLING GUN. Ease forward, until you can just
target the one to the left, then open fire. Quickly back-pedal down the steps
as the gatling gun guy comes to get you. Jump backwards over the bunker behind
you, and shoot him as he comes down the steps. Back all the way down the lower
flight of steps also.

Head back up to the top of the second flight of steps, ease around the corner,
and snipe the soldier in the bunker. This will bring two more soldiers to the
top of the steps. Switch back to automatic fire, back down a few steps, and
wait for them to show up.

The Gatling gun has a hell of a powerful kick, and is slow to start shooting.
Plus the fire from the barrel, makes it hard to target anything. You can find
more ammo for the sniper rifle than for the gatling gun. It's really only good
for firing a lot of bullets, and making you think that you're really doing
something. It more of a nuisance than anything else. Go left and get the BLACK
KEY CARD. On the wall, to the left of the key card, are 2 LMKs. Ammo up.

One of the soldiers up here dropped a rifle with a hand grip on top. Walk up to
it, and when you get the on screen hand icon, press the #3 key to swap the
double pistols for it. This is the weapon that I refer to as being an M-16. I
would call this the ARMOR PIERCER, because it only takes one maybe two bullets
to pierce the solder's bullet proof vests. The Silencer Pistol, The Sniper
Rifle, and the M-16 are the only weapons that you need throughout the rest of
the game.

Come back down the steps, and open the chain metal door and enter. Even though
it's not equipped at the time, you can still get ammo for the M-16 simply by
walking over the ammo of any M-16 that is on the ground.

Proceed forward, and shoot out the large plate glass window on the right, where
the room with the four television screens in it is located. Crouch-jump up on
the window ledge, then drop down besides the table with the SMK on it and turn
left. Crouchwalk around the table. Shoot the soldier around to the left thru
the hole in the bottom of the table. There is a SLOW MOTION power-up around the
corner that you DON'T want to swap your self healing power-up for.

Go back to the door with the red & white light beside it. The door that it is
next to, is a fake. The controls really opens the door to the right of you on
the other side of the TV screens. Press the switch, and quickly turn right and
run to the left side of the open doorway. Ease right, and snipe the FBI guy
that's standing there, then enter. Shoot into the door on the right, to make a
FBI guy appear from the left. Go left, and use the wall protrusions for cover.

Time to try out that M-16. Peek around the wall, and after the distant
patrolling soldier goes to the right, move into the open. , Then shoot when he
comes into view. No more than two shots are necessary. Proceed out towards the
platform, and shoot another soldier who's posing with his back to you on the
right. Switch back to your sniper rifle.

Look around the corner of the left wall before stepping out onto the platform.
At the top of the stairs, on the bridge to the right are two stationary
soldiers. Use your scope to take them out. You can shoot thru the railing. If
you only wound them, then use the left wall protrusions to move closer to the
steps leading up to them. Crouch-walk up the steps, and make sure that they
both are dead.

Come back down the steps. Go around behind the staircase, jump over the
telephones, to find LMKs & AMMO. Jump back over the phones, and go up the
stairs. Walk slowly across the left side of the bridge and hop across the
turnstiles. Stay against the back wall. Look down on the other platform, shoot
the patrolling FBI guy. There may be another one patrolling also. There may be
as many as four enemies coming from the left of the platform. Stay crouched
while up on the bridge.

There's another soldier up under the steps that take you down to the other
platform. To get him, go along the back wall, past the steps going down, and
all the way to the end. There is a small section of the bridge, that protrudes
out. Crouch and ease up to it, while looking underneath the steps. You should
be able to spot him standing still. Move far enough to snipe him without being

At the top of the stairs, move behind the left handrail that goes down. At the
bottom of the steps to the left, is a light on the ground. Right behind that
light, is a soldier. Snipe him before moving to the right.

This will bring another agent into play where you shot the patrolling agents.
He knows you're up on the bridge, and will bring a partner to help him. Snipe
them both, then head on down the steps, and ammo up.

Face the open doorway of the train car, and stop. Around the corner to the
right, is another guy with a Gatling Gun. Get out the M-16. Ease left, until
you can see just a little part of his body and shoot. It'll take about five
shots to penetrate his armor and kill him.

Enter the train car, and go to the left, walking towards the other end of the
car. This will end the level.

Arm your sniper rifle. Crouch and move so that the nearest center pole is
between you and the soldier farthest ahead on the right. Shoot the soldier with
his back to you. Soon after, the soldier that is farthest away will head
towards you. Kill him before he gets a chance to shoot you.

Move towards the other end of the car, stand to the left side of the door, and
open it. It closes after a few seconds, each time you open it. There is one
soldier right on the other side of the door, to the left. The first soldier
that you want to kill, is standing in the first set of train doors on the
right. The second one is all the way to the back of the car on the left. You'll
need to use your scope and lean key to see where to shoot him. Now ease around
the door on the left, and kill the soldier waiting to ambush you. Then move
into the next car, and go slowly along the left wall. If there is another
soldier, then as soon as you see any part of him, fire until he is dead.

Move to the other end of the car, and open the door. There are two stationary
soldiers at the far right of the next car. Try to kill at least one of them.
The other one will move to the left side of the car. Keep opening the door, and
easing right, until you can shoot him. The third one is all the way at the
other end, all the way to the left.

At the end, open another door, and go outside the train. Max tells you that the
train is a runaway, and that you have to get to the front of the train, to shut
off the power. On the left side of the train car that you are facing, is a

Step onto the ladder and climb up on top of the car. As you move forward on top
of the train, green signals will be hanging from the ceiling above the center
of the train car. So crouch and stay to the side to avoid being hit by them.

When you get to the car with a hole in the roof, there will be several soldiers
down there waiting on you. You'll see the legs of one as you crouch-walk
towards the hole. Scope him first, then shoot. As you get closer to the hole,
another one will be right below the hole. So ease forwards slowly with your

After you kill two, a third will run to the far end of the car. This means that
you'll have to drop down into the car to get him. Before you do though, get the
fourth one who will be below and behind you. Face to your right, and ease left
along the edge of the train. When you just see his leg, shoot till he's dead.
Reload. Now jump down, run forward to the left and crouch down besides the
bench seats. The third one is far back on the left side, and may come running
towards you. The fourth one is below the leaning speaker at the other end of
these same bench seats. Shoot the runner first, then quickly turn left and
shoot thru the gap between the speaker and the bench seat, to get the other
one. Behind where you jumped down, there is a LMK. Ammo up.

Move to the far end of the car, and open the door, and kill the two soldiers in
the front of the train on the right. Go up the steps, and you discover that the
console here has been sabotaged also. Max tells you to get down, as the train
crashes into some debris on the track, to end the level.

Move towards the opening on the right, and fire a shot up the ramp, to make the
soldier come into view. Shoot him and, then move halfway up the ramp. Fire
another shot, to make the guy on the left present himself. Head towards the
second hole in the wall. Look around the wall to the left, and take out the one
on the flatcar. Climb onto the flatcar and move to the other end, passing the
doorway ahead, then look in and kill the two guards.

Follow the passage to the right, and at the second right, look around the
corner, and kill the guard. Look outside to the right of the boxes that are
straight ahead. Ease left, to let the soldier see you, then back around the
corner, and wait for him to come to you. In this same hallway, before going
outside, crouch down, and take out the guard up high and straight ahead, in the
back on the catwalk, using your scope to see him.

Stand in the doorway before moving outside, use your scope, to spot the
stationary guard diagonally ahead to the right. He's behind the framework of
the large freight container carrier that's on wheels. He's below the middle "X"
shaped part of the frame of the freight container carrier. There is a MMK by
the boxes ahead.

Move forward, down the steps, and crouch besides the nearest set of wheels of
the freight carrier. Look diagonally to the left, and spot another stationary
soldier to shoot.

Move to the next set of freight carrier wheel. Look to the left, and shoot the
gold pad lock on the fence, which will make the gate swing open. Move into the
gate, and as soon as you hear footsteps in the snow, move back out behind the
freight carrier's wheels. Look thru the fence and locate the guards around the
yard. Moving back and forth between the two sets of wheel, scope out and kill
the guards around the yard.

Move into the yard, and to the right of the train. Climb in thru the boxcar on
the right. Look out the door and shoot any guards that you see. In the boxcar
to the right, is a MMK. Exit the boxcar, and go thru the opening in the fence
ahead. Go to the building ahead, and then to the left, to get the SELF HEALING

Return back along the side of the building, to the second set of wheels on the
freight carrier. Climb the ladders and stop near the top. Shoot the guard
standing at the top, before he sees you. Climb up into the compartment, then
turnaround and stand to the side of the doorway, and look at the steps and
catwalk of the building ahead. Shoot the guards that are there. There should be
at least three of them. Look out the doorway to the stairs on the far right, to
find another guard shooting at you, when you come out the doorway.

Go back into the compartment, and jump onto the piece that is sticking up in
the middle of the floor, and jump up onto the roof. Carefully walk across to
the stairs that go down. Descend down to the roof of the building and go along
the catwalk where the shooters were. Go down the steps at the other end, and
you'll begin to hear footsteps in the snow.

Spot and shoot the two soldiers, that you can see across the top of the angled
glass roof windows. Move to the LEFT side of the angled glass, next to the
building. Move past this one, and crouchwalk along side the next one. If there
is a soldier at the top of the steps on the right, shoot him. Move further
forward, look to the left of the upper container with OS on the side, and shoot
the soldier.

Go back around behind and to the other end of the second angled glass. Far back
on another roof on the left below where you see the light fixture, are two
shooters. There is also one who is on the same level as you, diagonally to the
left. There is one who is patrolling right down below you. There is a second
one patrolling to the left down below. Wait until you hear his footsteps get
louder, then aim down on the other side of the steps. When you can move out,
and no one is shooting at you, drop down on the ledge just before the steps.

Look down on the ground and to the far left, to kill the other soldier. Walk
onto the catwalk, and jump over to the containers, with OS on them. Stand like
you're going to walk across the two planks. Aim into the narrow gap between the
two container ahead, and kill the soldier there. Now ease across the two
planks, leading with your left side. There is a soldier as soon as you clear
the corner of the container.

Follow the path of planks. Watch out for soldiers shooting at you from down on
the ground. When you get to the five boxes, jump on top of them, then to the
next platform. As you pass three boxes, and before you cross two side by side
planks near the glass windowed building, look down over the side, and shoot the
soldier below. Now cross the two planks, and find two MMKs.

Near the health pickup, if necessary, push one of the boxes, then jump up onto
the gray container, and continue on. Move to the right side of the three boxes,
and continue on. When you get to the three planks, look into the window ahead,
as you move across them. Quickly run behind the boxes on the left.

Ease right, and shoot the stationary soldier in the right side open window.
Fire a shot into the middle window to make another soldier appear for killing.
Continue on, and jump into those windows. On the left wall will be 2 LMKs.

Head thru the doorway on the right, and fire a shot into the curved hall, to
bring the guard to you. Before you walk forward onto the open catwalk, look to
the left, and snipe the guard. Continue around the path, and climb down at the
end. Face the ladder, ease to the right, staying back from the roll-up door,
and snipe the soldier thru the open doorway, way around to the left. There is
a LMK behind you.

Inside the doorway above you on the brown container on the right, is a soldier
to snipe. Now peek out the doorway and up to the balcony on the left, shoot the
box to draw the other soldier, who is above the light blue container with OS on
it. There are actually two soldiers up here. Move straight ahead into the
narrow passageway where one box is on top of another, and push the top one off,
so that you can jump over them.

From the right, will come two agents to kill. To the left, will be 2 LMKs. On
the balcony above the health pickups, may be two sneaky shooters. Turn to the
right, and there may be a shooter up on the balcony to the right.

Go to the right, past the open container. Go up to where the wood box is on top
of the metal box on the right, and shoot both boxes out of the way. Then ease
left, and kill the guard that was using the boxes as a hiding place.

Lean around the side of the opening where the ramp goes up, and snipe one of
the two guards at the top. The other one will run to the right. Crouchwalk to
the top of the ramp along the right wall, and ease past the corner, and shoot
the two guards.

Shoot another box ahead, to draw a couple of more soldiers. Continue down the
hall to where the five boxes are stacked, and kill the guard to the right.

Look around the left wall, and kill another one. Go forward across the walkway,
and kill another one on the right where the three metal and one wood box are
stacked. Before you go past those boxes, look thru the next doorway on the
right, and snipe the soldier laying in wait.

Continue around, and kill a few more thru the fence. Continue forward, and
shoot the padlock off the gate and go thru. There are 2 MMKs in the corridor on
the left, Ease around the right side of the doorway and kill the guard on the
right. Crouch and ease around the forklift, and kill the guards ahead and to
the right. Another one will come in here also.

Move to the right side of the doorway ahead, and before heading to the right
look down below, and to the left of the OS container, and snipe the soldier
there. Fire a shot into the lighted area that is straight ahead. This will
bring a soldier in there for you to shoot.

Ease towards the hanging OS container on the right, and aim down into the gap
to the right, to snipe the soldier down there. Inside the hanging container
with the open door, is a SHIELD power-up. Come back out of here, and go left.
Enter the doorway, and ease along the right wall. Kill the two guards around to
the right. You can shoot the wooden boxes, so they don't have any cover. Move
along the wall that is to the left of the leftmost conveyor belt. Shoot the two
guards in the hallway on the left. There is a MMK at the end of the rightmost
conveyor belt.

Continue around to the opening in the handrail, and aim down to the right, to
snipe the soldier. He is below the gray container that the two boards from the
red container go to. Jump the gap, and land on top of the container. Drop down
to the red container, and look to the right, and kill the soldier on the next
lower red container.

Also look down to the ground, and kill another guard. Crouch and cross the
planks. Kill the guard ahead and the one directly below as you move forward.
Drop down to the next container, kill a third guard on the ground. Go down the
single plank. Kill the guard coming around the corner from the right, if he
isn't already dead.

As you move forward across the next pair of planks, kill the guard in the
fourth container from the top right stack, with the door open. You may have to
fire a shot inside, to activate him. Drop down to the next lower plank, and
see if you can shoot any guards on the ground. Head across the plank, into the
open container, and out the other door. Go left, and before you jump to the
suspended container, look down below, and kill another guard on the ground. Now
jump down to the two suspended containers.

Turn around, and jump into the doorway of the previous container, to get a MMK.
Jump back to the other container, and continue on. Walk to the edge of the red
container with the wooden box in the left corner. Switch to your M-16, and drop
down to the edge of the red container below. Ease to the right, aiming into the
open door, so that you can see a little of the Gattling Gun guy. Fire about
five shots to kill him, before he sees you. Push the two stacks of boxes aside,
to get the INVISIBILITY pickup if you want it.

Come back, and walk across the plank, and into the container. Look out the
doorway and down to the right of the stack of containers, to kill another
guard. Drop down onto the box that is on the next container, and move forward
down the ramp. Jump down and get the MMK. Continue on, and drop down to the

Head forward to the broken down forklift, enter the narrow corridor leading
with your left side. When you get to the opening, there may be a guard to
shoot. Now get the MMK. Come back out of here, and go behind the containers on
the other side of the room.
There is another MMK along the wall behind the trailers.

Come back out of here going to the right. Throw the switch to the left of the
big brown roll-up doors.

Move around the left side of the doorway, and shoot the soldier who is around
to the left or on the ramp. Go up the ramp on the left, and stop at the top.
Fire a shot between the wall and the container, then aim at the other end of
the container, and shoot the guard that is coming around that way.

From the top of the ramp, look up along the other building across the tracks.
Spot the scaffolding, and use your scope to locate the stationary guard. Also
check the scaffolding above that one.

After you kill him or them, move back into the narrow passage between the
container and the building. Peek around the container to the right. There is a
guard who is further ahead past the forklift. Shoot the forklift, to make it
explode, and clear the area between you and him. Now move back around to the
right side of the container, and snipe him. There may be another guard up on
the scaffoldings, or the first one was playing possum.

Where the big roll-up door is on the left, there is a MMK. Crouchwalk forward
along side the container, and snipe about three guards ahead and down below.

Head back to the other end, and back down the ramp. Head forward from the
door that you came in. Go around the last container on the right, and shoot the

Starting with the single low box, jump up to the top of the container and
follow the path of planks and containers and drop to the ground at the end. Go
into the first alcove, and climb the ladder. Sidestep off onto the ledge to
the left, before you reach the top of the ladder. Go as far to the other side
of this ledge and against the wall-without falling off. Quicksave, then jump to
teeny-tiny ledge that is no bigger than a nipple, then to the larger ledge. Get
the 4 AMMO pickups, then quicksave and return the same way that you came.

Step back on the ladder and continue to the top. Go around the boxes to the
left, and get the MMK. Go to the other end, and climb another ladder. At the
top, head back to the other end, and climb the third ladder. Crouch and quickly
move to the left, to the metal section between the window. There are two guards
inside. Snipe and kill them.

Crouch, enter the window, and drop to the floor. There is another guard further
back, past the forklift. Go around the perimeter of the room,
counter-clockwise, and stop before you pass the end of the wall. Aim in
diagonally to the left, and snipe the guard there.

Run across the doorway to the other side of it. Fire a shot into the hallway on
the right, so that the two other guards will come a runnin'. Shoot them as they
come out. There will be a third soldier who chose to hang back to ambush you.
Enter the doorway along the right side of it, and ease left into the next room,
and shoot the ambusher.

There is a MMK just past the yellow forklift. Go along the left wall where the
health pickup is at. Approach the window from the left, and shoot the two
soldiers inside.

Enter the window, and there is a MMK by the boxes . Go to the left where the
two boxes are. Crouchwalk as you push them for cover, and approach the low
wall. Shoot the two guards on the other side of it, and the one further back.
Hop the first two low walls, and stand on top of the third one, and wait for
two guards to come from behind the stacks of boxes ahead.

Get your M-16 out. Move ahead along the left wall, and fire a shot into the
open area ahead. This will bring two soldiers for you to kill. Aim around the
building ahead, and kill two more.

Along the edge of the ground, towards the water, are 2 MMKs. Since it's near
the end of the level, I'll let you eat some lead for a change. Top off your
health. Move to the open window and jump inside. Quickly start killing the two
guards in here. A third guard will come from ahead to the right.

Move thru the opening to the right. There is a LMK on the floor. Continue to
the bottom of the ramp on the left. ARM YOUR M-16 & SAVE YOUR GAME. Throw the
switch, then move into the doorway to end the level.

You're on a timer, with only a minute to kill all your attackers, and save
Father Malloy from being poisoned. I will name the location of the shooters
based on Angie's position at the start of the level.

Front is towards Father Malloy.
Left is towards the four LMKs on the wall.
Right is where the two ground level shooters are.
Rear is behind Angie.

There are SELF-HEALING & SLOW MOTION power-ups in the corners diagonally ahead
behind obstacles to the left and right. Keep a close eye on your health, and
when it gets low, run to the left wall, and bump into the four LMKs to
replenish then return to your killing.

Quickly turn right, running under the overhead covering, and take out the two
shooters using rapid fire of your M-16. Reload as you turn back around and come

Shoot the shooter on the second floor diagonally to the left rear. Run forward
and bump against the LMKs then turn around and come back out.

Shoot the shooter who is on the second floor, diagonally to the right rear.
(Depending you how much time you have left, you may need to back up and bump
the LMKs again)

Hop up on Father Malloy's table, and shoot the two shooters who are to the
front on the third floor. One may be further back than the other.

If the words Well Done appear on the screen, that means that you were
successful in saving Father Malloy's life, and the level will end.

Your objective, is to make your way to the depot. Missiles are constantly
being fired all around you. Machine gun shooting cows, and assault rifle
zombies will be shooting at you. There are a few safe areas along the way. For
the most part, you're going to want to run past and avoid enemies. If your
health is still good, quicksave in the safe areas. The best time to run thru an
explosion, is when there is black smoke rising from it.

As soon as you regain control, immediately run to the left, inside the
partially open door and quicksave. Press the #3 key to put the weapon on the
floor in that slot, then arm the weapon or your pistol.

Go back out the door straight ahead, and go left around the tank with 808 on
it. Pass the large crater, and go left, getting the MMK next to the stationary
machine gun in the bunker. Keep going thru the arc shaped doorway, and stop on
the mound of dirt.

Go right, to the window of the building on the left. Wait for the explosion
ahead, and run towards the black smoke. Just before you reach the smoke, veer
right, into the gangway, and left around the front of the building. Up and down
some steps, and hook a right at the second straight shaped bunker, to get
another MMK.

Go to the building ahead, and turn left. Run forward, DUCK under the gun barrel
of the tank, pass the zombie shooter at the buildings handrail, and up the
steps on the right.

At the top, get the MMK, quickly turn to the right and down some more steps,
and quickly move to the left, inside the doorway where the steam is coming out.
Quickly take cover to the left. In the next room, is a LMK to the right on the
floor, but don't take it, unless you absolutely need to. If your health is
still high, quicksave.

Go back to the open doorway-but not too close, and wait for the explosion on
the left, then get the SELF HEALING power-up while there is black smoke from
the explosion. Quickly move back into the open door and a safe distance away
from it. Quicksave again.

Head to the open back door, and look out. Shoot the zombie with your pistol if
you see him, and notice the MMK in the stationary machine gun bunker ahead.

Head to the left, along the wall of the building that you came out of. There
may be a Udder Machine gun on the right. Stop to put it in your #1 slot. Keep
going straight, and up the steps ahead. Go to the back and turn right just
before the angled raised piece of overhead metal. Turn left going over the dirt
mound, and hurry down the stairs and make a left at the bottom. There is a LMK
down here. A zombie shooter may come down after you, so be ready.

He may be near the top of the steps when you go back up, Kill the shooter and
get the sniper type rifle. Now you can snipe enemies from a safe distance.
Crouchwalk back up the stairs, and snipe any enemies that you see.

To the left, all the way in the back is an airplane that did a nose dive.
Around behind it, is a LMK, and a SHIELD power-up. Don't go back there, unless
you really need the stuff.

From the top of the steps, go straight ahead, between the legs of the tall
weapon that is damaged and has fire on top. There are alcoves on the left, and
a LMK in the middle of the path.

Continue past the alcoves, and at the end go left. When you get to the tank
with it's barrel pointed to the left, there is a SELF HEALING power-up to the
left. Go past the smoking tank, and crater, then thru the opening in the back
fence. Shoot the approaching cow.

Go forward down and up the hill, towards the train car. Watch the explosion
ahead, and when you see the black smoke move to the top and go left. Go along
the left low wall with the yellow and black stripe on it. There is a hole in
the low wall, that explodes regularly. Wait for the black smoke, then run past
it and continue on.

Look to your right, and go to the left side of where the train car is leaning
off the cliff. Jump down to the column getting the MMK, and quicksave. Do a
running jump to the 2nd column on the left. Go down the plank to the 3rd
column, and quicksave.

Turn left, and do a running jump to the 4th column with the MMK on it and
quicksave. Jump to the 5th column which is straight ahead. Shoot the zombie and
machine gunning cow that approach ahead, then quicksave. Further back is
another machine gunning cow, that you should be able to get in a couple of good
sniper shots, before he runs away.

Stay on the fifth column for a while, and snipe any zombies or cows that you
see. When they go somewhere to ambush you, jump to the 6th column. From there
jump to the ledge that is sticking out. GET THE DEAD COWS MACHINE GUN OR MILK

Wait a while at the front of the tank, and the second cow may try to sneak up
on you.

Behind the tank, is a LMK in the bunker. But wait, until you need it. Go past
the tank, and thru the explosion's black smoke. Go left along the perimeter's
rock wall. Hop the barb wire fence, and keep going straight ahead. At the end
go to the right, staying along the perimeter and near the water. Keep going,
until you see a brown tent with a red cross above the opening. Approach the
tent, to end the level.

Crouch and move forward along the deck. From behind cover of the boxes, shoot
the guard who is on the other side and to the right of them. The other guard
will come bursting thru the boxes ahead. At the end of the deck, behind the
boxes, is a SLOW MOTION power-up to ignore. Climb the stack of boxes, and walk
the plank. Do a running jump to the ladder, and immediately press the forward
key to start climbing. At the top look ahead to the left, and shoot the guard
in the back.

Move forward around the corner to the right. While crouching and taking cover
behind the boxes, move forward. As soon as the guard behind the large stack of
boxes at the end, knocks them down and shows himself, kill him and the other
one if he comes around the corner. If he didn't, then move forward and start to
jump over the fallen boxes, and when the second guard on the right is aware of
you, move back and wait for him to come to you.

Look down to the lower walkways and boat, and snipe any guard that you can see.
There should be at least two of them on the walkways and several on the boat.
Now hop the boxes, and crouch-walk to the steps, and shoot the guard standing
on them.

Now move forward, and go down the steps. At the entrance to the two long
walkway, crouch down, aim to the right, and snipe the two guards on either side
of the yellow structure. They each have flashlights.

On the long walkway, to the left, is an INVISIBILITY power-up. Head down the
walkway to the yellow structure. Whenever you are on a higher level, always use
your scope to search below for enemies to kill.

When you reach the doorway of the Yellow Control Room, look down again, and
snipe a couple of more guards. Make use of this whole upper structure, to move
to better positions to snipe guards on the ship below.

Near the yellow control room, use each long walkway, to look down in the hold
inside the boat, and try to snipe as many of the guards way down below. It'll
make things a lot easier for when you get down there, if you can take out some
of them now. Backtrack, to the long ladder that you climbed, and ammo up.

In the control room, there are 2 LMKs on the wall. Quicksave. Throw the switch,
then quickly run out the door, and jump on top of the container that is being
lowered and crouch down.

Move to the center of the container, and put your back against the part that is
raised-the clamping mechanism. When the container stops, you're going to ease
around on the top, and snipe several guards. Hopefully, you will have already
killed some of them.

There is a brown wall to your left. Turn towards it, and ease forward against
the locking mechanism. About two floors below to the right, are two patrolling
guards. One floor down and around to the left is a stationary guard. Take the
two out first, then do the stationary guard on the left.

Turn back around behind you, and ease forward. There is a guard aiming at you
from the walkway ahead. Ease forward and snipe him. A fifth guard will come
over to see who shot his buddy. Take him out to. There is a sixth guard, hiding
at the other end of this container. Try to ease forward along the side of the
clamping mechanism on the side that is closest to the wall, to get him. You may
have to jump down onto the boxes on the right to get him, taking some damage.

Move around the corner of the walkway, and use your scope to spot guards seven
and eight near the ramp ahead. Now you can get the SHIELD pickup. Look over to
the left, to where the moving small white light is. That's the flashlight of a
guard that you should shoot before going down the ramp.

As you're going down the ramp, turn around backwards, and look back towards the
upper end of the ramp, but down on the lower floor. Shoot the stationary guard.
Continue down the ramp, go counter-clockwise around this floor, and down the
steps. Head diagonally to the right corner ahead, and stop before you get to
the wall. Look to the right, to spot the smoke from the SELF HEALING power-up
between the wall and the container next to it. Just past the power-up, is a
stationary guard waiting to ambush you. Ease left, and snipe him.

Directly ahead, along the wall past the power-up, is a doorway, complete with
guards. Use the boxes for cover, move to the left side of the doorway, and fire
a shot to the end of the hallway. Then snipe the guards that appear. Move into
the hallway and fire a shot towards the other end, to bring the third guard
into view. Go around the next corner, and climb the ladder. At the top, you
might unintentionally bump into the 2 LMKs.

Peek around the doorway to the right, and shoot the guard. Look further to the
right, and shoot the guard at the top of the ramp. A second one will come down
the ramp to get you.

Behind the boxes where the first guard was standing, is a SLOW MOTION pickup.
Crouchwalk up the ramp, and shoot the guard behind the boxes ahead. Move along
the right wall, and shoot the guard that comes in the doorway on the right.

Move along the left wall, into the room with the lunch tables, and shoot the
guard thru the next doorway on the left, behind the boxes. There is a SHIELD
power-up in the display case near the lunch tables. Look down the hallway
ahead, and snipe the guard. Continue on, to the doorway that leads back outside.

Face the left wall at the bottom of the steps, aim up where the boxes are as
you back up, and shoot the ambusher. Go up the steps to the right, towards the
large doorway, and shoot the patrolling guard in here. Enter here, and go
towards the other end, to get the SELF HEALING power-up. Now head back to the
left. Behind the boxes where the guard was, is a SLOW MOTION pickup.

Head up those stairs, and peek your head above the top of the next set of
steps. Shoot the guard behind the boxes ahead. Finish climbing the steps, and
quickly move behind the boxes ahead. Look below the tail of the helicopter, and
shoot the stationary guard. Move around to the tail of the helicopter. Just
below, and to the right of the steps going down are two guards waiting to
ambush you.

Walk forward, passing the lifeboats, but stop before going down the steps with
the yellow and black safety stripe at the top. Ahead, are some boxes blocking
forward progress, and behind those boxes, are several soldiers waiting to
ambush you. From besides the lifeboats, shoot a few of the boxes, to activate
the ambushing soldiers, then when they push their way thru, you ambush them
instead. As long as you stay topside, they shouldn't come up the steps.

You might want to retrace your steps, and get one of those LMKs that you passed
a little while ago. Be aware, as you head down the steps where the ambush was,
that there might be a couple of soldiers who were playing possum by remaining
stationary, until you started to approach. Continue past the debris, look
around the corner to the left front, and shot the stationary guard and any

Before moving into this passageway, scope down to the other end, and shoot
several soldiers. Proceed thru the passageway, along the left hand wall. At the
bottom of the steps, shot the guards at the top, then go up. Climb up two
ladders, but stop before you reach the top of the second one.

Diagonally ahead to the left and right, are four soldiers. Ease up near the top
of the ladder, and shoot the one ahead to the left. This will bring the two
from the right towards you. Afterwards, crouch-walk to the boxes on the left,
and as you ease around them, take out the fourth soldier.

Head back around to the right, killing a fifth soldier, and getting the SMK. Go
around counter-clockwise, and find a SHIELD power-up. Keep heading around,
until you come to some steps going up. Peek up above the second flight of
steps, and let the three guards see you, then quickly move back down and let
them come to you for killing. As you finish heading up the steps, there is a
fourth guard behind the boxes, and to the right of the open doorway.

Enter the doorway, move around to the right, and in the next doorway on the
left, shoot the stationary guard in the back, then quickly back away from the
door. Ease back forward, and kill the other guard, in the doorway. Come back
out of here, and go left towards the American Flag. Climb the ladder, and from
the bottom of the steps, fire a shot into the hallway above. Shoot the soldier
when he comes out of the doorway on the right.

Proceed up the steps, and shoot the stationary soldier in the left room. A
second one might be in either room. There are 2 LMKs on the hall wall. In the
right room, is a SELF HEALING power-up. In the left room, is a Navy WAC who is
asleep. On the table next to her, is a model sailboat, with a green key on top.
Shoot the sailboat, and get the SAFETY DEPOSIT KEY.

Move back out of here and head towards the helicopter that you passed earlier.
There are new guards down below, so grab some health on the way out.

Head back out of this room and go down the steps to the right. Before going
down the ladder, move to the left, crouch down, and aim down below to the
right, and shoot the legs of the two soldiers. Now head down the ladder.

Continue round the path, to the door that leads outside. There is a soldier
outside to the right of the door. Crouch-walk diagonally to the left, to the
handrail, that is the left of the steps. Look down below, and snipe one of the
two guards. The other one is off to the left, waiting to ambush you when you
come down the steps. Look over the handrail to the left, then snipe him also.

Now head down the steps and go to the left. Continue around, and just past the
big guns on the right, go down two ladders along the handrail, and a set of
stairs. Keep going around to the right, and up the stairs, where you ambushed
all those soldiers that were going to ambush you. The next set of stairs lead
to the helicopter, with some guards protecting it.

Ease up the steps, and shoot one of the guards. Another guard may be hiding
behind one of the red circled drums. If you shoot the drum, it'll explode,
surprising the hell out of Mr. Hide and Go Seek. Head around to the right side
of the Helicopter, to end the level.

Next, you're the machine gunner on the helicopter. More than twenty enemy
helicopters will attack, so shoot them out of the sky, before their machine
guns and missiles kill you. You have unlimited ammo, and you can turn the
helicopter to the left and right, with the mouse. Constantly keep the fire
button pressed, even when you don't see any enemies, until Angie jumps out of
the helicopter, and lands on the top of the Empire State Building.

Head around the roof, to the door where you get the hand icon. Enter and close
the door behind you. Your sniper rifle is still your best friend. Drop down
onto the boxes, and move away from the lower doorway. Move under the slanted
ladder in the corner and use your shock gun from slot #5 to clear out the boxes
between you and the doorway. Fire a shot with your silencer pistol, into the
doorway, to make a thug stand on the other side of the doorway. Shoot him, then
draw another thug to you. Ease to the doorway and take out a third thug. Move
into the doorway, and the next doorway also.

Head around to the right, and shoot the female in the back. Draw out two more
guards, and kill them also. Move ahead, to where you see the three boxes at the
corner. Around to the right, are about four more thugs. Continue around, and
enter the open elevator to take a ride.

When the doors open, you'll hear someone snoring. To the left, on the wall, is
a LMK. To the right, is a locked door that has a keypad that requires a code,
that the snorer has locked in his mind. Go forward, and behind the counter, to
the snoring guard, and press use when you get the icon, to take a trip into his

This level starts with you in a deep sea diving suit, and a weapon, as you're
sinking to the bottom of the ocean floor. Shoot the black fish, and the
electric eels that pop out of holes in the wall, as you sink. When you reach
the Giant Electric Eel, you're at the bottom, so move away from it. You're
looking for the Nautilus Submarine, which is in the clutches of a Giant Squid.
Shoot the squid, to make it release the sub, then quickly move up under the
sub, to enter it, and end the level.

You're still inside the snorer's mind, but you're inside the Nautilus now.
Press the #5 key, to draw your pistol, and move forward into the doorway. Shoot
the zombies and crawlers that attack. Put the scoped weapon that one of the
zombies had in Slot #1. There is a SLOW MOTION power-up at the other end of the
room that you aren't interested in taking. There is an explosive canister in
the nearby corner.

Near the power-up is a doorway, with two zombie shooters to the right. Jump
into the doorway, and quickly back out and to the left, as the shooters
approach. Ease forward, and when you get a bead on their heads fire. Now move
into the doorway and shoot the crawler. Continue down the corridor, and stop
before the doorway on the right. Peek in to draw a shooter zombie, and kill it.
Kill the crawler also, then move into the room.

Grab the SHIELD power-up, and stand in the doorway ahead. To the left, is a
flamethrower, and a zombie shooter. There's also an explosive canister on the
floor. Put the flamethrower into slot #2.

Draw the zombies and crawlers to you, and shoot them from the pickup room. Go
past the open hatch in the floor, and fire up two zombie shooters, in the next
room. Continue forward, and shoot a zombie and two crawlers. Before entering
the room with the raised power-up, look across it and shoot another
flamethrower on the other side.

As you head out the other side of the power-up room, kill the shooter on the
balcony above. There are a couple of more up there also. Look back to the left
of the doorway that you used to enter the power-up room. Shoot the reddish
explosive canister amongst the other silver canisters. This will position a
canister for you to jump from, to reach the SELF HEALING power-up.

Stand in the doorway of the next room, and look thru the doorway on the other
side, and shoot the zombies and crawler on the circular stairs. Go up the steps
and shoot another zombie shooter. Go straight ahead, and in the room above
where the power-up was, shoot another zombie. Cross to the other side of the
room, and go thru the hallway. Shoot another zombie.

Go past the broken ladder going down, and stand outside the next room to the
left of the doorway. Kill three shooters, a zombie, and a crawler, before going
in. Enter and go left. There is a piano on the left, where you can press the
use key, but it won't make anything happen. Go to the other end of the long
table, and walk into the numbers on the door-830120-to end the level.

You're outside the snorer's mind and back in the bank again. Straight ahead, at
the end, and to the left of the vault, are two LMKs on the floor. Get out your
sniper rifle, and enter the door on the right with the flashing green light.
Straight ahead on the other side of the fountain, is a LMK on the wall. Go to
the wall that it is on, and position yourself on the left side of the tall
brown column that is to the right of the bench and light on the wall.

There is a SLOW MOTION power-up on the right that you refuse to see. Four
soldiers will bust thru the brown doors on the left. Shoot when they come
around the right side of the column. When they are all dead, head into the
room that they came out of. Head around to the left, and kill the one that has
his back to you.

When you hear the shuffle of feet, quickly move back out the door, and wait for
them. You may need to expose yourself, then return to the cover of the tall
brown column. When they come out the door, shoot. There should be three, but
one may hang back to ambush you.

Head into the door, and go around to the left. In the power-up room, there will
be a fourth guard behind the first column on the left. Fire a shot into the
room, to make him come into view. Get the SHIELD power-up, and head down the
ramp, towards the Christmas Tree that is outside. Step outside, then quickly
duck back inside. Kill the two guards that come to the door. Head back outside,
and quickly duck back in, and let two more thugs from the left and right, come
to the door.

Using the three tall Christmas Trees as cover, move from side to side as you
snipe cops. Be sure to get those straight ahead, across the street in the
distance. Head to the other end, and down the steps. Come back to where the
tall Christmas Trees are, and get the SELF HEALING power-up.

Head back to the other end, and cross the street. Go up the left ramp of the
building with the three yellow and red NVE banners in front. Peek in the left
doorway, and snipe the cop. Head up the ramp, thru the hallway, and look around
the doorway on the right, and shoot the thug who is up on the balcony.

Expose yourself out the doorway and let the two thugs on the right see you,
then wait for them to come and stand in the doorway for killing. Try and snipe
the two thugs who are further back on the balcony ahead, before coming outside.
Come outside, look to the far right, and snipe a thug, which will bring another
one over to your doorway. Move right to the wall, and look across to the other
building, and snipe a cop.

Follow the walkway on around to a ramp. Down the ramp, and diagonally to the
left is a SLOW MOTION power-up. Continue on around. Go up the next ramp.
Crouchwalk to the handrail on the right, and shoot the cop down below. Jump
over the handrail, onto the fire truck below, then down to the street. Go
diagonally to the left, to the open manhole.

Head down the ladder, move into the water, then turn left and snipe the guard.
Hop across the next low wall, turn left and kill the soldier who may be running
towards you. Head down the tunnel and kill the next soldier that pops out from
the left. Fire a shot or two thru the bars ahead, to draw out a soldier from
the right.

Move forward into the intersection to expose yourself, then quickly backpedal a
long ways down the tunnel. Then snipe about three soldiers that come from the
left tunnel.

Now head back down that tunnel, and stop before you get to the end. Peek thru
the bars on the right and kill the soldier in that tunnel. From the long tunnel
that you are in, go left then turn right, and peek down the tunnel that runs
parallel to the one where you shot the last soldier. Shoot another soldier down
this tunnel also.

Go down this parallel tunnel, and thru the bars at the end on the left is a
SLOW MOTION power-up to ignore. Go toward the bars ahead, then go around the
column on the right, and use it for cover. Fire a shot down the left tunnel
that is parallel to the power-up tunnel, to draw two guards.

Go left down that parallel tunnel, and just before you reach the bars, a guard
will drop down from the right. Over the left wall, is the SLOW MOTION power-up
that you saw earlier.

Hop the low wall on the right, to the bottom of the ramp. Shoot the gold
padlock off the gate on the right. Move up along the left wall. Run into the
open gate, and stand to the right of the red fire hydrant. Ease left, and shoot
the guard when he comes down the steps. Crouchwalk up the steps, and kill the
stationary guard on the right with his back turned towards you. Another guard
will come from the right.

On the other side of the handrail of the steps that you just came up, is a MMK.
Move down the hallway, and stop by the fire hydrant on the left wall. Peek
around the corner, and see that there is something to get up under the steps.

Head up to the top of the steps, and fire a shot into the room on the right, to
draw the two guards. One may hang back to ambush you. There is a SELF HEALING
power-up ahead. Move to the right, and crouch at the low wall by the steps.
Peek around and kill the guard. Head up them to the hole in the floor.

Crouch on the left side of the hole, and fire a shot down there, which will
bring two guards into view. Drop down into the hole, and quickly move to the
left, away from the computer on the desk. Kill the guard that comes walking out
of the hall. Look diagonally in the right corner, and you'll see a white access
card behind the glass wall.

Head into the hall, and shoot one of the two guards to the left. The other one
will come to you. Head towards the access card, and jump thru the opening. You
may need to shoot the glass out. Get the WHITE ACCESS CARD. Now head to the
door besides the vault which is where you shot the last two soldiers.

Open the door, head up the ramp, and move into the wall indentation just past
the fire hydrant on the left wall. Switch to your M-16. Fire a shot into the
hallway ahead. About five soldiers will come around the corner at the far end.
Start firing as soon as you see the first one.

Afterwards, proceed forward and kill a sixth stationary guard in the first left
cubicle. Head into this office area, and get the SMK in one of the cubicles.

Continue on around to the right. Go up the first ramp and crouchwalk up the
second ramp. There is a third ramp that goes down. At the bottom of it might be
a soldier waiting to ambush you. Peek over the top, and snipe him if he's
there. There are 2 SMKs in the last cubicle on the right of this second office

Run down the ramp along the right side and quickly crouch down. When the door
opens, it won't open fully. It will move a little past halfway to the right,
then stop. This will provide you with cover, as long as you stay crouched to
the right. Be sure that when you open the door, you are as far to the right as
you can get.

There are three guards behind the bunker and they will stay to the right also.
Which means you've got to expose yourself a little and snipe at them when any
part of their body is in your sights. Once these guards are dead, move onto the
walkway, and look over the handrails, and shoot anybody that you can. Hop the
corner posts of the handrail, to go clockwise along the narrow space of the
perimeter. Crouch-walk, and circle the room looking for hidden soldiers. There
are at least seven on the lower floor.

As you go along the far right wall-from the perspective of where you first
entered-look around the two shelves that are leaning, to find a couple of
guards waiting to ambush you when you come down. Continue on around until
you're back where you entered.

After you've killed all the guards down below, go to the part in the handrail
where it is broken-near the SLOW MOTION power-up, and drop down onto the safety
deposit shelves below. On the left side of the safety deposit shelves that you
are standing on top of, is a open drawer with a LMK inside. Go to the end, and
step off onto the highest safety deposit box that is sticking out. Then walk
down the drawers, to get the health pickup and on down to the floor.

Search all around for ammo then go down the stairs. Behind where the computer
monitors are will be a MMK. Go to the far end of the room, where the stationary
machine gun is, and stand on the side of the door. Switch to your M-16. Expose
yourself in front of the doorway a few time, to draw about six soldiers to you.
Shoot as they begin to cross the threshold. You may need to expose yourself a
few time, to get them all. You should get at least five.

There may be a couple that will hang back waiting for you to enter the room.
Stand to the right side of the doorway, and fire a shot up the ramp in the next
room, to make one of them come to you. Do it again, to get two more. If that
doesn't work, then go in and get them.

Enter the doorway, and turn left. Head up the ramp along the left wall, around
the perimeter of the room. Between these shelves, and the next set, will be a
soldier. Shoot him, and the one that comes from farther ahead. Completely go
around the perimeter of the room running past the open doorway, checking for

Go back down the ramp, and behind the desk to get another MMK. Go to the far
wall where the open doorway is. Go up the ramp, along the wall, and stop before
the doorway. Ease into the doorway to let yourself be seen, then when the
guards come, shoot the forklifts to the right to cause an explosion. This
should take out any who came to mesh grill of the caged room.

There are about three soldiers that you need to kill. After they are all dead,
shoot the glass out, and hop over the counter. After you hop the counter, to
your right, is a switch. Press it to open the outer door, allowing you access
to the SELF HEALING power-up. Make sure that you have a self-healing power-up
in your inventory when you climb the ladder later.

Go counter-clockwise around the perimeter of the room. There is a SHIELD
power-up at the other end of the room. Continue around to the hole in the wall
and stand along the left side of it-from the perspective of facing it. This
will make the soldiers come up the ramp. Kill them from this side, before going

Head down the ramp. There is a LMK in the alcove on the left. Switch to your
M-16. Crouch-walk forward, towards the next hole in the wall. There are about
five soldiers total on both sides of it. Approach the hole on either side, and
aim diagonally to the other side to kill the first one, then ease over and cap
the second one.
Fire a shot into the hole, to make three more soldiers appear.

Head thru the hole and climb the ladder on the left. Stop before your head
sticks out the top. There are about three soldiers surrounding the manhole,
just waiting for you to play groundhog. After the fighting starts, keep an eye
on your health, and retreat back down the ladder and backtrack to replenish if

Switch to secondary firing mode on the M-16, by pressing the right mouse
button. Now fire several grenades to your right and right front, to thin the
herd. Just make sure that the targeting icon is above the rim of the hole
before you fire.

When you can raise your head above the rim of the hole, without being shot at,
climb out and run forward, and crouch besides the police car. There is one
more, who is diagonally ahead to your right inside a bunker. Look under the
green truck with four headlights on the roof, to find him. Switch back to your
sniper rifle and pick him off. Ammo up, then go behind the bunker to end the

NOTE: On some of the museum room walls, there are 'You Are Here' maps. Try to
use them to determine where you are and where you need to go. As I understand
them, they show a map of the museum. The top of the map being where you first
entered, and the round room at the bottom is where the exit elevator is.

Also check your objectives to see what you still need to do, which consist of
deactivating several security systems around the museum. After you have
deactivated all of the security consoles, the exit elevator doors in the back
room will open.

Move forward to the steps leading down. From the top step, shoot the canister.
When it explodes, it will blow open the door. Head down the steps, then to the
right, and enter the doorway. Get the VIOLET ACCESS CARD. On the desks, four of
the five consoles have been deactivated. Go to the rightmost one, and look at
the large screen on the wall to see that it controls the security to the
outside entrances to the museum. Press the use key to deactivate CONSOLE #1.
There are other consoles inside the museum that you need to deactivate. The
display screen will show guards exiting the museum, thereby providing you a way

Two of the guards will come down to where you are. Shoot the first one when he
comes around the doorway. Then move towards the doorway, till you can get a
bead on the second one. Head back to the bottom of the steps. If there is a
soldier standing at the top of the steps, snipe him. If you're lucky, the
others will come down also. If so, take them out as they come down. There
should be at least three of them.

If not, then stay to the right side, and crouchwalk almost to the top. Shoot
the guard to the left before he sees you. Move a little further up, and shoot
the one that is farther back to the left. Another one will run to the top of
the steps from the right.

Come to the top, and enter the doorway on the right. Move to the left side of
the doorway ahead. Look around the doorway, and snipe the stationary guard that
is thru the next doorway on the left. When his buddy arrives, shoot him also.
Ease around the doorway a little more and move to the left side of the next
doorway. Ease to the right, and shoot the stationary guard at the top of the

In the next room before going up the steps, there is an access door on the
right. Also notice the blue 'You Are Here' map on the wall. The violet access
card that you got will open it for you. Staying on the right side of the
doorway open the door. Ease to the left, and standing in the second bunker that
you see will be a guard to shoot. Across the room to the right will be another
doorway with a patrolling guard to snipe.

Move towards the doorway on the right side of the room with two bunkers, and
let the guards see you. Then run back outside by the purple access control, and
let them come to you. Should be at least four of them. Get the 2nd VIOLET

Move to the left side of the next doorway, and look thru the next doorway
ahead, above and to the right of the spinning blocks, and snipe the patrolling
guard on the balcony. You need to get him out of the way now.

Run into the room with the balcony, and stand under it besides the violet
access door. You'll be shot at from the room on the left, as you go by. Move
around the perimeter of the room, staying under the balcony, and fire a shot
into the open doorway on the balcony. Several guards will come into the doorway
for killing. When they are dead, head back thru the last two doorways that you
just came thru, and stand besides the left wall like you did before.

Ease around this wall, and snipe the soldier on the right side steps thru the
doorway on the left. Ease forward, and snipe a few more who are further back in
the room. Now locate the guy with the Gatling Gun, and snipe him. As you ease
towards this room, at least one more guard will come down the steps on the
left. Move into the entrance of the large room with steps going up on each
side, to make sure the coast is clear.

Return to the balcony room. Open the access door, and shoot the guard standing
at the bottom of the steps on the left, if he is still there. Another guard may
come down the steps, so shoot him too. The path to the right leads back
outside, so head up the steps and make sure that you got all the guards that
were up here. Shoot the guard at the top, and look out onto the balcony, and
notice the laser beams across the doorway. You need to deactivate them.

Head back down stairs, go right, then left to the next doorway. Head into the
large room with two sets of steps going up. There is a MMK as you enter the
room. Move to the back, go around the bunker, and get the INVISIBILITY
power-up. There is also a LMK.

Head into the hallway on the right. Peek into the third doorway to learn the
patrolling soldier's route, which is counter-clockwise. Shoot him in the back
when he passes by. Fire a shot into the room on the right, and another guard
will enter the doorway to be shot. A second guard will be in there where the
washroom signs are.

Notice the shield power-up in the hand statue below. Crouch-walk around the
handrail that surrounds the hand statue, and snipe as many guards on the lower
floor, as you can. Fire a shot down there to draw them out. Head to the right,
thru where the washrooms are.

Move to the room with red lasers across the left and right doorways. Go
against either side of the doorway that leads into this room, and using the
corner column as cover, snipe the guard behind the laser. Then move to the
other side, and repeat. Shoot any guards that are down below that you can get a
bead on.

Return back to the hand statue room. It will help when you enter the elevator
exit room the first time, to have a power up. You can keep the invisibility one
that you already have, are trade it for the shield power-up.

If you want the shield, from the side where the fingers are, jump the handrail,
to get the SHIELD power-up. Run up the thumb and hop up onto the handrail, to
get back to the floor above. Head to the third room that is between the laser
rooms, and head down the stairs.

Cross the three statue rooms, and open the violet access door. Enter, and fire
a shot into the box, to knock it down the steps. Kill the two soldiers that
comes to the top. Wait near the bottom of the steps, for another guard to come
up from the right.

Head down the second flight of stairs, and open the door. Enter and go to the
left. Stand besides the console to the left of the book. Deactivate CONSOLE #2.
The screen on the wall, will show that you just deactivated the lasers across
the two doorways that were opposite each other. There is a LMK besides the

Head back out of here now. Head up the stairs, and stop before the landing.
Fire a shot up to the left, to draw the guard. Head up to the doorway, and
shoot the guard hiding behind the first statue. There is another guard
somewhere in this three statue room. Walk up the steps backwards, looking up.
Snipe the guard above the handrail, and when he comes down the steps, finish
killing him.

Head to the top of the stairs, and to the right wall. Look in this room, and
kill the guard. You'll find a MMK in there. Open the door, and snipe the two
guards who are far back to the right. Enter the room, finding another MMK and
open the next door. Ease around the door, and shoot the guard in the back.

This is the Elevator Exit Room, which is at the very bottom of the 'you are
here' maps. This is where you'll come back to after deactivating all the

There are three soldiers plus a gatling gun guy around to the right. Ease
around the right side of the doorway, and snipe the soldier. You can arm your
power-up, run in and take names, or play it safe and snipe from the doorway.

If you play it safe, expose yourself, then duck back out the door, and the
other two soldiers will come to the corner of the concrete and glass enclosure,
and fire from there. Then just move around the doorway towards the enclosed
area, and use your M-16 on the gatling gun guy.

After all are dead, get the SELF HEALING power-up, ammo up, and look above the
gray door. The signs above the door, say Level 1, and Level 2. When you
deactivate the consoles that change both red lights to green, you can exit and
end the level.

Go to the access door by the door that you came in. This is access door #1.
Re-equip your sniper rifle, enter, and go to the back room. Deactivate CONSOLE
#3, which cuts the red lasers off to the East Wing. Exit back out of here, to
the Elevator Exit Room.
Go straight across the room to Access Door #2, and open it. Enter, and go
around to CONSOLE #4, and deactivate the red lasers gates in the West Wing.

Come back out of here, and go to Access Door #3 on the left. Stand to the side,
and open the door. This room has two soldiers inside. Afterwards, enter and get
the SMK between the two bunkers. Open another access door in the back on the
right. Enter and go out the doorway on the right, to the room with the
handrails. The room to the left has a guard that will come to you.

Go thru the room on the left, to the third room with the hand statue down
below. Go along the right wall, and fire a shot to draw the guard in the room
to the right. Go thru this room and look out the next doorway to the left.
Shoot the guard up on the balcony on the left. Head thru the room where you got
the invisibility power-up, and head up the left balcony.

Head up the second flight of steps, with your back to the wall, aiming into the
room on the other balcony with all the video screens. Snipe the two guards over
there. Now turn around and peek around the doorway of this balcony. Kill the
two guards in here. There is a LMK at the end of the red dominos.

Then head to the back of the room and open the access door. Go around to the
back room, and Deactivate Security Level 1. Go back out the access door, and to
the left, is a SLOW MOTION power-up, and some soldiers further back.

Bypass that route, and head back thru the red domino room, and down the steps,
where a guard may be waiting for you. Go up the steps on the other side. There
is a SHIELD power-up in here. In the doorway on the left, are the guards that
you just bypassed on the other side. Go to the access door in the back of the
room and open it. Head around to the back room. There is a LMK on the floor. At
the console, deactivate Security Level 2.

Now all you need to do, is make your way to the elevator in the main entrance.
Expect resistance along the way. Go back to the access door, and snipe the
soldier by the many video screens. Go straight across, and down the steps. At
the bottom of the steps, hook a Uuey, and head back the other way.

Enter the doorway on the left, then the one on the right. Pass two red & blue
pictures on the wall, and go the doorway on the right. In the next room, you
should see the handrail and below it the hand statue. Go towards the doorway on
the left and fire a shot into the next room. Draw the two soldiers to you for

Head thru the room with the washrooms, and straight ahead to the next room.
Exit the doorway on the left, then thru the one on the right. Stop before
entering the access doorway ahead. That's the Elevator Exit Room, and to the
right, is another gatling gun guy.

Take him out with your M-16. Ammo up, then go to the bunker where he was, out
the open door and into the elevator, to end the level.

It turns out, that this fourth horseman, is some kinda machine that is spewing
microscopic nanobots into humans to make them act all freaky. Oh, and a nuclear
device is about to be launched to destroy New York.

Around the tall piece of machinery ahead, is a SLOW MOTION power up. Go around
behind your start position, and open the vault door. Expose yourself to the
three soldiers below, then quickly move to the right side. There are two
canisters at the bottom of the ramp on the left, that will explode when shot.
Crouch down on the far right of the circular door, then ease left, until you
can snipe them.

Head down the ramp, and ahead at the end, is a arsenal of weapons and ammo.
Consisting of M-16's, Shotguns, and Flamethrowers. So take all that you can
carry. Turn around and reverse direction. Head back past the ramp, to the back
wall, and go to the right moving past the debris. In the blue container, are 2
LMKs, and a SHIELD power-up. Also five sniper rifles and ammo.

Come back to the container door, and notice the planks of wood that go down
then back up. At the top of the one going up and to the left, is a circular
door with a forklift jammed in it. Shoot it from back here, to cause an
explosion, thereby clearing out hiding places.

Crouch besides the wall with the glass windows in it. Shoot the stationary
guard on the right, thru the broken window on the left. Shoot the rest of the
window out. Then fire a shot down the hall, to check for any more guards. Then
move along the wall, until you can snipe them.

Move in thru the window, and towards the right. There is a MMK by the three red
drums & boxes. At the far end of this hall, is a LMK. To the left of the three
red drums, is a round door to open. To the right of the door, are three thugs
and soldiers. Ease in and snipe them. One or two of them may be down on the
tracks. Go to the right wall for a LMK.

Go left along this wall, towards the yellow hanging sheets. Look around the
corner to the right, and snipe the three soldiers. There is an exploding
canister in the middle of the tracks which will clear out some of their hiding
places. Head down the tracks, and use the gray box that says Danger High
Voltage for cover, as you snipe another two soldiers. There is also one hiding
right on the other side of the High Voltage box.

Proceed forward, and take cover on this side of the bunkers. Shoot the guy that
comes from the left. On the other side of the bunker, get the SELF HEALING
power up, and the MMK. Go left and open another round door and enter. Snipe two
soldiers behind and on each side of the barrier in front of you. Go around the
barrier to the right, and look left, and snipe the female thug.

Come back to the door, and go left, between the series of barriers, and the
wall. Just past the third or fourth barrier, is a thug to kill. At the fifth
barrier look past it to the right, and shoot the soldier at the top of the ramp
on the left. Move to the last barrier, and kill the soldier and thug to the
right. Peek around the barrier, and snipe the soldiers at the top right of the
ramp. There may be another thug on the other side of this last barrier.

In the middle of the room, is a MMK. Approach the bottom of the ramp from the
side, fire a shot to the top, to make another soldier appear. Head up the left
side of the ramp, and take cover behind the blue dog box. Thru the hole in the
wall, is a gatling gun guy to snipe. Afterwards, head thru the hole, and open
the black door and quickly move to the side. There are two soldiers to the left
and right, on the other side to snipe.

Enter the door, and to the left are 2 LMKs. Carefully cross the makeshift ramp,
and go to the doorway on the other side. Move to the side, before opening the
door, and as you move in, kill the soldier that runs up from the right. There
are two more around the left corner. Let or make them come to you.

Continue and stand behind the left wall protrusion. Peek around and up to the
left, and kill the soldier. Move ahead to the ledge with the design on it which
is to the right of the two animal statues. Look between the ledge, and the
rightmost statue, and snipe the soldier. Look for his headlamp. Move around
from down here, and snipe as many soldiers as you can make out. There should be
about five or more.

Head up the make shift ramps, and snipe another guard on the left. Keep going
up, sniping guards as you go. There are three MMKs, near the top along the left
side just before you start to go down to the door. Down beneath the makeshift
ramps, is a SELF HEALING power-up.

Stand to the left side of the door when you open it. Ease right, and snipe the
soldier in the foot. Head forward, and using the two boxes for cover, snipe the
two soldiers at the bottom of the ramp. As you head down, use the side alcoves
for cover. Soldiers will be in two of the ones on the left.

At the bottom, open the door and quickly backpedal into the left alcove. Ease
right and kill the soldier. Further back in the room, behind the computer
monitor on the right, is a soldier to snipe. Crouch and shoot him under the
table that the monitors are sitting on. Fire a shot towards the end of the
room, to bring another soldier from the left.

Move along the right side of the room, but aim at the doorway on the left, to
take out the fourth soldier. There is a MMK on the rear table. In the doorway
on the right, are 2 LMKs, and farther around the corner will be a SHIELD power
up. The right and left doorways lead to the same place.

Where the power up is, peak around the corner, and use your M-17 on the gatlin
gun guy, until he dies. The machinery ahead, is the fourth horseman. Crouchwalk
forward, and snipe the two soldiers down below to the right. Look for their
headlamps to find them.

There are two down to the left also. You may need to go down a few ledges, to
spot the second one with the gatling gun. Climb down the ladders on the wooden
ledges on the left, to get down below. There's a box and three drums that
you'll have to move out of the way to reach a couple of the ladders. On the
last ledge, climb down the ladder to reach the ground. To one side of you, is a
SLOW MOTION power-up.

Go past the power up, and walk out over the water on the walkway. Turn right,
stop and quicksave. Ahead you'll see three wooden platforms. Just past the
third one, you'll see a tall round concrete tower like structure, rising up out
of the water. On top of it, is a sniper that you can't see because of the two
large hoses from the horseman. On the other side of it, is another tall round
concrete tower like structure with another sniper on top of it. They both have
explosive canisters on top also.

Run forward, and keep moving on the connecting platforms, until you get to the
top of the plank that goes up. Stop besides the first narrow metal support
beam, to put it between you and the concrete tower. Ease to the left, and snipe
the red drum to make it explode and kill the first sniper. Quicksave.

Move onto the metal part of the platform, keeping the larger square beam
between you and the second concrete tower. Ease to the left of the square
concrete column, and snipe the second sniper.

Step onto a ledge that goes around the horseman. There are three MMKs here. One
to the left, and two towards the right. As you approach the two to the right,
look along the wooden walkway that goes back to the outer perimeter, and kill
the soldier. He may be on the perimeter, or he may come up on the platforms.
Look thru the bars that are near the two health pickups and snipe the soldier,
then the gatling gun guy.

Return to the walkway, and kill the soldier on the perimeter low platform. When
you step onto the outer perimeter walkway, to the right, is a SELF HEALING
power-up. Go back to where you go off the planks and stop. Look ahead, to the
third raised platform around the perimeter walkway, and snipe another soldier.
Go around the low platform, in your path.

Continue forward, and look on the left end of the bridge that leads to a
doorway, in the horseman. Kill the soldier that comes out. Continue past
another low platform, and quickly crouch down at the bottom of the ramp that
leads onto the bridge. Ease forward, and snipe the gatling gun guy. Cross the
bridge and enter the horseman.

Head down the ladder on the right. Shoot the box, to knock it down below, then
climb down the second ladder. Climb down the third ladder, which is ahead on
the left. The fourth ladder, is ahead on the right. When you reach the bottom,
go over to where the two animal statues are. Press the hand button, to end the

This is what would in most games be considered as the final boss fight.

Quickly run to the right, behind one of the upright pod plants, and press
quicksave. There is a creature-who morphs into two other creatures after it's
red health bar at the top of the screen drops to zero. Each one is tougher with
more powerful weapons than the previous one.

Every so often, a moving circular wheel that is rotating around the perimeter,
with weapons on it will stop, so that you can put it's weapons into your empty

This is the one time that I don't have any specific game plan in regards to
completing the level. You're kinda on your own on this one.

The first creature is riding around on a cart in the middle of this area,
shooting explosive blue balls at you. You can take cover from this one behind
the vertical pod-like things. This is probably the best time to go and put
weapons into your slots for later. There is also a moment after you kill each
of the creatures, that it is frozen during the morphing state, that you might
want to go and add a weapon or two, to your slots.

The second creature shoots green balls and has gatling gun type weapons. When
you hide behind the vertical pod like things, it will fire at them until they
are destroyed. This will expose power-ups that you can get. There will also be
several machine gunning cows to deal with.

The third creature is tougher, and shoots more destructive red balls at you. It
has the gatling type guns and the machine gunning cows too. Up above will be
five eyeballs that will regenerate the creature when it's health gets low. You
need to shoot out these five eyeballs with several rifle shots, until they
explode, so that the creature can't rejuvenate.

This is the one level in the game that will make you go into your bag of
cheats. God Mode or Level Skip will certainly be very tempting. You're out in
the open with no cover, being constantly shot at from the game's toughest
enemies, and the main boss can regenerate it's health.

IF & WHEN you defeat the third creature, the level will end.

This level starts with your escaping to higher ground before you are drowned
in the rising muck. Run to the left, and climb back up the four ladders.

Ladder one is in front of you
Ladder two is to your left
Ladder three is to your right
Ladder four is to your right

At the top, go across the bridge, then to your right. Jump on top of the
concrete blocks in your path, onto the low tower on the right, and then to the
perimeter walkway. Continue to the right, staying on the outer perimeter.
Bypass the first wood platform that leads to the horseman, and keep going

Jump to the single wood platform, then to the metal platform, then back to the
outer perimeter, and continue on. Go around to the other side of the ladder,
and climb it. Then jump to the ledge on the wall. Head to the right, and when
the ledge ends where the pile of concrete blocks are, drop down to a narrower
ledge. From there, jump over behind the blocks.

Look to the right, and notice that there is a ramp going up, that is made into
the rock face. There is liquid from the ruptured hoses of the horseman falling
down on it. Head up the ramp, and dodge brown liquid, which will decrease your
health, if it gets on you.

Walk along the wall past the first one, then along the edge of the ramp to get
past the next two. Jump the gap, as far to the right as possible. There is a
button with a yellow hazardous sign on it that is in front of a narrow bridge.
Walk up the bridge, and drop off at the end.

Continue along another ramp that is made into the wall. Jump the gap to the
right of the first falling fluid. Walk along the edge to get past the second
one. Continue up the ramp, as it goes to the left. Jump another gap and drop
down onto the next ledge. Walk along the narrow ledge, to get on top of the
next two broken pipes. Then jump up to a ledge, pressing the right movement key
when you land, so you don't slide off.

Go up the plank and climb the ladder. Go clockwise around the ledge. Jump to
the section where the door is, and open it. Go thru, and jump the gap. Head up
the next plank, in the opposite direction. Drop off to the right, and before
going thru the open door, get the double pistols.

Head back across the gap, and go up the wooden plank. Jump on top of the
section where you got the double pistols. Head down, and jump into the next
section. BE SURE TO GET THE M-16 & AMMO, if it isn't already in your

Continue forward out the end of this section, and jump over the left part of
the wall where it is broken. The right side has brown fluid pouring onto it.
The left side has brown fluid pouring on the outside of it, making it safe to
jump on. Jump up the rock wall, until you get to where there is a M-16 on the
ground. Continue up, and you'll come to the double pistols laying on the ground.

Ahead, there are two streams of brown fluid pouring down. Jump past on the
right side. Ease up the rock path, and take out the shooter who is up in the
rocks on the right. Look for his head lamp.

As you continue forward, there will be an explosion, and a MMK next to the
stream of brown fluid on the right. Continue forward, and up the rock wall path
that goes up and to the left. As you go up, you'll be harassed by the enemy.

Continue on up, getting the ammo, and around going towards the train cars
above. Shoot the guy with the automatic pistols, and keep going. Jump on top of
the train car, and head back to the other end. Jump to the piece of pipe that
is sticking out, then to the next pipe. Jump to the other train, and head back
the other way. At the end of the last car, jump to the ledge on the right, then
follow the wooden planks to the ladder. Climb the ladder, and step off onto the
wooden platform on the left. Climb the next ladder to end the level.

Break the boxes in this level to reveal goodies. Move forward along the dock,
and stop on the other side of the first bunker. Use your tonfa in slot #4 to
break the boxes, to reveal a SMK, and a box of shells. Before the next bunker,
go up the steps on the left, to get on top of the building that is above the
second bunker. Get the RED KEYCARD on the right, then drop down and continue on
the path.

Crouchwalk up the path towards the Statue Of Liberty. Before the bunker at the
top, there are two large rocks on the left. Stand up between them facing left,
and kill the three thugs. Any that you may miss, will come to you. You need to
avoid getting shot by them, thereby saving all your health for the helicopter.

Crouchwalk down the path on the left, and there might be a fourth thug with
machine pistols. Crouchwalk to the group of boxes, ease to the right, and take
out the soldier ahead on the other side of the fence. Move forward a little
ways, shoot the gold padlock off the gate, and enter.

Run and crouch beside the boxes. When the two thugs and one soldier come around
the corner of the building, shoot to kill. Move to the yellow access door and

You need to try and avoid getting shot by the helicopter that you can't shoot
down. Break the boxes with your tonfa, to the left of the door to reveal a MMK,
but wait till later to take it. Run forward, and crouch besides the front side
of the satellite dish to have cover from the indestructible helicopter. Draw it
to the right or wait for it to fly away from you, then run around the dish to
the left. Go to the rightmost door on the building, open it and enter, moving
to the left as you shoot the guard, and so you'll be out of the helicopters
line of fire.

Get the YELLOW KEYCARD, if your health is good, quicksave. Take his sniper
rifle if you don't already have it. Then head back to the front side of the
satellite dish, then back to the door with the yellow access panel and enter.
Activate the red console to change it to green. Quicksave if your health is
still high.

Then head back to the other building via the satellite dish, and activate the
other red console. This will make a couple of robotic machine guns shoot down
that pain in the ass helicopter. When the doors open, quicksave and do your
happy dance.

From here on if your health is low, I suggest that you quicksave every time you
kill someone. Head out and ease to the left towards the end of this building.
Look up on the roof of the building next to the now destroyed helicopter. To
the left of the rightmost rotating anti-aircraft guns will be a sniper to kill.
Hurry and jump up the side of the crater, and into the open doorway ahead.
Because another helicopter is landing nearby, and dropping off two more

Shoot the guard that comes running down the hallway. In the next room on the
right, is a guy with a Gatlin Gun to kill. Afterwards, there will be a female
thug on the balcony to the left, or behind where you entered. Go across the
room, into the doorway, climb the stairs, and kill the guard that comes from
the right.

At the top of the stairs open the door on the left and kill the thug to the
left. In the far left corner by the hand rail, break the box for a MMK. Break
the other boxes to get a BLUE ACCESS CARD, and ammo. Head back out of here,
and back down the steps. On the left wall, is a Blue Access Panel. Press it to
open the door ahead. In this first room, is goo gobs of ammo and a shotgun.

Opening the next blue access panel door will just bring you back to the main
room. So head back up the stairs and to the right. Go up another flight of
steps, and kill the thug that comes from the right. Kill two more guards at the
top of the short set of steps. Look thru the handrail to the right, and kill
another Gatlin Gun guy.

Continue to the right, and kill two thugs. In the elevator doorway, kill the
thug on the next floor to the right, before climbing the ladder. There's a LMK
to the left of the elevator door. At the top of the ladder, fire a shot at the
red fire extinguisher on your left, to draw the soldier to you. Rinse and
repeat, to get the second soldier.

Then step off to the edge of the floor, ease around the right side of the
doorway, to get the third one. Get the one up the stairs to the right also.
Enter the elevator to get a cutscene. Angie shoots Crowley who throws Max's
container box to her as he dives out the window promising a rematch.
Afterwards, Angie and Max flirt with each other. She wonders how to turn him
off, and THUS ENDTH THE GAME. Now go see if you can return some feeling to your
rear end, cause this has sho' nuff been a long haul.
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17.Октябрь 2013

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