Act of War - Direct Action

Act of War - Direct Action

17.10.2013 10:07:22
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Act Of War: Direct Action ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

FAQ/Strategy Guide
Version 0.2
For PC
Written by Devon Kerkhove aKa Skye7707
Last updated on 09/6/2005


01. Legal Information [LI]
02. Version History [VH]
03. Basics [BS]
04. Taunts [TS]
05. Act of War Map Editor [ME]
06. Walkthrough [WT]

1. Prologue
2. A Peaceful Demonstration
3. A Shot in the Fog
4. Traffic Jam
5. Walk in the Park
6. "We're going in!"
7. Our People Need Us Here
8. Golden Gate Under Threat
9. Opening S.F. Air Space
10. Financial Interests in Frisco
11. Healing and Progression
12. Peers and Prototypes
13. USS Truman to the Rescue
14. New PLanes For New Strikes
15. "Sand between the Toes again"
16. Track in the Sand
17. At the Gates of Oil Hell
18. Countdown to Mayhem
19. "Ever Been to Russia?"
20. Strong Enough to Strike
21. Under the Kalinin Sun
22. Blowing the Enemy's Fuses
23. A Very Sensitive Situation
24. Operation Under Cover
25. With Us or Against Us
26. Strange Bedfellows
27. The American Way of Fighting
28. VIPs to Rescue
29. A Major Hide and Seek Game
30. Escort and Extract
31. The Law of the Lawn
32. Go For the Birds
33. The Last Stronghold

-==- Units / Buildings -==-

07. U.S. Army [A1]
08. Consortium [C1]
09. Task Force Talon [T1]

-==- In-depth information -==-

10. U.S. Army (2) [A2]
11. Consortium (2) [C2]
12. Task Force Talon (2) [T2]

13. Credits [CD]

01. Legal Information [LI]

This guide is Copyright (c) 2005 to Devon Kerkhove
All rights reserved.

This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission, except Use of
this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

If you want permission to use my guide on your website or magazine please send
an email: skydragonlord7707 @ hotmail . com
(remove the spaces before sending)

02. Version History [VH]

Version 0.2 09/03/2005

- Added buildings
- Added units
- Added controls

Version 0.3 09/06/2005

- Added AOW Map Editor section
- Added Taunts section
- Added walkthrough section

Coming in next updates:

- In -depth information

Mail me with suggestions

03. Basics [VH]

A Attack
M Move
S Stop
D Defend/Heal Zone/Repair Zone
T Land/Take Off
C Capture
U Unload immediately
V Unload on location
W Crawl/stand up
O Load
B Ambush
Z Attack area

O Set rallypoint
L Sell

X Open Undercover/Defcon 3/Battlefield Construction menu
C Open Revealed/Defcon 2/SHIELD Technology Construction menu
V Open Defcon 1/Drone Technology Construction menu
E Return to previous construction menu
TAB Rotate structure footprint before placement on map

F1 Launch Tactical Weapon
F2-F4 Launch airstrike
F5 Quicksave
F10 Quickload
' Chase camera on selected unit
Alt-' Aircraft chase camera
ESC Pause game
SPACEBAR Center camera on last message
BACKSPACE Center camera on Headquarters
ENTER Open/send chat message
= Center camera on idle construction unit
TAB Toggle unit type within selection
SHIFT Keep pressed to queue commands, or to add/subtract units to a
Alt-O Display objectives (single-player) or list of players (multiplayer)
Alt-I Display intelligence (single-player only)

LEFT MOUSE Execute command/select unit
Mouse wheel Zoom in/out
Cursor Move map
CTRL Keep pressed while left-clicking on a unit to select
all units on the screen of the same type (or double-click the unit)
SHIFT Keep pressed while left-clicking on a unit to add/subtract units
to a selection
CTRL-# Assign hotkey (number between 1 and 0) to selected unit(s), or a
# Select hotkeyed group
## Center camera on hotkeyed group

04. Taunts [TS]

U.S. Army

05. Act of War Map Editor [ME]

Like every good RTS game AOW also has its own map editor. It may be confusing
for several among us. Well this isn't the best map editor around, believe me.
First time I opened it, it loaded to 206% and I got some french errors X_x.
Anyway, this is nowhere the same as the Final Alert Map editor (for Red Alert)
In fact it's just a poor constructed map editor from some French company.
Too bad Atari didn't make in ENGLISH. When I get it to work properly I'll
write a nice guide for it until then, here's the FAQ from Atari:

How to Create a Map Using the Act of War Map Editor

This map editor is a professional tool intended for advanced users, and we
encourage you to experiment exhaustively to utilize its full potential.
This "manual" will only cover the basics, and most commands are pretty

Save often, keep in mind there's an Undo functionality, and have fun!

Follow these six steps to create a new map:

NOTE: this editor is more of a construction tool than a design tool;
we recommend you make a detailed sketch and design of your map before you
start constructing it in the editor!

1. Launch the editor
2. Create an empty map and decide map size
3. Place required elements (starting points & money sources)
4. Place decorative elements (structures, terrain, textures, etc.)
5. Map validation
6. Compile map data into single file

1. Launch the Editor
Launch the editor by couble-clicking the file "aoweditor.exe".
Make sure that it resides in the same folder as the game executable
("actofwar.exe"; default path "C:\Program Files\Atari\
Act of War - Direct Action").
2. Create an Empty Map and Decide Map Size

1. Click the large New Map button in the opening dialog New or Open Map.
Skip the bumper videos. Loading the editor may take a minute or two.
2. Select MapSettings > Map Infos… from the menu bar.

1. Select the Description tab and enter the Map Name and Map Description
in the provided areas (this is the description shown in the game menu;
number of players, map summary).
2. Click Save, then Close.
3. Select MapSettings > Canvas Size…

1. Set the Width and Height of the map by entering a value between 40
(smallest) and 200 (largest), that is a factor of 4.
2. Click Apply.
3. A message box appears to alert you that we recommend you not to adjust
the size of the map once created. (If you reduce the size, you may
accidentally lose elements that are outside the new size. And in case
you wondered, Oui means Yes in French.)
4. Stand by a few moments while the map rescales.

Note: if you have previously created custom maps, these will be listed in the
bottom part of the "New or Open map" dialog. You can also access these
from the File > Open a Custom Map… menu option.

Now that you've created the blank map, take a moment or two to familiarize
yourself with the different camera modes:

Camera Modes

There are four different camera modes available in the editor, accessible from
the tool bar next to Camera Mode.

" Top down (icon looking like a chair): this will place the camera above
the map, looking straight down. Zoom in/out with mouse wheel,
go left/right with arrow keys, rotate by pressing mouse wheel.
" Isometric (icon looking like angle): this is the default view; same as
in-game. Same camera controls as in-game.
" Free camera, aircraft style (icon looking like aircraft):
free-roaming camera, change camera height (altitude) with up/down
cursor keys, move sideways with left/right cursor keys, and rotate and
camera by pressing the mouse wheel.
" Free camera, "Quake style" (Quake icon): free-roaming camera,
move sideways with left/right cursor keys, and rotate and tilt camera
by pressing the mouse wheel. You cannot change the camera height
(altitude) in this view.
" NOTE: if you zoom out far enough, the camera will clip through the sky
dome and you won't be able to see the ground mesh. If this happens,
press Ctrl and hit the / and * keys on the numpad to move the clipping
plane in/out.
3. Place Required Elements (Starting Points & Money Sources)
Before going into more detail, let's just place down one or two Starting
Points to try out the interface:

Starting Points

1. Select Units > Create… from the menu bar.
2. In the Units Creation Tool palette (the floating window that now
appears on the map), select TypeWarrior > GameDesign > Tools_Warrior >
3. Right-click on the map to place a minimum of 2 and maximum of 8
Starting Points on the map.

Note: the Starting Points are the locations of the players' HQs at the start
of the game. For each Starting Point you define, one player slot will
be available. You must define at least 2, and a maximum of 8 Starting

Congratulations!!! In theory, your map is now ready to be finalized and played!
However, let's go into a little more detail opn how the map can be customized…

General Object Selection and Modification Interface

" As you just saw with the Starting Point, to place an object on the map,
whether it's required or decorative element, simply select it in the
Units Creation Tool palette, then right-click on the map.
" To select an object, left-click on it. You will see a green bounding
box around the currently selected object. Left-click on the ground or
click the Unselect icon (red arrow in top left part of the menu bar)
to deselect it.
" To move an object, select it and right-click + drag it to the new
" To rotate an object, select it and keep shift pressed while
right-clikcing on it and moving the mouse to its new facing.
" To load the cursor with an object that's already placed on the map
(to create dupliactes), select the object, then press alt while
right-clicking on it.
" To delete an object, select it and hit the del key.
" To copy/paste an object, select it and use Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V,

Object Layers / Visibility Palette

" Go to Windows > Unit Visibility. By selecting this you can toggle the
Visibility palette on or off. This window contains 20 different;
objects you place will be placed in the currently selected layer.
Click on the eye and lock icons to show/hide a layer, or to
lock/unlock it.
" Clicking the palette icon in the top left corner of the Visibility
window toggles editing of the Decorative elements on/off, and
clicking the joystick icon toggles editing of Required elements on/off.

Once you've familiarized yourself with these basic commands and options,
let's move on and make some $ available out there on the map.

Oil Wells

" Select TypeWarrior > GameDesign > Tools_Warrior >
typewarrioraowgisementpetrole from the Units Creation Tool palette.
There are four different oil wells to choose from, the only difference
is the amount of oil they contain by default, it is however more
convenient to edit this manually:
" Select the oil well by left-clicking on it (make sure that there's a
green box visible on top of it)
" Select Command > Oilfield or bank Setting to edit the amount of $ that
the Oil Well contains.


" Select TypeWarrior > AOW > Buildings > Banques in the Units Creation
Tool palette to place a Bank.
" Select the bank by left-clicking on it (make sure that there's a green
box visible inside the bank).
" Select Command > Oilfield or bank Setting to edit the amount of $
that the Oil Well contains.

Note: make sure to leave sufficient space to expand the base around the HQ.
If you place an Oil Well close to a Starting Point, it will automatically
have a Derrick on it at the start of the game; be careful though as
you cannot place any new structures too close to Oil Wells.

4. Place Decorative Elements (Structures, Terrain, Textures, etc.)

Decorating your map can be done in any order but we recommend you follow this

1. Set Topography
2. Apply Ground Textures
3. Place Roads
4. Place Vegetation
5. Place Objects and Buildings

Set Topography

There are four tools available to modify the topography of the map.
You can change the behaviour of these tools by pressing Shift, Alt and/or Ctrl
while clicking, as described below.

While editing the topography, we recommend you have the ground mesh polygons
visible (select Debug > Land Wireframe from the menu bar), as the editor will
not recalculate the lighting in real-time (see below), and it may be difficult
otherwise to make out the topography, especially if you've already applied
ground textures.

To edit the topography, from the menu bar, select Landscape >

" Plateau: Raises the (left-)clicked area to the defined height.
Press Alt while left-clicking on a height to set it as default.
The Plateau palette contains various options to set the size of the
brush, the height, the feather value (amount of slope around the
plateau). If "one click = one action" is unchecked, then your cursor
will act like a brush that you can move around the map.
" Bump: Raises the (left-)clicked area for as long as you keep the mouse
button pressed. Keep Ctrl pressed to lower the area instead.
Check "Noise mode" if you want an irregular crest of the knoll.
" Ramp: Automatically creates a ramp between two elevations
(to allow units to travel between them); left-click on the origin and
drag to the destination.
" Soften: Softens an edge, for example on a ridge or coast line.
" Import: Allows you to import a height map from a grayscale TGA file
(.tga), a height map from another Act of War map (.iff), or a RAW
format file (.raw).

Note: The editor doesn't recalculate the lighting and shadows in real-time,
so the actual visuals may be deceiving. Select MapSetting > Sunlight…
and click the button Recompute LightMap when you're done editing all
the topography.

Note: If you modify the topography under objects that are already placed,
the elevation of these objects won't be immediately re-adjusted.
To readjust the elevation and put such objects firmly back on the ground,
either select them and nudge them slightly, or save, close and reload
the map.

Apply Ground Textures

The tools for applying and modifying the ground textures can be found under
Materials > Brush. As with the topography tools, Ctrl, Alt and Shift can be
used to alter the actual functionality of each tool.

Ground textures are applied in layers, each layer can be manipulated
individually; locked, hidden, etc. just as with the objects. You can change
the order between layers or create new ones as necessary (similar to how most
popular art packages work). The layers window isn't visible by default,
to show it, go to Windows > Material layer.

" Selecting and Applying Ground Textures: Click in the list in the
Material Brush palette. You can have two textures loaded at the
same time; one in the foreground (applied by left-clicking) and one
in the background (apply by right-clicking). Toggle between the two
by clicking on the curved arrow icon.
" If you press Alt while left-clicking, the brush will pick up the
clicked texture and place it in the foreground layer; right-click to
pick it up to the background layer.
" If you press Ctrl while clicking, the brush will erase the clicked area

Place Roads

The tool for creating roads can be found under Units > Road Creation.
This will open the Roads Tool palette.

To lay down a road:

" Open the Roads Tool palette and select AOW > Stickers, then locate your
desired road texture. The road textures are organized by environment.
" Right-click where you want the road to start, then right-click again
where you want it to end. The road will automatically be laid down
between these two points.
" Each time you right-click on the map, a new waypoint will be created,
originating from the last selected waypoint of the existing road.
The new waypoint will automatically be selected; you can simply keep
right-clicking until the road is finished.
" When you're finished with the road, left-click on the map to deselect
the last waypoint.
" You can connect two existing waypoints by selecting the first one and
then right-clicking on a second one, a blue box will appear on the map
when the cursor is in the correct position.
" Note that certain road types are directional.
" Note that if you connect more than two waypoints to each other,
the editor will attempt to create an intersection. Not all combinations
for intersections are possible.

Objects, Structures and Vegetation

To place objects and structures, select Unit > Create… form the menu bar to
open the Units Creation Tool palette. See General Object Selection and
Modification Interface above for more details.

Some more useful tools:

" Units > Tree Brush : select this tool to "spray-paint" the ground with
the types of trees/plants you have placed in the bottom box of the
Tree Brush palette. You don't have to use the tree brush to place
vegetation - you can also place the trees individually - the tree brush
is however the fastest and easiest way to do this.
" Units > Facing… : select this tool to rotate objects. In the snap box,
you can enter the value to rotate the selected object each time you
click one of the curved buttons.
" Units > Scale… : select this tool to change the scale of selected
object(s). For trees, it's very useful to use the Random Scale
function to create an impression of a dynamically growing forest;
select all the trees, enter for example "65%" in the Min% box, and
"150%" in the Max% box, then click Apply. You'll see each tree be
individually but randomly rescaled to between 65 and 150 % of its
original size (click the number "1" in the Relative Scale box to undo).
Under Options, you can set to which axes you want the changes to apply.
" Units > Altitude…: select this tool to change the altitude above ground
of the seletced object(s).
" You can toggle free-form placement and snap-to-grid in the Windows >
Unit Position menu. Not all objects can be placed in free-form.

Note: not all tools work with all objects; for example, most buildings can
only be faced to 90 degree angles.

Note: certain groups of objects can be turned/scaled/altered simultaneously
(as a group), if this doesn't work however, try manipulating a smaller
group or even individual objects. Note also that once you have changed
the scale of objects, you will no longer be able to move them around as
a group.

Hint: to facilitate aligning objects in straight lines, select Debug >
Land Wireframe to display the ground mesh.

5. Map Validation

Note: these steps are not required, but strongly recommended.

Adjust Ligthing

The tool for adjusting the texture and color of the skydome, as well as overall
lighting and density of the clouds, is accessible from the menu bar:
MapSettings > Sky (to set the skydome texture) and MapSettings > Sunlight…
(to set the position, color and intensity of the sun).
If you make any changes here, don't forget to click the button
Recalculate Lightmap to re-render the shadows.

Flag Restricted Areas

Certain areas of the map will automatically be flagged as restricted to ground
troops (for example, steep slopes, water), but some areas will have to be
flagged manually. This tool can be opened from the menu bar:
Landscape > Forbidden Areas…

Left-click on the map to flag an area as restricted to ground troops
(for example, plateaus and pits without entrances/exits). Press alt to
erase a manually restricted area.
Note: pay special attention to very narrow terrain passages, as these tend
to confuse the pathfinding A.I.; try rather to block these as restricted.
Note: a pilot that is shot down over a restricted area will be placed next
to the area; be careful not to leave any holes in the middle of a
restricted area.

Generate Mini Map and Cube Map

" The cube map is sort of a 3D photo projected onto all reflective
surfaces on the map (the default projection is solid blue).
This step can be skipped if you have a map without reflective
surfaces (windows, water, etc.), but if you have these and want your
map to look great, simply select the menu option Command >
Generate CubeMap to generate the cube map.
" Select the menu option Command > Generate Minimap to generate the
minimap used in the in-game interface and in the various menus.
(The default minimap is kinda awful; we strongly recommend you don't
skip this step.)
6. Compile Map Data Into Single File

1. Select the menu option File > Finalize
2. Click Pack to verify that the map is valid and has been correctly
compiled. (For those of you that don't speak French, the message
box "Le fichier … existe déjà, voulez-vous lécraser?" means
"The file … exists already, do you want to overwrite it?".)

To test your map in the game:

1. close the map editor
2. launch the game
3. your map should appear under the tab Custom Maps in the
Select Theater section of the game session creation screens
(in both Online, LAN, and Engagement modes).

Miscellaneous Hints and Tips

" Make a detailed sketch of your map before you start.
" Save your work frequently and don't be afraid to use the Undo feature.
" Before distributing a map online, make sure to have played in in
Engagement mode several times - and watch the replays carefully ! -
to ensure that:

" all Starting Positions are OK
" no terrain paths are blocked
" all building entrances are accessible

" it's possible to construct Refineries close to all Oil Wells
" If you select to join a game that uses a custom map, that map will
automatically be downloaded to your Custom Maps folder.

06. Walkthrough [WT]

07. U.S. Army [A1]


U.S. Marine
Infantry Unit, effective against infantry.
M116A4 5.56mm fully automatic rifle with a Medium kevlar jacket.
This unit can crawl, ambush, capture and occupy buildings.

Cost: $200

JAVELIN Anti-Tank Missle System
Anti-Tank infantry unit, very effective against vehicles.
Javelin anti-tank missle system with minimum body protection.
This unit can ambush and occupy buildings.

Cost: $500

Mortar Squad
Indirect fire infantry unit, effective gainst infantry and structures.
M-252 81mm medium range mortar with minimum body protection.
This unit can provide barrae fire.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 2
Cost: $600

Sniper infantry unit, very effective against infantry.
XM-25 rifle, 7.62x51mm NATO, scoped with minimum body protection.
This unit can snipe, ambush, crawl, capture and occupy buildings.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 2
Cost: $700

DELTA FORCE Elite Soldier
Elite infantry unit, very effective versus infantry.
HK MP5/10 10mm submachine gun with heavy kevlar jacket.
This unit can ambush, crawl, capture and occupy buildings.
Stealth detection capability.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 1
Cost: $700

Vehicles/ Air units

This construction vehicle is used to construct all buildings. It can also
repair damaged buildings (no civillian buildings). You can buy an Excavator
from your headquarters. You can immidiately select this unit by pressing the
= button or clickong on the "Zz" button on your screen.

Game info: fully tracked construction vehicle
Cost: $500

Oil Tanker
This unit transports oil dug up from derrecks into the refinery. The more you
got of them the faster you get money. An Oil Tanker can be bought in a

Game Info: Transport fuel tank
Cost: $800

FAT-V (Future All-Terrain Vehicle) Scout Control
Scout vehicle, effective against infantry
Future All-Terrain Vehicle (FAT-V) with M60 7.62mm caliber machine gun.
Minimum armor, has stealth detection capabilities and can carry up to four
infantry units.

Cost: $900
Shortcut: H

M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle
Infantry/cavalry fighting vehicle and troop transport. Effective against all
vehicles. 25mm M242 Bushmaster chain gun with high-explosive or armor piercing
ammo with medium reactive armor. Can carry up to four infantry units.

Cost: $1800
Shortcut: B

Avenger low-level air defense system
Fast Anti-Aircraft vehicle, very effective against all air units.
Stinger short-range ground-to-air missles with minimum armor.

Requirements: Field Hospital
Cost: $1000
Shortcut: A

M113A3 Armored Personnal Carrier
Heavy transport, effective against infantry.
M2 12.7mm caliber machine gun with medium steel armor.
Can carry up to eight infantry units.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 2
Cost: $1200
Shortcut: M

M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank
Heavy main battle tank, effective agianst vehicles and tructures.
120mm M256 smoothbore gun with heavy depleted uranium armor.

Cost: $3000
Shortcut: A

M109A6 Paladin 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
Medium artilly, effective against vehicles and structures.
M284 155mm howitzer with medium Kevlar armor.

Cost: $2600
Shortcut: P

MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System
Heavy Artillery, effective against infantry and structures.
M26 tactical rockets with minimum steel armor.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 1
Cost: $3000
Shortcut: M

AH-64D Longbow Apache
Attack helicopter, effective against vehicles and helicopters.
30mm automatic M230 chain gun, AGM-114D Hellfire air-to-surface missle.
Heavy boron armor shields with Kevlar seats.

Cost: $2200
Shortcut: A

UH-60 Black Hawk
Light-transport helicopter, effective against infantry.
5.56mm mini-gun with minimum armor.
Can carry up to eight infantry units.

Cost: $1600
Shortcut: B

F-15 Eagle fighter
Air supriority fighter, effective against all air units.
3 x AIM-9L/M Sidewinder missles with light armor.

Cost: $2400
Shortcut: F

A-10 Thunderbolt II "Warthog"
Close air support fighter, effective against vehicles only.
4 x AGM-65 Maverick missles, 30mm GAU-8/A seven barrel gatling gun.
Medium titanium armor plated.

Cost: $2900
Shortcut: A

B2 Spirit stealth bomber
Stealth bomber, effective against all ground targets.
8 x Mk. 84 2.000lbs gravity bombs.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 1
Cost: $4000
Shortcut: B

HMRH-82 Angel Repair Helicopter
Heavy maintenance and repair helicopter, unarmed.
Can evacuate vehicles ("techevac") to the repair depot.

Cost: $1000
Shortcut: S


Deploys cionstruction units. Most valuable building, defend it well!
Can raise DEFCON levels and activate world media support.
Heavy damage resistant. Units available: Excavators.

Shortcut: HQ button and Q
MW usage: 0
Cost: $3000

Converts oil into funds. An oil tanker transports oil from the derricks to
this building. So it's more efficient when placed near derricks.
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: Oil Tankers

Shortcut: R
Cost: $2000

Medium damage resistance
Needs an oil deposit to be built.

Shortcut: O
Cost: $1200

Deploys infantry units.
Light damage resistance
Units available: U.S. Marines, Javelin, Mortar, Sniper and Delta Force soldiers

Shortcut: B
Cost: $1500

Field Generator
Light damage resistance, produces energy (60MW)

Shortcut: P
Cost: $800

Light Armor Depot
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: FAT-V Scout Patrol, Bradley, Avenger and M113 light armored

Shortcut: F
MW usage: 30
Cost: $2000

Sandbgs Shelter
Medium resistance.
Up to four soldiers can assume defensive positions inside this structure.
Effectiveness varies based on type of infantry deployed.

Shortcut: S
Cost: $500

Field Hospital
Heavy damage resistance.
Units available: UH-60Q Medivac helicopter.
This structure generates funds when prisoners are inside.

Shortcut: I
MW usage: 30
Cost: $2000

Adats Defense Turret
Medium damage resistance.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 2
Shortcut: T
MW usage: 20
Cost: $1000

Heavy Armor Depot
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: Abrams, Paladin and MLRS vehicles.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 2
Shortcut: F
MW usage: 50
Cost: $2800

Medium damage resistance.
Units available: AH-64D Apache attack helicopters and
UH-60 Black Hawk transport helicopters.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 2
Shortcut: H
MW usage: 30
Cost: $2000

Air Force Control Tower
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: F-15 Eagle fighters, A-10 Thunderbolt close-air-support
aircraft and B-2 Spirit stealth bombers.
Each Air Force Tower gives capacity to control three aircrafts.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 2
Shortcut: C
MW usage: 50
Cost: $2500

Repair Depot
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: Angel Repair helicopter.
Repairs all units within radius.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 2, Light Armor Depot or Heavy Armor Depot.
Shortcut: R
MW usage: 30
Cost: $2000

Wolverine Missle Silo
Medium damage resistance.
Ability: launches Wolverine cruise missles effective against all ground targets
Silo capacity is limited to one Wolverine missle.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 1
Shortcut: W
MW usage: 60
Cost: $3000

Patriot Ballistic Defense System
Heavy damage resistance.
Ability: launches Patriot PAC-3 counter-tactical weapon missles.
Each launcer can be armed with up to four Patriot missles.

Requirements: Alert Status DEFCON 1
Shortcut: O
MW usage: 40
Cost: $2500

08. Consortium [C1]

AK-74 Assault Rifle Soldier
Infantry unit, effective against infantry.
Kalashnikov AK-74 5.45mm assault rifle with minimum body protection.

Can ambush, capture and occupy buildings. Can change weapons to a RPG-7 or MM-1

Shortcut: S
Cost: $150

Kornet Anti-Tank Missle System
Anti-Tank infantry unit, very effective against vehicles.
Kornet-E HEAT high-explosive anti-tank guided missle.
Minimum body protection.

Can increase firepower by entering a BTR-80

Shortcut: P
Requirements: Field Prison Camp
Cost: $900

SA-7 Grail Surface-to-Air Missle System
Anit-Aircraft infantry unit. Extremely effective against helicopters and
aircraft only.
SA-7 Grail (9K32M Strela-2) thermal guided missle.
Minimum body protection.

Can go inside buildings and ambush.
Can only shoot at helicopters and aircrafts.

Shortcut: G
Requirements: Field Prison Camp
Cost: $1000

Optical Camo Soldier
Stealth infantry unit, extremely effective against infantry.
Armed with the latest generation of 5.56mm infantry Combat Weapons.
Heavy kevlar jacket and stealth protection.
Can go inside buildings, ambush and capture.

Shortcut: C
Cost: $1200

Vehicles/ Air units

AMX-10RC Wheeled Armored Medium Tank
Medium tank, effective against vehicles and building structures.
TML Turret with a 105mm NATO standard gun.
Medium reactive armor.

Shortcut: A
Cost: $1800

Porcupine Mortar Tank
Mobile defense vehicle. Very effective against groups of infantry.
120mm heavy mortar with high-explosive shells.
Light to heavy sandbag damage protection.
Must change to Turret Mode to get full protection.

Shortcut: P
Cost: $1600

BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier
Heavy transport, effective against vehicles.
BPU-1 Turret with a Kornet Anti-Tank missle system, medium steel armor.
Kornet crew inside to increase the missle launcher's firepower.
Can carry up to 8 infantry units.

Shortcut: B
Cost: $1500

Tunguska 256-M low level, self-propelled air defense system
Anti-Aircraft vehicle, effective against helicopters and aircraft.
2 x twin-barrel 30mm Anti-Aircraft gun, medium steel armor.

Shortcut: T
Requirements: Field Prison Camp
Cost: $1800

MI-35 HIND-D attack transport helicopter
Attack and transport helicopter, effective against infantry and light vehicles.
YakB four-barrelled, 12.7mm, built-in flex mounted machine gun.
Heavy steel armor.

Can transport 6 infantry units.

Shortcut: H
Cost: $2000

BMM-1 Medevac Transport
Armored medical transport, unarmed with medium armor.
Can bring eight heavily-wounded units back to the Field Prison Camp.
Heals surrounding infantry units.

Shortcut: M
Cost: $1400

V-24 High-Speed VTOL Transport Rotorcraft
Fast transport rotorcraft with vertical take-off and landing capability.
Unarmed with minimum armor.
Can transport 8 units.

Shortcut: V
Cost: $1800

V-22 Repair VTOL Rotorcraft
Fast deployment vertical take-off and landing repair aircraft.
Unarmed with minimum armor.
Can repair vehicles and helicopters on ground.

Shortcut: W
Cost: $1800

FENNEK Stealth Reconnaissance Vehicle
Stealth reconnaissance vehicle, effective against infantry.
RPD model 4 7.62mm cal. light machine gun.
Has stealth armor with minimum ballistic protection.

Has stealth detection capability.
Can carry up to 4 infatnry units.

Shortcut: F
Cost: $1400

AKULA Stealth Battle Tank
Stealth battle tank, effective against vehicles and buildinh structures.
160mm Hypervelocity Railgun with Armor-piercing discarding SABOT shell.
Medium depleted uranium armor with stealth protection.

Shortcut: A
Cost: $3200

Piranha 180mm Self-Propelled Heavy Howitzer
Heavy Artillery, very effective against building structures and vehicles.
180mm experimental XM-777 howitzer gun with medium kevlar armor.

Must be deployed before firing a shell.

Shortcut: P
Cost: $2800

YF-23 Black Widow Experimental Stealth Fighter
Multi-role stealth fighter-bomber.
Effective against vehicles and aircraft.

2 x AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missles.
2 x AGM-65D air-to-ground guided missles.
Medium armor with stealth protection.

Can be upgraded with bombs to povide capabilities against buildings.

Shortcut: Y
Cost: $3200


Heavy damage resistance.
Units available: M-17 Hip construction helicopter.
This is your most important building!

Shortcut: Q or the HQ button
Cost: $3000

Medium damage resistance.
Units available: Ural Tankers

Shortcut: R
Cost: $2000

Medium damage resistance.
Needs an oil deposit to be built.

Shortcut: O
Cost: $1200

Light damage resistance.
Units available: AK-74 Soldier, Kornet and SA-7 missles.

AK-74 Soldiers can replace their weapons for an RPG-7 or an MM-1 Mortar.

Shortcut: B
Cost: $1500

Motor Pool
Mediumdamage resistance.
Units available: AMX-10 RC, Porcupine, BTR-80 and Tunguska vehicles.

Shortcut: P
Cost: $2500

Chopper Pad
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: MI-35 Hind-D helicopters

Shortcut: H
Requirements: Motor Pool
Cost: $1800

Field Prison Camp
Heavy damage resistance.
Units available: BMM-1 Medevac Transports
This building generates funds if prisoners are inside.

Shortcut: I
Requirements: Motor Pool, Barracks
Cost: $2000

Tokamak Reactor
Medium damage resistance.
Produces energy for all buildings.
Produces Energy: 80MW

Shortcut: P
Requirements: Increase alert status to Revealed
Cost: $1000

Railgun Turret
Medium damage resistance.
120mm all automated railgun cannon with heavy SABOT shell.

Shortcut: T
Requirements: Increase alert status to Revealed, Tokamak Reactor
MW usage: 20
Cost: $1000

Medium damae resistance.
Units available: V-22 Repair Rotorcraft and V-24 Transport Rotorcraft.

Shortcut: R
Requirements: Increase alert status to Revealed, Tokamak Reactor
MW usage: 30
Cost: $1800

Stealth Armor Lab
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: Akulas, Piranhas, Fenneks and Optical Camo Soldiers.

Shortcut: F
Requirements: Increase alert status to Revealed, Tokamak Reactor
MW usage: 50
Cost: $2500

Air Control Tower
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: YF-23 Black Widows

Each Air Control Tower gives the capacity to control three YF-23s.

Shortcut: C
Requirements: Increase alert status to Revealed, Tokama Reactor
MW usage: 50
Cost: $2750

Sleeper Cell
Medium damage resistance.
Can be buil anywhere. Allows you transport units from one sleeper cell
structure to another.

Shortcut: N
Requirements: Increase alert status to Revealed, Tokamak Reactor, VTOL Pad
Cost: $2000

Fallling Star Uplink
Heavy damage resistance.
Ability: launches Falling Star satellites effective against all ground targets.
Up to four killer satellites can be brought down on the enemy from this uplink.

Shortcut: W
Requirements: Increase alert status to Revealed, Stealth Armor Lab,
Air Control Tower.
MW usage: 120
Cost: $5000

Electromagnetic Shield Ballistic Defense
Medium damage resistance.
Ability: Electromagnetic Shield Pulse.

You can charge the Electromagnetic Shield up to four pulses that are activated
automatically to protect against incoming enemy tactical weapons.

Shortcut: D
Requirements: Increase alert status to Revealed, Stealth Armor Lab,
Tokamak Reactor
MW usage: 40
Cost: $2500

09. Task Force Talon [T1]


Drone Constructor
Fast tracked drone construction unit. Unarmed.
Can construct and repair all Task Force Talon structures. Each structure
requires one drone which cannot be reused unless the structure is sold.

Shortcut: O
Cost: $250

Oil Tanker
Transport Fuel Tank, unarmed.
Transports oil from a Derrick to a Refinery.

Shortcut: $T
Cost: $800

Task Force Commando
Elite infantry unit, very effective against infantry.
XM-177E1 5.56mm full auto rifle with medium kevlar jacket.

Can ambush, crawl, capture and occupy buildings.

Shortcut: M
Cost: $450

Heavy Sniper
Sniper infantry unit, effective against vehicles and infantry.
Calibre 35mm Model 82A1 with scope, light kevlar jacket.

Can ambush crawl and occupy buildings.

Shortcut: S
Cost: $900

Vehicles/ Air units

Scout vehicle, effective against infantry.
M-249 5.56mm cal. Machine Gun, minimum steel armor.

Stealth detection capabilities.
Can be upgraded with Stinger missles effective against aircraft and
Can carry up to two infantry units.

Shortcut: B
Cost: $1000

Stryker Infantry Combat Vehicle
Medium transport, effective against infantry.
M-2 12.7mm cal. Machine Gun

Can be upgraded to carry either an Anti-Tank gun or a Heavy Mortar.
Can carry up to six infantry units.

Shortcut: I
Cost: $1200

RAH-66 Commanche recon and attack helicopter
Stealth lgiht recon helicopter FA-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Shortcut: C
Cost: $2400

Super-High Mobility Infantry Electronic Defense System.
Effective against either vehicles and structures or against infantry
and helicopters.

5.56mm six barrel Gatling mini-gun vs. infantry and helicopters, or Javelin II
missles against hard targets, medium kevlar-mylar combat suit.

Can switch between two firing modes.
Can be upgraded with stealth detection capability.

Shortcut: S
Cost: $1800

Repair FAT-V with maintenance and repair crew
FAT-V (Future All-Terrain Vehicle) with stealth detection capability and
vehicle repair team, effective against iinfantry while carrying crew only.
Minimum steel armor.

Stealth detection capability.
Can repair vehicles and landed helicopters.
Can carry up to two infantry units.

Shortcut: H
Cost: $1400

V-44 Heavy Transport VTOL Rotorcraft
Heavy transport, effective against infantry.
Twin 7.62mm six barrel Gatling mini-gun, medium armor.

Can transport up to eight infantry or vehicles units.

Shortcut: W
Cost: $2000

Spinner UGCV multi-role drone
Multi-Role Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle. Anti-Tank mode effective against
vehicles and structures.

105mm anti-tank railgun.
Can switch mode to anti-aircraft or Bomb Drone launcher mode.
Medium depleted uranium armor.

Shortcut: S
Cost: $3200

FA-35 Joint Strike Fighter
Advanced fighter-bomber, effective against aircraft and structures.
Two AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missles.
Bombing capability with four JDAM GPS-guided bombs against structures only.
Medium steel armor.

Shortcut: J
Cost: $3200

RQ-4A Global Hawk Drone
Unmanned reconaissance vehicle (URV) upgradeable with air-to-ground missles.
Unarmed/Effective against vehicles after upgrading.
Light stealth armor with good vision range.

Stealth detection capability.
Can be upgraded with two Hellfire missles (note stealth capabilities are lost
while attacking.)

Shortcut: G
Cost: $1900


Heavy damage resistance.
Units available: Drone Constructor

Shortcut: Q
Cost: $2750

Medium damage resistance.
Units available: Oil Tanker

Shortcut: R
Cost: $1750

Medium damage resistance.
Needs an oil deposit to be built.

Shortcut: O
Cost: $950

Forward Operations Center (F.O.C.)
Medium to heavy damage resistance after upgrade.
Units available: Drone Constructor.
Serves as supply source for other Task Force structures.

All Task Force structures requires a Headquarters or an F.O.C. in their

Shortcut: P
Cost: $1000

Light damage resistance.
Units available: Task Force Commandos, Heavy Snipers.
Can be upgraded with the Field Intelligence Center.

Shortcut: B
Cost: $1250

Vehicle Command Center
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: Strykers, Buggies and RAH-66 Comanches.
Strykers can change weapons to carry either a Mortar or an anti-tank Gun System

Shortcut: F
Cost: $2000

Sentry Turret
Medium damage resistance.
30mm GAU-8/A seven-barrel Gatling gun
Netfire Loiter Attack surface-to-air missle.
105mm anti-tank railgun.

Can be upgraded with extended range anti-aircraft and anti-tank pods.

Shortcut: T
Requirements: Barracks, Vehicle Command Center, Field Intelligence Center.
Cost: $800

S.H.I.E.L.D. Control Center
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: S.H.I.E.L.D.

Has two modes: missles effective against vehicles and structures or a
Gatling gun effective against helicopters and infantry.

Shortcut: F
Requirements: Upgrade S.H.I.E.L.D. Technology
Cost: $2250

Repair and Logistics Center
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: V-44 Heavy Transport Rotorcraft and Repair FAT-V

Shortcut: R
Requirements: Upgrade S.H.I.E.L.D. Technology, Shield Control Center
Cost: $1550

Mjolnir Super-Heavy Howitzer
Heavy damage resistance.
Ability: launches artillery strikes effective against all ground targets.

250mm artillery field system. Can only be countered by a counter-tactical
weapon. Can be loaded with two salvos at a time.

Shortcut: W
Requirements: Upgrade S.H.I.E.L.D. Technology, Shield Control Center, Repair
and Logistics Center
Cost: $3750

Spinner Command Center
Medium damage resistance.
units available: Spinner drones

The Spinner has three modes.
Anti-Tank, Anti-Aircraft or as a platform for bomb/reconnaisance drones.

Shortcut: D
Requirements: Upgrade DRONE Technology
Cost: $2250

Aircraft Control Tower
Medium damage resistance.
Units available: Global Hawks and FA-35 Fighter/Bombers

Each Aircraft Control Tower gives the capacity to control three aircraft.

Shortcut: C
Requirements: Upgrade DRONE Technology, Spinner Central Command.

13. Credits [CD]

People who I like to thank:

- CJayC for daily GameFAQs updates.
- The people of my guild on Final Fantasy XI (
- My brother, William & Quentin for playing AOW together
- Atari for the game itself

Devon Kerkhove.
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16.Октябрь 2013
Reparaturentrainer (für v1.06)

08.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Geld und Energie

16.Октябрь 2013
Geld- und Powertrainer

17.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für die Demoversion)

17.Октябрь 2013
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30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
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