Syberia 2

Syberia 2

18.10.2013 05:22:25

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 1st Aug, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


Kate Walker and Hans' quest for Syberia continues in this excellent conclusion
to the adventure. Starting off shortly after the events of the first game when
Kate decided to leave Aralbad with Hans, the train has arrived in Romansburg,
a remote town near the frozen waste. As Hans' health gradually gets worse, Kate
must first seek the help of the various people she meets along the way. To make
things worse, a spy has been sent out from her previous employer's company who
is under orders to bring her back. Returning home is the last thing on Kate's
mind however, as she has every attention of accompanying Hans to Syberia, where
he can meet the mammoths that he has dreamed about all his life.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts in the train. Walk south and open the right door to exit the
train. Walk down the steps to talk to Colonel Emeliov on the platform. Walk
south to the end of the platform and use the wheel. Pull the lever to wind the
train. Talk to Oscar and ask him about the Train: He asks Kate to find some
coal. Walk up to the other end of the platform and look at the gate. Try to
open the gate to find that it is locked. Walk back down the platform and enter
the shop. Look at the broken candy machine on the counter near Emeliov and get
the small key. Look at the three candy machines on the table. Use the small key
on the drawer of the right candy machine to get the coins from the drawer.

Select the coins and then use the fifth coin on the slot of the left candy
machine. Turn the handle and get the sugar candy. Use the second coin on the
slot of the middle candy machine. Turn the handle and get the fish candy. Exit
the shop and walk south to the coal dispenser. Talk to the girl in the area
below and ask her about Romansburg. Look at the lever and pull it to find that
the machine isn't working. Return to the shop and talk to Emeliov about Coal
three times. Ask about the Key twice: He lost it.

Exit the shop and return to the coal dispenser to talk to Malka. Ask her about
the Key and the Candy. Give the sugar candy to Malka to receive the gate key.
Return to the gate and use the gate key on the lock. Run down the steps to the
bottom level of Romansburg. Walk west twice and get the empty can from the
bottom of the coal dispenser. West. North. West to the alley. Use the gate to
talk to the man. Ask him about Gas. West. Look at the poster and then move it
to reveal a hole in the fence. Climb through the hole. Look at the crate in the
middle of the area and move the lock to release the youki.

Walk to the left side of the area and get the jerry can on top of the barrel.
Exit the area. East. East. East to the coal dispenser. Use the jerry can on the
generator and press the red button. West. East. Walk up the steps to the top
level. Walk to the coal dispenser and pull the lever to load the train. Oscar
appears and says that Hans has gone missing. Return to the bottom level. West.
Open the doors at the right side of the area to enter the bar. Hans faints and
Kate carries him to the train. Exit the train and return to the bottom level.
Return to the area where Kate climbed through the fence and continue west to
see the monastery. Kate refuses to go any further as it is too cold.

Return to the shop on the top level and talk to Emeliov. Ask him for Help and
he will lower the ladder. Climb up the ladder to the attic and get the winter
clothes. Exit the shop. Enter the train and open the left door to enter the
bathroom. Kate will change into the winter clothes. Exit the train and return
to the bottom level. Talk to Malka. Ask her about Mission and Monastery. Enter
the bar and talk to Cirkos. Ask him about Malka and Shroud. Exit the bar and
talk to Malka. Ask her about Monastery and Help to receive a token. Run west to
the path leading to the monastery and then continue north to the bridge.

Use the token on the slot of the machine. Pull the lever and then get the
shroud. Return to the train and use the shroud on Hans to get Hans' Shroud.
Return to the bridge and cross it. Follow the path south to arrive at the
entrance to the monastery. Walk north and follow the path to see a monk near a
frozen lake. Talk to the monk and ask him about Hans: He will mention the
Merula Alba. Ask about the Bird twice. Return to the shop on the top level and
talk to Emeliov. Ask him for Help and he will give Kate three birdcalls. Return
to the frozen lake near the monastery and use the silver birdcall on the monk.
Get the monk's habit to wear it. Walk south and pull the chain. Use the
elevator to enter the monastery.


Follow the path to the middle of the monastery. Enter the doorway. Walk to the
other end of the chapel to talk to the patriarch. Ask him about Mission twice,
Help and Shroud to bring Hans to the monastery. Ask about Hans: The patriarch
will let Kate visit Hans. North. Enter the doorway at the right side of the
hall and talk to Hans. Ask about Monastery: He wants Kate to find Alexei
Toukianov. Exit the room and talk to the monk. Ask him about Hans and Brother
Alexei twice to receive a scroll and a stained glass mammoth. Walk north and
get the brush. West. Open the door to enter the library.

Walk east to the bottom of the slope and get the long candle rod at the right
side of the room. Think of the twelve candles as a clock, with twelve o'clock
being in line with the top of the cross on the floor. Light the candles at
three, four, eight, nine and twelve o'clock to open a hole at the top of the
library. Walk to the top of the slope and look through the hole. Select the
stained glass mammoth from the documents section of the inventory and use it on
the hole. Press the bottom, left, top and right arrows to make a light appear
on the pillar. Walk down the slope and look at the eye of the mammoth. Use the
middle of the circle to reveal a bookcase. Look at the bookcase and get Brother
Alexei's book and the Youkol relic. Exit the library.

Return to the elevator and look at the wheelbarrow to get the shears. Return to
the entrance of the library and continue west to the graveyard. Walk to the
other end of the graveyard and look at the gravestone with the brambles on it.
Use the shears on the brambles. Get the herbs and brambles and then exit the
graveyard. Return to the entrance of the monastery and look at the machine on
the left. Use the herbs and brambles on the bucket. Open the tube below the
funnel and get a candle wick from below the chain. Close the tube. Pull the big
handle at the left side of the bucket to heat the bucket. Pull the small handle
in front of the bucket. Open the tube and get the herbal candle.

Get the box of matches and return to Hans' room. Look at the table near the
side of the bed and use the Youkol relic on it. Use the herbal candle on the
Youkol relic. Use the box of matches on the Youkol relic to make Hans recover.
Exit the room and return to the chapel. Enter the room at the other side of the
chapel and get the ornate key. Walk to the entrance of the chapel and look at
the right gate. Use the ornate key on the lock and then enter the room. Use the
rope. Exit the chapel and return to the graveyard. Run to the hole in the wall
at the top-left corner of the graveyard. Use the casket to move it in front of
the hole. Return to Hans' room and talk to Hans to exit the monastery.


Talk to Hans about Departure to receive the mechanical heart. Exit the train
and enter the bar on the bottom level. Walk to the mechanical horses and look
at the pipes. Put the mechanical heart on the post. Select the post three
times. Select the middle hole in the bottom-left corner of the mechanical
heart, top hole in the top-left corner, top hole in the top-right corner and
top hole in the bottom-right corner. Select the post to start the horses. Kate
will return to the top level. Pull the lever and enter the gangcar to discover
that it won't work without a youki. Enter the bar on the bottom level and talk
to Cirkos. Ask him about the youki. Exit the bar and walk north to the alley.
Go through the open gate and walk to the left side of the area to see the
youki. Give the fish candy to the youki. Return to the top level and run to the
other end of the platform. Use the gang car to exit Romansburg.


Walk east until the youki chases a beaver into the river. Continue north and
get the branches. South. West. West. West. Look at the pile of stones. Use the
branches on the ice at the bottom of the stones and then use the box of matches
on the branches. Get the offering and return to the river. Give the offering to
the youki and he will knock down a tree. South. Walk to the tree to cross the
river. North. North-west. East. North. Enter the house.

Look at the fireplace shelf and get the russian doll, hatchet and fisherman's
guide. South. West to the corner of the house. Look at the counter and get the
fish tank. East. Open the door. Walk down the steps. Use the fishing rod at the
side of the platform. Look at the fish tank and select the top-right lure. Use
the rod on the dark area at the right side of the river to catch an orange
salmon. Return to the house and open the front door to see the bear. Look at
the left window and use the orange salmon on the bear. Exit the house.

West. South. Use the hatchet on the left post of the bridge to get the rope
with plate. Use the rope with plate on the tree at the left side of the bridge
to swing to the other side. South. North. East. Use the hatchet on the cliff.
Use the hatchet to start climbing up the cliff. Climb up twice. East twice. Up
four times. West four times. Up twice. East twice. Up twice. East twice. Up
four times to the top of the cliff. South. South to see Igor and Ivan. South.
South. North to the satellite tower.

Look at the equipment in the hut and press the red switch. Using the red
buttons, set the numeric display to 0328. Press the red button on the
microphone to talk to Boris. Climb up the ladder and move the handle twice to
point the arrow to B. Climb down the ladder and look at the equipment in the
hut. Turn on the radar by pressing the bottom-right red switch. East. South.
West. North. North. Look at the plane to talk to Boris. Ask him about Train and
Flying Wing. Use the plane. Set the left panel to 80 and the right panel to 20.
Press the button to return to the train. Enter the passenger area of the train.

Get the plan of the train from the bedroom. Continue down to the end of the
train and get the oil dispenser. Exit the train and walk south to see Oscar's
arm. Use the arm to talk to Oscar. Use the oil dispenser on Oscar. East. Enter
the passenger area of the train. Exit the train and walk south. Board the
control area of the train and talk to Oscar. Exit the control area and return
to the passenger area of the train. Walk to the room with the circular panel in
the floor and call Oscar on the phone. Look at the mechanism and move the
first, third and fifth levers to start the train.


The train arrives near a massive mammoth statue. North. South. Look at the bag
at the back of the snowmobile and get the gauze blanket. Look at the bird
carving and use the gauze blanket on the slot. South. North. South. Talk to
Igor and ask him about Igor and then Spirits twice. He will leave on his
snowmobile. West. South. Use the shoes to wear them. Use the phone to call
Oscar. When Ivan turns to look at the train, look at the sled and get the ivory
knife. Use the ivory knife on the sled rope. Kate falls through the ice and
arrives in the Youkol village.


Walk south and open the door to exit the bedroom. Look at the basket and get
the reindeer antlers. Walk to the right side of the the area and cross the
bridge. South. Look at the fence at the left side of the area and get the
leather strap. North. North. Use the slingshot on the icicles above the drum
machine to break it. North to the shaman's house. Look at the masks at the
right side of the area and get the Youkol mask. West. Look at the table and get
the prayer wheel. Exit the house. South. South. South. Look at the device
between the pots and get the empty flask. Get the cork bung on the snow. Use
the empty flask on the chain at the top-right corner of the device.

Use the handle at the bottom-right corner of the device twice and then get the
flask full of water. South. Look at the youki pen and get the fishbone. East.
North. Cross the bridge. North. North. North to enter the cave. South. Look at
the wall. Use the cork bung on the bottom-right hole. Exit the view of the
wall. Look at the stick near the tree and use the prayer wheel on it. Use the
prayer wheel to call the bird. Look at the wall and get the cork bung. Use the
cork bung on the hole at the left side of the lemming. Get the cork bung and
use it on the hole at the right side of the lemming. Use the flask full of
water on the top-left hole. Use the fishbone on the hole above the lemming and
then get the dream fruit. Return to the shaman's house and talk to the shaman.
Ask about Hans, Dream, Mission to enter the dream.


North. North. Look at the mammoth doll at the back of the cave. Get the mammoth
doll and then exit the cave. South. South. West. West. West. South. West. Talk
to Anna about Kate, Anna, Hans, Father Voralberg. West. Cross the bridge to
arrive on the road. North. East. Walk through the doorway at the right side of
the road. East. North to enter the house. South. Look at the bottom of the
clock. Use the switches at either side of the display to move the time to 2:45.
Use both small statues on either side of the bell and they will raise their
hammers. Use the left switch to set the time to 7.15 and then use the pendulum.
Pull the weight and then use the bell. Father Voralberg will leave the house.
East. Look at the table and get the attic key. North. Walk up the steps and use
the attic key on the door. Walk to the other side of the attic and give the
mammoth doll to Hans. Look at the desk to return to the Youkol Village.


Exit the shaman's house. South. South. South. South. North. Climb up the
ladder. South. North. South to see the train. North. South. Try to get the hook
in front of the train. Enter the control section of the train and talk to
Oscar. Ask him about Train and Youkol Mask. Talk to the Youkols about Oscar and
Help. Walk to the front of the train and look at the hook. Pull the lever to
raise the bar on the platform. South. North. South. North. South. Walk up the
slope and walk south to the bar.

Look at the levers and pull the right lever to move the train. South. Walk down
the left slope and climb down the ladder. South. East. North. Walk up the
steps. Enter the control area of the train and talk to Oscar about the Heart.
Return to the shaman's house. Look at Oscar's heart. Think of the twelve
buttons as a clock. Press the buttons at three and seven o'clock. Press the
buttons at three, six, nine and twelve o'clock. Get the Voralberg key. Exit the
shaman's house and return to the train. Enter the control compartment and look
at the controls. Use the Voralberg key in the slot between the top two gauges.

Pull the top-left lever to raise the snake object. Pull the small left switch
at the right side of the panel. Pull the top-right and top-left levers to raise
the snake object from the top of the train. Pull the small right switch at the
right side of the panel. Turn the big wheel at the left side of the panel.
Press the left switch at the left side of the panel and then use the small
wheel at the left side of the panel to reveal the ark. Exit the train and walk
down the steps. East. Cross the bridge. North. North. Talk to the youkol about
Great Gates. Return to the youki pen and look at the gate. Open the gate to
release the youki. Return to the ark to leave the Youkol village.


Exit the ark. North. North. Look at the narwhal tusk on the floor and get it.
South. West. Use the narwhal tusk on the hook near the penguins. West. North-
west. Look at the eggs and then use the russian doll on the nest. East. East.
Use the narwhal tusk on the crack to float over to the ark. Move the barrel at
the right side of the room and open the door. Climb the ladder near Hans and
get the ivory hook. Down. Open the door and then climb onto the barrel to look
at the mast. Use the ivory hook on the slot. Pull the rope to attach it to the
hook. Exit the view of the mast and pull the lever to knock Ivan onto the ice.
The ship will continue on to Syberia.


East. Climb up the ladder and look at the guard. Get the Youkol medallion from
the body. Climb down the ladder. West. West. Walk down the steps. Look at the
chest at the bottom of the path and get the three stone plates. North. Look at
the flowers at the right side of the path. Get the Syberia flower and the stone
plate. South. East. East. Board the ark and climb down the ladder. Use the
Syberia flower on the youki to wake him. Climb up the right ladder. West. West.
Walk down the steps. North. North. North. Pull the lever in front of the gate
to open it. North. Walk up the steps. South. Look at the device and then look
at the floor to see a disc.

Get the stone plate from the top-left corner of the disc. Use the first plate
on the bottom-left corner, the second plate on the right side, the third plate
on the top-left corner, the fourth plate on the top and the fifth plate on the
bottom-right corner. Look at the disc and get the ivory key. Walk up the steps.
Walk down the steps on the left. Look at the right side of the device and use
the ivory key on the slot. Get the ivory key and use it on the second hole on
the bottom row. Use the wheel. Look at the pipes at the left side of the
device. Half-open the top-middle hole, half-open the bottom-left hole, close
the bottom-middle hole. Use the lever to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found on the table in the Voralberg house. It is used on the door at the top
of the steps in the house.

Found by asking Emeliov for Help after talking to the monk about the Merula
Alba. It is not used.

Found on the table near the exit of the monastery. It is used on the Youkol
relic in Hans' room. It is used on the branches after they have been put on
the ice in the frozen waste.

Found in the area north of the river in the frozen waste. They are used on
the ice at the bottom of the stones in the frozen waste.

Found in the secret bookcase in the monastery library. It is not used.

Found outside the hall after Hans is brought to the monastery. It can be used
on the left mural in the chapel to reveal the candle locations used in the

Found by using the small key on the right candy machine drawer in Emeliov's
shop. The fifth coin is used on the left candy machine and the second coin is
used on the middle candy machine.

Found on the snow near the device in the Youkol village. It is used on the
lemming holes in the cave.

Found by making the lemming walk to the end of the lemming maze in the cave.
It is given to the shaman.

Found at the bottom of the coal dispenser in Romansburg. It is used on the
jerry can in the area behind the fence in Romansburg.

Found on the device in the Youkol village. It is used on the chain on the

Found by using the second coin on the middle candy machine in Emeliov's shop.
It is given to the youki in Romansburg.

Found on the counter in the house in the frozen waste. It is automatically
put on the platform outside the house.

Found in the youki pen in the Youkol village. It is used on the lemming hole
in the cave.

Found on the fireplace shelf in the house in the frozen waste. It is not

After using the empty flask on the chain on the device in the Youkol village,
the flask full of water is found by using the lever. It is used on the
lemming hole in the cave.

Found by giving the sugar candy to Malka in Romansburg. It is used on the
lock on the gate at the end of the platform.

Found by looking at the bag on the snowmobile near the mammoth statue. It is
used on the slot on the bird carving.

Found by asking Emeliov for Help after talking to the monk about the Merula
Alba. It is not used.

Found by using the shroud on Hans in the train. It is shown to the patriarch
in the monastery.

Found on the fireplace shelf in the house in the frozen waste. It is used on
the left post of the bridge in the frozen waste. It is used to climb the
cliff in the frozen waste.

Foundafter using the correct items on the machine near the exit of the
monastery. It is used on the Youkol relic in Hans' room.

Found by looking at the gravestone in the monastery graveyard. They are used
on the bucket on the machine near the exit of the monastery

Found in the ark on the iceberg. It is used on the slot on the mast in the

Found by putting the stone plates in the correct places on the disc in
Syberia. It is used on the slot on the device in Syberia. It is used on the
second hole on the bottom row on the device.

Found by looking at Ivan's sled near the mammoth statue. It is used on the
sled rope.

Found on top of the barrel in the area behind the fence in Romansburg. It is
used on the generator.

Found by looking at the fence in the Youkol village. It is not used.

Found in the cave in the dream. It is given to Hans in the Voralberg house in
the dream.

Found by talking to Hans about Departure in the train. It is used on the post
in the bar in Romansburg.

Found outside the ark on the iceberg. It is used on the hook near the

Found by using the box of matches on the branches on the ice in the frozen
waste. It is given to the youki.

Found at the end of the train in the frozen waste. It is used on Oscar.

Found by using the fishing rod with the correct bait on the lake outside the
house in the frozen waste. It is used on the bear outside the house.

Found in the room in the monastery chapel. It is used on the lock in the

Found in the bedroom of the train in the frozen waste. It is not used.

Found on the table in the shaman's house in the Youkol village. It is used on
the stick near the tree in the cave. It is used in the cave to call the bird.

Found in the basket in the Youkol village. They are not used.

Found by using the hatchet on the left post of the bridge in the frozen
waste. It is used on the tree at the left side of the bridge.

Found on the fireplace shelf in the house in the frozen waste. It is used on
the penguin nest on the iceberg.

Found by talking to the monk outside Hans' room in the monastery. It is not

Found in the wheelbarrow near the exit of the monastery. They are used on the
brambles on the gravestone.

Found by using the token on the slot of the machine near the monastery. It is
used on Hans in the train to get Hans' shroud.

Found by asking Emeliov for Help after talking to the monk about the Merula
Alba. It is used on the monk outside the monastery.

Automatically made from the leather strap and the reindeer antlers. It is
used on the icicles above the drum machine in the Youkol village.

Found by looking at the broken candy machine near Emeliov. It is used on the
right candy machine drawer in Emeliov's shop to get the coins.

Found by talking to the monk outside Hans' room in the monastery. It is used
on the hole in the library after lighting the correct candles.

Found in the chest, near the Syberia flower and near the disc on Syberia.
They are used on the disc on Syberia.

Found by using the fifth coin on the left candy machine in Emeliov's shop. It
is given to Malka in Romansburg to get the gate key.

Found at the side of the path near the gate in Syberia. It is used on the
youki in the ark.

Found by asking for Malka about Help in Romansburg. It is used on the slot of
the machine near the monastery.

Found by pressing the correct buttons on Oscar in the shaman's house in the
Youkol village. It is used on the slot in the control compartment of the

After trying to walk to the monastery in Romansburg, the winter clothes are
found in the attic in Emeliov's shop after asking Emeliov for Help.

Found in the shaman's house in the Youkol village. It is given to Oscar in
the train after talking to him about the Youkol Mask.

Found on the guard's body in Syberia. It is not used.

Found in the secret bookcase in the monastery library. It is used on the
table in Hans' room.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

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