Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist

Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist

17.10.2013 15:26:19

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. Act I
2.2. Act II
2.3. Act III
2.4. Act IV
3. Item List
3.1. Act I
3.2. Act II
3.3. Act III
3.4. Act IV
4. Point List
4.1. Act I
4.2. Act II
4.3. Act III
4.4. Act IV
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 14th Jul, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


Western games are a rarity. Western adventure games even more so. Al Lowe,
creator of the Leisure Suit Larry games, decided to make an entry in this
original sub-genre by making an adventure about a pharmacist that has arrived
in a town that is slowly closing down due to a corrupt sheriff. Only days after
he has arrived, a set of troubles are inflicted on the town: A bunch of
flatulent horses, a stampede of snails, a poisoned water supply and a gang of
violent thugs. The game involves Freddy's attempts to deal with all of these
problems while trying to keep his pharmacy from closing.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. Act I: Living the Coarsegold Dream

The game starts in the town. East. East. Use the door key on the pharmacy to
unlock the door. Open the door to enter the pharmacy. Get the Prep G tube on
top of the shelf. Open the counter gate. Penelope enters the pharmacy to hand
in her perscription. Open the door to enter the office. East to the bedroom.
Open the nightstand drawer. Look in the drawer and get the desk key. West. Use
the desk key on the roll-top desk. Open the desk. Use the desk key on the
drawer. Open the drawer. Look in the drawer and get the letter. Close the
drawer and use the desk key on it. Close the roll-top desk and use the desk key
on it. Use the laboratory to view various items.

Put a graduated cylinder on the counter. Add 40 ml of Pepticymacine Teterazole
to the graduated cylinder. Add the contents of the graduated cylinder to a
medicine bottle. Use a cork on the medicine bottle to complete the medication.
South. Give the medication to Penelope. Helen Back will enter the shop. Open
the door to enter the back room and then use the laboratory. Add 15 mg of
Bismuth Enterosalicyline to the graduated cylinder. Add the graduated cylinder
contents to the beaker. Add 30 gm of Phenodol Oxytrigylchlorate to the balance.
Add the balance contents to the beaker. Use a stirring rod on the beaker. Use
the beaker on the pill machine. Use a medicine bottle on the pill machine seven
times to fill it with 21 pills. Put the medicine bottle on the counter and then
use a cork on the medicine bottle to complete the medication.

South. Give the medication to Back. Sadie Ovaree will enter the pharmacy. Exit
the pharmacy. West. West. Enter the saloon. Get the shot glass from Doc
Gillespie's table. Combine the shot glass with Ovaree's perscription and then
use the glass to read it. Give the shot glass and perscription to Doc Gillespie
and he will correct it. Exit the saloon. East. East. Enter the pharmacy. Open
the door to enter the back room. Use the laboratory.

Add 15 gm of Bimethylquinoline to the balance. Use the balance pan on the
mortar & pestle. Add 15 gm of Metyraphosphate to the balance. Use the balance
pan on the mortar and pestle. Put six medicinal papers on the counter. Use the
mortar & pestle to stir it. Use the 5 gm. measuring spatula on the mortar and
pestle and put 5 gms of the medication on each medicinal paper. Put all of the
medicinal papers inside a perscription box to complete the medication. South.
Give the medication to Ovaree. Smithie will enter the pharmacy. Give the Prep G
tube to Smithy to complete the act.

2.2. Act II: The Plot Sickens


West. Enter Chester's shop and get a paper sack from the counter. Exit the
shop. West. Enter the cafe and get the empty bean can. Exit the shop. Enter the
saloon. Give the money to the barman to receive a case of beer. Open the door
at the back of the saloon to enter the garden. Get the ice pick from the
barrel. Get the elixir from the wagon. Open the door and exit the saloon. West.
Get the leather strap and the rope from outside the blacksmith shop. Get a
piece of charcoal from the forge. Combine the ice pick with the tin can.
Combine the leather strap with the tin can. Combine the charcoal with the tin
can to make the gas mask. Use the gas mask on Pharkas. When the horse lifts its
tail up, use the paper sack on the horse to fill the sack.

East. East. East. Enter the pharmacy. Enter the back room. Use the laboratory.
Use the elixir on the alcohol lamp. Use the matches on the alcohol lamp. Use
the Gaseous Spectroscope on the alcohol lamp. Use the filled sack on the
Gaseous Spectroscope. Look at the spectrum lines on the glass viewer. Add 40 gm
of Sodium Bicarbonate to the balance. Add 15 ml of Furachlordone to the
graduated cylinder. Add the balance contents to the beaker. Add the graduated
cylinder contents to the beaker. Add 45 ml of water to the graduated cylinder.
Add the contents of the graduated cylinder to the beaker. Add 5 gm of Magnesium
Sulfate to the balance. Add the balance contents to the beaker. Use a stirring
rod on the beaker. Add the beaker contents to a medicine bottle. Put a cork in
the medicine bottle to complete the medication. South. Exit the pharmacy. Use
the deflatuliser on the water trough to stop the horse flatulence.


East. Get the ladder from the back of the slide. North. West. Open the church
doors and then look at the right door. Get the key. West. South. West. West to
the desert. Combine the church key with the beer in the inventory. Get the
snail from the stampede. Use the open beer on the snails to stop the stampede.


Use the ladder on the anthill to save Srini. South. Exit the pharmacy. West.
West. Enter the cafe and give the snail to Back. Exit the cafe. West. West.
West to the desert. Get the ladder. East. East. East. East. East. Enter the
pharmacy. Enter the office. Use the laboratory. Add 25 ml of Bismuth
Sabsalicylate to the graduated cylinder. Add the contents of the graduated
cylinder to the test tube. Add 5 ml of Orphenamethihydride to the graduated
cylinder. Add the contents of the graduated cylinder to the test tube. Use the
matches on the alcohol lamp. Use the test tube on the alcohol lamp. Add the
contents of the test tube to a medicine bottle. Use a cork on the medicine
bottle to make the pure solution.

South. Exit the pharmacy. East. North to the water tower. Use the faucet to
turn the water on. Use the empty beer bottle on the faucet. Use the beer bottle
on Pharkas. Use the faucet to turn the water off. Use the ladder on the water
tower platform and then walk up the ladder. Get the ladder. use the ladder on
the water tower and walk up the ladder. Use the rope in the inventory to make a
lasso. Use the lasso on the metal pole on top of the water tower and then use
the rope to climb onto the roof. Open the hatch at the right side of the roof.
Use the pure solution on the hatch to clean the water in the tower.


West. South. Exit the pharmacy. Get the baking soda outside the pharmacy. East.
Use the baking soda on the right side of the seesaw. Use the swing at the right
side of the area. Select Pharkas three times as he swings forward and then
select the roof of the school to land on it. Use the left side of the seesaw to
put out the fire. West. West. West. West. South. Open the door to enter the
bar. Get the post cards on the table in the middle of the room. Wait until
Ovaree arrives to complete the act.

2.3. Act III: Guns & Neuroses


Open the chest. Look in the chest and get the clothes. Open the dresser drawer.
Look in the drawer and get the claim check. West. South. Exit the pharmacy. Get
the horse plop on the road. East. North. West. Get the candle wax from the
candles in the church. West to the cemetery. Get the shovel at the left side of
the third grave and then use the shovel on the grave. Use the grave to find the
safe deposit box key. Use the shovel on the grave. Get the clay from the grave.
Exit the cemetery. West. South. Enter the bank and show the deposit key to the
bank owner. Open the safe deposit box. Move the neckerchief. Get the pistols
and the neckerchief. Exit the bank. East. Enter the cafe.

Use the coffee machine to get a cup of coffee. Use the horse plop on the floor
of the cafe. Exit the cafe. Enter the saloon. Open the door at the back of the
saloon to enter the garden. Get the pie on the window sill. Open the door. Exit
the saloon. East. Enter the barber shop. Give the claim check to Sal to get the
boots. Exit the barber shop. East. Enter the sheriff's building. Give the
coffee to the sheriff to receive the bullets. Give the pie to the sheriff to
get the gun cleaning kit. Exit the building. West. North. West. Combine the
bullets with the pistols in the inventory. Combine the gun cleaning kit with
the pistols in the inventory. Use the empty bottles on the fence at the left
side of the area. Select a difficulty and complete the gun practice session.


South. East. East. Enter Chester's shop. Show the candle wax to Willy. Exit the
shop. Enter the shop again and get the knife. Exit the shop. East. Enter the
pharmacy. Get the medallion on the wall. Enter the back room. Use the desk key
on the roll-top desk. Open the desk. Use the desk key on the drawer. Open the
drawer. Look in the drawer and get the letter. Combine the knife with the
candle wax in the inventory to make a wax ear. Combine the wax ear with the
clay in the inventory to make a wax filled mold. Use the laboratory. Use the
matches on the alcohol lamp. Use the wax filled mold on the alcohol lamp to
make the empty mold. Add the medallion to the crucible and then use the
crucible on the alcohol lamp to melt the medallion. Use the empty mold on the
crucible to make the silver filled mold. Use the silver filled mold in the
inventory to make the silver ear. Use the boots on Pharkas to complete the act.

2.4. Act IV: Showdown at the Hallelujah Corral

West. Enter the saloon. Look at the poker table. Quickly use the hand that
appears under Aces' cards to accuse him of cheating. Use the pistols on the
rail under the bar to defeat Ace. Open the door to enter the garden. South.
East. Walk south down the path at the right side of the mill to enter the
barber shop. Give the post cards to Sal to receive a can of nitrous oxide. Exit
the barber shop through the top-right exit. West. South to the back garden of
the saloon. Walk up the steps. Use the nitrous oxide on the balcony
decorations. Return to the back garden. South. West. South. South. Walk into
the gazebo and then use the pistols on the can of nitrous oxide at the top-
right corner of the area. North.

Select a difficulty and then play the arcade game to defeat the Lever brothers.
Try to shoot Kenny and he will shoot Pharkas in the ear. Get the neckerchief
and use it on Pharkas' ear. Pharkas travels to the schoolhouse to confront
Penelope. Use the hand icon on Pharkas to drop the belt. Get the slate from the
table to block the bullet. Penelope will take Pharkas to the basement. Use the
chair. Select Pharkas three times as he moves forward to tip the chair over.
Get the silver ear on the floor. Use the silver ear on the floor to sharpen it.
Use the sharp ear on the chair to cut the ropes. Get the sword. Select the
difficulty and then play the arcade game to defeat Penelope. Use the sharp ear
on Kenny to complete the game.


3. Item List


3.1. Act I Item List

Found in the drawer in the bedroom in the pharmacy. It is used on the
roll-top desk in the office. It is used on the drawer in the roll-top desk.

Available at the start of the game. It is used on the pharmacy door.

Found by talking to Helen Back in the pharmacy. It is not used.

Found in the drawer in the roll-top desk in the pharmacy. It is not used.

Found by talking to Sadie Ovaree in the pharmacy. It is not used.

Found by completing the perscriptions in the pharmacy. It is given to
Penelope, Helen Back and Sadie Ovaree.

Found by giving the Prep G to Smithy in the pharmacy. It is given to the
bartender in the saloon in act II to get the beer.

Found by talking to Penelope in the pharmacy. It is not used.

Found on the shelf in the pharmacy. It is given to Smithy.

Found on the table in the saloon. It is combined with Madame's Rx in the

Found by combining the shot glass with Madame's Rx in the inventory. It is
given to Doc Gillespie in the saloon.

3.2. Act II Item List

Found outside the pharmacy near the burning building. It is used on the right
side of the seesaw.

Found by giving the money to the barman in the saloon. It is combined with
the church key in the inventory to get the open beer.

Found on the forge outside the blacksmith shop. It is one of the items used
on the tin can in the inventory to make the gas mask.

Found in the right door of the church. It is combined with the beer in the
inventory to get the open beer.

Found by using the pharmacy laboratory. It is used on the water trough
outside the pharmacy.

Found in the wagon in the garden behind the saloon. It is used on the alcohol
lamp in the pharmacy laboratory.

Found by using the open beer on the snail stampede in the desert. It is used
on the faucet near the water tower. They are used on the fence near Srini.

Found by using the paper sack on the horse when it lifts its tail. It is used
on the Gaseous Spectroscope in the pharmacy laboratory.

Found by combining the ice pick, leather strap and charcoal with the paper
sack in the inventory. It is used on Pharkas.

Found in the barrel in the garden at the back of the saloon. It is one of the
items used on the tin can in the inventory to make the gas mask.

Found at the back of the slide in the area east of the pharmacy. It is used
on the anthill in the desert. It is used on the water tower platform and the
water tower.

Found by using the rope in the inventory. It is used on the metal pole on top
of the water tower.

Found outside the blacksmith shop. It is one of the items used on the tin can
in the inventory to make the gas mask.

Found by combining the church key with the beer in the inventory. It is used
on the snail stampede in the desert.

Found on the counter in Chester's shop. It is used on one of the horses when
it lifts its tail to get the filled sack.

Found on the table in the bar. It is given to Sal in the barber shop in act
IV to get the can of nitrous oxide.

Found by using the pharmacy laboratory. It is used in the hatch on top of the
water tower.

Found outside the blacksmith shop. It is used in the inventory to get the

Found in the snail stampede in the desert. It is given to Helen Back in the

Found in the cafe. It is combined with the ice pick, leather strap and
charcoal in the inventory to get the gas mask.

Found by using the empty bottles on the water tower faucet. It is used on

3.3. Act III Item List

Found by giving the claim check to Sal in the barber shop. They are used on
Pharkas as one of the disguise items.

Found by giving the coffee to the sheriff. It is combined with the pistols in
the inventory.

Found by using the candles in the church. It is shown to Willy in Chester's
shop. It is combined with the knife in the inventory to get the wax ear.

Found in the dresser drawer in the bedroom in the pharmacy. It is given to
Sal in the barber shop to get the boots.

Found on the grave in the graveyard after using the shovel on the grave
twice. It is combined with the wax ear in the inventory to get the wax filled

Found by giving the pie to the sheriff. It is combined with the pistols in
the inventory.

Found by using the coffee machine in the cafe. It is given to the sherrif to
get the bullets.

Found by using the grave in the graveyard after using the shovel on the
grave. It is shown to the bank owner in the bank.

Found by using the wax filled mold on the alcohol lamp in the pharmacy
laboratory. It is used on the crucible in the laboratory.

Found near the stove in Chester's shop. It is combined with the candle wax in
the inventory to get the wax ear.

Found on the wall in the pharmacy. It is used on the crucible in the pharmacy

Found in the safe deposit box in the bank. It is not used.

Found on the window sill in the garden behind the saloon. It is given to the
sherrif to get the cleaning kit.

Found under the neckerchief in the safe deposit box in the bank. It is
combined with the bullets in the inventory. It is used on the rail under the
bar in the saloon in act IV. It is used on the can of nitrous oxide on the
balcony decorations above the saloon in act IV.

Found by using the silver filled mold in the inventory. It is not used.

Found by using the empty mold on the crucible in the pharmacy laboratory. It
is used in the inventory to get the silver ear.

Found by combining the knife with the candle wax in the inventory. It is
combined with the clay in the inventory to get the wax filled mold.

Found by combining the wax ear with the clay in the inventory. It is used on
the alcohol lamp in the pharmacy laboratory to get the empty mold.

3.4. Act IV Item List

Found on Pharkas after Kenny has shot him. It is used on Pharkas' ear.

Found by giving the post cards to Sal in the barber shop. It is used on the
balcony decorations above the saloon.

Found by using the silver ear on the floor in the schoolhouse basement. It is
used on Kenny.

Found on the floor in the schoolhouse basement after Pharkas tips the chair
over. It is used on the floor to get the sharp ear.

Found in the schoolhouse. It is used to battle Penelope in the schoolhouse.


4. Point List


4.1. Act I Point List


500 500 Use the door key on the pharmacy.

501 1 Get the Prep G tube.

502 1 Get the desk key.

503 1 Get the letter.

513 10 Give the medication to Penelope.

523 10 Give the medication to Back.

524 1 Get the shot glass.

534 10 Read the perscription under the glass.

541 7 Give the shot perscription under glass to Gillespie.

551 10 Give the medication to Ovaree.

554 3 Give the Prep G tube to Smithy.

4.2. Act II Point List


555 1 Get the paper sack.

556 1 Get the empty bean can.

561 5 Give the money to the barman.

562 1 Get the ice pick.

563 1 Get the elixir.

564 1 Get the leather strap.

565 1 Get the rope.

566 1 Get the charcoal.

571 5 Combine the ice pick with the tin can.

576 5 Combine the leather strap with the tin can.

579 3 Combine the charcoal with the tin can.

591 12 Use the gas mask on Pharkas.

597 6 Use the paper sack on the horse.

602 5 Use the elixir on the alcohol lamp.

612 10 Look at the spectrum lines.

617 5 Complete the medication.

637 20 Use the deflatuliser on the water trough.

638 1 Get the ladder.

639 1 Get the key

641 2 Combine the church key with the beer.

642 1 Get the snail.

658 12 Use the open beer on the snails.

668 10 Use the ladder on the anthill.

669 1 Give the snail to Back.

670 1 Use the empty beer bottle on the faucet.

671 1 Use the beer bottle on Pharkas.

673 2 Use the ladder on the water tower platform.

677 4 Use the ladder on the water tower.

679 2 Use the rope.

684 5 Use the lasso on the top of the water tower.

694 10 Use the pure solution on the hatch.

695 1 Get the baking soda.

697 2 Use the baking soda on the seesaw.

702 5 Land on the roof of the school.

714 2 Use the seesaw.

715 1 Get the post cards.

4.3. Act III Point List


716 1 Get the clothes.

717 1 Get the claim check.

718 1 Get the horse plop.

719 1 Get the candle wax.

720 1 Get the shovel.

722 2 Use the shovel on the grave.

727 5 Get the safe deposit box key.

728 1 Get the clay.

730 1 Get the pistols.

733 3 Get the neckerchief.

734 1 Use the coffee machine.

743 9 Use the horse plop on the cafe floor.

744 1 Get the pie.

749 5 Give the claim check to Sal.

753 4 Give the coffee to the sheriff.

757 4 Give the pie to the sheriff.

762 5 Combine the gun cleaning kit with the pistols.

777 15 Complete the gun practice arcade game.

779 2 Show the candle wax to Willy.

780 1 Get the knife.

781 1 Get the medallion.

782 1 Get the letter.

802 20 Use the silver mold.

803 1 Use the boots on Pharkas.

4.4. Act IV Point List


813 10 Select the hand under Aces' cards.

833 20 Use the pistols on the rail.

838 5 Give the post cards to Sal.

843 5 Use the can of nitrous oxide on the balcony decorations.

863 20 Use the pistols on the can of nitrous oxide.

883 20 Complete the shooting arcade game.

888 5 Get the neckerchief.

898 10 Use the neckerchief on Pharkas' ear.

908 10 Get the slate.

909 1 Get the silver ear.

919 10 Use the silver ear on the floor.

929 10 Use the sharp ear on the chair.

930 1 Get the sword.

965 35 Complete the sword arcade game.

1000 35 Use the sharp ear on Kenny.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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