Tantra Online

Tantra Online

17.10.2013 17:26:55
release date: 03/06/2005.

Author's note:
There are too view, if not entirely none at all, online resources about this
game, so I thought of writing a simple guide to help beginner players about
the this and that of Tantra Online. I won't provide the best stats thingies,
as it depends on your own creativity to create your very own character (i.e,
a wizard with strong physical attack, who knows? :P), but due to request, I
will include some examples of builds for each class.
Since I'm playing in the Indonesian server, so all things written in this FAQ
are solely based on the Indonesian setting, although foreign servers wouldn't
be much different.
I'm not one of those top notch players around with top rankings, I just try
to be helpful for new players ;).

http://tantra.playon.co.id >> Indonesian TO
http://www.tantra-online.com >> Korean TO

Any comments, corrections, suggestions, and additional info that I missed will
be very much appreciated /no1. Any helpful stuffs will not left un-credited 8)
Don't ask me where to get or how to use cheating stuffs like Speed Hack, GM
commands, Netscript, etc!!
E-mail : guylon@hotmail.com
Y!M : guylon
MSN : guylon@hotmail.com
e-gold : 2102511 (in case you want to donate ;P)

The latest version of this guide can be found in my website at:

This guide is authorized to be posted at:

v1.1 : 03-06-05, completed the monster list section ... or so I thought. I got
the information from an insider source although I highly doubt about
the ATK rate, but well... Anyway, I'm not playing Tantra anymore so I
can't really test anything and small chance that I'd update this FAQ in
the future (you don't want anything from someone who doesn't actually
play the things he wrote, rite?).
Anyone who want to continue my work are welcomed ;). Btw, Tips section
has been added ;) Check it out.
v1.0 : 18-03-05, added Monsters' hitpoints.
v0.9 : 16-03-05, info on Samabat's Lions, some minor additions and corrections.
v0.8 : 08-03-05, added Prana Chart and some minor additions.
v0.7 : 05-03-05, added monsters' level and some equipments' data. Ok, now I'll
return to my Tekken 5 practice :D
v0.6 : 02-03-05, more quests, more items, more data for Naga/Kimnara, added
about CRITICAL TRIGGER in Facts section, added a few part of Monsters
List, more weapons. and I'll take a break now, there doesn't seem anyone
care about this FAQ anyway, and I still can't submit to GameFAQs.
v0.5 : 26-02-05, added some weapons, armors, some minor changes, and added
quest infos including the 2nd Class Change, added data to Naga/Kimnara
skills (Selphyn is my data Kimnara >.<).
v0.4 : 25-02-05, added more info to Ashura/Rakshasa, Yaksa/Gandarva, and Deva/
Garuda skills, also added some items.
v0.3 : 24-02-05, added more sections, correcting small stuffs.
v0.2 : 23-02-05, Naga/Kimnara, Yaksa/Gandarva and Deva/Garuda added.
v0.1 : 23-02-05, first written. Only contains Ashura/Rakshasa's incomplete
To go to sections you want to read, just find it in the table of content, copy
the section name along with the section numbers, then paste it in SEARCH tool
on your browser or your text-processor.
If you're not an Indonesian server user, there might be some differences in
names. I'll include the comparisons in future if necessary.
Section 0 : Some Important Facts To Know For Beginners
Section I : Characters and Skills
I.0. Skill Legends
I.1.1. About
I.1.2. Stat Points/Chakra
I.1.3. Skills
I.1.3.1. Attack Skills
I.1.3.2. Defense Skills
I.1.3.3. Support Skills
I.1.4. 2nd Class Change
I.1.4.1. Satya
I. Attack Skills
I. Defense Skills
I.1.4.2. Banar
I. Attack Skills
I. Support Skills
I.1.5. Example Builds (coming soon)
I.2.1. About
I.2.2. Stat Points/Chakra
I.2.3. Skills
I.2.3.1. Attack Skills
I.2.3.2. Archery Skills
I.2.3.3. Support Skills
I.2.4. 2nd Class Change
I.2.4.1. Karya
I. Archery Skills
I.2.4.2. Druka
I. Melee Skills
I. Support Skills
I.2.5. Example Builds
I.3.1. About
I.3.2. Stat Points/Chakra
I.3.3. Skills
I.3.3.1. Attack Skills
I.3.3.2. Defense Skills
I.3.3.3. Support Skills
I.3.4. 2nd Class Change
I.3.4.1. Vidya
I. Support Skills
I.3.4.2. Nakayuda
I. Attack Skills
I. Support Skills
I.3.5. Example Builds (coming soon)
I.4.1. About
I.4.2. Stat Points/Chakra
I.4.3. Skills
I.4.3.1. Physical/Fire Skills
I.4.3.2. Ice/Lightning Skills
I.4.3.3. Magic Skills
I.4.4. 2nd Class Change
I.4.4.1. Samabat
I. Physical/Fire Skills
I. Magic Skills
I.4.4.2. Abikara
I. Physical/Fire Skills
I. Ice/Lightning Skills
I.4.5. Example Builds (coming soon)
I.5. Prana Chart

Section II : Equipments and Items
II.1. Weapons
II.1.1. Daggers
II.1.2. 1-handed Swords
II.1.3. 2-handed Swords
II.1.4. 1-handed Axes
II.1.5. 2-handed Axes
II.1.6. 1-handed Staffs
II.1.7. 2-handed Staffs
II.1.8. War-gloves
II.1.9. Spears
II.1.10. Maces
II.1.11. Bows
II.2. Shields
II.3. Armors
II.3.1. Common Armor Sets
II.3.2. Tribe-specific Armor Sets
II.3.2.1. Naga/Kimnara
II.3.2.2. Ashura/Rakshasa
II.3.2.3. Yaksa/Gandarva
II.3.2.4. Deva/Garuda
II.3.3. Belts
II.4. Accessories
II.1. Earrings
II.2. Bracelets
II.3. Rings
II.4. Necklaces
II.5. Upgrade Items
II.6. Usable Items
II.6.1. Amrita (Healing Potion)
II.6.2. Panaka (TP Potion)
II.6.3. Misc. Items
II.7. Process and Quest-only Items (coming soon)
II.8. Common Drops

Section III: Maps and Monsters List
III.1. Mandara Region
III.1.1. Mandara Plains
III.1.2. Mandara Dungeon
III.1.2.1. Level 1
III.1.2.2. Level 2
III.2. Shambala Region
III.2.1. Shambala Plains
III.2.2. Shambala Dungeon
III.2.2.1. Level 1
III.2.2.2. Level 2
III.3. Jina Region
III.3.1. Jina Plains
III.3.2. Pamir Plateau
III.4. Kruma Region
III.4.1. Kruma Area
III.4.2. Chaturranga
III.5. Exile Region

Section IV : Quests Guide
Section V : Tips (coming soon)
Section VI : Frequently Asked and Answers
Section X : Credits and Thanks Note

Section 0 : Some Important Facts To Know For Beginners
- This game uses unique Muscle, Nerve, Heart, and Spirit stats, unlike the
usual STR, DEX, etc. While overall it does the same thing, for certain class
it could have a different effect. Heart raises HP and TP(MP) for all classes,
but only raise HP for Deva/Garuda, f.i.
- Nerve affects Accuracy and Evasion, so the higher its value, the more chance
you will inflict extra damage and the more enemy's attacks you will evade.
Is that true?
If you play Ragnarok Online and expect it to be the same as building Sins or
AGI Knights with high dodge-rate, then forget it. No matter how high your
Evasion is, you'll still get hit pretty often, and no matter how high your
Accuracy, you won't get it all critical like those Crit Assassins in Ragnarok
Online. Just to keep in mind.
- Deva/Garuda is the only class that gets benefits from Spirit, so if you're
picking other class, forget about Spirit. (may change in future?)

- Naga/Kimanara = Satvan >> Satya/Banar
Ashura/Rakshasa = Duvanta >> Karya/Druka
Yaksa/Ghandarva = Nirvana >> Vidya/Nakayuda
Deva/Garuda = Mantrika >> Abikara/Samabat
- Your skills will be reset when you change to the 2nd class, so before that,
you're free to mess up your skills to try your setups :P.

- You have to be at Level 10 to change class, then Level 45 to change to 2nd
class. You need to be at Level 30 to choose your God, and after that you can
create or join Aswiram.
- Guilds are called Aswiram in Tantra, and Guild Leaders are called Maharaja.
- Gods in Tantra Online:
1. Sethi (Blue)
2. Vidha (Red)
3. Batara (Yellow)
You can change your God later; the higher your level means higher price that
you have to pay to the old Vananta.

- The SKILL CRITICAL DAMAGE TRIGGER ... or whatever everyone call it. If you
pay close attention to your enemies while they are attacking, you will
occassionally see some kind of purple whirl-aura circling around the enemy.
When you see that, quickly hit it with your most damaging skill for DOUBLE

Section I : Characters and Skills

You'll see the skills in below format:

~Pre-Req : Lvl.10, GOMUGOMUPISTOL Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ 69 TP/2000% dmg
2 /Lvl.15/100 TP/2100% dmg
~Function : Powerful blow.
~Cast-Delay : 20 secs.

X = just a number
Pre-Req = Pre-Requisite, means the condition that you have to
meet before you can take the skill. On above example,
it means your character has to be at Lvl. 10 and has
Level = breakdowns of what this skill does every level. for
the above example, it's level 1 skill that can be
taken by level 10 character, consumes 69 TP per use,
and the effect is dealing 2000% damage. and level 2
of this skill can be taken by level 15 character,
consumes 100 TP, and deals 2100% damage. and so on.
if no TP is consumed, then it's a passive skill.
Function = description of what this skill actually does.
Cast-Delay = how long it takes before you can cast this skill
Comment = my personal comment ;)

I.1.1. About
This is the common Knight/Warrior class of all common RPGs; rely on great
physical strength and hit points to let them survive long enough on close
combats. Main feats of Nagas/Kimnaras would be their high defense rating,
high damaging skills, and ability to tackle a mob by themselves.
Naga/Kimnara can use Swords, 2-handed Swords, Axes, 2-handed Axes, Spears,
and Shields.

I.1.2. Stat Points/Chakra
Common Naga/Kimnara would depend on Muscle and Heart only, as they need no
Spirit and don't need Nerve all that much, which make the chakra distribution
a bit easy.
Initial Stats : Muscle 12, Nerve 10, Heart 11, Spirit 10
Muscle : +1(1/3) ATK, +(1/3) DEF
Nerve : +1 Evasion, +1 Accuracy, +(1/5) DEF
Heart : +11 Hit points, +5 TP
Spirit : +1/3 Resistance

I.1.3. Skills
I.1.3.1. Attack Skills
1. Enforce
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl. 1/ +5 dmg
2 /Lvl. 3/+10 dmg
3 /Lvl. 5/+15 dmg
4 /Lvl. 7/+20 dmg
5 /Lvl. 9/+25 dmg
6 /Lvl.11/+30 dmg
7 /Lvl.13/+35 dmg
8 /Lvl.15/+40 dmg
9 /Lvl.17/+45 dmg
10/Lvl.19/+50 dmg
~Function : Raises damage by 5 per skill level.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill.
~Comment : -

2. Power Strike
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10, Enforce Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ 5 TP/ +25% dmg/ +20 dmg
2 /Lvl.15/12 TP/ +50% dmg/ +40 dmg
3 /Lvl.20/19 TP/ +75% dmg/ +60 dmg
4 /Lvl.25/25 TP/+100% dmg/ +80 dmg
5 /Lvl.30/32 TP/+125% dmg/+100 dmg
6 /Lvl.35/xx TP/+150% dmg/+120 dmg
7 /Lvl.40/xx TP/+175% dmg/+140 dmg
8 /Lvl.45/xx TP/+200% dmg/+160 dmg
9 /Lvl.50/xx TP/+225% dmg/+180 dmg
10/Lvl.55/xx TP/+250% dmg/+200 dmg
~Function : Powerful blow. 20% chance for more additional +20% dmg.
~Cast-Delay : 7 secs.
~Comment : Maybe a must max-ed for all Naga/Kimnara.

3. Knockback
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20, Power Strike Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/ 5 TP/+10% dmg/+30 dmg
2 /Lvl.25/12 TP/+20% dmg/+40 dmg
3 /Lvl.30/19 TP/+30% dmg/+50 dmg
4 /Lvl.35/26 TP/+40% dmg/+60 dmg
5 /Lvl.40/33 TP/+50% dmg/+70 dmg
~Function : Knocks target back.
~Cast-Delay : 2 secs.
~Comment : I think Naga/Kimnara has little use of creating distance, so
maybe it's enough to only get one level to unlock the next

4. Aim
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Knockback Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/ 8 TP/ +20% dmg
2 /Lvl.33/14 TP/ +40% dmg
3 /Lvl.36/20 TP/ +60% dmg
4 /Lvl.39/26 TP/ +80% dmg
5 /Lvl.42/32 TP/+100% dmg
6 /Lvl.45/38 TP/+120% dmg
7 /Lvl.48/44 TP/+140% dmg
8 /Lvl.51/50 TP/+160% dmg
9 /Lvl.54/56 TP/+180% dmg
10/Lvl.57/62 TP/+200% dmg
~Function : Accurate attack that never miss.
~Cast-Delay : 7 secs.
~Comment : It never miss (d'oh)

5. Piercing
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Knockback Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/ 8 TP/ +10% dmg/ +15 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
2 /Lvl.33/13 TP/ +20% dmg/ +30 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
3 /Lvl.36/18 TP/ +30% dmg/ +45 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
4 /Lvl.39/23 TP/ +40% dmg/ +60 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
5 /Lvl.42/28 TP/ +50% dmg/ +75 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
6 /Lvl.45/33 TP/ +60% dmg/ +90 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
7 /Lvl.48/38 TP/ +70% dmg/+105 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
8 /Lvl.51/43 TP/ +80% dmg/+120 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
9 /Lvl.54/48 TP/ +90% dmg/+135 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
10/Lvl.57/53 TP/+100% dmg/+150 dmg/40% chance IGNDEF
~Function : Piercing attack that hits all enemies in line.
~Cast-Delay : 3 secs.
~Comment : I've seen someone using this combined with Multishot, pretty

6. Stop
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Aim Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/xx TP/3 secs
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/4 secs
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/5 secs
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/6 secs
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/7 secs
~Function : Stops target by chance. Target can't move but can attack.
~Cast-Delay : 10 secs.
~Comment : Not so useful, I guess. Skip it.

7. Stun
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Aim Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/ 8 TP/ +40 dmg
2 /Lvl.44/24 TP/ +60 dmg
3 /Lvl.48/40 TP/ +80 dmg
4 /Lvl.52/56 TP/+100 dmg
5 /Lvl.56/72 TP/+120 dmg
~Function : Stuns target by chance for 3 secs.
~Cast-Delay : 5 secs.
~Comment : -

8. Multishot
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Aim Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/ 15 TP/ +30% dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/ 30 TP/ +40% dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/ 45 TP/ +50% dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/ 60 TP/ +60% dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/ 75 TP/ +70% dmg
~Function : Stuns all surrounding enemies by chance for 3 secs.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : I've only seen this on someone else' screen. Should be useful.

9. Accuracy
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Increases Accuracy by 2 per skill level.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill.
~Comment : -

10. Axe Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Increase damage of axes by 2 per skill level.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill.
~Comment : -

12. Sword Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Increase damage of swords by 2 per skill level.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill.
~Comment : -

13. Spear Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Increase damage of spears by 2 per skill level.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill.
~Comment : -

I.1.3.2. Defense Skills
14. Iron Skin
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl. 1/ +20 DEF
2 /Lvl. 3/ +40 DEF
3 /Lvl. 5/ +60 DEF
4 /Lvl. 7/ +80 DEF
5 /Lvl. 9/+100 DEF
6 /Lvl.11/+120 DEF
7 /Lvl.13/+140 DEF
8 /Lvl.15/+160 DEF
9 /Lvl.17/+180 DEF
10/Lvl.19/+200 DEF
~Function : Raises defense rate.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill.
~Comment : Needs to be confirmed, as in game data doesn't provide the
number, so I just took look at status change and took some

15. Evade
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10, Iron Skin Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/+xx Evasion
2 /Lvl.xx/+xx Evasion
3 /Lvl.xx/+xx Evasion
4 /Lvl.xx/+xx Evasion
5 /Lvl.xx/+xx Evasion
6 /Lvl.xx/+xx Evasion
7 /Lvl.xx/+xx Evasion
8 /Lvl.xx/+xx Evasion
9 /Lvl.xx/+xx Evasion
10/Lvl.xx/+xx Evasion
~Function : Increases Evasion rate.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill
~Comment : A waste, IMO. Naga/Kimnara already excels at defense,
supported by strongest armor sets in the game; YOU'RE MEANT
TO GET HIT and LAUGH AT IT. But if you really want it ...

16. Reflect
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/13 TP/returns 16% dmg/ 10 secs
2 /Lvl.36/21 TP/returns 22% dmg/ 20 secs
3 /Lvl.42/29 TP/returns 28% dmg/ 30 secs
4 /Lvl.48/37 TP/returns 34% dmg/ 40 secs
5 /Lvl.54/45 TP/returns 40% dmg/ 50 secs
6 /Lvl.60/53 TP/returns 46% dmg/ 60 secs
7 /Lvl.66/61 TP/returns 52% dmg/ 70 secs
8 /Lvl.72/69 TP/returns 58% dmg/ 80 secs
9 /Lvl.78/77 TP/returns 64% dmg/ 90 secs
10/Lvl.84/85 TP/returns 70% dmg/100 secs
~Function : Adds some percents of the damage enemy inflicted to you to
yours. For example, monster hit you for 100 damage while this
skill is active at level 10, your next attack will be your
ATK plus 70 as long as this skill's active. If an enemy hit
you with, say, 500 damage, then you'll get additional 350
damage per hit. Not sure about magic damage.
~Cast-Delay : --
~Comment : Looks promising.

17. Absorb
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Reflect Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/ 40 TP/ -5% dmg
2 /Lvl.45/ 50 TP/-10% dmg
3 /Lvl.50/ 60 TP/-15% dmg
4 /Lvl.55/ 70 TP/-20% dmg
5 /Lvl.60/ 80 TP/-25% dmg
6 /Lvl.65/ 90 TP/-30% dmg
7 /Lvl.70/100 TP/-35% dmg
8 /Lvl.75/110 TP/-40% dmg
9 /Lvl.80/120 TP/-45% dmg
10/Lvl.85/130 TP/-50% dmg
~Function : Absorbs certain portion of damage from enemy.
~Cast-Delay : --
~Comment : Numbers need to be confirmed. A good defense skill, I say.

I.1.3.3. Support Skills
Note: Naga/Kimnara can only use their support skill to themself.
18. Resist All
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ +2 Resistance
2 /Lvl.12/ +4 Resistance
3 /Lvl.14/ +6 Resistance
4 /Lvl.16/ +8 Resistance
5 /Lvl.18/+10 Resistance
6 /Lvl.20/+12 Resistance
7 /Lvl.22/+14 Resistance
8 /Lvl.24/+16 Resistance
9 /Lvl.26/+18 Resistance
10/Lvl.28/+20 Resistance
~Function : Increase resistance to elements except Poison.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill
~Comment : If you have enough Rupee, you can create element-specific
armors with at least about 36 element-resistance from
Clothing, Gloves, and Belts, plus using resistance potions
for extra 20 points, that's already 56 not including if you
party with support-Yaksa/Gandarva who has Increase Resistance
too, plus accessories.

19. Hot Blood
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/+10% HP Regen, +20 Regen speed
2 /Lvl.15/+20% HP Regen, +40 Regen speed
3 /Lvl.20/+30% HP Regen, +60 Regen speed
4 /Lvl.25/+40% HP Regen, +80 Regen speed
5 /Lvl.30/+50% HP Regen,+100 Regen speed
~Function : Increases HP regeneration rate.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill
~Comment : Must max-ed.

20. Generate TP
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20, Hot Blood Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/ 60HP >> 60TP
2 /Lvl.25/120HP >> 120TP
3 /Lvl.30/180HP >> 180TP
4 /Lvl.35/240HP >> 240TP
5 /Lvl.40/300HP >> 300TP
~Function : Converts HP to TP.
~Cast-Delay : 6 secs.
~Comment : Skip it, IMO.

21. Generate HP
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Generate HP Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/ 60TP >> 60HP
2 /Lvl.35/120TP >> 120HP
3 /Lvl.30/180TP >> 180HP
4 /Lvl.35/240TP >> 240HP
5 /Lvl.40/300TP >> 300HP
~Function : Converts TP to HP.
~Cast-Delay : 11 secs!
~Comment : Only cure 300HP using 300TP while you'd have more than 2,000,
long casting time and long cast delay, do you think this
skill is any good? Skip it, IMO.

22. Provoke
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/ 8 TP
2 /Lvl.26/12 TP
3 /Lvl.32/16 TP
4 /Lvl.38/20 TP
5 /Lvl.44/24 TP
~Function : Provokes a monster to attack, last for 8 secs.
~Cast-Delay : 6 secs.
~Comment : Does a normal damage to target, similar to Ashura's Energy
Shot but without increase in damage. Also canceled if you got
hit while casting it.

23. Provoke All
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Provoke Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/12 TP
2 /Lvl.36/16 TP
3 /Lvl.42/20 TP
4 /Lvl.48/24 TP
5 /Lvl.54/28 TP
~Function : Provokes all enemies around the caster. Has same damage
property with Provoke.
~Cast-Delay : 6 secs.
~Comment : Maybe handy, maybe not. Does the same as Provoke, but to all
surrounding monsters and can't be interrupted.

24. Threaten
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Provoke All Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/12 TP/ 7 secs
2 /Lvl.44/17 TP/ 9 secs
3 /Lvl.48/22 TP/11 secs
4 /Lvl.52/27 TP/13 secs
5 /Lvl.56/32 TP/15 secs
~Function : Threaten monsters and decrease their movement speed.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I.1.4. 2nd Class Changes
I.1.4.1. Satya
I. Attack Skills
1. Double Attack
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Two-hits attack.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill?
~Comment : Sounds similar to Double Attack in Ragnarok Online?

I. Defense Skills
2. Defense Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/+xx DEF
2 /Lvl.xx/+xx DEF
3 /Lvl.xx/+xx DEF
4 /Lvl.xx/+xx DEF
5 /Lvl.xx/+xx DEF
~Function : Raises DEF.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill?
~Comment : -

3. Trance
~Pre-Req : Lvl.47
~Level : 1 /Lvl.47/xx TP/+xx DEF
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+xx DEF
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+xx DEF
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+xx DEF
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+xx DEF
~Function : Temporarily increase DEF.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

4. Damage Drain
~Pre-Req : Lvl.52
~Level : 1 /Lvl.52/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Sustains damage from party?
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I.1.4.2. Banar
I. Attack Skills
1. Muscle Max
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45, Power Strike Lvl.x
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/xx TP/+x evasion
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x evasion
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x evasion
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x evasion
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x evasion
~Function : Critical strike. More effective if used after Power Strike.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

2. Heavy Strike
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Increase damage of two-handed weapons.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill?
~Comment : -

I. Support Skills
Note: Naga/Kimnara can only use their support skill to themself.
3. Charge
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50, Resist All Lvl.x
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/65 TP/+5% ATK/10 secs Continual DMG
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Temporarily increase physical attack.
~Cast-Delay : 30 secs.
~Comment : -

I.1.5. Example Builds
-in progress-

I.2.1. About
In other RPGs, this would be the Rogue/Thief class, with standard weapons of
choice to be daggers and bows but able to use two-handed swords and shields.
Probably the most favored class, especially the bow-wielding Ashura/Rakshasa
(which I have no love for since Hunters era in RO >_<)
Ashura/Rakshasa can use Daggers, Swords, 2-handed Swords, Bows, and Shield.

I.2.2. Stat Points/Chakra
As any other melee-oriented characters, Heart is a must to keep your charac-
ter breathing long enough in a combat. And as would be Muscle for your damage
and defense rating.
Initial Stats : Muscle 11, Nerve 12, Heart 10, Spirit 10
Muscle : +1(1/3) ATK, +(1/3) DEF
Nerve : +1 Evasion, +1 Accuracy, +(1/5) DEF, +1(1/3) ATK for Bow
Heart : +5 Hitpoints, +5 TP
Spirit : +1/3 Resistance

I.2.3. Skills
I.2.3.1. Melee Skills
1. Sword Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Raises damage of sword-type weapon by 4 per skill level.
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : -

2. Dagger Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Raises damage of dagger weapons by 4 per skill level.
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : -

3. Impower
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ 9 TP/ +30%- 50% dmg/ +20 dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/15 TP/ +60%-100% dmg/ +40 dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/21 TP/ +90%-150% dmg/ +60 dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/27 TP/+120%-200% dmg/ +80 dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/33 TP/+150%-250% dmg/+100 dmg
6 /Lvl.xx/39 TP/+180%-300% dmg/+120 dmg
7 /Lvl.xx/45 TP/+210%-350% dmg/+140 dmg
8 /Lvl.xx/51 TP/+240%-400% dmg/+160 dmg
9 /Lvl.xx/57 TP/+270%-450% dmg/+180 dmg
10/Lvl.xx/63 TP/+300%-500% dmg/+200 dmg
~Function : A single high-damaging blow.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : A must max-ed for melee Ashura/Rakshasa.

4. Steal HP
~Pre-Req : Lvl.25, Impower Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.25/xx TP/+10% dmg/50% dmg >> HP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+20% dmg/60% dmg >> HP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+30% dmg/70% dmg >> HP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+40% dmg/80% dmg >> HP
5 /Lvl.xx/56 TP/+50% dmg/90% dmg >> HP
~Function : A single fair-damaging blow that converts certain amount
of damage into HP.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Another must max-ed for melee Ashura/Rakshasa.

5. Energy Shot
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Steal HP Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/ 4 TP/ +15% dmg/ +30 dmg
2 /Lvl.33/ 8 TP/ +30% dmg/ +40 dmg
3 /Lvl.36/12 TP/ +45% dmg/ +50 dmg
4 /Lvl.39/16 TP/ +60% dmg/ +60 dmg
5 /Lvl.42/20 TP/ +75% dmg/ +70 dmg
6 /Lvl.45/24 TP/ +90% dmg/ +80 dmg
7 /Lvl.48/28 TP/+105% dmg/ +90 dmg
8 /Lvl.51/32 TP/+120% dmg/+100 dmg
9 /Lvl.54/36 TP/+135% dmg/+110 dmg
10/Lvl.57/40 TP/+150% dmg/+120 dmg
~Function : A long range attack with sword.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : An underrated skill, IMO. It actually has good damage
and fast delay time, but canceled if you get hit while
casting the skill. People usually get Lvl 1 only for
pre-requisite for next skills, or just to be used to
provoke a monster from crowd.

6. Poison Strike
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Energy Shot Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/ 9 TP/ +4% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/15 secs
2 /Lvl.42/16 TP/+13% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/20 secs
3 /Lvl.44/23 TP/+22% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/25 secs
4 /Lvl.46/30 TP/+31% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/30 secs
5 /Lvl.48/37 TP/+40% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/35 secs
6 /Lvl.50/44 TP/+49% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/40 secs
7 /Lvl.52/51 TP/+58% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/45 secs
8 /Lvl.54/58 TP/+67% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/50 secs
9 /Lvl.56/65 TP/+76% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/55 secs
10/Lvl.58/72 TP/+85% dmg/105-120 dmg per sec/60 secs
~Function : Causes POISONED on target.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Good to aid in combat, but IMO isn't necessary to be
max-ed. Short delay time.

7. Scarring
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Energy Shot Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/10 TP/ +5% dmg/+IGNDEF 12-15 dmg
2 /Lvl.42/16 TP/+15% dmg/+IGNDEF 18-22 dmg
3 /Lvl.44/22 TP/+25% dmg/+IGNDEF 24-29 dmg
4 /Lvl.46/28 TP/+35% dmg/+IGNDEF 30-36 dmg
5 /Lvl.48/34 TP/+45% dmg/+IGNDEF 36-43 dmg
6 /Lvl.50/40 TP/+55% dmg/+IGNDEF 42-50 dmg
7 /Lvl.52/46 TP/+65% dmg/+IGNDEF 48-57 dmg
8 /Lvl.54/52 TP/+75% dmg/+IGNDEF 54-64 dmg
9 /Lvl.56/58 TP/+85% dmg/+IGNDEF 60-71 dmg
10/Lvl.58/64 TP/+95% dmg/+IGNDEF 66-78 dmg
~Function : Stops target's HP regen for 10 secs.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Very useful against targets with fast HP regen.

7. Absolute Down
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50, Scarring Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx secs
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx secs
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx secs
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx secs
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx secs
~Function : Reduces target's maximum HP?
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I.2.3.2. Archery Skills
8. Archery Master
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Raises damage of bow weapons by 4 per skill level.
~Comment : -

9. Power Arrow
~Pre-Req : Lvl.15, Archer Mastery Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.15/xx TP/xxx% dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
6 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
7 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
8 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
9 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
10/Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
~Function : -
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

10. Knockback
~Pre-Req : Lvl.25, Power Arrow Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.25/xx TP/xxx% dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
6 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
7 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
8 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
9 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
10/Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
~Function : Knocks target back.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

11. Freezing Arrow
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Knockback Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
6 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
7 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
8 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
9 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
10/Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/reduces 2 movements
~Function : Reduces targets movement by freezing them.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

12. Poison Arrow
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Knockback Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/xx TP/xxx% dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
6 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
7 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
8 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
9 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
10/Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
~Function : Causes POISONED on target.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

13. Guided Arrow
~Pre-Req : Lvl.35, Knockback Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.35/xx TP/xxx% dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
6 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
7 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
8 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
9 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
10/Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
~Function : -
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Strongest attack with bow.

I.2.3.3. Support Skills
Note: Ashura/Rakshasa can only use their support skill to themself.
15. Avoid
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Raises Evasion and Accuracy +5 per skill level
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : Your choice. You can always get more Evasion and Accuracy
by upgrading your equipments with Om Yantra.

16. Protect
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10, Avoid Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ 8 TP/ 100 HP
2 /Lvl.15/16 TP/ 200 HP
3 /Lvl.20/24 TP/ 300 HP
4 /Lvl.25/32 TP/ 400 HP
5 /Lvl.30/40 TP/ 500 HP
6 /Lvl.35/48 TP/ 600 HP
7 /Lvl.40/56 TP/ 700 HP
8 /Lvl.45/64 TP/ 800 HP
9 /Lvl.50/72 TP/ 900 HP
10/Lvl.55/80 TP/1000 HP
~Function : Adds invisible additional hitpoints. (more precise info
coming soon)
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Ashura/Rakshasa's lifeline. A MUST max-ed.

17. Shell
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20, Protect Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/xx TP/+x resistance
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x resistance
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x resistance
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x resistance
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x resistance
6 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x resistance
7 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x resistance
8 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x resistance
9 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x resistance
10/Lvl.xx/xx TP/+x resistance
~Function : Raises resistance to elements.
~Cast-Delay : none.
~Comment : Unless you plan to solo magic-users, you'd rather invest
your points somewhere else.

18. Increase Speed
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ 8 TP/+1 movement
2 /Lvl.15/14 TP/+1 movement
3 /Lvl.20/20 TP/+2 movement
4 /Lvl.25/26 TP/+2 movement
5 /Lvl.30/32 TP/+x movement
~Function : Increases your movement speed.
~Cast-Delay : none.
~Comment : Ashura/Rakshasa's already the fastest character, and there's
Dru. But running faster will be useful on some occassions,
like escaping from some PK-hungry players, i.e.

19. Invisible
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Increase Speed Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/36 TP/120 secs
2 /Lvl.36/48 TP/150 secs
3 /Lvl.42/60 TP/180 secs
~Function : Turn yourself invisible until you attack or use skills.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : A useful skill, until you meet someone with Third Eye.

20. Third Eye
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Invisible Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/xx TP/xxx secs
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx secs
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx secs
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx secs
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx secs
~Function : Grants vision against invisible targets.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Useful only to counter those with Invisible skill.

21. Root
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/xx TP/xxx secs
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx secs
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx secs
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx secs
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx secs
~Function : Stops target's movement, but they can still use skills.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I.2.4. 2nd Class Changes
I.2.4.1. Karya
I. Archery Skills
1. Concentrate
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Raises attack speed by 200, unable to move.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

2. Shadow Arrow
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Fires five shots at once.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

3. Spirit Attack
~Pre-Req : Lvl.48
~Level : 1 /Lvl.48/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx% >> TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx% >> TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx% >> TP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx% >> TP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg/xx% >> TP
~Function : Converts damage on target into TP.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

4. Wolf Summon
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Summons wolf to attack target.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I.2.4.2. Druka
I. Melee Skills
1. Dual Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45, Dagger Mastery Lvl.5
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/ +5 evasion
2 /Lvl.50/+10 evasion
3 /Lvl.55/+15 evasion
4 /Lvl.60/+20 evasion
5 /Lvl.65/+25 evasion
~Function : Able to wield dual daggers, or a one handed sword and dagger.
~Cast-Delay : Passive Skill
~Comment : Pretty much like Dagger-sin in RO, minus the Double Attack.
Why each level adds evasion not attack rate, it escapes me.

2. Sharp Attack
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50, Scarring Lvl.3, Poison Strike Lvl.3
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Causes various abnormal status.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

3. Blind Fold
~Pre-Req : Lvl.48, Scarring Lvl.3, Poison Strike Lvl.3
~Level : 1 /Lvl.48/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Causes BLIND to target, reduces their Evasion and Accuracy.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : sounds like a handy skill.

4. Deadly Attack
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45, Impower Lvl.5
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/38 TP/+200%-450% dmg/+IGNDEF 20 dmg/4-4 IMP
2 /Lvl.53/44 TP/+250%-500% dmg/+IGNDEF 20 dmg/4-4 IMP
3 /Lvl.61/50 TP/+300%-550% dmg/+IGNDEF 20 dmg/4-4 IMP
4 /Lvl.69/56 TP/+350%-600% dmg/+IGNDEF 20 dmg/4-4 IMP
5 /Lvl.77/62 TP/+400%-650% dmg/+IGNDEF 20 dmg/4-4 IMP
~Function : Ignores armor, more effective if used after IMPower.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Numbers need to be confirmed.

I. Support Skills
5. Shadow Move
~Pre-Req : Lvl.47, Increase Speed Lvl.5
~Level : 1 /Lvl.47/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : ??
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I.2.5. Example Builds
NOTE: these are only examples, so don't blame me or the one who contribute
this if the build doesn't fit your taste.

Example 1: Dual Dagger Ashura/Rakshasa (by c00lpad)
Level 1-40, on each level up distribute +3 Muscle and +2 Heart. For +8 bonus
go for +5 Muscle and +3 Heart. Upgrade your weapons to maximum +4, better
save your precious higher level upgrade item for later.

Level 41-50, distribute +2 Muscle, +1 Nerve, +2 Heart. Upgrade your weapons
to +6 and armors to +5. Put Nerve or Heart into armors, and Muscle or Accu-
racy to weapon.

Level 50+, distribute +1 Muscle, +1 Nerve, +3 Heart. Upgrade your weapons
to +8.

Skills: Dagger Mastery 10, Impower 10, Absolute Down 5, Protect 10,
Increase Speed 5.

I.3.1. About
Yaksa/Gandarva are Monks/Cleric type; characters with healing and supportive
powers. Another favoured class because they're strong as support and tanker,
and also as fighters, although you can't get both at the same time. As tank
and support, Y/Gs have reasonably high hit points, good defense, faster HP
regen skill, and healing skill. As fighter, they have good-damaging combos,
combined with fast attacking speed, and the above mentioned support skills.
And for some reasons, Yaksa/Gandarva have a good TP recovery rate.
Yaksa/Gandarva can use War-gloves, Maces, and Shields.

I.3.2. Stat Points/Chakra
Most Yaksa/Gandarva would have a high HP, then Muscle and Nerve depending on
your weapon. War-glove users would want to invest some Nerve, but mace users
would favor much more Muscles than Nerves. Go figure.
Initial Stats : Muscle 11, Nerve 11, Heart 11, Spirit 10
Muscle : +1(1/3) ATK, +(1/3) DEF
Nerve : +1 Evasion, +1 Accuracy, +1/5 DEF, +1(1/3) ATK for War-gloves
Heart : +5 Hitpoints, +5 TP
Spirit : +x resistance

I.3.3. Skills
I.3.3.1. Attack Skills
1. Fist Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Raises damage of war-gloves by +2 per skill level.
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : A maximum additional 20 to damage in exchange for other
useful skills? Go figure.
Note: it is said that numbers in weapon mastery are percents,
so it may be actually useful if your initial attack is good.

2. Mace Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Raises damage of maces by 2 per skill level.
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : A maximum additional 20 to damage in exchange for other
useful skills? Go figure.
Note: it is said that numbers in weapon mastery are percents,
so it may be actually useful if your initial attack is good.

3. Accuracy
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1-10
~Function : Increases Evasion and Accuracy by +5 per skill level
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : Your choice. You can always get more Evasion and Accuracy
by upgrading your equipments with Om Yantra.

4. Boosted Attack
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10, Accuracy Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ 8 TP/ 50% dmg/10-15 dmg per sec/ 5 decs
2 /Lvl.13/12 TP/ 65% dmg/18-23 dmg per sec/10 secs
3 /Lvl.16/16 TP/ 80% dmg/26-31 dmg per sec/15 secs
4 /Lvl.19/20 TP/ 95% dmg/34-39 dmg per sec/20 secs
5 /Lvl.22/24 TP/110% dmg/42-47 dmg per sec/25 secs
6 /Lvl.25/28 TP/125% dmg/50-55 dmg per sec/30 secs
7 /Lvl.28/32 TP/140% dmg/58-63 dmg per sec/35 secs
8 /Lvl.31/36 TP/155% dmg/66-71 dmg per sec/40 secs
9 /Lvl.34/40 TP/170% dmg/74-79 dmg per sec/45 secs
10/Lvl.37/44 TP/185% dmg/82-87 dmg per sec/50 secs
~Function : A poison-based attack. Caused POISONED on target.
~Cast-Delay : 7 secs.
~Comment : A must have for both fighter and support. It will also give
extra damage to Combo Attack.

5. Combo Attack
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20, Boosted Attack Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/16 TP/ 80%-100% dmg/BA+1%/TR+4%/DT+2%
2 /Lvl.25/24 TP/100%-120% dmg/BA+2%/TR+5%/DT+3%
3 /Lvl.30/32 TP/120%-140% dmg/BA+3%/TR+6%/DT+4%
4 /Lvl.35/40 TP/140%-160% dmg/BA+4%/TR+7%/DT+5%
5 /Lvl.40/48 TP/160%-180% dmg/BA+5%/TR+8%/DT+6%
~Function : Roundhouse highkick, extra damage if used after Boosted
Attack, Tremor, or Down TP.
~Cast-Delay : 2-3 secs.
~Comment : Another must have for fighter Yaksa/Gandarva.

6. Stun
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Combo Attack Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/15 TP
2 /Lvl.35/30 TP
3 /Lvl.40/45 TP
4 /Lvl.45/60 TP
5 /Lvl.50/75 TP
~Function : Stuns target by chance for 4 secs.
~Cast-Delay : 8 secs.
~Comment : A must have. Higher level increase the stun chance. While
target's stunned, critical hit is more likely to happen with
high Accuracy rate.

7. Vital Orb
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Fist Mastery Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/ 6 TP/ +10% dmg/ +15 dmg
2 /Lvl.33/12 TP/ +20% dmg/ +30 dmg
3 /Lvl.36/18 TP/ +30% dmg/ +45 dmg
4 /Lvl.39/24 TP/ +40% dmg/ +60 dmg
5 /Lvl.42/30 TP/ +50% dmg/ +75 dmg
6 /Lvl.45/36 TP/ +60% dmg/ +90 dmg
7 /Lvl.48/42 TP/ +70% dmg/+105 dmg
8 /Lvl.51/48 TP/ +80% dmg/+120 dmg
9 /Lvl.54/54 TP/ +90% dmg/+135 dmg
10/Lvl.57/60 TP/+100% dmg/+150 dmg
~Function : Long range attack with an energyball. Kamehameha!
~Cast-Delay : 7 secs.
~Comment : Similar to Ashura's Enery Shot but with longer delay. Wonder
if there's anyone taking it to Level 10.

7. Tremor
~Pre-Req : Lvl.35, Vital Orb Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.35/16 TP/5* 50% dmg
2 /Lvl.40/28 TP/5* 60% dmg
3 /Lvl.45/40 TP/5* 70% dmg
4 /Lvl.50/52 TP/5* 80% dmg
5 /Lvl.55/64 TP/5* 90% dmg
~Function : Attacks with five consequtive hits, all hits depend on the
first one; if first one missed, all missed. if first is
critical, so are the rest.
~Cast-Delay : 10 secs.
~Comment : Woa~tatatatatatatata!! If you can always hit it on critical,
this could be a very high damaging skill.(2*5*90% = 900%!)

8. Down TP
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Mace Mastery Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/xx TP/ +10% dmg/ 55% >> TP
2 /Lvl.33/xx TP/ +20% dmg/ 60% >> TP
3 /Lvl.36/xx TP/ +30% dmg/ 65% >> TP
4 /Lvl.39/xx TP/ +40% dmg/ 70% >> TP
5 /Lvl.42/xx TP/ +50% dmg/ 75% >> TP
6 /Lvl.45/xx TP/ +60% dmg/ 80% >> TP
7 /Lvl.48/xx TP/ +70% dmg/ 85% >> TP
8 /Lvl.51/xx TP/ +80% dmg/ 90% >> TP
9 /Lvl.54/xx TP/ +90% dmg/ 95% >> TP
10/Lvl.57/xx TP/+100% dmg/100% >> TP
~Function : Hits target and converts some of the damage into TP.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I.3.3.2. Defense Skills
This section is empty for some reason.

I.3.3.3. Support Skills
9. Faster HP Recovery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ 8 TP/HP recover +70
2 /Lvl.xx/20 TP/HP recover +90
3 /Lvl.xx/32 TP/HP recover +110
4 /Lvl.xx/44 TP/HP recover +130
5 /Lvl.xx/56 TP/HP recover +150
~Function : Increase HP recovery rate.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Good idea to max this skill for both fighter and support.

16. Protect
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/35 TP/ +5% DEF
2 /Lvl.16/40 TP/+10% DEF
3 /Lvl.22/45 TP/+15% DEF
4 /Lvl.28/50 TP/+20% DEF
5 /Lvl.34/55 TP/+25% DEF
~Function : Raises DEF.
~Cast-Delay : none
~Comment : Good skill.

17. Increase Resistance
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Protect Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/10 TP/ +6 resistance
2 /Lvl.35/20 TP/+12 resistance
3 /Lvl.40/30 TP/+18 resistance
4 /Lvl.45/40 TP/+24 resistance
5 /Lvl.50/50 TP/+30 resistance
~Function : Raises resistance to elements.
~Cast-Delay : none
~Comment : Unless you plan to solo magic-users, or you're a support,
you'd rather invest your points somewhere else.

18. Increase Speed
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/xx TP/+1 movement/120 secs
2 /Lvl.23/xx TP/+1 movement/240 secs
3 /Lvl.26/xx TP/+2 movement/360 secs
4 /Lvl.29/xx TP/+2 movement/480 secs
5 /Lvl.32/xx TP/+x movement/600 secs
~Function : Increases your movement speed.
~Cast-Delay : none
~Comment : Then again, there's Dru sold in accessories shops for +1
movement. If you want this to be useful, at least get it
until Level 3.

19. Quick Attack
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/10 TP/ 60 secs
2 /Lvl.xx/20 TP/100 secs
3 /Lvl.xx/30 TP/140 secs
4 /Lvl.xx/40 TP/180 secs
5 /Lvl.xx/50 TP/220 secs
~Function : Increase attacking speed by 200.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : A must have, but if you're a fighter, keep in mind that
there are still other skills that need to be taken.

20. Cure HP
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ 4 TP/heals 40 + 10% maxHP
2 /Lvl.xx/ 8 TP/heals 80 + 10% maxHP
3 /Lvl.xx/12 TP/heals 120 + 10% maxHP
4 /Lvl.xx/16 TP/heals 160 + 10% maxHP
5 /Lvl.xx/20 TP/heals 200 + 10% maxHP
6 /Lvl.xx/24 TP/heals 240 + 10% maxHP
7 /Lvl.xx/28 TP/heals 280 + 10% maxHP
8 /Lvl.xx/32 TP/heals 320 + 10% maxHP
9 /Lvl.xx/36 TP/heals 360 + 10% maxHP
10/Lvl.xx/40 TP/heals 400 + 10% maxHP
~Function : Heals target; if no target then heal self. Cannot be used
to enemies (monsters, opposing players in Kruma)
Sometimes it damages monsters (need to be confirmed)
~Cast-Delay : 3 secs.
~Comment : Obviously useful.

I.3.4. 2nd Class Changes
I.3.4.1. Vidya
When you change to Vidya, whenever you cast supportive skills on yourself,
it will affect the whole party. For example, you cast Increase Speed to self,
then the whole party member will also get Increase Speed.
I. Support Skills
1. Cure HP
~Pre-Req : Lvl.25
~Level : 1 /Lvl.25/xx TP/heals xxx
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals xxx
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals xxx
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals xxx
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals xxx
6 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals xxx
7 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals xxx
8 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals xxx
9 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals xxx
10/Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals xxx
~Function : Heals target; if no target then heal self. Cannot be used
to enemies (monsters, opposing players in Kruma)
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Seems like an upgrade of the lesser Cure HP.

2. Rohati Susuruba
~Pre-Req : Lvl.48, Cure HP Lvl.x
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/xx TP/heals ???
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals ???
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals ???
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals ???
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/heals ???
~Function : Heals the whole party.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

3. Increase HP
~Pre-Req : Lvl.48
~Level : 1 /Lvl.48/xx TP/xx% HP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx% HP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx% HP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx% HP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx% HP
~Function : Increases target's maximum HP
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Very useful. It adds the maximum HP rate.

4. TP Up
~Pre-Req : Lvl.48
~Level : 1 /Lvl.48/xx TP/xx% TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx% TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx% TP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx% TP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx% TP
~Function : Increases target's maximum TP?
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

5. Ressurrection
~Pre-Req : Lvl.47
~Level : 1 /Lvl.47/xx TP/saves 50% Prana/needs 1 JoL
2 /Lvl.52/45 TP/saves 60% Prana/needs 2 JoL
3 /Lvl.57/xx TP/saves 70% Prana/needs 3 JoL
4 /Lvl.62/xx TP/saves 80% Prana/needs 4 JoL
5 /Lvl.67/xx TP/saves 90% Prana/needs 5 JoL
~Function : Ressurrects a dead player. Requires Jewel of Life.
(can be bought in accessories shops)
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Numbers need to be confirmed.

6. Queer All
~Pre-Req : Lvl.52
~Level : 1 /Lvl.52/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : remedies player's status.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

7. Decrease HP
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/xx TP/-xx% HP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/-xx% HP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/-xx% HP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/-xx% HP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/-xx% HP
~Function : Decrease enemy's maximum HP temporarily.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

8. Decrease Resistance
~Pre-Req : Lvl.55
~Level : 1 /Lvl.48/xx TP/-x resistance
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/-x resistance
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/-x resistance
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/-x resistance
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/-x resistance
~Function : Decrease enemy's resistance
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I.3.4.2. Nakayuda
When you change to Nakayuda, you can no longer cast Faster HP Regen and
Quick Attack to other players, but in return, both become passive skills
and you only need to spend 1 point on Quick Attack that lasts forever ;).
Faster HP Regen still needs 5 points if you want to max it, btw, and it is
-30 of the normal Faster HP Regen.
Note: you can't stack Quick Attack and Faster Regen by asking other Y/G to
cast it on you :( too bad.

I. Attack Skills
1. Final Combo
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45, Tremor Lvl.3
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/30 TP/xx% dmg/-15 EVA ACC/-2 MOV/10 secs
2 /Lvl.56/45 TP/xx% dmg/-35 EVA ACC/-2 MOV/12 secs
3 /Lvl.67/60 TP/xx% dmg/-55 EVA ACC/-2 MOV/14 secs
4 /Lvl.78/75 TP/xx% dmg/-75 EVA ACC/-2 MOV/16 secs
5 /Lvl.89/90 TP/xx% dmg/-95 EVA ACC/-2 MOV/18 secs
~Function : Similar to Tremor but decreases EVAsion, ACCuracy, and MOVe-
ment speed of target.
~Cast-Delay : 32 secs.
~Comment : The above numbers still need to be confirmed.

2. Defense Attack
~Pre-Req : Lvl.48, Stun Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.48/19 TP/120% dmg/-xx% DEF
2 /Lvl.53/38 TP/160% dmg/-xx% DEF
3 /Lvl.xx/57 TP/200% dmg/-xx% DEF
4 /Lvl.xx/76 TP/240% dmg/-xx% DEF
5 /Lvl.xx/95 TP/280% dmg/-xx% DEF
~Function : Decreases Defense on target for 16 secs.
~Cast-Delay : 7 secs.
~Comment : Useful. My usual 260 crit on Monk Ghost became around 310
after I hit them with this skill. The numbers still need to
be confirmed, though.

3. Decrease Damage
~Pre-Req : Lvl.48, Down TP Lvl.x
~Level : 1 /Lvl.48/xx TP/??
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/??
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/??
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/??
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/??
~Function : Decreases damage rate of target. Can't be used with war-
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Sounds like a handy skill. I don't use Mace so I can't test
this skill.

4. Dark Aura
~Pre-Req : Lvl.52
~Level : 1 /Lvl.52/ 80 TP/ 8 secs
2 /Lvl.62/160 TP/16 secs
3 /Lvl.72/240 TP/24 secs
~Function : Stops target's HP and TP regen temporarily.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Sounds like a REALLY handy skill. Thanks to Sol Invictus for
the info.

I. Support Skills
5. Battle Vigor
~Pre-Req : Lvl.47
~Level : 1 /Lvl.47/ +2 Muscle
2 /Lvl.51/ +4 Muscle
3 /Lvl.55/ +6 Muscle
4 /Lvl.59/ +8 Muscle
5 /Lvl.63/+10 Muscle
~Function : Increases Muscle.
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : +10 Muscle doesn't sound worth the skill points.

6. Defiance
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50, Increase Resistance Lvl.x
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/200 TP/ +3 All Chakra
2 /Lvl.xx/240 TP/ +6 All Chakra
3 /Lvl.xx/280 TP/ +9 All Chakra
4 /Lvl.xx/320 TP/+12 All Chakra
5 /Lvl.xx/360 TP/+15 All Chakra
~Function : Increases all chakra of party members for 300 secs.
~Cast-Delay : none.
~Comment : -

I.3.5. Example Builds
-in progress-

I.4.1. About
The Mage/Wizard, and nuff said. Of all classes, Deva/Garuda doesn't need
aid for element resistance because after level 40 (or probably less), you'll
have 100 resistance on all element, and it's a maximum value.
Deva/Garuda can use Staffs, 2-handed Staffs, and Shield.
As far as my inspection sees it, weapon's ATK rate doesn't really affect
Deva/Garuda's magic damage. I tried comparing Vartan's Strong Sword and a
Zalas (much higher level 1-handed staff), the damage was more and less the
same. Holding a 2-handed staff will give better damage, while holding nothing
at all was the least damage (but has the coolest casting animation). SO,
unless you really love to see glowing weapon, upgrading your staffs really
isn't necessary.

I.4.2. Stat Points/Chakra
You should only concern about Spirit, but don't forget to add some Hearts to
keep your Deva/Garuda alive in case your target ever gets too close to you.
Initial Stats : Muscle 10, Nerve 10, Heart 10, Spirit 13
Muscle : +1(1/3) ATK, +(1/3) DEF
Nerve : +1 Evasion, +1 Accuracy, +(1/5) DEF, +xx Magic ATK
Heart : +5 Hitpoints
Spirit : +5 TP, +xx Magic ATK, +x resistance

I.4.3. Skills
I.4.3.1. Physical/Fire Skills
1. Energy Orb
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1 / Lvl.1/ 3 TP/140-146 dmg
2 / Lvl.3/ 4 TP/166-178 dmg
3 / Lvl.5/xx TP/192-210 dmg
4 / Lvl.7/xx TP/218-242 dmg
5 / Lvl.9/xx TP/234-274 dmg
6 /Lvl.11/xx TP/260-306 dmg
7 /Lvl.13/xx TP/286-338 dmg
8 /Lvl.15/xx TP/312-370 dmg
9 /Lvl.17/xx TP/338-402 dmg
10/Lvl.19/xx TP/364-434 dmg
~Function : Attacks with energy orb.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : This is your initial spell, better save your points on some
better skills later. Damage need to be confirmed.

2. Splash Orb
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10, Energy Orb Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/xx TP/ xxx dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/ xxx dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/ xxx dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/ xxx dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/44 TP/628-768 dmg
~Function : Attack with energy orb that explodes when hit the target and
damage the surrounding enemies too.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Although treated as single-target spell, but it actually an
area spell. Good damage and very fast cast delay make this a
good invest.

3. Aero Blade
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20, Splash Orb Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/28 TP/ 64- 78 dmg/ 34- 41 dmg per sec
2 /Lvl.xx/33 TP/ 81- 99 dmg/ 43- 52 dmg per sec
3 /Lvl.xx/38 TP/ 98-120 dmg/ 52- 63 dmg per sec
4 /Lvl.xx/43 TP/115-141 dmg/ 61- 74 dmg per sec
5 /Lvl.xx/48 TP/132-162 dmg/ 70- 85 dmg per sec
6 /Lvl.xx/53 TP/149-183 dmg/ 79- 96 dmg per sec
7 /Lvl.xx/58 TP/166-204 dmg/ 88-107 dmg per sec
8 /Lvl.xx/63 TP/183-225 dmg/ 97-118 dmg per sec
9 /Lvl.xx/68 TP/200-246 dmg/106-129 dmg per sec
10/Lvl.xx/73 TP/217-267 dmg/115-140 dmg per sec
~Function : Attacks with magical blade that continually decrease target's
HP for 5 secs.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Better get the next spell.

4. Aero Storm
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Aero Blade Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/xx TP/xxx-xxx dmg/xxx-xxx dmg per sec
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx-xxx dmg/xxx-xxx dmg per sec
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx-xxx dmg/xxx-xxx dmg per sec
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx-xxx dmg/xxx-xxx dmg per sec
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/250-278 dmg/181-221 dmg per sec
~Function : Stronger version of Aero Blade, with much better damage. Last
for 15 seconds.
~Cast-Delay : 14 secs.
~Comment : It could be a good solo spell combined with Sleep, but it's
up to your style.

5. Fire Orb
~Pre-Req : Lvl.5
~Level : 1 /Lvl. 5/12 TP/ 86-106 dmg
2 /Lvl. 8/17 TP/137-168 dmg
3 /Lvl.11/22 TP/188-230 dmg
4 /Lvl.14/27 TP/239-292 dmg
5 /Lvl.17/32 TP/290-354 dmg
6 /Lvl.20/37 TP/341-416 dmg
7 /Lvl.23/42 TP/392-478 dmg
8 /Lvl.26/47 TP/443-540 dmg
9 /Lvl.29/52 TP/494-602 dmg
10/Lvl.32/57 TP/545-664 dmg
~Function : Attacks with fireball.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Damage need to be confirmed.

6. Fire Resist
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10, Fire Orb Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/ 4 TP/ +3 Fire Resistance/ 60 secs
2 /Lvl.12/ 8 TP/ +6 Fire Resistance/ 80 secs
3 /Lvl.14/12 TP/ +9 Fire Resistance/100 secs
4 /Lvl.16/16 TP/+12 Fire Resistance/120 secs
5 /Lvl.18/20 TP/+15 Fire Resistance/140 secs
6 /Lvl.20/24 TP/+18 Fire Resistance/160 secs
7 /Lvl.22/28 TP/+21 Fire Resistance/180 secs
8 /Lvl.24/32 TP/+24 Fire Resistance/200 secs
9 /Lvl.26/36 TP/+27 Fire Resistance/220 secs
10/Lvl.28/40 TP/+30 Fire Resistance/240 secs
~Function : Increase resistance to Fire.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Who would waste 10 points on single resistance?

7. Fire Spear
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20, Fire Resist Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/ 28 TP/216-265 dmg
2 /Lvl.23/ 38 TP/268-328 dmg
3 /Lvl.26/ 48 TP/320-391 dmg
4 /Lvl.29/ 58 TP/372-454 dmg
5 /Lvl.32/ 68 TP/424-517 dmg
6 /Lvl.35/ 78 TP/476-580 dmg
7 /Lvl.38/ 88 TP/528-643 dmg
8 /Lvl.41/ 98 TP/580-706 dmg
9 /Lvl.44/108 TP/632-769 dmg
10/Lvl.47/118 TP/684-832 dmg
~Function : Fire damage to single target.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Doesn't really look different to Fire Orb, does it?
Damage need to be confirmed.

8. Fire Field [AREA]
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Fire Spear Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/ 55 TP/408-499 dmg
2 /Lvl.33/ 64 TP/459-560 dmg
3 /Lvl.36/ 73 TP/510-611 dmg
4 /Lvl.39/ 82 TP/561-662 dmg
5 /Lvl.42/ 91 TP/612-713 dmg
6 /Lvl.45/100 TP/663-764 dmg
7 /Lvl.48/109 TP/714-815 dmg
8 /Lvl.51/118 TP/765-866 dmg
9 /Lvl.54/127 TP/816-917 dmg
10/Lvl.57/136 TP/867-968 dmg
~Function : Fire area attack.
~Cast-Delay : 8 secs.
~Comment : Damage need to be confirmed.

9. Guided Fire Orb
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Fire Field Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/61 TP/ 478- 529 dmg
2 /Lvl.44/70 TP/ 648- 719 dmg
3 /Lvl.48/79 TP/ 818- 909 dmg
4 /Lvl.52/88 TP/ 988-1099 dmg
5 /Lvl.56/97 TP/1158-1289 dmg
~Function : Attacks with greater fireball. Long casting time but fast
cast delay.
~Cast-Delay : 5 secs. (yup, they make its delay longer now)
~Comment : Probably the no.1 must have for all Deva/Garuda. But then
again, due to this popularity, if you go against other
players, they might have prepared themself some fire-
resisting stuffs.

10. Burn
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50, Guided Fire Orb Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/63 TP/ 749- 833 dmg
2 /Lvl.54/92 TP/ 907-1009 dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
~Function : Burn everything on its path.
~Cast-Delay : 16 secs.
~Comment : -

I.4.3.2. Ice/Lightning Skills
11. Ice Orb
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/13 TP/ 72- 88 dmg/-2 movement/6 secs
2 /Lvl.12/20 TP/ 86-106 dmg/-2 movement/7 secs
3 /Lvl.14/27 TP/100-122 dmg/-2 movement/8 secs
4 /Lvl.16/34 TP/114-138 dmg/-2 movement/9 secs
5 /Lvl.18/41 TP/128-154 dmg/-? movement/? secs
6 /Lvl.20/48 TP/142-170 dmg/-? movement/? secs
7 /Lvl.22/55 TP/156-186 dmg/-? movement/? secs
8 /Lvl.24/62 TP/170-202 dmg/-? movement/? secs
9 /Lvl.26/69 TP/184-218 dmg/-? movement/? secs
10/Lvl.28/76 TP/198-244 dmg/-? movement/? secs
~Function : Attack with iceball and decrease target's movement for
certain duration.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Useful for solo hunt. Damage need to be confirmed.

12. Ice Resist
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20. Ice Orb Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/ 4 TP/ +3 Ice Resistance/ 60 secs
2 /Lvl.22/ 8 TP/ +6 Ice Resistance/ 80 secs
3 /Lvl.24/12 TP/ +9 Ice Resistance/100 secs
4 /Lvl.26/16 TP/+12 Ice Resistance/120 secs
5 /Lvl.28/20 TP/+15 Ice Resistance/140 secs
6 /Lvl.30/24 TP/+18 Ice Resistance/160 secs
7 /Lvl.32/28 TP/+21 Ice Resistance/180 secs
8 /Lvl.34/32 TP/+24 Ice Resistance/200 secs
9 /Lvl.36/36 TP/+27 Ice Resistance/220 secs
10/Lvl.38/40 TP/+30 Ice Resistance/240 secs
~Function : Increase resistance against Ice
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Ditto to Fire Resist.

13. Glacier Strike
~Pre-Req : Lvl.33, Ice Resist Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.33/xx TP/xxx dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
~Function : Strong ice attack that freezes the target for 3 secs.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Come on now ... only 3 seconds?!

14. Ice Storm [AREA]
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Glacier Strike Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/xx TP/xxx dmg/-2 movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg/-2 movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg/-2 movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg/-x movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg/-x movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
6 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg/-x movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
7 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg/-x movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
8 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg/-x movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
9 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg/-x movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
10/Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg/-x movement/xx-xx dmg per secs
~Function : Ice area attack with SLOW property plus continual damage
for certain duration.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : well, if you're really into Ice...

15. Lightning Orb
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/22 TP/128-156 dmg
2 /Lvl.22/28 TP/148-181 dmg
3 /Lvl.24/34 TP/168-206 dmg
4 /Lvl.26/40 TP/188-231 dmg
5 /Lvl.28/46 TP/208-256 dmg
6 /Lvl.30/52 TP/228-281 dmg
7 /Lvl.32/58 TP/248-306 dmg
8 /Lvl.34/64 TP/268-331 dmg
9 /Lvl.36/70 TP/288-356 dmg
10/Lvl.38/74 TP/308-381 dmg
~Function : Attacks with lightning strike. Never misses. Cancels any
spell-casting attempt of target.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Damage need to be confirmed. Last time I still had my
Lightning Orb Lvl.9, I remember the next damage was written
like 512 or something ... anyway, I'd rather invest on some-
thing else.

16. Lightning Resist
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30, Lightning Orb Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/ 4 TP/ +3 Lightning Resistance/ 60 secs
2 /Lvl.32/ 8 TP/ +6 Lightning Resistance/ 80 secs
3 /Lvl.34/12 TP/ +9 Lightning Resistance/100 secs
4 /Lvl.36/16 TP/+12 Lightning Resistance/120 secs
5 /Lvl.38/20 TP/+15 Lightning Resistance/140 secs
6 /Lvl.40/24 TP/+18 Lightning Resistance/160 secs
7 /Lvl.42/28 TP/+21 Lightning Resistance/180 secs
8 /Lvl.44/32 TP/+24 Lightning Resistance/200 secs
9 /Lvl.46/36 TP/+27 Lightning Resistance/220 secs
10/Lvl.48/40 TP/+30 Lightning Resistance/240 secs
~Function : Increases resistance against Lightning.
~Comment : Ditto with Ice Resist.

17. Thunder Storm [AREA]
~Pre-Req : Lvl.40, Lightning Resist Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/76 TP/ 63- 78 dmg/34-42 dmg per sec
2 /Lvl.42/77 TP/ 72- 90 dmg/39-48 dmg per sec
3 /Lvl.44/78 TP/ 81-102 dmg/44-54 dmg per sec
4 /Lvl.46/79 TP/ 90-114 dmg/49-60 dmg per sec
5 /Lvl.48/80 TP/ 99-126 dmg/54-66 dmg per sec
6 /Lvl.50/81 TP/108-138 dmg/59-72 dmg per sec
7 /Lvl.52/82 TP/117-150 dmg/64-78 dmg per sec
8 /Lvl.54/83 TP/126-162 dmg/69-84 dmg per sec
9 /Lvl.56/84 TP/135-174 dmg/74-90 dmg per sec
10/Lvl.58/85 TP/144-186 dmg/79-96 dmg per sec
~Function : Lightning area attack with same effect as Lightning Orb plus
continual damage for certain duration.
~Cast-Delay : 8 secs.
~Comment : Damage need to be confirmed.

18. Demolition [AREA]
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50, Thunder Storm Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/144 TP/ 741- 905 dmg
2 /Lvl.54/176 TP/ 882-1078 dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
6 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
7 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
8 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
9 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
10/Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
~Function : Strongest lightning spells, strikes all enemies around the
caster. Causes Stun by chance for 4 secs.
~Cast-Delay : 26 secs.
~Comment : Too bad it has a "huh?!" range.

I.4.3.3. Magic Skills
19. Accurate Cast
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Increase spells' accuracy?
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : This skill is still so mystery to me /swt.

20. Third Eye
~Pre-Req : Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.10/xx TP/xx secs
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx secs
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx secs
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx secs
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xx secs
~Function : Grant vision against invisible enemies.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Good to counter those with Invisible skill.

21. Range Mastery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.1 /+1 range
2 /Lvl.xx/+2 range
3 /Lvl.xx/+3 range
4 /Lvl.xx/+4 range
5 /Lvl.xx/+5 range
~Function : Increase your attacking range.
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : Probably best to be max-ed for every spell-casters.

22. Faster TP Recovery
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20, Range Mastery Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/+x TP recovery
2 /Lvl.xx/+x TP recovery
3 /Lvl.xx/+x TP recovery
4 /Lvl.xx/+x TP recovery
5 /Lvl.xx/+x TP recovery
6 /Lvl.xx/+x TP recovery
7 /Lvl.xx/+x TP recovery
8 /Lvl.xx/+x TP recovery
9 /Lvl.xx/+x TP recovery
10/Lvl.xx/+89 TP recovery
~Function : Increase your TP recovery rate.
~Cast-Delay : Passive skill.
~Comment : Even though with this max-ed, your TP regeneration's still
so slow /swt.

23. Sleep
~Pre-Req : Lvl.20
~Level : 1 /Lvl.20/16 TP/ 5 secs
2 /Lvl.24/28 TP/10 secs
3 /Lvl.28/40 TP/15 secs
4 /Lvl.32/52 TP/20 secs
5 /Lvl.36/64 TP/25 secs
~Function : Puts target to sleep.
~Cast-Delay : 5 secs.
~Comment : A must have if you go solo.

24. Sleep All [AREA]
~Pre-Req : Lvl.30
~Level : 1 /Lvl.30/xx TP/ 5 secs
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/10 secs
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/15 secs
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/20 secs
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/25 secs
~Function : Puts targets in area to sleep.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : I don't find it much of use, especially with its long
casting time.

I.4.4. 2nd Class Changes
I.4.4.1. Samabat
I. Physical/Fire Skills
1. Desti
~Pre-Req : Lvl.48, Splash Orb Lvl.5, Aero Storm Lvl.5
~Level : 1 /Lvl.48/ 93 TP/1158-1605 dmg
2 /Lvl.56/108 TP/1532-2139 dmg
3 /Lvl.64/123 TP/1906-2673 dmg
4 /Lvl.72/138 TP/2280-3227 dmg
5 /Lvl.80/153 TP/2654-3761 dmg
~Function : Summons monster and blasts it to target.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : Cool looking and good damage, but very long cast delay
makes it less useful. Damage need to be confirmed.

I. Magic Skills
2. Silver Lion
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/120 TP/Life: 800HP
2 /Lvl.55/140 TP/Life:1200HP
3 /Lvl.65/160 TP/Life:1600HP
~Function : Summons Silver Lion to attack target and lasts until it's
killed or the target's killed. Long cast delay. Its Attack
rate is still un-confirmed.
~Cast-Delay : 28 secs.
~Comment : Awww, cute kitty kitty kitty ... /swt.

3. Golden Lion
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50. Silver Lion Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/xx TP/Life: 800HP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/Life:1200HP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/Life:1600HP
~Function : Summons Golden Lion to attack target and lasts until it's
killed or the target's killed. Long cast delay. Its Attack
rate is still un-confirmed, but is better than Silver Lion.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

4. Soul Divans
~Pre-Req : Lvl.51
~Level : 1 /Lvl.51/xx TP/??
~Function : Magical shield that protects from physical attacks.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

5. TP Reduction
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45, Faster TP Recovery Lvl.10
~Level : 1 /Lvl.40/40 TP/-4 TP usage
2 /Lvl.50/48 TP/-xx TP usage
3 /Lvl.60/56 TP/-xx TP usage
4 /Lvl.70/64 TP/-xx TP usage
5 /Lvl.80/72 TP/-xx TP usage
~Function : Cuts the TP usage on skills for party members for 180 secs.
~Cast-Delay : 180 secs.
~Comment : Really, really useful. But has the-might-be-longest cast
delay in the game. Numbers need to be confirmed.

6. TP Remedy
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50, TP Reduction Lvl.1
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/ 40 TP- 50 HP/+10 TP Regen
2 /Lvl.55/ 80 TP-100 HP/+15 TP Regen
3 /Lvl.60/120 TP-150 HP/+20 TP Regen
4 /Lvl.65/160 TP-200 HP/+25 TP Regen
5 /Lvl.70/200 TP-250 HP/+30 TP Regen
~Function : A boosted faster TP regen for single target for 180 secs.
~Cast-Delay : 13 secs.
~Comment : Good to aid party mates who run out of TP quickly.

I.4.4.2. Abikara
I. Physical/Fire Skills
1. Agni Sanada
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Boosts the fire spells.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

2. Zakuti
~Pre-Req : Lvl.50
~Level : 1 /Lvl.50/xx TP/xxx% dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx% dmg
~Function : ??
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I. Ice/Lightning Skills
3. Ru Sanada
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Boosts the lightning spells.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

4. Hima Sanada
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/xx TP
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP
~Function : Boosts the ice spells.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

5. Hima Tirika
~Pre-Req : Lvl.45
~Level : 1 /Lvl.45/xx TP/xxx dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
~Function : Attacks with fire spears?
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

6. Multi Flash
~Pre-Req : Lvl.48, Thunder Storm Lvl.x
~Level : 1 /Lvl.48/xx TP/xxx dmg
2 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
3 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
4 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
5 /Lvl.xx/xx TP/xxx dmg
~Function : Strikes with five consequtive lightnings.
~Cast-Delay : xx secs.
~Comment : -

I.4.5. Example Builds
-in progress-

I.5. Prana Chart
This is the prana needed to advance to the next level. For now, these numbers
are just rough estimation, count by comparing prana gained from monsters and
how much percents it made.

My formula is Prana = PM*100/Pr
Prana = Total prana needed to level up (the number that we're looking
PM = Prana from monster/quests
Pr = How many percent PM adds in prana bar (this is the uncertain
variable, as prana bar only has 2 digits after the comma >_<)

Level 1 : -- Level 51 : 9,305,000
Level 2 : 20 Level 52 : 7,317,894
Level 3 : 40 Level 53 : xx
Level 4 : 80 Level 54 : xx
Level 5 : 160 Level 55 : xx
Level 6 : 320 Level 56 : xx
Level 7 : 576 Level 57 : xx
Level 8 : 980 Level 58 : xx
Level 9 : 1,567 Level 59 : xx
Level 10 : 2,347 Level 60 : xx
Level 11 : 4,695 Level 61 : xx
Level 12 : 4,693 Level 62 : xx
Level 13 : 5,637 Level 63 : xx
Level 14 : 6,647 Level 64 : xx
Level 15 : xx Level 65 : xx
Level 16 : xx Level 66 : xx
Level 17 : xx Level 67 : xx
Level 18 : xx Level 68 : xx
Level 19 : xx Level 69 : xx
Level 20 : xx Level 70 : xx
Level 21 : xx Level 71 : xx
Level 22 : xx Level 72 : xx
Level 23 : xx Level 73 : xx
Level 24 : xx Level 74 : xx
Level 25 : xx Level 75 : xx
Level 26 : xx Level 76 : xx
Level 27 : xx Level 77 : xx
Level 28 : xx Level 78 : xx
Level 29 : xx Level 79 : xx
Level 30 : xx Level 80 : xx
Level 31 : xx Level 81 : xx
Level 32 : xx Level 82 : xx
Level 33 : xx Level 83 : xx
Level 34 : xx Level 84 : xx
Level 35 : xx Level 85 : xx
Level 36 : xx Level 86 : xx
Level 37 : xx Level 87 : xx
Level 38 : xx Level 88 : xx
Level 39 : xx Level 89 : xx
Level 40 : xx Level 90 : xx
Level 41 : xx Level 91 : xx
Level 42 : xx Level 92 : xx
Level 43 : xx Level 93 : xx
Level 44 : xx Level 94 : xx
Level 45 : xx Level 95 : xx
Level 46 : xx Level 96 : xx
Level 47 : 4,780,000 Level 97 : xx
Level 48 : xx Level 98 : xx
Level 49 : xx Level 99 : xx
Level 50 : 6,725,714

If you see some anomalies, like going 50-51 needs more prana than 51-52, well,
it seems it does go that way; I've count prana for Level 51 twice with two
characters and both gave me that result, and if you look at 10-11 and 11-12,
the first one needs slightly more prana. So, I assume that going to 11,21,31,
and so on, would apply this exception.

Section II : Equipments and Items
Lesser leveled equipments can be bought in shops, and often dropped by lesser
leveled monsters.
*/ means RARE or QUEST REWARD and have additional properties than its common

II.1. Weapons
If durability ever gets too low, you'll be warned by beeping sounds, and you
have to go to weapon shops to get it repaired. Weapon can be broken by using
it to hit enemies. Casting offensive magic also decreases weapon durability.
If durability reaches zero, you'll lose your weapon.

II.1.1. Daggers
Have 60/60 durability, 20% chance IGNDEF, and VERY FAST attack speed.
1.Dagger 4- 5 dmg Lv. 6 --
2.Jambiya 7- 11 dmg Lv.12 900 Rupee
3.Kris 12- 18 dmg Lv.20 2500 Rupee
4.Asira 17- 25 dmg Lv.28 9000 Rupee
5.Zahatti 20- 31 dmg Lv.34 22500 Rupee
6.Khanjar 24- 36 dmg Lv.40 --
7.Suraka 29- 43 dmg Lv.46 --
*/Suraka of Muscle ??- ?? dmg Lv.46 --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: Mangriang
*/Suraka of Wild Beast 29- 43 dmg Lv.46 --
Properties: +5 Muscle, +50 MaxHP, 15% chance IGNDEF
Dropped by: Ape Boss
8.Jasa ??- ?? dmg Lv.52 --
9.Sinamusti 36- 54 dmg Lv.58 --
10.Krpana ??- ?? dmg Lv.62 --
11.Khaskara ??- ?? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.2. 1-handed Swords
Have 45/45 durability, +10 Accuracy, FAST attack speed.
0.Old Sword ??- ?? dmg -- --
1.Sword 6- 7 dmg Lv. 6 --
2.Shamsir 11- 13 dmg Lv.12 900 Rupee
*/Shamsir of the Ground ??- ?? dmg -- --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD (Ashura/Rakshasa Only)
3.Pata 19- 21 dmg Lv.20 2500 Rupee
4.Kindjal 27- 29 dmg Lv.28 9000 Rupee
5.Ara ??- ?? dmg Lv.34 22500 Rupee
*/Strong Ara 32- 36 dmg Lv.34 --
Properties: 40-50 Poison Attack, +7 Muscle, +7 Heart
Dropped by: Sarpa Raja
*/Ara of Deadly Poison 32- 36 dmg Lv.34 --
Properties: +25 Poison Resist, 35-45 Poison Attack, +7 Heart,
+3 Nerve
Dropped by: Sarpa
6.Kora 40- 44 dmg Lv.40 --
7.Talwar 46- 50 dmg Lv.46 --
*/Talwar of Origin Warrior 51- 55 dmg Lv.46 --
Properties: 20% chance +100% dmg, +30 Accuracy, +50 MaxHP
Dropped by: White Tiger
*/Talwar of the Warrior ??- ?? dmg Lv.46 --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: Zarku Rudhira
*/Talwar of Deadly Poison ??- ?? dmg Lv.46 --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: Nagamudra
8.Zastra 51- 57 dmg Lv.52 --
9.Scimitar 57- 63 dmg Lv.58 --
10.Sarpa 63- 69 dmg Lv.62 --
11.Zakukana ??- ?? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.3. 2-handed Swords
Have 48/48 durability, +10 Accuracy, NORMAL attack speed.
1.Para 30- 33 dmg Lv.18 1250 Rupee
2.Paraga 47- 51 dmg Lv.28 3000 Rupee
3.Pattra 60- 66 dmg Lv.36 10000 Rupee
*/Pattra of Curse 60- 66 dmg Lv.36 --
Properties: 20% chance +100% dmg, +7 Nerve, +50 MaxHP, +50 MaxTP
Dropped by: ??
*/Strong Pattra 60- 66 dmg Lv.36 --
Properties: +5 Muscle, +5 Heart, 20% chance +100% dmg
Dropped by: Tarantula
4.Kukri 73- 81 dmg Lv.44 --
5.Asirata ??- ?? dmg Lv.52 --
6.Chandrapata ??-??? dmg Lv.60 --
7.Anantapata ???-??? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.4. 1-handed Axes
Have 36/36 durability, 5% chance for +100% dmg, NORMAL attack speed.
0.Old Hand Axe 4- 6 dmg -- --
1.Hand Axe 6- 9 dmg Lv. 6 --
*/Satvan's Hand Axe 7- 10 dmg Lv.10 --
Properties: +5 Muscle, +5 Accuracy
Dropped by: CLASS CHANGE
2.Parashu 13- 17 dmg Lv.12 900 Rupee
*/Parashu of the Ground 15- 17 dmg -- --
Properties: MaxHP +20
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD (Naga/Kimnara only)
3.Suvas 21- 29 dmg Lv.20 2500 Rupee
4.Kisu 30- 40 dmg Lv.28 9000 Rupee
*/Strong Kisu 30- 40 dmg Lv.28 --
Properties: +20 Accuracy, +15 Light Resist
Dropped by: ??
*/Kisu of Origin Warrior 30- 40 dmg Lv.28 --
Properties: +5 Muscle, +5 Heart, +5 Nerve
Dropped by: ??
*/Agi Kisu 30- 40 dmg Lv.28 --
Properties: 30-50 Fire Attack, +15 Fire Resist, +5 Muscle, +5 Nerve
Dropped by: ??
5.Kuriza 36- 49 dmg Lv.34 22500 Rupee
6.Subadi 43- 58 dmg Lv.40 --
7.Hirana 49- 66 dmg Lv.46 --
*/Hirana of Deadly Poison 49- 66 dmg Lv.46 --
Properties: +15 Poison Resist, 50-100 Poison ATK, +5 Muscle,
+5 Heart
Dropped by: ??
8.Ksarika 57- 78 dmg Lv.52 --
9.Vahasti 64- 86 dmg Lv.58 --
10.Prazas ??- ?? dmg Lv.62 --
11.Kalaparashu ??- ?? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.5. 2-handed Axes
Have 40/40 durability, 5% chance for +100% dmg, SLOW attack speed.
1.Zaruparashu 21- 29 dmg Lv.12 1250 Rupee
2.Tarbazin 32- 43 dmg Lv.18 3000 Rupee
3.Berdysh 50- 68 dmg Lv.28 10000 Rupee
*/Hima Berdysh ??- ?? dmg Lv.28 --
Properties: +15 Ice Resist, 30-40 Ice Attack, +5 Nerve, +5 Heart
Dropped by: Ugra Ulkamukha Caura
*/Lu Berdysh ??- ?? dmg Lv.28 --
Properties: +15 Light Resist, 30-40 Light Attack, +5 Nerve, +5 Heart
Dropped by: ??
*/Strong Berdysh ??- ?? dmg Lv.28 --
Properties: 20% chance for +100% dmg
Dropped by: ??
4.Tarbar 64- 87 dmg Lv.36 25000 Rupee
5.Rohiparaz 81-110 dmg Lv.44 --
*/Dead Person's Rohiparaz 81-110 dmg Lv.40 --
Properties: +9 Heart, +20 DEF, 50-60 Ice Attack
Dropped by: ??
6.Parazvada 96-130 dmg Lv.52 --
7.Parazudara 111-150 dmg Lv.60 --
8.Mahorazka ???-??? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.6. 1-handed Staffs
Have 20/20 durability, +1 Range, SLOW attack speed.
Note: Staff damage doesn't affect Magic Attack.
0.Old Staff ?- ? dmg Lv.?? --
1.Staff 6- 8 dmg Lv. 6 --
*/Staff of Mantraka 7- 9 dmg Lv.10 --
Properties: +5 Spirit, +20 MaxTP
Dropped by: CLASS CHANGE
2.Zamia 13- 16 dmg Lv.12 900 Rupee
*/Zamia of the Ground ??- ?? dmg -- --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD (Deva/Garuda only)
3.Rambha 24- 29 dmg Lv.22 2500 Rupee
4.Vajradhara 35- 42 dmg Lv.32 9000 Rupee
*/Agni Vajradhara ??- ?? dmg Lv.32 --
Properties: +10 Heart, +5 Spirit, +20 Fire Resist
Dropped by: Pizac Aggana, Aggana Tara
*/Lu Vajradhara ??- ?? dmg Lv.32 --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: Aggana Tara
5.Vajra 43- 53 dmg Lv.40 --
*/Vajra of the Dead ??- ?? dmg Lv.40 --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: Zombie
6.Zalas 54- 66 dmg Lv.48 --
*/Hima Zalas 54- 66 dmg Lv.48 --
Properties: +5 Ice ATK, +10 Ice Resist
Dropped by: Bat
*/Rauti Zalas 54- 66 dmg Lv.48 --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: Ghorayogi
7.Pinaka 63- 77 dmg Lv.56 --
8.Vettra ??- ?? dmg Lv.62 --
9.Kalavetra ??- ?? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.7. 2-handed Staffs
Have 20/20 durability, +1 Range, VERY SLOW attack speed.
Note: Staff damage doesn't affect Magic Attack.
1.Bip 21- 26 dmg Lv.12 1400 Rupee
2.Arana 39- 47 dmg Lv.22 3850 Rupee
3.Bhramadanda 53- 65 dmg Lv.30 10500 Rupee
4.Masuvera 67- 82 dmg Lv.38 28000 Rupee
*/Agni Vera 67- 82 dmg Lv.38 --
Properties: +5% Fire ATK, +15 Fire Resist
Dropped by: ??
5.Pataka 81- 99 dmg Lv.46 --
6.Yasticala 95-116 dmg Lv.52 --
7.Bazayasti ??- ?? dmg Lv.58 --
8.Vettrayasti 120-147 dmg Lv.62 --
9.Sidhazana ???-??? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.8. War-gloves
Have 55/55 durability, 5% chance for +100% dmg, FAST attack speed.
0.Old Gloves ?- ? dmg -- --
1.Gauntlet 6- 7 dmg Lv. 6 --
2.Varti 15- 18 dmg Lv.12 900 Rupee
*/Varti of the Ground ??- ?? dmg -- --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD (Yaksa/Gandarva only)
3.Nakhara 25- 31 dmg Lv.20 2500 Rupee
*/Mara's Nakhara 25- 31 dmg Lv.20 --
Properties: +20 Accuracy, +5 Muscle, +5 Heart
Dropped by: ??
4.Musti 35- 43 dmg Lv.28 9000 Rupee
5.Kesarin 43- 52 dmg Lv.34 22500 Rupee
6.Karasna 53- 65 dmg Lv.38 --
*/Tapas Karasna ??- ?? dmg Lv.38 --
Properties: ??
Dropped by: ??
*/Karasna of Guhsu 53- 65 dmg Lv.40 --
Properties: 20% chance IGNDEF, +5 Nerve
Dropped by: Bull (?)
7.Katar 61- 74 dmg Lv.46 --
8.Karanka ??- ?? dmg Lv.52 --
9.Parazpa ??- ?? dmg Lv.58 --
10.Padanaka ??- ?? dmg Lv.62 --
11.Yadas ??- ?? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.9. Spears
Have 35/35 durability, 20% chance IGNDEF, VERY SLOW attack speed.
1.Kunta 11- 17 dmg Lv.12 1250 Rupee
2.Pattiza 22- 34 dmg Lv.20 3000 Rupee
3.Trizra 37- 56 dmg Lv.28 10000 Rupee
4.Bhara 52- 78 dmg Lv.34 10500 Rupee
5.Trizika 67-101 dmg Lv.40 --
*/Trizika of Demolition 67-101 dmg Lv.40 --
Properties: +7 Muscle, +7 Heart, 10% IGNDEF
Dropped by: Ananga
*/Trizika of Life 67-101 dmg Lv.40 --
Properties: +80 MaxHP, 10% IGNDEF
Dropped by: ??
6.Ankus 87-130 dmg Lv.46 --
7.Ardenu ??-??? dmg Lv.52 --
8.Buji 114-171 dmg Lv.58 --
9.Tomara ???-??? dmg Lv.60 --
10.Kanaka Jakti ???-??? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.10. Maces
Have 36/36 durability, 5% chance for +100% dmg, NORMAL attack speed.
1.Mas 14- 17 dmg Lv.12 900 Rupee
2.Kaja 23- 28 dmg Lv.20 2500 Rupee
*/Mara's Kaja 23- 28 dmg Lv.20 --
Properties: +20 Evasion, +5 Muscle, +5 Heart
Dropped by: Serbinda
3.Danda ??- ?? dmg Lv.28 9000 Rupee
4.Gada 38- 47 dmg Lv.34 22500 Rupee
5.Lagda 45- 55 dmg Lv.40 --
*/Tapas Lagda 45- 55 dmg Lv.40 --
Properties: +50 MaxHP, +50 MaxTP, -5 TP
Dropped by: ??
6.Ghana 54- 66 dmg Lv.46 --
*/Hima Ghana 54- 66 dmg Lv.46 --
Properties: +10 Ice Resist, 50-100 Ice Attack, +5 Muscle
Dropped by: Tundela (?)
*/Ghana of Muscle 54- 66 dmg Lv.46 --
Properties: +10 Muscle, +50 MaxHP
Dropped by: Jina Laborman Boss
7.Droghana 63- 77 dmg Lv.52 --
8.Musara ??- ?? dmg Lv.60 --
9.Lagdahasta ??- ?? dmg Lv.66 --

II.1.11. Bows
Have 40/40 durability, 20% chance IGNDEF, SLOW attack speed, need Arrow.
1.Dhanva 15- 22 dmg Lv.10 900 Rupee
2.Capa 29- 44 dmg Lv.20 2500 Rupee
3.Pakala 44- 66 dmg Lv.30 9000 Rupee
4.Hastacapa 55- 83 dmg Lv.38 22500 Rupee
*/Hard Hastacapa 55- 83 dmg Lv.34 --
Properties: +75 MaxHP, +100MaxTP, +2 Range, -5 ATK, VERY SLOW
Dropped by: Ugra Mlecchas Karmana
*/Hastacapa of Deadly Poison ??- ?? dmg Lv.38 --
Properties: 50-100 Poison ATK, +15 Poison Resist, +5 Nerve, +5 Heart
Dropped by: Mudri
5.Umacapa ??- ?? dmg Lv.46 --
6.Rodapacapa 85-127 dmg Lv.54 --
7.Darapacapa 97-145 dmg Lv.62 --
8.Sakuracapa ???-??? dmg Lv.66 --
9.Puspakava ???-??? dmg Lv.68 --

II.2. Shields
Shield have 35/35 durability. Can be used with any one-handed weapons.
If durability ever gets too low, you'll be warned by beeping sounds, and you
have to go to armor shops to get it repaired. Shields can only be broken by
getting direct hits. Not sure if magic and physical attacks have the same
effect. If durability reaches zero, you'll lose your shield.
1.Wooden Buckler +21 DEF Lv. 4 350 Rupee
2.Dhala +38 DEF Lv.10 1500 Rupee
3.Kalkan +54 DEF Lv.16 3750 Rupee
4.Phalaka +64 DEF Lv.22 --
*/Phalaka of Life +xx DEF Lv.22
Properties: +5 Heart, +50 MaxHP, +50 MaxTP
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
*/Savitri Phalaka +64 DEF Lv.22 --
Properties: Heal damage 15% (?)
Dropped by: ??
5.Carman +77 DEF Lv.28 --
6.Silver Carman +92 DEF Lv.40 --
7.Chagala Kalkan +?? DEF Lv.52 --
8.Kagkal Kalkan +?? DEF Lv.64 --

II.3. Armors
All parts of armors have specific durability:
~Body-armor 50/50
~Pants 40/40
~Headbands 35/35

loves 20/20
~Boots 20/20
-Belts 20/20
If durability ever gets too low, you'll be warned by beeping sounds, and you
have to go to armor shops to get it repaired. Armor can only be broken by
getting direct hits. Not sure if magic and physical attacks have the same
effect. If durability reaches zero, you'll lose your armor.

II.3.1. Common Armor Sets
These are sets of low-leveled armors that all-classes can wear.
A. Chori Set
There's a 'greater' version of Chori Set with extra +1 DEF on each
part and no level restriction. Get from quest.
1.Chori Armor +20 DEF Lv. 6
*/Bahamut's Gana +20 DEF Lv. 6
Properties: +30 MaxHP
Dropped by: Serbinda Satvan
2.Chori Pants +16 DEF Lv. 5
*/Bahamut's Zvas +16 DEF Lv. 5
Properties: +30 MaxHP
Dropped by: ??
3.Headband +4 DEF Lv. 4
4.Chori Gloves +3 DEF Lv. 3
5.Chori Boots +3 DEF Lv. 2
*/Bahamut's Patika +4 DEF Lv. 2
Properties: +20 MaxHP
Dropped by: Serbinda Satvan

B. Acchada Set
1.Acchada Armor +30 DEF Lv.12
*/Acchada Armor of Protection +?? DEF --
Properties: Evasion +10
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
2.Acchada Pants +24 DEF Lv.11
*/Acchada Pants of Adana +24 DEF Lv.11
Properties: +5 MaxHP
Dropped by: Serbinda Satvan
3.Trate Headband +8 DEF Lv.10
4.Acchada Gloves +5 DEF Lv. 9
*/Acchada Gloves of Adana +5 DEF Lv. 9
Properties: +5 MaxHP
Dropped by: Serbinda
5.Acchada Boots +5 DEF Lv. 8
*/Leather Upana of Adana +7 DEF Lv.16
Properties: +5 MaxHP
Dropped by: ??

C. Varman Set
1.Varman Armor +40 DEF Lv.20
*/Varman Armor of Grava +?? DEF Lv.20
Properties: Absorbs 3% dmg
Dropped by: Serbinda Satvan
2.Varman Pants +30 DEF Lv.19
3.Zipra Headband +12 DEF Lv.18
4.Varman Gloves +7 DEF Lv.17
*/Varman Gloves of Grava +7 DEF Lv.17
Properties: Absorbs 3% dmg
Dropped by: ??
5.Varman Boots +7 DEF Lv.16
*/Arapada of Adana +10 DEF Lv. 8
Properties: Absorbs 3% dmg
Dropped by: ??

II.3.2. Tribe-specific Armor Sets
II.3.2.1. Naga/Kimnara
A. Vanutija Set
Sold in A'Nu or dropped from monsters.
1.Vanutija Armor +90 DEF Lv.30
2.Vanutija Pants +54 DEF Lv.29
3.Vanutija Headband +27 DEF Lv.28
4.Vanutija Gloves +18 DEF Lv.27
5.Vanutija Boots +18 DEF Lv.26
B. Trana Set
Sold in A'Nu and Jina, manufactured in A'Nu, or dropped from monsters.
1.Trana Armor +108 DEF Lv.38
2.Trana Pants +64 DEF Lv.37
3.Zipra Headband +32 DEF Lv.36
*/Saranu's Zipra +?? DEF Lv.36
Properties: +5 Heart, +5 Muscle
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
4.Trana Gloves +21 DEF Lv.35
5.Trana Boots +21 DEF Lv.34
C. Jalaka Set
Manufactured in Jina, or dropped from monsters.
1.Jalaka Armor +129 DEF Lv.46
2.Jalaka Pants +77 DEF Lv.45
3.Jala Headband +38 DEF Lv.44
4.Jalaka Gloves +25 DEF Lv.43
5.Jalaka Boots +25 DEF Lv.42
D. Varahaja Set
Manufactured in Kruma, or dropped from monsters.
1.Varahaja Armor +154 DEF Lv.52
2.Varahaja Pants +92 DEF Lv.51
3.Varahaja Headband +46 DEF Lv.50
4.Varahaja Gloves +30 DEF Lv.49
5.Varahaja Boots +30 DEF Lv.48
E. Amsatra Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Amsatra Armor +184 DEF Lv.58
2.Amsatra Pants +110 DEF Lv.57
3.Makuta Headband +55 DEF Lv.56
4.Amsatra Gloves +36 DEF Lv.55
5.Amsatra Boots +36 DEF Lv.54
F. Tanuvarman Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Tanuvarman Armor +220 DEF Lv.64
2.Tanuvarman Pants +132 DEF Lv.63
3.Shishak Headband +66 DEF Lv.62
4.Tanuvarman Gloves +44 DEF Lv.61
5.Tanuvarman Boots +44 DEF Lv.60
G. Vikavaka Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Vikavaka Armor +265 DEF Lv.68
2.Vikavaka Pants +158 DEF Lv.67
3.?? Headband +?? DEF Lv.66
4.Vikavaka Gloves +53 DEF Lv.65
5.Vikavaka Boots +53 DEF Lv.64
H. ?? Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.?? Armor +303 DEF Lv.74
2.?? Pants +181 DEF Lv.73
3.?? Headband +90 DEF Lv.72
4.?? Gloves +60 DEF Lv.71
5.?? Boots +60 DEF Lv.70

II.3.2.2. Ashura/Rakshasa
A. Tanadatt Set
Sold in A'Nu or dropped from monsters.
1.Tanadatt Armor +63 DEF Lv.30
2.Tanadatt Pants +37 DEF Lv.29
3.Tanadatt Headband +18 DEF Lv.28
4.Tanadatt Gloves +12 DEF Lv.27
5.Tanadatt Boots +12 DEF Lv.26
B. Vadati Set
Sold in A'Nu and Jina, manufactured in A'Nu, or dropped from monsters.
1.Vadati Armor +75 DEF Lv.38
2.Vadati Pants +45 DEF Lv.37
3.Ziromani Headband +22 DEF Lv.36
*/Saranu's Ziromani +26 DEF Lv.36
Properties: +5 Heart, +5 Muscle
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
4.Vadati Gloves +15 DEF Lv.35
5.Vadati Boots +15 DEF Lv.34
C. Jayati Set
Manufactured in Jina, or dropped from monsters.
1.Jayati Armor +90 DEF Lv.46
2.Jayati Pants +54 DEF Lv.45
3.Maya Headband +27 DEF Lv.44
4.Jayati Gloves +18 DEF Lv.43
5.Jayati Boots +18 DEF Lv.42
D. Nuhavati Set
Manufactured in Kruma, or dropped from monsters.
1.Nuhavati Armor +108 DEF Lv.52
2.Nuhavati Pants +64 DEF Lv.51
3.Nuhavathi Headband +32 DEF Lv.50
4.Nuhavati Gloves +21 DEF Lv.49
5.Nuhavati Boots +21 DEF Lv.48
E. Prarthana Set
Dropped from monsters.
1. Prarthana Armor +129 DEF Lv.58
2. Prarthana Pants +77 DEF Lv.57
3. Vitagka Headband +38 DEF Lv.56
4. Prarthana Gloves +25 DEF Lv.55
5. Prarthana Boots +25 DEF Lv.54
F. Karyanirnaya Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Karyanirnaya Armor +154 DEF Lv.64
2.Karyanirnaya Pants +92 DEF Lv.63
3.Yuvaraja Headband +46 DEF Lv.62
4.Karyanirnaya Gloves +30 DEF Lv.61
5.Karyanirnaya Boots +30 DEF Lv.60
G. Kakuta Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Kakuta Armor +184 DEF Lv.68
2.Kakuta Pants +110 DEF Lv.67
3.?? Headband +?? DEF Lv.66
4.Kakuta Gloves +36 DEF Lv.65
5.Kakuta Boots +36 DEF Lv.64
H. ?? Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.?? Armor +211 DEF Lv.74
2.?? Pants +126 DEF Lv.73
3.?? Headband +63 DEF Lv.72
4.?? Gloves +42 DEF Lv.71
5.?? Boots +42 DEF Lv.70

II.3.2.3. Yaksa/Gandarva
A. Muresan Set
Sold in A'Nu or dropped from monsters.
1.Muresan Armor +72 DEF Lv.30
2.Muresan Pants +43 DEF Lv.29
3.Muresan Headband +21 DEF Lv.28
4.Muresan Gloves +14 DEF Lv.27
5.Muresan Boots +14 DEF Lv.26
B. Tars Set
Sold in A'Nu and Jina, manufactured in A'Nu, or dropped from monsters.
1.Tars Garb +86 DEF Lv.38
2.Tars Pants +51 DEF Lv.37
3.Lothana Headband +25 DEF Lv.36
*/Saranu's Lothana +26 DEF Lv.36
Properties: +5 Heart, +5 Muscle
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
4.Tars Gloves +17 DEF Lv.35
5.Tars Boots +17 DEF Lv.34
C. Samyuga Set
Manufactured in Jina, or dropped from monsters.
1.Samyuga Garb +103 DEF Lv.46
2.Samyuga Pants +61 DEF Lv.45
3.Sarzisan Headband +30 DEF Lv.44
4.Samyuga Gloves +20 DEF Lv.43
5.Samyuga Boots +20 DEF Lv.42
D. Rajastanv Set
Manufactured in Kruma, or dropped from monsters.
1.Rajastanv Garb +123 DEF Lv.52
2.Rajastanv Pants +73 DEF Lv.51
3.Rajastanv Headband +36 DEF Lv.50
4.Rajastanv Gloves +24 DEF Lv.49
5.Rajastanv Boots +24 DEF Lv.48
E. Prada Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Prada Garb +147 DEF Lv.58
2.Prada Pants +88 DEF Lv.57
3.Savesta Headband +44 DEF Lv.56
4.Prada Gloves +29 DEF Lv.55
5.Prada Boots +29 DEF Lv.54
F. Zastrakali Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Zastrakali Garb +176 DEF Lv.64
2.Zastrakali Pants +105 DEF Lv.63
3.Kezakezi Headband +52 DEF Lv.62
4.Zastrakali Gloves +35 DEF Lv.61
5.Zastrakali Boots +35 DEF Lv.60
G. Shamana Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Shamana Garb +211 DEF Lv.68
2.Shamana Pants +126 DEF Lv.67
3.?? Headband +?? DEF Lv.66
4.Shamana Gloves +42 DEF Lv.65
5.Shamana Boots +42 DEF Lv.64
F. ?? Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.?? Garb +242 DEF Lv.74
2.?? Pants +145 DEF Lv.73
3.?? Headband +72 DEF Lv.72
4.?? Gloves +48 DEF Lv.71
5.?? Boots +48 DEF Lv.70

II.3.2.4. Deva/Garuda
A. Gayatri Set
Sold in A'Nu or dropped from monsters.
1.Gayatri Armor +54 DEF Lv.30
2.Gayatri Pants +32 DEF Lv.29
3.Gayatri Headband +16 DEF Lv.28
4.Gayatri Gloves +10 DEF Lv.27
5.Gayatri Boots +10 DEF Lv.26
B. Varabana Set
Sold in A'Nu and Jina, manufactured in A'Nu, or dropped from monsters.
1.Varabana Robe +64 DEF Lv.38
2.Varabana Pants +38 DEF Lv.37
3.Darbi Headband +19 DEF Lv.36
*/Saranu's Darbi +26 DEF Lv.36
Properties: +5 Nerve, +5 Muscle
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
4.Varabana Gloves +12 DEF Lv.35
5.Varabana Boots +12 DEF Lv.34
C. Visamnaha Set
Manufactured in Jina, or dropped from monsters.
1.Visamnaha Robe +76 DEF Lv.46
2.Visamnaha Pants +45 DEF Lv.45
3.Phana Headband +22 DEF Lv.44
4.Visamnaha Gloves +15 DEF Lv.43
5.Visamnaha Boots +15 DEF Lv.42
D. Sahasrara Set
Manufactured in Kruma, or dropped from monsters.
1.Sahasrara Robe +91 DEF Lv.52
2.Sahasrara Pants +54 DEF Lv.51
3.Sahasrara Headband +27 DEF Lv.50
4.Sahasrara Gloves +18 DEF Lv.49
5.Sahasrara Boots +18 DEF Lv.48
E. Kajcuka Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Kajcuka Robe +109 DEF Lv.58
2.Kajcuka Pants +65 DEF Lv.57
3.Kalaphana Headband +32 DEF Lv.56
4.Kajcuka Gloves +21 DEF Lv.55
5.Kajcuka Boots +21 DEF Lv.54
F. Jalavala Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Jalavala Robe +130 DEF Lv.64
2.Jalavala Pants +78 DEF Lv.63
3.Darbikara Headband +32 DEF Lv.62
4.Jalavala Gloves +26 DEF Lv.61
5.Jalavala Boots +26 DEF Lv.60
G. Jalavala Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.Jalavala Gown +156 DEF Lv.68
2.Jalavala Pants +93 DEF Lv.67
3.Jalabant Headband +46 DEF Lv.66
4.Jalavala Gloves +31 DEF Lv.65
5.Jalavala Boots +31 DEF Lv.64
H. ?? Set
Dropped from monsters.
1.?? Gown +179 DEF Lv.74
2.?? Pants +107 DEF Lv.73
3.?? Headband +53 DEF Lv.72
4.?? Gloves +35 DEF Lv.71
5.?? Boots +35 DEF Lv.70

II.3.3. Belts
1.Hira +?? DEF Lv.5
2.Chavi +?? DEF Lv.17
*/Chavi of God Force +?? DEF Lv.??
Properties: +5 Resistance to All
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
3.Leather Hira +4 DEF Lv.29
*/Leather Hira of Kaulitara +4 DEF Lv.29
Properties: +40 HP Regen
Dropped by: Kaulitara
4.Rohachavi +6 DEF Lv.41
*/Rohachavi of Life +6 DEF Lv.41
Properties: +50 MaxHP, +30 HP Recovery Speed
Dropped by: ??
5.Kalapa +?? DEF Lv.53
6.Vratina +?? DEF Lv.65

II.4. Accessories
Accessories add certain amount of Chakra or Resistance, according to its
name. Example: Karna of Muscle means it adds 2 Muscle, Karna of Fire means
it gives +2 Resistance against Fire. Accessories have no level restriction.
II.1. Earrings
1.Karna +2
*/Karna of Life +6 Heart
Properties: +20 MaxHP
Dropped by: ??
2.Kakana +3
3.Kundala +4
4.Karnaka +5
*/Millitary Earring +5 Muscle, +5 Heart
Properties: +20 Accuracy
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
5.Avatamsa +6

II.2. Bracelets
1.Bangle +2
2.Khadi +3
3.Kambu +4
*/Strong Kamvu
Properties: +5 DEF, +45 MaxHP
Dropped by: ??
4.Kataka +5
*/Gurapa Sumati Kataka
of Nerve +5 Nerve, +3 Spirit
Properties: Ignore 3% dmg
Dropped by: ??
5.Suvarna +6

II.3. Rings
1.Ran +2
*/Ran of Luck +5 Heart
Properties: +5 Evasion
Dropped by: ??
*/Ran of Brave +5 Muscle
Properties: +5 Accuracy
Dropped by: ??
2.Mudra +4
*/Rauti Mudra
Properties: +20 MaxHP, +10 Light Resist
Dropped by: ??
*/Hima Mudra
Properties: +20 MaxHP, +10 Ice Resist
Dropped by: ??
3.Kundalin +6
*/Kundalin of Hero +?
Properties: ??
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
4.Avata +8

II.4. Necklaces
1.Taral +3
2.Ratna +4
3.Mandalin +5
*/Mandalin of Hero ??
Properties: ??
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
4.Rucaka +7
*/Kirika's Rucaka
Properties: +100 MaxHP, ??
Dropped by: QUEST REWARD
*/Agni Rucaka +5 Muscle
Properties: +5 Fire Resist, +10 Evasion, +10 Accuracy
Dropped by: Shumitara
*/Rucaka of Life +8 Spirit
Properties: +50 MaxHP
Dropped by: ??
*/Rucaka of Warrior +10 Muscle
Properties: +100 MaxHP
Dropped by: ??
*/Rucaka of Wind +10 Nerve
Properties: +5 DEF, +50 MaxHP
Dropped by: Mouse Boss?
*/Rucaka of Magic +10 Spirit
Properties: +100 MaxTP
Dropped by: ??
5.Devachanda +9
*/Strong Dechada --
Properties: +10 DEF, +80 MaxHP
Dropped by: ??

II.5. Upgrade Items
Upgrade Items are items used to strengthen your weapons and armors, and to add
special attributes like elements, stats, etc.
1. Dipa Illa
The lowest upgrade item, can be used to upgrade until +3.
Randomly dropped by monsters. Market price: 9,000 - 12,500 Rupee.
2. Illa
Better upgrade item, can be used to until +6.
Randomly dropped by monsters, buy in Mandara Town for 50,000 Rupee,
or by combining 5 Dipa Illa in Jina Town.
3. Azis
Great upgrade item, can be used to upgrade until +9.
Randomly dropped by monsters, or by combining 4 Illa in Jina Town.
4. Surapa
Very good upgrade item, can be used to upgrade until +12.
Randomly dropped by Boss, or by combining 2 Azis in Jina Town.
5. Purajati
Ultimate upgrade item, can be used to upgrade until +12.
Purajati CAN fail.
Randomly dropped by Boss, or by combining 2 Surapa in Jina Town.
6. Om Yantra
Adds Accuracy to Weapon and Helmet, Evasion to Shield and Belt.
Buy in Mandara Town for 25,000 Rupee.
7. Manipura(Muscle), Vishuda(Nerve), Anahata(Heart), Azna(Spirit)
Each adds 1 point of corresponding chakra.
Can only be used on Helmets, Belts, Pants, Shoes.
Buy in Mandara Town for 37,500 Rupee.
8. Raga Mani(Fire), Nila Mani(Ice), Luvati(Lightning), Visazan(Poison)
Each add 10-10 elemental damage if used on weapons.
Each add +2 resistance if used on Clothing, Gloves, and Shield.
Buy in Mandara Town for 12,500 Rupee.

II.6. Usable Items
II.6.1. Amrita (Healing Potion)
1. Dahara Amrita / 50HP/ 25 Rupee
2. Atanu Amrita /100HP/100 Rupee
3. Amrita /200HP/400 Rupee
4. Spara Amrita /400HP/ -
5. Utara Amrita /800HP/ -

II.6.2. Panaka (TP Potion)
1. Dahara Panaka / 50TP/ 25 Rupee
2. Atanu Panaka /100TP/100 Rupee
3. Panaka /200TP/400 Rupee
4. Spara Panaka /400TP/ -
5. Utara Panaka /800TP/ -

II.6.3. Misc. Items
1. Pustika
Teleports you to the last spawn point.
Buy in every town for 500 Rupee.
2. Jiba Pustika
Teleports you to 4 destinations: Mandara Town, A'Nu Town, Jina Town,
and Kruma Region.
Buy in Mandara Town for 10,000 Rupee.
3. Jewel of Life
Ressurection item, can only be used by Yaksa/Gandarva with
Ressurrect skill.
Buy in every town for 5,000 Rupee.
4. Zilakhaman (S/M/L)
Increase DEF by (+50/+100/+150.)
Can only be used by minimum level (--/20/40).
Buy in every town for (300/900/2,700) Rupee.
5. Agni Sa / Hima Sa / Lu Sa
Give +20 resistance against Fire / Ice / Lightning for 90 secs.
Buy in every town for 1,200 Rupee.
6. Dru
Increase movement speed by +1 for 300 secs.
Buy in every town for xxx Rupee.
7. Amulet of Anuvava
Increase attack rate by 20%-30% for 120 secs.
Buy in every town for 2,000 Rupee.
8. Arrow
Used for Bow-users. 1 Rupee each in every town.
9. Arrow Bundle.
3 sets contains 750 arrows. 750 Rupee in every town.

II.7. Process and Quest-only Items
Process items are ingredients made by combining certain drop items.
1.Mara's Liquid (Sum of Mara)
Used for Panaka making. Can be made by combining one of these items:
- 15 Mara's Blood
- 10 Mara's Black Blood
- 8 Mara's Fresh Blood
- 5 Mara's Harden Blood
- 4 Mara's Red Blood
- 3 Mara's Body Liquid

II.8. Common Drops
Below is list of monsters' drop and its selling price on NPC. Items are listed
in alphabetical order. Items with *) means it's used in quests.
Item Name / Monster Name / Sell Price
A Poison Sting *) / Mangriang / ???
Ancient Sorcery Book *) / Ghorayogi / ???
Azna's Stone Heart *) / Azna Heruka / ???
Bat's Wing / Bat / ???
Bat's Sleek Wing / Bat Boss / ???
Big Fang / Aprah Varaha Raja / 32
Big Oxhorn / Bull / 466
Boa's Fang / Boa / 53
Black Shell / Kavanda Raja / 240
Bulpa's Shell / Visatula Caura / 400
Charm of Hero / Zarku / 360
Charm of Red Hero / Zarku Rudhira / 480
Claw / Mouse / 416
Coal / Mlecchas Caura / 24
Dark Red Horn / Balastha Dhrbika / 320
Dragon's Scale / Nagamudra / 533
Evil Fang / Sarpa / 240
Fabric / Ulkamukha Caura / 60
Fang / Varaha / 16
Gap Fabric / Ugra Ulkamukha / 100
Gem of Curse / Ananga Dhvanta / 160
Gem of Spirit *) / Ananga / ???
Hair Decoration / Lady Ghost / ???
Hand of Stained Blood *)/ Monk Ghost / 583
Hard Claw / Mouse Boss / 466
Hard Fabric *) / Ugra Ulkamukha Satvan / ???
Hard Shell / Visa Cumi, Kavanda, Visatula / 133
High Coal / Mlecchas Karmana / 32
High Horn *) / Vrcadara / ???
Lizard's Rough Tail / Lizard Boss / 566
Lizard's Tail / Lizard / 533
Low quality Horn *) / Vasabhum Caura / 12
Low quality Coal / Mlecchas / 16
Mara's Black Blood *) / Serbinda Satvan / 60
Mara's Blood *) / Serbinda / 40
Mara's Body Liquid / Visatula / 333
Mara's Fang / Sarpa Raja / 300
Mara's Fresh Blood / Ulkamukha Satvan / 80
Mara's Horn of Curse / Balastha Tundela / 400
Mara's Leather / Zombie / 333
Mara's Red Blood / Tarantula Caura / 266
Mara's Wing / Kavanda Jatu / 200
Medicines Horn / Vasabhum Kulapra / 16
Medicines High Horn *) / SaraaVrca / 20
Old Fabric / Ulkamukha / 40
Oxhorn / Cow / 500
Pinna / Merman / 480
Poison Fang / Varaha Raja / 24
Raker / Zombie Caura / 216
Refining Coal / Ugra Mlecchas Karmana / 160
Small Horn *) / Vasabhum / ???
Skeleton Necklace / Ape / 533
Solid Horn / Vrca / 12
Sonkoku's Headband / Ape Boss / 566
Sorcery Book *) / Pizzac Aggana / 160
Stone Heart / Heruka / 80
Tiger's Leather / Tiger / 533
Tough Leather *) / Kaulitara / 166
White Tiger's Leather / White Tiger / 550

Section III: Map and Monsters List

1. Avara Kara
Level : ?? Type : ??
Hitpoints : 66916 Size : Medium
ATK : ?? Attacks : Melee, SLOW
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 0
Drops : none

III.1. Mandara Region
III.1.1. Mandara Plains
1. Vasabhum (Basabum)
Level : 1 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 36 Size : Small
ATK : 69 Attacks : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 5
Resists : Fire 5 Poison 5 Ice 8 Lightning 5
Drops : 10 Rupee, Small Horn
2. Bindu [BOSS]
Level : 3 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 740 Size : ??
ATK : 82 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 220
Resists : Fire 6 Poison 6 Ice 9 Lightning 6
Drops : 11,198 Rupee
3. Vasabhum Caura (Basabum Kaura)
Level : 3 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 81 Size : Medium
ATK : 82 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 11
Resists : Fire 6 Poison 6 Ice 9 Lightning 6
Drops : 13 Rupee, Low-quality Horn
4. Vasabhum Kulapra (Basabum Kulapra)
Level : 7 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 184 Size : Large
ATK : 100 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 47
Resists : Fire 9 Poison 14 Ice 9 Lightning 9
Drops : 24 Rupee, High Horn
5. Mlecchas (Mulekcha)
Level : 5 Type : Demon
Hitpoints : 131 Size : Small
ATK : 92 Attack : Range
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 25
Resists : Fire 6 Poison 6 Ice 6 Lightning 7
Drops : 21 Rupee, Low-quality Coal
6. Mlecchas Caura (Mulekcha Kaura)
Level : 9 Type : Demon
Hitpoints : 242 Size : Small
ATK : 107 Attack : Range
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 77
Resists : Fire 6 Poison 6 Ice 6 Lightning 7
Drops : 37 Rupee, High Coal
7. Mlecchas Karmana (Mulekcha Karmana)
Level : 11 Type : Demon
Hitpoints : 276 Size : Small
ATK : 113 Attack : Range
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 115
Resists : Fire 9 Poison 11 Ice 9 Lightning 9
Drops : 46 Rupee, Refining Coal
8. Yena [BOSS]
Level : 9 Type : Demon
Hitpoints : 2200 Size : ??
ATK : 107 Attack : ??
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1540
Resists : Fire 20 Poison 20 Ice 20 Lightning 20
Drops : 3255 Rupee
9. Vrca (Buruka)
Level : 11 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 304 Size : Medium
ATK : 113 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 115
Resists : Fire 11 Poison 11 Ice 17 Lightning 11
Drops : 39 Rupee, Solid Horn
10.Vrcadara (Brokadara)
Level : 13 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 370 Size : Large
ATK : 118 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 277
Resists : Fire 13 Poison 13 Ice 20 Lightning 13
Drops : 49 Rupee, Medicines Horn
11.SaraVrca (Saraha Broka)
Level : 17 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 514 Size : Large
ATK : 128 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 347
Resists : Fire 16 Poison 16 Ice 24 Lightning 16
Drops : 70 Rupee, Medicines High Horn
Level : 15 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 240 Size : Small
ATK : 123 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 425
Resists : Fire 14 Poison 42 Ice 11 Lightning 14
Drops : 59 Rupee, Boa's Fang
13.Mawei [BOSS]
Level : 15 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 4000 Size : ??
ATK : 123 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 2713
Resists : Fire 28 Poison 28 Ice 28 Lightning 28
Drops : 885 Rupee
14.Varaha (Baraha)
Level : 15 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 440 Size : Small
ATK : 123 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 215
Resists : Fire 14 Poison 21 Ice 14 Lightning 14
Drops : 59 Rupee, Fang
15.Varaha Raja (Baraha Raja)
Level : 17 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 514 Size : Medium
ATK : 128 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 277
Resists : Fire 6 Poison 6 Ice 6 Lightning 7
Drops : 70 Rupee, Poison Fang
16.Aprah Varaha Raja (Aprahbara Raja)
Level : 19 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 483 Size : Large
ATK : 132 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 347
Resists : Fire 18 Poison 27 Ice 18 Lightning 18
Drops : 83 Rupee, Big Fang
17.Asidra [BOSS]
Level : 19 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 5370 Size : ??
ATK : 132 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1897
Resists : Fire 36 Poison 36 Ice 36 Lightning 36
Drops : 1253 Rupee
18.Serbinda (Srvinda)
Level : 21 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 626 Size : Small
ATK : 137 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 511
Resists : Fire 19 Poison 19 Ice 19 Lightning 19
Drops : 112 Rupee, Mara's Blood
19.Naroma [BOSS]
Level : 21 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 6960 Size : ??
ATK : 137 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 2490
Resists : Fire 38 Poison 38 Ice 38 Lightning 38
Drops : 1455 Rupee
20.Serbinda Satvan (Srvinda Satban)
Level : 23 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 708 Size : Small
ATK : 141 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 511
Resists : Fire 21 Poison 21 Ice 21 Lightning 21
Drops : 111 Rupee, Mara's Black Blood
Level : ?? Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 5439 Size : Large
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 213
Resists : Fire ?? Poison ?? Ice ?? Lightning ??
Drops : -none- (only for quest)
III.1.2. Mandara Dungeon
III.1.2.1. Level 1
1. Ugra Mlecchas Karmana (Ugra Mulekcha Karma)
Level : 22 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 666 Size : Small
ATK : 139 Attack : Range
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 467
Resists : Fire 16 Poison 20 Ice 16 Lightning 16
Drops : 125 Rupee, Refining Coal
2. Kavanda (Kabanda)
Level : 24 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 1251 Size : Small
ATK : 143 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 1337
Resists : Fire 22 Poison 22 Ice 22 Lightning 22
Drops : 119 Rupee, Hard Shell
3. Rasenasu [BOSS]
Level : 24 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 8340 Size : ??
ATK : 143 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 2455
Resists : Fire 44 Poison 44 Ice 44 Lightning 44
Drops : 1785 Rupee
4. Kavanda Jatu (Kabandajaru)
Level : 26 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 1024 Size : Medium
ATK : 146 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1487
Resists : Fire 24 Poison 24 Ice 24 Lightning 24
Drops : 135 Rupee, Mara's Wing
5. Kavanda Raja (Kabandaraja)
Level : 28 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 1548 Size : Large
ATK : 150 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 761
Resists : Fire 26 Poison 26 Ice 26 Lightning 26
Drops : 152 Rupee, Black Shell
6. Bali [BOSS]
Level : 29 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 9310 Size : Large
ATK : 146 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 3188
Resists : Fire 48 Poison 48 Ice 48 Lightning 48
Drops : 2025 Rupee
7. Tarantula
Level : 30 Type : Insect
Hitpoints : 1436 Size : Small
ATK : 154 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 875
Resists : Fire 22 Poison 28 Ice 22 Lightning 22
Drops : 169 Rupee, Mara's Harden Blood
8. Tarantula Caura (Tarantula Kaura)
Level : 32 Type : Insect
Hitpoints : 1291 Size : Large
ATK : 157 Attack : Melee, Drain TP
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 997
Resists : Fire 24 Poison 30 Ice 24 Lightning 24
Drops : 188 Rupee
9. Manuzen [BOSS]
Level : 32 Type : Insect
Hitpoints : 14350 Size : ??
ATK : 157 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 8500
Resists : Fire 60 Poison 60 Ice 60 Lightning 60
Drops : 2813 Rupee
III.1.2.2. Level 2
Level : 34 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 784 Size : Small
ATK : 160 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1127
Resists : Fire 32 Poison 64 Ice 26 Lightning 32
Drops : 207 Rupee, Evil Fang
11.Sarpa Raja
Level : 36 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 938 Size : Medium
ATK : 164 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 1265
Resists : Fire 34 Poison 68 Ice 27 Lightning 34
Drops : 227 Rupee, Mara's Fang
12.Rhduni [BOSS]
Level : 36 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 17060 Size : Large
ATK : 164 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 4300
Resists : Fire 68 Poison 68 Ice 68 Lightning 68
Drops : 3405 Rupee
13.Visatula (Bisatula)
Level : 38 Type : Insect
Hitpoints : 2033 Size : Small
ATK : 167 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 1411
Resists : Fire 29 Poison 72 Ice 29 Lightning 29
Drops : 248 Rupee, Hard Shell, Mara's Body Liquid
14.Visatula Caura (Bisatulara)
Level : 40 Type : Insect
Hitpoints : 2163 Size : Small
ATK : 170 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1565
Resists : Fire 30 Poison 76 Ice 30 Lightning 30
Drops : 269 Rupee, Bulpa's Shell
15.Yata [BOSS]
Level : 40 Type : Insect
Hitpoints : 24040 Size : Small
ATK : 170 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 31300
Resists : Fire 76 Poison 76 Ice 76 Lightning 76
Drops : 4043 Rupee
16.Zombie (Pishachi)
Level : 42 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 2851 Size : Medium
ATK : 173 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 1727
Resists : Fire 41 Poison 62 Ice 62 Lightning 74
Drops : 292 Rupee, Mara's Leather
17.Zombie Caura (Pichachi Kaura)
Level : 44 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 2507 Size : Medium
ATK : 176 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1897
Resists : Fire 43 Poison 65 Ice 65 Lightning 77
Drops : 315 Rupee, Raker
18.Upatti [BOSS]
Level : 44 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 27860 Size : Medium
ATK : 176 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 37940
Resists : Fire 86 Poison 86 Ice 86 Lightning 86
Drops : 4725 Rupee
14.Zombie Preta (Pichachi Preta)
Level : 44 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 2596 Size : Large
ATK : 176 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile, Invisible
Prana : 1897
Resists : Fire 41 Poison 62 Ice 62 Lightning 74
Drops : 223 Rupee, Raker
15.Nagamudra Hima [BOSS]
Level : 70 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 146130 Size : Large
ATK : 600 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 14505
Resists : Fire 132 Poison 198 Ice 330 Lightning 132
Drops : 3403 Rupee

III.2. Shambala Region
III.2.1. Shambala Plains
1. Ulkamukha
Level : 21 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 765 Size : Small
ATK : 137 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 425
Resists : Fire 17 Poison 19 Ice 17 Lightning 17
Drops : 97 Rupee, Old Fabric
2. Ulkhamuka Caura
Level : 23 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 708 Size : Small
ATK : 141 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 511
Resists : Fire 19 Poison 21 Ice 19 Lightning 19
Drops : 111 Rupee, Fabric
3. Ulkamukha Satvan
Level : 25 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 793 Size : Medium
ATK : 145 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 605
Resists : Fire 21 Poison 23 Ice 21 Lightning 21
Drops : 127 Rupee, Mara's Fresh Blood
4. Crama [BOSS]
Level : 25 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 8820 Size : Large
ATK : 145 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 12100
Resists : Fire 46 Poison 46 Ice 46 Lightning 46
Drops : 1905 Rupee
5. Visa Cumi (Bishakrumi)
Level : 27 Type : Insect
Hitpoints : 1275 Size : Small
ATK : 148 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 707
Resists : Fire 20 Poison 75 Ice 20 Lightning 20
Drops : 143 Rupee, Hard Shell, Panaka, Dipa Illa, Azis
6. Ugra Ulkamukha
Level : 28 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 1135 Size : Small
ATK : 150 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 761
Resists : Fire 26 Poison 26 Ice 26 Lightning 26
Drops : 151 Rupee, Gap Fabric
7. Ugra Ulkamukha Caura
Level : 30 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 1175 Size : Medium
ATK : 154 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1050
Resists : Fire 28 Poison 28 Ice 28 Lightning 28
Drops : 169 Rupee, Tight fabric
8. Ugra Ulkamukha Satvan
Level : 32 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 1291 Size : Large
ATK : 157 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1196
Resists : Fire 30 Poison 90 Ice 30 Lightning 30
Drops : 187 Rupee, Hard Fabric
9. Tarantula
(see Tarantula in Mandara Dungeon Section)
10.Zuzu (Tarantula Juju)
Level : 37 Type : Insect
Hitpoints : 8885 Size : Large
ATK : 165 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 6685
Resists : Fire 28 Poison 35 Ice 28 Lightning 28
Drops : 1188 Rupee, Dipa Illa, Illa
Level : 31 Type : Golem
Hitpoints : 1507 Size : Medium
ATK : 155 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 935
Resists : Fire 35 Poison 145 Ice 35 Lightning 29
Drops : 178 Rupee, Stone Heart
12.Digamvara [BOSS]
Level : 33 Type : Golem
Hitpoints : 15010 Size : ??
ATK : 159 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 21220
Resists : Fire 62 Poison 62 Ice 62 Lightning 62
Drops : 2955 Rupee
13.Azna Heruka
Level : 33 Type : Golem
Hitpoints : 1350 Size : Medium
ATK : 159 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1061
Resists : Fire 37 Poison 93 Ice 37 Lightning 31
Drops : 197 Rupee, Azna Stone Heart
Level : 35 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 1440 Size : Medium
ATK : 162 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 1195
Resists : Fire 40 Poison 165 Ice 40 Lightning 33
Drops : 303 Rupee, Gem of Spirit, Trizika of Demolition
15.Ananga Dhvanta
Level : 37 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 1439 Size : Large
ATK : 165 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1337
Resists : Fire 42 Poison 175 Ice 42 Lightning 35
Drops : 332 Rupee, Gem of Curse
16.Sari [BOSS]
Level : 37 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 17770 Size : Small
ATK : 165 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 26740
Resists : Fire 70 Poison 70 Ice 70 Lightning 70
Drops : 3563 Rupee, Dipa Illa, Illa
17.Pizac Aggana
Level : 39 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 1538 Size : Medium
ATK : 168 Attack : Fireball
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 1487
Resists : Fire 33 Poison 37 Ice 37 Lightning 37
Drops : 258 Rupee, Sorcery Book
18.Aggana Tara
Level : 40 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 1682 Size : Medium
ATK : 170 Attack : Fireball
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1565
Resists : Fire 34 Poison 34 Ice 34 Lightning 34
Drops : 269 Rupee, Sorcery Book
Level : 41 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 2022 Size : Medium
ATK : 171 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 1645
Resists : Fire 39 Poison 39 Ice 39 Lightning 39
Drops : 280 Rupee, Tough Leather, Leather Hira of Kaulitara
20.Dweza [BOSS]
Level : 41 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 24970 Size : Large
ATK : 171 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 32900
Resists : Fire 78 Poison 78 Ice 78 Lightning 78
Drops : 4208 Rupee, Dipa Illa

III.2.1. Shambala Dungeon
To enter Shambala Dungeon, you have to be at least Level 40.
III.2.1.1. Level 1
1. Zarku
Level : 46 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 3284 Size : Medium
ATK : 178 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 2490
Resists : Fire 45 Poison 45 Ice 45 Lightning 45
Drops : 464 Rupee, Charm of Hero, Panaka, Amrita
2. Zarku Rudhira
Level : 48 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 3509 Size : Medium
ATK : 181 Attack : Melee, HP Drain
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 2713
Resists : Fire 48 Poison 48 Ice 48 Lightning 48
Drops : 497 Rupee, Charm of Red Hero
3. Bumi [BOSS]
Level : 48 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 31900 Size : Medium
ATK : 181 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 45220
Resists : Fire 96 Poison 96 Ice 96 Lightning 96
Drops : 5453 Rupee
4. Ghorayogi
Level : 50 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 2968 Size : Medium
ATK : 184 Attack : Magic Attack
Tendency : Neutral, Immune to Stun (?)
Prana : 2455
Resists : Fire 50 Poison 50 Ice 50 Lightning 50
Drops : 532 Rupee, Ancient Sorcery Book, Amrita, Panaka
5. Arzuna [BOSS]
Level : 50 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 42410 Size : Large
ATK : 184 Attack : Magic Attack
Tendency : Hostile, Summon Hostile Ghorayogi
Prana : 49100
Resists : Fire 100 Poison 100 Ice 100 Lightning 100
Drops : 5835 Rupee, Dipa Illa, Illa, Azis
6. Nagamudra
Level : 52 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 4517 Size : Large
ATK : 187 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 3188
Resists : Fire 53 Poison 53 Ice 53 Lightning 53
Drops : 498 Rupee, Dragon's Scale
7. Murddi [BOSS]
Level : 52 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 45170 Size : Small
ATK : 187 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 53140
Resists : Fire 106 Poison 106 Ice 106 Lightning 106
Drops : 6225 Rupee
III.2.1.2. Level 2
8. Kaulitara Bisa [SUMMONED?]
Level : ?? Type : Animal
Hitpoints : ?? Size : Medium
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : ??
Drops : xx Rupee
9. Kaulitara Agni [SUMMONED?]
Level : ?? Type : Animal
Hitpoints : ?? Size : Medium
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : ??
Drops : xx Rupee
10.Kaulitara Hima [SUMMONED?]
Level : ?? Type : Animal
Hitpoints : ?? Size : Medium
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : ??
Drops : xx Rupee
11.Meghamalin [BOSS]
Level : 90 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 319389 Size : Large
ATK : 600 Attack : ??
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 4007500
Resists : Fire 132 Poison 198 Ice 198 Lightning 330
Drops : 51825 Rupee
12.Kaulitara Raja [BOSS]
Level : 70 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 73065 Size : Large
ATK : 500 Attack : ??
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 14505
Resists : Fire ?? Poison ?? Ice ?? Lightning ??
Drops : 3403 Rupee

III.3. Jina Region
You have to be at least Level 40 to enter Jina Region. Just go to Shambala
Town and use the portal to your right.
III.3.1. Jina Plains
1. Mouse
Level : 45 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 3173 Size : Medium
ATK : 177 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 2283
Resists : Fire 44 Poison 44 Ice 44 Lightning 44
Drops : 385 Rupee, Claw
2. Mouse Boss
Level : 47 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 2778 Size : Medium
ATK : 180 Attack : Melee, 100% ATK
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 2492
Resists : Fire 47 Poison 47 Ice 47 Lightning 47
Drops : 414 Rupee, Hard Claw
3. Nirpati [BOSS]
Level : 47 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 30870 Size : Medium
ATK : 180 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 43340
Resists : Fire 71 Poison 71 Ice 71 Lightning 71
Drops : 5265 Rupee
4. Ape
Level : 53 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 4192 Size : Medium
ATK : 188 Attack : Melee, 100% ATK
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 3313
Resists : Fire 55 Poison 55 Ice 55 Lightning 55
Drops : 505 Rupee, Skeleton Necklace
5. Ape Boss
Level : 58 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 4850 Size : Medium
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee, Double Slash
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : ??
Resists : Fire ?? Poison ?? Ice ?? Lightning ??
Drops : 587 Rupee, Sonkoku's Headband, Suraka of Wild Beast
7. Astamu [BOSS]
Level : 58 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 53890 Size : Small
ATK : 194 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 66220
Resists : Fire 76 Poison 158 Ice 76 Lightning 76
Drops : 7463 Rupee
8. Merman
Level : 48 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 2807 Size : Small
ATK : 181 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 2600
Resists : Fire 72 Poison 48 Ice 48 Lightning 48
Drops : 428 Rupee, Pinna
9. Mangriang
Level : 50 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 3095 Size : Medium
ATK : 184 Attack : Melee, Double Slash
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 2823
Resists : Fire 75 Poison 50 Ice 50 Lightning 50
Drops : 459 Rupee, A Poison Sting
10.Sestaku [BOSS]
Level : 50 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 42410 Size : Medium
ATK : 184 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 59500
Resists : Fire 150 Poison 60 Ice 60 Lightning 60
Drops : 5835 Rupee
Level : 54 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 3696 Size : Medium
ATK : 189 Attack : Melee, Continous DMG
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 3297
Resists : Fire 56 Poison 56 Ice 56 Lightning 56
Drops : 520 Rupee, Tiger's Leather
12.White Tiger
Level : 56 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 3207 Size : Large
ATK : 192 Attack : Melee, 100% ATK
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 3548
Resists : Fire 60 Poison 60 Ice 60 Lightning 60
Drops : 553 Rupee, White Tiger's Leather
13.Vatur [BOSS]
Level : 58 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 50910 Size : Small
ATK : 192 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 66220
Resists : Fire 90 Poison 90 Ice 90 Lightning 120
Drops : 7035 Rupee
14.Jina Laborman
Level : 50 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 5691 Size : Large
ATK : 185 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 3066
Resists : Fire 42 Poison 52 Ice 78 Lightning 52
Drops : 474 Rupee, Cranium
15.Jina Laborman Boss
Level : 55 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 5440 Size : Large
ATK : 190 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 3570
Resists : Fire 46 Poison 58 Ice 87 Lightning 58
Drops : 537 Rupee, Jaw Bone, Utara Panaka/Amrita
16.Vidyama [BOSS]
Level : 55 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 49450 Size : Large
ATK : 190 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 59500
Resists : Fire 70 Poison 70 Ice 174 Lightning 70
Drops : 6833 Rupee, Claw
17.Lady Ghost (Virgin Ghost)
Level : 60 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 5584 Size : Large
ATK : 197 Attack : Melee, Poison Splash
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 4963
Resists : Fire 53 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 621 Rupee, Head Decoration
III.3.2. Pamir Plateau
To get to Pamir Plateau, go to Border Area and to the Boat Dock. There you
will find a portal to go to Pamir.
1. Cow
Level : 50 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 5513 Size : Medium
ATK : 184 Attack : Melee, Stun
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 3683
Resists : Fire 25 Poison 30 Ice 30 Lightning 30
Drops : 459 Rupee, Oxhorn
2. Bull
Level : 52 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 5872 Size : Medium
ATK : 187 Attack : Melee, Stun
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 3900
Resists : Fire 27 Poison 32 Ice 32 Lightning 32
Drops : 489 Rupee, Big Oxhorn
3. Tiaputa [BOSS]
Level : 52 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 45170 Size : Large
ATK : 187 Attack : Melee, Stun
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 61700
Resists : Fire 53 Poison 53 Ice 53 Lightning 53
Drops : 6225 Rupee
4. Monk Ghost
Level : 58 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 4850 Size : Medium
ATK : 194 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 4635
Resists : Fire 63 Poison 63 Ice 63 Lightning 63
Drops : 587 Rupee, Hand of Stained Blood
5. Lady Ghost
(see Lady Ghost in Jina Plains section)
6. Puriyo [BOSS]
Level : 60 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 69800 Size : Large
ATK : 197 Attack : Melee, Poison Splash
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 80740
Resists : Fire 132 Poison 132 Ice 132 Lightning 132
Drops : 7890 Rupee, Azis, Illa
7. Lizard
Level : 54 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 3696 Size : Large
ATK : 189 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 4301
Resists : Fire 56 Poison 56 Ice 56 Lightning 56
Drops : 520 Rupee, Lizard's Tail
8. Lizard Boss
Level : 56 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 3920 Size : Large
ATK : 192 Attack : Melee, Slow
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 4628
Resists : Fire 60 Poison 60 Ice 60 Lightning 60
Drops : 553 Rupee, Lizard's Rough Tail
9. Purtika [BOSS]
Level : 58 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 50910 Size : Large
ATK : 192 Attack : Melee, Slow
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 61700
Resists : Fire 90 Poison 90 Ice 90 Lightning 90
Drops : 7035 Rupee
Level : 66 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 8077 Size : Large
ATK : 204 Attack : Melee, Double Slash
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 6013
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 727 Rupee, Bat's Wing
11.Bat Boss
Level : 68 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 11474 Size : Large
ATK : 206 Attack : Melee, Lightning Area
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 6385
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 765 Rupee, Bat's Sleek Wing
12.Shumitrama [BOSS]
Level : 58 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 127490 Size : Small
ATK : 206 Attack : Melee, ??
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 138875
Resists : Fire 132 Poison 132 Ice 132 Lightning 132
Drops : 9720 Rupee, Illa, Azis, Musara
13.Balastha Dhrbika
Level : 62 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 4914 Size : Medium
ATK : 199 Attack : Melee, Fire Area
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 5302
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 655 Rupee, Dark Red Horn
14.Balastha Tundela
Level : 64 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 5729 Size : Medium
ATK : 202 Attack : Melee, Double Slash
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 5652
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 542 Rupee, Mara's Horn of Curse, Spara Amrita/Panaka
15.Nuzagama [BOSS]
Level : 64 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 95490 Size : Medium
ATK : 202 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 80740
Resists : Fire 99 Poison 99 Ice 99 Lightning 99
Drops : 8790 Rupee

III.4. Kruma Region
Or called The God's Land, free PK-ing area. Other than opposing players, there
are monsters too that you can kill for prana. If you're killed by other
players, you lost some trizen points, but if monsters kill you, you lost 5%
prana like in the other maps.
III.4.1. Kruma Area
1. Wolf
Level : 45 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 5770 Size : Medium
ATK : 177 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 3970
Resists : Fire 44 Poison 44 Ice 66 Lightning 44
Drops : 1962 Rupee
2. Wolf Boss
Level : 50 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 8482 Size : Medium
ATK : 184 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 4910
Drops : 2334 Rupee, Jaw Bone, Utara Panaka
3. Fish Ghost
Level : 45 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 5770 Size : Small
ATK : 177 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 3970
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 44 Ice 44 Lightning 44
Drops : 1962 Rupee
4. Shark Ghost
Level : 50 Type : Undead
Hitpoints : 8482 Size : Medium
ATK : 184 Attack : Melee, Double Slash
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 4910
Resists : Fire 75 Poison 50 Ice 50 Lightning 50
Drops : 2334 Rupee, A Poison Sting
5. Giant
Level : 55 Type : Golem
Hitpoints : 12362 Size : Large
ATK : 190 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Neutral
Prana : 8925
Resists : Fire 58 Poison 174 Ice 87 Lightning 87
Drops : 2733 Rupee
6. Scout
Level : ?? Type : ??
Hitpoints : 5000 Size : Medium
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile against opposing Gods
Prana : ??
Resists : Fire ?? Poison ?? Ice ?? Lightning ??
Drops : xx Rupee
7. Ashi Avara
Level : ?? Type : ??
Hitpoints : 72479 Size : Medium
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile against opposing Gods
Prana : ??
Resists : Fire ?? Poison ?? Ice ?? Lightning ??
Drops : xx Rupee
8. Kapa Avara
Level : ?? Type : ??
Hitpoints : 72479 Size : Medium
ATK : ?? Attack : Range
Tendency : Hostile against opposing Gods
Prana : ??
Resists : Fire ?? Poison ?? Ice ?? Lightning ??
Drops : xx Rupee

III.4.2. Chaturranga
To get here, your God has to own 5 Kala-Core (seize opposing God's Kala-Core
inside their fortresses). When you enter Kruma, go to your right and you'll
find a portal to Chaturranga.
1. Tortoise
Level : 72 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 50,001 Size : Large
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 20468
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 9911 Rupee, Surapa, Azis
2. Tortoise Silver
Level : 74 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 56766 Size : Large
ATK : >500 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 21628
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 10376 Rupee, Surapa, Azis
3. Tortoise Gold
Level : 76 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 64170 Size : Large
ATK : >500 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 22820
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 10849 Rupee, Surapa, Azis
4. Infantry
Level : 78 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 240830 Size : Large
ATK : >500 Attack : Melee, Area Attack
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 30055
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 12233 Rupee, Surapa, Azis
5. Savage
Level : 72 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 50001 Size : Large
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 20468
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 9911 Rupee
6. Millitary Band
Level : 78 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 84291 Size : Large
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 15028
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 11335 Rupee
7. Elephant
Level : 84 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 336250 Size : Large
ATK : ?? Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 34885
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 132 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 13845 Rupee
8. Cavalry
Level : 80 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 270110 Size : Large
ATK : 400 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 31625
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 132
Drops : 12758 Rupee
9. Tanker
Level : 78 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 301880 Size : Large
ATK : 500 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 33235
Resists : Fire 132 Poison 66 Ice 66 Lightning 66
Drops : 13298 Rupee
10.Black Turtle
Level : 85 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 354460 Size : Large
ATK : 400 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 35725
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 132 Lightning 66
Drops : 14123 Rupee
Level : 90 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 1200000 Size : Large
ATK : 600 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 4007500
Resists : Fire 198 Poison 198 Ice 198 Lightning 198
Drops : 10365 Rupee, Crystal
12.Raphu Troop
Level : 90 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 600000 Size : Large
ATK : 600 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 48090
Resists : Fire 198 Poison 198 Ice 198 Lightning 198
Drops : 0 Rupee, Crystal

III.5. Exile Region
Access Exile Region from portal in Pamir Plateau, or use Jiba Pustika.
1. Oldfox
Level : 72 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 30001 Size : Small
ATK : 211 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 15,351
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 79 Lightning 59
Drops : 841 Rupee, Fox's Tail
2. Nayavasan [BOSS]
Level : 72 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 250005 Size : Small
ATK : 211 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 142625
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 66 Ice 79 Lightning 59
Drops : 14260 Rupee
3. Bull Boss
Level : 70 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 29226 Size : Medium
ATK : 208 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 14505
Resists : Fire 56 Poison 46 Ice 53 Lightning 46
Drops : 803 Rupee
4. Bull King
Level : 75 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 40258 Size : Medium
ATK : 214 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 16665
Resists : Fire 53 Poison 46 Ice 53 Lightning 46
Drops : 901 Rupee
5. Samuyata [BOSS]
Level : 75 Type : Animal
Hitpoints : 301935 Size : Large
ATK : 214 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 138875
Resists : Fire 53 Poison 46 Ice 53 Lightning 46
Drops : 15270 Rupee
6. Flower
Level : 74 Type : Plant
Hitpoints : 28383 Size : Medium
ATK : 211 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 16221
Resists : Fire 79 Poison 132 Ice 132 Lightning 132
Drops : 881 Rupee
7. Tree
Level : 76 Type : Plant
Hitpoints : 38502 Size : Large
ATK : 177 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 17115
Resists : Fire 46 Poison 99 Ice 99 Lightning 66
Drops : 921 Rupee
8. Sukam [BOSS]
Level : 76 Type : Plant
Hitpoints : 30001 Size : Large
ATK : 215 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 142625
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 99 Ice 99 Lightning 99
Drops : 15610 Rupee
9. Smelly Ghost
Level : 78 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 48166 Size : Large
ATK : 217 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 18033
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 132 Ice 53 Lightning 99
Drops : 962 Rupee
10.Hell Soldier
Level : 80 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 54022 Size : Medium
ATK : 219 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 18975
Resists : Fire 53 Poison 99 Ice 119 Lightning 86
Drops : 1004 Rupee
11.Gatva [BOSS]
Level : 80 Type : Devil
Hitpoints : 405165 Size : Medium
ATK : 219 Attack : Melee
Tendency : Hostile
Prana : 158125
Resists : Fire 66 Poison 99 Ice 119 Lightning 86
Drops : 17010 Rupee

Section IV : Quests Guide
Tantra Online has some quests for means of leveling or getting special items,
or to proceed to the 2nd class. Do quests in order unless written otherwise.

Level 1 : Beginner's Quest (Mandara Town)
~ Small Horn
Talk to Vartan and he'll ask you to bring him 3 Small Horn. Kill some
Vasabhums outside Mandara Town and return with the needed items.
Reward: 10 Dahara Amrita
200 Rupee
Chori Gloves
~ Leveling
Talk to Apvas and he'll tell you to raise your level. Go out of town
and kill some monsters until you level up, then return to Apvas.
Reward: 50 Prana
Chori Boots
10 Dahara Amrita
~ Equip Repair
Talk to Buvan, he'll give you Buvan's Small Kalkan. Go talk to Kirika
and have her repair the shield (cost 100 Rupee). Then return to Buvan.
Reward: Headband
10 Dahara Amrita
~ Ceremony Items
Talk to Kirika, she'll ask you to bring 3 Low-quality Horn to Vananta.
Reward: 100 prana
10 Dahara Amrita
Go back to Kirika to complete the quest.
Reward: 500 Rupee
Chori Pants
~ Fight with Party
Talk to Apvas, he'll send you to kill 10 Mlecchas with party.
You don't actually need party for this. Just talk to him, go kill the
needed Mlecchas, and return to him.
Reward: 200 Prana
500 Rupee
10 Dahara Amrita
Chori Armor

Level 8:
~ Mandara Child
Talk to Anjani. Then talk to Vartan. Then talk to Buvan. He'll ask you
to find his missing items by killing Mlecchas Caura. Kill them until
you get the requested item.
Reward: 2,000 Rupee
Tribe item ("of the Ground" weapon)
~ Vartan's Test
Talk to Vartan, he'll ask you to bring him 5 High Horns. Kill some
Vrcadara to get them, and return to Vartan. Then he'll ask you to
bring him 5 Medicines High Horn from SaraaVrca.
Reward: 2,000 Rupee
Vartan's Strong Sword
Talk to Apvas to complete the quest.
~ War News
Apvas will tell you to deliver messages to Badru in Sporvada and
Kananta in Convention Temple.
Reward: 2,000 Prana
20 Dahara Amrita
~ Mlecchas Karmana
Talk to Buvan, he'll ask you to find Ruined item of Buvan by killing
Mlecchas Karmana.
Reward: 1 Illa
Leather Sack
3,000 Rupee
~ The Lost Boy
Bring Leather Sack from Mlecchas Karmana quest and find a boy in
Tomb of Avatara. Then bring him to Apvas.
Reward: 3,000 Prana
1 Illa

Level 10:
~ Change Class
Talk to Apvas and choose change class.
Reward: Class Weapon
- Satvan gets Satvan's Hand Axe.
- Duvanta gets Duvanta's Dagger.
- Nirvana gets Nirvana's Glove.
- Mantrika gets Mantrika's Staff.

Level 15:
~ Tribe Quest
According to your tribe, you'll talk to different people and get
different quests.
Naga/Kimnara : talk to Apvas and he'll ask 10 Big Fangs from Aprah
Varaha Raja
Ashura/Rakshasa: talk to Buvan
Yaksa/Gandarva : talk to Ashuri
Deva/Garuda : talk to Kirika
Reward: 5,000 Prana
5,000 Rupee
Acchada Armor of Protection
~ Training Task
Talk to Apvas, he'll ask you to kill 10 Boa.
Then he'll ask you to collect 10 Mara's Blood from Serbinda.
Reward: 7,000 Prana
7,000 Rupee
2 Anahata
~ Legend of Lost Mara's Hand
Talk to Karan, he'll ask you to bring him 10 Mara's Black Blood from
Serbinda Satvan.
Reward: 2 chakra upgrade items
10,000 Rupee
8,000 Prana

Level 20:
~ Guarding Shambala Town
Talk to Amar in Shambala Ruin. He'll order you to kill 30 Ulkamukha.
After that, he'll order you to kill 15 Ulkamukha Caura.
Reward: 30,000 Rupee
20,000 Prana
20 Panaka
~ Amar's Message
Talk Amar, and he'll ask you to deliver his message to his brother
Apvas in Mandara. Go to Apvas, then he will tell you to pick Apvas'
Blanket for his brother in Kirika. Then go back to Amar.
Reward: Chavi God of Force
20,000 Prana
50,000 Rupee
~ Mahomet's Letter
Talk to Mahomet in Shambala Ruin. He'll ask you to deliver his message
to Anjali in Mandara.
Reward: 10,197 Prana
Then head back to Shambala and talk to Mahomet.
Reward: 20,000 Prana
30,000 Rupee
Bracelet God of Force.

Level 25:
~ Chaos Town of Ruins and A'Nu Legend
Talk to Amar the Brave, and he'll ask you to kill 30 Heruka in the
Town of Ruins area.
Reward: 30,000 Rupee
20,000 Prana
1 Azis

Level 30:
~ Vartan's Strong Sword
Bring Vartan's Strong Sword to Bivban. He'll then ask you to find
Ancient Sword, so go kill some Ananga until you get the needed item.
Return to Bivban. He'll give you a message and you must go to Vartan
in Mandara. Return to Bivban again.
Reward: Azis
20 Spara Panaka
100,000 Rupee
100,000 Prana

Level 35:
~ Tailor Saranu
Talk to Saranu in A'Nu Town. She'll ask you to deliver her clothing to
Kirika, but first she'll ask you to collect 10 Tough Leather from
Kaulitara. Give them to Saranu, then bring her Sharanu's Leather Cloth
and Sharanu's Message to Kirika. Kirika will give you Kirika's Message
and an imperfect Kirika's Rucaka. Then head back to Saranu.
Reward: 100,000 Prana
50,000 Rupee
Saranu's tribe headbands
- Naga/Kimnara gets Saranu's Zipra
- Ashura/Rakshasa gets Saranu's Ziromani
- Yaksa/Gandarva gets Saranu's Lothana
- Deva/Garuda gets Saranu's Darbi
~ Reviving Kirika's Rucaka
Bring the imperfect Kirika's Rucaka to Nara. He'll ask you to bring him
10 Sorcery Book from Pizac Aggana/Aggana Tara and 10,000 Rupee.
Reward: 50,000 Rupee
Revived Kirika's Rucaka

~ Phalaka of Life
Talk to Bivban. He'll ask you to get a Phalaka from Saranu, so talk to
Saranu. She'll ask you to bring 5 Azna Stone Heart from Azna Heruka.
Go collect them and return to her. She'll give you Unfinished Phalaka
of Life.
Reward: 50,000 Prana
Bring the shield to Bivban. He'll ask you to deliver it to Karan in
Mandara Town. Karan will ask 10 bottles of Panaka to do his part.
Reward: 50,000 Prana
Bring the shield back to Bivban. Now he'll ask you to bring him 1 Jewel
of Life and 10 Tough Leather to finalize the shield.
Reward: Phalaka of Life
50,000 Prana

Level 40:
~ Giant Statue Legend and Test
Talk to Saranu in A'Nu Town. She'll give you Saranu's Prediction and
ask you to find person who can read it. Go to Mandara and show the item
to Karan the potion seller. He'll give you Karan's Historical Book.
Reward: 100,000 Prana
30,000 Rupee
Go back to A'Nu and give the book to Saranu.
Reward: 100,000 Prana
30,000 Rupee
Talk to Nara. He'll ask you to get Voucher of King from Zarku in
Shambala Dungeon. Kill Zarku until you get the item, then return to
Nara. He'll give you the unfinished Ring of Hero.
Reward: 100,000 Prana
50,000 Rupee
Talk to Bivban. He'll ask you to bring him Spirit Stone from Zarku
Rudhira to perform his part of the Ring of Hero.
Reward: 100,000 Prana
50,000 Rupee
Talk to Saranu. She'll ask you to get Tears of the Dead (Lion's Tear)
from Ghorayogi in Shambala Dungeon.
Reward: 100,000 Prana
50,000 Rupee
Talk to Amar in Shambala Town. He'll order you to find Light Dragon's
Scale from Nagamudra in Shambala Dungeon.
Reward: Ring of Hero (Kundalin of Hero)

Level 45:
~ 2nd Class Change
Upgrading into the 2nd class needs you to run some quests from Zangzu
in Jina Town. You'll be given three quests; Ordeal of Wisdom, Ordeal of
Justice, and depends on which type your character will be, the third
Ordeal will be different.
Satya, Karya, Vidya, and Samabat will get Ordeal of Preserverance.
Banar, Druka, Nakayuda, and Abikara will get Ordeal of Destruction.
Ordeal of Wisdom:
Talk to Zongkui in Jina Town, he'll ask you to talk to Moriya in
A'Nu Town. Go to A'Nu Town and talk to Moriya, and she'll give you
20 questions that you must answer. The answers are as follows:
1. Vartan 11. 44%
2. 10 12. Shambala
3. Indra 13. Perang 8 raja
4. Nagamudra Hima 14. 15 jenis
5. 5050 15. Haimayuga
6. Apvas 16. Vananta
7. Exile Region 17. 6 jenis
8. 1432 18. Istana 8 raja
9. Ananga Dhevata 19. Chaturanga
10. Amrita 20. 1/126
If you give wrong answer, she'll order you to kill 20 Ananga before
you can take another shot.
After completing the questions, go back to Zongkui and he'll give you
Paper Piece as a proof that you've completed Ordeal of Wisdom.

Ordeal of Justice:
Talk to Huang Dao Pao in Jina Town, he'll ask you to get rid of the
greedy creature in Duel Arena in Mandara Region. Form a party and go
inside Duel Arena and kill the Libertine.
IMPORTANT!! You have to kill Libertine AS PARTY, otherwise you will
never get the needed item.
After you get the item, return to Huang Dao Pao and he will give you
Friend's Name Cloth as proof that you've completed Ordeal of Justice.

Ordeal of Preserverance:
Talk to Ouyez, he'll ask you to collect four items: Moon Oxhorn from
Bull, Strap Leather from White Tiger, Bow String Tendon from Lizard
Boss, and Glue Cell from Mangriang. Kill those monsters until you get
the needed items, then head back to Ouyez. He'll then ask you to go
to Saranu in A'Nu Town. Talk to her, and she'll ask you to collect
15 Hard Fabrics. Give her the fabrics, she will give you the String,
then return to Ouyez and he will give you Blood Cloth as proof that
you've completed Ordeal or Preserverance.

Ordeal of Justice:
Talk to Iddung Dashu, he'll tell you to see Amar in Shambala Ruin.
Amar will challenge you to proof your strength by killing members of
opposing Gods. Go to Kruma and find Scout from the other two Gods
(example, if you're Vidha then find Sethi Scout and Batara Scout).
Scouts are located in Fortress area (you can find all Scouts in your
own Fortress). Kill them and get their symbols. Return to Amar, then
to Iddung Dashu and he'll give you an item as proof that you have
completed Ordeal of Destruction.
After completing all the Ordeals, go back to Zangzu, and he'll change
you into the 2nd class.
Reward: no reward.

Level 45:
~ Entering Jina
Talk to Zangzu, he'll tell you about disturbance in Jina. Then talk to
Iddung Dasshu, and he'll ask you to kill 28 Mouse. Return to Iddung
Dashhu after killing the requested Mouses.
Reward: 60 Utara Panaka
50,000 Rupee
200,000 Prana
Kill Mouse Bosses until you get Operation Order. Then go back to Iddung
Dasshu. He'll ask you to give the Oeration Order to Zangzu.
Reward: 100,000 Rupee
200,000 Prana
After reading your Operation Order, Zangzu will give you Confirmed
Operation Order. Give it to Huang Dao Pao, he'll ask you to find
Merchant Proof from Mouse Boss.
Reward: 40 Stronger Iron
40 Feather
50,000 Rupee
200,000 Prana

Level 47:
~ Jina Problem
Talk to Zangzu, then to Huang Dao Pao. He'll ask you to collect 20
Poison Sting from Mangriang and 20 Sorcery Book from Pizac.
Reward: 50,000 Rupee
200,000 Prana
Huang Dao Pao failed for whatever he tried to do, and then he'll ask to
collect more 30 Poison Sting and 30 Sorcery Book.
Reward: 75,000 Rupee
300,000 Prana
Huang Dao Pao will then send you to see Bava in Shambala Town (the one
standing near the portal to Jina). After that, talk to Huang Dao Pao
again. Then talk to Lu Bu Wei, he'll ask you to collect 20 Cranium from
Jina Laborman. After you get those, return to him and receive Flammable
Material. Give it to Bava.
Reward: 200,000 Prana
Find Left Eye from Ape, then show it to Bava. Then bring it to Nara in
Reward: 100,000 Prana
Yong Ja Bracelet
~ Millitary Earring
Talk to Lu Bu Wei. Then talk to Ouyez. He'll order you to kill 10
Jina Laborman in Tower of Silence. Talk to him again to get the reward.
Reward: 50,000 Rupee
200,000 Prana
He'll order you to kill 15 Jina Laborman Boss in Tower of Silence.
Reward: 75,000 Rupee
300,000 Prana
Talk to Bava, he'll order you to get Tiger's Head from killing Tiger
or White Tiger (I got it from Tiger). Take it to Ouyez.
Reward: 200,000 Prana
Millitary Earring (Fighter's Earring)

Level 51:
~ Quest of Courage
Talk to Bava in Shambala. Then talk to Zangzu in Jina. Then talk to Lu
Bu Wei, he'll ask for 20 Jaw Bone from Jina Laborman Boss and 15 Head
Decoration from Lady Ghost. He'll then give you an item for Saranu.
Reward: 100,000 Rupee
300,000 Prana
Bring the item to Saranu in A'nu. Then head back to Zangzu, then talk
to Zongkui.
Reward: 20 Utara Panaka
20 Amulet of Anuvava
1 Surapa
1 Jiba Pustika

Level 53:
~ Yong Ja Earring
Talk to Zongkui. Then talk to Bivban and he'll ask for 20 Oxhorn from
Cows in Pamir.
Reward: 50,000 Rupee
200,000 Prana
Then he will (why won't they ask it all at once -__-;) ask for 20 Big
Oxhorn from Bulls in Pamir.
Reward: 75,000 Rupee
240,000 Prana
Talk to Iddung Dashu in Jina, he'll ask you to kill 30 Monk Ghosts in
Reward: 240,000 Prana
Talk to Lu Bu Wei in Jina. He'll ask for 20 Sorcery Books from Agganas
and 10 Hand of Stained Blood from Monk Ghosts.
Reward: 300,000 Prana
Lu Bu Wei will give you an item afterwards. Go to Saranu in A'Nu. She
will ask you to find Symbol of Different Dimension from Lady Ghost in
Pamir. Talk to her again, and she will ask you to talk to Iddung
Reward: Yong Ja Earring
300,000 Prana

Section V : Tips
1. Increase chance to successfully create Azis *or better stone*
Well this isn't actually a sure thing, but it seldom failed in my experience
doing it. But don't blame me if you lost your precious illas >:)
NOTE: IT'S NOT GUARANTEED! Try it at your own risk!
Here's how to do it:
Say you want to create Azis from Illa. Bring the needed Illa to the NPC
in Jina, but instead of choosing create 1 Azis from 2 Illa, choose create
1 Illa from 5 Dipa Illa. Since you're not carrying Dipa Illa, it will say
that you don't have the needed item. Keep clicking on it until about 15
times or so (the more the better) so your message window will be flooded
by failed attempt, then choose the correct option. Don! You get your Azis.
The idea is to falsely choose the combining option until many times, then
choose the right one after that.

2. Increase chance of upgrade
Unfortunately, chances are still chances and mostly they suck when it comes
to upgrading. So, better save up some money to buy upgraded equipments from
other players rather than stress yourself trying to upgrade yours. =P

Section VI : Frequently Asked and Answers

Q: How to use my character's skills?
A: To use skills, you have to place it in the shortcut box and then press the
matching number. (i.e, press 1 for Cure HP if you place Cure HP in slot
number 1 in the shortcut box)

Q: Why can't I pick up items?
A: The items belong to someone else. Even though you kill a monster, sometimes
someone else had attacked the monster before you (and died or fled in the
process) and the drops are considered his/hers. Just wait for a few seconds
and you'll be able to pick it up.

Q: I got hit by Avara Kara's SLOW skill!! What to do?!
A: Either you wait for some minutes, or just quit and re-select your character.

Q: Can I kill Avara Kara?
A: Go ahead and try. It gives 0 Prana and no drops, by the way. But it could be
fun. My bow Ashura friend with a help of one support Yaksa can kill it in
less than 2 minutes.

Section X : Credits and Thanks Note

Tantra Online is @ Hanbitsoft (http://www.tantra-online.com)
Indonesian Server is @ PlayOn Interactive (http://www.playon.co.id)

Credits for infos (in order of date):
- Ladya (PlayOn forum) for 2nd Class Quest info.
- c00lpad (PlayOn forum) for his Dagger Ashura build.
- Chava of ARIONETTE~ for some rare infos.
- Nico Valentino for some Bosses' name.

Special thanks to:
1. Setan-Pamungkas, for hooking me up with this game on the first place (and
for your free +6 war-gloves /gg)
2. ARIONETTE~ aswiram for all the BRA fun /heh, and all the infos and
equipments you've shared :D

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Karya Walkthrough/FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

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30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018