Guild Wars

Guild Wars

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Guild Wars - Elementalist FAQ

By: The 12eturn (Bahn Sama on GW)

||Table of Contents ||
..||1. Introduction ||..
..||2. History ||..
..||3. Elementalist Basics ||..
..||4. Elementalist Attributes ||..
..||5. Pre-searing ||..
..||6. PvP ||..
..||7. Secondary Profession ||..
..||8. Elementalist as a Secondary Profession ||..
..||9. Choosing Your Element ||..
..||10. Choosing Your Weapon ||..
..||11. Tactics ||..
..||12. Skills ||..
..||13. Overview ||..
..||14. To do ||..
..||15. Credits ||..
..||16. Legal ||..

||1. Introduction ||

Hi. Elementalists are known as the primary "Dark/Black" mages (basically damage
dealing mages) of the game. (If you wanted to be a "Red" mage, become a Mesmer,
"White" mage, become a monk, and the melee classes are self-explanatory.)
Elementalists have the option of chosing 4 different elements (fire, water,
air, earth) for their spells. That's basically a tiny bit for Elementalists, but
there is much more to them than just this.

Contact info!
AIM: Kiunu
GW: Bahn Sama

||2. History ||
5/26/05 Version 0.126
-Added a few skills to skill list
-Added 2 sites to allowed list
-Changed legal not to include "Legends of Lore"
5/17/05 Version 0.125
-Added 1 site and 1 magazine to allowed list
-Added Inferno, Fireball, and Meteor Shower skill information (contributed by
Kevin Liu )
5/15/05 Version 0.124
-Fixed typo (Bah I closed the AIM window. Email me if you want credit)
5/13/05 Version 0.123
-Changed dhl to dlh (Oops) on site list
5/11/05 Version 0.122
-Added a new site to the list of permitted sites
5/10/05 Version 0.121
-Added a new site to the list of permitted sites
5/9/05 Version 0.12
-Added "Choosing Your Weapon" section
-Added "Choosing Your Element" section
-Gave up trying to center the stuff in headers
-Changed stuff from tabbing to spacing
-Added one site to list and fixed a blank site
5/8/05 Version 0.11
-More Descriptive History
-Added 3 sites to allowed list
-Changed to (baaah)
5/7/05 Version 0.1
-Basic Structure, preliminary stuff.

||3. Elementalist Basics ||

So there are 4 elements, right? Each govern a different area of your type of
Magic, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Each of these different types give you
different types of skills, which vary from each other greatly. Your third thing
to remember is Energy Storage. Energy Storage has only 3 spells that branch off
of it, but you gain 3 more energy for each skill point you invest in here.

||4. Elementalist Attributes ||

Energy Storage- Gives you 3 energy per each skill level, and improves the
skills that branch off of this.
Air Magic- Improves air magic.
Earth Magic- Improves earth magic.
Fire Magic- Improves fire magic.
Water Magic- Improves water magic.

||5. Pre-searing ||

Unless you've this is your second character, or you've done your homework, you
may not know you start out in a land many call Pre-searing or Pre-apocalypse.
This is your tutorial ground, and you learn many of your basic skills here.
This place is basically the "noob" grounds, and is there to help you learn the
game. There are a few things to know for Elementalists, as well as other
classes in there. If you have Elementalist as your primary, or the job you
chose at the beginning, you will start with the skills Flare and Aura of
Restoration. Through a few missions you find in various places, you will gain
Fire Storm, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Ward Against Melee, and Ressurection
Signet. I have yet to find where Ward Against Melee is, but I've been informed
it is in Pre-searing. To get Fire Storm and Glyph of Lesser Energy, find your
way to Wizard's Folley, an ice mountain. You have to get to the middle to talk
to a person which grants you the spells, but in return you must ward off some
elementals. To get Lightning Javelin and Blinding Flash, you must go to
Foible's Fair and take a quest from one of the NPCs in there. To get the
Ressurection Signet, talk to the person standing in the Altar (outside Ascalon)
in which you are revived when you die. The person will tell you to go inside
town and get an ally and come back out. I advise you to do as many
quests as you can possibly find around here, and get up to AT LEAST level 7
before taking up a Charr Mission, which Sir Tydus warns you there "is no going

||6. PvP ||

Not very many people use Elementalists in PvP, since you have virtually no
armor and are killed easily (compared to warriors). You can mix your defensive
earth or water spells into your offensive mix, but it'll weaken you greatly.
You could just try and boom everything, but if your booms aren't successful,
you'll be in a lot of trouble, as they can come up and kill you easily. AoE is
a definate yes around here, as it can deal a lot of damage to a lot of people
if they're unluckily bunched up. You can hex with water, but if you were to do
that, being a Mesmer is easier. You could just sit and penetrate armor of the
Warriors/whatever with your Air magic, but like I said, not very many people
use Elementalists in PvP.

||7. Secondary Profession ||

Remember, everyone has their own opinion and I won't tell you that you
absolutely cannot play (insert class here), but not very many people find it
appealing, and you may not either later in the game.

Mesmer - A definate Yes. I chose this as my secondary profession, although some
people may disagree. It has some great hexes, defensive, and offensive spells
to aid your spell-casting needs.

Monk - Another yes. You can use only a few spells, but they'll come in handy.
Ressurection will appeal to most people, and you can heal yourself when you're

Necromancer - The third yes. You can leech health off of people, and still come
back with hordes of undead and hexes. This gets scary around multiple enemies,
though, but you should be able to ward them off with your Elementalist AoE

Ranger - Okay, you're getting wavy there. Rangers have ranged attacks (duh),
but they don't add a variety of spells to your spell-casting pool, except for
the ones that deal with bows. You can try it, but I won't guarantee it works.

Warrior - No. As much as a spell-caster with a sword may seem cool, it doesn't
work. Warriors have to be close to the enemy to attack, but that's where most
Elementalists die (unless you just boom everything). Stances also help you, but
I still feel like you would get hurt a lot and die VERY quickly.

||8. Elementalist as a Second Profession ||

Elementalists can fit into most classes quite easily. There are a few classes
that would benefit more from it, and some that would benefit less.

Mesmer - Yes. Gives offense, defense, or hexing skills. Skills cost a bit, and
Mesmers don't have THAT much energy to spare.

Monk - Yes. Gives offense, and you could use that when you're not frantically
healing your dying warriors.

Necromancer - Yes. Basically the same as Mesmer, except you might want to lean
more towards hexes here.

Ranger - Ehh.. Maybe. Long-ranged spells for offense can compliment your bows,
but you already have bow skills. Defensive skills could help you take some
blows, but your magic is limited and that takes away the job of Warriors.

Warrior - Ehh, maybe. You have really low mp for magic skills, but you could
use the extra defensive boost from Earth Magic, or offensive magic when someone
else is taking the blows.

||9. Choosing Your Element ||

The type of Elementalist you are weights heavily on your primary or secondary
job and the type of element you chose to wield. Most people stay in one
specific element, because being a jack-of-all-trades just makes you a useless
hunk of flesh, as your skills are notably weaker than others your level. Since
this is literally what everyone does, the game has specific armor (which
doesn't relate to your magic, but what kind of magic you can resist,) that can
name your special element. Pyromancers are fire, Hydromancers are water,
Geomancers are earth, and Aeromancers are air. You only get to see Elementalist
gear (a generic set for all Elementalists) before searing, so
don't fret if you don't see the type of armor I listed here. Also, as I've
noted here before, each element gives you different types of skills. If you
want to be generic, be a Pyromancer, a heavy DoT dealer, or just a boomer. If
you want to have a Mesmer or Necromancer as your primary or secondary job, you
can either be a Pyromancer, or a Hydromancer. If you're a Hydromancer, your
hexes will mix in very well to your current mix of hexes, and water magic also
gives you a few notable offensive and defensive skills. The not-so-popular
elements are air and earth. I've seen great Geomancers at work in PvP, as they
can live almost as long as a Warrior/Monk with their great defense. I have yet
to see one soul be an Aeromancer, and I don't know how well they function yet.
They can pierce armor, which is a plus against Warriors. They can blind, which
is a plus against Rangers. They can also knock down, which is a plus against
spell-casters. I don't see why more people become Aeromancers, as they can be
multi-purpose damage dealer.

In most cases, however, people see Elementalists as Pyromancers, meaning they
exist just for the purpose of damage dealing. You can catch some people off-
guard if you're not a Pyromancer, but show to them you have your perfectly good
reasoning for not being generic!

||10. Choosing Your Weapon ||

So now that you've got your basic character down, you have to choose your
weapons. There are two main types of weapons for pure spell-casters, wands and
staves (no not staffs, but staves). There are also other ones for a kind of
"hybrid" spell-caster, such as Cestas for Necromancers, but since Elementalists
don't have those for primaries, I won't go in to that right now. Wands are the
main choice of most Elementalists, as it is a long ranged attack, and most give
you some sort of bonus for spell-casters, while leaving the
other hand for your nifty artifact. Staves are -very- unpopular, as they take
up both hands, and I have yet to seen a staff that gives you a better bonus
than having a wand and an artifact, other than it's high damage (compared to
wands, but don't think it's high. You can't out-damage a Warrior with those
alone =P). Most wands and staves have their own individual element attached to
them, such as a Fire Wand. It doesn't matter what type of wand or staff you
use, as long as you can use it. You'll find that most good wands and staves,
later in the game, have certain skill level requirements to be able to be used
as stated, and it may be a good idea to meet the requirements ;). If you have a
secondary or primary job that uses different weapons, go ahead and use them.
It's not as if wands are that important to the Elementalist, as most of the
time is used casting spells. Having a different weapon, such as a bow, lets you
rest a bit between spells and still keep a damage output. Remember to use the
weapon that you meet the requirements for.

Now for the second hand. Most Elementalists use an artifact (such as a flame
artifact or scroll) that compliments their element. Just as wands and
staves are, they have skill level requirements later in the game, and it would
be a good idea to meet the requirements stated by it. If you have a primary or
secondary job that uses a different second hand armor/weapon piece, you may
choose to use it, or not. To me, spell-casting classes have greater boosts from
their second hand than melee classes, as a shield usually doesn't have
many effects relating to melee classes (such as just plain old defense). If you
want to, however, use them, there's nothing wrong with that, but in my mind,
artifacts suit you better.

||11. Tactics ||

Okay, now the reason why I didn't put this in with the PvP Section is that this
part doesn't just affect PvP. It also affects PvE. Like I said thousands of
times, your role is determined by the magic you use. Fire Elementalists tend to
dish out most of the damage, but they stay back away from the enemies,
just as a good ranger or monk should do. Fire Elementalists can also run in
from time to time to boom the enemy, but you should only boom when the enemy is
almost dead, or the enemy is coming to you. Either way, there's only a few
times where you should boom the enemy, and it shouldn't be used as a main
attack. The main attacks a Fire Elementalist should use are Flare, Fire
Attunement, Rodgort's Invocation, and a few other fire spells that you may find
useful. Water Elementalists tend to have Necromancer or Mesmer as their
primary or secondary job. Why? the hexes compliment each other. More hexes is
always a good idea, especially when you can shatter them (Mesmer skill: Shatter
Delusions) when they're about to die and give them the finishing blow.
Necromancers also have a variety of hexes, and more shouldn't hurt it. Air
Elementalists tend to attack the enemies that tank the damage, and run up
directly and attack you. These are the Warrior classes, and as Air magic can
penetrate armor, it makes them almost as weak as the people behind them. Earth
Elementalists can sometimes tank, but it's very risky. They usually tank and
stand right in the middle of their AoE's or just do direct combat (using their
skills, of course,) against the enemy. Some people may have other preferences
for elements, but these are the main, generic ones.

||12. Skills ||

Take a deep breath, and...
() denotes rises/lowers with skill level
Sorted by attribute, A-Z (except for contributed skills)
Format for locations is: Quest - NPC - Area

NOTE: I would use the beta info, except half of it has been changed. Please
contact me if you have information!


Air Attunement
Description: For the next (36+) seconds, you are attuned to Air. You gain 20%
of the energy cost of the spell each time you use Air Magic.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 60 seconds
Casting Time: 2 second(s)
Gained at: ?

Blinding Flash
Description: Target enemy is Blinded.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: Foible's Fair [Pre-searing]

Chain Lightning
Description: Target enemy and up to two other enemies near your target are
struck for (14+) lightning damage. This spell causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 25
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Gained at: ?

Conjure Lightning
Description: For the next 45 seconds, your attacks gain a bonus to hit and deal
an additional (3+) lightning damage.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Enchancement .
Cooldown Time: 45 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Enervating Charge
Description: Target foe is struck for (7+) lightning damage and suffers from
Weakness. With Air Magic 4 or less, this spell has a 50% chance to fail.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 8 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Description: Knock down target enemy. This spell causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 5
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Glimmering Mark [Elite]
Description: For the next (8+) seconds, whenever target foe suffers lightning
damage, that foe and all adjacent foes suffer from Blindness.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Description: Strike target enemy for (14+) lightning damage.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Lightning Javelin
Description: Send out a Lightning Javelin that strikes for () lightning
damage if it hits. if Lightning Javelin strikes an attacking enemy, that enemy
is interrupted.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 4 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: Foible's Fair [Pre-searing]

Lightning Orb
Description: Description: Lightning Orb flies toward target enemy and strikes
for (20+) lightning damage if it hits.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Lightning Surge [Elite]
Description: After 3 seconds, target foe is knocked down and struck for (20+)
lightning damage. This spell causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Lightning Touch
Description: Target touched foe and all adjacent foes are struck for (8+)
lightning damage.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Mind Shock
Description: If you have more energy than target foe, that foe suffers (10+)
lightning damage and is knocked down. This spell causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 5
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Description: Stun and strike target touched enemy for (10+) lightning damage.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: Temple of Ages
Fisherman's Haven

Thunderclap [Elite]
Description: For the next (8+) seconds, the next time target foe is struck for
lightning damage, that foe and adjacent foes are knocked down, and Thunderclap
has a 33% chance of expiring.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Description: All adjacent enemies suffer (20+) cold damage. Attacking enemies
struck by Whirlwind are knocked down.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Windborne Speed
Description: For the next (5+) seconds, target ally moves faster than normal.
This spell causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Description: Deal 24-99 fire damage to nearby enemies.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: Sorim, Quarrel Falls

Description: Fireball flies toward target foe and
explodes on impact, dealing
20-91 fire damage in an area.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: Captain Osric, Yak's Bend

Meteor Shower
Description: Exploding meteors strike the area near
your target. Each deals
(20+) damage and knocks down anyone it hits. This
spell causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 25
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 120 seconds
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Gained at: Captain Greywind

Earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Description: Nearby enemies take (26+) damage. Knocked down characters suffer
10+ additional damage.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Armor of Earth
Description: You gain (24+) armor, but move 50%- slower than normal.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: Elemental Knowledge - Elementalist Aziure - Old Ascalon

Crystal Wave
Description: Enemies near you are stuck for (20) damage, but are cured of any
negative "Conditions." This spell ignores armor and magic resistance.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Earth Attunement
Description: For the next (36+) seconds, you are attuned to Earth. You gain 20%
of the energy cost of the spell each time you use Earth Magic.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 60 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Description: You invoke an Earthquake at target enemy's location. All enemies
in that area are knocked down and are struck for (12+) earth damage. This spell
causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 40
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Description: Cause an Eruption at target enemy's location. For the next 5
seconds, enemies near this location are struck for (5+) earth damage each
When Eruption ends, enemies in the area of effect are Blinded.
Energy Usage 40
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: Shelav's Task - Shelav The Hermit - Old Ascalon

Grasping Earth
Description: Target touched foe is slowed dramatically for (8+) seconds but
gains +24 Armor.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Iron Mist
Description: For the next (4+) seconds, target foe is trapped in a mist of iron,
unable to move. That foe gains immunity to damage from all sources except
This spell causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Kinetic Armor
Description: For the next 8 seconds, you gain (40+) armor against physical
damage. Each time you cast a spell, Kinetic Armor is renewed for X seconds.
(50% failure chance with Earth Magic 4 or less.)
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 60 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Magnetic Aura
Description: For the next (8+) seconds, Magnetic Aura has a 75% chance to
"block" melee attacks made against you.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second

Obsidian Flame
Description: Deal (20+) damage to target foe. This spell ignores armor
but causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Obsidian Flesh [Elite]
Description: For the next (8+) seconds, you take reduced damage from physical
attacks and cannot be the target of spells, but move more slowly.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Stone Daggers
Description: You send out two Stone Daggers. Each Stone Dagger strikes for
(3+) earth damage if it hits.
Energy Usage 5
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 4 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Description: You send a flurry of stones to at target foe. The stones strike
for (20+) earth damage if they hit.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Ward Against Elements
Description: For the next (8+) seconds, allies within 25 feet of this location
gain +24 AL against elemental damage.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: Scorched Earth - Elementalist Aziure - Old Ascalon

Ward Against Foes
Description: You create a Ward Against Foes at your current location. For the
next (8+) seconds, enemies in this area move 50% slower. (Radius 39 feet.)
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Ward Against Melee
Description: You create a Ward Against Melee at your current location. For the
next (8+) seconds, enemies in this area have a 50% chance to miss with melee
attacks. (Radius 39 feet.)
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?


Conjure Flame
Description: For the next 45 seconds, your attacks gain a bonus to hit and deal
an additional (3+) fire damage.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 45 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Fire Attunement
Description: For the next 36+ seconds, you are attuned to Fire. You gain 20% of
the energy cost of the spell each time you use Fire Magic.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 60 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Fire Storm
Description: For the next 10 seconds, the area around target enemy is bombarded
with a rain of fire that deals (8+) damage each second.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Gained at: Pre-searing

Description: Fireball flies toward target foe and explodes on impact, dealing
(20+) fire damage in an area.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Flame Burst
Description: All nearby enemies are struck by jets of flame for 15+ fire
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Description: Flare flies toward target foe, striking for (5+) fire damage
if it hits.
Energy Usage 5
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 0 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: Pre-searing

Description: Target enemy suffers 10+ fire damage and is set on fire.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Incendiary Bonds
Description: After 3 seconds, target foe and nearby foes suffer (2+) fire
damage and are set on fire.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Description: Deal 24+ fire damage to nearby enemies.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Lava Font
Description: For the next 5 seconds, enemies near this location are struck by
(8+) fire damage.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 4 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: Helping the people of Ascalon -Ambassitor Zain - Old Ascalon

Mark of Rodgort
Description: For the next (8+) seconds, any time target foe is struck for fire
damage, that foe is set on fire.
Energy Usage 25
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Description: Call down a firey meteor on your target foe. The meteor explodes,
dealing (20+) damage and knocking down anyone it hits. This spell causes
Energy Usage 25
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Meteor Shower
Description: Exploding meteors strike the area near your target. Each deals
(20+) damage and knocks down anyone it hits. This spell causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 25
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 120 seconds
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Gained at: ?

Mind Burn [Elite]
Description: If you have more energy than target foe, that foe suffers (10+)
fire damage and is set on fire. This spell causes exhaustion.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Description: A firey phoenix rises at your location, burning nearby foes for
(15+) fire damage, and flies out to your target, exploding on impact for an
additional (20+) fire damage.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Rodgort's Invocation
Description: You invoke the power of Rodgort at target enemy's location. All
enemies in that area are struck for (20+) fire damage and are set on fire.
Energy Usage 40
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Gained at: ?

Searing Heat
Description: Cause Searing Heat at target enemy's location. For the next 5
seconds, enemies near this location are struck for (8+) fire damage each second.
When Searing Heat ends, enemies in the area of effect are set on fire.
Energy Usage 25
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?


Armor of Frost
Description: For the next (10+) seconds, you gain +40 armor against physical
damage, but -24 armor against Fire. Armor of Frost ends if you use any
Fire Magic.
Energy Usage 5
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 45 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Armor of Mist
Description: For the next (8+) seconds, you cannot be the target of spells.
This effect ends if you attack or cast any spells.
Energy Usage 25
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Blurred Vision
Description: For the next (8+) seconds, target enemy and enemies within
13 feet are hexed with Blurred Vision. While hexed, these enemies have a 50%
chance to miss with attacks.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Conjure Frost
Description: For the next 45 seconds, your attacks gain a bonus to hit and deal
an additional (3+) cold damage.
Energy Usage 5
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 45 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Deep Freeze
Description: You cause a Deep Freeze at target enemy's location. All enemies in
that area are struck for 12+ cold damage. For the next 10 seconds, all enemies
move 50% slower than normal.
Energy Usage 40
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Frozen Burst
Description: Enemies adjacent to you are struck for (10+) cold damage and are
slowed for (5+) seconds.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: Elemental Knowledge - Elementalist Aziure - Old Ascalon

Ice Prison
Description: Target foe's legs are encased in ice, dramatically decreasing
their movement rate. This effect ends if target takes fire damage.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Ice Spear
Description: Ice Spear flies toward target foe, striking for (5+) cold damage
if it hits. Ice Spear has half the normal spell range.
Energy Usage 5
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 3 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Ice Spikes
Description: Target and nearby foes suffer (10+) cold damage and are slowed
for 2+ seconds.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: Supplies for Duke - Gate Guard Hollis - Old Ascalon,
outside the Breach

Description: Create a Maelstrom at target enemy's location. For the next 10
seconds, enemies in that area are struck for (5+) cold damage each second.
Maelstrom interrupts spell-casting when it hits.
Energy Usage 25
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Gained at: ?

Mind Freeze [Elite]
Description: If you have more energy than target foe, that foe suffers (10+)
cold damage and moves 50% slower for (2+) seconds. This spell causes
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Hex .
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Mist Form [Elite]
Description: For the next (8+) seconds, you cannot take or deal physical
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enchantment .
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Description: For the next (6+) seconds, target enemy takes 3 times as long to
activate their "Signet" rings.
Energy Usage 5
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 45 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Shard Storm
Description: Projectile deals 10..46 damage and slows the targets movement for
(2+) seconds.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 10 second
Casting Time: 1 seconds
Gained at: Shelav's Task - Shelav The Hermit - Old Ascalon

Ward Against Harm [Elite]
Description: Create a Ward Against Harm here. For the next (8+) seconds, allies
within 25' have (12+) AL against fire damage and (12+) AL against other damage.
Energy Usage 15
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Water Attunement
Description: For the next (36+) seconds, you are attuned to Water. You gain 20%
of the energy cost of the spell each time you use Water Magic.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 60 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Water Trident [Elite]
Description: Send out a Water Trident at target foe. Water Trident strikes for
(10+) cold damage if it hits. If it hits a moving foe, that foe is knocked
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Spell .
Cooldown Time: 3 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?

Watery Aura
Description: For the next (5+) seconds, Watery Aura has a 75% chance to
"deflect" arrows and magical projectiles that would strike you.
Energy Usage 25
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: ?


Aura of Restoration
Description: For the next 30 seconds, you are healed for (150%+) of the energy
cost each time you cast a spell.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Casting Time: 1 second
Gained at: Pre-searing

Elemental Attunement
Description: For the next 45 seconds, you are attuned to Air, Fire, Water and
Earth. You gain 20% of the energy cost of the spell each time you use magic
associated with any of those elements.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enhancement .
Cooldown Time: 60 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

Ether Prodigy [Elite]
Description: For the next (36+) seconds, you gain 2 energy regeneration. If
you reach maximum energy, Ether Prodigy ends and you suffer 70 damage. This
spell causes Exhaustion.
Energy Usage 5
Skill Type: Enchantment .
Cooldown Time: 60 seconds
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Gained at: ?

Ether Renewal [Elite]
Description: For the next (6+) seconds, each time you cast a spell, you gain
2 energy for each "Enchantment" on you.
Energy Usage 10
Skill Type: Enchantment .
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Gained at: ?

||13. Overview ||

Ok, so now you know that Elementalists are very flexible. What you can do
depends on which skills you invest in. You still have to remember, the majority
of Elementalists are Fire Elementalists and those are damage-dealing
Elementalists. Many people see Elementalists as -just- damage dealing classes,
and that is not true. All you have to do is just try out a new build, and see
how far you can go. I've personally seen Earth Elementalists going head-on and
killing Warriors in PvP. Basically, Elementalists are the ones who can be
whoever they like. =D

||14. To Do ||
1. Finish all "Gained At: " for skills
2. Brush up on Tactics
3. Write in-depth parts for each element
4. Complimenting Skills
5. Complimenting Primary and Secondary job skills
6. Make everything more extensive
7. Confirm Everything
8. Write "FAQ" part

||15. Credits ||
Michael Horsepool for most of the skill locations!
Inferno, Fireball, and Meteor Shower skill information(contributed by Kevin Liu
) <-duh <-very nice site <-another very nice site
The Guild Wars staff for making a great non-monthly fee online game.
Others who helped me out as a noob
Various people I've tested Elementalist builds on in PvP
To you, for reading this! Woo!

||16. Legal ||
This FAQ was written by The 12eturn, also known as Evera, Kiunu, Bahn on other
sites, and Bahn Sama on Guild Wars.

The only sites currently allowed to use this FAQ is and
the sites listed in the list below.

Other sites may use this FAQ if they credit me, GameFAQs, and the people who
contributed to this FAQ. You may only use it if you get direct permission from

Sites that have gained rights to post this FAQ (as of latest revision stated on
8.PC Gamer UK

Contact info again!
AIM: Kiunu
GW: Bahn Sama

(C) 2005 The 12eturn
Ваш комментарий сохранен!!!
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Beginners Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Ranger Guide
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Title Guide
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Collectors Guide
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Quest Guide
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Terminology Guide
Engl. Hinweise

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Monk FAQ
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Mesmer Guide
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Skill Guide
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Elite Skills Location Guide
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Bonus Walkthrough
Engl. Lösung

18.Октябрь 2013
Elementalist FAQ
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17.Октябрь 2013
Warrior FAQ
Engl. FAQ

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Mesmer FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
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