

08.10.2013 07:33:47

-An authoritative study on the many different Mobile's of Gunbound -
Version 1.6 -UPDATE!

by Lee T. HaXXXor
currently playing under the Gunbound ID of: mrcanadian

contact: for inquireries

0. Table of contents

0. Table of contents
1. About the author
2. Version history
3. Lexical, expressions
4. The Mobiles
a. Aduka
b. ArmorMobile
c. Bigfoot
d. BoomerLauncher
e. Grub
f. Ice
g. JD
h. Lightning
i. Mage
j. NakMachine
k. RaonLauncher
l. A. Sate
m. Trico
n. Turtle
o. Knight
p. Dragon
5. Things I need
6. Thanks
7. Copyright

1. About the author

The author name is Lee T HaXXXor, but you might know me better as the
lobbing fiend "mrcanadian" while playing in the Gunbound arenas. I am
NOW a true veteran in the sense that my ranking is silver battleaxe and
6th in a guild of 74 players, the guild of Canada(r). I read up a whole
lot on Gunbound and try as much as possible to keep myself informed,
but if there's one thing I learned it's that theory doesn't have shit
on practice and that the main site's English needed a little help. It
is my firm belief that the best road to victory is through a firm
understanding of your mobile (that is, the tank-thingy that your avatar
is riding), hence this project. The good side of choosing Random
Mobiles all the time is that you're fairly well acquainted with all of
the cute little tank-creatures, hence why I decided building this FAQ.

2. Version History. Cataloguing my trek into the unknown!

September 8, 2003 - Version 0.8667 completed: Construction of the first
version of the Gunbound FAQ has been sent "EXCLUSIVELY" to gamefaqs. It
is considered Version 0.8667 because I've only catalogued 13 out of the
fifteen tanks and I lack the practical knowledge on the secret tanks. I
plan on making this the deepest and most expansive research on the
subject of Gunbound Mobiles.

September 16, 2003 - Version 0.8668 Completed: A revision rather then
an update, I'm writting about what I learned by personal experience.
I've added an explanation about shields, reneged on my views over full
force in the face, expounded on the topic of bunging and modified the
entry of just about all the Mobiles. Still have little to no info on
Knight and Dragon though. I've also added a general difficulty level to
the Final Analysis section.

September 19, 2003 - Version 0.8668: Same Mobile guide, but now I'm
sending a copy to IGN or rather, Because there's
just aren't a lot of Gunbound FAQs out there, right?

November 20, 2003 - Version 1.0: Ahoy there! Hopefully, this is my
final version. I've updated the Mobiles with their newfound abilities,
updated shielding, wrote relative health, put in what a "shotgun
turtle" meant, corrected "DEFENSE" with most other spelling mistakes
and added the two new kids on the block: Dragon and Knight! There not
alphabetically listed: you'll find those two at the end of the guide.

December 25, 2003 - Version 1.2: MERRRRRY CHRISTMAS! Your gift tonight
is the update on the brand new mobile: Aduka! Known as "the new bot" or
"Thor bot", it's an easy bot to pick up but quite difficult to get a
whole lotta damage with. Read more about him in the mobile section.
I've also updated the individual statistics of each Mobile as needed.
Finally, I've added the definition for all three shooting modes: Slice,
Snipe and Dragshot.

February 11, 2004 - Version 1.5: Thanks to everyone who told me that
Knight and Dragon are back on! It has been noted! In other news, I've
modified the Strength and Weaknesses paragraphs so as to take into
account the new "natural enemies" feature Softnyx recently developed.
Read more about natural enemies in the "Lexical, expressions" section
of this FAQ. I've also corrected the weapon type for Dragon and Knight.
They were both mistakenly listed as (respectively) Hit and Hit/Laser.
Read their sections for their corrections!

April 21, 2004 - Version 1.6: Made this version compliant with the
changes implemented on April 19 by the fine folks at Softnyx (Mainly a
huge revamp over how Aduka works). Modified the introduction section to
reflect my veteran status (I do believe I earned it). People told me
that there's a Canada flag: thank you, I've bought it, I'll stop
bitching about it. Wrote explicit permission that dotC could use this
guide: they always had permission, I was simply too lazy to write so.
Have also amended A.Sate SS according to someone's suggestion... You
tell me if it's more accurate this way.

June 4th, 2004 - Same version: Basically, this is a non-update to state
that I grant permission to Satoshi E from to use this guide on his
website. Generally, if you write me a nice letter, I'll grant
permission to use the guide. I also took into account new J.D. firing
arc (it's been reduced), corrected the workings of Aduka shot 2 (it
does get status effects) and changes to the bigfoot's shot 2.

December 13th, 2004 – Same version: Gave permission to Bernd Wolffgramm
of to use this guide on his website.

3. Lexical, expressions.

AMD: Approximate Max Damage. Considering a direct hit with the
opponent's mobile at normal, unchanged strength level, this is the best
you should expect.

AMD for Delay ratio: I used to play a lot of Everquest. Got sick of it
eventually, but it thought me that it's not damage that is most
important, it's Damage/Delay. Take your AMD, divide it by your delay,
and you have your AMD to Delay ratio. You want the highest ratio
possible when you're settled in to deliver max damage.

blast back damage: if you hit your opponent from too close, some mobile
weapons will hit you back for a small amount of damage. The trade off
is that these weapons are quite destructive at close range.

Bunging: the process of digging your opponent into a hole; either in
the purpose of limiting his playing options or to drop him off the map
entirely. WARNING! To Bunge, you need to shoot just at the feet of the
opponent or else the Mobile will "take" the hit, shielding the ground.
This means that everytime you take the decision to bunge, you must
understand that you will do little to no damage. WARNING 2! Bunge shots
are a LOT harder to land then normal shots, as the target to get a
Mobile to drop is much smaller then that of the Mobile itself. Of
course, this difficulty varies per Mobile. See individual entry for
which Mobile's bunge best.

full force in the face: Unless you're playing Trico or Turtle (to
increase spinning of the cabbages or "tighten" trajectory of the water
streams), this should simply not be done. It is too easy to waste a
shot in that manner, especially in DoubleDeath. Considering how Trico
should be avoided, simply do not shoot at full power when it is not

Shield: There are certain Mobile types that are listed as Shield. These
are the A.Sate, J.D, Lightning and Mage. Shielding works as such: when
you look at your Mobile's energy, you'll see a blue bar directly to the
right of your yellow energy bar. This is your Shield bar, and as long
as it is present, your Mobile extends a special Shield that reduces
damage as it is hit. However, that shielding decreases as you receive
damage. Once the blue bar is out, no more increased defenses! Luckily,
that blue bar regenerates over time. Sadly, it regenerates VERY slowly.

UPDATE!: As of November 14, Shield regeneration has increased by a rate
of 20%. This applies to all shield mobiles EXCEPT Lightning.

Mobile classification: the following are classifications I created to
define the Mobiles and their roles in battle. Someone who knows his
mobile's classifications will know who his best target is, and will not
be suckered into useless wars of attrition. Just because a mobile is
standing right next to you doesn't mean he's your target! You don't
play alone (most of the time), so talk to your friends for some
supporting fire!

Artillery: These Mobiles are best used for long distance snipping,
with the weapon 1 used as a practice shot of sorts to gauge correct
strength and angle for wind given, while weapon 2 is used to execute
the damage proper. You need a steady hand and a constant eye on your
angle level for this strategy to work.

Close Combat: For those who can't aim, then full force in the face!
Close Combat is the number one way to disrupt Artillery mobiles and
force them into a war of attrition, a war in which the Artillery tank
has no hope of winning.

Support: Support mobiles do not deal outstanding amount of damage,
but come with special properties that still make them attractive.
Whatever these properties are, you need to talk with your teammates so
as to formulate a proper strategy. Good tagteams between the right
sorts of mobiles is also a plus.

Natural enemies: Whatever mobile you choose in the game will have two
types of natural enemies. These natural enemies will have an advantage
in the amount of damage they can dish out against your mobile. I took
the following info from the official gunbound site, and thus have found
out that both Dragon and Knight have no natural enemies (on the flip
side, neither Dragon nor Knight are anyone else's natural enemies). For
the purpose of this update, all instances of Strength and Weaknesses
have been modified to take these new rules into account, except as it
pertains to Dragon and Knight.

Natural enemies (Type): These are your mobile's natural enemies as
they relate to Mobile Type and Weapon Type (all Mobile Type and Weapon
Type are present in each Mobile's profile). Mobile's shooting you with
the mentioned Weapon Type will get a damage bonus while your weapons
will do less damage against the mentioned Mobile Type. The Gunbound
site does not precise how much of a bonus natural enemies get, but it
is safe to assume that it is around the 5% region. I've also written
which Mobile Type your weapons work best and which mobiles have weapons
that will have the most trouble damaging your mobile.

Natural enemies (Mobile): These refer to specific mobiles that
receive a damage bonus of around 5% and 10% over your mobile. For the
purpose of this FAQ, mobiles designated in normal caps are what I'll
call minor enemies (around 5% damage bonus) while mobiles designated in
ALL CAPS will be known as major enemies (expect a 10% damage bonus).
And we'll call J.D. "Cakebot" so nobody gets confused. I will also
write about each mobile's natural prey: mobiles which have you as their
natural enemy!

Shooting modes
Access: If you ever were dissatisfied with your shooting mode then
you may change it during gameplay. At anytime during a game, press
escape or click the button at the top left of the screen to access the
option menu. Amongst the options you will be given your choices of
shooting style.

Snipe: Your default mode, in which you hold the space bar so as to
charge up the power for each of your shots. This only affects the
strength by which the shot is fired, not the strength of the shot fired
(there is no strength bonus for firing your shot at full strength).
It's very basic and even a Battleaxe such as I still use it over all
other methods.

Sniper: A misnomer if I ever heard one. Sniper is supposed to center
your shot around the grey slider mark in the event that you miss ever
so slightly. In effect, I've found that Sniper will center your shot on
the spot where you dragged your grey slider mark, but rarely center
EXACTLY at the mark and often modify the power of your shot by a tiny
bit. This means that when you want a shot EXACTLY at one spot, Sniper
is not the best option. Sniper is not automatic as you still have to
hold the space bar until power reached the desired area so as to get
the full effect of this shooting mode.

Dragshot: Instead of holding the space bar, you left click your
mouse, drag until you reached the desired area and release the left
click. Holding left click for an extended time isn't an option, as the
power bar will shake and warble and thus prevent precise manipulations.
You have to be quick, and it is considered the shooting mode of experts
as it allows the expert Gunbound player to bypass time spent in
charging up a shot and avoid delay associated with time lost. It's also
useful for shotgun turtle strategy (see the Turtle section).


4. The Mobiles.

a. Aduka Mobile Type: Metallic
Health: 3/5
Firepower: Variable Movement: 1/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 3/5
Approximate HP: 1100pts
Strength: Against Machine type mobile (shot 1), Against Bionic type
mobile (shot 2). This mobile type is strong against shots from Turtles,
BoomerLauncher, Nakmachine and Ice.
Weakness: Against electrical type weapons, Against Shield type mobile
Visual Description: A grey-purple spider surrounded by various
electrical sparks. It's quite similar to Nakmachine in appearance, but
I do believe that Nak is a six legged mobile while Aduka is eight

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Electrical
AMD: 175 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 820 Weight: Average
Description: It looks like a ball wrapped with electrical sparks. It
works quite similarly to J.D.'s Weapon 1 with its wide splash damage
radius, although the attack is differently shaped. The good news is
that it makes a fine calibration for Aduka's Weapon 2.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: Variable Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 960 Weight: Average
Description: As of April 19, Weapon 2 fires THREE tracer shots that
look like NakMachine's SS, but serve as a beacon for Thor. The tracer
shots don't spread and follow themselves much like Boomerlauncher's
multiple boomers: if the first tracer shot hits the second will land at
the same spot too. The tracer shots do not deal any damage by


Thor is the satellite that appears above the playing field in each
Gunbound game. At the start of every game, the Thor satellite begins at
level 1 with 0 damage points. As the Thor satellite delivers damage,
that amount of damage is recorded as damage points. Only the damage
specifically delivered by the Thor laser is recorded, so if you damage
your opponent both with your regular attack and with the Thor laser,
only the portion of the damage given by Thor will be recorded. As Thor
damage gets recorded, Thor's power level increases as well; up to level
6. The following is the amount of Thor damage you need to get so as to
increase Thor's power level along with the AMD of Thor's laser
according to its level. There is no extra damage within any level for
reaching a few points short of the next level.

Thor level | Damage recorded | AMD per level
1 | 0 to 200 | 100+
2 | 201 to 700 | 200+
3 | 701 to 1800 | 300+
4 | 1801 to 3900 | 400+
5 | 3901 to 6800 | 500+
6 | 6801 to beyond | 600+

I cannot be certain about those statistics, so if you have more precise
measures, feel free to tell.

SS Weapon: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: Variable Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 1320 Weight: Average
Description: As of April 19, Aduka SS fires a single tracer shot that
passes through everything as it flies by. It's similar to Nakmachine's
SS (see appropriate section), save for two differences: this SS also
passes through mobiles and the corpses of mobiles (as through solid
ground); also, each time that it passes through a mobile, it triggers
Thor to fire a single laser. Since the update, its power has been
greatly reduced as you may only receive damage for ONE laser shot, and
by the time that Thor has been charged up sufficiently, you should be
in the Double Death period. Bummer.

Final Analysis: Amazingly enough, Aduka is an easy to use Artillery
mobile with a bit of fun tacked into it. However, it does have one non-
negligible tactical advantage in that it has both an electrical attack
AND a laser type attack! No enemy is safe from it! Well, except that it
gives pretty pitiful damage both ways going and its bunge power is
practically non-existent throughout battle. You'll have understood that
success is best met through judicious use of its weapon 2, but here's
additional rub... as far as I can test, bunge items, blood items and
power up items do not give additional damage to Aduka's shot 2.
Environmental status effects DO affect Aduka weapon 2,except for Thor.
READ THIS PART WELL: you get NO bonuses whatsoever for firing weapon 2
while Thor is in effect. They are mutually redundant, much like
Lightning's Weapon 1 passing through the Lightning beam. Aduka is easy
to use but not very tactically rewarding- nevertheless, this bot gets
the thumbs up treatment ever since the April 19th changes. A good bot
for beginners or intermediate players. UPDATE: ever since April 19th's
update, Aduka has been significantly upgraded in terms of usability by
the fact that you have an extra tracer shot for shot 2 with none of the
delay! Double Death means firing SIX tracer shots! Very deadly! Can now
be used alone in a varied team, but damn deadly if everyone in the team
picks Aduka together!

b. ArmorMobile Mobile Type: Metallic
Health: 2/5
Firepower: 4/5 Movement: 3/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 2/5
Approximate HP: 975pts
Strength: This mobile type is strong against shots from Turtles,
BoomerLauncher, Nakmachine and Ice.
Weakness: Against electrical type weapons
Natural Enemies: Cakebot, Lightning, Grub
Natural Prey: None
Visual Description: A cute little red mobile with a grey cannon for a
nose, distinctive by the three wheeled tread patterned into a
triangular shape.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 200 Angle range: 45 degrees
Delay: 770 Weight: Average
Description: The most basic weapon-type possible, weapon 1 is a single
explosive shell that must hit the target exactly to commit full damage.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 275 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 860 Weight: Average
Description: Another single explosive shell attack, the gunbound site
nevertheless describes weapon 2 as a double projectile, where a smaller
hit would pierce defenses to let through the second explosion. In game
terms however, the weapon 2 acts in the same manner as weapon 1. Use it
to dig tunnels if you really want to see the double explosion device in
action, but be warned that it has a smaller blast radius then weapon 1.
Because of it's superior AMD to Delay ration, it is considered the
favored weapon for destroying opponents.

SS Weapon: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 450 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 1320 Weight: Average
Description: Another single shell explosive, but with a twist. After
about three seconds of airtime the shell extends into its true form, a
rocket, to complete its trajectory. The SS shot must be in its rocket
form to inflict full damage. The rocket does not gain additional trust
and goes at the same velocity as a normal shell. WARNING: Because it
does not possess a better AMD to Delay ratio then weapon 2, the SS
weapon should mostly be used when you need one big hit or simply, to
show off.

Final Analysis: The consummate Artillery tank, the ArmorMobile is great
for the long distance shooting of various shell attacks to enemies.
It's no-nonsense design makes it easy to pick up for learning lobbers
who just want to experiment with the effects of distance and wind on
their weapons, not to mention the fine art of high angle attacks. Items
that go well with this tank is the Blood (so as not to task the already
high Delay stat of this tank) and Dual (in perfect conditions, better
AMD to Delay ratio then Dual +). High damage and high-delay makes for a
satisfying attack on the enemy- thumbs up! A Beginner bot, easy to
handle and will make a good lobber out of you.

c. Bigfoot Mobile Type: Metallic
Health: 3/5
Firepower: 3/5 Movement: 4/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 1/5
Approximate HP: 1000pts
Strength: This mobile type is strong against shots from Turtles,
BoomerLauncher, Nakmachine and Ice.
Weakness: Against electrical type weapons
Natural Enemies: Lightning, Cakebot, Grub
Natural Prey: None
Visual Description: A blue Mobile with a big stout cannon and four huge
wheels; just like its monster truck namesake.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 200 Angle range: 22 degrees
Delay: 770 Weight: Average
Description: You fire four small missiles that arc towards the opposing
tank. They spread out as they fly and their damage concentration is the
pits, so try to get a close shot as you really need all four missiles
to achieve max damage. Amazingly, this is the weapon that possesses the
best AMD to Delay ratio.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 220 Angle range: 22 degrees
Delay: 920 Weight: Lighter then average
Description: You fire six mini bombs that spread out further as they
fly. Its bunging effect leaves to be desired; more often then not, the
mini bombs will hit the enemy tank directly from above, sparing the
ground on which the tank is standing on. The mini bombs spread out even
more then the missiles of weapon 1 at medium/long range. UPDATE: as of
April 19th, the path of damage and the damage pit area has been
increased by 5%. In effect, the mini bombs spread FAR too far apart to
be used as an effective bunge weapon, but make something of a wide
ranged screen when you absolutely NEED to hit your opponent with
anything, no matter how little the effect. But I'm not kidding about
the bunge loss: now even Weapon 1 bunges better...

SS Weapon: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 450 Angle range: 12 degrees
Delay: 1320 Weight: Lighter then average
Description: You fire twelve bright red bombs in the same manner as
with weapon 1. Spreading over distance is similarly comparable to that
of weapon 1. This is a MUCH better bunging tool, but why waste the
incredible destructive energies of this cannon only for the digging of
a hole?

Final Analysis: A great Close Combat tank for beginners/first timers,
just get next to your enemy and shove it all in his face. You'll rarely
get any blast back effect like you would with the Turtle tank. If you
can't line up your opponent directly into your optimal shooting angle
(it happens, the BigFoot is known for having limited firing angles),
then you should lob some mini-bombs with weapon 2. So to recap: frontal
assault with weapon 1, lob with weapon 2 if you can't. For maximum fun
and GREAT bunging abilities, take the Thunderbolt item and rain down
six lightning pillars using weapon 2. It's a tank of limited uses that
gets its comeuppance much too soon, but it's fun and easy to use, so it
gets a thumbs up.

d. BoomerLauncher Mobile Type: Bionic
Health: 2/5
Firepower: 5/5 Movement: 4/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 3/5
Approximate HP: 975pts
Strength: Against Shield type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from Grub, Cakebot and Lightning.
Weakness: Against Laser type weapons. Against Metallic type mobiles.
Visual Description: Looks like a wooden chariot with eyes and a bright
red boomerang twirling on its top.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 180 Angle range: 80 degrees
Delay: 730 Weight: Very light
Description: You fire one single boomerang. Boomerangs are VERY light
and are the weapons most affected by the wind in Gunbound. Due to its
low damage and low delay, it is suggested that you use this weapon as a
"practice shot", something to gauge your strength and angle for your
real attack with weapon 2.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 250+ Angle range: 80 degrees
Delay: 880 Weight: Very light
Description: You fire four boomerangs trailing each other in a close
trajectory. If the first boomerang hit, it's a good bet that the three
others will hit as well. Very powerful, great AMD to Delay ratio, this
is the paydirt weapon of the Boomer. However, it is affected by the
wind in the same manner as weapon 1 is. It's also good for digging
through the ground when such a resource becomes necessary.

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 450 (or lower) Angle range: 80 degrees
Delay: 1280 Weight: Lighter then average
Description: AKA the "atomic boomerang", you fire one single boomerang
(in the manner of weapon 1) but after about three seconds of airtime,
the weapon turns into a golden boomerang to execute max damage on
direct hit. SS must be in its golden boomerang form to execute max
damage. SS is no good for bunging. UPDATE: as of April 19th, Boomer's
SS damage has been increased by 10%. That is a substantial change which
makes this SS quite worthy of its title of "Atomic Boomerang"! No word
as to how much of a damage bonus that a golden boomerang which changes
direction in midair (with boomer bonus) will give. FEAR THE EXPERT

Stuff that you should know about all of BoomerLauncher's shots: Since
quite a while ago, Boomerlauncher's true angle range has been increased
(that is, the range for which Boomer gives max damage) and that it
delivers MORE damage then noted if the shots are delivered with a
boomer bonus: that is, if the general direction of the boomer shot
changes direction in mid air before striking their target. To get the
best damage for your shot, fire AGAINST the wind so that your Boomer
changes direction in midair before it hits your target. Beware as this
is quite the advanced tactic.

Final Analysis: An Artillery tank, you know you are an expert when you
start picking the BoomerLauncher consistently. That said, most expert
Gunbound players chose the Nak instead, as it is the more consistent
hitter and actually has a better payload on double shots. Speaking of
double shots, you really need to pick up Dual when handling the Boomer,
as a direct hit of all eight boomerangs easily goes in the 450+ damage
range. In my personal opinion however, there are times when heavy winds
will completely negate any shots with this Mobile, making its
experience quite frustrating. Thumbs down, unless you're a Gunbound
master- however, Boomer is the most damaging mobile in the game and
deserves serious practice to have its potential unlocked.

e. Grub Mobile Type: Bionic
Health: 3/5
Firepower: 3/5 Movement: 3/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 4/5
Approximate HP: 1050pts
Strength: Against Metallic type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from Grub, Cakebot and Lightning.
Weakness: Against Laser type weapons. Against Bionic type mobiles
Natural Enemies: RaonLauncher, Mage, A.Sate
Natural Prey: Bigfoot, ArmorMobile
Visual Description: A big yellow slug. With a cannon.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Electrical
AMD: 150 Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 740 Weight: Average
Description: A single blue ball of energy, it's a weak weapon but at
least acts like a normal shell attack (lobbed, explodes on impact).
Used as a fallback weapon when using weapon 2 isn't an option or simply
not used at all as is often the case. Because of the potency of weapon
2, you should try using weapon 1 as a crude bunging tool when in a

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Electrical
AMD: 200 Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 890 Weight: Heavier then average
Description: You fire four red electric balls that explode after about
1.5 seconds of rolling around the ground. This process of "rolling
along the ground" actually ups the damage of each ball, making it more
destructive then listed. Just dropping the four balls on the enemy's
head will not suffice. As a special note, this weapon actually bounces
off the extremities of the playing field. It is the favored weapon of
newbs as it is quite easy to rake up shot bonuses with this weapon,
namely boomer bonuses.

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 800-900 (variable) Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 1290 Weight: Average
Description: You fire a single glowing ball that rolls around the
ground for about three seconds. As it rolls along the ground, it
damages the enemy at an increasing rate without exploding. Only after
three seconds does it explodes. Maximize damage by shooting an opponent
that is already stuck in a hole. UPDATE: as of April the 19th, Grubs
damage has been upped by 10%. It should be noted that getting 900
damage from a Grub SS is quite rare, and you should be satisfied if you
only get about 400Dam.

Final Analysis: A newb bot that can rake up money in a hurry, the
Grub's weapon 2 is nevertheless misunderstood by most players. It is
NOT a catch-all weapon for maximum damage, but rather a punishment tool
for opponents who ended up in crevasses. Do NOT try to hit someone
resting on a tiny pixel with that weapon. Do NOT try to hit an opponent
that is just above you with that weapon. I called this mobile a Close
Combat tank before, but I think Support Unit is a better qualificative.
At close range, the Grub lacks the HP to survive a war of attrition. At
long range, it lacks the precision needed to get maximum damage. It
offers support fire as in it PUNISHES all bots stupid enough to get
bunged or that stay in pits. Like the worm that it is, the Grub is a
scavenger that finishes off already injured mobiles. If you can "roll"
a No 2 shot at the enemy, add the Thunderbolt item to bunge your
opposition straight to hell! Thumbs up for the heavy damage it does,
but thumbs down for the ease of abuse you can get with this tank.

f. Ice Mobile Type: Bionic
Health: 5/5
Firepower: 3/5 Movement: 3/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 3/5
Approximate HP: 1175
Strength: Against Shield type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from Grub, Cakebot, Lightning.
Weakness: Against Laser type weapons. Against Metallic type mobiles.
Natural Prey: LIGHTNING, CAKEBOT, Mage, A.Sate
Visual Description: A white wooly mammoth with a turret on top where
player sits.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 180 Angle range: 50 degrees
Delay: 740 Weight: Average
Description: You fire a big ice pellet which acts like a normal shell
in every shape, way and form. Your basic attack, but which possesses
the best AMD to Delay ratio.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 200+ Angle range: 50 degrees
Delay: 890 Weight: Average
Description: You fire a white ice rock object which crumbles on impact.
Although the damage for it's weapon 2 seems comparatively low, the
redeeming factor is that it reduces an opponent's defense Vs Hit type
weapons by 5%, up to a maximum of 20% (defenses have been lowered when
you see the animation of ice sticking and crumbling off the opponent's
mobile). It should be noted that the firing point of weapon 2 is higher
then that of weapon 1; that is to say, a direct hit with weapon 1 will
NOT lead to a direct hit with weapon 2 under the same firing
circumstances. In addition, it has the filthy habit of missing entirely
when just a speck off from target. Quite frustrating. The ice rock
crumples on the ground when hit, but doesn't do that much bunge.

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 250 Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 1290 Weight: Average
Description: You fire a giant snowflake that expands into a wide
blasting radius on contact. However, you have to hit the target exactly
so as to register any damage. The SS is known for reducing defenses
against Electrical type attacks on successful hits (maybe as much as by
20%). It uses the same firing point as weapon 2, but with reduced
firing angle.

Final Analysis: A frustrating Mobile which I can only rank as a Support
unit due to its defense stripping powers. You not only need to be an
expert lobber so as to maximize the use of weapon 2, you need to be an
expert team captain so as to get your troops to maximize the ensuing
weaknesses. Because it is not a destructive tank, Ice requires as many
Power Up items as you can muster (and forget about Dual +, two
different firing points means that it just doesn't work). There's too
little damage for this Tank to warrant a thumbs up, so I'll leave it
only to the expert team player so they can play with it.

ADDITION!: It is said that if playing a Score game, the defense
decrease will carry on between the different lives.

g. JD (aka Cakebot) Mobile Type: Shield
Shield level: 250 Health: 3/5
Firepower: 2/5 Movement: 4/5
Defense: 4/5 Climbing: 5/5
Approximate HP: 1050pts
Strength: Against Metallic type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from RaonLauncher, Aduka, Mage, A.Sate.
Weakness: Against Hit type weapons. Against Bionic type mobiles
Natural Prey: RAONLAUNCHER, ADUKA, ArmorMobile, Bigfoot
Visual Description: A brown and red stout cylindrical platform with a
laser-type cannon. It gets its name from an animation it does where the
laser pops in, and out comes smaller JD's rising from the top like a
segmented cake.
UPDATE: As of April 19th, JD's shield recovery has been decreased from
30 to 20.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Electrical
AMD: 180 Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 740 Weight: Light
Description: Your basic attack, you fire an electrical ball that does
damage on impact. It should be noted that there is a much wider area of
damage then most basic attacks of the same configuration. It has the
better AMD to Delay ratio, but that's not what you go for when you play

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Electrical
AMD: 200+ Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 830 Weight: Light
Description: You fire a pulsating electrical ball which sucks in metal
tanks and to a lesser degree, bionics. You do not have to do a direct
hit for this effect to occur, but you DO need a direct hit to register
any damage. The key selling point of weapon 2 is how it bunges
perfectly: even if you hit the opponent over the head and wouldn't
ordinarily damage the ground under it, Cakebot will suck up the ground
from underneath to bunge. In my book, Cakebot is the Number 1 bunging
tank so as to suck in and trap opponents in a deep, narrow hole from
which no option is possible.

SS Weapon: Weapon type: Electrical
AMD: 330 Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 1290 Weight: Light
Description: You fire a triangular bullet that expands into a wide
blasting radius on contact. The blast does the opposite of weapon 2,
pushing metal bots out instead of in (does not affect organics). You do
not need a direct hit for this effect to occur, but you do need a
direct hit to register any damage. More a method to screw up the
opponent more then anything else, I don't particularly care for this

Final Analysis: A strange Support tank for the bunge-happy, you do need
some good lobbing skills if you wish to maximize the potency of the
Cakebot. I call this a Support tank because you don't play Cakebot to
do damage; you do it to immobolise and take out enemy tanks inside of
deep pits. You can imagine what a Cakebot-Grub tag team can look like,
do you? This digger bot is served best with Duals and Bunges, items
that maximize the already great bunging ability of the JD. Thumbs in
the middle: you kill metal bots with grim efficiency, but bionics will
have their way with you in return (did I mention that Bionic bots are
strong Vs electrical attacks?). An intermediate bot for the
intellectual who doesn't want to kill as much as control.

h. Lightning (aka Lovebot) Mobile Type: Shield
Shield Level: 300 Health: 3/5
Firepower: 3/5 Movement: 4/5
Defense: 4/5 Climbing: 2/5
Approximate HP: 1050pts
Strength: Against Metallic type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from RaonLauncher, Aduka, Mage, A.Sate.
Weakness: Against Hit type weapons. Against Bionic type mobiles
Natural Prey: RAONLAUNCHER, ADUKA, Bigfoot, ArmorMobile
Visual Description: A blue mobile with an arrow-head shaped cannon with
sparks coming out of it. This Mobile gets its name from the heart
animation its electrical sparks occasionally make.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Electrical
AMD: 200 Angle range: 22 degrees
Delay: 750 Weight: Light
Description: The cannon fires a tracer shot that does not damage by
itself, but instead calls down a single vertical pillar of lightning
from above. Despite what you might imagine this weapon bunges only by
very little increments (use Dual for best results). You WILL hit
yourself at close ranges, so take a few steps back before firing.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Electrical
AMD: 300+ Angle range: 22 degrees
Delay: 800 Weight: Light
Description: Like weapon 1, this weapon only fires a tracer. However,
the tracer calls forth TWO lightning columns coming down from 45
degrees each; hitting the enemy mobile in the crossfires on a perfect
hit. A better return then weapon 1, but trickier to use without hitting
friendly units (namely, yourself when at close ranges).

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Electrical
AMD: 180 Angle range: 12 degrees
Delay: 1300 Weight: Light
Description: This fires a shot shaped like a small sparrow which lands
with a tremendous blast radius. It has the noted low damage, but you
WILL hit everything is a rather large radius. Including yourself. I
personally use it as a practice shot with the added bonus of damage
even on misses.

Final Analysis: Certainly an Artillery tank, most players I know make
the mistake of using this mobile's best weapons for close-combat
fighting. Needless to say, DON'T. Weapon 1 is the best weapon in that
case, and you STILL need to get as much distance as you can. This is
clearly an intermediate 'bot, but for INTELLIGENT players. It's easy to
abuse the "you don't have to hit the target directly" option of the
tracer shots, but you have to know what attack does what. Good items
for this 'bot are the Blood (or maybe the Power-up shot too) and the
dual, for the same reasons as for the ArmorMobile. This bot gets a
Thumbs up from me. Why? Because it's the first bot I ever made a Double
Kill with! Hurray! I made another one since: five so far and twice with
lightning! For the rest of you, enjoy the heavy defenses that the
Lovebot provides and stay clear of Mage SS weapons.

i. Mage Mobile Type: Shield
Shield level: 220 Health: 4/5
Firepower: 3/5 Movement: 3/5
Defense: 4/5 Climbing: 3/5
Approximate HP: 1100pts
Strength: Against Bionic type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from RaonLauncher, Aduka, Mage, A.Sate.
Weakness: Against Hit type weapons. Against Shield type mobiles
Natural Enemies: BOOMERLAUNCHER, Nakmachine, Turtle, Ice
Natural Prey: Trico, Grub
Visual Description: A floating blue platform with a canon that looks
like some great big baby rattle. It has a cape near its rear.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 180 Angle range: 35 degrees
Delay: 800 Weight: Average
Description: A single laser beam that otherwise serves as the Mage's
most basic weapon. The beam attack is narrower and longer in length
then most normal shell shots.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 250 Angle range: 35 degrees
Delay: 900 Weight: Average
Description: Two laser beams shoot out, moving along a double helix
pattern. Unlike the Turtle's weapon 2, this helix never merges into one
beam. It's a rather useful all-purpose attack with a wider striking
range then most. It has a better AMD to Delay ratio then weapon 1.

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 500 Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 1300 Weight: Average
Description: You fire a big glowing ball which lands with a tremendous
blasting radius. This SS (Super Shot) is commonly known as the Shield
Stripper, as it registers more damages on Shield-type Mobiles then any
other. It also hits Shield-type Mobiles that are part of the blast
radius, while only a direct hit will do for non-Shield types. It not
only deals more damage to Shield-types, it also strips down the Shield,
lowering enemy defense.

Final Analysis: A really nice all-purpose tank that's very easy on
beginners. It could be classified as Artillery, but it does Close
Combat just as well. Just line up directly with your opponent and shoot
him in the face; there's practically no blast back effect (unlike the
Turtle Tank). Items are similarly straight-forward: Duals and Power-Ups
being the most popular. Want more reasons to love the Mage? Laser is
strong against Grubs, not to mention all the other Bionics! Thumbs up,
until you graduate to the big boys.

j. NakMachine (aka Assbot) Mobile Type: Metallic
Health: 4/5
Firepower: 5/5 Movement: 1/5
Defense: 4/5 Climbing: 2/5
Approximate HP: 1100HP
Strength: This mobile type is strong against shots from Turtles,
BoomerLauncher, Nakmachine and Ice.
Weakness: Against Electrical type weapons. Against Metallic type
Natural Enemies: ADUKA
Natural Prey: Mage, A.Sate
Visual Description: Like a giant brown spider that shoots backwards
of its ass).

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 180 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 770 Weight: Heavy
Description: A normal ball shot that is lobbed through the air and
explodes on impact. Nothing special. Serves as a mix-up when using
weapon 2 isn't an option, or as a practice shot for the SS.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 280+ Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 920 Weight: Heavy
Description: The specialty shot of the NakMachine, weapon 2 fires an
electrically filled ball which burrows into the ground before diving
back up for impact. The best way to describe this effect is that once
the ball reaches the ground, it will burrow at an inverted rate to the
angle by which it reached the ground before rising again and exploding.
It's like an underground reverse gravity. Personally, I have found that
the Nak weapon 2 is the hardest weapon to master and the one that
requires the most practice. Theory is simply not sufficient in this

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 300 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 1320 Weight: Heavy
Description: You fire a mini spider-bot that ignores ground, air,
everything until it hits its target. The SS has a low damage output,
hence it is most useful for reaching targets that the weapon 2 would
not normally hit. An example would be a tank standing on a thin speck
of land. Weapon 2 has the SS owned in terms of AMD and Delay...

Final Analysis: Not just the Mobile of experts, but the Mobile of
champions as well! Weapon 2 is a superb (possibly overpowered) tool to
not only inflict heavy damage, but to bunge opponents too. It IS
however, a hard tank to master; hence I recommend all those interested
to exploder's FAQ. Although harder to master then the Cakebot, the
NakMachine is a Close Combat bunging machine that evolves into
Artillery quite well in the right hands. I'll take Exploder's pick of
Duals and Teleports and give the tank a thumbs up... But a thumbs up
that you have to earn for yourself.

k. RaonLauncher Mobile Type: Metallic
Health: 3/5
Firepower: 2/5 Movement: 2/5
Defense: 4/5 Climbing: 2/5
Approximate HP: 1000HP
Strength: Against Bionic type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from Turtles, BoomerLauncher, Nakmachine and Ice.
Weakness: Against Electrical type weapons. Against Shield type mobiles
Natural Prey: BOOMERLAUNCHER, TURTLE, ICE, Trico, Grub
Visual Description: A three wheeled gun platform that the player hangs
on to and rides. It is red on the bottom and yellow on top.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 180 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 750 Weight: Heavier then average
Description: It fires a stream of mini mines at the opponent. I
personally find it to be much stronger then it's written AMD and I
using it most of the time. In fact, I consider it to be the best weapon
1 in the game!

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 275+ Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 900 Weight: Heavier then average
Description: The funnest move in the game. Weapon 2 fires two Raons (a
smaller form of itself) in a hard to control arc. Unless they land
directly on their target (in which case they immediately explode), the
Raon stands alert, waiting for a target to come nearby. If their eyes
are open, it means that the Raon will rush the opponent on your next
turn and explode. If their eyes are closed, then they enter a sleep
state. Running over a Raon explodes them immediately. Shooting them
will eliminate the threat. Electrical splash damage will also eliminate
them. The Raon alertness range seems to be wider for metal tanks
compared to bionics. Shooting Raons at ultra close range is a gamble,
but one that can offer huge returns (600+ when using duals).

2 ADDITIONS!: I'd like to thank Tom Dubeck for telling me that the note
on the Gunbound main site about Raon receiving energy from its
master... Apparently, this is in relation to the fact that Raons will
move only on the next player's turn. Secondly, I'd like to point out
that Raons are MUCH more likely to be attracted to non-bionic tank then

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 300+ Angle range: 20 degrees
Delay: 1300 Weight: Heavier then average
Description: You fire a bigger Raon which starts walking furiously
about, not stopping until it finds an opponent and blows up into it. It
usually targets the Mobile closest to its landing spot, but it'll just
run off on its own if it doesn't find anything (warning: it doesn't
climb obstacles so well). Usually lasts for 3 seconds before blowing
up. Sort of a homing walking mine attack.

Final Analysis: A Mobile that needs more love. I easily get more then
the listed AMD out of its weapon 1, and weapon 2 is just fun in the
Dummy Slope stage. Or the Cave stage where everyone is bunched. Don't
you LOVE being bunched up in the beginning of a battle? Seriously, this
is a hard to use Support tank that will not have many fans in the
professional levels. Weapon 2 is near impossible to aim, and although
weapon 1 is stronger then it looks, it still isn't a killer. The SS
shot isn't anything to write home about either. Dual + is the perfect
item for this mobile: with weapon 1 going first to center the
successive double Raon attack. Or use the written ultra close range
Dual weapon 2 shot if you dare. A hard Mobile to master, and one with
more psychological games then anything tangible. Thumbs in the middle,
leading down on a tactical aspect, but thumbs up for the fun.

l. A.Sate Mobile Type: Shield
Shield level: 200 Health: 3/5
Firepower: 4/5 Movement: 3/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 4/5
Approximate HP: 1050pts
Strength: Against Bionic type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from RaonLauncher, Aduka, Mage, A.Sate.
Weakness: Against Hit type weapons. Against Shield type mobiles
Natural Enemies: Nakmachine, Boomerlauncher, Turtle, Ice
Natural Prey: Trico, Grub
Visual Description: A floating yellow platform with a greenish
satellite-thingy orbiting from above.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 175 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 730 Weight: Average
Description: You fire a tracer shot for your satellite floating high
above you. The tracer shot deals no damage, but from the satellite will
shoot a green laser which will reach the target in a linear manner
(provided that there is no ground between the tracer between the
satellite and the target). Best used as a practice shot for weapon 2.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 275 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 880 Weight: Average
Description: Like weapon 1, except that it fires three strong yellow
laser bursts at the target. It has a better AMD to Delay ratio, bunges
opponent's better and is generally regarded as the better weapon. An
interesting weapon that does not necessitate a direct hit for full
damage, but does require a direct line of sight between satellite and

2 ADDITIONS!: Specifically, the three yellow lasers will "home in" on
to the tracer. If the angle between laser trajectory and target is
lower then 45 degrees, then the first laser will hit in front of the
tracer shot, the second one approaching and the third one hitting
directly. If the angle is greater then 45 degrees, then the first laser
shot will hit just beyond the tracer shot, with the following two shots
closing in by. The best way to converge all these laser shots together
is to either predict a 45 or a 90 degree hitting trajectory. This makes
A.Sate all the more capricious a Mobile to work with. Secondly, I would
like to add that when flying through hurricanes, both the tracer shot,
and the lasers themselves, will be affected by the weather effect.

Something new that I didn't know!: I would like to thank James Halpain
for telling me that the satellite will go up a bit higher when using
shot 2 compared to using shot 1. You don't have to fire to see this
effect, just switch between weapons to see your satellite bob up and

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 400 Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 1280 Weight: Average
Description: Another tracer shot. However, upon landing, your satellite
will hover to just over where your tracer shot struck and will fire six
strong yellow laser bursts downwards. This would be the IDEAL bunging
tool, if it weren't an SS. It makes DEEP, NARROW holes. The damage
isn't even a factor anymore because the opponent gets completely
immobilized. I love it when it works.

Final Analysis: An Artillery mobile with a twist. You not only have to
regulate strength and distance of the shot, you must also figure out if
there's a clean line of site from your satellite to your target.
Opponents standing at the edge of a platform must be doubly careful or
they will be summarily bunged by the might of the weapon 2. Those at
the middle of platforms require the SS to fix their case. A smart,
precise player can lock down the entire opposing team with this Mobile!
Add a Lightning item and maybe a Power up for extra damage, then you're
set! Thumbs in the middle because it takes great practice and precise
nerves to unlock this tank's true potential. Use it in SSDeath game and
have the greatest fun ever! An intermediate bot that offers a great
learning experience.

m. Trico Mobile Type: Bionic
Health: 2/5
Firepower: 5/5 Movement: 3/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 3/5
Approximate HP: 975pts
Strength: Against Shield type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from Grub, Cakebot, Lightning.
Weakness: Against Laser type weapons
Natural Enemies: RaonLauncher, Mage, A.Sate
Natural Prey: None
Visual Description: A yellowish triceratops with a leaf platform for
the gun turret that looks like a giant tulip. Reminds me of Venusaur.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 200 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 740 Weight: Heavier then average
Description: A basic attack that looks like a green ball of cabbage.
Lob it at the opponent and it explodes on landing like a normal shell.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 360 Angle range: 40 degrees
Delay: 890 Weight: Heavier then average
Description: Like weapon 1, but two more green cabbage balls orbit
around your first bullet. It takes skill (and a fair bit of luck) to
have all three bullets hit the enemy. Most often, weapon 2 is used when
someone just wants to hit a target and doesn't care by how much, using
the wide hitting range of the triple shot to insure contact. This is
ignoring the fact that weapon 2 has a HUGE delay. The best way to
maximize its AMD to Delay ratio is to hit the enemy full force in the
face. That, or lots of experimentation at long ranges. You decide.
Noted AMD in game is lower then listed. Use shotgun turtle strategies
(see next section) for best results.

SS Weapon: Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 500 Angle range: 20 degrees
Delay: 1290 Weight: Heavier then average
Description: It fires a strange egg shaped blast that destroys much of
the ground upon impact. I think gunbound-HQ is messing with the AMD
because 400/high 300's is a much better estimation. Hitting someone
over the head with the SS does not suffice, you have to drop it at
their feet so that the weapon bunges and catches the opponent in the
HEART of the many mini explosions. In other words, it takes expert
skill for it to work...

Final Analysis: My least favorite Mobile, experience has shown me that
Trico does not deal the damage shown in these stats. It's an Artilery
mobile, but much experimentation must be done so as to maximize the
damage for the HUGE delay this mobile comes with. It can work as a
Close Combat mobile as well if you fire your weapon 2 point blank in
your enemy's face at full power. There's a strange difficulty curve
associated with this mobile: it's so easy to get a hit with the weapon
2, but near impossible to get significant damage with it. SS in
particular requires expert aiming so that its potential be revealed.
Lightning is often associated with this mobile as an item, and maybe
add a Bunge to work on this tank's natural talent. Thumbs down: this
dinosaur is extinct.

m. Turtle (aka Mr. T) Mobile Type: Bionic
Health: 3/5
Firepower: 5/5 Movement: 2/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 3/5
Approximate HP: 1000
Strength: Against Shield type mobiles. This mobile type is strong
against shots from Grub, Cakebot, Lightning.
Weakness: Against Laser type weapons. Against Metallic type mobiles
Natural Prey: LIGHTNING, CAKEBOT, Mage, A.Sate
Visual Description: Looks like a turtle with a great big water gun.
Unmistakable. Reminds me of Blastoise.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 180 Angle range: 25 degrees
Delay: 740 Weight: Average
Description: A water spurt that acts much like a laser beam. Very
similar to the Mage's weapon 1. Use it as a practice shot to gauge
strength/angle for your weapon 2.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 350 Angle range: 25 degrees
Delay: 890 Weight: Average.
Description: Like the Mage's weapon 2, this fires two water streams
that criss cross around themselves in midair, similar to a double helix
pattern. However, unlike with the Mage's weapon 2, the streams will
merge into one if it comes down from a high enough angle. This ups its
damage concentration and is necessary to reveal the weapon's full
power, although even in perfect condition, I've found the damage to be
a bit less then what was listed. You can also shoot your opponent point
blank at full force in the face for a supremely powerful attack; this
is what is known as the "Shotgun Turtle" strategy. Easy to do and very
effective. Since it takes time to have your power gauge hit max using
Slice, switch to dragshot just before your turn comes up and you'll get
your shotgun in less then a second.

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Hit
AMD: 350+ Angle range: 25 degrees
Delay: 1290 Weight: Average
Description: It fires a big ball of shimering water into the air.
Unimpressive, until you wait for about three seconds of airtime when
the ball splits off into six smaller balls. This has a very wide range
of hitting, hence I have no idea how gunbound-hq recieved an AMD of
500+. You won't hit all six balls on one opponent, you'll be lucky if
you have two to hit. This weapon is best used in the hands of an
expert; at the start of a game when enemy mobiles are still grouped
together. You need to know how much power your attacks need to stay
three seconds in the air.

Final Analysis: A superior Artillery tank, this mobile rewards the
adventurous lobber of ultra high angle with better damage then normal
shells could garner. Laser-like attacks are another bonus, as they let
you judge the ideal angle of trajectory so as to maximize hit potential
on tiny differences in power (especially with such a narrow blast as
Turtle's). Overall bunging properties are nothing to write home about,
but this is a brute damage mobile, nothing too fancy with this one.
Load up on Blood items, maybe Dual's too, and you're set for battle!
Thumbs up, you'll get your way around this mobile soon enough, and
weapon 2's AMD to Delay ratio is probably the best in the game (unless
we're talking about the Nak's double dig strategy... you need to check
exploder's strategy guide for that one). You need to be an Expert to
unlock this Mobile true power: expert at gauging ultra high angle shots
with the weapon 2, and an expert at knowing how much force is needed
for a 3 second flight with the SS shot.

Addition!: Its something that's seldom known, but the Turtle receives
an additional 12 point of delay for every second it is used during a
turn, as opposed to the 10 point delay given to everyone else.

n. Knight (hidden mobile) Mobile Type: Metallic
Health: 3/5
Firepower: 5/5 Movement: 4/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 4/5
Approximate HP: Unknown
Even though Knight is a horse and some guides might call this mobile a
bionic type, the Gunbound's original Korean site lists Knight as a
Metalic type mobile, so that's how I'll list it from now on.
Strength: +4% defense Vs Laser, Explosion type weapons
Weakness: -4% defense Vs Hit type weapons
Visual Description: A very knightly-looking horse in armor with a long
shield hanging by its side. It has a sword looking thing hovering over
its head, much like A.Sate's satellite. In effect, you'll notice that
Knight acts a lot like a supped up A.Sate

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 250+ Angle range: 70 degrees
Delay: 850 Weight: Average
Description: Consider Knight's weapon 1 to be equivalent to A.Sate's
weapon 2. Knight shoot a tracer shot and from the sword satellite comes
down three or so sword beams going for where the tracer shot landed.
Unlike A.Sate, the sword shots do not "home in" on the tracer shot,
they just repeatedly pound the spot where the tracer landed.
Determining bunge potential is tricky business: I've once seen the
sword beams pass through solid terrain to hit a target, and another
time lay waste to the land. My early hypothesis is that if the swords
would hit, they could pass through terrain so that they may hit (at
which point, you will rarely if ever notice a bunge factor). If the
swords would miss, then the sword beams go into land destructor mode.

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 400 Angle range: 70 degrees
Delay: 950 Weight: Average.
Description: If weapon 1 was A.Sate's weapon 2, then weapon 2 is
A.Sate's SS, minus the bunge factor. Knight fires another tracer shot,
but once it lands, the sword satellite hovers over where it landed and
shoots about six sword beams directly downwards. There is VERY little
bunging power associated to this weapon, as I once completely missed a
weapon 2 shot, hitting flat land instead: the resulting hole was no
bigger then an Armormobile's weapon 2 shot aimed directly downwards.
Needless to say, don't expect much bunging on direct hits.

SS Weapon : Weapon type: Laser
AMD: 500 Angle range: 70 degrees
Delay: 1310 Weight: Average
Description: So if weapon 1 = A.Sate weapon 2, and weapon 2 = A.Sate
SS, then SS equals... actually, Knight's SS is basically A.Sate's SS
with more power but only 3/4 of it's bunging. I got the figure from
talking around to people and saw that it was just about right. In other
words: you fire a tracer shot, sword satellite hovers over to where it
landed, six (maybe more?) powered up swords descend over the spot and
lay waste to a nice ol' hole.

Final Analysis: Knight can only be obtained by choosing the random
mobile and getting a lucky draw, therefore it's hard to build a
strategy with Knight as you can only adapt your strategy to the luck of
the draw. It's not like you can pick items to plan a good game with
Knight, you can only adapt. Consider Knight as your super A.Sate,
without the bunge. It's an Artillery tank with a great deal of angle
range, allowing you to hit just about anything with huge damage
associated to it. In experience, I've found Knight to be MUCH rarer
then Dragon, even though people seem to value Dragon more. Furthermore,
I'd rate Knight's defense as much higher then what I listed, according
to contradicting sources from various websites. A Knight player is only
as good as his skill while using A.Sate, so despite the high damage
input provided by Knight, it is still considered a Mobile for the
experienced. No thumbs up or thumbs down rating: you got Knight, enjoy

n. Dragon (hidden mobile) Mobile Type: Bionic
Health: 3/5
Firepower: 5/5 Movement: 5/5
Defense: 3/5 Climbing: 5/5
Approximate HP: Unknown
Strength: +4% defense Vs Electrical type weapons
Weakness: -4% defense Vs Laser type weapons
Description: A purple, horned dragon with an orange-ish underbelly.
Really, there's no mistaking him with anything else in the game.

Weapon 1: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 250+ Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 850 Weight: Light
Description: A very standard-looking, but exceedingly powerful flame
spurt. It is deceptively light but bunges only as lightly as other
standard weapon 1 types would. Your fall-back attack to when you just
don't have a target under you. You'll soon realize how much of a drag
it is to rely on weapon 1 when you see weapon 2...

Weapon 2: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 500+ Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 950 Weight: Light
Description: Dragon will shoot two parallel streams of two fire spurts
at the opponent (four fire spurts total). The two streams spread out
very fast, being completely disconnected at even medium ranges.
Therefore, it is best used as a close range attack where all four fire
spurts will hit the opponent, hitting 500+ damage. Indeed, this
effectively allows Dragon to kill off a perfectly healthy Mobile in one
turn, using shot 2 and dual together (most people who play the random
roulette always pick a dual). In addition, weapon 2 bunges quite a bit,
even on direct hits on account that even a perfect hit will place the
target between two flame spurts, thus causing great land damage. At
long ranges, such a weapon becomes ineffective because the streams of
flame spurts are too far separated to justify the massive delay.

SS Weapon: Weapon type: Explosion
AMD: 600 Angle range: 30 degrees
Delay: 1390 Weight: Light
Description: After the devastation of weapon 2 + dual, I bring you...
the comedy SS! Dragon fires a tracer round, much like A.Sate or
Lightning; and from there five mini-dragons appear over the landing
spot in something of a half circle. All mini-dragons converge onto the
target and self-explode into blazing glory. Personally, I've noticed
the damage to be far less then what is listed. The use of this SS is
when you're stuck at long range, there's no one near you and you've
already calibrated your aiming with the weapon 1 so now you want
something more powerful.

Final Analysis: Like Knight, Dragon can only be obtained through the
random Mobile option, and even then the odds of actually getting the
dang thing are about one in thirty. If Knight was the super A.Sate
minus the bunge, then consider Dragon as the super turtle, minus the
shotgun. By this I mean that Dragon is a close combat monster that rips
open enemies with even more efficiency then even the Turtle, but
without the necessity for dragshot shotgun tactics (see Turtles for
said shotgun tactics). Of course, the one thing I didn't talk about was
Dragon's ability to fly, or more accurately, hover. Dragon's hovering
state allows it to climb just about anything that isn't slopped
inwards, not to mention giving him a fairly long walking distance.
Dragon's hover also provides some form of protection against weapons
such as Grub's and Nakmachine's weapon 2. It might not have the armor
Knight has, but Dragon has his own set of defensive abilities! Easy to
use once you get a hang of the weapon 2 at close range, Dragon doesn't
take much to master and is always fun to play. No thumbs up or down
required when playing the hidden mobile.

5. Things I need

- More detail on the inner workings of Thor, on how much damage is
needed to increase its level

- AMD to Aduka's shot 2 according to each level of Thor, if ever there
are any major differences to this guide.

- Optimal firing angles, in addition to the total firing angles of the
weapons which I printed (ie, more info then what I can ripoff from and

- Any corrections.

6. Thanks.

- I'd like to thank the Gunbound-hq and the site. Most
information that is printed has been a synthesis of the information
found on these two sites.
- I'd like to thank exploder from, who wrote a
comprehensive stody on a diffiult mobile to master, the Nak. The Nak is
indeed as dangerous as it is said, and should be feared on the same
level as a Grub.
- Cazesudo of gunbound-hq for answering a few questions about the more
esoteric weapons.
- for hosting this FAQ.
- Anyone who took the time to talk to me on the forum
- softnyx for the game...
- Scott Ramsoomair, for making me discover this game through his comic.
- KuraiChan for inspiring to finish the dang thing.
- Alexander V Fedyukin for showing me the Dingo's guide to Gunbound
(didn't use the guide in question much, if only to double check my
- Tom Dubeck for the interesting bit about Raons needing energy from
master meaning raons can only move on your own turn.
- KeaneAldrich Tan for revealing me how I understated the damage of
Grub's SS.
- James Halpain for the trick with A.Sate (bobbing satellites!)
- Keilaron, for reminding me that I *did* bought the Canadian flag...
the hockey mask, hockey suit and hockey helmet to seal the deal.

7. Copyright

This is me cut and pasting the copyright thingy from my last FAQ.
Hopefully, it still works as well as it did then...

This document is the sole property of Lee T. HaXXXor, AKA Neige
Thirteen, AKA Christian Charite Colde. This FAQ may not be put on a
unless permission is given by the aforementioned author and his
aliases . Taking and redistributing this guide for monetary purposes is
illegal, and will not be tolerated. Lee/Neige/Chris reserves the right
to refuse this FAQ to be on ANY site. The following are the only sites
that may have this FAQ for Gunbound:

This FAQ may not be used on private sites. Thanks for taking the time
to read this FAQ, I hope it was of some use to you.

Lee T. HaXXXor can be contacted by e-mailling:


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