

17.10.2013 19:35:10


Press [Esc] in the game and type in:

ucantkillme God mode (for Bob) ON
fleshnblood God Mode OFF
einstein AI ON
braindead AI Off
icanseeu AI vision ON
icantsee AI vision OFF
freezecam Camera freezer ON
thawcam Camera freezer OFF

toohardforme End current game

Things to spawn

gamespot Weapon Ammo
voodooextreme Bazooka
softwarebuys Grenades
weldme Welding Torch
buzzbuzz Buzzsaw
boomstick Pumpgun
rapidfire Machinegun
slicendice Maimer
lightmeup Flamethrower
cooloff Pak Gun
bigbang Bazooka
coolfx Laser
stickaround Harpoon Gun
illbeback Weapon Ammo
getsome Grenades

People (well, or kinda ;-)) to spawn

lcop Light Cop
mcop Medium Cop
hcop Heavy Cop
rcop Riot Cop
guncmndr Gun Commander
incharge Domina
mynightmare Armored Behemoth
cantseemyface Welder
workinman Worker
egghead Scientist
glowstick Radiation Worker
heydoc Medic
smellyguy Chot 1
nohygiene Chot 2
idontdance Chot 3
scumbucket Chot 4
chotling Chot Dwarf
smellysteroids Chot Behemoth
fungirl Fungirl
workit Prost 1
mansdream Prost 2
specialguy Hung
averagejoe Male Dweller 1
averagejack Male Dweller 2
averagejohn Male Dweller 3
janeplain Female Dweller 1
jillplain Female Dweller 2
femfatale Subgirl 1
nastyone Subgirl 2
varmint Rat
bestfriend Barman
bringmeadrink Waitress
bustamove Dancer 1
cutarug Dancer 2
mixalot DJ
tophat Pimp Daddy
onsteroids Behemoth
addedfirepower Offensive Bot
keepmecompany Companion Bot
letmein Bouncer

Technical stuff:

charwireon Character wireframe ON
charwireoff Character wireframe OFF
worldwireon World wireframe ON
worldwireoff World wireframe OFF
onpolycount Polycount ON
offpolycount Polycount OFF


Drücke im Spiel [Esc] und tippe ein:

ucantkillme God-Modus (für Bob) AN
fleshnblood God-Modus AUS
einstein KI AN
braindead KI AUS
icanseeu AI Vision AN
icantsee AI Vision AUS
toohardforme Spiel beenden

Sachen, die man erschaffen kann

gamespot Munition
voodooextreme Bazooka
softwarebuys Granaten
weldme Schweissgerät
buzzbuzz Säge
boomstick Pumpgun
rapidfire Maschinengewehr
slicendice Verstümmler
lightmeup Flammenwerfer
cooloff Pak-Gun
bigbang Bazooka
coolfx Laser
stickaround Harpunenwerfer
illbeback Munition
getsome Granaten

Figuren, die man erschaffen kann

lcop Light Cop
mcop Medium Cop
hcop Heavy Cop
rcop Riot Cop
guncmndr Gun Commander
incharge Domina
mynightmare Armored Behemoth
cantseemyface Welder
workinman Arbeiter
egghead Wissenschaftler
glowstick Nukleararbeiter
heydoc Doktor
smellyguy Chot 1
nohygiene Chot 2
idontdance Chot 3
scumbucket Chot 4
chotling Chot Zwerg
smellysteroids Chot Behemoth
fungirl Fungirl
workit Prost 1
mansdream Prost 2
specialguy Hung
averagejoe Bewohner 1
averagejack Bewohner 2
averagejohn Bewohner 3
janeplain Bewohnerin 1
jillplain Bewohnerin 2
femfatale Subgirl 1
nastyone Subgirl 2
varmint Ratte
bestfriend Barmann
bringmeadrink Weibl. Bedienung
bustamove Tänzerin 1
cutarug Tänzerin 2
mixalot DJ
tophat Pimp Daddy
onsteroids Behemoth
addedfirepower Offensive Bot
keepmecompany Companion Bot
letmein Bouncer

Technisches Zeugs

charwireon Drahtmodell AN
charwireoff Drahtmodell AUS
worldwireon Welt-Drahtmodell AN
worldwireoff Welt-Drahtmodell AUS
onpolycount Polycount AN
offpolycount Polycount AUS
freezecam Kamera einfrieren AN
thawcam Kamera einfrieren AUS

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