Navy Seals 2 - Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Navy Seals 2 - Weapons Of Mass Destruction

08.10.2013 18:04:29

Navy SEALs 2: Weapons of Mass Destruction

Unofficial Strategy Guide and FAQ

by Kasey Chang

released October 28, 2004

0 Introduction

This section is for "what the FAQ is about" and things like that.
Feel free to skip this section.

If you like the FAQ, please send me a dollar. :-) See [0.3]

This FAQ is about Navy SEALs 2: Weapons of Mass Destruction, the
budget shooter from ValuSoft and Jarhead Games.


There doesn't seem to be any FAQ for this budget game, so here it

This is a FAQ, NOT a manual. Not that you really need a manual to
play this budget shooter.

This USG only covers the PC Version, which is the only one that

Some of you may recognize my name as the editor for the XCOM and
XCOM2: TFTD FAQ's, among others.


This document is copyrighted by Kuo-Sheng “Kasey” Chang (c) 2004,
all rights reserved excepted as noted above in the disclaimer

This document is available FREE of charge subjected to the
following conditions:

1)This notice and author's name must accompany all copies of
this document: "Navy SEALs 2: Weapons of Mass Destruction
Unofficial Strategy Guide and FAQ" is copyrighted (c) 2004 by
Kasey K.S. Chang, all rights reserved except as noted in the

2)This document must NOT be modified in any form or manner
without prior permission of the author with the following
exception: if you wish to convert this document to a different
file format or archive format, with no change to the content,
then no permission is needed.

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embedded is okay. See IGN or Neoseeker for examples.]

3)No charge other than "reasonable" compensation should charged
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this information is expressly prohibited. If you see any one
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4)If you used material from this, PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE the source,
else it is plagiarism.

5)The author hereby grants all games-related websites the right
to archive and link to this document to share among the game
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for any websites that don’t seem to understand this.

For the gamers: You are under NO obligation to send me ANY
compensation. However, I do ask for a VOLUNTARY contribution
of one (1) US Dollar if you live in the United States, and if
you believe this guide helped your game. If you choose to do
so, please make your US$1.00 check or $1.00 worth of US stamps
to "Kuo-Sheng Chang", and send it to "2220 Turk Blvd. #6, San
Francisco, CA 94118 USA".

If you don't live in the US, please send me some local stamps.
I collect stamps too.


Gamers who read this guide are under NO obligation to send me ANY

However, a VOLUNTARY contribution of one (1) US Dollar would be
very appreciated.

If you choose to do so, please make your US$1.00 check or $1.00
worth of stamps to "Kuo-Sheng Chang", and send it to "2220 Turk
Blvd. #6, San Francisco, CA 94118 USA".

Or you can donate a dollar to me via my PayPal account at However, don't send e-mail there. Too much spam
clogged up that account.

If you don't live in the US, please send me some local stamps. I
collect stamps too.

For the record, out of ALL the FAQs I wrote (57 at last count)
over the past nine years or so, I've received exactly 25 dollars
and 6 sets of stamps, as of release of this guide. So I'm NOT
making any money off these guides, folks.


PLEASE let me know if there's a confusing or missing remark,
mistakes, and thereof... If you find a question about this game
that is not covered in the USG, e-mail it to me at the address
specified below. I'll try to answer it and include it in the
next update.

Please do NOT write me for technical support. That is the
publisher's job.

Please do NOT ask me to answer questions that have already
answered in this FAQ/guide. It makes you look REALLY idiotic.

I will NOT answer stupid questions like the ones above unless I'm
in a really good mood. If you send questions like that, do NOT
expect a reply.

The address below is spelled out phonetically so spammers can't
use spambots on it:

Kilo-Sierra-Charlie-Hotel-Alpha-November-Golf-Seven-Seven AT
Yankee-Alpha-Hotel-Oscar-Oscar DOT Charlie-Oscar-Mike

To decipher this, simply read the first letter off each word
except for the numbers and the punctuation. This is "military
phonetics" or "aeronautical phonetics" in case you're wondering.

This document was produced on Microsoft Word 97. Some editing was
done with Editpad (


I am just a game player who decided to write my own FAQs when the
ones I find don’t cover what I want to see. Lots of people like
what I did, so I kept doing it.

Previously, I've written Unofficial Strategy Guides (USGs) for
XCOM, XCOM2:TFTD, Wing Commander, Wing Commander 2, Wing
Commander 3, Wing Commander 4, Privateer, Spycraft, 688(I)
Hunter/Killer. Mechwarrior 3, MW3 Expansion Pack, Mechwarrior 4,
Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight, Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed,
The Sting!, Terranova, Fallout Tactics, Starfleet Command Volume
II, DS9: The Fallen, DS9: Dominion War, Driver, Warlords:
Battlecry, Monopoly Tycoon, Dungeon Siege, and a few others. At
least count, that's 55 FAQs (this makes it 56).

To contact me, see 0.4 above.


Jarhead Games is the creator of Navy SEALs 2

ValuSoft is the publisher of Navy SEALs 2

This USG is not endorsed or authorized by either company.

The information compiled in this USG has been gathered
independently through the author’s efforts except where noted
otherwise. However, the "official" walkthru (on Valusoft's
support site) has been used to verify a lot of the information.

This document is based on the latest retail version (V1.01).

Be sure to start a new game if you apply the patch. Loading
existing savegames with the new patch can crash the game.


28-OCT-2004 Initial release

1 NS General Info


Q: Can you send me the game (or portions thereof)?

A: No. It's like $10 in local stores.

Q: Can you send me the manual? (or portions thereof)
A: No. You don't need it. The controls are all listed in the
game, the README file, and configurable in the game

Q: Can you tell me how to play the game? What are the controls?
A: Read the manual please (or the readme file, same thing)

Q: How big is the install?
A: About 236 MB.

Q: Is there a patch?
A: V1.02 patch is available at ValuSoft's website. It's supposed
to solve problems with crouching.

Q: What’s the difference among the difficulty levels?
A: How easy you die, mainly, and how accurate the enemy is. And
how much the medpack heals. (Easy heals 30%, Medium heals 20%,
Hard heals 10%).

Q: Where is the pause button?
A: P, or hit ESC to pop up the in-game menu.

Q: Can you drive/use any of the vehicles in this game?
A: No.

Q: Can you choose weapons in this game?
A: Not exactly. You have 3 weapons during the mission: knife,
pistol, and primary weapon. In the beginning of some missions you
can choose among 4 different primary weapons. But once the
mission starts, you are stuck with that one primary weapon (and
knife and pistol).

Q: What about some cheat codes?
A: There aren't any.

Q: How about some hacks?
A: You can edit the AUTOEXEC.CFG file in the game directory. That
is explained in the final section.


Jarhead Games had a history of developing budget shooters using
the Lithtech engine. They developed a series of budget shooters
known as the "Elite Forces" series for ValuSoft. Some of the
previous titles are: World War II Iwo Jima, World War II
Normandy, and Vietnam 2 Special Assignment.

Navy SEALs II: Weapons of Mass Destruction is about contemporary
missions, where you search for Iraq's VX gas production plant,
North Korea's nuclear program, and finally, a Pakistani plot to
overthrow the government, which involves the al Qaeda... .


Minimum requirements are:

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

Pentium III/450 MHz. or equivalent processor

128 MB RAM

400 MB Hard Disk Space

SVGA, high-color (16-bit)

16-bit DirectX 8 compatible sound card

16 MB DirectX 8 compatible video accelerator (capable of multi-

8X CD-ROM Drive

DirectX 8.1 or higher (included on CD)

Recommended specs are:

PIII/800 MHz. or above

256 MB RAM

400 MB Hard Disk Space

SVGA, true-color 32 Bit Color

16-bit DirectX 8 compatible sound card

64 MB DirectX 8 compatible video accelerator (capable of hardware
accelerated transformation and lighting)

8X CD-ROM Drive

DirectX 8.1 or higher (included on CD)


NS is basically a military first-person shooter. As one of the
elite Navy SEALs, you will infiltrate enemy territory alone,
killing all enemies as you go. While most segments are not timed,
some segments are.

To be completely honest, NS is one of the lousier shooters. It's
NOT realistic, the AI's brain-dead (though somewhat better than
before), the levels are single-path and stealth is impossible
despite what the cover may suggest. At least the sequel is
improved from the previous title.

Navy SEALs 2 introduced a "buddy" whom will assist if he can (and
is not a bad shot), though often you have a hard time keeping him


There is a patch to V1.02. It replaces some game files. You
should start a new game after installing the V1.02 patch. If you
tried to load an old save with the new patch in place, you will
likely crash the game.

The game is very stable and never crashed even once on my test
computer, even after repeated task switching. However, there were
a few in-game glitches that cannot be reproduced.

Get V1.02 patch from

There are a lot of funny glitches in the game.

* Soldiers who got shot and died near a wall may fall at an
angle, thus lying at a 30 or 45 degree angle seemingly touching

* Sometimes the kills melt into the ground, esp. on stairs., but
sometimes through table and such.

* Lots of clipping problems, such as arms and legs protruding
through walls, doors, and such. You can even shoot at enemies
protruding like that, may even kill them through the wall.

* On M3M1 (Pakistan 1), outside in the forest, I often ended up
melting into the ground and can't move if I had been crouching.
So don't crouch while in that mission.

* Once I backed up against the fence next to the mansion in M3M1
(Pakistan 1), and suddenly found myself OUTSIDE the fence, with
no way of getting back in!

* Another time, I was in M3M2 (Pakistan 2) on the watchtowers. I
was up against the railing, when I realized I have sort of
climbed up it and I can't get back down. I tried jumping, but I
fell OUTSIDE. Now I can't get back in, and I'm severely wounded!

NOTE: dead bodies do disappear after about 10-15 seconds. That's
not a bug, just the way this game works. You get a pool of blood
on the ground instead.


Other games in the Elite Forces series may be worth trying.

You can also try their "Marine Sharpshooter" series, which is
similar but with an AI buddy that helps you in your mission,
along with a lot of sniping.

"WW2 Sniper" is already out.

2 Your weapons and equipment

US Navy SEALs is one of the most elite units in the world. SEALs
stand for Sea, Air, Land, which means these commandos are at home
in all three. They started as the Navy Frogmen in World War II,
which handles demolitions to help Allied forces do amphibious
assaults. Later people realized that since they can get there
without anyone the wiser, why not have them do some covert
operations? So the SEALs evolved into a covert-operations unit.
Their training gives them multiple methods of insertion into
target area. They can be parachuted in (thus "air"), or they can
infiltrate by land or by water (either swimming, or underwater
using SCUBA gear).

The SEALs are expert with almost every weapon available, though
you will be limited to only a few weapons and their ammo, ones
that you can carry, unless you pick up additional ammo inside the

From time to time, Wolfman, your "advisor", will jump in with a
few comments of his own, like this:

Wolfman says: Pay attention, squid! Knowing these may just help
you survive! Conserve ammo is required, as ammo don't grow on
trees, esp. in enemy territory! Keep your shots true and don't
rock-and-roll, which just wastes ammo! Keep your bursts down to 3-

Wolfman says: now you get a choice of weapons on some missions
when you go out! You can choose among 4 guns: the sniper rifle,
the shotgun, the MK5SD submachine gun, or the M4/16 assault rifle
(with grenade launcher). We will go over your choices in a moment
and explain what's good for what.

2.1 KNIFE (1: KNIFE)

The venerable K-bar, albeit Spec-Op'ed. (i.e. black) As you can
never get close enough to the enemy to use it, why have it? On
the other hand, it's always available and never runs out of ammo.

No secondary fire capability.


The SOCOM's full name is Heckler & Koch Mk.23 mod 0 (the civilian
version is just plain Mk 23). This pistol uses the venerable .45
cal ACP (used in the old Colt 45!) with the base and chamber
upgraded to reliably shoot the upgraded ACP+P ammo. It has an
integrated spot for a laser module, and a quick-attach silencer.
You also get an extra-large magazine for this use, with 17 rounds
instead of the usual 12-round magazine.

For more information on the real gun, visit here:

In terms of the game, the pertinent facts are as follows:

Magazine Capacity: 17
Rate of Fire: slow
Reload Speed: medium-fast
Secondary fire: attach / detach silencer

This is your personal side-arm, so you have access to it at all
times. You can choose to use the silencer or not. Use secondary-
fire button to attach/detach the silencer.

Wolfman says: If you manage to sneak up on someone, put a bullet
into his head. Else, the pistol is decent for close-range work,
though the shotgun is better.


The Heckler and Koch MP5SD is the special-operations version of
the MP5 sub-machinegun. It has an integrated silencer with a 30-
round magazine.

In terms of the game, the pertinent facts are as follows:

Magazine Capacity: 30
Rate of Fire: fast
Reload Speed: medium-fast
No secondary fire capability

Wolfman says: MP5SD doesn't wake up all the bad guys, but don't
have that much stopping power. For close range firefights, you
may want to stick with the Mossberg combat shotgun. On the other
hand, MP5SD has a decent range.


The M4 is basically a M-16 assault rifle with the underslung
grenade launcher. Primary fire will shoot the rifle, while
secondary fire launches the grenade (don't shoot too close!)

In terms of the game, the pertinent facts are as follows:

Magazine Capacity: 30
Rate of Fire: fast (limited to 3-round bursts)
Reload Speed: medium-fast
Secondary fire: shoots the grenade (only 5 rounds!)

Wolfman says: M4 is best used against concentration of enemies.
Three-round bursts means you run out of ammo 3-times as fast. The
grenades aren't that useful, though they should stop jeeps cold.


The M40A3 is the successor to the highly acclaimed M40A1, which
can be traced back to the original M40 Remington 7.62 mm rifles
all the way back to 1966, when the US military first purchased
sharpshooter rifles.

The M40A3 differs rather minimally from the M40A1, with slightly
improved accuracy and a built-in bipod. Carry weight is about
16.5 pounds NOT counting ammo. It has a composite stock which
resists weather changes and is lighter than wood, along with
match grade barrel and base.

M40A3 has a 5-round magazine, which is breech loaded, making it
rather slow in reloading. It is a bolt-action rifle, so it takes
a moment to pull the bolt, eject the spent round, and reload the
next round. Firing rate is relatively slow.

For more information on the real rifle, visit here:

In terms of the game, the pertinent facts are as follows:

Magazine Capacity: 5
Rate of Fire: Slow
Reload Speed: Slow

Wolfman says: While this rifle isn't bad, the small magazine
capacity can be a problem, as is the slow reload speed. Keep it
fully loaded at ALL times. Reload whenever you got a second to
spare. You will thank me later.

Wolfman says: M40 is only good for Pakistan Part 1. (M3M1), where
the view distance is long enough and you can see through the
trees for targets. Otherwise, leave the sniper rifle at home and
pack something for close range.


Mossberg Combat shotgun is the ultimate in close-in firepower.
One solid hit from this is guaranteed to put someone down "for
good". However, its long-range accuracy is lacking. They are
great for assaulting rooms though.

In terms of the game, the pertinent facts are as follows:

Magazine Capacity: 8
Rate of Fire: slow
Reload Speed: slow (individual shells must be loaded)

No secondary fire function

Wolfman says: Mossberg is great for claustrophobic missions where
everything is just around the corner. One shot can take out
multiple enemies, and the shots are lethal even at up to medium
range, and if you don't kill all the enemies near you with 8
shots, you will be dead soon anyway.


Just turn it on and turn night into... not-quite-day. Fortunately
the batteries never run out during the game. Absolutely needed in
caves, and at night, or even when it's just too dark to see. On
the other hand, the contrast may be a bit too high in lighted


You carry 3 medpacks with you. Hit the "use medpack" key to use
one. You can keep up to 3 medpacks and use them as needed.
However, you can only put medpacks into "storage" when you're
fully healed. Even then, you may not be able to pickup any more

The amount healed depends on the difficulty level (see below).

Easy 30%
Medium 20%
Hard 10%?

Sometimes, you can't retrieve a medpack no matter what. This
seems to be a bug but it doesn't always occur.

3 Wolfman's Tactics


It's the only reliable way of putting someone down. Leg shots
just doesn't work. You can spend a full magazine shooting at the
leg, or 3 bullets into the torso. Save the bullets for other

There are two exceptions... If you can get close enough, one
pistol shot in the head will kill anybody. The sniper rifle will
also kill just about any body with one shot if you use the scope.
If you shoot it like an assault rifle (i.e. without the scope)
then a kill is NOT guaranteed.


You should reload your gun whenever you see a lull in fighting.
You never know where the next enemy may be. It's BAD to run out
of bullets when there are still enemies in front of you.

On the other hand, don't reload in the middle of a firefight,
unless you run out. And if you do run out, back up or move into
cover, THEN reload.


NS2 is fond of putting enemies to left and right of your path
just to ambush you. Thus, peek around EVERY corner, and look for
signs of the enemy (you can barely see the gun, etc.) before he
spots you.

After you play the game a few times, you should have the enemy
locations memorized.

Also watch for doors suddenly opening (with sound clues), as well
as enemy sounds, like "Hey you!" or "Halt!"


To shoot accurately, shoot a volley, move aside, then shoot

You may see the AI do this to you. Emulate them. Fire off one
volley, strafe left or right, shoot a couple more. Better than
holding down the trigger and waste ammo.

Size of volley depends on the gun. For the SOCOM, 2-3 shots. For
the MP5SD, 3-5 shots. For the shotgun, single shot. The M4 has
built-in 3-shot volleys.

If you stand still and shoot, you get shot. If you move and
shoot, you can't hit a thing. So shoot THEN move.


You can setup ambushes in corridors, when enemies must come at
you single-file, making the job of shooting them MUCH easier. Go
out to offer them a peek (or shoot them!) and retreat. Then just
wait for them to come at you.

Similarly, you can setup near corners and shoot them as they
round the corner.

Of course, you must go in after the rest that won't come out and


If you see a door, you should crouch, and open it from the
"side", never stand directly in front of the door. That's a good
way to get shot.

If you don't see any one, then move out a little and scan the
rest of the room.


You have a satellite tracker, use it. It's in your upper left
corner, even shows distance and direction, down to the meter.
NOTE: the up/down indicator shows the target is at, above, or
below your current "level". With that, you should never get lot
(except for the few instances where the path may involved a bit
of roundabout way.


Your buddy will try to cover you any way he can, and that means
running ahead with his M-16 and engage bad guys if you don't stop
him. As you can guess, this is NOT good for his health. While on
some missions it's okay, on "no man left behind" missions if he
dies you lose.

You should take the lead, always. Get your gun out and be ready.
Have him stop behind you, at the previous corner. Only bring him
along when you know that it's clear ahead. However, make sure
he's on "free fire" so he can protect you from any one coming up
from behind.


Being crouched improves your accuracy by a lot. The crosshair
won't drift as much, and you can lead your moving targets better.
The price you pay is much lower movement speed.

On the other hand, some targets can only be engaged while
standing up.


Audio plays a big role in this game. Each sound indicates enemy

If you hear conversation in foreign language, enemies are just
around the corner.

If you hear shots (or ricochets), enemies are either shooting at
you or shooting at friendlies.

If you hear one round at a time, an enemy sniper is gunning for

If you hear taunts, enemies are hunting for you.

If you hear a door open (creak, or slam), someone is getting
close to you.


In general, your buddy should NOT be shooting, except when area
is very tight (like tunnels, corridors, etc.) and you need him to
cover your back. Then turn him loose, but keep in front of him.

When the area opens up, set him back to "hold fire" unless you
notice enemies at your flank or rear. In some levels enemies may
appear in areas that you have already cleared, so this can be
quite important.

Your buddy will move by himself to be next to a cliff, a wall,
behind a tree, and so on. He will also copy your posture when
it's appropriate. However, he WILL move around, even move right
into your line of fire. Do NOT shoot your buddy from behind!

In general, your buddy will only shoot at enemies he can reach.
Thus, he will not shoot at enemies beyond 50 meters or so, even
if he can see them. However, if he sees a path to that enemy and
the enemy is within running distance, he will RUN toward the
enemy until he's in range of his M-16 and start shooting. And
he'll stay there until the threat is taken care of.

This is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing since you
don't have to do all the shooting. Your buddy is a decent shot
and he will take care of the flanks and sides for you. However,
he can miss point-blank, and you have to run up there and help
him with your pistol, esp. when he's reloading.

As for when to leave him back... That's hard to say. In general,
you need him to stay still when he will get himself killed, like
by running into a hail of bullets. Remember though, if you move
far enough away from him, he switches automatically back into
"follow" mode.

If you need your buddy in a specific spot, move around until your
buddy stops at the right spot, then set him to hold. Else he will
run off at the first sign of trouble... and get killed.


The ammo you brought with you is NEVER enough to finish the job
of taking out just about everybody. You should ALWAYS look for
more ammo. They come in two sizes: a big "bullet box", and the
smaller "two cartridges". BOTH contain rounds for your primary
weapon AND your pistol. It's just the way those look.

Ammo is not always left on desktops. Sometimes they are left on
the ground. Search empty rooms with night-vis. Sometimes they are
not as empty as you think. In general, if enemies came out of
that room, there is likely ammo inside.

4 Enemies

The enemies you encounter in NS2 doesn't come in that many
varieties... There's the regular soldier (armed with AK-47), then
there's the RPG soldier, and really, that's. it.

4.1 SOLDIER (AK-47)

These guys carry AK-47s, enough said. These will be 98% of
enemies you encounter.

Some are on patrol routes and thus will move a little, but most
will stand still waiting for you to show up.

They will shoot at you when they spot you (yes, even in the
darkest of night). Some are smart enough to move sideways. Some
of them will run at you to get closer. Some may even open doors
to come at you.

Shoot them in the torso when safe to do so. Search the room /
structure they were in for more ammo reloads.

If you can sneak up on them, shoot them in the back with your
silence pistol.

AI is horrible in NS. Enemies will not react even when they see
their fellow guards drop dead, and will not investigate rifle
sounds. Thus, it makes no difference if you use silenced weapons
or not. They also have impossibly good eyesight, even in the


These guys carry an RPG. Those have explosion radius and if one
hits too close, you are toast.

If you are good, you can put a building or something between you
and them.

If you are REALLY good, you can have them blow themselves up by
firing into the floor at their feet.

4.3 DOGS

You get to see ONE dog in all the missions... M2M3 (North Korean
nuclear reactor). A dog is easily killed.

5 Walkthru

You have been activated as a part of Operation Emerald Shield,
which is a special operations codeword that deals with suspected
weapons of mass destruction, or WMD.

5.1 IRAQ 1 (M1M1)

Mission Briefing: UN Inspection Officers that were looking into
reports of VX gas production have been taken hostage. They are
currently being held in a small town outside of Mosul. Locate the
hostages and get them out of the town safely. Expect moderate
resistance from Iraqi militia.

Objective: Locate UN Inspectors

NOTE: You have landed just outside the "fortress" with your
buddy. You are facing the gate, which is closed. A jeep, plus
guards and militia are patrolling the gate. You have the default
loadout of MP5SD as your primary weapon.

Move forward and eliminate the guards (have your buddy hold if
you wish). Another may come out the "shed". Eliminate all of
them. Proceed through the shed and turn right into the fortress.

Another jeep is inside the courtyard, and enemies to your left.
Take them out, and go left. Your objective is the gray-ish
building to your left front. Go forward until corner, then turn
left into the alley, and follow the alley as it turns right,
killing guards. There's a door on your right... Open it and kill
the guards inside.

Clear the entire first floor. You should locate a set of stairs
going down in the middle. Follow it, kill guards, and you find
that the cells are empty. The UN inspectors have been moved...
But where? (If you can't locate it, go back to door you entered,
turn until as if you just came in, go left, then right, then all
the way forward, and you should see the stairs)

Objective: Find out where hostages have been moved

NOTE: the fortress has multiple "sections", and the only way to
pass from one section to another is by locating the special
"bridge-ways" between the sections, usually above ground (second

NOTE: Grab ammo whenever you see some, both the large boxes and
small "cartridges".

Now head upstairs, and clear the entire upper floor, including
the balconies. Beware of rooms that can ONLY be accessed from the

You should find a screened bridge. Go across the bridge, clear
the room beyond that (and another guy that runs up), and you're
in the next section.

Step outside, turn right, and go down the stairs, Turn right and
go down the alley.

Again, your objective is the gray-ish building to the far left.
Clear the courtyard of any enemies (should be one to right, and
two to left). Go through the left door, and clear the entire
building one room at a time. You want to go downstairs on the
other end of the building, and you're in another section.

Follow the hall to right, and you're outside, kill enemies,
continue forward, go up to the door, go inside, clear the bottom
floor, then the top floor. There's a bridge (couple planks) that
takes you to next rooftop. Turn right, down the stairs.

Look at the gray building again. Go to it, go around it to the
back, take stairs up to a boardwalk, which leads around the
corner, and go through door, clear the rooms. Go down, clear the
bottom floor. Go up again, and you're through another screened
bridge into next section.

Go outside, down the steps, and you see the fenced yard. Guards
on upper floors, as well as to the right. Open the gate, and take
out any guards on upper levels first. Then you need to go through
that big double door in front, expect HEAVY resistance.

Clear this entire building, and explore every room. You should
locate a large room with bunch of crates and guards. Look behind
the crate and you will see a stairway going down.

NOTE: This is a good time to turn on the night-vis.

Follow the corridor, kill guards, up the stairs, clear the room.
The two UN soldiers (blue helmets) are inside the cells.

Objective: Obtain Intel from the hostages.

There are one box with a handle next to each cell. Activate the
handle (you have to get close) to open the cell. Then activate
the soldier to get him to follow you. Do this for both.

Objective: Exfiltrate the hostages to extraction point.

There is only one door in this room... It was locked, now it's
not. So open it, and stop at the corner. Lots of Iraqi militia
suddenly appeared, but they can't do you too much damage if you
keep moving. Go through that door in the wall of the fortress,
then out of the fortress, and you're all set!

5.2 IRAQ 2 (M1M2)

Choose a weapon for this run. I recommend the shotgun as most
fights will be up close and personal.

Briefing: UN Weapons Inspectors have discovered that Iraqi
scientists are producing a large cache of VX gas, a lethal nerve
agent, inside a "baby milk factory". Locate where in the factory
the gas is being produced, and neutralize it, before it can be
transported and used against Coalition interests.

NOTE: "No man left behind" is in effect. If your buddy gets
killed, you have failed.

Objective: Unlock the stairwell to the warehouse

NOTE: You start just outside the chemical plant.

Go inside, and hold your buddy there. Go through the left door
and kill plenty of guards. Head down the hall, kill guards as you
go. You should come to conference room. Go up the stairs to your
left, kill guards, go to the hall to right, follow it, through
next door, and you should see a "switch" on the wall. Activate

Objective: Unlock the door to the lab

Go back down the stairs, turn left, then go through the first
door on your right. Kill guards.

Go down the stairs again, through the metal door (if you tried it
before, it's locked).

Follow the hall and go through another metal door. You're now in
the warehouse. Lots of bad guys down below. Shot them from the
catwalk now. If you alert them, they may rush up the stairs. Your
buddy should NOT enter the catwalk when there are enemies below,
as he doesn't dodge shots, and tends to get killed here.

Turn left at the catwalk intersection, go through the metal door
and go down the concrete steps. Open the door, and you are next
to another set of metal steps. Go all the way up, then go through
the door. You will enter an office area with marble floors and
wood doors. There are three rooms, two you can open, and the
third one is locked. Clear the two that you can, leave your buddy
outside in the corridor, hold position but weapons free.

Go through the first door from where you came in (to left) (you
may want to bring your buddy in here and hold instead of out in
the corridor). You should see a vent. Activate it and it'll open.
Go through and you'll enter the second room (which was locked).
Flip the switch. Now you can open the door from the inside.
Another guard may just appear outside the room, but your buddy
should take care of him if you leave him outside. Otherwise, exit
and kill him.

Objective: Deactivate the chemical vats [2 left]

Go back out into the warehouse, go all the way down. Turn right,
through door, climb concrete stairs all the way up. You're back
in the catwalks. Go straight through the intersection, and turn
left. Go through the doors, climb all the way down at the stairs.
Go through two doors. The third door was locked, if you had been
here before, but is now unlocked.

Open it and follow the corridor with wires, and emerge in the
"glass wall" area. You can shoot through those glass walls, so
don't worry about who can see who. Just kill those guards.

You should see some sort of a biohazard symbol in front of you at
a locked door. Follow the dead guards and you should see a
backdoor. Follow the path and you'll come to the chemical vat.
Near the vat should be a bunch of computer consoles. One of them
you can activate. That will deactivate one of vats. Follow the
path past the vat, through corridor, and you will find the other
vat. Deactivate that one too.

Objective: Unlock the final door and escape

You now need to go back to the room with the biohazard symbol on
the door, where you first deactivated the vat. Go through that

Kill the guards, and go down the stairs. Take care of anybody at
the bottom as well. Continue work your way forward, and you'll
come to a room with switch on the wall. Activate that.

Objective: Exit through the loading dock

Go through the wooden door across the hall and you're into the
loading dock. Kill the guards in the dock, and access the switch
on the far end to end the mission.

5.3 IRAQ 3 (M1M3)

Mission Briefing: We can't allow the truck with VX gas to escape.
You must track it down, and take it out. It is believed that the
truck is heading for the border crossing. There is no room for
error here. Expect moderate to heavy resistance.

Objective: Catch up to the escaping truck

There really isn't much to say about this mission. Just continue
forward, kill enemies as you go. Expect them to appear among all
the structures. Conserve ammo, and beware of RPG shooters hiding
on rooftops. You don't want to get too close to them. Stay in the
open to dodge RPG shots and/or put something between you and

NOTE: No GPS data, since the truck is MOVING.

NOTE: Almost no reloads, so you have to use pistol a lot. Search
every corner where enemy were for reloads.

Eventually, you'll come up to the truck. Kill guards, activate
truck, and the mission ends.

5.4 NORTH KOREA 1 (M2M1)

Mission Briefing: Our intelligence reports a shipment of SA-7
(shoulder-fired SAMs) is being shipped aboard a North Korean
cargo ship. Board the ship and search for the SA-7's, and
anything else out of the ordinary. Be careful, the crew will no
doubt be aware of your presence.

Choose your weapon: I recommend the shotgun as the ship's
corridor is very tight.

Objective: Disable the ship's engines [2 left]

NOTE: You have just been inserted onto the freighter. Turn on
your night-vis. Have your buddy follow and weapons free.

Go straight, kill guard to right. Go inside.

Take your first right. Follow around to the left. At the next
intersection, go right. Take the next left, go straight. Take a
left at the next intersection.

Go around the back of the cabin area, or just kill everyone you
see. Doesn't matter. Go through the door. Go down the stairs and
out the door to the left.

Take a right in the next hall and go straight. Follow the hall
all the way around to a door. Go through the door and down the

Go out the door at the bottom of the stairs. Take out resistance.
Follow the hall and go through the next door. Go down the stairs
and out the next door.

You will come to a hall with brown walls, the engine room. Go
through this W-shaped room until you reach the far end. Go
through door and go upstairs. I recommend you hold your buddy
here until you disabled both engines.

Go over the catwalk until you locate the control panel. Activate
it. You've disabled one engine, one to go. Work your way forward
and around to another control panel to activate. Now the engines
are dead.

NOTE: now things get interesting, as guards appear out of nowhere
in the engine room after your success. Try to shoot the guards
from above from a distance as it's difficult to hide in the
engine room unless you're on first floor. Hide your buddy well
since he's not good at fighting here.

Objective: Locate the SA-7 missiles

Go back the way you came, back down the stairs and through the
door. There's a small door there you can't open before. It's open
now (may have guard come through) Take a right and go through the
next door into a small room (pick up ammo and health). Go through
another door at the end of the room. Go down the hall, remove
guards in your way.

Go through next door into large room with big container crates.
Kill more guards.

Work your way around the crates following the hall. You may need
to jump over a crate or two on your way. Quite a few guards all
over. Keep your buddy BEHIND you. At the end of the hall, jump up
on the big containers using the smaller crates as steps. Follow
through and around and you will come to where the missiles are
stored. They are in green flat containers that you can

Objective: Use the radio in the ship's tower

Work your way back down the crates. Work your way back out of the
warehouse to the door via your GPS tracker. Beware of guards that
are below you now. Also, don't fall or you'll lose more health.

Go through the door and up the stairs. Go through another door.
Go left in the hall and through the next door. Kill guards, of

Go up the next set of stairs. Go through another door, then go
straight. Kill guards, of course. Stay straight, you will pass 2
halls on your right and 2 halls on your left. When you come to
the T intersection, go right.

Take a left in the next hall. Go though the last door on your
right, and go up the stairs. Kill more guards. Go through the
door and go left. Take the first left and go straight. Follow the
cabin area around to the left.

Enter the next door, go right. Follow the hall to the right and
go up the stairs. Take out the enemies. Go out the door to your
left. Take out the enemy, follow around to the left. Go up the
next set of steps. You are at the bridge.

Head inside, activate the computer/radio, and the mission will

5.5 NORTH KOREA 2 (M2M2)

Choose your weapon.

NOTE: Lots and lots of enemies right at the beginning, and ammo
is almost impossible to find. Range is close, but with some
chance to take long shots. I'd probably take a shotgun though
MP5SD or M4 may be valid choices. To make things hard, take the
sniper rifle.

Mission Briefing: Intelligence reports that a group of North
Korean militants have stolen sensitive nuclear plans, and are in
the process of transporting them to North Korean officials. They
were last seen in a secluded Korean village, possible waiting to
transfer the documents. Infiltrate the village. Recover the

Objective: Find a way into the underground bunker

Right at the beginning several enemies appear together. Kill all
of them. Keep the bay to your right, and work your way all around
the bay, killing guards as you go. Your buddy should immediately
go weapons free, and even then he may get killed quickly.

NOTE: You can ignore the GPS for now, as there's no direct way to
get to the location. You have to work your way ALL around the

Go through the arch, kill guards as you go. Go through the bamboo
walled garden (2 guards inside). Watch for ambushing guards to
the left behind the next house.

Continue forward. There is one red building you can open the
door, so kill guards inside. Climb up and kill guards. Grab ammo.
Kill guard below at the ladder going down. Keep your buddy up
top, as next section is extremely hard.

When you open the door, dash forward and back in immediately. No
less than SIX guards will rush your door. Kill them all.

Now continue down the path. You may see enemy at the pier. Kill
them. Work your way through the buildings.

Eventually, you should come to a building where you can see the
back but can't get there due to a locked door. Two guards inside.
Kill the guards. We'll get to the back portion later. Just
remember this place. Keep going past it.

The objective is the graveyard. Stop at the entrance.

Turn right, and you're at the upside-down-U-shaped dock. Follow
the dock and get onto land again, kill guards. Keep going past
another arch. You should see the bridge.

Climb over the bridge, kill guards, and you should see an
entrance where you can climb down into. You found the underground

Objective: Locate documents

NOTE: you may want to activate night-vis here.

Climb down two ladders, then a third one. You should see
corridor. Follow it and kill guards. You should come to this
large room with 2 guards, a door to right, and a corridor left on
the farside.

That farside corridor leads to a ladder that goes up to that
section you couldn't get into before. Feel free to go there and
grab more ammo.

Now go through the door you didn't go, kill guards, and access
the computer on the wall. The document safe pops open. Go there,
and you have obtained the documents.

Objective: Unlock terrorist escape route

Make your way back out onto ground level. You can go back to the
original entrance. Then back across the bridge. Or you can emerge
in that red house, and go through that previously "locked" door.

Your objective is the graveyard. Open the door to the mausoleum,
and kill guards inside.

Objective: Pursue terrorists

Climb down 2 sets of ladders, and take care of guards. Follow the
path through the door. Activate the door at the end to end the

5.6 NORTH KOREA 3 (M2M3)

Mission Briefing: North Korea has reactivated its aging nuclear
power plants and is reportedly producing weapon-grade uranium.
Infiltrate the power plant, and find any evidence to support this
claim. Try to disable the reactor in any way you can.

Objective: Disable reactor

NOTE: You are near the entrance to the complex.

Kill the guards next to the truck, then go the entrance and go
through the door to left.

Go through another 2 doors, and you're outdoors again, follow the
right wall, and open the double metal door to get inside.

Turn right into first room, turn right again, and you should find
the stairs going up. Clear the guards.

Go right, go straight, then down the stairs. You should see the

Hold your buddy here. The switch that controls this gate is
timed. You have only a few seconds to go through. If you don't...
You have to flip the switch again.

So go around the corner, and you see the switch. Make sure run is
on... flip it, run at the gate, and tell your buddy to follow as
soon as you're almost through (with him BEHIND you, or he'll
crowd you off the approach!)

Now that you are both through, go through the door in the right
corner of the courtyard. Go through another set of doors, and
kill enemies. Go forward, then through door to right. Continue to
a set of stairs. Go down and through doors to left, then right,
then left.

Go through the glass door, and open switch to open the blast
door. You're in the "library", with catwalks above and guards in
front and below. Kill them all. Explore below for a medpack.

Go across the catwalks to another door. You're at the control

Objective: Disable main reactor pump

NOTE: you MUST disable the main pump before the auxiliary pump.

Kill guards. There is a door to your right and stairs up to the
left. Go left and up the stairs. You're in main computer room.
Look for console with the word "main". Activate that computer.
Main pump is down.

Objective: Disable auxiliary reactor pump

Reverse course. Go back down the stairs and see that "other" door
with palm print access? (Next to the door you came in) Activate
that and go in. Open the next door and kill guards inside.
Activate the computer that says AUX. Now both pumps are down.
It's almost time to boogie.

Objective: Confirm presence of uranium

Go back into main reactor room. Go back up the stairs to main
pump control. Go straight through the hall and follow to the
right. There was a door there that was locked. It's now unlocked.
Activate switch to open the door and go through. You're almost
back to where you started.

Go to the left and go through the door on your right. Once in the
office area, keep to the right. Go through the metal door and up
three flights of stairs. Go right and follow the wall to the
warehouse. Kill guards. You should find a crate that's shorter
and smaller, and has a nuke symbol on it.

NOTE: You may want to save now, as the rest of the mission is on
a timer.

Activate the crate, and you have TWO minutes (120 seconds) to get
out of Dodge.

Objective: Reach extraction point

Turn right to door at your right, go through, and go through next
door. Go up stairs and across the catwalk. Go left and go through
the door on your right. Go downstairs and make a sharp left. Go
down more stairs and out the door.

The exit is a hole in the wall to your left. Crouch, and walk
through the hole, and you've won the mission!

5.7 PAKISTAN 1 (M3M1)

Choose your weapon. I suggest the M40 sniper rifle, as you get to
make some long shots in this mission.

Mission Briefing: Intelligence reports that a group of military
extremists are planning to overthrow the Pakistani government.
They are being unofficially backed by al Qaeda. Their plans for
this coup are being kept in a remote mansion. You must acquire
these plans at any cost.

NOTE: You will be acting ALONE for this mission, no buddy to
watch your back.

Objective: Disable the Security switches [2 Left]

You start off in the woods near the mansion. Grab the ammo boxes
in front of you CAREFULLY.

NOTE: you need to locate the two security stations in the woods,
and turn them off, which will disable the alarm system in the

Use your sniper rifle to look through the woods and take out the
guards hiding behind trees and such. There should be 2-3 you can
see right away. More may be visible if you go left a bit.

Work your way down the hill, take out the jeep's gunner, and the
guard to the right of the jeep.

Watch for guards to left of the jeep at the bottom of the
depression. Take them out.

Continue down the path, and you should be able to see the
structure after killing several guards hiding in the trees.

Work your way inside and the switch is next to the machinery in
the back of the room. Be careful when you exit... Enemies are
just outside (appeared out of nowhere!) including RPG shooter.

Now head the other way (if you come to the river, you're going
the wrong way). Locate the other structure, at the edge of the
map, and turn off the other security switch. Pretty much, follow
the wall all the way to the other end of the map.

Objective: Locate the plans

Follow the GPS back to the mansion (beware of more guards, three
in the forest nearby). You will have to climb a hill and go
around trees.

Go through the gate in the fences. Main door is locked, so go
left and you see the side door. Kill guards and get inside.

(Warning: don't back up against the fence, or you may suddenly
find yourself OUTSIDE the fence and be absolutely STUCK.)

Go through the library, and take the exit to the right. Kill
guards in next room. Continue through hall. Go through the
kitchen, and the exit on far right. Go through hall into next
room, and clear it. Go down another hall, turn left, go into
first door to right, and you are at the main staircase (just
behind the front door).

At the main staircase, be careful as you step into the middle.
Enemies may appear above and below. Back into a corner and kill
them all. Go up the stairs, and you see the table with the secret
documents. Approach the table to end the mission.

5.8 PAKISTAN 2 (M3M2)

Choose your weapon. Again, I prefer the shotgun, as most fights
will be close, but M4 or MP5SD will do.

Mission Briefing: The papers you acquired have given us the
location of a large compound housing a strong Pakistani al Qaeda
cell. We must seize this opportunity to take out the al Qaeda
leader stationed there. He is in a heavily guarded office, deep
inside their military compound. This is a full-blown military
compound, so expect heavy resistance.

NOTE: By military compound, they mean an ex-military base, with
high walls, watchtowers, and stuff like that. You basically have
to go around the entire base, one tower at a time, one room at a
time. There will be a LOT of rooms, most of them don't contain
anything, but some will a few rounds of ammo.

NOTE: beware of rooms suddenly open behind you. I suggest you
clear each and every room so no one can sneak up behind you.
Approach a door, and backup. If someone opens the door in front,
shoot them.

Objective: Locate Al Qaeda leader

You are in the garage, having snuck in via one of the trucks.
Pull your weapon and be ready to defend yourself. Kill guards
approaching. Look out the garage door, and you will see guards on
top and to the left. Kill one or two on top, then exit and kill
one to left, then look back at wall to your right (where the
towers are), and look for a door. Watch for shooters on the
towers shooting down. Run for that door, and go up the stairs.

Follow hall to left, shoot guards, then another left, then right.
Head downstairs. Then go through the room and you're outdoors.

NOTE: You may want to turn on night-vis while outside, or even
inside, as it is dark.

Go to the base of the tower (fight your way through), open the
door and go up the stairs, then the ladder. You're on the tower
balcony. Kill guards outside if any. Then go through the door and
make your way to the next tower. As you approach, you should see
2 guards. Shoot them. Get inside.

Head down the ladder and into the room. Two guards should come
up. Kill guards. Continue down the stairs.

Turn left at the next hall, kill guards, then right, and up the

Follow the hall all the way to the end. Go through the last door
on your right. Go through the door and go down the stairs in the
back right of the room. Go left and then right. You are outside

Follow the building to the right and go into the building through
the next door (with light coming from the seams). You will enter
the cafeteria, kill everybody (3?), go out the far door, follow
the path through the building, and out the other side.

Turn left out the door, up stairs and ladder. You're on the tower
again. This one may be tough as there may be guards outside. Run
off the ladder and feed them lead. If you are stuck on the ladder
you'd be easy target. So get off it quickly. .

Continue down the wall and get into the next tower. Go down the
ladder and through the room. Kill guards coming up.

Explore each and every room carefully. You should locate a room
with lots of bookshelves like a library, but also a big desk and
map on the wall. Go through there, out the other door, keep
following the corridor, and you'll find an office with
bookshelves behind it. There's a secret entrance behind the
bookshelves. Go there, and the level ends. .

5.9 PAKISTAN 3 (M3M3)

Mission Briefing: The al Qaeda leader is escaping, find a way to
get to the airport, and get onboard that plane!

Objective: Locate the motor pool and hide in the truck.

NOTE: We pick up where we left off last time, in the office.

The bookshelves are hiding a staircase. Head on down, and expect
heavy enemy presence at the bottom. Take care of them. This T-
intersection is nasty. Be careful as the enemy seems to be more
accurate here.

Follow the hall, go left, then left, then left, then right, then
left. Kill many enemies in between.

Head downstairs, turn left, and go through the wooden door. Kill
everybody in the library. Go out via the far left corner exit.

You should see the conference room next. Clear it. Take the far

Next is detention center (2 jail cells). Clear it and go through
the far exit.

Turn left and go through another door, then another. Follow the
hall, and climb the stairs. You're in another office area, so go
straight, then right, then straight.

Go out the far end, then go through next door. Climb another set
of stairs, then climb the ladder too, and you're back on the

Make your way to next tower (and take out any one in your way).
These next towers have no door... You have to go "around" the
side. Watch for ambushes. Continue and make your way past another

Finally, come to the final tower, and the ladder down. Climb
down, kill guards, then head down the stairs, turn right, follow
the path into the vehicle park, kill guards. Go around the back
of the truck to verify that this truck is going to the airport.
Activate the truck's tailgate, and you've hidden yourself in the

Objective: Find a storage crate (cargo container) to hide in
before discovered.

NOTE: You need to find a way to get into the plane without
getting noticed. The best way is one of those cargo containers.

This one can be difficult if you do it wrong. Immediately turn
left, toward the crates and shipping containers, and RUN to them,
then crouch. If you don't do it immediately, a patrol comes over
and see you, and your cover is blown.

Once you crouched, look at the two containers. You should be able
to "activate" one, and that will take you to the next level.

NOTE: Killing all three guards together does NOT work. As soon as
you kill one you blow your cover. So just run and hide.

5.10 PAKISTAN 4 (M3M4)

Mission Briefing: The al Qaeda leader has attempted to flee on
this airliner. The plane is full of al Qaeda troops, but they do
not yet know you are aboard. He will be under heavy guard, and
may try to escape if he becomes aware of your presence. Locate
and eliminate him. Once he has been dispatched, locate the
parachute and exit the aircraft.

Objective: Track down and eliminate enemy leader.

NOTE: You are in the cargo bay of the plane, in one of the
containers. Don't worry about the leader escaping. He's not going
anywhere. Just kill any one in your way. There are no civilians
on this plane.

Turn until you see a wall that you can activate. Do so, and the
container opens, and you're in the cargo bay. Go out the only
door you can, and you see the stairs heading up. Climb up and the
door will pop-open automatically.

Rush up and take care of all the guards.

Objective: Find a way to unlock the forward access panel.

Turn right, open door, get ammo and passcard from the metal

NOTE: Look for lockers in every room, may contain ammo or medpack
or other stuff.

Exit the room, turn left. Go through 2 doors. Go left and then
right. Activate the control panel outside, and the door's
unlocked. Kill terrorists inside, then go around the bar. You
should see the passkey in the corner of the bar.

Objective: Find a way to unlock the rear access panel.

Exit the room, go straight, and through a door. Go straight
through this room. Keep straight and you'll come to another
locked room. Unlock it. As soon as you open the door one guy
upturns a table. There are at least three guys in this room, kill
them ALL! Grab any ammo nearby.

Stay with the wall to your right, follow the wall, kill guards.
You will find a passage at the "side" of this room that goes back
toward the front. Open cabinets for more ammo. Go down that
passage. Go through the door, you should see a ground-level door
like the one you came out of at the beginning of the mission.

NOTE: You may want to save now, as the next section is on a

When ready, straight down the stairs into the tail of the 747.
Kill 3 guards. See the switch on the tail ramp? It's not active
yet. Next to the switch, on the floor, is the final keycard you
need. Go grab it. (You can't finish the mission if you don't have

Notice that the timer has started? You have 5 minutes to find a
parachute, kill the leader, and jump out of the airplane. The
plane also started shaking periodically. It is going down!

Objective: Find a parachute.

Go up stairs back to main level, go through first door to right,
follow wall around to left (into room with upturned table), go
through door, go through 2 more doors. Go through double door to
right, go up stairs into first-class and kill guards if you
haven't been here before.

Open secure room with key. Kill everybody inside, activate the
cabinet marked "parachute". Now you have a parachute, time to

Objective: Jump out of plane.

Go back down to main level, go straight through next 5 doors
until you are back at the "tail" of the aircraft (with the table
turned on its side). Go around the wall to right, down the hall,
go through next door until you see the stairs down to tail ramp.
Go down to tail ramp, and activate the switch to lower the ramp.

Once the ramp is lowered, the mission is complete! Though when
ready, head on down the ramp...

Hooray! You've survived this final mission!

6 Miscellaneous


There aren't any.


You should make a copy of the autoexec.cfg before you attempt to
use these hacks. These hacks have NOT been totally tested for
compatibility and is NOT guaranteed to work!

Open up the autoexec.cfg file in the game directory with any text
editor (such as Notepad), then edit a few lines, then save the
changes. Restart the game to see the effects.

Change Effect

PlayerClip "1" to PlayerClip "0" Clipping mode off (you can
walk through walls)

PlayerClip "0" to PlayerClip "1" Clipping mode on

AITakeDamage "1" to AITakeDamage "0" Enemies are invincible

AITakeDamage "1" to AITakeDamage "99" Enemies die a lot faster

PlayerTakeDamage "1" to PlayerTakeDamage "0" God mode


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Engl. Leitfaden

08.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für God-Modus, Gesundheit und Munition

04.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
11.Февраль 2016