Disciples 2 - Guardians Of The Light

Disciples 2 - Guardians Of The Light

07.10.2013 22:10:28
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g u a r d i a n s o f t h e l i g h t

¦ The aim of this file is to provide you with general information on ¦
¦ Disciples 2 : Guardians of the Light in a clear and readable format. ¦
¦ I hope it serves you well !! - Mister Sinister ¦

Dedicated to my dear Friend Nick, Acolyte of the Iliad.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction and Overview of the Game
2. Basic Controls
3. The Two Races
4. Tact & Diplomacy
5. Types of Items
6. Empire Saga Walkthrough
7. Mountain Clans Saga Walkthrough
8. Stats for Units
9. Rulers and Leaders
10. Comments on Units and Suggested Upgrade Routes
11. Tips and Tricks
12. Credits



Disciples 2 : Guardians of the Light is a turn-based strategy game where the
player picks one of two major races and battles across either a pre-defined
sequence of levels (the Sagas), one of a number of set individual missions
(the Quests), plays in a Custom Saga, or with other human in multi-player

Guardians of the Light is an official Expansion Pack for the Disciples 2 title.

It is a swords and sorcery type game, with a reasonably simple interface and
gentle learning curve, but which boasts hours and hours of gameplay, and is
quite honestly ? HELLISHLY addictive ... I heartily recommend it.

I have written individual in-depth walkthroughs for the Sagas for the two main
races in this expansion pack - the Empire and the Mountain Clans, and both of
those can be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com.

Helpful comments and so on are always welcome, and I can be reached at

- Mister Sinister, 2004



As with any strategy game, troop management skills are FUNDAMENTAL to your
success. In order to become a good Guardians of the Light player, you will
need to learn which units function well together, which units complement each
other,and which units should definitely NEVER be placed together.

To that end, I have sub-divided this section of my FAQ into three parts :-

A) The World Map
B) Combat
C) City Management

=============================== THE WORLD MAP ================================

The World Map is where (not surprisingly) you move all your troops about. Each
unit is led by one of the creatures in it, and this creature represents the
entire unit's icon on the map. For example, a unit led by a werewolf will be
depicted as a werewolf on the map.

Each unit has a different number of movement points, and these are reduced at
different speeds depending on which type of terrain you are crossing ... for
example, you will travel MUCH slower by water than you will through forests ...

... some units can fly, and this helps get about the map a fair bit quicker ...
but if you put flying units with non-flying units, you are once again (by and
large - there ARE a couple of exceptions) slowing down your troop movement
as the unit must move together, as one.

Combat is initiated by moving to a square adjacent to a rival or enemy unit on
the map, and combat is dealt with in a separate screen.

The world map begins by being totally covered in a fog of war, which disperses
as you move your units about ... certain terrain cannot be traversed, and you
will have to find ways around it ... examples include waterfalls, whirlpools
and mountain ranges.

Obviously not all of the creatures you encounter on the world map will be
hostile - some will give you sub-quests which you can complete to gain prizes
should you wish ... others will be territorial, and will either attack you on
sight or pursue you until you leave their area of the map.

You will encounter cities belonging to other players, as well as neutral
cities, and various other structures dotted about the map, ALL of which can be
explored and/or conquered.

BEAR IN MIND AT ALL TIMES that this is a TURN-BASED strategy game. Therefore,
whilst you have the luxury of time to think your moves through, as you would
in a chess game, poor troop movement can lead to units becoming isolated at
the end of a turn, and easy pickings for roaming creatures ...

... always watch your back ...

Each unit on the map can comprise up to SIX individual characters. So, taking
our earlier example of the unit being led by the Werewolf, this unit can
comprise the Werewolf that leads them, and up to FIVE other characters ... if
the leader dies, the unit will still be able to move, but will do so at a MUCH
slower rate, and the unit's icon on the map will change. It will still be the
Werewolf, but you will see that the leader has died because a little skull
shield will be displayed at the foot of the icon. This allows you at a glance
to see units which have had their leaders slain.

Provided at least ONE character in the unit is still alive, it is possible to
heal and/or resurrect those characters in the unit which have died. You can
either do this via magic, CHEATING (tut tut), at any of your Cities (provided
you have constructed a Temple in your Capital City), or using potions.

Your Capital City (each major race has one) is your seat of Power on the level
BUT, unlike many OTHER turn-based strategy games where there is a REAL risk of
losing your Capital, and thus losing the level, in Disciples 2 each player's
Capital City is occupied by (not only a maximum of 11 "normal" troops but also)
an INCREDIBLY powerful Guardian, who CANNOT leave and who's SOLE purpose is to
protect the Capital.

Sounds like you might still be vulnerable ? In all practical reality you won't
be - the Guardians are WELL powerful, and it is EXCEEDINGLY unlikely that you
will ever lose your Capital ;)

You will ALSO find shops on the world map ... there are several merchants in
the game who have set up shop on the various levels, and with whom you can
trade ... even if you can see no use for something you have picked up on a
level, you can always sell it at a shop to gain extra gold ;)

The currencies of the game are five-fold. You have gold (obviously), which
you use to buy upgrades for your cities, to recruit new troops, to bribe the
other players, and so on.

Then there are the four types of mana. There is Death Mana, Runestone Mana,
Life Mana and Infernal Mana.

Both gold AND mana are generated at resources on the map, and these resources
can be bled off to give (effectively) unlimited resources to your race - I say
*effectively* unlimited as, whilst there is only a certain amount of each type
of energy that will be generated by each resource per turn, the supply from
which this is drawn is infinite - i.e. you will never deplete a gold or mana
resource on the map (which is KEWL !!)

One last thing.

When you look at the map you will be able to see the terrain that belongs to
your race by looking at the ground. Each turn, your race's terrain expands
from every city in every direction, and whenever it touches an unclaimed
resource, it seizes it for your race.

Since it would take an eternity to gain control over the ENTIRE map this way,
the game designers have very kindly provided each race with one type of unit
that can be recruited who's sole purposes is to "plant rods". Planting a rod
is a very simple process which allows you to stake a claim to a very small
parcel of land which is not already yours.

... I hope that makes sense ... I'll try to explain ...

Say this is the world, and you own the left-hand side of it. :-

¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ YOUR ¦ MY ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦======¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ GOLD ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦======¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦

If you want to take control over the GOLD resource I have labelled in MY land,
you would either have to expand your terrain on a turn by turn basis until the
Gold Resource was yours, OR you could send your "rod-planter" (the name for
the character varies with each race) TO the Gold Resource, and then stake it.

If you plant a rod at the Gold Resource, and thereby stake it as being yours,
the terrain around the resource changes to become yours.

Rods CAN, however, be destroyed by other rod-planters, and this dispute over
resources forms a VERY important part of the game, naturally ...

... right ! I've bored you with that - now we can go onwards to the combat
aspect of the game !!

=================================== COMBAT ===================================

As I stated in the previous section, combat occurs when one of your units
enters a square on the map that is adjacent to a non-friendly unit (or,
conversely, when a non-friendly unit enters a square that is adjacent to one
of YOUR troops).

When this happens, the action switches to a 3-dimensional view of the square
in question, and combat takes place.

Combat in Disciples 2 is a VERY very simple affair. The unit that is
attacking is highlighted at its feet in yellow, and the units you are
presently opting to attack is highlighted at its feet in red ... just point
the mouse at the unit you want to attack (or help, depending on your race),
and click !


Combat is, however, not as DULL as that sounds.

You recall I mentioned earlier that a unit can comprise a maximum of SIX
characters ?? Well, each unit is broken up into two RANKS as well.


Combat basically looks like this :-


¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ 2 ¦ 2 ¦ 2 ¦ 2 ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ 3 ¦ 3 ¦ 3 ¦ 3 ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

... geez ... I hope I haven't made that look more complicated than it needed
to be.

BASICALLY your six units are on the left, and THEIR six units are on the right.
Melee units should be placed in the FRONT row, as they can only attack adjacent
units ... spellcasters, who are generally weaker, should be placed in the BACK
row, as they can attack at range ...

... hope that makes sense :">

You will see from the Stats section that each character has its own method of

With VERY rare exceptions, each character only has ONE way of attacking, so it
really is just a very simple point-and-click routine ... but the variety comes
in the sheer NUMBER of different creatures you can command and control, and
the fun-factor and beauty of their attack animations :">

The order in which characters attack in the combat screen is determined by
their initiative roll - each character has an initiative modifier, which
swings initiative in their favour, but there are occasional upsets - as in,
where a character with a higher initiative is pipped to the post by a
character with a lower initiative ...

There are a number of different combat OPTIONS ... these include allowing the
Computer to take over combat for you (although certainly on the easier
difficulties it doesn't always attack the units you probably would).

There is also the option to end combat immediately (i.e. automatically resolve
who wins and who loses) - good for those "AAAAAAAAAAARGH I can't be @rsed to
fight you - let's just see who WINS" moments (which you WILL have).

Further options include retreat, where you really wanna get out with your life
(but all attacking units get a free hit on units that are running away, so if
you DO run you'd better do it en masse), and Defend - an instruction to a
particular character to brace itself for an incoming attack.

The variety of options on the combat screen, coupled with the variety of units
and attacks they have IN TOTAL, makes for a lot of strategy in the combat
screen AS YOU WILL SEE ;)

Combat ends when either all six characters in your opponents unit are dead or
have fled.

... there ... we've pretty much exhausted that section ... ONWARD !! =D

============================== CITY MANAGEMENT ===============================

This is VITAL to your success in Disciples 2.

Basically, when a creature levels up, it GENERALLY (although not always)
changes its appearance to become tougher ... harder ... MORE kick@ss ...

What your creature becomes when it levels up will depend on the buildings you
have erected in your Capital City.

For example, if you are playing the Empire, your bog-standard melee fighter
is the "Squire" character. In your Capital you can build one of two
different buildings that will alter the Squire's Upgrade Route. If you
construct Stable, your Squire will become a Knight when he levels up ...
if you choose instead to construct a Dungeon, your Squire will become a Witch

Both routes are mutually exclusive - this means that you cannot allow some of
your Squires to become Knights, and some to become Witch Hunters - it's all or
nothing ...

Fortunately, however, once you have completed a level, all the buildings in
your Capital City are wiped out, so on the start of the NEXT level you can
change the upgrade paths and, consequently, your units, should you wish.

Certain buildings do not affect the upgrade path of units ... these are the
Mage Tower (which is necessary in order for you to research spells), the
Thieves' Guild (which is required before you can recruit thieves, who can spy
on enemy players to reveal the characters garrisoned in Cities, etc.), and the
Temple (which you need before you can heal and/or resurrect creatures).

You can also conduct spell research in your capital, provided you have enough
mana to learn the spell in question, and it is picked from your list of
available spells.


You will also take over other cities, naturally ... these cities are NOT your
capital, however, and whilst the majority of the rules apply, there are
certain changes. FOR EXAMPLE, you cannot build buildings in your other cities
- this is because you only NEED one set, and for ease of administration those
are all located in the Capital. For example, once a Temple has been built in
your Capital, you can heal and resurrect characters in ALL your cities.

Each NON-CAPITAL city can "grow" as well ... there are five levels of growth,
and these affect the number of characters that can be housed in a city, the
rate at which your terrain sprouts forth from the city, the speed with which
characters that are in the city recover their Hit Points, and so on.

Each city can only grow ONCE per turn.

Finally, each city can house troops and hold items. On the party screen, you
will see two units of troops. On the left is a list of troops that are just
healing, etc., in the city.

To the right is a list of the troops which are garrisoned in the city ...



The two races you can pick from are as follows :-

1) The Empire
2) The Mountain Clans

THE EMPIRE, led by 3 competing rulers, are portrayed at least at the OUTSET as
your bog-standard hero types, their units including Knights, Priests, Paladins,
Holy Avengers, and so on. As they mature, you realise that there is trouble in
Paradise, however ... and great turmoil and anger exists between the 3 rulers,
as each vies for overall control of the Empire. In spite of this, the Empire
remain one of the most basic and steadfast races in the game ... their main
bonus is that they boast more healing units than any other race, and this helps
prolong their lives during combat and otherwise ....

THE MOUNTAIN CLANS, ruled by Queen Yataa'Halli, are basically made up of
Dwarves and Giants. Their units include Warriors, Veterans, Hill Giants, Sons
of Ymir, Flame Casters, and other wee ones ... they are strong and sturdy, but
suffer from VERY poor initiative ratings, which means that they generally take
damage in combat before they are able to dish it out. To make up for this, the
Mountain Clans are about the only race in the game who's upgrade paths cross-
over ... what I mean by this is that melee fighters can become multi-hitting
spellcasters and vice-versa, depending on the upgrade path chosen.

There are, of course, other "mini" races in the game, but you cannot play as
these ... they include the Marshdwellers, the Greenskins, the Barbarian
Tribes and the Occultists. They help add variety and spice to the game,
and to generally keep it interesting =)



Although not of PARAMOUNT importance - at least not on the easier difficulty
settings, is the notion of tact and diplomacy. You play against other races
... those races have rulers ... those rulers can be spoken to, and negotiated
with ...

The Disciples 2 Diplomacy interface is kinda limited ... but it's very much a
secondary aspect of the game anyway, so it doesn't really DETRACT from it or
anything ... basically you have options for Diplomacy ... you can offer gold
to another player, you can offer to sell them a magic spell, you can propose
an alliance with them, or you can even break an existing alliance with them
and go to war with them ...

You will find that, as you attack another player's enemies, your popularity
with that player will naturally increase and, over time, the other players may
well offer to ally with you.

Alliances are NOT set in stone, however, so always make sure to watch your
back at all times ;)

When you are allied with another race you cannot attack their troops or
cities, or steal their resources unless the treaty is broken ... the treaty
can be broken at any time, but whilst it is in place, you too can feel
reasonably safe from attacks by that race ...

Similarly, you will find that your allies will, from time to time, attempt to
sell YOU spells and other niceities, and they will frown upon you if you do
not take them ... even though 99.9% of the time they inflate the price ;)



There are LOADS of different types of items that you can pick up ... these
include :-

POTIONS Only good once, and can only affect one character for
one turn.
SCROLLS Can only be used once, and only by a Magic User, but
any spell can wind up being picked up as a scroll, so
they are QUITE useful ;)
ORBS Only useable in combat, and only by a magic user - can
only be used once and then they disappear.
TALISMANS Can be used several times before they wear out, but
only once per combat session, and only in combat.
STAFFS Can be used like spells, and do not wear out ... no
use in combat, however.
ARTIFACTS Can be equipped by leaders (if they have the
corresponding skill), and can bolster their power or
give them new powers - VERY USEFUL !!
BANNERS Only one can be carried by your leader at a time (and
even then only if your leader has the corresponding
skill), but with effects like "Increase the damage of
all characters in your unit by 20%" they are NOT to
be sneezed at.
TOMES With VERY rare exception, tomes are exclusively used
as wards. You can only use one at a time but, whilst
holding it, you are warded against that type of attack
- e.g. Tome of Air = Air Ward
TRAVEL ITEMS Boots, basically ... they augment your movement points
and/or skills - e.g. Boots of the Elements mean that
you suffer no movement penalty whilst travelling over
water - WHICH IS GREAT !! =D

(I am sure there are more, but you can take these as a


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¦ === ¦ \ / ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ===
¦ ¦ ¦ \/ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ == ¦ ¦ ¦ ===== ¦ ¦ ¦ ===== ¦ ==
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦ ¦ \ ¦ ¦
¦ == ¦ ¦\ /¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ \ ¦ ==
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ \/ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ \ ¦ ¦
¦ === ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦\ \ ¦ ===
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ \ \ ¦ ¦
======== === === === === === === ========

(Dedicated to Michael (the Horny Angel), and Aiden,
mes meilleurs nouveaux amis, et un exemple
étincelant d'un amour modern)


¦ This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2004) ¦
¦ I don't mind it being lifted in its entirity, but if you do so, ¦
¦ please make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it ¦
¦ off as your own. Thanks ! ¦


1) A Light in the Forest
2) The Mark of Heresy
3) Firewalk



This is a very quick key to some of the terms I'll use in this FAQ :-

In areas where I am talking about troops in cities, any troops mentioned in
[squared brackets] are within the city proper (an obvious example would be
Myzrael, who would be shown as [Myzrael] as he is IN the city and, in his case,
cannot leave - all troops NOT in squared brackets are just waiting in the
city (as in, healing there, etc.)

Map directions are as follows. North on the map is up and right. South is
down and left. West is up and left, and East is down and right.

One other thing ... if when mentioning any troops I refer to them like this :-

Phantom Warrior (10) or 2 Dwarves (10/12), then the numbers in brackets refer
to their level/s of experience ... so BE WARNED !! ;)

Obviously the very nature of this game makes doing an FAQ quite a tricky task,
as you can go anywhere, do anything (within reason) and your opponents will
pretty much respond to the way you play ... so this is an account of what I
would suggest and expect, pointers I have learned, things I would pick up -
basically anything and everything which I could think of which might help you
play as the Undead Hordes in their Saga ... I have tried to keep this FAQ
both light-hearted, and informative.

Similarly, with troops garrisoned in cities, whilst my FAQ is accurate as at
MY playing the game, these may change - ESPECIALLY in cities owned by other
players (as you are doubtless aware if you've ever played this game, your
computer opponents are FOREVER changing the troops that they garrison in their

Comments are always welcome - you can reach me at shadowpath@hotmail.com.

Thanks for reading this !!


1) A Light in the Forest


Whilst it took Demon Uther only a few years to reduce the Empire to rubble,
but it would take DECADES to undo that which he had wrought.

Many years would pass before a new sovereign would appear, and during those
years there would be ceaseless fighting within the Empire.

The events of Disciples 2 marked an AWFUL period of their history ...

Demon Uther's twisted ambition to replace Bethrezen brought him his undoing.

The Empire had been all but destroyed by Uther's madness. Civil Wars broke
out across the land, and Empire Cities fell to Unholy Demons. The combined
deaths of Demosthene AND Uther left the Empire in UTTER despair. Many nobles
now fought for control over the Throne, with the three most major factions
being :

Emry, Baron of Abrissel - a noble Paladin, had stepped forward and led
Abrissel to freedom when all hope had been lost during the Great Wars;

Duchess Ambrielle of Verzillin - chief among Demosthene's Royal Spy Services
before the collapse of the Empire, the Duchess could cause cities to fall,
vaults to be emptied and nobles to vanish with but a point of her finger from
the shadows; and

Count Flamel Crowley - ruler of a horde of religious fanatics, retaining
control over them with threats of damnation and retribution. Combined fear
of Bethrezen AND the Highfather has given Crowley GREAT power over Witch
Hunters and Inquisitors, who now scour the land for sinners.

While the Empire struggles to unite its people, a legend emerges from the
Forest ...

NOTE : Your Capital City is just inside the north-western corner of the map.

You start off this first level with a reasonable amount of GP and Infernal
Mana (the initial starting level decreasing depending on the difficulty you
have selected), and all your level one spells already learned.

You will have unfettered access to your ENTIRE spellbook during the three
missions that make up the Empire's Expansion Pack, and can build ALL your
buildings on EACH level.


You will see that there is a picture of a sword with a coloured blade above
your leader's portrait on the party screen. This is a new addition to the
Disciples 2 Expansion Packs, and serves to give you a rough guideline as
to the approximate level of the units in an enemy's pack ... and your own ;)

A unit WITHOUT a sword is Level 1 - 4
A unit with a BLUE-bladed sword is Level 5 - 9
A unit with an ORANGE-bladed sword is Level 10 - 14
A unit with a RED-bladed sword is Level 15 or higher

I would HOPE for your sakes that you have imported a leader with a RED-bladed
sword, as your leader WILL NOT GAIN ANY EXPERIENCE during the ENTIRE campaign.

That's right !! Your leader will NEVER level up again, so BE WARNED.


Your objective on this first level is to seek a way to gain support for Emry
of Abrissel's ascension to the Throne of the Empire.

Nice and easy eh !! Haaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha NOT.

The level begins with Elf Lord Gelma'ar rushing to your Capital City calling
for your aid. Emry of Abrissel seems stunned that Elves are now standing at
his gates, and his shock is responded to by Millu, the Oracle Elf. She
confirms that times are ... difficult ... for the children of Gallean, and
says that although he has now returned to them, most of their people were
slaughtered by Mortis' armies, and they are consequently without a Queen.

She adds that the Undead are continuing to raid their remaining Cities.

Emry of Abrissel asks how he is to know that he isn't being duped into a trap.

Millu confirms that they are being temporarily "guided" by the Prophet
Lachla'an, who is Gallean's chosen Avatar on Nevendaar. Lachla'an can see the
future, and has already predicted that the Elves will ally with the Humans
in the coming times ...

Emry of Abrissel says he would like to meet Lachla'an, and Millu confirms that
this is Lachla'an's wish as well ... Millu has been sent to request the
Empire rid the Elves of the Undead Hordes in three of their cities to the
south of your Capital.

Emry confirms that the presence of the Undead THIS close to Empire lands
represents a great enough threat for the Empire to take an active role in
cleansing the area, and asks that Millu give Emry's scout directions to the
Cities in question. IF she is telling the truth, Emry says he would like to
meet with Lachla'an to discuss an alliance.

Millu agrees, saying that she and her troops will make camp in the forests
nearby until a decision has been made.


If you DO ? Emry of Abrissel accuses you of betraying the Empire, and you
will automatically FAIL the level, with the comment :-

"Once the Empire had managed to alienate the Elves, Emry's support for the
throne started to waiver. Lady Ambrielle withdrew back to Norhold with her
spies, and it seemed that all hope because lost for the reunification of the
Empire ..."

What I would suggest you do INSTEAD would be to LEAVE the Elven Units, and
focus your attentions instead on those creatures that lurk in the area.

Beware - it is very important to remember that there is civil war in the
Empire. Therefore, not all units that fly an Empire Banner will be yours
to control ... there are two units controlled by Count Crowley in the
immediate vicinity of your Capital City ...

Okknor, your scout, reports back to confirm that he only had to travel a half
a day south to find traces of the Undead. He confirms that not only are they
HERE, but they are getting CLOSER ;)

Emry of Abrissel confirms that he will aid the Elves, but that AID is the
operative word ... he doesn't want them just watching all the action - he
expects to fight SIDE-BY-SIDE with them against the Undead.

Millu confirms that the Elves have been waiting for him to reach a decision,
and that they will fight at his side nooooooooooooo pwoblem.

Emry then takes the opportunity to hit on Millu. That DIRTY old perv.

Millu confirms that Gelma'ar will aid the Empire, but that if he dies ? They
will cease assisting you guys ...

Gelma'ar then switches allegiance to become an Empire unit, and you receive a

NEW OBJECTIVE : Capture the Elven Cities of Vorems, Me'ellis and Tristi'il.

For your convenience, the stats of your new Elven units are as follows :-



Gelma'ar 195 0 - Air Lightning 80 50 Air 50 Any 6
Millu 42 0 - Air Healing 100 -60 Life 10 Any 6
Elf Ranger 45 0 - - Arrow 80 25 Wea 65 Any 1


If you approach the Defender of the Faith, he says that Emry of Abrissel has
been charged with heresy against the Highfather, and that for this he and
his forces have been called to surrender for trial before Count Flamel

Needless to say, Emry tells the Defender of the Faith to SLING IT.

The Defender of the Faith says that their claims are substantiated by virtue
of Emry's recent discourse with the Elves - a race who OPENLY and BRAZENLY
worship a PAGAN God (Gallean), and that he (Emry) must be tested to make sure
that he has not been possessed by the Elves ... for certainly until such an
act has been carried out, he is unfit to ascend to the throne.

Emry once again tells the Defender of the Faith to SOD OFF and give kisses to

The Defender of the Faith mocks Emry, which causes Emry to ask for these
"horse droppings" to be removed from his yard, by YOU ;)

There are 2 units to despatch :-

1) Spearman (15), Peasant (12)
2) Defender of the Faith (1), Acolyte (1)

Once they have been despatched, you can "properly" secure the Empire Capital.

If you venture northwards, you will find Crulsevere WHICH, once taken, causes
Dresdon (one of your Pegasus Knights) to ask what the HELL Giants are doing
on your lands.

Zera, a Prophetess, says that they seem (from their Talismans) to worship the
same Nature Goddess as the Barbarians, and that you should definitely be on
guard ...

More of Count Crowley's Units stand guard just outside Crulsevere - they are
a Titan (10), a Witch Hunter (2), a Mage (2) and a Cleric (2).

Yet MORE of Count Crowley's Forces are outside Mertrin's Grounds (to the east
of Crulsevere). These include an Imperial Priest (3), 2 Mages (3/3), 2
Spearmen (10/9) and a Man at Arms (9).

Further east we have ... guess what !! THAT'S RIGHT !! Yet MORE of that
FWEEKLIN Crowley's troops. Just to be on the safe side ? I'll now STOP
giving you their levels and stuff ... because it might well vary depending
on the difficulty you are playing on ... suffice to say they are starting to
get on my nerves - I'm sure they are doing the same to you ;)

Once Akjeda has fallen (it's to the south-east of Mertrin's Grounds), Zera
pops up to tell you that the Green Dragon contained therein was being raised
by Crowley as a weapon against YOU !! What a SH!T eh !!!!!

If you venture to the land mass on the northeasternmost edge of the map, and
take the City of Agustelle, a Barbarian Chieftain says that they are a race
bred to survive; that their cities are temporary and our victories over them
are meaningless.

If you take Iseude, which is a monument in the VERY northeasternmost corner
of this land mass, Dresdon appears to tell you that you are going the wrong
way ...

... thinks about this for a moment ...

... isn't it sweet of him to tell us that we're going the wrong way just as
soon as we hit the very EDGE of the map ?? Odds are we MIGHT have just
figured that out for ourselves Dresdon old boy.

... you USELESS little man ...

*slap slap slap*

Dresdon tells you that the Elven Cities are in the west. He's actually WRONG.
They are in the south-east of the map ... and we WILL get there ... but I'm
going to finish exploring this map for YOU first ... IF that's ok with
Dresdon ? Hmmmmm ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ??


Now then ... ONCE you have completed exploring the northeasternmost land mass,
I moved back across to the west across the top, swooping down on the City of
Sanimos WHICH, when approached (specifically when you set foot between those
two statues that guard its entrance), causes an Inquisitor to squeal "Quickly!
To the gates" The sinners approach!"

Intriguing ! And accurate !! :)

Once Sanimos has fallen to your might, the Inquisitor calls you traitors, and
says that you will have to answer to the Highfather himself for your actions.

................................ AND ???

Is that IT ???


The City contains 2 Life Potions and a Royal Scepter.

Falling back towards your Capital I came upon the City of Evenshade which,
once taken, prompts a Knight to tell you that the blood you have shed there
will not go unnoticed.

Which is a GOOD thing 'coz I for one was thinking of redecorating the place
in it ... what do you think ?? :) Don't you think it would go rather nicely
with Emry of Abrissal's Blood-Red Plate Mail ????? ;)

If, after besting the Green Dragon outside the City of Evenshade, you turn
west and defeat the Marshdwellers that lurk in the area, you may approach
Horrill. HOWEVER, as you draw near, a Stone Rain spell is cast on you from
afar :(

Once Horrill has fallen, a Lizard Man tells you that you have NO right to it,
and that it is THEIRS ...

... and he's right ! But do WE care ????? Nah. The Empire's fragmented
already ... a few less Lizards skulking about the place won't do anybody any
harm, non ??? ;)

The Mountain Clans retain a PRESENCE on these lands, by virtue of their
ownership of the City of Ebonshere in the south-western corner of the map -
however they have no CAPITAL on these lands and, as such, are able to be
considered as little more than a minor irritation.

However, if you draw close to the City of Ebonshere, Okknor pops up to suggest
that you might like to steer clear of the Dwarves, for they are skilled in
the art of war ...

... SCREW 'EM !! Stunty little maggots ... STORM THE CITIES ... BURN EVERY
VILLAGE (guess who's just finished watching the Two Towers ... hehehe).

Once Dermik's Watch has fallen, a Dwarven Engineer says that they have sent
word back to their kin in the mountains, and that we will be "hewn down like
rotton old wood".

.................. wtf ?? WHATEVER (cuts his head off)


Following on from this INSULT by the Engineer, a further Dwarven unit
comprising Witeric (a level 5 King's Guard) and 2 level 1 Yetis appear to
the south-west of the Ebonshere. Looks like it's time to hew THEM down eh
lads ?? :)

Once Ebonshere has been taken, the Dwarf King that resided therein asks why
you attacked us when they had no defences ...

... again, pauses to think this through ...

...... whips out a little notepad and draws him a picture ...

......... taps him on the shoulder and points and the notepad ...

BECAUSE you had no defences you IMBECILE. If you'd put guards hiar, hiar,
hiar, hiar, hiar ... and hiar ... and hiar ... we wouldn't have been able to
get in !!

GUARDS ! Take him a-WAY.

Ebonshere contains a Life Potion and a Potion of Healing.

The Sacred Vaults are due south-east of Ebonshere, and they aren't REALLY
worth visiting in my opinion ... but if you DO ? You WILL get a Thanatos
Blade, and Natell (one of your Priests) comments that he thinks the caves
are beautiful ... definitely a wonderful location to keep precious artifacts,
and he expresses an interest in remaining there for a short while longer.

Zera cautions him that it might just be a Dwarven glamour to make working
in the mines more bearable ... but that she feels the same thing as he does.

If you turn once you get to Giddeon's Supplies and head towards the south-
westernmost corner of the map, you will stumble upon the City of Blegg. Once
it has fallen, you will gain a Life Potion and a Potion of Striking from
the inhabitants of the city (after combat), and Dresdon will call for the
Orcs to leave the City at once, to which their King just laughs at you.
Dresdon responds by having him hanged.


Turning and heading due east of Blegg now, you will come upon the Orc Trading
Post. Once it has fallen, one of your Pegasus Knights will remark that there
isn't really anything there to salvage, and that everything owned by the Orcs
is simply disgusting ! DEFINITELY unfit for HUMAN consumption.

How ... racist !!! :(

North-east of the Orc Trading Post is the City of Jaffesbrim ... which isn't
really so much of a city as it is a hole in the ground ... but hey ! You
could surely TAKE that hole in the ground and turn it into something REALLY
special, non ?? :)

Once that city has fallen, an Orc challenges your rule, saying that their
sons will retake the land from you, and that you will NEVER be rid of them ...

... which I think is a good thing !! I mean ... cannon fodder is always
welcome isn't it ?? *licks his finger and draws a "1" in the air*

Dresdon badgers you YET AGAIN, saying that you SHOULD be concentrating your
efforts on freeing the Elven Cities.

ALRIGHT Dresden ALLBLOODYRIGHT !!! I'm GETTING there ... *straightens his

Sheesh !!

The City of Jaffesbrim contains a Healing Ointment.

South-east of Jaffesbrim is a Blue Dragon, guarding a little trinket (a silver
ring) that isn't really worth bothering with to be honest with you.

If you swing around to the north now, and then venture east, you will find
the entrance to the Elven Cities (which are now under Undead Rule) ;)

You will ALSO find Gress Manor which, when retaken from the monsters that
lurk therein, provokes Natell into going off on one about how he hates the
smell the spiders that were inside left behind ... and why can't we put up
some nice drapes ... with pretty flower-pictures on them ... just to keep
the place looking summery.

Yes Natell ... whatever you say Natell (motions for his guards to remove
Natell from his court).

However, just before we enter the three Elven Cities to retake them for Millu
and her party, I am going to liberate the City of Challeroi from Undead Rule.

Ooh ! Lo and behold ! It contains a pair of Elven Booties !!! :) :) :)

If you now about-face and head southwards of Gress Manor, you will enter the
Elven Cities "bit" of the map - i.e. the southeasternmost corner of the map.

To the south of the City of Vorems lies the Gravehaunt which, when dealt with,
causes Zera to purge it of evil spirits ...

... BIT late luv - we've just DONE that bit ... but nevermind !! :)

In the VERY southeasternmost corner of the map lies Cathek Tower. Once it
has been cleansed of the beast that lives within its walls, Natell (who must
have come RUNNING back into my main audience chamber BECAUSE I AM SURE I TOLD
MY GUARDS TO HAVE HIM REMOVED *eyes them all with a glare*), comes LEGGING it
in to say that the Skylord must have gone mad with grief at the loss of its
master, and that it this is directly as a result of the Undead's Cruelty.

AND NOW FINALLY !! I can bring you the three Elven Cities.

VOREMS is the westernmost of the three Elven Cities, and is defended by
Zythaar (a level 14 Nosferat) and his band of underlings - see the cities
section below for more details.

Once Zythaar has been slain and Vorems returned to Empire (read: Elven) rule,
Millu says "such a waste. Vorems held some of the finest art of our people.
See how the mere presence of Mortis' army has caused the pieces to decay ?"

YOU shoulda used Ronseal luv ... does exactly what it says on the can !!

ME'ELLIS is being held by the Lich Queen Lekria (level 12) and her minions.
Once it has been purged, an Elf Lord confirms that there are no survivors.
Millu says that there are MANY survivors, and that the Elf Lord must be
mistaken. However, he counters by saying that they are all diseased and dying,
and that they will certainly not live through the season.

Millu is NOT impressed with his candour.

TRISTI'IL is occupied by Delchek (a level 15 Death Knight), and his subjects.
Once THEY have been slain, Millu praises you saying that Gallean's visions
were true and that you have done what you said you would.

Emry of Abrissel takes ALL the credit of course ... that GIMP.

Millu says that it is time for Emry of Abrissel to meet with Lachla'an ... and
that whilst she and her people are going to stay in the City of Tristi'il,
and help rebuild the Elven Empire, they will provide you with directions on
how to find Lachla'an.

Millu finishes by saying that the Elves OWE you one.


CONGRATULATIONS !! You have completed the First Level


OPPONENTS The Undead Hordes, The Mountain Clans (kinda)



Name Inhabitants
Agustelle Brown Bear (1), Barbarian Chieftain (12), Barbarian
Warrior (1), Wolf (1)
Sanimos Priest (2), 2 Archers (1/1), 2 Imperial Knights (3/3),
Defender of the Faith (3)
Evenshade Hatton (Pegasus Knight - 3), Witch Hunter (2), Marksman
(2), Matriarch (3)
Blegg Troll (5), 2 Orc Champions (8/7), 2 Goblin Archers (10/10)
Jaffesbrim Orc Champion (9), 2 Orcs (10/5), 3 Goblin Archers (10/15/10)


Name Inhabitants

Ebonshere Flame Caster (3), Forge Guardian (3), Druidess (3),
Dwarf (15), Dwarf King (5)


Name Inhabitants

Vorems Zythaar (Nosferat - 14), Wight (4), Werewolf (1), Zombie
(2), Dreadwyrm (4)
Me'Ellis Lekria (Lich Queen - 12), Dark Lord (3), Werewolf (1)
Phantom Warrior (5), Shade (3), Lich (4)
Tristi'il Delchek (Death Knight - 15), Skeleton (3), Werewolf (1),
Necromancer (3), Archlich (5), Ghost (1)


Name Inhabitants

Challeroi [Necromancer (3)]


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it?

Crulsevere Primitive Giant (1), Wolf (1) 520 Gp, Banner of Strength
Akjeda Green Dragon (1) 440 Gp, Spirit Staff
Iseude 2 Brown Bears (5/6) 220 Gp, Titan's Might Potion
Horrill 3 Lizard Men (1), Medusa (10) 305 Gp, Lizard Man Talisman
Dermik's Watch 2 Yetis (4/4), Alchemist (3) 332 Gp, Venerable Warrior Orb
Sacred Vaults 2 Sons of Ymir (4/4),
Elder One (4) 324 Gp, Thanatos Blade
Orc Trading Post Ogre (12), Goblin (10),
3 Goblin Archers (10/10/10) 520 Gp, Orc Orb
Gress Manor 2 Giant Spiders (1/5),
Giant Black Spider (1) 425 Gp, Talisman of Venom
Gravehaunt Werewolf (1) 2 Ghouls (1/10),
Shade (3) 240 Gp, Ancient Relic
Cathek Tower Skylord (1) 830 Gp, Sapphire


Event Notes

SAVE US SAVE US ! The Elves issue a call for aid.
HERETIC !!!!! Count Flamel Crowley accuses you of Heresy.
FREEEEEEDOOOOOOM Free the three Elven Cities from Undead Rule.

Sapphire, Potion of Protection, Emerald, Holy Strength Scroll, Potion of
Celerity, 2 x Diamonds, Tome of Arcanum, Potion of Vigor, Incantare Beliarh
Scroll, Royal Scepter, Orb of Inferno, Potion of Restoration, Orb of
Lightning, Potion of Accuracy, Ymir's Blessing Scroll, Potion of Water
Warding, Quicksilver Potion, Talisman of Lightning, Life Potion, Potion
of Invulnerability, Silver Ring, Bronze Ring, Ruby, Death Storm Scroll,
Gold Ring, Staff of Twilight, Curse of Nygrael Scroll, Cursa Demoneus Scroll,
Skeleton Champion Orb, Potion of Might, Potion of Speed.

Gold Ring, 3 x Potions of Restoration, 4 x Life Potions, 5 x Potions of
Healing, Highfather's Potion.


Name Sells

Gursen Cottages (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Healing Ointment x 10, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Potion of Healing x 10,
Elf Lord Talisman x 1, Potion of Striking x 1,
Potion of Swiftness x 1, Potion of Celerity x 1
Mertrin's Grounds (Trainer) --> Train your Units here !! <--
Samson's Supplies (Merchant) Zombie Orb x 1, Goblin Orb x 1, Life Potion x 10,
Menta Minoris Scroll x 1, Potion of Restoration
x 10, Healing Ointment x 10, Potion of Healing
x 10, Treebark Potion x 4
Premnin (Magic Shop) Chain Lightning (900 Gp), Ice Pillar (400 Gp),
Tempest (600 Gp), Stone Rain (400 Gp), Death
Storm (900 Gp)
Gideon's Supplies (Merchant) Healing Ointment x 10, Life Potion x 10, Potion
of Healing x 10, Treebark Potion x 1, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Potion of Strength x 1,
Potion of Speed x 1, Potion of Might x 1
Vessik's Research (Magic) Highfather's Blessing (1200 Gp), Rot (800 Gp),
Vengeance of Ymir (800 Gp), Projicere Terra
(800 Gp), Haste (400 Gp), Seafaring (400 Gp)
Teali's Wares (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Healing x 10,
Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Accuracy
x 1, Potion of Speed x 1, Potion of Air Warding
x 1, Potion of Fire Warding x 1, Healing
Ointment x 10, Treebark Potion x 4
Fresser's Camp (Trainer) --> Train your Units here !! <--


Having freed the Elven cities from their bonds, Emry of Abrissel had made a
powerful new ally in the Elves. Emry's people were compassionate towards the
Elves, and the horrors they had found in the three cities only served to
strengthen their resolve for working towards a unified Empire.

Emry prepared to despatch his men to meet Lachla'an - Prophet of Gallean -
in the hopes that this would further diplomatic relations with the Elven


2) The Mark of Heresy


Although now DETERMINED to meet up with Lachla'an, Emry was keenly aware that
in order to REACH him, the path would take him through Crowley's territory
and, with Crowley's Inquisition policing the land heavily in order to keep
them "loyal" to Crowley, merely being ACCUSED of being a heretic (which
claim Crowley had already levelled against Emry) was sufficient to justify

The City of Delgrenere, however, remained loyal to the original incarnation
of the Empire, and welcomed Emry's forces. The Baron had promised an
alliance with the Elves, and a combined army powerful enough to overthrow the

Crowley's cruel punishments extended BEYOND the human scene ... he had, it
transpired, been assailing the Dwarven populace of the region for years as
well. Whilst Emry attempted to despatch Emissaries to the Clans to offer
them a further alliance, none of his Emissaries returned =(

For all the "cleansing" unleashed upon the land, it was strange that one could
still smell the stench of demons on a strong northern wind.

Your objective on this second level is to remove Count Flamel Crowley from
his position of power.

Aaaaaaaaaaand we start off wiiiiiiiiiiiith ... ah yes ...

A Forest Elf appears to threaten you (niiiiice), saying that your trickery
will not go unpunished, and that our attempts to use our alliance with the
Elves to slay Lachla'an has merely turned him into a martyr powerful enough
to rally the Elves AGAINST the Empire.

... I'm sorry ... I was out getting coffee ... did I MISS the bit where it
all went tits up ?????

Emry, it appears, was ALSO out having coffee, because HE hasn't got a scooby
doo what that Elf was talking about either !! Emry says that according to
his palm pilot, OUR meeting with Lachla'an isn't for a few days !!

Emry's Advisor (a Hierophant) says he thinks it is safe to assume that
Lachla'an has been slain, but he cannot suggest why Emry is being blamed for
his death. He says we can only assume that the Elves have been tricked.

Yep ! That sounds about right to me !!

Emry says that we will have to await further contact from the Elves, and that
in the interim we should continue to march upon Crowley's Castle.

And we're off !! :)

Your Capital City is located in the southeasternmost corner of the map

Count Flamel Crowley's City of Melasem is located at the northernmost edge
of the map, dead center

Count Crowley's Forces are ALL over the place, so ONCE AGAIN you will have to
fight your way past "Empire" troops to get to this "Empire" Faction Boss ...

Your Capital City is located on a cliff overlooking the lands ...

If you explore the Ruins of Gelme, a Ranger reports back saying that the old
Council Ground has become some sort of den, and that it is unusual to see
bears so close to civilisation. He says that their hides will decorate your
halls, and warm your beds.

If you venture from YOUR lands due WEST, then Natell (that FWEEK who seems
to elude capture) says that the people of your neighbouring lands are no
longer faithful to the Empire, having been pushed from pillar to post during
the wars between Emry and Crowley ... he feels that it may be cruel to attack
them again, but surely it would be WORSE for Crowley's Inquisition to come
marching through ??

I'm going to wipe them out ........... all of them ... but obviously it's
entirely up to you whether you do or not ... you know where Crowley's City is
on the map, because I've just told you ... and you can reach it from either
side of the map just as easily ...

If you sack Rendill's Watch, one of the Spearmen in the Garrison cries "leave
us alone! We don't want any part of your war! We are ........" *eeeerghhhh*
as I run him through for being such a PUNK.

Once the City of Turrenslere has been bent to your might, the Peasants BEG
not to be whipped, saying they will obey your command ...

Zera tries to calm them, saying that Emry of Abrissel is NOT a cruel master,
and that he will repair your city and make sure you have enough food for your
family. In exchange for which all he asks is assistance in beating that

The Peasants say they will do what they can.

The city contains a life potion.

The Archmage Othon blocks your path west ... despatch him and move on, but
BE ADVISED he is warded against Air Magic ;)

Hokay ... so NOW I'm going to head due west, to the southwesternmost corner
of the map, to see what's going on over there ...

If you take the City of Hedronspere in the southwesternmost corner of the map,
Dresdon pops up to tell you that you now have control over the peasants, and
that Hedronspere will make a FINE addition to the Empire. He believes that
it offers much in the way of resourcfes, and that its position is
"strategically ideal" ... *wtf ?? It's in the southwesternmost corner of the
map !?!?!*

The City of Hedronspere contains a Banner of Striking and a Life Potion, for
your troubles.

Once Blunea has fallen, Dresdon pops up again to spread his opinion on Orcs -
i.e. that they are like roaches ... but then again ... who cares ! It's the
EMPIRE that are spreading, non ?? ;)

North of Hedronspere lie the Halls of Ollum - a Magic Shop protected on ALL
sides by Dragons !! The shop itself contains MANY many summoning spells that
you may well find to be of use to you in the coming days - however the
cost is usually between 1000-2000 Gp, so it's perhaps something you might
like to keep in mind for future visits later on the level ;)

If you venture north-west of the Halls of Ollum you will encounter the
Mountain Clans' Capital City ... moving to its southern edge you will find a
Merchant's Shop called Eighttoe's Oddities.

If you approach this shop, a Dwarven Mountaineer called Eighttoe stops you,
saying that you've got SOME nerve showing your face in these parts - however,
your gold is as good as anybody else's, so hurry and buy what you need and
BUGGER OFF before you get spotted ... is his advice ... ;)

If you are swift enough to make it to Brinepeak before the Clans get to it,
Dresdon queries why they (the Clans) haven't already "felled this fearsome
beast" ...

... erm ... *taps him on the shoulder* ... THAT'LL BE BECAUSE THEY'RE SHORT

I'm now going to head up to the northwesternmost corner of the map.

If you take Warren Manor, Dresdon comments that it would appear that Mortis'
corpses have ALSO arrived on the lands ... and that he hopes you will have no
further encounters with them ...

Whilst it is true that the Undead do not have a Capital City on this map,
there is at least ONE more undead unit lurking around, so be careful ;)

If you venture to the VERY northwesternmost corner of the map you will find
that it comprises a totally walled-in city that has been taken by the
Greenskins and Dragons - the City of Kondoss.

Once it has been "liberated", Dresdon sneers at the Lizard Men that once
populated it ........................ that's not very nice is it !!!!!

I then swept back south and slightly further eastwards, to take the Clans'
City of Olgrevin (which, surprisingly, was unoccupied !!). Zera comes up to
say that it was a senseless waste of life - that you had only wanted to speak
with the Clans, but that they had attacked you without provocation.

... perhaps they just saw your armies marching upon their CITY eh ????? ;)

Dresdon offers that Crowley must have been torturing them with his witch
trials, and that consequently they must have it in for the Empire ... and
really who can blame them ???

Once the Jurott Temple has fallen, Zera says that it used to be a place of
peace and meditation for the children of the Highfather, and asks QUITE
RIGHTLY how Crowley could possibly allow the mutilation of such a monument ...

To the east of the Jurott Temple lies Camp Helnn - a Mercenary Camp - and
due east of Camp Helnn lies Count Crawley's City - right smack bang in
Legions' Lands ... =./

HOWEVER ! Before I kick his ARSE I thought I would explore the rest of the
world map for you ;)

SOUTH of your present location lies the Blithrung Tower which, when conquered,
causes Natell to pop up and tell you that the Dragons WERE formerly under the
control of the Elves, but that alliance died soon after Gallean's death. The
Dragons now roam the lands wild and unchecked ... and should be carefully
watched out for.

Venturing further south (south-west), Rummenia lies in your path. Whilst it
is on Clans'-owned land, when I came to it, it was occupied by neutral troops.

Once it has fallen, Natell tells you that it is an old Dwarven City, that has
nothing in it ... the Clans appear to have been fighting over it for some
time, and this constant state of flux has left little in the City's coffers.

There ARE, contrary to Natell's analysis, two Potions of Invulnerability in
the City.

Due south-east of Rummenia lies ... shock, horror, Dark Elf Lachla'an and
the Undead Pawns !!!!! WTF are they doing here ??? I naturally HAD to move
in and check it out =./

As you approach him, he calls out to you, saying that you are insignificant;
nothing more than a tiny tremble in the passing of eternity. He says he has
no time to waste on you, with which he casts a shadow spell over his present
location (which is obviously immediately dissipated 'coz he's within your
line of sight), and then legs it due east and disappears off the map. That
little TURD.

The REST of his undead pawns can be slain, however. These comprise :-

1) 2 x Giant Spiders (1/1), Giant Black Spider (1)
2) 2 x Giant Black Spiders (1/5)
3) 2 x Giant Spiders (5/1), Giant Black Spider (1)

After dispatching the Undead Pawns, I returned to the Blithrung Tower and then
ventured due east, through the opening in the gates, to take the City of
Flittersby from Count Crowley's Armies.

PUZZLINGLY, the section of wall missing from the wall that would otherwise
have blocked my access to Flittersby is protected by a level one Thief, who
has a leadership skill of FIVE !?!?! And is accompanied by a Paladin, a
Master Thug and an Imperial Assassin !! Some HEAVY DUTY protection for our
little thieving enemy ... ;)

As you approach Flittersby, the Defender of the Faith on the path says that
THIS side of the river belongs to Count Crowley "and his faithful". If you
should attempt to pass, they shall smite you with all the power of the


RIDE them to the ground and raze the city. HAHAHAHAHA.

Once Flittersby has been retaken from Crowley's Armies, Zera says that it is
most fortunate that you have done so, as he was trying to bring down the Great
Wall that was erected around the city to protect it from Demonic Armies.

She also asks where Crowley's Forces are deriving their power from, as they
appear to be getting stronger with each passing day ...

I can tell you that it ISN'T from Weetabix ;)

Venturing back to the Blithrung Tower again, I then went east by north-east
to reach the City of Riverwell.

Once you have liberated Riverwell, a Paladin says "Thank the Highfather! You
have liberated us! Crowley is a madman! For no apparent reason, he jailed
the entire garrison!"

He goes on to tell you that they were awaiting their respective trials, but
had not yet been accused of anything ... he is therefore thankful for your

The City contains Boots of Speed, a Life Potion and 4 x Potions of

Once Scroan's Tower (just to the east of Riverwell) has fallen, Natell says
that the Tiara of Purity - one of the most beautiful artifacts in the
realm, has been looted from it - WELL before you came to loot it ... and that
the Empire is losing so much in this war ...

Once you have explored the Legions'-controlled lands in the northeasternmost
corner of the map, you can march for Count Crowley's City. As you
approach it, Okknor pops up to tell you that the lands have been scorched by
demon flame, and that Melasem (Crowley's Capital City) lies ahead. It is
the stronghold of Crowley and his unholy Inquisition.

The path is blocked by the following units :-

1) 2 Angels (15/10), 3 Imperial Assassins (10/10/10)
2) Defender of the Faith (10), Grand Inquisitor (10), Werewolf (1),
2 Hierophants (4/10)

Despatch them and move on.

As you approach Crowley's Capital City, he ventures forth to speak. He says :

CROWLEY : "Look ! Knights on MY doorstep !! SINNERS !!!!!!!!!"
ELDAE : "Aye, SINNERS !!!!!!!!! ON with the trials"

(Eldae is a MODEUS by the way)

Count Flamel Crowley's Capital City is protected by the following units :-

1) Godefroy (Pegasus Knight - 15), Defender of the Faith (5), Holy Avenger
(5), White Wizard (10), Hierophant (5), Prophetess (6)
2) Titan (15), Holy Avenger (10), Defender of the Faith (10), Mage (15),
Prophetess (6)

Once these two units have been despatched, it's time to KICK the COUNT'S BUTT !

Melasem is a Level 5 City, so Crowley's Unit will regenerate 30% of their Hit
Points PER DAY - be warned ;)

His unit comprises :-

Count Flamel Crowley (1), Infernal Knight (30), Holy Avenger (35),
Prophetess (35), Imperial Assassin (50)

For your information, Count Flamel Crowley's Stats are as follows :-


Count Flamel
Crowley 1000 40+30 Mind Fire Infernal Mace 90 175 Wea 65 Adj 1
Poison 90 50 Dea 65 Adj 1


Once Crowley has been defeated (and I have to say, he's not THAT tough), he
cries out saying "No ... the Highfather ... will not allow this. My angel,
why do you allow my death ? Do I not complete your every command ?"

Eldae (the Mobeus who has now assumed the portrait of an Angel) says "Yes,
Crowley. You've been a most useful puppet to us."

Crowley says "Puppet ? Wait ... you're no angel! How could I have ..."

... to which Eldae resumes his Mobeus form and says "Hahahahaha. We've got
a grand welcome waiting for you. Count Bethrezen will be pleased to finally
meet you."

Crowley finishes with a stereotypical "Noooooooooooo ..."



OPPONENTS Mountain Clans, Legions of the Damned, Count Crowley & his Forces.



Name Inhabitants

Turrenslere Gunther (Ranger - 10), Knight (2), Angel (4), Titan (5)
Hedronspere Defender of the Faith (5), Holy Avenger (5), Imperial
Assassin (5), Hierophant (6), White Wizard (8)
Kondoss Green Dragon (1), Wyvern (1), Lizard Man (10), Medusa (10)
Rummenia Woterim (King's Guard - 10), Rune Master (7), Venerable
Warrior (4), Wolf Lord (4), Archdruidess (4)


Name Inhabitants

Olgrevin -

EMPIRE CITIES (owned by Count Crowley's Armies)

Name Inhabitants

Flittersby Tuedon (Pegasus Knight - 10), Holy Avenger (5), Angel (4),
Imperial Priest (3)
Riverwell Defender of the Faith (10), Holy Avenger (10), Grand
Inquisitor (7), 2 x Hierophants (4/10)


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ?

Crellingham Imperial Assassin (3),
2 Master Thugs (15/10) 318 Gp
Ruins of Gelme 2 Brown Bears (5/5) 220 Gp, Life Potion
Rendill's Watch 3 Marksmen (2/2/2), Spearman
(10), Holy Avenger (10) 530 Gp, Diamond
Blunea Ogre (10), Troll (5),
Orc Champion (15) 459 Gp, Potion of Celerity
Brinepeak Skylord (1) 318 Gp, Ancient Relic
Warren Manor Death (4), Wight (4),
3 x Ghouls (6/10/6) 502 Gp, Tome of Fire
Jurott Temple 2 Beasts (4/4), Tiamath (5) 921 Gp, Staff of Invisibility
Blithrung Tower Black Dragon (1) 700 Gp
Scroan's Peak Abyssal Demon (5), Infernal
Knight (10), Modeus (5),
Overlord (5) 613 Gp, Potion of Vigor
Dreglen Devil (1), Gargoyle (1) 234 Gp, Healing Ointment


Event Notes

KICK HIS ARSE March northwards and slay the WICKED Count Flamel of Crowley.

2 x Life Potions, Talisman of Venom, Orb of Thunder, Illudere Terra Scroll,
3 x Potions of Restoration, Orb of Freezing, Ruby, Talisman of Water, Potion
of Vigor, Tortio Menta Scroll, 2 x Healing Ointments, Death Ward Scroll,
Treebark Potion, Orb of Witches, Orb of Healing, Orb of Vampires, 2 x Silver
Rings, Staff of Paralyzing, Wotan's Blessing Scroll, Potion of Water Warding,
Banner of Speed, Diamond, Potion of Fire Warding, Summon Valkyrie Scroll.



Name Sells

Shellot's Goods (Merchant) Healing Ointment x 10, Life Potion x 10,
Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration
x 10, Treebark Potion x 5, Potion of Swiftness
x 5, Potion of Vigor x 5
Mathemor's Tower (Magic Shop) Highfather's Blessing (1200 Gp), Wrath of
God (600 Gp), Seafaring (400 Gp), Forestwalk
(200 Gp), Summon Living Armour (400 Gp),
Ymir's Blessing (900 Gp), Shadow (400 Gp)
Camp Timberwyk (Trainer) --> Train your Units here ! <--
Halls of Ollum (Magic Shop) Fire Ward (800 Gp), Incorruptible (1000 Gp),
Summon Stone Ancestor (1000 Gp), Incantare
Avenger (1000 Gp), Summon Thanatos (1000 Gp),
Summon Golem (800 Gp), Illudere Terra
(2000 Gp), Fog of Death (600 Gp), Sanctuera
(600 Gp)
Eighttoe's Oddities (Merchant) Potion of Restoration x 10, Life Potion x 10,
Potion of Healing x 10, Healing Ointment x 10,
Potion of Fire Warding x 1, Orb of Icefall x 1,
Potion of Might x 6, Staff of Twilight x 1
Prelmic's Alchemy (Merchant) Healing Ointment x 10, Potion of Restoration x
10, Potion of Healing x 10, Life Potion x 10,
Potion of Celerity x 1, Potion of Strength x 1,
Potion of Striking x 1, Potion of Air Warding
x 1, Treebark Potion x 5
Camp Helnn (Mercenary Camp) Barbarian Chieftain (Level 1 - 1800 Gp),
Barbarian Chieftain (Level 10 - 3420 Gp),
Barbarian Warrior (Level 1 - 850 Gp),
Barbarian Warrior (Level 10 - 1615 Gp),
Griffin (Level 1 - 1250 Gp), Skylord (Level
1 - 3000 Gp)
Whibbak's Training (Trainer) --> Train your Units here ! <--
Caravan of the Wind (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Healing x 10,
Potion of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment
x 10, Infernal Knight Orb x 1, Potion of
Accuracy x 3, Treebark Potion x 10
Strathoss (Magic Shop) Sanctuera (600 Gp), Paraseus (600 Gp),
Maledicere (900 Gp), Chronos Major (1200 Gp),
Tortio Menta (800 Gp), Nightfall (1600 Gp)


Count Crowley's Alliance to the Legions of the Damned having been broken ...
HOWEVER, the Elven Avatar Lachla'an HAD been slain, and Emry of Abrissel was
still the Elves' prime suspect in the assassination. This meant that the
Elves had DEFINITELY been lost as allies of Abrissel.


3) Firewalk


With Crowley having been removed from power, Emry of Abrissel prepared for
the march back to his keep. One less faction to worry about meant that his
claim to the throne was becoming stronger. As word of the crushing of the
Inquisition spread throughout the Empire, support for Emry almost DOUBLED.

HOWEVER, news soon reached Emry's ears that the demons had conquered the last
of the Elven lands ... and that the Fires of Hell were spreading through the
lands at an alarming rate, scorching forests and boiling rivers. It would
appear that Count Flamel of Crowley was merely a distraction, Bethrezen having
set his sights on far more than simple dominion over the Empire.

One GRAND City remained in the path of the oncoming wave of molten lava -
the City of Verzillin. Emry rallied ihs forces and marched for the home of
the Duchess, hoping to put an end to this madness once and for all.

Your objective on this third and FINAL level for the Empire is to locate and
destroy the source of the Infernal Plague.

A nice ... easy ... job ... then ...

The level begins with Emry of Abrissel saying that the Duchess should not be
alarmed, as you are not at her gates for war - merely to offer your support
against the oncoming invasion of Hell.

Lady Ambrielle responds, saying that she is already fully aware of his plans,
having been informed before he even set foot out of Delgrenere. She says that
she supposes she SHOULD be grateful for his involvement, but that he should
not for one SECOND suppose that this will sway her from her plans for the

Emry (cheeky lad that he is) says "Am I the only one who doesn't know what
I am doing before I do it ?" (bless him eh). He says that they can bicker
about what to do with the throne later - for now, they have a unified
Empire right in front of them, and that it will be possible to rule it with
two rules ... for now ...

Lady Ambrielle says that she is pleasantly surprised that Emry is willing to
share his rule so easily, and that she will allow his forces to remain in her
Castle ... her only hope is that the Castle still stands by the end of the
level !! ;)

Emry confirms that he will send his scouts to the east to investigate what
madness is taking place there ...

... aaaaaaaaand we are LIVE !!!!!

Your Capital City is located inside the southwesternmost corner of the map ...

The SOURCE of the expanding flood of legions'-controlled land is Bethrezen's
Magic Well, which is in the north-eastern area of the map and, not
surpringly, HEAVILY guarded. So I'm going to explore the rest of the map
before I get stuck into that area.

Just outside your Lady Ambrielle's (read: YOUR) Capital City is the
Heretic's Temple. If it is sacked, Natell shows up to say that at least the
Clans seemed to be fighting the heretics as well, and that your combined
forces may not be working TOGETHER, but they are making a combined dent in the
ENEMY'S forces.

If you venture into the southwesternmost corner of the map and take the
Garrison Tower, Dresdon praises the Highfather, saying that you have FINALLY
taken your Garrison back, but that it pains him that you had to trash it in
the process. He says it will take time to repair it, and that the Empire does
not have the resources to commit to it right now ...

In the VERY southwesternmost corner of the map lies the City of Confidence.
At the START of the game it is owned by the Mountain Clans ... I shall redress
this balance.

Once it has fallen, one of your Knights gives praise to the City, saying that
he has missed her shining walls and gleaming bells. He is happy that the
people of that fair city are once again safely under Empire rule.

Zera confirms that the Dwarven forces have been pushed westwards into your
lands by the demonic plague that is ravaging their lands. She says that she
feels pity for them, as their lands dwindle with each passing day.

There is a Sapphire in the City.

You need to venture north to get out of the Empire's lands ... so I am going
to tear northwards up the western edge of the map and hit the Undead Lands
(as they are in the northwest of the map), first of all.

Once you take the Library, Zera says "Wonderful! See all the books we have
found here! This will certainly help us with our war!".

............... is she taking the p!ss or summit ? HOW the hell does she
think those books are gonna help ... are we gonna THROW them at the Legions' ?
Or better yet ! Stack them up behind the doors to our castles so as to stop
the Legions' getting in ? AND keep out those nasty unwanted drafts too ??

Marching on the City of Point Hope is a good next move ... as, once it has
fallen, Emry of Abrissel offers its people protection under the banner of the
Empire. He calls for their support, and Captain Fellweather (although he
initially distrusts Emry and his motives), says that they will help you in
your quest, but that you will have to EARN their loyalty.

You will then gain control over Captain Fellweather and his unit, which
comprises :-

Captain Fellweather (Spearman - 15), 2 Imperial Assassins (5/5)

For your convenience, Captain Fellweather's Stats are as follows :-


Fellweather 300 0 - - Spear 89 176 Wea 50 Adj 1


Furthermore, the City of Point Hope contains an Angel Talisman, and a Gold

If you venture further north and take the City of Tormenta, Dresdon comments
that he thinks you've gone the wrong way, and that whilst he can clearly see
plague, it ISN'T of DEMONIC origin - it's the plague of Mortis - of rotting
corpses and dead trees ...


If you then venture east and take Misery Castle, Zera adds her voice to the
already mounting level of concern, saying that the smell of the area is really
icky, and do you REALLY need to stay there ???

Come ON people ... we're fighting the walking DEAD and all you can complain
about is the SMELL ?? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LIKE !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! =O

Now that I have purged the lands of the Undead Hordes' Influence, I am going
to go down to the southeasternmost corner of the map, to visit our stunty
little Dwarfy friends ...

So ... going back almost to the entrance to the Empire's Lands, and venturing
south-east, you will come upon Krub City WHICH, when liberated, will cause
Dresdon to say that the City STINKS of Trolls, and that it will take YEARS
to clean.

LOOK Dresdon. I told Zera just a little while ago ... SHUT UP ABOUT THE SMELL
you WHINING little maggot. If I wanted an army of barbies REST ASSURED I
would have BUILT them. If I hear you complaining about the smelliness of
unwashed greenskins or undead peeps ONE MORE TIME I'm going to send you to
bed without ANY supper. UNDERSTAND ??

*Dresdon pouts and toddles off*

Krug City (which is a bit whiffy, but nowhere NEAR as bad as they'd have you
believe) contains a pair of Elven Boots, and a Bronze Ring.

If you retake the Ransacked Shop, Okknor says that there is NO doubt that
it has been burned down by Greenskins. He calls them savages ... but they
were living here quite happily until WE came along ... =./

If you move to the land mass to the north of Krug City, you will find the
City of Gando. Once liberated, Imperial Knight Jillins says that the City
has not been held by the Clans for very long (actually it was owned by
neutral forces when I just liberated it), and that it is clear that the walls
were constructed by Greenskins. He says that your Engineers will do what they
can to repair the damage, but that the City is in ruins.

The City contains a Banner of Might and a Ruby.

If you take the Armory to the east of the City of Gando, Dresdon will say that
you are actually HELPING the Dwarves by forcing the Orcs to flee the lands,
and he wonders whether they (the Dwarves) might try and set up an outpost on
the lands.

If you set sail towards the Blue Dragon to the north-east of the City of
Gando, then Okknor says that the ocean there is actually BOILING !! Natell
says that Nevendaar is breaking away as Bethrezen is scarring the land. He
says it is sheer madness, and you MUST hurry !!

If you venture back towards the Clans' Capital City (which is to the east of
the City of Gando), and despatch the Guard Tower, Okknor will comment that
whilst the Dwarves favour these Guard Towers, they haven't really done them
any GOOD ... have they ... *chortle* *titter*

If you head into the very southeasternmost corner of the map and free the
City of Fort Kjell, Zera says you are getting closer to the source of the
evil, and that it is spreading down from the north. This information has
been gleaned from a runic script you found in the City, which is (to her
mind) proof that the City must have belonged at SOME point in the past to
the Mountain Clans.

With that, the Lava Pit and the Obelisk to the west and north-west of Fort
Kjell disappear.

Fort Kjell contains an Orb of Lycanthropy.

As you move northwards from Malavien's Tower towards the Tiamath on the World
Map, Zera pops up to tell you that Great Evil has been called up from the
ground, and that the holes in the area are glowing with the Fires of Hell at
their hearts.

If you move towards the centre of the map - i.e. west by north-west of this
location, Dresdon will comment that this APPEARS to be the FORMER Capital
of the Legions of the Damned, but that they have now moved into the Elven
Lands, and left this place in ruins. However, PLENTY of demons still freely
roam the lands ... so it's HUNTIN' TIME !! :) :) :) :) :)

If you take the Lava Pit, Dresdon says that a scorched corpse in the area
is holding some kind of potion to its skull. He was unable to imbibe the
liquid as he got turned into a walking crisp before he could get the cap off.

You then pick up a potion of fire warding.

If you venture northwards from the centre of the map, you will encounter SIX
units - three Elven Units, three Imperial Assassins. As you approach, one
of the Imperial Assassins - named a Verzillin Spy, tells you that they have
managed to convince these Elves to assist them in fighting the Armies of
Bethrezen, but that no time should be wasted.

You then gain control over the following units :-

1) Elf Lord (Level 1; Leadership 3)
2) Forest Elf (Level 1; Leadership 3)
3) Forest Elf (Level 1; Leadership 3)
4) Imperial Assassin (Level 1; Leadership 3)
5) Imperial Assassin (Level 1; Leadership 3)
6) Imperial Assassin (Level 1; Leadership 3)

If you pay a visit to the Medusa Lair - due north of your present location -
a Medusa tells you that the "Fireskins" are to the EAST of their Lair, and
that they do not have what you want ...

... unless of course you're after the Talisman of Thunder they are jealously
guarding ;)

I then headed due south and then south-east to take the Ruined Town Hall.
Once it has fallen, Dresdon announces the Empire's standing policy on entering
combat with Dopplegangers. He calls on Mullens (a Knight) to cite his eldest
daughter's name. Mullens confirms that her name is Eleesa. Dresden then asks
Semble what HIS eldest daughter's name is ... Semble (a Squire) confirms that
his eldest daughter's name is Eleesa as well.

Dresdon calls for Semble to be hanged from the nearest tree. Which I think is
a bit harsh to be honest ... I mean ... he COULD have called his daughter
Eleesa as well ... and what if Dresdon had asked Semble BEFORE Mullens ?
Would he have hung Mullens instead ?

... and ... what of the twins ?? Did they get out of the mine ok ????? =./

Semble polymorphs back into his Doppleganger form (GOOD CALL Dresdon), and
cries out that Bethrezen will have your SOUL ... before he is cut into little
bits and fed to the wolves ... :)

If you venture further east, Dresdon confirms that there was a great battle
in the nearby village, and that the fractured walls and unburied corpses
tell a tale of hasty defences being built to ward off demons charging down
from the mountains.

If you head north rather than further east, you will find the Clan Fort.

If you head north-east of the Clan Fort you will hit the City of Stunnart
Point. Once this City has fallen, Natell tells you that the scrolls he has
found in the City tell of the fate of Elgrid the Tamer - an Elven Lord that
used to dwell there. Apparently the plague destroyed Elgrid's Creatures, and
the Demons drove him from his home.

Poor lad :(

If you then venture east and then south, you will find the former Elven City
of High Point. This is confirmed by Natell after the City has fallen. He
says that it has been so badly damaged that it barely RESEMBLES an Elven City
anymore :(

Now then ... the ONLY way to gain access to Bethrezen's Magic Well is via the
northeasternmost corner of the map. So that is where I am now going to go.

There are three units of dragons en route ... from the north to the south
they are as follows :-

1) Red Dragon (1), Green Dragon (1)
2) Black Dragon (1), 2 Red Dragons (1/1)
3) Red Dragon (1), Black Dragon (1), Onyx Gargoyle (3)

Now then ... in order to complete this level, you must fight NEBIROS' Unit.

This unit comprises :-

Nebiros (1), Infernal Knight (99), Mobeus (99), Fiend (99)

As you approach, Nebiros screams out "What is this stench of righteousness
that fouls the air? Humans and Elves! Don't you know that you've already
lost ?"

Emry of Abrissel responds, saying that he is a large beast to be sure, but
why should the Empire cower before one demon. He adds that they have
fought far fouler creatures than this on their lands before this day.

Nebiros laughs at you, saying that he draws his power from the very BOWELS
of hell. He says he spreads Bethrezen's Plague to ENGULF your Cities.

Lady Ambrielle kicks in to say that Nebiros is the source of the Plague and,
as such, MUST be destroyed.

Nebiros then attacks you.

For your convenience, here are Nebiros' Stats :-


Nebiros 2600 30 Mind DFWAE Halberd 90 300 Wea 60 Any 6
Paralyse 60 0 Mind 60 Any 6


To be honest with you, Nebiros ISN'T as tough as he seems IF you have a
kickass unit, have assaulted most of his units with spells before combat, and
have placed the ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLY AMAZINGLY COOL Damage Ward spell on
your units prior to combat.

Once he has been slain, Bethrezen's Magic Well reverts to its former glory,
and the plague that was sweeping Nevendaar abates as quickly as it started.

Nebiros just has time to let out a cry of "You may have defeated me, bu ..."
in response to which Emry of Abrissel says "Slay the Demon! I tire of its
filthy tongue. This is a victory not only for the Empire, but for all of
Nevendaar. None could escape the fiery Plague. Nebiros was but one of
Bethrezen's minions. Dwarves, Elves, we would all be engulfed !"

Emry then calls for Princess Illumielle to come out of hiding, and set foot
free of the protection of Lady Ambrielle. Lady Ambrielle retorts, saying that
it would appear that not ALL her secrets are as well guarded as she had
thought, but that she will let him off just this once ...

Illumielle (who is the lady on the front cover of the box - at least on MY
version of the Expansion Pack), says that the lands are cooling, and that
there is renewed hope for the forests. She is grateful to the Empire, and
will now return to her people to try and reunite them as one. She says that
perhaps, one day, you will fight side by side again ... and that perhaps ONE
day there will actually be no need to fight at all ...

Emry bids them farewell, and then turns his attentions on the RATHER well
endowed Lady Ambrielle, who has to practically deflate her cleavage just to
SEE him ...

Lady Ambrielle confirms that she and Emry should work together, and that she
feels certain they could come to some mutually acceptable arrangement ... over
dinner ??

Emry is putty in her hands.

You have just completed the Empire's Expansion Pack !!

W-E-L-L D-O-N-E ! ! ! ! !


OPPONENTS Mountain Clans, Legions of the Damned, Undead Hordes



Name Inhabitants

Point Hope Ardobert the Brave (Pegasus Knight - 15), Defender of the
Faith (5), Holy Avenger (5), White Wizard (4)
Krub City Ogre (15), Troll (15), Goblin Archer (16), Medusa (15)
Gando Eraric (King's Guard - 10), Son of Ymir (4), Elder One (10),
Archdruidess (4)
Fort Kjell Ekrezem (Counsellor - 10), Demon Lord (4), Infernal Knight
(15), Incubus (15), Doppleganger (4)
Stunnart Point Baalhu (Duke - 15), Abyssal Demon (5), Tiamath (10),
Doppleganger (4)
High Point Hygral (Arch Devil - 15), Abyssal Demon (10), Tiamath (15)


Name Inhabitants

Tormenta [Doomdrake (2), Zombie (2), Skeleton Warrior (3) Spectre (2)]
Misery Castle [Deathdragon (3), Zombie (2), Wraith (3), Dark Lord (3)]


Name Inhabitants

Confidence Dagaric (King's Guard - 10), Ice Giant (3), Hermit (4)
[Elder One (4)]


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it?

Heretic's Temple Hermit (4), Dwarf King (5),
Ice Giant (3) 400 Gp, Orb of Icefall
Garrison Tower Hermit (4), Flame Caster (3),
Rune Master (5), Dwarf
King (5), Venerable
Warrior (4) 550 Gp, Damage Ward Scoll
Elven Guard Tower 2 Griffins (1/1), Skylord (1) 500 Gp, Royal Scepter
Library Holy Avenger (15),
Elementalist (15),
2 Prophetesses (10/8) 800 Gp, Etched Circlet
Crumbled Castle 3 Wyverns (1/1/1) 400 Gp, Ancient Relic
Ruined Farm 2 Ghouls (10/10) Occultist (1) 350 Gp, Skeleton Champion Orb
Ransacked Shop Ogre (5), Troll (3), Orc (10),
Goblin Archer (20) 750 Gp, Emerald
Armory Ogre (1), Troll (1), Orc
King (3), Goblin Archer (10) 500 Gp, Iron Skin Potion
Guard Tower Ice Giant (3), Hermit (4),
Wolf Lord (4) 400 Gp, Tome of Water
Witch Tower 2 Fat Imps (10/10), Imp (10),
Succubus (15) 700 Gp, Orb of Inferno
Ruined Lochhouse Red Dragon (1), Beast (4),
Infernal Knight (10),
Succubus (15) 500 Gp, Infernal Knight Orb
Lava Pit Red Dragon (1) 1000 Gp Staff of Invisibility
Medusa Lair 3 Lizard Men (1/5/1),
2 Medusas (1/1) 700 GP, Talisman of Thunder
Ruined Town Hall 2 Dopplegangers (5/4),
Marble Gargoyle (2),
Demon Lord (4) 400 Gp, Orb of Earth
Clan Fort Primitive Giant (5),
Son of Ymir (4), Yeti (15) 500 Gp, Orb of Restoration
Deserted Church 3 Ghouls (1/10/1), Master
Occultist (1), Elder
Vampire (5), Shade (5) 600 Gp, Lich Talisman


Event Notes

WHAT THE ... The land turns to blood and lava like a sea of red.
TO ARMS !! You must find the source of the plague (NE)
ELVES AHOY !! Three units of Elves and three Empire units ally to you.
SLAY THEEEEEM !!! Kill Nebiros and END THE GAME !! :)

6 x Potions of Restoration, Potion of Accuracy, Chant of Hasting Scroll,
Potion of Vigor, 5 x Life Potions, Ice Spirits Scroll, Elder Vampire Orb,
3 x Treebark Potions, 4 x Healing Ointments, Gold Ring, Potion of Speed, Orc
Orb, Potion of Celerity, Touch of Mortis Scroll, Forestwalk Scroll, 2 x Potions
of Protection, Blizzard Scroll, Sapphire, Ancestor's Call Scroll, Emerald,
Summon Death Scroll, Orb of Regeneration, Damage Ward Scroll, Skeleton
Champion Orb, Psalm of Death Scroll, Orb of Healing, Orb of Stone Rain,
Potion of Swiftness, Incantare Hellhound Scroll.



Name Sells

Thurania's Tower (Magic Shop) Winds of Restoration (2000 Gp), Illudere Terra
(2000 Gp), Divis Nocte (600 Gp), Winds of
Travel (1600 Gp), Summon Stone Ancestor (1000
Gp), Mortis' Venom (1500 Gp), Incantare
Avenger (1000 Gp), Nightfall (1600 Gp)
Norly's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 15, Potion of Restoration x 10,
Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of Invulnerability
x 1, Healing Ointment x 10, Potion of Swiftness
x 1, Potion of Fortune x 1
Allar's Shop (Merchant NE) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 10,
Treebark Potion x 6, Potion of Striking x 4,
Potion of Vigor x 5, Potion of Strength x 6,
Potion of Might x 1
Hallow House (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10,
Potion of Healing x 10, Healing Ointment x 10
Righon's Camp (Mercenary) Barbarian Chieftain (Level 1 - 1800 Gp),
Dark Lord (Level 3 - 850 Gp), Elder One (Level
4 - 2800 Gp), Medusa (Level 1 - 1310 Gp), Ogre
(Level 1 - 2800 Gp), Onyx Gargoyle (Level 3 -
1000 Gp), Skylord (Level 1 - 3000 Gp), Son of
Ymir (Level 4 - 2600 Gp), Troll (Level 1 - 2800
Gp), Venerable Warrior (Level 4 - 1800 Gp)
Metaca's Camp (Trainer) --> Train your Units here ! <--
Mariann's Market (Merchant) Life Potion x 14, Potion of Restoration x 10,
Potion of Healing x 7, Healing Ointment x 11,
Treebark Potion x 4, Potion of Strength x 8,
Potion of Celerity x 3
Malavien's Tower (Magic Shop) Rust (200 Gp), Shadow (400 Gp), Rot (800 Gp),
Forestwalk (200 Gp), Seafaring (400 Gp),
Tempest (600 Gp), Ice Spirits (1200 Gp),
Paraseus (600 Gp)
Allar's Shop (Mercant - NE) Life Potion x 10, Healing Ointment x 10, Potion
of Healing x 10, Potion of Invulnerability x 1,
Potion of Vigor x 1, Potion of Strength x 1,
Potion of Might x 1, Potion of Celerity x 1,
Potion of Restoration x 10
Gareth's Laboratory (Magic) Ignis Mare (200 Gp), Menta Minoris (200 Gp),
Chronos (400 Gp), Cursa Demoneus (400 Gp),
Incantare Beliarh (400 Gp), Maledicere (900
Gp), Paraseus (600 Gp), Sanctuera (600 Gp),
Deus Talonis (1000 Gp), Illudere Terra (2000 Gp),
Projicere Terra (800 Gp)
Purthen's Camp (Mercenary) Brown Bear (Level 1 - 300 Gp), Green Dragon
Level 1 - 4500 Gp), Griffin (Level 1 - 1250 Gp),
Manticore (Level 1 - 5600 Gp), Medusa (Level 1 -
1310 Gp), Ogre (Level 3 - 3360 Gp), Polar Bear
(Level 1 - 300 Gp), Skylord (Level 1 - 3000 Gp),
Spirit of Fenrir (Level 1 - 2300 Gp), Titan
(Level 1 - 300 Gp), Titan (Level 5 - 420 Gp),
Wolf (Level 1 - 300 Gp), Yeti (Level 6 - 600 Gp)
Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10,
Potion of Healing x 10, Healing Ointment x 10,
Potion of Vigor x 2, Potion of Striking x 1,
Treebark Potion x 5, Ancestor's Call Scroll x
1, Potion of Fire Warding x 1
Anjalin's Camp (Trainer) --> Train your Units here ! <--


Finally, the factions of Ambrielle and Emry had joined forces. Who would have
suspected a plague of Bethrezen's twisted design would strengthen the Empire ?
The Elves and the Humans celebrated a temporary alliance.

The children of Gallean, however, had much to mourn. They had lost their
Queen, their Princess, and now even their resurrected God seemed to have
abandoned them. As they had always done in times of crisis, the Elves
returned to the forest, far from Human eyes. Perhaps one day that would
emerge, their former glory regained.

But for now, the unified Empire had its own agenda. It was a time for
glorious celebration. It was time for the crowning of a new King, and perhaps
a new Queen as well ...


Thanks to all the people at gamefaqs.com with ONE exception (and you KNOW who
you are, you little maggot), for being nothing but supportive and encouraging
of me during the process of creating this walkthrough and its siblings.

As I mentioned at the top, this walkthrough is dedicate to my friend Michael
the Horny Angel, and his beau Aiden. Thanks guys for being such a swell
pair of guys, and true and reliable friends to the little Shadow. x


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(Dedicated to Michael and Fred, mit freundlichen Grueßen)


¦ This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2004) ¦
¦ I don't mind it being lifted in its entirity, but if you do so, ¦
¦ please make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it ¦
¦ off as your own. Thanks ! ¦


1) After Ragnarok
2) The Call of Wotan
3) To Unearth a Goddess



This is a very quick key to some of the terms I'll use in this FAQ :-

In areas where I am talking about troops in cities, any troops mentioned in
[squared brackets] are within the city proper (an obvious example would be
Vithar, who would be shown as [Vithar] as he is IN the city and, in his case,
cannot leave) - all troops NOT in squared brackets are just waiting in the
city (as in, healing there, etc.)

Map directions are as follows. North on the map is up and right. South is
down and left. West is up and left, and East is down and right.

One other thing ... if when mentioning any troops I refer to them like this :-

Phantom Warrior (10) or 2 Dwarves (10/12), then the numbers in brackets refer
to their level/s of experience ... so BE WARNED !! ;)

Obviously the very nature of this game makes doing an FAQ quite a tricky task,
as you can go anywhere, do anything (within reason) and your opponents will
pretty much respond to the way you play ... so this is an account of what I
would suggest and expect, pointers I have learned, things I would pick up -
basically anything and everything which I could think of which might help you
play as the Undead Hordes in their Saga ... I have tried to keep this FAQ
both light-hearted, and informative.

Similarly, with troops garrisoned in cities, whilst my FAQ is accurate as at
MY playing the game, these may change - ESPECIALLY in cities owned by other
players (as you are doubtless aware if you've ever played this game, your
computer opponents are FOREVER changing the troops that they garrison in their

Comments are always welcome - you can reach me at shadowpath@hotmail.com.

Thanks for reading this !!


You CANNOT complete the second level of this Expansion Pack unless you have
installed the Patch from the following web-site :-


There is some kind of bug which prevents the final act on the level from
initialising unless the patch is installed, so basically you'll not be able
to complete the level unless you either :-

a) Download and Install the Patch; or
b) Use the "wearethechampions" Cheat to bypass the end of the level

The EXACT URL for the download when I came to download it was :-


Go to DOWNLOADS and download the patch named :-

"Disciples II Expansion Patch V2.00 to V2.01"

It says in the text of the patch that it cures the problems on the second
level of the Mountain Clans Saga"


1) After Ragnarok


Under the rule of Queen Yataa'Halli, the Clans were reunited. Nhiddog was
slain, the Ragnarok prevented, and the Clans returned to their mines to
write great tales of their victories in runes for all future generations to

The Kingdom of the Dwarves had been struck hardest during the Ragnarok,
leaving the already fragile messenger routes crippled, and many cities

Now was the time to begin rebuilding the formerly GLORIOUS empire of the
Mountain Clans. To do this, Queen Yataa'Halli would need the support of as
many of the Elder Loremasters as she could find ...


Your objective on this first level is to seek Loremaster Ironhill in Fort

Queen Yataa'Halli (who I'll just refer to from now on as "The Queen") starts
your first level by addressing your people, confirming that Nhiddog has been
slain, and that messengers have been sent to inform all the Dwarves that the
danger has, for now, abated. The Wyrm has fallen, and Nevendaar is, for the
moment, once again safe.

Loremaster Flinthide praises Wotan and the Valkyries, and then goes on to
say that the 12 Elder Loremasters must gather together to chronicle what has
been witnessed, as this is DOUBTLESSLY one of the greatest spectacles in their
history. The tale of the Ragnarok must be documented. To this end, Flinthide
requests that Loremaster Ironhill be approached at Fort Ironhill, for his

The path, apparently, lies due south of your Capital City.

NOTE : Your Capital City is just inside the north-western corner of the map.

You start off this first level with a reasonable amount of GP and Runestone
Mana (the initial starting level decreasing depending on the difficulty you
have selected), and all your level one spells already learned.

You will have unfettered access to your ENTIRE spellbook during the three
missions that make up the Legions' Expansion Pack, and can build ALL your
buildings on EACH level.


You will see that there is a picture of a sword with a coloured blade above
your leader's portrait on the party screen. This is a new addition to the
Disciples 2 Expansion Packs, and serves to give you a rough guideline as
to the approximate level of the units in an enemy's pack ... and your own ;)

A unit WITHOUT a sword is Level 1 - 4
A unit with a BLUE-bladed sword is Level 5 - 9
A unit with an ORANGE-bladed sword is Level 10 - 14
A unit witha RED-bladed sword is Level 15 or higher

I would HOPE for your sakes that you have imported a leader with a RED-bladed
sword, as your leader WILL NOT GAIN ANY EXPERIENCE during the ENTIRE campaign.

That's right !! Your leader will NEVER level up again, so BE WARNED.


SO. Moving out of your Capital City, you will find a LOAD of polar bears
around ... so watch out.

If you take the Asana Tower, an Axe Thrower comments that even though the Air
Elementals had no reason to attack you, they fought with an inexhaustible rage.
An Archdruidess responds to him by saying that where there is good there is
invariably evil, and that only be resisting evil can they resist the Ragnarok.
It is for THIS reason that the Loremasters must carry the word of the clans
with them, from generation to generation.


The City of Frakket to the south-west of your Capital City, contains a Mortis'
Venom scroll ;)

Just as you are about to enter the City of Cloverhorn, Hurden Cloverhorn the
Dwarf Champion appears to ask you how you're doing ... this has very much
got the feel of one of those "sh!t I've just been caught with my hand in the
cookie jar" moments ... hehehe. FORTUNATELY he tells you that you're more
than welcome to enjoy the comforts of his city whilst you're here, and that
you can actually go and pray at Rigga's shrine if you like ... or pop into
Brewynna's Tavern for a bevvy.

A Veteran responds to say "Thanks mate, but we must be on our way ... do you
perchance know the way to Fort Ironhill"

"Follow the yellow brick road !" says Hurden. Ok ok I'm kidding. He says
you just need to keep going south to get to Fort Ironhill.

You are then given control over Hurden Cloverhorn, who's stats are as follows.



Cloverhorn 240 0 - - Axe 89 130 Wea 30 Adj 1


He's quite tough, and he's Level 10, so it might be worth giving him a strong
unit to accompany him and sending him forth to do a little rod-planting ?????

Once you enter the City of Cloverhorn, a Novice pops up to tell you that the
Undead Capital lies to the south, whilst the Legions' Capital lies due east.

The City of Cloverhorn contains a Talisman of Healing, a Potion of Healing and
a Potion of Restoration.

If you visit Rigga's Statue (just to the east of Cloverhorn), an Archdruidess
pops up to tell you that this is Rigga's Shrine (DUH !!!!!), and you are
given a Healing Ointment from Saint Rigga. The Archdruidess praises him and
says that his battle with the Black Dragons will inspire the Clans to be
as brave in their battles as he was.

From Cloverhorn, instead of following the river to the south, I ventured due

As you approach the City of Vaingold, a Titan asks you whether the annoying
Dragons that are increasing consistently in number have not yet ventured forth
into your lands. A novice responds, saying nope ... we ain't seen none of
those (with a thick Devon accent), where did they come from ? To which the
Titan advises him that they fly in from the south, and whilst they have been
trying to locate their lairs to sort them out good and proper, they have,
thusfar, been unsuccessful.

The novice politely thanks her for the information and leaves.

The City of Vaingold contains a Staff of Nightfall.

If you sack the Ruined Sanctuary, your Veteran says with a fweeky tone that
the Unholy Chalice you found there is stained with BLOOD !! (shocker boys)
Your Novice tells him that had you not been victorious, you COULD have been
their next sacrifice.

As you round the bend south and then west, an undead unit (spawned at their
Capital City) rides into combat range with you, and a unit of Spirit Wolves
appears just south of the city of Rock Castle to aid you.

The Vampire Virimos tells you that you're nothing but appetisers for his
hunger, and he hopes that there'll be enough of you to sustain a reasonable
pic-n-mix ... what a PUNK eh !!

The Spirit Wolves ride into combat with the undead units, saying that Wotan
will protect you. The undead units are TOTALLY atomised.

One of your King's Guards remarks out of shock that he wouldn't have believed
it had he not seen it with his own eyes ... the Spirits of Wotan are here.
He then asks of the Spirit Wolves what the heck they're doing here ... to
which they reply ... "We've been sent by Wotan to give you this message. If
you follow the text to the letter, then Wotan will appear to you."

NOTE : Have you noticed how those wolves have familiar speech impediments ????

You are then given Wotan's Scroll, which reveals the secret ritual referred to
by the Spirit Wolves.

If you continue to venture south and west from here (towards Rock Castle),
then when you have taken the Lost Temple, a Dwarf pops up to suggest that you
are venturing dangerously near to Mortis' Capital City, and it would perhaps
be wiser to take an alternate route.

... BUT I DON'T CARE !! :) I'm going to explore this bit first ;)

PLUS a Runemaster tells him to stop being such a wimp, which I agree with.

Rock Castle contains an Imperial Crown and a Chain Lightning Scroll.

As you approach the pit in the south-westernmost corner of the map, one of
your Dwarves comments that this MUST be the Dragon's Nest ... he suggests
covering it with earth so that no beast dwells there ever again. Your
Venerable Warrior is critical of him, saying you should look inside first.

You uncover an emerald, a ruby and a gold ring for your troubles.

The Dwarf is understandably pleased that you stopped him, or he'd have buried
all that nice loot !!

What a doodoohead eh ... ts ts ts.

The nearby City of Oldenwood contains an Orb of Fear.

If you approach the Spider's Nests to the north of Oldenwood, a Venerable
Warrior says that THESE are the legendary "Spider Den Mountains".

If you investigate the Haunted Halls due south of the Undead Hordes' Capital
City, one of your Runemasters appears to say that these poor wretches are
yet MORE Empire citizens that have been forced into hiding, and it saddens
him to think that they (the Empire peeps) must perceive the Clans as their
enemies nowadays ... =(

If you sack Cupola, one of your Dwarves pops up to remark that that is the
most OPULENT ruin he's ever seen !!

* wtf ?? Hold please *
* whips out his dictionary *
* O ... Op ... Operatic ... Operational ... ah ! Opulent !! *
* Opulent means "possessing or exhibiting great wealth; affluent*

So he means RICH then !! :) Honestly a Dwarf with a dictionary up his butt.

As you venture north of Cupola, you will approach Sevendusk. Once you are
close enough, Gurven Sevendusk appears to greet you. Conversation goes as
follows :-

SEVENDUSK : YO Boys ... how's it hangin' ? How are things back home ?
RUNE MASTER : SOUND mate yeah ... your city's looking nice and shiny ... did
you actually sustain a single scratch during the coming of the
Ragnarok ??
SEVENDUSK : Why you cheeky sod ! YES. But we were spared the worst.
Unfortunately I hear that Clan Ironhill didn't have such luck.
RUNE MASTER : Oh poo. We're on our way there now actually.
SEVENDUSK : HAHAHAHAHA Good luck lads ... I sent three score men down there
to help, but none of 'em have come back !!

You are then given control of Gurven Sevendusk, who's stats are as follows :-



Sevendusk 205 0 - - Crossbow 87 75 Wea 50 Any 1


Sevendusk is a Level 8 Dwarven Engineer, so he (again) might be worth sending
into Sevendusk and equipping with some lads to kick around with ... just a
thought ;)

Sevendusk is totally unoccupied ... except for 2 Life Potions you're more
than welcome to ;)

I then worked my way up north, back towards my Capital City, whereupon I came
to the Greenskin's City of Grellarsk, which houses an Orc King so be wary.

Once Grellarsk has fallen to your troops, a Crossbowman pops up to tell you
that this place was hit HARD during the Ragnarok - in fact, so hard that the
walls crumble when touched !!

The city contains a Potion of Air Warding, and 3 Potions of Healing.

If you take Frelan's Keep, a brief dialogue ensues between a Mountaineer, a
Tenderfoot and a Runemaster. The Mountaineer comments that it is strange to
see men living this far north, to which the Tenderfoot points out that they
attacked you on first sight.

The Runemaster responds by saying that they have fled the Empire, and that
since the death of their Emperor (Demosthene) at the hands of the Demons, the
Empire has become fragmented, with many would-be pretenders to the throne
trying to stake their claim thereto.

Further east of Frelan's Keep is the City of Aphode, which contains a further
Illudere Terra scroll.

The City of Allengarbe, just south of the Legions' Capital City in the north-
western corner of the map, holds an Imp Talisman.

Venturing southwards, the City of Magog contains an Incorruptible Scroll and
2 Potions of Restoration, and the City of Rrognord contains a Life Potion, a
Healing Ointment and a Potion of Speed.

NEXT on our little hit-list as we move south is Granthead Castle, which
contains a pair of Elven Boots.

Neeeeeeeeext we come to ... Cranbere Tower (which I have named Cranberry Tower)
The tower must be sampled with its siblings ... Strawbere Tower and Raspbere
Tower, in order to FULLY appreciate its significance ... *blush*

Ok so that was cr@p ... I'll do better ... =./

Moving on we have the City of Drawgorde. Once it has fallen, a Druidess
reminds you of your main objective - to find Loremaster Ironhill. Drawgorde
contains a Staff of Celerity, and a Healing Ointment.

Just south-west of Drawgorde is the entrance to Fort Ironhill. It is
protected by members of the Legions of the Damned, being :-

Abyssal Demon (10), Onyx Gargoyle (15), Tiamath (10)

Slay them and move onwards ...

As you FINALLY approach Fort Ironhill, the following conversation kicks off :-

DWARF : There she is ... Fort Ironhill ... solid as a brick sh!thouse.
RUNEMASTER : You can open up - we've despatched the Legions' Guards.
IRONHILL : Ta ! We've been too sh@t-yer-pants scared to leave for DAYS !!
I think that VOLCANO over there is a portal to Bethrezen's Lair.
We beat the lesser meanies, but the Onyx Gargoyle was too rich
for our blood.
WARRIOR : The Gate must be CLOSED. Loremaster Ironhill can do it, he's our
man ... if he can't do it, no-one can !!
IRONHILL : Awwwwwwww shucks ... he's dead ;) SQUISHED during an earthquake.
WARRIOR : Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Ok. We'll draft in Loremaster Sevendusk
instead. He's gormless and will readily accept the challenge.

Anybody else notice how this Ironhill dude changed his name halfway through
the dialogue ? Also, the Runemaster changed into a Venerable Warrior. Heh.

Perhaps they wrote the dialogue over like ... 2 days or something ?????

Loremaster Flinthide then pops up to say that replacements will have to be
found in the Council for Loremasters Thunderhammer, Darkstone and Ironhill ...
although he has no idea who would be able to take their places ...

CONGRATULATIONS !! You have completed the First Level


OPPONENTS Legions of the Damned, Undead Hordes



Name Inhabitants

Frakket Ogre (5), [Ogre (1), Goblin Archer (15)]
Cloverhorn -
Vaingold [Witch Hunter (2), White Wizard (8), Mage (2), Cleric (2)]
Rock Castle 2 Spearmen (10/10), Imperial Assassin (10), [Defender of
the Faith (5), Mage (2), Priest (2)]
Oldenwood Titan (6), [Defender of the Faith (5)]
Sevendusk -
Grellarsk Troll (1), Goblin Archer (15), [Orc King (1)]
Aphode Barbarian Chieftain (10), 2 Barbarian Warriors (5/5)
Allengarbe Barbarian Chieftain (3), Barbarian Warrior (4)
Magrog 2 Goblins (9/9), 3 Goblin Archers (9/9/9), [Ogre (4)]
Rrognord 2 Orcs (1/1), Ogres (1)
Granthead Castle Konrad (Ranger - 10), Titan (10), White Wizard (10),
[Hierophant (4), Paladin (4), 2 Holy Avengers (5/5)]
Drawgorde Savary (Archmage - 15), Marksman (2), Hierophant (10),
Grand Inquisitor (15), Holy Avenger (5), Defender of the
Faith (15), [Elementalist (20), Defender of the Faith (15)]


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it?

Asana Tower 4 Air Elementals (5/1/1/1) 484 Gp, Talisman of Stone Rain
Mountain Lair 3 Master Thugs (5/5/5),
Thug (15) 738 Gp, Banner of Fortitude
Ruined Sanctuary Master Occultist (1) 320 Gp, Unholy Chalice
Lost Temple Orc Champion (1),
2 Fat Imps (9/9), Imp (9) 105 Gp, Healing Ointment
Ogwyla Orc Champion (1) 2 Orcs (1/1) 642 Gp, Staff of Light
Haunted Halls 3 Peasants (1/1/1), Man at
Arms (1), 2 Spearmen (1/1) 400 Gp
Cupola Giant Spider (6) 400 Gp, Horn of Awareness
Frelan's Keep 2 Man at Arms (1/9), 2
Peasants (1/1), Spearman (9) 500 Gp, Talisman of Inferno
Shamas 2 Brown Bears (1/1) 289 Gp, Orb of Witches
Cranbere Tower Occultist(10) 2 Ghouls(10/10) 304 Gp, Staff of Demonology


Event Notes

FIND HIM ! Loremaster Ironhill must be found
HI THERE (1) ! Loremaster Cloverhorn
HI THERE (2) !! Loremaster Sevendusk is located.
OOPS !!! Loremaster Ironhill is ... DEAD !! =O

Ymir's Blessing Scroll, Ancient Relic, Ruby, Potion of Earth Warding, Potion
of Striking, 2 x Gold Rings, 6 x Healing Ointments, Potion of Invulnerability,
6 x Life Potions, Potion of Speed, Royal Scepter, Sinestra Ignis Scroll, Orb
of Freezing, Imperial Crown, 3 x Potions of Restoration, Potion of Accuracy,
Rust Scroll, Orb of Regeneration, Ancient Relic, Potion of Fire Warding,
Touch of Mortis Scroll, Venerable Warrior Orb, Tome of Fire, Illudere Terra
Scroll, Orb of Lycanthropy, Treebark Potion, Emerald, Orb of Strength, Potion
of Healing, Lich Orb.

Life Potion, Silver Ring, Bronze Ring, Healing Ointment.


Name Sells

Wagronk's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 15, Potion of Protection x 7,
Potion of Restoration x 20, Potion of Healing x
20, Potion of Striking x 5, Potion of Swiftness
x 6, Potion of Vigor x 4, Healing Ointment x 20,
Potion of Air Warding x 1, Potion of Water
Warding x 1, Potion of Fire Warding x 1, Potion
of Earth Warding x 1
Qya'an's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 15, Potion of Healing x 16,
Potion of Restoration x 15, Healing Ointment x
16, Tome of Air x 1, Tome of Water x 1, Tome of
Earth x 1, Tome of Fire x 1, Tome of War x 1,
Tome of Arcanum x 1, Tome of Sorcery x 1, Summon
Evil Ent Scroll x 1
Erik's Tower (Magic Shop) Lightning (200 Gp), Healing (400 Gp), Hymn of
the Clans (400 Gp), Ymir's Blessing (900 Gp)
Bandour's Shop (Merchant) Incubus Orb x 1, Orc Orb x 1, Rust Scroll x 1,
Blizzard Scroll x 1, Chant of Fortitude Scroll x
1, Wotan's Blessing Scroll x 1, Highfather's
Blessing Scroll x 1, Paraseus Scroll x 1,
Nightfall Scroll x 1, Life Potion x 15, Healing
Ointment x 20, Treebark Potion x 5, Potion of
Restoration x 20, Potion of Healing x 20,
Titan's Might Potion x 1
Aenick's Camp (Mercenary) Centaur (Level 10 - 570 Gp), Centaur Lancer
(Level 10 - 570 Gp), Griffin (Level 10 - 2375 Gp)
Master Thug (Level 15 - 515 Gp)
Zollian's Camp (Trainer) --> Train your Units here !! <--
Lergem's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 15, Healing Ointment x 20, Potion
of Restoration x 20, Talisman of Regeneration x 1
Talisman of Healing x 1, Talisman of Vigor x 1,
Talisman of Life x 1, Talisman of Strength x 1,
Talisman of Fire x 1, Staff of Protection x 1,
Staff of Demonology x 1, Staff of Earth Elemental
Control x 1, Staff of Travelling x 1


Reports of the distressing news were sent back to the Queen. Several of the
Clans' BEST leaders had been lost, and Wotan's Emissaries had instructed the
Mountain Clans to perform a sacred rite. With three of the ELDER Loremasters
gone, the ceremony would not be possible =(


2) The Call of Wotan



Since so many Loremasters died in the Ragnarok, the Clans were technically
unable to comply with Wotan's request. Interpreting this as a test of their
cunning, the Dwarven High Council convened an emergency session to discuss
alternative avenues of progress. A new Order of Loremasters was already
studying to replace the old ones, but it would take YEARS before this was

It was hoped that some of the Elder Loremasters were still alive - just unable
to make contact with the Queen, or having chosen to study on their own. These
Elder Loremasters were outsiders who did not trust the High Council or its
decisions. However, perhaps if they could be found, they could be swayed to
help old wounds heal, and reconstitute the Order.

Since it was now imperative to the Clans that Wotan's message be complied with,
the search for a solution in earnest began.

Your objective on this second level is to find the Hermit Greenflint, and the
level kicks off with a conversation between Loremaster Flinthide, Loremaster
Fogfell, and a Druidess :-

FLINTHIDE : "There is one man still capable Wotan's ritual ..."
FOGFELL : "Speaking in full sentences never WAS your strong suit, was it
Flinthide ? The man you speak of left the Order in protest MANY
years ago. He is a rebel and an outcast. A proper BAD boy."
FLINTHIDE : "Yes, but if we want results, it's time to bend the rules."
DRUIDESS : "I was his pupil until he buggered off. He lives north of the
City. I should go see him - he won't give you boys the time of
day, but he'll talk to me, I'm sure of it."

NOTE : Your Capital City is on the Western Edge of the Map, in the Centre.
NOTE : The Druidess need NOT be in your party for you to meet Greenflint ;)

A couple of pointers about this, arguably one of the MOST complicated and
yet decidedly simplistic levels in the ENTIRE game.


First off, you can complete the tasks set for you VERY quickly ... HOWEVER,
the final boss on this level is tough, and will IMMEDIATELY attack on of your
units - a unit that MUST remain alive. Therefore, I would ensure the
following :-

Before you move on the ceremonial grounds (at the end of the level ?), make
sure that you have :-

1) Built the Cottage and Mountain Lair in your Capital, so that you can
produce Yetis.
2) Researched the Ancestor's Call Spell (yes, it's a Level 5 spell so you'll
need to get your hands on some resources).
3) Ensured that EACH of your Loremasters' Parties (of which you will
ultimately have THREE) comprises :-

Loremaster, 2 Yetis, Dwarf

Only THEN will you stand a chance in the end game on this level.

Hokay ... let's start.

From the start of the level, I headed west to the very edge of the map and
then north. As you approach the Bear's Lair, Greenflint appears and says
"My dear girl! You warm the frozen heart of an old man! How long it has
been since I have seen you ?"

Again ! CR@P ENGLISH !! *sigh*

The druidess responds "Many years ... sadly, many circumstances have
intervened in my attempts to visit you. I come to you now on behalf of Wotan.
We've a dilemma which requires your great knowledge."

Greenflint understandably queries WHY the Loremasters now require his
knowledge - the very knowledge that they once scorned ...

The Druidess pleads with him to accompany her to the Capital, saying she will
explain what has transpired en route ...

Greenflint says he'll come along, but that ISN'T to say he'll help.

You then gain control of Greenflint, who's stats are as follows :-



Greenflint 250 0 - - Ice Shards 80 55 Water 40 Any 6
Lower Init 33 0 Water 40 Any 6


Greenflint has a Leadership of 5, so you COULD stick some other units with
him if you like ...

At the start of your next level you get a :-

NEW OBJECTIVE : Find Hermit Grimpeak and Hermit Hillrust

If you move Greenflint back to the Clans' Capital, Flinthide bids him welcome.
Greenflint scoffs at him, to which Flinthide responds simply by saying that
there is something that they need to discuss.

Hmmmmmmmmm ... perhaps I've done this level a little @rse over t!t, but ...
I took the City of Allantyr AFTER the Bear's Den, and a Druidess pops up to
tell me that she can't WAIT to see Master Greenflint again ... but ... she's
just finished ... talking ... to him ??

WTF ???? In any event, Allantyr contains 2 Healing Ointments, and a Diamond.

NOTE: Hermit Hillrust is in the southwesternmost corner of the map - JUST to
the north of the Elven Settlement.

If you venture further south, you will come upon the City of Griggnarth. If
you take it, an Alchemist says "Gallean has returned ? He was slain by Wotan
MANY years ago. I have been told that Gods can't die, but he was made all ...
extra crispy 'n stuff !!"

There is a Banner of Resistance in Griggnarth.

Further south and then west (at the first available turning) you will find
Gargol (which, when conquered, causes a Runemaster to comments that the
Temple was once dedicated to the God Gallean and his beloved Solonielle. The
Runemaster then recounts the tale of how Wotan tore Gallean's heart from his
chest and threw it into the Sun, causing Solonielle to chase after it,
retrieving it but becoming so badly scarred by the experience that she came
back to Nevendaar as Mortis, Goddess of Death, and FURTHERMORE how Mortis had
not the strength to rule the Elves - her spirit being totally consumed with
the pursuit of her lost love Gallean), and the City of Aragor

Aragor contains a Talisman of Strength.


If you keep venturing south (to the southwesternmost corner of the map), you
will find an Elf Settlement - however, before you can get to it, Hermit
Hillrust appears in your path to say that he believes Hermit Greenflint is
to the north.


Omigod ! He does !! Hee hee.

If you come back to Hermit Hillrust, he asks why Greenflint is looking for
him at first, but then decides it doesn't REALLY matter as he has enough
respect for Greenflint to warrant attending, regardless of the reason behind
the request.

You then gain control of Hermit Hillrust, who's stats are as follows :-



Hillrust 250 0 - - Ice Shards 80 55 Water 40 Any 6
Lower Init 33 0 Water 40 Any 6


Move Hermit Hillrust to your Capital City to cause the Queen herself to
welcome him back. Hillrust comments on the Queen's rule as being "legendary"
(what a creep eh !), AND then he tries to hit on her !!!!!!! =O =O =O

The NERVE !!!!!


To find Hermit Grimpeak you must venture to the southeasternmost corner of
the map. As you approach this point, Grimpeak will appear and say that he
has the GREATEST respect for Greenflint, and confirms that he will return
to the Capital to speak with Greenflint, no worries.

You then receive confirmation that the number of Loremasters is up to 12, once
again ... to which Queen Yataa'Halli directs that all the Loremasters be
taken to the Ceremonial Grounds (in the northwesternmost corner of the map).

Loremasters Skymine, Springfrost, Cloverhorn, Sevendusk, Cloudkeeper, Fogfell,
Cragwell, Flinthide and Greyhelm, all appear at the Ceremonial Grounds.

NEW OBJECTIVE : Bring Loremasters Grimpeak, Greenflint and Hillrust to the
Ceremonial Grounds

You then gain control of Hermit Grimpeak, and must (as your newest objective
suggests) bring him and Loremasters Greenflint and Hillrust to the sacred
Ceremonial Grounds in the northwesternmost corner of the map.

For your convenience, here are Hermit Grimpeak's Stats :-



Grimpeak 250 0 - - Ice Shards 80 55 Water 40 Any 6
Lower Init 33 0 Water 40 Any 6


*BRIEF interlude whilst he closes down the game, installs the patch and kicks
it all off again*

(( Now that I'm running V2.01 of the game (AAAAAAAAARGH), I can continue. ))

It is VITALLY important that the Loremasters do not die, so I would STRONGLY
suggest bumping them up at your Capital or Grimli's Camp to give them a better
chance of survival, 'coz we ALL know there's gonna be a boss fight right ??

*flutters eyelids*

BEFORE the end game for this level, let me go through the rest of the world
map with you ...

For starters, here are the stats of the other Loremasters who are all now
at the Ceremonial Grounds in the northwesternmost corner of the map :-



Skymine 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6
Springfrost 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6
Cloverhorn 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6
Sevendusk 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6
Cloudkeeper 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6
Fogfell 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6
Cragwell 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6
Flinthide 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6
Greyhelm 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6


I have also taken the liberty of exploring the rest of the world map for you.

East of the Elf Settlement (in the southwesternmost corner of the map) is the
City of Protogg. The City is RATHER well stocked, with 3 Life Potions, 2
Potions of Restoration AND a Potion of Vigor.

The City of Rhian's Keep (on the southern edge of the map in the centre)
contains a Staff of Celerity.

If you take the Abandoned Mine (which is to the north of Protogg), one of your
Warriors comments that this Mine used to supply raw ore to your populace.

When you occupy the City of Noordargg (due east of the Abandoned Mine), one
of your Novices pipes up to say that he remembers Loremaster Greenflint as
being a stubborn guy, who disagreed with the Loremasters about just about
everything. He isn't sure how they will get along now ...

The City contains a Talisman of Thanatos.

Due east of Noordargg is the City of Margylla, which contains a Life Potion
and a Staff of Holiness.

Due east of Margylla is the Old Lookout, and directly north of that is the
City of Taura, which contains a Tome of Water.

Heading due north until you reach the northernmost edge of the map, just
to the west of the southeasternmost corner of the map you will find the City
of Suldon. Once it has fallen, a Tenderfoot asks why Wotan and Gallean
quarreled (read: why did Wotan rip out Gallean's HEART ???????).

An Archdruidess responds, saying that Wotan could not accept Gallean's demands
for land, but Gallean would not let it lie ... he kept persisting. His Elves
were greedy, and not content to remain in their forest homes. They would most
definitely have invaded the Dwarf lands, she maintains. She feels that Wotan
was merely protecting his children.


In any event, the City of Suldon contains a Life Potion, a Healing Ointment,
and a Quicksilver Potion, for your troubles.

Now ... back to the Ceremonial Grounds ...


As your three Loremasters approach the congregation, Loremasters Skymine,
Springfrost, Cloverhorn, Cragwell, Flinthide and Greyhelm switch allegiances
from the Loremasters to the Mountain Clans, and the following dialogue is
triggered :-

GREENFLINT : We are here to have coffee and a chat with Wotan. We have
overcome MUCH to get here, so let's make merry for just a

*frantic dancing ensues*

Dark Elf Lachla'an & a Lich Queen appear to bastardise the Ceremony - the Lich
Queen corrupting the Ceremonial Grounds.

NOSFERAT : You STUNTED little MAGGOTS. Your work here is DONE.
GRIMPEAK : Leg it ! Take the runes and leg it !!
GREENFLINT : We're too late ! The ceremony has begun - we can't stop it !
DARK LACHLA'AN : Mum brought me back from the dead no thanks to YOU sunshine.
VENERABLE WARR : Those SCUMBAGS !! It wasn't Wotan that sent us his message
at all - it was the Undead Hordes !!!!!!!!! TO ARMS !!!!!!!!

NEW OBJECTIVE : Defeat the Dark Elf Lachla'an

Dark Elf Lachla'an IMMEDIATELY attacks your Loremasters. His unit comprises :

Dark Elf Lachla'an (1), Archlich (30), Death (50)

Now you MAY think that the Archlich and Death will be working to the Dark
Elf's benefit ... but this is debatable. Dark Elf Lachla'an's ONLY power is
the ability to summon - ordinarily two Black Dragons and an Elder Vampire.
Since the Archlich and Death are taking up two spaces, they are preventing him
from summoning a second Black Dragon at this point ... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...

Anyhow ...


Assuming that Dark Elf Lachla'an's initial attack on your Loremasters fails,
I would then STRONGLY urge you to have your three Loremasters FLEE, ONE
SQUARE AT A TIME so that you are 100% CERTAIN that you're not going to have
them walk into combat range of Dark Elf Lachla'an ...

The Lich Queen's Unit (in case you're interested) comprises :-

Tifhas (Lich Queen - 1)

Yup, that's right ... just the Lich Queen, on her tod. KILL HER if you like.

Then, it's simple !

Rally your forces and beat that BITCH (Dark Elf Lachla'an) down. Don't forget
that his Death unit is immune to weapon attacks, and Dark Elf Lachla'an
himself's stats are below :-



Dark Elf
Lachla'an 2000 20 Mind DFWAE Summon 100 0 Death 90 Any 6


To be honest with you I found the easiest way to defeat him was to a) despatch
his Death and Archlich units, and then hit him with as much magic as I could,
before going in with my best unit (Loremaster, 2 Alchemists, 3 Hermits) and
using the Alchemists' Give Attack Powers to allow my Loremaster to hit Dark
Elf Lachla'an THREE TIMES each round. This added up to 900 points (less the
modifier for his armour), and meant that I was EASILY able to wipe out all
his summons each round, thus effectively leaving him TOTALLY powerless to
stop me !!

Once Dark Elf Lachla'an has fallen, a Dwarf says that he looked like an Elf,
but had the stench of something LONG since dead. He cannot comprehend how
this could have been the child of Gallean.

His comments are added to by a Loremaster, who confirms that the Undead knew
the nature of their ceremony, and that they were calling upon the Gods. They
had obviously intended to bastardise the Ceremony to insult Gallean by showing
him what they had done to his child, Lachla'an.

The Dwarf asks what anybody would benefit from angering Gallean, to which the
Loremaster says there's no point in trying to comprehend the will of the
twisted and wicked Mortis. He adds that he saw SOMETHING enormous headed
towards the forest just after Dark Elf Lachla'an addressed Gallean. He says
it was moving towards the forest, and the Elves will most definitely see it
coming ...



OPPONENTS Empire, Undead Hordes



Name Inhabitants
Allantyr Troll (10), [Orc Champion (9)]
Griggnarth Ogre (5), [Orc King (1), Orc Champion (1)]
Aragor Troll (10), 2 Orcs (10/10), 2 Goblin Archers (15/15),
[Ogre (5)]
Protogg Ogre (10), Troll (10), Goblin (20), Goblin Archer (20),
[Orc Champion (20)]
Rhian's Keep Savary (Pegasus Knight - 20), 2 Elementalists (20/20),
[Angel (10)]
Noordargg 2 Ogres (10/10), [Orc King (15)]
Furstadia [Spearman (1), Man at Arms (1)]
Margylla Godefroy (Pegasus Knight - 10), Defender of the Faith (10),
Hierophant (4), Prophetess (10), [Elementalist (10),
Hierophant (15), Witch Hunter (2)]
Taura 3 Wolves (1/1/1), 3 Barbarian Chieftains (1/1/1),
[Barbarian Chieftain (1), Barbarian Warrior (1)]
Suldon [Barbarian Chieftain (1), 2 Barbarian Warriors (1/1)]


Name Inhabitants

Kenoshann Zythaar (Death Knight - 5), Shade (3), Doomdrake (2)


Name Inhabitants

Runia Konrad (Archmage - 5) Inquisitor (3), Grand Inquisitor (4)


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ?

Bear's Lair 3 Brown Bears (1/1/1) 185 Gp, Boots of Speed
Hugin's Hideout 2 Ghouls(1/1) 4 Imps(9/9/9/9) 309 Gp, Staff of Necromancy
Tower of Pru'ushiq Manticore (1) 476 Gp, Orb of Thanatos
Gargol Ogre (1), Orc (1), Troll (1) 484 Gp, Orb of Inferno
Elf Settlement 2 Skylord (1/1) Elf Lord (5),
Oracle Elf (10) 600 Gp, Staff of Nightfall
Abandoned Mine White Dragon (1) 998 Gp, Sybil's Vision Scroll
Trafer Tower Witch Hunter (2), Wizard (3),
Inquisitor (3) 886 Gp, Angel Talisman
Tower of Trinda 2 Mermen (1/1), Medusa (1) 492 Gp, Orb of Fear
Tower of Tarin 3 Peasants (1/1/1) 579 Gp, Potion of Restoration
Old Lookout Merman (1), Medusa (1) 558 Gp, Orb of Elder Vampires
Exerelle Occultist (1), 2 Imps (9/9) 720 Gp, Staff of Twilight
Old Mill Brown Bear (1) 306 Gp, Life Potion
Plinarg Barbarian Chieftain (1)
Barbarian Warrior (1)
Brown Bear (1) 700 Gp, Titan's Might Potion


Event Notes
FIND GREENFLINT Greenflint must be found and brought to the Capital (NW)
FIND HILLRUST Hillrust must be found and brought to the Capital (SW)
FIND GRIMPEAK Grimpeak must be found and brought to the Capital (SE)
LET IT BEGIN !! The 3 Loremasters must be taken to the Ceremony (NW)
SHIIIIIIIIIT !!! Dark Elf Lachla'an and a Lich Queen arrive to poop the party!

3 x Treebark Potions, Chronos Scroll, Potion of Striking, 7 x Potions of
Healing, 6 x Healing Ointments, Ruby, Highfather's Potion, 8 x Life Potions,
5 x Potions of Restoration, 2 x Ancient Relics, Titan's Might Potion, 2 x
Potions of Celerity, 2 x Potions of Invulnerability, Summon Golem Scroll, Holy
Strength Scroll, Hag's Ring, Death Storm Scroll, Potion of Protection,
Maledicere Scroll, 2 x Silver Rings, Bronze Ring, Quicksilver Potion, Call to
Arms Scroll, Gold Ring, 2 x Emeralds, 2 x Sapphires, Incantare Avenger Scoll,
Imperial Crown, Paraseus Scroll, Potion of Strength, Royal Scepter, Winds of
Travel Scroll, Psalm of Death Scroll, Infernal Knight Orb, Chain Lightning
Scroll, Potion of Might.

10 Potions of Restoration, 10 Healing Ointments, 10 Life Potions.


Name Sells

Jolan's Tower (Magic Shop) Vengeance of Ymir (800 Gp), Wotan's Chant
(1,000 Gp), Incorruptible (1,000 Gp), Summon
Stone Ancestor (1,000 Gp), Ancestor's Call
(2,000 Gp), Winds of Travel (1,600 Gp),
Chant of Hasting (600 Gp), Wotan's Blessing
(800 Gp), Chant of Fortitude (800 Gp),
Ymir's Blessing (900 Gp)
Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Restoration x 15,
Healing Ointment x 15, Potion of Healing x 14,
Treebark Potion x 2, Iron Skin Potion x 1,
Potion of Striking x 1, Potion of Accuracy x 1,
Potion of Fortune x 1, Potion of Swiftness x 1,
Potion of Speed x 1, Potion of Strength x 1,
Titan's Might Potion x 1, Potion of
Invulnerability x 1, Potion of Celerity x 1,
Potion of Might x 1
Ebhon's Camp (Trainer) --> Train your Units here !! <--
Vidal's Tower (Magic Shop) Healing (400 Gp), True Sight (400 Gp), Wrath
of God (600 Gp), Pestilence (200 Gp), Shadow
(400 Gp), Rot (800 Gp), Hymn of the Clans
(400 Gp), Ymir's Blessing (900 Gp), Menta
Minoris (200 Gp), Maledicere (900 Gp),
Incantare Beliarh (400 Gp)
Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Healing x 15,
Potion of Restoration x 15, Healing Ointment x
Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Potion of Fire Warding x 1, Potion of Earth
Warding x 1, Potion of Water Warding x 1,
Potion of Air Warding x 1, Life Potion x 10,
Potion of Protection x 3, Potion of Healing x
15, Potion of Restoration x 16
Grimli's Camp (Mercenary) Air Elemental (Level 1 - 50 Gp), Ghoul (Level
5 - 420 Gp), Wraith (Level 3 - 260 Gp)
Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Potion of Healing x 15,
Potion of Restoration x 15, Potion of Accuracy
x 1, Healing Ointment x 11, Staff of Holiness
x 1, Staff of Celerity x 1, Zombie Talisman x
1, Elder Vampire Talisman x 1, Elf Lord
Talisman x 1, Runestone x 1, Tome of Sorcery x
1, Tome of Arcanum x 1, Orb of Lycanthropy x 1,
Orb of Life x 1, Orb of Vigor x 1, Orb of
Stone Rain x 1, Orb of Earth x 1, Orb of Water
x 1, Orb of Bane x 1


The message from Wotan was a ruse intended to trick the Dwarves into serving
Mortis. She had used her powers to taunt her lover with their tortured child,
and when the Undead Hordes overran the Ceremony, many of the newly reunited
Loremasters were slain. However, the Dwarves REMAINED strong. Under the
continued rule of Queen Yataa'Halli, their empire was slowly rebuilding.

Their attentions now turned to the Undead Hordes, who had certainly just
provoked them into full-scale war with this latest act.


3) To Unearth a Goddess


In spite of their reputation, the Dwarves only really wanted peace. Having
said this, however, they were renowned for their swift and unforviging brand
of justice.

In spite of the shame that the Loremasters were collectively feeling at having
allowed their runic magic to be abused by the Hordes, the ENTIRE Mountain
Clans Armies were rallied with one single purpose in mind - the obliteration
of the Undead Hordes.

Thus, they marched on the Hordes' Capital City.

Your objective on this final level is to "demolish the Capital of the Undead

Ooh ! A nice easy one then. WHAT ABOUT ASHGAN ?????????????? *sigh*

NOTE : On this final level, your Leader CAN gain Experience up to Level 18

At the beginning of the level, Queen Yataa'Halli shows up to call her Dwarven
Armies to arms, saying that whilst many of the Clan Loremasters felt that they
had failed Wotan, in TRUTH Wotan had never set them a task to complete, and
that NOW would be the time to demonstrate their devotion to him, by wiping out
those that would seek to taint his name ... the Undead Hordes ...

Her comments are echoed by a Venerable Warrior (who seems kinda itcihng to
get stuck into battle)

A Mountaineer cheers them on, and we're off !! :)

Omigod ! We actually get to control Queen Yataa'Halli !! :) :) :)

Her stats are as follows :-



Yataa'Halli 250 20 - - Runic Axe 80 80 Wea 40 Adj 1


She has a leadership skill of 5, and can therefore be taken along for a good
Skeleton-Bashing should you wish ...


The City of Korgall, due west of your Capital City, contains an Orb of Fear.

If you venture to the west until you reach the Lost Temple, and then turn
south, you will come upon Garrell's Keep. Sacking it will cause one of your
Rune Masters to comment that Garrell's Keep USED to be under the rule of
Emperor Demosthene, but he had heard that it had broken away from the Empire,
following the Emperor's death ...

His thoughts are confirmed by a King's Guard, who advises that the present
King has had to struggle to retain his control over the Empire, and that
Emperor Demosthene retained a very weak hold over his people when HE was in
charge. He says that many Lords tried to overpower the throne, and praises
Wotan that the Dwarves are better mannered.

The City contains a Talisman of Venom.

A little further south lies the Empire's Capital City.

The City of Argless lies due west of the Empire Capital City, and it contains
a Holy Armour Scroll.

Gorgaan Castle lies to the east of the Empire Capital City - once it has
fallen, a Druidess says that a banner fastened to one of the walls of the
City has magical properties, and should be taken. She is referring to a
Banner of Celerity that is located inside the City for your pleasure.
I am now going to double-back on myself (i.e. go north), and then venture
due east, and complete the map in a snake-like motion like this :-


(Just in case you wondered where the Hell I was going) ;)

Once the City of Sargonk (about 2/3 of the way eastwards across the northern
edge of the map) has fallen, your Druidess asks when the time of peace will
finally arrive. She cannot understand why even the most DIVINE of beings,
such as your God Wotan, must fight in the heavens ...

An Archdruidess tells her that, as Disciples, they must live in the world that
their Gods have forged for them. It is not for them to choose the life they
lead - it is for their God Wotan to decide what is best for them.

Sargonk contains an Elder Vampire Talisman.

Once Gamaar (a little City that is further north-east of Sargonk) has fallen
to your Mountain Clan Armies, a Dwarf comments that the air up there is FOUL.

A Dwarf Champion responds by telling him to shut his cakehole, saying that the
Clans have dug deep into the earth and smelled things FAR far worse. He also
says that in his FATHER'S time, Gamaar was a Dwarven Stronghold, but that it
was abandoned a loooooooong time ago ...

Gamaar contains a Talisman of Freezing.

Mendrik's Tower (the Magic Shop in the northeasternmost corner of the map) has
got LOADS and LOADS of cool spells including the KICKASS Damage Ward, and the
Death Ward Spell, BOTH of which I would think would be of GREAT use to you
during the coming days, non ?? ;)

Now we turn southwards and move down the map !! :)

Raven Fort is the first City I shall smite, even though it is actually VERY
well guarded indeed !! The City contains a Tome of Air, Life Potion and
Healing Ointment.

Moving back to the west now, the City of Brisburg contains a Healing Ointment.

If you take the City of Krassar, a Crossbowman reminds you that you still
have a LOOOONG way to go before you can face Mortis ...

*Taps him on the shoulder*

Actually mate ... all we'd need to do is like ... head SOUTH instead of doing
the snakey thing we're going ??

*Gives him a thumbs up and winks*

A Forge Guardian tells the Crossbowman that there is a shop further south
where the Clans' Forces can replenish their supplies. He means Under's Shop,
the stats for which I've put in the shops section ;)

As you enter the Elven Lands to the south-east of the Empire's Capital City,
the Elf Queen Drullia'an appears before you to say that they have heard a
great deal about your deeds of late and that, whilst it saddens them that
Lachla'an came to such an end, they are grateful to you for having ended his

She says that the Elves have a new-found respect for the Dwarven people, and
that she hopes that this respect will be extended to them in kind, whilst you
travel through their lands (i.e. they WILL be watching you) ;)

To that end, the Queen asks whether the Dwarves would be willing to fight as
allies to the Elves in the upcoming conflict. Drullia'an says that if you
would like to attend the forthcoming Council Meeting to discuss this matter
further, you should meet them tomorrow outside the Elven City of Crisielle.

Phew ! That's NOT one of the Cities I've already taken ... hee hee.

With that, Drullia'an disappears.

The Elven City of Crisielle (which you are directed to) you CAN actually
take without side-effects (as far as I can tell). It's totally undefended
and so there's no problem with taking it. If anything this will mean that
you don't HAVE to have your units in the vicinity ? 'Coz you can just wait
for Drullia'an to materialise outside, create a unit in Crisielle or a summon
outside to "attend" the meeting, and keep on adventuring with your strongest
unit/s ;) :)

The next turn, the following units materialise outside of Crisielle :-

1) Elf Lord Saniel (Level 7; Leadership 5)
2) Forest Elf (Level 15; Leadership 5)
3) Elf Lord Lurliele (Level 7; Leadership 5)
4) Elf Queen Drullia'an

If you approach them, Queen Drullia'an bids you welcome, and says that the
Elves are pleased at the prospect of renewed peace with their Dwarven friends.

A Dwarf replies, saying that whilst the past holds no love between your two
peoples, now that you have a common goal, perhaps the future will yield
greater prospects for peace for you both.

Queen Drullia'an recommends that an attack be commenced in the morning. She
says that the Elves will rely upon the War Experience of the Dwarves and that
they, in turn, can rely upon the Elves' command of Magic to assist them in the
battles ahead.

Units 1), 2) and 3) above then become allied with the Dwarves, and Queen
Drullia'an disappears.

If you venture either west, south, east and then north of Crisielle (or south-
east and then west of Crisielle) you will find the City of Arphos, which
contains a Banner of War.

The City of Davon Fort (further east) is reasonably easy pickings and, given
its close proximity to the Undead Hordes' Capital City, you MIGHT feel it is
worth not only pillaging, but also beefing up as a staging ground for assaults
on the Hordes' Capital City ?? Hmmmmmmm ? Yeeeeeees ??

Furthermore, the City contains a Projicere Terra Scroll.

Isha Castle (on the northern shores of the next land mass to the east) contains
2 Life Potions if you're at all interested =./

The land mass itself has a THRIVING tourist trade ... and a cute little garden
tearoom where I myself have been known to succumb to the occaaaaasional
temptation posed by a rogue cucumber sandwich ... *blush*

The City of Venretia contains a Tome of War.

The City of Gallymar is LUDICROUSLY poorly protected (at least durings its
occupation by neutral forces), and contains an Angel Talisman. Sinister
Recommends !! ;)

The City of Delos (in the southeasternmost corner of the map) holds a Hecatomb

Avonia Castle houses an Orb of Freezing and a Call to Arms Scroll.

Northwards of Avonia Castle, the City of Asmara contains a Tome of Arcanum.

... and NOW we can begin our final assault on the Undead Hordes Lands !! :) :)

Moving east to west, Vollosburg contains SQUAT, but once you have taken it and
try and move via the road to the west ? A Phantom Warrior cries out at you,
saying that by Order of Mortis, no living thing shall pass through the gates
ahead of you. A Level 9 Doomdrake then appears in your path.

Next up is Khazan Keep. Once taken, a Dwarf pops up to tell you that Mortis
took it to house her minions, and remarks YET AGAIN that he cannot believe
that Mortis - BRINGER OF PLAGUES, was once Solonielle - Goddess of the Elves.
He asks how her purity abandoned her.

A Clan Lord responds by telling him that SHE deserted her purity ... (which I
personally think is a BIT harsh - she kinda melted ... THAT'S what p!ssed her
off). He says that she became obssessed with replacing her husband, and gave
up on considering the effects this may have on others - or the lives of those
she trod on in the pursuit of her goal.

Khazan Keep is also devoid of goodies.

As you come upon Mortis' Capital City itself, a Mountaineer remarks in shock
that it is a "horrible monument to Mortis' depravity".

I myself think that it's rather special actually ... nice and black and shiny.

One of your Flamecasters squeals, saying that he hears a noise that sounds
like the screaming of a million tortured souls ...

Sure enough, a Grave Golem appears in between you and Mortis' Capital City.

NEW OBJECTIVE : Take the Undead Capital. The Guardian MUST be Destroyed

The Grave Golem's stats are as follows (he's a BIG lad, so be careful)



Death (95) 640 0 We,De - Death Touch 86 300 Dea 60 Any 1
Poison 56 300 Dea 60 Any 1
Grave Golem 2800 40 Mind DFWAE Phantom 95 200 Life 60 Any 6
Paralyse 60 0 Mind 60 Any 6
Wight (95) 590 0 We,De - Death Touch 86 300 Dea 50 Any 1
Drain Level 86 0 Dea 50 Any 1


To make matters worse, he isn't alone. He travels with Death (95) and a
Wight (95)

BEFORE I get stuck into HIM however, I'm going to finish exploring this level
for you. To the WEST of the Grave Golem is the City of Henzador, which
contains a Call Red Dragon Scroll.

Further west is the City of Yrunra, which contains a Talisman of Icefall.

The City of Vrrudarr is bereft of goodies.


NOW I'm going to deal with those ANNOYING little Undead Maggots.

First off, make sure you have all the units you want to throw at the Grave
Golem within travelling distance of him ... since he and his units heal a
percentage of their damage each turn, unless you have MASSES of mana it's
probably best to try and finish him and his goons off in one turn.

Secondly, fire off ALL your troop-based negative enchantments (i.e. damage
spells, spells that produce negative combat effects - i.e. negatives to hit,
reductions in initiative, etc., etc.), at him.

Thirdly, use as many wards as you can on your boys ...

And finally, use as many positive troop-based enchantments (i.e. damage
increases, bonuses to accuracy, etc., etc.) that you can on YOUR boys.

And we're off !!

Once you've slain him, (which shouldn't take long if you've explored the
whole map - you'll have PLENTY of things to throw at him), he says "It isss
time for usss to sssleep again.", and off he pops)

One of your Rune Masters comments that he was a FOUL creature ... just like a
walking graveyard that came marching in to defend Mortis' City. He prays that
this SACRILEGE has been brought to an end.

Now then ... HE was easy ... NOW comes the hard part ... you have to take
the Undead Hordes' Capital City from Ashgan ... to DO this you will need to
go through the same preparation routine as you did before you fought the
Grave Golem (so technically speaking if you were able to despatch him in one
round and still have enough movement points to march on the Undead Hordes'
Capital that's GREAT) ...

Three other things I will say for Ashgan :-

1) He ISN'T immune OR warded against mind, so he CAN be paralysed.
2) He has a HUGE amount of Armour points, so you will do VERY little damage
when you strike him ... 30 points MAXIMUM per hit, and he has 900 HP !!
3) He will regenerate 35% of his HP PER DAY by virtue of being in the Capital,
so you REALLY don't want to have to retreat and come back ;)

Once Ashgan has fallen (with his MIGHTY death cry of "baaaaastaaaaaaards"),
Death calls to the Hordes to flee, saying that they can no longer hold the
Capital City.

Then your Rune Master comes up with a CLASSIC quote that I really like ...
"Do not let them escape, brothers" There is no honour in fighting the dead;
there is no dishonour in throwing axes into their backs!"

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah ... riiiiiiiiiight ... I believe ya !

Queen Yataa'Halli then praises the Clans, saying how PROUD they have made her.
She says that it is a GREAT moment to see the Dwarves working with their one-
time adversaries the Elves, to overcome their common foe, and that never
again shall the Dwarves allow themselves to be the unwitting puppets of evil.

W-E-L-L D-O-N-E ! ! ! ! !


OPPONENTS Empire, Legions of the Damned, Undead Hordes, Elves.



Name Inhabitants

Korgall [Orc (15), Orc Champion (15), Goblin Archer (25)]
Garrell's Keep Squire (19), Spearman (19), Marksman (2)
Argless [Barbarian Chieftain (1), Barbarian Warrior (1)]
Gorgaan Castle 2 Orcs (1/1), Orc Champion (1)
Sargonk [Ogre (18), 2 Goblin Archers (25/25)]
Gamaar Troll (15), 2 Orcs (1/1), [Orc King (20)]
Raven Fort 2 Defenders of the Faith (1/25), Holy Avenger (20), White
Wizard (25), 2 Prophetesses (20/20) [Holy Avenger (15),
White Wizard (20)]
Brisburg Justin (Pegasus Knight - 15), 2 Holy Avengers (15/15),
Hierophant (15), [Holy Avenger (20)]
Krassar Troll (9), [Orc (10)]
Arphos Godefroy (Pegasus Knight - (1)), Hierophant (4), 2 Marksmen
(2/2), [Holy Avenger (5), Matriarch (3)]
Davon Fort [2 Men at Arms (15/15), Acolyte (1)]
Isha Castle Barbarian Chieftain (1), Master Thug (1), Thug (1), Archer
(1), [Barbarian Chieftain (20), Barbarian Warrior (15)]
Venretia Titan (5), 2 Spearmen (15/15), 2 Archers (1/1)
Gallymar 3 Spearmen (1/1/1), 2 Archers (1/1)
Delos Defender of the Faith (7), Grand Inquisitor (4), Matriarch
(3), Holy Avenger [(5)]
Avonia Castle [2 Defenders of the Faith (4/4), White Wizard (4)]
Asmara [2 Spearmen (1/1), Squire (1), Archer (1)]
Henzador Lizard Man (1), Medusa (1)
Yrunra 2 Lizard Men (5/5), Medusa (4)
Vrrudarr Lizard Man (15), Medusa (1), [Lizard Man (15)]


Name Inhabitants

Crisielle -


Name Inhabitants

Vollosburg Shagherul (Banshee - 1), Phantom Warrior (5), [Archlich (5),
Skeleton Champion (4)]
Khazan Keep Umheru (Nosferat - 10), Dreadwyrm (4), Archlich (8), [Elder
Vampire (15)]


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ?

Barn Manticore (1) 207 Gp, Potion of Celerity
Lost Temple 3 Spearmen (10/10/10),
Peasant (1), 2 Marksmen (2/2) 500 Gp, Tome of Fire
Cransell Ogre (1) 619 Gp, Call to Arms Scroll
Abandoned Mine Blue Dragon (1) Red Dragon (1) 234 Gp Vengeance of Ymir Scroll
Perthin Mines 3 Brown Bears (15/1/15) 392 Gp, Tiara of Purity
Abazonia 2 Manticores (1/1) 338 Gp, Royal Scepter
Thug's Lair Master Thug (20),
2 Brown Bears (20/20) 374 Gp, Staff of Necromancy
Temple 2 Angels (15/15),
Hierophant (15),
White Wizard (15),
Elementalist (20) 104 Gp, Staff of Earth
Elemental Control
Lair Troll (1), 2 Ogres (1/1) 684 Gp, Wotan's Chant Scroll
Odense Green Dragon (1) 1000 Gp, Summon Death Scroll
Olian 3 Lizard Men (1/1/1) 298 Gp, Boots of Seven Leagues
Ghenkia Troll (1), 2 Orcs (1/1) 305 Gp, Major Healing Scroll
Hellish Gate 2 Lizard Men (10/10),
Medusa (10) 800 Gp, Sanctuera Scroll
Kassel Zombie (2), 2 Ghouls (1/1) 100 Gp, Staff of Tempest
Tower 3 Wolves (1/1/1), Barbarian
Chieftan (1), 2 Barbarian
Warriors (1/1) 900 Gp, Life Potion
Tranzaar 2 Master Thugs (10/1) Thug (5) 192 Gp, Illudere Terra Scroll
Chrylere 6 Wolves (1/1/1/1/1/1) 158 Gp, Chant of Fortitude
Toria 2 Deathdragons (3/3),
Doomdrake (2) 800 Gp, Summon Golem Scroll
Crumbling Tower 2 Man at Arms (10/10),
Peasant (1), Spearman (10) 400 Gp, Healing Ointment


Event Notes

TO WAAAAAAAR !! Queen Yataa'Halli calls the Clans to wage WAR on the Undead.
ALLIANCE !?!?! Queen Drullia'an proposes an Elf-Dwarf Alliance ... wtf !?!
BACK TO WAAR !! Back at the Undead Hordes boys !! :)

14 x Healing Ointments, Potion of Healing, 9 x Life Potions, 3 x Treebark
Potions, Healing Scroll, Potion of Strength, Water Ward Scroll, Tempest
Scroll, Potion of Fire Warding, 3 x Imperial Crowns, 4 x Potions of Celerity,
Tortio Menta Scroll, 3 x Rubies, 4 x Potions of Restoration, 2 x Diamonds,
Potion of Air Warding, Mind Ward Scroll, 2 x Potions of Vigor, 4 x Sapphires,
Call to Arms Scroll, Potion of Striking, 4 x Royal Scepters, Potion of Might,
Wotan's Blessing Scroll, 4 x Ancient Relics, Iron Skin Potion, True Sight
Scroll, Summon Roc Scroll, Gold Ring, Nightfall Scroll, 2 x Potions of Fire
Warding, Potion of Invulnerability, Potion of Accuracy, Potion of Water
Warding, Menta Potens Scroll, Bronze Ring, 2 x Emeralds, Potion of Speed,
Silver Ring, Potion of Strength, Terror Scroll, Potion of Earth Warding.

5 x Potions of Restoration, 5 x Life Potions, 5 x Potions of Healing.


Name Sells

Malavien's Tower (Magic Shop) Holy Armour (600 Gp), Mind Ward (600 Gp), Fire
Ward (800 Gp), Summon Golem (800 Gp), Major
Healing (1000 Gp), Ymir's Blessing (900 Gp)
Mendrik's Tower (Magic Shop) Incorruptible (1000 Gp), Summon Stone
Ancestor (1000 Gp), Incantare Avenger Illudere
(1000 Gp), Illudere Terra (2000 Gp), Tortio
Menta (800 Gp), Summon Thanatos (1000 Gp),
Hecatomb (1000 Gp), Damage Ward (1000 Gp),
Winds of Restoration (2000 Gp), Major Healing
(1000 Gp), Death Ward (1000 Gp)
Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Potion of Life x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10,
Healing Ointment x 7, Tormentio Scroll x 1,
Summon Skeleton Scroll x 1, Chronos Scroll x 1,
Pestilence Scroll x 1, Shadow Scroll x 1, Earth
Ward Scroll x 1, Air Ward Scroll x 1, Lightning
Scroll x 1, Summon Roc Scroll x 1, Potion of
Might x 6, Treebark Potion x 10
Underik's Tower (Magic Shop) Chant of Hasting (600 Gp), Summon Valkyrie (600
Gp), Ice Spirits (1200 Gp), Vengeance of Ymir
(800 Gp), Wotan's Chant (1000 Gp), Holy Armour
(600 Gp), Mind Ward (600 Gp), Daylight (1600 Gp),
Armageddon (1000 Gp)
Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 15, Healing Ointment x 10,
Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of
Protection x 3, Highfather's Potion x 1, Potion
of Speed x 1, Potion of Fortune x 1, Potion of
Swiftness x 2, Quicksilver Potion x 1, Potion
of Air Warding x 1, Potion of Water Warding x 1,
Potion of Fire Warding x 2, Potion of Earth
Warding x 1, Potion of Might x 5
Luther's Camp (Mercenary) Ice Giant (Level 3 - 1300 Gp), Spirit of Fenrir
(Level 1 - 2300 Gp), Wolf Lord (Level 4 - 2300
Gp), Yeti (Level 1 - 400 Gp)
Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Healing Ointment x 11, Potion
of Protection x 5, Potion of Healing x 10,
Potion of Restoration x 10, Potion of Striking x
2, Potion of Accuracy x 1, Potion of Swiftness x
2, Potion of Speed x 1, Potion of Vigor x 2,
Potion of Strength x 1, Potion of Might x 1,
Potion of Celerity x 1, Potion of Invulnerability
x 6
Yggar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 10, Healing Ointment x 10,
Potion of Restoration x 9, Hymn of the Clans
Scroll x 1, Ice Shield Scroll x 1, Haste Scroll
x 1, Armageddon Scroll x 1, Lich Orb x 1, Orb
of Lycanthropy x 1, Spirit Staff x 1, Staff of
Invisibility x 1, Staff of Holiness x 1,
Talisman of Restoration x 1, Talisman of
Strength x 1, Orb of Fear x 1, Orb of Witches x
1, Touch of Mortis Scroll x 1, Tortio Menta
Scroll x 1, Potion of Might x 6
Jolan's Tower (Magic Shop) Divis Nocte (600 Gp), Menta Potens (600 Gp),
Sanctuera (600 Gp), Sinestra Ignis (800 Gp),
Incantare Avenger Illudere (1000 Gp), Pestilence
(200 Gp), Curse of Nygrael (400 Gp), Weakness
(200 Gp), Shadow (400 Gp), Mind Ward (600 Gp),
Holy Strength (600 Gp), Chant of Arms (600 Gp),
Summon Valkyrie (600 Gp)
Unnen's Camp (Trainer) --> Train your Units here !! <--
Xennon's Camp (Mercenary) Medusa (Level 1 - 1310 Gp), Mermaid (Level 1 -
1310 Gp)
Othon's Tower (Magic Shop) Call Decay Dragon (600 Gp), Fog of Death (600
Gp), Psalm of Death (1200 Gp), Mortis' Venom
(1500 Gp), Incantare Hellhound Illudere (200 Gp),
Cursa Demoneus (400 Gp)
Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 11, Potion of Protection x 6,
Potion of Healing x 15, Potion of Restoration x
17, Potion of Air Warding x 2, Potion of Water
Warding x 2, Potion of Earth Warding x 2,
Potion of Fire Warding x 2, Healing Ointment x
15, Terror Scroll x 1, Hecatomb Scroll x 1,
Pestilence Scroll x 1, Weakness Scroll x 1,
Touch of Mortis Scroll x 1


A Dwarf prizes peace above all else, but if that peace is threatened, they
will defend it with fervour. This chapter of Clan history proved to all of
Nevendaar, especially the Elves, that the Dwarves were no longer naive to the
ways of the world.

Nevertheless, even as the Dwarves were celebrating their triumph, Queen
Yataa'Halli could not rest. Her race remained vulnerable. For although the
Dwarves were adept at the art of war, the weapons of politics and subterfuge
were mysteries to them.

Yataa'Halli decided that the era of Dwarven isolation must end. Spies were
sent to observe and report any hits of trouble, and diplomats were appointed
to work closely with her allies. The Clans would become an active force in
the history of the world instead of unwilling participants.


Thanks to all the people at gamefaqs.com with ONE exception (and you KNOW who
you are, you little maggot), for being nothing but supportive and encouraging
of me during the process of creating this walkthrough and its siblings.

As I mentioned at the top, this walkthrough is dedicate to my friends Michael
Jarboe and Fred Kösters, who always makes me smile when I'm down, and give me
support and encouragement when I need it. Thanks guys, you're the best :)


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¦ The aim of this part is to provide you with the stats for as many races ¦
¦ (hopefully all of them) as I could fine, and to present these stats in a ¦
¦ clear and readable format. Obviously in order to make it readable, space ¦
¦ is very important, and I have therefore had to abbreviate in certain areas ¦
¦ For your ease of reference, I have reproduced a key below, which I hope ¦
¦ will make sense - it's pretty obvious ;) - Mister Sinister ¦

KEY :-

In the event that I haven't had enough space to put a FULL text explanation of
what something means, I have abbreviated. Here is a list of the abbreviations
I have used throughout this document :-

% HIT = Percentage Chance to Hit
A = Air
ADJ = Adjacent only
Ai = Air
AR = Armour Rating
ATT = Attacks (methods of attacking)
Br = Breath (usually of Dragon's)
Brth = Breath (usually of Dragon's)
CHIEFTN = Chieftain [Barbarian Chieftn = Barbarian Chieftain]
Cur = Cure
D = Death
DAM = Damage inflicted
De = Death
De. = Death (usually "Death Touch")
Dm = Damage
Drn = Drain
E = Earth
Ea = Earth
F = Fire
Fi = Fire
Frstbt = Frostbite
HP = Hit Points
IMM = Immunities
In-B = Infernal Blade
INIT = Initiative
Li = Life
Low = Lower [Low Init = Lower Initiative]
Lvl = Level
Lwr = Lower [Lwr Dam = Lower Damage]
M = Mind
Mi = Mind
Overflw = Overflow (as in, Drain Life Overflow) ;)
P'lyse = Paralyse
Para = Paralyse
Pet = Petrify
Po = Poison
Poi = Poison
REA = Reach
Shr = Shower (as in, Ice Shower) ;)
Sp = Swipe, when used with Tree - i.e. Tree Sp = Tree Swipe
SRC = Source of the Attack(s)
Swd = Sword
TAR = Targets
Tch = Touch (e.g. De. Tch = Death's Touch)
Un. = Undead [usually "Undead Blade" (Un.Blade)]
W = Water
Wa = Water
WARD = Warded Against
We = Weapon

Nb - if an attack type is listed in brackets it means the unit has TWO of this


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LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.)


MYZRAEL 900 50+40 - - Holy Wrath 95 250 Life 90 Any 6
KNIGHT 150 0 - - Long Sword 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1
RANGER 90 0 - - Falcon Arrow 80 40 Wea 60 Any 1
ARCHMAGE 65 0 - - Lightning 80 30 Air 40 Any 6
ARCHANGEL 100 0 - - Healing 100 40 Life 10 Any 1
THIEF 100 0 - - Daggers 80 30 Wea 60 Adj 1

SUBORDINATE UNITS (Group Members, etc.)


ACOLYTE 50 0 - - Heal 100 20 Life 10 Any 1
ANGEL 225 0 - - Holy Lance 80 125 Wea 50 Adj 1
APPRENTICE 35 0 - - Lightning 80 15 Air 40 Any 6
ARCHER 45 0 - - Arrow 80 25 Wea 60 Any 1
CLERIC 75 0 - - Healing 100 20 Life 10 Any 6
OF FAITH 225 30 - - Sword 80 125 Wea 70 Adj 1
ELEMENTALIST 95 0 - Air Summon 100 0 Air 40 Any 1
INQUISITOR 210 0 Mind Fire Holy Mace 80 100 Wea 50 Adj 1
HIEROPHANT 125 0 - - Heal/Revive 100/100 120 Li/Li 10 Any 1
HOLY AVENGER 250 0 - - 2 x Long Sword 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1
ASSASSIN 135 0 - - Dagger/Poison 85/75 60 We/De 60 Any 1
KNIGHT 200 0 - - Lance 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1
PRIEST 100 0 - - Healing 100 80 Life 10 Any 1
INQUISITOR 180 0 Mind - Mace 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1
KNIGHT 150 0 - - Sword 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1
MAGE 65 0 - - Lightning 80 30 Air 40 Any 6
MARKSMAN 90 0 - - Arrow 85 40 Wea 60 Any 1
MATRIARCH 100 0 - - Heal/Cure 100/100 40 Li/Li 10 Any 6
PALADIN 175 30 - - Long Sword 80 100 Wea 50 Adj 1
PRIEST 75 0 - - Healing 100 40 Life 10 Any 1
PROPHETESS 125 0 - - Heal/Cure 100/100 70 Li/Li 10 Any 6
SQUIRE 100 0 - - Sword 80 25 Wea 50 Adj 1
TITAN 250 0 - - Smash 80 60 Wea 50 Adj 1
WHITE WIZARD 125 0 - - Lightning 80 60 Air 40 Any 6
WITCH-HUNTER 140 0 Mind - Sword 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1
WIZARD 95 0 - - Lightning 80 45 Air 40 Any 6


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¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ==== ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦\ ¦ ¦ === ¦ ====
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LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.)


DEATH KNIGHT 150 0 Death - Undead Blade 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1
NOSFERAT 90 0 Death - Drain Life 80 10 Dea 50 Any 6
LICH QUEEN 65 0 Death - Fire Storm 80 30 Fire 40 Any 6
BANSHEE 100 0 Death - Paralyze 70 0 Mind 20 Any 1
THIEF 100 0 - - Daggers 80 30 Wea 60 Adj 1

SUBORDINATE UNITS (Group Members, etc.)


ARCHLICH 170 0 Death - Plague 80 90 Dea 40 Any 6
DARK LORD 200 0 - F,W,A,E Undead Blade 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1
DEATH 125 0 Wea,De - Death Touch/Poi 80/50 100 De/De 60 Any 1
DEATHDRAGON 375 0 Death - Breath 80 55 Dea 35 Any 6
DOOMDRAKE 300 0 - - Breath 80 40 Dea 35 Any 6
DRACOLICH 525 0 Death - Pestilence Br 80 75 Dea 35 Any 6
DREADWYRM 450 0 Death - Plague Br/Poi 80/40 65 De/De 35 Any 6
ELDER VAMP 210 0 Death - Drain Li Overflw 80 60 Dea 40 Any 6
FIGHTER 120 0 - - Sword 80 25 Wea 50 Adj 1
GHOST 45 0 Death - Paralyze 65 0 Mind 20 Any 1
INITIATE 45 0 - - Pestilence 80 15 Dea 40 Any 6
LICH 140 0 Death - Plague 80 70 Dea 40 Any 6
NECROMANCER 105 0 - Death Pestilence 80 45 Dea 40 Any 6
PHANTOM WARR 320 0 Death - Un.Blade/Para 80/50 125 We,Mn 50 Adj 1
SHADE 135 0 Death - Paralyse 50 0 Mind 20 Any 6
CHAMPION 270 0 Death - Long Sword 80 100 Wea 50 Adj 1
WARRIOR 220 0 Death - Long Sword 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1
SPECTER 90 0 Death - Paralyse 70 0 Mind 20 Any 1
TEMPLAR 160 0 - F,W,A,E Lance 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1
VAMPIRE 185 0 Death - Drain Life 80 50 Dea 40 Any 6
WARLOCK 75 0 - - Pestilence 80 30 Dea 40 Any 6
WEREWOLF 100 0 Weapon - Slash 80 40 Wea 50 Adj 1
WIGHT 105 0 We,De - De.Tch/Drn Lvl 80/80 75 De/De 50 Any 1
WRAITH 75 0 We,De - Pestilence 80 60 Dea 60 Any 1
WYVERN 225 0 - - Breath 80 25 Dea 35 Any 6
ZOMBIE 170 0 Death - Slash 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1


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¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
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LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.)


DUKE 150 0 - - Infernal Sword 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1
COUNSELOR 90 0 - - Crossbow 80 40 Wea 60 Any 1
ARCH-DEVIL 65 0 - - Flame Burst 80 30 Fire 40 Any 6
BARONESS 100 0 - - Fear 80 0 Mind 20 Any 1
THIEF 100 0 - - Daggers 80 30 Wea 60 Adj 1

SUBORDINATE UNITS (Group Members, etc.)


ANTI-PALADIN 220 0 - - Battle Axe 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1
DEMON 600 0 - - In-B/Pet 80/40 140 We/Mn 40 Adj 1
BEAST 420 0 - - Slash 80 70 Wea 20 Any 6
BERZERKER 170 0 - - Battle Axe 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1
CULTIST 45 0 - - Fire Rain 80 15 Fire 40 Any 6
DEMON 270 0 - - Slash 80 80 Wea 35 Adj 1
DEMONOLOGIST 105 0 - - Fire Rain 80 45 Fire 40 Any 6
DEMON LORD 470 0 - - Axe 80 140 Wea 40 Adj 1
DEVIL 170 0 - - Slash 80 50 Wea 35 Adj 1
DOPPLEGANGER 120 0 - - Morph/Slash 80 30 Wea 80 Adj 1
FIEND 250 0 - - Slash/Poison 80/40 60 We/De 50 Adj 1
GARGOYLE 90 40 Poison Mind Rock Shards 80 40 Wea 60 Any 1
HAG 115 0 - - Polymorph 80 0 Mind 20 Any 1
INCUBUS 135 0 - - Petrify 65 0 Earth 20 Any 6
KNIGHT 270 0 - - Infernal Sword 80 100 Wea 50 Adj 1
GARGOYLE 150 60 Poison Mind Rock Shards 80 65 Wea 60 Any 1
MODEUS 170 0 - Fire Fire Storm 80 75 Fire 40 Any 6
MOLOCH 370 0 - - Slash 80 110 Wea 35 Adj 1
GARGOYLE 170 65 Poison Mind Onyx Shards 80 85 Wea 60 Any 1
OVERLORD 570 0 - - Infernal Blade 80 170 Wea 40 Adj 1
PANDEMONEUS 135 0 - - Fire Storm 80 60 Fire 40 Any 6
POSSESSED 120 0 - - Short Sword 80 25 Wea 50 Adj 1
SORCEROR 75 0 - - Fire Rain 80 30 Fire 40 Any 6
SUCCUBUS 145 0 - - Polymorph 40 0 Mind 20 Any 6
TIAMATH 495 0 - - Slash/Lwr Dam 80/80 100 We/Mn 20 Any 6
WITCH 75 0 - - Polymorph 80 0 Mind 20 Any 1


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LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.)


VITHAR 900 50+40 - - Vithar's Thunder 95 250 Life 90 Any 6
KING'S GUARD 225 0 - - Battle Axe 80 60 Wea 40 Adj 1
ENGINEER 135 0 - - Crossbow 80 40 Wea 50 Any 1
LOREMASTER 95 0 - - Earth Fall 80 30 Earth 30 Any 6
CHAMPION 150 0 - - Axe 80 40 Wea 30 Adj 1
THIEF 150 0 - - Daggers 80 40 Wea 50 Adj 1

SUBORDINATE UNITS (Group Members, etc.)


ALCHEMIST 120 0 - - Give Attack 100 0 Life 10 Any 1
ARCHDRUIDESS 150 0 - - Boost Dmg/Cur 100/100 +100 Li/Li 70 Any 1
AXE THROWER 65 0 - - Throwing Axe 80 25 Wea 40 Any 1
CROSSBOWMAN 110 0 - - Crossbow 80 40 Wea 40 Any 1
DRUIDESS 120 0 - - Boost Dmg/Cur 100/100 +75 Li/Li 70 Any 1
DWARF 150 0 - - Warhammer 80 30 Wea 40 Adj 1
DWARF KING 250 30 - Mi,Wa Great Mace 80 100 Wea 20 Adj 1
ELDER ONE 400 0 - - Lightning 80 80 Air 20 Any 6
FLAME CASTER 130 0 - Fire Flame Burst 80 35 Fire 40 Any 6
GUARDIAN 155 0 - - Crossbow 80 70 Wea 40 Any 1
HERMIT 250 0 - - Ice Shr/Lw Int 80/33 55 Wa/Wa 40 Any 6
HILL GIANT 210 0 - - Tree Sp 80 60 Earth 30 Adj 1
ICE GIANT 400 0 Water - Ice Shard 80 120 Water 30 Adj 1
MOUNTAINEER 225 0 - - Ice Shards 80 30 Water 40 Any 6
NOVICE 90 0 - - Boost Damage 100 +50 Life 70 Any 1
ROCK GIANT 310 0 - - Punch 80 90 Earth 30 Adj 1
RUNE MASTER 300 0 - - 2 x Axe 80 65 Wea 40 Adj 1
SON OF YMIR 500 0 Water - Ice Swd/Frstbt 80/85 150 Wa/Wa 50 Adj 1
GIANT 350 0 - - Call Lightning 80 50 Air 20 Any 6
TENDERFOOT 60 0 - - Boost Damage 100 +25 Life 70 Any 1
WARRIOR 275 0 - - Great Axe 80 100 Wea 40 Adj 1
VETERAN 250 0 - - Warhammer 80 80 Wea 40 Adj 1
WARRIOR 200 0 - - Warhammer 80 55 Wean 40 Adj 1
WOLF LORD 225 0 - - Morph/Frost Brth 80 40 Water 40 Any 6
YETI 230 0 - Water Ice Breath 80 30 Water 40 Any 6


======== ======== === === ======== ======== ==== ===
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=== === ======== ======== ==== === === === === ========



LEADER UNITS (Party Leaders, etc.)



AIR ELEMENTL 100 0 Air - Slash 80 30 Air 40 Any 1
CHIEFTN 275 0 - - Great Claws 80 100 Wea 40 Adj 1
WARRIOR 250 0 - - Axe 80 80 Wea 40 Adj 1
BLACK DRAGON 800 0 Death - Acid Breath 75 125 Death 40 Any 6
BLUE DRAGON 700 0 Water - Steam Breath 75 100 Water 40 Any 6
BROWN BEAR 270 0 - - Claw 80 60 Wea 65 Adj 1
CENTAUR 140 0 - - Arrow 80 40 Wea 60 Any 1
LANCER 225 0 - - Lance 84 89 Wea 55 Adj 1
ELF LORD 195 0 - Air Lightning 80 50 Air 50 Any 6
ELF RANGER 45 0 - - Arrow 80 25 Wea 65 Any 1
FAT IMP 100 0 - - Slash 70 30 Wea 50 Adj 1
FOREST ELF 100 0 - - Spear 80 40 Wea 65 Adj 1
SPIDER 370 0 - - Pincer/Paralyse 80/90 120 We/De 35 Adj 1
GIANT SPIDER 420 0 - - Pincer/Paralyse 80/80 130 We/Mi 35 Adj 1
GOBLIN 50 0 - - Spear 80 15 Wea 30 Adj 1
GOBLIN ARCHER 40 0 - - Arrow 80 15 Wea 50 Any 1
GOLEM 150 50 Ea,Po - Earthquake 80 70 Earth 70 Any 6
GREEN DRAGON 600 0 Fire - Fire Breath 75 60 Fire 40 Any 6
IMP 50 0 - - Tail Whip 80 20 Wea 30 Adj 1
KRAKEN 350 0 - - Tentacle 80 120 Wea 40 Adj 1
ARMOUR 175 0 Mi,Po - Great Sword 80 65 Wea 55 Adj 1
LIZARD MAN 200 0 - - Swords 80 75 Wea 50 Adj 1
MAN AT ARMS 95 0 - - Axe 80 25 Wea 50 Adj 1
MASTER THUG 110 0 - - Shrt Sw/P'lyse 80/80 35 We/De 75 Adj 1
MEDUSA 115 0 - - Petrify 60 0 Earth 20 Any 6
MERMAID 75 0 - - Maelstrm,P'lyse 60/50 20 Wa/Mi 20 Any 6
MERMAN 140 0 - - Trident 80 40 Wea 50 Adj 1
OCCULTIST 75 0 - - Summon 100 0 Death 40 Any 1
OGRE 300 0 - - Giant Club 80 130 Wea 20 Adj 1
ORACLE ELF 125 0 - Air Healing 100 60 Life 10 Any 6
ORC 200 0 - - Axe 80 55 Wea 40 Adj 1
ORC CHAMPION 220 20 - - Flail 80 80 Wea 40 Adj 1
ORC KING 295 30 - - Mace 80 115 Wea 55 Adj 1
PEASANT 40 0 - - Pitchfork 75 15 Wea 30 Adj 1
POLAR BEAR 300 0 - Water Claw 80 80 Wea 70 Adj 1
GIANT 310 0 - - Giant Mace 80 100 Wea 30 Adj 1
RED DRAGON 800 0 Fire - Fire Breath 75 125 Fire 40 Any 6
SEA SERPENT 400 0 - - Bite 80 125 Wea 70 Adj 1
SKELETON 100 0 Death - Bone 80 40 Wea 60 Adj 1
SPEARMAN 140 0 - - Spear 80 50 Wea 50 Adj 1
SPIRIT WOLF 200 0 - - Spirit Howl 90 50 Air 40 Any 6
THUG 65 0 - - Daggers 80 25 Wea 65 Adj 1
TROLL 350 0 - - Slash 80 120 Wea 40 Adj 1
VALKYRIE 250 0 - - Ice Storm 80 55 Water 60 Any 6
WHITE DRAGON 700 0 Air - Vapor Breath 75 100 Air 40 Any 6
WOLF 180 0 - - Bite 80 55 Wea 50 Adj 1


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Fellweather 300 0 - - Spear 89 176 Wea 50 Adj 1
Count Flamel
Crowley 1000 40+30 Mind Fire Infernal Mace 90 175 Wea 65 Adj 1
Poison 90 50 Dea 65 Adj 1
Gelma'ar 195 0 - Air Lightning 80 50 Air 50 Any 6
Millu 42 0 - Air Healing 100 -60 Life 10 Any 6
Nebiros 2600 30 Mind DFWAE Halberd 90 300 Wea 60 Any 6
Paralyse 60 0 Mind 60 Any 6



The first decision you really have to make insofar as your RULER is concerned
is whether he (or she) is going to be a Fighter/Magic User/Thief ... this is
your RULER we are talking about - i.e. you.

If you choose to make your Ruler a FIGHTER, your units will heal a percentage
of their Hit Points at the end of each turn ... that's ... ALL your units ...
so that's quite a natty power. To counter this, there is an upper limit on
the level of spells you can research and cast.

If you choose to make your Ruler a MAGE LORD, your Capital City will
automatically have the Magic Tower constructed at the beginning of each level,
you will be able to research all spells at HALF their original cost, AND you
can (provided you have the mana) cast each spell TWICE per turn ... MAGE LORDS

If you choose to make your Ruler a GUILDMASTER (aka Thief), your Capital City
will automatically have the Thieves' Guild constructed at the beginning of
each level, you will be able to make your cities grow at half the normal cost,
and your thieves will have LOADS more options available to them than the
thieves of a Fighter or Mage Lord. Options like changing the orders of your
opponents, so as to confuse them ... things like that :">

If you click on the portrait for your Ruler, you can change your Ruler's face
if you like.

From this screen you also pick the difficulty setting (and, if you are playing
in a Quest rather than a Saga, you can also import a previously exported hero
to assist you should you wish).

Switching now to your leaders ...

You have to have a leader that is already at at LEAST level 10 to IMPORT into
a saga in the Guardians of the Light Expansion Pack, and that leader will
only be able to gain experience during the THIRD level of the Expansion Pack,
and even then ONLY up to level 18.

Since I always play magic-users, mine are centered around a) keeping them
alive longer, and b) making the stronger ... other types of players will have
other preferences, obviously ;)

ALSO bear in mind that you can only take ONE leader with you to the next level,
so I would *STRONGLY* suggest that you focus on building on just ONE leader ...
just use the others as cannon-fodder and scouts basically ;)



A VERY brief section with my comments on units I really like and which upgrade
paths I choose whilst I am playing :-

[NOTE: Where I say "hit for six" I mean hit all the units in your opponent's
team at once]




Stable --> Imperial Stable --> Shrine --> Holy Statue
Knight --> Imperial Knight --> Paladin --> Holy Avenger

Nothing worthy of comment here ... I don't like the Inquisitors because I hate
their taste in headwear !! :">


Library --> Tower --> Arcane Tower
Mage --> Wizard --> White Wizard

The Elementalist being the only other option for these guys, and him only being
able to summon (which is no good if you are in a unit which is already maxed
out with 6 characters), I think this is a fairy decisive win for the White
Wizard (PLUS Gandalf - the ORIGINAL White Wizard - ROCKS !!) =D


Archery Range --> Imperial Guild
Marksman --> Imperial Assassin

There's no other option !! But the Imperial Assassin ROCKS, which is faBOO :">


Church --> Cathedral --> Basilica
Cleric --> Matriarch --> Prophetess

The choice here is a clear-cut one. The Priests heal more damage, but can only
heal one character at a time ... the Clerics heal less damage, but can heal ALL
your characters at the SAME time which makes the TOPS in my book :">


Archmage, Prophetess, White Wizard, 3 Holy Avengers




Brewery --> Outpost --> Snow Den
Warrior --> Mountaineer --> Hermit

I LOVE using the Hermits !! These guys ROCK - they hit for six, are tough
enough to stand in your FRONT line, and lower their enemies initiatives with
successive strikes too !! GO HERMITS !! =D


Cottage --> Alchemy Tower
Novice --> Alchemist

Alchemists are KICK@SS dude ... even though their initiates are low, they feed
another unit an extra attack, so stick two of these on the back line with a
strong spellcaster and that spellcaster will be able to hit THREE TIMES PER


Shooting Range --> Engineer's Guild
Crossbowman --> Flame Caster

Flame Casters can hit for six and are warded against Fire Attacks, which
prolongs their life-expectancy against Legions' Units - a great freebie bonus


Mountain Peek --> Cloud Keep --> Bifrost Bridge
Rock Giant --> Tempest Giant --> Elder One

I personally favour units which can hit for six as they can greatly weaken the
overall combat effectiveness of your opponent without really DOING anything
special ... that's why I have gone for the Tempest Giant and Elder One ... I
personally wouldn't use giants in combat, as I would prefer Alchemists and
Hermits, but there you go :">


Loremaster, 2 Alchemists, 3 Hermits




Here are a couple of tricks that I have picked up ... I don't feel the need to
give credit to anybody for these, as I honestly came up with them myself !! It
MAY be that they are printed elsewhere - I really don't know ... (God how
bolschy eh !!)


If you are playing as the Empire, and you have destroyed all but one unit
in your opponent's army ... IF that unit does less damage when it attacks
than your healer would do when he/she heals, then have all your units
EXCEPT the healer defend, and tend to their wounds during combat ... then
slay the remaining unit when all your characters are back to 100%
health !! This trick works ESPECIALLY well if you are using a six-hit-
healer ;)


Whilst I have been reasonably criticised for mentioning this before, I
HONESTLY believe that, if you click the mouse at a certain point during
the computer opponent's attacking animation, you can increase their
chances of missing you. I might be talking UTTER cack, but I'll settle
for that ... if I'm onto something it would be remiss of me not to mention
it :">



This FAQ is dedicated entirely to my dear friend Nick, MOST DEFINITELY the
most polite and considerate young man I've ever met, who's education and
unfailing courtesy put my own to considerable shame.

Thanks for being my friend Nick :)

- Mister Sinister, 2004


Copyright David Booth, 2004

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The Mountain Clans Saga Walkthrough
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