

17.10.2013 02:55:11
**************Devastation SP FAQ ********************************
************************ By Fallon V0.1*****************************
************************21:21 02/05/2004***************************
***************Copyright 2004 Fallon ******************************

disclaimer read first!

This FAQ is for private use only reproduction or republication in
CDroms or unspecified websites is not allowed as this is my work
and belongs to me and I worked hard for it. If you want it on your
web site ask me @


Please do not ask stupid questions examples include:

what is your CD key
how many hits does
etc etc

Also when emailing me put devastation PC in the subject title
I get a lot of spam well some and don't want much more.

I also accept NO responsibility for what happens from use or lack
of use of this short FAQ so use at your own risk. Also please
do not ask stupid questions as these will be ignored .Examples
are what is the key for since its listed in the manual and the key
command card , or the serial code .Games are a product of hard
work and semi experiencing it myself I know first hand.

if you don’t know about copy right then these are good links


Well here was me on a weekend sort of bored and I thought hmm I need
an FPS something hardcore of the old days instead I run into this since
i see no FAQ at gamefaqs or anywhere else I reckon I can put my hand
to this since its not exactly as if I've got that much to do this weekend and
I can type like lightening.

**Note I am from England so I spell things the English way eg
Meter = metre
color = colour
honor = honour

also there is this:

in the UK the first floor of a building is called the ground floor , while
the next is ground floor , then the next is 3rd floor , etc different
from the American version where the ground floor is the first floor

USA ----> UK
1st floor = ground floor
2nd floor = first floor
3rd floor = 2nd floor

and so on , though I have tried to incorporate both or use a get around
of up a level instead to avoid confusion.



1.1 general notes

2.1 tactics
3-Walk through
4 - FAQ
5 Misc items
6 shameless self promotion
7 Credits and permissions


1 Weapons

Hand to hand (default button 1) All are silent btw

Fire 1 Jab
Fire 2 straight punch (hold to pick up some items)

Comments : you have to be kidding this is nigh worthless even
throwing explosive objects is iffy since a bullet in the head of the
enemy is so much faster. It is 100% worthless against robots


Knife - (max 6)
Fire 1 = slash
Fire 2 = throw

Comment : Unless you can sneak on the enemy this is a very
iffy weapon to use since it has such a short range though it is
surprisingly powerful , against troopers even red ones it kills in
2 cuts , if you ever remember that news story about a Russian thinking
his bullet proof vest was also knife proof this may prove the point
in that trooper armour is anti bullet only and therefore a knife which
is more powerful than a bullet due to more pressure per square inch
can go right through. You can also throw the knife but it is awfully slow
and used only in dire emergencies! (note knives are useless against
robots and shields)


Bottle - (broken and unbroken)
Fire 1 = smash
Fire 2 = nothing

Comment : Fairly useful similar to the knife in terms of damage but also
worthless against bots and shields.


2x4 (two by four)
Fire 1 = smash
Fire 2 = smash

Comment : you must be kidding , its a plank of wood do not use
unless you can sneak on the enemy which even then takes many
many whacks to knock them out (enemies do not wake up).


Fire 1 = Diagonal slash
Fire 2 = vertical slash

Comment : Something to just play with when sneaking it does take up
considerable space though , when using it you can lop off limbs of enemies
depending on where you happen to be aiming ,though its pretty random if
you get a chop or not.


Pistols (default button 2)

9mm auto (15 shots double 30 shots)

Rate of fire : 4
Accuracy : 5
Power : 2
Range : 6
Spaces : 4
Shots : 15 each

Fire 1 = 1 bullet (hold down for autoish mode)
Fire 2 = toggle between 1 and two pistols

Comments : not too useful but plentiful fairly fast and if you sneak
on enemies you can head shot them easily , though becomes worthless
from Taiwan onwards.

(note 2 pistols seems to have more recoil and longer reload time)


9mm Match

Rate of fire : 4
Accuracy : 6
Power : 3
Range : 6
Spaces : 4
Shots : 15 each

Fire 1 = 1 bullet (hold down for autoish mode)
Fire 2 = toggle between 1 and two pistols

Comments : Same as 9mm auto , but more power not that you'd notice
since enemies get harder for the same types ie humans require 1 head shot
at the start , then 2 then up to 5.


45 auto

Rate of fire : 5
Accuracy : 6
Power : 4
Range : 6
Spaces : 6
Shots : 7 Each

Fire 1 = 1 bullet (hold down for autoish mode)
Fire 2 = toggle between 1 and two pistols

Comments : .45 pistol much more useful than the 9mm body shots will
take down troops much faster than the 9mm , though its 7 shots is a
bad compromise since with the 15 9mm shots you can do more damage.


45 match

Rate of fire : 5
Accuracy : 7
Power : 5
Range : 6
Spaces : 6
Shots : 9 each

Fire 1 = 1 bullet (hold down for autoish mode)
Fire 2 = toggle between 1 and two pistols

Comments : more or less the 45 auto but more ammo and you can find
them more often on troopers.


Light autos/SMPs

Micro viper

Rate of fire : 7
Accuracy : 5
Power : 6
Range : 4
Spaces : 8
Shots : 50 each

Fire 1 = full auto fire
Fire 2 = toggle between single and double

Comments : Fast but quite weak I reckon they upped the firepower rating
saying that its good because of its rof (ie there’s so many weedy bullets it
actually becomes powerful!) , not too bad but once you learn to control the
recoil its a nice gun.


9mm SMG

Rate of fire : 9
Accuracy : 5
Power : 5
Range : 6
Spaces : 12
Shots : 36 each

Fire 1 = Full auto fire
Fire 2 = toggle between single and double

Comments : more or less same as the micro viper as said I don't like 'em



Rate of fire : 5 (guess)
Accuracy : 4 (guess)
Power : 5 (guess)
Range : 6
Spaces : 12
Shots : 24 each

Fire 1 = Rapid fire
Fire 2 = toggle between single and double

Comments : I like this its like a 45 but more ammo and much faster estimated figures
are compared to the handguns , its recoil is a bit iffy sometimes its fully on often the
game is buggy enough to forget to apply it.



Rate of fire : 4
Accuracy : 5
Power : 6
Range : 5
Spaces : 16
Shots : 6

Fire 1 = Fire harpoon
Fire 2 = Explode harpoon

Comments : Fairly weak despite the advertised range it is way shorter than said
though the harpoon explosive bolts are pretty powerful else leave alone unless needed
for a specific task.Even if the bolt vanishes you can still detonate it (ie if it has entered
an enemy)


Nail gun

Rate of fire : 6
Accuracy : 5
Power : 5
Range : 5
Spaces : 8
Shots : 12

Fire 1 = single nail (hold for auto)
Fire 2 = 4 nail spray

Comments : A silent handgun , which isn't that useful due to low ammo availability
and low clip size though it is useful for headshots on secondary fire since you get
multihit action in one spot enough to take out most enemies which require 2-3


Hooverton mini

Rate of fire : 9
Accuracy : 9
Power : 8
Range : 8
Spaces :14
Shots : 60

Fire 1 = Full auto (requires warm up of 1.5 seconds
Fire 2 = Full auto (requires warm up of 1.5 seconds)

Comments : Like a SMG but way less accurate since the bullets spray everywhere
be careful since its warm up time cannot be buffered (hitman) and its non too
accurate either.


Heavy weapons

Assault rifle

Rate of fire : 7
Accuracy : 7
Power : 7
Range : 7
Spaces : 20
Shots : 24

Fire 1 = full auto
Fire 2 = 3 shot burst

Comments : The meat of the weapons looks like an M-16 but isn't its useful close
and long range though the small clip is its weakness , don't leave home without one
(in game!) Also I'd get use to 3 shot bursts aimed at troopers heads they die instantly
when with handguns they can evade the 2nd and 3rd bullet.


D4 sniper

Rate of fire : 8
Accuracy : 7
Power : 7
Range : 8
Spaces : 23
Shots : 15

Fire 1 = auto fire
Fire 2 = sniper scope

Comments : A fair gun though its actually quite weak requiring multiple headshots
for kills , though its recoilless which is interesting well maybe not.Its non zoom mode
is pretty accurate also.


Klum OU shotgun

Rate of fire : 5
Accuracy : 5
Power : 9
Range : 3
Spaces : 19
Shots : 6

Fire 1 = single shot (semi auto)
Fire 2 = 2 shell burst

Comments : Meat and potatoes of the shotgun its ok but has a horribly long
reload time though its semi auto mode can spit out lead pretty darned quick
shame most enemies have them then.Something to note though is that the
reload can be interrupted after a shell has gone in so you are not 100% vulnerable
during reload.Also close up head blasts are 100% lethal through the game except
with shields so aim high.


Riot shotgun

Rate of fire : 3
Accuracy : 6
Power : 8
Range : 5
Spaces : 15
Shots : 8

Fire 1 = single shot
Fire 2 = single shot

Comments : Good in corridors only though being so close is dangerous


Springbok rifle

Rate of fire : 4
Accuracy : 9
Power : 7
Range : 10
Spaces : 23
Shots : 6

Fire 1 = auto fire
Fire 2 = zoom

Comments : Beefed up sniper rifle still pretty weak though , and also it has
alot of recoil when used in scope mode though its still pretty good.Just for interest
you can shoot limbs off enemies with this weapon (heads and arms) , its nearly
100% lethality also makes it a good belly gun (to shoot without the scope when
enemies are very close)


Military sniper rifle

Rate of fire : 2
Accuracy : 10
Power : 9
Range : 10
Spaces : 26
Shots : 1

Fire 1 = fire
Fire 2 = zoom

Comments :Rifle that needs a reload after each shot taking you out of
the zoom which makes it incredibly slow to fire at many targets best use
the assault rifle.Just of interest you can shoot limbs off enemies with this weapon
(heads and arms) , its nearly 100% lethality also makes it a good belly gun (to
shoot without the scope when enemies are very close)



Rate of fire : 3
Accuracy : 10
Power : 10+++*
Range : 10
Spaces : 27
Shots : 5

Fire 1 = Shoot 1 bolt
Fire 2 = zoom in

Comments : beware the huge shooting delay and snipe with it rather
as an assault weapon , go for enemies with these first.There is huge
damage potential , though it doesn't work well against shields and often
bounces off (well its their technology to begin with so they know its
weaknesses and make their own stuff invulnerable to it , makes sense

*strictly speaking 10 = 2.5 times more lethal than a pistol but this gun is
many many many more times more lethal than hand guns rated at 2-4 ,
infact thinking about it it has this power:

helicopter = 250 assault rifle bullets
helicopter = 3 P*laser blasts

hence 250/3 = 83.3 assault rifle bullets which means its lethality is much
much more than 10.


Antique machine gun

Rate of fire : 8
Accuracy : 6
Power : 8
Range : 6
Spaces : 28
Shots : 34

Fire 1 = Auto fire
Fire 2 = nothing

Comments : This is a fair gun but it has a weakness it can only be reloaded
when it is spent completely so with its max ammo at 36 shots having 1 bullet
left in it means you have to use it before reload .If you find yourself in such a
situation just fire off the extra bullet and then reload. Reloading can also take
a life time with this gun though so be careful!.


Cobra assault cannon

Rate of fire : 10
Accuracy : 4
Power : 10
Range : 6
Spaces : 28
Shots : 100

Fire 1 = Full auto
Fire 2 = Full auto

Comments : Nice but not that nice you should give it to your team mates
since they can use it much better than you beware the 2 second warm up
time though and its horrible accuracy makes it worse than the assault rifle.
Though crouched next to a spawner its great.


Frag grenade

Rate of fire : 1
Accuracy : 6
Power : 8
Range : 8
Spaces : 3
Shots : 1

Fire 1 = throw
Fire 2 = throw

Comments: You will never use it has long delay btw and bullets are much
faster anyhow so this is kind of defunct.


Gas grenade

Rate of fire : 1
Accuracy : 6
Power : 8
Range : 8
Spaces : 3
Shots : 1

Fire 1 = throw
Fire 2 = throw

Comments :


Smoke grenade

Rate of fire : 1
Accuracy : 6
Power : 0
Range : 8
Spaces : 3
Shots : 1

Fire 1 = throw
Fire 2 = throw

Comments : worthless

Rat bomb

Rate of fire : 1
Accuracy : 10
Power : 8
Range : 10
Spaces : 6 (per rat)
Shots : 1

Fire 1 = (hold activate rat)
Fire 2 = nothing

Comments: highly useful weapon for getting past laser fences and destroying
the spawning devices past them keep at least one handy at all times.Though
beware of going too near foot soldiers as they can step on you and you have to
start the rat run again.I'd recommend that you start missions with this weapon
use the rat to scout around and use it to destroy any spawners first then go out
on the offensive.

General notes

There is a weapon trick and it involves this , once you run out of ammo for a twin
weapon (pistols , SMG/SMP) drop your weapon onto the ground two pistols will
be dropped ,pick one up and it has zero ammo , pick up the other and you have
an extra clip , works even if you have ammo left.


Enemies / traps

Not a comprehensive list I know but its general info ok?

Humans ,

Come in multiple flavours:

----------Normal humans----------

Vac suits - well maybe radiation suits are normal humans in a suit 1 headshot
armed with : 9mm autos

Construction workers are same - yellow helmets mask
armed with : 2x4 , bottles and can sometimes pick up guns
sometimes unarmed but will pick things up

Block heads cap or beret military pants
armed with : 9mm auto , 9mm match , sometimes 45 auto and 45 match

Prison guards - military suits similar to block heads
armed with : 9mm auto , 9mm match , sometimes 45 auto and 45 match
riot shotgun , 2x4.

Asylum orderlies - white body suit shoulder pads , mask glasses
armed with : 2x4 , lethal injection

All these guys are , are normal humans and such they are subject to normal
vulnerabilities , which are single head shots and no more than 5-6 bullets in
the body

-----------Other humans----------

Troopers - black body suit , mask and helmet , sometimes in white
armed with : 9mm match , 45 auto , 45 match , 9mm auto , Klum OU , riot
shotgun , military sniper ,Tiko , 9mm SMG , micro viper, bolta ,hooverton
and swords.

Elite troopers Black body suit mask helmet , red sash
armed with : Any weapon + shields (sometimes)

Ninjas - back body suit only eyes can be seen
armed with : Swords

Advanced Elite troopers
armed with : Any weapon + shields (sometimes)

These guys are abnormal humans they require anything up to 4 head shots
with the assault rifle (more with pistols) are fast and accurate , always aim
for the head as they can take more hits in the body and limbs than you have
in your clips.

------------Other adversaries---------

Auto guns


Sort of like the things in Aliens , shoot them from a far or edge to a corner
where they are nearby and shoot carefully through the gap , 3-8 shots
can finish them.They also fire in bursts giving you a 2 second gap between
bursts to attack or move to a different location.If they have no red light
they be dead


You can spot them by their red lights 3 shots kill them , snipe them from a
far or run directly under them where they can't hit you.If they have no red light
they be dead


Minigun/laser long range snipe or get your team mates to attack 24-40 assault
rifle rounds will do.If they have no red light they be dead , attack the body not
the turret , 2 clips will do.


240+ assault rifle rounds , dodge behind something when it strafes you
or run away.


.50 cal gun / minigun / laser

Try to hold your team back and snipe the guy behind the bunker if you can't
see him to snipe try a different position or use a grenade.if not that use a rat
bomb to sneak up on him , explosions infront on the bunker will hurt the
operator as wel.


Your biggest enemy in the entire game use a rat drone (if there is a way in)
avoiding the guards to disable the rectangular thing that powers them +
have Tara fix them to your side.Some need explosives to take out.

Laser gates

Either sleaze through when an enemy goes through or have your team follow
you (and therefore defend) while you hack it.Broken ones can be run through
when they switch off also.Blue gates are friendly gates and donot need hacking.

Sharks - sharks are dangerous things which thankfully are only found in Taiwan
and in the water , they are invulnerable to everything but harpoons , I am uncertain
about hand to hand weapons since you won't survive long enough to put in more
than 2 hits.

Walk through

general note:

This contains spoilers and stuff that may ruin your experience of this game only
read if you are seriously stuck , spoilers have been encompassed within large
blocks warning you of that effect so I have minimalised the effect of spoilers on
the unwary reader.

game is based on medium and on Simulation mode.

---------Bay Area---------

Recommended kit - no choice...

Just follow Eve all the way into the labs she will show you the way until you
get to a stairwell when you get there instead of following eve go down to
the lowest floor and behind some bags of rubbish you ought to find a 45 auto
which is a much more useful weapon.

Once you get to the lab eve leads you to go in and to the left is the computer
room which you use , At which eve slams the door on you and you are locked
in.from inside the computer room look left and you can see a shower / mop
bucket follow the rooms round and there should be an explosion , drop down
and follow the only route and down the collapsed floor with the leaky water pipe
.You should meet a few vac suits on the way but they are extremely easy to
kill and sneak up on if you wish to do that.You will eventually get to the stairwell
through door F1 , keep going up till you get to F4 at which you should follow the
path around till you find the open elevator door which you should enter.Which will
take you to the next level.

R&D Labs

Right you are in the elevator shaft drop down into the hollow the second you come
out of the shaft the lift falls down , it waits for you to leave btw so you can't die
from it.

Go across the room with doors to the left and right and walk up the steps and you
can sneak up on a vac suit guy and kill him with a hand to hand weapon if you want.

You can check the cameras if you want but it adds nothing to your score or
whatever there is in devastation.

Go back to the room I told you to pass before and you should see a steel door with
a key pad use it and you can see a long tunnel take the first door to the left it
will shut behind you trapping you btw.

You should meet 3-4 vac suits take them out , around on the shelves and on the
floor is some food grab it if you need it and carry on , round the corner you will see
a big steel box with what looks like shelves in it remember what this looks like
you will need to know in the future!.

Go up the stairs above the fork lift truck and you'll be in the tunnels again a
voice will say

"sector D bio decontamination commencing" ,

run to the end of the tunnel the gas being pumped in will hurt you , use the keypad
and you are in a room similar to the one before with the vac suit guy there are 2 men
in here dispatch them.

There is food on the table if you need it , go back down to the room under the stairs
and you can pick up some ammo off the shelves , go back to the big door and use the
keypad again and you will hear a voice over a PA:

"warning sector C is prepping for decontamination"

Run forest run! , use the door next to the yellow fuse box quickly as gas will kill
you if you take ages.Down the steps in the morgue are a bunch of vac suits kill
and move on you can sneak up on all of them btw.

Remember what the were working on ? , remember this its important for the future
well not that important but you may feel it is, follow the path around and you will
meet 3 men 2 vac suits and a marine of sorts , the marine will do a runner just
follow him up the top of the stairs and you have completed this mission.

South Market

This is simple , give a gun to eve and keep at least one for yourself , just follow
the path around men with wooden planks will attack you and there will be a
few marines who patrol the area. Just take them out remembering to get eve
2 match 9mms and two for yourself , the mission is near complete when you see
a big pig on the wall in a street.

The next bit is more of a cut scene follow Gus's instructions and you can find a
viper on the shelf and a katana (useless) , you now need wire cutters follow
the white dot and before you enter sneak in and you can see a guard sleeping
show him your gun , and pick up the cutters off the table.Make your way back
and open the fence , and you'll be attacked again by guys with sticks kill them
and walk to the end of the alleyway , to your right is a man behind a concrete
block , to the left is a man at a 50 cal machine gun , carefully shoot him (he is
dead inaccurate so you can flank him if you want) and take control of the gun.

5-6 enemies will now converge on you , which is just an excuse to use the 50 cal
gun , they are pretty easy just aim low with the gun since it has killer recoil and
fire in short bursts (ammo is unlimited) , around the corner you will be rushed by
3 guards who have helmets.With the 9mm they need 2-3 headshots to be killed ,
the 45 suffers no such limitations though and they all have 45s too , use any
spare 45s to kit out Gus and Eve.

Walk into the arch and mission is complete.

China Town.

Just head right to the temple , you will be attacked on various sides but by weak
enemies just be careful about the guy on the fire escape to the right , exit through
the left of the compound then right then the door way to the left where you will
see a pink flamingo (de ja vu?).Gus will open his apartment and a cut scene will

Head out towards the temple , and you will be ambushed (curiously I had a bug
where Flynn was one of my bots as well as Eve and gus) , follow the dot up the
steps and meet the attack to the right. Follow the path around and use a det pack
on the pumps which will blow a hole in the wall.

Go through the hole , up the ramp and check to your left you will see a sand bag
bunker , you can go all the way round and get behind it for some food.

Fight your way through the end since there is only one path this needs no real
explanation but the trooper now require at least 2 head shots with any weapon
you have gotten so far.

Top of the tower

Ok just follow the roof tops and use the sniper rifle to pick off any far enemies
you will meet auto guns here just pick them off with a full clip of match 45 ammo
or 2 sniper rounds , just keep following the path around until you are told by gus
to take out the generator , you can't use bullets to destroy it so shoot the barrel
conveniently placed next to it instead!.

Your target is a building with a big red G on top of it , when you get there to
open the door shoot through the nearby window at the barrels next to the generator
and the door will open proceed through to end the mission.

BTW the helicopter is inconsequential just run past it and you will evade all of
its gunfire and missiles as far as I know it doesn't stay long enough for you to
be able to shoot it down (it takes all day to down helicopters anyway with big guns
and here you only have hand guns and SMGs)


The door was a trap it slams behind you , you have no choice but to
fall into this trap.


The rock

You will start in a prison cell , there is no way out , wait a while , earth quake!
which will crack the wall , you need to punch the damaged wall to make
a hole large enough to escape. Walk around eventually you will get a bottle
which is better than nothing I suppose. Get to the end of the floor and you will
find a lazy guard kill him and eventually you will meet Duffy via cut scene , pull the
nearest switch , no joy , go downstairs (walk) and guards will attack you with sticks
make your way round and open the doors with the switches as you go.You'll get to
some stairs at the top of is Duffy’s cage switch. She will lead you to your guns.
(you need to talk to her before she will follow you btw)

Follow Duffy to your guns she will go out and fight follow her and around
you will eventually come into the open , there are about 4 guards here
and a tricky guy on a cat walk rush him and shoot up close.You are now
in another prison complex , just make your way to the 2nd floor (3rd floor
for Americans) and you will find some blue prints which you should take.Make
your way back to the entrance of the building a laser fence will have been
activated trapping you , but the door next to it has opened fight your way out
(at least 9 guards) , and back to the original building where you want to get
into the basement , and to use the radio.Two men will rush in saying:

"he's over there" which opens a door to the sewers follow it round to the boat and
this mission is complete.


This is a simple one , make your way through the sewers until you get to a ladder
go up it and fight your way around till you meet your squad shortly after the petrol

Then more fighting but tell your squad to hold when you see a tram car sort of the
kind you might find in San Francisco. Go into the depot , and pull the cable release
switch which will destroy the turrets at the end.

Move round and order all your squad to attack , which they will attack a robot with
your combined firepower (assault rifles by now) you should kill it quickly.

Follow the path through and there will be a huge ambush about 25 men , kill them all
carefully and open the middle garage door of the 2 larger garages and you will find
a bus , mission complete.


Urbia South

Right you start here and you will meet Tara who is important to the game , when
you regain control you want to head towards the computer hack it and get the codes
, you can then hack the red laser fence blocking access to the rear area , take the
first left through the blue security gate then the next left and you will find a weapons

I recommend travelling back and forth so everybody in your team (gus is not available)
a assault rifle or at least 2 Tiko automatics , I recommend either an assault rifle
or a Kulm OU shot gun or twin TiKo SMP.

The otehr path leads to a big pile of coal or something with a spade in it and some
wire cutters which we need.

Move out to where duffy patrols and you can find a wire fence , which leads to a
small building , either shoot your way in or use a grenade (easy) , next is a shooty
bit the only 2 points of danger are the sniper on top of the building you come out from
(kill him by running to the concrete slab ducking behind i and turning back to kill
him )and an auto sentry gun , which guards the building at the end. From here it is
a walk and shoot till you get a a parasol , where you can enter the building and take
on the troopers inside (recommended since you have to kill them anyway) and there
is food inside the building.

You will come to a ruin with a antenna next to it , save as the next bit is tricky.Turn
back and you should see a well lit corridor leading down near where you entered
the ruin. Downstairs is a vac suit guy guarding a computer , which is where you get
codes from , next door is some food if you need it head back up and exit the ruin
opposite the corridor , and there you will have a small fight. Hack the security panel
and an alarm will sound , just wait for them to come for you.

The way through is the door next to the stage in the theatre , the next bit is a little
buggy since eve and Tara are a bit iffy about following you , and you need their help
it is impossible bar cheating to do this bit without their help.

Work your way through till you come to a set of stairs leading up to street level again
and prepare for infinite troopers , yup you need to fight your way in to the alcove deactivate
the gate and shoot the red fridge sort of thing at in the building protected by the gate
a rat bomb will NOT fit under this fence btw.

Also I would note that 9mm autos are better than any of the 45 weapons , ok sure you
will need to head shot troopers 3 times to kill them but because of the rate of fire and
extra ammo it is easier and leaves less reloads which leaves you real vulnerable.

After the spawner is destroyed you need to remove the troopers from the area which
is pretty easy.

Mission is over


Tsk this is a silly plan , you give yourself up and you are put into a cell , quickly
look around for something you can find a 2x4 wood , prepare yourself a orderly (I won't
put doctor since doctors have ethics that prevent this sort of stuff) , comes in with a
syringe to stab you with drugs (drugs are bad kids! , which turns you vision blurry green
and makes you slowly lose health they can also give you multiple doses too!)

Slowly walk out to the right and you can see a lazy sleeping guard you can kill him
without being hurt , then some stairs , across the stairs is a men’s toilet with another
orderly taking a whizz , you can knock him out too.

Across this room is a big surgery room you can sneak in and kill the orderly if
you get drugged you can correct your vision (but not health) via looking into a
microscope, there is some food here but little else , head upstairs.Walk and you can
surprise an orderly working at a trolley/cart whatever you call it , another one will attack
once he is down , the rooms above the stairs (top of stairs facing stairs turn left) and
you will find Baxter.

Open his door and you get a cut scene , from now on I recommend you let Baxter fight
for you , he can heal himself you can't , figure out the implications of this.

A guard will appear at the top of the stairs , kill him and turn off the alarm he nearly always
uses (face the switch and press E) , follow the path through till you get to a reception sort
of area where there is a vending machine , to the left of this is a office , look through the
window and you can see wire cutters on the desk , but the door is locked.Just remember
this location for later on ok?.

You will come to a set of stairs walk up and go to the left one of the doors at the back will
open where you can find food , your GPS and some knives , give one to Baxter btw
knives are much more lethal to enemies.

Now walk over to the other side of the stairs and there is another room which contains
a guard and the disk (why did you bring the disk?) collect it and you have to find an

Under the stairs a door will open and spawn some enemies kill them and proceed through
the left stairway and you will find a twin door , go down and notice the bones with sun
glasses , and you will find a locked door , now go back to the office I told you before and
get the wire cutters.Just becareful though since a pack trooper squad armed with Klum OU
or assault rifles will attack you , open the door and walk over to the car.

Urbia North

Another easy one as long as your team mates stay with you , to save time pick up
the radio mikes inside the building Baxter goes to , grab any weapon you like (look
familiar this location? , its the same place the spawner was last mission) , now
give Baxter an assault rifle at the least and save the game.

You will now have 5 minutes to free eve and Duffy which is plenty of time , we just need
to worry ourselves with the snipers , just let Baxter be bait let snipers shoot at him and
you can shoot back easily.

The building you want is directly across the square where you meet your first sniper
on the fire escape.You can't actually open the door troopers inside have to do this for you
head round (either door) and you will come round to a blocked up door way opposite
that is a stairway , head up to the 1st floor (2nd if you are American) , access to the
2nd floor (3rd for Americans) is blocked by sand bags and a guard. So head back onto the
floor and into the first apartment block , head through and there are stairs leading to the
next floor.In the apartment here is duffy and tara , just watch out for sneakily placed
troopers behind furniture , defuse the bomb , tara and duffy are not udner your

Save your game the game gets iffy about stairs now and sometimes team members
become trapped you need all the help you can get since the next few battles become
quite tricky without their help.

head back to the base of the stairs and the blocked up door is open , you should see
a trailer (wagon truck whatever) and 3 troopers will attack , kill them and walk behind the
trailer down the long alleyway you can snipe the two guards at the end easily.

At the end there is a junction with a auto gun down the end you can use a corner trick
and shooting the bit you can see to kill it.

The next bit is trickier , you have to take out a bunker , if you still have a sniper rifle
this is a cake walk , shoot everything and try get the bloke behind the minigun.Though
you can operate the minigun its pretty useless.Just watch out for a sniper on the left
on the fire escape.

Cut the lock and have all your team follow , this bit is iffy , you have to go into the
building after the large pipe , right to the end to destroy a spawner , which is harder
than it sounds as your team mates have a tendency to die doing this failing your
mission , clean up any troopers and you get a cut scene ,


watch baxter die and see the cheesy Jaws tribute after the attack


And you need to find the harpoon gun , its upstairs guarded by 2 pac troopers
which are easy , now you have to do something insane , you cannot kill the
shark from the side of the dock you have to do this:

watch your GPS and wait for the shark to be far away from your end of
the dock , dive into the water , and look for the shark , when it comes to
attack shoot it 1-2 times using the explosive bolt (button 2 after hitting)
and it should die , if it doesn't you are toast it takes 85-95% of your health
off if you fail.Note the shark is impervious to any weapon but this gun.

Head through to the other side of the dock and walk up to Tara to complete
the mission.

The Docks

Easy one this one which requires little explanation , just follow the white dot
and pick up all the parts of the 'machine' sometimes they are on upper catwalks
which just means usage of ladders to access them.

There are only 3 tricky bits after a warehouse there is a robot with a minigun and no
cover , there are also guards on the towers and cranes so look out for them,

Also to access the ship codes you need to access the fenced off bit of the same
warehouse , you need to go across the ship get off on the other side and access
it via the back doors.You can also try to stack items with your hands and jump
up for the codes.

When you get the codes clean up the ship until you get a dead end area , where
you will hear gunfire and a scream.

Go back up to the entry door of the ship and a cut scene will play.

You need to hunt down some troopers they are at the last warehouse where you got
the codes for the ship but on the opposite side you can access the computer , the
prey you are after has shields which are irksome but not unbreakable 2 full assault
rifle clips will finish him off and you have finished the level.


The cut scene now shows you have a spawner of your own , a device to
make up for poor level design me thinks , which means you don't have
to worry about being killed , ok THAT you dies but the brain cells are
rebuilt in the configuration that you died with (memories) .And therefore
it seems to others as if you are reborn , but that isn't you since consciousness
is a different one and not the original , so you still die but your clones
live on , rather than die and be transported back to that location.Though
to outsiders for all intents and purposes it is you.



Taipei market

Doesn't look much like a market to me but what do I know eh?

Right see that regeneration device? , its yours , you can reload your weapons here
by using B , right from the start follow Duffy and Tara out and you should see a water
way run across it and towards the end of the passage past some warehouses.

At the end you will see a warehouse which is lit up and has many shelves there and
a guard watching over a pizza , kill the guard and 'rescue' the hostage


This is actually a trap though you cannot escape the bomb that the hostage is
wired up to , immediately after this trap , enemies will start spawning enmasse
out of their base so explore first , then do this sub mission , after you die , it
will take 9 seconds to regenerate you and you can reload.Just prevent your
base from being attacked and you can respawn infinitely


Right from the base back , go back to the water junction near where Tara
stands you want to go left , and across the barrel and planks in the
middle of the water way across under the tower.From here is a fairly
well protected location to take out the snipers which are your main
problem on this level. there should be a warehouse where there are 4 yellow
dots go inside plant some bombs and run up the nearby ramp , opposite
the door to the warehouse with the generators.

Go right at the end of the ramp and you'll be in a shanty town there are
troopers inside the shacks to the right , in the distance you can see a
well lit corridor and from an angle you can see laser beams , this is
the enemy base.Just before that there is a wooden plank bridge which
you can cross which leads to the computer which has the access codes
you can usually creep in and shoot the vac suit guy in the head and not
attract any attention which is better as you are vulnerable when hacking
computers.Head back to the laser fence , hack one of them while gus
defends you and proceed into the base , which is just a basement with
a spawner , you will now meet Leena , who will join forces with you,

Card board county

NOTE - our allies will not heal themselves in this mission and for
several more missions it is unknown why.

This is a simple one , Go downstairs and follow Tara , who will man or
woman the machine gun , go down the passage she is covering , and turn left
when you get to a cardboard city , follow the path and you should see
some stairs leading up with a laser fence that’s the weapon cache.

Keep away from here there is a guy with a minigun covering this snipe
the tiny bit you can see or use a grenade on him to kill him.

There is also another sunken passageway where there is another laser
fence at the end , but face opposite the laser fence and you can see
a passage with a burning thing at the end.Follow this round taking the left
route and you should come to an enemy emplacement with a machine
gun.The gun isn't worth using its facing the wrong way.

But head up the stairs fighting as you go and you'll see a computer
hack it with gus defending you , you now need to clear the troopers
converging on your base , but this is not a priority.In fact you don't even
have to do this bit since the team mates who are killed are bought back
after the mission but you ought to try it both ways as if the troopers
manage to assault your base you get an extra cut scene.

Instead go back to the first laser fence and head to the laser fence in
the distance , hack it and proceed through , there is only one route here
just follow it through and you can take out the enemy spawning device
and be left alone the rest of the mission.

Head back to the first laser fence again hack the panel , if you've got them
chuck a few grenades onto the platform it leads to else fight off one trooper
and an auto gun.

Mission is complete.


A frustrating mission if only for the bugs , go down to the pumps and you'll
find a switch , pull it and watch the cut scene , now go back to the spawner
and get some kit.

go Through the pipe and take the first left at the end of the pipe the next right
then lefttill you come to a pump house either climb the ladder under neath
and blow up the spawner in the back room or go up the stairs to the side.

Blow up the spawner , pick up the fuse on the shelf nearby , also pull the switch
next to the pumps this will open more gates.

Follow the path opened up and look for more pump houses , just keep doing
this till you have 3 fuses , though you don't actually have to open all the gates
though a word or warning , don't proceed past the 3rd pump house turn back
and retrace your steps back to your base insert the 3 fuses and you have won.

The reason for this is an attack helicopter appears if you keep exploring and
its a tough old nut to crack.

Ichathya South

A fair sized map , once you reach land head right until you see a ladder go
up it and fight your way into the base , at the end you will find a spawner
Tara will reprogram it for you , now you are safe.

Head out , facing the base to the right is a small hut which contains the
access codes to the factory , fight your way in , hack the computer and
approach the base.

hack any of the laser gates but I recommend starting from one side to sweep out
the entire base.Plant bombs where needs be and then go up the far left cat walk
this bit is hard there will be a spawner which can spawn many many enemies
just have all your team mates attack at the same time , while you personally
aim for the computer which controls it.

Ichathya North

A small map , but actually quite difficult at that , go around the dock around the
wrecked ship fighting your way in , the first building contains a computer hack it
while others defend you outside , take it slowly so troopers come to you.This allows
you to pick off enemies in ones and twos rather than 4-6 come at your the same

To the left of this is a stair way with a pipe under it , go up these stairs and follow
the walk way into the building there be several storage tanks here ut ignore them
for now.

Head down the stairs and into the building where there are several computers
and a laser gate , have your surviving team follow you (and therefore defend you)
while you hack the gate , weedy vac suits (sans helmets) will come for you
and they are easy to defeat , destroy the controlling computer and have Tara fix
it for you , now we just have to clean up shop , go to the tanker trailers and plant
bombs next to them keep your distance! , they explode with a lot of force.

Now head back top the building with the computer opposite is another building
this is where you reverse the pipe flows to the cooking tanks inside , turn them
and you are nearly done.

Now go back to the cat walk and you should be able to see a ladder leading to
the roof after the doorway into the building , climb it and an attack helicopter
will appear , enemies will also be magically spawned for your entertainment.

Kill it (see FAQ for technique if you are stuck) and climb back on the roof to end
the mission congrats you have completed Taiwan.


Team mates cannot heal themselves on this mission

Ok you have to defend you base for 2 minutes you can just sit still for 2 minutes
and your team will handle the rest since the enemy cannot get through the blue
laser fence of yours it is just a formality to hand about for a couple of minutes
though you ought to help them out.

Once the 2 minutes is up head to the next floor and you will see a walk way above
the hotel entrance , you should see a sign saying F2F2 jump over the railing and
follow it around.

You can stay here or go back to base but get at least 2 rat bombs and head through
the streets on a straight path going away from your hotel (troopers will ignore your
rats) and keep going till you find another hotel at the far end of the map.

The rat can fit under the laser , make it so go downstairs and you will see the
spawner computer detonate next to it , do this again and troopers are no longer
a problem.

This map has ! to be done this way no matter how hard core a shooter you are
it is impossible to make it though the endless waves of elite advance troopers
its too far and even if you manage the 5 head shots per person you will die whe
you try to hack the laser fences.

Once you have done this it just remains for you to get the codes from , the area
just beyond the cat walk after the F2F2 sign and to stroll into the enemy base
since there are no troopers to defend it any more.

Rivers of Waste

From your starting location go down into the two tubes take the right one where
Leena will be , there is gas at one end , take the pain of this and run through it
turning the value at the end , now proceed into the sewers the next left then right
then up the water fall and to turn the next value (be careful since there is an
auto minigun on the ceiling at the top of the steps,) there are now two tubes
enemy troopers come out from ignore them for now going back to some red doors
you passed , hack the computer inside and proceed through the enemy tubes
go through these and up the stairway to the right.You can either:

Attack via the middle tube (hard) jump to the next cat walk and assault from
behind (easier) go in destroy the spawner computer .just watch out for the roof
mini gun on the rear access method , you can also use a rat bomb after deactivating
the laser fence to destroy the spawner computer.Clean up and exit via the pipe
at the end of this room.

Job done.


From the start area equip a rat bomb , now head out the door next to the concrete
block (rat drone) , head up the twin stairway and approach the EML door way opposite
is a hole in the wall , use the rat to enter the hole.Now from the hole turn left then
left then the 2nd left and past the 2 troopers through the small room and the generator
is there , blow up the rat at the base of the generator and the EML door will open

Go through to the place where you detonated the rat , into the computer room and
follow it around to the next corner (you can go across the landing if you want but
it is somewhat exposed to gun fire) , going round right at the back you will find a
stairway , go up one floor accross the boards.At the top turn left , and into the
furthest room there is a hole in the wall , follow the wooden rafters jumping over
the flaming bit of wood to find the access computer. Hack the computer and go
back to the stairwell.

Directly opposite the stairwell is another stairwell , with laser gates defending it,
decode the keypad and proceed through.

Go up the stairs an equip a rat bomb , use it to take out the sniper on the top floor
as he has a p*laser and is hard to kill.

get his gun then get another rat bomb opposite the steel EML door is a bricked up
wall with a hole in it send a rat bomb in and find the generator , destroy it and
get ready another rat bomb or two.

Send it through the EML door and to drop into the spawning room to destroy the
spawner computer else you will have some major problems , keep an eye out for
ninjas and follow the white dot to meet Mika.

Mission is complete.


(team mates will not heal)

Ok you start in a train station , walk towards the far end of the train watching out
for sword wielding ninja , there is a doorway to the right , and another ninja ,
peek down the end of the corridor , and you will see a red LED at the end this is
a laser turret gun , either rush it and shoot it or snipe it , sniping is easier and

Through the door behind it is another one 45 degrees right snipe that one too
the far end stairs also have a laser turret , go up the stairs (2 sets) and you will
come to a room with an alcove to your left rear, this contains a ninja and another
laser gun turret , you know what to do..

Follow the steps up into a maintenance area and watch the roof past the chain
link fence electrical box area there is a laser gun which is turned away from you
so its red LED is mostly hidden kill it.

You will come to a ruined area , where to the right is a train carraige and left is
a bunch of rubble , there is nothing in the rubble , you can either go through the
train car or climb the ladder nearby and cross its roof , either makes no difference.

An earth quake will make the train fall but only after you get to the other side

This also conveniently destroys your spawner at the start so no free lives till the
next one eh?.

You are now in a train station , head down the rail way line you are already on
fighting as you go till you see a yellow train tow thing more of a maintenance car
and the door next to it , follow it through taking the first right and take out the spawner
watch out for the auto gun facing the other door BTW.

This is much easier than going through the train station as you have to fight hoards
of enemies that way and even more laser turrets.

Now from there go back to the passage next to the yellow train , instead of going into
the spawner room go to the other tunnel , where there will be a bunker with a minigun
worthless really but keep going down this path.

Have team mates defend you while you hack the laser fence leading to the train from
here in it becomes difficult , run down the train into the train yard.There is a ladder
leading to the catwalks on the top , fight your way in and on the right there is a room
where you need to place a det pack , have everybody defend you while you place the
bomb , once you do this sit back and watch the cut scene.


Easy on this load up with this a sniper rifle and an automatic, go find Duffy you can't
miss her see the sand bag walls? , see the building they face? , well on the next
floor up is where the spawner is take it out and snipe anybody else around.Rats
will sometimes make it up the stairs often not.

Now climb onto the roof , you should see a small market like area on the ground
across is a doorway next to the canvas roofed area (blue stripes) go in there
and climb onto the roof watching out for Ninja on the way , from here you can
snipe everything before going in.

At the end of the street which is at the end of the street with the blue striped
canvas there is another spawner , sometimes it doesn't register but since it
is just a submission you can ignore it , sometimes Tara will go fix it to your side

Enter the Nakinaki building across the lobby into a small corridor, watch the ceiling
there be lasers there , and watch out for ninja too, fight your way to the top of the
stairs and you will see two laser turrets kill them and prepare for a huge fight , you
need some team mates for this , run along killing as many as you can and open
the back room , find something to barricade the door .Now with the door barricaded
you can put the detpack on the computer and disable the super spawner (super fast
and extra health!).

tara will fix it for you , now head down the other set of stairs and behind it is another
doorway with laser gun and guards fight your way to the end of this corridor and you
will end up in the car park this will take many lives so pause and get some coffee.
All floors have lots of troopers as well as what is described below.

The first level up will have a bunker with a minigun at the end use your team mates
as bait and flank it to take out the controler, Or use a rat bomb instead.

The next floor has a bot with a laser gun on it .

The next floor has 2 miniguns on it which needs a rat bomb to be taken out.

The next floor is empty aside from snipers on the nearby building

The next floor is insane , there are 3 laser bots , and a minigun bunker
use a rat bomb to take out the bunker and grenades to take out the bots

Run to the door and you have completed this mission.


Ok small roof top level , pick your favourite weapons and lets go , once you leave via
the sides a cut scene will play , even if you leave via the back door the cut scene will
show you using the other door (bug eh) , a helicopter comes and drops off the commander
right lets get to work , equipment I reckon you'll want is this , any gun + as many rat
drones as you can carry to stop you having to regenerate so many times.

Go to a tower any tower and climb it activate the panel at the top now find some cover
and activate a rat bomb , you can use it to blow up the troopers that appear from the
bunkers below the antenna. Repeat with the other side troopers will come when you
activate the panel at the top.Now follow my instructions in the FAQ area to find out how to
defeat the final boss if you want to spoil it but its simple to figure out yourself anyway.


Q -How do I kill the helicopter on the last Taiwan map?
Q - A loading screen mentions shields ?
Q - does the computer cheat?
Q - how many head shots?
Q - Whats the best weapon combo
Q - My team can heal themselves on some levels and not on others
Q - The entire screen shows broken textures and flashing graphics
for some reason
Q - my BOT team mate is stuck what to do?
Q - How do I kill the final boss (Jonathan?)


Q -How do I kill the helicopter on the last Taiwan map?

A -Have Tara fix the spawner nearby and just keep shooting it
it is quite a tough cookie to kill you know , requiring 250-350 assault
rifle rounds to down it , handgun bullets through mass testing
does not seem to even dent the thing.

If you shoot it enough it will leak oil , then leak blue smoke then
leak orange and black smoke then it will go unstable and explode.


Q - How do I kill the final boss (Jonathan?)

A - I've seen this question posted a bazillion times in forums and
nobody seems to have an answer , here is how I did it,

Clean up first , you want to be alone with him , he hangs around
one side usually the right (facing the towers you activate the
devices on).

Now go back to base (or get killed doesn't matter) , now pick up
a big gun , at least the assault rifle but not the sniper rifles or
hand guns , grenades are also pretty good too.

NOT shotguns - you donna wanna get close to him (he has a
minigun and a laser rifle which can both kill you double quick)

But the Tiko (dual) is ok , it takes 2.2 full clips (from dual - hence
er 50-60 bullets from these to kill him 30 of those to knock out
his shielding).

Also pack some P*lasers , this is worthless for now since the beams
bounce off his suit and his shields , but we need it just incase you know.

Ok go climb the building nearby him (right with antenna) and unload into
him , often you can peek over the edge without being vulnerable to his
gun.Just unload everything into him , and get as many head shots in there
as possible when his shield goes down.Right when he *dies* he is regenerated
right see that sparky thing? , shoot it with your P*laser , repeatedly ,(you
can use a bullet weapon but this is the most damaging weapon so is therefore
most effective and one shot does the trick rather than 30-40 bullets) when you
have damaged it enough it will teleport out and start to regenerate the commander
again just keep doing this over and over , and eventually when he regenerates he
will be slightly mutated.Keep doing it over and over:

bump on his head
Bump on head and arms
Bigger bump on head arms and back
Big back bump all over and barely human

After this sequence he will explode and you have won.

If you just keep killing him with bullets he will keep coming back over and over
and I spent about 20 minutes shooting him this way its the flashing thing that
is the weakness.


Q - my BOT team mate is stuck what to do?

A - this is a game wide problem either try orders out or reload ,
save regularly!


Q - The entire screen shows broken textures and flashing graphics
for some reason

A- Win2K ? well for my experience the unreal engine has fits with
Win2K , and does this now and again with other unreal engine powered
games (postal 2) it happens as well (though not Deus Ex)


Q - My team can heal themselves on some levels and not on others

A- I reckon its to make certain levels harder since some levels would be
a cake walk


Q - Whats the best weapon combo

A - I think early on x2 45 Match + either Klum OU or assault rifle
later I think x2 TiKo SMP and a heavy weapon of your choice.


Q - how many head shots?

A - Depends , early on 1-2 , later 3-4 even later 4-7 , as stated on a forum
somewhere they make devastation so stupidly hard later on to cover up for
poor level design and its kind of true.

Later on troopers can take an entire assault rifle clip to the legs arms or body
and still survive its unfair.

Another explanation is that enemies shoot not from the hip but arms stretched
out like you'd fire at a shooting range , so their hands partially cover their faces
which gets you a arm shot instead.


Q - does the computer cheat?

A absolutely it can shoot you through certain objects you can't shoot
through , and it can spawn without spawners , probably to make the game a
little more challenging.


Q - A loading screen mentions shields ?

A - only for the enemy they cover the enemy head to toe and look like the
shields from Dune (the film) just shoot repeatedly to get them down.

5 misc items


press ' (UK) or ` for the console and enter the code

Code Effect
dopefish - All weapons, god mode, money
god - God mode
allammo - 999 ammunition
ghost - No-clipping mode
fly - Fly mode
walk - Resume normal mode

sptravel x - Level select where x might be


Own music

To play your own music in Devastation first rip your music to 44.1khz, 16 bit
stereo .wav files. Then start up oggdrop.exe in Devastation\Tools\OggDrop\
and drag and drop the .wav files in to the OggDrop window (look for the fish).
Oggdrop will encode your .wav files as .ogg files and place them in the
directory the .wav file came from. Move these .ogg files in to the
Devastation\Music folder. Start up the game and go to Setup - Audio, and set
"Use Custom Music" to true. You can now play your own music in the game using
the in-game music player (default key is M while playing).


6 shameless self promotion

Other guides fallon has done are:

Enemy engaged commanche vs Hokum
Ground control Craven corp
Ground control order of the new dawn
Shogun Total war warlord edition

Most can be found on or


7 Credits and permissions

Permission to be published on these sites only:

Bernd Wolffgramm's http://DLH.Net
David A's

If you wish to host this FAQ please email me about it first giz a
bit of credit where its due eh?
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Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

08.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016