Viewtiful Joe

Viewtiful Joe

16.10.2013 21:03:13
Viewtiful Joe Walkthrough
Copyright 2003 Jim Avery or - you pick.

Feel free to contribute ASCII art to the address above! If it's good,
it'll stay until I make my own.

Table Of Contents

1 - Introduction
2 - Version History
3 - Basic Info
3.1 - Characters
3.2 - Controls
3.3 - Your Screen
3.4 - Kicking Butt/VFX
4 - Walkthrough
4.1 - Episode 1: Joe The Hero
4.2 - Episode 2: Some Like It Red Hot
4.3 - Episode 3: 2,000,000 Leagues Under The Sea
4.4 - Episode 4: The Viewtiful Escape
4.5 - Episode 5: The Midnight Thunderboy
4.6 - Episode 6: The Magnificent 5
4.7 - Episode 7: Joe & Sylvia
5 - Miscellaneous
6 - Frequently Asked Questions
7 - Thanks To...
8 - Legal Info

1 - Information

One can only imagine how a cel-shaded, side-scrolling fighting game
could be so addictive, but it is. And you'd also find it surprising how
weirdly challenging it can be; hence this FAQ. Enjoy!

2 - Version History

Version 0.14 (6:14 PM EDT 10/12/2003) - Walkthrough completed through
Episode 1. More to come soon.

Version 0.28 (10:17 PM EDT 10/15/2003) - Episode 2 is finished, and I've
included a couple of tips. Keep sending me e-mail, it helps me write.

Version 0.43 (5:57 PM EDT 10/16/2003) - Done with Episode 3. There will
probably be more frequent updates, as I need to catch up to the complete
guide. I shall not be left out!

Version 0.57 (11:46 PM EDT 10/17/2003) - Episode 4 is done...which isn't
really much of an update, come to think of it. Ah well.

Version 0.72 (5:50 PM EDT 10/18/2003) - The Midnight Thunderboy is
finished. I'll try to get this done before the weekend is over.

Version 0.86 (7:00 PM EDT 10/18/2003) - The Magnificent 5 is finished,
and it was even easier to write than The Viewtiful Escape. Next,
however, is Joe and Sylvia...ugh...

Version 1.00 (8:10 PM EDT 10/18/2003) - Heh, that was pretty fast. The
walkthrough is finally complete. I'll be updating other stuff later,
like other characters and the shop and stuff.
UPDATE (10/19/2003) - I've broken the cycle of Leo! So I had to write it
down. This should make it easier for those playing Adults.
UPDATE (11/1/2003) - It was pointed out to me the other day that my FAQ
was severely flawed, inasmuch as it was written while playing Kids mode.
Rewrites shall occur in the near future.

3 - Basic Info

3.1 - Characters

Joe - The hero (ba dum PSSH) of our story, Joe is mysteriously placed
inside a Captain Blue movie and becomes Viewtiful Joe; now he has to
defeat the bad guy to rescue his girl, Silvia.

Silvia - Joe's main squeeze, Silvia loves going to the movies with him
to watch their favorite hero, Captain Blue. One time, though, things go
very wrong...

Captain Blue - The original movie hero now defeated, Captain Blue has to
teach Joe how to be a true action hero.

3.2 - Controls

These are default controls, and can be changed at the Options menu.

Start - Pause the game.

Control Pad/Control Stick - Move Joe/dodge.

L - VFX: Slo-mo.

R - VFX: Mach speed.

C-stick - YFX: Zoom in.

Z - Event button.

Y - Punch.

X - Kick.

A - Jump/double jump.

B - Zoom.

3.3 - Your Screen

Life Meter - Top-left corner of the screen. Indicates how many more hits
you can take before you lose a life.

VFX Gauge - Directly below Life Meter. Indicates the amount of VFX power
you can use.

V-Films Counter - Top-right corner of the screen. Indicates how many V-
Films you have collected. If you collect 50 in one stage, your VFX Gauge

V-Points Counter - Indicates how many V-Points you have. If you collect
enough V-Points, you can purchase powerups at certain points in the

L.I.V. - Bottom-left corner of the screen. Short for Life Is Viewtiful,
this is your life counter. If you run out of lives, you have to start
again from the last save point.

3.4 - Kicking Butt/VFX

To be the best action hero you can be, you need to show off as you
fight. When a basic enemy is about to attack you, dodge the attack, then
unleash a barrage of punches and kicks; this will give you lots of V-
Points, which means more powerups. To assist you in kicking butt, you
will gradually obtain VFX powers which let you manipulate time.

VFX Slow - This will slow down time, allowing you to dodge bullets and
attack fast-moving enemies, since you don't slow down as much as they.
Also, certain things will accumulate, such as dripping water and rocket

VFX Mach Speed - This will make you go really fast, allowing you to run
at high speeds and take care of enemies quickly. Some things also will
go faster, like draining water and spinning fans.

VFX Zoom In - Definitely the weirdest power. This allows you to do spin
kicks, power jumps, dive bombs, etc.

4 - Walkthrough

The story: Joe and his girlfriend, Silvia, are at a movie, making out,
when their hero, Captain Blue, is defeated onscreen. The villain
suddenly reaches out and grabs Silvia, pulling her into the movie! After
the good guy vehicle is knocked out, it grabs Joe and brings him into
the movie as well! There, the vanquished Captain Blue instructs Joe in
the way of being a hero, and Joe starts his quest to get back Silvia.

Yep...pretty lame, huh?

4.1 - Episode 1: Joe The Hero


As you approach the first enemy, you'll be instructed in the way of
butt-kick. Once you've had enough practice, press Z and go forward to
the first mission.

-- Mission 1: Defeat three enemies --

This shouldn't be too difficult. Just do what you practiced.

Go forward, getting V-films, V-points and defeating enemies, until you
reach Mission 2.

-- Mission 2: Defeat four enemies --

The first three are easy, but to defeat the ballerina, you have to dodge
its attack, then attack yourself.

Get the V-films, then go onto the bridge to meet Captain Blue and start
Mission 3.

-- Mission 3: Defeat Captain Blue --

Also not very difficult. When he's about to uppercut, jump, and when he
attacks, dodge. You can attack him only when he drops his aura.

Once you win, you'll become Viewtiful Joe and learn about VFX Slow. If
you kick the enemy at the end, you'll drop a box. Continue on, defeating
enemies, until the slot machine drops and the Joker comes out.

-- Mission 4: Defeat the Joker --

If you use VFX Slow before you attack him, you can get a lot of hits in
really fast. Once you defeat him, you'll get a coin to the slot machine.
Slow down and get three V's to get a key to the door.

Defeat the enemies in the next area while bewaring the axes, then go
through the door. It will shut, and a gun guy will come out.

-- Mission 5: Defeat the gun guy and get out --

When you use VFX Slow, you can dodge his bullets. Keep using VFX Slow
when you attack to defeat him, then defeat the other enemies. Kick the
books onto the switch, then go through the door.

-- Mission 6: Defeat the enemies and get out --

You have to use VFX Slow to knock these enemies out of the air, then
kick their butts on the ground. Beware the bombs; you can stop between
them and not get hurt. Jump on the platform, then kick the side of the
chain thing to lower a chandelier. Go back and jump on the chandelier to
go up, then cross the chandeliers.

Go through the next door.

-- Mission 7: Get the key --

Here, you have to defeat all the ballerinas to defeat the one with the
key, then use the key to unlock the door.

Walk down the stairs, getting V-films, and at the bottom a helicopter
will crash through the window.

-- Mission 8: Destroy the helicopter --

This helicopter will shoot missiles and fire bullets; both are dodgeable
with VFX Slow. It also drops enemies. You need to use VFX Slow and
damage it directly. A billion hits should do it. Or else, you could kick
some of its bullets back at it, it works a lot faster. You'll then go
down a set of stairs and reach the first save point.


-- Mission 1: Open the gate and leave --

Defeat all the enemies around here, then go to the switch and use VFX
Slow. A giant water drop will hit the switch, so run out the gate.

Defeat the enemies in here, or not, but either way go to the end of the
room to encounter Captain Blue again.

-- Mission 2: Defeat Captain Blue --

To remove his aura, you can give him a VFX Slow kick to the head, then
use a barrage of kicks and punches.

Once you win, you'll learn about Mach Speed. Uppercut the barrel, then
use Mach Speed to zoom underneath. Defeat enemies until the barrel

-- Mission 3: Beat the barrel to the bottom --

SO easy. Use Mach Speed.

Defeat more enemies. And there's a spiked barrel.

-- Mission 4: Beat the spiked barrel to the bottom --

Same thing as the last mission.

In this room, you have to light the torches on fire. Punch each one on
Mach Speed until they light up. Then the gate will open. Power up, then

Jump across the platforms, then kick the coffin to release the first

-- Boss: Charles the 3rd (Dark Fiend) --

To defeat this guy, kick him in VFX Slow, then defeat the bats that
appear. He uses a drill attack that sweeps across the floor four times;
jump over it. He will also let stalactites drop from the ceiling;
sometimes he gets trapped under one, so unleash your fury then.

Alert reader tonythekitty writes: "But a tip on beating charles the say avoid his floor sweeping move 4 times. this is in fact the
best time to destroy him. Simply slow, zoom, spin kick. he will die oh
so fast. if you don't have zoom then just slow and unleash a little
fury. you will auto dodge his attack in slow mo, and continue beating
his *** once he has 'gone through you'" Thanks for the tip!

The announcer guy will do his announcing thing, then the episode will

4.2 - Episode 2: Some Like It Red Hot


Defeat the first bunch of enemies that appear, then jump on the platform
ahead. As it starts to approach the sewer geyser (ew), use Mach Speed
until it reaches the top, then go back to normal and jump over the

-- Mission 1: Defeat the gunslingers --

Since the gunslingers come one after the other, this is pretty easy. To
get rid of them fast, punch a bullet back at them, then attack in slow.

Continue on, taking care of the next group of robots and jumping over
the sewer entrance until you reach Captain Blue.

-- Mission 2: Defeat Captain Blue --

An easy way to defeat him this time is to knock out his aura with a slow
jump kick, then use Mach Speed to beat him up. Repeat.

After this battle, you'll learn about Zoom In, which is a crazy nuts
power. Your punches become cooler, your kick is a spin kick, and you can
attack while jumping and diving. Defeat the enemies, then jump into the
sewer you passed. Jump between the two posts, then zoom and kick twice.
A door will open.

-- Mission 3: Reach the flag --

Jump all the way down to the water, then get on the first box and use
Mach Speed to fill up the room. Jump to the ledge, then defeat the
enemies in the next room. Run past the lasers (Mach Speed works well),
then defeat the bats in the next area. Jump on the platform and time
your Mach Speed so you avoid the lasers, then jump to the flag at the

-- Mission 4: Leave the sewer --

Defeating the enemies should be easy enough (you can spin kick the
bats), but getting out is more annoying. See the meter on the machine?
Use Slow until it is full, and the door will open. In this room, you'll
have to defeat another Joker; once you're done, zoom in and slow, then
get three V's on the slots. Use the key to open the door.

You'll be ejected from the sewer and met with enemies.

-- Mission 5: Defeat the enemies --

I don't need to go into detail here. Just go for it (ba dum PSSH).

Go forward to another batch of enemies.

-- Mission 6: Defeat the enemies --

The first bunch of robots are normal, but then you encounter some Girl
Scout robots. Defeating these people should be like defeating Captain
Blue; use a kick to remove their aura, then attack.

-- Mission 7: Use the bus to jump the gorge --

This is pretty easy. Jump on the cus and use Slow until after the bus
clears the ramp, then use Mach Speed to get it over the gorge.

Go forward and you'll encounter two helicopters.

-- Mission 8: Destroy the helicopters --

They're both the same as last time, and you defeat them one at a time.
This shouldn't be too difficult. Note that you can sometimes make the
helicopter fall to the ground with slow.

After you defeat any remaining enemies, go forward to the motel, then
save and power up.


-- Mission 1: Defeat the enemies and leave the room --

There're regular robots, some ballerinas, and a couple of gunslingers,
so keep your guard up. Once they're history, jump up to the top of the
chandelier, then zoom and jump to hit the switch and lower other
chandeliers. Go to either side and destroy the statue until you get the
gem, then go to the door on the right side of the room and the gem will
be placed. Do the same on the other side to leave the room.

Go up to the next floor.

-- Mission 2: Get the big key and leave --

Upon entering the hallway, use slow to lower a platform, then jump on
and go up. Jump and destroy the chandelier to get the key, then go
through the door. Defeat the enemies in here, and sworded enemies will
appear. Slow works well on these guys; once they're gone, approach the
books, then the bookshelf. The shelf will slide forward, so jump on top
and use a zoom jump to burst through the ceiling.
Defeat the enemies in this area, then use a zoom dive to burst through
the floor. Defeat the enemy and go through the door, then defeat all the
enemies, grab the key and leave before the spiked barrel runs you over.

Go up to the next floor.

-- Mission 3: Get the big key and leave...again --

Upon entering this floor, the Mysterious Being from Above will give you
a bomb. Kick it at the door and watch it blow up with slow, and the door
will burst open. In this room, defeat all the enemies, then burst the
door to the right open. Defeat the Girl Scout to get the key, then go
back. The instant a bomb appears, kick it to the left under the
discolored ceiling, then go slow and uppercut it; it should blow a hole
in the ceiling. Go up and defeat the enemies here, then, avoiding
lasers, kick the big bomb to the door and Mach Speed attack it to light
it. Defeat the last enemies, then go through the door.

Go up to the next floor.

-- Mission 4: See Mission 3 --

Defeat the enemies here, get a key, go through the door before the
spiked barrel arrives. Defeat the enemies, then zoom dive onto the
switch to drop a ladder; jump up to the next floor. Go towards the exit
to fight the Joker; defeat it, then get three V's on the slot machine to
get books. Approach the bookshelf to place the books and leave. Go down
into the hall and through the door.
Zoom dive into the bathtub to break a hole in it, then fight the Girl
Scout for the key. Jump on the table to the right, then jump out through
the bathtub, then go back into the hall and into the elevator.

Power up if you can, then continue. Ignore the awful crooning and slow-
uppercut the bomb up to the last chandelier. Once the fuse gets to its
second-shortest point, slow-kick it to the door, which should blow open.
Go up to the green guy; after some talk, you'll battle.

-- Boss: Hulk Davidson (Iron Ogre) --

He'll jump at you, always jump to avoid the shockwave. When three skulls
appear at the bottom, dodge up, then attack. When a huge skull appears,
go slow and jump to dodge the axe. On occasion, fire will drop from a
chandelier, but it won't hurt if you use Mach Speed and punch and kick a
lot. He'll also charge at you; jump, then attack while he's dazed. On
occasion, he'll fire missiles at you, but you can kick them and they'll
home in on him.

More DBZ announcer stuff. Congrats, Episode 2 is done.

4.3 - Episode 3: 2,000,000 Leagues Under The Sea


-- Mission 1: Defeat the airborn enemies --

This is sorta like Starfox meets Darius Twin. A and Y are fire, unless
you're zoomed in, in which case it's dash. X drops bombs, and if you're
zoomed in, it's spin. Slow makes blasts accumulate. At the end, you'll
fight a giant plane that fires bullets and missiles. This shouldn't be
very difficult; if you've played Darius Twin, piece of cake. This is
probably the longest mission in the game. Try to collect V-films as you

Save and power up, then continue.


As you drop, you can open up the boxes and get the V-films inside.

-- Mission 1: Defeat the enemies and get out --

First are ballerinas, then football players, then two Girl Scouts, then
gunslingers. Grab the remote that lands, then go back to the platform
and have it follow you to the switch. Use slow and it will fall, so go
through the door holding slow.

-- Mission 2: Defeat the enemies --

Six normal robots. Easy as pie.

-- Mission 3: Defeat the electric guards --

Defeat the robots in here, then stand under a guard thing. When it's not
electric, zoom in and jump to destroy it. Do the same to the other and

-- Mission 4: Defeat the electric guards...again --

The robots in here include many fish and two gunslingers. Once they're
gone, get rid of the guards.

Go forward to the slots.

-- Mission 5: Defeat the Joker --

He's the same as the last couple times, just with more health. Make it
quick, then get three V's on the slots. Place the keycard in the wall,
and the bomb will disarm and the water will drain.

-- Mission 6: Get out --

Use Mach Speed all the way back to avoid mines and enemies.

Power up, then continue. Go to the other side of this room, then drop
down if nothing happens. You'll meet a weird-talking shark.

-- Boss: Gran Bruce (Aquatic Terror) --

Among this guy's attacks are: chomping around after you (use Mach Speed
to run away), making bombs (easy to avoid), flinging garbage (go slow),
and a vortex (stay away from him). If you use slow zoomed punches, he'll
die literally in seconds.

And...episode 3 is finished. On to the enemy base! Or so you think...

4.4 - Episode 4: The Viewtiful Escape


-- Mission 1: Get to the flag --

You'll have to run along the submarine, fighting off enemies, until you
get to the end. You can use Zoom Jump or Dive to create holes in the sub
that will keep you safe from the oncoming missiles. Once you get to the
place where the missiles are being launched, you'll have to jump on top,
then run to the other side very quickly. Keep jumping and running until
you get past them, then you'll get to the gears. Use Slow and punch the
part that says Stop to stop them. Go past, then drop down.

Power up, then continue on to the boss...Joe?

-- Boss: Another Joe --

Another Joe tends to move around a lot really fast. He has all your
basic attacks, and can also summon clones of himself to grab onto you
and attack. To avoid these, you need to slow down and attack each ones
that comes at you (really fast). He'll also summon your ship to fire at
you. Other than that, this shouldn't be too hard; use slow zoomed
punches when you get the chance.

Heh, you've beaten yourself up, but it's not over yet! Remember this is
the Viewtiful ESCAPE?

-- Mission 2: Escape the sub --

You have 600 seconds, AKA 10 minutes. Keep going ahead until you reach
the missiles; you need to upercut these, then Mach Speed run under them.
When you reach the missile on a spring, use it to get to a hidden alcove
with a life, then get back on and use Slow to make it go really high.
After that, you just need to jump your way out, avoiding lasers, which
is harder than it sounds.

There you go. Episode 4 finished. More announcer guy.

4.5 - Episode 5: The Midnight Thunderboy


Go forward and defeat the enemies, thwn you'll be trapped between lava

-- Mission 1: Destroy the tank --

The easiest way to do this is to use slow and zoom to hit its bullets
back at it. This will finish it in 2-3 hits.

Jump over the sewer and you'll fight a plane similar to the helicopter.

-- Mission 2: Destroy the plane and get the key --

This is very similar to defeating the helicopter, except you can't sink
it with slow. Jump high, go slow, use zoom, and you can spin kick it
into eternity. Once that's done. jump on the manhole to enter the sewer.
Be careful, it's a lava sewer.

Hit each bulb four times, then use a zoom dive to light them at the same
time. Go through the door.

-- Mission 3: Get to the flag --

Much harder than the last time. Don't use Mach Speed until you see
what's waiting for you - a pool of lava. Go to the bottom to see, then
go up to the next ledge and raise the lava to that point with Mach
Speed. Use Slow to make the dripping water accumulate and form a tiny
platform; keep doing this to get across.
Here, you'll have to navigate platforms (at the one that goes up, stay
to the far left side and avoid spouting fire), until you get to the

Fight off the Girl Scouts, then go to the right side of the rock and use
Slow to loewr a platform. Use Mach Speed to raise it to an alcove full
of boxes, then go back down and wait until dripping water provides a
platform. Get to the flying platform, then go down and cross to the

-- Mission 4: Defeat the Joker and leave --

The Joker is the same as always, but the slots are not. Instead of
getting three V's (which will give you some V-films), you need to get
three bombs. Stand on the right side and get three bombs, then quickly
kick one into the hole in the wall, jump on the slots and slow down
time. You'll be launched out.

-- Mission 5: Defeat all the enemies --

What I do here is run up to the end, then kick bombs back at the guns
and use slow when they explode; this destroys the guns. Defeat the other
enemies, then when the big guys appear, wait for them to attack, then
get behind them and use zoom punches. If they wind up a punch, jump over
them; if they beat their chest, run under them. Run to the end, then run
back to find a plane. Destroy it, and you'll be done.

Go onto the bridge.

-- Mission 6: Destroy the vehicles --

First, you have a tank to destroy, then a plane. That's it, though.

Your last job is to jump on the train. Time it carefully so you don't
land on a smokestack or some such.


Your overall mission is to get to the brakes and stop the train. You
have 400 seconds. Drop into the train.

-- Mission 1: Get the key 1 --

Defeat the enemies in here, then a Girl scout will appear; defeat her to
get the key. Jump through the exit in the ceiling.

Go to the next car.

-- Mission 2: Get the key 2 --

Break through the grating on top and go through, then break another top
grating to get to a safe; destroy it to get the key. Go back and break
the bottom grating, then go through and get out. You can defeat the
remaining enemies if you want.

Go to the next car.

-- Mission 3: Get the key 3 --

Break and go through both bottom gratings, then defeat the big guy to
get the key. Exit the car.

Go two cars further, and you'll be met with Black Leaders.

-- Mission 4: Stop the train --

Defeat the two enemies with slow zoomed punches (about 3 each), then
stand on the switch and use Mach Speed until the brakes stop the train.

Power up, then continue on to the Midnight Thunderboy.

-- Boss: Alastor (Blade Master) --

Alastor can send electric beams at you, or summon five stone blocks to
circle the room, emitting electricity. To avoid that, jump over them, or
kick the stone. The way to beat Alastor is to knock him into the lava,
where he'll appear dazed in the fountain, and very vulnerable to slow,
zoomed punches.

You'll discover your hero name, Viewtiful Joe, then Alastor will be
gone, and the announcer will be annoying. Way to beat Episode 5.

4.6 - The Magnificent 5

This level is very simple in concept: fight five bosses. Four you've
faced already, but now they're stronger, faster, and have more stamina.

-- Boss: Charles the 3rd (Dark Fiend) --

To defeat this guy, kick him in VFX Slow, then defeat the bats that
appear. He uses a drill attack that sweeps across the floor four times;
jump over it. He will also let stalactites drop from the ceiling;
sometimes he gets trapped under one, so unleash your fury then.

Alert reader tonythekitty writes: "But a tip on beating charles the say avoid his floor sweeping move 4 times. this is in fact the
best time to destroy him. Simply slow, zoom, spin kick. he will die oh
so fast. if you don't have zoom then just slow and unleash a little
fury. you will auto dodge his attack in slow mo, and continue beating
his *** once he has 'gone through you'" Thanks for the tip!

-- Boss: Hulk Davidson (Iron Ogre) --

He'll jump at you, always jump to avoid the shockwave. When three skulls
appear at the bottom, dodge up, then attack. When a huge skull appears,
go slow and jump to dodge the axe. On occasion, fire will drop from a
chandelier, but it won't hurt if you use Mach Speed and punch and kick a
lot. He'll also charge at you; jump, then attack while he's dazed. On
occasion, he'll fire missiles at you, but you can kick them and they'll
home in on him.

-- Boss: Gran Bruce (Aquatic Terror) --

Among this guy's attacks are: chomping around after you (use Mach Speed
to run away), making bombs (easy to avoid), flinging garbage (go slow),
and a vortex (stay away from him). If you use slow zoomed punches, he'll
die pretty fast.

-- Boss: Another Joe --

Another Joe tends to move around a lot really fast. He has all your
basic attacks, and can also summon clones of himself to grab onto you
and attack. To avoid these, you need to slow down and attack each ones
that comes at you (really fast). He'll also summon your ship to fire at
you. Other than that, this shouldn't be too hard; use slow zoomed
punches when you get the chance.

Nah, you won't fight Alastor. But power up and continue to see an
interesting scene, then you'll face a slightly more annoying boss.

-- Boss: Fire Leo (Inferno Lord) --

The first thing he'll do is launch rocks in the air, adn the first thing
you want to do is to punch a rock at Mach Speed until you're on fire;
then you can avoid all the fire attacks he throws at you long enough to
go and hit him. This will stop his fire, and you can hurt him a lot with
slow zoomed punches (after you break his shield, anyway). He'll do an
easy-to-avoid ballerina move for a while, and the cycle will start again
once you've hit him enough, or when he falls into lava. Once his health
meter is red, he'll start moving really fast. After a whole lot of hits,
he's done for.

The Adult Cycle Of Leo: He'll run around spouting rocks. Punch one with
Mach Speed to get your flame on, then run to him and attack with a slow
zoom punch. Use Slow to dodge his attack, then move out of the way. Once
you break his shield and he starts spinning, start coming down on top of
him with a slow zoom dive, then dodging. This works even better if you
have Viewtiful Forever.

You'll be reunited with Silvia, albeit briefly, as King Blue will snatch
her away. You'll ride off after her on Six Machine. The final battle

4.7 - Episode 7: Joe & Sylvia


Upon entering, you'll notice a room really, really full of bad guys. Go
forward to open up launching bays for Die Fighters.

-- Mission 1: Hit the three switches and open the door --

This is actually a fabulous time to get lots of V-points, as the enemies
are limitless. Your mission, however, is to hit the three switches. Go
forward to the first switches, then go back and jump to a platform. Jump
up as high as you can, then double-jump to the line of V-films that
direct you to the switch. At the very top, use slow and zoom, then
you'll uberdive onto the switch, activating it. Do the same for the
other two, using Die Fighters to get up when necessary. Sometimes, Die
Fighters will interrupt your dive, and you'll have to do it again; this
can be very frustrating, especially the last time. Once all three
switches are hit, go through the door.

Go forward to find two space tanks.

-- Mission 2: Destroy the tanks --

Space tanks are no different from regular tanks. Hit their bullets back
at them in slow while zoomed, and they'll be gone in 2-3 hits.

In the next room, you have to face the Metal Leos for the first time.

-- Mission 3: Destroy the Metal Leos --

There are two Metal Leos in this room; one is way up high, one is way
down low. To destroy each one, just use slow zoomed punches until their
shield breaks and then some. At the top of the room are a lot of V-

Exit through the door once you're done. Save and power up, then continue
on to the 2nd act.


This room is a conveyor belt ride...with enemies!

-- Mission 1: Get the key --

On this conveyor belt, you'll find many enemies, including ballerinas,
Girl Scouts and Gelbys. At the end, you'll fight a Joker, but the slots,
instead of going fast, go really slow. Use Mach Speed to speed them up
until they're where you want. Get three V's, then use the key to open
the door.

-- Mission 2: Destroy the ships --

You'll notice ships in the background, and missiles firing in the
foreground. You have to punch the missiles in the foreground so they
attack the ships in the background. The small ships each require five
missiles, and the two big ones require eight each. You'll be attacked by
Gelbys occasionally, and of course, there're the lasers.

Go through the door, and you'll find another conveyor belt.

-- Mission 3: Get the key...again --

You'll have to fight off three Metal Leos before you get the key. Fire
will be blown at you sometimes.

Once you leave, you'll begin The Ascent, as I like to call it. Room
after room of climbing upwards, destroying enemies. For enemies to
appear, you have to stand on certain platforms. At the end of each one,
jump to the top. Oh yeah, you're timed every time.

-- Mission 4: Destroy 8 enemies --

Three are on the ground, two are on a platform, and the last three are
on another platform.

-- Mission 5: Destroy 8 more enemies --

They're rather scattered about. You'll have to go in a couple of circles
around the room to find them.

-- Mission 6: Destroy 4 enemies --

Keep going up to uncover four Gelbys.

-- Mission 7: Destroy 2 enemies --

Step on the right platform and you'll fight two Metal Leos.


Power up, then prepare for the final battle against...Captain Blue? Yes,
Captain Blue is the villain, not to mention Silvia's father, and also
the same person as...

-- Boss: King Blue (The Omnipotent) --

Since King Blue is huge, you'll have to be huge, so you're fighting in
Six Majin. YOu're kind of walking on the edge of the round Earth, too.
Most of King Blue's time is spent in the background, sending attacks
your way. To avoid the huge lightning attack, just don't move. You can
jump over missiles and run from Die Fighters using Mach Speed, and you
need to destroy any towers that pop up. The only time that you can
attack King Blue is when he appears in the foreground; use slow zoomed
punches, as always. After a short while, King Blue will be defeated.

You're not done yet. You still need to face the young, still-in-his-
prime Captain Blue.

-- Final Boss: Captain Blue --

This is similar to the other Captain Blue battles, except he's a much
more formidable foe this time. He can use Mach Speed, and he has all
sorts of new lightning attacks now. His stamina is not nearly that of
King Blue's, though, so he'll go down pretty fast.

Congratulations, you've beaten Viewtiful Joe! Now sit back and watch the
ending. SIT! NOW!

5 - Miscellaneous

Not sure what to put here now, but it will come to me.

6 - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What's the difference between Kids and Adults?
A: Besides a substantial life difference, in Adults, the VFX meter
drains significantly faster.

Q: What's with the pause screen messages?
A: It's a running gag. Here they are for you to see: "Take 5!" "Let's
take a break!" "Hey, where're you going?" "Bathroom?" "No offense, but
is it number one or number two?" "Make sure you flush the toilet!" "Pee
break? Again?" Pretty immature, ne?

Q: How do you get the boxes in the background?
A: The best way is to get Mach Speed V2 or 3 and then attack an enemy
with Mach Speed. One of the Joes usually goes back and gets the box.

Q: I'm on fire! And it's the bad kind of fire! What do I do?
A: Go Mach Speed and use a lot of punches and kicks.

Q: You forgot to mention this./I have a tip for doing this./How do I do
this, because it's not in your FAQ?
A: E-mail me in any of the above situations. Kindly don't give me tips
for beating parts I haven't done myself, that spoils my fun. I'll start
putting my own progress in the Version History to show where I am; you
can ask me any questions up to that point. Remember to say where you
found this FAQ.

7 - Thanks To...

GameFAQs for posting this on their website.

Capcom for making the game.

Sam Goody for selling the game.

Nintendo for porting the game to a system I own.

Capcom again for making the game awesome.

8 - Legal Info

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advanced written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

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17.Октябрь 2013
Version 1.0
engl. FAQ/Walkthrough

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Июнь 2014
25.Июнь 2019