Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

17.10.2013 16:35:38
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01. Legal Disclaimer [LEGL]
02. Introduction [INTR]
03. Story
04A. Metal Gear [STR1]
04B. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake [STR2]
04C. Metal Gear Solid [STR3]
04. Controls [BSKL]
05. Advanced Skills [ASKL]
06. Walkthrough
06A. Disk 1 [WLK1]
06B. Disk 2 [WLK2]
07. Boss Battles
07A. Revolver Ocelot [OCEL]
07B. M1 Tank [TANK]
07C. Cyborg Ninja [NINJ]
07D. Psycho Mantis [PSYC]
07E. Sniper Wolf (Underground Passage) [SNP1]
07F. Hind D [HIND]
07G. Sniper Wolf (Snow Field) [SNP2]
07H. Vulcan Raven [VULC]
07I. Metal Gear Rex [GEAR]
07J. Liquid Snake [LIQS]
08. FAQs [FAQS]
09. Items [ITEM]
10. Weapons [WEAP]
11. Secrets
12A. Unlockables [UNLK]
12B. Secrets [SCRT]
12C. Easter Eggs [EGGS]
12. Closing [CLSE]
13. Version Info [INFO]
14. Credits [CRED]

And for the people who may not know about the search funtion: If you press
the Control + F keys on your computer, you'll get a search dialog. Put in
one of the keys you see on the right, and you'll be brought directly to
that section. For example, if you want to go to the fight with Metal Gear
Rex, type "[GEAR]".

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| Version: 1.03 |
| Author: Chris Quigley (aka SayainPrince) |
| E-Mail: Hulkamaniac[at]gmail[dot]com |

This file may be not be reproduced except for personal or private use. It
may not be placed on any web site without consent from me. Currently, the
only sites with permission to host this FAQ are:

Copyright (c)2002-2004 Chris Quigley. All rights reserved.

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So, what's Twin Snakes? Well, most of you reading this probably know of
Metal Gear Solid, huh? This would be a remake of that game, for the
Gamecube, made with modern graphics, and adding the gameplay style of Metal
Gear Solid 2, such as lockers, and hanging mode, as well as the most useful
change, the addition of the first person mode shooting.

Now, just the name of Metal Gear Solid, implies two things. One, that the
game is going to be awesome, and two, that many FAQs and Walkthroughs are
going to be made for it. So, what's the point of another FAQ for it? What
will this FAQ have that the others don't? Probably not muc. In fact, the
truth is, that I'm mainly doing this, jsut for the hell of it, and because
I love the Metal Gear Solid games. Although, I'm sure this will help at
least someone who's stuck on the game.

As for this FAQ, I have a few more things to say. First of all, it was
written, while the game was being played through, on normal mode, and I've
checked, and confirmed that many details changed for other difficulties,
although, the main concepts will be the same, so the FAQ should still help
you through most of the game.

One last thing: As you know, this is a FAQ/Walkthrough. There will be
spoilers, in this document, that's just a given, and since Metal Gear Solid
is larely story based, I'm telling you now, if you want to keep the story
of this game a surprise, don't read anymore. Now, let's get on with it!

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The year 1995. Deep in South Africa, 200 km south of Garzburg. Outer Heaven
- an armed fortress nation established by a legendary mercenary. He was
feared in combat by both his friends and foes as a hero and a lunatic. The
Western nations had found out that a weapon of mass destruction capable of
rewriting war history was under development at Outer Heaven. They called
upn the high-tech special foces unit FOXHOUND to take care of the situation.

In response to this order, Big Boss, commander-in-chief of FOXHOUND, sent
Gray Fox, the man with the code name "FOX", a name given to the best member
of the unit. "Operation Intrude N313"... After a few days, Grat Fox was
missing in action, his last message being "Metal Gear..." Taking the
situation seriously, the top men of the West again called for FOXHOUND. Big
Boss selected agent Solid Snake, who had just recently joined FOXHOUND, and
entrusted everything to him.

Successfully making a solo infiltration to Outer Heaven, Snake got in touch
with local resistance members Schneider, Diane, and Jennifer. With their
cooperation, Snake succeeded in rescuing Gray Fox. Gray Fox then laid out
the terrifying facts about Metal Gear. Metal Gear was the development name
of a nuclear-warhead-equipped, two-legged walking tank. It could walk
through even the roughest terrains that would stop normal tanks. It could
conduct local warfare by itself with unique weapons like its Vulcan cannon
and anitank missiles. It was indeed a new type of weapon that could conduct
a nuclear attack against any place on the face of the earth from any land

With Metal Gear, Outer Heaven was trying to establish its Military
superiority over the entire world. In order to destroy Metal Gear, Snake
rescued Metal Gear's chief engineer Dr. Pettrovich and his daughter Elen,
who was taken hostage to force her father to continue with his development.

Snake heard from Dr. Pettrovich how to destroy Metal Gear. However, as
Snake approached the heart of Outer Heaven and Metal Gear, well-designed
traps were set all around Snake - As if all his actions were being leaked to
the enemy... In the midst of the escalating battle, the leader of the
resistence, Schneider, fell into the hands of the enemy, and Snake himself
was injured through deadly battles with Outer Heaven's best mercenaries.

But Snake's indomitable spirit lead him to the 100th-floor basemen of the
secret base where Metal Gear was developed. Evading the powerful defence
system that had wiped out all other intruders, Snake ultimately succeeded in
destroying Metal Gear.

Snake tried to escape from Outer Heaven upon completing the misison.
However, during the escape, he was confronted by one man - FOXHOUND
Commander Big Boss. Big Boss laughed at the astounded Snake and told him the
truth about his mission. While serving as the commander of FOXHOUND, Big
Boss also ran a mercanary dispatch company utilizing his connections and
capital from his years as a merc. He was planning to build this company a
larger military establishment, and he built Outer Heaven as its base. His
purpose for sending the rookie Snake to Outer Heaven was to cause
information confusion in the West.

However, Big Boss miscalculated: He never thought that Snake would make it
this far... Having lost Metal Gear, Big Boss activated the self-destruction
system of the underground base. While the countdown to destruction continued
his scream echoed in the emptiness. "You have gone too far. Too far!"

In the 100th-floor basement, the battle between two men commenced - Free of
idealogy and politics... The armed fortress nation, Outer Heaven, collapsed.
The impenetrable fortress, made from the best military technology and
occupied by the toughest mercenaries, burned in flames. Behind him, the
flames reached skyward, as Outer Heaven fell, leaving Solid Snake all alone.


1999. The world was facing an energy crisis. It was obvious that the supply
of petroleum would run out faster than expected. However, the development of
an alternate energy resource was far from completion. The price of petroleum
skyrocketed, and the world economy was in confusion. The 21st century was
expected to be one of chaos.

One man's invention changed the entire situation. A Czech genuis and
biologist, Dr. Kio MArv, invented "OILIX," a microorgranism that refines
petroleum to produce a highly purifed form of petroleum. The world was
filled with hope upon the discovery of this messiah to solve the energy
crisis, but at the same time the world entred a time of tension reguarding
this new algae.

Just when the whole world's attention was drawn to OILIX and Dr. Marv, he
was abducted by someone and disappeared. Nations began investigations
immediately, and a name soon appeared... "Zanzibar Land." Zanzibar Land was
a democratic military regime that suddenly appeared in Central Asia in 1997.

When their uprising took place, the CIS army, formed around Russia, sent a
suppressive unit immediately. Zanzibar Land resisted by gathering a band of
mercenaries from nations around the world and fortifying most of its land.
As a result, the CIS army was repeatedly defeated, and Zanzibar Land
declared its independance.

Due to the active role mercenaries played, this war was called The
Mercenary War, and Zanzibar Land was referred to as an armed fortress nation.
A military nation with a group of strong mercenaries, surrounded by a tough
fortress... According to the latest information, Zanzibar supposedly was
armed with nuclear weapons. The whole scenario was crystal clear. By
obtaining OILIX in addition to nuclear weapons, Zanzibar Land was trying to
establish its economic and military superiority over the entire world.

Concerned about the situation, the Unite States ordered Roy Campbell,
commander of high-tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND, to rescue Dr. Marv.
Campbell was a former member of FOXHOUND. He brought back Solid Snake, the
man who single-handedly brought down the armed fortress nation of Outer
Heaven four years before, and asked Snake to bring back both Dr. Marv and

Successfully infiltrating Zanzibar Land, snd with the help of CIA agent
Holly and others, Snake was able to go deep into the fortress and meet again
with Dr. Pettrovich, the chief engineer of Metal Gear at Outer Heaven. He,
too, was abducted to Zanzibar Land and was forced to develop another Metal
Gear. He told the surprised Snake of an even more shocking fact. Big Boss,
the man Snake had defeated at Outer Heaven, turned out to be the general-
commander of Zanzibar land.

Snake rescued Dr. Pettrovich in cooperation with Natasha, Dr. Marv's guard
and former Czech International Secret Police agent, and then headed for the
confinement facility deep in the fortress, to save Dr, Marv.

When Pettrovich and Natasha crossed the narrow suspension bridge, over the
deep valley, a missile blew the bridge away. Natasha was sent flying into
the air from the explosion. While unable to do anything to save Natasha,
Snake started hearing a well-known voice. "Hey, Snake. We are good buddies.
I can let you go. Just leave this plaace at once!" ... Gray Fox.

Snake saw Gray Fox, the best soldier in FOXHOUND, controlling Metal Gear.
After the fall of Outer Heaven, Fox had disapeared as if he had followed Big
Boss. Losing Nastasha before his eyes, and seeing Pettrovich get taken away,
Snake screamed "Fox! I will not give up!"

After a series of deadly battles with mercenaries, Snake finally made it to
Dr. Marv's confinement facility. However, he had arrived too late. He saw
Dr. Marv's corpse and Pettrovich, who could do nothing but just stand there.
Pettrovich told Snake that Dr. Marv could not withstand the repeated
tortures because of heart problems. Snake then recieved an emergency call
from Hollu.

The information she supplied was very shocking. Pettrovich had been
voluntarily visiting Zanzibar Land to develop Metal Gear. The abduction of
Dr. Marv was conducted under the directions of Pettrovich himself. After the
truth came out, Pettrovich attacked Snake, but Snake easily put an end to
him and obtained the structural plan of OILIX.

While trying to escape, Snake was confronted by Metal Gear, again controlled
by Gray Fox. The tremendous battle took place in the underground base. Snake
finally succeeded in destroying Metal Gear. However, Gray Fox did not submit
and challenged Snake to a final battle.

In the midst of a minefield, Snake and Fox fought without any weapons - A
fist-to-fist duel involving no hatred or murderous intent. During that wierd
moment of purity, the two were bound by forces transcending words and
emotion. Snake won the tough but pure battle against Gray Fox. However,
there was someone else Snake still had to fight - Big Boss.

Just like four years before at Outer Heaven, Big Boss was waiting for Snake.
"One who has experienced the tension of battle can never leave the
battlefield. I am the one giving you something to live for, and that is
war." Snake was infuriated at the arrogant Big Boss. "There is only one
battle I have to fight. To free myself from you, to shatter the nightmare...
Big Boss, I will kill you!"

With the structural plan of OILIX escaped from Zanzibar Land in a resuce
helicopter. Snake once again saved the world. However, there was no smile on
his face. Big Boss's last words kept rining in Snake's head. "Whoever wins,
our battle does not end. The loser is freed from the battlefield, but the
winner must remain there. And the survivor must live his life as a warrior
until he dies." Snake then disappeared into the white lands of Alaska.


Snake, had retired from FOXHOUND, and become a musher, spending his life
in Alaska. However, Campbell, who had also retired from FOXHOUND, had Snake
brought to him, for a special mission. Shadow Moses, a nuclear clean-up
facility, head been taken over by terrorists, who had demanded 1 billion
dollars, and the remains of Big Boss's DNA. Rather than give in to the
demands, Campbell sends Snake on another mission. Snake is to infiltrate the
Cargo Dock of the base, and he successfully does so. This is where the game
opens up.
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.Equip Items
_____.' _____
/ \ / R \ ----------- Equip Weapons
| L | |_______|
| ############## Z |----------- First Person View
########## #######|
## # # __ ### .------ Action Button
## # # /Y_)-----#- + A = Hold gun without firing
# # # (_/ (_X\--#----.
# ___ # STRT # ___\_) # '----Crouch
# / \ # (__) # __ / \ #
# ( ---- Move # | # (B )( A )----#----- Shoot
# \___/ ###### (__) \___/ # + Start = Codec
# #| # '-----------#--.
# Move--------._ #| # ___ # '-- Punch/Kick
# # _| |_ #| # / \ # # + Start = Pause
# # # |_ _| #| # ( C ) # # #
# # # |_| # | # \___/--#--#-----#---Camera (Against Walls)
# # ## # | # ## # #
# # ##### | ##### # #
#### '. ####
'---- + A = Codec
+ B = Pause
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This is really simple. Just use the control stick, and push yourself against
the wall. Snake's body will press against it. You can walk up and down the
wall like this, and even duck down, and move against it while crouching on
your knees.

If you push yourself against the wall, you can press the A button, to knock
on the wall. This will attract any guards that hear it, allowing you to
sneak past them, or kill them, easily.

If you approach the back of a guard, slowly, and get real close to them,
without them seeing you, you can press the A button to get them in a choke
hold. If you keep pressing the A button, and then let go, you'll cause them
to go unconscious. If you keep pressing it, until you hear a snap, they'll
die. Furthermore, while you have them in a choke hold, instead of KOing or
killing them, you can drag them around withyou, but make sure to press A to
tighten your grip, periodically, or they'll break free. Also, if you press A
before you stop running, you'll throw the guards to the ground.

If you find the body of a guard - Well most, there are a few exceptions in
the game - you can pick it up with the A button. You can drag it around this
way, if you keep the A button held. When you let go of A, you'll drop the
body, which sometimes results in an item being shaken out.

To hold up a guard, approach them silently from behind, and take out your
gun. Go into the first person mode, while real close to them, and draw your
gun without firing it. The guard will freeze, and put their hands in the
air. While they're like this, you can either kill them, knock them out, or
go in front of them, and aim at their heads, to make them drop their dog

If you tap the Y button, while you're near a certain ledge - usually, the
ones that are short, and made up of two railings work - you'll jump over,
and hang from the side. You can use this to avoid enemies, or to drop to
lower platforms with the X button. Don't let your grip level run out, though
or you'll fall. If you drop and catch a ledge below (see below) or do pull-
ups with the L and R buttons at the same time, you're grip level will grow

Ehile you are in hanging mode, you can drop by pressing the X button. If you
do this from one ledge, which happens to be above another, you can catch the
second ledge with the Y button, if you time it right. This can also save you
if you accidently let your grip meter run out.

This was another feature added from MGS2. Many lockers - But not all - can
be opened with the Y button. If you open a locker, you can stand inside it,
and clsoe the door to hide from guards. You can also look forward, through
the vent in it, to see outside, or tap on the walls, to attract guards. Be
careful though, although this will work sometimes, other times, while in
Alert mode, guards will line up outside it, and open it to find you. If
this happens, you may be screwed.

Another cool feature added from MGS2. Find a locker that you can open, and
open it. Now, if you have an unconscious, tranquelized, or dead body, you
can drag it into the locker to hide it from the other guards. Be careful not
to open that locker again though, and take note, that if another guard finds
the bodyt, while in Clearing mode, the Clearing bar will fill up again.

In several places, you'll find fire extinguishers on the wall. If you shoot
one of them, they'll spray foam around the room. This can be used in several
ways: It can temporarily stun guards, and it can reveal any infrared beams
in the room, that are close enough to the foam.

If you find a spot with Claymore mines, you shouldn't avoid them. Instead,
press X, to crouch down, and crawl over them. Instead of them exploding,
Snake will pick them up, and add them to his own arsenal of weapons.

During the game, you can collect three different boxes. If you equip one,
Snake will put it over his head. With one equipped, you can blend in near a
pile of other boxes, to avoid being seen by guards. You can also equip one
and wait in a truck (of which, there are three in the game) and after some
time passes, the truck will drive away, bringing you to the location written
on the side of the box your hiding under.

While you're pressed against a wall, you can move to the corner, and press
the R or L button to look around it. While you're looking around the corner,
you can take out your gun, and shoot around the corner.

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/ \__/ \__/ 06. Walkthrough \__/ \__/ \
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|===----+ | 06A. DISK 1 | +----===|

First, climb down the stairs, into the water, and pick up the ration. While
still in the water, head to the right, to a second set of stairs, where the
AP Sensor will be lying. Pick it up, and climb the stairs to catch your
breath, then turn around, and go back to where you started. Here, crawl
under the metal tank, and look ahead, until you see the guard turn around,
away from where you are. When you see him do this, run ahead, to the wall,
and press yourself against it, in the corner. Wait here, until the elevator
arrives, at which time, you should slowly walk behind the first guard you
saw, and choke him to death. Before anyone finds the body, move to the left,
and head up into the elevator, and ride up to the heliport.

After the codec conversation, if your feeling lucky, you can run north, and
try to dodge the two spotlights, to reach some Chaff Grenades. There are
plenty more later in the game tohugh, so it's not really worth it. The more
practicle route, would be to go around it on the right, using the boxes to
hide from the guard - One of which, is in front of a ration, by the way.
Just above where the spot lights were, is a truck. CLimb into it, and go
behind the box, to find a Socom pistol, and crawl under it, to find the M9.
After getting both guns, you can go to the left, to find a guard the keeps
dozing off. You don't want to alert anyone, so use the M9 if you want to
take him out. After doing this, head through the room on the right, but
go slowly. You'll be out of ear-shot distance from people, so shoot out the
camera, and head inside, to get some Stun Grenades from one of the lockers.
Then, you're ready to go again. Go to the right of where the truck is, and
look upward. You should see a guard walking on the cat walk. Take him out
with the M9, then shoot at the surveilance camera with the SOCOM. Head up
the stairs, and walk past the sleepy guard, until you find a ventilation
shaft - crawl through it of course.

You'll start in a duct, and the path is pretty straight forward. Crawl
along until you get a codec call from Master Miller. Do some talking, and
keep going through the ducts. Near the end of the tunnel, you'll reach an
opening, that you can climb down trough - Now you're actually in the Hangar.
Head left, to find some chaff grenades, then go right, to the surveilance
camera. Toss a chaff, and run past it, along the catwalk, before the jamming
wears off. If you have time, go in the second room, and run by the
surveilance camera, to pick up the Thermal Goggles - Hopefully, you'll be
able to do this before the jamming wears off. When you get out, walk across
the grating slowly, to avoid alerting the guards below, until you reach
another surveilance camera. At this point, there's another door you can
enter. There's some Chaff Grenades inside. Now, to get past that camera:
If you want, just sneak by it, but you can also use another chaff, to make
things easier. On the bottom, you can pick up some M9 bullets, in the lower
right-hand corner, but the main goal, is to ride the elevator, on the
northern wall, down to the B1 floor, to arrive at the holding cells. And
remember, you can crawl under the tanks if you need to, to hide from the

Step off the elevator, and head south, and to the right, until you see a
ladder. Before you climb it though, crawl through the vent on the floor, to
find a ration. After that, you can turn around and climb it. Crawl through
the shaft, and take a left at the first juntion, to see a funny cutscene,
and find some M9 ammo, then head back, and take the right. Walk forward,
past the first grating, where Snake will see a woman, and keep going, until
you reach the next one, where you'll drop down to see the Darpa Chief. After
the chief talks - and dies - crawl under his bed, to get a ration, and wait
for the door to open. After another cutscene, you and a masked soldier will
be taking on a swarm of enemy soldiers together. Get in the back of the
room, and go for head shots as they enter the room. Usually, at least once
per fight, one will try and throw a grenade - When/If this happens, run into
the cell again, until the dust clears. You can also shoot the fire
extinguisher to fill the room with smoke, to confuse the enemies, if you
need to. After the fight, take the elevator to floo B2, to reach the Armory.

After getting off the elevator, head to the right, and down next to the
second "block" which is actually a storage room. Run quickly, so you don't
fall in the trap door that will open, and go inside the room. You can pick
up a bunch of C4 on the ground, and some more in two out of the three
lockers. It's also worth mentioning, that the storage building below it,
contains SOCOM bullets, and that the one left of that contains Grenades.
Those are all the buildings you're able to enter right now, though. After
getting these items, head to the lower left corner of the room, and look
for a part of the wall that looks slightly different - It will also make a
strange sound if you knock on it. Blow this part open with some C4, and
walk through the opening, to reach the Armory South.

Walk downward, until you see another wall on the right, which can be blown
up with C4. Do so, and walk through the next hallway. If you need a ration,
blow open the wall on the right, and shoot out the two cameras - Or use a
Chaff Grenade - and run in and grab the ration. After doing so, head back
to the hallway, and blow open the wall in the middle of the room, to gain
entrance to the room where you'll fight Revolver Ocelot.

| Now first, let me just say, that this fight was a whole lot harder back |
| in the original MGS, without first person shooting. Now, on to how you |
| can defeat him now! Just move to one side of the room, and take aim |
| across the middle of the room, at Ocelot's head. Just keep doing this, |
| and he'll go down releatively quickly, but remember, do not hit Baker, or|
| the bombs for obvious reasons. Another method of defeating him, is to |
| shoot a pipe near where he's standing. It'll take away some health, as |
| well as stun him for a brief moment, allowing you to get closer, for a |
| direct hit. If you need more ammo, get it form one of the four corners of|
| the room. This fight shouldn't pose to much of a problem. |
| |

After the fight, a cyborg ninja will pay a visit, allowing you to see
another cutscene - And this one is pretty cool. When you regain control, you
can pick up some M9 and SOCOM ammo from around the room, and a ration from
just behind the obstacle in the middle of the room. Afterwards, you should
remember, that you still have to call Merly - And Baker was serious when he
said the codec frequency was on the back of the box. If you're too lazy to
check though, her frequency is 140.15. When you finished talking to her,
use the level 2 key you got from baker, to go back to the Armory, through
the door on the nothern wall of the room.

Unlike the last time you were here, there are soldiers roaming around now.
Before any of them come tohugh, you should have time to go to the right, to
the storage building near the southern wall. Inside, equip the Thermal
Goggles, or the cigs, to see some infrared beams. Crawl under them, to find
the Famas, and the first cardboard box. After doing so, check the radar to
make sure there are no guards nearby, then leave the room, heading back to
the elevator. Also, if you're able to kill or tranquelize both guards, you
can use C4 both to the left, and to the right of the elevator, to find
secret rooms - Knock the walls to find the exact spots. Nothing too
important, just some SOCOM and FA-MAS ammo. Take the elevator after you grab
all of the ammo, and ride it to floor one.

When the elevator stops, you'll get a call from Merly, saying she unlocked
the cargo door. Don't rush into anything though - Use the M9 to tranquelize
the one guard roaming around, then climb the stairs back to the upper level,
shooting out the camera, or using a chaff. Take out the M9 again, and aim
across the room, to nail a soldier on the opposite side of the catwalk,
then run to where he was. Back near the first surveilance camera, there's a
level 2 door, with a Mine Detector inside. Grab it, then you can go back
downstairs. Just right of the cargo door, is a door leading to another
room. Go here, before going through the cargo door, and sneak up behind the
guard, and kill him. You can pick up the SOCOM Supressor, and it will be
really helpful later. Afdterwards, you can finally go through the cargo
door. Don't just run across though! Equip the Thermal Goggles, to see some
mines, and walk across the floor carefully, when the lasers move. Getting
hit by one of them means the room floods with gas, and you die! Note: You
can also shoot the fire extinguisher to show where the beams are.

As soon as you enter the Canyon, equip your Mine Detector. You'll see some
yellow blips on the radar. These are Claymore mines. What you should do, is
crawl over them - Make sure to get the one on the left of the rock on your
left, as there's a ration with it. After you get the Claymore, walk forward,
and an M1 Tank will approach!

| As soon as the fight starts, switch to Chaff Grenades, and toss one away |
| from where you're standing. This will cause the tank to spin around, and |
| have a harder time shooting at you. Before the jamming ends, run towards |
| where the tank is, and duck down into one of the holes in the ground. |
| Wait for the tank to move away, then get up, and place some Claymore, or |
| C4 on the ground. When it comes back, hopefully, it will ride over the |
| explosives, causing the treads to break, slowing the tank down. Try to |
| blow each tread once, then switch to your grenades - If you don't have |
| any, or your supply runs out, you can get some from just behind the metal|
| wall, north, and right of the holes you hid in. Get close to the tank, |
| and aim a grenade upward into the turret - If you do it right, you'll see|
| a short cutscene. This does the most damag, although, you can also shoot |
| the soldier on top - Preferabbly while ducking under the ground - if you |
| can't seem to get the grenade method. After his life bar runs out, it'll |
| fill back up again! Don;t worry though, defeat it once more, and it will |
| be permanent. |
| |

Move forward to the large door, and crawl under it. You'll get a Codec call,
saying that you can't use your weapons while you're on this floor - And you
can't. Wait until there are no guards watching you, and run to your left.
There should be at least one guard over here - Try to walk behind him, and
strangle him to death, and keep going. There are some Chaff near the stairs
that wouldn't hurt to pick up - Use it if you get seen, so soldiers can't
call for help. At the top of the stairs is an elevator - While you wait for
it, there's often a guard that will walk by on the catwalk - Walk slowly
and strangle him, if you see him, and get on the elevator when it arrives.
Ride down to B1 floor - Despite Merly telling you to go to the B2 floor,
you'll need a wepaon (specifically, the Nikita) from here, first.

When you get off the elevator, go left, and into the men's room. You'll see
a guard taking a piss - shoot him in the head. After you kill the dude, go
into the first stall, to pick up a book, then leave the bathroom. Watch the
radar, and when the guard moves away from the door, opposite from where the
elevator is, enter the room, and shoot him. Besides ammo thrown around the
room, and the ration in one of the locker, this room holds the Nikita. To
the left of where you enter, behind the wall, is where you'll find it. Take
it, and get back on the elevator, and ride down to floor B2.

After getting off the elevator, move through the doors on the south, and
the room you're in will start to fill with gas. Ignore this for now, but
try to hurry with disarming the floor. How do you do this? Well, shoot a
Nikita missile, and pilot it down the first hallway, to the right, hugging
the wall, and through the lab. At this time, you can't turn it much, or it
will get shot down. Once you hit the control panel, and the control turns
back to sneak, leave the room, to get some air, then return. Go through the
first door in the hallway to find a ration, near the couch, and go in the
third, shooting out the cmaera, to find a Book, and a Gas Mask. Equip the
mask, to save air, and continue down the hallway, taking a right. Shoot out
the last camaera, and go through the doors. Enjoy what'a easily the goriest
scene in the game, then move through the hallyway, into Dr. Emerich's lab.
Another cutscene will occur (Where Emmerich wets his pants!) then you get
to fight the Cyborg Ninja.


| First of all, put your weapons away. The ninja will just block it, most |
| of the time, but not only that, he'll fight with his sword, which you |
| don't want to deal with. Instead, punch him a few times, to cause him to |
| put away his sword, then follow the pattern of punch-punch-kick-dodge. |
| After he's hit, he'll bend down for a second, and you can't hurt him. |
| Just wait until he gets up, and then you can try to hit him again. |
| If you need any health, shoot the mario doll, on the ocomputer on the |
| right side of the lab - There's also a ration on the left side of the |
| lab. If you need to hit him easier, throw a Chaff Grenade - He'll |
| actually freeze because of it! After you take half of his health off, he |
| will start using stealth, but he won't move around as much. If you look |
| carefully, you should be able to see him, and thus, just run up to him |
| and punch him, but if not, Chaff still works. After you do some more |
| damage, he'l lremove the stealth, but when you punch at him, he'll |
| teleport behind you - Turn around and hit him after he does this, before |
| he can hit you. Keep up this pattern, until he's defeated. |
| |

After the fight, the cyborg ninja, who Snake recognizes as Gray Fox, will
appear to go crazy, then he'll leave, in a hurry. Snake will hear more about
Metal Gear from Dr. Hal Emmerich, or Otacon, as he wants to be calle, then
he'll get a call from Merly, who gets caught by a guard. You're going to
have to go and meet up with Merly, afterwards, so equip the gas mask, and
run back through the gas-filled room. If you want to pick up some Night
Vision Goggles, toss a Chaff Grenade, and run down the hallway that you
earlier piloted the Nikita down. Inside the thrid room in this lab, are the
Night Vision Goggles. After you get them, head back to the elevator, and
ride back up to the B1 floor.

Enter the room across the hall from the elevator, and take out your M9. Take
out both guards with your M9 - One of them will sound like a girl. Know why?
Because it's Meryl! You can shoot the other guard in the head, or whatever
you'd like to do with him, but Merly will get up soon. After she gets up,
approach her, and she'l lrun out of the room, to the woman's room (it's to
the right of the elevator.) Follow he there, and you'll see another
cutscene. And if you get there fast enoughm you see Merly in her panties,
isntead of in her normal clothes! Well, reguardless of her appearence, the
cutscene will be the same, and it will end with Meryl leaving the room, and
you being expected to followe her - Although, you'll be doing the leading
yourself. Walk down the hallway left of the elevator, and go through the
level 5 door, and you'll be in another hallway. Merly will have some kind
of attack, then look very strange. Continue thorugh the next door tohugh,
and get ready for your fight with Psycho Mantis!


| At the start of the battle, you'll see Psycho Mantis using stealth, while|
| Merly attacks you. Just punch her out, but don't shoot her. After she is |
| out, Psycho Mantis will appear, and after a few mind tricks, one of which|
| he reads your memory card, if you have certain games, he'll start the |
| fight. Now, before we even begin, let me say, that this fight is full of |
| mind tricks. The screen may go black, and first person often results in |
| a screwed up 2nd person view. This is normal though. Now, for the fight: |
| The probably tried to shoot him, huh? No luck? He's claiming to read your|
| mind, but what you really have to do, is switch your controller to the |
| second port. This was a cool trick, huh? After you do this, you should be|
| able to land a few head shots in. This guy still has a few tricks up his |
| sleeve though! He can begin "reading" you again, in which you'll have to |
| switch controller ports again, or he can start levitating furniture and |
| statues, to hit you with. If you shoot them, they'll go down, but before |
| you worry about them, peg Mantis a few times in the head, as while he has|
| his "shield" up, he won't hasten to teleport away. The final tricks that |
| he has, involve Merly. He will summon her to attack you, or to even try |
| to shoot herself. Knock her out quick, because if she dies, it's a game |
| over for you as well! As the fight progresses, Psycho Mantis will begin |
| getting faster, but won't actually pull any new stunts on you. Stay on |
| your toes, and keep dealing the pain, and you should be able to kill him.|
| Note: If you get the strange 2nd person view, release your first person |
| view button, and look again, and it should be gone. |
| |

After the fight, Mantis will be on the floor, dying. After another cutscene,
he uses his psychic powers to move the bookcase, and advises you to continue
in that direction. When the scene ends, take his advaice, and go through the
door. Pick up some more ammo from next to the stairs, then go through the
next door, into the Caves.

You may notice, that in this area, your radar is jammed - Which isn't too
bad, as there are no guards. You'll have to watch out for those wolves that
Snake mentioned though. Head all the way to the right, to find some SOCOM
ammo, and a ration, then come back near where you entered, take the path
leading upwards, and duck down on the floor. You'll notice that there is a
pass on the floor. Before you go through it though, take out the M9, and
tranquelize the wolf roaming around on the other side. You can kill them,
but not only will it take 2 or 3 shots, even when nailed in the head, they
will howl before they die, attracting other wolves to your location. Head
head to the right, and upwards, where you see an alcove. Pick up some FA-MAS
ammo on the left, then head further to the right, where you can head
downard - Have your M9 ready as you turn the corner though, as there's a
wolf standing here. Finally, crawl through one more passage on the right, to
meet up with Merly, then grab the ration, and go through the door.

Merly will try to look cool by leading a path across the mine field, and
tellign you to follow her steps though. Ignore her though. Just crawl across
so you can pick up a few Claymore mines, as well as cross safely. On the
other side, you'll get to see a cutscene where Merly will be shot a few
times by a sniper. You won't be able to save her without a sniper rifle of
your own. Call Otacon, and he'll tell yout that he saw one in the armory,
back in the bsement of the tank hangar. So, run back to the door, before you
get shot, and start on your treck back.

Despite that the wolves were being kind to Merly, just a moment ago, they
are still out to get Snake. As you run back towards the commanders room, the
same way you left it earlier, try to traqnquelize them, before they can
start howling.

Pick up some ammo from the stairs, if you need it, and then head forward, to
the room where you fought Psycho Mantis. From here, just run across the room
and out the door, and down the hallway that follows, to reach the B1 floor
of the Nuke Building.

Before you actually continue to the Armory, try going into the room across
the hall from the elevator. Shoot out the guard as soon as you enter, and
enter the thrid room down, on the elft. There's actually a PSG1-T here - A
sniper rifle, that you could use to defeat Sniper Wolf. Then what's up with
what Otacon says? Well, he's right. This is a tranquelizing sniper rifle -
there's a normal sniper rifle in the armory. Now, if you want, you can head
back to the Underground Passage, and fight, although, I enjoy using the
normal PSG1, as you can watch the blood... If you do, though, just skip
ahead a couple sections, because the following will describe how to get the
PSG1 from the armory. Oh, and before you leave the room, check the first
room on the left, to get the second cardboard box. If you want to go for the
PSG1, get on the elevator, and ride to the first floor.

You remember this room - the one where you can't use weapons. As soon as you
get off the elevator, check if there's a guard on the catwalk, near you. If
there is, stay in the elevator, against the wall, until he passes, at which
point you should slowly go down the stairs, so no one hears you, and make
your way to the gate leading to the cannon, on the southern wall of the

Before you head out across the snow field again, throw a chaff, or shoot out
the two mounted guns, near the door you just came from. From this spot, take
aim, and shoot the guard, that's walking back and forth in front of you. You
can also wait for a guard, to walk past the tank, and kill him as well. Do
this, and walk forward a little, until you see two more mounted guns. Take
them both out, then run past the tank. Kill the final guard, and run through
the door, back into the Tank Hangar - You don't have to worry about the
Claymore mines anymore, they should be gone.

You'll again, be behind the cargo door, but don't worry, there are no lasers
this time, so just run across the room. Take out the guards patrolling near
the tank, and go to the elevator on the left. Ride it down to the B2 floor,
which you know by now is the Armory.

After getting off the elevator, wait until there are no guards near you, and
run down, and to the left, between the two strage buildings, being careful
of the whole in the floor. At the corner, make sure there are no guards - If
there are, wait for him to turn the corner, than shoot him - and enter the
building on the left. Equip the Thermal Goggles, to reveal some beams. Crawl
under them, pick up the PSG1 on the other side, crawl back under them, and
leave the building. Pick up various ammo from the other buildings, if you
need it, and when you're ready, go back to the elevator, and ride back to
the first floor.

You know the drill. Just leave the elevator, when the guard isn't looking,
and go back through the cargo door on the right. There are still no beams,
so just run across, and go through the door, to reach the Canyon, again.

From where you enter, you should be able to see two guards: One directly in
front of where you are, and the other, ahead, to the left of the M1 tank.
Shoot both, if you can, then, go to the left, past the rock, to find a
ration. If you have good aim, you can take out the third guard, from where
you got the ration, but if not, don't be afraid to move in, a little closer.
Providing you didn't save, and turn the game off, all four guns should still
be busted, so after you take care of the guards, run across the canyon, back
to the Nuke Building.

As you did earlier, walk forward, and crawl under the gate, when there are
no guards nearby, and run to the left. Remember, you still can't shoot while
on this floor, so when you see the guard walking by, take cover, against the
wall at the bottom of the room, between the two large shelves. After he
passes, walk slowly up the stairs, and wait for the guard at the top to turn
around. Strangle him, then ride the elevator to the B1 floor.

On thyis floor, you can refuel your ammo and ration supply, both in the room
across the hll from the elevator, and from the men's room on the left -
Where you can again, harass a pissing guard, which is always fun, in a sick
way. Afterwards, head down the hall, left of the elevator, to reach the
Commander Room again.

Walk down the hall, and enter the room where you fought Psycho Mantis
earlier. Pick up the ration, that's in the top-right corner of the room,
then go through the door that was behind the bookcase. Grab the ammo that's
on the bottom of the stairs, to the right, and continue, through the next
door, to find yourself back in the Caves, again.

You should know the way through this simple maze, by now, right? Well,
proceed through it - Trying to alert as few wolves as possible, by shooting
them with the M9 - to reach the door to the Underground Passage. Go through
the door, and prepare to immediately be in a fight, with Sniper Wolf. And
take note, that there's lots of PSG1-T and some PSG1 ammo around the cave,
that you should pick up, if possible.


| BOSS: SNIPER WOLF (Underground Passage) |
| As soon as you enter the room, she'll have her rifle's beam targeting |
| you, so don't wste time. Run to the left, against the wall, and from |
| there, move upwards, to another wall. This is the safest part in this |
| area, though, she'll still be able to shoot you, so be ready. Take out |
| your PSG1 or PSG1-T, and lay on the ground, as close to the wall as you |
| can get, while still having an open view to where she is. Take some |
| Pentazamin, if you have it, so the rifle doesn't shake, then try to get |
| Sniper Wolf on your crosshair - She'll be on the balcony above just the |
| ground. She'll be running back and forth, and will only stop to try and |
| shoot at you, so when this happens, try to shoot her fast, to avoid |
| getting hit - Remember, head shots work best. If you're hit, you'll be |
| knocked back, often screwing up your view on her. If this happens, |
| un-equip your PSG1, then equip it again, to save time. Sometimes, she'll |
| hide behind a pillar. When she does this, aim at the pillar, and try to |
| shoot her, when she pops her head out. As a final tip, if you ever lose |
| track of where she is, zoom out, as much as you can, until you see her, |
| at which time, you should obviously zoom in and try to shoot her. After |
| you unload enough bullets into her, she'll be defeated. |
| |

After you defeat Sniper Wolf, run down the corridor towards where she was.
Once there, head left, to find a ration, and head up the stairs, to get some
M9 and SOCOM buulets. Finally, behind a pillar on the ground, is some PSG1
ammo. After picking up all the ammo, approach the door on the right (on the
ground) to watch a cutscene of Snake getting captured. You can't avoid this,
so don't worry about it.

MEDICAL ROOM (Torture Process)
You'll be strapped to a torture machine, with Ocelot, when you regain
consciousness. He'll tell you about a "game" he's going to play. Basically,
you have to mash the A button really fast, to stay alive, or press the Start
button and the A button to surrender. This effects the ending of the game,
dramatically. If this is your first time playing, give up on purpose, as you
will gain a better reward after beating the game - Stealth. If you survive,
he'll play again. If you survive three rounds, he'll stop the torture, but
you'll get Infinite Ammo after beating the game. This also affects whose
live you'll save at the end: Otacon or Meryl - Surviving saves Merly, while
surrendering saves Otacon. After either of these, you'll be put into a cell,
and regain the ability to control Snake.

Now, you're in a cell, and you have to escape. There are several ways you
can go about this. Here are all three of the methods.

Method 1:
The first, and easiest way, is to call Otacon. Soon after
you call him, he'll arive with some Ketchup. If you crawl on the floor, and
use the ketchup, before the guard comes back into the room, when he sees
you, he'll quickly rush in, and open the door. When he checks on you, jump
up, and kick his ass, then you'll be able to run out the door.

Method 2:
The second way, is to continue like you would in the first method, except,
instead of using the ketchup that Otacon gives you, hide under the bed,
before Johnny Sasaki, the guard, comes back. He'll rush in to see if
you're still trapped. This will give you a chance to knock him out and
leave the cell.

Method 3:
Make no effort to escape. Just stand around in the cell for a while. After
some time has passed, Johnny will tell you that Ocelot wants you. Survive
a few of his torture sessions, by continuing to make no effort to escape.
After you survive five sessions, Gray Fox, as the ninja, will arrive, and
slice the door open, allowing you to escape. This is the hardest escape to
make. Also note, you'll still have to knock out Johnny.

Ok, so now you're out of the cell. Head left, through the door, that
Johnny took to go to the bathroom. There's a ration, and just through the
door, is a box containing all of Snake's gear. Before you do anything,
though, check your items. There will be a time bomb there - throw it, or
when it goes off, you'll be in trouble. In the right hand corner of the
room where you get your gear, there's a level 6 door. go through it, to
find yourself back at the Holding Cells.

On the walls, near, where you enter, are two mounted guns. Shoot them both
out, so they don't get a chance to kill you, then get on the elevator, and
ride to the first floor - The Tank Hangar. You're going to have to make
your way back to where you fought Sniper Wolf, again. There is one thing
that you can pick up, before you go though - The Digital Camera. If you
aren't interested in obtaining this item, just skip ahead to the Tank
Hangar section. If you do want it, take the elevator to the B2 level, to
reach the Armory, and follow what the next two sections say.

Head downard, sneaking between the storage buildings, killing a guard or
two, if you have to. Take the path that you belw open earlier, to reach the
fight with Ocelot - Remember, it's in the lower-left and corner of the room.

Now, head south, until you reach the next hole in the wall that you blew up
earlier. Go through it, and keep going right, past the hole in the wall,
that lead to the Ocelot fight. On the wall on the right, is another place
you can destroy with C4 - If you haven't already. Shoot out the camera, and
move into the room. Go through the level 6 door, and shoot out the mounted
gun here, too. This room is filled with Stinger ammo - You don't have the
Stnger yet. However, this room does have something for you. See that fence?
In one spot, you can crawl under it, to reach the Digital Camera on the
other side. Once oyu have it, just backtrack to the Armory again.

You're only here to get to the elevator. Sneak to the top of the room, by
going between the storage buildings, killing the guards if you have to. When
you reach the elevator, ride it to the first floor, to reach the Tank
Hangar. With the Digital Camera, you'll be back on your way to reach the
Underground Passage, again.

As you've done several times before, make sure no guard is looking at you -
And if they are, shoot them - and go right, through the cargo door. There
still aren't any beams here, so run through, and enter the Canyon.

You've been here before as well. Take out the guards, and the cmaeras, if
they aren't already out, and cross the area. Again, go through the door on
the other side, to reach the Nuke Building again.

Yet another area that you've done a few times before. Take the same left,
go up the same stairs, and take the same elevator to the B1 floor.
Remember not to rush, though. you still can't shoot weapons on this floor,
and you don't want to get caught by a guard. Oh, and before you go back to
the B1 floor, there's one more valuable item, that I reccomend getting - The
Body Armor. To get it, first, you'll have to go to the B2 floor. If you feel
that you'll be fine without it, you can skip the following area.

Ok, you'll be going into the gas filled room, so make sure to equip the Gas
Mask. With it equipped, run down the hallway, with the previously
electrified floor. When you reach a wall, head left, into a lab-type room.
If you want, you can use a Chaff Grenade, to make things easier, but you
should be fine, if you just run quickly, into the first room on the right,
where the Body Armor is. After you get it, make your way back to the
elevator and ride to the B1 floor of the Nuke Building.

Stock up on some more ammo, if you want, maybe harass the guard in the
bathroom some more, then, take the hallway left of the elevator to the
Commander room again.

Again, you're going to have to walk down the hall, to the room where you
previously fought Psycho Mantis. Walk through the door that was behind the
bookcase, and go down the stairs. Pick up the ammo from the right, and then
continue, through the next door, to reach the Caves again.

Ok, I'm going to assume that you still remember the way through this cave.
However, there's one thing different about this place, this time. Do you
remember that Handkerchief Otacon gave you? Well, if you equip it, the
wolves won't attack you! Go through the caves, and get the ration near the
door on the other side, and continue to the Underground Passage.

Ok! Now, we're back to the spot where you fought Sniper Wolf! Ready to enter
a new area? Well, approach the corridor, where Snake will see blood stains
on the ground. After the cutscene about Meryl ends, proceed down the
corridor. When you reach the other side, approach the door that you were
captured at before - This time, you won't be captured. Go through the door,
and you'll get a message to switch to the second disk.

|===----+ | 06B. DISK 2 | +----===|

Head down the hallway, and you'll find some SOCOM and FA-MAS ammo. After,
head left, to the next doorway If you equip your Thermal Goggles, you'll see
some infrared beams, but unfortuneately, there's no way around them. So,
just be a man, and jump through them. As soon as you touch them, you'll see
a short cutscene - Immediately after it eneds, switch to your FA-MAS, and
take out the couple of guards behind you. When they're dead, grab the Rope
from in front of you - You'll need it later - and run down the next hall,
going through the door. You can get some ammo on the right of the next room,
but it's really not worth it. Instead, equip your Body Armor, and your
FA-MAS and run up the stairs. If the soldiers are behind you, you should be
able to just out run them. However, when they come from in front of you, it
is good, to roll over them, knocking them down. Shooting while running also
works - Or, if you have at least one ration, you can just run to the top,
ignoring them completely...Although, you don't really want to get hit, do
you? After about 10 floors or so, Otacon will call you on your codec. He'll
say that the door is locked, and that you'll have to go to the roof, which
is on the 27th floor. So, endure the soldiers' firing, until you reach it.
At the top, on the 27th floor, run along the catwalk, to pick up the
ration, then head to the left, to find a ladder. Climb it, to reach the
roof of the communication tower.

Walk through the door, to reach the actuall roof. Walk towards the top, near
the stairs, and Liquid will fly in on the Hind D, and blow up half of the
roof! If you were to call some people like Otacon or Nastasha on your codec,
you'd learn that you don't have a chance at beating it with your current
arsenal of weapons. So, for now, we're going to retreat. Go to the ledge,
that you're closest to after the cutscene, and use the rope. You'll begin
scaling down the surface of the tower! Note: It's also possible to drop
down, without the rope, though it's much harder to do.

This part is more of a mini-game than anything else- Though, you do have to
survive, if you don't want a game over. Just keep jumping down with the A
button, while you attempt to jump over the Hind D's gun fire. You're grip
bar will be depleting, but you won't actually be rapelling that far, so
don't worry about it. Although, you can pick up a ration or two, by stopping
on the ledges, on the way down.

Pick up the ration on your left, and start to cross the catwalk. Again, you
will automatically go into Alert mode. Now, want to know a nice easy way to
beat them without getting hit? Go to where the ration was. For some reason,
they won't shoot at you while you're standing here! So, use your Nikita, and
aim it down the catwalk, towards them. You should be able to take out all 3
of them, with just one or two missiles, without taking damage. Take the C4
and the M9 bullets from the right, and cross the catwalk. Near the opposite
side of it, the Hind D will appear, and start shooting at you again. Pick
up the ration, and quickly, run to the building on the left. Pick up the
Stinger, here, and go through the door on the southern wall of the room. Now
you have a weapon suitable of fighting the Hind D, and you're on your way to
do so!

First, head right, and follow the stairs, downward, until you reach the part
of them, that was destroyed. You'll have to go back to the top, where you
entered, and go south. You'll see another cutscene, where you'll meet Otacon
again. After the cutscene ends, the boxes that were blocking the stairs on
the right, are now stacked up, allowing you to pass. Keep going up the
stairs until you reach the top, but rmeember, there will be mouynted guns
on some of the floors. You can either take it slow, and shoot them out, or
throw some Chaff Grenades - Although, you won't be making it all the way
with just one. On the top floor, make sure to walk around the platform, to
get the 30 Stinger Missiles, then climb the ladder. It's to the roof again,
where you'll be facing the Hind D.


| First of all, make sure that you have your Body Armor equipped, and that |
| it stays equipped, unless you need to use a ration. As for the actuall |
| fighting strategy, you should try to stay to the south of the door that's|
| on the building you entered from. From here, wait until he passes by you,|
| and try to get a Stinger on his trail when he does, to do damage. When he|
| starts to fire at you, you can move around the tanks, to dodge his shots.|
| Since you can't run with the Stinger out, you'll want to watch the radar |
| closely, to find his position, and only move when you have to. After you |
| do some damage to him, he'll pull something different. He'll shout "Eat |
| This!" just before he does it, so when you here that, stay away from the |
| southern part of the roof - he's going to blow it to hell. If you need |
| them, there's a ration on the left side of the roof, and some Stinger |
| missiles on the right. Try to keep him on your target, and blast him |
| whenever you get a chance, and he'll go down. Don't stop just yet though,|
| before he actually goes down, he's going to release one final missile |
| blast at you. Stay in the bottom-left corner of the roof, and you should |
| be fine, but equip a ration if you have one, just in case. |
| |

After the fight, and the cool cutscene that follows it, you'll get a call
from Otacon. He'll tell you that the elevator is working again, so head back
inside the tower, and climb down the ladder again.

If you head to the left, all the way around the platform, you can find a
ration. Afterwards, go back around, take a right, and go down the stairs.
Remember, if you didn't take out the guns along the way before, they'll
still be a threat now. Down on floor nine, you can get a ration from behind
the stack of crates, and enter the elevator. Inside the elevator, Snake
will notice something strange, but you should press the control panel to
ride to the first floor anyway. Soon after it starts moving, Otacon will
call you on the codec, and tell you there are four enemies in stealth on
the elevator with you. You should still be able to see where they are,
pretty clearly - If not, switch to the Thermal Goggles. Just take out your
FA-MAS, and shoot them all to death. You'll continue riding the elevator
to the first floor. Get off, and go to the left to get a ration and some
M9 ammo, then go to the right, to get some Chaff Grenades, and some FA-MAS
ammo. After picking up all the items, go through the door in the bottom
right hand corner of the room. Run through the next hallway, and out the
door, before the gun can see you - It's in a spot above the boxes, and it
isn't worth aiming at. Go through the next set of hallways, shooting out
the mounted guns on the walls, and you'll reach a door leading to the Snow
Field. Get ready for a re-match with Sniper Wolf!


| BOSS: SNIPER WOLF (Snow Field) |
| First, I'd like to say that in the original, there was a secret to beat |
| Sniper Wolf, called the "Nikita Trick", where you'd fire at her with the |
| Nikita, instead of with a sniper rifle. This still works, but it's now |
| harder to do, and does less damage, so I reccomend just using a PSG1. |
| Now, as for strategy, I reccomend standing to the right of the tree, near|
| where you entered. Other than that, the fight's pretty much the same as |
| last time. She'll be moving back and forth on the snow bank ahead, often |
| ducking behind trees, and stopping to take aim at you. Go for head shots,|
| like last time, and soon, she should be down. This time, for good. |
| |

After Wolf loses, you'll get to see another cutscene, showing the
Matrix-style moves, that Snake managed to get, since his PS1 version of this
game. In the end, Solf is killed. When it's all over, and you have control
of Snake again, you'll just get to walk forward, for another cutscene. When
that one is over, though, you can really move around again. If you move all
the way to the left, you can reach a storage room. Shoot out the camera at
the entrance, and you can go inside, to find the 3rd Cardboard Box, as well
as a supply of Nikita ammo. There are a few more ammo caches in the other
storage buildings as well, but after getting the box, you can just head to
the building in the top-middle of the Snow Field. Just shoot out the
cameras inside, and go down the stairs, into the Blast Furnace.

Head down the stairs, and go through the first door. Here, stand behind the
stack of boxes, and peek your head out on the right side, so you can shoot
the guard who should be on the catwalk. Walk across the catwalk he was on,
and you'll find some stun grenades. Now, take the catwalk south of that one.
On the other side is a thin ledge. Push yourself against the wall, and cross
it, but becareful not to fall, or hit your head by standing up, or it's a
game over. When you reach another catwalk, walk slowly across it, so you
don't alert a guard below, and go down the stairs. Take a left, to find some
ammo, and go down another flight of sdtairs, to find a ration, then go back,
and take a right. If you see the guard walking across the catwalk, just give
him a bullet to the head, and keep going. After you take anopther flight of
stairs, you'll see a ration on the left, and a door on the right. Before you
take the door though, you may want to head to the bottom of the platform,
where there's another door. You can pick up some ammo in this room - Make
sure to avoid the steam from the pipes though - and on the left side of it,
you can crawl under some pipes, to reach another part of the Blast Furnace,
that contains some ammo, and mounted guns. Note: You can also reach this
area, by dropping from a ledge, when you enter, but that causes you to lose
health. After you pick up all the ammo you need, head back, and go through
that door.

Walk forward, onto the large platform, which is the cargo elevator. Use the
control panel, and the elevator will begin going down, and you'll see a
cutscene of some guards jumping down. Equip your Body Armor and your FA-MAS.
Just take a quick look around in first person view, while firing, and whip
the gun over their heads, to kill them. When they're defeated, wait until
the elevator lands, and get off. Walk forward a little, and shoot the gun
that's on the next doorway. Afterwards, continue into the next room and get
on the elevator. This time, you won't be attacked, but you will get a call
from Master, who will tell you that Naomi isn't really on your team. You'll
learn more about this later, but for now, you'll just wait until the
elevator stops. When it does stop, walk forward, and head out the door, and
get ready for another boss fight. Note: On this elevator, there are Ravens.
If you shoot them they'll attack you, and you'll lose health, but if you
kill about 3, you'll get a call, where Campbell and Naomi lecture you. In
addition, it will set a slight change in the dialouge from next fight with
Vulcan Raven. Oh, and make sure to pick up the ration, and ammo from around
the metal crates, before you leave the room.


| After a cutscene, you'll enter a fight with Raven. Now, you'll notice |
| that he has a huge field of vision. And, let me say, he has good fire |
| power as well. AS for attacking him, there are several ways that seem to |
| work. The first, is to stay away from him, shoot a Nikita missile, and to|
| attempt to navigate it into him - You must get him from behind, or he'll |
| shoot it. The second way, is to place Claymore/C4 around the area. This |
| doesn't work quite as good, but he will take damage, if he's hit. Lastly,|
| take out your FA-MAS, and shoot him just as he turns the corner. All of |
| these work, but it's best to use a mixture of strategies to win. Now, |
| what you have to be aware of, is that after you take some of his health |
| off, he'll stop walking, and begin running, making the fight that much |
| harder. Secondly, if he shoots the same set of crates enough times, the |
| crate will bust, dropping some ammo, but also blocking the path. There |
| are sets of ammo around the edges of the room, and a ration in the top |
| right corner. Get them if needed, and keep dealing damage, until Raven |
| is defeated. Note: If you don't hurry - Or keep your rations equipped - |
| they will freeze. |

After the fight, you'll get another call from Master, about Naomi. Campbell,
Master, and Snake will have a conversation. When it ends, you'll regain
control. If for whatever reason, you're going for dog tags, Raven's will be
sitting next to his Mini-gun, tkae it or leave it, and go through the level
7 door, at the top of the room, to reach the Warehouse North area.

Pick up the Chaff Grenades, and the M9 ammo from the right and left sides of
the room, then head down the hallway in front of you. There's a ration in
the middle, but be careful, there are also two trap doors. Slowly, walk to
the entrance of the next room, and peek around, to shoot the guard. Now,
before you continue, use a Chaff if you have it. If not, shoot out both guns
near the door, across the room. There's a set of stairs to the right, but
they just lead to a perch where a guard is watching (and some ammo) so go
through the door instead.

Walk down the hall, and you'll see a cutscene, showing that you've reached
the hold where Metal Gear Rex is! After it ends, head up the stairs to the
right. You'll get a call from Otacon - When it ends, continue going up, but
go slowly, because there's a guard up there who may hear you. Go up the next
flight of stairs when there - Go left after it ends. Another call from
Otacon follows. When it ends, continue to the left, taking out the guard
when you see him - Preferably, from across the room, before he sees you.
Keep going, until you reach a short set of stairs, leading to a door. You'll
see a cutscene of Liquid and Ocelot, and Otacon will call you, and tell you
more about the security keys, and that you already have all three, built in
to one, that changes at different temperatures. After that, Snake will be
seen, and Ocelot will fire at him, causing Snake to drop the key to the
drainage ditch below.

First Key:
Just retrace your steps to get to the bottom - Or, if you're feeling lucky,
you can drop down to a wire on the bottom, from the top, on the left, for
a shortcut. At the bottom, equip the Gas Mask, and jump into the drainage
ditch. Walk all the way around it, and you'll find ammo, rations, and
even a Time Bomb. When you pick up the Time Bomb, Master will call you,
and say a rat must have eaten the key. throw the Time Bomb, so you don't
die, and climb out of the ditch. Head around Metal Gear, to the left,
where there's a rat hole. Stay back, and use your PSG1 to shoot the rat,
and he'll drop the key! Go and pick it up, and go back to the room where
Liquid and Ocelot were. Don't enter yet, though! Shoot out the guns in
the room, or you'll get locked in, while the room fills with gas. After
you shoot out the guns, put the key into the laptop on the left.

Second Key:
If you were to call Otacon, he'd suggest going to the area where you
fought Raven, and wait for the key to cool. This method will work, and
it's the safest method, but it takes time - alot of it. The second,
faster, method, is to go left from the room where you inserted the first
key, and go all the way around the platform, without taking any of the
sets of stairs. Near the edge, on the other side, is a spot you can
grab on to, on the ledge. If you drop down, and catch a ledge below, you
can climb up, to see two pipes. One is marked "steam" and the other is
marked "liquid nitrogen". Shoot the liquid nitrogen pipe, with your SOCOM
while the PAL key is equipped, and it will instantly change to the blue key
but you'l ltake some damage. Drop off the platform, by the ledge, and make
your way back to the top. Put the blue key, in the second laptop.

Third Key:
Now, you need to warm the key. Otacon suggests the blast furnace, but just
like the previous key, there's an easier faster method. Go to the same
place where you shot the liquid nitrogen pipe, but this time, shoot the
steam pipe. The key will instantly warm. Head back to the room, where you
inserted the last two keys, and put the third kwy in the remaining laptop.

After you input all three keys, Metal Gear Rex will be activated.
Activated?! Yes. Soon after, Master will call you, and reveal himself as
Liquid Snake, and tell you that he hadn't been able to activate the
warhead on his own, so he had Snake find the key, and activate it for him.
After the conversation, the room will fill with gas. Equip the Gas Mask
to save air, than call Otacon. Just wait for Otacon to call back, and
the door will open, and the gas will stop. Leave the room, to watch another
cutscene, and get ready to fight Metal Gear Rex!


| Ok, you're gonan need to equip the Stinger (and you should equip the Body|
| Armor if you have it). See that radome (the circular disk) on Rex's left |
| - or his right, from your view - shoulder? Shoot that with the Stinger. |
| This will damage Rex, but he's far from out yet. As soon as you make a |
| shot, un-equip the Stinger, and wait for him to react. If he uses a beam,|
| just run, and you should aboid it. If he uses missiles - You'll know, |
| because, you'll hear beeping - run in one direction, and roll if you have|
| to. He may also use his normal gun. In this case, you only have to move a|
| little, to avoid it. After it's life bar is deminished, you'll see a long|
| but cool cutscene of Metal Gear Rex and Gray Fox fighting - With Metal |
| Gear Rex winning. You'll then be told to kill them both, with the Stinger|
| but you won't actually be able to shoot. Just wait for the next phase of |
| the fight to start. In the second half of the fight, you'll be fighting |
| from a different angle, but the idea is pretty much the same. The main |
| difference, is that now, you're going to be shooting at the cockpit. |
| This time, when you deplete his life bar, the fight's over. |

After you defeat Rex, you'll see a long cutscene, showing explosions, and
violence, as well, as a large amount of information. You'll learn about how
Snake and Liquid were created, and about the Human Genome Experiment. After
it's all over though, Liquid will show you that Merly is tied up, and tell
you that you are going to fight him. And you are.

| Neither you or Liquid have any weapons, this time, so you're going to be |
| having an oldschool-style fist fight. Just run up to him, and give him a |
| punch-punch-kick combo, to knock him back. If you can knock him off the |
| platform, even better - Although, he'll jump back up. Try to avoid his |
| attacks whenever popssible, especially the counters he'll make if you |
| miss an attack. If you're knocked off the platform, it's a game over for |
| you, so be careful of that, and climb up immediately, if you're knocked |
| down, and forced to hang on the side. After you bring down Liquid's life |
| a little, he'll start doing charges. Try to hit him if you can, before |
| he can execute one, but if not, just try to avoid it. There really aren't|
| any tricks to this fight, so jsut duke it out, and hope you got some |
| skill - Which you probably do, if you got this far. As Liquid says, |
| there's a timer. Don't worry too much though, one of you should be gone, |
| before it goes off. |

What happens next, depends on whether or not you submitted to the torture,
earlier in the game. If you didn't submit, Merly will be alive, but if you
did, she'll be dead. So basically, the following scene will depend on what
you did earlier. Either way, though, Snake and Otacon/Merly will go to

Run down the hall, and grab the ration, then go up the stairs, and through
the door. Otacon/Merly will get spotted by a surveilance camera, and set off
Alert mode, but you don't have any weapons! Try to roll into the guards, to
knock them down, until Otacon/Merly gets into a jeep. When they do, get in
with them, so you can use the chain gun - Make sure to grab the ration from
behind the jeep first though. Remember to use the gun in first person mode,
as well. You won't get far withtout it. blow up the two explosive barrells
on the left, to blow open the door. And with that, you'll begin speeding
down the tunnell. Soon, you'll reach a check point. When this happens,
shoot out both guards, and the barrells, to open up the way ahead. There's
another check point after that. Shoot the barrells on both sides, and the
guards will go down with them. After that, you'll have a new obstacle to
deal with - Liquid Snake and his jeep! Keep your rations equipped, if you
have any, and attempt to shoot liquid as often as possible. This will keep
him from shooting at you. Keep your fire on him, and eventually - If you
don't die - you'll see a cutscene, and ultimately, make it to the end of
the tunnell.

Enjoy one of the two endings.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__ __ __
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
/ \__/ \__/ 07. Boss Battles \__/ \__/ \
\__/ \__/ \__ __/ \__/ \__/
/ \__/ \__/ \__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __/ \__/ \__/ \
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/

| Now first, let me just say, that this fight was a whole lot harder back |
| in the original MGS, without first person shooting. Now, on to how you |
| can defeat him now! Just move to one side of the room, and take aim |
| across the middle of the room, at Ocelot's head. Just keep doing this, |
| and he'll go down releatively quickly, but remember, do not hit Baker, or|
| the bombs for obvious reasons. Another method of defeating him, is to |
| shoot a pipe near where he's standing. It'll take away some health, as |
| well as stun him for a brief moment, allowing you to get closer, for a |
| direct hit. If you need more ammo, get it form one of the four corners of|
| the room. This fight shouldn't pose to much of a problem. |
| |

| As soon as the fight starts, switch to Chaff Grenades, and toss one away |
| from where you're standing. This will cause the tank to spin around, and |
| have a harder time shooting at you. Before the jamming ends, run towards |
| where the tank is, and duck down into one of the holes in the ground. |
| Wait for the tank to move away, then get up, and place some Claymore, or |
| C4 on the ground. When it comes back, hopefully, it will ride over the |
| explosives, causing the treads to break, slowing the tank down. Try to |
| blow each tread once, then switch to your grenades - If you don't have |
| any, or your supply runs out, you can get some from just behind the metal|
| wall, north, and right of the holes you hid in. Get close to the tank, |
| and aim a grenade upward into the turret - If you do it right, you'll see|
| a short cutscene. This does the most damag, although, you can also shoot |
| the soldier on top - Preferabbly while ducking under the ground - if you |
| can't seem to get the grenade method. After his life bar runs out, it'll |
| fill back up again! Don;t worry though, defeat it once more, and it will |
| be permanent. |
| |

| First of all, put your weapons away. The ninja will just block it, most |
| of the time, but not only that, he'll fight with his sword, which you |
| don't want to deal with. Instead, punch him a few times, to cause him to |
| put away his sword, then follow the pattern of punch-punch-kick-dodge. |
| After he's hit, he'll bend down for a second, and you can't hurt him. |
| Just wait until he gets up, and then you can try to hit him again. |
| If you need any health, shoot the mario doll, on the ocomputer on the |
| right side of the lab - There's also a ration on the left side of the |
| lab. If you need to hit him easier, throw a Chaff Grenade - He'll |
| actually freeze because of it! After you take half of his health off, he |
| will start using stealth, but he won't move around as much. If you look |
| carefully, you should be able to see him, and thus, just run up to him |
| and punch him, but if not, Chaff still works. After you do some more |
| damage, he'l lremove the stealth, but when you punch at him, he'll |
| teleport behind you - Turn around and hit him after he does this, before |
| he can hit you. Keep up this pattern, until he's defeated. |
| |

| At the start of the battle, you'll see Psycho Mantis using stealth, while|
| Merly attacks you. Just punch her out, but don't shoot her. After she is |
| out, Psycho Mantis will appear, and after a few mind tricks, one of which|
| he reads your memory card, if you have certain games, he'll start the |
| fight. Now, before we even begin, let me say, that this fight is full of |
| mind tricks. The screen may go black, and first person often results in |
| a screwed up 2nd person view. This is normal though. Now, for the fight: |
| The probably tried to shoot him, huh? No luck? He's claiming to read your|
| mind, but what you really have to do, is switch your controller to the |
| second port. This was a cool trick, huh? After you do this, you should be|
| able to land a few head shots in. This guy still has a few tricks up his |
| sleeve though! He can begin "reading" you again, in which you'll have to |
| switch controller ports again, or he can start levitating furniture and |
| statues, to hit you with. If you shoot them, they'll go down, but before |
| you worry about them, peg Mantis a few times in the head, as while he has|
| his "shield" up, he won't hasten to teleport away. The final tricks that |
| he has, involve Merly. He will summon her to attack you, or to even try |
| to shoot herself. Knock her out quick, because if she dies, it's a game |
| over for you as well! As the fight progresses, Psycho Mantis will begin |
| getting faster, but won't actually pull any new stunts on you. Stay on |
| your toes, and keep dealing the pain, and you should be able to kill him.|
| Note: If you get the strange 2nd person view, release your first person |
| view button, and look again, and it should be gone. |
| |

| BOSS: SNIPER WOLF (Underground Passage) |
| As soon as you enter the room, she'll have her rifle's beam targeting |
| you, so don't wste time. Run to the left, against the wall, and from |
| there, move upwards, to another wall. This is the safest part in this |
| area, though, she'll still be able to shoot you, so be ready. Take out |
| your PSG1 or PSG1-T, and lay on the ground, as close to the wall as you |
| can get, while still having an open view to where she is. Take some |
| Pentazamin, if you have it, so the rifle doesn't shake, then try to get |
| Sniper Wolf on your crosshair - She'll be on the balcony above just the |
| ground. She'll be running back and forth, and will only stop to try and |
| shoot at you, so when this happens, try to shoot her fast, to avoid |
| getting hit - Remember, head shots work best. If you're hit, you'll be |
| knocked back, often screwing up your view on her. If this happens, |
| un-equip your PSG1, then equip it again, to save time. Sometimes, she'll |
| hide behind a pillar. When she does this, aim at the pillar, and try to |
| shoot her, when she pops her head out. As a final tip, if you ever lose |
| track of where she is, zoom out, as much as you can, until you see her, |
| at which time, you should obviously zoom in and try to shoot her. After |
| you unload enough bullets into her, she'll be defeated. |
| |

| First of all, make sure that you have your Body Armor equipped, and that |
| it stays equipped, unless you need to use a ration. As for the actuall |
| fighting strategy, you should try to stay to the south of the door that's|
| on the building you entered from. From here, wait until he passes by you,|
| and try to get a Stinger on his trail when he does, to do damage. When he|
| starts to fire at you, you can move around the tanks, to dodge his shots.|
| Since you can't run with the Stinger out, you'll want to watch the radar |
| closely, to find his position, and only move when you have to. After you |
| do some damage to him, he'll pull something different. He'll shout "Eat |
| This!" just before he does it, so when you here that, stay away from the |
| southern part of the roof - he's going to blow it to hell. If you need |
| them, there's a ration on the left side of the roof, and some Stinger |
| missiles on the right. Try to keep him on your target, and blast him |
| whenever you get a chance, and he'll go down. Don't stop just yet though,|
| before he actually goes down, he's going to release one final missile |
| blast at you. Stay in the bottom-left corner of the roof, and you should |
| be fine, but equip a ration if you have one, just in case. |
| |

| BOSS: SNIPER WOLF (Snow Field) |
| First, I'd like to say that in the original, there was a secret to beat |
| Sniper Wolf, called the "Nikita Trick", where you'd fire at her with the |
| Nikita, instead of with a sniper rifle. This still works, but it's now |
| harder to do, and does less damage, so I reccomend just using a PSG1. |
| Now, as for strategy, I reccomend standing to the right of the tree, near|
| where you entered. Other than that, the fight's pretty much the same as |
| last time. She'll be moving back and forth on the snow bank ahead, often |
| ducking behind trees, and stopping to take aim at you. Go for head shots,|
| like last time, and soon, she should be down. This time, for good. |
| |

| After a cutscene, you'll enter a fight with Raven. Now, you'll notice |
| that he has a huge field of vision. And, let me say, he has good fire |
| power as well. AS for attacking him, there are several ways that seem to |
| work. The first, is to stay away from him, shoot a Nikita missile, and to|
| attempt to navigate it into him - You must get him from behind, or he'll |
| shoot it. The second way, is to place Claymore/C4 around the area. This |
| doesn't work quite as good, but he will take damage, if he's hit. Lastly,|
| take out your FA-MAS, and shoot him just as he turns the corner. All of |
| these work, but it's best to use a mixture of strategies to win. Now, |
| what you have to be aware of, is that after you take some of his health |
| off, he'll stop walking, and begin running, making the fight that much |
| harder. Secondly, if he shoots the same set of crates enough times, the |
| crate will bust, dropping some ammo, but also blocking the path. There |
| are sets of ammo around the edges of the room, and a ration in the top |
| right corner. Get them if needed, and keep dealing damage, until Raven |
| is defeated. Note: If you don't hurry - Or keep your rations equipped - |
| they will freeze. |

| Ok, you're gonan need to equip the Stinger (and you should equip the Body|
| Armor if you have it). See that radome (the circular disk) on Rex's left |
| - or his right, from your view - shoulder? Shoot that with the Stinger. |
| This will damage Rex, but he's far from out yet. As soon as you make a |
| shot, un-equip the Stinger, and wait for him to react. If he uses a beam,|
| just run, and you should aboid it. If he uses missiles - You'll know, |
| because, you'll hear beeping - run in one direction, and roll if you have|
| to. He may also use his normal gun. In this case, you only have to move a|
| little, to avoid it. After it's life bar is deminished, you'll see a long|
| but cool cutscene of Metal Gear Rex and Gray Fox fighting - With Metal |
| Gear Rex winning. You'll then be told to kill them both, with the Stinger|
| but you won't actually be able to shoot. Just wait for the next phase of |
| the fight to start. In the second half of the fight, you'll be fighting |
| from a different angle, but the idea is pretty much the same. The main |
| difference, is that now, you're going to be shooting at the cockpit. |
| This time, when you deplete his life bar, the fight's over. |

| Neither you or Liquid have any weapons, this time, so you're going to be |
| having an oldschool-style fist fight. Just run up to him, and give him a |
| punch-punch-kick combo, to knock him back. If you can knock him off the |
| platform, even better - Although, he'll jump back up. Try to avoid his |
| attacks whenever popssible, especially the counters he'll make if you |
| miss an attack. If you're knocked off the platform, it's a game over for |
| you, so be careful of that, and climb up immediately, if you're knocked |
| down, and forced to hang on the side. After you bring down Liquid's life |
| a little, he'll start doing charges. Try to hit him if you can, before |
| he can execute one, but if not, just try to avoid it. There really aren't|
| any tricks to this fight, so jsut duke it out, and hope you got some |
| skill - Which you probably do, if you got this far. As Liquid says, |
| there's a timer. Don't worry too much though, one of you should be gone, |
| before it goes off. |

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Yes, Twin Snakes is a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid for the Sony
Playstation 1.

Here are the changes that I'm aware of. (Please e-mail me if you know of any
other changes, and I'll add them and give you credit)

- Graphics - First Person View
- 30 Minutes of new cutscnes - New voice acting
- Dog Tags - Boss Survival Mode
- Many new easter eggs - Hanging mode
- Online ranking codes - M9, PSG1-T, and Book added
- New Psycho Mantis text - Music changes
- Updated ending text (stats on the nuclear bombs updated to 2003)

They aren't for anything. Unlike in Metal Gear Solid 2, where the Dog Tags
were used to unlock things, in Twin Snakes they are useless. Evidently,
Konami/Silicon Knights/Nintendo thinks it's fun to do it for "satisfaction".

Psycho Mantis will comment on some of the types of games you play. The games
he will specifically mention, are Zelda: The Wind Waker, Eternal Darkness,
Super Smash Brothers Melee, and Super Mario Sunshine.

Yes, there are two endings. The ending you get, is decided by whether or not
you submit to the torture that you undergo with Ocelot. If you don't give in
Merly will be saved at the end, and you will recieve the Banadana, which
gives you infinite ammo. If you do give in, you'll save Otacon, and recieve
the Stealth item.

This walkthrough was written for the Normal difficulty level. Under the
other modes, it differs. In normal mode, it will be under the truck. In Hard
Mode and Extreme mode, I hear that it's in the armory (I'm playing through
Hard now, I'll confirm it, as soon as possible.) On easy mode, It's in the
Cargo Dock, in a locker to the left of the elevator, and I hear that you
start with it, on Very Easy mode (again, I'll confirm this one, when I get
a chance.)

There are two things you can do with them. As you know, you can equip them,
and Snake will put them over his head. If you do this while near other boxes
you will be able to hide from some guards (this will not work while your in
Alert mode). The second use, is to be transported. What! That's right. In
the game, there are three trucks (one in the Heliport, one in the Nuke
Building F1, and one in the Snowfield). Each box has one of these places
written on the side. If you sit in a truck, with the box equipped, you'll
be brought to the place written down, soon.

No. There are still no ways to play as Gray Fox, or use the sword. You
couldn't do this in the original Metal Gear Solid, you couldn't do this in
Metal Gear Solid 2, you couldn't do it in Substance (not counting the
VR missions), and you can't do it now.

Yes, like the original, this game is two disks, although, I doubt the fact
that two disks were actually required. I say they probably did it just for
that nostalgic value.

All you have to do, is hang over the ledge that you would normally rappell
donw, and drop down. Mash the Y button as you fall, to grab on to the ledge
below. You'll have to drop down ledge-by-ledge this way, until you reach
the bottom of the tower.

Got a question? Wasn't mentioned here? Feel free to e-mail me, and ask me
one. My e-mail is PrinceNathan[at]hotmail[dot]com.

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Item Name: RATION
Location: Many different places.

Description: While you're selecting them on the items menu, you can press
A to restore some health. If you die while you have them
equipped, you'll automatically use a Ration, to regain health.

Item Name: SCOPE
Location: You start the game with it.

Description: You can equip it, to see over a large distance. You can also
zoom in and out with it.

Location: It's in the Armory South, but in a secret room, right of where
the entrance to the Ocelot room is, behind a level 6 door.
Once getting it, you'l lstart the game with it.

Description: You can take pictures, and save them to your memory card.

Location: In the B2 floor of the Nuke Building.

Description: You don't actually need to sue this, as the areas are pretty
bright, but it was useful n the first one, so they've still
thrown it in. It makes everything green.

Location: The Tank Hangar.

Description: These will show you all the sources of heat in the room,
including guards, and mines. These will be useful if you are
fighting in the dark, or against a stealth-equipped enemy.

Item Name: GAS MASK
Location: In the B2 floor of the Nuke Building.

Description: This will decrease the rate at wich you run out of air, in a
gas-filled room. It also decreases the rate at which your life
drops, while you're in toxic liquids.

Location: The Tank Hangar.

Description: This will cause Claymore mines to appear on your radar, in the
corner of the screen, allowing you to safely avoid them.

Item Name: AP SENSOR
Location: The Cargo Dock.

Description: This causes the controler to vibrate when enemies come near.
For us Wavebird users though, it's pretty much useless.

Item Name: BOX 1
Location: The Armory.

Description: This box has the words "To Heliport" on it. You can hide under
it, and blend in near another pile of boxes, to hide from
guards (it won't work in Alert mode) or you can equip it while
in a truck, and wait to be brought to the Heliport.

Item Name: BOX 2
Location: On the first floor of the Nuke Building.

Description: This box has the words "To Nuke Building" on it. You can hide
under it, and blend in near another pile of boxes, to hide
from guards (it won't work in Alert mode) or you can equip it
while in a truck, and wait to be brought to the Nuke Building.

Item Name: BOX 3
Location: In the Snow Field.

Description: This box has the words "To Snowfield" on it. You can hide
under it, and blend in near another pile of boxes, to hide
from guards (it won't work in Alert mode) or you can equip it
while in a truck, and wait to be brought to the Snow.

Location: In the B2 floor of the Nuke Building.

Description: This cuts the damage you take from enemies by half. It doesn't
work for damage you take from toxic liquids though.

Item Name: CARD KEYS
Location: You'll get these during cutscenes, so don't worry about
trying to find them, or about accidentaly missing them.

Description: These are used to open the doors which have numbers on them.
The number on the door corresponds to the card level you need
to open them.

Item Name: PAL KEY
Location: You'll get this in a cutscene.

Description: This is actually three keys and one, and it changes form, from
being exposed to different levels of temperature. It changes
from normal, to wrm, to cold, and will be used in an attempt
to keep Metal Gear Rex from activating.

Location: You start the game with them.

Description: These cause your life to drop rapidly (see a message in this?)
but they smoke will cause infrared beams in the area to become

Item Name: BANDAGE
Location: Many different places.

Description: If you press A to use these, while they're selected in the
item menu, Snake will use a bandage, to stop his bleeding.

Location: Many different places.

Description: These are used, to steady your hand, and allow you to use
your PSG1 or PSG1-T without the target moving around randomly.

Location: In the B1 floor of the Nuke Building.

Description: These will cure the cold that Snake may catch while in the
Medical Room, locked in the cell.

Item Name: MO DISK
Location: You'll get it in a cutscene.

Description: This holds the test data for Metal Gear Rex. You can't
actually use it for anything, though.

Item Name: KETCHUP
Location: Otacon gives it to you, while you're locked up in the Medical

Description: If you press A to use it, while you're crawling on the floor,
it will spill out, and look like blood. This can be used as a
way to escape from the cell.

Location: This is given to you by Otacon in the Medical Room.

Description: If you equip it while in the Caves, the wolves won't attack
you. Snake will automatically drop it, when Sniper Wolf dies,

Item Name: TIME BOMB
Location: There's one in your gear, in the Medical Room, and another in
the Underground Base, when you are looking for the PAL key.

Description: If you press A to use these, while they're selected in the
item menu, you'll throw the bomb. If not, when the time runs
out, it's death.

Location: In the Tank Hangar.

Description: Equip it, while you have the SOCOM equipped, and you'll attach
it to the SOCOM, silencing the gun.

Item Name: ROPE
Location: In Communication Tower A.

Description: You'll use it to rapell down from the roof of the
Communication Tower.

Item Name: STEALTH
Location: Beat the game once, with the Otacon ending, and you'll start
your next game with it.

Description: Using this will allow you to become invisible. You'll be able
to run past guards and cameras with ease, as well as just
have fun. It won't work on bosses, or Alert modes, that are
required, though.

Item Name: BANDANA
Location: Beat the game once, with the Meryl ending, and you'll start
your next game with it.

Description: Using this will allow you to have infinite ammo for all your
weapons, jsut as long as you have at least one bullet to
begin with. It works for the Grenades/Books/Mines as well.

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Weapon Name: M9
Location: Under the truck on the Heliport in Normal mode. In the armory,
in Hard and Extreme mode, in a locker in the cargo dock, in
Easy mode, and you start with it in Very Easy Mode.

Description: This gun isn't lethal, but shortly after someone is shot with
it, they'll pass out. If they are shot in the balls, or in the
head, the effect will be instant. It's also silenced.

Weapon Name: SOCOM
Location: Insine the truck on the Heliport.

Description: This gun is lethal, and several shots will kill someone. If
you hit them in the headm or the groin, they'll die instantly.
You can find a Suppressor, but it's not silenced by default.

Weapon Name: FA-MAS
Location: The Amory.

Description: This is a very powerful weapon, with a high firing rate. It's
also very loud. Don't use it, if you don't want to be heard.

Weapon Name: PSG1
Location: The Armory.

Description: This is a sniper rifle. You'll only have a first person mode
with it, but you can zoom in and out with the X and B buttons.
It's a strong gun, but it's loud.

Weapon Name: PSG1-T
Location: The B1 floor of the Nuke Building.

Description: This is a modified version of the PSG1. Instead of being a
lethal gun, it tranquelizes. It's silenced, though.

Weapon Name: GRENADE
Location: Many different places.

Description: These make big explosions, that are dangerous to both you and
your enemies, and you can bet that they make noise to. Press
and hold A to throw it - The longer you hold it, the farther
the grenade will be thrown. don't hold it too long though...

Location: Many different places.

Description: These will jam all electronic devices. This means security
cameras, mounted guns, and even the guard's radios. Be careful
though, they also jam your own radar system. They'll sound
loud, and emit an epxlosion, but they won't attract guards, or
damage anyone, for some reason. Hold A, and release to throw.

Location: Many different places.

Description: These will create a bright flash, and release a really loud
noise. The flash, and sound are so bad, they'll actually stun
the guards around the explosion, temporarily. Hold A, and
release to throw.

Weapon Name: MAGAZINE
Location: You get one, whenever you finish a round of a gun.

Description: These don't do any damage, and have no special effects, but
you may be able to distract a guard by throwing them. Hold A,
and release to throw.

Weapon Name: NIKITA
Location: The B1 floor of the Nuke Building.

Description: When you fire this, the view will switch to a first person
view from the missile. You can then navigate it around the
room until it runs out of fuel, or hits a wall, at which point
it will explode. Also, if you punch with the Nikita equipped,
instead of punching or kicking, Snake will swing the Nikita.

Weapon Name: STINGER
Location: Connecting Bridge.

Description: This gun's normal view, is a strange, green, HUD. If you aim
it at an enemy, they'll be locked on, and the missile will
chase them. Strangely enough, this gun has a first person view
as well, but it's the same thing, except without the HUD.

Weapon Name: BOOK
Location: Many different places.

Description: This is an adult magazine (actually, it has pictures of Alex
from Eternal Darkness on it). If you place it, and a guard
sees it, they'll drop to the floor to look at it, allowing you
sneak past them more easily.

Weapon Name: C4
Location: Many different places.

Description: You can place the C4 on the ground or wall (if you're pressed
against one. When you press B, the bomb will detonate.

Weapon Name: CLAYMORE
Location: Many different places.

Description: Like the C4, you can place this with the A button, but only
on the ground. It will stay there, until an enemy walks over
it, at which time it will explode. Be careful though, the
explosion may cause Alert mode.

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Unlockable Requirement
| Altered Costumes | Beat the game twice, and the third time, Snake, |
| | Merly and the Ninja will have altered costumes. |
| Altered Ending Theme | Beat the game three times. |
| Altered Save Icon | Beat the game once, and look at your memory card|
| | screen of your gamecube (after saving a new game|
| | the icon will have changed from Snake to Otacon.|
| Bandana (Infinite Ammo)| Beat the game once with the Merly ending. |
| Boss Survival Mode | Beat the game once. |
| Digital Camera | Collect it while playing the game, one time, and|
| | the next time you play, you'll start with it. |
| Merly Demo | Beat the game once with the Merly ending. |
| A. Costumes Merly Demo | Beat the game with the Meryl ending, with |
| | altered costumes. |
| Otacon Demo | Beat the game once with the Otacon ending. |
| A. Costumes Otacon Demo| Beat the game with the Otacon ending, with |
| | altered costumes. |
| Stealth | Beat the game once with the Otacon ending. |


When you are in the duct, above the holding cells, when you're going to see
the DARPA chief, Snake will see Meryl in her cell, doing scrunches. If you
back up, and go down the ladder you came from, then go back up, when you
reach Meryl's cell, she'll be on the ground doing yoga, without her pants

While you're in the duct above the holding cells, instead of taking the
normal path (to the right) go to the left. You'll look down through the
grating, to see Johnny Sasaki (a guard) pissing. He'll also make a reference
about Meryl being built.

When watching a cutscene, if you hold down the L and R buttons to zoom in,
and you can use the C-stick to move the camera around.

While in the Snowfielf where you fight Sniper Wolf for the second time, in
the southeast corner of the area, you can see a tree from behind a fence,
and in it, is a parachute.

While on the second cargo elevator, before you fight Vulcan Raven, kill at
least three ravens, and you'll get a call from an upset Campbell and Naomi.
Also, when you fight Raven, he'll mention that you killed his friends.

Just like in the first one, in the seocnd Sniper Wolf fight, where you are
expected to fight with a PSG1 or PSG1-T, you can get away with using the
Nikita. The Stinger works as well, though not as efficiently.

There are many spots in the game, where if you take a picture with the
Digital Camera, and view it in the photo album (an option in the Special
list, at the main menu) you'll see a ghost in the picture. I may add the
list of these to the FAQ in the future, but for now, you can check GameFAQS
for a great FAQ by MNFTG64, that describes where to find them.

If you repeatedly call Mei Ling on your codec, but keep selecting "Do Not
Save" she'll get annoyed. She'll eventually stop replying, and just stick
her tongue out at you.

After you find Merly, after leaving Otacon's lab, chase her back to the
woman's room, as fast as you can. If you get there fast enough, when you
open the stall, and Meryl sneaks up behind you, she'll be in her panties
as opposed to being fully dressed.


In Otacon's lab, there's a poster of ZOE2 on the wall.

On the right side of Otacon's lab, on the control panel, there's a Mario
doll, and a Yoshi doll. If you shoot Yoshi, he says his name, and if you
shoot mario, he get's a 1-UP symbol on his head, and you regain some life.

In the Commander Room, there are three pictures on the wall. They are of
Dennis Dyack, Hideo Kojima, and Dennis Dyack, all people involved in the
making of the game.

In Otacon's lab, on one of the desks, is a Gamecube with a Wavebird
controller sitting next to it.

In the armory, in one of the rooms full of Nikitas, inside one of the
lockers, is a poster from Eternal Darkness.

If you place a book on the ground, then look at it up close in the first
person view, you'll see a girl. This is Alexander from Eternal Darkness.

Before your fight with Psycho Mantis, Psycho Mantis will mention some
of the games on your memory card, if they include Zelda: Wind Waker,
Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Brothers Melee, or Eternal Darkness.

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Ok, that's it. I'm done. It's been great working on this FAQ, because I've
always loved the Metal Gear Slid Series. Hopefully this FAQ will be able to
help someone who was stuck on whatever place in this game. Later.

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| Version 1.1 | I've finally admitted to myself, that I simply will not |
+==============+ be adding information on the dog tags to this FAQ. They |
| 8/14/04 | are completely useless, and I just don't want to take the|
+==============+ time to find them all. Sorry. |
| 156KB | |

| Version 1.03 | I got a G-Mail account! Booya to that, bruddah! Anyway, |
+==============+ I updated the FAQ to change the e-mail accordingly. |
| 6/24/04 | |
+==============+ |
| 156KB | |

| Version 1.02 | I added a message to let IGN host this Faq. |
+==============+ |
| 3/31/04 | |
+==============+ |
| 154KB | |

| Version 1.01 | Not even a real update... I just added a message about |
+==============+ the Control + F funtion, and fixed a typo or two. Oh, I |
| 3/29/04 | did add some tags saying what's incomplete, as well. |
+==============+ |
| 153KB | |

| Version 1.0 | I finished the walkthrough, for both disk one and disk |
+==============+ two. Also finished up the Boss Battle section, since it's|
| 3/28/04 | just a copy/paste job, from the walkthrough section. |
+==============+ There's also a bunch of other things done. I'll be adding|
| 153KB | more stuff in future versions of the FAQ though. |

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/ \__/ \__/ 14. Credits \__/ \__/ \
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/ \__/ \__/ \__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __/ \__/ \__/ \
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+ Chris Quigley, or as you may know me, SayainPrince, for creating this FAQ,
and gathering the data necessary to do so.

+ Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 Story information was taken as a direct quote
from the "Previous Operations" opotion, from the game.

+ Some unlockables/easter eggs gotten from

+ Several secrets picked up on the Twin Snakes board. Thanks, guys.

+ Mine Sweeper's FAQ for the names of the items/weapons, and for the
information about how the handkerchief protects you from the wolves. I
also got the "Anger Mei Ling" trick from his FAQ.

+ LivingNightMare185 for suggesting that I add the message about the search
functions, which I acceptted.

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eingesendet von JoeVanni (

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