3D Pinball: Space Cadet

3D Pinball: Space Cadet

17.10.2013 02:53:27
_______ ______ ___ ______ _______
/ || _ \ / \ / | | ____|
| (----`| |_) | / ^ \ | ,----' | |__
\ \ | ___/ / /_\ \ | | | __|
.----) | | | / _____ \ | `----. | |_____
|_______/ | _| /__/____ \__\_\______|_|________|
/ | / \ | \ | ____|| |
| ,-----' / ^ \ | .--. || |__ `---+ +---`
| | / /_\ \ | | | || __| 3D PINBALL
| `----. / _____ \| '--' || |_______ | |
\______|/__/ \__|_______/ |__________| |__|

By: Brian Gordon


Table of Contents|
Accepting a Mission
Completing the Missions
Parts of the Board
Skill Shots
Scoring Tips
Copyright Notice

This is the version of Pinball included with Windows ME,
2000, XP, and 2003 Server. It is by no means a very
complex game as far as pinball goes, but is fun
nonetheless. The actual table was made by Maxis in
1995. It is a very well designed board, and, despite a
lack of the visible transports so prevalent in modern
pinball machines, this game is very satisfying.

The game's story is as such: You are a space cadet
attempting to rise through the ranks and save the
earth. The game is divided into nine ranks, and you
are promoted by completing missions. The ranks and
their corresponding missions are charted in Listing 1.

Listing 1
Cadet - Launch Training, Re-entry Training,
Target Practice, and Science
Ensign - Bug Hunt, Rescue, Alien Menace, and Secret
Lieutenant - Bug Hunt, Rescue, Alien Menace, and Secret
Captain - Stray Comet, Space Radiation, Black Hole
Threat, and Cosmic Plague
L Commander - Stray Comet, Space Radiation,
Black Hole Threat, and Cosmic Plague
Commander - Satellite Retrieval, Recon, Doomsday Machine,
and Time Warp
Commodore - Satellite Retrieval, Recon, Doomsday Machine,
and Time Warp
Admiral - Secret, Cosmic Plague, Time Warp, and Maelstrom
FleetAdmiral- Secret, Cosmic Plague, Time Warp, and Maelstrom
You are promoted by lighting the Progress Lights, which
is done by completing missions. These lights are the
blue ones in the outer circle in the middle of the
board. Different missions light up a different number
of lights depending on the difficulty of the mission.
When the whole blue ring is lit, you are promoted to
the next rank. When you complete the last mission,
Maelstrom, all the board lights light up and it becomes
very easy to score lots of points.

Accepting a Mission|______________________________________
To accept a mission, first find the Mission Targets. First
look at your left flipper, then look up and a little to
your left to see the left rebound, and then right above
it three circular yellow lights. Once the ball is in play,
a blue arrow should be pointing at them. To request a
mission, hit one of the lights with your ball to light
up that light. In the lower-right hand corner of the window
the game tells you which mission you've requested. If you
don't like that mission, hit a different light. If you light
up all three without actually accepting one, you automatically
request the special mission for that rank. The special mission
is listed last of the missions for each rank in Listing 1
and typically give you more points and light more Progress
Lights upon completion. Once you have requested a mission,
you must accept it by shooting your ball up the launch ramp.
It's the big ramp in the middle of the board on the left.
If you can get the ball all the way up and into the Launch
Lanes (over the red light on top of the ramp), then the
mission starts. If you lose a ball before you can accept
the mission, then you must re-request another mission. If
you lose a ball in mid-mission, then you must re-request
and re-accept another mission and you lose all progress
on the mission you had been on.

Completing the Missions|_________________________________
Each mission is a puzzle of reflex that you must complete
to get a high score. The requirements for completing each
mission are here in Listing 2.

Listing 2
Launch Training - Once accepted, head up the launch ramp
and over the red light three times. You
get 500000 points and 6 progress lights.
Re-Entry Training- Go through any of the three lanes three
times to beat this mission. You receive
500000 points as well as 6 progress
Target Practice - Hit the attack bumpers eight times to
complete this mission. You receive
500000 points as well as 6 progress
lights for this mission.
Science Mission - Hit any nine drop targets scattered
across the board. These are the little
yellow rectangles that go down into the
board when you hit them. You can hit
the same drop target multiple times
and it will still count. For completing
this mission, you receive 9 progress
lights and 750000 points.

Bug Hunt - Hit any seven of the marked targets on
the board. You receive 750000 points
and 7 progress lights.
Rescue Mission - First, you need to upgrade the indicated
flags. Then you launch into the Hyperspace
Kickout to complete the mission and get
750000 points and 7 progress lights.
Alien Menace - You must first upgrade your weapons (attack
bumpers) and then hit them 12 times. You
receive 750000 points and 7 progress lights
for completing this mission.
Secret Mission - Go into the yellow wormhole, then the red
wormhole, and finally the green wormhole.
You get 1500000 points and 10 progress

Stray Comet - When you start out, activate the entire
right Hazard Target bank. After it is
activated, launch up into the Hyperspace
Kicker to claim 1000000 points and 8
progress lights.
Space Radiation - When you start out, activate the entire
left Hazard Target bank. After it is
activated, enter any wormhole to claim
1000000 points and 8 progress lights.
Black Hole Threat- Launch up the Launch Ramp and down through
the Launch Lanes to upgrade your engines
(the Launch Bumpers). Once you have done
this, navigate your ball under the ramp
and into the Black Hole Knockout to
receive 1000000 points and 8 progress
Cosmic Plague - All you have to do to complete this mission
is to achieve 75 flag turns. Just launch
up the Fuel Chute or Hyperspace Chute a
bunch of time to get your 1750000 points
and 11 progress lights.

Satellite Retrieval- Hit the attack bumper that's off in the
Fuel Target pod a total of 9 times. Upon
completion, you receive 1250000 points
and 9 progress lights.
Recon Mission - Make the ball pass through the Out Lanes,
Return Lanes, or Bonus Lane a total of 15
times to claim 1250000 points and 9 progress
Doomsday Machine - Make the ball pass through either Out Lane
3 times to get 1250000 points and 9 progress
Time Warp - Hit the Rebounds 25 times at the beginning
of the mission. Then if you launch the ball
up the Launch Ramp, you gain a rank, but
if you launch the ball into the Hyperspace
Kickout Chute, you lose a rank. For completing
this mission, you receive 12 progress lights
and 2000000 points.

Maelstrom - Hit three drop targets and three spot targets
(the red circular ones). Then go through
five lanes (Out, Bonus, Return). Next, go
up the Fuel Chute and then the Launch Ramp.
Hit any of the two marked flags and, after
that, enter any wormhole. Lastly, launch up
into the Hyperspace Kickout. You receive all
18 progress lights and 5000000 points. Also,
you get an extra ball and the Center Post is
turned on. One final bonus gained from this
mission is that all of the lights on the board
come on.
Parts of the Board|_________________________________________
This is by no means a comprehensive list of all the elements
on the Pinball board. For a much more detailed list, look in
C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Pinball and open board.bmp. If
you installed it elsewhere, look where you installed it to.
If it's not there, just look where the Pinball shortcut
is targeting and open the containing folder. On to the list!
Plunger: Use this to shoot the ball up to the top of the board.
It is controlled by the player and is essential for
Skill Shots.
Flippers: These are the red flippy things at the bottom of
the board. You control them and they are your main
points of interaction with the ball and therefore
the board. There are two of them.
Deployment Lights: These light up as your ball passes under
them. They don't give you any points,
except during a Skill Shot.
Reentry Lanes: By lighting up each of these three lights on
the top of the board, you upgrade your weapons.
This basically means that you get more points
for hitting the attack bumpers.
Attack Bumpers: Also called "weapons", these bumpers pop your
ball around and give you points. Using the
Reentry Lanes, you can upgrade these from
blue to green, yellow, and finally red.
Launch Ramp: The large ramp on the left, in the middle of
the board. It serves to give you points, allow
you to accept missions, leads to refueling,
and is a part of some missions, like the Launch
Launch Lanes: By lighting up each of these three lights next
to the launch ramp, you upgrade your engines.
This basically means that you get more points
for hitting the launch bumpers.
Launch Bumpers: These start out blue, like the Attack Bumpers,
but can be upgraded by the Launch Lanes to
become green, yellow, and red.
Bonus Lane: After launching up the Launch Ramp and passing
through the Launch Lanes and Bumpers, the ball
falls a short distance. When it lands, it triggers
a rollover switch that increases your fuel supply
and gives you points.
Return Lanes: On the outside edges of each Rebound, there is a
lane. These lanes are called Return Lanes and
give you points for passing through them. They
allow the ball access to the flipper from the
Rebounds: These are the big triangles above the flippers. They
give you points when the ball bounces off of them.
The right rebound often causes the ball to request
a mission. There are also two more rebounds, to the
lower left and lower right of the main three Attack
Flags: These are the spinning white rectangles at the bottom of
the Hyperspace Chute and the top of the Fuel Chute. You
get points for spinning these; the points are multiplied
by five if the small yellow light right under it is on.
Hyperspace Kickout: At the end of the long chute on the right
is the Hyperspace Kickout. If you can get
in this area multiple times in 60 seconds,
then you can receive bonuses like extra
balls and points. Be ready with the left
flipper as the ball flies out. There is a
flag at the bottom of the chute.
Black Hole Knockout: Located under the Launch Ramp, this bonus
sucks in your ball and grants you 5000
Gravity Well: This is the red light in the center of the
rank circle. When it's on, it makes your ball
float across the screen and it's very difficult
to lose it.
Fuel Chute: This is the path that goes under the ramp and into
the upper areas of the board. When you pass over
the floor lights, your fuel stock is replenished.
There is also a flag at the top.
Hazard Target Bank: There are two HTBs, each composed of three
red circular targets. Each target has its
own yellow light to denote its status
(activated or not activated). One bank is
just to the right of the Fuel Chute flag
and the other one is just to the left of
the hyperspace kickout. By activating all
three if the targets in one HTB, the
corresponding kicker is opened.
Fuel Targets: These are the circular red targets in the pod-
shaped chamber in the upper-left of the board.
If you light all three, your fuel supply is
Kickers: These are the automated plungers under each Out Lane.
The left kicker launches your ball up the Fuel Chute
and into the Fuel Target pod. The right kicker
launches your ball up over the re-entry lights.
To reactivate the left kicker, hit all three of the
left Hazard Target Bank lights. To reactivate the
right kicker, hit all three of the right Hazard
Target Bank lights.
Space Warp Rollover: When your ball rolls over this green oval,
you receive 10000 points.
Out Lanes: These are the lanes right above the Kickers and
distal to the return lanes. They are the usual
cause of a ball loss, so remember those HTBs!
Medal Targets: These make up a bank of yellow dropdown targets
that seperates the top and bottom halves of the
board. When you hit all three, the blue light under
the bank is turned on. When you hit all three again,
the red light under the bank is turned on. When
you hit all three again, the purple light under
the bank is turned on. If you hit a medal target
when the blue or red light is on, you receive extra
points. If you hit a medal target when the purple
light is on, you receive an extra ball.

There is a new concept in Space Cadet Pinball, and that's fuel.
You can check on your current fuel supply by looking at the
number of lights that are on in the Fuel Chute. There are three
ways to replenish your fuel supply:
1) Roll the ball over the fuel lights in the fuel chute.
2) Send the ball down the bonus lane.
3) Hit all the fuel targets.
When you run completely out of fuel, the current mission is
terminated and you must refuel before you can do anything else.

Skill Shots|________________________________________________
This is a technique in which at the beginning of a ball, you
don't pull the plunger down all the way so the ball falls
back down the chute towards the plunger. However, the ball
is ejected out of the chute and into the playing field and
you get a Skill Shot bonus depending on how many Deployment
Lights are activated. Listing 3 illustrates how many
Deployment Lights are equivalent to possible Skill Shot scores.

Listing 3
1 Light - 15000 Points
2 Lights - 30000 Points
3 Lights - 75000 Points
4 Lights - 30000 Points
5 Lights - 15000 Points
6 Lights - 7500 Points
Scoring Tips|________________________________________________
Try to complete the missions as your top priority. Unless you
have some business in the top of the board (ie a mission),
always try for a skill shot. Remember that you can get reflex
shot bonuses through the Hyperspace Chute as well as the Launch
Ramp. Always try to have your kickers open. Falling down the
Out Lanes is the number one reason for losing a ball in this
game. Your flippers can almost always hit the ball if it's
coming down the hole in the middle and the only other way to
lose a ball is by bouncing over the kickers in the Out Lanes,
which is very rare. It's especially easy to score if you are
in the top half of the board for long periods of time or if
you get the Space Warp Rollover multiple times. If you want to
play it safe, try getting the Launch Ramp reflex shot
(25000 points) multiple times, upgrading your engines each time
through. With upgraded engines and weapons, particularly engines,
the score can rack up fast. Another guaranteed way to get points is
to use field multipliers. The field multiplier is controlled by the
set of flags just to the left of the Re-entry lanes. If
you hit all three flags, your multiplier is upgraded. You
can upgrade up to four times. The multipliers reset after
60 seconds. For each level of multiplier, all of your points
scored are multiplied by a certain number. Those numbers are
here, in Listing 4.

Listing 4
One Light - 2x
Two Lights - 3x
Three Lights - 5x
Four Lights - 10
Booster Targets|_____________________________________________
These are in the bank of drop targets on the far right of the
board, the bottom-most ones. For each time you hit all three
flags, you get a new bonus. They are listed here, in Listing

Listing 5
1st Bonus - The flags give you 5x as many points per spin
2nd Bonus - Points are added to the bonus every time you score
3rd Bonus - Points are added to the jackpot every time you score
4th Bonus - The bonus is not reset when the ball drains
Quirks in Pinball|__________________________________
-The license plate on the Space Cadet logo says 2001
-The ball actually gets smaller towards the back of the machine
-The Mission Targets are really those round red targets viewed
from the side
-Try to take a screenshot of the 3D Pinball loading screen and
you will get a picture of a completely inactive board.
-There are tracking lights along the upper-right edge of the
board that never light up except for at the beginning of
a new game and when your ball is in the starting chute.
-If you spin a flag and immediately start a new game, it will
continue to spin normally and give you some more points in the
new game.
-If you tilt while in the hyperspace kickout, the ball will
not drain, but merely transport to the deployment chute.

Frequently Asked Questions|____________________
Q. Is it possible to get a 6-light Skill Shot?
A. Yes. Actually, the hardest to get is the 4-light.
Q. Do you get on the scoreboard if it is blank and you have 0
points after your third ball?
A. No.
Q. How do you have 0 points after your third ball?
A. Tilt.
Q. What is "draining"?
A. Losing a ball when it "drains" down the hole in the bottom;
it's the only way to lose a ball. There are a couple of
types of drains: Out Drains are caused by the ball rolling
over a closed kicker and out of the board. Tilt Drains are
caused by the Tilt Light (the X below the Mission Request
lights) detects a tilt and the whole machine goes dead,
forcing the ball's eventual fall. The third type is what I
call a "down the middle" drain. This is when the ball falls
right down the middle, over the Center Post light, and off
the board. The last type is caused by the player being really
bad at the game and not hitting the flippers when the ball is
on them. As a result of each of these, the ball falls down.
Q. What is the "bonus"?
A. To activate the bonus, you have to upgrade the booster target
bank three times. To collect it (25000 points), either drain
or pass through the bonus lane when the bonus light is on.
Q. What is the "jackpot"?
A. To activate the jackpot, you need to upgrade your booster
target bank twice. Once it's activated, you can collect it
(20000 points) by shooting up the hyprespace chute twice.
Q. How do you earn an extra ball?
A. You can earn it three ways: Reach a Level 3 Commendation,
drop any medal target when the purple medal light is turned
on, or roll the ball down one of the Out Lanes when the extra
ball light is turned on.
Q. What's a "redeploy"?
A. If you drain in the first 15 seconds, then you get to play
that ball again.
Q. What is the "Gravity Well"?
A. To activate the gravity well, you must shoot the ball into the
hyperspace kickout five times in a row. When the gravity well
is active, gravity shifts to the center of the table. If the
ball gets stuck on the gravity well, it is shot out in a random
direction and you are awarded 50,000 points. After the ball is
ejected, the gravity well is turned off.

These cheats are activated by typing their corresponding code in
while the ball is sill sitting in the bottom of the deployment
chute; before you pull down on the plunger... unless otherwise
indicated of course.
Unlimited Balls- bmax
Gravity Well- gmax
Fleet Admiral Promotion- rmax (anytime)
Gain 1 Extra Ball- 1max (anytime)
Obviously, if you use bmax there is no way to drain and therefore
no way to get on the high score list, so the ideal choice is to
simply use 1max every time you drain until you are sick of playing.
Note: when the ball drains and bmax has been entered, the instant
the ball goes offscreen it blasts out of the yellow wormhole.

Copyright Information
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except
for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site
or otherwise distributed publicly without explicit written
permission in advance. Use of this guide on any other web site
or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and
a violation of copyright. Kudos to Pinball Help for lots of
info, as well as Mike Pruitt (miketru@earthlink.net) for
mission info. Minor kudos to alaskanpieII (alaskanpie@hotmail.com)
for some info on the Maelstrom Mission. Super kudos to the
Gamecube controller for honing my reflexes to the point where
I could appreciate this game.
Mission data used by permission (Mike Truitt, 2004) and is
protected by United States law and international treaties.
To use this data on any other web site or as part of any public
display, you must contact him at miketru@earthlink.net for
Maelstrom mission scoring inforomation used by permission (Russel
Abarintos, 2004) and is protected by United States law and
international treaties. To use this data on any other web site
or as part of any public display, you must contact him at
alaskanpie@hotmail.com for permission.
This guide may only be found at gamefaqs.com. If you see it on
any other website or in any publication or public forum, then
please let me know.
This guide is protected under United States law and international
treaties. If you copy or change this material in any way, then
you will be held responsible for all liabilities.

Copyright 2004 Brian Gordon

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