Diablo II: Lord of Destruction 1.10

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction 1.10

15.10.2013 09:57:32
Version 1.3 Last Modified: 07/21/2004
Created by Exarkunnn

+++ Table Of Contents +++
Type "Ctrl" + "F3" and right down the [codename] to go to the desired
section quickly

0) Versions [b000]
1) Introduction [b001]
2) Runes [b002]
2.1- Introduction [1b002]
2.2- Different runes [2b002]
2.3A- Runewords [3Ab002]
2.4B- Runewords [3Bb002]
3) Cube [b003]
3.1- Crafting [1b003]
3.2- V1.10 Recipes [2b003]
3.3- Transmuting Runes [3b003]
4) Credits [b004]
5) Contact me [b005]
6) Legal Stuff [b006]

+++ 0- Versions [b000] +++

1.1 - First Version and probably only version there will be unless I
notice some errors.

1.2 - 1 small error that I never noticed, and I have fixed it
(speacial thanks to dragonbreath5000 - don't know if it's his real
gamefaqs name but the guy knows anyways that im talking about him)

1.3 - 1.5 - Removed my e-mail from "contact me"
+++ 1- Introduction [b001] +++

This FAQ will be about everything that can be done with runes and the
cube (Transmuting, crafting, etc)

+++ 2- Runes [b002] +++

++2.1-Introduction++ [1b002]

There is a total of 33 runes in this game and each one of them have
their own use, ability and level required. Runes can be used for
runewords or simply to enhance your items.

++2.2-Different runes++ [2b002]

All the different runes will be listed in order of the least rare to
the rarest.


++++Rune name-Number out of 33 (1 is most frequent-33 rarest) ++++
++++weapon: The ability it gives to a weapon ++++
++++Armor/Helm/Shield: The ability it gives to armor/helm/shield++++
++++Ilvl: Item level (influence what monster drops them) ++++
++++Clvl: Character level required to use the rune ++++

El - #1
Weapon: +50 AR, +1 Light Radius
Armor/Helm/Shield: +1 Light Radius, +15 Defense
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 11

Eld - #2
Weapon: +75% Damage vs. Undead, +50 Attack Rating vs. Undead *
Armor/Helm: Lowers Stamina drain by 15%
Shield: +7% Blocking
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 11

Tir - #3
Weapon: +2 Mana Per Kill
Armor/Helm/Shield: +2 Mana Per Kill.
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 13

Nef - #4
Weapon: Knockback
Armor/Helm/Shield: +30 Defense vs. Missile
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 13
Eth - #5

Weapon: -25% Target Defense
Armor/Helm/Shield: Regenerate Mana 15%
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 15

Ith - #6
Weapon: +9 to Maximum Damage
Armor/Helm/Shield: 15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 15

Tal - #7
Weapon: 75 Poison damage over 5 seconds
Armor/Helm/Shield: +35% Poison Resistance
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 17

Ral - #8
Weapon: +5-30 Fire Damage
Armor/Helm/Shield: +35% Fire Resistance
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 19

Ort - #9
Weapon: +1-50 Lightning Damage
Armor/Helm/Shield: +35% Lightning Resistance
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 21

Thul - #10
Weapon: +3-14 Cold Damage (Cold Length 3 seconds)
Armor/Helm/Shield: +35% Cold Resistance
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 23

Amn - #11
Weapon: 7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Armor/Helm/Shield: Attacker takes 14 damage
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 25

Sol - #12
Weapon: +9 to Minimum Damage
Armor/Helm/Shield: -7 Damage Taken
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 27

Shael - #13
Weapon: Faster Attack Rate (+20)
Armor/Helm: Faster Hit Recovery (+20)
Shields: Faster Block Rate (+20)
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 29

Dol - #14
Weapon: 25% Chance that Hit Causes Monster to Flee
Armor/Helm/Shield: +7 Replenish Life
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 31

Hel - #15
Weapon: -20% Requirements
Armor/Helm/Shield: -15% Requirements
Ilvl: 33 Clvl Required: 0 (the only one that they aren't identical)

Io #16
Weapon: +10 Vitality
Armor/Helm/Shield: +10 Vitality
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 35

Lum - #17
Weapon: +10 Energy
Armor/Helm/Shield: +10 Energy
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 37

Ko - #18
Weapon: +10 Dexterity
Armor/Helm/Shield: +10 Dexterity
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 39

Fal - #19
Weapon: +10 Strength
Armor/Helm/Shield: +10 Strength
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 41

Lem - #20
Weapon: +50% Extra Gold from Monsters
Armor/Helm/Shield: +50% Extra Gold from Monsters
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 43

Pul - #21
Weapon: +75% Damage to Demons, +100 AR against Demons
Armor/Helm/Shield:+30% Defense
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 45

Um - #22
Weapon: 25% Chance of Open Wounds
Armor/Helm: +15% Resist All
Shields: +22% Resist All
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 47

Mal - #23
Weapon: Prevent Monster Healing
Armor/Helm/Shield: Reduce Magic Damage by 7
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 49

Ist - #24
Weapon: +30% Better Chance of Finding Magical Items
Armor/Helm/Shield: +25% Better Chance of Finding Magical Items
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 51

Gul - #25
Weapon: +20% AR
Armor/Helm/Shield: +5 to Max Resist Poison
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 53

Vex - #26
Weapon: 7% Mana Leech
Armor/Helm/Shield: +5 to Max Fire Resist
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 55

Ohm - #27
Weapon: +50% Damage
Armor/Helm/Shield: +5 to Max. Resist Cold
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 57

Lo - #28
Weapon: 20% Chance of Deadly Strike
Armor/Helm/Shield: +5 to Max. Resist Lightning
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 59

Sur - #29
Weapon: 20% Chance of Hit Blinds Target
Armor/Helm: +5% total Mana
Shields: +50 Mana
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 61

Ber - #30
Weapon: 20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Armor/Helm/Shield: Damage Reduced by 8%
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 63

Jah - #31
Weapon: Ignores Target Defense
Armor/Helm: +5% of total Hit Points
Shields: +50 Hit Points
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 65

Cham - #32
Weapon: 32% Chance of Hit Freezing Target for 3 seconds
Armor/Helm/Shield: Can not be frozen.
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 67

Zod - #33
Weapon: Indestructible
Armor/Helm/Shield: Indestructible
Ilvl/Clvl Required: 69

El = 144,238
Eld = 96,159
Tir = 69,209
Nef = 46,139
Eth = 43,530
Ith = 29,020
Tal = 32,998
Ral = 21,999
Ort = 21,133
Thul = 14,088
Amn = 11,822 Sol = 7881
Shae = 6028
Dol = 4019
Hel = 2899
Io/Po = 1933
Lum = 1343
Ko = 895
Fal = 606
Lem = 404
Pul = 267
Um = 178 Mal = 115
Ist = 77
Gul = 48
Vex = 32
Ohm = 19
Lo = 13
Sur = 7.2
Ber = 4.8
Jah = 2.4
Cham = 1.6
Zod = 1

This table shows for exemple that out of 144,238 el found, you
will only find 1 zod. It shows the rarity of runes.

++2.3A- V1.10 Runewordss++ [3Ab002]

There are 4 types of runewords: in Armor, Weapon, Helm and Shield.
Runewords can be done in either ethereal or non-ethereal items. For
the runewords to work, runes MUST BE PLACED in the order written.

Ral + Ohm + Sur + Eth
Level 15-21 Thorns Aura When Equipped (varies)
+50% Faster Hit Recovery
+100% To Poison Skill Damage
+300 Defense
Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Regenerate Mana 15%
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
Fire Resist +30%
Poison Resist +100%
+13 Life After Each Kill
Level 13 Spirit of Barbs (33 Charges)

Chains of Honor
Dol + Um + Ber + Ist
+2 To All Skills
+200% Damage To Demons
+100% Damage To Undead
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+70% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Strength
Replenish Life +7
All Resistances +65
Damage Reduced By 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Jah + Ith + Ber
+2 To All Skills
+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To Teleport
+757 Defense
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) +1-74.25 To Strength
(Based On Character Level)
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced By 8%
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+ (1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
(Based On Character Level)

Fal + Um + Pul
15% Chance To Cast Level 3 Dim Vision When Struck
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+170-230% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+10 To Strength
All Resistances +45
Half Freeze Duration
5% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
-3 To Light Radius

Shael + Um + Pul + Lum
+60% Faster Hit Recovery
+220-260% Enhanced Defense
+300 Defense Vs. Missile
+16 To Strength
+16 To Vitality
+10 To Energy
All Resistances +15
Level 16 Molten Boulder (80 Charges)
Level 16 Clay Golem (16 Charges)

Lem + Ist + Io
1% Chance To Cast Level 50 Delirium When Struck
10% Chance To Cast Level 14 Mind Blast When Struck
20% Chance To Cast Level 13 Terror When Struck
33% Chance To Cast Level 18 Confuse On Striking
+2 To All Skills
+261 Defense
+10 To Vitality
50% Extra Gold From Monsters
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 17 Attract (60 Charges)

Vex + Ohm + Ist + Dol
15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking
Level 16 Defiance Aura When Equipped
+2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)
+30% Faster Block Rate
Freezes Target
+220-260% Enhanced Defense (varies)
Replenish Life +7
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
+5% To Maximum Fire Resist
25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Ko + Ko + Mal
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+20% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
+130-160% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+20 To Dexterity
All Resistances +50-70 (varies)
Magic Damage Reduced By 7
Level 12 Slow Missiles (60 Charges)

Ber + Tir + Um + Mal + Lum
Works only on: Axes, Hammers & Scepters
Level 9 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+240-270% Enhanced Damage (varies)
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+3 To Werebear
+3 To Lycanthropy
Prevent Monster Heal
+25-40 To Strength (varies)
+10 To Energy
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Level 13 Summon Grizzly (5 Charges)

Breath of the Dying
Vex + Hel + El + Eld + Zod + Eth
Works on: All Weapons
50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Poison Nova When You Kill An Enemy
+60% Increased Attack Speed
+350-400% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+200% Damage To Undead
-25% Target Defense
+50 To Attack Rating
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
12-15% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Prevent Monster Heal
+30 To All Attributes
+1 To Light Radius
Requirements -20%

Call To Arms
Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist +Ohm
Works on: All Weapons
+2 To All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+200-240% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+1-6 To Battle Command
+1-3 To Battle Orders
+1-2 To Battle Cry
Prevent Monster Heal
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Fal + Ohm + Um
Works on: Only Claws
9% Chance To Cast Level 11 Frozen Orb On Striking
11% Chance To Cast Level 9 Charged Bolt On Striking
+35% Increased Attacked Speed
+240-290% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 216-471 Magic Damage
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To Whirlwind
+10 To Strength
+15 Life After Each Demon Kill

Crescent Moon
Shael + Um + Tir
Works on: Axes, Polearms & Swords only
10% Chance To Cast Level 17 Chain Lightning On Striking
20% Chance To Cast Level 13 Static Field On Striking
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+220-260% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
-35% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+9-11 Magic Absorb (varies)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Level 18 Summon Spirit Wolf (30 Charges)

Hel + Ohm + Um + Lo + Cham
Works on: Axes, Hammers & Polearms only
Clvl Required: 5% Chance To Cast Level 18 Volcano On Striking
Level 12 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped
+2 To All Skills
+45 Increased Attack Speed
+280-320% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-57% To Enemy Cold Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
25% Chance of Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
Freezes Target
Requirements -20%

Amn + Ber + Ist + Sol + Sur
Works on: All Melee Weapons
+276% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Minimum Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Hit Blinds Target
Slows Target By 33%
Replenish Mana 16%
Cannot Be Frozen
30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Level 8 Revive (88 Charges)

Fal + Ohm + Ort + Jah
Works on: Axes & Hammers only
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+270-320% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 180-200 Magic Damage
Adds 50-200 Fire Damage
Adds 51-250 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-200 Cold Damage
12% Life Stolen Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength

Hand of Justice
Sur + Cham + Amn + Lo
Works on: All Weapons
100% Chance To Cast Level 36 Blaze When You Level-Up
100% Chance To Cast Level 48 Meteor When You Die
Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+33% Increased Attack Speed
+280-330% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
-20% To Enemy Fire Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target

Heart of the Oak
Ko + Vex + Pul + Thul
Works on: Staves & Maces only
+3 To All Skills
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+75% Damage To Demons
+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+1 To Blizzard (Sorceress Only)
+10 To Dexterity
Replenish Life +20
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +30-40 (varies)
Level 4 Oak Sage (25 Charges)
Level 14 Raven (60 Charges)
+50% Damage To Undead

Mal + Um + Gul + Fal
Works on: Swords & Axes only
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+230-270% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-25% Target Defense
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
33% Chance of Crushing Blow
50% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To Vengeance
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
40% Extra Gold From Monsters

Dol + Ort + Eld + Lem
Works on: All Weapons
+25% Increased Attack Speed
+160-210% Enhanced Damage
50-80% Bonus To Attack Rating
+75% Damage To Undead
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
+1 To Berserk
+1 To Zeal
Hit Blinds Target +10
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Level 3 Heart of Wolverine (12 Charges)

++2.3B- V1.09/08 Runewordss++ [3Bb002]

Clvl Required: 41
-15% Requirements
+20% Enhanced Damage
+30% to All Resistances
+50 Hit Points
+10 Energy
+20 Vitality
+15 Dexterity
+25 Strength

Clvl Required: 37
Level 6 Weaken, 18 charges
Faster Hit Recovery (20)
-1 to Light Radius
+75% Enhanced Defense
+50% to all Resistances
+280 Defense vs. Missiles
+10 to Energy

Clvl Required: 17
25% Faster Casting Rate
25% Faster Hit Recovery
25% Faster run/walk speed
-3 magical damage taken
+15% Mana Regeneration Rate
+30% Poison Resistance
+15% Maximum Stamina
+6 Dexterity

Clvl Required: 43
100% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
300% Extra Gold From Monsters
+2 to Mana After Each Kill
+10 to Dexterity

Clvl Required: 27
+1 to all skill levels
+2 Mana per Kill
Lowers Damage by 7
30% Lightning Resistance
+10 Energy
+2 Light Radius

Clvl Required: 13
Level 13 Cloak of Shadows (9 charges)
+50% Enhanced Defense
+2 mana per kill
-3 light radius
+30 Defense vs. missile
+10 Defense
+5 Strength
-33% gold from monsters

Nef (4) + Sol (12) + Ith (6)
Headgear (All types)
Clvl Required: 27
15% Melee Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+75% Enhanced Defense
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
Physical Damage Reduced by 7
+30 Defense vs. Missiles
+33 Mana
+10 Energy
+10 Vitality
+5 Light Radius

Ancient's Pledge
Clvl Required: 21
+43% Cold Resistance
+48% Fire/Lightning/Poison Resistance
10% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+50% Enhanced Defense

Shae (13) + Eth (5)
Shields (All types)
Clvl Required: 17 Cannot be Frozen
40% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
Regenerate Mana 15%
+25% to all Resistances
+25% to Magic Find
+50% Extra Gold from Monsters

Works on: Clubs, hammers, maces only.
Clvl Required: 35
+120% Enhanced Damage
+200 to Attack Rating
+3-14 Cold Damage (3 sec)
15% Increased Attack Speed
12 Level 4 Corpse Explosion Charges
40% Chance of Crushing Blow
-2 Magic Damage
+10 to Vitality

All Melee Weapons
Clvl Required: 65
+209% Enhanced Damage
40% Increased Attack Speed
Prevent Monster Heal
66% Chance Of Open Wounds
33% Chance Of Deadly Strike
Ignores Target Defense
-25% Target Defense
+20% Attack Rating
6% Life Stolen Per Hit
+5 To Frenzy (Barbarian Only)

Holy Thunder
Wors on: Scepters only
Clvl Required: 23
Level 7 Chain Lightning 60 charges
-25% Target Defense
+60% Enhanced Damage
+75 Poison Damage over 7 secs
+5% Maximum Lightning Resistance
+60% Lightning Resistance
+21-110 Lightning Damage
+5-30 Fire Damage
+3 to Holy Shock
150% Damage vs. Undead

Works on: All Melee Weapons
Clvl Required: 27
+160% Enhanced Damage
+250 Attack Rating
+9 Minimum Damage
+9 Maximum Damage
25% Deadly Strike
7% Life Stolen per Hit
+1 to all skill levels
+2 Mana per kill
+1 Light Radius
Replenish life +10
+10 to Str

King's Grace
Works on: Swords and Scepters only
Clvl Required: 23
+100% Enhanced Damage
+150 AR
+100 Attack Rating vs. Undead
150% Damage vs. Undead
+100 Attack Rating vs. Demons
200% Damage vs. Demons
7% life steal
+3-14 Cold damage (3 sec)
+5-30 Fire Damage

Works on: Staves only (Not Orbs)
Clvl Required: 19
+5-30 Fire Damage
+2 mana per kill
+3 to Fire Skills
+33% Cold Resistance
+3 Inferno
+3 Fire Bolt
+3 Warmth

Ith (6) + El (1) + Eth (5)
Works on: All Melee Weapons
Clvl Required: 15
+33% enhanced damage
+9 max damage
+50 Attack Rating
100% chance of open wounds
-100 monster def/hit
Prevents Monster Heal
-25% target defense
Life drain -5

Works on: Bows and Crossbows only.
Clvl Required: 39
+300% Damage vs. Undead
+50% Enhanced Damage
+10 Dexterity
20% Increased Attack Speed
+3 Bow Skill Tab
+3 Slow Missiles
+3 Dodge
+3 Critical Strike

Works on: Staves only (Not Orbs).
Clvl Required: 37
Lowers Target's Defense by 25%
33% Faster Cast Rate
+3 Sorceress Skill Levels
+50% Enhanced Defense
-7 Magic Damage
+20% Max Mana
+9 Minimum Damage
+10 Energy
+10 Vitality
+2 Static Field
+2 Energy Shield

+++ 3- Cube [b003] +++

++3.1-Crafting++ [1b003]

Crafting uses different items to create a new one with half-predetermined
stats. A crafted item is always orange. There are four types of crafting:
Blood, Caster, Safety and Hit Power. There are different recipes for
every type of items (Headgear, Armor, etc). Recipes can be done on
normal, exceptional or elite items but must be done on the right

+Blood Recipe+
Magical Axe (any)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ort Rune (#9)
+ Perfect Ruby
1-4% Life Leech
+10-20 Hit Points
+35-60% Damage Enhanced

Magical Helm
or Casque (Excep)
or Armet (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ral Rune (#8)
+ Perfect Ruby
1-4% Life Leech
+10-20 Hit Points
5-10% chance of Deadly Strike

Body Armor
Magical Plate Mail
or Templar Plate (Excep)
or Hellforge Plate (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Thul Rune (#10)
+ Perfect Ruby
1-3% Life Steal
+10-20 Hit points
1-3 Demon Heal

Magical Heavy
or Sharkskin Gloves (Excep)
or Vampirebone Gloves (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Nef Rune (#4)
+ Perfect Ruby
1-3% Life Leech
+10-20 Hit Points
5-10% Crushing Blow

Magical Belt
or Mesh Belt (Excep)
or Mithril Coil (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Tal Rune (#7)
+ Perfect Ruby
1-3% Life Leech
+10-20 Hit Points
Open Wounds 5-10%

Magical Light Plated Boots
or Battle Boots (Excep)
or Mirrored Boots (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Eth Rune (#5)
+ Perfect Ruby
1-3% Life Leech
+10-20 Hit Points
+5-10 Life

Magical Spiked Shield
or Barbed Shield (Excep)
or Blade Barrier (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ith Rune (#6)
+ Perfect Ruby
1-4% Life Steal
+10-20 Hit Points
Attacker takes 4-7 damage

Magical Ring
+ Jewel (any)
+ Sol Rune (#12)
+ Perfect Ruby
1-3% Life Leech
+10-20 Hit Points
+1-5 Strength
+ Jewel (any)
+ Amn Rune (#11)
+ Perfect Ruby Mods:
1-4% Life Steal
+10-20 Hit Points
5-10% Faster Walk/Run

Magical Scepter, staff, wand (any)
+ Jewel
+ Tir Rune (#3)
+ Perfect Amethyst
4-10% Regenerate Mana
+10-20 Mana
+1-5% Mana Steal

Magical Mask
or Death Mask (Excep)
or Demonhead (Elite)
+ Jewel
+ Nef Rune (#4)
+ Perfect Amethyst
4-10% Regenerate Mana
+10-20 Mana
1-4% Mana Steal

Magical Light Plate
or Mage Plate (Excep)
or Archon Plate (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Tal Rune (#7)
+ Perfect Amethyst
Regenerate Mana 4-12%
+10-20 Mana
+1-3 Mana Per Kill

Magical Leather Gloves
or Demonhide Gloves (Excep)
or Bramble Mitts (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ort Rune (#9)
+ Perfect Amethyst
+4-10% Faster Mana Regen
+10-20 Mana
+1-3 Mana Per Kill

Magical Light Belt
or Sharkskin Belt (Excep)
or Vampirefang Belt (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ith Rune (#6)
+ Perfect Amethyst
4-10% Regenerate Mana
+10-20 Mana
+5-10% Faster Cast

Magical Leather Boots
or Demonhide Boots (Excep)
or Wyrmhide Boots (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Thul Rune (#10)
+ Perfect Amethyst Mods:
Regenerate Mana 4-10%
Mana +10-20
Max Mana +2-5%

Magical Small Shield
or Round Shield (Excep)
or Luna (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Eth Rune (#5)
+ Perfect Amethyst
+4-10% Regenerate Mana
+10-20 Mana
+5-10 Blocking Percentage

Magical Amulet
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ral Rune (#8)
+ Perfect Amethyst
4-10% Regenerate Mana
+10-20 Mana
Faster Cast 5-10%

Magical Ring
+ Jewel (any)
+ Amn Rune (#11)
+ Perfect Amethyst Caster Ring #1
Preset Mods:
4-10% Regenerate Mana
+10-20 Mana
+1-5 Energy

Magical Spear (any)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Sol Rune (#12)
+ Perfect Emerald
Reduced Damage 1-4
Reduced Magic Damage 1-2
+5-10% Defense

Magical Crown
or Grand Crown (Excep)
or Corona (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ith Rune (#6)
+ Perfect Emerald
Reduces Damage 1-4
Reduces Magic Damage 1-2
+5-10% Lightning Resistance
+10-30% Defense

Body Armor
Magical Breast Plate
or Curiass (Excep)
or Great Hauberk (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Eth Rune (#5)
+ Perfect Emerald
Reduces Damage 3-9
Reduces Magic Damage 2-5
Half Freeze Duration
Increased Defense 10-30%

Magical Gauntlets
or War Gauntlets (Excep)
or Ogre Gauntlets (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ral Rune (#8)
+ Perfect Emerald
Reduces Damage 1-4
Reduces Magical Damage 1-2
+5-10% Resist Cold
+10-33% Defense

Magical Sash
or Demonhide Sash
or Spiderweb Sash
+ Jewel (any)
+ Tal Rune (#7)
+ Perfect Emerald
Reduces Damage 3-9
Reduces Magical Damage 2-5
5-10% Resist Poison
+10-30% Defense

Magical Greaves
or War Boots (Excep)
or Myrmidon Boots (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ort Rune (#9)
+ Perfect Emerald
Reduces Damage 1-4
Reduces Magical Damage 1-2
5-10% Fire Resistance
+10-30% Defense

Magical Kite Shield
or Dragon Shield (Excep)
or Monarch (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Nef Rune (#4)
+ Perfect Emerald
Reduces Damage 1-4
Reduces Magic Damage 1-2
5-10% Resist Magic
+10-30% Defense

Magic Amulet
+ Jewel (any)
+ Thul Rune (#10)
+ Perfect Emerald Mods:
Reduces Damage 1-4
Reduces Magic Damage 1-2
+1-10% Blocking

Rare or Magical Ring
+ Jewel (any)
+ Amn Rune (#11)
+ Perfect Emerald S
Reduces Damage 1-4
Reduces Magic Damage 1-2
+1-5 Vitality

+Hit Power+
Magical Blunt Weapon
+ 1 Jewel (any)
+ Tir Rune (#3)
+ Perfect Sapphire
5% chance of casting Slvl 4 Frost Nova when hit
Attacker Takes 3-7 Damage
+35-60% Enhanced Damage

Magical Full Helm
or Basinet (Excep)
or Giant Conch (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ith Rune (#6)
+ Perfect Sapphire
5% chance of casting Slvl 4 Frost Nova when hit
Attacker takes 3-7 damage
+25-50 Defense vs. Missiles T

Body Armor
Magical Field Plate
or Sharktooth (Excep)
or Kraken Shell (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Nef Rune (#4)
+ Perfect Sapphire
5% chance of casting Slvl 4 Frost Nova when hit
Attacker takes 3-10 damage
10-20% Faster Hit Recovery

Magical Chain Gloves
or Heavy Bracers (Excep)
or Vambraces (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ort Rune (#9)
+ Perfect Sapphire
5% chance of casting Slvl 4 Frost Nova when hit
+3-7 Damage to Attacker

Magical Heavy Belt
or Battle Belt (Excep)
or Troll Belt (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Tal Rune (#7)
+ Perfect Sapphire
5% chance of casting Slvl 4 Frost Nova when hit
Attacker takes 3-7 damage
5-10% Damage to Mana

Magical Chain Boots
or Mesh Boots (excep)
or Boneweave (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Ral Rune (#8)
+ Perfect Sapphire
5% chance of casting Slvl 4 Frost Nova when hit
Attacker takes 3-7 damage
+25-60 Defense vs. Melee

Magical Gothic Shield
or Ancient (Excep)
or Ward (Elite)
+ Jewel (any)
+ Eld Rune (#5)
+ Perfect Sapphire
5% chance of casting Slvl 4 Frost Nova when hit
Attacker takes 3-10 damage
+5-10% Blocking

Magical Amulet
+ Jewel (any)
+ Thul Rune (#10)
+ Perfect Sapphire
5% chance of casting Slvl 4 Frost Nova when hit
Attacker takes 3-10 damage
5-15% Chance of Monster Flee

Magical Ring
+ Jewel (any)
+ Amn Rune (#11)
+ Perfect Sapphire
5% chance of casting Slvl 4 Frost Nova when hit
Attacker takes 3-6 damage
+1-5 Dexterity

++3.2-V1.10 Recipes++ [2b003]

Full Rejuv Potion
3 health potions
+ 3 mana potions
+ 1 Standard Gem
3 rejuv potions

Rejuv Potion
3 health potions
+ 3 mana potions
+ 1 Chipped Gem

1 Magic Sockted weapon
3 standard Gems
+ 1 Sockted weapon

1 Tal Rune (#7)
+ 1 Thol Rune (#10)
+ 1 Perfect topaz
+ normal body armor: Sockets the Armor

1 Ral Rune (#8)
+ 1 Amn Rune (#11)
+ 1 Perfect Amethyst
+ normal weapon: Sockets the Weapon

1 Ral Rune (#8)
+ 1 Thol Rune (#10)
+ 1 Perfect Sapphire
+ normal helm: Sockets the Helm

1 Tal Rune (#7)
+ 1 Amn Rune (#11)
+ 1 Perfect Ruby
+ normal shield: Sockets the Shield

1 Eld Rune (#2)
+ 1 Chipped Gem
+ low weapon: Normals the Weapon's quality

1 El Rune (#1)
+ 1 Chipped Gem
+ low armor: Normals the Armor

1 Ral Rune (#8)
1 Sol Rune (#12)
+ Perfect Emerald
+ basic unique weapon: Exceptionals the Unique Weapon These recipes
(for higher damage, but same mods)

1 Tal Rune (#7)
+ 1 Shael Rune (#13)
+ Perfect Diamond
+ basic unique armor: Exceptionals the Unique Armor
(for higher defense, but same mods)

1 Lum Rune (#17)
+ 1 Pul Rune (#21)
+ Perfect Emerald
+ Exceptional unique weapon: Elites the Unique Weapon
+++Ladder recipe+++ (for higher damage, but same mods)

1 Ko Rune (#18)
+ 1 Lem Rune (#20)
+ Perfect Diamond
+ Exceptional unique armor: Elites the Unique armor
+++Ladder recipe+++ (for higher damage, but same mods)

1 Ort Rune (#9)
+ 1 Amn Rune (#11)
+ Perfect Sapphire
+ basic rare weapon: Exceptionals the Rare Weapon
(for higher damage, but same mods)

1 Ral Rune (#8)
+ 1 Thol Rune (#10)
+ Perfect Amethyst
+ basic rare armor: Exceptionals the Rare Armor
(for higher ddefense, but same mods)

1 Fal Rune (#19)
+ 1 Um Rune (#22)
+ Perfect Sapphire
+ Exceptional rare weapon: Elites the Rare Weapon
(for higher damage, but same mods)

1 Ko Rune (#18)
+ 1 Pul Rune (#21)
+ Perfect Amethyst
+ Exceptional rare armor: Elites the Rare Armor
(for higher defense, but same mods)

1 Ort Rune (#9)
+ Any weapon: Repairs ++Does not work on Ethereal Items++

1 Ral Rune (#8)
+ Any armor: Repairs the Armor ++Does not work on Ethereal Items++
1 Hel Rune (#15)
+ Town Portal Scroll
+ any socketed item Unsockets the Item

+++++++++++++++++++++ When you exceptional or unique an item, the
+++++IMPORTANT +++++ Strenght and Dextirity required will augment,
+++++ NOTICE+++++ and the Character level required may also
+++++++++++++++++++++ augment

+Transmuting Runes+ [3b003]
Ladder only, except the those before Shael,all runes
before Thul do not need gems.

3 Thul Runes (#10)
+ 1 Chipped topaz 1 Amn Rune (#11)

3 Amn Runes (#11)
+ 1 Chipped Amethyst 1 Sol Rune (#12)

3 Sol Runes (#12)
+ 1 Chipped Sapphire 1 Shael Rune (#13)

3 Shael Runes (#13)
+ 1 Chipped Ruby 1 Dol Rune (#14)

3 Dol Runes (#14)
+ 1 Chipped Emerald 1 Hel Rune (#15)

3 Hel Runes (#15)
+ 1 Chipped Diamond 1 Io Rune (#16)

3 Io Runes (#16)
+ 1 flawed topaz 1 Lum Rune (#17)

3 Lum Runes (#17)
+ 1 flawed Amethyst 1 Ko Rune (#18)

3 Ko Runes (#18)
+ 1 flawed Sapphire 1 Fal Rune (#19)

3 Fal Runes (#19)
+ 1 flawed Ruby 1 Lem Rune (#20)

3 Lem Runes (#20)
+ 1 flawed Emerald 1 Pul Rune (#21)

2 Pul Runes (#21)
+ 1 flawed Diamond 1 Um Rune (#22)

2 Um Runes (#22)
+ 1 Standard topaz 1 Mal Rune (#23)

2 Mal Runes (#23)
+ 1 Standard Amethyst 1 Ist Rune (#24)

2 Ist Runes (#24)
+ 1 Standard Sapphire 1 Gul Rune (#25)

2 Gul Runes (#25)
+ 1 Standard Ruby 1 Vex Rune (#26)

2 Vex Runes (#26)
+ 1 Standard Emerald 1 Ohm Rune (#27)

2 Ohm Runes (#27)
+ 1 Standard Diamond 1 Lo Rune (#28)

2 Lo Runes (#28)
+ 1 flawless topaz 1 Sur Rune (#29)

2 Sur Runes (#29)
+ 1 flawless Amethyst 1 Ber Rune (#30)

2 Ber Runes (#30)
+ 1 flawless Sapphire 1 Jah Rune (#31)

2 Jah Runes (#31)
+ 1 flawless Ruby 1 Cham Rune (#32)

2 Cham Runes (#32)
+ 1 flawless Emerald 1 Zod Rune (#33)

+++ 4- Credits [b004] +++

- Blizzard, obviously, the makers of this game
- Gamefaqs, for hosting this FAQ and all the useful tips they give
- All previous FAQs, which kind of gave me ideas for my own FAQ
- The guy who found the error (mentioned in verions [b000])

+++ 5- Contact [b005] +++

I removed the e-mail since I stopped playing diablo II a little while
ago but people still send me mails to ask me questions and it's
getting annoying.

+++ 6- Legal Junk [b006] +++
-This FAQ MAY NOT be used by any other sites then GameFAQs and gamespot
unless I give you the permission
-If you want to use this Faq on any other web site, please send me an
email at "Nicolascastonguay@hotmail.com" for my permission.
-If you ever find this FAQ somewhere else then on GameFAQs or Gamespot,
please email me at "Nicolascastonguay@hotmail.com"

(c) Copyright 2004++Exarkunnn++All Rights Reserved
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Engl. Hinweise

07.Октябрь 2013
Ladder Runewords FAQ (for v1.1)
Engl. FAQ

05.Октябрь 2013
Cube&Rune FAQ (für v1.10)
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Items list (for v1.10)
Engl. Hinweise

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Complete Set Items FAQ
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018