Magic - The Gathering

Magic - The Gathering

17.10.2013 02:13:54
* MicroProse Magic: The Gathering FAQ *
* Version 1.2 [5/7/97] *
* (c)1997 by Dana Huyler [] *
NOTE: This information may be reproduced in whole or in part as long as
credit is given. If you use this FAQ on a webpage/ftp site, or as part
of other documents, please e-mail me so I know that you did this. I
want to know where this FAQ goes.

* 0 - Preliminary Stuff *
0.0 Table of Contents

0 - Preliminary Stuff
0.0 Table of Contents
0.1 Personal Notes
0.2 Things to add
0.3 Other Sources
0.4 Thanks
{ 0.5 Official News from MicroProse}
{ 0.6 From The Grapevine }
{ 0.7 Planned Expansion/Patches}
{ 0.8 Terminology}

1 - Shandalar
1.1 What are the differences in each level of difficulty?
1.2 When I entered into a Duel, the creature had some special ability!
1.3 Why can't I have 4 cards of the same type in my deck?
1.4 How can I switch decks?
1.5 Why do the cards I can purchase change in towns when I load?
{ 1.6 How can I turn off the animations? }
1.7 Where do these extra lands come from?
{ 1.8 How come the computer never antes Restricted Cards? }
1.9 Why don't I ante basic lands?
1.10 What kind of quests are there?
1.11 I've been given a quest to defeat a creature. Where is it?
1.12 What happens if I fail a quest?
1.13 What do these Wise Men do?
1.14 Why do the prices change for cards?
{ 1.15 How can you get advantages from creatures? }
1.16 Ak! I got a disadvantage from a creature instead of a advantage.
1.17 How can I find Dungeons?
1.18 I left a dungeon because I was low on life, and now it's gone??
1.19 Help I can't bring in White cards into this dungeon!
1.20 So what are the restrictions of Castles/Dungeons?
1.21 What are these dice things in the Castles/Dungeons?
1.22 What are Lairs?
1.23 What are World Magics?
1.24 There are Invisible creatures?
1.25 What's a good way to beat a dungeon?

2 - The Duel
2.1 I've shrunk the combat/spell resolution boxes! Where are they?
{ 2.2 Does the computer know what cards are in your deck?}
2.3 How can I band correctly?
2.4 How can I use stops?
2.5 What are mulligans?
{ 2.6 Does the computer cheat?}
{ 2.7 How do I use cards that don't HAVE to untap?}

{ 3 - Bugs}
{ 3.1 Shandalar Bugs }
{ 3.2 Duel Bugs}
{ 3.3 A.I. Bugs}
{ 3.4 Card Specific Bugs}
{ 3.5 Problems/Limitations}
3.6 NOT A Bug.

4 - Cards
4.1 What are the cards in the Astral Set?
4.2 What expansion are in the game?
4.3 Where are the multilands?
4.4 I can't use this card properly!
4.5 Are there any hidden cards?

5. Everything else, and the kitchen sink.
5.1 Tips
5.2 Quirks
5.3 That wacky A.I.
5.4 The files in the game

6. Version Control
6.1 What's new in this FAQ!
6.2 Old versions

0.1 Personal Notes

I'm sorry that I didn't quote all the sources that I have for this FAQ, if
you did send me something and want credit please mail me and we can talk.

Also I assume that you know how to play the game. I don't want to go through
explaining what the game is, or some of the finer details. If I glaze over
something too complex, mail me and I'll fix it.

This FAQ is NOT for strategy for the duel. You can get that all over the net
or by the strategy guide. I don't want to list the myriad of possibilities
for this game. Instead, I want to give a listing of things UNIQUE to the
MicroProse game, the good and the bad.

NOTE: My computer is hosed right now, and until I scrap up the cash to
replace the motherboard, I can't play the game. I'm going to have to
rely on the you, the readers, to help me out with the FAQ.

All Bugs listed are for the CURRENT version only.

0.2 Things to add
Card listing (maybe)
Breakdown of a few interesting files in the game

0.3 Other Sources

MicroProse Homepage

MicroProse Technical FAQ - to get your game running right...

Wizards of the Coast Home Page

Steven D'Angelo's Card List Page
Spoilers, and full cards listings for all expansions up to 5th

Bug List for Magic: the Gathering from MicroProse
Run by WiSK

0.4 Thanks!

Thanks to Beth Moursund, Coyote Tex, Sid Meyer, and Wizards of the
Coast, Microprose, Richard Garfield, for Magic and the PC game! Don't
forget the entire Microprose gang!

0.5 News from MicroProse

THIS IS THE README.TXT in the patch!
Version 1.1

Readme File
15 April 1997

How to Update If You Downloaded the Update Files
1. Copy the update files to your Windows desktop.

2. Double-click on the first update file labeled "MTGV11A.EXE."

3. Follow the directions on the pop-up dialog box.

4. After the files have been extracted, click on the "Close"

5. Now double-click on the second update file labeled

6. Follow the directions on the pop-up dialog box.

7. After the files have been extracted, click on the "Close"

8. All the update files have been correctly installed, and your
copy of Magic: The Gathering is now updated to version 1.1.

Note: Changes made in version 1.1 have rendered the original
save game formats obsolete. Once you install the update to
version 1.1, you will not be able to load old save games for
either Shandalar or for the stand-alone Duel.

* The AI now considers more possibilities in a shorter time.
This allows it to find better card combinations and generally
improves its play throughout the game.

* Several memory-related lockups have been found and fixed.
Lockups in general should be far less frequent on machines
without compatibility problems.

* New coin flip animation files have been added to fix lockups
that occurred during the coin flip animations.

* The game now handles long filenames correctly.

* The font used for card names has been improved so that names
fit better.


* You can now play in Shandalar without a sound card.

* The crash problem caused by more than 500 cards in your deck
has been fixed. 500 is now a limit, and warnings will appear
as you get closer to this total number.

* The Help file now works in the Duel while in Shandalar.

* Lockups associated with quests to duel a creature have been fixed.

* Crashes when entering the Wizard Status screen have been fixed.

* In the Deck Builder, attempting to sell more cards than you have
of a given type no longer has an adverse effect.

* You can now save the game in a town by right-clicking on the
town screen. (Note that you cannot save if you are talking to
the Wise Man, buying cards or using the Deck Builder.)

* The number of wandering creatures has been reduced.

* Bronze Tablet no longer causes multiple cards to appear in
players' decks after use in a duel.

* Your win/loss record in the Status screen now includes creatures
quested against, but not creatures you defeated in dungeons or

* After you defeat one of the five major Wizards, you must pick
three different cards as rewards instead of being allowed to
pick multiples of the same card.

* If you lose in a duel to free a beseiged city, all ante cards
are now taken from you.

* There is now a sound effect associated with blocking.

* The text for Wise Man hints have been corrected.

* You no longer hear a faint sound in the background while in
the main map of Shandalar.

* Draws against creatures in a dungeon will no longer kick you
out of the dungeon.

* Riddles in dungeons work properly.

* Crashes caused by random treasures in dungeons have been fixed.

* Free cards in play in dungeons no longer show up as ante.

* Intermittent lockups when collecting a riddle scroll in lairs
have been fixed.

* Spectral Arena encounters now work correctly.

AI Enhancements
* The AI will avoid casting second enchantments on the same target
when they repeat the same effect (such as Flight, etc.).

* The AI will not use Sylvan Library, Greed or other life-spending
cards to kill or nearly kill itself.

* The AI has better logic for using Mind Twist and Twiddle.

* The AI will use Fellwar Stones more intelligently.

* The AI will now activate Island Sanctuary even if the player
doesn't have a wall in play.

* The AI will now use Land Tax correctly.

* The AI will not use Oasis to attempt to prevent damage to itself.

* The AI will use better judgment when paying costs for Power Leak.

* The AI will cast Web on Walls when appropriate.

Card-Specific Fixes
* Preventing damage now prevents side effects of damage (such as
Drain Life, Hypnotic Specter, etc.).

* Triggered effects on casting (such as for Ivory Cup, other lucky
charms and Verduran Enchantress) now resolve before the resolution
of the spell triggering them as they should.

* The combination of Mana Vault, Animated Artifact and Giant
Strength no longer locks the game.

* Smoke or Winter Orb no longer allows illegal cards to be untapped
(such as creatures under a Meekstone, etc.).

* Swords to Plowshares and Ashes to Ashes no longer trigger graveyard
effects (such as for Personal Incarnation).

* Brothers of Fire no longer untap when their ability is used.

* Candelabra of Tawnos now shows the proper "X" value when activated.

* The problem caused by the infinite loop of the Carrion Ants pumping
and then cancelling is now fixed.

* Cave People now correctly reflects Magical Hack in its effect card.

* Counterspell now works consistently for Eye for an Eye, Fireball
and Armageddon.

* Crumble now buries targets correctly.

* Lockups associated with Fellwar Stone have been fixed.

* The AI can no longer target the same target twice with Fireball.

* Gaseous Form is now implemented so that creatures neither deal
nor receive damage.

* Instill Energy can now be used even if the enchanted creature is

* Island Sanctuary can now only be activated once per draw phase.

* Island Sanctuary now correctly reflects Sleight of Mind in its
effect card.

* The crash occuring when the AI had to sacrifice a creature to its
Lord of the Pit has been fixed.

* The AI will no longer be able to sacrifice a Lord of the Pit to

* Manabarbs will no longer do damage while it is being cast.

* Manaflare and Manabarbs only trigger for lands now.

* Strip Mining a Mishra's Factory no longer leaves an invincible
Mishra's Factory in play.

* Enchant Creature cards on an Assembly Worker are now buried when
the Assembly Worker reverts to a Mishra's Factory at the end of the
turn. No effects of the enchantments linger once they are gone.

* Disenchanting an Assembly Worker now destroys it properly.

* The Assembly Worker effect card now has name text.

* The Necropolis of Azaar now has "Husk" counters as the text on the
card indicates instead of "Corpse" counters.

* Power Sink doesn't draw mana from Mishra's Workshop anymore.

* Primal Clay now selects its shape at proper time.

* Psychic Venom now has a targeting prompt.

* The intermittent problem of not being able to use the
Regeneration card has been fixed.

* Reverse Damage no longer counts damage from previous turns.

* Simulacrum is now available during the damage prevention step and
will redirect all damage done to the caster during the current

* Soul Net no longer allows life gain for counterspelled summon

* The counters for Spirit Shackle now appear at the correct time.

* Sunglasses of Urza now handles red mana sources as if they were
white, in addition to handling red mana in the pool this way.

* The prompt for Sylvan Library now correctly says "Pay 4 Life"
instead of "Lose 4 Life."

* Only one counter is now removed from a Tetravus per activation.

* Time Elemental now always damages its controller when assigned as
a blocker.

* If the AI has a Time Walk in its hand, the game no longer puts
"skip turn" hash marks on the Phase Bar.

* Uncle Istvan is no longer invulnerable to some types of non-combat

* Verduran Enchantress no longer triggers on non-enchantments.

* Add Card and Scan Card errors have been largely eliminated.

* Conceding a duel will no longer causes page faults.

* Lockups in the Pre-Combat phase in which the AI ended up in a
thinking loop have been addressed.

* You can no longer tap the AI's lands during its upkeep.

* Creatures statistics refresh correctly in the Main Pre-Combat
phase (such as playing a Castle before the Combat phase).

* The "Assign X damage" prompt in the Advanced layout now displays the
correct damage.

Deck Builder
* You can no longer make decks with token cards in them (such as

* The Statistics screen now counts Birds of Paradise and the Moxes
as correct Mana Types.

* The given rarity information for Amulet of Kroog and Abomination
has been corrected.

* Right shift-clicking to move cards in the Deck Builder is now fixed.

* The Deck Builder now considers basic lands as having the same color
as the color of mana they produce for the purpose of deck stats. (For
example, 5 Islands count as 5 Blue cards.)

* The Next Opponent screen displays the correct name for the next

* The typo in the Next Draw screen has been fixed.

* The random selection of opponents in the Gauntlet is now fixed.

0.6 From the Grapevine

Nothing new, aside from the patch coming out!

0.7 Planned Expansion/Patches

There is one patch and one expansion planned as of right now.

April: OUT! Patch to improve game in all areas. OUT!
December: Expansion planned for multiplayer support.

Other modifications will be made when available.

0.8 Terminology

[p##]: page references for the manual.
Restricted: Out-Of-Print/restricted cards. Only found in dungeons.
{}: Things new to this section.

* 1 - General Shandalar Questions *

Becuase you can't. Read the 'README' file earlier in this FAQ....
Sorry. Microprose had to rearrange things for the new version.

1.1 What are the differences in each level of difficulty?

There are four level of difficulties:
Apprentice, Magician, Sorcerer, and Wizard. [p19]

With each higher level tougher creatures come out earlier,
computer sends out creatures to take towns faster, dungeons/castles
are more populated, and the AI makes less mistakes.

The next sections contain a breakdown the differences in each level of

1.1.1 Apprentice
1 Color deck
250 Gold
50 Food
start with 2 amulets in major color, 1 in all others
Arzakon has 100 life
Minimum deck size 30
Evil wizards have 30 Life

1.1.2 Magician
2 Color Deck
200 Gold
50 Food
Creatures have +2 life
start with ? amulets
Arzakon has 200 life
Minimum deck size 35
Evil wizards have 35 Life

1.1.3 Sorcerer
3 Color Deck
150 Gold
50 Food
Creatures have +4 life
start with ? Amulets
Arzakon has 300 Life
Minimum deck size 40
Evil wizards have 40 Life

1.1.4 Wizard
5 color deck
100 gold
50 food
Creatures have +6 life
start with 1 amulet in picked color
Arzakon has 400 life
Minimum deck size 40
Evil wizards have 45 Life

1.2 When I entered into a Duel, the creature had some special ability!

Sometimes when you start a duel, and decide NOT to pay the creature that
creature might start with some ability. A box appears saying that the
creature HAS a special ability and the computer plays a laugh noise, you
then have to click again to start the duel.

Starts with X in play:
Start with an untapped card already in play. If it is a creature, it does
NOT have summoning sickness.

Mind Control:
Plays with a copy of your deck. Starting hands are exact, but after that
the decks are shuffled differently. Ante still comes from the deck of the
original deck that the monster has, not ante from your copied deck.

"Why don't you try this deck?":
The computer GIVES you a deck to play with, usually a good one. Ante
comes from YOUR deck, NOT from the new deck. I don't know if it is a copy
of the deck that the computer plays with.

Summons a/an X:
You fight a different creature than the one currently fighting. This
happens AFTER choosing to bribe the creature/answer a question.

1.3 Why can't I have 4 cards of the same type in my deck?

In tournament rules, you can have up to 4 duplicates of a single card in
your deck. This is not the same in Shandalar. You can have a particular
amount of card depending on your deck size and if you have the Tome of
Knowledge. [p139]

Cards in Deck Duplicates With Tome
1-19~ 1 2
20-39~ 2 3
40-59 3 4
60-500 4 Unlimited.

~Depending on the level that you start on, basic lands will be inserted
to get your deck to the minimum deck size required.

With the Tome and 60+ cards, you can create any 'degenerate' decks you
want. A degenerate deck is one with more than 4 of a single type of

1.4 How can I switch decks?

When editing your deck in a town/village if you click either of the
other deck buttons, then you then use that deck in the next duel. ALWAYS
remember that the last deck you clicked on is the deck that you fight
with. If you use an empty deck then it will be filled with basic lands,
and you can't win until you get back to a town or edit your deck. You
can tell the size of the deck you are using by looking at the book icon
in the lower section of the screen it has two number. One of them is the
size of the current deck, the other is the total cards you own. If you
are using an empty deck it will show 0/XIX, where XIX is the number of
cards you own.

Note: The Black World Magic lets you edit your deck at any time, except
when dueling. You cannot sell your cards when using it though.

1.5 Why do the cards I can purchase change in towns when I load?

Oddly enough, when you save a game, then quit, and reload the game
the villages have different cards for sale. I don't know why the game
designers decided to do this. I'm going to ask them some questions
about this.

1.6 How can I turn off the animation?

{ The Patch makes it easier to turn off all animations.

Help: How can you do this with the new patch? }

1.7 Where do these extra lands come from?

If you have a deck with less than the minimum amount of cards for your
difficulty level, then during a duel the computer throws in basic
lands into your deck to bring you to the minimum amount. After the
duel is over, the computer removes those extra lands. To fix this
problem, just bring the number of cards back to the required amount.
(see 1.4)

Note: This only works in Shandalar. This has no effect in the Duel

1.8 How come the computer never antes Restricted cards?

Note: According to Beth Moursund, the creatures SHOULD ante
Restricted cards, so this might get fixed in the upcoming patch.

1.9 Why don't I ante basic lands?

Basic lands are too weak a card to ante. In fact, you can actually LOSE
the game if you only have basic lands in your deck!

1.10 What kind of quests can I go on?

There are three types of quests.
Deliver a message - Just walk to the town.
Deliver a card - Bring a card of a certain type to the town.
(Red Sorcery, Colorless Creature, Blue land)
When you arrive at the town, you lose a random
card from the types that you own. If you don't
currently own that type of card you must find
Defeat a Creature - You must find and kill a creature. (see 1.11)

There are four prizes for completing a quest
Gain 1 or more amulets
Gain a mana link
Gain an amulet and a mana link
Pick a card of a certain type

The first three prizes come from villages, while towns only give the
fourth prize.

1.11 I've been given a quest to defeat a creature. Where is it?

Unfortunately, these quests just want you to find and defeat a
creature of that type. It does not have a particular creature in mind.
This means that you have to go to the terrain of that color and wait
until you find a creature of that type.

Another problem is that you might not know what type of color that
creature is!

NOTE: the creature should already be around the area of the town in
the correct terrain type.

1.12 What happens if I fail a quest?

You cannot get quests from that town/village any more.

1.13 What do these Wise Men do?

If you are currently on a quest, you can talk to the wise men in
the villages/towns. On the rare occasion you will get a nice gift. The
following is a listing of what you can get from wise men.

1. A story (taken from the introduction) There are about 5 of these..
2. +2 lives in the next duel
3. A dungeon clue
4. A deck of a creature from a particular color
5. Tell you where a world magic is.
6. Give you a card for the next duel.

1.14 Why do the prices change for cards?

It seems that each town or village has a different rate for cards.
There are 6 different types of cards: the 5 colors and colorless. Each
card has a fixed rate, for example, basic lands are 20 gold. The
easiest way to find out the rate at which a color is going for is to
attempt to sell a basic land when you are editing you deck at that
town/village. Here is a short table which I think works.

Rate Land Price Colorless Land
---- ---------- --------------
50% 10 50
75% 15 75
100% 20 100
150% 25 125
200% 30 150

Usually Towns have a higher rate than villages. It also seems that the
buying price is exactly the same as the selling price.
I don't know if table is correct. It seems like the colorless land
prices are not right at all. Also, the card prices are rounded to the
nearest 5 gold.

Note: You can combine this knowledge with the Negative Card Bug. Go to
a village where the rate for that card is 50% and sell -50 of that
card. Then go to a town where the rate is 200% and sell those cards.
Instant Free Cash!

Note: Beth Moursund says that there should be a difference between the
buying price and the selling price, but I've never seen a difference.

1.15 How can you get advantages from creatures?

Sometimes after defeating a creature you can get an advantage or a
disadvantage. Exactly how to get this is hard to nail down. It seems
that you need to lose only a little bit of life, or kill the creature
as fast as possible. I assumed that if you took combat damage, then
you didn't get an advantage when you won. Sometimes I did get an
advantage when I took combat damage.

Here are a few of the advantages:

{ Won an Amulet: Receive one amulet of the color of the creature
+X Lives: Between 1 and 5, depending on both the level or the
Pick a card from my Deck: Displays the opponents deck and you get the
pick one card from his hand.
Duplicate Card: The computer lets you pick one card to duplicate in
your deck. This is one of two ways to get additional Restricted cards.
A few of the more powerful high powered blue creatures give this to
you. (Sorceror, Elementalist, Mind Stealer, or Shapeshifter)
You get a card in the next duel: You start with a card in play in the
next duel. If it is a creature, then it starts with out summoning
sickness. Usually given by the lower level creatures.
Teleport: The Winged Pegasus randomly Teleports you to a location on the
map, like using the Leap Of Fate world magic.

If you leave a dungeon/castle, advantages given to you from the dice in a
dungeon/castle are GONE. You can bring advantages into a dungeon or a
castle just fine.

It appears that what advantage you get is creature specific, If you get
an advantage, send them to me. I'll add them to the list. }

1.16 Ak! I got a disadvantage from a creature instead of an advantage!

On the higher difficulties you can get disadvantages instead of normal
advantages. I have only see two types of disadvantages.

-X Lives in the next Duel
Life Carries over the the next duel (like in dungeons)

1.17 How can I find Dungeons?

You can gain information about dungeons from creatures, Wise Men, or from
Lairs. Three clues are given for each dungeon, the position on the map, what
size/color of creatures it contains, and what effects are in play for the
given dungeon.

1.18 I left a dungeon because I was low on life, and now it's gone!?

If you do not get all the cards from the dungeon, then it moves to a
random location on the map. To find it again, you have to get another
dungeon clue for that dungeon.

In a Castle, the wizard just gets annoyed and sends a creature to take
a town.

1.19 Help! I can't bring in White cards into this dungeon!

At the more difficult levels, you might not be able to bring a type of
card or a certain color into a dungeon. This is very very annoying.

1.20 So what are the restrictions of Castles/Dungeons?

Each dungeon/castle will have one card in play when you enter a duel.
This card is an enchantment of the color of the dungeon/castle or
non-creature artifact without upkeep. There will also be an additional
effect on high levels that forbid you from bringing in certain types
of cards.

Note: If a dungeon forbids a certain type of card (like fast effects,
or white) then it forbids you from drawing that type of card from your
deck. BUT if that brings your deck below the minimum required for your
level it does not fill your deck up to the minimum with basic lands.

1.21 What are these dice things in the Castles/Dungeons?

There are four major events in dungeons/castles.

1) Creatures
The dungeon will give you a clue as to what the dungeon/castle
is populated by, this can be either large or small creatures of a given
color. The higher levels have more creatures. You do NOT get ante from
creatures in dungeons, and if you lose a duel in the dungeon you lose
your ante card AND get booted from the dungeon/castle. If you are in a
dungeon, and you did not get all the Restricted cards from the dungeon, then
the dungeon moves to a random location on the map.

2) Treasure chests
Treasure chests either hold Restricted cards or gold+amulets. In
castles there are NO Restricted cards.

3) Dice
These dice are give either advantages or disadvantages for the
next duel ONLY in the current dungeon/castle. If you get an advantage
and then leave, you lose the advantage. On the apprentance level you can
never get a disadvantage from dice. On higher levels you might get a

There are two types of advantages
1) +X lives. This is additive(?) you get to keep this live
while in the dungeon/castle. In dungeons where life carries over, this
is necessary. the easier levels give you around 3-4, while the harder
ones give 1-2.
2) Start with a card. This can be anything from creatures, to
mana sources. On easier levels the cards given are usually powerful
creatures, while the harder levels give weaker creatures or moxes/mana

There is one type of disadvantage
1) -X lives.

NOTE: if you leave the dungeon/castle any -vantanges you have are GONE.
You can bring -vantages into a dungeon or a castle just fine.

4) Scrolls
Scrolls are question given based on the cards in the game. If
the question is wrong, a creature appears in its place. On the easier
levels the questions have 5 possible choices, while harder ones usually
have more choices. NOTE: question take into account ONLY the starting
abilities of a creature. Goblin Balloon Brigade does not have flying for
the purposes of the scroll.

Examples of questions
1) which of these creatures has flying ability?
2) What special ability does this creature have?
3) what is the casting cost/power/toughness of this creature?

1.22 What are Lairs?

Lairs are one of five different buildings that appear on the world map.
All you need to do is walk onto the lair and you get the prize in question.
'named' areas are lairs that put up a dialog box that say something
like 'You Found a Thieves Hideout!'.

Unnamed areas:
Gain one land of the appropriate color (island/plains...etc)
Gain a card of the appropriate color (usually a rare)
Gain an artifact

Named areas: Sometimes you can also gain a card or artifact from these.
Thieves Hideout: +500 Gold
Oasis of Mouldoon: Trade a card in your deck for +5 lives in the
next duel
Ruined Tower: Gain a Dungeon Clue.
Diamond Mine: trade random amulets for cards.
Gem Cutter Guild: Buy amulets for 200 gold each.
Guardian Ghost: Trade a random amulet for a look at a random color
Spectral Arena: Duel a creature for rare/astral cards.
Lost City of El'Arkan: Gain 1 amulet of each color
Nomad's Bazaar: Purchase cards at normal cost.

The Lost City and Thieves Hideout have a chance of taking gold/amulets
depending on the level of difficulty.

1.23 What are World Magics?

There are two types of World Magics: Usable and Permanent. Usable
require at least one magic amulet to use, while Permanent are always
in effect. You can purchase World Magics in towns for in between
150-600 gold. You can get knowledge for where the World Magics are by
leaving towns that do not have world magics, or from wise men. You can
purchase these world magics by leaving the town. As you leave, you are
prompted to purchase the world magic.

There are 12 different world magics in the game:

Usable*: [p26]
Conjurer's Will: Risk one black amulet to edit your deck in the
open. You cannot sell your cards.(400 Gold)
Leap of Fate: Risk one blue amulet to teleport to a random
location.(300 Gold)
Quickening: Risk one green amulet to double your land speed.
(300 Gold)
Thunderstaff: Risk one red amulet to banish one creature in the
open. (500 Gold)
Sword of Restance: Risk one white amulet to teleport to a town
that is under siege. (400 Gold)

Slight of Hand: Switch Ante ONCE before duel. (500 Gold)
Tome of Knowledge: Increases the amount of duplicates cards in
your deck by one. (400 Gold) (see 1.3)
Haggler's Coin: Increases the amount of cards sold in
towns/villages. (500 Gold)
Fruit of Sustance: In Forests, you gain food instead of losing
food. (300 Gold)
Dwarven's Pick: Move faster in Mountains. (150 Gold)
Amulet of Swampwalk: Move faster in Swamps. (150 Gold)
Ring of the Guardian: Wizards need 5 mana taps to win. (600 Gold)

*Note: The Usable World Magics Have "Risk an amulet" because there is
a chance that the world magic will consume an amulet. The higher the
difficulty the greater the chance that an amulet will be used.

1.24 There are Invisible creatures?

Yes, I was informed by Beth Moursund, that some creatures have the
ability to be invisible.

1.25 What's a good way to beat a dungeon?

Explore *every* darkened opening, do NOT run into any symbols
(creatures, dice, etc.) except treasure chests :-). Map as much as
you can. Watch for intersections on the map, it is difficult to see
the "cross streets" sometimes. Take every possible path you can,
without running into the symbols. With luck, you will see a few
treasure chests in the distance, behind creatures. Go back and grab
dice until you find a decent effect, but don't take all the dice. You
should have discovered a large amount of dice when you were mapping.
Don't use all the dice, because you might need an unused dice to
replace a bad effect you got from a previous dice. Now, fight the
creatures directly in the way of the treasure chest.
If you don't see a treasure, they're usually hidden at the edge of the
map. Look at the black unexplored areas. Choose what looks like the
weakest creature blocking the largest unexplored area. Fight as
before. Always choose the weakest creature to fight that is guarding
unexplored area.

Never fight a creature unless it is blocking your way, and you need to
fight it to continue. Never fight a creature unless you are
powered-up by dice effects, unless you have used up all the dice.
Prefer creatures leading towards the edge of the map, and creatures
with large amounts of unexplored space behind them. The key here is
to find the OOP cards, grab them, and leave, before you get killed, so
you must minimize the amount of fighting you do (especially with life
losses carrying over).

JoSH Lehan
* 2 - The Duel *
2.1 Help! I shrunk the Combat/Spell Resolution boxes! Where are they?

You can shrink the Combat/Spell Resolution boxes just like normal
windows. When shrunken, icons appear on the left side of the screen in
the divider between the playing area and information section (where
the mana pool/life area is). The combat screen looks like a sword, and
the Spell Resolution box looks like a star.

2.2 Does the Computer know what cards are in your deck?

NO! The computer only knows what is in play, and the PRIMARY color that
you use in your deck. The AI does not cheat.

The computer DOES know your primary color, and has a sideboard of 2-5
cards (depending on the creature) that it inserts into its deck.

The sideboard has no effect outside of Shandalar.

2.3 How can I band correctly?

To band, just attack with all NON banders first, then attack with the
banders. When attacking with a bander you have a choice of banding it
with a current attacker, or if you don't want to band with another creature
just click 'Done'.

2.4 How do I use stops?

Stop are makers to tell the computer not to continue when the end of
that phase is reached. At that time you can use optional effects. To
place or remove stops, right click on the phase you want to add a stop

The best places to use stops are in the following places:

Your Draw Phase: For Sylvan Library
Your Upkeep Phase: For cards that have optional upkeep, and to use
the Upkeep Bug.
Opponents Pre-Combat Phase: for Strip Mine
Opponents Discard Phase: for anything you want to do before your

2.5 What are mulligans?

Originally 'Mulligans' where a widely accepted house rule. In 5th
edition and this game it works like this.

Both players draw seven cards. A mulligan can be declared by a player
if they have either all land, or no land in their initial seven card
draw. If a mulligan is declared, both players may choose to
'take a mulligan' and draw seven new cards. After that initial
mulligan, no more mulligans may be declared. Even if that new draw
produces a mulligan.

Note: as stated above, if Player A gets a mulligan and opts to take
the mulligan. Player B may mulligan also, just to get a different
initial hand.

2.6 Does the Computer cheat?

{ According to CoyoteTex, the computer does NOT cheat. It does not know what
particular cards are in your deck, or in your hand. It only knows what is
in play. Nothing more.

NOTE: This is also true for Sinbad. The computer does not know when land
cards are coming next, nor does it force the Sinbad draw to be a

2.7 How do I use cards that don't HAVE to untap?

{ Cards like Tawnos's Weaponry give you the option of untapping to remove
the effects of the artifact. To untap this card, place a stop on your
untap phase. When your untap occurs, it will prompt you with "Untap
Effects? DONE?". To untap the card, just click on the card, other click
done to keep the card tapped. }

* 3 - Bugs and 'features' *
* *
* NOTE: I will only keep track of bugs for the current version of the game. *
3.1 Shandalar Bugs
3.1.1 Memory Leak Bug

There is a memory leak that only happens on machines running the older
version of the kernel. If the machine slows down after playing the game,
download the kernel update from the Windows 95 homepage.

3.1.2 Sound Always There Bug

Music and sounds can not be turned off via the menu in the deck
editor in Shandalar.
Note: See TIPS section on how to turn off sounds.

3.1.3 No Profit Bug

It seems that there is not a difference in the selling vs. buying price
of cards in the game. According to Beth Moursund, there should be a
difference depending on the level of difficulty.

3.1.4 "No Fast Effects" Bug

When you enter a dungeon on higher difficulties, some of them forbid a
certain type of card. The game does this by preventing you from
drawing that type of card. Unfortunately, if you have a 60 card deck
and 50 of them are illegal, then you are playing with a 10 card deck.
The computer will not add basic lands to your deck to bring it to a

3.1.5 Confused Quest Bug

If you kill a wizard, sometimes you can get a quest to kill a creature
of the color that has been banished.

3.1.6 Quest Scroll Bug

Sometimes during quests, the quest displayed is incorrect.

3.1.7 Journal/Stats Stops Working Bug

This bug still exists from version 1.0. Basically, both the Journal and
the stats stop working when you enter a dungeon for the first time.

3.1.8 Tribute Bug

After obtaining Tribute from a particular creature, the next time you
encounter that creature, you are again offered to get Tribute, but instead
you go into a duel.

3.2 Duel Bugs
3.2.2 Never Ending Upkeep Bug

If you die during upkeep from cards like wanderlust, the duel does not
end. There is no way around this once it happens.

3.2.3 The "Sid" Bug

While playing in a duel, you may get an "Assertion Error" from the
duel, the error box says:

"File->g:\NewMagic\Sources\sid\Minit.c, Line 1598"
"AddCard Error"
"Please call MPS Customer Support 1-510-522-1163"

You will have to click this box multiple times. After about 10 or so
boxes, the game usually proceeds normally. More Sid Bugs usually
appear more frequently until the game is exited and reloaded

NOTE: The "Sid" bug is a generic bug, it can happen from multiple
situations. In the new patch, this bug is MUCH rarer.

3.2.5 Trampling Spirit Link

Spirit Link has a bunch of problems. It does not give life from some
non-combat damages. Also if you with a trampling spirit linked creatures
extra life is added. For instance if you attack with a 6/6 trampling,
spirit linked creature, and it is blocked by a 2/2. The computer assignes
6 damage to the 2/2 blocked creature, and 6 life is added to the controller
of the trampler. Then 4 damage is assigned to the controller of the
blocking creature (due to trampling). From this 4 damage to the controller,
ANOTHER 4 life is given. Therefore double life is assigned on the damage
that spills through the trample.

3.3 A.I. Bugs

In general, there are times when the A.I. can do illegal things, like
casting spells into the graveyard with no valid targets, casting spells
on creatures that are not in play, and then cast the creature.

3.4 Card specific Bugs (In Alphabetical Order)
NOTE: * represents bugs I am not 100% assured of yet.

Aladdin's Lamp: Casting cost is 1. It is incorrect.

Animate Dead: Cannot be used to get creatures from opponents graveyard,
but the computer uses it correctly.

Apprentice Wizard: Cannot be used during an interrupt phase.

Assembly Worker: Listed in the Deck Builder, but you may not use it as
a card during the duel.

Black Mana Battery: Cannot be tapped when casting a card.

Control Magic: If you target this on of your creatures, the machine locks.

Gem Bazaar: Does not change mana color if tapped during opponents turn.

Flight: Cannot target fliers or Assembly Workers.

Hurkyl's Recall: If you recall a pump artifact (like Tawnos's Weaponry)
then the effect does not go away if the artifact is effecting a

Laces: You can lace Effect Cards. Like "Power Up Effect" from Tawnos's
Weaponry. The cards do not change colors, but they are valid targets!

Library of Alexandria: Seems to have problems if the hand size goes above
seven. If it gets above 7 then it can never be tapped to draw a card at
when there are 7 cards in hand.

Magical Hack: Does not show the modified text on the card that was Hacked
the worked in version 1.0, but it is broken now.

Rainbow Knights: You can only use the first strike option once. After that
initial usage, you cannot use it again.

Slight of Mind: You cannot slight creatures that have 'protection from
color' on their card. If you do slight them, the protection does not
change how it is supposed to. I don't not know if this bug exists
when a Ward is slighted.

Spirit Link: Only works for combat damage. It does not work for damage
from upkeep (Lord of the Pit), Fast Effects (Prodigal Sorcerer), or
Legacy Effects (Nafs Asp)

Visions: Locks up the machine in version 1.1. DO NOT USE THIS CARD.

Volcanic Eruption: Creatures killed still do not go to the graveyard. This
bug existed in version 1.0.

Wild Growth: A Wild Growthed Oasis generates 1 green mana when tapped to
prevent damage.

3.5 Problems/Limitations
3.5.1 500 maximum cards/80 unique limitation

You cannot have more than 500 cards in a deck, or more than 80 different
cards in the deck that you are loading. In the patch it fixes this problem
you can't have more than 500 cards, but you get warning before this

3.5.2 Mixed up authors

In version 1.1, The authors get mixed up if the last name is past 'L'.
For instance Tom Wõnerstrand's cards now show 'Unknown'.

3.6 NOT a bug
3.6.1 Nafs Asp

The Legacy Effect of a Nafs Asp stays UNTIL you pay the 1 mana to
remove it. It does not go away on it's own at the end of the turn.

* 4 - Cards *
4.1 What is the Astral Set?

There are 12 cards in the astral set. I will give the spoilers for these
cards and also give a tiny bit of strategy for them.

Call From the Grave, 2B, Sorcery
Random creature is selected from either player's graveyard, and
brought into play. Caster then loses X life where X is the casting cost
of the raised creature.
Strategy: seemingly useless, its loss of life is harsh. If you need a
creature, animate dead is better.

Prismatic Dragon, 2WW, Summon Dragon (2/3)
Becomes a random color during upkeep
1: Target color becomes permanent
Strategy: Great for getting around most CoP's. It's random color ability
is very useful against anti color decks.

Knights of the Rainbow Vale, WW, Summon Knights (2/2)
Gains a protection from a random color when brought into play
1: gain first strike until end of turn
WW: add +0-2/+0 until end of turn.
Strategy: Great pumping ability, although not as cheap as a White Knight,
the Knights outweigh having to pump first strike with the chance for
extra power. Good against most decks due to random protection.

Pandora's Box, 5, Artifact
3+tap: Brings a token creature randomly selected from each players deck
into control of both players.
Strategy: Great for large creature decks. I think creatures come into
play untapped, even if they don't normally do. Useful before blocking to
get a creature to block with.

Whimsy, XUU, Sorcery
Produce X random fast effects
Strategy: Good for a few laughs. Likes to produce the Hive and Bottle of
Suliman Effects more than others.

Faerie Dragon, 2GG, Summon Dragon (1/3)
1GG: Produce a random fast effect
Strategy: Rather useless card, mostly because the fast effects usually
target your cards. There seems to be more bad fast effects than good

Goblin Polka Band, RR, Summon Goblins (1/1)
X+T: tap X random creatures. If Goblins are tapped in this way
they do not untap as normal during their next phase.
Strategy: Good for using BEFORE the opponents combat, or before yours
just to see what gets tapped. Generally a useful card. This card can tap
itself, and if it does so it does not untap next turn, due to the fact
that it is a goblin.

Power Struggle, 2XUU, Enchantment
Swap either lands, creatures, or artifacts between players
during any upkeep (see Bugs)
Strategy: totally chaotic card. Artifact Creatures seems to be the worst
off, being that they are both artifacts AND creatures. Be sure that your
lands are tapped and when Power Struggle activates, it could swap a land
for the opponents. Note that if it chooses to swap a type of card that
one player does not control, nothing happens.

Aswan Jaguar, 1GG, Summon Jaguar (2/2)
When put into play pick a random type of creature that they player has
in deck or graveyard.
GG+T: kill a creature in play of the type that Jaguar is hunting.
Strategy: Most useful of the Astral Cards, save the Necropolis. Works
well in groups.

Orcish Catapult, XRR, Instant
Distribute X -1/0 counters to random creatures of target player.
Strategy: Another useful card, great for generally weakening the opponents

Gem Bazaar, Land
T: add a random color to controllers mana pool (see bugs)
Strategy: Useful in multiple color decks

Necropolis of Azar, 2BB, Enchantment
Whenever a creature goes to the graveyard from play add a Counter to
Necropolis. (see bugs)
5+remove a counter: Put into play a spawn Token into play on
controllers side. a Spawn Token is a black creature having a power and
toughness randomly picked between 1 and 3.
Strategy: Wonderful card, a little expensive to bring into play and use.

4.2 What expansions are in Magic: The Gathering?

The only 'expansions' that can be used in this game are the Astral Set
and the Restricted cards, (and 4th Edition)

From the files in the directory (see 5.4) There are some following card
sets already set up: Alpha/Beta/Unlimited, Arabian Nights, Antiquities,
Legends, and the Dark. The plans to add other expansions are yet unknown.

4.3 Where are the Multi-Lands?

The Multi-lands are not in Magic the Gathering because they were
removed from the 4th edition set, and they are not considered

4.4 I can't use this card properly!

Certain cards are difficult to use with the interface. Here is an easy
method to properly use these cards. The interface DOES NOT stop for
some optional effects during Draw or Upkeep.

4.4.1 Land Tax

First put a lock on your Upkeep phase. If you have fewer lands in play
than your opponent, Land Tax will have the name of the card in yellow.
Click on Land Tax to draw 3 basic lands from your deck.

4.4.2 Shapeshifter

The computer does not prompt you every upkeep to change the
shapeshifter's power/toughness. To do this you must put a lock on
Upkeep BEFORE the turn you want to change the power/toughness. During
Upkeep, click on the shapeshifter.

4.4.3 Sylvan Library

When your draw phase rolls around, you will get the face down card in your
hand (with the orange line:draw a card) and your Sylvan Library should
have a yellow name now, indicating that it can be used currently.

Do not click DONE!

Click on the face down card, indicating that you want to use your normal
draw. The game will ask for fast effects, you decline and the card will
appear in your hand face up.
Now click on the Sylvan Library, two cards will appear in your hand and
you will be prompted which of the three cards you want to put back/pay life.

Ingo Warnke
4.5 Are there any hidden cards?

Yes. There are in fact... Taking a look at the files (see FILES) shows
that extra astral cards exist.

There are 9 Land Cards hidden in the game:
Red Guild, Blue Guild, White Guild, Green Guild, Black Guild,
Artificer's Guild, Bright Society, Grey Society, and Dark Society.

I know that the Guilds are for multiplayer, and I assume the Societies
are also.

There are 4 'other' cards in the same section:
Gladiator, Master, Royalty, and Veteran.

Also included is the 5 cards for the MTG books:
Arena, Mana Crypt, Nalathni Dragon, Sewers of Estark, Windseeker
Centaur, and Giant Badger.

Finally, there are some very strange cards!
MPS Logo, Across The Rhine, CivNet, Terror from the Deep (24/24
Creature!), and World Card!

I don't know how to get these cards, or if they are ever going to be
made playable.

* 5 - Everything else, and the Kitchen Sink. *
5.1 Tips

1) To turn off the sound in the duel (it goes faster) Rename the directory
DuelSounds to something else. To remove unnecessary overland sound
files, go to the Sounds directory and change all but following files:
rwalkl.wav, rwalkr.wav, bwalkl.wav, bwalkr.wav, kwalkl.wav,
kwalkr.wav, gwalkl.wav, gwalkr.wav, wwalkl.wav, wwalkr.wav.

Don't delete the files just incase there are other files needed,

2) Playing without the CD in the drive will reduce the number of crashes.
This is also the only way to turn off the music.

3) When more creatures are involved in an attack than can fit in the attack
window, you can use the white rat on the bone pile in the middle of the
attack window to scroll right/left.

5.2 Quirks in the game

You cannot receive Mana Batteries or Celestial Prisms from the selection
screen in towns or from certain lairs..

What are Unique colorless cards? (Gem Bazaar?) Why is it there when
purchasing/receiving cards?

If the computer starts with a Keldon Warlord already in play, and they do
NOT go first, then the Keldon Warlord starts in the graveyard.

5.3 That Wacky A.I.

The AI in general does lots of very strange, and sometimes illegal things.
Here is just a tiny sampling of interesting things it does.

Computer will pump creatures for 0 mana multiple times.

Computer will tap Mishra's Factory to get the mana to turn itself into
a creature .

Computer does not see Mishra's Factories or pumpable blockers as
potential block material. Instead it will go on attacking willy nilly.

Computer can't handle having two mana vaults in play. If one is tapped
and the other is not a strange thing happens. It sees that it can untap a
mana vault. So to save land, it tap a mana vault for 3 and one land for
a total of four mana. It uses that mana to untap the vault. Then it
checks again as sees that there still is another mana vault tapped. It
does this until it is out of land. The net result is that the computer
has no untapped lands, one tapped mana vault, one untapped vault, and 1

Computer will destroy an enchantment just to cast another of the same

Computer will activate fast effects on cards that he has not casted yet.
The cards will be cast during his turn though. (example: computer used
Tawnos's Wand on an El-Hajjaj when there was no creature of that type in
play. After the effect resolves the computer casts the El-Hajjaj, and
the effect is on the card when it enters play)

Computer does not seem to know how to use Stone Giant properly. It
attempts to use it on random permenants, which fail.

Computer can cast enchantments on his graveyard...

5.4 the files in the game

master.csv holds the artist name, rule text and quote for all the cards.
NOTE: this file is not correct for some of the Astral cards! Is this
file even used?

legacy.csv holds the 'legacy' effect cards generate when they are used or
go to the graveyard.

info.csv has the type, color, expansion, and casting cost of the cards.

There is one more .csv file, but it looks like garbage. Here is the format

0 1 59
a b c

a) this is the ID of the cards that are valid in this version of magic.

b) I have no idea, it ranges from 1 to 3.

c) I also have no idea, it might be an offset from a file for data or
picture information. It's probably for cards.dat.

Here is a breakdown of the cards.
cards 0-291 are Alpha/Beta/Unlimited cards. They have been fixed for 5th
292-390 are cards from the Dark Expansion.
391-465 are cards from the Arabian Nights Expansion.
466-550 are cards from the Antiquities expansion.
551-859 are cards from the Legends expansion.
860-871 are the 12 Astral Cards.
873-884 are unknown cards.
885-892 are token creatures.
893-898 are cards from the 'book' expansion
899-929 are null cards.
930-952 are duplicates of cards, probably used for testing.
953 is the MPS LOGO card. It is a 0 casting cost artifact.
954-959 are null cards.
960-962 are 'program' cards. If you have Across the Rhine, CivNet, or
X-Com Terror of the Deep then these cards might activate.
963 is the World Card. What is it?
964-997 are null cards.
998-1249 are legacy effect cards.

* 6 - Version Control *
6.1 What's New in this FAQ?

Most of the new information concerns the new patch. The only things that
are NOT new is section 4, and parts of section 1.

6.2 Old Versions

1.3 [upcoming] will contain bugs from the patch.
1.2 FAQ for the new patch. Includes ALL fixes/problems from the Patch.
1.1 Fixed:
1.6 Removing CD to turn off animations
1.15 Teminalogy
1.24 Added New Section.
1.25 Added New Section.
3.1 Got the right page for the memory leak bug. Added new
3.1 Modified No Stats Bug, added new bug
3.2 Added new Bug
3.4 Morale not a bug, added Mana Flare.
3.6 Added new section.
changed OOP to Restricted, makes more sence.
1.0 Added Section 6 and send it out on the Internet.
0.3a Added sections 3 through 5
0.2a Added sections 1 and 2
0.1a Just a quick hack. Only had bugs.

Have questions? Want to see something in this FAQ? Mail me at

-Dana Huyler

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