Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8, The

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8, The

18.10.2013 07:38:40
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 (PC VERSION) Endings FAQ, ver. 1.06
by Douglas Lee (douglaswlee-at-netscape-dot-net) -- 19 January 2004

There is a total of 46 endings for RTK8. Each ending is dependent on the
primary condition, which is what rank you have in your empire (e.g.
liege, regional commander, prefect, officer, or ronin). There are also
other factors involved in the ending, including your stance on the Han
Emperor (support it or banish it), your fame (and infamy), as well as
some other minor conditions.

* *
* Please note: I am not able to answer any emailed questions about RTK *
* so please do not email me. Sorry. *
* *

Version history
v1.06 - Spelling fixes.
v1.05 - Made a minor correction, adding a bit more description to Liege
Ending #3
v1.04 - Just cleaned up some messes; no additions made
v1.03 - No additions made - I am not accepting any email questions, re: RTK
games. Sorry, I simply don't have the time to give personal attention
to email questions about this topic, so please use the message board.
v1.02 - Minor correction in grammar
v1.01 - Minor corrections in spelling
v1.0 - Original draft

Some legal technicalities
"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" series is (c) 2002-2003 Koei Games
( No copyright infringement intended. This
document should be found exclusively on, at Sanguo ONline
(, and at Kongming's Archives
( You may use and/or print this document for PERSONAL
USE ONLY. You may NOT put this on your site or use it to make a profit. I am
NOT interested in having this or any other FAQ of mine published at another
website at this time. Do not distribute this document, or alter it in any
shape or form. Thank you.

This FAQ is copyright (c) 2003-2004 Douglas Lee.



1. Unite China with the Restoration of the House of Han.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-you support the Han Dynasty
-you are willing to continue the Han Dynasty
-you are a Liu (e.g. in the line of Liu Bei, Liu Biao, etc.) or you
have married Hu Ji

2. Allow your kingdom to open business with the Western Kingdom and create
a peaceful dynasty.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-you support the Han Dynasty
-you are willing to continue the Han Dynasty
-you are not a Liu and you haven't married Hu Ji

3. You want to get all of the Western Kingdom's wealth, but you decide to
go undercover. You also insist the Han Emperor give you his title.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-you have manipulated the Han Emperor

4. Although you united China, people still have a difficult life because
of the riots occur here and there (worst ending).
-your infamy is more than 1000


1. As the Commander who did the most to unite China, your Emperor invites
you to take the rank of Prince (best ending).
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame and deeds are 20000 or above
-your fame must be the highest among all the other commanders, warlords,
and officers
-your friendship with your emperor is at intimate or trusted friend
-your friendship with 1/3 of your faction's officers is good or higher
-you participated in 10 or MORE battles, winning AT LEAST 90%
-of the battles you participated in, you captured AT LEAST 6 cities
-all the cities under your command must reach 80% development

2. Your Emperor invites you to take the title of Regent Marshal.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame and deeds are 15000 or above
-you participated in 10 or MORE battles, winning AT LEAST 90%

3. You revolutionize the Chinese military doctrines to better prepare the
country against barbarian attack.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame and deeds is 15000 or above
-you participated in 10 or MORE battles, winning LESS than 90%

4. You resign as a Commander and write a book about your adventures.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame and deeds are 15000 or above
-you participated in FEWER than 10 battles

5. Your Emperor orders you to attack the Western Kingdom.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame OR deeds are below 15000
-you participated in 10 or MORE battles, winning AT LEAST 90%

6. You volunteer to be sent to govern the Western Kingdom.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds are below 15000
-you participated in FEWER than 10 battles
of the battles you participated in, you won LESS than 90%

7. You unite China and begin to make new arrangements of the military
structure because you are afraid of local riots.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds are below 15000
-you participated in FEWER than 10 battles
of the battles you participated in, you won LESS than 90%
-all the cities under your command did NOT reach 80% mark development
-you own 2 or FEWER treasured items

8. You collected all the treasured items.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds are below 15000
-you participated in FEWER than 10 battles
of the battles you participated in, you won LESS than 90%
-all the cities under your command did NOT reach 80% mark development
-you own 2 or MORE treasured items

9. You betray your Emperor and begin series of riots (worst ending).
-your infamy is above 1000


1. Although you had left your Emperor after he united China, he still asks
you to be his Prime Minister (best ending).
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your friendship with your emperor is at intimate or trusted friend
-your friendship with 1/3 of the other officers under your emperor is at
good friend or higher
-your fame is 15000 or above, and the highest among all Warlords
-your deeds is 15000 or above
-you participated in 10 or MORE battles, winning AT LEAST 90%

2. You leave your Emperor and write a book on the military.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame and deeds are 10000 or above
-you participated in 10 or MORE battles, winning AT LEAST 90%

3. You leave your Emperor and write a history book.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame and deeds are 10000 or above
-you participated in FEWER than 10 battles, winning LESS than 90%
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities is
20 or higher

4. You leave your Emperor, live in the wild, and begin a meditation with
the intent to become a mystic.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame and deeds are 10000 or above
-you participated in FEWER than 10 battles, winning LESS than 90%
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities is
LESS than 20

5. You resign as a Warlord, and begin a normal life of farming.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or deeds are below 10000
-you own 2 or fewer treasured items

6. You collected all the treasured items.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or deeds are below 10000
-you own more than than 2 treasured items

7. When the Emperor is not around, you begin a coup and conquer the palace
(worst ending).
-your infamy is more than 1000

1. Your Emperor invites you to take the title of Regional Commander (best
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your friendship with your emperor is at intimate or trusted friend
-your fame is 15000 or above, and the highest among all Prefects
-your deeds is 15000 or above
-you participated in 10 or MORE battles, winning AT LEAST 90%
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities is
20 or higher

2. Your Emperor orders you to defend the northern border against barbarian
-you are a military officer (i.e. your Pol stat is less than your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds are below 15000
-but both your fame and your deeds are 10000 or above
-you participated in 10 or MORE battles, winning AT LEAST 90%

3. You develop a new military weapon.
-you are a military officer (i.e. your Pol stat is below than your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds are below 15000
you participated in FEWER than 10 battles
of the battles you participated in, you won LESS than 90%
-you own 2 or fewer treasured items

4. You construct a massive canal system.
-you are a civil officer (i.e. your Pol stat is above your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds are below 10000
in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities
is 20 or higher

5. You govern your city with excellence and become a famous prefect.
-you are a civil officer (i.e. your Pol stat is above your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame and your deeds are 10000 or above
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities
is 20 or higher

6. You collected all the treasured items.
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds are below 10000
-you own at least 2 treasured items
-if you are a military officer:
> your fame or your deeds are below 10000
you participated in FEWER than 10 battles
of the battles you participated in, you won LESS than 90%
-if you are a civil officer:
> your fame and deeds are 10000 or above
> in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6
facilities is 20 or higher

7. You rebel against your Emperor, inciting riots (worst ending).
-your infamy is above 1000

1. Your Emperor invites you to take the title of Minister of the Interior
(best ending).
-you are a civil officer (i.e. your Pol stat is above your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your friendship with your emperor is at intimate or trusted friend
-your fame is 10000 or above, and the highest among all civil officers
-your deeds is 10000 or above
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities is
15 or higher

2. You become a judge, but barely a famous one.
-you are a civil officer (i.e. your Pol stat is above your War stat)
-your infamy is low (** note: I have no idea how "low" it is, but it's most
likely to be at or below 1000)
-your fame or your deeds are below 10000
-but both your fame and your deeds are 5000 or above
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities is
15 or higher

3. You become a great teacher.
-you are a civil officer (i.e. your Pol stat is above your War stat)
-your infamy is low (** note: I have no idea how "low" it is, but it's most
likely to be at or below 1000)
-your fame or your deeds are below 5000
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities is
15 or higher

4. You become an old wise man, leading a cult.
-you are a civil officer (i.e. your Pol stat is above your War stat)
-your infamy is low (** note: I have no idea how "low" it is, but it's most
likely to be at or below 1000)
-your fame or your deeds are below 10000
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities is
15 or higher
-you own fewer than 2 treasured items
-you know the yellow Doctor skill, the yellow Astronomy skill, and the
green Debate skill

5. You become an archeologist, teaching the people about their ancestors.
-you are a civil officer (i.e. your Pol stat is above your War stat)
-your infamy is low (** note: I have no idea how "low" it is, but it's most
likely to be at or below 1000)
-your fame or your deeds are below 10000
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities is
15 or higher
-you own fewer than 2 treasured items
-you know the yellow Doctor skill, the yellow Astronomy skill, or the
green Debate skill (but not all of these three)

6. You collected all the treasured items.
-you are a civil officer (i.e. your Pol stat is above your War stat)
-your infamy is low (** note: I have no idea how "low" it is, but it's most
likely to be at or below 1000)
-your fame or your deeds are below 10000
-in at least one city, your popular support in each of the 6 facilities is
15 or higher
-you own at least 2 treasured items

7. You use your talents making counterfeit money (worst ending).
-you are a civil officer (i.e. your Pol stat is above your War stat)
-your infamy is really high (** note: I have no idea how "high" that is,
but it's most likely to be higher than 1000)

1. You become a famous military officer (best ending).
-you are a military officer (i.e. your Pol stat is below your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your friendship with your emperor is at intimate or trusted friend
-your fame is 10000 or above, and the highest among all military officers
-your deeds is 10000 or above
-you participated in 10 or MORE battles, winning AT LEAST 90%

2. You become the founder of a military academy.
-you are a military officer (i.e. your Pol stat is below your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds are below 10000
-but both your fame and your deeds are 5000 or above
-you participated in 10 or more battles

3. You become the commander of the city's defence army.
-you are a military officer (i.e. your Pol stat is below your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds is 10000 or below
-you participated in 10 or more battles
-you own fewer than 2 treasured items

4. You launch a military expedition against the barbarians.
-you are a military officer (i.e. your Pol stat is below your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-your fame or your deeds is 5000 or below
-you participated in 10 or more battles
-you own fewer than 2 treasured items

5. You collected all the treasured items.
-you are a military officer (i.e. your Pol stat is below your War stat)
-your infamy is 1000 or below
-you own at least 2 treasured items
-your fame or your deeds are 10000 or below and you participated in 10 or
FEWER battles
your fame or your deeds are 5000 or below, and you participated in 10 or
MORE battles

6. You lead a military revolt (worst ending).
-you are a military officer (i.e. your Pol stat is below your War stat)
-your infamy is above 1000


1. The emperor pays you a visit, inviting you to join his government.
-you are an exiled liege
-your friendship with the emperor is at intimate or trusted friend

2. You lead your group eastward over the ocean.
-you are an exiled liege
-your friendship with the emperor is at lower level than trusted friend
-you have 5 or more followers

3. You become an accomplished hunter.
-you are an exiled liege
-your friendship with the emperor is at lower level than trusted friend
-you have fewer than 5 followers


1. You receive a letter from the emperor, inviting you to join his
-you are an exiled liege's follower
-your friendship with the emperor is at intimate or trusted friend

2. You collected all the treasured items.
-you are an exiled liege's follower
-you own at least 2 treasured items

3. You pay your respects at a fallen friend's tomb.
-you are an exiled liege's follower
-you own fewer than 2 treasured items


These are additional segments added to the ending if you get any
"collected all the treasured items" endings.

1. You dream in vain about becoming a poet, but you wander off to try to
realize this dream anyway.
-you own the Book of Poetry

2. You wish to enrich the world with Confucian teachings, so you become a
master Confucian scholar.
-you own the Analects

3. You hear of the legend of a horse that sweats blood, so you take your
own horse and search for this legendary horse.
-you own a famous horse (Red Hare, Hex Mark, Firestar, Flying Lightning, or
Shadow Runner)

4. You become a Buddhist monk, searching for the gates of Heaven.
-you own either Zhang Song's Map of Western Shu or Lu Kai's Map of the

5. You enthusiastically collect the treasured items so you can set off on
a journey.
-you own any other item not mentioned above in this section

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