Anito Defend A Land Enraged

Anito Defend A Land Enraged

16.10.2013 20:49:20
Game: ANITO: Defend A Land Enraged
Type: Walkthrough/FAQ
Author: Michael Quintano aka Kats (
Version: 2.0
Table of Contents:
1.0 Version History

2.0 Game Overview
2.1 Synopsis
2.2 Characters
2.3 Attributes and Skills

3.0 Walkthrough

4.0 Equipment
4.1 Weapons
4.2 Armors
4.3 Headgears
4.4 Shields

5.0 Items
5.1 Food and Consumables
5.2 Combination
5.3 Key Items
5.4 Miscellaneous Items
5.5 Scrolls and Books

6.0 Enemies

7.0 NPC
7.1 Lanuevo
7.1.1 Lanuevo Outskirts
7.2 Villacredo
7.2.1 East Makiling Woods
7.3 Anunciola
7.3.1 Tanazan
7.3.2 Ravine of Tears
7.3.3 Great Watcher Tree
7.3.4 Stone Valley
7.4 Ortanez
7.5 Laya

8.0 Journal Entries

9.0 Great Watcher Tree

10.0 Tanda's Exam Answers

11.0 Cheats

12.0 Copyright

13.0 Credits

1.0 Version History
11/20/03 - Started the Version History and Game Overview Section.
11/22/03 - Revised some errors in attributes and added the Copyright and
Credits Section.
11/23/03 - Finished Attributes and Skills Section.
11/24/03 - Started the Walkthrough Section, Items, Enemies and NPC Section.
11/26/03 - Started the Journal Entries Section,
12/03/03 - Finished with Maya Chapter 1 walkthrough.
12/10/03 - Finished playing Maya's Story (SCORE: 446 out of 500).
12/12/03 - Added some quests in Maya Chapter 1 Walkthrough.
12/13/03 - Started Maya Chapter 2 walkthrough.
12/15/03 - Fixed the NPC's section.
12/16/03 - Finished the Items Section.
12/20/03 - Added the Great Watcher Tree Section.
12/21/03 - Added the Tanda's Exam Answers Section.
12/22/03 - Finished Maya Chapter 2 walkthrough.
12/23/04 - Started Maya Chapter 3 walkthrough.
12/25/04 - Finished Maya Chapter 3 walkthrough.
12/26/04 - Finished Maya's Walkthrough.
12/28/04 - Corrected some errors in Chapter 1.
12/29/04 - Gamefaqs released version 1.7.
12/30/04 - Corrected some errors in Chapter 2. Added some NPC.
12/31/04 - Corrected some errors in Chapter 3 and 4.
01/03/04 - Updated the Credits sections.
02/25/04 - Added Cheats section.
2.0 Game Overview


2.1 Synopsis

Anito is a Single-Player Action-RPG Game set on the land of Maroka,
an island on Asia during the 16th Century. The land is filled both by
internal conflict and invaders from a faraway land whose goals are to turn
Maroka into their monarch's colony.

So when the most influential peacemaker and leader of the Mangatiwala
tribe, Datu Maktan, mysteriously disappears, it’s up to his children Maya and
Agila to find him and restore the peace in the land that their father had
kept in balance before any conflicting forces destroys the land of Maroka.


2.2 Characters
There are 2 characters that you can play in Anito. Each starting
attributes are different but both can end in same stats. For beginners I
suggest you start on Maya because of her High Chakra stat. For weapons, Maya
specializes in using Melee Weapons (Swords) while Agila specializes in using
Ranged Weapons (Bows) since he is the first one to get the Range Skill. Both
have separate main quest and when you finish one character you can star with
the other to complete the whole story.

= MAYA =
Name: Maya
Age: 19 years old
Sex: Female
Tribe: Mangatiwala
Skills: Clairvoyance

Maya is a strange mix of cultures. She is as practical-minded and
cynical as the invading Senastille, yet as intuitive and passionate as her
forefathers. Being the daughter of a Datu, Maya knew she’d someday have to
lead her people – but that someday suddenly arrived when, at the young age
of 19, war breaks out and her father disappears. Not contented to stay at
home like a proper girl, she thrusts herself into the center of the conflict
between the warring Senastille and the local Marokan rebels, determined to
find her father regardless of what people say. As she tries to distinguish
friend from foe, Maya herself feels a spiritual change as the power of the
land called Maroka is awakened within her.

As Maya, you must wield both sword and spirit as you embark on a
perilous journey to find your missing father – even if it takes you to both
sides of the battlefield, battling numerous, unrelenting enemies in the
unexplored parts of the island. With your fresh combat training and newfound
spiritual powers, you must discern truth from deception and learn to listen
to the ancient voice of Maroka, the voice that might lead you to your father.

Name: Agila
Age: 20 years old
Sex: Male
Tribe: Mangatiwala
Skills: Novice warrior and hunter

In his younger years, Agila traveled all over the Marokan islands
with his father, Datu Maktan, who was ever trying to make peace between the
wary natives and their foreign Senastille guests. Now grown up as a bold
warrior and a budding leader of his own accord, he is unwillingly thrown into
the conflict between the colonial government and the free-willed Mangapawi
tribe of Maroka. And with Datu Maktan missing, the inevitable anger of their
war-torn land threatens to destroy both the Senastille and Marokans in a way
it has never done before.

As Agila, you must use your battle prowess and awakened chakras as
you defy the deafening thunder of the Senastille muskets, shatter the blades
of the Rebels, and come face to face with the wrath of the Land's darkest
creatures – all in your quest to save yourself, your people, and your land
from destruction. By following in your father's footsteps, you shall know the
truth, and use it to heal the bleeding, angered land of Maroka.
2.3 Attributes and Skills

1. Strength - increases attack power of weapons
2. Agility - increases dodging rate and accuracy of weapons
3. Health - increases regeneration and resistance to critical attacks
4. Chakra - increases proficiency of Skills.

Skills are referred to as Chakra. Each Chakra has a corresponding color:
Brown for Earth Chakra, Green for Life Chakra, Blue for Wave Chakra,
Yellow for Central Chakra, Orange for Touch Chakra, Red for Blood Chakra,and
White for Divine Chakra. Each Chakra has 4 sub skills. Each skill has a
maximum level of 4.

Divine (white)
Teleport - transport anywhere within the immediate area
Sleep - unblockable melee attack at 60% damage
Possess - possesses a target by a powerful spirit ally
Flash - times slows down

Blood (red)
Avoid - increases defense rating
Combo - use secondary attack at increased damage
(damage % increases per level)
Aim - adds 12.5% chance to inflict critical but reduce accuracy
Rush - faster movement (normal mode) and quick rushing attacks
(combat mode)

Life (green)
Heal - heal a portion of your life
Astral - assume astral form
Focus - increase attack rating
Strike - unblockable melee attack at increased damage

Central (yellow)
Drain - adds % to life and energy for a successful hit
Read - determine someone or something's past
Slow - slows target's movement
Curse - decreases target's attack and defense

Touch (orange)
Charm - influence target. Enemies stop attacking
Stun - paralyzes enemies with a successful hit
Spook - summon target's worst fear. Enemies avoid you
Summon - summon forest creatures to attack enemy

Wave (blue)
Sense - know enemy attributes and detect traps
Project - create mirror images of yourself
Blind - after successful attack, target's vision is reduced
Reversal - reflect enemy damage at 50% chance

Earth (brown)
Ranged - increase attack and damage % to ranged attacks
Defense - increase defense and blocking %
Slash - increase attack and damage % to slashing attacks
Thrust - increase attack and damage % to thrusting attacks
3.0 Walkthrough
This walkthrough guide is intended to help you to have ALMOST THE PERFECT
SCORE(yes..almost) so as not to make it a perfect spoiler^_^. The maximum
score you can have if you use the walkthrough is 495. But don't worry I'll
update this walkthrough.

Each character has a different path to take. Choose either Maya or Agila.
After you have selected your character, you or you may not proceed to the
Tutorial(not included).

Using Tab highlights items and people and really helps in finding items.

As soon as you receive the CHARM and SPOOK skill, you should maximize them
(lvl 4). They are vital for gaining SP. If the charming/spooking does not
work on the NPC, you may need to upgrade it.

Notes: Score Points = SP.
Way Point = WP.
Quest entry/entries = QE.
Quest Complete = QC
Quest Update = QU
North = N
Northeast = NE
Northwest = NW
South = S
Southeast = SE
Southwest = SW
East = E
West = W

===============================Maya Walkthrough==============================

---CHAPTER 1---

Dream Sequence...


You'll wake up in your room. Get the HEAD OF ANITO in the bedside table and
you'll get the CHARM skill (SP 3). Sigla will come in your room and tell of
your father's disapperance (QE 1,2,3). Go out and you'll be in the sala. Get
7 CRUZIEROS in the table. There are 6 way points you can go. N is Agila's
Room, NE is your room, NW is your father's room, E is the kitchen and W is
your father's office.

N: Get the LETTER TO AGILA (SP 4) (QE 4)
WP is restroom
NW: ADORNED CAP in the cabinet

After getting those items, head outside. Go inside the townhall. Inside,
there are 7 Rooms

| 3 4 | 1= Prison (nothing)
|2 5| 2= Governor's Office(BIANCA - bar)
| | 3= Toilet (nothing)
| 6| 4= Back Passage(BULLETS - chest)
| | 5= Museum and Commander's Office
|1 7| 6= Datu's Office (nothing)
| | 7= Storage Room (ARROWS)

Go to room 6, and you'll have a conversation with the Datus (QC 3). Choose
agree to train with the local warriors(SP 8). Talk to each Datu and agree to
their quests (SP 17) (QE 5,6,7).

Head outside and go to the Gov.Gen.Mansion. Go upstairs and go to the west
room. Talk to the Gov.Gen.Bastio (SP 18) (QU 1,2). Get the 5 PAPER in the
shelf (SP 19).

Head outside and go to the Library. Talk to Noknok and ask about the
genealogy (SP 20) (JU 6). You have to find Gustav, the librarian to get the
genealogy so head to the Inn. Talk to Gustav, he can't help you until he
delivers the letter so deliver the letter (SP 21) (JU 6).

Head to the Kongsun School. Go to SE Room and talk to Tien Yi. Go to SW and
get the SENASTILLE LETTER in Dita's Table. Go to NE and get CUCHINTA and
PORCELAIN PLATE. Return to Tien Yi the Senastille Letter (SP 23). Head back
to the Library. Talk to Gustav and he'll give you your GENEALOGY BOOK
(SP 24) (JU 6). Get all the BOOKS and SCROLLS from the 3 shelves. Head to the
W room then N and get the KONGSUN WILDLIFE in the bookshelf.

Head outside and go to the Marokan Barracks. Speak to T'gas and train w/ him.
He'll give you ITAK and teach you the SLASH skill. Defeat him (SP 27) (JU 7).
Head inside the Marokan Barracks and tell Tapang that you've trained with
T'gas(SP 28) (JU 7). She'll give you LEATHER VEST and MAROKA'S TEARS. Head N
and get the BLOOD OF MAROKA from the cabinet. Head N again and get the

Head outside and go to the Chapel. Talk to Fray Mateo and agree to find
Teodoro (SP 32) (QE 8). He'll give you 50 CRUZIEROS.

Go to SE area, in the rice fields. Go down further inside the hut. You'll
find Teodoro inside (SP 37) (QC 8). Hear Marawat's expalnation (SP 39)
(QC 1) (QE 9). You'll gain MAROKA'S TEARS, ELDER TOTEM and AVOID skill. Get

Go back to the Church and collect your reward from Fray Mateo, tell him that
it was nothing (SP 40), he'll give you 50 CRUZIEROS. Head inside and talk to
Teodoro. Help him in his quest for answers about Maroka (SP 43) (QE 10).

Go to the Library and ask Gustav some books about religion, he'll give you
RELIGIOUS TEXTS (SP 44) (QU 10). Go to Kongsun School and ask Tien Yi to help
Teodoro (SP 45) (QU 10). Go back to the Church and talk to Teodoro, give him
the text and tell him about Tien Yi's decision (SP 47). Go outside talk to
Fray Mateo and tell him about Teodoro's apology (SP 52) (QC 10). You'll
receive 30 CRUZIEROS. Go back inside the church. On the E get the LANZONES
from the dining table. On this room you have 3 WP. On the E room is Comfort
Room. On the middle room, there's a TERNO from the drawer. On the left room
ARTIST. Go back to the Altar and fill at least 1 Empty Vial w/ Holy Water
(SP 55).

Go to central area of the map, near the stables you'll find Kulas walking
back and forth. Talk to him (SP 56) and he'll tell you about the monster
outside Lanuevo (QE 11). Head to to the farm near Marawat's Hut and talk to
Tata Selo (SP 57). Head to the Lanuevo outskirts (lowest exit)
and find the Guardian Farmer outsie the graveyard. Agree to help Chen
and he'll give you MAROKA'S TEARS (SP 58).

******************************Boss: Tikbalang********************************
Use AVOID skill. Use MAROKA'S TEARS if necessary. If you want to battle it
using the easy way, allow Chen to fight the monster alone, after sometime
join in the battle.

Afterwards, you'll someone hiding behind the rock and quickly run away. Chen
will ask you to meet him in the usual place (QE 12) and Commander Vargas will
enter the scene, he'll ask you to meet him up in the mansion (QU 11) (SP 61).
You'll see Chen between Yuen's house and N of the graveyard, approach him and
he'll teach you a COMBO skill (QC 12) (SP 66). Go back to Lanuevo and into
the Mansion. Speak w/ Gov.Gen.Bastio about the battle (SP 67) (QC 11) (QU 2).

Go to the E area of the Kongsun School. Talk to Xi Chen about his business.
He'll tell you about his smuggled crates and ask for your help to find a
distributor (SP 70) (QE 13). Proceed to the Inn, inside talk to Sipa about
the Blue Lady (SP 71) (QU 13).

Go back to Xi Chen and tell him you found a distributor. He'll give you the
BLUE LADY (SP 72) (QU 13). Go to the market and buy ANNATO SEED from Aling
Nena (SP 73). Mix it w/ Blue Lady to create PURPLE BLUE LADY (SP 76).

Go back to the Inn and show the PURPLE BLUE LADY to Sipa (SP 79) (QC 13).
Tell him that it was Xi Chen who was smuggling the Blue Lady (SP 80) and
he'll give you CRYSTAL ALE. Go inside the Kitchen and get NOODLES IN SHELL
from the table. Head upstairs and into the E room, get the SILK BREECHES
from the shelf. Go back and into the lower right room, get the 2 CRUZIEROS
from the shelf.

Go to the Harbormaster's office. Inside get the LANZONES in the table and
SANGRIA in the pitcher. Go to N room and talk to the Harbormaster. Help him
find someone to fix the dam (SP 83) (QE 14). He'll give you the DAMHOUSE KEY.

Outside go to the docks and get FISH from the crates. Go to the warehouse and
inside you'll find TOUCH OF MAROKA in the crates, and CRUZIEROS and MAROKA'S
TEARS from the chest.

Go to the Clinic and buy some CLEANSING FLUID from Miguel (SP 84).

Go outside Lanuevo and into the Lanuevo Outskirts. Go inside Xi Chen's house.
Get the BLOOD OF MAROKA from the barrel and the BIBINGKA from the table.
On the N room (Ling Ling's room) get 32 CRUZIEROS from the side table.
And HERON STATUETTE (SP 85) above the bed. Go outside and into the West
Makiling Woods.
*SP 86...
You'll fight wild boars here, kill them (SP 86). Walk towards E you'll spot
dead bodies of Senastille Soldiers.When you approach it you'll go into battle
with the Rebel Warrior. Kill the Rebel Warrior(SP 86) go up a little bit and
Tersiago will appear. But before you have any chance of talking to him,
Commander Vargas will shoot one of his henchmen, and they'll flee
(weee!!! retreat). When Commander Vargas ask you to come back to Lanuevo,
choose to stay. Loot the dead bodies, you'll get a total of 63 CRUZIEROS.
Get the REBEL MAP (SP 89) from the rebel corpse. You can hunt Wild boars
or return to Lanuevo. I suggest you hunt first then return.

Go into the Town Hall and proceed to Governor's office (E upper room).
Gov.Gen.Bastio is sending a LETTER TO VILLACREDO to warn Kapitana Agbayari
about the rebel activity. Volunteer to deliver the letter (SP 92) (QU 2) and
he'll give you the LETTER TO VILLACREDO.

Go back to your house. Talk to Sigla and he'll give you MAROKA'S TEARS
(SP 93).

Pass through the West Makiling Woods -> East Makiling Woods -> Villacredo.
You can also go to Anunciola by going to West Makiling -> Tanazan ->
Anunciola. You may encounter wild boars along the road. Kill them, they're
pretty easy plus they've got WILD BOAR'S MEAT that you can cook.


Go to the east gate because other gates won't let you in. If they ask if you
want for a tour guide say yes and Liksi would automatically lead you to the
Town Hall.

| | 1= Kapitana's Office
|2 | 2= Prison (Nothing)
| | 3= Storage(MAROKA'S TEARS -chest)
_______| | 4= Toilet (Nothing)
| |
|1 3|
| |
|_______ |
| 4|
| |

Get the TIHAYA from the carafe and MACOPA on the table. Go inside ROOM 3 and
get the MAROKA's TEARS in the chest. Proceed in the ROOM 1 and speak with
Kapitana. Give her the LETTER TO VILLACREDO (SP 94) (QU 2) and the LETTER
FROM AGILA (SP 95) (QC 4) then ask her about the Burnt Ruins (QU 9).

Go outside and head to the Burnt Ruins. Pick the paper lying in the ground
and Tinio will appear. Tinio asks you for a symbol that will prove that
Marawat is your friend. You must have the ELDER TOTEM in your inventory.
After this, you'll get the BURNT PARCHMENT (SP 98) (QU 9). Follow Tinio in
her house (QC 9).

Inside Tinio's house, you knew that Tersiago killed her father. She asks you
if you want to be the Protector of Maroka. Say yes and you'll be initiated in
the tattoo ritual. After the ritual you'll gain a new skill which is the
SPOOK skill (SP 99) (QE 15). Don't forget to loot the chest nearby that
contains TOUCH OF MAROKA and MYSTERY OF THE SAGES. Go back and get the
UNCOOKED RICE from the jar.

Go to the Blacksmith. Ask Bahaghari about being a metalsmith and tell him
that your from Lanuevo. Suggest to write a letter for his cousin, Batumbakal
(SP 102) (QE 16).

Go inside Chang's house. Speak to him about repairing a dam and he'll go to
Lanuevo to fix the dam there (SP 103) (QU 14). Head outside.

Find Lucky Chan near the north entrance. He will tell you about the
youngsters being harassed by thugs. Go outside the north entrance (QE 17) and
follow the thugs. The thugs will leave the youngsters. Approach the
youngsters, Tala and Singhapon. They are surveyors who are protecting the
forest from being burned down by the Senastille thugs. Helped them (SP 106)
(QU 17).

Go to the warehouse and speak to Vida. won't get anything from here
and she won't even let you inside so it's time to use your new found SPOOK
skill(SP 107) (QU 17). She'll get scared and let you in. Get the SURVEY
RECORDS (SP 110), and the BULLETS and BREATH OF MAROKA from the chest.

Go outside and Liksi will greet you with an alarming news. There is a forest
fire and Tala and Singhapon are there (ok! big trouble). Go to South Siliman,
better head to east entrance for a faster route. You'll end up fighting the
Senastille thugs, Alejandro and Alfonso.

***********************Boss: Alejandro and Alfonso***************************
USE AVOID skill then the COMBO skill for additional damage. Use MAROKA'S
TEARS if necessary. Don't worry because you'll fight them one at a time so
this battle is relatively easy.

Get the BLOOD OF MAROKA and BATTLE AXE from Alejandro afer killing him
(SP 111). Get nothing from Alfonso after killing him (SP 112). After the
battle, you'll gain the RUSH skill. Pinoy will come to your aide (too late!)
and you'll be brought automatically to the Town Hall.

Give the SURVEY RECORDS to the surveyors (SP 117) (QC 17). Ask Tala for the
location of the Burial Site, she'll tell you that it is located in Anunciola
(SP 118) (QU 6). As soon as you go out Pinoy will inform you that Kapitana
Bayari wants to meet you (QE 18). Go back inside and talk to her (QC 18). She
tells you to go back to Lanuevo immediately (QU 2) and you'll be escorted by
her guards on your way to Lanuevo. Tell the guards to wait for you.

Go back to Tinio's house. Get the wooden carving (SP 121) (QE 19). Talk to
her and tell her you want another tattoo. She'll gave you another one and
you'll gain the PROJECT skill (SP 122) (QC 15).

Go to Bahaghari and ask him about the letter. He'll give you his letter that
you'll deliver to Batumbakal in Lanuevo (SP 123) (QU 16).

Go to Lumnay and she'll ask for your help to find the documents in the
caravan that was shieged by the rebels. Help her find those documents
(SP 126) (QE 20).

Go back to Kapitana Bayari and use your CHARM skill on her (??). She'll give
you MAROKA'S TEARS (SP 127).

It's time to go back to Lanuevo. You may want to go to Anunciola first. Pass
through this route: East Makiling -> Tanazan -> Anunciola. BTW, if you
encounter a Toklau for the first time and successfully killed one you'll gain
additional 1 SP (SP 127).


Go to Market. Speak to the Charismatic Leader and tell her to pray for you,
(SP 128) she'll also give you MAROKA'S TEARS. Now, use CHARM skill on her
(SP 129) and she'll give you additional MAROKA'S TEARS. Now go to Fray
Hernandez and use CHARM skill (SP 131) and you'll get a CLEANSING FLUID.
There are also 3 HOLY WATER from the Chest.

Go to the Fray Hernandez House. Get the CLEANSING FLUID from the potions and

Go to Don Gregorio's house. Go S into the kitchen and take 2 UNCOOKED RICE
and the GUAVA from the table. Go outside

Go inside the Pawnshop and get the KONGSUN TREATIES (SP 132) and the
PORCELAIN PLATE from the chest.

Now go to the Sagrada Quarry. Go up and into the next screen and get the
CRYSTAL GEMS. Go back into the first screen and head left. This is the burial
site (QU 6). Be sure to avoid the steams because you'll get damaged if it
hits you. There are jars here, examine them (eye icon). The readings are the
genealogy you needed. (NOTE: Examine the jars first before touching them or
else you won't get the genealogy). Some jars have items while some have
traps. The trap jars are Pepe, Balang, Grampo, Landre, Umba. The item jars
are Kaldo (MAROKA'S TEARS), Rubyo (VOICE OF MAROKA), Kardo (27 CRUZIEROS).
Pick also crystals along the way. Go outside.

Go to Weaver's House. You'll meet Landaka. She buys the WAD OF SILK that you
get from the Toklaus (SP 133) (QE 21). Ask her about the place and volunteer
to look for the buyers (SP 136) (QE 22). She'll give you WOVEN RUGS and
WOVEN GARMENTS. Sell your WAD OF SILK, if you have (SP 137).

Go to the warehouse. Go upstairs and get the OF MAROKA'S RADIANCE from the
chest. Go inside to the new room. You'll battle a couple of Toklaus here.
After defeating them all. Get the HUNTERS OF MAROKA (SP 138) from the large
cocoon. Also, be sure to loot the Toklaus, they contain WAD OF SILK that you
can sell to Landaka.

Now go to the Town Hall, on the S you can rest on the bed for free. Also get
the MAROKA'S RADIANCE and TOUCH OF MAROKA from the first chest and MAROKA'S
TEARS from the other chest. Now go back to the previous screen. Head NW and
get BLOOD OF MAROKA from the barrel, go out. Head W and get MAROKA'S TEARS
from the table, go out. Now go upstairs, proceed S into the kitchen, get the
BIBINGKA and FRIED RICE from the table and the UNCOOKED RICE from the rice
barrel. Go out and head W, get the BULLETS from the 1st room.

Go out of Anunciola and proceed in going to Lanuevo. In the East Makiling
Woods, near the Intersection between Tanazan and West Makiling Woods, is the
caravan. You'll engage in a fight with the robbers. You can get BANONG and
MAROKA'S TEARS from a Melee Fighter. A MAROKA'S TEARS from another Melee
Fighter and ARROWS from the Ranged Fighter. After defeating all the robbers
(SP 141) search the caravan for MAROKA'S TEARS and also the LAND TITLES AND
DEEDS (SP 142) (QU 20).

Go back to Lanuevo. If you have been escorted by the guards of Villacredo
and they were alive when you reach Lanuevo you gain additional SP (SP 143).


Go to the Marokan Barracks and CHARM T'gas. He'll give you METAL CAP (SP 144)

Go to the Town Hall. Speak with the Gov.Gen.Bastio and ask about what has
happened (QU 2).

Head outside and go to the Marokan Barracks. Go inside and you'll see Datu
Silaw-an in a meeting with the soldiers(QC 2). Join the scout team and there
will be an automatic scene (QE 23). Tapang will give you her BUSOG (SP 145)
for having a REBEL MAP. Now go and do some scouting. Go to the Rebel's
rendezvous point and you'll be surprised to see the rebels (QC 23).

Rendezvous scene...

At first, Bastio would not bother hearing your report until Awiyao tells him
that the rebels are attacking. Now, you have to battle the rebels (QE 24).

Before going to battle, go to the Marokan Barracks. Ask Kaya why is she still
on the barracks and she'll give you MAROKA'S TEARS (SP 146). Use CHARM as
well on her (SP 147) and she'll give you ARROWS.

Now, proceed to the West Makiling Woods and there will be a battle. Fight the
lady rebel that attacked you and loot her of MAROKA'S TEARS. Get a BRONZE
SHIELD from a dead Marokan. You can this until Tersiago challenged you to a
1 on 1 fight.

******************************Boss: Tersiago*********************************
Now this is the boss. Use AVOID skill and PROJECT skill to make it equal.
Tersiago uses PROJECT skill so it's up to you to know the real one. Actually,
just focus on the caster and that's it. Use MAROKA'S TEARS as necessary.
Using COMBO skill also helps.

Defeat him and he'll ask one of his rebels to attack you. Suprisingly, the
rebel refuses to attack you (??) because that rebel was your brother AGILA!
(yaay). Agila would call the rebels to retreat and Tersiago would furious.
Before leaving, Tersiago gives you the MAKTAN'S KRIS...

end of CHAPTER 1.

---CHAPTER 2---


You'll be inside Marawat's hut. Interrogate him and then he'll tell you to
look for some answers (QE 25). Get the TOUCH OF MAROKA from the chest and go

Head to Dam and check on Chang but he says he needs more time.

Go outside and talk to Batumbakal. Give him BAHAGHARI'S LETTER (SP 148)
(QU 16).

Do some charming and use it on Darna. She'll give you HONEY (SP 149). The
same with Aling Nena (SP 150) and you'll receive ANNATO SEEDS.

Talk to Kha Mi Seta and tell her about the Woven rugs. She'll buy the woven
rugs, get the money (SP 151) (QU 22).

Go inside the Sounding Inn. Charm away Kalan (SP 152) and she'll give you

Go to Marokan Barracks. Tell T'gas about the Maktan's Kris (SP 154) and he'll
teach you the AIM skill. Spar with him and win (SP 155).

Go to the Town Hall. The Marokan Sentry is gone, replaced by a Senastillian
Sentry. Whatever you do you can't get in (QU 25). There's another way and
that's through the backdoor. Inside go to the Storage room (Room 7). Get some
weapons such as the SAWKIL and BALASIONG and lastly the STRANGE MONEY POUCH
(SP 158)(QU 25). Grab the ARROWS from the chest then go back. You'll see
Datu Silaw-an. Talk to her and ask about the training, she'll say you've
completed it (SP 163) (QC 7). Help her get some information from the rebels
(SP 164) (QU 25).

Proceed to the Prison. The Prison Guard will stop you. Tell him that the
Senastille Soldiers are cool and he'll let you through (SP 165). Now speak to
the prisoners. Ask about the Money Pouch (QU 25). And lastly ask where are
the other rebels. You won't have a specific answer about the money pouch. Use
your CHARM skill on the male rebel and he'll tell you that the money pouch
belongs to a Kongsun in Lanuevo (QU 25). Go outside.

Go to the Docks and speak to Zhao. Ask him about the pouch and he'll say that
it belongs to Xi Chen (SP 166) (QU 25). Ask him about his fishing. Tell him
to use bait. Talk to him and ask him again about his fishing. He'll thank you
for the advice and give you FISH (SP 167).

Go to Lanuevo Outskirts and talk to Chen. Ask him about what he is doing and
go back to Lanuevo. You may also want to check on the dam fixing progress.

Now confront Xi Chen. Tell him that you've got something he owns. But he will
insist that he doesn't own the money pouch. Tell him that you will not tell
his secret (SP 170) (QU 25). It's up to you whether you will or will not take
the money (In my case, I didn't).

Go to the Town Hall. The Marokan sentry is now back. He tells you that Bastio
wants to see you (QE 26) so go inside. Bastio tells you that he the search
would be stop. Tell him that you speak with the rebels (QC 25). Ask him about
the Datu's comments and he will ask someone to go to other towns to warn the
about the rebels. Volunteer to go there (SP 173) (QU 26). Proceed to the
Datu's Office. Talk to Datu Baldommero and tell him that you have the
genealogy and the heirloom. You have to recite the your lineage
(Choose answer # 3). If you answer correctly and you have Maktan's Kris with
you then you've completed the task (SP 178) (QC 6).

You can now roam to other cities. I choose to go to Anunciola first then to
Villacredo and lastly to Ortanez.


Go to the and speak with Fray Hernandez. Tell him that you have something for
the head of the town (SP 179) (QE 27) (QU 5). He'll tell you about
Capt.Jimenez, the head of the town, and his hunt for Tanas.

Go to Tanazan. You'll spot a Senastille Soldier here. Tell him that you are
Tanas. He'll be so scared that he'll fight you. Defeat him (SP 180) and loot
24 CRUZIEROS. Talk to the other soldier for some info. Now head to NW of the
screen. You'll see a person hiding beneath the tree. Approach her and she'll
tell you that she is Lakdaw. Help her escape from Capt.Jimenez (QU 5). When
Capt.Jimenez approach you tell him that you've killed Tanas by trapping it
(SP 181). At first, he will not believe you but tell him that you are
Maktan's daughter and present the letter from Bastio (QU 26). He'll command
his guard to burn the body but then it suddenly disappeared. You'll be
automatically sent back to the Town Hall. Jimenez will give you the REPLY
LETTER (SP 184) (QU 27).

Go outside and Achoy will invite you to go to Don Gregorio's house. Go there
have dinner with Don Gregorio and your Chakra skills will be restored to

Go outside Anunciola and into the Ravine of Tears. Meet Lakdaw there and talk
to her. Tell her that you've come to collect the favor. Assure her that you
would not tell her location, ask her about helping you in finding the cure
(SP 185). She then tells you about the real story behind the curse (QU 5).
Ask her about the Maranhig (QE 28). Now, you need to find a healer who knows
how to kill the vine. Go back to Anunciola.

Go to the Market and look for Ambo. Ask if he knows how to kill the vine.
He then asks you how did you know about, just say that it's a secret. He
tells you that the cure is some medicine aka the cleansing fluid (QU 5). Go
get some from Fray Hernandez. Return to Ambo and tell him you have the
cleansing fluid (QU 5). Now go to Tanazan.

You'll find the vine in NE. Go there and kill the monster.

*******************************Boss: Dugta***********************************
Actually this is a mini-boss. If you're familiar with FFX-2. This mini-boss
is similar to an OVERSOUL. This could be easy if you're a ranged fighter.
Just go to a safe distance and shoot it down. For those melee fighters.
USE AVOID skill then PROJECT. Go to it and slash it down with COMBO skill.
Its hits may poison you. Use CLEANSING FLUID immediately. Use MAROKA'S TEARS
if you're running low on HP. Easy fight.. just a mini-boss.

After that put the cleansing fluid on the ashes. Ambo gives you the HEAL
skill (yeah!!) for that (SP 188) (QU 5).

Go to Ravine of Tears. Tell Lakdaw that you've defeated the vine using the
cleansing fluid. She grants you the BLIND skill (SP 191). Go back to

The town is now cured of the disease. Go to the Town Hall and speak to
Capt.Jimenez. Tell him that the town is cured. He'll give you ANUNCIOLA TOKEN
(QU 5). Nothing to do here so proceed to Villacredo.


Go to the Market. Speak to Lumnay. Give her the LAND TITLES AND DEEDS that
you've got from the caravan. She'll thank you and gives you MAROKA's TEARS
and CRYSTAL ALE (SP 196) (QC 20). Talk to her again and ask her if she's
interested with woven garments. She'll accept it, get the money from her
(SP 197) (QU 22).

Speak to Taga. Ask him the reason for the shortage of meat. Agree that you'll
give him the meat that you would get from your hunt (SP 198) (QE 29). Sell
him some meat (SP 199).

Go to Bahaghari and tell him about Batumbakal's reply (SP 204) (QC 16). He'll
give you 10 ARROWS for that. Go inside his shop. Get the ITAK in the weapons.
Go to the NE room. Get a MAROKA'S TEARS and BLOOD OF MAROKA from the barrel.
Go back. Head to the SE room. Get the DRIED FISH from the table. Go to the
left room and get the GOLD BRACELET from the chest. Go outside.

Go to the Inn. Get the PAPAYA on the table. Head to the W door. Get the SUGAR
and the UNCOOKED RICE. Go back and head to E door. Get the CULTURAL PRACTICES
in here. Head outside.

Go to the Chapel. Speak with Fray Antonio. Ask him if he have anything for
sale. He then asks you to find a book for his collection (SP 207) (QE 30).
Give the CULTURAL PRACTICES book to him that you can find in the Inn's Toilet
(SP 212) (QC 30) and he'll give you 4 HOLY WATER. Inside the Chapel. There
are 2 Doors. Both doors will lead you to the Chapel Sala. Now there are 3
Doors: Left, Middle, and Right.

Go the Right door first. On the E is the toilet, get the 2 CRUZIEROS. Go back
to the Sala. Go now to the Middle door. This is the kitchen. Get 2 UNCOOKED
RICE from the barrel. Lastly go to the Left door. This is the Fray's Room.
Get the BREATH OF MAROKA and MAROKA'S TEARS from the chest. You're done here
so head outside.

Go to Lolo. Ask him about the Maranhig and how to kill it (QU 28).

Go to the Warehouse but don't go inside. You'll see a building near it.
There's a barrel that contains a CRYSTAL ALE. Now go to the the Stables.
Get the VOICE OF MAROKA from the big barrel.

Go Lagyo's House. Get the SUMAN from the table, UNCOOKED RICE from the rice
barrel and the ELEPHANT in floor (SP 213).

Go to the Town Hall. The secretary will tell you that Kapitana Bayari is
hunting in South Siliman with Patricia and Dr.Miguel (QE 31). Go now to
South Siliman.

They are near the Clearing Area. Go to them and a wild boar will approach
you. Kill it. Patricia tells you that they are hunting. Join the hunt.
Patricia will lend you her Spare bow and some arrows. Shoot another wild boar
down. You'll hear a voice. You'll tell them about the voice but they would
not believe you (QU 31). Patricia continues to hunt then suddenly a swarm of
wild boars appear. Go help her kill those things and loot them of course.
You'll receive RANGED skill for saving her (SP 214). You'll be back in the
Town Hall. Patricia would get her bow back. Miguel would ask you if you want
to learn a new skill (of course!!). He'll teach you the STUN skill (SP 215).
Now talk to Kapitana Bayari. Give her the letter. And she'll give you the
reply letter in return (SP 218) (QU 31).

Head outside. You'll be greeted by Bahaghari. He wanted to speak to you.
Agree with him and you'll walk automatically to his house. He asks for your
help in managing the local warriors for the town. Help him (SP 221) (QE 32).

Go to Tama's Tavern. Ask her for information about the warriors (QE 33).
She'll say that you should look for Ganaag, the manager of the Pit.

Before going to the Pit, head first to the Inn. You'll see Dario and Talong.
Talk to them. Ask about Ganaag and what's special about him. They'll tell
that he shouldn't be trusted. Rumors has it that he is a Mangapawi (SP 222)
(QU 33). Head now to the Pit.

Inside, you'll see Ganaag. Ask him who he really is and where does he came
from. He'll say that's none of your business, reply him that he doesn't have
any business in here either. If he asks your identity, say you're a
Mangatiwala. Bet afterwards. Talk to him after the bet. Help him manage the
Pit (SP 223) (QU 33).

Ok here's the right way so you'll have a good record with Ganaag. First do
not entertain preferences. Tell them that you're not allowed to choose. Talk
to Purita and persuade her to bet 4 CRUZIEROS. Talk to Gabriel. Don't ask
him if he knows how to bet. Tell him that minimium is 2 CRUZIEROS and that's
Ganaag's rules. Talk to Pedro, you won't have any problem with him. After
the fight. Approach the each person after that a woman would steal money
from Danakan. Talk to the thief and fight her. Afterwards, Ganaag would
congratulate you for a job well done (SP 228) (QC 32). You're done here so
proceed to Ortanez.


On your way you'll meet Kirog. Pretend that you're lost. Then ask him why he
wouldn't move away. Help him find his walking stick (SP 231) (QE 34).

Go to the entrance. Lt.Alvarez won't let you in unless you unequip your
weapons and you give him some goodwill (QE 35). Go back to Kirog and tell him
you can't enter the gates. He'll ask for a change. Now you get it - goodwill
means money (QU 35). Go back to the gates and give Lt. Almarez money (be sure
not to give him 5 CRUZIEROS). He'll let you in afterwards. Go to the Town
Hall you'll see Lt.Gamarez and Lt.Salvador. Tell them your on urgent mission
and you're looking for Commander Del Valle (SP 232) (QU 35). They'll tell you
that maybe Commander Del Valle is in the training area or the shooting yard.
You'll find him in the training area NW of the Town Hall. Talk to Del Valle
then volunteer to attack him. Tell him you don't have weapons, he'll lend you
one. After that he'll tell you to meet him in the Town Hall (SP 233) (QU 35).
You'll also learn the DEFENSE skill. Go inside and tell to Lt.Alvarez that.
you have spoken with Del Valle. Del Valle will come in. Give him the letter
(QU 35). He'll tell you about the Mangapawi situation. Tell him that you want
to be sent to the Mangapawi village but he will hesitate. He tells you to
come back tomorrow for his decision (SP 234). At the mean time, he tells you
to go to Don Figueroa. Don't forget to get the BLOOD OF MAROKA and 5 BULLETS
on the 3 drawers. Head outside. Find Fernando and loot the chest beside him

Go to the Shooting Range. Challenged Unico for a shooting contest and win
(SP 236). Challenge Maria and win (SP 238). For easy win, buy the MUSKET and
use it in the contest.It has more firepower rather than the FLINTLOCK PISTOL.
Now go to the Clinic. In the counter get the BREATH OF MAROKA. Go downstairs.
Get the EMPTY VIAL from left the chest and MAROKA'S TEARS and CLEANSING FLUID
from the right chest. Go inside the operating room and get the SURGEON'S
KALIS from the table. Go outside.

Go to Don Figueroa's House. Get CRUZIEROS from the stacked crates. Head
inside the house. You'll meet Don Figueroa. Tell him that he was referred
by Commander Del Valle to you (QC 36). Ask him about the Mangapawi (SP 239)
(QE 37). Talk to Agiw and ask him if he knows the way to Mangapawi village.
He'll give you AGIW'S PENDANT (SP 240) (QU 37). Pick some CRUZIEROS in the
cabinet. Go upstairs and into the room. Get the BONE FLUTE from the drawer
(SP 243) (QU 37). Use CHARM on Don Figueroa and he'll give you BREATH OF
MAROKA (SP 244).

Head outside and go to the Embassy. Pick up the BLACK SWALLOW (SP 245) in the
table. Inside the chest, get 12 CRUZIEROS. On the shelves, get the SENASTILLE

Go to the Boat Repairman. In the crates near Simuril, get 2 PEARLS.

Rest at the Inn. Get 7 CRUZIEROS located in the drawer, in the rented room.

Head outside. At the back of the inn, there is a stacked crates. Inside is

Go to the Chapel. There's nothing here so go back. ^_^

Go to the Mess Hall. There's nothing here to loot but you can cook here. ^_^

Go to the Senastille Barracks. Head on the right door (SWORDMEN'S QUARTERS).
Get the MAROKA'S TEARS on one chest. Get SHIN GUARDS on the other chest. Go
outside and head on the middle door (SHOOTER'S QUARTERS). Get 6 BULLETS on
the chest. Head upstairs and get 8 BULLETS on the barrel. Go outside and head
on the left door (SPEARMEN'S QUARTER). Get 7 CURZIEROS on one chest. Get
MAROKA'S TEARS on the other chest. Get SPEAR in the spear stacks.

Now, head to the Town Hall. Talk to Commander Del Valle. He'll give you the
TRUCE LETTER (SP 246) (QU 35).

Head to the Weapons Storage Area. There is a large box near the door, get the
MAROKAN LIME, MANGO and HONEY. Head inside and ask Ruben about the permit.
Head outside and talk to Lt.Alvarez. Ask him about getting permit and tell
him that you want to join the tournament (SP 249).

Challenge Lt.Torres. Pick the FLINTLOCK PISTOL as the prize (It is more
expensive). Beat her and you'll win the prize plus the wager (SP 251).

Note: Lt.Torres time was 35 seconds while I got 12 seconds. I beat her using
a MUSKET for a higher fire power. Goodluck on defeating her. You may want to
'Quicksave' first before the contest and if you don't want Lt.Torres' time
then load the 'Quicksave'.

There's nothing to do here. I suggest you finish the leftover quests. Head
first to Lanuevo.


Head to the Dam. Talk to Chang. At this point he had finished fixing the Dam
(SP 252) (QU 14).

Talk to Datu Aligaen. He is sitting beside the tree near the Gov.Gen.Mansion.
Tell him that the people in Anunciola is cured and show him the ANUNCIOLA
TOKEN that Capt.Jimenez gave you (SP 257) (QC 5).

Go to the Town Hall. Talk to Gov.Bastio and give him the 2 REPLY LETTERS
(SP 261) (QC 27 and 37).

Talk to Masah the baker, about his cough (SP 264) (QE 38). Cure his cough by
casting HEAL on him (SP 269) (QC 38).

Head to Harbormaster's Office. Talk to Kadawan and tell him that the Dam is
fixed. Return to him the Damhouse Key and he'll give you the KISS OF THE
CURRENT in return (SP 274) (QC 14).



Go to the Multipurpose Hall. Go to Capt.Jimenez and use SPOOK skill and he'll
give you METAL GREAVES (SP 276).

Head outside and into the Ravine of Tears. Use CHARM skill on Lakdaw and
she'll grant you the SLEEP skill (SP 277). Use SPOOK skill and she'll give

Go to Weaver's House and talk to Landaka. Tell her about the interested
merchants. She'll give you CRYSTAL ALE for the help (SP 283) (QC 22).

Head outside and into the Great Watcher Tree (see GREAT WATCHER TREE section).
Speak to Adlay. Tell him you're sorry for getting in without permission. Tell
him about Tinio and give him the LEFT HALF OF THE CARVING and he'll give you
the ASTRAL skill (SP 288) (QC 19). Ask him to make you a tattoo. After that
you'll attain the SUMMON skill (SP 291).

Go back to the Buttons Place. Go to the Monkey Clan (see GREAT WATCHER TREE
section). Speak to Goy and ask about the Dugta (SP 294) (QE 39). Go to the
Dugta Place and kill them all (see GREAT WATCHER TREE section). Go back to
Goy and tell him that the Dugta won't bother them anymore (SP 299) (QC 39).
You'll also receive the ARCANE BREW. You can also get a LEATHER VEST OF
SURVIVOR and MAROKA'S TEARS on one of the Tree Chambers. There's a chamber
here that has a big leaf that you can rest on. You're done here.

Pass by the Elder's Graves. Get an AROAKHAN VIAL on the grave of Elder Apo.


Speak with Ganaag about the Mangapawi location. Tell him that you are in an
important mission. Ask him if there's someone who knew the location (SP 300)
(QE 40). By this time, you should've bet 3 times already.


Go to Ortanez Outskirts. Talk to Kirog and ask him about the way to Mangapawi
Village. Tell him that you were sent by a friend (SP 301) (QU 40).


Talk to Ganaag. Deliver him Kirog's message. He'll tell you something about
the waterfall. Ask him on what you'll do. He tell you to bet 3 times. Ok then
bet 3 times. After betting. Tell him you've bet 3 times already and he'll
give you GANAAG'S PENDANT (SP 302) (QU 40).


Go to Ortanez. Talk to Kirog. Tell him that you've spoken with your friend
and show him GANAAG'S PENDANT. He'll tell you that the way to Mangapawi
Village is through the Doom Cavern. He'll give you the LANTERN and a bonus
SENSE skill (SP 305) (QU 40).

Go to the North Siliman Forest. Find a big rock that is surrounded by leaves.
Those leaves are called PITO-PITO, pick them all (SP 306).

Go to the Jungle of Shadows. Kill the Maranhigs here and you'll get the DRAIN
skill (SP 309). Don't forget to get WOODEN STAFF along the way (SP 312)
(QU 34). It is located in the NW area.

Proceed to the Tree of the Fallen. Kill a Mangapawi Archer here and loot some
(SP 313). Kill a Mangapawi Warrior and get MAROKA'S TEARS, BLOOD OF MAROKA
and 12 CRUZIEROS. Another Archer for 8 CRUZIEROS, 10 ARROWS and MAROKA'S

Head to the Waterfall and inside the cave. This is the Doom Cavern (SP 318).

Note: It is better if you've come here during daytime because you can see the

Once inside. Kill the pesky Toklaus and loot them of WAD OF SILK. Go to the
SW part and enter another area. Head N. There's two roads here. Head up and
kill the scorpion. Loot the pots, they contain ARROWS, CRUZIEROS and MAROKA'S
TEARS. Go back and take the other road. You'll battle a Yellow Scorpion here.
Kill the scorpion and loot it plus you loot the all pots it is guarding. Use
SENSE skill to know which pot has trap inside. From the pots you can get
Go back to the previous screen.

Note: It is hard giving directions in the Doom Caverns so I'm skipping it but
here's what you got to do. Explore during daytime to see the your way. Use
SENSE skill to know whether there are traps before looting the pots.

The exit here is located in the NW area. Proceed there after looting the pots
and killing the Toklau. In the new area do what you did in the past area. The
exit here is located in the NW part.

On this area go to the middle and there will be a boss battle.

*******************************Boss: Rock Muwa*******************************
Yaay it's Bigfoot. Actually this is the Pinoy version (thanks to purploony
for the info). This battle is very easy since you got a lot of skills in your
hands. Anyway use the standard skills like AVOID and PROJECT. If you want you
can try out other skills like the SUMMON, SLEEP, DRAIN, BLIND and ASTRAL or
try them all. From now on, make your own strategy with dealing with boss
battles. For formality sake, I use AVOID, PROJECT, STUN, SLEEP and COMBO
skills. Use MAROKA'S TEARS if necessary.

After killing it, get the MUWA'S KEY from its dead body (SP 319). Go a little
bit downward and open the chest using the MUWA'S KEY. Inside is a FLUID OF
IMPEDENCE which gives you the SLOW skill. Proceed to the SW for the exit.

On this area. Do the usual (Kill and loot). There's also a bed somewhere in
the SW part. The exit is located in the W.

Monsters have changed, from Toklau to Sigbin.Kill them all and loot the pots.
Exit is located in the W.

On this area. Kill the Scorpion (Yellow). Proceed to the exit and into the
new area. The exit in this area leads to the secret village of Mangapawi.


You'll be surrounded by Mangapawi Warriors. They'll arrest you and bring you
to their Chief (QC 33 and 37). The Chief tells you that you'll be executed
for entering their village (what?!). Explain to her that you're the daughter
of Datu Maktan. Show her the TRUCE LETTER (SP 322) (QC 40). Ask her if she's
willing to stop the violence. She'll send Tibay as a peace child. Get TOUCH
OF MAROKA and MAROKA'S RADIANCE in the nearby chest. Use CHARM on Datu
Marahil and you'll get a KRIS from her (SP 323).

Head outside and go to the Village Circle. Use CHARM on Hiwa and she'll give
you BANANACUE and SUMAN (SP 324).

Go to the Hall of Wisdom. Use CHARM on Tanda (SP 325) (QE 41). Listen to her
lessons about the history of Maroka. Lessons are held everyday. There is only
1 lesson per day. Before moving on the next lesson there is a test that you
need to answer. If you answer them correctly you'll gain skill ups.

Go to the Water Source. Look for Kulit and talk to him. Accept his puzzle
(SP 328) (QE 42) and ask for the jars. Actually this is quite simple. Your
objective is to get ONLY 1 PART. Here are the steps in finishing this quest:
1. Fill 9Jar.
2. Transfer 9Jar water to 7Jar.
3. Check filled parts of 9Jar. If 9Jar does not have 1 part of water then
proceed to 4.
4. Empty 7Jar.
5. Transfer 9Jar water to 7Jar.
6. Fill 9Jar and go back to 2.

If you've attained the 1part water go to the Rice Fields and you'll find
Kulit there. Give him the 1part water (SP 333) (QC 42).

There's a free rest on Tubo's Hut. Rest and wait for tomorrow for the lessons
(see TANDA'S EXAM ANSWERS section). Go back to Tanda and answer all the tests
although at this time you can't have the final exam (2SP per exam) (SP 341).

Note: Take all the exams as early as you can because for every quiz you get a
skill up.

Go back to the Village Circle. Talk to Hiwa and help her get 13parts of water
(SP 344) (QE 42). This is the same as Kulit's quest. Just do the fill-
transfer-empty thing. (I got 9/9parts and 4/7parts of water). When you've got
the 13parts give it to Hiwa. Now, she can cook the Legendary Hunter's Dish
(SP 349) (QC 42).

You're done here. Head back to Ortanez. Go to Datu Marahil and tell her that
you're ready to depart. Tibay will join you on your way to Ortanez.


You'll be stopped by Lt.Alvarez. Some 'goodwill' will be enough to pass.Next,
you'll be inside the Town Hall. Commander Del Valle will panic seeing Tibay
but Tibay says he come in peace. Ask Del Valle who will be the Senastille
peace child. Also, ask where would Tibay say. Del Valle tells you that you
better ask Don Figueroa.

You'll be in Don Figueroa's House. Talk to him. Ask him who will be sent as a
peace child. Agiw will be sent as a peace child.


Datu Marahil accepted Agiw as the peace child (SP 354) (QU 35). Ask where
will Agiw stay, Datu Marahil tells you that the pendant that belongs to Agiw
is the symbol of Hazan's House - Agiw's father. Agiw thanks you for finding
his parents (SP 355). Ask Datu Marahil about the other way to Ortanez. She'll
say that a flute will summon the boat man to take you to the Jungle of
Shadows. Show him the BONE FLUTE. She also teach you the notes of Laya that
you need to summon the boat man (SP 356).

Go to the Hall of Wisdom.You can now take your last exam from Tanda (SP 358)

Go to Gray's House. Talk to Hazan and tell him that you're glad to help them.
You'll get EARTHEN BREW for helping (SP 359).

You're done here. Head back to Ortanez. Go to the Water Source and find
Sagwan. Tell him you're going to North Siliman forest.


Go to Kirog. Give him his wooden stick. He'll reward you for that (SP 364)
(QC 34). You'll get a LARGE WOODEN BATTLE SHIELD for choice1, 10 CRUZIEROS
for choice2, and KIROG'S SPEAR for choice3.

Go to the Pier, in the NW part of Ortanez. You'll see Kulit again. Help him
find his toys - HERON STATUE, ELEPHANT and BLACK SWALLOW (SP 364) (QE 43).
Give him the 3 figurines (SP 370). You'll also get the TELEPORT skill, the
most wanted skill (SP 375) (QC 43).

Go to the Town Hall. Speak to Commander Del Valle and ask for the REPLY
LETTER (SP 378) (QU 35).

Go outside the town and head to the Jungle of Shadows. Kill permanently the
Maranhigs by putting HOLY WATER on their ashes (SP 381) (QC 28).


Go to the Stables. Tell Abizollah that his stables smells bad. Clean the
stables for 2 CRUZIEROS (SP 382) (QE 44).


Cast SPOOK on the Charismatic follower (SP 383), the one who is in the right
of the Charismatic leader.

Go to the Great Watcher Tree and cast SPOOK on Adlay (see GREAT WATCHER TREE
section) (SP 384) and he'll also give you LONG BOW.

Go now to Lanuevo. Maya will say "Finally, I'm home".

End of Chapter 2.

---Chapter 3---


Give the REPLY LETTER to Bastio (SP 385). Bastio advices you to rest. You'll
be automatically in your room sleeping..until Teodoro wakes you up. Go with
him. You'll soon realized that you're going to the REBELS!!! You're taken to
the Rebels place, Siliman Cave.


You'll meet Tersiago again. He reminds you that he was the boy whom your
father took care. He gave you LETTER FROM MAKTAN to read it (SP 386) (QE 45).
After reading it tell him that it is forged. He'll give you the READ skill,
use that to read the LETTER FROM MAKTAN (SP 387) (QU 45). After using the
READ skill tell him that you believe him and you'll be inducted into the
rebellion (SP 390) but before being fully pledged rebel you should make
Lanuevo attack Ortanez (QE 46). You may want to READ the HEAD OF ANITO (for
skill up).

Go to the Town Hall. Tell Del Valle about the information that concerns
Lanuevo. He won't believe on the rumors that you've said but only written
words (QU 46).


Make a stop-over here. Go to the Sagrada Quarry. Use READ skill and read the
cursed jar. You'll learn the CURSE skill (SP 391).

Go to the Elder's Graves. Up N there is a Maya Bird. Talk to the Bird and it
will speak. The Spirits of the Elders will appear. Ask question if you would
like. After that tell them you'll continue your journey. Before parting
they'll give you the POSSESS skill (SP 394).


Go to the Town Hall. Awiyao tells you that you're brother, Agila, is in the
Town Hall (QE 47). Go inside and you'll see Agila being thrown out by a
Senastille soldier (QC 47). Tell him that you're a rebel. He will try to
persuade you to quit but he will not succeed. Go to Governor's Office. Talk
to Bastio and tell him that you've heard something bothersome (QU 46). Still
Bastio wouldn't believe you. He says that Del Valle would file a discontent
formally - in written papers. Go outside and you'll see Awiyao. Tell him that
you need his help (QU 46). He won't tell you anything unless he's on the
'influence', use your CHARM (SP 396). Automatically, you'll be in the
Sounding Inn drinking with Awiyao. Now he is under the influence of alcohol.
Give him more alcohol, maybe Sangria will do. Ask him how Senastille officers
challenge each other. He'll tell you that it is true papers and with a seal
(QU 46).

Now go to Gov.Gen.Mansion. You can find his writing materials in his room.
Get the QUILL (SP 397) from the table. The BASTIO'S RING (SP 398) from the
altar and some PAPERS in the drawer. Combine the QUILL and a piece of PAPER,
you'll get UNSEALED LETTER. Wax the ring by putting it on the candle nearby.
You'll get SEAL WITH WAX (SP 399). Combine the SEAL WITH WAX and UNSEALED
LETTER and you'll have the LETTER FOR ORTANEZ (SP 402) (QU 46).


Go to the Town Hall. Give the LETTER FOR ORTANEZ to Commander Del Valle.
Tell him to talk to Bastio formally and bring some troops when going to
Lanuevo (SP 403) (QU 46).


Go to the Town Hall. Tell Bastio that Ortanez is coming in Lanuevo (SP 404)
(QC 46).


You're in Siliman Cave, the rebels hideout. Tersiago proclaims you as the new
member of the rebels (QU 45). Now as a rebel, you're going to attack the
Senastille in their meeting. Before attacking Tersiago gave you the TONIC OF
TIME CONTROL, which gives you the FLASH skill (SP 407). Then ask him about
being the bearer of the Anito. You're now ready to go into battle. Before
going talk to the rebels, one of them will give you MAROKA'S TEARS (SP 408).
Now, into the exit.


Meeting Sequence...

Battle between the rebels and the Senastille continues (QE 48). Go down a
little bit and you'll find Lt.Salvador.

*****************************Boss: Lt.Salvador*******************************
Now's your chance to kill a Senastille officer..get your revenge on those
Senastille (hehe). Lt.Salvador will be backed up by Senastille soldiers.
Cast AVOID immediately then PROJECT to help things out, plus SUMMON (wicked).
If you want to throw Lt.Salvador immediately, cast SPOOK on the soldiers and
they'll run away, leaving you and Lt.Salvador on a one-on-one battle. Use
FLASH to make him slow, CURSE and SLOW will also help. You can even use
ASTRAL or TELEPORT to move into a place near Tersiago or near some rebels to
help you out. Use can also use CHARGED skills (COMBO, STUN, etc.). There are
now many ways, because of your skills, to defeat this scum. Invent your own.
At the end, loot his corpse of WAR DAGGER and KRIS.

Go to the NE part and you'll find Tersiago. He tells you to go to the Town
Hall. Proceed there. Be careful because the road is full of Senastille .

After defeating them go to the Lanuevo outskirts. You can roam around to find
Senastille soldiers. Some of them have loots like METAL CAP and BULLETS (from
ranged soldiers). Before going to the Town Hall go to the Stables. You'll
find 2 children caught in the crossfire. Guide them into the clinic (SP 409)
(QU 48). In the clinic, tell Dr. Miguel to take care of the wounded children
(SP 412) (QU 48).

Go to the Kongsun School. Give the KONGSUN TREATISE to Lao (SP 413).

Now go to the Town Hall. The Datus will ask for your help instead tell them
to lower their weapons. The rebels will capture them (SP 416) (QC 48).

Captive Sequence...

Tersiago plans to kill Bastio. Prevent him from doing it. He will kill a
Senastille in place of Bastio. Datu Baldomerro commented on Tersiago's
killing spree and for that he also got killed. Sigla will avenge his father,
stopped him from getting killed. Lugnoy then offered his alliance with
Tersiago. For this one, tell Tersiago that Lugnoy's a traitor (QU 45).

Go to the Town Hall. Go down the prison. Tell Sutil that you want to talk to
the Datus. Apologize to them about your joining the rebels. Tell them that
you're devicing a plan to escape. Tersiago then enters the cell. He tells you
that he will go to Villacredo to invade the town. Now this is the time to
escape (SP 419) (QE 49).

Go to the Senastille Barracks. Remember the locked door? Go there now. Pick
up PIKE, BULLETS and MUSKET WITH BAYONET in the weapons storage.

Go to the Marokan Barracks.Tell Tapang that you've come to help the prisoners
escape (SP 420). Ask for their help. Now you have a team but still you're one
hand short, you need a ranged fighter (QU 49).

Go to the Church. Fray Mateo will tell you that Sigla is in the Bell Tower.
Go to him. He is practicing his bow skills for his revenge. You should
recruit him to your team. He agrees to help in your plan (SP 421) (QU 49).
Go outside. Get ARROWS from the target crates.

Go back to the Marokan Barracks. Tell Tapang that you've recruited Sigla
(SP 422). But before the team heads out you need somewhere to flee. You
suggest the Mangapawi village but you need a messenger to go there (QU 49).

Go back to the Church. Go to Teodoro's Room. Ask him if he wants to be the
messenger. He will agree and join the cause (SP 423) (QU 49).

Go to Lanuevo Outskirts. Find Chen meditating under the tree. Ask him if he
will join the team. He will refuse but he teaches the FOCUS skill (SP 426).

Head on Marokan Barracks. Tell Tapang that you've found the messenger. Tapang
will then assemble the team. Teodoro will head on to Laya (SP 427) (QU 49).

Go back to the Prison. Talk to Marawat. Ask him on how to subdue a person
(SP 428) (QU 49). You learned that a small dose of poison will render a
person asleep. If you have POISONOUS POWDER in your inventory then it will do
else go to Dr.Miguel and buy some from him.

Head to the Town Hall. Combine the POISONOUS POWDER and FRIED RICE IN LEAVES,
you'll get SPIKED FRIED RICE (SP 431) (QU 49). Give it to Takaw. He'll fall
asleep (SP 432) (QU 49). You now have 3 minutes to do these things:

1. Fetch Tapang and Kaya from the Marokan Barracks (SP 433).
2. Sigla from his house (SP 434).
3. Defeat Takaw and get the Bronze Key (SP 436).
4. Free the prisoners.

Planning Sequence...

You're ready to escape but then again the rebel caught you. Tien Yi was
caught in the crossfire and end up dead. The others proceed to the gate while
your team kill some rebel while escaping. Kill those pesky rebels although
there are no loots (>_<). Still if you kill them all you'll gain stat up.
Anyway proceed to the Lanuevo Outskirts afterwards (QC 49).


Instruct the team that you're taking a shortcut by boat. Guide them. After
playing the notes.. no sign of the boatman (tsk tsk). Tell the team that
you're going alone. Suddenly Patricia appears. Let her join you in going to

Proceed to the Jungle of Shadows but then Patricia leads you to a shortcut
and you both ended in the Tree of the Fallen. Go into the exit, it is in the
NW area. You'll be stopped by an assassin sent by Tersiago.

*******************************Boss: Assassin********************************
This battle is easy.. Kill the Assassin and the Sigbins, and let Patricia
handle the rebels. This battle can be fast just cast AVOID, PROJECT, SUMMON
and SPOOK. Or whatever your strategy is. Use HEAL or MAROKA'S TEARS if
necessary. Loot the rebels afterwards.

After defeating them (SP 439). Proceed to the exit located in the NW area.


Patricia was amazed on the sights of Laya. However, a Senastille is off-
limits here (you know that don't you). A Mangapawi warrior binds her and
takes you both to the Town Hall.

You'll see Agila inside. Datu Marahil asks you to retell the events. Tell
them that the Laya is at risk. Datu Marahil won't agree believing that the
Tersiago wouldn't attack the village. Patricia will come in, let her speak
for herself. Tell Datu Marahil of your plan on retaking Lanuevo (QE 50). She
also advices you to find Tersiago's weakness. Marawat may help you on this
(QU 50).

Go to the Hall of War. Talk to Duday, ask her who she is. The medicine women
need medicinal supplies. You'll tell them abooout Dr.Miguel's knowledge about
medicine but they will hesitate because they don't trust Outlanders. Anyway
tell them that it is alright to trust the Senastille and after thinking
they'll give it a try (SP 442) (QE 51).


Trek your way back to Lanuevo. You'll be greeted by rebels. Go with them.
When you stop, do the funny business, deal with them. Proceed to Marawat's
Hut or if you're strong enough you can go to the Town Hall and battle the
rebels. If you battle the rebels in the Town Hall, you can loot them of

Go now to Marawat's Hut. Ask Marawat about the Anito pieces (QC 50) but
before he tells you where the pieces are, Mamaril enters the scene and...

*******************************Boss: Mamaril*********************************
Okay, he's Tersiago's 2nd in command and that title suits him. Mamaril casts
CURSE skill which can make the battle a little bit tougher. Use AVOID quickly
so as to avoid his ranged attacks or the ASTRAL skill so as to give you time
to prepare. SLEEP skill will also do but in lower level it won't work. STUN
is also a plus here. FLASH is another thing which gives you faster attack and
slower time to fire for him (yaay!). I'll say that the battle is a little bit
harder. USE MAROKA'S TEARS if necessary or if you have energy to spare then
use HEAL.

After the battle tell Marawat that you need to go to the Clinic because
you're hurt. He'll give you MAROKA'S TEARS. But still you'll be automatically
sent to the Clinic.

In the Clinic, ask Dr.Miguel for the supplies and he'll give you MEDICINE
(SP 443). If you have gotten PITO-PITO leaves, Dr.Miguel will also teach you
how to make CLEANSING from it (SP 444).

End of Chapter 3.

---Chapter 4---


You'll be back in Laya. You, the survivors and the Mangapawi are ready to
retake Lanuevo. But before tell them some inspiring words (QE 52).

Marawat then challenged you to a friendly duel before going. win the duel
and she'll teach you the STRIKE skill (SP 447) (QU 52).

Before going to Lanuevo. Go to the Hall of War. Give the MEDICINES to Duday
(SP 452) (QC 51).

Talk to T'gas and now you're on.

Tersiago's kissing scene...

T'gas will ask you to select another member for your team. You might as well
choose the one who is weaker so as to keep them alive. The weak members are
Sigla and Datu Silaw-an. Then you'll also asked to choose which place to
occupy, Town Hall or the Mansion. You might as well take the Mansion (QU 52).
Kill all those rebels and loot them (QC 52) (SP 454). Head out.

Outside a Mangapawi warriors informed you that Tersiago has arrived at
Lanuevo. Tell T'gas that you'll look for supplies (QE 53).

Go to the Town Hall. There are remaining rebels here. Kill those bastards
and loot them. You can also get METAL GREAVES, HALBERD, and CHAKRA POTIONS

Go to the Marokan Barracks. There is a WOODEN BATTLESHIELD in the armory.

Go to Lanuevo Outskirts. Tersiago is near the cemetery. When you approach
him, he'll kill a Mangapawi warrior (cruel!). Avenge the Mangapawi warrior.

This battle is easy. Tersiago's tactics is still the same. He uses TELEPORT
and PROJECT. He also throws shuriken. This time he has 2 bodyguards with him,
a Rebel Archer and a Rebel Warrior. Use the same strategy that you've used
before when you fought him. This battle will be easy because you have T'gas
and another member to help you. Use MAROKA'S TEARS as necessary.

After defeating him (SP 457). He'll escape again (what a coward). But before
you chase him. Go first to the Town Hall. There is a Mangapawi warrior who is
wounded. Tell the direction of the clinic (SP 458) (QU 53). Go to Marawat's
Hut, on your way there is a half-wounded Marokan warrior give him medicine
(SP 459).

Go now to Marawat's Hut. Tersiago is forcing Marawat to tell where the Anito
pieces, interfere with them. Suddenly, Agila appears in the scene. Tersiago
slashed Marawat.. and this means battle

******************************Boss: Tersiago*********************************
Another easy battle but this is much tougher than before. Tersiago often use
PROJECT here and this really is confusing. Cast CURSE on him before he uses
the PROJECT to mark which is the real one. Agila also helps you here by using
SUMMON. Use the same strategy or whatever you like since you almost complete
the Chakra skills. Use MAROKA'S TEARS as necessary.

After the battle (SP 462) (QC 53), talk to Marawat. Suddenly there will be
an earthquake. Talk to Agila and he tells you to meet him in the Great
Watcher Tree.


Go up to Adlay's Chamber (see GREAT WATCHER TREE section). Ask him where the
Anito piece is. He'll tell you that it is a part of your test to look for it
(QE 54).

You'll find the Anito piece in the hands of the.. Rock Muwa (see GREAT
WATCHER TREE section).

***************************Boss: Rock Muwa***********************************
The brother of the Rock Muwa in the Doom Caverns is out for revenge. This
Muwa packs quite a punch. Use AVOID skill. Cast SLEEP on it. Use FOCUS to
increase your attack. CURSE to limit its attributes (do they have one?) then
STUN or STRIKE it out.

After defeating the Rock Muwa (SP 465). Get the LEFT ARM OF ANITO from it
(QU 54). Use the READ skill and examine the Anito piece.

Go down and back to Tanazan. On your way, you'll see Tersiago with his
personal assassins, Dulom and Dugas. You also see Agila here go up to him.
Adlay suddenly enters the scene. Let him fight the assassins to settle the
score with them. He'll be defeated. Damn, another boss battle.

**************************Boss: Dulom and Dugas******************************
Okay, you can do a one-on-one battle or team up with Agila. Cast SLEEP on
either enemies and team battle the awaked one. Use FOCUS-STRIKE combination.
After the awaked one is defeated..bash the sleepy headed. Use again the
FOCUS-STRIKE combi. Easy battle.

After defeating them (SP 467), loot Dugas to get ASSASSIN'S KRIS. Agila will
then give you the RIGHT HALF OF ANITO that he got from Bastio's men, use the
READ skill and examine the Anito piece (SP 470) (QU 54). Talk to Adlay, he'll
then say his last words. You can get CRYSTAL ALE and 2 MAROKA'S TEARS from

Proceed now to Stone Valley. You'll catch up Tersiago. He'll asked you to
join him but you reject his offer. He still believes that he is the Protector
but then the real one is your father, Datu Maktan. But he still stands on his
beliefs and attacks you..

*******************************Boss: Tersiago********************************
This is so damn easy. Use your own strategy. But if you insist, use AVOID
then SLEEP on him. Then cast CURSE. Use FOCUS to increase your attacks and
finally STRIKE him out. He'll go down in no time.

After defeating him, Datu Maktan unexpectedly appears and stop the battle.
Be a concerned daughter and ask him where he have been. Tell him that
Tersiago is killing innocent lives. Tersiago then defends his side but Maktan
rejects him. Then attack Tersiago.

*******************************Boss: Tersiago********************************
This is the last battle with him. Throw all you can. It's all up to you what
strategy you will use. This is what I use: AVOID - PROJECT - FLASH - FOCUS -

Finally this time he is dead (QU 54). Maktan will give you the LEGS OF ANITO.
Get the TORSO OF THE ANITO from Tersiago's corpse. Use the READ skill and
examine the Anito pieces. Combine the Anito pieces to make the COMPLETE ANITO
(SP 475) and examine it again (READ). Tell Maktan that you've completed the
Anito piece, then follow him to the Heart of Maroka (QC 54).

Inside the Heart of Maroka, say farewell to your father (QE 55). As a parting
gift, he'll grants yout the REVERSAL skill. Go now (SP 480) but don't cry.

Go east and then you'll see something monstrous..

*************************Boss: Maroka's Wrath********************************
Hardest battle in the game. This is the techinique. Use AVOID and FOCUS to .
increase your defense. Then use PROJECT and SENSE to know the remaining life
points of the beast. Cast CURSE on the beast and use FLASH to make you more
faster. Use STRIKE because this causes the highest damage you can inflict.
Use MAROKA'S TEARS and not HEAL to conserve Life Energy that you will use in
STRIKE skill. Goodluck in defeating this Final Boss.

After defeating it (SP 495) (QC 55)... sit back and relax. Enjoy the Ending

You've just finished Maya's Story.

4.0 Equipment
4.1 Weapons

Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 7
Damage: 2-9
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 6
Damage: 5-7
A Kalis is a traditional hunting knife used by young Marokans when they
undergo the eve of the Young Fire-a ritual challenge to affirm the status of
a hunter of the tribe. It is most easily used among the melee weapons and it
is the weapon of choice for women warriors of Marokan tribes. The blade is
curved downward, slightly serrated for maximum slashing damage.

Kalis of Storms
Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 7
Damage: 2-9
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 6
Damage: 5-7
Alibata runes are carved into the blade of this Kalis. Weapons like these
were made by the ancient thunder shamans during the tribal wars of Maroka
long ago when the noble houses were not yet established. This Kalis has the
ability to temporarily stun an opponent with a successful hit.

Surgeon's Kalis
Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 7
Damage: 2-9
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 6
Damage: 5-7
This is a special instrument used by Senastille doctors. The blade is
extremely sharp, made of excellent steel. It is lightweight and perfectly
balanced for medical procedures that require the utmost care, strength, and
precision. Because of its design, the surgeon's kalis increases your agility
by three.

Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 8
Damage: 3-10
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 7
Damage: 5-8
A native weapon. It is easily wielded and is the preferred weapon of most
Marokan militia.

Itak of the Spirit Power
Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 8
Damage: 3-10
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 7
Damage: 5-8
This itak wields more than force. The Itak of Spirit Power strengthens one's
chakra energies to its fullest potential Gives +3 bonus to the Chakra

Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 9
Damage: 3-11
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 8
Damage: 6-9
A mean knife-type weapon, stronger than your usual itak because the weight
of the blade makes it an ideal tool for heavy chopping action.

Banong of the Ruthless
Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 9
Damage: 3-11
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 8
Damage: 6-9
The Banong of the Ruthless was cursed by previous owner but it still remains
a potent weapon. Passed to the best and most determined warriors,it reduces
the bearer's health by 1.

Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 3-12
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 9
Damage: 6-10
A handy steel banabas. It is easy to carry and wield in a melee fight.

War Dagger
Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 3-15
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 6-11
A steel dagger with a handle of horn and brass.

Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 6-22
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 11
Damage: 7-12
The most mean-looking knife you can get.

Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 13
Damage: 4-16
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 8-11
An ornate dagger. It has some markings along the blade. Upon closer
inspection, the blade seems riddled with minute perforations. The jewels
along the hilt are really small vials that contain some sort of clear,
odorless fluid that is excreted through the perforations. Perhaps it could be
used with some sort of substance to increase its performance.

Poisoned Katalona
Weapon Type: Scimitar
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 13
Damage: 4-16
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 8-11
An ornate dagger. It has some markings along the blade. Upon closer
inspection, the blade seems riddled with minute perforations. The jewels
along the hilt are really small vials that contain some sort of clear,
odorless fluid that is excreted through the perforations. The poisoned powder
reacts with the fluid to produce a potent venom.

Weapon Type: Sabre
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 9
Damage: 3-14
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 11
Damage: 7-14
A long Marokan replica of the Senastille sabre.

Long Sword
Weapon Type: Sabre
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 3-16
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 8-15
The standard sword issued to the Senastille soldiers.

Weapon Type: Sabre
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 4-18
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 13
Damage: 9-16
A Senastille sabre.

Weapon Type: Sabre
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 13
Damage: 2-21
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 14
Damage: 12-20
A fancy Senastille sword, commonly used by Senastille aristocrats.

Del Valle's Rapier
Weapon Type: Sabre
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 13
Damage: 4-21
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 14
Damage: 12-20
Commander del Valle's sword, on loan for a demonstration.

Weapon Type: Kris
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 9
Damage: 4-13
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 9
Damage: 8-11
It is a standard issue Marokan Soldier sword.

Weapon Type: Kris
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 5-14
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 8-12
A more refined version of the Marokan sword. Used only by the noblest of the
warriors of the Marokan tribes. Its serrated edge maximizes damage and
inflicts severe wounds.

Maktan's Kris
Weapon Type: Kris
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 5-14
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 8-12
Datu Maktan's kris. A Kris is the traditional weapon of the Marokan nobles.
The symbol of the clan of Maktan, a warrior, is depicted through the ornate
carvings etched along the length of the blade, scabbard, and trinkets
attached to its hilt. Being of the clan of Maktan, the sword

Assassin's Kris
Weapon Type: Kris
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 11
Damage: 5-17
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 10-15
A special kris wielded by Tersiago's most trusted assassin. Its pointy tip is
coated with poison that is injected into the enemy's blood.

Weapon Type: Spear
Attack 1: Thrust
Attack Rating: 9
Damage: 5-12
A quick attack spear.

Weapon Type: Spear
Attack 1: Thrust
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 10-13
The foreign version of our spear. It is long and heavier.

Weapon Type: Spear
Attack 1: Thrust
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 8-15
A high quality Senastille spear.

Kirog's Spear
Weapon Type: Spear
Attack 1: Thrust
Attack Rating: 15
Damage: 8-18
An intricately ornamented spear that the old man Kirog kept from his
childhood. Powerful and one-of-a-kind. Grants a +1 bonus to Agility and

Weapon Type: Halberd
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 11
Damage: 4-15
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 8
Damage: 10-13
An axe-and-spear type weapon

Kongsun Axe
Weapon Type: Halberd
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 4-16
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 11
Damage: 9-15
An axe designed by the Kongsun, with both axe and spear points.

Weapon Type: Halberd
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 14
Damage: 6-22
Attack 2: Thrust
Attack Rating: 14
Damage: 9-19
A heavy iron weapon with both axe and spear points.

Battle Axe
Weapon Type: Axe
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 2-18
A heavy Senastille battle axe.

Weapon Type: Axe
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 13
Damage: 3-20
A light Marokan axe.

Weapon Type: Axe
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 1-15
A strong axe used by woodsmen to chop wood

Executioner's Axe
Weapon Type: Axe
Attack 1: Slash
Attack Rating: 15
Damage: 5-25
A Senastille ceremonial axe used for public executions, the extremely sharp
blade ensures that one blow is enough to sever the head.

Flintlock Pistol
Weapon Type: Pistol
Attack 1: Ranged
Attack Rating: 18
Damage: 5-20
Attack 2: Smash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 2-4
A simple firing weapon.

Weapon Type: Musket
Attack 1: Ranged
Attack Rating: 25
Damage: 5-25
Attack 2: Smash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 2-6
Standard-issue firearm of the Senastille elite sniper team.

Accurate Musket
Weapon Type: Musket
Attack 1: Ranged
Attack Rating: 30
Damage: 5-25
Attack 2: Smash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 2-6
Limited-issue firearm of the Senastille elite sniper team. It is lightweight
and perfectly balanced.

Musket with Bayonet
Weapon Type: Bayonet
Attack 1: Ranged
Attack Rating: 25
Damage: 5-25
Attack 2: Smash
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 2-10
A new model of firearm used by the Senastille troops. It has a bayonet knife
placed at the tip of the weapon for close fighting.

Weapon Type: Bow
Attack 1: Ranged
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 1-12
Attack 2: Smash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 1-3
The native bow.

Lightweight Busog
Weapon Type: Bow
Attack 1: Ranged
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 1-12
Attack 2: Smash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 1-3
Unlike other native bows, this one is made of young wood and is lighter than
others of its type. It gives a +1 bonus to Agility.

Patrizia's Spare Bow
Weapon Type: Bow
Attack 1: Ranged
Attack Rating: 12
Damage: 1-12
Attack 2: Smash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 1-3
A small bow. It looks old, but for now, it will have to do.

Weapon Type: Bow
Attack 1: Ranged
Attack Rating: 14
Damage: 2-18
Attack 2: Smash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 1-3
A bow of supple wood.

Longbow of Cunning
Weapon Type: Bow
Attack 1: Ranged
Attack Rating: 16
Damage: 5-18
Attack 2: Smash
Attack Rating: 10
Damage: 1-3
Bahaghari's special bow. The wood has been treated and crafted to render it
effortless to use. This longbow adds to a hunter's agility.

4.2 Armors

Silk Breeches
Defense: 0
Damage Reduction:0
Breeches like these are made in special looms that the Kongsun brought to
Maroka many years ago. These are somewhat considered a fashionable luxury
among Marokans.

Elder's Breeches
Damage Reduction:2
Long ago, Marokan Sages rarely use armor but they made special clothing that
would greatly aid them in the use of their arcane skills. This clothing which
belongs to Lakdaw gives a +2 bonus to your chakra and absorbs 2 points of
damage to the legs.

Shin Guards
Defense: 2
Damage Reduction:0
Hammered out of brass, these bands are both ornamental and protective.

Metal Greaves
Defense: 4
Damage Reduction:0
It protects the calves and shins of the wearer.

Leather Vest
Defense: 2
Damage Reduction:0
This simple armor protects one's torso. It is made of leather from dried
horse skin. It provides reasonable protection from sharp objects.

Leather Vest of the Survivor
Defense: 3
Damage Reduction:0
This vest is made from special leather cured with Maroka's tears. Before it
was laid to dry. Gives +1 bonus to health attribute.

War Paint
Defense: 3
Damage Reduction:0
When applied to the body, it functions just like real armor because of the
mystical energy it radiates when Tersiago's mark is drawn with it upon the

Marokan Breastplate
Defense: 6
Damage Reduction:1
A functional Marokan breastplate made of linked iron plates. It is heavy
armor that provides good protection.

Marokan Brass Armor
Defense: 10
Damage Reduction:2
Armor of traditional Marokan design, assembled from cast brass plates.
Effective against bronze and brass weapons, Marokan Brass Armor is a popular
ceremonial armor for any Marokan nobles.

4.3 Headgear

Adorned Cap
Defense: 0
Damage Reduction:0
At first glance, it looks like a plant. This kind of piece was used during
the tribal wars to distinguish between friend from foe.

Hunter's Adorned Cap
Defense: 0
Damage Reduction:0
More than just aesthetic headgear, the hunter's adorned cap increases one's

Defense: 1
Damage Reduction:0
Basic headgear for the frugal Marokan.

Marokan Battle Cap
Defense: 3
Damage Reduction:2
A mean-looking cap, to protect one's head and intimidate one's opponents.
The carabao horns that adorn it symbolizes strenght, toughness and

Metal Cap
Defense: 5
Damage Reduction:4
A protective cap of beaten bronze. Not exactly the best example of Marokan
fashion, it serves its purpose to protect the head from heavy blows.

4.4 Shields

Defense: 2
Damage Reduction:0
A buckler is made of thin iron strips fitted around a circular wooden frame.

Elder's Buckler
Defense: 2
Damage Reduction:0
Those who remained loyal to the Elders fashioned this special buckler in
secret. Previously of Senastille design, the Elder's buckler carried sacred
writings of the Ancient Texts and bore Maroka's name. In return, Maroka
blesses the bearer with additional chakra capabilities.

Bronze Shield
Defense: 4
Damage Reduction:0
A sturdy shield made from leaves of beaten stone. It is rather bulky but
provides adequate protection from melee and missile weapons

Wooden Battle Shield
Defense: 6
Damage Reduction:0
A small shield carved out of thick narra wood.

Large Wooden Shield
Defense: 9
Damage Reduction:0
A large shield carved out of thick narra wood.


5.0 Items
5.1 Consumables

Arcane Brew - The Sages of Maroka used this brew before they went into deep
study. It has been said that the brew, when imbibed, enhances the drinker's
perceptions and cognitive skills.
This drink should give an increase among skills that use Center Chakra.

Aroakhan Vial - This dark vial was fashioned from some kind of mythical
creature called Aroakhan. It is believe that the gaze of the Aroakhan can
strike great fear in the heart of its enemies.
This potion, when drunk entirely, is believed to have the power to grant
the Spook skill to the one who drinks it.

Arrows - A set of arrows, of Marokan handiwork. The shaft is usually made of
narra or bamboo and the tip is honed to perfection.

Bananacue - Fried banana on a stick. Sustains a person for 12 hours.

Blood of Maroka - Made from red fruits and rare spices of the highlands, the
Blood of Maroka replenishes lost energy only for the Blood Chakra.

Bianca - The ladies' drink from the Kingdom of Senastille, it is sweet yet

Bibingka - The Marokan rice cake, with cheese and salted duck egg on top.
Sustains a person for 12 hours.

Black Cat - As supple as a cat, it sneaks up on you then sneaks hits you from
behind. Don't be fooled.

Blood of Maroka - Made from red fruits and rare spices of the highlands, the
Blood of Maroka replenishes lost energy only for the Blood Chakra.

Breath of Maroka - "Although not necessarily limited to these, this elixir's
ingredients are likely to be made of banaba, eucalyptus pandan and mint
leaves boiled in Maroka's tears.
A little minty to the taste, the Breath of Maroka replenishes lost energy of
the Life Chakra.

Bullets - Ammunition for firearms.

Cleansing Fluid - see Combinations.

Cooked Leg of Meat - Meat from a boar. Sinewy and tasty, it is enough for a
whole day's meal.
Sustains a person for 24 hours.

Crystal Ale - A special concoction that replenishes chakra energy for all
skill. Rare and very powerful.

Cuchinta - A small sticky rice cake. It is dense and a little sweet. Sustains
a person for 8 hours.

Dried Salted Fish - Called 'daing' in Marokan, it is a dried salty fish,
inexpensive and very tasty. Sustains a person for 8 hours.

Drinking Water - Ordinary drinking water. It soothes a little hunger and

Drink of the Prey - The bottle is fashioned in the form of a Kalmut - a
Marokan rodent. The content of these rare bottles is said to be a mixture of
pineapple juice and muwa's saliva. Sages make this potion by extracting the
paralyzing substance from a muwa's glands and mixing it with reagents that
will enable the human body to focus tremendous strength in a single blow.
This potion, when drunk entirely, is believed to have the power to grant the
Stun skill to the one who drinks it.

Drink of the Soul - The beauty of the vial reflects the contents of the
potion. It is a very fragrant concoction since it is made from the nectar of
rare flowers.
The Elders used this during the Anito wars to enhance their connection with
the souls of the Marokan people - to convince them to turn away from tribal
hate. It will take the whole dose to impart knowledge among skills that use
the Touch Chakra.

Earthen Brew - This bamboo container holds a certain kind of tea that
enhances an individual's basic life energy center - also known as the Brown

Essence of Maroka - This fine elixir's components are indistinguishable. Its
white fluid reminds you of coconut's milk. Its fresh fragrance is somewhat
intoxicating. Dubbed 'The Essence of Maroka', this substance is known to
restore the white Divine Chakra energy.

Fish Steak - Cooked fish meat. Smoked to perfection. Sustains a person for 16
Cook: Fish.

Fluid of Impedance - The contents of this marble flask smell like vinegar
sprinkled with herbs. Regardless where it came from, this stimulates the
Central chakra and enables an individual to release a certain amount of
energy to radically alter the regulation of another's Central chakra,
making the target move slower then usual.

Fried Rice in Leaves - Fried rice actually starts out as regular steamed
rice. Lightly cooked with oil, scrambled eggs, peas, carrots and either fish,
chicken, or beef tidbits, it beats eating plain bread anyday. It usually
comes with specially folded banana leaf packets. Sustains a person for 10
hours. Adds 2 Health Points.
Cook: Uncooked Rice.

Grail of the Ancients - Also known as the Dancing Spirit because of the
ethereal qualities of the drink. The liquid seems to come alive because the
vial shakes, like an unborn child in its mother's womb. This royal-looking
vial seems very old. The Elder prophets created these drinks to aid the
Protectors of the Land as they did their duty." The Grail of the Anicents
enables supernatural mastery upon the skills which draw upon from the Divine

Grilled Pork Chop - Pig's meat grilled with some kind of sweet sauce. It is
taut and crispy.
Sustains a person for 18 hours.

Guava - Tart yet musky, it stimulates the senses and arouses the flesh.
Sustains a person for 8 hours.

Healer's Brew - During the Time of the Wandering Hunter the Mangatiwala
Shamans of Duyan created this brew for villages that had no healers. It is a
rare ceremonial drink for those who wished to become the healers of the
tribe. It smells of leaves and sweet spice. Images of the wide farming fields
and sunlit summer showers flash in your mind's eye. This potion, when drunk
entirely, grants Heal skill that uses the Life chakra.

Honey – it’s a jar of sweet honey. Sustains a person for 8 hours. Adds 1
energy to all colors.

Honey and Lime Mix - see Combinations.

Kiss of the Current - The depths of Maroka's bosom hold many wonders and
secrets that provide us with great benefits. Even the Marokan Sages of the
olden times did not disclose the ingredients for fear that such powerful
drinks are prone to abuse. The Kiss of the Current endows additional
proficiency upon the skills which draw power from the Wave Chakra.

Lanzones - Its sharp sweetness, pleasant rounded shape, and appealing size
make it popular among the ladies. Sustains a person for 8 hours.

Macopa - Its warm, rosy color is in contrast to its cool, crisp texture. A
fruit full of contradictions,just like the heart which it resembles. Sustains
a person for 8 hours.

Mango - The pride of Maroka, luscious and robust. A fruit fit for nobility.
Sustains a person for 8 hours.

Marokan Lime - The Marokan lime, its juice clears the throat and strengthens
the constitution. Sustains a person for 4 hours.

Maroka's Radiance - Although not necessarily limited to these ingredients,
the mixture is made from pineapple blessed by the Harvest Sun offered to
Maroka. It replenishes lost energy of the Central Chakra.

Maroka's Tears - Water that comes from sacred springs dedicated to Maroka
by the Elders. Maroka's tears is a valuable healing liquid. When imbibed, it
restores 15 points of lost health.

Merchant's Blend - A simple concoction of alcohol and chaser. It is the
cheapest drink around.

Nature's Sap - The trees of the forest are a rich, unlimited source of
powerful medicine and beneficial substances.
Made from the sap of medicinal trees and broth from their barks, Nature's sap
grants greater proficiency in skills using the Life Chakra.

Noodles in Shell - Kongsun noodles are usually stir fried lightly in oil and
mixed with carrots and cabbage strips or added with meat tidbits. It's greasy
but filling. The coconut shell is an exotic replacement for the usual food
bowl. Sustains a person for 15 hours.

Papaya - A soft, sweet tropical fruit. Sustain a person for 8 hours.

Potion of Mind Focus - During the Anito wars, the Sages of Marokan tribes
created these potions to augment the strength of the fighting warriors. It
gives a warrior incredible accuracy in both melee and ranged fighting. It
smells rancid but the potion's smell stays ingrained in the sinus. A certain
clarity intertwines with your senses. This potion, when drunk entirely, is
believed to have the power to grant the Focus skill to the one who drinks it.

Puto - A small airy steamed rice cake. Sustain a person for 8 hours.

Reversal Potion - This potion amplifies the Wave Chakra enabling its user to
inflict similar damage upon individuals who have the discernable intent of
causing you pain or harm, without even laying a hand on them. Simply drink
all of it to achieve the potion's full effect, after which this skill of
Reversal can be awakened.

Sangria - A strong drink that tastes bitter and drips down thick. A favorite
of no-nonsense drinkers.

Sauban - Imported from the Anaphratic East, the Sauban is heavy on the
stomach and painful to the chest.

Schenke - A very strong drink, the favorite of sailors and miners.

Spiked Fried Rice - see Key Items.

Sugar - This is a Marokan kind of sugar, a syrupy substance made from Marokan
sugar cane. It is used in many dishes as a sweetener. Sustains a person for
2 hours.

Suman - This is a great snack made of steamed sticky rice, wrapped in young
coconut leaves. This is very heavy on the stomach but because it is a little
bland, most prefer it served with some sweetener. Sustains a person for 8

Tihaya - Tihaya means 'upside-down'. An appropriate name for a strong Marokan
drink consisting of rice wine and some citrus fruit juice,

Tonic of Time Control - This earthen jar looks like an ordinary Marokan vase.
Peering inside, however, you notice that it contains a luminiscent, viscious
fluid. One whiff of its scent temporarily leaves you disoriented. You feel
the amount of time has passed by. This potion, when drunk entirely, is
believed to have the power to grant the Flash skill to anyone who drinks it.

Touch of Maroka - Although not necessarily limited to such ingredients, this
strange concoction seems to consist of citrus fruit and vegetable oil. Sour
to the taste, the Touch of Maroka replenishes lost energy of Touch Chakra.

Voice of Maroka - This fine elixir's components are indistinguishable. Its
clear blue liquid wafts a strong, stimulating scent. Called the Voice of
Maroka, this potion restores energy associated with the Wave Chakra.

Warrior's Wine - This vial is adorned with the tooth of a giant Yalak. The
toothed terror of the Marokan jungles, the Yalak is now almost extinct. The
liquid in the glass is a special red wine from the rare blood berries of the
Northern Sagrada plantations. Ancient warriors prized this rare drink that
greatly enhances martial skill that use Blood Chakra. It can be used only

5.2 Combinations

Cleansing Fluid - Cleansing fluid removes poison from any system. It has a
bitter but suprisingly refreshing taste, judging from the herbs and various
substances that were used in its concoction.
(Drinking Water + Pito-Pito)

Complete Anito - see Key Items.
(Head of Anito + Left Arm of Anito + Right Arm of Anito + Torso of Anito)

Honey and Lime Mix - It's a jar of sweet honey mixed with some lime juice.
Sustains a person for 10 hours. Adds 2 energy to all colors.
(Honey + Marokan Lime)

Purple Blue Lady - It's a bottle of the infamous Blue Lady, now an amazing
shade of purple.
(Blue Lady + Annato Seeds)

Seal with Wax - see Miscellaneous Items.
(Bastio Ring + Wax from Candle)

Spiked Fried Rice - see Key Items.
(Fried Rice in Leaves + Poison Powder)

Unsealed Letter - see Miscellaneous Items.
(Paper + Quill)

5.3 Key Items

Agiw's Pendant - An elaborately-carved wooden pendant that Agiw kept from his

Anunciola Token - A symbol of Anunciola's old glory. It is a token from
aptain Jimenez, to endorse me to Datu Aligaen.

Bastio's Key - A plain bronze key. Bastio mentioned that it might open one of
the chests at his mansion.

Bone Flute - A carved flute out of carabao horn

Bronze Key - A bronze key. It looks like it can fit.

Burnt Parchment - A piece of paper found under the rubble of burned house in
villacredo. It bears a resemblance to the tattoo found on the back of the
rebel Tersiago.

Cleansing Fluid - see Combinations.

Clinic Records - Don Gregorio-molar extraction. Don Juan-regular physical
Check-up. Don Figueroa-eye examination. Tgas-wound closure. Enrico-teeth
cleaning. Tapang-skin treatment. Enteng-canine extraction.

Complete Anito - It is a physical representation of the sitting Life Spirit
known as Maroka. The statue is the symbol and history of the Marokan people.
The carvings read:
Dance the prophets' song
Deep in Maroka's bosom
Face to face, they speak, we listen
To be filled with her wisdom and strength.
The white fountain plunders,
From the sea, it thunders.
When her veins are sealed by outlanders
Her blood flows to cleanse us all.
Anito of Maroka come heal the wounds.
Protector of our Land shall break the chains.
Birthed out of fire, restored by water
From the heart of Maroka,
Spirit of the new land, come!

Cultural Practices - see Scrolls and Books.

Damhouse key - The key to the Lanuevo damhouse. Kadawan lent this to me so I
could repair the dam while he's gone.

Eagle's Feather - The feather of an 'agila', or a Marokan eagle.

Elder Totem - A small statue of an Elder, looking very wise and very old.

Elephant - This strange statue representing a elephant looks very old and
seems to be made out of a polished stone.

Ganaag's Pendant - A pendant made of polished wood. Cat's claws and eagle's
feather adorn it- peculiar emblems of the Mangapawi tribe.

Genealogy Book - A very old record of Marokan ancestry, with some names
missing. All you can make out is this phrase: 'Maktan, son of Kaldo.'

Head of Anito - A strange statue, a head. Its emerald eyes gives a menacing
look of warning. Small symbols are carved from the wood.

Hen - A hen.

Heron Statuette - It's the figure of a heron, cast in silver. The light of
Maroka's eye reflects blindingly white off its polished surface.

Holy Water - Water taken from the Church's Baptismal Font. I hope Daeus
doesn't mind.

Kongsun Treaties - It is written in Kongsun.

Lantern - This lantern was given to me by Kirog. It appears to be a reliable
source of light for dark, damp, and windy places.

Land Titles and Deeds - A bundle of documents that pertain to a house and
farm. The name Lumnay figures prominently in the papers.

Left Arm of Anito - It looks like a detached arm from a statue. It is covered
with etchings and symbols.

Left Half of Carving - The left side of a wood carving. I can't make out of
the picture.

Legs of Anito - A set of detached wooden legs. They are covered with
etchings and symbols.

Letter for Agila - A letter for your brother, but to be delivered through
Kapitana Bayari in Villacredo.

Letter for Ortanez - A letter from the Governor-General Bastio to Commander
del Valle. Supposedly.

Letter from Gustav - It's Gustav letter to Tien Yi. Written half in
Senastille, and half in Kongsun, you can barely understand what it says.

Letter from Maktan - Tersiago, I know that you love Maroka more than any
other youth I have known. It is because of this that I have chosen you to
come with me to the Elders of Maroka to start you on the path of the
Protector of the Land. I give you the Kris of Maktan, the sword of our house
and clan. It is a sign that my favor is upon you. The Senastille must be
stopped and all Marokans must rally to our call...

Letter from Maya - Agila, I fear the dark times that father was talking about
have come upon us. I dreamt that he was standing in the midst of a jungle in
flames. He looked tired and called outmy name.
I sense that he wants to give you this wooden figure. I don't know what to
make of it but I believe that the head figure is something of great
importance being entrusted to us by our father. Please, do not show the Anito
to just anybody. This is all I have to say for now. Take care my brother. I
must try to find our father.

Letter to Batumbakal - Bahaghari's letter to his cousin, Batumbakal. From
metalsmith to metalsmith!

Letter to Villacredo - It is sealed up tight.

Maranhig's Ashes - The Maranhig's ashes are still in there, mixed with holy

Matulis - Ganaag's black rooster.

Medicine - A bottle of Senastille medicine,from Dr.Sobrepena's own handiwork.

Merchant's Map - A map with routes from Lanuevo to Villacredo. You need this
to travel from one place to place to another.

Muwa's Key - A key gotten from the corpse of a fallen Rock Muwa.

Permit - It is a written permit issued by the Senastille authorities.
You can carry weapons inside Fort Ortanez when this is with you.

Purple Blue Lady - see Combinations.

Rebel Map - A crudely drawn map, from the body of a rebel warrior. What is
this for?

Religious Texts - Some religious texts for Teodoro.

Reply Letter - A reply letter for Governor-General Bastio.

Right Arm of Anito - It looks like a detached arm from a statue. It is
covered with etchings and symbols.

Right Half of the Carving - The right side of a wood carving. I can't make
out the picture.

Sealed Letter - A sealed letter from the Governor-General.

Senastille Letter - A Senastille letter! What was it doing in the Kongsun
teacher's desk? Hmm...

Sheaf of Documents - They're old texts that Maktan is studying, in a language
you can't understand.

Spiked Fried Rice - Looks can be deceiving. This dish can be used to make a
person fall asleep.

Strange Money Pouch - A money pouch with writing in front. Judging by its
appearance, it's propably seen some heavy use.

Survey Records - Survey records of the island, long misplaced.

The Council's Letter - The Council of Datus from Lanuevo wrote this request
to the Commander of the Senastille forces in Fort Ortanez to allow Datu
Maktan and his diplomatic party to find a peaceful solution to the escalating
conflict between the Mangapawi and the Senastille. It also appeals to a
certain Datu Marahil to support the resulting negotiations of Datu Maktan.

Truce Letter - A letter from Del Valle requesting a truce with the Mangapawi.

Used Poisoned Arrow - This was used to kill Bebang. It has some marks on the

White Boar - In Marokan legends, the white boars are revered messengers of
Maroka. It is said that they cannot die. However, nobody ever said that they
can't be caught.

Wooden Staff - A long wooden staff that I found in the Jungle of Shadows.
Though it seems like it's been buried long time,it's still strong and intact.

Woven Garments - Rich woven garments, handmade by Landaka of Anunciola.

Woven Rugs - Colorful woven rugs, handmade by Landaka of Anunciola.

5.4 Miscellaneous Items

Abacca Paper - Local handmade Marokan paper.

Adhesive - Sticky!

Ancient Scroll - An old scroll, carefully preserved.

Annato Seeds - This banana leaf envelope contains a handful of deep red
annatto Seeds.

Assorted Gems - These assorted gems are among the beautiful bounties of
Maroka. Ancient Marokans just used to pluck gems from the caverns. Now they
are rarely seen. Cut gems like these are even more rare

Candle - A wax candle.

Compass - A Kongsun invention, the metal needle ought to always point north.

Bamboo Pipe - This bamboo segment is fashioned into a pipe.

Bastio's Ring - The Governor-General's ring, bearing the official seal of the
King. He uses this to mark his correspondence.

Blue Lady - It's a bottle of the infamous Blue Lady, the Governor-General's
prized liquor.

Carving Knife - A steel carving knife. Small, sharp, with a comfortable

Copper Kettle -A copper kettle used for boiling liquids.

Copper Pan - A round cooking pan, fashioned from beaten copper.

Cruzieros - The coin of Maroka.

Crystal - These are natural crystals that can be occasionally found in the
Sagrada caves. The light dances when it passes through them.

Dahlia - A Dahlia.

Embroidered Vest - A colorful vest to strut and swagger in.

Embroidered Terno - A terno embellished with elaborate embroidery.

Embroidered Thong - Not at all comfortable, but probably alluring to some

Empty Vial - I can store all sorts of liquids in these vials.

Firecrackers - Standard-issue Kongsun-made firecrackers, perfect for
fiestas or new year celebrations.

Fireworks - Kongsun-made fireworks, perfect for ground l
evel noise.

Fish - a fish.

Folded Paper - A piece of folded Senastille paper.

Frangipani - This simple-looking blossom is betrayed by its rich, heady

Glass Shards - The glass shards you retrieved from the rubble of the ambushed

Gold Bracelet - A simple but elegant bracelet made of gold.

Gold Necklace - It was not until the arrival of the Senastille that gold
became the standard currency of the land. Before that, Marokans used to
barter it for food and was used in the creation of many ornamental
decorations like these. Each link in the necklace is fashioned in the
likeness of a heart-shaped leaf of the Marokan yam-a plant rumored to be
an effective cure for heart ailments.

Han's Money Pouch - A small bag made of strong, woven cloth secured by a silk
string. The name 'Han' is inscribed in Kongsun and Marokan.

Hibiscus - This flower's gaudily vivid petals and downy, golden stamen
compete for attention.

Hunter's of Maroka - ...what happens when the hunter becomes the hunted?
The legendary hunters Kilos and Galaw used the Wave Chakra to temporarily
disable the hunting ability of other vicious predators during that time
resulting in opponent's blindness that helped them leave the scene of the
struggle...At the highest level of this skill, they have succeeded in
blinding a ferocious Yalak...
Strange symbols are sprawled across its pages.

Iron Hammer - A useful tool for pounding, smashing, all-around hammering.

Journal Page - ...she really knows how to handle children. I see much of my
mother in her-kind, gentle,yet firm when the students need to be disciplined.
I dropped by the school this morning to bring her the books that I promised.
Soon I'll run out of excuses to see her and that will be the time when I
would have to do something about I suppose I am doomed at this
sort of thing. Daeus took my wife a long time ago to end her suffering.
But...could it be that Daeus has given me another opportunity at happiness?
I was once an empty shell when I first came to this island. Who would have
thought that my shriveled heart would revive and beat once more?
I lack the courage to do anything yet. Although, there is a chance that I
could muster enough courage to court her should someone believe with me...
that love is not bound by race, tradition or rules of society.

Kongsun Paper - Authentic Kongsun paper.

Money Pouch - A small bag made of strong, woven cloth secured by a silk
string. It contains all your fortunes.

Mortar and Pestle - Chiseled from marble, this common utensil may be used to
crush or grind anything softer or more brittle than itself.

Old Book - An aged book.

Old Thick Book - A thick handbound book.

Old Thin Book - An old grey book. The pages are turning yellow.

Orchid - Hypnotic in its untamed beauty.

Ortanez Inn Key - A plain iron key, for your room at the Ortanez Inn. The inn
keeper gives a key per visitor per night.

Paper - A blank piece of Senastille paper, from the Governor-General's
private supply.

Pearls - A string of pearls.

Pito-Pito - An herbal plant supposedly capable of treating a variety of ills.

Poison - Poison removed from the plant that caused the sickness in Annunciola.

Poisonous Powder - Residue of poison found in deadly forest creatures.

Porcelain Plate - Just like a clay plate, only much more fancier, painted and
glazed with a Kongsun touch.

Pouch of Dried Lagundi Leaves - This cloth pouch contains a bundle of dried
leaves from the Lagundi plant.

Pouch of Lagundi Powder - This cloth pouch contains powder made from ground-
up dried lagundi leaves.

Prism - This piece of crystal was cut carefully to allow the light that
passes through to bend and scatter. A rainbow can be seen inside when it is
held at a certain angle.

Quill - A quill, used for writing long ink-stained letters. This belongs to
the Governor- General."

Seal with Wax - The Governor-General's ring, now covered with candle wax. Can
be used to seal letters.

Silk Scarf - A light silk scarf, the color of the morning sky.

Silk Ribbon - A vividly died strip of pure silk.

Silk Thong - Cool, soft, and comfortable.

Silk Vest - A simple silk vest sewn from fine silk.

Smoke Pot - A metal contraption used to disperse smoke around beehives.

Stones - Some stones.

Terno - A delicate blouse woven from translucent pineapple fibers.

Turban - A complicated head covering.

Uncooked Rice - The staple food food for Maroka. Even the local birds and
fowls feed upon rice that is scattered on the ground. It can be steamed and
then fried to provide excellent nourishment.

Unsealed Letter - A letter you wrote to convince Commander del Valle of
Bastio's hidden motives. But it doesn't look nearly as convincing as it
should, without Bastio's official wax seal. It reads: "The contingent you
sent was weak, and was ambushed and easily defeated by a minor rebel attack
this morning. If all your troops are as poorly trained, Ruel, then I do not
believe you should head my troops any longer. I will appoint Commander Vargas
as my second-in-command in all Maroka."

Villacredo Inn Key - A plain iron key, for your room at the Villacredo Inn.
The innkeeper provides one key per visitor per night.

Wad of Silk - A handful of silk taken from the body of a toklau creature.

Wild Boar's Meat - Wild boar's meat is slightly tastier than ordinary pig's
meat. It is because of its omnivorous diet and fierce nature that most
Marokans consider wild boar as the food of true warriors.

5.5 Scrolls and Books
Anaphratic East - ...The distant lands of the East include the continent of
Anaphrasia. Our scholars say it is an ancient but harsh land where the people
live and die by honor and by the whims of their 'gods'.
The Anaphratic East has brought forth a wide variety of cultures. Some have
chosen a more 'civilized' way of life, living in palaces, while some remained
animistic, worshipping creatures like the elephant and the tiger.

Ancient Alchemy - This old Marokan text describes the Sages' procedures in
making the various chakra potions that are scattered all over the face of
Maroka. Since the disapperance of the last Marokan Sage, no more new potions
are being produced. However, the text reveals several ways on how to produce.
a potion of a certain color by mixing two potions of another color.
Blood and Touch become Radiance.
Blood and Radiance shall Touch.
Touch and Breath creat Blood.
Touch and Radiance bring forth Breath.
Breath and Radiance exude Voice.
Voice and Breath reveal Essence.

Antidotes - One of the most common causes of death of Senastille troops is
the venom of the creatures inhabiting the islands of Moriontes. Many died
during the first voyage of the Castrata while they were looking for suitable
natural resources, simply because there were no known antidotes available to
the Senastille colonizers. Years later, in one settlement a certain Fray
Hernandez ventured to ask the natives about their herbal remedies.
Fray Hernandez discovered that the pito-pito leaves contain powerful
cleansing agents that can be ingested by the body through liquid. Crushing a
handful of leaves in ordinary water is enough to create a powerful antidote
for almost all kinds of poison in the body.

A Time of Peace 1 - Maroka had nine baranggays ruled by the Datus.The Elders,
hailed as the strong and wise protectors of the land, lived in the jungles,
mountains, and secret places close to the heart of Maroka. They met with the
Datus from time to time as mediators and spokesmen of Maroka. All lived in
peace and harmony with each other and the land.

Code of Compassion - Among the codes of the royal clan of Maroka, the Code of
Compassion is often the most neglected because it goes against the nature of
selfishness common to those who look upon the status of the nobility as a
right. A Datu love the people and the people love the Datu. Compassion is
different from sympathy,for it has a compelling quality that requires action.
A Datu is not content until the weak, the destitute, the widowed and
fatherless show their love and respect to the clan.

Code of Harmony - Maroka herself exhibits this law in the delicate balance of
all living things. It is easy to forget that we exist not only for our selves
but so that others might have life as well.
A Datu must, as a true child of Maroka, know how his or her people are
sustained. Knowing the land is about knowing Maroka. And as we learn, she
will recognize us as her children.

Code of Knowledge - The sayings of the Ancients declare thatpeople are
destroyed because of the lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge brings fear and
confusion. To a Datu, this is simply unacceptable. A Datu must know his or
her heritage. without the knowledge of our lineage, we will sink into the
mire of obscurity and mediocrity. Yet, the truth reveals who we are. A Datu
is the child of a Datu. This knowledge has guided us for generations..."

Code of Strength - Remember the first children of Maroka when there were men
and women who were strongest among their group? Our ancestors were pleased to
place them in a position of honor. As the race of weapon grew in number the
strong preyed upon the weak and the barbarian tribes of the ancient lands
held endless wars in the name of their gods, a clan devoted themselves to the
precepts of righteousness. The strong defended the weak and the weak served
the strong. From these precepts our forefathers established the tribes of
Maroka and the royal house among us. The Datu Code of Strength stemmed from
this tradition: A Datu is an exceptional fighter who defends the weak and
shatter the proud.

Code of Wisdom - Some nobles care not for the benefits of wisdom. Yet, who can
rule justly without it? It is the difference between success and and failure,
wealth and poverty, sickness and health, honor and shame.
It is good when a Datu possesses sound judgement. He or she must be a
tenacious seeker of truth. This is the Code of Wisdom.

Foreman's Journal - ...all hope is lost. We should have known better than to
open the jars. Thinking that there was great treasure in these artifacts,
one of my men opened it and some kind of gas was released. Afterwards, we
heard a scream that came from deep within the earth. I did know what it was.
All I know is that we are trapped here because of the cave-in caused by our
greediness. May Daeus or Maroka have mercy on us all...

Genealogy Book - see Key Items.

Kingdom of Valor - While I was not too much impressed with the stone
buildings and cathedrals of the Senastille Kingdom, I immediately became
aware of the value of honor. It's also interesting to note that while they
believe in Daeus, they also attribute natural occurences to the spirits that
manifest as creatures of nature. One good example is the black swallow, known
for its uncanny ability to herald the coming of winter...

Kongsun wildlife- ...One of the great experiences in my visits to the Kongsun
Empire is visiting the province of Yao-Ling where the great craftsman Xi Shu
lived. I had to see with my own eyes the master artisan sculpt the various
wonders of nature using different metals.. One of his works in progress was
the red-billed heron that he was casting in silver

Marawat's Second Tale - There was a massive cave-in at the sites mined by the
Senastille. The steam vents of the earth were sealed and Maroka was enraged.
Even now, her anger builds up all around us. This is why the forests have
somehow become darker. Many hostile creatures have appeared since that
incident. During the Last Great Gathering the Elder Linaw became infused with
Maroka's wrath and became a different creature. The Senastille killed him.
After this, the Elders became silent and were not seen again among people.
Then, the free settlements who revolted against the Senastille were all
wiped out.
Kidlat and Ulan, Tersiago's parents, were killed during that revolt
called the First Uprising. It was then that Datu Maktan took the orphaned
boy of five years and saw in him the next Protector of the Land. The
abandoned gold mine in the town of Annunciola is where the Senastille angered

Marawat's Third Tale - But Tersiago was full of bitterness against the
Senastille. He failed to see that the Senastille are now as part of Maroka
as we were, although they don't understand it. He will stop at nothing to
destroy the Senastille.

Mystery of the Sages - When the Anito War finally drew to a close, the Elders
called the Sages to the Gathering Place and rebuked them for the
irresponsible use of Maroka's power. They were commisioned by the Elders to
restor the damage done to the settlements. And so, the Sages began to use the
ways of Maroka for restoratin. When all was restored, the Sages longed to
explore the lands beyond Maroka. As time went by, the Sages left the island
without passing on their knowledge.
The Grand Sage Lino was among the last of those who stayed. Using his
knowledge, he created a potion of youth that would enable him to live and
watch over Maroka until the other Sages would return. Lino experimented with
the brew but without success. He hid the potion and kept it a secret from the
othter Sages. Time passed and at the end of Lino's days, he got the potion of
yought, and sought Maroka's help. The following day, he was nowhere to be
found. The accounts of witnesses say that ever since that event, a strange
childe began appearing in Maroka asking questions to strangers and sometimes
rewarding them for good deeds.

On Cultural Practices - ...When the pagan races have been given the chance to
worship the everlasting fountain of Daeus but consciously resist his
sovereignity, time must be set aside to study their culture and understand
what Daeus can offer that their deity cannot.
...Let us allow them then to thank Daeus for giving the mirthy froth of
healing wine and various elixirs...

One Tough Tamaraw - ...I fired several shots from my musket in great fear.
The ground shook because of the immense weight of the creature that was
charging at me.
It was a good thing that some of my men heard the shots being fired.
I almost bled to death as the tamaraw gored my side with its barbed horns. A
closer glimpse of the creature revealed eyes that burned with the fires of
the nefarious underworld.
Later on, I discovered that the Marokans called the possessed tamaraw
as the Raging Spirit of Maroka - a local deity who seemed displeased with our
colonization of this island.
I pray to Daeus that I might not encounter a bull again. I will never
venture into the woods alone at night, now knowing the nocturnal nature of
such beasts.

Religious Texts - see Key Items.

Secret of Gluglug - Long ago, when the warring barbaric tribes of Maroka
fought for supremacy over the islands, a brave young hunter by the name of
Gulod wanted to prove to himself and to this tribe that he was indeed the
greates hunter on the face of Maroka. He faced the eldders of the Matipuno
tribe and recited his accomplishments in the presence of all the people. The
elders were impressed but a young female shaman named Tibak dared him to
discover the Secret of Gluglug. Gulod was angry with Tibak at first for
doubting his prowess. But unknown to many, Tibak's father, the great healer
Zambazu, was dying of an ailment that only the Secret of Gluglug could cure.
Gulod was full of curiosity as he prepared to venture into the forbidden
forest of Kamatayan. He took several weapons for his journey: the mighty Kris
of Storms, Katalona and Malaya. He ventured into the forest of Kamatayan
alone and slayed the guardians of the Secret of Gluglug. Triumphing over the
final guardian (a manifestation of the wrath of Maroka), the secret of
Gluglug was found in a cave - a blessed pool of Maroka that gave health and
life.Gulod named the pool the Tears of Maroka,for it had a salty taste to it.

Simula - Maroka is the Spirit that breathed life on us all. Nobody knows
where she came from, except that she was here before us all and gave birth to
everything we see in the world. The Land is called Maroka... and rightly so,
for she upholds us, surrounds us, with her very being. That same being is
somehow sheltered within us,giving us a connection with the earth and nature.
Maroka is the Land. And all who are one with her are children shaped
by her being. We give her life in return - a certain consciousness shaped
through our existenc.

Tale of Marawat - Before the Senastille came there was a time of peace in the
Maroka...The Datus of the nine settlements gathered together to decide what
they were to do with the Outlanders. The
Senastille gave the Datus riches, new technology, and promised friendship of
their kingdom. But behind this, the Senastille began cutting the trees of the
forest and digging into the bowels of the earth to mine gems and precious
metals. The Datus were impressed by their ways.
The Elders, because of the prophecy of the Elder-Prophets, knew that
the Senastille would bring a time of darkness upon us. They sought to inform
the Datus that the Senastille were unknowingly hurting the land with their
exploration and greed. The Datus, however, thought differently and reasoned
with the Elders that a new era of prosperity has begun with the Senastille.

The Lament of Sangil - These are the writings of the Elder Sangil about the
Last Great Gathering in Lakan, now known as the port city of Lanuevo. The
Datus and Elders, along with prominent members of Marokan society, gathered
together. We saw the Senastille mine in the settlement of Duyan, near the
graves of the Ancients. We know that Maroka cannot tolerate this. If they do
not listen, then the time of darkness will come.
We exposed the Senastille cutting of trees and mining of gold but the
Datus sided with their reasons for progress and civilization...
They even accused us of being selfish and jealous, because the
Senastille have shown better things and better ways. Then Elder Linaw
suddenly shook and grew pale. The air 'screamed' and Linaw began to transform
into something…
The Senastille panicked and drew their thunder sticks to slay him.
Linaw was dead, but we feared bloodshed should we retaliate. Knowing that it
was time for the Elders to keep silent, we bore Linaw's body and returned to
our homes.

The Senastille Artist - It is not very hard to understand why an artist such
as myself would remain in the islands of Moriontes to live here and get
acquainted with the natives. In them, I see a certain kind of beauty that
radiates from their very being. Another thing that fascinates me is that
some of them believe that the land itself speaks to them.
The subjects here are rich in substance and raw emotion. I can find a
certain kind of peace watching them go about their daily duties of hunting,
cooking, and washing, unaware of the turmoil besetting our own dear
Truly, I have come here to seek that which is missing for our
artistic perspectives.

Toklau of Tanazan - These fiendish creatures are carnivorous animals that
were originally found in subterranean caverns. Senastille explorers came upon
them as they were led by Marokan guides to the caves Sagrada, just beyond the
pre-protectorate village of Duyan.
The first expedition ended up in disaster. Everyone perished because
toklau webs were unwittingly destroyed which then signaled a swarm of toklau
to pursue the men who were trapped in the caves of Sagrada. After the
collapse of the Annunciola mines, the most of the toklau began to settle in
the plains of Duyan, now known as Tanazan.


6.0 Enemies
Alejandro - Alejandro, quick on his feet, and mean with his axe.

Alfonso - The thug Alfonso looks like he could break someone's leg with a
flick of his wrist.

Dugas - Dugas, a cold hearted assassin.

Dugta - A dugta is a cursed, carnivorous plant that spews poison into the air
and attacks anyone who is near it. It thrives in the dry wasteland of Maroka.

Dulom - Dulom, a skilled assassin.

Mamaril -

Maranhig - The Maranhig immortal spirit roams the Jungle of Shadows, draining
any creature of life in the hope of transferring its curse.

Maroka's Wrath - What has happened to Tersiago? Maroka has taken over him.

Monkey - A monkey.

Rebel Warrior - A rebel warrior. Her entire body is covered in war paint.

Rock Muka (Brown) - This humanoid beast with tremendous strength lives deep
inside caverns or hollow of large trees. Muwas are a rare sight, maybe
because no one has lived to tell the tale.

Rock Muka (White) - This humanoid beast with tremendous strength lives deep
inside caverns or hollow of large trees. Muwas are a rare sight, maybe
because no one has lived to tell the tale.

Scorpion (Red) - Scouring the dry land for prey, the red scorpion uses its
sharp pincers and poisonous tail to defeat the enemy.

Scorpion (Yellow) - Deadlier than its red counterparta, the yellow scorpion
fiercly guards its territoy.

Sigbin - The wolf of Maroka, the wild Sigbin is aggresive and very deadly.
Its sharp fangs discriminate no one.

Tamaraw - The night tamaraw is a formidable foe and is easily angered by even
a slight intrusion into its territory.

Tersiago -

Tikbalang - Half-horse, half man. I've never seen anything like it.

Toklau - A cross between a spider and a bat, the toklau lives in the cool,
barren climates of Maroka. It relies on its natural sensitivity to sound and
motion to hunt its prey.

Tree Muwa - This humanoid beast with tremendous strength lives deep inside
caverns or hollow of large trees. Muwas are a rare sight, maybe because no
one has lived to tell the tale.

Warrior - A scary warrior. He's Marokan, but I have never seen this kind of
garb before.

Wild Boar - Marokan wild boars live in groups in the lush woodlands. To the
skilled warrior, this boar is a special meal; to unprepared travelers, it can
mean an untimely death.

7.0 NPC
7.1 Lanuevo

Datu Aligaen - Lines of wisdom and experience cross Datu Aligaen's commanding
visage. The datu is aged but far from frail. He represents Anunciola.

Datu Baldomerro - The father of Sigla, Datu Baldomerro looks younger than his
real age but acts more powerful than the rest. He represent Villacredo.

Datu Silaw-an - A fierce strength courses through Datu Silaw-an's taut
physique. Her bearins is proud, but tense. She represents Ortanez.

Marokan Warrior - A well-built Marokan Warrior. One of our elite troops
assigned as the bodyguards of the ruling datus.

Town Hall Guard - A native soldier at his post. He looks straight ahead,
regardless of what's happening around him.

Awiyao - Meek and loyal, Awiyao is the Governor-General's devoted Marokan
aide. He is charming and very friendly.

Commander Vargas - Under his regal appearance, you can't tell Commander
Vargas is a ruthless and lethal soldier. His troops both admire and fear him.

Gov.Gen.Bastio - Bloated, balding, and plump, Governor-General Bastion relies
on his blooming voice and luxurious mustache to carry his authority.

Aling Nena - Aling Nena, the spice merchant. Her cheeks, lips and fingers
betray an artificially reddish tint.

Batumbakal - A life spent working the forge is evinced by Batumbakal's burly
frame and thickly- calloused hands.

Darna - There is an almost feminine manner to the honey seller that isn't
helped by his scanty clothes.

Kha Mi Seta - Kha Mi Seta, the text vendor. Her clothes are loud and skimpy,
a daring statement, considering the traditional Kongsun values.

Kulas - A husky, robust boy, Kulas's long limbs are deeply tanned from
pruning and climbing fruit trees.

Lotlot - A native shopper, Lotlot is willing to walk to the far towns to
check out the latest goods.

Tia Maria - Tia Maria is an earthly, motherly woman. She brings to mind soil
and dirt, but not in an unpleasant way.

Buknoy - A well-built Marokan warrior.

Kaya - Kaya's sharp features complement her smart, calculating style.

Marokan Guard - A native soldier at his post outside the Marokan barracks.

Tapang - Underneath Tapang's feminine beauty lies the raging courage of a
Marokan warrior.

T'gas - T'gas is the vigilant and formidable chief of the Marokan warriors in

Bathing Senastille - It's a miracle! Senastille men hate taking baths.
They're not used to it.

Senas, Soldier - A Senastille soldier, following Vargas around like a puppy.

Amihan - Amihan faithfully goes to church every day, sending the town's
prayers to Daeus, the White Fountain.

Fray Mateo - Fray Mateo looks plump and irritable today. What else is new?

Teodoro - It's Teodoro, the young beleaguered sacristan.

Miguel - Dr. Miguel Sobrepena manages the clinic in Lanuevo, and has been
known to disappear for days at a time to explore the forests for new kinds
of medicine.

Lugnoy - Lugnoy's painstakingly faithful Senastille costume crosses over to
parody. His clothes are almost as loud as his opinions.

Ditas - Even without classes, Ditas make sure that all Kongsun documents in
the school are in order.

Lao - Full of years, the old Kongsun seems barely able to walk from the
burden of knowledge and wisdom.

Praying Girl - This Kongsun girl is solemnly offering prayers and incense to
the idol.

Tien Yi - The Kongsun schoolmaster Tien Yi has a simple beauty, complemented
by her gentle gaze and sweet manner. No wonder her father Xi Chen is
protective of her.

Bitao - a native drinking the ration for the day.

Dagul - This man looks as if he lives here.

Kalan the Cook - The cook is absorbed in her culinary duties.

Luis - A Senastille soldier deep in his cups.

Marion - A typical Senastille soldier. Off duty I hope.

Sipa - Welcoming and good-natured, but with sharp eyes and quick hands, Sipa
is a natural at tending the bar.

Herr Gustav - Herr Gustav volunteered to take care of the local library.
Always with book in hand, Gustav also carries with him his liberal ideas and
his love learning.

Noknok - This boy is engrossed in reading legends of different lands.

Kanu - A dark skinned man taking care of the stables here in the town of

Kadawan - Skin bleached by brown by sun and seawater marks Kadawan. He looks
more like a pirate than a harbormaster.

Harbor Clerk - The harbor clerk seems preoccupied with playing cards.

Dodong - A sailor seasoned by the sun, wind, and sea.

Duduy - A sailor, busy looking at his documents.

Zhao - An elderly Kongsun fisherman. There is a hypnotic serenity to him
that makes me feel at peace with the sea.

Marawat - Wise and contemplative, Marawat's brows are always crinkled with
someone pressing concern that only he understands.

Tata Selo - A native farmer working hard on the soil.

Carding - An elderly farmer resting beside the fields

Sigla - My childhood friend Sigla is the son of Datu Baldomerro. He is young
but full of enthusiasm for any action.

Juan Tamad - This man is sitting. Day in, day out, for weeks on end.

Itoy - The salted fish vendor is tall, dark, and salty.

Masah - Masah the baker is usually jolly, but today it seems like most of his
energy is sapped out of him.

Xi Chen - Xi Chen, the quinttessential merchant. He'll do anything for a
quick buck, but his fortunes go to raising his family.

7.1.1 La Nuevo Outskirts

Ling Ling - One of Xi Chen's younger children, Ling Ling sits comfortably in
their humble home.

Lu To - Lu To is Xi Chen's trusted cook. Though she is Marokan, she adopted a
Kongsun name so the childre will not have a hard time calling her.

Guardian Farmer - A native farmer surveys the action from a distance. Is he
worried about Yuen or his crops? (once)

Ming - Ming is a Kongsun Beauty who spends the day breathing in the fresh
air. She likes the peace and quiet.

Yuen - Yuen is a Kongsun philosopher and teacher. His wisdom is evident in
his placid and gentle manner.

Marokan Girl - A young Marokan girl shading her eyes from the hot Marokan
sun, as she surveys the area.

Chi Tzu - A Kongsun farmhand taking a break.

Yaku - The man's mourning for his departed.

Dikong - The sailor paces the Lanuevo docks, waiting for any arriving ships.

Po Kaw - Po Kaw is a Kongsun dealer who makes sure new traded shipments go
where they're supposed to go.

La Bo - A Kongsun under the sun, spends most of his time down here..

7.2 Villacredo

Kapitana Bayari - Poised and forceful, the statuesque Kapitana cuts dynamic,
striking figure.

Tala - Tala, the stronger of the duo, is a brave Marokan surveyor.

Sinaghapon - Sinaghapon has the appearance of someone who travels for a

Student - A student of the Protectorate Law.

Teacher - A Marokan educator, teaching Marokans about the Senastille
Proctorate agreement.

Yolinda - Yolinda, the town hall secretary, has her head buried in papers as

Danakan - Danakan is a loud and arrogant gambler who talks as much as his
friend keeps quiet.

Lawin - Lawin. She's a mute. Or so Danakan says.

Estoy - The dark Estoy ready to pounce on whoever defeats his prized rooster.

Ganaag - Ganaag, a built man with a piercing gaze, has the looks of someone
who doesn't stop doing sums in his head.

Han - Han, a Kongsun gambler, spends his nights inside the Pit.

Iyanna - Iyanna is a mean-looking woman who doesn't let anyone get in her way

Dario - Dario looks like your regular Villacredo agriculturist.

Talong - Talong is a Marokan in his late twenties. You can tell by his
bearing that he is one of the town's agriculturalists.

Bigas - Bigas is an impulsive, noisy gambler.

Gabriel - It is not surprising for Senstille to join in this engrossing
sport. Gabriel takes his bets to heart and gambles with passion.

Pedro - Pedro just loves blood and sports.

Purita - Purita looks like a calm, smooth gambler.

Oda - Oda is a pleasant vendor who seems constantly at war with the flies
invading her fish for sale.

Pitas - A Marokan woman shopping for... something.

Lumnay - Lumnay is a chubby, middle - aged Marokan with an unbecoming

Taga - Taga the butcher always looks ready to cleave some flesh.

Tara - Shoppers in these parts, like Tara, take their sweet time to browse
and then haggle to death.

Fray Antonio - Fray Antonio manages the Villacredo church. He smells of...
wait, is that holy wine, or the native Tihaya?

Praying Woman - A Marokan woman who believes in Daeus.

Ramon - Ramon, Villacredo's resident sacristan, keeps to himself in the
kitchen all day.

Tama - Tama has a celebrative, carousing spirit. She seems to have no problem
convincing visitors to drink till they drop.

Tinio - Tinio would be lovely young woman if not for her haunted gaze and
ominous air.

Lagyo - Lagyo is a chubby but charming Marokan woman in her early thirties.

Bahaghari - Bahaghari is a well-built Marokan metalsmith. He looks like he
can wield the weapons he makes with ease.

Go Tan - The innkeeper is an amicable man, but the recent disturbances have
left him uptight and suspicious.

Abizollah - Olive-skinned and hawk-nosed, Abizollah could only have come from
the Anaphratic East.

Chang - The Kongsun Chang is an eccentric but obviously intelligent and
talented individual.

Tai Li - Tai Li strikes me as a comely, seductivee Kongsun. A female version
of the merchant Xi Chen.

Vida - The clerk is an exotic, attractive girl who seems almost bored to
death watching over this warehouse.

Lolo- Lolo looks like an old man who has seen much action in his youth. Now,
he seems to be contemplating many things as he sits under the tree.

Marokan Guard - A well-built Marokan warrior, in charge of the town's north

Liksi - Liksi is a young little boy who dreams of joining the warrior force
of Villacredo.

Lucky Chan - Lucky Chan is an easy going Villacredo resident.

7.2.1 East Makiling Woods

Toyong - Toyong looks like a tired farmer taking a much needed break. He
still manages to make his lips curl into a smile.

7.3 Anunciola

Dona Cecilla - Dona Cecilla, a Senastille civilian. She has a haunting beauty
that radiates underneath the years spent under the sun.

Fray Hernandez - Fray Hernandez is the head of the church services in
Anunciola. He is wise and honest. Even without an actual church building, he
performs his tasks faithfully.

Irma - Irma is a local prayer servant, and Fray Hernandez's loyal aide. Her
bowed head and half- hidden face give her an aura of sadness and solemnity.

Nita - Nene plays with her small Senastille doll, oblivious to the hurts of
the world.

Pulita - Pulita is a dutiful follower of Daeus.

Totoy - Totoy is a muscled young man who wants to see the world, but his
parents won't allow him out of town.

Ambo - Ambo, the old medicine man from Anunciola, refuses to keep up with
so-called 'modern medicine'. Instead, he sticks firmly to this herbal,
supertitious lifestyle.

Danilo - Danilo moved to Anunciola thinking that his construction skills
would be useful here, but it seems everyone is used to having dilapidated

Gawa - Gawa the sculptor keeps to herself, and makes her artworks in silence.

Pepay - Pepay is another young mother struggling to make ends meet.

Capt. Jimenez - Captain Jimenez is an upright Senastille officer, who does as
best as he can given his boring assignment as head of the ghost town

Inday - This is the beleaguered cook of the Anunciola townhall.She also cooks
food for the transients and the sick people that reside here.

Tito - The well-built Tito helps Captain Jimenez speak with the local
townsfolk, although, like today, he doesn't have much to do.

Achoy - Achoy, Don Gregorio's Marokan servant, considers himself lucky with
such a kind and relatively well-paying master.

Don Gregorio - Don Gregorio, a good natured middle-aged Senastille. Once the
richest man in Anunciola, he has kept to himself since the town's downfall.

7.3.1 Ravine of Tears

Lakdaw - A crone. Her pale complexion and gaunt features speak of great
sadness and longing.

7.3.2 Great Watcher Tree

Adlay - Adlay, the peculiar hunter and resident of the Great Watcher Tree.

Goy - a tree-dwelling monkey.

7.3.3 Stone Valley

Maktan - My father, Datu Maktan, answering Maroka's call. My father is the
true Protector.

7.4 Ortanez

Del Valle - Commander Del Valle is the head of the Fort Ortanez. His no
non-sense demeanor and overpowering presence make for a good leader.

Lt.Salvador - Salvador is a battle-weary quartermaster of the Senastille
troops under Commander Del Valle.

Lt.Gamarez - Lieutenant Gamarez is the newest officer in the Fort. He is not
very comfortable with his job, since his predecessor was ambushed by the
dreaded Mangapawi.

Fernando - Fernando, the Senastille weaponsmith, frowns upon any native who
comes close to even touching his masterpieces.

Ibuen - A Marokan in his early sixties. Ibuen bears the marks of a person
with position but he looks like he just lost a very big sum at a cockfight.

Maria - Maria is a competitive Senastille sniper, who considers herself
second only to Lt.Torres

Uhico - Uhico is an amateur Senastille shooter. She watches Maria and
Lt.Torres to learn from their techniques

Official - The timer is entrusted with the judgement of victory and defeat,
win or lose, riches or rags.

Ambrosia - Ambrosia is a good-natured Marokan who survives in Fort Ortanez
with her steady medicine sales.

Jose - An officer of the Senastille army, muttering prayers to Daeus.

Danaka - Danaka stands beside his prized catch.

Simuril - Simuril is the Ortanez boat repairman. With all the traffic that
the port city gets, he's always busy fixing something.

Aben - Aben is the local fishnet boy. His little hands are skilled with the
most minute holes.

Ruben - With all the weapons around, the clerk looks like nothing excites him

Hoy - Hoy is the stable boy Ortanez. The Senastille think he is trustworthy .
and amusing.

Karaan - Karaan looks like a very busy merchant. His rich experience in
dealing with the Senastille has enhanced his savvy.

7.4.1 Ortanez Outskirts

Kirog - The old man Kirog, a hermit who would rather live alone than have
anything to do with the Senastille Protectorate.

Lt. Alvarez - Lieutenant Alvarez is one tough looking Senastille Officer.

7.4.2 Siliman Cave

Tersiago - Tersiago, the valiant and ruthless leader of the rebellion, and
the only Marokan who strikes terror in every Senastille's heart.

Mamaril - Mamaril, Tersiago's disgruntled third-in-command, waits for an
oppurtunity to reprimand his fellow rebels.

7.5 Laya

Datu Marahil - Datu Marahil is the head of Laya. Despite her old age, she
stands proudly to face any enemy who threatens the freedom of her village.

Tibay - Tibay is a symbol of peace. Ironically, he does not look very
approachable while he holds that big war staff.

Mangapawi Warrior - A warrior of the Mangapawi, assigned to watch over the
entrance to the Datu's Hall.

Duan - Duan looks like he is listening to a musician's tune,

Hiwa - A cook chopping up fruit and vegetables for the sumptuous meals being
prepared for the feast.

Musician - A Mangapawi teen musician. Not exactly your favorite tune, but she
sure can play the flute.

Tribal Dancer - A triba dancer dancing the hunter's dance for the festival of
the Eye of the Hunter.

Tribeswoman - A tribeswoman taking a break by the village circle.

Unsa - A Mangapawi tribeswoman neark the cooking area.

Wentok - Wentok is the village medicine man. He is watching over the
ceremonies and rituals being performed around the bonfire circle.

Student - A younger student of Tanda.

Student - A Mangapawi student in the Hall of Wisdom, contemplating the
mysteries of Maroka.

Student - The young boy sits patiently in the Hall of Wisdom, waiting for his
next lesson.

Tanda - Tanda is the wise teacher of Laya. She shares her vast knowledge of
Marokan history and folklore not for cruzieros, but for deep respect of the

Tubo - Tubo welcomes each guest kindly. His house is open to all visitors of

Hazan - Hazan looks proud, but something tells me he and his family have been
through a tough time.

Urdua - Urdua stands faithfully beside her husband Hazan.

Landro - Landro is the Mangapawi blacksmith. His prized craftswork has
defended the warriors from the meddling Outlanders.

Tubik - Tubik the water fetcher, goes around filling water for those who
can't fetch it by themselves.

Kulit - Kulit is a persistent, curious, and strangely magical boy.

Nelia - A laundry maid. Her skin is brown from the time she spends doing
aundry under the sun.

Sagwan - Sagwan is the Mangapawi boatman, who answers the call of the flute
of Laya.

Farmer - A native farmer tilling the ground.

Duday - Duday is a Mangapawi nurse, her gaze sharp and alert.

Nida - Nida is a Mangapawi nurse. Her features remind you of an eagle.


8.0 Journal Entries
1: Where is My Father? - go inside the hut located at the SE area of the map.
2: The Governor General - Go to the Barracks and join the scout team.
3: The Council of Datus - meet the Datus inside the town hall.
4: My Big Brother - Give the LETTER FROM AGILA to Kapitana Bayari.
5: Datu Aligaen - Give him the Anunciola Token.
6: Datu Baldommero - Give the correct lineage of your family and show him
Maktan's Kris.
7: Datu Silaw-an - See her in the heavily secured Town Hall in Chapter 2.
8: The Elusive Sacristan - go inside the hut located at the SE area of the
9: The Trail of Fire - Follow Tinio in her house after her invitation.
10:Teaching Teodoro - tell Fray Mateo about Teodoro's decision.
11:Dark Harvest - go back to the Mansion after beating the Tikbalang.
12:Chen - meet Chen near Yuen's house.
13:The Blue Lady - Give the Purple Blue Lady to Sipa.
14:Dam! - Wait until Chen finishes fixing the dam.
15:Tinio - After giving the Survey Record to the surveyors. Ask for another
16:The Metalsmiths - Tell Bahaghari about Batumbakal's reply.
17:Tala and Singhapon - Give the SURVEY RECORD to the surveyors.
18:Kapitana's Orders - Go to Kapitana Bayari.
19:Half Of A Whole - Give the Carving to Adlay.
20:A Merchant's Plight - Give the Land Titles and Deeds to Lumnay.
21:Silk Collecting - Infinite Quest.
22:Woven Is 'In' - after giving the woven to Lumnay and Kha Mi Seta. Tell
Landaka about them.
23:Search and ... - Go to the Rebel's Rendevouz Point.
24:... Destroy - Defeat Tersiago for the first time.
25:The Rebellion - Tell Bastio that you have spoken with the rebels.
26:More From The Governor - finish Chapter 2
27:Anunciola - Give the Reply Letter to Gov.Gen.Bastio.
28:The Maranhig - Put HOLY WATER on the Maranhigs' ashes.
29:Boar Meat - Infinite Quest.
30:Fray Antonio's Missing Book - Give the Cultural Practices to the Fray.
31:Villacredo - Give the Reply Letter to Gov.Gen.Bastio.
32:Bahaghari's Dilemma - Manage the Pit.
33:Warrior Hunt - Reach the Mangapawi Village, Laya.
34:An Old Man's Stick - Give the WOODEN STAFF to Kirog.
35:Ortanez - Give the Reply Letter to Gov.Gen.Bastio.
36:Don Figueroa - Go to Don Figueroa's House
37:Agiw - Reach the Mangapawi Village, Laya.
38:The Sick Baker - use HEAL on Masah.
39:Monkey Business - Kill all the Dugta.
40:Finding the Mangapawi - Reach the Mangapawi Village, Laya.
41:The Ways of Maroka - finish the lessons.
42:Lucky Number 13 - get 13parts of water for Hiwa.
43:More Kulit - give Kulit the heron statuette, elephant and swallow.
44:A Stable Job - Infinite Quest.
45:One of the Rebels - Visit the imprisoned Datus and tell them of the escape
46:A Tale of Two Cities - Tell Bastio that Ortanez is coming to Lanuevo.
47:My Big Brother - Go inside the Town Hall.
48:War Breaks Out - Occupy the Town Hall.
49:Double-Agent - Lead the team to the gates.
50:The Eye of the Storm - Go to Marawat's Hut.
51:A Dose of Another's Medicine - Give the MEDICINE from Dr.Miguel to Nida.
52:Offense - Occupy the Town Hall/Mansion.
53:Defense - Defeat Tersiago (3rd time)
54:The Great Watcher Tree - Go to the Stone Valley.
55:Full Circle - Follow Maktan into the Heart of Maroka.
9.0 Great Watcher Tree
L1 R1
L2 R2
L3 R3

Legends: • - Pushed

•R1 •R2 R3 - Adlay
•R1 R2 R3 - Dugta's Area
•R1 •R2 •R3 - Leaf Bed. Free rest here.

•L1 •L2 L3 - Monkey Clan
•L1 L2 •L3 - Rock Muwa
•L1 L2 L3 - Battle 2 Monkey
•L1 •L2 •L3 - None

10.0 Tanda's Exam Answers
Lesson 1: Chakra
Answer#1: Seven
Answer#2: By having negative energy like hate or needless violence
Answer#3: The Life-Giving Spirit

Lesson 2: Warning of the Last Elder-Prophet
Answer#1: Nine
Answer#2: Elder-Prophet Magat
Answer#3: They have come

Lesson 3: Arrival of the Outlanders
Answer#1: Daeus
Answer#2: 1521
Answer#3: The Elders

Lesson 4: Last Great Gathering
Answer#1: Elder Linaw
Answer#2: 1535
Answer#3: Four

Lesson 5: Anito of Maroka
Answer#1: The Anito Statue
Answer#2: Which baranggay would keep the Anito
Answer#3: The Protector of the Land

11.0 Cheats
First and foremost you should have the game installed in your PC. Next, you
should have 'NOTEPAD/WORDPAD' because this is what you will use in editing
the game. You should also have a saved game.

Next, go to your game directory and open the file: Anito\save

Find '' in your saved game folder. Look in the description.txt for
the name of the saved game.

Open '' using NOTEPAD/WORDPAD.

All of the values and strings are case-sensitive.

Look for this strings 'equip_armor'. Use CTRL + F and type the string.
Example: equip_armor "a_leather_vest"
This means that LEATHER VEST is equipped as your armor.

Other armors you can place:
a_leather_vest LEATHER VEST
a_leather_vest_of_the_survivor LEATHER VEST OF THE SURVIVOR
a_marokan_brassarmor MAROKAN BRASSARMOR
a_marokan_breastplate MAROKAN BREASTPLATE
a_rebel_armor WAR PAINT (for AGILA ONLY)

Look for this strings 'equip_boots'. Use CTRL + F and type the string.
Example: equip_armor "silk_breeches"
This means that SILK BREECHES is equipped as your boots.

Other boots you can place:
a_brass_bodybands SHIN GUARDS
elders_breeches ELDER'S BREECHES
a_metal_greaves METAL GREAVES

Look for this strings 'equip_helm'. Use CTRL + F and type the string.
Example: equip_armor "adorned_cap"
This means that ADORNED CAP is equipped as your headgear.

Other helmets you can place:
hunters_adorned_cap HUNTER'S ADORNED CAP
a_marokan_battlecap MAROKAN BATTLE CAP
a_metal_cap METAL CAP
kalo KALO

Look for this strings 'equip_secondary'. Use CTRL + F and type the string.
Example: equip_armor "a_buckler"
This means that BUCKLER is equipped as your shield.

Other shields you can place:
a_elders_buckler ELDER'S BUCKLER
a_bronze_shield BRONZE SHIELD
a_wooden_battleshield WOODEN BATTLE SHIELD
a_wooden_largeshield LARGE WOODEN SHIELD

Look for this strings 'equip_secondary'. Use CTRL + F and type the string.
Example: equip_armor "w_bayonet"
This means that MUSKET WITH BAYONET is equipped as your ranged weapon.

Other ranged weapons you can place:
w_busog BUSOG
w_lightweight_busog LIGHTWEIGHT BUSOG
w_long_bow LONGBOW
w_bahaghari_bow BAHAGHARI'S BOW
w_musket MUSKET
w_accurate_musket ACCURATE MUSKET

Look for this strings 'equip_primary'. Use CTRL + F and type the string.
Example: equip_armor "w_kalis"
This means that KALIS is equipped as your melee weapon.

Other melee weapons you can place:
w_kalis_of_storms KALIS OF STORMS
w_surgeon_kalis SURGEON'S KALIS
w_itak ITAK
w_itak_of_spirit_power ITAK OF SPIRIT POWER
w_banong BANONG
w_banong_of_the_ruthless BANONG OF THE RUTHLESS
w_banabas BANABAS
w_dagger WAR DAGGER
w_susuwat SUSUWAT
w_katalona KATALONA
w_balasiong BALASIONG
w_long_sword LONG SWORD
w_sabre SABRE
w_rapier RAPIER
w_delvallerapier DEL VALLE'S RAPIER
w_pira PIRA
w_kris KRIS
w_maktan_kris MAKTAN'S KRIS
w_assassin_kris ASSASSIN'S KRIS
w_sibat SIBAT
w_spear SPEAR
w_pike PIKE
w_super_spear KIROG'S SPEAR
w_sawkil SAWKIL
w_chinese_ax KONGSUN AXE
w_halberd HALBERD
w_battle_ax BATTLE AXE
w_palakol PALAKOL
w_capa2 CAPA-CAPA
w_executioner_axe EXECUTIONER'S AXE
11.2 MONEY
The string used in the money cheat is: money "9999"
This means that amount of your money is 9999.

After placing the amount you desire. The MONEY POUCH in your inventory will
still be the previous money you have. You should buy something for this to
take effect.
Look for these strings. Each strings corresponds to a particular skills. The
value inside the double quotation ("") is the level of the skill. The value
range is 0-4. When the value=0 it means that there is no skill.

skill_level_blue0 "4" this means that your PROJECT skill lvl 4
skill_level_blue0 "0" this means that PROJECT skill will not appear in Skills

I put the value=4 so that you can have all the skills with the maximum level

PROJECT: skill_level_blue0 "4"
REVERSAL: skill_level_blue1 "4"
SENSE: skill_level_blue2 "4"
BLIND: skill_level_blue3 "4"

THRUST: skill_level_brown0 "4"
SLASH: skill_level_brown1 "4"
RANGED: skill_level_brown2 "4"
DEFENSE: skill_level_brown3 "4"

ASTRAL: skill_level_green0 "4"
HEAL: skill_level_green1 "4"
FOCUS: skill_level_green2 "4"
STRIKE: skill_level_green3 "4"

SPOOK: skill_level_orange0 "4"
CHARM: skill_level_orange1 "4"
SUMMON: skill_level_orange2 "4"
STUN: skill_level_orange3 "4"

COMBO: skill_level_red0 "4"
RUSH: skill_level_red1 "4"
AIM: skill_level_red2 "4"
AVOID: skill_level_red3 "4"

POSSESS: skill_level_white0 "4"
FLASH: skill_level_white1 "4"
TELEPORT: skill_level_white2 "4"
SLEEP: skill_level_white3 "4"

CURSE: skill_level_yellow0 "4"
SLOW: skill_level_yellow1 "4"
READ: skill_level_yellow2 "4"
DRAIN: skill_level_yellow3 "4"

Find the string 'stat_allocatable'. Put the value you want.

Example: stat_allocatable "50"

This means that you have 50 points remaining to allocate in your attributes.
For safety purposes the value should not exceed 99 points.
12.0 Copyright 2003 Kats
This FAQ is solely for private use. Posting this FAQ in other website or
making copies or any part of it without advance written permission from the
author is strictly forbidden and a violation of the copyright. All rights

13.0 Credits
Many thanks to:

Anino Entertainment - for making this great game and the Datu's Handbook w/c
makes this guide easier to make. More power to you guys.
Luna Cruz - for showing and allowing me to play the demo version of the game.
Gabby Dizon - for the description of the attributes.
Sardonyx Quinx - for criticizing this guide and for showing me the world of
Lorenzo and Martin Quintano - for spending time with me in finishing this
Janice Echiverri - for inspiring me in all the things I do..Luv u bb

Neutral Grounds - for supplying the CD.

My Friends and also the readers of the guide.
Good pirates who didn't pirated the game.

Yahoo Group(


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