Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind: Bloodmoon

Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind: Bloodmoon

17.10.2013 06:52:32
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Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls
Bloodmoon Expansion - Version .3
11/16/03 - By: Jack Huddleston

I. Version Info

II. Intro 1/1

III. Missions
A. Main Quest
a. Human
b. Werewolf
B. East Empire Company
C. Side Quests

IV. Beastuary

V. Secrets

VI. Outro
A. Thanks
B. Contact
C. Copyright


I. Version Info
Version .3:
-I finished up to mission 9 of the main quest for humans
-About half of the beastuary. I got a little bit of the secrets section done
-I finished the ASCII art

II. Intro
This is a FAQ for Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls Bloodmoon expansion. This is for
the xbox version so there may be differences between this and the PC.

How to start Bloodmoon.
It takes place on the island of Solstheim, which is northwest of Vradenfall.
It's about a fourth the size of Vradenfall. You can get to Solstheim by using a
boat in Khull or swimming. I suggest taking a boat, it's pretty cheap. Once
your there, walk up into Fort Frostmoth. You'll notice that no one will talk to
you! They will all tell you to talk to Carius if you want something.

Falx Carius in in the General Quarters, on the third floor. Walk up to him and
talk to him to start the first mission for the Main Quest in Bloodmoon.

About Solstheim
Solstheim is an artic island with some very dangerous enemies and diseases that
will provide a challenge even for long-time Morrowind veterans. It is covered
with dangerous animals and beasts. Luckily, there are no fish in the icy waters
of Solstheim so you can swim it's waters with no fear of being attacked by
twently fish waiting to prey on you.

III. Missions

A. Main Quest
Mission 01:
Morale Has Been Low
On talking to Carius, he will tell you about the current situation at the base
and tell you that the Forts troops have been low and he thinks that one soldier
is speading ill amoung his troops. He wants you to find the culprit and bring
him to justice. He thinks that you can find out by talking to the troops.

All the troops will tell you that they want booze. Go back to Carius's Chambers
and in one of the two side rooms on each side, you will find some Greaf, an
alchoholic drink.

With the Greaf, talk to one of the soldiers again and they will talk to you.
Ask them about the morale and they'll will tell you that all the soldiers are
edgy because they think that their beer, there only real luxury has been banned
by Carius.

Go back and talk to Carius and he says that he didn't actually ban the booze,
but the shipments just stopped coming. He says to talk to the soldiers some

Interrogate a soldier again to find out that it was Antonius Nuncius that said
that Carius banned the beer as a punishment. He can be found in the Armory or
his office.

Find and talk to Antonius about it and he'll say that he did, but asks you not
to tell anyone. You can either tell Carius about it, or keep the secret safe.
If you tell Carius, he'll give you a couple of cure common disease potions that
will help you later in the Main Quest. If you don't tell, Antonius will give
you a key to his cabinet with all the stashed beer and cure common disease

Mission 02:
Weapons Being Smuggled
After reporting back to Larius, he'll have more fort business for you to do.
Larious has noticed that the fort has had a shortage of weapons. He suspects
that there is someone smuggling these weapons to Vradenfall. He wants you to
find out who's doing it.

He offers you help for this mission to, you get to choose between two soldiers:

Name | Traits | Location |
Zeno Faustus| Clever, but clumsy with his sword.| General Quarters |
Gaea Artoria| Stupid, but strong. | Upper General Quarters|

Choose which one you want and then head to the armory (which would probably be
your first thought as to where to go seeing as it deals with weapons) and speak
with the smith. He thinks that there are smugglers in the Gandrung Caverns,
which is northeast of the fort in a cave at the edge of the small bay.

Depending on which person you brought will depend on how this mission will go.
If you brought Zeno, the smugglers will offer to leave. If you brought Gaea,
just slaughter them all. (I was stupid when I first did this mission and
brought Zeno, but I decided to kill everyone. Zeno ended up dead quickly and I
died quickly after that.)

Once you have done either, report back to the fort. Upon reaching the fort,
you'll see that somehow in a matter of minutes, it's been half destroyed by
what the guards called "wolf-like creatures".

Anyways, head up to Captain Carius's chambers and it appears that he has
disappeared. Talk to Gaea or Zeno, whichever one you didn't pick for this
mission and he or she thinks that the captain was taken to the nord village of
"Skall" where everyone dresses up as wolves. He or she will mark Skall on your
map and give you a skull of a Skall person. Now walk (I levitated) to Skall.

When you reach the snowy village of Skall, you'll see that everyone is dressed
up in wolf or bear armor. Talk to someone and they will say to go to the
Greathall and talk to the village elder Tharsten Heart-Fang.

He will talk about some jibba jabba about how you need to talk to the All
Creator and then tell you to go to the Shaman's Hut and speak with him for
further detail.

Once at the Shaman's Hut, he'll jibba jabba some more and then give you a quest
to find six stones and restore the land to "Oneness". He will give you two
documents, one shows the locations of the six stones and the other tells the
story of Aevar and what ritual you need to do at each stone.

Mission 03:
Restore Power To The Skaal:
Stones Quest
I followed the stones quest just how Aevar did in the document. Basically, how
this quest works, is that there are six large stone scattered all over
Solstheim and you have to find each one, do a ritual, then return back to the
stone and you'll restore that power to the land. Each stone shouldn't be very
hard to find because they're tall and large and can be seen from a distance.
It's complicating. If your not sure were a stone is, look at your map.

Stone - Location
Description and guide.

Water Stone - Northeast side of the island. It's at the western edge of the
----------- mountains.

Look at your map and find this stone. Once there, it will tell you to go to an
island on the coast a little bit west of here and follow the swimmer to a
seacave, retrieve the water element, and swim back to the stone.

Go out west to the island and you'll find a seal-like looking creature waiting
for you. It will start swimming into the water. Follow it for a while north
and it will eventually stop and your journal will say that it's led you to a
seacave. Unless your not afraid to loss a little bit of HP, then be sure to
bring a underwater breathing spell or potion.

Now, swim down into the water and go into the cave. Follow the cave until you
reach air. You'll be attacked by a skeletal champion. Kill it, retrieve the
water element, and swim back to the water stone.

Earth Stone - Directly south of the water stone in lightly forested area.

Again, look at your map if your not sure where the stone is. Travel to it and
talk to the stone. It tells you to go to the "Cave of Hidden Music" which is
northeast of your current position. Head directly northeast and you should find
it. Once inside, you'll be greeted by several zombie like creatures. Head
through this little maze and proceed to the "Cave of Song".

Once inside, head forward a bit, picking up and potions you see and you'll find
three large rocks blowing out steam and smoke and it makes a noise that
resembles a song somewhat. Listen to the rocks and they will play some notes.
Repeat the notes by striking the three rocks. Once you have done this twice,
your journal should be updated saying that you should return to the earth rock.

Beast Stone - A short distance southeast of the wind stone.

Again, if your not sure, look at your map to find the stone. Once you reach it,
it will tell you to go and meet the good beast south of your currect position.

Go directly south a small distance and you will see several (5-6 I think)
Rieklings attacking a bear. Kill them and make sure not to hit the bear. The
bear is injured and has wounds. Click on the bear and take the arrow out of it.

Heal the bear with a spell or just wait a couple of seconds and the bear will
walk it off. Your journal will update once it's healed. Now return to the beast

Tree Stone - Directly south of the wind stone, southwest of the beast stone,
---------- or directly north of Fort Frostmoth.

Go to the stone and it will tell you that someone has stolen the "First Tree"
and it says to go east, retrieve the seeds, and plant the "First Tree".

A VERY short distance east, you will find a Riekling and 5-6 Spriggians around
it. Your journal says that it appears that the Riekling is controlling them
because he can control the trees and he has the seeds to the "First Tree". Run
up, kill the Riekling, and take the seeds off of his corpse and the Spriggians
will stop attacking you.

(In Aevar's story, it says that you must gather flint and start a fire. The
Spriggians will gather around and catch on fire. The Riekling will try to use
the trees to stop it, giving you the chance to steal the seeds from him without
him noticing.)

Go to that open area northwest of the tree stone and you will be asked if you
want to plant the seeds. Say yes and return to the tree stone.

Sun Stone - Southeast of the tree stone and south of the beast stone.

Once you reach the sun stone it tells you to go to the Hall of
Penumbra south of your current position and free the sun. Travel straight
south and go inside the Hall of Penumbra.

Once inside, you'll notice that the cave is almost pitch-black. This cave is
dark and full of draugr, zombie-like monsters with red eyes. Go straight,
killing every draugr that you see until you come to an intersection.

The top ath leads to a bunch of cloth sacks with 100 gold in each one and a
level fifty treasure chest, the straight path leads to a level fifty treasure
chest, and the bottom path straight leads to another level fifty chest with a
couple of weapons in it.

To reach the ice wall, take the bottom path and then take the first right.
You'll run into the Lightkeeper Grahl. He is VERY tough, so be careful. The
stradegy I took to beat him easily is I paralyzed then struck him until he was

Once you kill him, take his fire eye from his corpse and throw it into the ice
wall to melt it. Now, it says in Aevar's story that once he released the sun,
all the "unholy demons" shieked and died, but in my game, they didn't. Anyways,
once you've melt the ice wall, return to the sun stone.

Wind Stone - Short distance southwest of Skall, where all the rivers meet.

Upon reaching the wind stone, it will tell you to go to Glenschul's Tomb
southeast of the river of ice and release the Greedy Man's bag of wind.

Go to Lake Fjalding and head southwest. The tomb should be on top of a
mountain (or steep rocky hill).

Enter the tomb and you'll have to fight your way through several Grahl monsters
and Bonewolfs. At the end, click on the bag to release the wind. Return to the
wind stone.

Congrats for beating such dang long mission. Now report to Tharsten Heart-Fang.

-Mace of Aevar Stone-Slinger

Mission 04:
Prove your Wisdom:
Investigate a Crime
Tharsten wants you to prove your wisdom by investigating a crime. You decide
the fate of Engar Ice-Mane. He was accused by Rigmor Halfhand of stealing furs
and furs were even found in Engar's house.

First ask any citizen or guard in Skall about Engar Ice-Mane and they will tell
you that he is a honorable and brave man and would never do such a crime. They
say that Rigmor, on the other hand, is a tricky and disliked person.

Go to Engar's house and ask Risi Ice-Mane about the crime. She will also say
that he is honorable and thinks that Rigmor is trying to get rid of Engar for
some reason.

Under Risi's pillow on her bed is a half concealed note. Take the note and show
it to Risi. She'll confess and say that she and Rigmor had an affair. She
dumped him, but he is still trying to get her affection. She thinks that he is
trying to get rid of Engar so he can take her away.

Now go and show the note to Rigmor and he'll confess he made the false
accusation. He will turn himself in too. Lead him to Tharsten Heart-Fang and
he'll let you choose his fate. You can either exile him from Skaal, or feed him
to the wolves.

Choose to feed him to the wolves and you will prove you have wisdom by letting
him die with honor. Go outside, follow him to the wolf pen, and watch him die.
Report back to Tharsten Heart-Fang for your next mission.

-Helm of the Wolf's Heart

Mission 05:
Prove Your Strength:
Disturbance at the lake
Tharsten will tells you that your task will be at Lake Fjalding. He tells you
to meet Korst Wind-Eye at the northern part of the lake. Go there and talk to

Korst Wind-Eye will tell you that there is a disturbance on the lake. Flame has
come out of the icy lake and he and Tharsten think that this might be the
"Bloodmoon Prophecy" which is that when the moon turns red, werewolves will
come out and take over or something. That or he thinks a Draugr Lord is down in
the ice caves doing it. To prove your strength, he wants you to go down into
the fire and kill the Draugr Lord, Aesliip. Go down into the fire and directly
below are the caverns.

Once you enter, you'll be greeted by a draugr and a bonwolf. Kill them both
and go straight until you run into an intersection. If you go straight, then
you'll run into another draugr (he ran away before I could kill him) and at the
end is a skeletal corpse with potions and some weak weapons on it. Go back and
take the left path and go down it until you reach another intersection. It
would be too complicated to explain were each path goes, but to get to Aesliip,
take the first right, then another right.

Fight your was through the draugrs until you see a narrow path leading off to
the left. Go through the door to Aesliip's Lair. Go forward until you see

He'll talk to you. Ask him about his story. He will say that he was once a mage
for the Skaal, but delved into the Black Arts and became a necromancer. He was
cast outland for his necromancy and he wandered alone until he got to where he
is now. While in the cave, he became a summoner and learned to communicate with
the Daedras. He learned from a group of strong frost Daedra that they were
planning to destroy his people and everyone else on Solstheim. He tried to warn
the Skaal, but they didn't listen, so created a magical barrier. He began to
grow old and he knew that once he died, so would all of Solstheim. He then
became a Draugr himself to live forever.

Once he's told you his entire story, he'll offer you to team up with him and
kill the Daedra together. Join up with him and he'll lower the barrier which
will let you further into the caverns where the Daedra wait.

Now you must kill all the Dire Frost Antronachs in here. Aesliip did most of
the work for me with his fire spells, but I accidentally kill him (oops). Once
you've kill all the Antronachs, report back to Korst Wind-Eye. Once Aesliip
does die, be sure to loot his body.

He'll tell you to go back to the village and report to Tharst Heart-Fang. Run
back to the village and he'll tell you that he has more important matters to
attend to. Stop talking to him and you'll hear wolf growling sounds outside.
Run around until your journal says that wolves are attacking the town.

Mission 06:
Protecting Skaal
I'm not sure where this is really a mission or not, but since it's an important
battle and moves the plot along, I'll count it as one.

Anyways, run outside and there are about 8-10 werewolves fighting about 5
guards. Unless a werewolf attacks you, just let the guards kill them. Once
they're all dead, talk to a guard and he says that two wolves got into the

Go inside and you'll see two werewolves just kill a guard. Kill them and you'll
find that Tharst Heart-Fang is nowhere to be found. You might want to steal the
guard's armor while he's dead and no one is looking so you can sell it or wear
it later.

Go back outside and talk to Korst Wind-Eye. He'll say that these creatures are
werewolves and that isn't a good omen (Remember what the Bloodmoon Prophecy
said? Werewolves would walk the earth once again.). He will also say that your
infected and to come back to Skaal once your cured. Just use a Cure Common
Disease potion to cure yourself (You should've gotton some during the first
mission.). Wind-Eye will also reward you generously.

For the rest of the missions, you can either: cure yourself and complete the
missions as a human (or whatever race you are), or transform into a werewolf
and complete the missions as a wolf. Both descisions have a different outcome.
I suggest doing both.

-Achieve Blodskaal rank. Your a blood friend with Skaal.
-You get Rigmor's house (refer to mission 4). It's now called "Blodskaal's
-You get to participate in the "Ristaag", an important ceremony.

Mission 07:
Totem of Claw and Fang
This is mission is short and easy. Probably the hardest part is actually
finding the tomb your supposed to go to. It's a breeze.

Anyways, talk to Korst Wind-Eye and he wants you to retrieve the Totem of Claw
and Fang. He says that it is a powerful artifact and is very sacred to the
Skaal. It's used to call powerful beasts used in the Ristaag. It was stolen
years ago and the Skaal were foolish enough to believe it would not be needed
again. He says to go to the Tomb of Skaalara, which is east of Skaal and a bit
south. Go all the way to the eastern shore and follow in south until you see a
manmade tomb.

Enter the cave and you'll be greeted by two werewolves. I think that the wolves
respawn (are infinite in number) here, because I killed about eight werewolves
at this intersection and they were all coming from the right passage. Everytime
I kill a wolf, another one would take its place. So I suggest just running away
from this part, they won't chase you.

From the beginning, take the left path and go down this passage all the way
until you run into an intersection. You'll run into a few werewolf guards along
the way. At the next intersection, take a left and at the end is a level thirty
chest with the Totem of Claw and Fang inside. Report back to Korst Wind-Eye for
the next mission.

-"Knowledge about the skaal"
-Summon wolf spell for fourty-five seconds.

Mission 08:
Please the All-Maker
This is another short mission. Now that you have prepared for the ceremony, it
is time to "Please the All- Maker". It's now time to perform the Ristaag. The
ristaag is a ritual hunt performed in times of great need. It's done to please
the All-Maker.

Korst Wind-Eye says that to perform the Ristaag, you must meet at nightfall
with Rolf Long-Tooth, a skaal hunter, near the western shore of Lake Fjalding.
He's on a foresty hill northwest of Lake Fjalding to be more specific. Rolf
will tell you of the Ristaag and the part you'll play in it.

Find Rolf Long-Tooth and he'll tell you about the Ristaag first. In the
Ristaag, you hunt a spirit bear conjured by the Totem of Claw and Fang. When
killed, return the heart back to Wind-Eye, who'll ask the for the blessings of
the All-Maker. If the Ristaag fails or doesn't succeed by daycreak, you will
fail. Your role in the Ristaag is to ensure their success. You have to follow
and obey all of Rolf's commands. Once your done talking with him, the Ristaag
will begin.

Follow Rolf until he stops. He'll wait and you'll hear werewolf growls nearby.
Rolf will say that Sattir the Bold is under attack. Look behind the boulder on
your right and you'll find his corpse. Walk back to Rolf and continue.

Follow Rolf again until he stops. You'll hear a scream from Grerid Axe-Wife
nearby. Look behind the second boulder to the left and you'll find her corpse.
Return back to Rolf to continue the hunt.

Follow him for a little bit and three werewolves will magically appear around
you (my game froze the first time they appeared). Kill the wolves easily. For
killing them, Rolf Long-Tooth will say that you've honored your fallen
comrades and he'll let you lead the rest of the way.Continue in the direction
he was going and the spirit bear will attack. It's really easy to kill. Slay it
and takes it's heart. Report back to Wind-Eye.

-Summon bear spell for fourty-five seconds.

Mission 09:
Ominous Signs:
Castle Karstaag
Wind-Eye will tell you that there have been many signs of the Bloodmoon
Prophecy, but he is reluctant to speak of them. There has been the coming of
the wolves, the fire in the lake, and now there is a massacre of horkers on the

He wants you to find out what happened to the horkers. He suspects that the
Rieklings slaughtered them. He thinks that you can find out at Castle Karstaag,
which is at the northwest part of Solstheim. The frost giant Karstaag is in
Castle Karstaag. The Skaal haven't heard anything from him in a long time.
Lastly, he tells you that there is no entry from the front, but you can get in
from the waters north of the castle.

Now we need to get to Castle Karstaag. From Skaal, take the bridge west (there
will be Reavers, a group of bandits, waiting for you at the other side, but you
should be able to take them. If you can't, go around them. Anyways, continue
due west through the Moestring Mountains and you'll eventually reach Karstaag.
Head into the ocean north and go into the caverns. Swim through the water until
you reach air.

Once inside the castle, you'll see a Riekling called "Krish". Take to him and
ask him about the horkers. He doesn't know about the horkers, but he's got his
own problems right now. Apparently, Karstaag, his master, has gone and he's
decided to take over the castle. He hired a group of Grahl for muscle, but they
all turned on him and he ate his guys. He can't go upstairs now and he wants to
work with you to get upstairs to talk to Dulk. He wants you to kill all the
Grahl in the basement before you go up to the castle. He figures there are
about eight of them.

B. East Empire Company
Throughout all of the first Morrowind. I never knew what in the heck the East
Empire Company was and I didn't care, it seemed like such a useless company
seeing as there only store was in Ebonheart. But in Bloodmoon you can actually
join the East Empire Company and work for them. The big reward for finishing
their missions is that you get a house. I suggest you do these missions.

You can join the East Empire Company by talking with it's representative,
Carnius Magius, in Fort Frostmoth. Ask him and he'll let you join.

IV. Beastuary
Here I will explain about the kind of beasts and monsters you will encounter on
Solstheim. The monsters are in alphabetical order.

Name - Location

Bears (Grizzly) - Can be found in the woods, mostly south side of Solstheim
Bears are vicious fighters, but nothing a high level character can't handle.
Be careful when fighting them because some are diseased.

Berserkers - Randomly placed
Half-naked Nords who live to kill. Driven Mad by the cold and have no respect
for life or order.

Bonewolf - Caves or dark places
These are basically just wolves without skin. They're slightly hardy than
normal wolves, but you shouldn't have any problem with them.

Draugr - In caves or dark places
Unholy zombie-like monsters that use fists and kicks to attack. You can
identify them by their red eyes.

Frost Antronach (Dire) - In icy caves.
These guys are large Daedra with the power to use ice and icesicle-type swords
to kill you. They aren't all that tough. Dire Frost Antronachs are basically a
stronger, faster, and more aggressive version of the normal Frost Antronach.

Fryse Hag - Randomly placed
Powerful and savage mages dedicated to the teachings of Kyne, the Mother of

Grahl - Dark caves, rare
They are huge beasts. They have spikey heads, large claws, yellow eyes, and
tusks. They are very tough.

Horker - Can be found around water
Small, seal-like creatures. They're really weak.

Riekling - Can be found around woods mostly around where the "Good Beast" was
Small, goblin-like creatures. They carry a blade (sometimes a rusted blade) and
a strong shield. They reflect magic.

Riekling Raider - Can be found in valleys, mountains, or rocks.
Small, goblin-like creatures, riding on the Tusked Bristleback beast. They
carry a lance and strong shield. They reflect magic.

Snow wolf - Around snowy mountains or forests, mosty on the northwest side of
--------- Solstheim

Their a lot stronger than the wolf, but their still easy to kill.

Spriggian - Random
I'm not sure what these things are. They look like some kind of mutated humans.
They are also pretty tough. They have three forms. Each time you defeat one
form, they'll transform into a larger and stronger form.

Tusked Bristleback - They're everywhere
Small, pig-like creatures. They can put up an ok fight. You can find them
everywhere. They're almost as abundant as wolves.

Werewolf - After the "Protect Skaal" mission.
They are terrible creatures and haven't been seen in generations. They really
aren't that hard though. They have about the same HP as draugrs except they're
stronger. They can also get you infected with disease. If you are infected,
after three days you'll become a werewolf. If you use a Cure Common Disease
potion within those three days, then you'll be cured.

Wolf - Can be found mostly in the woods, mostly south side of Solsteim
You'll find them all over Soltheim. They're the most abundant creature and the
easiest to kill. Usually takes me 1-2 hits to kill them.

V. Secrets
In this section, I will explain the wierd things and secrets I found while in

"Reavers" - West of Skall, there is a bridge, and at the west side of this
~~~~~~~~~ bridge, there is a group of five Nordic bandits called "Reavers".
I ran back to Skall hoping that the guards could help me kill them,
but annoyingly, they just stood there. I had to kill them all

P.S - I'm not sure if this is a "secret" or not, but it's just
something I found.

The Candy Man - Due south of Thirsk, there is house with the "Candy Man" living
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ inside. He appears to be senile. He says that he makes candy as
a living to spread joy across Solstheim. He also says that his
assistant died, he buried him in the front yard, and some
Horkers "sang" him a beautiful song for his ceremony. (O_o)
I haven't figured out what exactly is the secret behind him


VI. Outro

A. Thanks
I would like to thank CjayC for making gamefaqs and hosting this faq, Bestheda
for making the greatest rpg of all time, and myself for making this faq for

B. Contact
If you have any suggestions, questions, or corrections, please contact me at
any of the following.

If you send me anything and I put it in the faq, I'll give you full credit for

E-MAIL - wangstick@yahoo.com
AIM - wangstick100
MSN - huddleston2000@comcast.net
YIM - wangstick
Gamefaqs Screenname - Jack Huddleston

C. Copyright
Please don't copy this and post it all over the internet. Just use it for
personal use. I got my rights. Copyright 2003 Jack Huddleston. All Rights

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13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019