Sims - Makin Magic

Sims - Makin Magic

12.09.2013 20:05:41
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Spell and Charm FAQ
Version 2.75
Written by NeoBlitz
Most contributions will be accepted and always credited

Last updated: 27 March 2004

Please if you're e-mailing me in relation to this FAQ or the game please put
The Sims Makin' Magic or FAQ as the subject as anything else will be
unchecked and deleted. If you want to know how to get ingredients for children
just check the Ingredients section, find the ingredient you want, and look at
the second method shown for how to get the ingredient, that is how a child can
get it. Also don't e-mail me asking a question that has already been answered
in this guide,and if you want information on dragons ask at the board or check
out one of the other guides as I don't use dragons.

Table of Contents
1.0 Version History
2.0 Adults' Spellbook
3.0 Children's Spellbook
4.0 In-Depth Adult Spells
5.0 In-Depth Child Spells
6.0 Ingredients
7.0 Dueling
8.0 Magic Tart and Magic Nectar
9.0 Magical Growths
10.0 Charges
11.0 Credits/Copyrights/Disclaimers

1.0 Version History

Version 1.0 :
-First version of the FAQ uploaded to GameFAQs and IGN
-Added complete list of adult spells
-Added in-depth information on the Toadification spell for adults

Version 1.2 :
-Added in-depth info on 9 new spells/charms for adults
-Added full list of spell/charm ingredients and how to get them
-Added a note on dueling and a chart of what beats what

Version 1.7 :
-Added all adult spells to the In-Depth Adult Spells section
-Added children spells to the Children's Spellbook
-Guide now hosted at

Version 1.8 :
-Added any missing backfires for adult spells
-Guide now hosted at
-Added a section on the Magic Tart and Magic Nectar

Version 2.0 :
-Added in-depth info on all child spells
-Added a new section on Magical Growths

Version 2.5 :
-Added a new section on how Mechanical and Cooking effect the number of
spell and charm charges you get

Version 2.6 :
-Added a correction about Beanstalks
-Added a new way for Shed Your Skin to backfire

Version 2.7 :
-Updated the e-mail form
-Guide hosted at a new website
-Did a few corrections throughout the guide

Version 2.75 :
e now hosted at Neoseeker
-Updated the Please Read at top of guide.

2.0 Adults' Spellbook
1. Toadification | Spell |
2. Beauty or Beast | Charm |
3. Reationship Boost | Spell |
4. Horn of Plenty | Charm |
5. Enchant | Spell |
6. Dish Wish | Charm |
7. Get Happy | Spell |
8. Rain of Riches | Charm |
9. Shed Your Skin | Charm |
10. Smiley Face | Spell |
11. Polar Attraction | Charm |
12. Banish | Spell |
13. Clone Drone | Charm |
14. Perfect Garden | Charm |
15. Magic Mood | Charm |
16. LoveStruck | Spell |
17. Hypnotize | Spell |
18. Of House and Home | Charm |
19. The Big Question | Spell |
20. The Price of Fame | Charm |
21. A Friend Indeed | Spell |

3.0 Children's Spellbook
1. Beauty or Beast Jr. | Charm |
2. Get Happy Jr. | Spell |
3. Enchant | Spell |
4. No More Puddles? | Charm |
5. Make Cakes | Charm |
6. Smiley Face Jr. | Spell |
7. Invisible Friend | Charm |
8. Clone Drone Jr. | Charm |
9. Age of Instant | Charm |

4.0 In-Depth Adult Spells
This section will contain a more in-depth look at each spell and charm, giving:
the ingredients needed to make that spell/charm; what the spell/charm will do;

the backfire of the spell/charm
if it has one; and what makes it backfire if
it backfires.

1. Toadification


Toad Sweat

Effects: This spell will turn the victim into a hopping green toad, which can
be kissed. Kissing the toad can sometimes yield you some Toad Sweat.

Backfire: If this spell backfires, then the caster will be turned into a frog.
-Reason: The spell will backfire on you if the Sim you try to cast the spell
on has a wand of their own.

2. Beauty or Beast


Effects: This charm can be used to change the casting sim's appearance. There
are a number of different forms for both male and female sims. Male-a weird
purple and silver-clothed person, a vampire, a werewolf, a headless man, a
genie, a goblin, a hunchback and a minotaur.
Female-a weird purple and silver-clothed person, a vampire, a werewolf, a witch,
a genie, a weird ogre-type creature with horns, an old crone and a pixie/nymph.

Backfire: Everyone on the lot has their head replaced with that of a donkey.
-Reason: If you are seen using the charm by any other sim, magical or not.

3. Relationship Boost

Pixie Dust

Effects: This spell can be used on any sim to give your relationship with them
a boost by about 25 daily relationship points.

Backfire: The caster becomes naked (with the parts blocked out for all you sick
people who want to see naked sims) and the relationship goes down.
-Reason: The sim you're casting it on is in a bad mood.

4. Horn of Plenty

Golden Thread
Magic Beans
Magic Beans

Effects: This charm will generate about 4-5 plates of food and place them on
any nearby surfaces, mainly dinner tables or counters. Along with this food a
group of sims may invite themselves over to indulge in eating your feast.

Backfire: The lot will become the scene of a plague of toads.
-Reason: The sim using the charm has a hunger bar that is full/almost full

5. Enchant

Pixie Dust

Effects: This spell will bring some inanimate objects to life, most popular
objects are the gnome and the pink flamingo. Other objects include the
scarecrow, chess or checkers boards and refrigerators.

Backfire: Sometimes the object you are trying to enchant can go up in flames.
-Reason: Depends on the caster's Mechanical skill. This is more likely to
happen if the caster has a low Mechanical, but it can still happen with a high
Mechanical skill, just less often.

6. Dish Wish

Golden Thread
Golden Thread
Llama Spit

Effects: This charm will clean any dirty dishes on your lot. Dirty dishes are
dishes that have had all the food eaten off them so that only the Clean Up
option is available, or dishes that have attracted flies.

Backfire: Some dirty plates will appear on your lot.
-Reason: If there are no dirty plates on your lot and you use the charm.

7. Get Happy

Pixie Dust

Effects: This spell can be used on a sim to give them an instant boost in mood.

Backfire: The sim you're casting it on will suffer a drop in their mood.
-Reason: The sim you're casting it on has a low Nice score, under 4/5.

8. Rain of Riches

Rubber Chicken
Diamond Dust

Effects: This charm can only be used once. This charm will generate piles of
coins and treasure chests filled with coins and precious jewels.

Backfire: None that I have observed

I got an e-mail from Kim Seng with information
about this charm:
I have read the Spells & Charm FAQ that you wrote and I must say it helps a lot
in my game play.
I have a spell backfire that I can share with you so maybe if you think it is
useful, you can update this also: Rain of Riches
Observed Spell backfire: Rain water and terrible flooding of the lot occurs.
The SIMs will have a hard time cleaning up the mess.
Reason: When I tried casting this spell for the first time, my SIM’s mood
indicator is pink (not green), and thus I believe the mood of the SIM affects
the spell.
The amount of money obtained also seems to be proportional to the mood of the
SIM. The smallest total amount I got so far is S5000.

I've tested the charm with a sim in a bad mood and I get actual rain too.

9. Shed Your Skin

Sands of Time

Effects: This charm will turn the casting sim into a ghost of sorts. The sim
will become transparent like a ghost but will still have to walk through doors.

Backfire: Your lot will be overrun with snakes.
-Reason: If used during the day or if used by a sim that is already a ghost.

10. Smiley Face

Toad Sweat

Effects: This spell will make the sim you cast the spell on a friend, bringing
the relationship score up to the 50s. This spell will wear off if the friendship
isn't maintained.

Backfire: The caster of this spell will be beaten up by the sim you're casting
it on and is likely to leave the family.
-Reason: The sim you're casting the spell on is already a friend.

11. Polar Attraction

Dragon Scales
Llama Spit

Effects: This charm will result in positive social interactions and responses
from other sims.

Backfire: Other sims will reject most of your social interactions
-Reason: If the caster's Body skill is less than 2

12. Banish

Snake Venom

Effects: This spell will remove a sim from your lot if it is a visiting sim.In
the case of a family member they will disapppear, but after a while they'll

Backfire: The caster gets banished from the lot for a little while.
-Reason: The sim you're casting the spell on has a wand of their own.

13. Clone Drone

Sands of Time
Pegasus Feather

Effects: This charm will create an exact clone of your sim which can be sent to
work while your sim works on their skills or just relaxes for the day.

Backfire: The clone will spontaneously combust, or in simpler terms burst into
-Reason: If your sim is really hungry it will backfire.

14. Perfect Garden

Golden Thread
Magic Beans
Four-leaf Clover

Effects: This charm will make all plants, vegetable crops or vineyard crops be
fully grown instantly.

Backfire: Any gnomes on the lot will come to life and kick the caster in the
shins and then proceed to kill the plants.
-Reason: If you have a gnome on your lot.

15. Magic Mood

Magic Beans
Glacial Glass

Effects: This charm will give the caster, or everybody in the family, a boost
to all their motives, except for Room.

Backfire: The motives will be reduced to red, except for room.
-Reason: I'm not too sure why it happens, but it mainly only happens when I
try to Mood Everyone Up. Any help with this one would be gratefully received.

16. Lovestruck

Dragon Tears
Pixie Dust

Effects: This spell will make the sim you cast it on fall in love with the

Backfire: The caster will be struck with lightning and lose nearly all of their
Comfort and Energy.
-Reason: The sim you're casting the spell on has a wand of their own.

17. Hypnotize

Toad Sweat
Clown Confetti

Effects: Hypnotize a sim and make them do one of three actions: Plead; Dance or
Kiss. Each will give your relationship with the sim a boost.

Backfire: The casting sim will be hypnotized.
-Reason: If the sim you're casting the spell on has a wand of their own.

18. Of House and Home

Golden Thread
Glacial Glass
Pegasus Feather

Effects: Summon the cleaning spirit Wally O' Wisp to clean your house for you
quickly and efficiently at no cost to you.

Backfire: Wally's sister Molly will appear instead and cause havoc in your
-Reason: The sim using the charm is in a bad mood or has a low Neat score.

19. The Big Question

Clown Confetti
Wizard Eyelashes

Effects: Make a sim fall in love with you and instanty marry you.

Backfire: The sim will like you less and the caster will become transparent and
-Reason: If the sim you're casting the spell on has a wand of their own.

20. The Price of Fame

Diamond Dust
Black Roses

Effects: The sim using the charm will change to the Superstar career track and
have a star level of 4.5 Celebrity.

Backfire: About five Obsessed Fans will appear by the casting sim.
-Reason: If the caster has a Star Power of around 3 stars or over.

21. A Friend Indeed

Pet Treats!
Clown Confetti

Effects: This spell will turn your pet into a human and is irreversible.

Backfire: Dogs will attack the caster and cats will hide.
-Reason: Pet is in a bad mood.

5.0 In-Depth Child Spells
1. Beauty or Beast Jr.


Effects: This 'charm' can be used to change the kid's appearance, like with
the adult version of the spell. There are two 'costumes' for each gender of
child. Both have the skeleton 'costume', the boy has a green imp/goblin/grinch
costume and girls have a purple pixie/elf costume.

Backfire: All sims on the lot will get donkey heads.
-Reason: If seen by any sim, magical or not.

2. Get Happy Jr.

Dragon Scales
Faerie Dust

Effects: Gives the victim a boost to their motives, except Room.

Backfire: All the motives will drop dramatically with Energy or Bladder
sometimes dropping to empty.
-Reason: Victim's Nice personality bar is low, less than 5.

3. Enchant

Faerie Dust
Faerie Dust
Dragon Tears

Effects: Brings certain inanimate objects to life, same ones as the adult

Backfire: Item will burst into flames.
-Reason: For kids I don't know why.

4. No More Puddles?

Dragon Tears

Effects: Brings caster's Hygiene bar up to full.

Backfire: Caster's Hygiene will drop to about half full, or half empty, depends
on your outlook.
-Reason: Caster's Hygiene is already full.

5. Make Cakes

Faerie Dust

Effects: Generates cakes for child to eat.

Backfire: Toads will be generated instead.
-Reason: Child's Hunger bar is full/almost full

Note! This spell never actually works, it's a bug in the game. The info I give
is what is supposed to happen.

6. Smiley Face Jr.

Dragon Tears
Dragon Tears
Faerie Dust

Effects: Generate an instant friend.

Backfire: Child victim gets angry and hits caster.
-Reason: Victim is already a friend.

7. Invisible Friend

Faerie Dust
Faerie Dust

Effects: Creates an 'invisible' friend for the child to play with and talk to.

Backfire: An invisible enemy is created who will kick, tease and insult caster.
-Reason: Completely random, about a 1 in 10 chance or so.

8. Clone Drone Jr.

Dragon Tears
Dragon Scales

Effects: Creates a clone of the casting child who can go to school for them.

Backfire: Clone will burst into flames.
-Reason: Child is hungry.

9. Age of Instant

Dragon Scales
Dragon Scales

Effects: Child will grow up into a functioning member of society, or they'll
become a lazy good-for-nothing and laze about your house all day.

Backfire: Child will revert back to diapers and will need to be looked after.
-Reason: Child's grades are below A- and the child is very hungry.

6.0 Ingredients
This section will contain information on where to find all the ingredients
for the various spells and charms, and how much they will cost if they cost

Buy from Apothecary Todd for 17 MagiCoins
From the Wax n' Honey Maker item

Black Roses:
Left on your lot by the Obsessed Fan, random

From the Old-Fashioned Butter Churn item
From the Gypsy Clerk in Magic Town for 20 simoleans

Clown Confetti:
Gotten by completing a quest from a Magic Town vendor

Diamond Dust:
Buy from Mara for 199 MagiCoins

Dragon Scales:
Buy from Vicki Vampiress for 21 MagiCoins
Randomly dropped by dragons after grooming

Dragon Tears:
Buy from Vicki Vampiress for 24 MagiCoins
Randomly dropped by dragons after tickling

Faerie Dust (Kids only):
Gotten randomly by playing with Visions of Sugarplums

Four-leaf Clover:
Barter with Mara, give her Honey

Barter with Vicki Vampiress
, give her Beeswax

Glacial Glass:
Gotten by completing a quest from a Magic Town vendor

Golden Thread:
Buy from Mara for 14 MagiCoins
From the Prick-Me-Not Spinning Wheel


From the Gypsy Clerk in Magic Town for 30 simoleans
Grow from

Grape Sprigs, bought for 60 simoleans from the Gypsy Clerk

From the Wax n' Honey Maker
From the Gypsy Clerk in Magic Town for 20 simoleans

Llama Spit:
Buy from Apothecary Todd for 25 MagiCoins

Magic Beans:
Buy from Apothecary Todd for 27 MagiCoins

Pegasus Feather:
Gotten by completing a quest from a Magic Town vendor

Pet Treats!:
Buy in Old Town for 40 simoleans

Pixie Dust:
Buy from Mara for 31 MagiCoins

Rubber Chicken:
Barter with Apothecary Todd, give him Elderberry Nectar

Sands of Time:
Buy from Mara for 25 MagiCoins

Snake Venom:
Barter with Nagganaste (Snake Charmer), give him Golden Thread

Toad Sweat:
Buy from Apothecary Todd for 21 MagiCoins
Gotten randomly by kissing toads

Buy from Apothecary Todd for 9 MagiCoins
Appear randomly on your lot when you sit on Champignon Toadstool Chair

Wizard Eyelashes:
Gotten by completing a quest from a Magic Town Vendor

7.0 Duelling
Dueling is a good way of getting MagiCoins if you can find and beat a magical
sim with high logic to duel against. This is a sort of mini-game and is really
easy to win as it doesn't involve skill. All you have to do is observe what
colour of spell your opponent will use and then choose a spell that will beat
theirs. The spell the opponent will use is indicated by one of the flashing
coloured spheres on your opponents side of the duel stage. Each colour spell
beats two colours and loses to two colours.

Below is a table of the colours, what they beat and what they lose to.

Note: To understand the chart start along the side and look up to see what the
colour will beat/lose to. For example, Black loses to Red but wins against
A + means it will win, a - means it will lose and a = means it willl draw.

* Colour * Black * Red * Blue * White * Yellow *
* Black * = * - * - * + * + *
* Red * + * = * + * - * - *
* Blue * + * - * = * - * + *
* White * - * + * + * = * - *
* Yellow * - * + * - * + * = *

8.0 Magic Tart and Magic Nectar
This is just a short section on the Magic Tart and Magic Nectar made using the
Baking Oven and the Wine Press. I'd like to thank Joe for
the information on hese two items magical in nature.

Magic Tart:

Made using: Standard-Plus Brick Oven for Bakers

Baking Mix
Pixie Dust

Effects: It's rumored that it is meant to boost your mood but it's more commonly
known to give the eater the head of a donkey.

Note! Once it's been made the baker has to eat it straight away.

Magic Nectar:

Made using: A Pressing Feeling (Nectar Press)

Toad Sweat

Effects: It turns the drinker into a ghost temporarily and allows them to walk
through objects like fences, desks, etc.

Note! It can't be put into the Taste of the Vine Nectar Bar or your inventory.

9.0 Magical Growths
This is a short section with information on the various growths that can appear
on your sims' lot if they are magically fit (i.e. if they use a lot of magic)

Solar Powered GEraniums
These are colourful flowers that are pretty to look at. They go through three
stages of growth which doesn't take very long. When they are fully grown they
can be used as end tables, although sims won't automatically use them.

Root of the Problem
By far the worst magical growth you can get. They are gnarled, brown roots that
appear. They also have three stages of growth. They have no use at all. There
are rumors that they only appear if your sims use too much magic but there is
no proof of this.

Just like Jack from Jack in the Beanstalk your sims can grow their own beanstalk
and climb it to steal the big bad giants treasure. Beanstalks are climbable
after they've grown to about 16/17 segments, but not all beanstalks will grow
that high as each beanstalk has a set height it will grow to. However Maxis
have dramatically reduced the value of the treasure to 3 Magic Beans, and
the giant is none other than sims creator Will Wright who does nothing but
catch z's up on cloud 9. Beanstalks are climbable on all lots.

Last but by no means least are the magic crystals that grant whoever touches
them magical abilities. There are seven cystals to collect and they come in an
array of different colours, if you want your own magical crystal then cast 10
spells every 6 hours if you live in Magic Town or 15 spells if you live in
Simcity. Get your crystals before they're all sold out! Each crystal will teach
an ability 3 times if you live in a regular lot, or 5 times if you live in
Magic Town.Here's a list of the different colour crystals you can get and
what abilities they teach:

Yellow/Gold-Magic Trick
Red-Hot Foot
Blue-Hand Buzzer

Note! Magical Growths won't start to repeat until you've got one of each type.
So if you want another crystal but you haven't gotten a beanstalk yet then
you'll have to wait.

10.0 Charges
This section is about how Mechanical and Cooking skills effect the number of
times a spell/charm can be used (the number of charges). It's in the form of a
table. The numbers across the very top indicate the Cooking/Mechanical skill
level and the numbers underneath those correspond to how many times the spell or
charm listed on the left can be used.

*Cooking/Mechanical* 0 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 *
*Toadification * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 4 * 5 * 5 * 6 * 7 *
*Beauty or Beast * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 4 * 5 * 5 *
*Relationship Boost* 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 4 *
*Horn of Plenty * 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 *
*Enchant * 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 *
*Dish Wish * 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 *
*Get Happy * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 4 * 5 * 5 * 6 * 7 *
*Rain of Riches * O N L Y * E V E R * O N E *
*Shed Your Skin * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 4 * 5 * 5 *
*Smiley Face * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 4 *
*Polar Attraction * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 4 * 5 * 5 *
*Banish * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 4 * 5 * 5 *
*Clone Drone * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 4 *
*Perfect Garden * 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 *
*Magic Mood * 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 *
*LoveStruck * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 4 *
*Hypnotize * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 4 * 5 * 5 *
*Of House and Home * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 4 *
*The Big Question * O N L Y * E V E R * O N E *
*The Price of Fame * 1 * 1 * 1 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 4 * 4 * 4 *
*A Friend Indeed * O N L Y * E V E R * O N E *

11.0 Credits/Copyrights/Disclaimers
Thanks to CJayC for hosting this guide at GameFAQs

Thanks to IGN for hosting this guide

Thanks to Bernd Wolffgramm at DLH.Net for asking permission to host this guide

Thanks to Daniel Pusch at for asking permission to host this guide

Thanks to Kim Seng for information on the Rain of
Riches charm

Thanks to Miriam S for The Price of Fame backfire

Thanks to James Standifer for the Horn of Plenty
backfire and for confirming the reason behind it. Also for the backfire and
reason for The Price of Fame. And also for confirming the reason for Hypnotize

Thanks to Kenneth Scholl for the backfires, and
reasons, for Smiley Face and Banish

Thanks to Darcel for the reason for Horn of Plenty
backfiring, which was confirmed by James Standifer

Thanks to Joe for information about Magic Tart and Magic

Thanks to Tegre for telling me that beanstalks are
climbable on all lots, not just Magic Town ones.


This guide is copyright (c)2003 NeoBlitz and is the intellectual property of the
owner. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use as long as it remains in its unaltered, unedited form. It may not
be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

Only the following sites may host this guide:
GameFAQs (
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If you see this guide on any other web site please inform me.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

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