Roller Coaster Tycoon

Roller Coaster Tycoon

17.10.2013 18:06:09
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Rollercoaster Tycoon
FAQ/Strategy Guide
by: Dark Vortex aka Quan Jin
Version 7.1

This guide may be found on the following sites:

[]------------------------------------------------[IGN FAQs]
[]------------------------------------[Devil's Little Helper]

This guide is copyright 2003(c)Quan Jin

Legal Information

This guide is under full copyright 2003-2004 Quan Jin. It shall not be altered,
reproduced, published, sold for profit, etc. without the written and expressed
permission from this guide's rightful owner. If you feel the need to violate
copyright law and break these rules, I will be forced to perform legal matters
on you.

If you shall wish to use this guide on your site or use any non-opinionated
tidbits of information, it is essential you contact the author. If I find that
a site is hosting this document without recalling any permission given to
them, I will take action against the offender. Currently, the below sites will
not be granted permission no matter what (with thanks to Red_Pheonix's FAQ
Theft Guide for the list):

[]-----------------------------------------------[911 Codes]
[]-------------------------------------------[9 Lives]
[]---------------[Bean's PlayStation Dimension]
[]-----------------------------------[Cheat Code Central]
[]-------------------------------------------[Cheat Index]
[]-----------------------------------------[Cheat Matrix]
[]-----------------------------------------[Cheat Search]
[]------------------------------[Cheat Stop]
[]-----------------------------[CNET Gamecenter]
[]-------------------------------[Console Domain]
[]-------------------------------------[Games Domain]
[]-------------------------------------[Game Express]
[]-----------------------------------------[Mega Games]
[]------------------------------------[Square Haven]
[]-------------------------------[Ultimate System]

Keep in mind that this list is not permanent. It will change every once in a
while when action is taken.



As we all know, no one likes to sift through an entire guide looking for one
subject. That's what the table of contents is for. Notice the decimals in
front of the sections. I'd like to thank the genius who invented this as it
makes looking for subjects faster and quicker. How do you do it? First, click
ctrl-F and type in the number - the subject. For example, to find 1.1

put 1.1 - System requirements/additional info in the box


click find. first you'll receive a result in the table of contents of course.


click find next and you'll go straight to the section in context.



|1.1 - System requirements/additional info |
|2.1 - Version history |
|3.1 - Introduction |
|4.1 - Rollercoaster Tycoon interface |
|5.1 - Rides/Attractions list |
| 5.2 - Transportation rides |
| 5.3 - Thrill rides |
| 5.4 - Gentle rides |
| 5.5 - Rollercoasters |
| 5.6 - Water rides |
| 5.7 - Shops & stalls |
|6.1 - Walkthrough |
|7.1 - Your park |
| 7.2 - Loans & money |
| 7.3 - The queue line |
| 7.4 - Staff |
| 7.5 - Placing entrances and exits |
| 7.6 - Guests |
| 7.7 - Scenery |
| 7.71 - Scenery list |
| 7.72 - Scenery tips/info |
| 7.8 - Research |
|8.1 - Rollercoaster construction |
| 8.2 - basics |
| 8.3 - to build a coaster |
| 8.4 - underground construction |
|9.1 - FAQ |
|10.1 - Bugs/glitches |
|11.1 - Credits and thanks |
| |

1.1 - System requirements/additional info

First off, I'll get the system requirements going and here they are.
Keep in mind that they're copy and pasted from the readme.

Minimum System Requirements:

Pentium 90 CPU
Windows 95/98
at least 50MB free hard drive space
1 MB SVGA card
Windows 95 compatible Sound Card
DirectX 5.0 (included on CD)

Recommended System Requirements: (for good game performance)

Pentium 200 MMX CPU
Windows 95/98
at least 50MB free hard drive space
2 MB accelerated SVGA card
Windows 95 compatible Sound Card
DirectX 5.0 (included on CD)

Ideal System Requirements: (for ultimate game performance)

Pentium II 350 CPU
Windows 95/98
at least 180 MB free hard drive space
4 MB accelerated SVGA card
Windows 95 compatible Sound Card
DirectX 5.0 (included on CD)

now to make some other things a bit more clear. In certain international
rollercoaster tycoons, you may see some name differences.

US: International:
------------------------- ---------------------------
Katie's World Katie's Dreamland
Dinky Park Pokey Park
Aqua Park White Water Park
Mothball Mountain Mystic Mountain
Big Pier Paradise Pier

Same thing with some rides:

US: International:
------------------------- ---------------------------
Swinging Ship Dragon Boat
Whoa Belly Launched Freefall
Gravitron Top Spin
Scrambled Eggs Twist
Miniature Railroad Steam Train or Miniature Railway
Bumper Cars Dodgems
Boat Hire Boat Ride
Reverse Whoa Belly RC Reverse Freefall Rollercoaster
Fries Stall Chips Shop
Cotton Candy Stall Candy Floss Stall

However, they are all the same rides just with different names.

2.1 - Version history

Version 1.0 - Release Version. Well, I was able to finish the rides list
and about two of the scenarios. Expect a new release sometime in
one or two days.
(submitted on 6.14.03)

Version 2.0 - Tremendous update. I was able to finish the guide. I may
add some new sections in the future. We'll just have to wait and see.
(submitted on 6.16.03)

Version 2.1 - Must get sleep. -_- Changed the format a bit and the
signature at the bottom has been fixed. Added a more detailed copyright.
(submitted on 6.17.03)

Version 2.2 - Got one question in my email so added first question to
FAQ. Signature at bottom got fixed and doesn't look messed up anymore.
(submitted on 6.19.03)

Version 2.4 - Yay, school's out. Anyway, I added a long section on
scenery in the Your Park section. Check that out. I'll check that out.
Apology to Red Snake for spelling his name wrong. It's fixed in the credits
now. And after getting a motivation from RedPheonix's guide, I decided to
add a bugs section as well. Submit some cuz I don't have a lot. And
finally after wading through a lot of email and replies, I added some
questions to the FAQ. I also put a nice lookign box around the table of
contents. No one is giving me any suggestions or info which sucks. Just
questions, that's all. >:(
(submitted on 6.23.03)

Version 2.5 - Since I have too much time on my hands, I'm going to be
updating a lot. I didn't get any new emails but I decided to add a new
section called Challenges. Basically, I'll just give you some challenges
to try if you've gotten bored of this game. I'll accept user made ones
as well so send me whatever you got. Finished scenery. Fixed some messed
up areas.
(submitted on 6.24.03)

Version 2.6 - Cleaned up some stray marks and double checked the FAQ for any
formatting errors. Added a new FAQ question and added a new section. There
isn't much new information and I can't update without emails and the sort.
(submitted on 6.25.03)

Version 3.0 - Added a new mini section in the guests section. I'm not getting
any more emails for some reason and unless I start getting some, I can't
update. Summer's getting really boring and I'm getting really lazy.
(submitted on 7.2.03)

Version 3.1 - Fixed a few errors and a few spelling mistakes. Still no email.
(submitted on 7.3.03)

Version 3.2 - Okay, now this is getting ridiculous. I'm adding a new sections
called "Questions to Avoid." I'm receiving a lot of flames these days for
god knows what reasons. Anyway, the beginning ASCII has gotten better. Quite
easy to notice. Hope you find it pleasant.
(submitted on 7.5.03)

Version 3.3 - All I did was change my username because I changed my
contributor name. Fixed the dedication thing at the bottom.
(submitted on 7.6.03)

Version 3.4 - Fixed a few things
(submitted on 7.8.03)

Version 3.5 - Took away the Challenges section and added a new section
called "The Reader's Corner." Here, I'll add all the information reader's
decide to give me.
(submitted on 7.9.03)

Version 4.0 - More messages added to the Reader's Corner. Finished the
Game Interface. Redid the roller coaster Construction section and had
to reformat a lot of things.
(submitted on 7.11.03)

Version 5.0 - I took advantage of my delay by going through the rides
section and the walkthrough again. You'll find reformatted rides
to the Steel Corkscrew and I redid two of the scenarios. I'll finish
them in the next update as I'm getting really tired.
(submitted on 7.14.03)
Version 5.1 - Finished redoing the rides guide. Not much of a big update as
I didn't do anything to the walkthrough. I'll get around eventually and
don't expect the next update for about a week.
(submitted on 7.13.03)

Version 5.2 - Not really a gameplay update but I had to add three sites to
that are using this guide.
(submitted on 7.17.03)

Version 5.3 - I'm sorry if these updates are too small but I've got some
business to organize. I've finished the Leafy Lake scenario and that's
really all. I promise a big update next that should cover about six
scenarios but don't expect it too fast.
(submitted on 7.19.03)

Version 6.0 - As I promised, I've covered six more scenarios today. The
reason these updates will take so long is becuase each scenario costs me a
day or two. I still have a good 12 scenarios left to finish. I also changed
the ASCII at the top
(submitted on 7.28.03)

Version 6.1 - Submitted to Neoseeker and made a few extra improvements. I
haven't made any gameplay additions but I have to finish other projects
(submitted on 8.23.03)

Version 7.0 - Made a few drastic changes.

Version 7.1 - Added "supercheats" to the site listing.

3.1 - Introduction

I bet we all have heard something about Chris Sawyer's Rollercoaster Tycoon. As
of now, the sequel, Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 has been out for a while now with a
new expansion, Wacky Worlds. However, I know there are still some people out
there who want to try the first one. Rollercoaster Tycoon has been a popular
hit for a while.

Now then, what is Rollercoaster Tycoon? Well, it's another one of those
management sims where you take control and start a theme park. Play through
various scenarios getting more attractions and experience. Rollercoaster Tycoon
was an addictive game for me a while ago. Anyway, you have access to various
rides and attractions and try to build up a park and complete your scenario in
the given time. It may sound tedious yet, but you will be hooked for a while.
Believe me.

This guide should help any newbie or just become reference for any experienced
player. Keep in mind this guide covers the first Rollercoaster Tycoon, no
expansions. Rollercoaster Tycoon is really quite an easy game in my opinion

4.1 - Rollercoaster Tycoon Interface

The Game Menu |

The game menu consists of four buttons placed like this.

| | | | |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | | | |

1. Start New Park
- You'll come to a list of scenarios. The more you complete, the more
scenarios will become available to you.

2. Load Saved Park
- Load a previously saved park. You'll probably be using this button a lot.

3. Tutorial
- It's not a very good tutorial but it will help. To take control of the game
at any time, click

4. Exit
- Simply to exit RCT

Game Interface |

For this, I'll divide it into two sections. One being everything at the top,
the other being everything at the bottom. I'll try to go into as much
detail as I can, but this job is really the game manual's. It's quite hard
to draw the game's interface in ASCII.

The top section

The top is arranged in buttons like this:


1. Pause game
- to pause the game.

2. Load/save game, exit game
- Load, save, and exit the game here. There is also an options menu where
you can set the game's settings.

3. Toggle sound on/off
- turn sound on and off.

4. Zoom view out
- to zoom in.

5. Zoom view in
- to zoom out, you'll see more of your park.

6. Rotate view 90 degrees clockwise
- rotate the screen so you can see an area blocked off by a tree or

7. View options
- you can see underground, through rides, through scenery, etc.

8. Show map of park
- brings up a window with a map of your park. It's not a terribly detailed
one though.

9. Adjust land height and slope
- change the land into your liking. Of course there's a price.

10. Create/adjust lakes & water
- water tool.

11. Place scenery, gardens, and other accessories
- the scenery list.

12. Biuld footpath/queuing line
- to build footpaths and queuing lines.

13. Build new ride/attraction
- the ride list where you can choose an attraction to build.

14. Financial information
- shows your current money status and any advertisements you have going.

15. Research & development information
- you'll be allowed to set the research price level and see what's being

16. Rides/attractions in park
- this handy tool will list every ride and attraction in your park. Really
helpful when attempting organize everything.

17. Park information
- tells you whether your park is open, shows awards, and scenario statuses.
Also to buy land/construction rights, view park rating, and set entrance

18. Guests
- brings up a list of all guests walking in your park. Another handy tool.

19. Staff
- brings up a list of all staff walking in your park. Another handy tool.

20.Recent messages
- shows all the recent messages that appeared in the bar at the bottom. An
alternative way to bring up this window is to click on the bar at the bottom.

The bottom section
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 7
1 | |
| $999999 | | June, year 3 |
| -999 guests |Rollercoaster 1 has broken | |
|| ==============| down | 87 F ( ) |
2 | | |
3 6 5

1. Your current treasury. If you lose too much money, it will go into the
negatives. In the chart, the player has $999999.

2. Your current amount of guests. Most scenarios will require a certain
amount of guests to win. In the chart, the player has 999.

3. Your park rating bar. In the chart, it's full or at 999.

4. Your recent message bar. Anything important will flash across the
bottom. In the chart, it read's "Rollercoaster 1 has broken down."

5. The weather at the time. It can be raining, sunny, cloudy, etc.

6. The temperature. It can be set to both Farenheit or Centigrade.
In the chart, it's 87 degrees Farenheit

7. The date. Don't ask me why but for some reason, RCT skips the months
of November, December, January, and February. In the chart, it's June
of year 3.


| Usage | Command |
| Close topmost window | Backspace |
| Pause game | Pause |
| Zoom out Page | Up |
| Zoom in Page | Down |
| Rotate View | Enter |
| Rotate construction object | Z |
| Underground view toggle | 1 |
| Remove base land toggle | H |
| Remove vertical land toggle | V |
| See-through ride | 3 |
| See-through scenery | 4 |
| Invisible supports | 5 |
| Invisible guests | 6 |
| Height marks on land | 8 |
| Height marks on ride tracks | 9 |
| Height marks on paths | 0 |
| Adjust land | F1 |
| Adjust water | F2 |
| Build scenery | F3 |
| Build paths | F4 |
| Build new ride | F5 |
| Financial information | F |
| Research information | D |
| Rides / Attractions list | R |
| Park information | P |
| Guest list | G |
| Staff list | S |
| Recent messages | M |
| Show map | Tab |
| Screenshot | Ctrl + S |

(if I missed any, please contact me.)

5.1 - Ride/Attractions list

keep in mind that not all rides will be in the same scenario. Also, the
price will be based on what the description says in the rides menu. The
price canbe altered from sloped terrain, water, etc. I will list the pros
and cons plus my own strategy. The rating will be based on the following:

- price
- complexity
- how easy to build
- attracts a lot of guests
- moneymaker

I've created a list of special tracks to explain some of the more confusing
ones. If I've missed any, please contact me.

| | - A simple curve that allows a train to shift "over" one |
| S curve | space. When you find yourself in a tight spot, you can use|
| left/right | this tight turn to get back on track. |
| | - slows the train down at an adjustable speed. |
| Brake | |
| | |
| | - speeds the train up at an adjustable speed. |
| Booster | |
| | |
| | - like a horizontal loop, the helix will require a banked |
| Helix down/ | curve before it can be built. An exception would be the |
| up | Inverted Coaster and the Suspended Coaster. |
| | - A loop is a circular inversion that requires at least |
| Loop | one slope up 25 degrees. Do not allow trains to go at high|
| | speeds through loops as it will increase intensity. |
| | - Half of a loop, this track needs another inversion like |
| Half loop | a corkscrew or in line twist to get it right side up. |
| | |
| | - An inversion that moves in a spiral or corkscrew |
| Corkscrew | pattern. |
| | |
| | - Found only on the inverted coaster, the in line twist is|
| In line twist | quite obviously, a twist that stays in one line. |
| | |
| | - This is a unique track found only on the Wooden coaster.|
| Water splash | It will raise excitement but it is only effective when the|
| | train is going at high speeds as it will slow it down. |
| | - This is not exactly a special track but it's pretty |
| Steep twist | cool. To make it, create a slope 60 degrees and turn it 90|
| | degrees. It looks like a vertical spiral. |

5.2 - Transportation Rides

Miniature Railroad

PRICE: $1,300 upwards
VEHICLES: Steam Train
GAME DESCRIPTION: Narrow-gauge railroad tracks, with miniature passenger
THE GOOD: The Miniature Railroad is very cheap and will be the first
transport ride you'll see. It's a good transport for small lengths.
THE BAD: The tracks won't be able to be too high and the hills will make the
train considerably slower.
STRATEGY: This is the cheapest transport ride. Just remember, don't create
too many hills as it will slow the train down. The engine has a lot of
trouble scaling those. Anyway, placing scenery, water, and other rides by
this transport ride will increase it's excitement of course and look nice.
Just remember, this ride won't be too popular in the rain.
MY RATING: 5/10(too simple and slow although cheap)


PRICE: $1,440 upwards
VEHICLES: Chairlift cars
GAME DESCRIPTION: cars hang from a steel cable which runs continuously from
one end of the chairlift to the other and around large turnaround wheels at
each end.
THE GOOD: The Chairlift has a price somewhere between the Railroad and the
Monorail. It's the best transport ride in my opinion as it doesn't slow down
on hills, it maintains the same speed throughout the ride, and it can go
very high so rides in the way won't mess with your chairlift construction.
THE BAD: The one only drawback to the Chairlift is the fact that you need at
least two stations and it can't be built in a circuit. This can be a major
drawback. The other minor con is it isn't faster than the Monorail.
STRATEGY: The Chairlift is probably the easiest to build if you just simply
want a transporting ride from one end of your park to the other. Try to
tangle it with other rides and roller coasters to improve excitement. And
also, set the speed to the max. It will improve intensity/excitement, and
the car will get from one place to another faster.
MY RATING: 9/10(great transport)


PRICE: $1,550 upwards
VEHICLES: Small monorail cars, Large monorail trains
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track is a box sectioned steel rail supported on square
section steel posts. Trains are powered and run along the top of the rail
with additional wheels either side for stability.
THE GOOD: The Monorail is the fastest transport ride and it can go one unit
higher than the Railroad. It's also covered so it's still popular in the
THE BAD: At a hefty price tag, the Monorail is not worth the money. Still
struggling on hills, and it still can't go very high.
STRATEGY: I don't suggest the Monorail. I just don't like it, but if you
want variety or you just want to try something else, be my guest. Just
avoid large climbs. If you have to create some hills, try to have a drop
after them so the Monorail can gain speed again. The best time to use the
Monorail is when you wish your transport ride to have a lot of downhill
MY RATING: 3/10(not worth the money)

5.3 - Thrill Rides

Scrambled Eggs

PRICE: $360
VEHICLES: Scrambled Eggs arms and cars
GAME DESCRIPTION: Three pairs of seats rotate at the end of three rotating
THE GOOD: This is a nice cheap thrill ride. It's also small so it can be
placed in a tight area. To improve excitement, add trees around and you'll
see some results. You can also improve excitement by raising the amount of
spins, but each ride will take longer.
THE BAD: Not as exciting as some others.
STRATEGY: I don't have too many strategies for this, but I can suggest
placing a lot of trees, fountains, etc. around it. I suggest leaving the
number of rotations around 9 or 12.
MY RATING: 6/10(not bad)

Swinging Ship

PRICE: $387
VEHICLES: Swinging Ship
GAME DESCRIPTION: Large ship suspended from steel supports.
THE GOOD: Still cheap, and it also doesn't take up a lot of room. A bit more
exciting than Scrambled Eggs. Effected by scenery as well. You can increase
intensity by raising the amount of swings, but each ride will take longer.
THE BAD: Still not very exciting but it can be altered.
STRATEGY: Consider adding scenery again and keep the number of swings around
9 to 11.
MY RATING: 7/10(slightly better than the above and it's compact)

Go Karts

PRICE: $920 upwards
VEHICLES: Go karts
GAME DESCRIPTION: Tarmac track with tyre barrier on each side.
THE GOOD: Very popular so it brings in a lot of money ! Effected by scenery
as well.
THE BAD: It can't hold too many people and it also can't be raised above the
ground too high. A bit on the expensive side as well.
STRATEGY: I have no idea why but guests always seem attracted to the go karts
like it's their favorite ride. Because of the tiny seating capacity, I would
suggest toning down on the footpaths. Add scenery as well.
MY RATING: 9/10(big moneymaker)

"Figure 8 Track"
Excitement: 4.40(approx.)
Intensity: 2.50(approx.)
Nausea: 0.40(approx.)
Max. Speed: 24 mph
Average Speed: 11 mph
Ride Length: 456 ft.

"Mega Track"
Excitement: 5.30(approx.)
Intensity: 2.40(approx.)
Nausea: 0.40(approx.)
Max. Speed: 27 mph
Average Speed: 15 mph
Ride Length: 1,115 ft.

Whoa Belly

PRICE: $800 upwards
VEHICLES: Whoa belly car
GAME DESCRIPTION: The tower is constructed from steel girders and contains
large pneumatic cylinders to launch the car upwards.
THE GOOD: A great thrill ride with a lot of intensity. I like this ride.
THE BAD: Sometimes a car may overspeed and jump the top of the ride and
then ^_^. But anyway, it may be too intense for some guests that are looking
for gentle rides.
STRATEGY: The Whoa Belly can get pretty nauseating so remember benches and
bathrooms. Also, in Mel's World, there's this Whoa Belly covered by footpaths
making it look underground, create something like that and you'll see the
excitement skyrocket.
MY RATING: 8/10(intense ride)


PRICE: $580
VEHICLES: Gravitron car
GAME DESCRIPTION: Gondola is suspended by large rotating arms at each side.
The supporting arms can both move the gondola and rotate it upside down
in a preset sequence.
THE GOOD: Gravitron has three adjustable intensity levels. It is a nice
addition to any park, and if painted right, looks awesome. Another compact
thrill ride to be placed in a tight area. And to top it off, it's cheap.
THE BAD: nothing!!!
STRATEGY: I suggest taking advantage of the three intensity settings by making
three Gravitrons throughout the park. One on the first intensity
level, another on the second, etc. Placing scenery helps as always.
My RATING: 10/10(perfect thrill ride)

3D Cinema

PRICE: $560
VEHICLES: Cinema Building(can't exactly be considered a vehicle but oh well)
GAME DESCRIPTION: Cinema is located inside a geodesic sphere.
THE GOOD: Three different movies. Still popular in the rain.
THE BAD: Not effected by scenery so each movie has a set amount of excitement
intensity, and nausea.
STRATEGY: You can't really get any strategies for the 3D Cinema but the best
I can do is to tell you to build three of them, each having a different movie.

Motion Simulator

PRICE: $440
VECHICLES: Simulator pod
GAME DESCRIPTION: Simulator pod mounted on a hydraulic arm.
THE GOOD: Two exciting and intense movies. Also is covered so it's just as
popular in the rain.
THE BAD: Like the above, the Motion Simulator is not effected by scenery
so each simulation has a set amount of excitement again.
STRATEGY: I find the Simulator more exciting then the 3D Cinema but they have
the same strategy. Again, it's not effected by scenery so don't bother with
MY RATING: 8/10(I like Motion Simulators)

Swinging Inverter Ship

PRICE: $424
VEHICLE: Swinging inverter ship
GAME DESCRIPTION: Large ship attached to arm with counterweight at opposite
end. Swings through complete 360 degree circle.
THE GOOD: The Swinging Inverter Ship is more exciting than the Swinging Ship.
Apparently, it does a complete inversion before stopping so it's more
exciting and intense. I'm not sure if it's effected by rain or not, but I
believe it isn't becuase it looks covered. Also, scenery helps.
THE BAD: The entrance and exit have to be on the same side and for some,
that's an inconvenience.
STRATEGY: The Swinging Inverter Ship is another very compact ride so you
can fit it practically anywhere. Place scenery around of course.

5.4 - Gentle Rides

Haunted House

PRICE: $340
VEHICLE: Haunted house building
GAME DESCRIPTION: Large themed building containing scary corridors and
spooky rooms.
THE GOOD: It's very cheap. Still popular in the rain.
THE BAD: Guests tend to neglect the Haunted House. It's also not affected by
extra scenery even though some gaunt objects would look awesome around it.
I don't happen to like the Haunted House as it usually doesn't make me money.
STRATEGY: Place it in a crowded area so more guests will ride it. The Haunted
House won't do that good and eventually, you'll find that it won't make you
any more money. I don't like this ride for that reason. Don't bother
building this as I just think it's a waste of time.

Ferris Wheel

PRICE: $450
VEHICLE: Ferris wheel
GAME DESCRIPTION: Large wheel with 16 self-righting chairs.
THE GOOD: It's cheap for good reasons.
THE BAD: The Ferris Wheel is definitely the worst ride in all of Rollercoaster
Tycoon. First of all, to load, each person will get on and make a rotation,
then two people will get off and another two will get on, rotate again, and
another two get on, rotate again, and another two will get off. Then people
start complaining about the line, and wanting to get off the ride. It also
has really low excitement even around scenery.
STRATEGY: I don't have any good strategies for this ride. The Ferris Wheel
is quite easy to build but I hate the ride and I usually don't bother.
MY RATING: 0/10(for good reasons)

Hedge Maze

PRICE: $216 upward
VEHICLE: none listed
GAME DESCRIPTION: Maze is constructed from 6-foot tall hedges. Guests
wander around the maze and can only leave through the exit.
THE GOOD: It's very cheap and guests will like it. Trees will effect the
Hedge Maze quite drastically.
THE BAD: It may take a while for you to learn how to build a maze correctly
and some mazes may make guests get lost if it's too confusing.
STRATEGY: Just remember not to make too many dead ends and have more than
one path to the exit. Guests only get happy if they reach the exit so it
doesn't really matter if you only have one line. The Hedge Maze looks
great around trees.
My RATING: 6/10

"Mini Maze"
Excitement: 1.50(approx.)
Intensity: 0.60(approx.)
Nausea: 0.00(approx.)

"Spiral Maze"
Excitement: 1.60(approx.)
Intensity: 0.60(approx.)
Nausea: 0.00(approx.)

Merry Go Round

PRICE: $460
VEHICLE: Carousel(at least that's what the game says)
GAME DESCRIPTION: Circular carousel with horses and a fairground organ
mounted in the center.
THE GOOD: The Merry Go Round is another cheap gentle ride with decent
excitement for it's price. It's covered so rain won't effect popularity.
THE BAD: The ride may take a bit long.
STRATEGY: Place around trees and gardens for a great effect. Place this around
roller coasters exits so the riders can regain themselves by riding the Merry
Go Round.

Observation Tower
PRICE: $592 upwards
VEHICLE: Rotating Cabin
GAME DESCRIPTION: The tower is a cylindrical steel structure. The
observation car is hauled up by cables running to the top of the tower.
THE GOOD: Guests will be able to see your park and if they catch a ride they
like, they'll walk to it. It's a great ride for guests to see the park. It's
also covered so rain doesn't effect the popularity.
THE BAD: The ride is a bit slow, and if a high one is built, it can use up
some money.
STRATEGY: I would suggest placing this in the middle of the park so guests
can see in all directions. A unique fact of the Observation Tower is that
if a guest sees something he likes, he'll know what it is and go to it next.
MY RATING: 8/10(great ride)

Car Ride

PRICE: $540 upwards
VEHICLES: Sports cars, racing cars, trucks
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track is made from wood planking, with a central guide
rail. Cars are powered, and follow the guide rail along the track.
THE GOOD: A cheap gentle ride. It can be a very good moneymaker if made
properly. It also has a variety of cars to actually use. Guests are attracted
to the Car Ride just like they're attracted to the Go Karts.
THE BAD: The cars may travel a tad too slow and they may want to get off, etc.
Also, big Car Rides may be very expensive.
STRATEGY: Pick a section of your park that is very large and could house a
Car Ride. Try to add as many tunnels, trees, fountains, etc. as you can.
I would suggest using the Sports Cars as they can hold two guests unlike the
Trucks and the Racing Cars. If the ride takes over three minutes, I would
suggest redoing it.
MY RATING: 8/10(another great ride)

"Mini Cars"
Excitement: 2.60(approx.)
Intensity: 0.60(approx.)
Nausea: 0.00(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 4 mph
Average Speed: 4 mph
Ride Length: 738 ft.

Spiral Slide

PRICE: $330
VEHICLE: none listed
GAME DESCRIPTION: Wooden structure with an internal staircase and an
external spiral slide for use with slide mats.
THE GOOD: The Spiral Slide is extremely cheap and it barely takes up any
space at all.
THE BAD: Because of it's price, the Spiral Slide barely has any excitement.
STRATEGY: You can place the Spiral Slide practically anywhere because of it's
size. Just remember to add scenery. I would also suggest no queue line if
you're using the "Unlimited rides" option.
MY RATING: 6/10(it has bad excitement, but look how cheap it is.)

Space Rings

PRICE: $288
VEHICLE: Space rings
GAME DESCRIPTION: Each space ring consists of concentric steel pivoted to
allow free rotation in all directions.
THE GOOD: Space Rings are cheap. Uh, that's just about all.
THE BAD: Space Rings can only hold four geusts at once. I don't really like
this ride because of it's really high nausea rating.
STRATEGY: I don't usually use this ride because of it's nausea as stated above
but occasionally, I may. Just remember to add benches at the exit and of
course, scenery.

5.5 - Rollercoasters(the biggest ride section)

Wooden Crazy Rodent Coaster

PRICE: $1,480 upwards
VEHICLE: Mouse cars, mine trucks(I wouldn't consider them trucks though)
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track is laminated wood topped with a flat steel running
rail, constructed on a wooden support structure. Cars are held on the
track by mushroom shaped pegs running between steel guide rails in the
center of the track, allowing the cars to tilt over corners.
OTHER INFO: A good Crazy Rodent Roller Coaster is all about tight turns
and sudden drops-the more intense, the better.
THE GOOD: The Wooden Crazy Rodent Coaster doesn't require too much space if
built properly. It isn't very expensive either. This coaster also seems to be
pretty exciting although intense.
THE BAD: There's not much wrong with this coaster except many times, it can
be really intense. There are also no banked curves and there aren't really
any special tracks.
STRATEGY: Try to have the tracks entwine each other to save up space and raise
excitement. This coaster will allow you to automatically build a 60 degree
slope without a 25 degree slope to start it, but on drops, I suggest adding
a 25 degree slope and then a 60 degree. It will lower intensity drastically.
And who can forget the scenery?

"Crazy Vole"
Excitement: 6.40(approx.)
Intensity: 7.70(approx.)
Nausea: 4.40(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 29 mph
Average Speed: 9 mph
Ride Length: 1,322 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.88g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.28g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.60g
Drops: 9
Highest Drop Height: 19 ft.

"Mini Miner"
Excitement: 5.60(approx.)
Intensity: 7.70(approx.)
Nausea: 4.10(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 33 mph
Average Speed: 13 mph
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.56g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.96g
Max. Lateral G's: 2.24g
Drops: 5
Highest Drop Point: 32 ft.

Wooden Coaster

PRICE: $2,800
BANKED CURVES: 30 degrees
SPECIAL TRACK ELEMENTS: Banked curves, On ride photo, water splash
VEHICLES: Wooden rollercoaster train, wooden rollercoaster train(backwards)
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track is laminated wood, topped with a flat steel running
rail, constructed on a wooden support structure. Trains are held on the
track by upstop wheels, which run under the inside edge of the rails.
OTHER INFO: A good Wooden Roller Coaster is fast, has plenty of air-
time, some lateral G's, steep drops, and is designed to feel 'out-of-
THE GOOD: Wooden Coasters are very exciting coasters. It allows more intensity
and guests like a good Wooden Coaster. It also has banked curves and a variety
of special track including it's unique water splash.
THE BAD: The Wooden Coaster isn't exactly the cheapest thing in the world,
actually, it's a bit on the expensive side. Also, they tend to take up more
space than others as well.
STRATEGY: Don't worry about making your coaster too large, just remember to
save yourself some space. It's better if the coaster is larger than smaller.
It can also start losing you some money so just check if you have enough
money before building it. $10,000+ is pretty good. The water splash is
also very effective at adding excitement but keep in mind it'll slow the train
MY RATING: 7/10(a few flaws and a bit expensive)

Excitement: 5.70(approx.)
Intensity: 7.50(approx.)
Nausea: 4.30(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 38 mph
Average Speed: 13 mph
Ride Length: 2,060 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.88g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.28g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.28g
Drops: 10
Highest Drop Point: 39 ft.

Excitement: 6.10(approx.)
Intensity: 8.80(approx.)
Nausea: 4.80(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 47 mph
Average Speed: 18 mph
Ride Length: 3,117 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.88g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.60g
Max. Lateral G's: 2.56g
Drops: 12
Highest Drop Point: 39 ft.

Steel Mini Roller Coaster

PRICE: $1,320 upwards
VEHICLES: Ladybird cars, log cars, rocket cars, spinning cars
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track has steel running rails with cross-bracing.
Supports are thin square-section posts. Trains are held on the track by
wheels above, below and outside the running rails.
OTHER INFO: Cheaper than other types of roller coaster, but cant be
built as tall and curves can't be banked.
THE GOOD: Another compact coaster, the Steel Mini is a nice, cheap coaster.
It isn't very intense which can be a good or bad thing depending on what
you're looking for. There a lot of different train types.
THE BAD: The Steel Mini doesn't make as much money as some of the other
big coasters. I don't see any special track sections or banked curves. As
I said before, it's not very intense so if you're looking for an intense
ride, don't use this.
STRATEGY: The Steel Mini is a good kiddie ride and if built ride, can attract
a hefty crowd. Just try to keep it compact and add a lot of scenery. Don't
be discouraged if the excitement doesn't go above 5.00 as other coasters do,
the Steel Mini wasn't meant for big crowds. The price should give you some
clues after all.

"Crazy Caterpillar"
Excitement: 4.40(approx.)
Intensity: 5.90(approx.)
Nausea: 3.70(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 36 mph
Average Speed: 13 mph
Ride Length: 1,414 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.24g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.32g
Max. Lateral G's: 2.24g
Drops: 5
Highest Drop Point: 39 ft.

"Raging Rockets"
Excitement: 4.50(approx.)
Intensity: 6.80(approx.)
Nausea: 4.40(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 45 mph
Average Speed: 13 mph
Ride Length: 1,798 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 3.20g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.96g
Max. Lateral G's: 2.56g
Drops: 8
Highest Drop Point: 55 ft.

Steel Roller Coaster

PRICE: $3,350 upwards
BANKED CURVES: 50 degrees
SPECIAL TRACK ELEMENTS: Banked curves, vertical loop, steep twist,
banked helix, on-ride photo
VEHICLES: Rollercoaster train, rollercoaster train(backwards)
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track has a tubular steel spine, connected to the inside
edges of the track by wheels above, below and outside the running
OTHER INFO: Gives a very smooth ride, and allows the design of long,
fast, twisted layouts.
THE GOOD: The Steel is considerably easier to build with because of it's
smooth ride unlike some other bumpy roller coasters. There are also a lot
of different special tracks. Maybe not as varied as the Steel Corkscrew but
it's still pleasant.
THE BAD: A bit expensive.
STRATEGY: Don't worry about intensity on this coaster that much. It's pretty
easy to avoid super high intensity as the Steel gives a nice, smooth, and
calming ride. Use some loops and chain loops together or send a track through
a loop. The Steel allows for a great dueling coaster so I'd suggest that too.
The Steel looks best with tunnels, trees, fountains, gardens, etc.
MY RATING: 9/10(great coaster)

Excitement: 5.80(approx.)
Intensity: 5.80(approx.)
Nausea: 2.60(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 40 mph
Average Speed: 13 mph
Ride Length: 1,899 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.88g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.28g
Max. Lateral G's: 2.24g
Drops: 7
Highest Drop Point: 42 ft.
Inversions: 1

Excitement: 6.40(approx.)
Intensity: 6.90(approx.)
Nausea: 3.20(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 42 mph
Average Speed: 15 mph
Ride Length: 2,697 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 4.16g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.28g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.92g
Drops: 10
Highest Drop Point: 55 ft.
Inversions: 2

"Shuttle Loop"
Excitement: 4.30(approx.)
Intensity: 3.90(approx.)
Nausea: 1.50(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 42 mph
Average Speed: 22 mph
Ride Length: 275 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.88g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.32g
Max. Lateral G's: 0.00g
Drops: 3
Highest Drop Point: 45 ft.
Inversions: 2

Stand Up Roller Coaster

PRICE: $3,750 upwards
BANKED CURVES: 30 degrees
VEHICLES: Stand up roller coaster cars
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track has a tubular steel spine, connected to the inside
edges of tubular steel running rails. Supports are large tubular steel
posts. Trains are held on the track by wheels above, below, and outside
the running rails.
OTHER INFO: Gives a more intense ride than a sit-down roller coaster,
so the track requires careful design to avoid high G forces, especially
lateral G's.
THE GOOD: The Stand Up Coaster is a unique coaster. This coaster has some
nice special tracks and a great intensity coaster to make guests just plain
sick to the stomach.
THE BAD: Sometimes a bit hard to make because of it's Lateral G tolerance.
Also, it's a bit expensive.
STRATEGY: Always place banked curves. Lateral G's should be really low for
the coaster's intensity. As always, place scenery, tunnels, etc. Try to make
no more than 3 inversions if possible. A dueling Stand Up Steel is a great
idea as well.

"Venom Rail"
Excitement: 4.80(approx.)
Intensity: 8.00(approx.)
Nausea: 5.60(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 38 mph
Average Speed: 13 mph
Ride Length: 1,765 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.88g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.28g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.28g
Drops: 8
Highest Drop Point: 39 ft.
Inversions: 1

"Red Baron"
Excitement: 5.00(approx.)
Intensity: 9.30(approx.)
Nausea: 6.30(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 38 mph
Average Speed: 11 mph
Ride Length: 1,502 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 3.84g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.28g
Max. Lateral G's: 2.24g
Drops: 7
Highest Drop Point: 39 ft.
Inversions: 4

Suspended Roller Coaster

PRICE: $3,550
VEHICLES: Suspended swinging cars, suspended swinging airplane cars
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track has a tubular steel spine, connected to the inside
edges of tubular steel running rails. Supports are larges tubular steel
posts. Trains hang underneath the track, swinging freely from a chassis
held on by wheels above, below and outside the running rails.
OTHER INFO: A good Suspended Roller Coaster requires plenty of curves
and helixes to provide the high lateral G's required to swing the cars.
THE GOOD: The Suspended is a another unique coaster. It attracts a lot of
guests and it allows for a great ride. A big moneymaker.
THE BAD: If there are too many curves at high speed, the Suspended will grow
more nauseating. It's really impossible to avoid high nausea ratings, but
you'll grow used to it.
STRATEGY: The Suspended Coaster doesn't have banked curves because it doesn't
exactly need them. The cars will are hanging down and swinging so banked
curves would be unneeded. And because of that, the Suspended has a tendency
to have a high nausea rating. So the best thing you could do is to avoid
a lot of turns. You can make a great coaster out of the Suspended but you
just have to learn how to build it properly. I think the Suspended does best
when it's fully or partially underground. Don't forget scenery again of

"Flight of the Pheonix"
Excitement: 5.60(approx.)
Intensity: 6.40(approx.)
Nausea: 6.80(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 40 mph
Average Speed: 11 mph
Ride Length: 1,975 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.88g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.60g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.60g
Drops: 5
Highest Drop Point: 39 ft.

Single Rail Roller Coaster

PRICE: $1,680 upwards
VEHICLES: Horses, motorbikes
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track consists of two tubular steel rails, one above the
other connected by bracing. Supports are thin tubular steel posts. Cars
are held on the track by wheels above, below and either side of the
OTHER INFO: An exciting ride, as the riders feel vulnerable sitting so
high above the track. Corners have no banking, so be careful to avoid
high lateral G's.
THE GOOD: The Single Rail is really quite easy to build because it isn't
usually very intense. It's also very cheap compared to the other roller
THE BAD: Guests don't usually prefer the Single Rail over some other larger
coaster like the Steel so don't expect too much profit. Again, popularity
is effected by rain. There also aren't any special track elements.
STRATEGY: There isn't really any strategy needed to building this coaster
as it's really quite simple to erect. Just remember there aren't any banked
curves but that shouldn't be a problem.

Excitement: 4.50(approx.)
Intensity: 5.20(approx.)
Nausea: 3.60(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 36 mph
Average Speed: 11 mph
Ride Length: 1,634 mph
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.24g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.32g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.60g
Drops: 7
Highest Drop Point: 32 ft.

Mine Train Roller Coaster

PRICE: $3,050 upwards
BANKED CURVES: 50 degrees
SPECIAL TRACK ELEMENTS: Banked curves, banked helix, on-ride photo
VEHICLES: Mine train
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track consists of tubular steel running rails, fastened
to a wooden support structure. Trains are held on the track by wheels
above, below, and inside the running rails.
OTHER INFO: The Mine Train is all about fast, smooth, twisted track,
and can be improved considerably by adding tunnels.
THE GOOD: The Mine Train Coaster is not as expensive as some of the other
coasters, but it can still use up some money. Also, this is really the only
themed roller coaster in RCT. Strange.
THE BAD: Can get a bit expensive and sometimes, it gets hard to build because
of intensity.
STRATEGY: As stated above, the Mine Train Roller Coaster is the only only
themed coaster in this game. So quite obviously, mine theming would look the
best around it of course. This roller coaster also looks considerably good
around tunnels and the sort. Add a lot and you'll have a very popular

"Manic Miner"
Excitement: 5.70(approx.)
Intensity: 6.50(approx.)
Nausea: 4.10(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 36 mph
Average Speed: 13 mph
Ride Length: 2,319 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.56g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.96g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.60g
Drops: 6
Highest Drop Point: 19 ft.

Suspended Single Rail

PRICE: $1,800 upwards
VWHICLES: Single person swinging cars, lying down swinging cars
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track is a single tubular steel rail, supported by
tubular steel posts. Cars hang from the rail, swinging freely from side
to side.
OTHER INFO: quite surprisingly, none is listed
THE GOOD: Another cheap roller coaster.
THE BAD: Sometimes I find the Suspended Single Rail worse than the Single Rail
even though it is considerably more expensive. It's not a very popular
roller coaster with the guests so I don't use it that often. I find the
Single Rail much more popular and it makes more money.
STRATEGY: Use the strategy for the Single Rail.
MY RATING: 3/10(The Single Rail is a better coaster)

Excitement: 4.70(approx.)
Intensity: 5.70(approx.)
Nausea: 4.20(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 27 mph
Average Speed: 11 mph
Ride Length: 1,168 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 1.92g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: 0.00g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.28g
Drops: 5
Highest Drop Point: 16 ft.

Vertical Roller Coaster

PRICE: $3,780
BANKED CURVES: 50 degrees
SPECIAL TRACK ELEMENTS: Banked curves, steep twist, banked helix, on-ride
photo, vertical drop
VEHICLES: Vertical Roller Coaster Car
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track has a square section steel spine, connected to the
inside edges of tubular steel running rails. Supports are large square
section steel posts. Trains are held on the track by wheels above,
below, and outside the running rails.
OTHER INFO: Gives a smooth ride with limited scope for special track,
but allows vertical track to be built.
THE GOOD: The Vertical Roller Coaster is the only one with a vertical track
section. It's also very popular around guests and it's a big money maker.
Great roller coaster.
THE BAD: It is a bit expensive and sometimes it may be too intense.
STRATEGY: Always place banked curves as this coaster gives a very intense
ride. And before you make a large drop, remember the Sloped Brake Piece, it's
there for a reason. Try to build underground to boost the excitement.

"Big 90"
Excitement: 6.10(approx.)
Intensity: 6.10(approx.)
Nausea: 2.60(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 49 mph
Average Speed: 15 mph
Ride Length: 1,427 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 3.20g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.60g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.92g
Drops: 5
Highest Drop Point: 62 ft.

Steel Corkscrew Roller Coaster

PRICE: $3,900 upwards
BANKED CURVES: 50 degrees
SPECIAL TRACK ELEMENTS Banked curves, vertical loop, steep twist, half
loop, corkscrew, banked helix, on-ride photo
VEHICLES: Roller coaster train
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track has a tubular steel spine, connected to the outside
edges of tubular steel running rails. Supports are large tubular steel
posts. Trains are held on the track by wheels above, below and inside
the running rails.
OTHER INFO: Can give a slightly rough ride, but allows the most complex
track elements to be used, can be built to large height.
THE GOOD: Probably the best roller coaster in the game in my opinion. The
Steel Corkscrew has a variety of special tracks, and is very popular with the
guests. A big money maker and if built right, a very, very exciting roller
THE BAD: It is a bit expensive but the options of this roller coaster more
than make up for it. It also is a little bumpy and can get pretty intense
if not built correctly.
STRATEGY: The Steel Corkscrew does give a bumpy ride unlike the regular Steel
but it has a lot of special tracks. Try to use them all without overdoing it.
From my experience, I've figured that the Steel Corkscrew does the best
underground. Adding a lot of scenery will definitely help to improve the
overall popularity and excitement. Remember to price this roller coaster high.
MY RATING: 10/10(the best roller coaster in the game)

Excitement: 5.50(approx.)
Intensity: 7.40(approx.)
Nausea: 3.40(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 47 mph
Average Speed: 18 mph
Ride Length: 735 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 4.48g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: 0.00
Max. Lateral G's: 2.24g
Drops: 8
Highest Drop Point: 62 ft.
Inversions: 6

Excitement: 5.60(approx.)
Intensity: 6.90(approx.)
Nausea: 3.20(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 38 mph
Average Speed: 13 mph
Ride Length: 1,719 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 3.84g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.28g
Max. Lateral G's: 2.24g
Drops: 10
Highest Drop Point: 39 ft.
Inversions: 3

Inverted Roller Coaster

PRICE: $4,100 upwards
BANKED CURVES 50 degrees
SPECIAL TRACK ELEMENTS: Banked curves, vertical loops, steep twist,
inline twist, half loop, corkscrew, banked helix, on-ride photo
Vehicle: Suspended cars
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track has a square-section steel spine, connected to the
inside edges of tubular steel rails. Supports are large square-section
steel posts. Trains hang underneath the track, held in position by
wheels above, below and outside the running rails.
OTHER INFO: An Inverted Roller Coaster feels more intense and exciting
than a sit-down roller coaster; due to the exposed feeling the riders
have with their feet dangling below them and the lack of a car around
THE GOOD: This roller coaster is also very popular with the guests and it can
create quite a bit of income. A lot of special tracks makes this roller
coaster the most detailed in the game.
THE BAD: The Inverted Coaster is no doubt, the most expensive roller coaster.
Coming in at $4,100 upwards, make sure you have a lot of money before you
build. Also, it can get very intense and nauseating as it dangles the rider's
feet to the oblivion below.
STRATEGY: Make sure you have enough money before constructing this kind of
coaster. $10,000 should be adequate. And if your coaster is to have a lot
of inversions, try to use a good number of brakes to lower the intensity. You
should bank curves and avoid super high Lateral G as well.

Excitement: 6.20(approx.)
Intensity: 8.50(approx.)
Nausea: 6.60(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 45 mph
Average Speed: 15 mph
Ride Length: 1,939 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 3.52g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -1.60g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.92g
Drops: 7
Highest Drop Point: 55 ft.
Inversions: 4

Bobsled Roller Coaster

PRICE: $2,700 upwards
BANKED CURVES: 50 degrees
SPECIAL TRACK ELEMENTS: Banked curves, banked helix
VEHICLES: Bobsleigh cars
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track is a semi-circular channel, supported by tubular
steel posts. Cars run on small wheels, and are free to take their own
course along the track, guided only by the curvature and gradient of the
OTHER INFO: Track layout requires very careful planning, as cars can
crash of the track at the crests of hills if it is going to fast.
THE GOOD: The Bobsled is a unique coaster. It's very easy to create a nice,
fast thriller that will bring in a lot of money if you know how to build
it properly. Also not very expensive.
THE BAD: There doesn't really seem to be too many special tracks. And anyone
who doesn't know how to build it properly will usually end in a failure.
STRATEGY: I should tell you one thing before anything else. You MUST not place
a rise in track right after a drop. The train will go flying right off and
crash. That's really the only thing to keep in mind. Take a look at a few of
the pre built models to get a feel of what kind of coaster you should build.
Try to use a lot of curves and helixes and don't have too many lift hills. One
should be enough.

"Big Bob"
Excitement: 5.40(approx.)
Intensity: 5.60(approx.)
Nausea: 4.70(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 38 mph
Average Speed: 13 mph
Ride Length: 2,287 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.56g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.32g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.60g
Drops: 2
Highest Drop Point: 6 ft.

"Mini Bob"
Excitement: 5.00(approx.)
Intensity: 4.90(approx.)
Nausea: 4.30(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 29 mph
Average Speed: 9 mph
Ride Length: 1,368 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 1.92g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.64g
Max. Lateral G's: 1.28g
Drops: 0
Highest Drop Point: 0 ft.

Reverse Whoa Belly Roller Coaster

PRICE: $6,750 upwards
VEHICLES: Reverse Whoa Belly Car
GAME DESCRIPTION: Car runs on steel girder tracks. The car is accelerated
out of the station, along level track using Linear Induction Motors. It
then coasts up the vertical section of track, and free-falls backwards
down the track to return to the station.
OTHER INFO: The ultimate speed of this ride is controlled by the length
of straight track to achieve maximum speed, a very long length of
acceleration track must be built before the slope upwards.
THE GOOD: Don't be fooled by the listed price, it usually won't take that
much money as you won't need too much track. The Reverse Whoa Belly is
another guest attracter and is good for money making.
THE BAD: Occasionally, the train may fly off the top and "KABOOM"
STRATEGY: There isn't much strategy needed. Place a few straight tracks so
the train can gain some speed and make the track rise up. Try to experiment a
bit and make sure the train can reach the top without crashing off.

"Force 9"
Excitement: 4.50(approx.)
Intensity: 7.40(approx.)
Nausea: 5.20(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 67 mph
Average Speed: 38 mph
Ride Length: 459 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 3.20g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.00g
Max. Lateral G's: 0.00g
Drops: 1
Highest Drop Point: 108 ft.

5.6 - Water rides

Water Slide

PRICE: $1,200 upwards
VEHICLES: Dinghies
GAME DESCRIPTION: Track is a semi-circular plastic channel with a small
amount of water running along it. Boats slide along the track, assisted
by the flow of water.
OTHER INFO: A good Water Slide requires at least one steep drop, but
can be extended into a complex layout, so long as care is taken on the
crests of hills, as dinghies can crash off track.
THE GOOD: The Water Slide is a nice, cheap addition to any park. It's very
popular with the peeple.
THE BAD: Dinghies can crash off hills if going to fast.
STRATEGY: Again, these dinghies are not connected to the track so if it
jumps off a hill, to smithereens it goes. However, there is a neat little
option that you could use if you had to use a hill. By using the full
circle track, you can prevent the dinghie from crashing and give a nice little
bump on the head to your unfortunate riders. Again, it's best to have only
one lift hill or else dinghies may get stuck and you'll get pretty annoyed
having to press the close and open button over and over. To completely avoid
this, simply make sure the dinghie is going considerably fast throughout the
entire ride.

"Demon Drop"
Excitement: 4.60(approx.)
Intensity: 5.70(approx.)
Nausea: 3.50(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 39 mph
Average Speed: 9 mph
Ride Length: 1,128 ft.
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 2.56g
Max. Negative Vertical G's: -0.64g
Max. Lateral G's: 2.56
Drops: 4
Highest Drop Point: 39 ft.

Log Flume

PRICE: $1,320
VEHICLES: Log flume boats
GAME DESCRIPTIOM: Water Flume track supported by box-section steel
supports. Boats are propelled up slopes on rollers, and are then free
to travel along the water channel at their own pace.
THE GOOD: Guests seem attracted to the Log Flume.
THE BAD: The rides can take extremely long if care is not taken into building
these. Also, it's more expensive than the Water Slide but I don't find it
any better.
STRATEGY: Just remember not to make it too long and you'll be fine. Any ride
over 5 minutes will get guests angry and they will want to get off the ride.
Adding tunnels and Firs will give an overall, better effect and the excitement
will skyrocket.

"Logger's Revenge"
Excitement: 4.80(approx.)
Intensity: 2.30(approx.)
Nausea: 1.10(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 29 mph
Average Speed: 2 mph
Ride Length: 1,483 ft.
Drops: 3
Highest Drop Point: 26 ft.

Boat Hire

PRICE: $205 upwards
VEHICLES: Rowing boats, Swan pedal-boats, bumper boats, canoes, water
GAME DESCRIPTION: Boat dock consists of wooden platforms built on a lake.
Guide tracks can be built to limit where passengers steer the boats.
THE GOOD: A good ride for the less intense craving people. The Boat Hire is
a cheap addition to any park.
THE BAD: It won't attract the majority of your guests and it won't make too
much money.
STRATEGY: I don't ever suggest not using guide rails. Boats will get lost
quite frequently and guide rails will improve the overall popularity of your
ride. Guests will get angry if they have to wait just because one boat is
MY RATING: 5/10(cheap and attracts gentle guests that don't want intensity.)

River Rapids

PRICE: $1,840
VEHICLES: Rapids boats
GAME DESCRIPTION: Concrete water channel. Boats are free to take their own
course along the channel.
THE GOOD: Some very nice special tracks to add to the excitement. The best
water ride in the first RCT. It's brings in a lot of money and you can price
it pretty high.
THE BAD: The most expensive water ride in the first RCT as well but the price
is definitely well worth it.
STRATEGY: To improve excitement dramatically, add a lot of whirlpools, rapids,
and waterfalls. I might suggest making the entire ride whirlpools, rapids,
and waterfalls to make it intense and exciting.

"Ropey Rapids"
Excitement: 3.80(approx.)
Intensity: 1.30(approx.)
Nausea: 0.90(approx.)
Maximum Speed: 27 mph
Average Speed: 2 mph
Ride Length: 964 ft.
Drops: 2
Highest Drop Point: 19 ft.

5.7 - Shops & stalls

I'm just going to list every one of them. There's not need for strategies
or comments.

Ice Cream Stall

SELLS: Ice Creams
COST: $250

Fries Stall

SELLS: Fries
COST: $300

Burger Bar

SELLS: Burgers
COST: $300

Drink Stall

SELLS: Drinks
COST: $225

Cotton Candy Stall

SELLS: Cotton Candy
COST: $250

Pizza Stall

SELLS: Pizza
COST: $275

Popcorn Stall

SELLS: Popcorn
COST: $250

Balloon Stall

SELLS: Balloons
COST: $200

Information Kiosk

SELLS: Park Maps and Umbrellas
COST: $250

Souvenir Stall

SELLS: Cuddly Toys and Umbrellas
COST: $210


GAME DESCRIPTION: Prefabricated concrete building
COST: $200

6.1 - Walkthrough


Before you read the walkthrough, you should be able to understand:

- how to price rides and park entrances
- how to hire staff
- how to save up money
- how to deal with guests needs
- how to build a roller coaster or any other custom ride correctly.
- how to place scenery
- how to build underground

I will not mention the above in the walkthrough. I mention some of these
subjects in the "Your Park" section so you should take a look at that before
you use the walkthrough.

Also, don't blame me if my strategies won't work, if I wrote them down, they
worked for me. This walkthrough won't be 100% accurate and occasionally, you
may find the strategies given may not work. If the walkthrough won't work
for you, try to find your own strategies. After all, this game didn't expect
you to get the answers from some walkthrough. I'll try to be as detailed as
possible but I won't mention the above list as I said so if you get confused,
try to improve your overall park building skills and play certain scenarios
more than once to try to improve your skills. Over time, you'll get more
experienced in creating roller coasters and a better park manager. I'll try
be more detailed in the first scenario but the rest I'll just tell you how
many attractions to buy and give you some insights on what to do and what
to expect at what time. Simply use some of the suggestions in the first
scenario's walkthrough for the other scenarios if you have to. For most
scenarios, there is something immediate that needs to be done before you
can construct anything and that will be in the first and second paragraphs.


The format:

Pre built rides:
Rating on difficulty: (on a scale of one to five)


Name: Forest Frontiers
Description: Deep in the forest, build a thriving theme park in a large
cleared area.
Objective: 250 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 1
Pre built rides: none
Rating on difficulty: 0.5/5

Forest Frontiers is a pretty simple scenario. Not too hard at. You should
definitely have no trouble with this one.

The first thing you should do is go to the research tab, and uncheck
everything except Shops and Stalls, and set the research fund to $400.
You'll notice that you don't have an information kiosk yet so just wait
until it's researched. As soon as it is, uncheck the Shops and Stalls and
check Roller coasters only. You won't be needing too many thrill/gentle
rides. So, while you wait for the information kiosk, build a Merry Go Round
connecting to the main path.

Immediately, you'll notice guests walking into your park if you remembered to
open it.(If you didn't, I suggest opening it now.) Next, you should build
either a Swinging Ship or a Scrambled Eggs thrill ride. I usually like to
go with the Ship as it takes up less space, but it's your choice. Now, place
that thrill ride a bit farther down on the path. Preferably on the other side
of the footpath. Now use the same queue and footpath technique as stated
above. By now, you should've gotten the information kiosk or you are
close to it. So, when you do, remember to place it a well 5 blocks away from
the entrance. Place it at a corner as sales will increase and a guest will
have a better chance of buying a map. I usually like to make maps free at the
park entrance and start charging more and more as the guests get further, but
you can try your own strategies. Now, set the research to all roller coasters
as stated above.

Now, time for your first roller coaster. You'll have two choices at the start
and more will be researched later on but these are the two you start with.
You can build the more expensive, but more exciting Wooden Roller Coaster, or
build the less expensive, but less exciting Steel Mini. I went with the
Wooden as it attracts more guests, but Steel Mini does take up less space.
Anyway, don't place it so close to the paths and allow room for a queue line.
If you need help building a roller coaster, consult the section below or
read one of the various other RCT FAQs. Try to keep the excitement above
5.00. By now, you should have around 100 guests but wait a month and that
number will grow. If your population has not reached 150 by June, year 1,
build one or two more gentle rides. After researching the Steel Coaster,
start researching gentle/thrill rides.

Now, with your newly researched Steel roller coaster, start construction
on a new coaster. You can take $30,000 in loans.(Remember that the $10,000
you start with is really part of your loans.) If your steel coaster has more
than 6.00 excitement, it's good. If it isn't, consider adding scenery or build
a better coaster. Immediately after you finish that task, build another thrill
ride that you should've researched and you should have 250 guests. If not,
you know what to do. Now just maintain your park until the end of the

Name: Dynamite Dunes
Description: Built in the middle of the desert, this theme park
contains just one roller coaster but has space for expansion.
Objective: 650 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides: 1
Dynamite Blaster(Mine Train Roller Coaster)
Rating on difficulty: 1/5

You will now have a desert like park with a great roller coaster already
built for you. Since it is a bit nauseating, I would definitely suggest
lowering the amount of cars per train and to bring in some extra income,
add an on ride photo to some piece of track as well.

Now, again you won't have an information kiosk at first so you'd have to
research that. Now, before you build anything, remember that your loans will
only go up to $15,000 so try to avoid using up all your money or else you'd
have to wait a long while before you get enough money to do anything.

Consider deleting the palm trees by the entrance to get some room. Add some
food stalls by the pre built roller coaster but not right by the exit.
Try to add in some extra path for a drink stall and a food stall of your
choice. Also place a bathroom by the exit of the roller coaster. We're now
going to build a Merry Go Round and a Scrambled Eggs by the entrance. You
can use either the Wooden or the Mine Train Roller Coaster to place by your
entrance. I would prefer the Mine Train but it's all up to you. While
you're building the coaster, the information kiosk will probably finish and
you can place that. Now check Roller Coasters, Gentle Rides, Thrill Rides,
and Scenery and Theming in the Research tab. Upon finishing your coaster,
you should have around 200-250 guests and it should be May of year 1.

Now, build roller coasters, thrill rides, and gentle rides until you have
450 guests or more. Now you can take a break until the start of year 2. Use
this time to create scenery throughout your park, hire some staff, and clean
up your park. You also might want to add some more bathrooms, food stalls,
etc. Try to spread things out however, don't pack everything into one area
of your park. The more spread out your attractions are, the less your guests
will complain and you'll have a smoother running park.

When March, year 2 comes, build two more gentle/thrill rides. By this time,
I had three roller coasters,(including the pre built one) three thrill rides,
and four gentle rides and I had around 600 guests. If your guests are
starting to complain about being hungry, add some more food stalls and the
same goes for drink stalls. And anyway, you can build a miniature railroad
or the other two transport rides if you've researched them yet. around your
park and people will come in by the dozens. Now you should have 650 guests.
If not, build whatever you haven't.

Now you just have to keep that amount of guests and a park rating above 600
for the rest of the scenario. It's not hard. And since you're bored, I'll
expect you to try to build an underground roller coaster. You just have to get
a feel for them before the next scenarios as you'll need some underground
skills. Since you're going to be doing nothing interesting for the time, add
some scenery, solve guests problems, make your park look better, etc. And
eventually, the scenario will be over.


Name: Leafy Lake
Description: Starting from scratch, build a theme park around a large
Objective: 500 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides: none
Rating on difficulty: 0.7/5

Take a good look at your objective. Sound easy enough? Well, it is easier than
the previous scenario so you're pretty much smooth sailing for now. I guess
the developers decided to give you a break every once in a while to help you
out. Well, Leafy Lake may not be the flattest of all land but it can make
for a great park. Also, the numerous hills allow for a great underground
coaster and the water could house a very large water ride. I won't go fast
in this walkthrough to help you out but at any time if you wish to go ahead,
be my guest. Even though your loans are very large however, I wouldn't
suggest using it up all at once. Save money and pay back loans occasionally.

Again, you won't have an information kiosk at first so do the same thing you
did in the last scenarios. Now, you have a lot of time so don't rush. You
shouldn't build any roller coasters at first because they take some time.
Instead, build a Merry Go Round, Scrambled Eggs, and a nice Boat Hire in
the lake. Guests will start flocking to your park and you should have around
100+. Now, start researching roller coasters, thrill rides, and
shops and stlls.

Now, build a Steel Mini preferably in the middle of the lake or somewhere.
You should now have around 250 guests. It's okay if you have more but if you
don't, continue adding more rides until you do. It should be around July by
now. I would suggest using the remaining time to take a break and look over
your park. We won't be doing any ride construction until Year 2. In a while,
your amount of guests should jump to 300+ and stay there. I would also
suggest building some bathrooms and food/drink stalls but that's only if
your guests are starting to complain. Over time, you should start getting new
roller coasters, thrill rides, etc.

When March, year 2 comes by, you should have both the Steel Roller Coaster and
River Rapids. If you haven't researched the two, or you just can't afford
them, build them later as you'll have enough time. Now, make sure you have
around at least $10,000.(you can use loans.) I already had 500+ guests by
May, year 2 after constructing the two. You should have above 500 as well
but if you don't, simply add some other rides. After reaching your objective,
I would suggest to quit funding researching but it's your choice. Now, you
have a year and a half left to wait. Using this time, you should practice
building underground coasters and improve your roller coaster skills
overall but it's always easier to just let the game run while you watch tv
or something. Congratulations, you've beaten Leafy Lake.


Name: Diamond Heights
Description: Diamond Heights is already a successfull theme park with
great rides - develop it to double it's value.
Objective: Park value of $20,000 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides:
Agoraphobia (Steel Roller Coaster) \_ _ these two are dueling rides
Claustrophobia (Steel Roller Coaster) / with great excitement.
Arachnaphobia (Steel-Mini Roller Coaster)
Grimble's Gallopers (Merry Go Round)
Indiana Railroad (Miniature Railroad)
Roller Coaster 1 (Wooden Crazy Rodent Roller Coaster)
Shortstuff's Slide (Spiral Slide)
Snake River Falls (Log Flume)
Rating on difficulty: 2/5

In my opinion, park rating scenarios are harder than guests and park rating
scenarios. Some may think differently of course. Anyway, Diamond Heights has
already started the scenario with around $10,000 park value already. Notice
the many coasters and rides and try to build like the computer's. Take note
of Agoraphobia and Claustrophobia. Very great dueling coasters even if they
were built wrong, but I suppose they had to because they are different colors.

The first thing you should change is your staff and your ride prices.
You should hire some more staff first and then deal with ride prices.
Also, change the inspection time for the pre built roller coasters to 10
minutes of course. After getting the majority of your park in shape, take
note of what attractions you have. You start with an info kiosk(that's good)
but you barely have any food stalls and drink stalls have not yet been
researched. So like always, research shops and stalls at maximum funding.

Create some Ice Cream Stalls/Fries Stalls and Bathrooms at various locations
around your park. Don't forget about the Info Kiosk. Just remember, when you
do get the Drinks Stall, add a few by your existing food stalls and bathrooms.
Remember to research roller coasters and thrill rides after the Drink Stall
is researched. I think the development of each stall is random so I can't
exactly give you a correct time to expect it. If you care, continue to
research shops and stalls.(along with rc's and thrill rides) The amount of
space that appears empty may seem small but you have most of the water and
a small island to build on. Don't worry, you won't be needing that much
space anyway. So the first thing you should build is a Swinging Ship. After,
try a dueling Steel Mini. If you can't build one properly, just add a
regular Steel Mini and a Shuttle Loop(pre built track)Steel Roller Coaster.
Your park value should skyrocket to around $16,000-$19,000. Easy huh?
Now, we're not going to build anything for the rest of the year but if you
care to go ahead and finish the objective ahead of time, be my guest.

As March, year 2 rolls by, simply place a few thrill rides and your objective
will be complete. Now all you have to do is maintain this for another 2 years.
Ah, you didn't think park value could go down didn't you? Well, just
remember to keep rides in order and keep their reliability rating up. If you
see your park value going down, guests are probably getting angry becuase of
everyday problems like hunger, thirst, or maybe a line is too long. Just tend
to your guests. When your park value drops, build more attractions. Don't
leave the scenario unattended. While your waiting for the scenario to end,
consider trying some new roller coasters and try to use underground building.


Name: Evergreen Gardens
Description: Convert the beautiful Evergreen Gardens into a thriving
theme park.
Objective: 1000 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 4
Pre built rides: none
Rating on difficulty: 1.2/5

Your biggest project so far, Evergreen Gardens is a long and considerably
easy scenario. Yes, 1000 guests may seem like a lot but considering the
amount of time you have, it should be simple. I'll go slow by getting 250
guests every year instead of rushing through the scenario. In fact, you can
easily get 1000 guests in 1 year. Also, this scenario makes for some great
practice for building on hills and constructing tunnels. I'll slowly advance
for this scenario doing around 250 guests each year, but like always, if you
really wish to rush through the scenario, I couldn't care less. You can do
it either way but I prefer to go slow. Using these strategies, you can
usually use up less than half the room of your park to complete the objective.

As you load up the park, you'll notice two things; the size and the amount
of scenery. It certainly is big and the foliage looks awesome, but before
you open your park, cut off some paths. You can reconnect them later when you
wish to use them. Guests will get lost if you leave them and that's not good.
Now, start researching shops and stalls because you once again, require an
information kiosk. Start building a gentle ride at first, then a thrill
ride, and finally, a compact Steel Mini. Try to build all of these by the
entrance and build on the hilly area. You'll be building on more hills for
the majority of the scenario. Try to get good at doing just that. Now, by
now, your info kiosk should've been researched so check roller coasters,
thrill rides, and gentle rides. You may choose to continue researching shops
and stalls if you want. Now, we almost have 250 guest so build two more gentle
A Hedge Maze and a Car Ride should be enough for you to get to 250 guests.
Use the remaining time of the year to watch over your park and maintain some
more guests. Now may also be a good time to create some shops and stalls.
As time passes, you'll notice that your number of guests will rise from 250
to around 350-450 guests by Year 2.

Finally, Year 2 has arrived and you have quite a bit researched already.
Hopefully, you've received the Steel Corkscrew Roller Coaster by now. Since
you already have 350-450 guests, getting the 500 for this year shouldn't be
too hard. Simply build a Steel Corkscrew or a Steel. Depending on what you
prefer. If you don't get 500 at first, don't worry, you're guest will come
eventually. If you don't get 500 by the end of the year, then you have a
problem. Once again, if you maintain your park properly and build food and
drink stalls accordingly, your amount of guests should skyrocket to around
550-650. By now, you should have enough rides to use so you can stop
researching and save some money. However, I started researching ride
improvements and scenery and theming at this point. It's your call.

Year 3 arrives and you should have more than half your objective. To
simply get to 750 guests, construct a thrill ride and a well built Steel
Roller Coaster. Once again, while you wait for Year 4, maintaining your park
and adding scenery and shops/stalls will raise your guests. It's very easy
so far isn't it?

Year 4 should be a cakewalk. I just built a Boat Hire, Haunted House, Go
Karts, and a well constructed Wooden Coaster and I got the 1000. And now
you've completed Evergreen Gardens. The scenarios are very, very easy
so far aren't they? Evergreen Gardens is one of the longest scenarios taking
4 years. There are some others as well that take the same amount of time but
no scenario in the first Rollercoaster Tycoon goes over the four years.


Name: Bumbly Beach
Description: Develop Bumbly Beach's small amusement park into a
thriving theme park.
Objective: 750 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 2
Pre built rides:
Ferris Wheel 1 (Ferris Wheel)
Gallopers (Merry Go Round)
Information Kiosk 1 (Information Kiosk)
Roller Coaster 1 (Wooden Roller Coaster)
Rating on difficulty: 2.5/5

The objective for this scenario is harder than any other before it. Don't
worry as the key things to remember in this scenario are to pace yourself
and don't waste space. Do not spread out rides like you did in the previous
scenarios. Bumbly Beach doesn't give you too much land. You'll have to learn
how to stack rides as well. Try to use the Wooden Rodent Coaster as it
doesn't take up too much room. The land is considerably flat and you should
have no problem building and of course, getting the objective. Bumbly Beach
may sound considerably harder, but it's really very easy.

Your park has already been started for you with a nice coaster, some gentle
rides, and a information kiosk. You're going to have to modify the roller
coaster in a way as it's a bit too intense. Delete some hills as there's a
lot. Adding an on ride photo to that Wooden Coaster would be a good idea as
well. Reprice some of your rides and the park entrance and your park should
be in order. Now, start researching roller coasters, thrill rides, and
immediately. I won't suggest building too many large coasters in this
park but try some. You'll be researching quite a bit so experiment with
different rides. Bumbly Beach also starts off with no staff so get hiring.
Once your park is in shape and you've added some scenery around. Start

Bumbly Beach barely starts with any rides researched at all. It's best to
wait until you get the wooden rodent coaster and steel mini
before doing any coaster construction at all. I would start off with a
Scrambled Eggs and a Slide. Some shops and stalls wouldn't hurt either. Fill
in all the major gaps of your park with trees and scenery. When you receive
the Steel Mini Roller Coaster,(which should be in Year 1) start constructing
one. Don't make it too large. You should have around 300+ at this time.
You're making good progress. Now, we'll need some more gentle rides. They're
boring to build but they're really the only things we can build. Don't worry
however, as we'll be building a lot of thrill rides and roller coasters into
Year 2 when we start getting some more roller coasters. A Car Ride and an
Observation Tower should be enough for the year. Now relax for a while until
Year 2. Get your park back into order.

You should have some new roller coasters. By now you should have around
450-500 guests. If you still have quite a bit of room left, consider
erecting some Steel Roller Coasters, if you don't, use the Steel Mini or
Wooden Rodent Coaster. Build around 2 roller coasters and a good go kart and
some food stalls, drink stalls, and bathrooms. By now, I had 750 guest to
go. If you don't, I would suggest advertising. It's more effective then you
may think. Whatever way you choose, you should get your objective.


Name: Trinity Islands
Description: Several islands form the basis for this new park
Objective: 750 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides: none
Rating on difficulty: 2/5

Another easy scenario with an easy objective. However, this time, you're
going to be building on water which you'll get used to in time. Your park is
a good medium size with a few islands. I would suggest building roller
coasters and other rides off the islands and in the water and place stalls and
scenery on the actual islands. The largest island is all the way in the back
and it makes for a great roller coaster. I found this scenario fun and enjoyed
it. Trinity Islands is also one of the few scenarios that probably require
some sort of transport ride so I'll fill you in on that too.

First of all, like Evergreen Gardens, you're going to have to delete some
paths so guests won't get lost. You don't have an information kiosk at first
once again so get researching shops and stalls only until you do. In the
meantime, start construction on a gentle ride and a small Steel Mini Roller
Coaster. Try to build in the water the best you can and leave room on the
islands. You should be building only on the first island without wasting
any space. You should still have more than half the first island empty.

This is just a rough scetch of the first island. I'm drawing it from memory
so it is probably a bit off. Notice the thin part in the middle.

| \
\ | |\______
| \ / \
/ \_________/ \__
| _________/\__________ ____/
\__/ \_______/

| |
Your two rides should not go beyond this boundary.

Now, getting back on track, your information kiosk should be pretty close
to researched or already researched. Now you'll probably want to build
a Scrambled Eggs quickly and some shops and stalls. Try to pack things
together. Don't spread attractions out as space is short. Now after
researching the information kiosk, place one and start research on roller
coasters, thrill rides, gentle rides, and if you wish, continue shops and
stalls. Start work on random gentle and thrill rides until you reach 250
guests. Remember the water makes for some awesome boat hires so if you wish,
construct a some of those. Then you can stop ride construction until Year 2.
Add some bathrooms and stalls to your guests needs if they need them. It's
okay if you fill up the first island during the first year but don't construct
on the others. Also, remember to reconnect your paths when you need them.

By Year 2, I already had 300+ guests. We're going to be starting on our
transport now. Using preferably the Monorail or the Chairlift.(the Miniature
Railroad is okay but since it requires a continuous circuit, it's going to
be more expensive than the other alternatives.) Create a station at the first
island and another on the third or the bottom most island. Use shuttle mode
for the Monorail and the Chairlift should be at that too. The reason we'll
be needing a transport is because their is only one skinny main path
throughout the park. It will probably get really crowded if you don't use
some means of transportation. There are alternative methods to this like a
transport roller coaster, etc.

After construction on the transport,(if you have) start building. Don't worry
if your guests are starting to get lost. As soon as you start building on the
islands, guests won't be lost. Spread out your rides at first. Two on one,
two on the other and build food stalls, drink stalls, and bathrooms on the
islands. For the island in the back, consider building a Steel Coaster on it.
Just remember your budget. We're looking to 750 guests this year. I got it
by building one coaster, two thrill rides, and two gentle rides. Now all you
have to do is leave the game on for the rest of the duration of the scenario.
Watch tv or something to waste the time. Trinity Islands is finished. If you
care to continue building even after meeting the objective, that's fine. You
may be wondering why we rushed at the end, well, it keeps the park rating up
and that's what we need. Why would the park rating go down? Because people
will get lost on the long path. Building rides on them would lower the
amount of lost guests and bring up park rating.


Name: Katie's World
Description: A small theme park with few rides and room for expansion
your aim is to double the park value.
Objective: Park value of $15,000 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides:
Al's Galleon (Swinging Ship)
Forest Flyers (Single Rail Roller Coaster)
Katherine's Cruisers (Boat Hire)
Miniature Railroad 1 (Miniature Railroad)
Richard's Wreckers (Go Karts)
Runaway Plumber (Steel-Mini Roller Coaster)
The Storm (Mine Train Roller Coaster)
Rating on difficulty: 2.5/5

Katie's World rains quite often. More rainy than other scenarios so mostly,
you're going to have to build covered rides and underground coasters. Don't
forget to overprice umbrellas to get a bit of extra income. Katie's World
also already starts with a well built underground coaster. Strangely named,
"Runaway Plumber."

There are a few rides that you start off with. Some are pretty unique like
"The Storm" and the underground "Runaway Plumber." You should already have
a few guests in your park and a good park rating. Your park also requires
more staff and guests are getting hungry so place a few pizza stalls. You're
probably going to be wanting to research some shops and stalls for Drink
Stalls. In fact, you could research shops and stalls for the remainder of
the scenario. You have enough rides to get you to $15,000. Now that you've
gotten your park into good shape, you can start constructing. Take out some
loans and build two Steel Mini Roller Coasters by the entrance to your park.
Or better yet, create two dueling coasters for added excitement. That should
have raised your park value by at least $10,000. If not, add another gentle
ride to bring it up. We're finished construction for Year 1.

As Year 2 comes, build a few new thrill rides and another roller coaster. It
won't be hard to get to $15,000. You can either finish all of the
construction this year or spread out the work over the last two years. The
latter would be easier in my opinion. You could just get $2,500 for each year
and you'll finish without having to build extra rides when your park value
goes down.


Name: Dinky Park
Description: A small, cramped amusement which requires major expansion.
Objective: Park value of $10,000 by October, Year 2
Pre built rides:
Carousel (Merry Go Round)
Cloud Nine (Observation Tower)
Ferris Wheel 1 (Ferris Wheel)
Purple Peril (Scrambled Eggs)
Spiral Slide (Spiral Slide)
Swinging Ship 1 (Swinging Ship)
Rating on difficulty: 4.8/5

Dinky Park is really supposedly one of the hardest scenarios in the original
Rollercoaster Tycoon. But I've discovered a way to finish it easily. Well,
easier than some of the other alternatives. Also, we won't be building any
roller coasters in this scenario.

The first thing to do is to start researching shops and stalls. You do start
with the information kiosk but no drink stall. Don't stop researching those
until you get it. Now, immediately buy a strip of construction rights over
the road. It should be big enough to fit a path. Buy some land but don't
purchase all of it. Try to get a good medium or enough to fit some rides.
Now take a look at your starting park. There is still room for three slides.
So add three(yes three)slides to your park. Add trees to all the empty area
in that part. If you placed them correctly, your park value should skyrocket
to around $6,000-$7,500. That's great progress and we didn't even use the
land across the street yet. Now, add an information kiosk(of course)and some
shops and stalls. Two years is a pretty long time. Once you get your park in
order by hiring staff and adding trees and scenery, you can finally start
building across the street.

Like I said, we won't be building any coasters. They take up too much room.
We're going to need quite a bit to reach our goal. Don't be afraid to make
two of the same rides. The guests don't really care and you still get the
park value. You won't need too much room to build. To make this scenario
easier, I wouldn't suggest building until Year 2.

You're going to need a few thrill/gentle rides and some shops and stalls to
achieve your goal. I built 1 Scrambled Eggs, 1 Boat Hire, 1 Swinging Ship,
another Slide, 1 Observation Tower, another Merry Go Round, 2 Haunted Houses
and various Food Stalls. But that's just what I got. All I can say is
continue building until you reach $10,000 and maintain it and build extra
rides to keep it up. Don't build any custom rides either. They take up too
much room.

Name: Aqua Park
Description: A park with some excellent water-based rides requires
Objective: 900 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides:
Boat Hire 1 (Boat Hire)
Log Flume 1 (Log Flume)
Log Flume 2 (Log Flume)
River Rapids 1 (River Rapids)
Water Slide 1 (Water Slide)
Rating on difficulty: 3.5/5

Name: Millenium Mines
Description: Convert a large abandoned mine from a tourist attraction into
a theme park.
Objective: 800 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides:
Mine Tour Train (Miniature Railroad)
Rating on difficulty: 3/5

Name: Karts & Coasters
Description: A large park hidden in the forest with only go-kart tracks
and wooden coasters.
Objective: 1000 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides:
Big Woodchip (Wooden Roller Coaster)
Bigger Woodchip (Wooden Roller Coaster)
King Karts (Go Karts)
Turnpike (Go Karts)
Rating on difficulty: 3.3/5

Name: Mel's World
Description: This theme park has some well designed modern rides, but
plenty of space for expansion.
Objective: 1200 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides:
Blast-Off (Whoa Belly)
Flightmare (Inverted Roller Coaster)
Highjack (Gravitron)
Quiver (Bobsled Roller Coaster)
Rating on difficult: 3.9/5

Name: Mothball Mountain
Description: In the hilly forests of Mothball Mountain, build a theme park
from scratch.
Objective: 800 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides: none
Rating on difficulty: 4/5

Name: Pacific Pyramids
Description: Convert the Egyptian Ruins tourist attraction into a thriving
theme park.
Objective: 1000 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 4
Pre built rides: none
Rating on difficulty: 3.5/5

Name: Crumbly Woods
Description: A large park with well-designed but rather old rides -
Replace the old rides or add new rides to make the park more popular.
Objective: 1200 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 4
Pre built rides:
Crazy Critters (Car Ride)
Crumbly Carousel (Merry Go Round)
Crumbly Mansion (Haunted House)
Crumbly Wheel (Ferris Wheel)
Mean Squeak (Wooden Crazy Rodent Roller Coaster)
Whiplash (Steel Corkscrew Roller Coaster)
Woodchip Woodchip (Wooden Roller Coaster)
Rating on difficulty: 4/5

Name: Big Pier
Description: Convert this sleep town's pier into a thriving attraction.
Objective: 600 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 2
Pre built rides: none
Rating on difficulty: 4.5/5

Name: Lightning Peaks
Description: The beautiful mountains of Lightning Peaks are popular with
walkers & sightseers - use the available land to attract a new thrill
seeking clientele.
Objective: 900 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides:
Chairlift 1 (Chairlift)
Chairlift 2 (Chairlift)
Rating on difficulty:4.5/5

Name: Ivory Towers
Description: A well-established park, which has a few problems
Objective: 1,000 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 3
Pre built rides:
Canoes (Boat Hire)
Force Nine (Suspended Roller Coaster)
Monorail 1 (Monorail)
Tree Topper (Steel Mini Roller Coaster)
Rating on difficulty: 3.5/5

Name: Rainbow Valley
Description: Rainbow Valley's local authority won't allow any landscape
changes or large tree removal, but you must develop the area into a
large theme park.
Objective: 1,000 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 4
Pre built rides: none
Rating on difficulty: 5/5

Name: Thunder Rock
Description: Thunder Rock stands in the middle of a desert and attracts
many tourists - use the available space to build rides to attract more
Objective: 900 guests & park rating of 600 by October, Year 4
Pre built rides:
Thunder Rock Chairlift (Chairlift)
Rating on difficulty: 3.5/5

Name: Mega Park
Description: Just for fun!
Objective: Have fun!
Pre built rides: none
Rating on difficulty: 0/5

Since there isn't any real objective, I'll just give you some various tips
to create a park. Luckily, Chris Sawyer decided to do the theming for you
in this park. There is a desert area, a rocky pit that makes for a great
underground dueling coaster, etc. There are a handful of paths so again,
disconnect some so your guests won't get lost. In this scenario, I believe
you'll be able to research every attraction featured in RCT but I'm not
completely sure. There are a lot of foliage you could work with and a
helluva amount of space. This park can easily keep you occupied for a while
before you decide to start the scenarios over with some new roller coasters
skills, building skills, and money skills. Practice and experiment all you

7.1 - Your park

7.2 - Loans & money

Now that you have a small, but well developed park, it's time for some
money issues. If you're smart, you probably chose a park with a high
loan maximum. Anyway, take out about 1/3 of the remaining loans. You can
either price your entrance or your ride or both. If you want to price your
entrance only, remember to add $5 everytime you build 4 rides. And $10 for
any big roller coaster. Since guests only have a limited amount of money,
you should stop the entrance fee at a max of $60 or guests might not be
able to visit your park.

If you want to price rides without an entrance fee, use the excitement
rating as a guide. Your price should be the same as the excitement. An
example would be a roller coaster with 6.53 excitement, then you should
price it $6.50. But what about rounding up, I don't suggest you do that.
You shouldn't round up so a roller coaster with an excitement of 7.69
should not go up to $7.70 but 7.60. Actually, just pretend the last
digit is invisible.

|Additional notes: The game will set ride prices by itself if you do |
|not have an entrance fee. If you charge for entrance, you'll have to|
|price rides yourself. |

This the way I use. By pricing both the entrance and the rides, you can
easily get all the money from guests. If you wish to use this scheme,
start a park with an entrance fee of $5. Build some rides. Price them
each on this scheme:

rollercoasters - .50 to 1.00
thrill rides - .30 to .60
gentle rides - free to .30
water rides - free to .60

Trt to use this scheme to price your rides. Although you can easily use your
own price to build. Now you can increase the entrance fee by $5 every eight
rides you build. If people start complaining about prices, lower some.

You should be able to pay back your loans by year 2. At times, you
should just leave the computer on and wait an hour. You should have a
tremendous amount of money to pay back loans.

7.3 - The queue line

The queue line may not seem like much but a lot can rest in how you
place them. I composed a chart telling what is the average amount of
queue paths in a certain ride.

large roller coasters - 15-25 squares
smaller roller coasters - 10-20 squares
gentle rides - 3-9 squares
thrill rides - 5-15 squares
log flume - 4-7 squares
water slide/river rapids - 10-20 squares
slide/space rings/boat hire - 0-1 square

This may not apply for some rides. The amount of squares for log flume
only applies if you've made a long ride over 5 min. This can apply for
other rides but since log flumes are the only rides which tend to go over
that time, that's what I added. Also, the slide, space rings, boat hire,
and a couple of other small rides may not need a queue at all. Because
of their unpopularity, it doesn't really matter and queues do take up

|Additional note: even with no queue line, one person can wait for a |
|ride. He will just stand on the path as if it were a queue. |

How do you use queues to improve a rides excitement. Easy, just look at
some of these schemes.

Above a track queue
| Q| Q - queue
------------+--+-------------- T - track
T | |
| |

simply build a queue over a track. Making it go up like this:
__/ \__ instead of just a flat above ground piece will increase
excitement as well as save money.


Below a track queue
| Q| Q - queue
------------+--+-------------- T - track
T | |
| |

same as above except below the track.


Underground queue

I don't see any point of copying and pasting the same thing over and over
again so I'll just explain it. It's a better version of the below the track
queue as you make it underground instead. For some strange reason, it's more
exciting to the ride.


Multiple crossings
| Q | | |
| ______ | | |
T | | | | | |
| | | |
| | |__________|

Simply cross a queue over a track or station multiple times.


This is a small list but over time I may add more depending on how many new
ideas people give me. I'll add to this as soon as I get some more ideas.
To some it really all up, a queue makes one or more ride more exciting if it
crosses, touches, or go near it. People waiting in queues will stay in line
longer because they have something to watch and the people on the tracks
will become more excited.

How to make a better queue. Placing scenery by a queue and telling
entertainers to patrol them will maximize the time it takes for a guest to
get fed up and leave. Using a queue like this:
| | | |
| __ | | |
| | | |__| |
| | | |
| | |________|

See those gaps inbetween the path? Fill those in with scenery, fountains,
and flowers.

7.4 - Staff

Your park will require more and more staff as it grows and grows. There are
four types of workers. Handymen, mechanics, security guards, and

|Additional notes: You can change the color of a staff's uniform in |
|the hire staff screen. |

Each type of staff is responsible for different tasks. Them being:

Handymen -
1)sweep garbage
2)water gardens
3)empty garbage bins
4)mow grass

Mechanics -
1)inspect ride
2)fix ride

Security Guard -
1)patrol(It's his only purpose)

Entertainer -
these guys have costumes so I guess
1)Panda Costume
2)Tiger Costume
3)Elephant Costume

and after the release of Loopy Landscape, I believe they were

1)Panda Costume
2)Tiger Costume
3)Elephant Costume
4)Roman Costume
5)Gorilla Costume
6)Snowman Costume
7)Knight Costume
8)Astronaut Costume


Handymen are the janitors of your park. They will clean up garbage and make
your park clean and look nice. Their four jobs should not be used all at
once. For example, a handymen that is supposed to sweep trash and mow the
grass will be inefficient as he won't be able to stay on the path while
mowing the lawn. Now, hiring one handymen to only sweep trash and another to
only mow the grass will be a better choice. I always hire one handymen to
mow grass after hiring three other handymen to sweep trash and water gardens.

Now, when to have handymen patrol and when to have them wander. Make sure
handymen patrol these areas:

- at the exit of any big, nauseating coaster
- at any messy food stop area
- at the entrance/exit of your park
- at crowded areas

Without handymen to patrol those major areas, they will get pretty messy.
You may ask, how many handymen do I need? Well, the answer is not simple
and the best I can say is more than you need. Being cheap, you can hire a
lot of handymen. A better answer would be double or triple the amount of
patrolling handymen. For example, say you have three patrolling handymen
at the above places. Then you should have six to nine wandering handymen
without a patrol path. So three plus six to nine equals nine to twelve


Mechanics are the repair man people to repair and inspect rides. Inspecting
rides allow rides to last longer and fixing rides means fixing rides. You
should. for every two rides have one inspector and for every four rides, one
fixer. Mechanics enter to fix rides through the exit so if you are going to
set patrol areas for certain rides, make sure they have the exit in it or
else they aren't going to be able to get to the ride.

Each big roller coaster should have a fixer and inspecting handyman to patrol
the exit of it. Remember to set it's inspection time to 10 min. Sigh, too bad
there's no constant inspection option.


|Additional notes: Guests won't get red faced if there is a security |
|guard nearby. |

If your park is being overrun by vandals, then you should hire the trained
guys, the security guards. I don't usually find much use for these guys and
their expensive fee but they are very helpful. Consider placing these guys
in areas where vandalism is most abundant meaning crowded areas, food stops,
and sometimes, exits of rides.

You do not need security guards if:

a)your park is clean and tidy
b)your park has no or little vandalism
c)your park has no red faced people
d)people don't complain and have to wait in lines for more than 5 min.


I don't know how middle aged and obese males can possibly be entertained
by these guys. Oh well, they help and I use them a lot. Entertainers can
have a variety of costumes, but they don't matter. You can place them in
many areas but the two most effective places to put them are at the entrance
of your park to cheer up leaving and entering guests and at the longest
queue lines to maximize the guests motivation to stay in line. Placing
entertainers anywhere else won't really be effective. And oh yeah, don't
forget about patrol areas.

7.5 - Placing entrances and exits

Sure it's easy just to plop the two on random areas but there is a difference
between a smart entrance and exit and a stupid entrance and exit. Below is
a little thing of a smart entrance and exit and a dumb one.

| | T - station platform EX - exit
| EN| EN -entrance.
| |
|EX |

|E | |E |
|___| |___|

By placing a entrance at the front of the station and an exit at the back
and on the opposite side, it will become much more efficient to exiting and
entering and save precious time which of course, results in more money.

To save up space, I use a scheme like this(for non custom rides)
| |
|___ |
|EN |Q |
_______|___| | R - Ride
| | | Q - Queue Line
| | | EN - Entrance
| R | | EX - exit
| | | MP - Main Path
|___________| |
|EX | | |

7.6 - Guests

Guests will come in only one form. Middle aged, obese, and very small.
Their clothes are usually different colors from each other and some pink
shirt people can deserve a laugh. Now, the point of guests, well, they have
lots of money. Lots and lots of money to pay for you. However, your side of
the deal is to impress and entertain them. And to do that, you have to
understand them. They have our feelings being happy, tired, hungry, sick,

Happiness - Guests come to your park with a random happiness. Guests
get happy if they ride rides, aren't hungry or thirsty. The appearance
of your park and lines also affect this.

Energy - How tired a guest is. Usually, the more tired a guest is, the more
unhappy he is. They will wake up eventually but only after riding a very
exciting ride, so place a nice roller coaster by an entrance to wake these
guys up.

Hunger - How hungry a guest is. It will grow over time and it will be
lowered as soon as the guest eats.

Thirst - Kind of like hunger growing over time. Getting nauseated and
eating salty food will make this grow as well.

Nausea - That sickly feeling you get in the pit of your stomach after
riding a very nauseating ride right after eating a giant corn dog.

Nausea Tolerance - The chances of getting sick on a ride. None means the
guest will surely get sick and High means the guest can handle a lot of

Bathroom - Everyone needs to go sometimes...

|Additional note: You can easily catch a guest in their most private |
|moment by turning see through rides on and looking at a bathroom. |
|It's nothing interesting but deserves a laugh. They just stand |
|there, that's all. |

You'll have to look at the peoples tab quite a lot. When your park rating
is plummeting, this is where to go. With this, you can tell if people are
hungry, need to go to the bathroom, or just are fed up with waiting in
line. Solving these problems will make guests more happy and your overall
park reputation is increased.

Guests may look the same but they are different from each other. Some guests
may not like nauseating rides while others crave the white knuckle terror
of an extremely intense coaster. Guests will grow more intense after riding
a lot of gentle and thrill rides as explained in the manual.

Consider guests walkin' and talkin' advertisements. If they leave your park
happy, people will come. And guests can either die or become unhappy and leave
to become a discourager to your park and people won't flock to your park as

Part of knowing how to play RCT has to deal with how you deal with guest's
thoughts and ideas. The following are thoughts that many players tend to
take the wrong way and do the wrong thing.

The chart below will give you some suggestions as what to do about some bad
guest thoughts. Notice the "Correct Reaction" to each thought.

___________________ ______________________________________________________
| | |
| Guest's Thought | Correct Reaction |
| | |
|"I want to go home"|Many people tend to consider this a bad thought but |
| |it's really not. Everyone has to go home eventually |
| |and it's best just to place them in front of the exit.|
| | |
|"I'm lost and can't|Just simply place them in front of the exit so they |
|find the park exit"|can leave. Just allowing them to be lost won't help |
| |your park rating so it's just best to let them go. |
| | |
|"I'm lost" |Simply place them on a path. Letting peeps stay lost |
| |will just lower your park rating. |
| | |
| | |
|"I'm hungry" |Place them by a food stall. And if a lot of guests |
| |are hungry, add more food stalls. |
| | |
| | |
|"I'm thirsty" |Place them by a drink stall. And if a lot of guests |
| |are thirsty, add more drink stalls. |
| | |
| | |
|"I can't afford |The guest, quite obviously can't afford the |
|xxx" |ride/attraction. |
| | |
| | |
|"It's too crowded |It's too crowded in that one area. Consider adding |
|here" |more paths that lead to that area and add a transport |
| |ride. |
| | |
|"xxx looks too |The ride is too intense for the wussy guest. It states|
|intense for me" |in the manual that a guest will grow more intensity |
| |tolerant if they ride a lot of gentle rides. |
| | |
|"This path is |The path is probably littered with vomit and puke. |
|disgusting" |Clean it up a bit. |
| | |
| | |
|"The litter here is|Read the above. This seems associated with actual |
|really bad" |litter, not throwup. |
| | |
| | |
|"I can't find xxx" |Your ride paths must be very confusing for the guest |
| |to not be able to find it. Either improve the paths or|
| |build more info kiosks. |
| | |
|"I'm not paying |The ride is too expensive. Consider lowering the price|
|that much to go on |to attract more guests. |
|xxx" | |
| | |
| Guest Thoughts | Correct Reaction |

I hope you found the above chart at least remotely helpful.

7.7 - Scenery

First off, I'll give you a big list of scenery and their prices. If you're
a bit pressed for time, you may want to skip this part.

7.71 - Scenery list


Trees come in different sizes from small to giant. They will make your
park look pretty good and should be placed throughout your park. Trees take
up only one square or less.
Cedar of Lebanon
price: $38
Aleppo Pine
price: $18
Scots Pine
price: $36
Montezuma Pine
price: $27
Corsican Pine
price: $30
Black Poplar
price: $20
White Poplar
price: $17
price: $11
price: $12
Weeping Willow
price: $14
Silver Birch
price: $21
Voss's Laburnam
price: $18
Incense Cedar
price: $30
Lawson Cypress
price: $21
Monterey Cypress
price: $25
Italian Cypress
price: $25
Golden Hinoki Cypress
price: $18
Arizona Cypress
price: $20
price: $17
Common Juniper
price: $10
Meyer's Blue Juniper
price: $8
Caucasian Fir
price: $23
Red Fir(large)
price: $27
Red Fir(small)
price: $18
European Larch
price: $26
Lombardy Poplar
price: $21
Common Yew
price: $17
price: $18
Common Oak
price: $25
Camperdown Elm
price: $15
Norway Spruce
price: $20
Honey Locust
price: $28
Chinese Cedar
price: $21

Shrubs and bushes:

Shrubs and bushes are like mini trees. They look good and they barely take
up any space. Also, the hedge wall gives a nice touch to your park. Each
bush(except the hedge)takes up only 1/4 of a square. I won't try to give
you the price for each one because they're so similar but I can tell you
that they range in prices from $5-$10.
Bush x4
Shrub x2
Tree x3
Ornamental Tree x10
Conifer Hedge

Tropical and Desert Trees:

These look best in sandy terrain. I sometimes prefer to use them in grass
as well but they look best in desert land. They will take up one square.
Palm Tree(small)
price: $16
Monkey Puzzle
price: $27
Cabbage Tree
price: $20
Canary Palm
price: $18
price: $9
price: $11
Palm Tree(large)
price: $21


Flowers are beautiful but require a handyman to water it. There are 21 gardens
that range from $4 to $13 as there's no point to listing them all. They will
take up one space.

Gardens x21

Lamps, Litter Bins, Benches etc. for Paths:

Just items to place on paths. Benches, bins, and lamps.
price: $4
price: $5
price: $6
price: $6
price: $5
Litter Bin
price: $3
Jumping Fountains
price: $20

Walls and Fences:

Just walls that can border paths and make your park look nice. Each path has
two versions, one with a opening and one without.
Mesh Fence
price: $4
price: $4
Wooden Fence
price: $4
price: $5
price: $5
Brick Wall
price: $5
Stone Wall
price: $5
Hedge(also found in the Shrubs and bushes category)
price: $5
Conifer Hedge(also found in the Shrubs and bushes category)
price: $6
Roman Column Wall
price: $6
Roman Wall
price: $5
Egyptian Wall
price: $5
Playing Card Fence(red)
price: $5
Playing Card Fence(blue)
price: $5
Martian Wall
price: $6

Statues and Fountains:
Simple statues and fountains. Fountains are more expensive than statues
They will each take up one space.
Giraffe Statue
price: $12
Unicorn Statue
price: $12
Horse Statue
price: $18
Horseman Statue
price: $20
Dolphin Statue
price: $21
Geometric Fountain
price: $50
Dolphin Fountain
price: $57
Elephant Fountain
price: $55
Cupid Fountain(also in Roman section)
price: $65

Classical/Roman Theming:

Suggest making a Roman section for your park to hold these natural wonders.
They will take up multiple squares.
Roman Temple
price: $62
Roman Column
price: $11
Roman Statue(both)
price: $20
Roman Column Wall
price: $6
Cupid Fountain
price: $65
Roman Colosseum
price: $200
Roman Wall
price: $5

Egyptian Theming

Theming from ancient Egypt. Best placed on sand and around Egyptian themed
rides, etc. These can take up multiple spaces.
price: $350
Egyptian Statue
price: $20
price: $190
price: $120
Egyptian Column
price: $8
Cleopatra's Needle
price: $12
Ruined Statue
price: $5
Stone Block
price: $5
Egyptian Wall
price: $5
price: $6

Mine Theming:

These are mine themed pieces of scenery. Place these on dirt and around
mine themed rides to see some nice effect. They can take up multiple squares.
Mine Shaft
price: $175
Mine Hut(brown)
price: $100
Mine Hut(yellowish tannish)
price: $100
Broken Wheel
price: $5
price: $5
Barrels(all four)
price: $4
price: $4
price: $6

Martian Theming

These are giant alien structures. They look strange and will go best on
martian terrain obviously. However, it's strange that a volcano will
be considered a martian object. ???
Martian Building
price: $175
Martian Object(going from left to right)
price: $50
Martian Object
price: $45
Martian Object
price: $14
Martian Object
price: $15
Martian Object
price: $15
price: $6
price: $250
Martian Wall
price: $6

Wonderland Theming

The biggest list of the scenery, wonderland theming is something that you'd
see in a children's fairy tale. These are pretty interesting and look nice.
price: $27
Pumpkin House
price: $30
Toadstool(red/white, from left to right)
price: $14
price: $13
price: $5
price: $5
price: $5
price: $13
Candy Tree(black stem with a cubelike top)
price: $14
Candy Tree(pink/yellow)
price: $10
Candy Tree(black stem with a cylinder top)
price: $15
price: $5
Chess piece(all of them)
price: $5
Playing Card Wall(both)
price: $5

Well that wraps it up for the list

7.72 - Scenery tips/info

Scenery is simply objects made to make your park look good and give it a
nice, realistic touch. They can be used correctly or incorrectly. First
off, rides. How can they be better with the use of scenery?

Now, scenery and decoration can raise a rides excitement but it't most
effective on roller coasters and the sort. Scenery can only effect a ride
if it's less than four squares away from it. Anything farther than that
won't do anything. The best items to use for rides will probably be either
trees or gardens. They seem to have a bigger effect. The more expensive the
object, the more effective it is. Also, look for areas where items will fit
nicely. Say for example you use a colluseum and you wish to place it
somewhere. You find a large helix and decide to place it in there. It will
add more to the excitement than if you placed at some other random spot.

|Additional notes: Walls and fencing won't do anything to help or |
|improve a ride's excitement. |

Theming rides will also be a good idea. The most expensive bit of scenery
is the giant pyramid in the Egyptian section. Placing this correctly by
a 5.80 excitement ride may bring it up to a 6.30 excitement. However, say
the intensity was 4.80, then that may be raised up to 5.00. So really, too
much scenery can get a roller coaster too intense.

If a certain roller coaster has a tunnel, placing trees over the tunnel
will double the amount of excitement added if it were placed on a regular

|Additional notes: Water can effect excitement as well, just not as |
|big as trees and the works. |

Now, I'm going to experiment a bit with scenery. Using that ASCII from a
previous section, I'll check how effective some trees and scenery are.

| | C= Merry Go Round
|___| | EN= entrance
|EN | | EX= exit
______|___| Q | MP= main path
| | | S= extra space
| | |
| C | |
| | |
|__________| |
|EX | S | |
|___|______| |_________

Putting these around the ride, I'll check how much the excitement
increases. I'm using a merry go round. Without any scenery it's at a

Now with 1 object - 1.05 to 1.06
Now with 2 objects - 1.06 to 1.07
Now with 3 objects - 1.07 to 1.09
Now with 4 objects - 1.09 to 1.10
Now with 5 objects - 1.10 to 1.12
Now with 6 objects - 1.12 to 1.13
Now with 7 objects - 1.13 to 1.15
Now with 8 objects - 1.15 to 1.16
Now with 9 objects - 1.16 to 1.18
Now with 10 objects - 1.18 to 1.19
Now with 11 objects - 1.19 to 1.21
Now with 12 objects - 1.21 to 1.22
Now with 13 objects - 1.22 to 1.24

There, I saw a definite pattern. It goes up by .01, then up by .02, then up
by one. At first I didn't notice it becuase the first couple threw me off a
bit. Anyway, you may not care about this but it's pretty interesting. Anyway
if anyone would like to create a list for me so I could see if it's really
correct, that would help.

Now what about placing scenery that aren't meant for rides? Placing scenery
by paths to make your park look nice. Well, there are wrong ways to do it
and right ways. First of all, the walls and fences again, don't effect
anything the guests think about your park. With this reason, I don't even
know why they're here if they don't effect anything. Now the best places
to put scenery are maybe

-by food stalls
-by long, tedious paths
-by queue lines
-by the entrance of your park
-around water edges

You should always have an area of your park just for scenery. Sort of like
a giant garden with jumping fountains, flowers, and trees. Surrounding it
with a wall or something, you can create your own little Botanical Gardens.
I can suggest making some food stalls and building a info kiosk in it as well.
Just make sure that guests don't get lost of course. Place paths in simple
patterns. Keep in mind that these guests aren't exactly the smartest kids on
the block. Don't try any complicated pattern that you see in real life. Just
remember that Rollercoaster Tycoon is ONLY a simulation.

Without making the paths too complicated, try to make footpaths twist around
scenery. It will help drastically. Some patterns below look nice an you
should really try them out. However, these are just examples and in no way
should you be forced into using them if you don't like them. I know that
some may think of these schemes as unnecessary and that's half true. For
most, this is a waste of space but newbies would want some ideas.

-=| ZigZag |=-

____| ____
| |
____| _____|
| |
____| ____|

With this pattern, you'll be placing scenery next to each piece of path.
Looks best with fountains.
-=| S Pattern |=-
__________________ |
| |
| |___________________

Another pleasant looking scheme.

-=| Box |=-

| |
| ___ |
| | | |
| |___| |
| |
|___ ___|
| |
| |
| |

Place some big scenery in the middle,(exp: pyramid) and you'll
have a great looking break in the path. Placing benches by it
would definitely be effective.

-=| Corners |=-

___________ ___________
| | | |
| ___ |___| ___ |___
| | | | |
| | |___________| |_______

Another great scheme. I find it most effective with gardens
in each of the little niches.

7.8 - Research and Development

You will never start a park with every ride. You'll have to research them
before you can use them. There are some factors that make this topic a bit

First of all, there are four levels of funding. The more expensive allows for
faster researches. The ranks are:

no funding($0 per month)
minimal funding($100 per month)
normal funding($200 per month)
maximum funding($400 per month)

Also, fees will not be paid in only one day. The funding will be paid
gradually through the month. For example, say you are using maximum funding.
$100 may be paid off the first week. After 7 days, another $100 will be
paid. And it goes on and on.

There are a few categories that you

roller coasters - researches roller coasters.

gentle rides - researches all gentle rides and the boat hire

thrill rides - researches thrill rides and the water slide, river rapids,
and the log flume

shops and stalls - researches all food stalls, drink stalls, information
kiosks, and souvenir/balloon stalls

scenery and theming - researches different scenery

ride improvements - researches ride improvements. For example, say you
research a Wooden Roller Coaster. It comes with all the standard features.
You know, banked curves, on ride photo, etc. But it usually doesn't come
with the water slide. The Wooden Roller Coaster's unique track. You will
usually have to research that separately with this.

8.1 - Roller coaster construction

Ah, the section we've all been waiting for. But before we construct
something, we need to learn some things.

8.2 - Basics

There are many things to learn before you can build a coaster. One of the
most important things you should know is the fact that a roller coaster can
crash. Certain coasters may seem stable but there's always that little chance
that something can go wrong. Now, there are other things to learn as well,
but the first thing to learn is crashes.


Crashes are devastating. There's nothing more to say. After a roller coaster
crashes, no one will ever go onto it for a while. This is bad as it'll mess
up your park rating. However, there can be precautions made to help lower
the risk of these accidents. No matter how cautious you are however, crashes
are still, almost guaranteed. The most common reason for crashes are station
brake failures. What happens is that while one train may still be loading
guests, another may race into this station without stopping due to the
brake failure and crash into the idle train. There is no way to stop this
and if a mechanic doesn't get there in time, it crashes. The other main
reason for crashing is simply bad design. Did you not test run it? But bad
design is usually rare if you are diligant enough to test each coaster.

|Additional notes: If two trains are racing towards each other, the |
|one going faster will usually be the one to actually "blow up." |

Of course, there are always precautions like I've said. Below is a brief
list of ways to stop crashes.

1. Always test coasters!!
- Although a coaster may stable and completely safe, it can still be
dangerous and one design flaw could be fatal.

2. For old coasters, set the inspection time to 10 min.
- Old coasters have larger tendencies to crash. For really antique coasters,
it's best to have a mechanic on permanent patrol.

3. Use up all the speed in the train.
- By allowing the train to enter the station at the slowest speed possible,
it probably wouldn't crash. Place brakes, hills, etc. to help eat up speed.

4. Demolish rides over 5 years old.
- Nothing much to say, just destroy them and rebuild them.

However, if you do follow these rules, your coaster may still crash and you'll
need to know what to do afterward. If a roller coaster is to crash, you'll
probably want to destroy it and erect a new one in it's place. However, you
won't always have this choice. Maybe the scenario won't give enough time.
Maybe you really, really like the ride. Either way, there are other options.
Well, anyway, guests won't be willing to get on the ride for a while so the
other option is to close it for a couple of months and then reopen it with a
mechanic permanently patrolling the exit at 10 minute inspections. Advertise
if necessary and edit the ride to give it a new look. If you really want to,
you can repaint and rename it, but I don't know if that helps. And eventually,
your roller coaster will be become another popularity.

Some roller coasters may be more crash prone than others. Due to my experience,
I've noticed large, steel, roller coasters are most likely to crash. Maybe
because they are more complex, faster, and intense. So, consider building
smaller roller coasters. Coasters with only one train usually never crash
so consider some power launch coasters. Quite frankly, there is no way a
coaster is ever crash proof, but you can prevent it further.

----------------------| NAUSEA |----------------------

Like us, guests get sick. And becuase of that, they get unhappy. Although
nausea is not as devastating as crashes, they still effect park rating and
guest's overall feeling. Before you build a coaster, you should be able to
understand how to avoid super high nausea and intensity. Certain coasters are
more nauseating than others. The Suspended Roller Coaster for example is more
nauseating than the steel. Why? Because the guests riding the Suspended have
the misfortune of constantly being rocked back and forth while the Steel
riders have comforting banked curves to ride through. There are several steps
to lowering nausea and I'll list them here.

1. Bank Curves
- This will lower your overall Lateral G

2. Don't build too many hills
- Hills and rises in track will effect your overall Vertical G. Guests won't
like that.

3. Make larger turn radiuses
- By avoiding super tight curves, you'll have an overall lower Lateral G

4. Create straights as well as banks and curves
- Always have an area in your roller coaster where the riders can regain

5. Avoid too many inversions
- Think about it. Would you like to be hurled upside down 27 times in a row?

*I'll list more in next update*

--------------------| THE NOVELTY FACTOR|-------------------

Roller coasters may be overpriced when they're new because of a quaint little
subject known as the novelty factor. Think about it, say a new coaster opens
up in your local theme park. Will you flock to it and ride it even if it's
$10.00? Well probably not, but you'll at least take some interest in it.
Well, in RCT, you can. A good roller coaster can get away with a nice $10.00
entrance fee if you aren't using a park entrance fee or maybe a $3.00+ fee
if you do have a park entrance fee. However, remember to lower the price
eventually as guests will get angry.

8.3 - To build a coaster

If you've read and understood the above, you're finally ready to build a
decent enough coaster.

The first thing you'd want to do before actually building is selecting a
clear, suitable location. If you're attempting to build a large coaster, don't
place it in the tiniest of areas. Putting some thought into where to put
your roller coasters will probably effect your overall construction. Or, if
you're attempting an underground coaster, make sure the land you're building
it under is big enough to fit it.

Next, you'll be ready to create a station platform and start building your
ride. Now, there are dumb ways to do this, and smart ways. A dumb person
would place his station platform right next to a path allowing no room for a
queue. A smart person would place his station platform a bit farther away
from the main path and hopefully, allow the queue to go over the ride allowing
in an excitement boost. You should be able to fit at least 10 pieces of queue
into the area and allow space for some scenery. Now, make your station
platform as long as possible. This will allow for more cars and more space in
case a station brake failure does occur.

Your first lift hill(if you prefer to make a continuous circuit.)should be
the largest one in your entire coaster or preferably the only one. Depending
on the size of your coaster, you may need a tall lift hill, or a smaller lift
hill. It depends on what you have in mind. After creating the top of the first
hill, leave a few spaces flat so the train can go down the next drop without
slowing because the end of the train is still on the lift hill. Keep in mind
that your first drop doesn't have to be your biggest, just to be able to gain
speed to allow for more tracks. And if you are creating a hill after the first
drop, remember that you can not make it the same size as the drop. So say
you make a drop of 21 units, then you can't go up more than 19 units. It's
confusing, but you'll understand eventually.

If you are building a steel, or steel corkscrew, you'll have the option of
boosters.(there may be more coasters with this option.) So that means that
you don't need a drop just to go through a loop. It's a great option although
it can be incorrectly used at times. Just remember not to create too many
or your intensity will go off the charts.

Many coasters have some special track elements like loops, helixes, half loops,
etc. To create special tracks like these, click on the special icon and choose
from the drop down menu. Some tracks may require slopes like the loop and
half loop which require at least one slope up 25 degrees or the helix which
will require a banked curve before the placement. You can do some combinations
like the ones listed below:

1. corkscrew right or left-corkscrew same direction as first.
- This will create a nice looking U-turn

2. half loop-corkscrew right-corkscrew right-half loop
- I don't know what to call this but it's a more cooler looking version
than number 1.

3. half loop-corkscrew
- An odd way of changing directions

4. corkscrew-half loop
- Opposite of above

Have some fun making up your own.

Just remember to avoid super high G's and just keep on building. A long ride
is better than a short ride so if you think a ride is just right, keep on
building. The longer the ride, the better, but don't make it too long or
guests will get angry. These are just some tips into creating a roller coaster.
However, I shouldn't be the one to teach you how to build coasters. RCT
expects you to learn on your own and let your creativity run.

8.4 - Underground construction

The great Irving shall now teach you about building stuff underground.
Since this section is all about roller coasters, I shall teach you about
underground tracks sections and constructing. Before you can fit a track
comfortably under a piece of land, you'll have to make sure the side you
want it to go through is flat and at least 2-3 units high. Then you can
comfortably fit it right under. If you wish to create an entirely underground
coaster, first make sure the area of land you're building it under is large
enough to fit it. Most scenarios are pretty hilly and you can easily fit a
nice compact coaster under it.

Now, place a station platform with a portion of it underground. You will need
part of the station underground like this scheme:

Tunnel |
\ |
| \ | |

Now, delete the portion of the station platform that is above land and raise
land over where it once was. Now you can add the extra station platform units
you need underground. You can just build like normal for now.

After finishing the coaster, place an entrance and exit. Keep in mind that
you'll need an underground path going to the entrance and exit. If you want a
good example to follow, take a look at "Runaway Plumber" at Katie's World.

There are quite a few advantages of underground coasters. They seem to have
more excitement than the regular above ground coasters and they are still
quite popular in the rain. You should try to build these the best you can as
some levels will require underground building because of little space, etc.

9.1 - FAQ

- How do I name guests?

Click on the guest you wish to name and then press the button looking
something like a price tag. Type in the name and voila.

- Give me some tips on lowering intensity.

Not a question but oh well. Anyway, I have composed a small list but
lowering intensity really rests on your skill as a builder.

1. Bank curves
2. Avoid too many hills after a drop
3. Avoid too many inversions
4. Make larger turn radiuses if possible
5. Add brakes sparingly
6. Give some areas of your rollercoaster to allow riders to calm down

- What should I name my ride?

I'll let Scott Adam answer this question.(I love this quote)
"I'm sorry to report that if your brain does not create any ideas, you
are dead. This is hell." (Dilbert Future p. 47)

But seriously now, just name them what comes to mind. For me, anything
ending with death is good. (ie. Drop of Death, Fall of Death, Loop of

- Can you give me a list of how to raise excitement on a roller coaster?

1. Add trees/scenery
2. Add tunnels
3. Add paths and other rides to cross with the roller coaster
4. Create inversions
5. Hill/Water help too
6. Build a good coaster(obvious)
7. Make sure the intensity is not too high

- How do I remove throw up?

You clear them with Handymen. If you have hired some and there is still
a tremendous amount of trash and the sort in your park, hire more.

- How the **** do I stop vandalism?!!

Whoa, Simmer down. The main reason that vandals usually target your
park is because your park is either very dirty or very bad. Improve
your park and make your guests happier and you'll have little to no
vandalism at all. If you can't seem to stop it still, add Security
Guards in the crowded areas of your park.

- How do you set staff's patrol areas?

There is a blue footprint button on each staff's screen. Click on it
and then click anywhere on the map.

11.1 - Bugs/glitches

Ah yes bugs and glitches. What we all hate in games but sadly,
almost every game has at least one glitch. Whether it be a
graphical problem or a complete annoying crash. I don't have a
lot of bugs and these are all based on my experience so submit
any if you have any.

Ride station crash
Join any two station platforms together and the game will crash.
They can be any combination.(ie. chairlift & corkscrew)

Daylights Saving time
Usually, any time after daylights savings time, your saved games
will be deleted. I believe there's a patch out for this but I'm not
sure. It's a really annoying bug.

Color change
On my laptop, I noticed that occasionally, the screen will turn some
strange shades of color.

Sound crash
Usually on keyboards with sound adjusters on them, if you adjust the
sound with the keyboard, the game will exit. I tried this on my friends
keyboard and it crashed too. So just don't adjust sound with your

GSX Trapper Error
After receiving numerous emails from different people with this problem, I've
come to the conclusion that this error is caused by old versions of DirectX.
This has never ever happened to me so I'm not completely sure. Any feedback
would be great.

Windows XP Problem
I believe for some Windows XP owners, RCT won't run or won't run well for
their computer. I've also heard that there's another patch for this problem
at the official RCT site.

12.1 - Credits and thanks

Thanks for reading my FAQ. Here is a quick credits section. I'll add
to it as soon as I have people to add to it.

RedPheonix - took some easter eggs from his guide. I hope you don't
mind. ;)

My parents - Well, they're my parents. Although they don't really like
me glued to the computer all day.

Chris Sawyer - For making such an awesome game

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey - For making such an awesome site and hosting my

kenb215 - Critiqued my guide and offered various suggestions. Thanks!

scurty - ASCII title.

- All outside sources which have contributed to the making of this guide in
some form have been cited in this section. Any sources that have provided any
information at all are listed in the credits. I am not taking credit for others
hard work and I hope they do the same. Not giving proper credit is plagiarism
and it's against the law.

____ __ _ __ __
/ __ \____ ______/ /__ | | / /___ _____/ /____ _ __
/ / / / __ `/ ___/ //_/ | | / / __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \| |/_/
/ /_/ / /_/ / / / ,< | |/ / /_/ / / / /_/ __/> <
/_____/\__,_/_/ /_/|_| |___/\____/_/ \__/\___/_/|_|

-=Game On Forever=-

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17.Октябрь 2013
Leider keine weiten Informationen verfügbar

04.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Großer Park mit nicht ganz so wenig Geld!

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Riesengrosser Park mit einem Budget von 10.000.000DM

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Hinweise

13.Октябрь 2013

04.Октябрь 2013

04.Октябрь 2013
Der Park, der alles kann

13.Октябрь 2013
Park mit allen Achterbahnen

13.Октябрь 2013
Rumble Beach mit über 1300 Besuchern, schöner Landschaft und einigen Attraktionen

14.Октябрь 2013
Grosser Park mit vielen Attraktionen

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Trainer- sorgt immer für einen guten Ruf

08.Октябрь 2013

04.Октябрь 2013

04.Октябрь 2013
Fröhlichkeit und Energie der Besucher einstellen (für alle Versionen und Updates)

15.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für v1.10.016 & 1.10.019

14.Октябрь 2013
Grosser Park 90 Millionen DM

08.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Geld, Besucherzahlen und Wetterfrosch (Dt. Version)

18.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für unendlich viel Geld - funktioniert in der Dt. Version

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Hinweise

14.Октябрь 2013
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