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|| ||
|| Copyright 2003-2004 Rahul "Zakaloot" Goyal ||
|| Netstorm Unit FAQ ||
|| Version 2.40 ||
|| Last Revised 06/21/04 ||
|| ||


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|| (i) Legal Disclaimer ||
|| ||

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
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If you see this guide on any other site, IMMEDIATELY contact me.

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|| Table Of Contents ||
|| ||

(i) Legal Info

1.0 Version History

2.0 Terminology

3.0 Sun Units

4.0 Wind Units

5.0 Rain Units

6.0 Thunder Units

7.0 Non- Aligned Units

8.0 Spells

9.0 Frequently Asked Questions

10.0 Credits

11.0 Contact Me


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|| 1.0 Version History ||
|| ||

The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at

06/21/04 Version 2.40 - Added some stuff
- Fixed up some stuff

04/22/04 Version 2.35 - FAQ posted on

04/21/04 Version 2.30 - FAQ posted on

04/17/04 Version 2.25 - Multiplayer strategies added
- Ratings added

01/07/04 Version 2.20 - Major Format Change
- Added more info to every unit
- Added MotD and Frequently asked Questions
- Removed Game info

08/25/03 Version 2.15 - Format Changes Made
- Some things added and removed

08/18/03 Version 2.10 - Added Slick new ACII Logo on the top
- Changed ending of document

07/12/03 Version 2.05 - Added "Spells" section, it is now units/spells FAQ
Fixed LOTS of spelling mistakes

07/11/03 Version 2.00 - Two new sites on "ok to use list"
- Added quotes from game into each unit
- Added "Non-Aligned Units" into FAQ

07/04/03 Version 1.95 - FAQ Started

|| ||
|| 2.0 Terminology ||
|| ||

There are three alignments in Netstorm, Wind, Water and Thunder. The levels
are how much energy it takes to build that unit, example: a Golem is level
one and he needs one unit of energy, a Balloon is level 2 and requires two
units of energy and a Sun Barricade is level 3 and needs 3 units.

Hits- The number of hit points the unit has.

Range- The range it can fire.

Damage- The amount of damage it deals.

Cost- The cost in Storm power it needs to build itself.

Energy- The energy it needs to make itself.

Sp- Storm Power, it can be found on geysers.

Rating- ***** is best, *---- is worst.

[DWMI] or TW- These are the people who took time to help me with the
multiplayer side of Netstorm, and I thank them.

|| ||
|| 3.0 Sun Units ||
|| ||

olem~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 50
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost in Storm Power- 400Sp
Energy- 1 Sun Unit
"Golems are dumb, clumsy, humorless, and smelly. However in wartime they are
the best friends you will ever have."- Major Tane Russo
Single Player Rating: ***--
Multiplayer Rating: **---

Some people build many of these golems even though they are nothing special
compared to collectors such as the sail skater and bulf. However since these
units don't need to be put into production they are used when the player needs
all the technology he/she can get without upgrading.

A Golem is a good transport capable of learning spells, capturing priests,
collecting storm power and casting spells. Golems are slow and weak but they
will do for the beginning missions of the campaign.

|| ~Balloon~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 50
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 600Sp
Energy- 2 Sun Units
"Step 1: Find the unpunctured hide of a young air whale..."- From Balloon
Building by Halldor Lexette
Rating: ***--
Multiplayer Rating: ****-

Balloons are cheap, fast, only takes up sun workshop space.

The airborne-ness of this is very helpful for everything the Golem is good
for. It can collect storm power and capture priest easily. Often sending a
balloon is better than making a bridge and making a Golem go to it.

|| ~Sun Disc Thrower~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 400
Range- 8
Damage- 10
Cost- 200Sp
Energy- 1 Sun Unit
"Sun Disc Throwers decapitate the clumsy."- Major Tomas Rultoff
Rating: *****
Multiplayer Rating: ****-

Sun disc Throwers are cheap, hardly used, and when they are used its because
you are low on cash, people mostly use them to joke around

The Sun Disc Thrower is the ideal anti-aerial transport weapon (it destroys
Whirlwinds in a single shot) and is a good starting weapon while you get
better elemental units.

|| ~Whirlibase~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 200
Range- 30
Damage- N/A*
Cost- 400Sp
Energy- 2 Sun Units
"Only a roof of gold could contain the blinding light of the Whirligig's
creation."- Unknown
Rating: ***--
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

Cheap but Crossbows make them useless, unless you can draw their fire away
using blockers (stone towers are recommended) while the gigs attack. Low
damage but don't disappear until destroyed, have to reload though. They do
not attack collectors or priests!!

The Whirlibase churns out a Whirligig and when the Whirligig dies the base
makes a new one. If the base gets destroyed and the Whirligig is still alive
it will stay alive until it runs out of fuel.
*Whirlibase does no damage but the Whirligig which it makes does.

|| ~Whirligig~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 10
Range- 30
Damage- 10
Cost- N/A*
Energy- None**
"This device is lofted on its own impossibility, and so it destroys by the
power of negation."- Jacob Hammersholt, Inventor of the Whirligig
Rating: ***--
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

Cheap but Crossbows make them useless, unless you can draw their fire away
using blockers (stone towers are recommended) while the gigs attack. Low
damage but don't disappear until destroyed, have to reload though. They do
not attack collectors or priests!!

This is what the Whirlibase makes and is a good weak air attacker that is best
used in large groups.

Note- A Whirligig will NEVER attack a transport.
*It does not cost anything to make it but the base does.
**It does not cost anything to make it but the base does.

|| ~Stone Tower~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 2000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 300Sp
Energy- 1 Sun Unit
"Stone Towers are built from the outside in. The builders give their strength
and courage to the Tower, placing the body of a brave man is every three layer
of bricks."- Yed Nuren, Nimbian Brick Layer
Rating: *----
Multiplayer Rating: ****-

Cheapest blocker in the game, Great if you don't have much money, early
protection in game but aren't built to last like bulwarks or wind towers.
Great when used together with Whirligigs.

Put this between a valuable unit and incoming fire and it will block it. It is
good but wont hold out long against most units like the Thunder Cannon.

|| ~Sun Cannon~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 600
Range- 20
Damage- 14
Cost- 400Sp
Energy- 1 Sun Unit
"Two things in life can't be ignored: one is a cannon, the other is a cannon
ball."- Commander Petrik "Bombard" Lombard
Rating: **---
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

Cheap but doesn't compare to crossbow, which does more damage over a larger
area and only costs 100 SP more. However you can use these to out-range

A stronger version of the sun disc thrower but can be easily outmaneuvered (it
can only fire straight so attacking from the side will spell disaster) and on
top of that it fires much less slower. Good for assault with use of lots
firing at same time.

|| ~Sun Barricade~ ||

Level 3
Hits- 800
Range- 50
Damage- N/A
Cost- 600Sp
Energy- Three Sun Units
"Between Nimbus and the beyond stands an infinite burning barrier."- Book of
Rating: ****-
Multiplayer Rating- *****

Often thought of as the best support unit in the game, you can't expect to
become a great player unless you know how to use these very well and
quickly. They are extremely cheap, only need 1 generator to build. Sometimes
Sun Barricades can be used on their own as cheap blockers when you don't
have any other blockers in production.

A valuable unit, when two or more are used with each other side be side they
make an invincible barrier to incoming fire. When the barricades are broken
however, the barrier goes away.

|| ~Sun Workshop~ ||

Level 1*
Hits- 2000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 800Sp
Energy- None
"The Nimbian aptitude for complex mechanics is simplify unsurpassed."- Nimbian
Rating: *****
Multiplayer Rating- *****

Almost a requirement for all types of games. If you want to win you will
need to build this workshop for best chances of survival as it allows you to
use the cheap but useful Sun technology.

The Workshop makes all the units, you can make what units you want in it and
if destroyed you cannot make any units you want that specific workshop to

*- Can be upgraded to level 3

|| ||
|| 4.0 Wind Units ||
|| ||

|| ~Wind Generator~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 800
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 400Sp
Energy- 1 Sun Unit
With a hundred Wind Generators you could power a hurricane."- Def Ilderless,
Nimbian Sage
Rating: *****
Multiplayer Rating: *****

The wind Generator is just like any other generator, wind generators are used
for wind technology. You can use generators to blow up bridges by making them
melt down, Bridging is very important aspect maybe most if you are surrounded
by bridges or u cant connect an isle cause of enemy bridges its better u blow
up instead of bridging around

This unit generates wind energy to produce other units. Make lots of these.

|| ~Sail Skater~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 100
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 600Sp
Energy- 1 Wind Unit
"The best pilots know the breezes by the names they call each other."- Utchuck
Yager, Sail Skater Test Pilot
Rating: ***---
Multiplayer Rating: ****-

The sail skater is a good collector, fast, smart, wont move on broken bridges
and good to collect cash from close geysers that u can easily connect

The Sail Skater is faster and better than the Golem and is the fastest

|| ~Air Ship~ ||

Level 3
Hits- 800
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 1200Sp
Energy- 2 Wind Units and one Sun Unit
"In Nimbus there is nothing more graceful or fine."- Gilden Fraj, Nimbian Poet
Rating: ***--
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

A very strong collector, fastest one too, only build them when u are sure of
income and when u got a lotta cash

It is similar to a balloon but much sturdier but much slower.

|| ~Devil Maker~ ||

Level 3
Hits- 600
Range- 30
Damage- N/A
Cost- 800Sp
Energy- 2 Wind Units and 1 Sun Unit
"Another impasse in the Devil Maker experiments: today, it counter-spun the
entire island like a top, flinging pets and small children over the edge and
into the abyss. I must reconsider the design."- Journal Entry, Dr. Dere Dulkus
Rating: ****-
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

The dust devil is a like a Whirlibase but the unit it churns out is
indestructible. Dust Devils are best used with large groups so make lots of
Devil Makers together.

|| ~Dust Devil~ ||

Hits- Invulnerable
Range- 30
Damage- 20
Cost- N/A
Energy- N/A
"Amid the howling of a dust devil, a doomed man hears it scream his name."-
Nimbian Proverb
Rating: ****-
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

An air attacker but not so strong as man o war but very effective too, because
its base is stronger and its harder to take down with acids. You cant shoot 'm
down like man o wars.

The dust devil is like the Whirligig but it does more damage, it cracks
bridges but only lasts 10 seconds. It is invincible so the only way to counter
it is to attack the base.

|| ~Crossbow~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 400
Range- 16
Damage- 30
Cost- 500Sp
Energy- 1 Wind Unit and 1 Sun Unit
"Bolts should weigh a hundred pounds and be well-balanced. You will know your
bowstrings' tension is perfect when the Nimbian winds pass through it at
F-sharp above middle C."- From the Sixth Archer's handbook
Rating: *****
Multiplayer Rating: ****-

Very often used attacker, effective at short range, and taking down air units,
collectors and other attackers.

The crossbow shoots and aims by itself, and when rotated can attack within a
60-degree angle. It is very powerful and can cause mass destruction when used
in large groups.

|| ~Wind Tower~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 600
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 800Sp
Energy- 1 Wind Unit and 1 Sun Unit
"The universe is ninety-nine percent sky and one percent land and one percent
island. In the sky, wind rules."- Unknown
Rating: ***--
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

A defender, one size is harmless for non-air units, very effective if u put
them before your attackers (only when they are attacked cause its an expensive
unit), and make sure they aren't attacked from side; if u place them just
before enemy ice cannons, their particles will reflect (or how u say) and may
hit their own cannon back, it is very weak against man o wars and devils (and

The wind tower can be rotated in four directions, this unit has an
invulnerable side and right clicking will rotate the near invincible side.

|| ~Wind Workshop~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 4000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 1000Sp
Energy- None
Rating: *****

You build it with priest on a big isle that is yours (normally your main isle,
but could also be an opponents one, or even a normal isle in mid of map); it
gives u wind technology (first 2, after upgrade: 1 more, after upgrade : 1
more) (if u have enough levels for tech of course)

The Workshop makes all the units and if destroyed, it will not let you make
any units it would have produced.

|| ~Wind Temple~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 5000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 5000Sp
Energy- None
"The blood of holy men is the elixir of destiny."- Book of Nimbus
Rating: *****

Its temple like any other if u build it u can build bridges, and your isle
will be yours so no one else can build on it (except for allies), it also
counts as a big wind generator

The temple is what gives the player control of the island, loss of the temple
would mean loss of the control of the island (anyone can built on it)

|| ||
|| 5.0 Rain Units ||
|| ||

|| ~Rain Generator~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 800
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 400Sp
Energy- 1 Sun Unit
"In the beyond, there is one sound that is always present: the faraway music
of falling water."- Book of Nimbus
Rating: *****

This unit provides other units rain energy. Be sure to build lots of these.

|| ~Cloud Floater~ ||

Level 3
Hits- 200
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 1000Sp
Energy- 2 Rain Units and 1 Sun Unit
"Every year there is a grueling contest among the thickest rain clouds for
the honor of powering the Floaters. A handful survives."- Unknown
Rating: *****
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

Next to air ship, best collector, it's very difficult to hit for bows, (but an
arc spire eg. takes it down quite easily, however that's kind of never used)
but less fast and less strong (it looks like its strong cause its hard to hit)

This is the best aerial transport, it is pretty fast and since it's
practically a cloud, only 1 in 20 shots will hit making it very hard to kill.

|| ~Ice Cannon~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 600
Range- 28
Damage- 20
Cost- 600Sp
Energy- 1 Rain Unit and 1 Sun Unit
"Like a friendly snow-ball fight, with razor-sharp icicles."- Gerhard Burgar,
Gunner First Class
Rating: ***--
Multiplayer Rating: ****-

It is very good at middle range attacks, its ice particles do extra damage,
and when u put them in rows, they are a massive block u just cant stop that
easy. You should combine them with man o wars for best results.

The Ice Cannon is like a machine gun in [insert favourite FPS here] it sprays
lots of icicles at the opponent but they do little damage, but since there are
a lot of them, it more than makes up for them.

|| an o' War Pool~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 200
Range- 28
Damage- N/A
Cost- 400Sp
Energy- 1 Rain Unit and 1 Sun Unit
"The recipe is a very ancient one, primarily requiring fermented rain and
poison spores. No stirring required."- Einar Lexette, Nimbian High Priest
Rating: ****-
Multiplayer Rating: ****-

Its the base of man o war, not very strong, but if u keep them on a safe spot
all should be good

The Man o' War Pool makes man o' wars, when the man o' war pool is destroyed;
the home pool makes a new one. It is like the Dust Devil and the Whirligig.

|| an o' War~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 200
Range- 28
Damage- 20
Cost- N/A
Energy- None
"I train my men to slaughter each other at the very sight of it."- Deisen
Trow, Leader of the Band of Seerin
Rating: ****-
Multiplayer Rating: ****-

Air attackers, very effective, very strong, and it lives quite long, even
more, if it kills a unit it will live a bit longer, they can be shot down by
a lot of crossbows, but its very hard, only acids of bulwarks or other defense
stuff may slow them down.

Man o' Wars go into enemy territory attacking all beneath it, they only live
for one minute but if they destroy something, they live for another minute.
This is useful as you are 'rewarding kills'.

|| ~Acid Barricade~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 800
Range- 50
Damage- N/A
Cost- 400Sp
Energy- 1 Rain Unit
"Even water can sometimes burn like fire."- Book of Nimbus
Rating: ****-
Multiplayer Rating: ****-

Very effective against air units, if u put two on a row all units that pass
between will die instantly (also ground units, but then they have to be built
in that row, that's why u only build them if u see a row of enemy buildings
that u can take down; for air its otherwise, u just put them and no air pass

Set 2 of these up horizontally or vertically across from each other and any
enemy unit that passes them will be dissolved. For a level 1 unit this thing
is very good. Unfortunately, this is only useful for transports, as other
units cannot move.

|| ~Ice Tower~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 800
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 400Sp
Energy- 1 Rain and 1 Sun Unit
The first step in getting water to flow uphill is enticing ice to melt
backwards."- Jake Stepson, Nimbian Carpenter
Rating ***--
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

Very good defense unit as it never goes away, so good to "take in" an isle so
enemy cant post it, or if u put a lot of them enemy just cant pass trough,
only bad thing is they are not too strong and they explode, so surrounding
buildings die a bit too

The Ice Tower is a defense unit, but unlike other units it regenerates itself
slowly when destroyed.

|| ~Crystal Crab~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 180
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 600Sp
Energy- 1 Rain Unit and 1 Sun Unit
Perhaps merely a machine, but it's a mean one."- Bertram Freilic, First
Nimbian Run Over A Crystal Crab
Rating: ***--
Multiplayer Rating: **---

Quite expensive collector, not used often, only advantage is that it can steal
enemy storm power if it walks over an enemy collector that has a crystal, but
as u practically never let your collectors collect in same area as your
enemies (=> he might attack them and u might do nothing, and btw, there
probably are geysers much closer to u) its not used

The Crystal Crab is a transport as if it passes an enemy unit; it will
paralyze it and steal what it is carrying.

|| ~Rain Workshop~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 4000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 1000Sp
Energy- None
Rating: *****

The Workshop makes all the units and if destroyed, it will not let you make
any units it would have produced.

|| ~Rain Temple~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 5000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 5000Sp
Energy- None
"In these hallowed halls resides the knowledge of triumph."- Unknown Sage
Rating: *****

The unit that controls the island.

|| ||
|| 6.0 Thunder Units ||
|| ||

|| ~Thunder Generator~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 800
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 400Sp
Energy- 1 Sun Unit
"As night fell around us we tended to our fallen cohorts by the Gen'rator's
stobe and glow."- From the Anthem of Thunder Ridge
Rating: *****

This unit provides energy for other units.

|| ~Bulf~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 1200
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 600Sp
Energy- 1 Thunder Unit
"In its natural habitat the Bulf grows no larger than a cannonball, but on a
strict diet of nickel and limestone he explodes to a hundred times that size.
"- Field Journal, J.T. Kierken
Rating: ****-
Multiplayer Rating: **---

Not used a lot, cause its very slow (but strong) and expensive, it's a
collector by the way.

A Bulf is a transport. It is the toughest transport in the game but also the

|| ~Bulwark~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 5000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 800Sp
Energy- 1 Thunder and 1 Sun Unit
"How is a Bulwark like you mother?" - Last Words of Bernie Lovell Nimbian
Rating: ***--
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

Very good defense (but very expensive); as strong as a temple, invulnerable
for air units, u best put them to stop down air units, or before some ground
units if u cant place a sun bar

This is the defensive strongest building in the game. It is not cheap though.

|| ~Thunder Cannon~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 1000
Range- 42
Damage- 40
Cost- 1200Sp
Energy- 1 Thunder Unit and 1 Sun Unit
"Expect to go permanently deaf."- First Line of the Tenth Thunder Artillery
Rating: ****-
Multiplayer Rating: ***--

The strongest attackers, very long range, but very expensive, only put them
when u are sure it will harm a lot

The most powerful weapon in the game, it fires only a few times a minute and
can only face 4 directions.

|| ~Vander Tower~ ||

Level 3
Hits- 400
Range- 15
Damage- 20
Cost- 600Sp
Energy- 2 Thunder Units and 1 Sun Unit
"If you throw a raw Bulf egg into the air in front of a Vander Tower, it'll
hit the ground hard-boiled."- Tok Nocow, Nimbian Chef
Rating: **---
Multiplayer Rating: **---

A tower that only can take down enemy air units, in quite short range, but its
quite strong, how ever, it's almost never used.

This is a good anti-aerial weapon but useless against other units.

|| ~Arc Spire~ ||

Level 2
Hits- 1400
Range- 35
Damage- 50
Cost- 400Sp
Energy- 1 Thunder Unit and 1 Sun Unit
"If a captain sees an Arc Spire ahead and doesn't turn his vessel home, it
means that he is either very brave, very stupid, or has absolutely nothing to
lose."- Air Admiral Heike Kamerlingh
Rating: **---
Multiplayer Rating: **---

If u make u on a row it will create thunder power and all what's between the
row will die slowly (not very slow, but still), normal, an acid would be
better, but as an acid cant take down workshops and temples, u might use
spires for them, how ever, cause its range is short and an isle is big its
hard to place them so u better get some thunder cannons

The Arc Spire is like the Acid Barricade except it only hurts the enemy, not
dissolve them.

|| ~Thunder Workshop~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 4000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 1000Sp
Energy- None
Rating: *****

The Workshop makes all the units and if destroyed, it will not let you make
any units it would have produced.

|| ~Thunder Temple~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 5000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 5000Sp
Energy- None
"Through this building the furies lay waste to all we love"- Rod Tyken,
Temple Steward
Rating: *****

The unit that gives you control of the island.

|| ||
|| 7.0 Non- Aligned Units ||
|| ||

Note: Ratings will NOT be giving out because you don't have a choice and most
are there by default.

|| ~High Priest~ ||

Hits- 100
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- N/A
Energy- None
"Who among you will face the fury?
Who will know of holiness and fear?
And who will be destroyed?"- Book of Nimbus

Very important unit, he makes the temple, workshop, and most important:
make sure he never gets paralyze, or taken.

The High Priest is the most important unit on the battlefield, if captured
and sacrificed, you lose the game, and he can also build buildings and gather
storm power.

|| ~Outpost~ ||

Level 1
Hits- 2000
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 600Sp
Energy- 1 Sun Unit
"You can almost feel the power as it takes over the island"- Sar Quinest

Very important building, if u build them on neutral isles they'll become yours
and you'll be able to bridge off from there and collectors may return cash to
post, what means u collect more and faster, its very important aspect btw. At
start u should get as quick as possible

This unit CAN ONLY BE USED IN MULTIPLAYER, and there are three benefits to the

1- Transports can return Storm Crystals to the Outpost instead of the temple
2- you can build bridges of island with Outposts
3- No enemy can build on an island with an outpost

|| ~Altar~ ||

Level 1*
Hits- 1500
Range- N/A
Damage- N/A
Cost- 500Sp
Energy- None
"It is a window onto the greatest of all glory and into the deepest of all
oblivion"- Askeld Urvonnus, High Priest of Nimbus

You build it to sacrifice a priest.

The altar is where the enemy priest is sacrificed to the gods. If the altar
is destroyed before the priest gets sacrificed, he is freed
*Upgradeable to level 3 in multiplayer.

|| ~Bridge~ ||

"We don't build bridges to make peace"- General Jan Masaryk

Use bridges to attack enemies, gather storm power and lay units.

Very important: it connects u to isle, so priest can move to, collectors can
collect and buildings can be built u surround enemy with bridges so he cant
post so he can collect less cash.

|| ~Residence~ ||

"I wouldn't mind living above ground but the crossfire tends to burn your
house down"- Damon Runyon, Regular Guy

This where the residents of Nimbus live, you cannot move it, destroy it or
build over it.

dge Farm~ ||

"In other cultures the plowing is not so dangerous"- Pavel Milyukov, Nimbian

The same as a Residence except it is on the edge of an island and the same
rules apply to it.

|| ~Storm Geyser~ ||

"The coagulation of the Geyser into crystal form is like watching white fire
turn into ice"- Unknown

Storm Geysers are one of the sources of storm power; each Storm Geyser is
worth 2000 units of Storm Power.

Place where collectors get the cash, make sure u build outpost, near to them
so they collect it quick. Always minimize the route they have to take

|| ~Storm Crystal~ ||

"They are heavier than you think"- Yon Nite, Nimbian High Priest

Storm Crystals are what you get from Storm Geysers and are worth 200 units of
Storm Power.

|| ||
|| 8.0 Spells ||
|| ||

|| ~Point Blast~ ||

Range- 1
Damage- Special
Cost- 300Sp
"I don't think 'cute' is the word you're looking for."- Ervin Grotis,
Rating: **---

A Spell that destroys/damages anything in a short range.

|| ~Devastation~ ||

Range- 3
Damage- Special
Cost- 400Sp
"Ideal for day-to-day pandemonium."- Telsen Rott
Rating: ***--

A spell that damages/ destroys anything in medium range.

|| ~Decimation~ ||

Range- 7
Damage- Special
Cost- 800Sp
"Run. Faster."- Captain Knut Hamsun, Nimbian Casualty
Rating: ****-

A spell that damages/destroys anything in long range.

|| ~Heal~ ||

Range- 9
Damage- None
Cost- 200Sp
"And your illness was an illusion and your fever was a dream."- Book of Nimbus
Rating: ****-

A spell that completely heals units in range to full HP cures Paralysis and
counters invisibility.

|| ~Invisibility~ ||

Range- 7
Damage- None
Cost- 1000Sp
"It's not that you do not see, but merely that your eyes do not perceive."-
Luffor Hagint, Nimbian Logician
Rating: ****-

A spell that, for a while, will make your units invisible. This means towers
will still block but anything that was being attacked before will not be
attacked now.

|| ~Paralysis~ ||

Range- 7
Damage- Special
Cost- 1000Sp
"A stalemate with either self."- Dag Haverlink, Nimbian Gamesman
Rating: ***--

Temporarily stops all movement and firing.

|| ~Bridge Harden~ ||
Range- 7
Damage- None
Cost- 150Sp
"The mortar itself takes on a hellish willfulness."- Hule Gundersun, Master
Rating: *****

The spell that makes all bridges within range indestructible.

|| ~Treason~ ||

Range- 7
Damage- Special
Cost- 2000Sp
"The most delightful victory over any foe is to persuade his right hand to
hack off his left."- General Greig Hamlinken
Rating: *****

Gives owner control of all units within range.

|| ||
|| 9.0 Frequently Asked Questions ||
|| ||

Q: I'm having trouble with [inset mission name here]
A: Unfortunately I haven't beaten the game yet (I get the strategies from
playing multiplayer) so I can't help you.

Q: Is Netstorm dead?
A: Yes and No, the developers, Titanic entertainment have died out and
Activison is acting like they never published this game by taking it out of
its game list.

Thankfully, the community has come to the rescue. A site called has took Netstorm on its back and carried it for miles
(figure of speech) NetstormHQ was made a patch for Netstorm, they have
servers for multiplayer and many other things. Be sure to check them out.

|| ||
|| 10.0 Credits ||
|| ||

Titanic Entertainment- For making this game
DMWI- for helping me on the Multiplayer strategies
TW- for helping me on the Multiplayer strategies
Activision- For publishing this game
Anyone else I missed- Thank you for what ever contribution you given to the
creation of this FAQ

|| ||
|| 11.0 Contact Me ||
|| ||

My Email is zakalot [at] hotmail [dot] and zakaloot_faqs [at] yahoo [dot] com
do NOT send me Spam or you will be
blocked. Replace the [at] with '@' and the [dot] with '.' .

You may request additional things to be added to this guide.

You may ASK to put this guide on your web site, if you do it is your
responsibility to get the updated version but if I submitted this guide to
you I will supply you with updates.

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Netstorm Unit FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Missionen spielbar

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Ausführliches Tutorial
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Bitte Read_Me.txt lesen

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15.Октябрь 2013

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30.Декабрь 2013
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