Prince of Persia 2

Prince of Persia 2

17.10.2013 07:18:10

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{ ~ T H E S H A D O W A N D T H E F L A M E ~ }

Highlight the ASCII art above and/or look from a distance to appreciate.
ASCII art copyright Eizaz Azhar, 2003.

WARNING: As with all my FAQs, this FAQ is best viewed in 1024 x 768 pixels.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

LEGAL INFO _legal_

As with all guides, this section must be included to avoid
any legal issues.


This FAQ is written by Eizaz and is copyright ©Eizaz Azhar, 2003.
No form of reproduction of this FAQ is allowed and it may not be
distributed in any way without the author's content (me). For the
time being, only these pages in mention;

Have my authorization to post this guide on its page. Violating this
rule can and will induce serious legal action, so you might not want
to do anything rash. You may print/download as copy of this document
for your personal use, but selling it or using it to make profit in
any is strictly prohibited.

Simply put, if you want to make money out of this, I want to know about it.


. . . . . . . . .

- FAQ Updated to Version 1.2 -
Contrary to popular belief, I am very much well and alive, and this guide will continue
to be updated regularly. Allright, maybe not so regularly. It's been a year, hence some
inactivity - but anyway, I've added many, many things to the guide. In other words, this
is probably the most comprehensive guide to the game you can find on the Web. All secrets,
paths and glitches have been exploited here.
# Work on FAQ started at 10:57 AM, June 15th, 2004.

. . . . . . . . .

- FAQ Updated to Version 1.1 -
Allright everyone!!! I'm back from my exams now, and this is the first update in a while.
Yes, yes I know... It's Level 6: Ruins Of The city. I've recieved a lot of mail regarding
this, and I'm glad to say that I've got it under control. Read on to find out more...
# Work on FAQ started on Friday, 22nd August, 2003.

. . . . . . . . .

- First version of FAQ (1.0) -
# Work on FAQ started around 11.43 PM, Monday, 12th May, 2003.
# FAQ completed at 1.28 PM, Thursday, May 29th.

FAQ INDEX _index_

I've implemented an index section and corresponding keywords, as this FAQ is getting
too big to handle. To find a certain topic, press Ctrl+F on the keyboard, and type in
the keyword (if you're lazy, just copy the bloody word), indicated by an underscore (_)
at the beginning and end of it. Find the keyword twice, and you'll arrive at the topic
that you seek. This is only available on the main topic; for subtopics, you'l have to
search for them (which are listed below.) Topics are displayed in a pair of brackets
[] and subtopics are displayed using a slash \. Makes it easier for everybody, right?

| |
| [- TOPIC -] [-KEYWORD-] |
| |
| [Legal Info]................................................. _legal_ |
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| |
| [Updates/Version/History].................................... _uvh_ |
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| |
| [FAQ Index].................................................. _index_ |
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| |
| [Introduction]............................................... _intro_ |
| \- About The Author |
| \- Chronology Of The Prince Of Persia Series |
| |
| |
| [The Story].................................................. _cerita_ |
| \- Characters And People To Meet |
| |
| |
| [Controller Options/Basic Gameplay].......................... _main_ |
| \- Neutral Controls & In-Game Commands [IBM, Macintosh] |
| \- Running, Jumping & Climbing |
| \- The En Guarde Mode |
| \- Life Bars & Injuries |
| \- Picking Up Items |
| \- Traps, Switches & Other Evil Stuff |
| \- Loading Your Game/Advancing A Level (Manual Letters Here!) |
| |
| |
| [Full Game Walkthrough!]..................................... _walk_ |
| \- Legend, Terms & Referance |
| \- Level One : Escape From Persia |
| \- Level Two : Skull Islands |
| \- Level Three : Skull Caverns |
| \- Level Four : Skeleton Army |
| \- Level Five : Up, Up And Away |
| \- Level Six : Ruins Of The City |
| \- Level Seven : Snakes, Slabs And Floating Heads |
| \- Level Eight : Dad's Sword |
| \- Level Nine : Hi-Ho, Silver! |
| \- Level Ten : The Birdmen Fortress |
| \- Level Eleven : Higher Ground |
| \- Level Twelve : The Flaming Sword |
| \- Level Thirteen : The Temple Of The Flame |
| \- Level Fourteen : Return To Persia |
| \- Level Fifteen : Dimension X |
| |
| |
| [Completion!]................................................ _fin_ |
| \- Reward From Author |
| |
| |
| [Miscelleneous, In-Depth Info]............................... _misc_ |
| |
| |
| [Questions & Answers Section]................................ _qanda_ |
| |
| |
| [E-Mail, Fan Mail, Chain Mail, etc].......................... _mail_ |
| |
| |
| [Credits & Thank You's]...................................... _terima_kasih_ |
| |
| |
| [Contacting Me].............................................. _apa_khabar_ |
| \- Web Links |
| |
| |
| [Business Opportunity]....................................... _$$$_ |
| |
| |
| [Till We Meet Again]......................................... _jumpa_lagi_ |
| |


Hello, hello again, reader! Nice to see you again. Yes, your old buddy and long-time
veteran of the Prince Of Persia series is back, this tim with a new guide on the sequel
of the original. If you may recall, I've wrote a guide on the original DOS game Prince
Of Persia, and this time through I've written a guide on the game Prince Of Persia 2.
If I start on one, I will most certainly try to finish the other half of the series.
Unlike Prince Of Persia, which I have been playing since 1990, I only started playing
this game in 1994 - but there's still 9 years of experience then behind me. In this FAQ,
I'll refer to the character as "Prince", as there was no formal name given. Note that
this FAQ may spoil the storyline. I assume you want to win the game and I'm telling you
how, regardless of the storyline, but still, I'll try my best to keep the story alive for
you. (Don't worry; I won't give away everything, at least not all in one go.) It's fine
with me if you want to post this FAQ on your page, as long as you give credit where it's
due, and you ask my permission.


There really isn't anything much to say about me. I'm a massive fan of the POP
series, have followed Prince in his every footstep until now, and am very familiar
with the POP series - hence my guides on the games. I also enjoy a few other games,
like Virtual-On... These are the few games that I keep to my heart dearly, including
POP. Do support me and my guides in the future. To contact me via e-mail, drop me a
line at:


Replace all the exclamation marks (!) with dots (.) This is a way of preventing
extra spam in my mailbox, so that search engines can't link back to this address.
What happened to my doramail address, you ask? I do check it every once in a while,
but the server's giving so much trouble nowadays, pesetering me for all sorts of
payments and such. It appears nothing comes free these days! Anyway, my primary mail,
as of now is as follows:


But don't expect much to be coming from this address in particular. ;)

An alternate way to contact me is to come over to the web site,
where I can be contacted directly in the Forums or chatroom. Either way, shoot and I'll


In the year 1984, a little-known game named Karateka stunned the gaming world
with its fluid-like graphics and amazing animation - not to mention its brain-cracking
puzzles which left most gamers(myself included) tearing out their hair in frustration.
It was a great improvement over most of the games of that time, as virtually nobody
had seen such smooth graphics before. Invented by Jordan Mechner, the game was the
pioneer of 2D side-scrolling games back then. Its music was also very-well expressed;
it had a lot of "emotions" that suited each particular scene.

And just when people thought things couldn't get any better, Mechner came up
with a new game; Prince Of Persia. Like Karateka, this game was also a side-scrolling
2D game, but with vast improvements over the former. The game boasted even smoother
graphics than those of Karateka, and was also one of the first ever games to capitalise
on motion-capture techniques, which were still experimental at the time. This resulted
in very realistic-looking movements, and the game was an instant hit. There were two
versions available, for both Macintosh and IBM machines - and console versions became
available soon afterwards, with versions for the SNES, Sega Megadrive and NES.

There was a sequel to the original game, named Prince Of Persia II: The Shadow And
The Flame. Improved graphics, background music, a narrator for the story (yes, it
speaks!) puzzles... You name it, it had it. And yes, the mind-boggling puzzles are
back, this time much more complex, and so was the storyline. Instead of someone
staring out of an hourglass, the scenes are shown in a more cinematic syle via a
slideshow. The levels are bigger, there are more secrets, more traps, more enemies,
and more allies. The game doesn't share the same commands and controls as the original,
unfortunately - hence a bit of a disappointment there. Nevertheless, Prince Of Persia 2
is still a classic, and a worthy successor to the Prince Of Persia series.

So, if you thought Prince Of Persia was tough...

You ain't seen nothin' yet!!!

THE STORY! _cerita_



When you stowed away on a ship bound for Persia, little did you dream
that would fall in love with the Sultan’s beautiful young daughter.
Still less could you have imagined that you, an unknown adventurer with
neither wealth nor title, would win her hand and be hailed by an
adoring population as the new Prince of Persia.

In fact, the Sultan has counted on marrying his daughter, if not
to a king, then at least to a prince whose wealth and stature would
favorably complement his own. The thought of giving her up to someone
such as yourself upset the Sultan so much that he nearly
ordered your head cut off on the spot.

Only the Princess’s quick intervention saved your life. And only by
means of the most eloquent pleading (backed by copious tears) was she
able to persuade her father to grant your request.
So it was that Persia gained a new Prince.

This, at least, is how you remember it.

Until, one morning, you enter the throne room and find your place at
the Princess’s side already taken by someone who bears a disturbing
resemblance to you. Worse, even the Princess doesn’t recognize you.

At a word from the "Prince", the Sultan’s guards lay hold of you. This
is no time to argue. You break free and leap through the stained glass
window on the rooftop of the palace. With every guard in Persia
after you, you barely escape with your life by jumping onto a merchant ship.

As the wind carries you away from Persia, ever further away from the
Princess and the happiness that was all too briefly yours, you vow that
from this moment on you will live only to find your way back.
You don’t know who your enemy is, nor how you will defeat him...
But between you and the solution to his mystery lies your greatest adventure yet.



{ - PRINCE - }
Our hero. Comes from somewhere unknown to me, not much to say on his background.
Imprisoned by Jaffar, in the oriinal game and after rescuing the princess he gets
thrown into a tangled web of lies and deception... Something must be done to clear
your name and find out who masterminded the event - and take him out! Strong, very
athletic, and has seemingly infinite stamina.

{ - PRINCESS - }
Our hero's girlfriend, and the Sultan's only (young and pretty, may I add) daughter.
Married Prince after the original game, and lived happily togther with the mouse...
Well, not for long, at least. This event has turned her view towards the real Prince
a complete 180', with the imposter leading the way of Prince's doom, fading into

{ - "PRINCE" - }
An imposter who framed the real Prince and starting this whole mess - we can trace
this event back to this guy. Taking on Prince's exact form and shape, even tone of
voice he seems to have completely convinced the Princess that he is the real Prince.
Who is he? Why is he here? And most importantly, what is he capable of?

To be continued...

{ - JAFFAR - }
Vizier of the Sultan, and one of the most trusted men in the entire kingdom - came
to power via black magic. A powerful sorcerer, the Grand Vizier Jaffar uses his
black magic to strike fear into the heart of the people. Died in the original game
after being killed by Prince during a swordfight (I pushed him down the ridge, FYI).
Whether Jaffar still lives, and even more so as the orchestrator of this whole event
remains to be known; but if anyone could come up with something as slick as this
he's the man to look for.

{ - SULTAN - }
We can trace this whole mess back to one person - the genius that is the Sultan
of Persia. Go to war and leave the kingdom in the hands of the Grand Vizier named
Jaffar and inilah akibatnya. (This is the result.) The game never tells you anything
whatsoever about the Sultan because he doesn't play a major part here, except that
Prince almost got executed by him (which was in the manual anyway). You never get
to see him, in fact!

{ - GUARDS - }
The guards in the lower parts of the dungeon are mainly the drabs of the Sultan's
corps, as the more elite guards are placed high in the palace towers, where they
are directly responsible for the safety of the Princess and Sultan. This quote
taken from the Prince Of Persia manual.

Aha, it appears the undead make a comeback in this series. Found in the caves of the
mystery island, they cannot be killed and will constantly annoy you, whether solo or
in vast numbers. Either way, expect a lot of resistance...

{ - CARPET - }
Flying transport that takes you from one place to another. Does not seem to have any
feelings whatsoever unlike the carpet in Aladdin; this one will gladly smash you against
the wall/gate/grille, and kill you outright to get to its destination. Nothing will stop
its way, so be careful with this one...

{ - SNAKE - }
A poisonous snake. Appears out of cracks and one bite will kill you instantly. Found in
the Ruins Of The City; too bad antivenom wasn't available then.

Feel free to call them anything you want... Freaking heads, unidentified floating objects,
pontianak; just some ideas there. (A pontianak, in Malay would refer to a ghost of a
head flying around looking for pregnant women to suck blood off their offspring. Perhaps
that's where Mechner got the inspiration from, ha-ha!) Anyway, the floaing heads are
extremely hard to kill - timing is everything. Taking out one is bad enough, and at
times you'll have to fight three at a time. Haunts the Runis of the Palace to no end,
you will surely have a tough time against these things.

{ - SILVER - }
Another form of transport, Silver is a marble horse that comes to life in the game.
Just to get you from one place to another - there are no obstacles here so no need
to worry about geting squashed. A one-time use only.

{ - SHADOW - }
An evil part of you that gets separated when you jump through the mirror, Shadow
causes havoc wherever he goes - but that was in the original game. After the merge
in the ending, you and Shadow are one and the same; rumour has it that you can turn
into Shadow at will, when cornered and at the expense of your lifespan, but whether
this is true or not remains to be seen. As it is now, it is safe to dismiss it as a

{ - BIRDMAN - }
Guardians of the Birdmen Fortress. They will risk life and limb to eliminate and destroy
any intruder who is foolish enough to enter the Fortress, and will do so with gusto.
One of the mystic races of the past, and according to ancient folklore really did exist
at one time in history. Who knows, it might just be true...


These are covered in the manual, and are for the keyboard, but I'll just place
them here for reference. The keys are different from the original Prince Of Persia,
as you will see. Also note that Prince Of Persia II has a lot of alternate keys for
the directional buttons. Unless there happens to be a two-player function, or even a
3-player function, I don't find this to be of much use.

{- UP/E/I button -}
Prince takes a small hop upwards with arms raised. If there are some loose slabs above
you, hop to touch them and they will fall. Also used to scale ledges and to jump. Note
that each hop will move you slightly forward. In the En Guarde stance (swordfighting),
the up button is used to block an attack.

{- DOWN/D/K button -}
Prince ducks on the ground. The crouch will last as long as the button is held. Used
to scale down ledges, and moves you slightly forward with every crouch. In the En Guarde
stance, this will put your sword back in its scabbard - as much as I don't remember him
having one!

{- LEFT/S/J button -}
Prince turns to the left. Prince will run forward for a short distance if tapped, and
will run continuously if held.

{- RIGHT/F/L button -}
Prince faces the right of the screen. As above, Prince runs forward for a short distance
if button is tapped, and runs continuously if button is held.

{- Page UP/O/R button -}
When pressed, Prince jumps to the RIGHT. Use this if you're unsure whether pressing
UP + Directional Button will work, or if you have trouble consistently executing them.

{- INSERT/I/Q button -}
When pressed, Prince jumps to the LEFT.

{- SHIFT button -}
Utility button. Used to hang on to ledges, walk slowly, and pick up stuff.

{- CONTROL button -}
Used to draw your sword, and to fight. Unlike in Prince Of Persia, you can draw your
sword anytime you want in this game, without a guard around. The command button has
since been replaced by the ALT key. Can also be used as the utility button, but will
conflict with the sword-drawing animation.

{- SPACEBAR button -}
Shows you the amount of time you have left. This only applies for the later part of
the game, where you have 75 minutes to save the Princess. Awww, man! Not again!?

{- Alt+G -}
Saves game. Now, the save game function has been completely revamped. You can save
anywhere you want, anytime, and you can save up to 10 games at a time. You even get
to rename each and every one of your saved files! Note that you can only load from a
checkpoint, or from the beginning of a level.

{- Alt+L -}
Loads a saved game. Press this anytime to load a game, unlike Prince Of Persia where
you have to press it during the intro screen.

{- Alt+R -}
Restarts game; Back to the intro screen

{- Alt+A -}
Restarts level. This will only reset the current level you are on in case you get
stuck. Note that time will still flow here.

{- Alt+K -}
Sets the controls to Keyboard Mode. Use this if your keyboard doesn't function properly.
Apart from "How to quit the game", I also get the question "I can't move at all"
frequently. This happens frequently in POP1, but in POP2, they seem to have replaced
the default controller with the keyboard. Change the configuration using the "Setup"
program in the game directory.

{- Alt+J -}
Sets the controls to Joystick Mode. Use this to refresh your gamepad/joystick.

{- Alt+Q -}
Quits to DOS. People love to ask me about "How to quit the game." Control+Q also
works here too, surprisingly.

{- Alt+S -}
Turns sound ON/OFF, along with the music.

{- Alt+V -}
Shows the version of the game. This command isn't included in the manual.

{- Alt+M -}
Turns the background music ON/OFF. Compatible with Sound Blaster only.

{- Alt+O -}
Goes to the "Options" menu.

{- Alt+H -}
Goes to "Hall Of Fame".

{- Escape button -}
Pauses the game. They removed the single-frame movement function here, unfortunately,
so it's used strictly for pausing. Press anything else to resume.


Remember Prince Of Persia 1? Where when you load a game, or advance a level, where
you had to open the manual (or my walkthrough) to get past the security system? Well,
it's back. A bit less confusing, but it's back. This time, instead of coming to a room
with potions (which I happened to like) you come to a menu, and a bunch of weird symbols,
where it states "Select the symbol that appears on page X of the manual". You have 3
tries. If you fail on all 3 occasions, the game will automatically quit and say "Copy
protection error" in DOS. Much more stringent than Prince Of Persia 1, I see. Of course,
there's a backdoor to everything, and I'll exploit it here. The location of the symbols
are fixed, which means that I can give you each and every symbol without looking at the
picture using its location!

Here they are in order, 10 altogether, arranged in a 2x5 pattern.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

And here are the pages for them:

Pages 1 & 19.......... 8-Sided Cross (3)
Pages 2 & 12.......... 8-Sided Star (2)
Page 3................ Square (8)
Pages 4 & 16.......... Strange Wavy Pattern (5)
Pages 5 & 7........... Sunflower (1)
Pages 6 & 15.......... Round Diamond (6)
Pages 8 & 17.......... Mosque Dome (4)
Pages 9 & 13.......... Thin Diamond (9)
Pages 10 & 18......... Woven Pattern (10)

There you go. A complete list of codes, for Prince Of Persia 2. Contact me if
you run into any problems.


Now that you know the basic controls, let's put them to good use. To run, hold
the left or right button. To jump, you have to press both UP and the direction you
want to jump to simultaneously. To do an extended jump, begin with a running start.
Your character will jump at the last moment, so when you are about 1 slab away from
the ledge, while still holding the run button, press up. This will come in very handy
to clear long distances.

If you hold SHIFT while trying to run, nothing happens. SHIFT is used for walking,
and each step equals to one tap of the LEFT or RIGHT. You can use this to clear unsure
areas (broken slabs, spikes, pits) where Prince will take a step, then suddenly put
his leg in, as if he's unsure whether to step on it or not (i.e. Try stepping of a ledge.)
This only happens once, as a warning. Do it again and Prince goes "Okay, if you say so."
and walks anyway. To climb, you have to be near a ledge that has another ledge on top
of it. You can also join SHIFT after a jump/running jump to hang on to a nearby ledge.
Note that during a running jump, in POP2, the timing is much more stringent than POP1,
where you run, you jump, and Prince will automatically align himself to the edge before
he jumps off. Not here. Your timing (pressing UP) counts a lot here, and you might find
yourself with a mouthful of spikes if you make a mistake - or if the controls don't

When you are near a ledge, hold the UP button. Tapping it will make Prince touch the
edge of the ledge (no puns intended) while holding it will make Prince climb it. You
don't have to align yourself perfectly to the ledge to climb it, Prince isn't that
stupid. All you have to do is to go close to it, and Prince will align himself when
you press UP. You can hang on to a ledge by holding SHIFT. The amount of time you hang
on to the ledge is entirely up to you, as it depends on how long the SHIFT button is held,
provided you are motionless. But, if you are hanging and swinging, then Prince can only
hang on for a certain period of time before he falls (to his doom or otherwise). Speaking
of doom, you can only survive a 2-storey drop, which will eat a single bullet of your
life bar. A 3-storey drop will kill you instantly, no matter how much life you have.
In certain areas, Prince has to crawl. Do this by holding DOWN + any directional button.
Note that you can't crawl anywhere you like; This is strictly for certain areas, i.e.
horizontal cutters.

Note that you need at least 2 steps to run and jump - or else you'll just run off the
ledge. Also, unlike POP1, Prince cannot run and jump off the edge that is a loose slab.
I've tried, and failed repeatedly - but works sometimes, still very much inconsistent.
There are some exceptions to this, and you'll see it later in the game.

Swinging is a new addition to the game. Did you know that when hanging on an open ledge
with no support, the direction of your swing influences your direction of fall? For an
example, whlie hanging off a ledge, when Prince swings to the right you'll land slightly
on the right; and same goes if he swings to the left. The key is letting go at the exact
point of his direction of swing and you can (slightly) dictate your landing point.


What is En Guarde mode? In French, it means "On Guard", meaning to be on standby for
a duel. In POP2, the guys at Broderbund changed the controls to what they are now. You
automatically own a sword, without having to look for one. If you press the Control
button or confront a guard, Prince draws his sword and goes in a one-on-one fight with
the guard (or nobody, if you draw your sword for no reason). I guess the explanation
for the controls would be that Shift button is frequently used... Walking, hanging...
So if you could draw your sword, that would probably conflict with the Shift button,
and they changed it to the Control button.

During this mode, Neutral moves are no longer present. The moves are now:

{- UP/I/W button -}
Prince guards against an attack. Anticipate when your opponent will strike. When he
does, block, and follow up with a strike of your own. Every block will push you back
by a bit.

{- DOWN/K/S button -}
Prince puts his sword back in his scabbard, and while doing so, reverts back to Neutral
mode. If a guard strikes you in Neutral mode, it's curtains, unless you are facing his
way when that happens. Use this to run away from fights, but only if you are at a safe

{- LEFT/A/J button -}
Prince moves one step to the left.

{- RIGHT/D/L button -}
Prince moves one step to the right.

{- Control/I/W button -}
Prince draws his sword. You can do this anytime, anywhere unlike POP1. Makes sense for
once. In the original game your sword can only be drawn when a guard or enemy is around?
Must there be a guard around for that to happen? (POP1) Anyway, use this to attack a
guard. Sometimes a guard may block your attack, and will follow up with a strike. If
you don't block immediately, you may get injured. If you block, the attack will usually
end there, and you can also follow it up with a strike of your own. However, sometimes,
guards will block your attack again and follow up with a strike. Now, this can go on
forever, with you blocking and attacking and him doing so too. In this case, just mash
the UP and Control buttons together repeatedly to engage in a long swordfight, and hope
that you get a strike or two in. Note that this is particularly difficult to execute
in POP2 as are the same with other POP1 physics, so you'll have to bear with it.

You can switch places with a guard during a swordfight by moving to the left or right.
When you move past a guard,Prince will turn to the opposite side to face the guard.
Use this if you want to kill the guard quicky (i.e. there's a pit behind him) or just
to see him come to a gory end (there's a cutter behind him). After you finish off a guard,
a song comes out, meaning that you've just killed someone.

NOTE: The En Guarde mode isn't so strict about a guard striking you in Neutral mode
any more, where you die instantly. They loosened it up a bit, so if you are facing
an enemy in Neutral mode and he strikes you, you won't die but lose one bottle
of life. Of course, if you're facing backwards in Neutral mode and a guard strikes
you, it's curtains. And also note that there CAN and WILL be more than one guard
in a screen. They will wait for one to die before attacking, but if they're at 2
positions (one front, and one back) they will attack without waiting from both
sides simultaneously, and you're toast.

There's a special technique that I developed for quick fights, called the Single Frame
Cancel (SFC). This way saves a lot of time when killing an enemy, eliminating the post-
victory sequence of frames where Prince takes a long time to re-sheath his sword back
in the scabbard. Just after the kill (after the guard dies) hold DOWN. Prince will
instantly cancel the victory frames and sheath his sword back within an instant. This
may not seem like much, but consider it when chasing time, or a closing gate... Just
another addition to your arsenal of tactics.
for time


Now, during gameplay, you can see on the bottom-left corner of the screen are 3
bullets, like the original game - Except that the bullet shapes have been replaced
by bottles of some sort, which look strangely similar to the human heart. Each full
bottle represents a bullet of life. For every injury you sustain, some life will be
lost. A lost life will be replaced by an empty bottle. You can extend your life to
more than this, but only if you find special potions (LEPs). Here are a list of some
light (and severe injuries).

Examples of light injuries include;

- Getting hit by a broken/loose slab
- A two-storey fall
- Getting struck by a guard in the En Guard stance
- Drinking Evil Potions/Un-approved FDA potions
- Getting hit by a dart gun



There are numerous others besides; find out for yourself.


Along the game, you will see a bunch of stuff that you can pick up by pressing
SHIFT while close. Here's a list of them:

{~ Short Sword ~}
A small sword used to replace your own, as you will lose it in Level 5. A bit small
perhaps, but it gets the job done.
First appearance : Level 6
Found in : Level 6
Classification : Better than nothing

{~ Magical Sword ~}
Somewhat like your original sword, this sword once belonged to Prince's father.
Bigger, better and does more damage to them floating heads. Seems to have
magical powers...
First appearance : Level 8
Found in : Level
Classification : Smash them 'eads with this

{~ Healing Potion ~}
Heals your life by one bottle. Looks like a goblet, instead of a gourd.
First appearance : Level 3
Found in : Throughout the entire game
Classification : Friendly

{~ Evil Potion ~}
Eats one life bar if drank. To differentiate between a Healing Potion and a Evil Potion,
look at the bubbles. Healing Potions have RED bubbles, while Evil Potions have BLUE.
For all of you who still play this game on black-and-white monitors, you're going to
have to guess. There is a slight difference in bubbles, but I'm not sure which one is
First appearance : Level 3
Found in : Level 3, Level 8
Classification : Evil stuff

{~ Life Extension Potion, aka LEF ~}
Extends your life by one bottle, while healing any other injuries. Comes in a vase
instead of a goblet.
First appearance : Level 3
Found in : Throughout the game
Classification : Friendly

{~ Reversal Potion ~}
Turns the whole screen upside down. Controls remain the same, it's only the point of view
that changes. Also comes in a vase like a Life Extension Potion. To differentiate between
these, again, look at the bubbles. LEPs have RED bubbles, and other potions in vases have
GREEN. To set the screen back, you have to find and drink another Reversal Potion. Unlike
in POP1, the UP and DOWN controls are completely reversed during this state, but the LEFT
and RIGHT remain the same.
First appearance : Level 6
Found in : Level 6
Classification : Joke

{~ Anti-Reversal Potion ~}
Drink this during inverted mode to return the screen and controls back to the original
First Appearance : Level 6
Found in : Level 6
Classification : Joke

{~ Landing Buffer Potion, aka LBP ~}
Will buffer your landing when taken. A strange song will linger about, and when
you jump, you will float down to the ground, in which case you can jump down from
a ridiculous height and survive. The song lasts as long as the effect, so if the
song disappears, the buffering does too, and you'll plummet to the ground like a
First appearance : Level Four
Found in : Level Four
Classification : Friendly

{~ Karnov Potion ~}
A new addition to the aformentioned things above, the Karnov Potion summons a small
genie that will open a certain gate for you at Level 12. Nothing else. Why Karnov,
you ask? The little genie reminds me of a character named Karnov from my NES days,
that's what...

Well, those are all the things I know about. Any others?


Throughout the dungeon, there are a lot of trap doors, switches, and instant-kill
machines. I'm listing all of them down here.

{~ Gate-opening switch ~}
Used to open a gate barring an area. The gate will remain open for a certain period of
time before closing. Once the time finishes, the gate will start to close, bit by bit.
The gate will remain open as long as the switch is continuously held.(i.e. you make a
slab drop on it, kill a guard on it). The gate-opening switch doubles as a trap in the
Skull Caves; else it just remains a regular gate switch.
First appearance : Level 3 & above
Found in : Throughout the entire game
Classification : Switch/Trap in The Skull Caves, just plain switch elsewhere

{~ Gate-closing switch ~}
A trap used to shut a gate down before its time expires. The gate shuts down instantly
with a THWACK! You may get trapped, but this device mainly wastes time, as the gate
you have opened suddenly closes, and you have to press the gate-opening switch again.
This device cannot work if it is held down. If the trap is held down, by something,
and when you open the gate, nothing happens, so the gate can no longer close instantly.
For the Skull Caves, the above applies directly.
First appearance : Level 3
Found in : Throughout the entire game
Classification : Trap/Switch in The Skull Caves, just trap anywhere else

{~ Level switch ~}
The switch which opens the door to the next level. Often put in awkward and hard-to-reach
places, you normally have to get past some obstacles to hit the switch. Once activated,
the door will remain open, waiting for you to step in.
First appearance : Level 3
Found in : Every level has one of these. Well, not really, but most do!
Classification : Switch

{~ Loose slabs ~}
These slabs can be anywhere. They could be below you or above you. The only way to tell
the difference between a loose slab and a firm one is by hopping (UP button). Hop and
all loose slabs will shake, giving them away. You can run across loose slabs, but remain
idle for too long and you go down with it. There are 2 types of loose slabs:

a) Delayed reaction
b) Instantaneous

As the names above, delayed slabs are your typical loose slabs. Jump and they'll shake,
giving them away. As for the instantaneous slabs, the slightest movement sends them
tumbling to the ground - and anything that happens to be on it at the time. Note that
even the normal loose slabs can only be shaken 3 times before they drop, unlike the
previous game. Beware of these...
First appearance : Level 3
Found in : Throughout the entire game
Classification : Cheap materials

{~ Flip-Flop slabs ~}
These slabs are traps. The slightest movement activates them, but unlike instantaneous
loose slabs, these things flip over vertically, sending any unfortunate being to the
ground below, more often than not ending up in:

a) A pit
b) A crusher
c) A set of spikes
d) Most certainly doom and disaster.

You won't see them until you jump or step on them. Really have to be alert, this one.
First Appearance : Level 10
Found in : Level 10
Classification : Trap

{~ Pits ~}
Ah, the classic fall of doom. Who hasn't seen one of these? These pits are incredibly
deep, and falling into them forces you to restart the level.
First appearance : Level 1
Found in : Throughout the entire game
Classification : Free trip to hell

{~ Lava Pits ~}
A puddle filled with volcanic lava. Step into one of these and you're toast. No, really.
If you fall inside, the game helpfully makes a sound sound like something's being fried
to a crisp, apparently trying to stress on the point that you actually got fried alive.
Pshhhh... Ouchie!
First appearance : Level 3
Found in : Level 3 to Level 5
Classification : Just joking, this is the free trip to hell

{~ Dart Guns ~}
Little guns that shoot pellets at you. Activated by a switch, they only fire if you step
on 'em. Not much of a threat, but you will lose a bottle of life if you get hit by their
pellets. To avoid, crouch and walk forward - the pellet will miss you completely, and you
get past.
First appearance : Level 3
Found in : Level 3 to Level 5
Classification : Annoying little things, but beware if you're low on health

{~ Spikes ~}
These spikes have sensors that seem pretty advanced for ancient Persia. They react
instantly to any life form within its sensor range. If you fall on one of these,
you can join Barnum & Bailey's Circus as "The Amazing Human Pincushion". You'll
normally find these at the bottom of ledges or pits, waiting for any foolish being
to fall, but are sometimes placed along the floor. To get across these, take step-
by-step, or if you think you can, run and jump over them. If you try to run straight
across, Prince will trip and PSSIOK! - Ouch. You can do short runs across ground-level
spikes, but you can never run at full speed directly across them. Does not appear to
exist in Prince Of Persia 2.
First appearance : N/A
Found in : N/A
Classification : Evil stuff

{~ Horizontal Spikes ~}
Man, I hate these things! These are placed on walls, so if you run/jump into them,
or even try to scale down the wall, these spikes come out with a PSSIOK! And you
can see another death animation for Prince, not to mention joining Barnum & Bailey's.
You can walk up to them, but don't even think of running. Amazing how ancient Persians
can think of these, huh?
First appearance : Level 3
Found in : Level 3 and above
Classification : Evil stuff

{~ Cutters ~}
Interesting. A pair of evil-looking blades that snap shut and open again at intervals.
If you have bad timing, step in one of these and... Well, let's just say all the king's
horses and all the king's men (not to mention surgeons) couldn't put Prince together
again. The intervals are slower when there is a guard around and become slightly faster
when the guard dies. Once again, this does not appear to exist in Prince Of Persia 2.
First appearance : N/A
Found in : N/A
Classification : Evil stuff

{~ Horizontal Cutters ~}
You thought cutters were bad enough? Well, look at these. Perhaps a replacement for the
original things, these are even more discreet. Basically a curved blade placed in a slit
on the wall, most people barely notice it until it springs out. Once Prince's in range,
this evil blade springs out and severs you in half. To get past these, you have to crawl
underneath them - or lose your lower body. You can run and jump across them, but it very
rarely works - I've only managed this a few times out of probably a hundred. Until I get
the insanely stringent timing right (which I have yet to execute consistently) I'd say
it's safe to crawl underneath them for now.
First appearance : Level 6
Found in : Level 6 and above
Classification : Evil stuff

{~ Crushers ~}
Author: Look closely. What do you see?
Prince: A wall.
Author: Look again.
Prince: Seriously, I can't see anything but a wall.
Author: Look REALLY closely.
Prince: Well, it seems to be closing in on me. Getting closer... And closer...

And SPLAT! Whaddaya know, I'm crushed to death. Placed at the side of a wall,
normally in a pit, this giant slab of concrete crushes you against the side of
the wall, reducing you to a bloody pulp. Virtually impossible to identify, you
only know they exist when it's too late.
First appearance : Level 10
Found in : Level 10 to Level 13
Classification : Evil stuff

# Did I mention how to activate the switches? Just step on 'em and they'll work.
As for the level door, to enter, press hop while in front of it - provided the
door is open, of course.

# In the Skull Caves, switches double as traps.



{~ LEP ~}
Life Extension Potion

{~ LBP ~}
Landing Buffer Potion

{~ Potion -}
Healing Potion, unless stated otherwise

{~ Stuff To Pick Up ~}

{~ Level Difficulty ~}
Given on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the easiest and 10 being the hardest for the
level excluding the guards.

{~ Enemy Difficulty ~}
As above, a scale of 1-10, for the enemies in the level.

{~ Detour ~}
Describes a list of all alternative exits to a certain level. This is either through
a totally different path and level door, or a separate path that ends at the same
point. The former is marked as "Alternate Exit".



In ancient Persia... There lived a Sultan who had an only daughter...
...whose beauty was like the moonrise in a clear heaven.
Now it happened that the Sultan left his kingdom, to fight in a foreign land.
In his absence, the Princess fell in love with a young traveller who climbed the
palace walls to see her. This did not please the Sultan's Grand Vizier who meant
to marry the Princess himself. Seizing power, Jaffar had his rival thrown into the
dungeons, but the young man escaped and struck down the evil magician.

(Prince Of Persia 1 theme song appears during this scene.)

When he learned of the Vizier's treachery, The Sultan offered riches...
...but the stranger requested one reward.
And so the young lovers were wed and they lived happily...
...Well, for eleven days.

One the Prince stands between the doors of the throne room...
A coldness like a shadow passes over him. As he approaches the throne...
He feels the eyes of the court upon him. The Princess and Sultan stare at him.

Prince: "Princess, why do you look at me so strangely?"

(Princess stares at Prince for a while. Suddenly, another Prince emerges from the
shadows behind her.)

"Prince": "How dare you speak to the Princess! Guards! Seize him! Seize him!"

Princess: "Don't hurt him! He's just a poor mad beggar."

Guards: "After him! Don't him let him get away!"

"Prince": "Don't worry, my dear." He won't get far.

(Jaffar's face morphs, replacing that of "Prince's".)


Stuff to pick up : N/A
Level Difficulty : 3
Enemy Difficulty : 2

Crash! Boom! Bang! That's the sound you hear when you smash out of the window, like
in the movies. As I said, every guard in Persia is after your butt! Time to pull off a
Houdini act. Face the guard to your left. Kill him! To your right is a pit, a.k.a doom.
Now move to your left. Get rid of any guard you meet along the way. Run and jump across
the pit on the left, and climb up the ledge you see there. There are a number of guards
behind you, and one about to jump from the ledge, so climb it quick! Jump past the pit,
walk to the end and climb down.

At the second area, you should be standing on the roof of a shop or something. To
your right is a dead end. When I say dead end, I mean DEAD END, i.e. walk there and
you get killed for no reason. It's not important, so run and jump to the left. Keep
doing so until you come to the end of the dock. You see a ship sailing away. Quick!
Run, jump, and hang on to the ship as it sails away! Allright! You've made it! (If
you didn't make it, don't worry. You'll continue from the roof of the shop instead
of the entire level.)

Jaffar... You are gonna pay for this!

Hence starts the adventure of a lifetime... Or was that in Prince Of Persia 1?


STORY: The Prince leaves Persia as he arrived, a stowaway on a merchant ship...
Known to none, scorned by all. "Come to me!" says a voice. As Prince is
awakened by the voice, Jaffar blows up a violent storm, and a bolt of
lightning strikes the ship! The breaks in half, and you find yourself
marooned on a desert island...

Stuff to pick up : N/A
Level Difficulty : 1
Enemy Difficulty : N/A

As the story above said, you should find yourself just waking up on a beach. To the
right is the wreck of your ship. There's no way you can fix it by yourself, and besides,
it leads to a dead end. If you keep going, you should hit a switch. I have no idea what
this is for. Some help, anyone? Anyway, go to the left, and you should see a huge rock,
blocking the entrance to a cave. Don't walk on the quicksand. Yes, that's quicksand!
Try and you'll be buried six feet under (maybe more, if you're unlucky). Wait and 6
slabs will pop up. On one of them is a symbol that matches the one on the huge rock.
Avoid that at all costs. Step on all the blank slabs, and they will dissolve into the
sand. Then, the door will open. If you stepped on the slab with the symbol, game over.
The door won't open, and you have to press ALT+A.


Okay, time to open the manual, and look for "The symbol that appears on page X of
the manual". Once you get it right, you'll find yourself in the skull caverns.
Lots of traps here, so beware!

Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
Evil Potions
Level Difficulty : 3
Enemy Difficulty : 5

(Detour #2 starts here.) You come out of the level door. To the left is a dead end.
Go to the right, and climb down two storeys. When you reach the bottom, you see a
door, a skeleton, and a dart gun on the left. Ignore it and proceed to the right,
where you will see two more dart guns. Once past them, you should see two switches,
a gate, and a pit. Okay, so maybe it's not a gate. A stone door, to be accurate. Note
that this door can crush you if you stay underneath it when it closes, so be careful!
Anyway, both switches open the stone door ahead. If you step on any of them when
the door is open(ing), press any switch to shut it down. In the Skull Caves, all
switches work two ways, as a trap and as a switch. Knowing when to step on them
may lead to your survival.

Go through the door, ingore the switch you see, and climb down. On the platform
is a loose slab. To your left is a door, a switch, and some horizontal spikes.
Behind that door is an LEP. Grab it, but don't fall on the horizontal spikes. Near
the LEP is a lava pit, and a switch. This is a trap. Evil! Don't even think about
touching that switch. Wait! *Sigh* I told you so. Press ALT+A. There is no way of
getting back up. Anyway, after getting the LEP, go right and you see a skeleton and
a lava pit. Carefully jump over it, and draw your sword. Why? Because the skeleton
will come alive, like in POP1! This time, the skeleton has a life bar, so you can kill
him, but it's only a matter of time before he comes alive again. Okay, proceed to the
right to find a door, a switch on a platform, and a pit. Hit the switch, jump to the
door, and go to the right.

(Detour #1 here.) Ignore the switch, and climb down. There will be a dart gun beneath
you, and a loose slab on top of it where you are standing. Drop the switch on the dart
gun to smash it, so it won't shoot annoying pellets at you. Head to the right again,
and you should see the level door. Drop the loose slab on the switch, to open the door
on the right. Get past it, scale up the platforms there, hit the switch, and enter the
level door. Don't fall in the lava pit!

{- Detour #1: Alternate Exit -}

Instead of climbing down as mentioned above, you can also head to the left and climb
down. You should see an LEF and a skeleton there - as you fall, hold SHIFT to hang on
to the ledge. Pick up the LEF and JUMP DOWN. Yes, JUMP. Don't climb; you'll risk eating
a strike from behind which will kill you off like that - and waste all your hard work.
The skeleton should come alive now; don't panic, step backwards to activate the switch
behind you. Now, swap places with the skeleton and run! Run like the wind! Allright,
made it, and another LEF for your health collection. Now, climb up the ledge you see
(don't get too close; there are spikes on the wall, I found out the hard way) and head
left. Crouch and walk forward to get past the dart gun, and climb up in the next screen.
You should see a Healing Potion - but unless you want to get fried alive I wouldn't
reccommend it. Climb up the left side, head left again, crouch past the dart gun, climb
up and keep going until you come to a two ledges - one on the right, and the other on
the left (where the door is.) This is a trap - DO NOT CLIMB UP THE LEFT LEDGE. The slab
is loose and you'll join the skeleton in the pit if you attempt to climb up. Anyway,
climb up the right ledge, jump across, open the door and hurry! Run and jump across
the pit separating you from the other door; you don't have any time! Any slower
and your attempts to climb up will result in you being made into mashed potatoes.

Allright, you're in. Drop the slab to hit the Level Switch and you're home free!

{- Detour #2: Shortcut to Detour #1 -}

Of course, there's a much quicker and easier way to get to the level door anyway.
From the beginning of the stage, head to the left. Get past the dart gun and climb
up, still heading left. Take the lower platform; don't climb up to the Healing Potion.
From there, climb down. Carefully, carefully drop the loose slab on your right. This
slab will mash the switch to open the door on the left. Don't climb down; it's too
high and you'll end up cracking your skull open. Go through the door and climb down
from there. You should see a skeleton, and some spikes below. Jump over the spikes
and kill off the skeleton (I ran from the fight; much easier.) Now, you should see
the Level Door - drop the slab on the right to hit the switch and open it.


NOTE: The stone doors in the Skull Caves can, and will crush you to death if you remain
underneath them for too long.


STORY: Meanwhile... The Sultan's enemies are marching against Persia.
No sooner has the Sultan left for battle, than the new "Prince"
seizes power. Princess writes a letter to her father, saying:

"Dear father, my heart is broken. The Prince has betrayed your trust.
You must return with your army and take back your throne.

Suddenly "Prince" barges in, and spots the contents of the letter!

Princess: Oh no!

(Once again, Jaffar's face replaces that of the fake Prince's. I'll refer
to him as "Jaffar".)

News of the Princess's sudden ilness stuns the kingdom. Amid growing
unrest, the "Prince" declares martial law, and a reign of terror is
loosed upon the land.

In this scene, you see Princess in a coma, with her pet mouse from POP1 beside
her. From now onwards, you have 75 minutes to save the Princess.

Here we go again...

Stuff to pick up : Healing Potion
Evil Potion
Level Difficulty : 3
Enemy Difficulty : 2

(Detour #2 starts here.) Now, start of Level Four. You start at a junction. You have
two choices; Left or right. The path on the right leads to a door, separated by a pit.
(Detour # starts here.) Inside the door, is a dead end. Climb down at the expense of
a life bottle. You should land on a switch, and the door should open. Climb up the
platform, head to the right, and jump past the horizontal spikes you see there. Take
the potion, and climb down. Go to the right, past another set of horizontal spikes.
You see an LEP, with two stone doors blocking it. Step on the switch and drink the LEP
as soon as you can, and get out of there. All you have to do is to get past the second
door. The switch in the middle activates the first door, so you can get out. If you
failed, you can climb down via a pit on your left, which leads to an Evil potion, a
skeleton, and ultimately, a dead end. Alt+A, please.

Once you acquire the LEP, head left and climb down the pit. You will be standing on
a platform, and there is a dart gun on your left. That's your destination. Now, read
carefully. Carefully walk to the extreme RIGHT edge of the platform. From there, jump
over to your left. You should be able to make it. This requires you to align yourself
to the ledge; One wrong calculation and you end up in the lava pit below. Once you're
across, carefullywalk to the left. You see a huge pit. Climb down, and climb down again
(2 floors total).

You should now be standing next to the level door. Now to open it... Head right.
Hit the switch to open the door. Run in. Go to the end to activate the level switch.
Hmm... There's an awful lot of skeletons here... This can't be good. After activating
the level switch, run! Run like there's no tommorow, as the skeletons will come alive
and run after you! You may be able to take out one or two skeletons, but a whole army
of them? I'd recommend running away. While running back to the level door, remember to
hit the switch that opens the door that you came through in the first place! Run! Okay,
you're out. Hit the switch again! Close the door! Pheew. Now that things are a bit
relaxed, you can enter the level door with ease.

{- Detour #1: Super-shortcut -}

From the door, climb down and let go during the swing to the right. Fall to lose one
life bullet; now, jump over to the left. Collect the LBP lying there and jump down.
You should now be standing next to the level door. See above for instruction on how
to open the door.

{- Detour #2: Alternate Route -}

Instead of jumping over to the right, let's go to the left instead. Climb down and you
come to a junction. Either way you take will get you to the Level Door eventually - let's
take the easier way, on the right. Head right, ignore the Healing Potion (you can't get
it anyway), and climb down. Ho to the platform on the left and climb down from there.
Climb down the left ledge again. Keep going down the left ledge until you land on a
spot with a dart gun and a skeleton on the right. Hold SHIFT - this will drop a loose
slab onto the dart gun and disable it, leaving you with only the skeleton to deal with.
(Note the spikes on the left end.) Now, kill off the skeleton , jump past the lava pit
and ta-da! Instructions to open the door can be found above.

NOTE: The skeletons will only come after you when you run past them for the second time,
on the way out. Else, they'll only move and shudder but will never wake up.


Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
Level Difficulty : 3
Enemy Difficulty : 2

Start of Level Five. You can't open the door on the left, so go right. Climb up the
platform, jump past the spikes, and prepare to draw your sword to block an attack.
Kill the skeleton or push him into the lava pit. Frying someone alive is always fun,
no? Ha-ha! Head right again. You see two doors, a set of spikes, a dart gun and a switch
below a platform. You'll have to sacrifice one bottle of life for this. Hit the dart
gun switch, which will open both doors. Go to the next screen, where you will see 2
dart guns. They pose no threat, as the switches to activate them are below loose slabs.
Just run across to the next screen.

In the next room, you see a carpet lying around in the middle. What would a carpet
be doing here? Of course! It's a flying carpet! This will be your ticket out of the
Skull Caves, in case you're wondering. Just go to the middle of the carpet, and press
DOWN to activate it. Note that there is a gate above you. You can try to board the carpet
now, and...


So you see, if you try to ride the carpet with the gate closed, the carpet will turn
you into spaghetti by squashing you between itself and the gate above. The switch for
the gate is located on the top-right corner of the screen, on the platform. Well, we
solved the location... Now to actually get there. Okay, here goes. Head to your right.
You should be in the middle of two platforms. Go to the bottom platform, carefully walk
to the edge, and jump down. You should end up on another platform. Now, you have to zig-
zag from platform to platform. Jump to the one on your left, then the one on your right,
all in all 2 screens. At the bottom, climb down the ledge on the left. You should end up
on another ledge. Now jump to the right. Head right, until you see a door, a potion and
a dart gun. Hit the switch to open the door, and go in.

Head right. Note that the dart gun's switch is located just on the ledge, so if you
take the potion, you'll still get hit by its pellet. Anyway, after heading right, you
see a lava pit and a platform above it. Ignore the entire setup and proceed to the right.
You will come to a series of ledges, and another lava pit. Continue by scaling up the
ledges on your left. When you reach the next screen, again, climb the ledges to your
left. You should come to a platform with a dart gun, a set of spikes, and a switch to
open the door to the left. Ignore all of these, and scale up the ledges on your right.
You then come to yet another set of ledges, really high up, and a platform on your left.
Climb up all of them, but watch for the loose slab!

When you reach the platform, head to your left. You should get a glimpse of a switch,
and you will be on a hanging bridge, guarded by a skeleton. The skeleton's physics are
the same as the skeleton in POP1 (old bag-of-bones), where he has no life gauge, i.e
he can't be killed. The switch you just stepped on before entering the bridge opens the
door on the next screen, to the left, which in turn leads to the gate switch. Switch
sides with the skeleton, and run towards that door! Home free!

But wait! When are about 1-2 metres from the door, the door shuts, forcing you to hit
the switch again. Huh? Never mind, perhaps you didn't make in time. So you hit the switch,
fight the skeleton, and try to make past that door, guarded by a dart gun. Aw, heck!
It shut down again! What's the big idea? Okay, okay. By now, you may have realised that
if you fight the skeleton for too long on the bridge, the bridge collapses (too much
movement, perhaps) and you fall to your doom. What does this have to do with everything?
Here's what:

Absolutely nothing!

I have no idea why, but the door remains open once the bridge collapses. Now, now,
it's no time to argue about the logical probabilities of the game, but if the gate
opens, it opens. The trick is to make the bridge collapse without you going down
with it too. Here's how:

1) Switch sides with the skeleton. You will now be on the left, and 'skel should be
on the right.
2) Go to the left side of the bridge. 'Skel won't walk on the safe part, where the
bridge won't collapse, giving you a general idea where the border is.
3) Go to the edge of the border, and start hitting 'skel. Poke him like crazy!
4) Eventually, the bridge collapses, with some accompanying music, perhaps as a warning.
5) Hit Shift to hang on to the left side, and pull yourself up.

Now, the door should be open. Unless you are really low on life, ignore the dart gun.
Jump to the platform on the left, and climb up. Head left. There should be anothe dart
gun, an activation switch, and a skeleton. The gate switch is on your left, separated
by a pit. You better do this quick, before the skeleton wakes up. If he does, you're
history. Did I mention that you lost your sword when the bridge collapsed? If you were
quick, you might have seen a sword falling down on the left side of the bridge.

Well, all you have to do is to run and jump over the pit, hang on, pull yourself up,
and hit the gate switch on the left. Hah! That'll teach you to keep Prince in some
stinkin' cave! The gate then opens, and you can board the carpet. Prince sits down on
it ala Aladdin (pun intended, as I think Disney stole the idea from the game.) and Up,
Up And Away! ends here. No squash this time, hopefully (you can close the gate back
via the switch.)


STORY: You see Prince sitting on the carpet, over the blue sea, over the clouds...
He must really be high up, but he doesn't seem to suffer from decompression
or any sort of oxygen loss. The carpet drops you off at the ruins of an ancient
city... You're on your own now.

Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
Reversal Potion
Anti-reversal Potion
Level Difficulty : 3
Enemy Difficulty : 2


Remember this part below? Yes, that's a glitch, and I have recieved countless e-mails
regarding this. I suspected something was amiss - Jordan Mechner would have never made
the game so easy! The real, true, complete guide to get past this area is below this
subtopic, titled "THE REAL STUFF".

Ouch! Rough landing? Well, that's the least of your problems for now. You should be
standing at the edge of a high cliff. Take a look at the scenery around you. You seem
to be at the entrance of an abandoned city. The path to the right leads to a 100-metre
drop (maybe more), so go left. You find yourself inside an ancient... Well, dungeon of
some sort. This is the easiest level of 'em all. Perhaps there was a glitch. Perhaps I
accidentally hacked the game. Or, perhaps this is the easiest level of all. Anyway, the
minute you step into the dungeon, you find yourself standing directly beside an open
level door. Just run up and end the level. By the way, if you notice, there is a snake-
like symbol (think the letter S with a loop at its end) on the walls. You'll meet this
symbol again much later in the game. This doesn't make any sense... Oh, I forgot. Never
question the logical probabilities of this game...


Allrighty people, you've been pestering me like nothing else for the past few months,
and here's what you asked for - the real way through this paricular level. Certain
versions are hacked; i.e. the door is open, you can skip the security confirmation
screen, etc. For those of you who don't, please, PLEASE read this guide below.

Now, the door's not open, and there's no way out - so here's what. Go to the left.
You should see a loose slab, and a pit. Don't go here! (I'll explain later on what
this does.) Head to the right. There are exactly 4 loose slabs at the corner. Run
to the extreme right of the loose slabs, and you should fall down on a platform.
Failure doing so will result in death, ya hear me! DEATH!!! Okay, now climb down
and slice the snake in half. Head left. There's a cutter discreetly placed here -
crawl underneath it, and continue going left. You should see a dead end. Okay, it
isn't dead at all; rather, there's a tunnel just ahead. Climb up, and crawl under
the suspicious-looking "crack". Okay! You're now in a tunnel, which will lead to a
short sword. Pick it up, and drop the loose slab on your left. Climb up to encounter
a head. Jump to the right, and kill it.

{- Head-hunting Guide -}
You're gonna have to get a first strike in if you want to win. Normal strikes won't
usually work here; All they do is miss, and leave you vulnerable to attack. What you
should do is defensive strike, by holding UP and striking. If done correctly, Prince
raises his sword, s if to deflect an attack and combo it with a strike. This gives
you more range, and will ake things easier when attacking heads with your short sword.
This strike will (usually) hit, nd with proper timing, you'll be able to win. Look
carefully at the head's life. Each life bottle equals to 2 lifes, not 1. In other words,
if a head has 3 lives, it will take you 6 strikes to kill it. Stupid floating freaks!
These are by far the toughest and most annoying enemies yet. If you can't win, practice!
You'll get it in time, I'm sure.

Oh, an easier way to take the head out would be to wait until it spots and attacks you.
Remain where you are; don't move! When it comes close enough, put your sword away and
jump up. The loose slabs will fall on the head and kill it instantly.

Now, go back to the platform on the left, and drop the 3 loose slabs above it. Don't
attempt to climb them; they'll only fall down, and you lose a life. Climb to the second
screen of the left ledges, and jump to the right. Surprisingly, those slabs are solid!
Okay, once done, head left. This will lead to a pit, and an LEP should be in sight.
Walk to the very end of the cliff (SHIFT + walk) and take 2 steps back. This is to
make sure that you don't fall short of the chasm. Now, run and jump as soon as you
can. 2 steps is enough for a takeoff, and hold SHIFT! Climb up and grab the LEP.

What about climbing down? Remember the loose slab in the first section that I was
talking about? That's right - that will help dampen your fall, and you'll only lose
a single life. Without it, say hello to the Grim Reaper. Okay, go back via the tunnel,
and where you fought the head. Climb up the ledges on the left, and reach the top.
Now, go left and climb down again. Don't rush; I don't need to explain what happens
if you fall. Once you reach the 2nd screen, don't go down; there's a evil potion,
guarded by 2 heads (why anyone would take that is beyond me.) Jump over to the platform
on the left, and continue. Crawl past the cutter, and go left again. You come to a pit.
Jump over to the left platform, and climb down.

Once there, head right. Before that, do you see that "crack" on the wall? Yeah, you
guessed right. It's a tunnel. Go in and meet a snake. Quick! Crawl back out! You can't
slice things while crawling throught a tunnel, so go back out and wait for the snake
to appear. Kill it, then make your way in to find, of all the things, an inverter potion
and an anti-inverter potion. All in all, waste of time, so don't bother doing this and
make your way to the right.

There are 2 level doors here, and a head to guard them. Kill the head, and open any
one of them. The switch on the left opens the door on the right, and the switch on
the right opens the door on the left. Head right again to find those two blasted heads
- bad idea. Which door to take, you may ask? They both lead to the same place, only
different areas. You can decide by throwing a dice, flipping a coin or using a timer
with miliseconds; start and stop it. If the milisecond value is an even number, take
the left door. If it's an odd number, take the right - although the door on the right
is faster, and easier to maneuvre through. (Head to the screen on the right to encounter
two more heads and an Evil Potion.)

On with the levels!


Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
Level Difficulty : 7
Enemy Difficulty : 6


Start of Level Seven. You mysteriously have a sword here. Don't ask why, beats me.
Anyway, you find yourself in a cell. Get out via the loose slab at the left. Climb
down. You should see a snake slithering around. All snakes are poisonous, and they
will kill you with one bite. That must be some potent venom! To kill it, just draw
your sword and strike it. Prince will automatically aim low, and will slice the snake
in half. Of course, you could just wait until it goes back in its hole, and run away.
That done, climb down the ledge on the left. You should be on a platform, and a floating
head should be in sight. If the head spots you, it will come after you, and keep ramming
itself against you (now that's what I call using your head). It can ram you from once to
4 times in a row, leaving you no chance to attack it. Believe me, you do not want to get
hit by this guy 4 times in a row.

NOTE: If you used the Glitch Way, this will be your first time fighting heads/snakes.
If otherwise, prepare for more...

You're gonna have to get a first strike in if you want to win. Normal strikes won't
usually work here; All they do is miss, and leave you vulnerable to attack. What you
should do is a defensive strike, by holding UP and striking. If done correctly, Prince
raises his sword, as if to deflect an attack and combo it with a strike. This strike
will (usually) hit, and with proper timing, you'll be able to win. Look carefully at
the head's life. Each life bottle equals to 2 lifes, not 1. In other words, if a head
has 3 lives, it will take you 6 strikes to kill it. Stupid floating freaks! These are
by far the toughest and most annoying enemies yet. If you can't win, practice! You'll
get it in time, I'm sure.

That done, climb up the ledge on your right and drink the potion. Go right again. Oh,
no! Not another head! Follow the steps above to kill it. Head right, hit the switch
and climb up the ledge there. WAIT! Before that, head right. You will soon come to a
level door. (Continued in next section)


This is where you will start from if you pick the door on the right. If you started
from here, head left and climb up the ledge on the right, and go straight. Crawl through
the cutter, and head right to find a head. Kill it, and go right again. You should see
a closed gate (no way to open it) and a path leading above, on the left. Climb up.
(*From previous section) Grab the potion that you see. Now, climb up via the top-right
ledge, near the gate. The switch that you just activated opens the gate on the right,
whereyou have to run and jump over a huge pit. Hold SHIFT! Got it! Barely made it, but
still hanging on. Eh? What's this? Another head?! Climb up! Quick! Now, go to the right.
(If you followed the door on the right, and killed the head, this won't be there.)
Grab the potion, and drop the loose slabs above you. Head right again. There will
be 2 snakes, and a horizontal cutter. Kill both snakes, cos' you can't have them
sinking their fangs into your butt (ouch) while trying to crawl underneath the cutter.
Get past the cutter and the snakes, and climb up the ledge on your left. Ignore the
snakes below.

This part is probably the toughest in the stage. Once you've climbed up the ledge
on your left, immediately jump to the right. A head will lunge at you, and if you
try to fight it on that small platform just now, chances are that you'll fall and
crack your skull. The head has 4 lives, meaning 8 strikes. Bloomin' heck! This one
is really hard to kill, as the game puts you in a very awkward situation with no room
to spare. Don't give up, though! If you die, you'll restart from the horizontal cutter
on the floor below. At least it's near.

Once you've finished off the head (Hargghh... At last!!!) continue to climb up the
ledges on your left. Don't forget to take the potion before you go. Once at the top,
proceed left. Yes, you will meet another bloomin' head. Terminate it and head left
again, to find a dead end, blocked by a gate. Okay, you're stuck. What next?
Press Alt+A...

Just kidding. The slab to the right of the gate is a loose one. It drops without
warning, so all you have to do is to hop and it'll fall. Climb down, at the expense
of one life, and you see the level door. Hurrah! The switch is located to the left,
so go there. There seem to be two ways to hit the switch. Climb underneath the cutter,
or run along the platform above to save time. Okay, so you took the easier way, via
the top platform. When suddenly...

A thought strikes you. The platform above was made entirely out of loose slabs! When
you fall, you'll get sliced in half by the cutter! C'mon...! You should have seen it
coming! It's Prince Of Persia 2, where the easiest way always leads to your doom. If
you die here, you'll have to start back from the last checkpoint. Well, now that you've
opened the switch, you can climb up the level door to the next level.

NOTE: This should clear up the glitch area once and for all. Any problems? Mail me.


Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
: Evil Potions
Level Difficulty : 1
Enemy Difficulty : 9

When you come out of the level door, there is a snake to your right. Ignore it (or
if you really want to see blood, then kill it) and go left. Once you reach the next
screen, stop! Climb down all the ledges there. When you get to the 3rd ledge, you
may notice a loose slab. Drop the slab and climb down. There is a gate to your left,
and the switch is located on your right. You'll have to get past the cutter to get
there. Once you hit the switch, get past the cutter again and walk to the edge of
the ledge. Jump! Don't hit the trap! As always, there is a reason for this. The slab
you just dropped was to stop a trap, which will close the gate, and you'll have to
jump over it. There is another loose slab near the gate. When you jump over the trap,
you'll fall into a pit. Doom!

Now that you're past the gate, beware! There's a head to your left! An easy way to
kill it is to strike it as near as possible to the wall on your left. When the head
hits the wall, it will explode. Easy! Of course, if you make a slight mistake in timing,
you're dead. Now, climb up and head to your left. Go through the gate and note the
loose slabs! Okay, you've made the checkpoint. Kill both snakes, and go left again.
You see a cutter and a head. To attract the head's attention, climb up the platform
above. Kill it, and go left again. It may seem tough, but trust me, there's worse to come.

Once you finish off the head, go to the next screen on the left. You see another head!
Oh-oh. It won't notice you at first, but hold your ground and it'll come. This head
has 3 lives = 6 strikes. Aw, man! Keep at it... Got it? Wicked! Now climb up the platform
and drop the loose slab. Climb up. You find yourself in an ancient palace of some sort.
There are gates to both your right and left, but the gate on your left is the only path.
You can try going there, but it's gonna take something bigger that that knife of yours
to take out 9 HEADS! You hear me? 9!!! Which reminds me... If you haven't noticed, there
is a sword on your right. Hmm... A trap? Pick it up, and Prince will fall into a coma...

Game Over. Well, that's what I thought, until the music never stopped playing. So if
you want to see the movie, don't press anything. Just wait, and wait... Until something
happens. The palace is mysteriously restored, from rubble to a magnificent palace, complete
with pillows and gold-plated background. A figure of a woman appears. You look familiar...
Hey! Aren't you the lady that appeared in my dream?

Mysterious Lady: "Once this was a great city, ruled by a son of kings.
He was slain and his palace lay waste by the armies of darkness.
I died at his side. You alone were spared, my son.
I gave up hope that you might live. This was your father's sword.
Avenge us."

"Avenge us..."

This should give an idea of what's going on here. What? You're still stuck there?
Press SPACEBAR to wake up. Anyway, the woman was apparently Prince's mother. Both
her and Prince's father were killed. Stupid heads! Now, it's payback time...
I shall avenge you!

Cool! You've got a new sword! Don't lose it this time! Read this first, or you won't
stand a chance against the heads! Killing heads is easier with dad's sword this time,
as each strike takes away 1 full life of a head. You're gonna have to fight differently
here, as the sword has more reach than your previous knife. Here's how:

1) Start with a strike-block (Hold up, and hit Ctrl.)
2) When the head takes damage, the head falls back. The head will recover for a moment,
around 1/2 a second, giving you a chance for another strike. Don't do a strike-block;
just strike normally.
3) As above, the head takes damage and recovers. Hit it again, and repeat until the
head goes bust.

NOTE: If you try to strike-block the head while it's still recovering, chances are that
it'll miss and you'll get hit instead. Also, this may take some time to get used to,
but you'll get it soon! It took me nearly a day, just for the record. Sometimes,
the head may be pushed back too far away to strike, in which case you'll have to
move a step forward to stike it again.

Okay, now here comes the tough part. If you're low on life, press Ctrl+A. You'll restart
from where the sword was. Go left, to terminate the heads once and for all. In the first
room, there are 3 easy heads. Sometimes, when you hit a head, the head will start to
get "sick" and fly away to the end of the room. When this happens, the next head will
attack, so be careful! The other heads will wait till the first one's dead before attacking
you. When you destroy all 3 heads, on to the next room. There are another 3 heads, medium
difficulty. Kill all of them, and take the potion lying on the floor. Remember to hit the
level switch as you run by. Now to the next room. Yet another 3 heads, difficulty set to
hard. Each of these heads have no less than 3 life bottles, and you have to strive to get
past these guys!

Once you're done, run up the level door and end the level.

NOTE: This part is among the most frustrating of the game. It took me bloomin' ages
to get past this one! I tried everything. From running across the heads (You
can, but it's only a matter of time before they catch up and kill you simultaneously)
to luring them away, and none of them worked. There's only one way - Kill them or be killed!


Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
Level Difficulty : 9
Enemy Difficulty : 6

Hmm... Strange title. Oh well. When the level begins, go to your left, and beware of
the loose slabs. In the next screen, stop! There's a floating head lingering about,
and is sure to kill you if you jump the pit. Kill it, and run and jump over to the other
side. In the next screen, you should see a snake. Kill it, and follow the path below to
the left. There is a head. Kill it, and proceed to the left. I'll explain the reason for
this later, so don't worry! There should be another head. Kill it again, and go to the
next screen. Crawl underneath the cutter you see, and go left again. There should be 2
floating heads. Kill them all! You can explore to your left again, where you'll see a
white marble horse, and if you go even further, you should be in a desert. This, my
friend is the way out! Keep running, and running, and... Whoa, Whoa! There's a HUGE
cliff separating you from the other side. What next? Think... Think... Oh, yeah! Use
the horse! (Of course, assuming that it can actually come alive in the first place
but considering what you've been through, it's crazy enough to work.)

Now, make your way back to the room with the snake. Climb up. There are loose slabs
here! You only have one chance at this, or it's Alt+A for you. Do or die! Run, and when
you get to the end, jump. You should make the next platform. Now, carefully step to
the edge. Don't run and jump! If you do, Prince will just run off the ledge, as the
3rd and final step is made of a loose slab. So just step up to the edge of the 2nd
slab, and jump from there. You should end up on a single platform in the next screen.
Jump over to the next platform on the left, the long one. From here, run and jump, but
time your jump so that it only reaches the slab before the loose slab, at the end. This
is quite tough, it may take some time. You should barely make the next platform, with
the cutter below. Run over to the end of the current platform, and jump over to the
single platform. From there, walk up to the edge, and jump over to the next single
platform. Now, jump to the last platform, (this is tricky) again, time your jump so that
you hit the slab before the last slab, which is a loose one. So you see, if you didn't
kill all of the heads before attempting this, they'll kill you while trying to jump.
(I tried this out of frustration, and it didn't work.) And, if you make a single mistake
along the way, it's Alt+A for you, mister! You cannot try again, as the loose slabs have
dropped by now.

If done correctly, Prince will jump onto the marble horse, cowboy-style and the horse
miraculously comes alive.(His crotch will hurt for weeks! Try jumping onto a stone horse...
Ouch.) Now sit back and relax as you watch a movie of the horse crossing the cliff, and
ventures into an unknown destination...

Pheew! That was tough, especially the part where you have to time your jumps. It's
frustrating to see all your hard work go up in smoke just because of one mistake -
which wasn't even yours to begin with!


STORY: The horse comes to a halt outside a fortress of some sort and turns to stone
again, leaving you stranded there. You're running out of time...

Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
Level Difficulty : 5
Enemy Difficulty : 5

Start of Level Ten. You find yourself in a brick-red building. To your left is a Flip-Flop;
if you want to know about its physics, you can go there and see how it works, how sensitive
it is, if can you hang on to it and so on. If you just want to complete the level, go to
your right. Kill the first guard, and wait for another guard to appear. Kill him too,
and an irritating song should appear. You'll soon get sick of this, trust me. Go right
again and climb up the ledge you see. Head right again, and you come to a pit. Don't
climb down; instead, jump over to the other side. Drop the loose slab, and climb down.
The loose slab should hit the birdman directly below on the skull, killing him instantly.
Jump over the spikes to the right. Keep going until you see the level door on another
platform, and hit the level switch. Go back to the spikes, and carefully climb up. Hit
the switch and head left. Climb down, at the expense of a life bullet. Kill the birdm(en)
that appear, and go right.

In the next screen, crawl underneath the cutter, activate the switch and climb up the
ledge. Jump over the pit and spikes you see, and head right again. Keep going right,
crawl underneath the next cutter, and eventually you'll meet another birdman. Kill him,
and climb up the ledges on your left. Go to the top, and you'll see a potion on a ledge
that I can't reach. Ignore it and go left. You will encounter 3 birdmen. They come out
at intervals, so wait for 'em! Jump over to the left ledge, and jump over to another
ledge on your left. Run left, hit the switch to open the gate, and you should see the
level door there for the taking. I hope you followed my advice and acivated the level
switch earlier...

NOTE: From this stage onwards, you can turn into your Shadow, by turning left, then
right, and left, and so on. When you are turning, your body will start to flash
black. Once the transfomation is complete, your shadow should leave your body
in a heap. During Shadow mode, you are completely invincible. No attacks can harm
you - i.e. you can drop from a 1000-storey height and survive, you can walk through
cutters, etc. You can also walk through gates without having to open them. Cool,
eh! Yeah, but this, like everything else, has its pros and cons. For example, you
cannot enter the level door without your body. Drinking potions have no effect, be
it an LEP, an Evil Potion, a potion, or even an LBP. And most important of all...
You need at least 9 lives to switch to Shadow mode. Any lower, and Prince will DIE.
Also, when you convert to Shadow mode, the process will take away 7 PERMANENT LIFE
BOTTLES. Yes, 7. How do you go back in your body, you may ask? Well, go to your body,
and press DOWN. You should be back in your original body.


Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
Level Difficulty : 8
Enemy Difficulty : 5

Start of Level 11. Head left, and climb up the ledges. Go past the gate and you
should come to a room with a set of spikes. Walk slowly up to the spikes, and climb
up the ledge on the right. Turn left, and hop. Keep hoppin' until a loose slab falls
down. Climb up the newly-formed opening, and hit the switch on the left. Jump back,
and go past the gate there. This is tricky. Remember the part where I said Prince
can't run and jump if the last step is a loose slab? Here's an exception. The last
slab is obviously loose, and you'll need to time your jump directly on the slab.
Run, and just before touching the slab, hit SHIFT, and you should be able to jump
on the loose slab. Don't ask me why this works here, but not when you try to jump
on the horse. Anyway, you should make the cut, and hold SHIFT!

You will hang on to a ledge on the next platform. Pull yourself up, and whe you reach
the top, go right. You should come to a room that looks suspiciously like a trap, with
an LEP. Guess what; it is. That one was easy, eh? Anyway, jump beneath switch to drop
the loose slab on it. Climb up the gate, and climb down. You should be standing on the
trap that closed the gate behind you. There is a switch at the end, and another switch
beside it. Avoid this at all costs! This switch activates a crusher which will kill you.
Jump over the crusher switch, grab the LEP, and climb back up the ledge. The gate should
open. Jump over the crusher switch and climb out of the gate. That wasn't so tough, was it?

Now that you've got the LEP, climb over the ledge on your left. You should see a cutter
and a switch. Take careful steps to the left first. Careful! I'll show what's in store
for ya. You should see a gate, separated by a pit. The switch guarded by the cutter opens
the gate, and you'll have to be quick to make it in time! Note that the slab at the end
is a loose one. Now, here goes: Jump over to the other side. Don't take careful steps
to activate the switch; just crouch until you reach it. Remember? Every crouch moves you
forward by a little. If you step, you're taking the risk of getting cut in half, and
restarting the level again. Once you hit it, turn to your left, jump, and run. Just
before touching the last slab, hit SHIFT and jump! Hang on to the gate entrance, and
pull yourself up! This might take a while. Got it? Excellent! On to the next sector!

There will be a set of spikes to your left, so carefully jump there and climb up the
ledges on your right. Climb all the way to the top. You arrive at what looks like a
dead end. It isn't, don't worry. Go right, and hit the gate switch. Climb down! Once
you land on a platform, jump over to the left. Take one run (tap LEFT once), jump to
the other side, and run past the gate! You'll have to rush for this one, and may not
make it on your first try, but the checkpoint is at the spikes, so you'll start from
there if you die.

After making the gate, you will encounter a birdman. After you kill him, there will
be more birdmen jumping via the ledge on the left (4 birdmen altogether). Kill them all!
When you're done, climb up the ledge on your right. When you reach the top, take the
potion and go right. You will come to a room that looks like a trap. Once you hit the
trap, the gate closes, leaving you no choice but to Alt+A... Not on my watch! Climb
up the ledge, and hop to make the slab fall. Climb up the hole, and you should be at
the level door. The switch to activate the level door is located inside the gate, and
the switch to activate the gate is located to your right. Head right, hit the switch,
and climb in the gate. There should be a birdman, and something that looks suspiciously
like a loose slab. Kill the birdman, but don't even go near the "loose slab"! It's a
flip-flop, and it will send you tumbling to your death if you step on it. The switch
beside the flip-flop activates the gate, and the switch on the ledge does nothing.
Stand on the ledge and hop upwards to drop the loose slabs above you. Climb up the left
side, and... Whoa! Spikes! No harm there... Yeah, jump over to the right. Crawl under
the cutter, and make your way to the next screen. You should come to a set of ledges.
Climb up any side, drop the loose slabs on top, and climb up.

From there, go right until you come to a platform. Climb up the platform on the right,
and climb down the "pit". You should end up on a crusher switch. Oh, no! Busted! But
wait! What's this? there's a loose slab at the corner. If you're quick, you should be
able to drop the slab and climb down. Quick! Hurry! Almost got it... Done! Great! Now
that you're at the bottom floor, hit the level switch and crawl underneath the cutter.
Now, make your way left, and you come to a pit. You have to cross this to return! Run...
JUMP! Hang on! That done, you can now go past the gate, and... Wait a minute. The gate's
closed! What the heck... I hope you dropped the slab earlier, as that slab will drop
directly on the switch that opens the gate (I think someone planned this whole thing very
carefully.), and you're home free. You'll have to wait a while... See how long the slab
took to reach the bottom? You don't want to be in the slab's shoes, I assure you.
Higher Ground? You bet.

Now you're back at the pillars/ledges where you had to climb up, so you can run back
and enter the level door. Remember the cutter? Crawl underneath it. Remember the spikes?
You're gonna have to measure your jump to avoid the spikes. Why can't you climb down...
Remember the flip-flop? They all come back like a boomerang. I've measured your jump:
Two steps left from the edge of the platform (excluding the loose slab.) Okay, now that
you're done, jump over the flip-flop, head back to the level door, and end the level.
Wait! Don't forget the trap! If you step on that, all your hard work will go up in smoke,
as you'll get trapped inside the room!

That was long, and tough. There's plenty more to come, so don't get too cocky...


Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
: Karnov Potion
Level Difficulty : 8
Enemy Difficulty : 5

Start of Level Twelve. Start by going to the right, and activating the switch that
opens the gate on your left. If you keep going right, you should see a sword, situated
on a ledge. Hmmm... Can I pick that up? We'll see... Run to your left and climb up the
ledge you see. Hop 3 times to the right, and a slab will drop. Climb up, and go right
to drop the loose slab on a switch. Hold SHIFT! That done, climb down and head left
again, and jump over to the platform with the guard. This is essential!!! Switch places
with the guard, and push him down, activating the switch. You need to keep that switch
open; if not, go ahead and press Alt+A. You're as good as dead. Once you do that, climb
up the ledge on the left. Drop the loose slab(s) in the corner to keep another switch
open. Jump to the other side of the platform and drop the loose slab on the switch.
It starts to make sense now... All the slabs (and a birdman) activate a gate, and keep
it open. Climb up to the top of the right ledges, and drop the loose slab on the last
switch, and all 4 gates should be open. Run and jump, and you should make it in one go.
Don't jump! If you do, the spikes will be waiting for you... You may notice that you
can make your way to the right, only to find the path blocked by a gate. You're on your
way to opening it.

Once you're past that, head left. This is another tricky part. You'll have to run and
jump to the potion at the extreme left, and drop the loose slab to activate the switch,
that will open the gate that you couldn't get past earlier. This is another checkpoint,
so if you die or Alt+A, you'll start back from here. When you get there, don't drop the
loose slab yet! Jump over to get the potion, and run and jump over to the right, dropping
the loose slab along the way, and you'll end up at a lone platform. Tricky indeed. That
done, climb down and head right. Go back to where you killed the guard on the switch,
climb up, and at the platform opposite the 4 gates in a row, head right. The gate should
have opened now. Beware of the Flip-Flop! It leads to a switch, which will activate a
crusher, where you will turn to mashed potatoes.

Get past the gate, hit the switch, and head right. In the next screen, you should see
a switch, and an open gate. How on Earth did it activate? Easy. In the start of the
level, you had to climb up, and drop a loose slab on a switch, right? Yeah, that's the
switch. Anyway, this is obvious. Run and jump over to the platform on the right. Activate
the switch beside you, then run and jump! Made it? Good! Go right again, and here's
another checkpoint. What? You didn't make it before the gate closed? Ah, nuts. Climb up,
and drop the loose slab. Climb up again, jump to your left, and drop past the flip-flop.
Hold SHIFT, and you should be right where you started, and you can try again. One of the
few uses for a flip-flop...

In the next checkpoint, you come to a dead end. Climb down, and you get poked to death
by the spikes. What now? Go back to the gate, and run and jump from there. You should
be able to clear the spikes, and land just beside the sword. Cool! Pick it up? What?
You can't? Oh-oh. The sword comes alive and attacks you! It's flaming, and it's invincible.
Well, not really, but you can't attack it. You can, but I'm not gonna go into that, okay?
Perhaps in the next version of the FAQ... Anyway, just put your sword down, and run to
the right. You should see a switch, which activates the gate below you. You can't climb
down because of the spikes and a normal jump doesn't have enough distance to get you
there, so you'll have to measure your running jump. I've measured it for you: 2 steps
from the loose slabs. Once you're inside the gate, head left and climb down, and you'll
activate the level switch. From there, climb down via the exit on your right, and make
your way left. Beware of the cutter in the next screen!

Crawl beneath the cutter and make your way left. You may encounter a birdman along
the way. Kill him and go left. Keep going - ignore the gates you see along the way,
just keep going until you come to a birdman, and 2 cutters. Crawl underneath the first
cutter, and stand up as soon as posible. Kill the birdman, get past the second cutter,
and you should come to an open gate, with some ledges on the left. To climb the ledges
you need to step on the trap; There's no turning back. Climb up all the ledges, and
drop the loose slab above. You should know where this is... Head right, climb the ledges,
and keep going until you get to the beginning of the stage. The level door on the extreme
right should be open. You know, the one in the same screen as the flaming sword.

Well, what are you waiting for? Climb up and end the level! This level is so complex,
and if you forget one step you'll have to start all over again. On to Level Thirteen!

NOTE: You can "kill" the flaming sword by attacking it over and over. It can block,
just like a real guard - imagine an invisible swordsman holding a sword. That's
right. Anyway, once you kill it, the sword will stay still for a few moments,
before reviving itself once again to fight you back. No, it CANNOT BE PICKED UP
in case you're wondering.

{- Detour #1: Super-shortcut -}

Courtesy of my friend, John Prakash! From the beginning of the level, head to the left.
Get past the gate and climb down - but beware of the trap in the middle! This closes the
gate and shuts you off from the shortcut. At the bottom screen, climb down again. Don't
let go just yet! Swing to the RIGHT and let go. To the left is a trap which will close
both gates, and leaving you no way to enter the shortcut. Once you're done with it, climb
down and go through the RIGHT gate. Head on, get past the cutter, go right again, drink
up the potions if you need to and until you come to a set of ledges. Climb up the first
part and jump over to the second part - into the small "ditch" you go; this opens the
gate on the right. Go through and head right - you will encounter a closed gate, the
level door just to your left and a green potion.

This, my dear reader is the mind-boggling Karnov Potion; drink it and the genie Karnov
appears, going past the gate and opening the level door for you. The level door lies
under your nose; go ahead and end it!


Stuff to pick up : Healing Potions
Level Difficulty : 8
Enemy Difficulty : 5

I hope you're familiar fighting with birdmen, as you'll meet a lot of them here! At
the start of the level, go to the left and drop the loose slab. Run over it, jump on
it, anything you like, as long as it falls. The slab activates the gate on the right.
Go to the right. You see a cutter and a platform above it. Climb to the platform, run
and jump, and run and jump at the end. You should end up at the next screen, and birdmen
should be coming out from the platform you jumped from. Ignore them, and run to the
left. Kill ALL the birdmen (4 in total, they will run and jump from the left) and jump
to the other side. Read this carefully! This switch activates a gate which will require
you to rush for it. The gate won't stay open long enough for you to reach it, and you
won't make it. So, you can either kill a birdman on the switch (quite tough) or let the
birdmen open the switch for you! Here's how. In the next screen, a birdman will run after
you. When he is running, he'll activate the switch. You should have just enough time to
climb the ledge, run and jump, and climb up the gate. This will take practice, so don't
give up.

IMPORTANT! Wait till the gate completely closes before waiting for the birdman to open
the switch. The time taken for the gate to open should buy you another few

Then checkpoint! Nothing much here, except that you have to run to your left for a
long way. You see multiple level doors along the way. Kill all the birdmen obstructing
you, and jump across the pit. Eh? What's this?

"He Who Should Steal The Flame Must Die."

Ah... Just some silly advice by the birdmen. Ignore it and make your way left. You
should come to a huge torch, glowing alight with a blue flame, and a birdman. You
can try to touch the flame, but it'll turn you to ashes. I've tried everything, from
drawing my sword in front of the flame (burnt me to death) to hopping till I reach
the flame (again, burnt me to a crisp). Took me some time to figure this out! Until
one day, the birdman guarding the flame killed me. I got so bored I decided to listen
to the song, rather than Alt+A. Suddenly, Prince's shadow came out. He jumped there,
absorbed the flame, and now he's a flaming blue shadow! Suddenly, all the birdmen kneel
down before me. What is this? Perhaps whoever owns the flame automatically makes himself
the holy leader of the birdmen. Anyway, my point is to get past this part, purposely
kill yourself at the birdman guarding the flame. Don't press anything! Everything should
go fine now, and you see the movie. Ah, now I see how the inscription makes sense - "He
Who Should Steal The Slame Must Die." To steal the flame you must die - commit suicide!

All the level doors ahould be open by now. Run up any one of them... They all lead to
the same place anyway. Woo-Hoo! Goodbye, birdmen! Hello, Jaffar!


Stuff To Pick Up : N/A
Level Difficulty : 2
Enemy Difficulty : N/A

STORY: Prince gets to the top of the birdmen headquarets, and rides his horse out of
the window. As ridiculous as this my be, the horse starts flying, and lands
on top of the Sultan's palace. It's time we had a little talk with Jaffar...

Walk to the right end of the tower, and climb down. Run in via the window, and
you meet your old buddy, Jaffar. A movie starts here...


STORY: When you walk in, Jaffar suddenly curses you, and you get transported to
a chess board in another dimension. Let's see... Pawn, Queen, King, Knight...
Spiders?! (Note to self; spiders and chess pieces don't mix.)

Okay, welcome to the final and most mind-boggling level of all. You find yourself
in a chessboard of some sort. Head right, and keep going, until you come to a room of
crystals, and 4 holograms of Jaffar. Kill them all, and climb up to the top floor, to
come to a dead end. Huh? All this way for nothing? NOOOOOO!!! Hey, hey, relax. I was
just joking. If you kill Jaffar's holograms as usual, nothing happens, and you won't
be able to finish the level. To win, you need to kill Jaffar's hologram with the flaming
shadow. But wait! You've only got 6 bottles of life? Not again! Don't tell me I've got
to finish the game, and get all the LEPs in order!

Allright already, I'll spill the beans. In the starting of the stage, climb down the left
side. Keep going, and you should arrive at a giant spider with black palace guards. Everytime
you kill one of 'em, they turn into either an LEP or a Potion. Kill all of them until you
have 11 lives, then turn into the flaming shadow. Any less and you turn into the black shadow,
which is useless here.

Now, where's that <@&%$Þ!? Jaffar? Go back to the crystal room, and kill all the holograms
in Shadow mode. Now, you can climb to the top via the platform on the left, and you see Jaffar
running away like a chicken. Give chase! Catch him! It may take a few rounds to get accustomed
to the perspective of the level, but once you catch up with him, press CTRL to summon a blue
fireball, that will turn Jaffar into ashes. Ha-ha! Fried you at last! Hours (perhaps days,
or even months... Years? God forbid!) of work, and now it's all worth it!

STORY: With the sorceror's death, the spell was shattered. The Princess looked upon
Prince... And saw once again the man she loved. This time the Prince took no
chances. He ordered Jaffar's ashes scatterd to the windows. The people rejoiced...
So the Prince and Princess dwelt together in joy and serenity - And lived happily
ever after.

Suddenly the music turns to terror, and an old witch gazes upon them via a crystal
ball. On her forehead is a symbol of a snake, resembling the letter S with a loop.
Could she be the one who killed Prince's parents? Could it be...


Well, well. You made it through - congratulations! You have just completed one
of the toughest games that I've ever played - and probably one of the toughest
ever made to man. Be proud, sit back, relax, and type in your name at the Hi-Scor
board. Congratulations to you once again, old chap - you have proved triumphant
over the nightmarish Prince Of Persia 2, something that even the most hardcore
of gamers find a difficult task to complete.

Good work!


But at least you don't complete the game empty-handed. Surely someone who finished
the game deserves something... So here it is. A reward from the author, something
you can use to go through the game for fun again - in the DOS prompt, start your
game with the command:


Here are a list of commands you can do in MAKINIT mode.

Shift+T.................. Adds an LEP to your life

Shift+I.................. Inverts screen

Shift+B.................. Shows only animated objects; the rest turn black

Shift+K.................. Takes away one life bottle

Shift+I.................. Inverts screen; press again to revert to normal

Shift+W.................. Puts you in LBP mode

Shift+R.................. Tells your location; i.e. ROOM 12

Alt+N.................... Skip level. Cannot skip security confirmation level this time

K button................. Kills all enemies on screen

R button................. Reanimate Prince. Press when dead to live again!


Q: Why is it that you can sometimes run and jump over a platform, with the last slab is
a loose one?
A: This works sometimes, but mostly you'll screw up. It's consistently inconsistent,
if you get what I mean.

Q: Why isn't there any "Runthrough" section, like in your POP1 FAQ?
A: There's no point in being fast here - the Hall Of Fame only counts the minutes taken
to complete the game, not the seconds.

Q: What the hell was that glitch in Level 6 about?
A: Beats me. It was there, so I took the easiest way possible.

Q: How did you find out about turning into a shadow?
A: There is no more frame-cancel mode (in POP1, press Escape twice), and I wanted to see
the animation frames. I kept turning left, then right, then left... When suddenly, I
lost all my life bottles and died. I later found out that you needed 7 lifes to turn
into the Shadow.

Q: What are the major differences between this and Prince Of Persia 1, gameplay-wise?
A: Perhaps the most major difference of all is that Prince doesn't handle the same. In POP1,
you had superb control over him; in this game, it's even tough just to run and jump over
a ledge, a relatively simple task in POP1.

Q: Why are all the cheat codes so strange? Makinit, Megahit...
A: Perhaps Mechner wanted POP1 to be a mega hit (which it was), and POP2 to simply "make it".
In other words, I think it means success for the game.

CREDITS AND THANK YOU'S _terima_kasih_

- Dad
For helping me out, spending countless hours with me on this game, teaching me how to
play the game, and teaching me how to use DOS. I remember we used to play POP non-stop,
from the days in Penang (1989) Rampai Court (1990), to Langkawi (1992) and even Perlis
(1995.) Thanks dad!

- Mom
For keeping up with the series with me, even taking up an interest in the series up
until now. Oh, and my bro and sis at the same time as well - thanks!

- John Prakash
My friend from India, John Prakash. Yep, this is the dude that informed me of the Karnov
Potion; thanks man - here's a credit to you!

- CJayC
Yo, thanks for posting all my FAQs! I hope this one is good too!

- Myself!
Hey, I wrote this, didn't I? I've verified, tested and painstakingly looked at every
detail to write a good FAQ & walkthrough.

- My Computer
For putting up with all the crap I've done, not hanging so much (note the "so much")
and certainly for not restarting for no reason. You seem to be overheating a bit more
than usual these days though... It's time to switch to a freezer-CPU compartment.

- Everyone Who Mailed Me
To everyone else who took the liberty to mail me, I thank you for your concern and
efforts to make this a better guide. I will not dissapoint you - do support my work
in the future!

- Mr. Jordan Mechner
You made one heck of a game! I can safely say that the series has reached cult status
with its trademark action-packed gameplay and storyline; if you have actually managed
to get my own father to become a fan of your creations, you are someone truly, truly
special. Thank you for both the memories and enjoyment you have brought to me and my
family - since 1990~!

CONTACTING ME _apa_khabar_

Well, if you want to contact me, you can send me an e-mail to the following address:


Replace all the exclamation marks (!) with dots (.) This is to prevent search engines
from picking out my address and sending me worthless spam (which is another one of the
reasons I don't use my doramail account as often as before.) I'll reply to any message,
provided you send any to begin with, because I'm nice :) Note that flame mails will be
deleted. On second thought, I'll reply to them with a flame of my own, then block all
other messages from the sender, so I have the last laugh - Mwahaha!

Alternately, come to my site, at

And post what you like in the forums section, where I'll reply to them personally.


If you're reading this, I believe that you may be curious to what this whole
title is about. Allright - I've set up a company in Malaysia, and I am currently
looking for potential key people, to expand this franchise all over the world.
If you're interested in what I do, and if you're looking to make some money
wherever you live, drop me an e-mail and we'll see what we can do together.

Serious enquiries only, please. I don't want to have to go through halfway around
the world only to find out that you're toying around with me.

I will be dead serious on my part...

Will you?

TILL WE MEET AGAIN... _jumpa_lagi_

Allright, all good things must come to and end. I hope you found this guide useful
in a way or two, and that it helped you through a lot of trouble! Do check out my
other guides, especially those dealing with the Prince Of Persia series if you want
to learn more about the series' 14-year history... Other works of mine include some
guides on the arcade smash hit, the Virtual-On series and some other things besides.

Till we meet again... Good luck, chap!

LEGAL INFO _legal2_


This document is protected by copyright law and is copyright
©Eizaz Azhar, 2003. This document may NOT be reproduced
in any way without my consent. Usage of this guide
elsewhere other than without my authorisation
is a violation of copyright, and is strictly prohibited.

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Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Passwörter für Prince of Persia 2

12.Октябрь 2013
Cheats for Prince of Persia 2

12.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

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30.Июнь 2014