Exile 3

Exile 3

16.10.2013 15:33:44
"My spell will drop an anvil on the target's head." - X, the Tower of Magi

* * * * * * * * * *

Tuxedo Jack
Craptacularly Spignificant Productions

A walkthrough for
Exile III: Ruined World
Spiderweb Software

Disclaimer: The game's by Spiderweb Software.
(http://www.spidweb.com) Pay for it. It's good.
The walkthrough's by me. You like it, yosh. You
don't like it, ah, well.

You can download and print this for personal use.
Don't post it to anywhere except GameFAQs without
e-mailing me first and asking permission. You can
reach me at Tuxedojack@nospam.juno.com. Just remove
the NoSpam to do it.

Apparently, parts of this can apply to Avernum 3
(which is a redone, upgraded version of Exile that's
in 3/4 overhead view with a waaaay longer plot and
game). I'll do an Avernum-specific walkthrough soon,
assuming I don't fail out of college.

This walkthrough is cross-platform; i.e. this will work
on _both_ the Mac and PC versions. It's arguably also the
only comprehensive walkthrough outside of the Spiderweb
Hint Book, and I'd wager that mine is quite a bit more

* * * * * * * * * *

Version History

Version 1.3
July 17th, 2003

*Props to Ming Wang for helping me out on the Black Halberd quest.
That walkthrough segment's now completed.
*To the administrators of the German site cheats.de: I've already given
you permission to post this on your site. STOP E-MAILING ME. I don't
want to get hundreds of mails about this. Just post it and leave me
be. You MAY post the updates. Just _stop mailing me every damn time
I update!_

Version 1.2
July 11th, 2003

*Added a bunch of comments and information. Many, many thanks to Magus999.
*Began consolidation of Sidequest Guide into this, since I'm a
lazy bugger who didn't want to write a separate FAQ.
*Added the Artifact Quests.
I'm stuck on the pillar maze in the Black Halberd quest. Anyone who
wants to help me out there is welcome to.
*Added Ehrenfeld's Armory in Sharimik.

Version 1.1

*With the help of EALacey, I've updated a ton of stuff and fixed
a few errors. Megakudos to him.

However, through my running to the Control Panel 10 times, I maintain
that the Amulets _are_ needed to complete the game.

Version 1.0
June 9th, 2003

*Original release.

* * * * * * * * * *

To skip to a certain section of the walkthrough, hit Ctrl+F
or Command+F and type in the Search Keyword in the right
column corresponding to the section you wish.

Table of Contents Search Keyword

Getting Started

1 - Starting Trithilon
2 - Character Generation Barcalounger
3 - Skill Overview Phosphorescent
4 - Key Commands Wombatizer
5 - Beginning the Game Obfuscate
6 - Exile Subwoofer
7 - Wolf Pit Presario
8 - Bandit Hideout Electrifying
9 - Back to Exile Qapmoc
10 - New Cotra and the Boat Gnilb
11 - Krizsan Province Thrustmaster
12 - The Inn of Blades Mabellion
13 - Krizsan Proper Retupmoc
14 - The Agate Tower Butrition
15 - The Slime Pit Doonesbury
16 - Post-Slime Cleanup Ecchi

Nope, no bug spray for you!

17 - In Transit to the Isle CoreLinux
18 - Roaches and Strife Gonads
19 - Circumnavigating the Island Elephantine
20 - The Filth Factory New Jersey
21 - Filth Factory, Second Floor Humidifier
22 - Clean Up What You Squash Stargazey

They Might be Giants

Warning: To go any farther requires the fully registered game.

23 - Off to Sharimik! Airplane
24 - The Troglo Temple Gabomba
25 - To See the King Austin
26 - You Really Don't Want to Do This Indubitably
27 - Back to Sharimik (Again) Trekkery
28 - Lorelei (Not Gilmore, Though) Saotome
29 - Cave of the Giants Hentai
30 - The Deepest Dank Pits Prizery
31 - Let's Bust Outta Here! Penitentiary
32 - Use the ChibiGas! Miniature
33 - Cleaning up the Troglos' Mess Terrence
34 - Playing Detective in New Formello Poirot
35 - The Bunker Marple

The Kabbalah Can't Help You Now!

36 - Cross the Mountains Sephirothic
37 - Don't Step in the Lava Riverdance
38 - The Defiled Crypt Millenium
39 - Another Long, Pointless Trek Godawful
40 - Golems Aren't a Walk in the Park Simpson
41 - Trek, Trek, Trek... Why Me? Shakespeare
42 - I _HATE_ Conveyor Belts! Scooby
43 - Time for the Cleaning Lady! Kimmel

Diplomacy Sucks

44 - Off to Blackcrag Cartman
45 - Into Blackcrag Fortress Systemworks
46 - Back and Forth, Back and Forth... Nosebleed

The truth is out there... and so are things that want to tear your head off

47 - Into Footracer Bosnia
48 - The Vahnatai Bastion Massage
49 - From Tinraya to Hell Mojo Jojo

It's all over but the shooting

50 - The New Factory Ratcheting
51 - What, _MORE_ Walking?!? Powerpuff
52 - Deep Below Mordor
53 - The Keep of Rentar-Ihrno Grimes

It's over already?

54 - Ending Uberraschung

Artifact Quests

Recover the Orb of Thralni Philip
Pachtar's Plate Armoire
Fury Crossbow Michiba
Black Halberd Kenichi
Knowledge Brew Sakai
Ring of Endless Magery Ishinabe

Useless stuff

55 - Acknowledgements and Thanks Arigato
56 - Contact Methods Mamoru

* * * * * * * * * *

Getting Started

* * * * *

Starting Trithilon

Click the Start Menu, then Exile III - Ruined World,
and last, Exile III - Ruined World. That pulls up the

If you're playing the Mac version, click on Macintosh
HD (or the OS X equivalent - I don't know, I'm still running
7.5.5, and that ain't gonna change), then Exile III - Ruined
World, then Exile III - Ruined World. That launches it.

If you've not installed it to the default path, you've to
launch it on your own.

Easy, eh?

* * * * *

Character Generation Barcalounger

When you hit "Start New Game," you'll get a window with
six characters in a list. The buttons are as follows:

Delete Good/Bad Train Graphics

Delete deletes the character.

Graphics changes your character's graphic.

Race Good/Bad Traits lets you pick the character's race and traits.

On Race:
Slithzerikai get bonuses to strength and intelligence,
as well as pole weapons (spears, lances, etc.).
However, there's a tradeoff - each level requires
20% more experience than a human.
Nephilim are felinoid and get bonuses on dexterity and
missile weapons. They also have the level penalty,
but it's less severe than that of the Slithzerikai:
it's merely +12% more per level.
Humans are your everyday, run-of-the-mill men and women.
They get no bonuses and level at normal experience.

On Advantages:
Toughness makes you stronger in general. Blows do less damage.
However, it's +10% experience more to gain a level.
Being Magically Apt increases the power of your spells. This is
incredibly useful if you tend to rely on status spells
(and believe me, starting at around the Slime Pit, you're
going to). It's +20% more experience to gain a level.
Being Ambidextrous allows you to use a weapon in each hand. However,
you still can't use two two-handed weapons. Nice try. This
experience penalty is +8%.
Nimble fingers increase your thief skills - lockpicking and disarming
traps. It's nice, but not really necessary. Experience penalty
is plus 10%.
Cave Lore is pretty much useless. It's good in the first 2 Exiles,
but here, since a good 95% of the game is on the surface, it's
useless. If you want it, it's a 4% penalty.
Woodsman is incredibly useful. The herb-finding component of it is
a boon when you're hunting ingredients for Knowledge Brew, and
the experience penalty's only 6%.
Good Constitution has a penalty of 10% and reduces the effects of
poison and disease. It isn't really that useful until you get
in a melee fight with a bunch of Pack Leaders late in the game.
Being Highly Alert gives you the edge against magical sleep. This
status wasn't in the first two Exiles (it was called "Unholy Ravage").
It also lowers the chance of surprise attacks. The penalty is 7%.
Exceptional Strength is _excellent_. It lets you carry more stuff and
does a touch more damage than usual. This bonus is very much
evident when pole or blunt weapons are equipped. The penalty is 12%.
Recuperation isn't that useful. It slowly regenerates you, but the
penalty - 15% - makes it cost-ineffective.

On Disadvantages:
Sluggish characters have 2 or 3 less AP (action points) per round. This
can be offset by equipping Boots of Speed or a Ring of Speed. The
bonus to experience is -10% to gain a level.
Those who are Magically Inept can't use potions or scrolls, but rings and
equipped items will affect them. The bonus for this is 8%.
Frail charactees take extra damage from poison and disease. The bonus is
Chronic Disease is _not_ pretty. Every now and again, a disease effect will
hit that character, and it won't be good. This condition is incurable.
However, the bonus is 20%, so it's a condition worth considering,
especially since you're probably going to get a cleric.
Those with a Bad Back simply lose some carrying capacity. The bonus is 8%.

* * * * *

Skills Phosphorescent

To increase a skill, one must have the requisite amount of skill points
as well as gold.

Skill Ability Gained Skill Points Required Gold Required

Hit Points +2 HP 1 10
Magic Points +1 MP 1 15

Notes: These skills are self-explanatory.

Strength +1 Str 3 50
Dexterity +1 Dex 3 50
Intelligence +1 Ntl 3 50

Notes: Don't start without at least three points of one of these
disciplines. It's very critical if you want to be effective.

Note from Magus999: "You might want to point out that Strength does
affect HP gain per level, so if you're a Mage,
Str > Dex unless you are actually physically fighting."

Edged Weapons +1 Edged 2 40
Bashing Weapons +1 Bash 2 40
Pole Weapons +1 Pole 2 40
Thrown Missiles +1 Missile 1 30
Archery +1 Archery 2 50
Defense +1 Defense 2 40

Notes: If you're a warrior, get three points in the specific discipline
that you want this character to specialize in.

Mage Spells +1 Mage 6 250
Priest Spells +1 Priest 5 250
Mage Lore +1 Lore 1 25
Alchemy +1 Alchemy 2 100
Item Lore +1 Item 4 200

Notes: Each skill in priest and mage allows you to cast a higher level
of spells. There's a cap of 7 on those two. Mage lore is necessary
for learning spells in books. Alchemy is useful for creating potions
and such, and if you have enough item lore, the Identify spell is
rendered useless.

Note from Magus999: "With item lore, any dropped items will be automatically
identified, but any items found on the ground or from
specials will *not* be identified. Item Lore is still
helpful (mainly to determine whether you want to waste
inventory space picking up that item the enemy just dropped),
but you will still have stuff that needs Identified. In any
case, paying for ID is only expensive early on (relative to
the money you have) and unfortunately, early on is exactly
when you won't have the spell points for Identify (or the
spell itself) or high item lore."

Disarm Traps +1 Disarm 2 30
Lockpicking +1 Lock 1 20
Assassination +1 Assassin 4 100
Poison +1 Poison 2 80
Luck +1 Luck 5 0

Notes: Disarm Traps is useful, but I'd personally take the damage
rather than waste the skill points. Same with lockpicking -
the Unlock spell is more useful. Assassination is friggin'
awesome - it does a crapload of damage on occasion, and if
you've got two weapons, you can get an assassination blow on your
first attack and then a special attack on the second (if your second
weapon's augmented). Forget poison; Major Blessing does the job for you.
Lastly, increase Luck. Just do it.

From EALacey: "Really? As I recall, you can only assassinate
using the first weapon you hit with (although you can get the
similar flaming bonus from both weapons)."

Note from Magus999: "Yes, Luck can be nice to avoid dying (though it does
often fail unless you have insanely high Luck), but it
costs 5 skill points. I'd recommend getting something of
actual value instead. Luck is not effective in small doses
(anything under roughly 5 is usually a total waste) and
large amounts cost lots of skill points which would be better
invested in something of offensive use. Yes, you might have a
Luck 20 Feodric if you invest a lot of skill points in it and
yes, he won't die very often, but with 100 skill points wasted
in him, he's not going to be very useful in actual battling,
unless you want to run around laughing at the enemy. And remember,
unless everybody has that same high luck, everybody else will
die and even 20 Luck *will* fail at times."

* * * * *

Key Commands Wombatizer

Key Effect

W Waits for 40 moves. Regenerates 2 MP and 5 HP.
R Initiates a rest command. This may only be used
when on the world map. However, it may not be used
and will be cancelled if an enemy comes within sight.
T Initiates a talk command. Use the Number Pad to
select a direction.
U Uses an item or object. It must be adjacent.
P Pulls up the Cast Priest Spell dialog box.
Shift+P Cast the last Priest spell cast again.
A Pulls up a map of the dungeon. Very effective
if combined with the Magic Map spell.
F Initiates Fight Mode in towns/dungeons.
E Ends Fight Mode, but only if all enemies are dead.
G Issues a Get command. If an enemy is within sight,
you may only get items that are adjacent to you.
L Initiates a Look command.
B Issues a Use command.
M Pulls up the Cast Mage Spell dialog box.
Shift+M Cast the last Mage Spell cast again.
Arrow keys Moves your party/PC in that direction.
Number Pad Moves your party/PC in that direction.
1-6 Switches the active PC.
9 Pulls up your Special Items list.

* * * * *

Beginning the Game Obfuscate

First, get used to the X and Y coordinate system. To obtain
the coordinates where you stand, cast the level 1 priest spell
"Location." There's absolutely no excuse for not having this

Well, you've finished the character training bit. Now, click Done
and you'll end up in Fort Emergence with a load of decent items for
starting out.

Two squares to the right, you'll see a white dot. That dot is a
special encounter. Walk over it, and things happen. You'll see
these throughout the game. This one just allows you to stay there
as in an inn, but free.

Get the items near you and use the Piece of Paper. It gives you
directions to Anaximander's (the commander of Ft. Emergence)
office and locates a room where you can store your items. This is
one of the three places you can drop items, so remember this.

The three places you can store items are the room where you started,
the House on the Hill (145,267 on the overworld), and Hawke's Manse
in Lorelei.

Go to Anaximander's office. It's at the extreme northwest corner
of the town, and I highly suggest that you explore the fort. The
coordinates for his office are 5,7. The storeroom is where you
started the game. There are supplies for you - decent armor and items -
in the storeroom at 22,34.

If you've played Exile II: Crystal Souls, you'll be familiar with the
knight in charge of this fort, Ko. You can find him at 16,34. Marian,
a woman from the cave of Motrax (the one dragon not showing up in this
game) is a wandering woman in pink.

You have two choices now: you can go north, out to the surface, or to Exile,
which is to the south. I recommend for you to go south into Exile at this
point, as level 1 characters may be too weak to go to the surface.

So exit the fort to the south.

* * * * *

Exile Subwoofer

So you're out in Exile. Where do you need to go now?

Follow the road along its path, and cross the bridge to Upper Exile proper.
From here, you can go northeast to a goblin lair and a bandit cave. I
suggest you do that.

You're going to find some random encounters here, but I'm not going to
cover them, since they vary every time, and you'll easily whip them if
you've got at least 3 PCs in your party.

Follow the east wall of the cave to the north, and at 87,106 head south to the
goblin cave at 92,111. Enter the cave.

It is dark inside. If you've got a mage with level 3 skill, cast Long Light.
If not, cast Light or use a torch or two. Just remember, you can't attack what
you can't see.

Kill the guard at 41,33. Don't worry, they're just Goblins and a Wolf.

Since this is a large dungeon, and it's fairly straightforward, I'll tell
you of a few locations of interest.

38,36 has a ten-pack of darts for you to use.

26,43 has a chest containing an Iron Knife and garbage.

18,36 has a Stone Club for you.

18,43 has a Bronze Short Sword.

4,14 is a locked door. You can bash it, pick it, or cast Unlock on it.
I recommend the last. Behind it is a Chitrach and two larvae. Don't go
in here if you can't take 50 or more damage at one time. Odds are the
big bug'll waste you. The only treasure in here is a Stone Knife.

29,4 is a burial room. There's a Nephil Warrior here. It's fairly
strong, but if you've gor 4 PCs, you can take it down. There are goblins
too, but heck, they're nothing.

45,22 has the chief's treasure chest. It has 25 gold and a Weak Healing
Potion that can be ued twice.

43,5 is a room with a dark altar. If you pray to it, nothing happens.

15,15 is the prison. The three doors contain, from left to right:
a Mung Rat, a Giant Lizard, and a corpse.

4,8 is a secret passage, but the end's blocked by a pit.

11,14 and 2,23 are stairwells down. You can't go back up if you take
them, but you _MUST_ take them to get an important Special Item. (2,23
is reascendable.)

* * * * *

Wolf Pit Presario

Take the stairwell at 2,23 from the Goblin Cave to emerge at 30,28
in the Wolf Pit.

Three goblins and a Goblin Leader will be here. Kill them all.

The north wall of the east pit (27,26) is a secret passage. Take it
to find a chest with 7 gold, 10 food, and a set of 10 Iron Bolts for

Go west and fight an onslaught of wolves, then go north. Follow the
hallway, and you'll find a passage at 27,3 which leads to a stairwell.
Climb up it, and you'll be at a room with a treasure chest. Open it,
and get the Vahnatai Statue. Climb down the stairwell, and return to
the Wolf Pit.

7,7 is the entrance to another dungeon. Don't go in there yet.

After you explore the passage to the west of 7,7, go back to 7,7 and
go north. Pass through the room and take the stairs up to the...

* * * * *

Bandit Hideout Electrifying

Go east to 12,11 and go north. You'll fight an Archer, 2 Bandits, and
an Assassin, so watch yourself. Kill them and unlock the doors to the north.
Inside them, you'll find barrels and crates. Search them to get 20 food
in the west room. The east room is trapped - if you've got a decent Disarm
Trap skill, try to disarm it. If not, take the damage and continue on.
Inside the crates here you'll find a Bronze Shield and Medium Poison.

Go back to the room with the gates and head east through the door on
the east wall. Continue to the next room, and Unlock the north door
(25,4). It leads to a dark shrine, and inside are an Evil Acolyte, 2
Brigands, and an Archer. Kill them all.

The altar here is dark, and if you have the spell "Ritual - Sanctify,"
cast it. It won't do anything, but you shouldn't have that spell this early

The southwest door in the shrine leads to the Acolyte's room. The potion
on the bed is a Weak Healing Potion (1). In the dresser, you'll find a
Bronze Short Sword.

Go back through the shrine and east over the rocky ground to 40,8. There's
a Soldier, an Apprentice Mage, and a Captain here. If you're level 3 or so,
you'll be fine. Go north into the chief's quarters, and go to 41,2, which
is a secret passage. Three traps and 2 bolts of light (damaging) later,
you'll find 300 gold, a Potion of Paralysis (don't _ever_ use this), Basic
Powder (4), and a Shield Mace, which is a rare artifact weapon. Equip this to
your character who is proficient in bashing weapons _now_, since it's
+8 attack and +3 defense.

Go back to 46,9 and Unlock the door to the south. Go in, get the supplies,
which are Iron Darts (8), a Bronze Broadsword, Boots, a Leather Helm, and
Leather Gloves. go to 32,10 and go southwest.

You'll have to fight 4 Brigands, a Soldier, and 3 Archers. This fight's gonna
hurt, so have a cleric ready with healing spells. Enter the door at 23,21, but
only _after_ you fully heal _everyone_. There are many, many enemy soldiers in
here, and you've got to kill them all.

Go south through the door at 24,28. More archers and brigands are here. Kill
them and pick up the archery supplies here, which are:

Darts (10)
Javelins (8)
Arrows (12)
Cavewood Bow

After that, continue onwards to 9,37 and head east through a secret passage.
Kill the Brigand there, and head south to exit the dungeon and go back into
Upper Exile.

* * * * *

Back to Exile Qapmoc

You emerge from the bandit cave at 92,90. Go northwest to 58,64, then go
west into Ghikra, the Vahnatai town.

Find Kyhar, the Vahnatai child. Talk to her, and say "Buy." You can buy the
alchemical recipes "Graymold Salve" and "Weak Energy Potion" from her.

Next, find Tekora-Tel, who's a Vahntai adult. You can buy several level 3
Priest spells from him, such as Smite, Manna, and Forcefield.

Remember that statue you found in the Bandit Hideout? Time to put it to
good use. Go through the door at 34,18 and talk to the Vahnatai named
Koriba in the room north of that door. Ask him about "statue" and he'll give
you a Soul Crystal. Buy his two spells off him - Capture Soul and Simulacrum,
which are level 4 Mage spells. DO NOT LEAVE WITHOUT THESE, as they allow you
to summon practically any monster in the game.

Finally, go to 14,10, but don't step on the rune to the west. Just look around
for the Vahnatai there, and talk to her. She's Rentar-Ihrno, the strongest mage
of all the Vahnatai. Do not piss her off. If you attack her or anger the town,
you'll die instantly. Ask her about "visit" and she'll let you talk to the Crystal
Souls here.

If you want a good fight, there's a Spiny Worm south of her lab. It'll hurt you bad.

Exit the town. You'll be coming back here, so remember where it is.

* * * * *

New Cotra and the Boat Gnilb

Return to the road just north of Fort Emergence next to the sign.
This time, go west until you get to 47,124. From there, follow the
road north to New Cotra. Enter the town.

There are many things to do here in New Cotra, among which are iron
weapons, a stay at the inn, and most importantly, the boat.

First, if you've got items to sell, go to Elspeth's Ironworks at
10,22. She buys items if they've been identified (if they're not,
go back to Fort Emergence and talk to the guy in blue, Habecker).
She also sells iron weapons, which may or may not be a step up from
what you have now.

Miles Alchemy, at 13,22, sells weak and medium powered potions. He
also sells Strong Curing Potions.

Hmurr's Foodstuffs is at 33,22. It, as its name states, sells food,
which is necessary to feed your PCs over your long journey. I
recommend buying about 500 food at a time, as that'll last about 30 days.

The inn is at 31,25. Talk to the barkeep for food or a room.

Also, there's a man in red in the bar. Talk to him and ask him about
"boat." Buy the boat from him for 500 gold.

That's all you'll need to do in this town for a while. Exit it to the west.

* * * * *

Krizsan Province Thrustmaster

Return to Fort Emergence and go through the north exit. This time,
you'll end up on the surface. Go through the Lengthy Expositional
Dialogue Sequence (LEDS) and save. Save, save, save, I cannot stress
that enough. Save every 10 steps; it doesn't matter, but do it often.

Explore around the surface. Rest if you run out of MP, but your first
destination is the Inn of Blades, and the coordinates for that are
121,416. Go in.

* * * * *

The Inn of Blades Mabellion

Enter the bar at the Inn of Blades. Talk to the mage in blue at the
southwest corner. He's missing his Mythril Bar, and he'll send you on
a quest to reclaim it.

Hope you're level 4 or higher.

Anyways, exit the Inn and go north to 126,395. Take the lumps of metal
and you'll enter into a fight with Apprentice Mages and a Mage. While
they're not difficult on their own, you're in deep crap since these
have banded together.

Anyways, kill them all and head back to the Inn. Talk to Arion again,
ask him about "metal," and he'll teach every party member Conflagration
and Summon Beast, which are 2 level 2 Mage spells. The former's useful,
the latter's crap.

Exit the Inn of Blades.

* * * * *

Krizsan Proper Retupmoc

Follow the road south to 118,449. From there, go south to the large
castle. That's Krizsan, the capital of Krizsan Province. Enter the

Points of interest in Krizsan include the following:

*Jinx's Smithy, at 18,29. You can buy bronze and stone weapons and
sell items here.

*Benedict's Armor, at 26,29. Nothing useful here.

*Shrine of the Revealing Light, at 13,20. You can get healed here,
and this is incredibly useful if you've got a dead PC.

*The Rowdy Oar Inn, at 19,12. Talk to the barkeep for a room or food.

*Herron's Herring, at 20,15. He sells food.

*A clue to an artifact, at 57,15. Take _TONS_ of money; the hint's
something like 5,000 gold.

Courtesy of EALacey: "The character who gives you this travels between several towns.
He's in Krizsan about 1 day in 3, and the same for a room in the inn in the town directly
west of Krizsan (Delis/Delan?)"

*A secret tunnel in and out of town, at 54,54.

*City Hall, at 39,28.

*The mayor is at 39,17. Talk to him, and ask him about "mission."
Accept the mission, and you're charged with destroying the slimes.
After you heal up, exit Krizsan.

* * * * *

The Agate Tower Butrition

Go west along the road from Krizsan to 84,458. From there, go due south
untli you see a path going east (84,471). Take it until you see a tower.
Before you see it, though, you'll get into two fights with brigands and
slimes. Waste them.

Take the left path and use your mages and priests to smite the archers
inside the archery pit. Continue west, then south, until you get to
11,24. Unlock the door south of you, and enter. You can pass through the
magic barrier, but you'll get hurt every time you do. You'll learn a spell
that'll dispel them later... much later. Anyways, look in the crates to pick

*10 Throwing Knives
*4 Lockpicks
*12 Bolts
*3 Boots

Go to 13,12 and step on the special encounter to the east. Take it, go downstairs,
and kill the goblins to the west. Explore the caves, killing everything that
moves, and continue to 3,15, which is a secret passage. Take it, go west, and
grab the Cursed Shield. Drop it immediately.

Go to 12,13 and enter the Evil Temple. Step on 12,18 and say yes when it asks
you to kneel. It summons an Imp. Kill it. This fight's just for experience; you
can skip it if you want. Also, if you have Ritual-Sanctify, cast it on the altar.
It'll destroy it. Go in the door in the southeast section of the temple. There's
a Spiny Worm in there. If you beat the one in Ghikra, this one's easy.

Unlock the door at 7,32 and go through it. Continue down the corridor to the
hallway at the end and go east. Kill the spiders there and return to the crossways
at 7,36. Go west this time.

Pick up the item marked "Gem;" it's a Sapphire. While you can't use it now, it's
a component for the Magic Map spell. Give this to your mage, and you should give
every Sapphire you ever find to him or her as well.

Keep going south into the Throne Room. Kill the slimes and go through
the secret door at 1,43. Go south, and make sure you're fully healed. Follow
the path of the pillars and after killing a few slimes, you'll fight Jordan
the Mage. He's nothing special; just pound on him with your fighters and use
the clerics/mages to heal.

Once you kill him, pick up the Scroll of Flame on the table and search the
bookcases in the room to the east. They tell you how to kill the slime-generating
pools - use the Fireball spell.

Get the things in the desk. They are:

*9 Gold
*Scroll of Major Haste
*Scroll of Charm
*Leather Gloves
*Piece of Paper (Map to the Slime Pit)

At 15,33, there's a secret passage. Take it and go into the room with the
chest. The special encounter will teach you Minor Summoning. Inside the chest,
you'll find:

*6 Magic Darts
*Medium Strength Potion (1)
*60 Gold

To test this Fireball method, go east through the door at 15,39 and go into
fight mode. Cast Fireball on the Slime Pool.

There's a secret passage at 3,19 and 300 gold behind it.

At 36,1 you'll find a secret passage leading to a chest containing 60 food.

A Steel Short Sword is on the anvil at 39,3.

46,2 is a secret passage leading to another chest which contains 60 gold.

Six uses of Comfrey Root (alchemical ingredient) are in the room at 43,14.

Go south from 43,14. Take the boat southwest, take the stairs up from 22,28,
and go east. There's a lever at 19,24. Pull it.

Travel through the various rooms and grab all the treasure you can. Around
22,11 there's a Bronze Broadsword and a Cavewood Bow. Take them if you want.

Continue to the north, then go west when the path demands it, and exit the Agate
Tower. Go back to Krizsan, heal up if you have to, and exit to the east.

* * * * *

The Slime Pit Doonesbury

You've got a stop to make before you get to the Slime Pit.

First, trek east from Krizsan to the ruins of Colchis. Enter them.

You've got to be _quick_ here. Go to the southeast corner of town
and cast Move Mountains on 36,40. Go west and _talk_ to the shade
there to find out that two items which help you resist the slimes'
powers of acid and sleep are in a pillar and an anvil here. However,
you won't be able to get them unless you talk to the shade. Anyways,
talk to him, get the locations, and go for the treasure. The anvil holds
a Helm of Alertness and the Basic Necklace is in the pillar.

Once you've got them both, exit Colchis and continue east to 171,467.
Go south from here, follow the path, and waste all the slimes in your path.
After that, enter the Slime Pit.

Since the Slime Pit's a mjor dungeon, I'll only give coordinates to you
and tell you how to get to where you need to go, along with major locations.

Proceed to 32,30. Click the top-right button and Leave. Go to 58,1. Go east,
take the stairs down, and proceed to 50,4. Enter fight mode, cast Fireball on the
Slime Pool, and climb back up to the first floor.

Return to 32,30. Press the second button from the right and proceed to 50,22.
Take that stairwell down and go to 50,15. Cast Fireball on the Slime Pool. Return
to the stairwell and climb up to the first floor.

Go back to 32,30 again. Click the center button and go to 55,57. Unlock the
door beneath you, then unlock the one on the east wall of the next room.
Kill the Wight, read the spellbook, and learn Wall of Force and Flame Arrows.
Go to 38,62 and go west through the secret passage. Go north from the stalagmite
and take the stairs down. Go north through the barrier, Unlock the door,
kill the Null Bug inside, and get the loot. It is:

*Brew of Ironskin (1)
*Steel Rapier
*Iron Greathelm
*2 Sapphires

Return through the stairwell to the first floor and go to 31,53. Take the
stairwell down. Go to 33,26, etner fight mode, and cast Fireball on the Slime
Pool. Fight your way back to the stairwell and then return to 32,30.

This time, press the second button from the left. Go to 6,55 and take the stairs
down. Use the boat to sail along the west wall and kill any slimes in your way.
Go north and enter the inlet at the northeast edge of the lake. Go to 15,20
and cast Fireball on the Slime Pool. Return to the stairwell and go to 32,30
for the last time.

Press the button on the far left corner. Go to 3,60 and take the stairs down
and go to 2,1 after fighting off a tons of Mauve Slimes and Slime Zombies.
Read the obelisk, then go to 6,14 and walk east through the secret wall.
From there, go to 9,3, enter fight mode, and cast Fireball on the Slime Pool.

That's the last Slime Pool. Now you've got to fight the Giant Slime, who is
the boss of this dungeon. Heal yourself and save. Go to 18,5 and enter Fight
Mode. Bless and Haste your whole party, then move east into the giant chamber.
Target all assaults on the Giant Slime. If you've got a level 4 mage or a level 3
priest, cast Flame Arrows or Smite on each square where the Giant Slime is and you'll
do more than normal damage.

After it dies, go north to 24,4 and go north through the secret wall. Go east,
read through the LEDS, and make your way back to the entrance. Exit the dungeon
and make your way back to Krizsan.

* * * * *

Post-Slime Cleanup Ecchi

Talk to the mayor of Krizsan and ask him about "mission." He'll reward you with
1500 gold and a letter of recommendation, which is automatically delivered to
the cities of Shayder, on the Isle of Bigail, and another city, which will be named
later on.

From there, return to Fort Emergence. The coordinates for that are 73,406.
Enter the fort.

By now, you've probably grown a touch stronger, and you're wondering what to do
with those new skill points. Well, there's a training hall at 52,19. Talk to the
soldier inside and ask her about "train."

Then go to Anaximander's office and talk to him. He'll give you new valuable
information as well as a reward and a daily allowance (which you've got to get from
a steward at 17,6).

From here, go to Berra the mage's lab at 50,43. Talk to the guy in grey
and ask him about "evidence." From there, go south and talk to the girl in green.
Ask her about "tomes" and you'll learn a key-spell. Go to 49,51 and go south.
Step on the specials, read the tomes, and learn the spells Symbiosis and True
Sight, which is a low-level version of Magic Map.

After that, talk to Anaximander.

From there, exit Fort Emergence to the south and return to Upper Exile.

Go northeast to 90,10. From there, cross the bridge and go into Erika's Tower.

This tower's the home of the incredibly powerful mage Erika Redmark. If you've played
the other Exile games, you know that she can't ever go to the surface thanks to
a curse the late Archmage Garzahd placed on her (she'll disintegrate if she's ever
hit by sunlight).

Talk to the woman in red. She's Erika. Ask her about "evidence," then "boon,"
then "amulet." Go to the fourth room on the left, step on the special, and get the


Despite the claims to the contrary, I've never been able to beat the game without
it, so I suggest you get it and _SAVE_.

Go back to Erika, ask her to activate it, and then, if you've got the money,
buy some level 6 mage spells from her, such as Group Fear, Paralyze, Major
Poison, and the awe-inspiring powerful spell that does just what its name
says - Kill.

Get out of the tower and don't look back.

From here, go to New Cotra again and this time, go in the town and go to
43,37 to pick up your boat. Sail east - far east. Navigate to 58,73
and go west, then disembark onto the island. Step on 52,72 and say yes
to both questions to discover Silverlocke's Alchemy Shoppe. She sells
Knowledge Brew, which gives you 2 skill points without having to gain
a level... but it's 2600 gold.

Exit the island, and sail just west of Ghikra, which is that tower to
the northeast of the island. Sail into Ghikra.

Sail due east and then walk east into the chamber. Step on the special, hit yes,
and learn the best spell in the game - Major Blessing, a level 7 mage spell
which blesses and hastes you entire party _and_ poisons their weapons to boot.
Exit Ghikra and continue southwest to the edge of Upper Exile (6,135).

Enter the tower there, which is the Portal Keep. Go to 4,9 and talk to the
girl there. Ask her about "amulet." From there, go to 7,41 and talk to the
woman in green there. Ask her about "permission" and then walk onto the portal.

You're now in the most famous place in all Exile, the Tower of Magi. There
are only six things you need to do here:

*Talk to Solberg
*Buy level 6 priest spells
*Learn Major Summoning
*Upgrade your intelligence
*Get the Amulet
*Check the variety shop for kickass items

Solberg is at 23,53. Ask him about "reward" to learn Ice Bolt and Venom Arrows.
From there, go to 56,16, talk to the priestess inside, and buy every spell you
can from her.

Also, if you drop 5 gold into the treasure chest in the temple, then pray at
the altar, your intelligence for each PC will be increased by 2 points permanently
(corrected thanks to the following note). This can be abused in that it repeats
over and over if you keep dropping gold in, but most players wouldn't abuse the
system... I hope. (Thanks to EALacey.)

Note from Magus999: "In the walkthrough, the Tower of Magi temple increases INT by
*2* points, not one. But the raising cannot go above 16 ever using this method. This
means that ideally your Mages should start with an even number of INT (4 is good for
early effectiveness on the slime quest, though you could go as low as 2 I wouldn't
recommend it since then they're worthless until beating the slime quest), so you can
end up with 16 instead of 15."

From here, go to the door across the hall (45,9) and talk to the guy inside. Buy
his alchemical recipes.

Go to 47,61 and walk north through the passage. Pass through the barriers, read
the tome, and learn the spell Major Summoning.

Next, go to 52,52 and talk to the guy in that room. He runs the variety store,
and you might find a good item here, or you might not... the inventory's completely
random each time.

If you want to refresh his inventory, hit Shift+W to refresh jobs and shops. It's
cheating, though...

Lastly, look in the dresser at 52,38. Take the portal back to the Portal Keep
and go back to Denise's room. Ask her about "amulet" again and you'll get a Scroll
of Shockwave. Don't ever use this spell or scroll in a town; the people in it
will get pissed at you and try to kill you.

Well, you're done with the slime mission, and next up is the optional mission -
the cockroaches.

And no, you don't get Raid.

* * * * *


Nope, no bug spray for you!

* * * * *

In Transit to the Isle CoreLinux

Return to Fort Emergence and go to the surface exit. Exit onto the

From 74,406, go northwest to the hut at 60,393 and enter it. Ask the mage
inside the hut about "buy" if you've got any gold and you'll save a lot of

From the mage, go east through the door and over the rune that says "Pay
Ernest First." The portal you need to go into is the middle portal in the
top row. Go in it and you're at the capital city of the Isle of Bigail,

* * * * *

Roaches and Strife Gonads

Well, you've arrived on the east side of Shayder, which is on the Isle of
Bigail. There are _MANY_ things to do in this town, most of which will affect
your game permanently.

This town - hell, the whole island - is biased against mages. People who
have skills in Mage Skills (not Lore) generally are not welcomed here.

Since this is a big town, I'll only detail locations of shops and critical

*Sara the Mage, at 54,57.
She'll identify items and has the entire rack of level 4 Mage Spells
minus Capture Soul and Sinulacrum, but you've got those already.
*The Shayder Bazaar, at 38,43.
This place stocks a lot of weapons and armor, but there's no variety shops
like at the Tower of Magi.
*Bohman the Potions Salesman
This guy's in a white priest's outfit and he's wandering around.
*Judith the Priestess
This woman has an incredible secret. She'll tell you, for the nice price of
1000 gold, where you can find a wonderful relic called the Fury Crossbow.
You can usually find her wandering around the...
*Shayder Docks
You can catch a ferry to Marish here. It's another sidequest.
*Shayder Library
At 47,13. You can purchase a map of the Isle of Bigail here.
*Shayder City Hall
At 47,39. Talk to the mayor inside and ask her about "mission." She'll
give you the mission to kill the cockroaches.

Without a doubt, the most dangerous - or beneficial - place in the town is the
Temple of the Anama, which is located at 25,26. The Anama is a religious order
that eschews the use of Mage spells. They're based on the Isle of Bigail, but
there are branches all over the world, and some places cannot be accessed without
joining the Anama.


Inside the temple, there's a man named Ahonar. He sells all the level 4 Priest
spells. He also gives you the opportunity to join the Anama - but only if you've
talked to all the Anama priests around the Isle and told them Yes to their questions.
If you join, you'll get a lot of powerful Priest spells early and have your Priest
Skill permanently increased by 2 - for _every_ PC. You even learn Avatar, which is
basically the most unbalancing spell in the game.

From EALacey: "You have to talk to most of the priests, but you aren't required to
talk to all of them."

He's correct; only a few priests can be asked about "faith" or "beliefs."

If you want to join, ask Ahonar about "join."

You'll also find some staircases, which you can't go up unless you join... or
buy the Anama Rings in Lorelei from the Thieves' Guild. We'll speak on that later.

If you manage to join the Anama, you can... leave... by either increasing
your Mage Skill or robbing their temple. However, unlike when you piss off a
town, the Anama don't forget that you robbed the temple. You'll never be welcome
in Shayder again.

Other than that, you're pretty much done in Shayder, except for the sewers, which
I'll cover now.

Exit Shayder and enter from the south. Don't go in the gates, but rather go west to
15,59. Proceed through the tunnel to the cracked wall, and cast Move Mountains
on it. Cast Move Mountains on the cracked wall at the end of the new tunnel and
fight the Mung Roaches and Cockroaches behind it. Go to 13,54 and crack the wall
to the south. Pick up the Sapphire and go to 6,54. Take the stairs down into the

Make your way through the sewers to 2,5 and enter the boat. Navigate to 24,5 and
then walk to 29,3. Get the gold behind the wall and go back to the boat. Navigate
to 30,16 and walk to 28,21. Hope you've got wands or scrolls, because there's 4
Giant Roaches here, but the reward is a Wand of Fireballs.

Exit the sewers.

* * * * *

Circumnavigating the Island Elephantine

Exit Shayder. While you go around the island, expect LOTS of battles
with roaches. They can cause Poison and Disease, so have a level 3 Priest
Spell user with you and make sure they can case Cure Disease, or have a
set of Dust of Cleansing with you.

Go northeast.

Go to 57, 224 and go one step northwest. This place will come in handy later,
so remember it.

Go north and enter the town of Hectar. There's not much to do here, but you
can heal up if you want to. I suggest you do.

Next, go to 70,247. If you want to fight a large party of Gremlins, hit Yes.
They steal food if they hit you, so that's your warning.

Northpoint Lighthouse is at 77,245. Don't go here; it's a useless stopover.

Go southeast to 114,272. The town of Fenris Port's there, and this place has ferries
to the mainland. It also has an alchemy shop at 9,33. The Anama temple is at 11,23.
Ask the priest inside about "faith" and say "Yes" if you want to join the Anama. If
not, leave this town and don't look back.

Follow the road south and go to 102,302. Go northeast through the pass and hit
the special encounter. Say Yes, Pray, and you'll learn the spell Restore Mind.
This is the first of five stone circles, and each one teaches you something

Now go west, deep into the heart of the island. 79,311 has a pair of Dancing
Boots. 77,311 has a Wand of Slow and a battle with giant spiders.

Make your way to 67,308 and enter the dungeon there.

I have only one thing to say to you -

Be afraid.

Be _very_ afraid.

Be bloody terrified.

After all, you've just entered the household of the Happy Talking Spiders.
If you've played Escape from the Pit or Crystal Souls, you know what I'm
talking about.

If not, consider yourself grateful.

Don't talk to _any_ of the spiders here. Just go to 8,37 and go west through
the wall. It's an empty treasure room. Go to 17,15 and Unlock the door to the
west. Enter and hit the special. If it works, you'll fight four Hordlings (weak
demons). Kill them, take the dagger, and cast Ritual-Sanctify on the altar if
you've got it. You'll have to fight a Demon, though.

Make your way to 18,3 and talk to the spider there. Don't even bother asking
him about anything but "Spider." Go into the next room and talk to the spider
there. Ask him about "roaches" and he'll give you a mission.

Get to 29,38 and then south, southeast, and east, then cast Move Mountains on
the wall to the east. You'll find one bar of platinum and eleven Iron Bars
in that room. Exit the Spider Lair.

From EALacey: "It's probably obvious, but it might be worth pointing out that
the Platinum Bar can be distinguished from the Iron Bars by its weight (18 vs. 20?)."

Go due northwest to 57,297 and say Attack to the spider. Waste the cockroaches
in the fight by any means necessary and then return to the chief spider in the
spider lair. Ask him about "roaches" again and then exit the spider lair.

Cheer, because you won't be coming back here ever again.

Go due north of the spider lair to 69,272 and then go west through the trees.
Enter the roach lair. There's only one thing to emphasize here:


Find the one named "Filth Spreader" and ask it about "located." It'll tell
you that the Filth Factory, which is the big place where the roaches are made,
is northeast of Shayder. However, there are some stops you've got to make first.

Exit the Roach Lair. Go to Kuper, which is at 107,313, and enter it. Heal up,
and if you want to join the Anama, ask the priestess here about "philosophy."
Say Yes, and you've got one more number added to your Anama Favor tally.

At any rate, take the ferry to Kneece.

Once in Kneece, go to 16,33, and kill everything in your path. All that's here
are some giant lizards and a Salamander. Make your way from there to 19,29 and
Unlock the door. Go in, talk to the wizard, and ask him about "device." Get the
Phoenix Egg with him, and take the ferry back to Kuper. From there, make your
way south to Bavner at 77,327. Enter the town.

There's an Anama temple here. You know the drill. Ask the priestess about
"share," hit Yes, and be gone.

There's also a training shop here at 19,29, so spend your hard-earned gold and
skill points here levelling up for the Filth Factory. You're going to need to
do this, and this is the ideal time.

Leave Bavner and make your way along the west road. Watch out for the encounter
with a _LOT_ of roaches at 44,323. Keep going west until you see another town,
which is Port Townsend. Go in, go to the temple, and talk to the Anama in there.
Ask him about "beliefs," say yes, and leave the temple. This town also offers
a weapons shop, so if you need to buy or sell items, this is the place.

Leave Port Townsend and continue along the road. There's a roach encounter at 20,320.
However, north of that is Shayder. Go in, heal up, and go north to 27,283. Go north,
fight the band of roaches, and continue northeast along the coastline to 30,281.
Go north, fight the roaches, rest, and enter the Filth Factory.

* * * * *

The Filth Factory New Jersey

All right, this is a _HUGE_ dungeon.

Go east through the fake wall, then north to 5,20 and south through
the fake wall for 500 gold, some Basic Powder, and some Cleansing Powder.

Next, go to 22,44 and then follow the east wall. DO NOT GO IN THE
to 23,54, sit for a second and remember this location. To the west is
a one-time heal for all your PCs if they're diseased and you can't cast
Cure Disease. (5,51)

However, you're going east.

Make your way northeast (fighting and killing everything in your path -
watch out for the Giant Slugs. They spit acid, which can only be healed by
a use of Basic Powder) to 53,46. Cast Move Mountains on the wall due south
of you and go in the new chamber to get some Cleansing Powder, a Medium
Healing Potion, and Graymold (the last of which is used to make Graymold Salve).

Continue northeast to 62,27. Go north through the door, then west and north to
56,16. Save here, then go north through the door. Go to 53,11, Unlock the door
to the west, and trigger the special. Pick your strongest PC and send him/her through
the portal. Pack a lot of potions and scrolls on this guy, and give him _tons_
of armor.

Go south along the corridor. When the corridor turns, go into fight mode,
then Bless and Haste yourself. Stand ready for a round, then continue following
the corridor while in Fight Mode. Why stay in Fight Mode? Simple. Giant Roaches
and Ghouls populate this area, and if you don't stay in Fight Mode, the Haste
wears off.

Kill them, then go to 48,23. Unlock the door to the north, go through it, kill the
roaches there, and then go to 42,15. Click "Halt Slime Flow" and run like hell back
to the long hallway where you fought the roaches and Ghouls. Rejoin your party, and
then run to 53,28. Unlock the door to the west and run southwest to the portcullis.
Go through it, run southeast to the door, and pray that you have enough time to Unlock
it and run through.

If you manage to get through, go to 47,40, go one step north, and take the
stairs down.

* * * * *

Filth Factory, Second Floor Humidifier

Walk south to 49,29. Enter the room, pull the lever at 49,34, and exit.
Go to 54,22, go west, and pull the center lever. This causes an explosion
to open a door to the portal to the southeast. Go back to the first room
with a lever, then go southeast into the portal.

Once you're through the portal, go back into it. This time, it'll take you
to the lower-right corner of the dungeon. Do it twice more to go to the
northwest corner. From there, go east along the wall until 47,1, then go
south along the gap.

Kill anything in your path, then go to 36,7. Walk east through the walls,
and then search the chests for:

*Iron Short Sword
*Iron Chain Mail
*Iron Helm
*Iron Shield
*36 Bolts

Go back out and follow the south wall west to the end of the hall, then
go south to the end of the corridor. Go east at the end of that corridor,
the north, and so on. It's a spiral, in case you couldn't tell.

Once you're at 48,50, go southeast, kill all the roaches, and pick up
the Steel Wave Blade at 45,57. Return to the hole at 14,29 and go east.
Kill the Guardian Roaches there and work your way to the east along the
spiral until you're at 24,28. Go east, trigger the special, hit Yes,
then go into Fight Mode, Haste your whole party, and run your ass off back
to the portal. Stay in Fight Mode the whole way - that way you outrun the
quickfire a lot faster.

Run to 6,39 and take the stairs up. Run like hell to the left, exit
the Filth Factory, and read the dialogue.

Your roach mission is _almost_ complete, despite what the dialogue says.

* * * * *

Clean Up What You Squash Stargazey

Go to the southeast and return to Shayder. Go back to City Hall (46,39),
talk to the mayor, and ask her about "mission." You'll get 500 gold and
a Gold Skill Ring.

Next, if you're going to join the Anama, see the section marked "Sidequests."
Otherwise, go to Port Townsend, which can be accessed by going southeast
along the road from Shayder. Once there, go to the ogre at the south end
of town and buy a ticket from her. Go to the end of the far left
dock, say Yes, and you'll end up at Farport, which is on the

In Farport, there's very little to do.

There's a smithy at 34,20 and a food shop at 34,23. A library
where you can get items identified is at 14,23. That same shop sells
scrolls which contain mage spells. Stock up if you want.

From Farport, go south, cross the bridge, and then go due south to 110,388,
then walk through the mountains to the south and then to 113,402.
Go noth one square into a stone circle encounter. Click Yes, Pray, and
the result is that your party learns the most useful spell in the
game - Magic Map.

Return through the mountain pass to 110,385. Go northeast to
129,387. Help the Nephilim in the battle, and you'll get a Medium
Energy Potion.

From here, go southwest to 88,393 and through the pass. Kill the
Unicorns you encounter, and then go to 73,406, then west through the
pass, and you're at Fort Emergence.

Now that you've got Firewalk, stand on the square to the left of the
top line of lava when you're enterering Fort Emergence. Cast Firewalk
and move east across the lava. When the status windows shows that
the spell's worn off, cast it again. After you walk through the
fake wall, keep going east, disarm the trap, and get the Fine Crossbow,
Iron Helm, food, and gold. Don't worry about stealing it; no one's going
to know. Go back across the lava and then to Anaximander's office.

He'll give you the Amulet of Rapid Returning, and when you use it outdoors
on the surface, you'll instantly be taken back to the north end of Fort
Emergence. This is arguably the best special item you're going to get
for a while.

Exit Fort Emergence to the south and go to the Portal Keep. Take the
portal to the Tower of Magi and talk to Solberg. Ask him about "reward"
and he'll teach you Firestorm and Summoning.

Check the Variety Shop in the Tower, and if there's anything good
that you can afford, buy it. If not, go back through the portal and
return to Fort Emergence. If you've got Skill Points, go to the
training hall and buy yourself some skills.

Next up is a tough mission - the Giants and Troglodytes.

* * * * * * * * * *

They Might be Giants!

This is the end of the freeware section. If you're going to go any
farther, you must have the registered version.

And besides, paying for shareware is a good thing. It certainly promotes
good karma, ne?

* * * * * * * * * *

Off to Sharimik! Airplane

Make your way southwest around the mountains past Pergies, then northeast to
33,408. Fight the lizards, then go to 37,410. Walk southeast one square, then
south into the clearing. Follow the path east, trip the special encounter, and
fight the Drake and his lizards. When you win, you'll get a Fire Orb Necklace.

Hike up to 45,387, then one square west. Go one square southwest to trip the
special, then say No to the question. We'll come back here later. You'll see.

Next, go to the hut at 60,393 on the surface, and pay Ernest to go to Sharimik.
Sharimik's the second portal from the left. Go through it, then exit the town, rest,
and save.

Things to do here:

*Ehrenfeld's Armors, at 9,44. He sells bronze stuff.

*Walk around town and find the archer named Sloan. Ask him about "Ginny" and
he'll tell you that he lost a ring in the southwest corner of town. Go to
4,59 and take the ring, then go to 38,20 and talk to the woman inside. Ask her
about "ring" twice and she'll pack you _tons_ of food as a gift for returning
the ring.

*The priestess of the Shrine of Happy Thoughts sells level 5 Priest Spells
as well as healing. The location is 47,22.

*The town smithy, at 25,20. This place has a nice power - not only can you
buy iron and steel weapons, but you can sell your stuff here, _and_ this
guy augments your weapons if you want. The catch is that his augmentation
makes your weapons cast Flame a few times. It can only be attached to non-magical
identified weapons. My advice - this is a useful upgrade for now, but it'll be
useless once you get magical weapons.

Note from Magus999: "you're wrong about Grove. He does not make your weapons
do Flame damage. Instead, it's just like casting Flame. You get 8 casts of Flame,
just like if you're holding 8 scrolls of Flame. It's useless on weapons and I'd
recommend if you want the 8 casts of flame, go grab a Stick and Flame-enchant that
(same effect as a real weapon, but cheaper cost). As well, there's a bug in his setup.
It costs a good deal to enchant (16 times the weapon's value I believe), but you can
then immediately sell the Flame weapon for a whole lot more (48 times the value). So
you can buy a weapon from him, then sell it immediately for a profit. One warning, do
*not* go over 32,000 gold in hand. Because beyond 32,000 your money will actually
become negative. As well, you cannot enchant anything with a value of more than
roughly 1200 gold. Well, you can enchant it, but you can't sell it, because there's
a limit on the value of an item and if the item value exceeds the limit and you sell
it, your money will also screw up and go negative. In real terms, this means Steel
Broadswords and Iron Bardiches are pretty much your limit of items that you can
buy from him."

*The supply depot battle, at 9,16. You fight a Troglodyte Khazi and a lot
of Troglodyte Defenders. It's a nice amount of experience, but nothing special

*The town docks. You can buy tickets to Farport. I'll cover this city later.

*Starcap Training, at 31,41. It's a training hall.

*Ballard's Supplies, at 31,37. This guy sells good lockpicks and poisons.

*Isaac's Missile Weapons, at 31,45. He sells darts, throwing knives, arrows,
Cavewood Bows, javelins, throwing daggers, iron darts, iron arrows, iron javelins,
and Lemonwood Bows. Without a doubt, this is the most comprehensive missile
weapon shop in the game.

*Spragins' Magical Consultation, at 25,49. This guy sells you level 5 mage spells,
identifies your items, and is working on a way to convert magic map to work outdoors.
However, you've already got that way if you're this far in the game; it's called
the registered editor.

After you do what you need to, your quest for a wonderful spell begins. Go to
City Hall (41,43) and then to the mayor's office (46,47). Ask the mayor about
"mission," then "problem."

Exit City Hall. Go to 49,41 and talk to the man inside. You need 1000 gold to
even begin this quest, so make sure you've got it before you go to this guy.
If you've got it, go talk to him and ask him about "mission" twice.

From here, go to the barracks at 40,17 and then to the office inside at 50,14.
Talk to the woman there and ask her about "mission." You're now on a quest to pick up
the spell Ritual - Sanctification, then wreck a troglodyte altar northeast
of a town called Angel's Rest.

After you're done with her, find the woman in blue named Sandra. She's an Exile,
and she'll tell you about a place in New Cotra called the Bunker. Remember
that you'll need to talk to Commander Johnson in Fort Emergence to get the
password to enter.

There's a man at 10,19 who'll sell you two alchemical recipes. Get them, then
leave town. Head north to 163,284 and go southwest. The merchants there will
ask for a load of food for gold, and you'll be able to do this three times, each
time making a handy profit.

From there, go northwest, around the mountains, to 145,267. Go northeast, into
the deserted hut. This place is now yours, and it can do the following:

*Store items for you
*Teach you Magic Map
*Act as an inn
*Give you a Stone Axe and a Stone Knife
*Give you 50 food

Once you've explored this place, rest up and leave. There's not much here for you.

If you joined the Anama, go to 183,252. There's a compound there that sells
magical substitutes which are relatively cheap.

Go to 203,276 if you're fairly strong. There's a crapload of troglos here and
it's an excellent opportunity to gain some experience, and you'll pick up a suit of
Steel Chain Mail.

Make your way waaaaaay northwest to 150,188 and say Yes, Pray to the stone
circle. This one makes you nimbler by 1 Dexterity point for every PC.

If you want to increase your archery skills, go to 124,186 and pay 3000 gold
to the man there. He'll increase one person's Archery skill by 2 points - and
you won't even have to use a Skill Point!

Finally, haul your butt to 121,205 and follow that path south to the
Adobe Hut. Unlock the door, and ask the man inside about "Ritual," then
"reason," then "troglos." You'll learn Ritual - Sanctification!

Now you've got to trek over to Angel's Rest, which is a ways off from here.
Trek to Sharimik and then east to 218,318. Heal up at the inn in Angel's Rest
and then go due east to 252,313. Follow the path to the northeast and enter
the troglo temple.

* * * * *

The Troglo Temple Gabomba

By now, you'd better have Ritual - Sanctification. If not, refer back to
the previous section, then return here.

Cast Stealth immediately if you've got a level 5 Mage - and there's no
excuse not to at this point, as well as having a level 5 Priest.

Go to 8,18, and north through the fake wall. Cast Firewalk, cross over
the lava, and when the walls block you, go northeast one square, northwest
one square, and then cast Move Mountains on the wall to the northwest. Enter
the room and get the:

*Steel Great Mace
*Steel Helm
*Steel-Toed Boots
*Steel Chain Mail
*Steel Shield
*Steel Gauntlets

Leave the ring - it's cursed. From there, return to the entrance.

From the entrance, go to 14,29 and follow to path southeast to 17,39.
Keep going south to 17,44, Unlock the door to the west, and then go the far
left edge of the room. Go one square southwest, walk through the magical
barriers, and then go west. Disarm the trap, Unlock the door, and kill
the Basilisk there - or Capture Soul it, if you've got the MP to try.

The items there are:

*Bronze Mace
*Bronze Breastplate
*Iron Gauntlets
*8 Iron Javelins
*Iron Broadsword

If you've got Piercing Crystals, use them on the magic barrier at the northeast
edge of the room. Behind the barrier is a Fine Crossbow, 30 Iron Bolts, and 8
Magic Bolts.

Return to 18,44. Make your way to 34,9 - and kill every single Troglodyte in
your path. From there, go to 35,4 and enter the room. The room to the left of
it contains 53 food in the chests. From there, go to the entrance. Go due east to
41,20 and take the stairs up.

Fight and kill all the troglos here. Go to 21,13 and make sure your priest has
50 MP. Cast Ritual - Sanctify on the altar here, and make sure that you _don't_
step in the shock fields. Kill the 8 Hordlings that appear, and go to 11,18. Go south
to 11,26 and go east into the next room. Kill the Trogolodyte Shaman and Unlock
the door to the southeast. Don't read the book. It hurts.

Go to 22,28 and walk through the fake wall. Go east along the passageway, kill the
Statues, and cast Unlock on the door to go in. If you don't have 50 MP on your priest,
don't go in; just wait until you get 50 MP. Once you do, cast Ritual - Sanctify
on the alter in there. Don't trigger the special; it kills you instantly.

Once the spell's cast, you fight the most powerful kind of demon in the game:
a Haakai. Just beat the crap out of it. Heal constantly, and if you have them,
use Prismatic Wands.

Once it's dead, go through the fake wall at 25,23. Kill the Demon in there, loot
the chest, which contains:

*Wand of Venom
*Medium Speed Potion
*1000 gold

And return to the stairs where you came up from.

Descend to the first floor, then exit the Temple.

Return to Sharimik by trekking due west, then go to visit Commander Corie in the
barracks at 40,17. Her office is at 50,14. Talk to her, ask her about "mission,"
and exit the barracks.

Go to City Hall and see Mayor Knight in his office at 46,47. Ask him about
"mission" and you'll get your true quest - speak with the king of the Troglodytes.
He'll give you a leather scroll, and you'll need to leave Sharimik immediately.

* * * * *

To See the King Austin

Once you've left Sharimik, go east-northeast to 238,298. Rest up, then go north
one square. Say "Yes." You'll be allowed to pass. Go north to Castle Troglo and
enter it. Say "Yes" twice, and you'll end up in prison in Castle Troglo.

Walk around for a while, and eventually, the door will be unlocked. Walk north
in the corridor, and read the scroll.

The "Glowing Ones" sound familiar, don't they?

Anyways, walk around your cell for a bit longer, and then the door will be
opened again. Go north to the throne room and talk to the king. Say "Yes," then
ask him about "here." Then return to the cell.

Read the scroll there. You're told to go kill a guy named Elhioc. If you accept
this mission, go to 53,51 and walk west through the fake wall. Take the stairs

Go south, walk through the fake wall, and kill everything in your way.
Go north to 59,18, and enter the Halls of Concordance. Kill the 2 Shamans
and the Warriors there, then go to 32,9, killing the Warriors and Shamans along
the way. Trigger the special, read the dialogue, and keep going west.

Go to 19,6 and beat the crap out of the two Drakes there. Get the Gold Bar
and Quicksilver Band. From there, go to 14,17 and trigger the special.

From left to right, set the buttons in the special to 5,4,3,2,0,2. Walk west
through the block maze, then go north through the corridor. Unlock the door,
go in, fight the Warriors and Elhioc, and then go north through the false wall
at 6,7. Read the spellbook to learn Wall of Blades and Major Cleansing.

* * * * *

You Really Don't Want to do This Indubitably

If your party's at level 20 or higher, I suggest you go to 7,45, enter Fight
Mode, and Bless/Haste your entire party, then proceed south to fight a crapload
of Khazis, Shamans, and Warriors, most of which will start summoning enemies.
I highly recommend avoiding this section.

However, if you're playing through the game with just one PC, odds are you'll be
able to whip this section easily.

From there, go to 24,52, go north, and waste all the Khazis and Shamans. Go north
to 25,35 and search the bookcase to the north. Go through the fake wall to the north
of that, then unlock the door, go northwest one square, and look to the west.
Inside the chest is:

*Magic Mace
*1000 gold

* * * * *

Back to Sharimik (Again) Trekkery

Run back to the stairs behind the fake wall at 47,55. Go up the stairs,
read the dialogue, and exit Castle Troglo.

Go back to Sharimik and talk to Mayor Knight. Ask him about "mission."
He'll give you access to the tome that teaches you the most useful spell
in the game - Dispel Barrier. It's at 49,46. The tome is inside the library,
and it's at 53,51.

Once you've read the tome, heal up at the inn, then exit Sharimik. Your next
destination is Lorelei. Go north to 160,226, then go north one more square.
Agree to the search and then enter the town to the northeast, which is Lorelei.

* * * * *

Lorelei (Not Gilmore, though) Saotome

This town's huge. It has tons of things to do, so get ready for a _long_

*Lorelei Stables, at 15,31. This place sells horses, which let you move
twice as fast on the overworld map.

*Randall's Item Shoppe, at 24,25. This place is a variety shop, just like
the one in the Tower of Magi.

*Shrine of the Anama, at 21,45. This place sells alchemical ingredients
at friggin' _CHEAP_ prices, and the ingredients are good stuff, too, like
Ember Flowers (which can be used to make Resurrection Balm, which is
necessary to cast Resurrection/Raise Dead). However, you can't get in
unless you joined the Anama... or you've got the Rings.

*The Caring Cubbyhole Inn, at 27,50. Just another inn.

*Ligaya's Fine Foods, at 30,36.

*Lorelei Vo-Tech, at 48,36. This place is a training shop.

*Divine Lucre Blades, at 50,36. This place sells well-crafted blades -
but they're friggin' _EXPENSIVE!_ Also, this guy can Bless your weapons
permanently. It's even more expensive than the flaming weapon augmentation,
but it's worth it, especially in the Tower of Magi event.

*University of Valorim, at 44,22. The guy in here sells some alchemical

*Lorelei Armory, at 47,17. The woman here sells armor, and it's pricey.
You can also sell items here.

*Sandra, from Unspecified Services. This woman tells you how to get into
that big building in New Cotra that you weren't able to get into earlier.

*Kendra's Fine Gloves, at 18,21. This woman sells gloves, but she's got a far
better secret. Ask her about "guild" and she'll open a secret passage at
13,21 leading to...

*The Thieves' Guild, at 13,21. This place is one of the most useful places
in the game. You can buy:

-Anama Rings for 2500 gold. These let you into the Anama compound in the overworld,
the Shrine in Lorelei, and the second floor of the temple in Shayder.
-Tunnel permission for 3000 gold. This letts you go into Blackcrag Fortress
via a back tunnel, and you MUST have this to beat the game.
-Various thieves' tools. Ask the man about "tools" to get the list.

*Lyle, at Internal Affairs, which is at 41,39. This guy sells you Hawke's Manse
(a giant mansion at 18,13) for 8,000 gold. It's certainly worth it, though, for
multiple reasons.

-You can store items there.
-It's a permanently free inn.
-Free food for eternity.
-Alien Blade (permanently poisonous weapon that does 13+3) in one statue at
27,22 inside Hawke's Manse.
-Strong Healing Potion in a chest at 10,21.
-A crotchety housekeeper by the name of Marjorie.

*An Exile spy house at 49,45. There's a secret wall at 53,49. Go through it to the
south and then follow the passage. There's another secret wall at the west end of
the passageway. Talk to the guy inside for valuable information that you've got to
relay to Anaximander.

After you've explored Lorelei, go to 35,33, and talk to the woman in the room to
the northeast. Ask the Empire Dervish therein about "mission" and you'll be told
to go into the Giants' Lair.

Exit Lorelei and go southeast to 231,269. From there, walk west through the fake
wall. Fight the giants, and then heal up when you're done. Enter the Giant Lair
to the south.

* * * * *

Cave of the Giants Hentai

You enter the caves at 59,32. Remember these coordinates.

Cross the bridge to the west and kill giant fighters, shamans, and ogres
there. They're gonna _hurt_.

Make your way to the caves to 35,4. The room there contains a Guardian (invisible enemy)
and a chest with 250 gold and a Bronze Greathelm.

Navigate to 42,1 and look in the chest. Get the Embroidered Favor, which you'll
return to the commander in Lorelei. The sword there is an Iron Greatsword - no great
shakes, since it's just an iron 2-handed sword.

Go to 35,36 and kill the giants in that room. Go west through the false wall at
34,36 and loot the chests there. They contain:

*523 gold
*12 Bolts
*Iron Studded Armor
*Martyr's Shield (5)

From there, go to 51,43 and search the chest to the north. Take the Locket
with Painting from the chest.

Go to 18,46, killing anything along the way, and get the Good Luck Charm from
the chest to your north.

The chest at 5,62 contains:

*Scroll of Fireball
*Brew of Ironskin
*Yew Bow (+2)
*Iron Arrows (20)

However, there are 2 Guardians there.

Don't loot the temple at 15,24. Quickfire plus sealed room = bad thing.

The Hill Giant Chief at 6,6 drops _incredible_ treasure when he dies. I got
a 2-use Weak Skill Potion off him, and also 500 gold, but gold's crap compared to
Skill Potions. You can also loot the treasure chamber at 3,4, but you need to
Dispel Barrier the magical barriers here. The treasure's nice, and it includes:

*Weak Healing Potion (14 uses!)
*Horn of Warriors (5)
*Medium Energy Potion
*Ebony Lizard

The room directly east of that contains several giants and:

*An Empire soldier's Love Letter
*Strong Poison
*Bronze Broadsword
*297 gold

Lastly, you need to go downstairs in the Giant Lair. Go to 1,8, go north one
step, and take the stairs down.

* * * * *

The Darkest Dank Pits Prizery

Go to 10,9, enter the Ogre shrine, kill everything inside, and leave. There's
no treasure, but when you kill the Ogre Mage, you're eliminating a major pain,
since that thing can cast Kill on you.

Next, go to 8,17 and be prepared for the fight of your life - 3 Nagas, 2 Hill Giants,
and a Hill Giant Chief. Once you kill them (and I recommend having Avatar,
Wall of Blades, Divine Thud, and Major Blessing for this), you'll pick up
incredible treasure, but the wall out's blocked. Step on the square at 2,20
to take down the wall. From there, go south to 4,33 and search the chests. You'll
get a Large Iron Key (special item), 2500 gold, a Wand of Acid, Scroll of Stealth,
Scroll of Ice Bolt, and 8 Magic Arrows.

Go to 46,23 and enter the room. There's a button puzzle inside on the rune, and
it's relatively difficult to solve. You can do so by looking at this:



Button 1 swaps Frag and Mung on and off.
Button 2 swaps Ayam and Taful on and off.
Button 3 swaps Glah and Frag on and off.
Button 4 swaps Taful on and off.
Button 5 swaps Taful, Owa, and Legov on and off.
Button 6 swaps Ayam and Legov on and off.
Button 7 swaps Glah, Frag, and Mung on and off.

You must get all 7 runes on to loot the next room.

To open the door, press the buttons in this order: 7, 5, 6, 2, 4, 6.
This opens the portcullis and lets you loot the next chamber. Kill the
Imp inside along with the Black Shades and loot the chests. They contain:

*A shirt
*A Magic Bardiche
*The map to where you go to take down the barrier and complete the quest

* * * * *

Let's Bust Outta Here! Penitentiary

Return to the first floor. Trek from wherever you are to 54,57.

From there, go to the prisoners at 37,62, 1,12, 20,38, and 33,14.
(To get to the third one, go to 23,61 and walk through the fake wall
to the west.) Ask them about "escape" and they'll get out of here. You
have more things to do in the caves, though. Exit the caves.

Go to 217,258 in the overworld. Go south, fight the battle, and then enter
the dungeon to the south, which is the Giant's Forge.

There's a magical artifact here that'll give you a hand with a big battle to
come. It's a hammer called Smite, and it does massive damage against giants.
You're going to get it.

Go south, following the path, and kill everything in your way (including
the Ogre Mage). Cross the bridge at 38,35 and go north to the chest at 40,16
for 237 gold and a Steel Broadsword. Go back to the first bridge.

Go to 10,28 and Bless and Haste your whole party. Go west and fight the
massive amount of Hill Giants, Shamans, and a Giant Chief.

When you're done, get all the items you can carry. Among them are:

*Magic Greatsword
*Gold Bar
*Platinum Bar
*Uranium Bar (Don't get this. Just don't. It's permanent disease for your
party as long as you carry it.)
*Iron Great Mace

Once you're done with that, go to 13,17 and cast Firewalk. Go along the lava
to the northeast, refreshing your Firewalk as needed, until you get to 19,10.
Fight mode, Bless, Haste, and kill the three Efreets there. From there, go to
27,16 and walk west through the fake wall.

Don't step between the two pillars. Just don't. Go to the fake wall at 22,15
and loot the chest for:

*2500 gold
*Strong Curing Potion
*Strong Healing Potion
*Strong Energy Potion
*10 Throwing Daggers
*Iron Mace
*Helm of Speed (Get this. This is the best helmet in the game.)

Return across the lava to 19,10 and walk over to 3,5, refreshing your
Firewalk as you feel necessary. Kill the Demon to the northwest and get the
1342 gold and 3 Sapphires. Return to 19,10. Cross the lava to 14,34.

From 14,34, go across the lava to the west, and then to the south when the
path ends. When that path ends, go east. Kill the demons and Black Shade
here, and get the hammer on the pedestal. You've now got Smite!

Go to 33,34 and walk through the fake wall to the north. The chest has:

*Orb of Sight
*Smoky Crystal (needed for Mindduel spell)

Return to the entrance of the dungeon. You've pretty much looted it.

* * * * *

Use the ChibiGas! Miniature

Go back to Lorelei, and heal up. Stock up on Energy Potions or the ingredients
for them, and get all the area-effect scrolls you can find. Train if you need
to. Exit Lorelei after you're done, and head northeast to 254,200. Don't go into
the inn southeast of here. Just go east to 280,199. After that, go south to 260,305.
Enter the dungeon to the west.

This dungeon's nothing big; it's just puzzles and timing.

First of all, push the barrels into the pit at 27,43. When you can't get through
the door, go to 36,31 and walk south through the fake wall. Push that barrel into
the water, but don't leave that area yet. Go to 40,34 and go south through _that_
fake wall. Push that barrel into the pit and go to the door at 24,42.

Here's where I can't help you. It's all timing in here - if you get pushed into a wall
by these bricks, you die. It's that simple. When you get to 13,40, walk through the fake
wall to the west. Go to the end of the corridor, and open the door to the east. Push
that crate west, but not into the left corridor yet. When the block goes north
past you, push the crate into the corridor, then go southwest, not west, and go south.

Take the portal.

Now it's more dodging walls, and this time, you can't block the bricks, so you're on your
own here. I'll just point out safe spots and loot.

*The wall west of 40,10 is fake. The chest inside it has 4 Ebony Lizards in it.

*The wall east of 35,21 is fake. The chest there has a Strong Strength Potion
and Killer Poison.

*The wall at 33,23 is fake. It's a secret passage to avoid moving walls.

Once you're through that, go to 23,20 and Fight, Bless, and Haste your entire
party. Then go west through the room with the massive moving blocks, and be ready
for a fight midway through it.

To open the locked portcullises at the west end of that room, you've got to walk through
the fake wall south of 15,23 and then pull the lever west of the fake wall at 13,27.

Go through the newly-opened portcullises and north along the corridor to the room with
the BIG moving wall. Wait until it gets one square north of you, then run east. Use
the crates to block the moving wall, then move other crates to allow the wall at the
top-right to move south. Go through the fake wall at 19,4, pull the lever, and go to
8,19 and then west through the newly-opened portcullises down the stairs.

Go west, and go into fight mode. Send the strongest member of your party forward,
and Bless and Haste him/her multiple times. He's got to dodge a Doomguard (150 HP,
but it splits _EVERY_ time you hit it, so don't even touch it). Make him kill the
Crystal, then make him run like hell back to the stairs. However, he needs to step
on a square next to the pedestal to pick up some Crystal Shards.

The Doomguard will take care of any Troglos who try to follow you, and the giants
will help them, too.

Once you get back to the stairs, wait out the remaining fight, then come out and
kill who ot whatever's left, then head south to the entrance to Castle Troglo.

Make your way to the stairwell at 27,55, and take the stairs up. It's time to
loot the castle!

You'll find:

*Shield of Khar
*Over 1000 food
*Over 5000 gold
*Magic Shield
*Magic Gauntlets
*Medium Invulnerability Potion
*Ring of Warmth

In short, if you don't loot this place, you're nuttier than someone playing Pong
on a PS2.

Once you're done, leave Castle Troglo and go to Lorelei.

* * * * *

Cleaning Up the Troglos' Mess Terrence

Once you're in Lorelei, go see the military commander at 40,30. Ask her about
"mission" multiple times. She'll give you 800 gold each time until you've returned
all the items and soldiers the giants had taken.

Heal up, check the junk shop for anything new, and exit Lorelei. Tap 9 to pull up
your list of Special Items, and use the Amulet of Rapid Returning to be returned
to Fort Emergence.

Go to Anaximander's office and listen to his spiels. When he's done, go to the Portal
Keep and take the portal.

This time, it's not Solberg who's going to give you your rewards - it's a mage
named X in a hidden library. The fake wall to enter it is directly west of 61,51.
Go in, ask him about "earned," and you'll get Daemon and MindDuel, which are level 6
mage spells - ones Erika _didn't_ sell you.

From here, find the mage in purple wandering around the Tower named Linda.
Ask her about "demon" and she'll freak out and end your conversation.

You can just tell that's going to be trouble later on, can't you?

Check the junk shop if you want.

Return through the portal to Upper Exile, then go north to New Formello.
Its coordinates are 10,19.

* * * * *

Playing Detective in New Formello Poirot

A while back, Anaximander asked you to go north to New Formello and
check in with a man named Flanagan about some murders. Go in and look
for the man who looks like Anaximander. Talk to him and ask him about
"happened." He'll tell you that two men were murdered in a cave to the
north. Finish your business in New Formello - which isn't much, especially
since the town's completely incomplete - and exit.

The cave is due north of the town. Just follow the road. When it dead-ends,
go east to 17,7 and go north into the cave.

Go north in the cave to 6,9 and trip the special. This gives you a hint that
this wasn't exactly a natural event - and there's more in this cave than
that. Go north through the fake wall north of 7,8 and follow the passageway.

The stalactite maze is tough to figure out. Go to 15,6, then go east two squares,
southeast one, south one, southwest one, then northwest one, and the rest is
easy pickings.

South of this, there's some Chitrachs and Null Bugs, the latter of which emit antimagic
fields. Just manually waste them.

Once you get through the corridors (which are fireball-trapped, so heal up every
now and again), be ready for a lot of Chitrachs and larvae. Waste them, then go to
the north end of the cavern and trip the special. You'll get a fine steel key,
and you'll get a hint that a very magical being must be behind this entire thing.

It's time to do a little detective work. It's not Erika, because she can't ever see
the sun again, and this is an upward-leading tunnel. It's not the dragons, because
they're already on the surface. It's obviously not the Exiles, because they don't
want to ruin the land that they want to go to.

Who does that leave?

That's right!

The Vahnatai are behind the plagues!

But you don't have any concrete evidence, so you're pretty much screwed from
the get-go. Leave the cave and go to Fort Emergence.

* * * * *

The Bunker Marple

Well, you're back in Fort Emergence. Wow. Why are you hanging
around? Nothing to do? WRONG!

Go find Commander Johnson and ask him about "Sandra." He'll
give you a password - "Galros" - which you'll need in a bit.

Exit Fort Emergence and go to New Cotra. Once you're there, go to
14,10 and read the special there. Go to the end of the hallway
and take the door to the south. Ask the wizard inside there about
"Vahnatai." Leave New Cotra, go to Fort Emergence, and heal up.
Train if you've got skill points. Hell, you shouldn't be short on
gold. Once you're done, go back to the surface.

* * * * * * * * * *

The Kabbalah Can't Help You Now!

* * * * * * * * * *

Cross the Mountains Sephirothic

Well, back to the normal quest for you.

Make your way to 57,381. It's north/northwest of Fort Emergence.
From there, step north five times, northwest once, then west twice.
Get the knife there and hold on to it - it's a Ravage Knife, which
does 4+6 and does _INCREDIBLE_ bonus damage against demons. You're
going to need this soon. Return to the mainland and make your way to
Ernest's Hut (60,393). Pay the man, and take the portal to Lorelei.

Exit Lorelei, then head north. Go to 177,189, use the Orb of Thralni,
and fly northeast to the island. Go north, but don't fly - and you'll
fight a mass of undead. Kill them, then go to the northeast edge of that
island and use the Orb again. Fly due north to a second island, trip the
special there, and pick up the Silver Ring (special item). Retrace your
path back to the mainland.

Use the Amulet of Rapid Returning, then go back to Ernest's Hut, and teleport
to Shayder.

Go to the docks and buy a ticket to Marish. Take the ferry, and then go north
to exit the new town.

Make your way north... way north, and a touch northeast. When you exit the town,
you're at 16,272. You've got to get to 71,213. From there, go northeast to 75,170,
and then go east. You're about to meet three of the most illustrious personages
from the Exile series: Khoth, Sulfras, and Athron - the three surviving dragons.

Despite the fact that dragons have HUGE hoards of treasure, don't steal from these
people. Trust me.

* * * * *

Don't Step in the Lava Riverdance

Go east to 85,170 and enter the northwest cave. You'll be in the lair
of Athron, a dragon who's just laid a brood of eggs. _Don't_ screw with
her kids - they'll attack you, but if you hurt them, she kills you.

Go west past the barrier, then north to the pit. Climb down, and you're in
Sulfras's Lair. Follow the path north, then east, and when the special opens
the gates for you, go south through them. Use Firewalk to cross the lava

Go along the path (carefully, for lava _hurts) until you reach the south end,
then go north and talk to the dragon there.

Ask her about "pests," then leave the chamber where she is. Go to the northeast
corner of her lair and dispel the barriers there. There's an obelisk there
that says "Beast Pen." That's just what's in there - Alien Beasts. Kill them
using whatever means necessary, then return to Sulfras.

If you _really_ want something nice, try to Capture Soul them. They're expensive
to summon into battle, but they're damn well worth it.

Ask Sulfras about "pests" then "exterminate." Leave the lava-filled area, and go
to 45,45. Take that special up, then follow the path south.

Head for the portcullises at 21,23 and pass through them. You're in Khoth's library,
and there are _major_ benefits to being here.

*The bookcase south of 22,10 contains the ritual that Sulfras wanted you to learn.

*The bookcase at 20,9 contains the level 7 priest spell Ravage Spirit. This one
whips up on demons.

*The bookcase at 22,1 contains the recipe for a Potion of Clarity. This cures

*The bookcase at 16,1 boosts one person's Item Lore skill by 1 point.

*The bookcase at 9,10 teaches you Avatar. GET THIS SPELL. IT DOESN'T MATTER

*Khoth the Dragon, at 9,4. Talk to him, and he can sell you spells... that is,
if you didn't buy them off Erika or get them from X already. If you did, consider
yourself lucky - this guy's prices are bloody ludicrous.

Once you get the ritual and the information, leave Khoth's Lair by going to 4,28
and going west. From there, enter the cave to the west. You're now in Athron's Lair.
Go back to the barrier where you couldn't get in and trigger the special, then
go northeast through the gap.

Immediately go southeast one square and then walk east through the fake wall.
Follow the passage and when you're at 18,19, go east through the other fake wall
and talk to Athron. Ask her about "assist," then go to the middle chest to the
southwest. Take the metal, and _DON'T_ try to loot the other chests. Go back
through the secret passage exit the cave.

Go back to Sulfras's lair and talk to her again. Ask her about "sword" and she'll
give you a Beastslayer Blade, which is Smite - but against Alien Beasts. Leave the
dragons' lairs, and go back to the overworld.

When you're back on the overworld, go to 79,170. From there, go northwest, around
the mountain, then north to 70,104, and east. Follow the path south, then east,
and enter the dungeon there. You'll end up in...

* * * * *

The Defiled Crypt Millenium

Go southwest.

Dispel a barrier, and walk west. Go south when you see the fires, and talk
to the yellow Vahnatai. Ask her about "help." You're given the mission to
explore these caves and kill the undead within.

Go northwest, Dispel a path through the double barrier, and then go to 16,12.
Go west to 10,12 and cast Shatter. That wrecks the walls around you and lets
you deeper into the crypt.

Kill the three Hraithes to the west and then go through the door to the
southwest. Search the three cabinets and take the Platinum Key that's in
the northwest one.

Go to 2,13 and step on the rune there.

The chests in the room to the east of the Hraithes contain:

*Iron Wave Blade
*16 Iron Razordisks
*16 Steel Razordisks

From there, go to 17,23, and continuously cast Antimagic Field around you
while you move to the south.

There are switches at 2,26, 19,36, 1,28, and 19,37.

19,37 turns the second statue on.
19,36 turns the second statue off.
1,28 turns the first statue off.
2,26 turns the first statue on.

You must have both statues off to enter the rest of the crypt. However, there
are blade, lightning, and ice walls that pop up throughout the maze, and undead
pop up to boot.

When you've tripped the switches at 19,36 and 1,28, go to 20,42 and walk through
the hallway into the main crypt. At 27,42, you need the Platinum Key to open the
door there. Walk through it and kill the Vahnavois and Hraithes.

Proceed north to 41,27 and Move Mountains the wall to the east. Step on the rune.

Go back to 39,46 and go east into a room full of Crystal Souls. After you've
read the special, go back to the previous room where you stepped on the second rune.

Proceed to 32,28, then southwest to 30,34. Go west through the door. Kill the Vahnavois
and Hraithes there, then return to the second rune room. From there, return to the
Vahnatai at 32,17 and talk to the yellow Vahnatai from before.

Ask her about "help" again. She'll give you rights to any treasure in there (none)
and she'll also teach you Word of Recall, which will teleport you back to Fort
Emergence from any non-town area in the game. It will only work outdoors, though.

Leave the crypt.

* * * * *

Another Long, Pointless Trek Godawful

Go northwest to 17,17, trip the special, and take the Ember Flowers.
Flee the battle that takes place after that, and cast Word of Recall after you're
done. After that, go to Ernest's Hut and buy a trip to Gale. Take the portal.

Since the guards won't let you into Gale, you've got to find other ways in.
Go to 58,6 and ask the man there about "assistance," then go through the trees
at 57,8. Enter Gale via the stairwell.

As a general rule, don't talk to anyone in Gale except the shopkeepers. They'll call
the guards and get you thrown into prison, and that's not a good thing.

Also, don't buy or use any Skribbane Herb. It's an addictive drug, and it'll
hurt like hell when you go through withdrawal.

There are things to do in Gale, and a lot of them. Here's a list:

*You can sell items to Langley the innkeeper.

*Asp the Weaponmaster, at 30,26. He sells iron and steel weapons and does improvements.

Note from Magus999 on this: "The Gale weaponsmith will give your weapons
the very nice (and exceedingly expensive) +3 enchantment. In real terms,
this makes a Steel weapon slightly more powerful than a Magic weapon. The
cost is extreme though, running up to the maximum amount of gold you can carry,
30k, for a Steel Halberd."

*Gale Armorsmith, at 30,29. This guy sells steel armor, and this is the best non-magical
armor you're going to get.

*Zacharias, the High Priest, at 27,17. He sells level 6 priest spells, but you should
have them already.

*Nantier's Alchemy, at 21,25. He sells excellent recipes, and very cheap, too.

*Velnas the Mage, at 19,25. She sells incredibly useful spells that you may have missed -
the ones from Arion at the Inn of Blades and Identify. There's another way to get Identify,
but this is the safest one. (Besides, Ernest will get pissed at you if you use the other

*Kalen's Training, at 21,34.

*Stern's Missiles, at 19,34. This place sells even more than the missile shop in
Sharimik, believe it or not.

*A Skribbane Herb shop at 27,10. It's a fake wall. Follow the passage and go through
the fake wall at the end. Ask the woman in green about "ownership" and she'll sell you
the Electrum Key for 1000 gold. It opens the Gale Library. To access the Gale Library,
go on the ramparts through the door at 13,38. Proceed south, then east along the
ramparts to 28,55. Walk north through the false wall, then through the door at the
north end of that corridor. Search _EVERY_ bookshelf in there. You'll get a recipe for
Killer Poison, a text on Antimagic Cloud, and the location of Pachtar's Plate, which
I'll cover later. You have to read this book to open the dungeon, though.

*You can buy a boat from a Nephilim in an inn. Do it.

After you're done, leave Gale. You'll be back here for a sidequest, but that's later.

* * * * *

Golems Aren't a Walk in the Park Simpson

Well, you're out of Gale, and you've got to go north to Tevrono.

Trek north to 305,130. When you go one square north, you've got to help Empire
soldiers fight golems. If you're not at least level 30, turn back; you're not
powerful enough. When you win that battle, the bridge is opened for crossing.

Keep going north to 299,102. Fight the golems there, and keep going north to
299,93. Fight more golems and keep going north to Tevrono, which is the
base of operations for General Baziron. He's the only one who's had any success
at all killing the golems.

Once you're in Tevrono, go talk to General Baziron. He's at 34,10. He's the only thing
in this town that's even remotely worth talking to/doing. Once you've satisfied your
curiosity, leave Tevrono.

*Note from Magus999: "The Tevrono weaponsmith is the one who makes your
weapons Flaming weapons."

Head north, to 320,61. Use the Orb of Thralni, fly across the water to the east,
and trip the special for some Holly. Fly back across.

Go north to 294,24 and pick up the Wormgrass there.

Go southwest to 257,58 and use the Orb to fly south into the clearing past the mountains.
Enter the tower there.

Whichever way you came in, you'll see the same thing - a wall of magic barriers.
Dispel one barrier, then walk through it and go into fight mode. The only thing
you've got to do here is wreck a Power Crystal at 23,23 - that, and dodge/kill
all the Ice Golems here (eight of them). Once the Crystal's dead, leave the tower
the same way you came in.

Fly back across the mountain range, and then trek to 277,79. Go west three squares,
then go north to the next tower. The same process applies here - dispel the barrier,
kill the Power Crystal, dodge or kill the golems, leave.

Once you leave that spire, navigate from there to 299,58. Go southwest four squares,
west one, southwest once, west twice, and into the tower. This time, there's Fire
Golems here, but you shouldn't worry; if you beat the Ice Golem spire, you can take
these things out easily. The agenda is the same thing - kill the Power Crystal.

That's the last thing you can do before you go into the Golem Factory, but before you
go for it, you've got a stop to make at the fourth stone circle. Trek south to 264,167.
Walk west through the fake mountains and then follow the path to the southwest. Say
Yes, then Pray, and you'll gain a _ton_ of experience.

One last thing to do - you've got to get the final stone circle. This one bestows
a wonderful gift on you - the spell Death Arrows, which is a multi-target Kill
spell. You also get Mass Paralysis, but that's a useless spell. Go way south to
292,369 and fly west over the mountain range using the Orb of Thralni. Hit
Yes, and Pray when you trip the special in the middle of the four trees and you
get the spells. Enjoy them, because the next section's a pain.

* * * * *

Trek, Trek, Trek... Why Me? Shakespeare

Well, now that you've been to the fifth stone circle, you've gotten
nearly every spell in the game, and you're at least level 35, you've got
to go to eliminate the fourth plague - the Golems.

Use the Amulet of Rapid Returning to get back to Fort Emergence, then
go to Ernest's Hut and buy a teleport to Gale. From Gale, trek northeast to
315,106. To get there, you cross the golem bridge and go northeast - but this
time, you don't have to fight any golems.

Fly across the mountains to the east and go into the aerie there. Talk to the
wizard inside the house, and ask him about "drake," then "recently," and you'll
get a mission to kill the drake. Exit the aerie, and fly back over the mountains.

The town of Greendale is your next destination, since the drake lives near there.
It's at 277,115. Just make your way back to the golem bridge and follow the road
northwest. Oh, and when you see the sign - don't step on the road between the two
trees unless you feel like fighting a lot of Jeweled Golems and Golems of Blades.

Don't even enter Greendale unless you need to heal up. If so, do so. You might want
to check out McElton's item shop at 36,33 in Greendale, though - he sells magic
substitutes, and the Shielding Crystals he has make you invincible for a bit...
but you have Avatar, and that's _far_ better than a Crystal.

Go south from Greendale to 279,126. Use the Orb of Thralni and fly over the river.
Go southwest to 272,139. Use the Orb of Thralni and fly west four times, then south
into the clearing. Enter the Drake Aerie.

This place isn't big or confusing. Just go northwest to 21,11 and go due west from
there. You have two options when you find the drake - you can kill him or give him
_all_ your food. Personally, I'd recommend the former, since he forces you to
either swear to kill the golems or, if you don't swear, kill him.

Your choice.

Plus, if you kill him, you get to loot his hoard, which contains:

*Orb of Foul Vapors
*8 Iron Darts
*A Crapload of Gold
*Aescal's Ring
*Ruby Charm
*12 Arrows
*Magic Studded Armor
*Iron Gauntlets
*Steel Gauntlets
*Cursed Boots
*2 Diamonds
*Medium Healing Potion

It's your choice, just like I said.

*Note from Magus999: "Killing the drake in the Golem quest is much more
recommended, since you don't need to give up all your food. But the one
thing you need to warn readers about is that when you refuse to give him
your food, the entire party gets a quick Paralysis+Dumbfound cast on it.
You can resist this with the proper equipment or just wear Anama Rings
for their free innate chance to resist status effects (another bug, fake
Anama Rings also give you this chance to resist just as well as real Anama
Rings do), but it is something to watch for."

Either way, after you're done, return to the mage's house and ask him
about "assistance." He'll then tell you about the main golem tower,
and you'll need to ask him about "information." He'll give you the location
of the tower, and you're done with him - unless you want to ask him
about "circles." He'll tell you about the three places where the Power
Crystals were, and the fact that there's a _fourth_ Power Crystal in a
mountainous region where you couldn't get to it. There is a tunnel to it
from the main tower, though.

Leave the mage's aerie and return to the crossroads north of Gale on the
north side of the golem bridge (302,119).

From here, go north through the woods to 286,58. Go west into a special encounter
with golems. If you've got Woodsman skills, click yes to sneak past them. Otherwise,
click Attack and fight them.

Once they're dead, rest, save, and move west to 281,58. Same thing applies here -
sneak past if you can; if not, fight.

Finally, follow the path southwest and enter the Tower of Shifting Floors.

* * * * *

I _HATE_ Conveyor Belts! Scooby

Well, this is by far the biggest pain so far. The floors move, and you have
to be careful where you go. Not only that, I'm not going to be able to help
you much

Watch your message window. Every time it says "You hear a distant clang," more
and more golems are released into the dungeon. You _really_ want to avoid this.

If you can't make Medium Energy Potions - or a crapload of Weak Energy Potions -
get the hell out of here. You're going to need _tons_ of MP to even come close to
beating this.

Enter the dungeon. Wherever you enter from, it doesn't matter; you enter the
tower from the east side. You're going to have to fight two Demon Golems and
a crapload of Ice, Fire, Jeweled, and Blade Golems, so Bless, Haste, and Avatar
immediately. Use multiple Blessings if you can, then cover the hallway in
antimagic fields to prevent the Demon Golems from summoning and the breath spells
from other golems. (Acid still hits, though.)

Kill them, then make your way west to the end of the corridor... and wince in
astonishment. This whole place is a dynamic maze - continuously shifting.

Go south to 44,39 and take the conveyor belt to the east. Ride the belt, and
stay on it when it turns west and then north. Exit the belt after it lets you off,
and then look at the machine at 49,56. Cast Dispel Barrier on it and watch a golem-making
machine go up in smoke. This makes one less golem appear every time the clangs sound.

The golem generators are at:


Once you destroy those, golems will stop appearing in the first floor of the factory...
at least until the generators regenerate, which takes about 500 moves. I can't really
help you get through the conveyors - but here's how I did it.

Go into Fight Mode and Bless, Haste, and Avatar everyone who can take it. Then just
run like hell across the conveyor belts. For some reason, you can move across some of the
belts a lot easier in fight mode. Also, this enables you to get away from the golems
faster, and after all, I'm certain you don't want to have to fight endless platoons
of tireless enemies.

The stairwell to the second floor is at

The second floor's not much different. You've got to find the lever at 57,35 and pull
it. To do this, stick to the south-going conveyor belts. After you pull the lever,
make your way back to the southwest corner via the conveyor belts at the northeast
which lead to the northwest... and so on. From there, go back along the south wall to
find the control room at 52,51. Just remember that to get in there, you've got to go
_southeast_ when you hit the junction up against the east wall of the factory. You can't
stand ready - you've got to go southeast.

Kill the Demon Golem there and trip the north special. Set the three belts as follows:

Alpha - B
Beta - B
Star - A

You can't affect anything else, so don't worry. And across the belt, you can pick
up some razordisks.

As if there weren't enough proof the Vahnatai were behind it already.

Make your way to the southwest corner again by the same method, and search the library
there. The top bookcase teaches you Divine Thud, and the bottom one teaches you
MindDuel... but you should have the latter already. Make your way back to the first floor,
and take the stairs down at 23,61. Go through the portcullises to the east and follow
the path north. If you set Beta to B, you'll be free and clear here.

If at any time you land in the lava on the second floor, make your way to the center
of the lava pool, then go due south to get to a stairwell to the basement. From there,
go to the southeast edge of the basement's lava pool, walk through the fake wall there
(south of 24,22), and go south to get to a stairwell to the first floor.

Align yourself with the middle belt and walk straight north. Don't use any other
key than the 8 key on your number pad to navigate here; if you do, you'll be
kicked off the belt and thrown back to the start. Once you're at the top of the
center belt, go through the door to the north, then outside to the final Golem Tower.

This one has Jeweled Golems instead of Ice or Fire or Bladed, so prep your Basic Powder
to cure the acid that they'll spit on you. The final objective's the same - kill
the Power Crystal in the center, then leave and reenter the Tower of Shifting Floors.

Get back up to the second floor, and return to the control room. Set Star to A, and
get to the Star belt, which is at 32,11. Go north from there to the stairs,
and go up.

The third floor is nothing but a wall of electric shocks. Go through them to the
east, then south, and when you get to the portcullises, go west, and then fight the
Golems of Blades and Jeweled Golems. Use whatever means you see necessary - Shockwave,
Death Arrows, Divine Thud, it doesn't matter. Just whack the crap out of the golems,
then go north and kill the Mind Crystal.

Speaking of the Mind Crystal, it's a tough bugger to whack. It's completely invincible
to magic, fire, ice, and poison, and Shockwave doesn't work, so you're going to have to
go up there and kill it with weapons. However, that thing knows all manner of magic -
literally (it can cast level 7 Priest and Mage spells), and it has no hesitation about
casting Avatar or Divine Thud, and it _will_ cast Major Blessing a few times, so surround
it with an antimagic field.

Loot the chests at the north corners of the tower for:

*Potion of Doom
*Strong Energy Potion
*Strong Healing Potion
*Strong Strength Potion

When you climb down to the second floor and can't get out through the Star belt, go to
28,4 and walk through the fake wall to the west. Get on the belt, and when you reach the
three-way axis at the top-left corner, hold left and you'll get to the stairwell that
originally brought you to the second floor. Take it to the first floor and make your
way back to the front door, then exit.

Use either the Amulet of Rapid Returning or Word of Recall to return to Fort Emergence.

* * * * *

Time for the Cleaning Lady! Kimmel

Well, that's the fifth mission in the bag.

How is it the fifth? Simple.


There's still tons of stuff to do before you go on the final quest.

*Visit Anaximander and deal with his complaining.

*Talk to Berra and ask him about "evidence" twice. He's the mage back from Chapter 1.
Remember him? You shouldn't. It's been a while since you visited him. He's in
his lab in Fort Emergence at 50,43. He's the wizard, not the woman in green.
He confirms that the Vahnatai are the ones behind the plagues, and after you
talk to him, you should talk to Anaximander again.

*Take the portal in the Portal Fortress to the Tower of Magi and talk to X for two
more spells. This time, they're Shockwave and Protection. You have to ask him
about "earned" to get the spells.

*Pick up the item from the Bunker in New Cotra. To get it, ask the wizard at
10,12 about "description." The item you'll get is a Thought Crystal, which will
come in handy when you get through the next quest.

*Go to the town of Ghikra. Enter, and explore... but your ultimate destination is
34,27. Follow the corridor there to the end, where you'll fight 2 Efreets. After that,
go to 27,33 and trip the special to the west. Say Yes, and send your strongest PC
through it. Heal up, save, and trip the special in the center of the new room to
see the Vahnatai's notes on the monsters. After you click OK on the special, you'll
have to fight a Vahnavoi and a Hraithe. Kill them, then head southwest to a new
corridor (28,40). DO NOT KILL THE VAHNATAI BLADEMASTER HERE. Talk to him, and he'll
tell you not to inferfere with the final plague. After he does that, he'll fade away.
Go back to the previous room, hit the special, and rejoin your party. Exit Ghikra.
You're done here forever.

* * * * * * * * * *

Diplomacy Sucks

* * * * * * * * * *

Off to Blackcrag Cartman

Well, the main quest is nearly finished, but you've got to act as a diplomat
and not a mercenary for a little while.

If you've not already done it, go to Lorelei and buy Tunnel Permission
from the man in the Thieves' Guild. You must have this to get into Blackcrag

Return to Fort Emergence and exit to the surface. Go to Ernest's Hut and
take the portal to Gale. From there, cross the golem bridge to the north
and trek west from 302,119 to Greendale (276,114). Next, go northwest to
212,79. Use the Orb of Thralni to fly north across the river, and trek
northwest to 196,19.

Go north into the cave at the end of that path, and walk through the
cave of the thieves. Just don't attack anyone.

Go straight to 36,26 and enter the inn. Don't stay here; just talk to the
bartender and ask him about "Blackcrag." He says to press the button in
his office before you go. Make your way to 26,38 and walk through the
fake wall to the west. Press the button to the left once and only once.

From here, go to 38,26 and go north to 26,13. Unlock the door to the west,
then Dispel the barrier behind it, and Unlock the door behind that.

Follow the path southward. When you reach the end of the path and see the
pit, cross the bridge. If you pressed the button an even number of times
or didn't press it at all, you're screwed; you die instantly. If you pressed
it only once like I said, you'll be safe and you can cross. Do so.

Keep following the path. When you get to 13,27, go into fight mode and kill
the four Spiny Worms there. After you waste them, follow the path to the
west and then keep following it north.

You'll emerge at a room containing a Doomguard. You must attack it... but here's
the catch: you have to kill one Doomguard to open the portcullis. Position all
your PCs next to the gate, then kill one Doomguard. Ignore the ones that split
off. Exit fight mode, then run straight for the portcullis and through the tunnel
to the stairs. Take them, and you'll be in Blackcrag Fortress.

* * * * *

Into Blackcrag Fortress Systemworks

Welcome to the biggest, most lethal Empire fortress in _any_ Exile game.

However, these people are on your side.

Anyways, after entering Blackcrag, go south around the end of the wall and
then Unlock and go through the door to the west. There's shops along this
corridor, and from north to south, they are:

*Howar's Alchemy. He sells recipes you should get - Resurrection Balm
and Medium Energy Potion.

*Petrie's Magical Instruction. She sells level 7 mage spells, all of which you should
already have except for Quickfire. Buy that and only that.

*Shane's Magical Items. This guy sells magical items - scrolls, potions, and
wands. They're useless to anyone with a decent magical skill... except the Potions
of Clarity. Stock up on those.

From there, go south into the Dining Hall, and from there, go along the east wall to the
fake wall east of 58,49. Go through the fake wall, then go south, and follow the corridor.
You're going to fight a crapload of Empire Dervishes and Empire Archers, and they've got
a Wizard too. DON'T CAST SHOCKWAVE. Just beat the crap out of them with weapons.

After you kill them, go to 60,47 and walk through the fake wall at 59,47. Go west,
then Unlock the door at the north wall. Go through it and talk to the man there.
Ask him about "request" and he'll open the throne room to you.

If you've played Exile I, then I'll have to curb your tendencies here. DO NOT
HARM _ANYONE_ in this fortress, least of all the Empress. Instead, talk to her.

Ask Prazac about "mess," then "avoided," then "mission." She gives you a scroll, which
you must take to Anaximander. Leave town through the tunnel you came in through,
and cast Word of Recall.

* * * * *

Back and Forth, Back and Forth... Nosebleed

You're back in Fort Emergence.

Go talk to Anaximander. He'll give you a Diplomatic Scroll to take back to
Prazac. Once you get it, go back to Ernest's Hut and take a portal to Gale.
Retrace your path to Blackcrag using the directions outlined in the last section.
Once you're in Blackcrag, go talk to the guy guy guarding the throne room
and ask him about "request." He'll let you in.

Go talk to Prazac and ask her about "mission." She'll grant you access to Footracer
Province, which is the domain of the Alien Beasts. You can finally begin the final

* * * * * * * * * *

The truth is out there... and so are things that want to tear your head off

* * * * * * * * * *

Into Footracer Bosnia

Exit Blackcrag and go southwest to the gate of Footracer Province. The
coordinates are 152,52.

Once you're through, you're going to fight a crapload of Alien Beasts and
Pack Leaders. The latter's a more powerful version of the former (as if they
weren't tough enough already) and they hit three times and poison when
they hit.


Make your way northwest to 107,46. When you get there, try to cross the bridge.
You'll have to fight a crapload of Alien Beasts and Pack Leaders. I suggest
Avatar and Major Blessing on everyone... multiple times, not to mention constant

From the bridge, go west to 79,63...

And enter the Keep of Tinraya.

* * * * *

The Vahnatai Bastion Massage

There's nothing to do here. All you have to do is run like hell from the east
entrance of the Keep to 49,45 and Unlock the door to the south. Kill the Pack Leader
inside - and any of the buggers who are following you - then Dispel the barrier at
46,50. Walk west, then north, and take the staircase down.

You're under the Keep. This place is literally _infested_ with Alien Beasts and Pack
Leaders, so stay in fight mode and Bless, Haste, Revive, and Avatar constantly.

You start at 61,61. You must go north to 56,51, then west through the fake wall,
and then follow the passage to 53,57. Go west, get on the boat, and navigate
north to 51,20. Get off the boat to the south, and follow the path to the west.

When you get to 35,26, go northeast to 40,17, and walk through the fake wall to the
north. Cross the river via the stepping stones, and go east once you're across the

When you reach 57,11, go south to 57,16, then go one step southeast and follow
the path to the north.

Your next stop is 61,4. Go due west from there until you hit a wall, then go north
two steps, then keep going west to 37,1. Next, go southwest to 29,7.

If you took my advice and got the key from New Formello, you'll be able to open
this door. If not, you've got to go back to the beginning of the Keep, then teleport
back to Fort Emergence, and _then_ go back to the cave north of New Formello and
get the key.

If you have it, however, enter the building and run south like a bat out of hell.
The walls to the north open up and loose Alien Beasts. Run through the door to
the south, and once you're through, throw up Force or Fire Barriers behind you.

Go south along the passage to 11,47. Save, then enter the room. Rentar-Ihrno
knocks you out, then dumps you in a cell. Amazingly enough, you're stuck there...
until you walk through the fake wall at the southeast corner of your cell.

But you can't do that for two days, so just keep walking around in your cell
until the voice speaks and says that you can escape.

Send your strongest magical PC through the portal behind the fake wall, and
then save. Send a cleric if possible, for he'll have Avatar, and that's necessary.

Make your way along the south wall, then enter the building when you can. If you
sent a cleric through, you'll be able to get Location, and that'll help here.

Follow the path west into the room at the end of the corridor. Kill the two Vahnatai
there, then go through the door in the southwest edge of that room.

Go south through this room, and then go east in the long corridor. When you can go north,
do so, but go northeast to the room with the two lit fires. Kill the Alien Beast there,
then go north into the oom with the open portcullis. Look in the cabinet.

It pops up a dialog with buttons. Only press one button - "Alarum Gedivus." That calls
out the Vahnatai, but it also opens every portcullis in the building, and that's good.
Kill everything in your way.

Now's the time you're glad you sent someone who has Avatar, because here's where
you'll need it. There's _tons_ of Vahnatai in your way.

Once they're dead, go south into the corridor outside your prison (37,61). Push 2
and you're reunited with your party. DON'T PUSH 1 UNLESS YOU WANT TO FIGHT A LOT

From here, go to 26,56 and then due west into the Hall of Crystal Souls.

If you got the Thought Crystal, it'll stop their attack in its tracks. If not, you're

She'll vanish if you win, and then you'll fight some Vahnatai Blademasters.

Once you kill them, you can loot the chests behind a fake wall northwest of 5,49.

*16 Steel Razordisks
*Crystal Wand
*3 Crystals

From there, go through the north door in the Crystal Soul hall (11,49) and
go northeast to 19,28 and take the stairs up.

Once you're up, go south and then west once youre in the corridor. Dispel the barrier
to the west of 7,32, kill the Alien Beasts there, and go around to 2,32. Take
the stairs down and follow the passage to the door. Go west through it and face
your penultimate trek...

I swear.

* * * * *

From Tinraya to Hell Mojo Jojo

Go west onto the lava, and use the Orb of Thralni to fly northwest into
the clearing. Flee from all the battles, and head north to 73,33. From
there, follow the path north to 57,13 and enter the final Stone Circle.

Go to the center of the town and walk up to the altar. Trigger the special,
and smash the altar. Say No when the Haakais ask you to give them all your treasure
to live, and enter fight mode.

Start casting Avatar, Major Blessing, and Ravage Spirit as soon as you can.
If you take out the Haakais, the rest of the enemies will die. They're the three
demons marked by H in this diagram.





Like I said, kill them and your problems are over.

Anyways, trek back south to 73,33 and then go east to the dungeon east of

* * * * * * * * * *

It's all over but the shooting

* * * * * * * * * *

Trek into Exile Ratcheting

You're in the newest Vahnatai factory. This place drains HP from you
every few steps so have a cleric cast Heal All or Revive All every now
and again. Also, pack Energy Potions to heal up your MP so you can cast
the spells.

From the start, go east to 9,17 and walk through the fake wall to the east.
Go south along the belt and _don't_ step on any rocks. They explode, and it

At 7,20, go northwest onto solid ground and follow the path south.

Follow the path south and don't step on any conveyor belts. Also, some
walls are fireball-trapped, so watch your step and HEAL.

When you reach 17,41, step southeast, then east to bypass the conveyor belt.

Go north through the door at 21,40 and press the button, then go on the conveyor
belt to the southeast.

Stay on that belt and go through the door at 36,42, then press the button to reverse
that belt's direction. From there, go to 39,43, then go southeast, then south. Push
the button, then go back and ride the belt west. Hop off to the north when you're at 32,44.

Make your way north to 15,17. Go north, then cross the belt to the east and go through
the pathway. Get to 25,12 and go north onto the belt. From there, go north into the
fake wall and cast Move Mountains on the cracked wall north of you. Go back south
onto the belt and then go south one more square.

Go southeast to 29,18 and get on the belt. Stand ready four times, then cast Dispel
Barrier on the barrier to the southwest. Go back to 16,18 and then step to 15,17. Make
your way back east to 29,18, get back on the belt, stand ready four more times, and
then step southwest. Dispel the barrier to the south, and make your way to the southeast -
specifically, to 31,28.

From there, go east twice, northeast once, and then east one more time.

Stand ready on the belt until you get to 37,33, then step southeast. Follow
the path southeast, then cross the belt to the east. Walk to 43,36.

From there, get to 37,20, then step southwest and then west. Go one more step west,
then stand ready twice. Go southeast one step, then north twice. Push the button to your
east one time.

Take the conveyor belt to the north. When you get to 38,15, step northeast once
and then go east into the fake wall at 42,14, then step northeast once. From there,
step northwest once then north twice.

Go north to the path, then exit to the east.

* * * * *

What, _MORE_ Walking?!? Powerpuff

All you have to do here is go northeast. I suggest going to 103,10 and heading
east through there - there are less Alien Beasts that way.

I suggest you flee the fight with the Alien Beasts and keep heading east.

Once you get to 136,11, head northeast into the cold mountains, and then
get to 151,9. Enter the cave.

This is the Great Wall. You've got to fight your way through!

Don't even bother fighting. Just cast Major Blessing, Avatar, and whatever
else you need to run like hell through the barricade. Just head due east, and Erika's
amulets will blast holes in the walls as you move.

When you get to the center of the second barricade, restock your speed and protection
and rush south to the open portcullises. Go east through the portcullises at the south
edge of the barricade.

Run north to the center of the third of the barricade, then get into the center of it.
Refresh your protection once more, then rush north to 51,9 and go west through the fake
wall. Step on the runes, and the portcullises leading to Exile will open. Run down
there, avoiding all the Vahnatai, and get to the center of the third barricade. Go east
through the open portcullises and into Exile.

* * * * *

Deep Below Mordor

Make your way southeast along the road to 58,57. Don't go south - cast Flight and go
southeast, then southwest. This lets you skip a fight with the Vahnatai... and no,
the Orb won't work here.

Keep following the road to 84,85. Go east, fight the Vahnatai or flee the battle,
and keep going east.

Enter the tower.

* * * * *

The Keep of Rentar-Ihrno Grimes

Go east to the wall of barriers. The following barriers can be walked through:

Fake Real

Real Fake

Real Real

That is a diagram of the six barriers in front of her fort. Go through them, then
Avatar, Bless, and Haste yourself.

There is a secret dungeon here, but it requires you to have a pair of Pants.
If you want to go here, check out the Sidequests section.

Kill everything in the room - and there's going to be a lot of Vahnatai in your way.

To deactivate Rentar's powers, there are four staircases down, and at each staircase
there's a button you need to press.

The first stairwell is at 35,59. Take it down, and go north. Fight the
Lich and his four Vahnavois. The Lich is like a Vahnatai Lord (level 7
Mage and Priest spells), but he's undead, so whack him with Dispel Undead

Once they die, go back to the stairs and go east, then northeast to
19,38. Go west to 12,40 and push the crystal in.

Return to the stairwell and go to 16,29 and push in the crystal there.

Return to the stairs, take them up, and go to 46,57. Unlock the door to the east,
walk due east through the fake wall, and kill everything inside. From there, go to
the northeast corner of the room, then walk south along the east wall through
the barriers and down the stairs.

Next, go east and north. Walk through the fake wall at 44,44 and push the button.
Keep going north - and kill every Rakshasa there. They're all along the corridor, and I
recommend flooding it with antimagic fields so they can't cast any spells - and they love
to cast Daemon.

The next button to press is behind a fake wall at 45,29. Push that button,
and go north through a fake wall at 33,26. Push the button there, and
return to the staircase.

Go back to 46,57. Go northeast. If you want, loot Rentar's quarters for
a Ring of Will and a Ring of Speed. They're at 59,48.

Other than that, go north through the courtyard. The third stairwell
is behind a door north of 62,3. Open it and go down the stairs.

From there, go south to 36,9 and push the crystal there. The second
crystal is at 41,13. Push that, then go to 44,17, walk south through
the fake wall and push the crystal there.

After you do that, don't even bother exploring the rest of the area; just
go back up the stairs, since there's Nagas, Efreets, and Ur-Basilisks
_everywhere_ here.

Go to 34,23 and press the button there, then go north to 42,1 and
take the stairs down.

From there, go to 12,13 and push the crystal. From there, go northeast around the big red
wall and press the crystal at 13,17. However, you're going to have to fight five Alien
Slimes and three Dark Wyrms to get to the second crystal. Once you do that, return to the
front entrance of the Keep and Bless, Haste, and Avatar.

Race to her control panel, and she'll teleport you back to the entrance. Get to the
panel one more time, and Erika will teleport in and start fighting on your side...
but only if you've got her Amulets and they're activated. If you followed this
walkthrough, then you do. ^_^

Get to the panel, and press "Release Slime Compounds," then "Power Up Chargers,"
and lastly, "Begin Process." This makes her compound blow sky-high.

You're done, though.

* * * * * * * * * *

It's over already?

* * * * * * * * * *

Ending Uberraschung

At that moment, you're teleported out by the magi of the Empress Prazac,
and she congratulates you, then thanks you, and grants the Exiles land on
the surface.

After that, you have the option to exit, start over, or load another game.
It also hints at the five artifact quests, the people of Marish (undead
central), and the Tower of Magi.

Those will be covered in the Sidequests section.

But congratulations, you've saved the surface, destroyed the Vahnatai,
and restored the Exiles! You've done good.

For now, anyways.

* * * * * * * * * *

Sidequests and Stuff

* * * * * * * * * *

Recover the Orb of Thralni Philip

When you talk to Anaximander and he says the Orb's been stolen, go to the
Portal Keep and take the portal. You won't arrive in the Tower of Magi - you'll
arrive somewhere in deep Exile.

Go into Fight Mode, because there's about ten enemies here - and they're
not just grunts, there's a Mage and an Evil Priest here too. Kill them, then
walk south to exit this place.

Once you exit, you're somewhere in Exile. Not Upper Exile, but Exile proper,
which is way beneath Upper Exile. Your coordinates here are 45,52.

Make your way to 24,84, killing the groups of bandits and soldiers in your way,
and enter the town there.

You enter the town at 4,11 or 27,12, but in any case, your next destination is
the docks at the south end of town. There are tons of bandits and soldiers
here, and even some Worgs, so kill them and get to the boats as fast as possible.
Oh, and did I mention the Mage and Wizard here? I didn't think so.

If you want loot, there's a Bladesman, a few Evil Priests, and a mage inside the
hut. There's also a fake wall to the southeast at 7,22 and a chest behind it. The
chest has 400 gold.

Go to the docks and get in a boat, then sail south out of town. Sail southeast,
then down the waterfall, and east until the end of the river. From there, sail
north to 27,24, then exit the boat, rest, save, and enter the tower from the south.

You've entered one of the screwiest sections of the game.

Enter the tower from the south and go into fight mode. Use your magi and clerics
to kick the crap out of the Evil Priests and Archers on the east and west of the
corridor you're in. Dash up to the north end of the corridor after you're done, Unlock
the door, and kill the mass of enemies inside the courtyard there.

From here, there are a myriad of ways to go, so I'm going to merely list a lot of
places where treasure is.

*The key to the locked room with the Orb of Thralni in the chest at 34,39.

*2 uses of Graymold in the room at 32,11.

*A room full of memorials to people killed in very disturbing methods at 21,11.

*Purification Walk, which leads to the Orb of Thralni, at 15,27. You must have the
marble key to even get the door open.

Your second-to-last destination in this tower is the Purification Walk, which has
several traps. You must trip the three specials there. When it asks you to
touch, drink, or leave, choose "touch" and keep following the corridor.
Eventually, you'll end up at a vault containing the Orb of Thralni.

This vault holds six special items, but three aren't here, and you only want two
of the items that are here - the Orb and the Wand of Unusual Results. The cases
are labeled, and they're positioned like this:

| 1 2 |
| |
|-- --|
| |
| 3 4 |
| |
|-- --|
| |
| 5 6 |
| |

The items you want are in cabinets 3 and 6.

Once you get the Orb and Wand, proceed to 9,15, heal up, and save.

Go directly west through the fake wall and get the Nimble Gloves in the room
past the trap, then return to 9,15.

Open the door to the north and run inside. From there, go through the door at
12,14, and trip the special. Walk back to the portal in the previous room, and
attempt to go in.

Go into fight mode immediately and cast Major Blessing if you can; if not, cast
Bless Party and Major Haste. Start smacking around everything and everyone, and
refresh your Major Blessing every two rounds (three of you're using the dual-spell

Once everyone's dead, go back to the special that asks you to power up the portal
and activate the power, then return to the portal and go through it. You emerge in
the Bandit Hideout back in Upper Exile. Your coordinates are 31,4.

Make your way to 9,37 and walk through the fake wall to the east, and then exit the
dungeon to the south. Go southwest to Fort Emergence, and then talk to Anaximander.
He'll tell you to keep the Orb, and boy, you'll love him for it.

* * * * *

Woodsy Tower AOL-Sucks

This tower's at 279,269 on the overworld. Enter from the north.

It's the Tower of Vahkohs, and I'm not going to cover that now.

* * * * *

Pachtar's Plate Armoire

This quest requires a crapload of gold - about 1000 or so, but hey, if
you've followed my walkthrough, you're a rich bugger.

Go to Gale and go into the Herb House. Talk to the woman in green selling Skribbane
and ask her about "ownership." She'll sell you an Electrum Key for a thousand gold.

Now go to Gale City Hall and enter the ramparts from there. Go south, then east
when the southward path ends. Go north through the fake wall at 28,55 and enter the
Gale Library. Read all the books there, and you'll find out that the Isle of Bigail
holds Pachtar's Plate.

Go back to Fort Emergence, then use Ernest's hut to teleport to Shayder
and trek southeast to Kuper. Don't go into the town; go just east of it
to 108,314. Use the Orb of Thralni to fly to the island, and trek northeast
along the isle to 123,313. Enter the dungeon from the west.

Time for a maze. >_< It's worse than the one in the Defiled Crypt,
and _way_ worse than the Tower of Shifting Floors.

To enter the dungeon proper, go to 10,43 and walk north through the fake

Go to 13,35 and go north to 13,29. Go east to 15,29, then north to

Go west to 11,21 and cross the lava to the north.

Go east two, north four, and then go due east until the Efreets pop
up and then kill them. After that, go east until the wall, then south
until the barriers. Walk through them and go to 37,31, then dispel the
barrier to the north and pull the level behind it.

Go west, fight the Gorgons, and save. Go north through the shifting pillars to
22,25 and go through the fake wall to the north.

Go east through the fake wall, and then go south along the east wall and
follow the path. Don't go in the teleporter, whatever you do.

Take the stairs down, then make your way southeast to 22,44. After that,
go through the rock path to the north - specifically, 14,33. Heal up there
and then go north to fight some Drake Lords. Use magic, and it'll be easy,
especially if you're targeting multiple Death Arrows on one subject.

Also, if you use an Antimagic Cloud, they can't breathe on you and their
magic is nulled.

Kill the two Drake Lords, then go to 4,8 and Firewalk across the
lava to the north.

The treasure is:

*Weak Curing Potion
*Medium Curing Potion
*10 Darts
*Silver Ankh
*Stone Short Sword
*Steel Mace

If you step on the body, you'll see that it's Pachtar's. Search the body,
and pick up his Nice Plate. Identify it, and you'll see you've got Pachtar's

His body contains:

*Pachtar's Plate
*Steel Gauntlets
*Steel Large Shield
*Steel Broadsword

Return to the stairway to the first floor. Climb up, then take the portal out
and exit the dungeon. Trek back to the town to the southwest and fly back to
the Isle of Bigail.

* * * * *

The Fury Crossbow Michiba

Go to Shayder and find Judith. Ask her about "location." She'll take a thousand
gold pieces and tell you about the Pit of the Wyrm. Leave Shayder and cast Word
of Recall or use the Amulet of Rapid Returning, then go to Ernest's Hut and
take the portal to Lorelei. From there, go northeast along the road until you cross
a north-south bridge. Go northeast from there to 246,129, and fly north across the river
from there. Go east, then fly across the river when you're at 254,120. You've got
to fly southeast and follow the wall to get into the dungeon.

Follow the east wall to 260,130. Go east to enter the Pit.

You start at 4,24.

Don't even cast Light or Long Light; just work in the dark.

Go northeast to 12,14 and then northwest to 6,7. Unlock the door to
the north and loot the chest to the northwest.

After that, go back to 12,14 and east to 22,14. Save, then go northeast into
the light. You'll be fighting about thirty of these Mutant Giants in this dungeon,
so watch yourself here.

Once you kill the twelve or so giants there, go east to 34,13 and then go southeast
to 43,31. Take four steps southwest and then go due west... right into Mutant Giants.

If you want, there's a secret passage south of 21,41 that leads to a ruined
Empire garrison inside the pit. When you get to 32,43, cast Move Mountains
on the wall to the east and kill the Mung Slimes therein. After that, go to
46,38 and Move Mountains on the wall to the north. Loot the chest for a
Wand of Nullity and a Bronze Serpent Ring. Just follow the passage back
to continue the dungeon.

Kill them, and go northwest to 13,27. From there, follow the passages southwest, but
make your way to 11,45. From there, go east along the passage to the special.

Take the stairs down.

The second floor is far worse than the first, especially since the Dark Wyrms
here paralyze _and_ major poison you when they hit you. Hint - Avatar or Protection.

You start at 5,45. Make your way north to 8,8. You'll find a Dark Wyrm in your
path near the end. I suggest having someone cast Avatar or Protection and then have
your mages and priests Bless and Haste that person repeatedly.

After you kill that (and the undead it can summon), head east to 43,8. There's one
more Dark Wyrm in the way, so kill it and keep moving.

Go south to 48,35 and save. Follow the Dancing Bugrom (sorry, reference to Kusoyaro)
west to 29,38 and do whatever's necessary to kill the four Dark Wyrms there.

Kill them, then go north to 23,20. Go east to 30,21 and go south through
the false wall. Follow the passage and work your way to the end of it - 14,14.
Unlock the door to the south and step on the rune at the end of the hall.
The doors along the hall will be unlocked.

The northernmost room contains a Dart of Returning.

The second door contains a Potion of Bliss.

The third door holds Ambrosia.

The southernmost door has a lever behind it. Pull it, then go back through
the passage (and then south) to 23,44. Go west to 14,42, then walk through the
door to the east.

Here's the troublesome part - walk only on the white tiles. They shift every
move, but you can step on them. Just save every step, and if you screw up,
you're teleported back to the beginning of the room and your HP is drained
by half.

Go right, up, up, right, down, right, down, right, right, up, up, and
right to get to the northeast edge of the maze.

After you get to the northeast edge of the room and go through the door, pick
up the Fury Crossbow and retrace your steps to the beginning of the floor, then
take the stairs up and retreat to the beginning of the dungeon.

Exit the dungeon. You're done!

* * * * *

The Black Halberd Kenichi

Go to Sharimik and talk to the bartender at 15,41. Buy the bourbon and
then ask her about "knowledge." She'll take 100 gold and tell you to talk to
Masok in Angel's Rest. Go east to Angel's Rest, and you'll find him in the bar
in the bar at 17,12. Ask him about "halberd," "scroll," and "purchase." He'll
give you a scroll for 2000 gold.

From here, cast Word of Recall or use the Amulet of Rapid Returning. Go outside,
then north to 57,68. This is a _long_ trek, so pack healing potions.

Enter the cave to the west.

Go west to 32,1 and then head due south to 32,14. You _must_ go due south to

Follow the path west to 15,1. Enter the room. Push the crates south of 2,17
to 10,3.


When you're standing at 10,3 and you have a crate one square south of you,
go south, southwest, east, west four times, south once, northwest, southeast,
south, east three times, south, northeast, southwest three times, south, west
twice, east four times, south, northeast, southwest, south, west three times,
south, northwest, southeast twice, south, and then push the crate due east to
13,16. Push it north onto the rune.

Search all three chests. Get the Piece of Paper and read it.

Go to the door at 8,19. Go through it to the south, and prepare for pain.

Thanks to Ming Wang for giving me clues on the next segment

When you trip the special that carps about the triangle tiles, follow
this path exactly.

Two south, two east, two south, one east (through the pillar), two south,
four west, and two north. You'll be teleported to the exit.

From there, go east, and step on the runes until only six braziers
remain in the row to the north. Trek southeast through the stalagmites,
and go north along the path. From there, search the stalagmite east of 42,27
and keep going north. Follow the path until you exit it and take the center
path to the stairs. Take the stairs down.

Make your way to the room to the east, then go to the room to the south,
and kill the Gazers there, then go east through the door on the east wall.
Follow the path and cast Antimagic Cloud when you encounter the Rakshasi -
that is, fight, Avatar, mega-Bless Party, Antimagic Cloud, kick arse.

From there, follow the doors north and west until you reach 21,15.

Go west through the false wall and then north along the path. When you reach
the square just south of the north door, go into fight mode, start beating
the crap out of the Ur-Basilisks and undead that appear, and then Unlock the
north door.

The chests inside carry:

*Firestone (9)
*Mandrake Root (2)
*Wand of Rats (6)
*Wand of Vorb (6)
*Scale Necklace (5)
*Black Halberd

Congrats, you're done. Make your way back to the start of the dungeon,
exit the pit, and you've completed the quest.

Once again, thanks to Ming Wang for helping me get through the maze.

* * * * *

Knowledge Brew Sakai

First of all, go to Lorelei, and stay in the inn at 27,50. Stay a night,
then go back and ask the innkeeper about "rumors," then "recipe." After that,
trek to the junk shop at 24,25. Ask the man there about "recipe," and you'll
be directed to Internal Affairs at 41,39. Talk to the man there and ask him
about "recipe."

Now comes a painful quest. You've got to find the bard Foxfire. She goes through
Lorelei and the nearby towns, so you've got to find her. Check Lorelei and
Bengaro (which is north/northeast of Lorelei), and you'll eventually find her.
She's dressed in a bikini, so she's fairly easy to spot on the map.

When you find her, ask her about "coin" five times, then "recipe," "gift,"
and lastly "payment." Once she gives you a key for 500 gold, exit the town,
cast Word of Recall/Amulet of Rapid Returning, and exit Fort Emergence to
the north.

From there, trek over the world to the east, and end up at Storm Port
(321,417). Many thanks to Insomniac Hyperpunk for telling me where it was.

While in Storm Port, check out the junk shop there. They may have something
you like. It's at 38,12.

Take the ferry there (24,39 - and buy tickets from the beggar there) to
Gebra. Head south in Gebra to 34,34 and go south through the fake tree.
Follow the path around to the door, enter, and fight the Mad Monks.
These buggers possess a decent amount of power, so pack what you can
in, and use all your clerics to continually cast Light/Heal All. Oh,
and did I mention that they're resistant to magic, fire, cold, and poison?

Once they're dead, look in the chest for your first vision of an infamous
phrase - "Feisty Slap of Pain!"

Exit the building, return through the fake tree, and then exit Gebra
to the south.

From there, go to the special at 306,440 and say yes. Take the ferry
across, then go to 312,451 and do the same there. Proceed to 304,458 and
fight the Monks, Mad Monks, and Assassins there. After that, go southeast to 308,464
and walk _east_ across the stones and islands. After that, make
your way east to 331,464 and enter the Monastery of Madness to the

Upon entering the monastery of the Sacred Tai Kwon Leap Fighting
Martial Art Organization, head north to the cross-corridor, and prepare
to fight a _crapload_ of Mad Monks - something like twenty or thirty
at the entrance alone.

Odds are after that battle, the monastery will nearly be empty. I'll point
out interesting locations.

*24 food at 38,18.
*The Room of Intriguing Surprises (monsters in the chests) at 33,35.
*The Room of Hitting Each Other on the Head With Clubs, at 37,28.
*The Chamber of the Throwing Rocks, at 33,30.
*The Chamber of the Learning to Firewalk, at 33,25.
*A supply room, at 33,14. It contains:

-2 Wands of Carrunos
-Wand of Fireballs (6)
-Stone Mace
-Iron Mace
-Steel Mace
-Cursed Mace
-Leather Gloves
-Bronze Gauntlets
-2 Iron Gauntlets
-Crude Buckler
-Iron Buckler

*The Chamber of the Throwing of Anvils, at 32,8.
*A dark altar at 22,7. Don't pray to it, or you lose 20 experience every time.
*The Chamber of the Pool of Acid to Walk Over, at 19,8.
*65 food and a Potion of Doom in the storeroom at 21,12.
*24 Javelins in the Chamber of the Throwing of Spears, at 15,24.
*The Chamber of Extreme Self-Deprivation, at 11,18.
*The Chamber of the Practicing Jumping Twenty Feet Up Backwards Into a
Tree Kung Fu, at 11,13.
*The Melee Chamber, at 11,30, has 3 Bronze Broadswords and 3 Iron Shields.
*The Room of Learning from Books on Pedestals, at 16,35. Make sure
to read books 1, 5, and 6 in the row.
*The stairs up, at 11,6 and 36,6. Take the latter set up to the second floor.

On the second floor, just follow the path along the east wall. Cast Magic
Map if you like, but it's pretty straightforward.

Your two destinations are the library (5,15) and the Sacred Hall of Duels,
which is just to the north of it.

The library's far southeast bookcase contains the recipe for Knowledge
Brew, which adds 2 Skill Points to the user's repertoire for later training.

Once you go north to the Sacred Hall of Duels, send your strongest
warrior through (preferably a priest with Avatar), and step onto the
mat on the left side of the room. After that, fight the three monks, and
Once you've killed them, you can go through the door at 17,10 and loot
the chests there for:

-2500 Gold
-An Ur-Basilisk
-Steel Greathelm
-Magic Hammer
-Weak Invulnerability Potion (6)

There's also a Quicksilver Band in the room where you fought the Mad Monks
a few second ago. It's under the crate.

Finally, go through the fake wall west of 10,8 and read the plaques there
from left to right. Enjoy Vogel's jokes, then exit the Monastery and return
to Gebra and then Storm Port.

Oh, you can't get out of the Sacred Hall of Duels? Simple. Go to the room
with the plaques that I just mentioned, then go south through the fake wall
at 8,8. Step west and trigger the special.

And finally, on your way bad, it's time to fight an uber-crapload of the
survivors from the monastery. There's about thirty Mad Monks here,
so Avatar and Bless Party a _lot_.

Congratulations, you're done with this quest!

If you want Mandrake, there's a shop for it that I'll detail later.

* * * * *

Ring of Endless Magery Ishinabe

Okay, go to Krizsan, and unlock the door at 54,18. If you don't find
a man there, rest for a few days, then come back. Talk to him, pay his
cost, and get the area he mentions.

Go to Ernest's Hut and take a portal to Gale. Buy the skiff from the
Nephilim at 45,47 and head south out of town to the island south of Gale.

Get out of this town _fast_. There are undead everywhere.

Proceed south to Vila, which is at 323,187. Enter if you wish; it's
filled with undead. There are some Ember Flowers in here, though, so...

Whatever you do, don't trip the special at 316,201 unless you have
a priest with Resurrection _and_ a bunch of Resurrection Balms.

If you trip the special at 309,225 and win the battle there, you'll
pick up a Scroll: Firestorm _AND_ the spell Force Barrier, which is
a more powerful version of Fire Barrier.

Make your way to 296,271 and kill the vampires there, then enter the
tower to the west.

This maze is damn hard. Follow this coordinate list _exactly_.

Oh, and it also drains your MP, so pack _tons_ of Energy Potions.

Make your way to 42,1 and hit the lever through the fake wall to the wast.
From there, go to 36,3 and west through the fake wall. Go to 25,7 and north
through the fake wall. Go to 3,1 and south through the next fake wall.
After that, take the portal, kill the enemies there, and dispel the barrier
at 9,45. Go south, then east through the fake wall, kill more monsters,
and go north through the fake wall at 14,39. Take the portal there.
Go northwest to 3,17 and north through the fake wall. After that, follow
the path and take the stairs down.


Yep, another floor of MP-draining crap!

Go southeast to 16,32 and north through the fake cave wall. Take the portal there,
and take the next portals in this order: northeast, northeast, southeast, northeast.
After that, go northwest to 32,41 (fake wall) and run fast (fight mode) past the
descending walls. Run through the Fire Barriers to 31,36 (fake wall)
and run through to the west.

Here's an ugly part. Once you walk through that wall, make sure you cast Force Barrier
to your north and south. Hopefully (if you had brains) you cast Magic Map on this
level, so watch when the wall above you turns yellow, then Dispel the barrier and
move north. Repeat the process when the wall comes down at you again (Force
Barrier, wait, Dispel). Keep doing this and make your way to the door
at 31,28. It's not locked; just run through to the east. Don't take
the portal here; just move east and north into the mage Zkal's home.

The room at 37,20 has Ember Flowers. _Lots_ of them. Get them.

The room at 42,11 is trapped with moving walls. All you need to do
to get past them is block them with Force Barrier, but remember - the lever
to open the portcullises is at the northeast edge of the room. After you
pull it, get to 39,9 and walk into the room to the west.

Time to fight Zkal! He's a Lich, by the way. Capture Soul him if you can.
There are also two demons here, and everything in that room's going to start
summoning. Needless to say, heal up before entering here and _PACK AREA

My advice - Antimagic Fields. _Lots_ of Antimagic Fields.

Once he's dead, pull the lever to the northwest and return to the chamber
at 35,23. Loot the chests for:

-Bronze Ring
-Bronze Serpent Ring (3)
-Ring of Weight
-Ring of Endless Magery (40)

The Ring of Endless Magery can be used 40 times and restores 45 MP
each time. I suggest you hold on to this for _major_ battles, like

To get out, I suggest you use the editor. When you killed Zkal, you
kinda spawned a crapload of undead all over the tunnels, and that's
not a good thing.

If you don't want to cheat, trek back through the caves and out of the

Yosh! You're done here!

* * * * * * * * * *

Useless stuff

* * * * * * * * * *


Thanks to the following:

Jeff and Shirley Vogel
for creating the Exile series and making it require so little
hardware to run on.

My uber-elite 28.8 modem
for downloading and connecting to the net when I needed it.

for nudging me into getting this damn thing going.

for allowing me to pull all-nighters while writing this.

The International Channel (http://www.internationalchannel.com)
for playing anime and giving me a massive surge of writing energy.

Kanako Himezaki-Urashima
for her gift. She'll understand.

My carpal tunnel syndrome
for forcing me to end this quickly.

* * * * * * * * * *


Tuxedojack at nospam.juno.com
Fix address as necessary. I don't like getting viruses and spam, and
with the onrush of IM spam through MSN Messenger, this seems to
be the easiest way of fixing it.

via AIM.

via Yahoo! Messenger.

Tuxedojack at nospam.hotmail.com
via MSN Messenger. Anyone caught spamming this will be permanently blocked
and reported to Microsoft immediately.

on irc.sandwich.net or irc.esper.com. You'll find me in #improfanfic or
#PTNP respectively.

* * * * * * * * * *


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