Need for Speed 2

Need for Speed 2

17.10.2013 08:42:50

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Walkthrough/FAQ #01
by Alex Jones (alexj2002)
e-mail : Current e-mail address on website
website :

Game : Need For Speed 2
Format : PC
Publisher / Developer : EA/EA
Game Type : Racing

Version 1.02
June 20th, 2003


1. Copyright/Distribution
2. Car Guide
3. Track Guide
4. Cheats
5. Top Tips
6. Frequently Asked Questions
7. Version History
8. Websites/Credits

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| 1. Copyright/Distibution |

Thanks for picking up this guide!

This guide is free to read,print out,save and share with you friends but may
only be distributed via magazines,media (e.g. CD's, Disks) and websites with
my permission. To get permission please e-mail me. It may not be used for any
commercial use or to make profits.

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| 2. Car Guide |

There are 9 cars in the game each with their own qualities,weak points
and driving style.

They are:

1. McLaren F1
2. Ferrari F50
3. Ford GT90
4. Jaguar XJ220
5. Lotus GT1
6. Lotus Esprit V8
7. Italdesign Cala
8. Isdera Commendatore 112i
9. Ford Indigo

Below are the facts and figures of each of them, as well as some infomation
on how they drive, and their strengths and weaknesses.

1. McLaren F1

Price : $873,000
Status : Production
Weight : 2509lbs
Weight Distribution F/R : 41.2% / 58.8%
Length : 168.8 in
Width : 71.6in
Height : 44.8in

Top Speed : 231 mph
0 to 60 MPH - 3.2 Seconds
0 to 100 MPH - 6.3 Seconds

Transmission Type - Manual
Gearbox - 6 Speed

Engine Type - 48 Valve, V12
Displacement - 6064cc
Horsepower - 627bhp @ 7500RPM
Torque - 479 lb/ft @ 4000-7000 RPM
Max Engine Speed - 7500RPM
Brakes F/R - 13.0 in / 12.0 in
Tires F/R - 235/45ZR17/315/45ZR17

The McLaren F1 is the ultimate car in the game. Reaching a top speed of 231MPH
makes it the ideal car for the Proving Ground, although it's top speed is not
as useful elsewhere. Beginners should however look elsewhere - this car is a
bit of a handful round bends at speed.
2. Ferrari F50

Price : $500,000
Status : Production
Weight : 3080lbs
Weight Distribution F/R : 40.9% / 59.1%
Length : 176.4 in
Width : 78.2in
Height : 49.1in

Top Speed : 202 mph
0 to 60 MPH - 3.7 Seconds
0 to 100 MPH - 6.0 Seconds

Transmission Type - Manual
Gearbox - 6 Speed

Engine Type - 60 Valve, V12
Displacement - 4700cc
Horsepower - 513bhp @ 8500RPM
Torque - 347 lb/ft @ 6500 RPM
Max Engine Speed - 8500RPM
Brakes F/R - 14.0 in / 13.2 in
Tires F/R - 245/35ZR18/335/30ZR18

The ideal beginners car. This one has average all-round acceleration,speed and
handling. It may not be the best in any catagory but is a very good
compromise. If you're struggling, try this.
3. Ford GT90

Price : Not For Sale
Status : Prototype
Weight : 3200lbs (est)
Weight Distribution F/R : 42% / 58%
Length : 176.0 in
Width : 77.3in
Height : 44.9in

Top Speed : 220 mph (est)
0 to 60 MPH - 3.1 Seconds
0 to 100 MPH - 6.2 Seconds

Transmission Type - Manual
Gearbox - 5 Speed

Engine Type - 48 Valve, V12,Quad Turbo
Displacement - 5927cc
Horsepower - 720bhp @ 6300RPM
Torque - 650 lb/ft @ 4750 RPM (est)
Max Engine Speed - 6300RPM
Brakes F/R - 12.9 in / 12.9 in
Tires F/R - 275/35ZR18/355/30ZR19

This car feels fast. It's blue cockpit is either loved or hated, and the Ford
badge is hardly supercar related but this is a suprisingly good car. A quick
drive through North Country shows the best of this car.
4. Jaguar XJ220

Price : $339,000
Status : Production
Weight : 3241 lbs (kerb)
Weight Distribution F/R : 41.5% / 58.5%
Length : 194.2 in
Width : 87.5 in
Height : 45.3 in

Top Speed : 213 mph
0 to 60 MPH - 3.4 Seconds
0 to 100 MPH - 7.9 Seconds

Transmission Type - Manual
Gearbox - 5 Speed

Engine Type - 24 Valve, V12, twin-turbo
Displacement - 3497cc
Horsepower - 542bhp @ 7200RPM
Torque - 475 lb/ft @ 4500 RPM (est)
Max Engine Speed - 7200 RPM
Brakes F/R - 13.0 in / 11.8 in
Tires F/R - 255/45ZR17/345/35ZR18

A bit of an ugly looking car, compared to some of the others on offer, and
with a dashboard taken straight out of a Ford Fiesta it would seem, the Jag
has quick accelaration and speed, but can be a bit difficult to handle, as it
slides quite a bit.
5. Lotus GT1

Price : $645,000
Status : Prototype
Weight : 2315lbs
Weight Distribution F/R : 40% / 60%
Length : 176.8 in
Width : 81.5 in
Height : 43.3 in

Top Speed : 195 mph (est)
0 to 60 MPH - 3.8 Seconds
0 to 100 MPH - 9.0 Seconds

Transmission Type - Manual
Gearbox - 6 Speed

Engine Type - V8, Twin-Turbo
Displacement - 3506cc
Horsepower - 350bhp @ 6500RPM
Torque - 295 lb/ft @ 4250 RPM
Max Engine Speed - 7200RPM
Brakes F/R - 14.0 in / 14.0 in
Tires F/R - 275/35ZR18/345/35ZR18

Nice looking, a bit slow accelerating and not super fast, but quite a good car
all-round. Not quite a first choice but good for a challange.
6. Lotus Esprit V8

Price : $82,000
Status : Production
Weight : 3042lbs
Weight Distribution F/R : 42.7% / 57.3%
Length : 173.8 in
Width : 74.1 in
Height : 45.3 in

Top Speed : 175 mph
0 to 60 MPH - 4.8 Seconds
0 to 100 MPH - 10.5 Seconds

Transmission Type - Manual
Gearbox - 5 Speed

Engine Type - V8, Twin-Turbo
Displacement - 3506cc
Horsepower - 350bhp @ 6500RPM
Torque - 295 lb/ft @ 4250 RPM
Max Engine Speed - 7200RPM
Brakes F/R - 11.6 in / 11.8 in
Tires F/R - 235/40ZR17/285/35ZR18

A real challange in the cheapest car on offer. Despite sharing the engine with
the GT1 it can't keep up with the rest of the field. Still it's a classic. Try
it out for maximum difficulty.
7. Italdesign Cala

Price : Not For Sale
Status : Prototype
Weight : 2844lbs
Weight Distribution F/R : 37.7% / 62.3%
Length : 172.8 in
Width : 74.8 in
Height : 48.1 in

Top Speed : 181 mph (est)
0 to 60 MPH - 5.0 Seconds
0 to 100 MPH - 10.9 Seconds

Transmission Type - Manual
Gearbox - 6 Speed

Engine Type - 40 Valve, V-10
Displacement - 3900cc
Horsepower - 400bhp @ 7200RPM
Torque - N/A
Max Engine Speed - 7500RPM
Brakes F/R - 12.2 in / 12.2 in
Tires F/R - 225/40ZR18/295/40ZR18

A middle of the field car, slow accelerating and a low top speed but steady.
Not a car I'd choose either for a challange or an easy race.
8. Isdera Commendatore 112i

Price : $485,000
Status : Prototype
Weight : 3256lbs
Weight Distribution F/R : 47.5% / 52.5%
Length : 182.0 in
Width : 73.5 in
Height : 40.6 in

Top Speed : 212 mph (est)
0 to 60 MPH - 4.0 Seconds
0 to 100 MPH - N/A

Transmission Type - Manual
Gearbox - 6 Speed

Engine Type - 48 Valve, V-12
Displacement - 6000cc
Horsepower - 408bhp @ 6200RPM
Torque - 522 lb/ft @ 3800 RPM
Max Engine Speed - 6200RPM
Brakes F/R - 13.0 in / 12.2 in
Tires F/R - 255/35ZR18/295/35ZR19

OK acceleration and faster than a Ferrari, but another car I wouldn't choose
normally, especially as it looks so ugly! Try once, but not a really good, or
really bad car.
9. Ford Indigo

Price : Not For Sale
Status : Prototype
Weight : 2300lbs (est)
Weight Distribution F/R : 40% / 60%
Length : 175.3 in
Width : 82in
Height : 39.5in

Top Speed : 180 mph (est)
0 to 60 MPH - 3.9 Seconds
0 to 100 MPH - N/A Seconds

Transmission Type - Sequential electro-hydraulic shift
Gearbox - 6 Speed

Engine Type - 48 Valve, V12
Displacement - 5935cc
Horsepower - 435bhp @ 6100RPM
Torque - 405 lb/ft @ 5250 RPM (est)
Max Engine Speed - 6500 RPM
Brakes F/R - 13.2 in / 14.0 in
Tires F/R - 325/30ZR17/355/35ZR18

The fastest looking car, as it takes it's styling from Formula 1 and indy car
racers. It's low performance figures are made up for by low weight, 900lbs
lighter than Ford's other racer the GT90. A personeal favorite of mine, and
a well suited car to the Monolothic Studios track.

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| 3. Track Guide |

The game has 7 tracks. Each has it's own reqirements,challanges
and obstacles. The oncoming traffic can be turned off, but for the
purposes of this guide is on.

Track:Proving Ground
Length:3.2 Miles
Difficulty:Very Easy
Recommended Car:McLaren F1
Notes: Nothing to worry about here, just keep in a straight line on
the straights and stay in the outside lane on the bends to carry as
much speed as possible through the two corners. No traffic here.

Length:4.7 Miles
Recommended Car:McLaren F1
Notes: First time off the track and onto the road. Here you'll face
Land Rovers,Jeeps and Camper Vans driving at you and getting in your way.
The track starts in the city before moving into the desert land. Slow down
slightly for the jumps or you'll lose control on landing. Watch out near
the end when you're surronded by cliff edges - the road splits into two,
with a large rock in the middle of the road. Choose left or right early,
and there's a chance to cross over sides in the middle.

Track:North Country
Country:North Europe
Length:4.7 Miles
Recommended Car:Ferrari F50
Notes: Little bit harder this one, although not as hard as the map looks. The
four horrible looking bends are actually quite easy provided you don't cut the
corner. Elsewhere you'll have trucks,Volvos and 2CVs as traffic. Watch out
about 40 seconds into the lap, the track narrows suddenly as you reach a
bridge. Also right at the very end of the track the track splits into two with
a pillar in the middle.

Track:Pacific Spirit
Length:5.0 Miles
Recommended Car:Ford Indigo
Notes: Not that much to comment on this one. A very twisty track,so handling
is important here. Traffic includes school buses,trucks and Mercedes'

Length:4.0 Miles
Recommended Car:Ford Indigo
Notes: Watch out for the very steep hill at the start. Take it too fast and
you'll be rolling sideways down. The other main danger comes at the end where
you take the wooden bridge. Part of the barrier is missing and it's a long
drop down. Land Rovers,Volvo's and VW Beetles will all get in the way.

Track:Mystic Peaks
Length: 4.7 Miles
Difficulty:Very Hard
Recommended Car:Lotus GT1
Notes: This one is as hard as it looks on the map. Driving through this track
is made more difficult by sloping roads making it harder to turn. Early on
watch your speed over crests. Keep to the road surface especially in the snow.
While also dodging Jeeps,lorry's,pickups and Camper Vans take care through the
middle of the snow section for boxes left by a crashed plane. Be careful at
the end of the big wooden bridge. There is a huge drop if you're travelling
too fast. Right at the end of the lap there's another middle of the road split
be careful.

Track:Monolithic Studios
Length: 4.5 Miles
Recommended Car:Ford Indigo
Notes: This track is not available at the beginning of the game. To unlock it
type "Hollywood" at the main menu. This drive through filmsets does have some
optical illusions which look like obstacles and vice-versa (especially in
the space stage) Traffic here consists of Limos and Tour Buses. Watch out for:
Steep hill in stage 4 four, a near vertical drop at the end of stage 6, a
dinosaur on track in stage 9 and a small jump at the end of the lap.

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| 4. Cheats |

Although cheating usually means just that, in this game the cheats are to
add bonus cars,tracks and features to the game. The cheats are taken from
various websites,guides and magazines.

-Drive the Ford Indigo - Type "RED RACER" at the main screen.
-Drive at Monolithic Studios - Type "Hollywood" at the main screen.
-Drive at Night -- hold "n" while the track is loading
-Upgrade all cars to Pioneer Engines -- type "PIONEER" at the car select
-Drive other cars -- Type what you want at the car select screen:

bus -- School Bus
bmw -- BMW
commanche -- Jeep Commanche
drive29 -- Monolitihic Studios Bus
drive30 -- Limousine
drive31 -- Citroen 2CV
drive36 -- Cart
drive37 -- Outhouse
drive38 -- T-Rex
drive39 -- Cowboy wagon
drive40 -- Wagon
drive41 -- Souvenier Stand 1
drive42 -- Souvenier Stand 2
drive43 -- Souvenier Stand 3
drive44 -- Log
drive45 -- Monorail
drive46 -- Hoverpolice
drive47 -- UFO
drive48 -- Sewage Truck
drive49 -- Snowy Wooden Box 1
drive50 -- Snowy Wooden Box 2
jeepyj -- Jeep YJ
landcruiser -- Toyota Landcruiser
mercedes -- Mercedes Benz
miata -- Mazda Miata
quattro -- Audi Quattro
semi -- Semi
snowtruck -- Snowplow
vanagon -- Volkswagen Van
volvo -- Volvo
vwbug -- Volkswagen Bug
vwfb -- Volkswagen Fastback
armytruck -- Army Truck

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| 5. Top Tips |

If you want to get faster follow these basic but important driving tips:

i. Don't crash into objects - an obvious one, but you'll also lose lots of
time if you do.

ii. Keep on the track - again fairly obvious, going offroad means lost time.

iii. Don't start accelerating too early at the start of the race - Else you'll
generate lots of wheelspin.

iv. Don't corner too fast - else you'll crash (see i.)

v. Slow slightly when going over jumps - there may be corners, which you may
miss and crash (see i.).

vi. Don't weave - Weaving across the road takes longer than going in a
straight line.

| |
| 6. Frequently |
| Asked |
| Questions |

You may ask what's the point of having a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
section to this guide as the whole thing is meant to be a FAQ. However this
section works on a question and answer basis, you ask it i'll answer it. If
you have a question about the game e-mail me: Current e-mail address can be
found on my website.

Q. In the opening intro movie a glimpse of an engine with a blue Indigo badge
on it is shown. The car is also mentioned in the section containing the
history of Ford. Is there an option to drive this car.

A. Yes! Simply type on the main menu screen REDRACER and the Ford
Indigo will be unlocked. For more on the Ford Indigo see the Cars
Guide section above.

Q. What is the best car to use on (TRACK NAME) track?

A. For a guide on the best car/track combination see the Track Guide section

Q. Are there any cheats for the game?

A. You can unlock special cars by typing the corresponding code from the
above cheats section.

Q. Is it possible to tune the cars and change the settings?

A. No, it is not possible to modify the car's settings or tune them on this
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| 7. Version History |

Version 1.0 (Released 31/MAY/03)- Tracks,Cars,FAQ and Cheats sections.

Version 1.01 (Released 07/JUNE/03) - Corrected Minor Mistakes, Updated
permitted sites list

Version 1.02 (Released 23/JUNE/03) - Updated Permitted Sites List, added new
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| 8. Websites and Credits |

This guide may appear only on the following websites:


ASCII Art - Alex Jones

Track and Car Facts taken from the game.

Need For Speed and EA/Electronic Arts are Trademarks of Electronic Arts
All Manufatures and Models are Trademarks of their respective companies.

Thanks to CJayC @ for posting my guides.

All other trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned
by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

This Guide Is Copyright Alex Jones 2003.

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