Baseball Simulator 1.000

Baseball Simulator 1.000

17.10.2013 09:18:23
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Culture Brain USA, Inc.

Baseball Simulator 1.000 (tm)

Instruction Booklet


Before you start

If you are loading your Baseball Simulator 1.000 Game Pak for the very first
time, the screen shown at right may appear after you press the START button.
This is not a defect in the game. Press the A button to clear the message and
return to the SELECT MODE screen, then continue regular play.




Baseball fans, get ready for the one baseball game that has it all!

1) Full editing for up to six teams.
Play ball with your favorite major league stars, heroes from the past,
fantasy leagues - even enter yourself as the star! Enter team and player
names, and all the important stats for your very own team.

2) A complete, six-team, 165-game Pennant Race.
Play a full length season with six teams, for 5, 30, 60, or even 165 games.
Follow the teams and players through the season - monitor their stats, even
get top-10 rankings in batting and pitching.

3) Fully automatic simulation.
Simulate a full season based on statistics. The season can be played
automatically, while you can enjoy following a team through its games. And
by editing team and player abilities, it's a full-auto simulation game.

4) The hilarious features of Ultra Play.
Add a whole new dimension of fun to baseball with the wacky Ultra Plays.
Throw pitches that disappear or speed up in mid-air. Fight back with hits
that explode or knock out the fielders. And catch them by leaping hundreds
of feet in the air. With the six teams of the Ultra League, you'll play
baseball like it's never been played before!


When you insert the game pak into the Control Deck and turn the set on, the
title screen will appear. Press the START button to display the SELECT MODE

You can select any two of up to 24 teams to play a single game (one or two
players) or a best-of-seven series (two players only).

1 PLAYER - Play against the computer using any two teams.
2 PLAYERS - The first player to win four games wins the series. Stats will be
displayed after each game.

A full season consisting of 5, 30, 60 or 165 games can be played. Up to six
players can participate. Important statistics will be saved through the
season. With the full-auto season system, a statistical simulation can also
be played out.

This mode lets you create your own original team. Up to six teams can be
created and saved.

New League
This mode lets you select any six teams to make an original league and play
a season with that league.

This mode lets the computer play both teams while you watch.


Controller operation


Batting - control pad + A Button
Use the Control Pad to move the batter. Press the A Button to swing. Tap the
A button lightly to bunt.

Running - control pad + B (or A Button)

- Advance to Base.. Select a base with the control pad, then press the B
button while the control pad is still pressed.

- Return to Base.. Select a base with the control pad, then press the A button
while the control pad is still pressed.

- Steal.. While the pitcher is winding up, use the "Advance to Base"


Pitching.. control pad + A button

1. Use the control pad to move pitcher left or right.
2. Press the A button to start the windup. At this time, press the control pad
down for a fast ball or up for a slow ball or fork ball. If the control pad
is not pressed, the pitch will be normal speed.
3. During the windup, press the control pad left or right to aim the pitch.
4. During the pitch, press the control pad left or right to control its

"Pinch" Indicator
This appears when the pitcher is "in a pinch", when the team at bat is in a
crucial scoring position. When this happens, the pitcher's performance may
change - an energetic pitcher may lose his ability, or a tired pitcher may
suddenly regain his stamina.

Fielding.. control pad
Use the control pad to move the fielders; they will all move together. The
fielder closest to the ball will automatically catch or stop the ball by
touching it.

Throw to Base.. control pad and A button
Select a base with the control pad, then press the A button while the control
pad is still pressed.

Run to Base(tag out).. control pad and B button
Select a base with the control pad, then press the B button while the control
pad is still pressed.

Fine Plays.. A button
Press the A button to jump up and catch a ball.
Use the control pad and the A button to dive for a ball.

Picking a Runner off Base
Before pitching, press the B button to shift to the field view. Select a base
with the control pad, then press the A button while the control pad is still


Using pinch hitters

1. Press the START button before the pitcher winds up.
2. When the player who is at bat presses the A button, the "PINCH HITTER"
screen will be displayed.
3. The player currently at bat will be displayed at the top of the screen.
The player's batting arm, batting average, home runs, running ability,
fielding ability, and Ultra Plays are also displayed. The currently
available pinch hitters are displayed below that. The batting average and
home runs represent the player's ability, not his season performance.
4. Move the cursor up or down with the control pad to select a player, then
press the A button to use that player. If you do not want to use any of
the pinch hitters, select CANCEL.

- If a pinch hitter is used in place of the pitcher, you must continue the
game with a new relief pitcher. The RELIEF PITCHER screen will automatically
appear before the team goes to bat.


Changing the pitcher

1. Press the START button before the pitcher winds up.
2. When the player who is fielding presses the A button, the screen shown at
right will be displayed.
3. Leave the cursor on CHANGE and press the A button.
4. Leave the arrow on the pitcher and press the A button. The RELIEF PITCHER
screen will be displayed.
5. Move the cursor up or down with the control pad to select a pitcher, then
press the A button to display his ERA and current condition. Select YES to
use that pitcher, or NO to display another pitcher. (See p.22)
6. Press the B button to return to the game without selecting a relief


Substitute fielders

- Fielders can be substituted during the game. (Players currently on the field
can not exchange positions.)

1. Press the START button to call time out.
2. When the player who is fielding presses the A button, the field view will
be displayed. Leave the cursor on CHANGE and press the A button.
3. Move the arrow to the player you want to remove and press the A button. On
the SUBSTITUTE screen, select a fielder with the control pad and the A

- The substitute fielder will replace the removed fielder in the batting


Shifting the fielders

1. Each fielder can be positioned on the playing field.
2. Press the START button to call time out.
3. When the player who is fielding presses the A button, the field view will
be displayed.
4. Select MOVE and press the A button. Move the flashing arrow to the player
your want to position and press the A button. The arrow will stop flashing.
Then use the control pad to move the fielder.
5. Press the A button when the fielder has been correctly positioned. Move the
flashing arrow again to move another fielder, or press the B button to
return to the game.

- The fielders will return to their original positions after each batter.


* The pitcher and catcher cannot be moved.
* Fielders cannot be positioned in front of the pitcher or in the foul zones.


Ultra play

Ultra Plays can be used by the six teams in the Ultra League, or any edited
teams based on these six teams. Each team has a certain number of Ultra
Points. Each time an Ultra Play is used, a number of Ultra Points are used up.
When all the Ultra Points are used up, that team will be unable to use any
more Ultra Plays. The key is to use your Ultra Plays at the right time during
a game. (Ultra Points are fully restored at the beginning of each game, even
in a series or season.)

- Controller operation - Ultra play

Up: Press twice to display Ultra Pitch
Down: Selects Ultra Pitch.

B: Cancels Ultra Pitch.
Displays Ultra Hit.
Use Ultra Fielding.

A: Swing with A button to use the displayed Ultra Hit.


Ultra pitches

Each Ultra Pitch uses up 3 Ultra Points. Press the control pad up twice to
display an Ultra Pitch symbol. Then press the control pad up or down to select
an Ultra Pitch. Pitch with the A button.

Snake Ball - It squirms from side to side.
Stopper Ball - After it's thrown, it can be stopped once with the A button.
Miracle Ball - A randomly selected Ultra Pitch
Fan Ball - It fans out sideways.
Speeder Ball - After it's thrown, the speed can be changed with the control
Fire Ball - It speeds up and turns to fire.
Phantom Ball - It disappears over the plate.
Photon Ball - An incredible fast ball.
Iron Ball - It's slow, but heavy. It can't be hit unless you get it right
down the middle.
Ninja Ball - It breaks up in to many balls.


Ultra hitting

Each Ultra Hit uses up to 3 Ultra Points. Press the B button to display the
Ultra Hit. Swing with the A button to use it. It cannot be canceled until the
next pitch.

Hyper Hit - The ball will be hit with twice the normal power.
Meteor Hit - The bat will break into fragments, which will knock out the
Shadow Hit - It casts many shadows to confuse the fielder.
Missile Hit - The fielder will be pushed back by the ball.
Bomb Hit - It explodes when it hits the ground.
Miracle Hit - A randomly selected Ultra Hit.
Tremor Hit - It causes a giant earthquake when it hits the ground.
Cannon Hit - It casts a spinning shadow and falls suddenly.
Freak Hit - After hitting the ground, it bounces off in a freaky direction.
Spinner Hit - It spins around on the ground and can't be caught.


Ultra fielding

Each use of Ultra Fielding uses up 5 Ultra Points. Press the B button when a
fielder is near the ball.

Rocket Jump - Jumps high in to the air.
Hyper Throw - Throws the ball with twice the normal power. Press the B button
before catching the ball, then throw.
Super Slide - Leaps to catch the ball. Use with the control pad.
Super Charger - Increases running speed.
Miracle Catch - Catches Ultra Hits that can't be caught normally.


* Pitchers cannot use Ultra Hitting or Ultra Fielding.

Use EDIT/DISPLAY to see each players' Ultra Plays.



1. From the SELECT MODE screen, select EXHIBITION and press the A button.

- 1PLAYER - A single game against the computer.
- 2PLAYERS - A series between two players. The first to win four games wins
the series. (Stats cannot be saved, and will be erased when the Control Deck
is turned off.) Pitchers will recover all their stamina after resting for
one game. If the same pitcher is used in two consecutive games, his stamina
will be low after the first game.

2. Select team
Choose the two teams with the control pad and the A button. For 1 PLAYER,
select your team with the [I] cursor, then select the opposing team with the
[II] cursor. For 2 PLAYERS, the second cursor [II] is moved with Controller 2.

3. Pick a stadium
Choose one of six stadiums with the control pad and A button.

* In a 2 PLAYERS series, pick the stadium where the first game will be played.
Subsequent games will be played at the other stadiums.

4. Starting pitcher
Move the cursor up or down with the control pad to select a pitcher, then
press the A button to display his ERA and current condition. Select YES to use
that pitcher, or NO to display another pitcher.

The first four pitchers are starters, and the last two are relievers.
Relievers can pitch consecutive games without tiring. When playing in the 2
PLAYERS or SEASON mode, it's a good idea to set up a pitching rotation and
consider each pitcher's stamina.

[here's how -you- can tell the condition of your pitcher, based on the facial
expression in his picture: -tsr]

:-) <- In top form, and ready to pitch. *
:-| <- A little tired from the previous game.
:-( <- Exhausted from the previous game.

* If the first-place team is ahead by five or more games, the pitcher may be
exhausted even if he is smiling. (see p.42)

5. Starting lineup
Before every game, you can modify your team's starting lineup, batting order,
and fielding positions, using any of your twelve team members. (The pitcher
bats last; there is no Designated Hitter.)

To change the lineup, select CHANGE. The lineup wil be empty and the player
names will appear to the right. Starting with the first batter, fill in each
position in the batting order. Then, assign fielding positions, starting with
the first batter. To cancel an entry, press the B button.

The batting average, home runs, and ERA displayed during the game in the
EXHIBITION mode represent the player's ability, not his season performance.



1. Up to six players can participate, and complete team and individual stats
are kept and saved.

2. With the EDIT feature, you can create up to six of your own teams and play
in your own league.

3. Before each game, you can choose to have the computer play for one, both,
or neither team. You can choose to play only those games you want to, and
let the computer play out the rest.

4. With the EDIT feature, you can play out a full-season statistical
simulation. (See P.32)

- During SEASON play, the game will shot actual performance stats for each
player. But unlike a "progressive" system, the player's ability is determined
by the programmed or edited stats, not the performance stats.
- Do not edit the statistics of teams that are currently playing in a SEASON.


1. Starting a season

Select SEASON from the SELECT MODE screen.

PLAY - To start a new season or continue a previously saved season.

CLEAR - To cancel a season in progress, or erase stats from a completed
season. Before starting a new season, results from the previously completed
season must be erased.

STANDINGS - To display team or individual stats for a season.

* Only one season can be saved, and each "Season Save" will clear the previous
one. Multiple "Saves" are not possible.

2. Choosing a league
Six teams play in a season. From the SELECT LEAGUE screen, choose the Atlantic
League, Northern League, Ultra League, or Original League. If an edited team
is included in a league, the edited team (and not the team that it was "edited
from") will play.

3. Assigning stadiums.
In the SEASON mode, each team has its own home stadium. The season schedule
determines where each game will be played; the home team always bats second.

Before starting a season, you can assign a home stadium for each team. To
change stadiums, select YES on the CHANGE STADIUM? screen. Move the cursor to
any team and press the A button. Then move the cursor to the stadium you want
to assign it to, and press the A button. The two teams will switch places.
Repeat the procedure for each team. Press the START button when you are

4. Season length
Choose the number of games in the season: 5, 30, 60 or 165. (The number
represents how many games each team plays. For example, in a 5-game season,
each team plays one game against each of the five other teams. In a 165-game
season, each team plays 33 games against each of the other five teams.) After
selecting season length, press the START button.

5. Manual - auto selection
For each team, select MANUAL or AUTO with the A button. Manual teams will be
played in person, while AUTO teams will be played by the computer.

6. The game display
This appears before every game. The AUTO or MANUAL settings for each team can
be changed for every individual game. If you want to let the computer play
your team for you, or you want to manually play an AUTO team, you can choose
to do so.

If both teams are on AUTO, you can choose to WATCH or SKIP the game. If you
select SKIP, the game will not be shown but will be played at high speed. All
stats will be recorded and saved as in a normal game. The game will be a
statistical simulation, thus creating realistic season stats.

If both teams are on AUTO and nothing is selected for a certain length of
time, the game will automatically start in the WATCH mode.

7. Game results
After each game, a television news display will show the score. Select
STANDINGS to see the team and player stats.

8. Playoffs
If the top two teams have identical standings at the end of the season, a
tournament-style league playoff will be held. The play-off schedule is set up
automatically and cannot be changed.


Season stats

This shows how each team is doing in the league.

G - Games Played
W - Wins
L - Losses
PCT - Winning Percentage
GB - Games Behind

Team W-L
This chart shows how many wins and losses each team has against the others.
The figures are read across in rows. The upper figure is the number of wins,
the lower figure is the number of losses.

This displays full batting and pitching stats for all the players on any team.
AV - Batting Average
RBI - Runs Batted In
HR - Home Runs
W - Wins
L - Losses
S - Saves
ERA - Earned Run Average

AVG (Batting Average), HR (Home Runs), RBI(Runs Batted In)
The top ten hitters in each category, and their stats, are displayed.

Wins, ERA (Earned Run Average), Saves
The top ten pitchers in each category, and their stats, are displayed.

* The Batting Average and Home Run stats that appear on the game screen during
SEASON play represent actual performance and do not affect the player's
* Players must have a minimum number of at bats or pitches to place in the top
10 rankings. If a player with good stats is not ranked, it may be dur to
limited play.


The full-auto season

With the FULL-AUTO SEASON, Baseball Simulator 1.000 lets you play out a full
season statistical simulation. Using the preprogrammed or edited teams, you
can play a season automatically, without the need of any input once the season
is in progress. You can watch the games as they are "televised", or follow the
teams and players, watching their stats through a season.

1. Start a season with one of the three leagues or create your own. Then, set
all the teams to AUTO. All the games will be played automatically.

2. Do not edit the statistics of teams that are currently playing in a SEASON.




To create a new team or odify an existing edited team.

To erase an edited team.

To show player stats for any team.


Creating a team

The existing eighteen teams will be displayed. A new team is created by
editing an already existing team. Move the [I] cursor to the team you want to

* If an edited team is included in a league, the edited team (and not the team
that it was "edited from") will play in the season games.
* To create a new Ultra Team, an existing Ultra Team must be edited. Also,
since the Ultra League teams are much more powerful even without the Ultra
Plays, they can be used to create especially strong teams without Ultra Play


Entering stats


Team and player names
Move the cursor with the control pad and change the letter with the A and B
buttons. The first letter of the team name "E" cannot be changed.

Move the cursor with the control pad and change the number with the A and B
buttons. The numbers in the bottom row are the remaining points. Except for
ERA, these points do not have to be distributed completely.

BA - Batting Order
BAT - Batting Arm
NAME - Player Name
P - Fielding Position
AV - Batting Average (contact)
HR - Home Runs (power)
R - Running Ability
F - Fielding Ability
* AV can be between .150 and .750

Pitcher stats are entered in the same way. ERA's must be distributed completely.
If you are editing a regular team, press the START button, then select SAVE to
save the team. If you are editing an Ultra Team, select ULTRA.

THR - Throwing Arm
SPD - Maximum pitching speed
ST - Stamina
L - Left curve
R - Right curve
F - Fork ball
ERA - Earned Run Average (Ability to perform under pressure)
* SPD can be between 62 and 124.

Batting arm can be Left or Right. Throwing arm can be Left or Right, Overhand
or Underhand.

Position - Move the cursor and press the A button to select a fielding
position, then move the cursor and select a player with the A button. The
fielding positions will switch places.

All pitchers have the following batting stats, which cannot be edited:
AV .150 HR 0 R 7 F 16


Ultra editing


After editing the batter and pitcher stats, press the START button and select

Ultra fielding and batting
1. Use the cursor and the A button to select a batter to edit.
2. The lower part of the screen will then display the symbols for the
available Ultra Plays.
3. Select an Ultra Play with the control pad and the A button.

Each player can have only one of each type of Ultra Play. Each 12-player team
can have up to 15 Ultra Plays among its members.

Ultra Fielding and Hitting can not be used by pitchers.

Ultra pitching
1. Use the cursor and the A button to select a pitcher to edit.
2. The upper part of the screen will then display the symbols for the
available Ultra Plays
3. Select an Ultra Play with the control pad and the A button.

Each player can have up to four Ultra Pitches. The six pitchers on each team
can have a total of 10 Ultra Pitches among its members.

Ultra Fielding and Hitting can not be used by pitchers.

After the Ultra Plays are entered, press the START button and select SAVE.


New league

Any six of the eighteen teams can be selected to form an original league, and
play a season. Use the [I] cursor to select the teams you want to include in
the Original League.

* If an edited team is selected, the team it was edited from can not be
* A new league cannot be created during a season.
* To erase a league, first select NEW LEAGUE. Without creating a new league,
turn off the Control Deck with the RESET button pressed.


Watch mode

This lets you watch a game between any two teams, with the computer playing
both teams.

Move the [I] cursor with the control pad and press the A button to choose the
team that will bat first. Then move the [II] cursor to choose the opposing



- Some rules of play and statistical calculations in "BASEBALL SIMULATOR 1.000"
may differ slightly from those of professional baseball.
- If either team is ahead by ten runs at the end of an inning, the game will
be called.
- The teams, players, and other names appearing in this game are fictitious
and are not intended to represent actual persons or organizations.
- During SEASON play, if the top-ranked team is ahead by five or more games,
ALL the pitchers on that team will be in "exhausted" condition. Even if
their faces show them smiling, their energy will be low, so it will be
tougher to stay in first place. If the second place team catches up to
within five games, their stamina levels will return to normal.

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