

13.10.2013 12:23:31
v1.29, 15 June 2005

T H E F U T U R E I S G R E E D Y \________/

Hardwar Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)




1. Preface
- 1.1 Notes
- 1.2 Credits and Legal
- 1.3 Version
2. Introduction
- 2.1 What is Hardwar?
- 2.2 Who made and published Hardwar?
- 2.3 Where did the Software Refinery go?
- 2.4 What are the minimum system requirements to run the game?
- 2.5 Can I run Hardwar on Linux, BeOS or MacOS?
- 2.6 What versions/patches are there and what features do they add?
- 2.7 Where do I get official patches?
- 2.8 Are there patches in other languages?
- 2.9 All these different patch versions are confusing. Which is best?
- 2.10 Where can I download the demo?
- 2.11 Where can I get the game?
- 2.12 Where can I find the manual?
- 2.13 Will there be a re-release?
- 2.14 Will there be a Hardwar 2?
- 2.15 What happened to the PlayStation release?
- 2.16 Where did everyone go?
3. Gameplay
3.1 Combat
- 3.1.1 Why do I keep getting killed?
- 3.1.2 Who is killing who?
- 3.1.3 How do I tell who has a bounty?
- 3.1.4 A faction has asked me to attack a building. How do I do that?
- 3.1.5 Can I avoid paying fines?
- 3.1.6 What is an enforcer and how do I get rid of one?
- 3.1.7 How do I get "double amnesty"?
3.2 Piloting and Equipment
- 3.2.1 What moths are available?
- 3.2.2 What equipment is available?
- 3.2.3 How do I dock? Can I speed up docking?
- 3.2.4 How do you target salvage dropped on Titan's surface? How do you use a
- 3.2.5 Why can't I salvage Origin Unknown?
- 3.2.6 How do I get power?
- 3.2.7 Where do I repair?
- 3.2.8 Can I change the order weapons cycle?
- 3.2.9 What differences are there between starting options?
- 3.2.10 What are the differences between power cells?
3.3 Hangars
- 3.3.1 How do I find buildings?
- 3.3.2 What do different hangars do?
- 3.3.3 How do I buy a hangar?
- 3.3.4 Can I buy pirate/scavenger hangars?
- 3.3.5 Can I get a loan?
3.4 Economy
- 3.4.1 How can I find where to buy or sell a particular item?
- 3.4.2 How does the economy work?
- 3.4.3 How do I get rare moths (Deaths Head, Police, Swallow)?
- 3.4.4 How do I get a fusion cell?
- 3.4.5 How do I get rare missiles (Tac Nuke, Big Bob)?
- 3.4.6 How do I get a Death Ray?
3.5 Transport
- 3.5.1 Can I run my own taxi firm?
- 3.5.2 Can I ride the monorail?
4. Walkthrough
4.1 Crash
- 4.1.1 Overview
4.2 Port Decoy
- 4.2.1 Overview
- 4.2.2 How do I target the Mass Driver Part?
- 4.2.3 What are the garbled messages about?
4.3 Mystery Package
- 4.3.1 Overview
- 4.3.2 What does the Cloaking Device do?
- 4.3.3 Can I remove the Cloaking Device?
- 4.3.4 How can I tell I have the Cloaking Device?
4.4 Secret Bases
- 4.4.1 Overview
- 4.4.2 What do the secret bases look like?
4.5 Procure Trigger and Matter
- 4.5.1 Overview
- 4.5.2 Why do the gang transports only ever carry one thing?
4.6 Base Attack
- 4.6.1 Overview
- 4.6.2 Can I attack both bases?
- 4.6.3 How do I sell surplus Origin Unknown?
4.7 Gang Boy
- 4.7.1 Overview
4.8 More Trigger or Matter
- 4.8.1 Overview
- 4.8.2 Can I use Trigger or Matter I have already?
4.9 Port Clearance with Tac-Nuke
- 4.9.1 Overview
4.10 Port Clearance with Big Bob
- 4.10.1 Overview
4.11 Psycho Bobs Closure
- 4.11.1 Overview
4.12 Rescue Syd and meet Xavier Lazarus
- 4.12.1 Overview
- 4.12.2 Why do I have a cargo of BodyParts when I leave the Prison?
- 4.12.3 How do I get into Lazarus Hightower?
4.13 Final Run
- 4.13.1 Overview
- 4.13.2 I keep on dying before I reach Port. Any hints?
- 4.13.3 Can I use the Monorail to complete the final run?
5. Cheating
- 5.1 What is God Hangar?
- 5.2 What are the startup cheat codes?
- 5.3 Are there any other hidden features or Easter Eggs?
6. Online
6.1 Gameplay
- 6.1.1 How do I play online (client)?
- 6.1.2 Does the online game have a plot?
- 6.1.3 Is there an online etiquette? Can I kill other players?
- 6.1.4 Why can't I buy any engines or pods when playing online?
- 6.1.5 Why am I not added to the Police's wanted list when I kill innocent
pilots in an online game?
- 6.1.6 I disconnected and now my character is dead. What should I do?
- 6.1.7 How do I talk to other pilots?
6.2 Technical Issues
- 6.2.1 Why can't I connect to an online game?
- 6.2.2 How do I play online across a firewall/router? What TCP and UDP ports
do I need to open/forward?
- 6.2.3 In an online game, when I buy and sell, the server crashes. What am I
doing wrong?
- 6.2.4 The frame rate in online games seems very low. Online games seem to
lag a lot. There are some small graphic corruptions. Is that normal?
- 6.2.5 When launching a dedicated server session I get an error message
saying that the VFX COM class is not registered. What should I do?
6.3 Hosting
- 6.3.1 What are the technical requirements for hosting an online game?
- 6.3.2 What is the difference between a dedicated network server and a
network game? Can I connect to my own dedicated server game?
- 6.3.3 What should I tell people connecting to my game?
- 6.3.4 I am hosting an online game, but I need to know my IP address to allow
other people to play. How do I tell what my IP address is?
- 6.3.5 How do I stop people using God Hangar to cheat in my online game?
- 6.3.6 Nobody joined my game. Am I wasting my time?
- 6.3.7 Can I automatically restart a dedicated server after it crashes?
- 6.3.8 Can taxis be recreated?
7. General Technical Issues
7.1 Installation and Patching
- 7.1.1 When installing the game on Windows 2000 or XP I get a message "not
enough free space on target drive" - how do I install?
- 7.1.2 I have just patched the game and now I cannot reload a save. What is
- 7.1.3 On startup I get an error message saying that the VFX COM class is not
registered. What should I do? How do I disable force feedback - the box is
greyed out?
- 7.1.4 Why does the game crash when I enter Hardwarp FM? What about "FixVhID:
Error!" during play?
- 7.1.5 After patching, why does the game give a graphics card error?
7.2 Video
- 7.2.1 How do I stop the game crashing when moving the mouse?
- 7.2.2 Is OpenGL video mode supported?
- 7.2.3 How do I stop the game crashing in 3DFX, particularly on Voodoo
Banshee cards?
- 7.2.4 How do I stop the screen jittering in flight, particularly when using
a Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro joystick?
- 7.2.5 Why does the game crash with "ResOpen - could not find Internal
resource data - the resource has been freed" when trying to play video in the
patched version?
- 7.2.6 I don't have a version that includes the video. Why can't I finish the
- 7.2.7 How do I take a screenshot?
- 7.2.8 Why have the textures not loaded?
- 7.2.9 When running in Windows 2000 or XP, why does the game window minimize
on startup?
7.3 Sound
- 7.3.1 The sound inside hangars is getting on my nerves. Can I remove it?
- 7.3.2 Why does the music stop playing after I dock for the first time?
7.4 Gameplay 'Bugs'
- 7.4.1 My taxi driver is drunk and/or won't get me to my destination. What
should I do?
- 7.4.2 Why does the game crash with "no more police enforcers can be
- 7.4.3 Why do AI moths not explode when killed in a tunnel?
- 7.4.4 Why does the game crash to desktop when my pilot dies?
- 7.4.5 Why does the autopilot sometimes stop working mid-flight?
- 7.4.6 Why, when I remove a loaded pod from my moth, can't refit it?
8. Editing and Customising
8.1 Setup
- 8.1.1 Can I run Hardwar without a CDROM?
- 8.1.2 Can I change the music?
- 8.1.3 What does the 'enter attract mode when idle' setting do?
- 8.1.4 What are MipMaps?
8.2 Skins
- 8.2.1 How do I skin a moth?
- 8.2.2 Why are my custom moth skins are not working?
- 8.2.3 How do I change the look of craters?
- 8.2.4 Why can't I change the colour of the moth's tail?
8.3 Utilities
- 8.3.1 What is HardLuck.exe and how do I use it?
- 8.3.2 Are there any modifications to change game balance?
- 8.3.3 Where can I get the Hardwar font?
- 8.3.4 Can I record a video sequence?
- 8.3.5 What do the debug keys do?
8.4 Editors
- 8.4.1 Are there any editors or Software Development Kits for Hardwar?
- 8.4.2 Where can I find the game's sound/graphics files?
- 8.4.3 How can I read .spr files?
- 8.4.4 Can I edit .shp files (moth models)?
- 8.4.5 Can I create custom maps?
- 8.4.6 What is Misopians (Mis[Opian]s)?
9. Upgrade 3
9.1 History
- 9.1.1 What happened to U3?
- 9.1.2 Why was U3 released?
- 9.1.3 Where can I get U3?
- 9.1.4 What differences are there between U3 versions?
- 9.1.5 Which version is best?
9.2 Terminal Commands and Scripting
- 9.2.1 What does the Terminal Interface do?
- 9.2.2 What does the Terminal Server do?
- 9.2.3 How do I connect a telnet client to the Terminal Server?
- 9.2.4 What terminal commands are there?
- 9.2.5 How do Admin permissions work?
- 9.2.6 Can I script events and 'bots? Can I redesign the game world?
- 9.2.7 How do I build rooms?
- 9.2.8 How do I get market/economy information?
- 9.2.9 What are framesy, newmothsw, and similar?
- 9.2.10 How are items cited in the economy commands?
9.3 Setup
- 9.3.1 What does the Persistent Game option do?
- 9.3.2 What is Phil's Ending?
- 9.3.3 What's the difference between high and low speed links?
- 9.3.4 Can I unpatch U3 betas? Do I have to patch each of them one at a time?
9.4 Gameplay
- 9.4.1 How do I manufacture things?
- 9.4.2 Why doesn't Central Industrial make a Narcotron?
- 9.4.3 How do I find and hire staff?
- 9.4.4 Can I give staff multiple orders?
- 9.4.5 If I can order my staff to sell, why can't I order them to buy?
- 9.4.6 How do I walk around?
- 9.4.7 What are Air Filters, Pleasure Cubes, and Servant Droids, and where
can I get them?
- 9.4.8 How do I get Fumblers, Disablers and Blasters?
- 9.4.9 Where did the Debriefing Zone/Vacant 0006/0007/0008/0038 go?
- 9.4.10 Who is Brother Kahuna?
9.5 Bugs and Modifications
- 9.5.1 Are there any patches for the U3 betas? What is Hardwar E?
- 9.5.2 How can I stop beta 5 games crashing after reloading?
- 9.5.3 I logged a beta 5 game and I'm running out of disk space. Why?
- 9.5.4 Why won't my joystick throttle work?
- 9.5.5 What is wrong with the beta 5 economy?
- 9.5.6 Why won't Downtown Moths sell moths? Why won't Shears Yard fit pods?
- 9.5.7 How can I get my staff out of limbo?
- 9.5.8 Are my thugs supposed to do _that_?
- 9.5.9 Why don't custom hangar names display?
- 9.5.10 Why don't AI pilots sell to my hangar?
- 9.5.11 There is a stack of AI moths waiting to enter a hangar. How can I get
rid of them?
- 9.5.12 Why do AI pilots get stuck in the Alpha-Downtown tunnel?
- 9.5.13 Can faction moths be made to respawn?
- 9.5.14 Why won't the plot advance? How do I get Trigger, Matter or Fusion
- 9.5.15 Can I remove the beta 4/5 negative deposit cheat?
- 9.5.16 I am experiencing video related crashes. Any hints?
- 9.5.17 Can I change the password?
- 9.5.18 What should I _not_ do in a U3 beta 4 online game?
- 9.5.19 Why don't construction companies/builders work?
- 9.5.20 Why can I overload my pod with my own production?
10. Upgrade IM
10.1 Introduction
- 10.1.1 IM?
- 10.1.2 Where can I get UIM?
- 10.1.3 What UIM versions are there, and what features do they add?
- 10.1.4 What is UIM Enhanced?
10.2 Gameplay
- 10.2.1 What terminal commands does UIM support?
10.3 Technical
- 10.3.1 Can I load an old saved game?
- 10.3.2 After patching [something] stopped working, or I get the message
Hardwar not installed. Why?
- 10.3.3 Must I use DirectX? Must I use a Direct3D compatible 3D accelerator
(video) card?
- 10.3.4 What do all these display options do? How can I improve visual
11. Ask Ian Martin
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 What happened to the Software Refinery?
- 11.3 What about the source code?
- 11.4 How long did it take to develop Hardwar?
- 11.5 Why don't moths roll more than 45 degrees?
- 11.6 Does the AI learn?
- 11.7 Where do the pilot names come from?
- 11.8 Why is the water blue when the sky is pink?
- 11.9 Why was the Downtown-Reservoir tunnel originally shut?
- 11.10 Why wasn't Hardwar marketed?
12. And Finally...
- 12.1 What's the deal with BodyParts?
- 12.2 Origin Unknown
- 12.3 It's art, mate
- 12.4 Fooling the AI
- 12.5 Final tip
- 12.6 The last word
- A. Hangar List
- B. Non-Moth Production Requirements and Locations Table
- C. Moth Production Requirements Table
- D. Plot Video Transcripts
- E. Non-Plot Video Transcripts
- F. Modifications
- G. Hacking
- H. CD Music Track Listing




1.1 Notes

Many gameplay tips and technical fixes are available in the game's readme.
More detailed, illustrated information is generally available from fan sites.
This FAQ is designed to primarily provide quick answers to some of the most
common questions. It mostly contains answers to actual questions asked on
forums and usenet. It does not specifically aim to hold your hand and guide
you step by step through the game, although I have added a few entries that
provide an introduction to key areas like moths, equipment and hangars. This
style reflects the nature of the game, which contains a lot of hidden depth
and, in spite of its storyline, is very open ended. The FAQ includes large
sections dealing with parts of the game that have been changed by subsequent
upgrades, notably online play, upgrade 3 and Upgrade IM. Currently the U3 and
Upgrade IM sections are split from other sections because these are slightly
unofficial, and so you might not be running them. UIM is likely to replace U3
completely, however since UIM is heavily based on U3, I have left the original
U3 section in place. New players are advised to read both sections, even if
you only intend to play UIM.


1.2 Credits and Legal

This FAQ was written by Tim Howgego (also known as timski), copyright 2000-
2005, unless otherwise stated. Errors and suggestions should be reported to
tim (at) capsu (dot) org . Please put "Hardwar" somewhere in the email subject
field. The information contained in this FAQ comes from a pool of knowledge
built up between a large number of Hardwar players over the last 5 years.
Without the ideas of Jeff, Zedo, Wez and Solidox, this FAQ would be much
shorter than it is. Particular thanks also to Ouch, Hammer, smurph, Arago
Fett, Kazymyr, Fedor von Bock and Sniper; Max and others for some fantastic U3
beta patches; and Ian Martin for coming back to make UIM. This FAQ is in the
public domain: You may copy and repost this FAQ, but the content of the
document, including the credits, must remain unchanged. Informing the author
that you are hosting it is appreciated, but not mandatory. Ensuring you host
the most recent version is also appreciated, but not mandatory. If converting
from text to HTML, please note the use of fixed width text in diagrams and
greater/less-than characters. The original game Hardwar (TM) Copyright (c)
1998-2000 Gremlin Interactive Ltd. Technology Copyright (c) 1993-2002 Software
Refinery Ltd. Other trademarks and copyright are owned by their respective
trademark and copyright holders. This is not an official FAQ. It is not
endorsed by the game's former developers or publishers.


1.3 Version

This is version 1.29, 15 June 2005. UIM Enhanced and terminal commands, more
on bespoke hangars, problems refitting pods, more background from Luke
Warhurst, why builders don't, overloading pods, and various minor changes.





2.1 What is Hardwar?

Hardwar is a futuristic combat flight simulator. It is set in 'Misplaced
Optimism', a series of craters on a neglected corporate mining moon, Titan.
Players fly moths, which are tiny craft capable of flying at low altitude. The
game features a complete economy, and can be played as a trading game. The
combination of flight combat, trade and a futuristic setting led many players
to draw similarities with the Elite series of games. Hardwar is sometimes
written Hardw[a]r - this reflects the design of the name on the game box.


2.2 Who made and published Hardwar?

The game was developed by The Software Refinery Ltd, formerly based in Leeds,
England. Development was led by Mark Griffiths, Ciaran Gultnieks and Ian
Martin. Ade Carless designed the game. Warp Records provided the sound track,
with additional design by the Designers' Republic. The game was published in
Europe and Asia by Gremlin Interactive Ltd and released in September 1998.
Interplay subsequently published the game in North America.


2.3 Where did the Software Refinery go?

The Software Refinery were actively developing patches for Hardwar until mid-
2002. Things then went very quiet. In December 2002 the content of their
website disappeared, leading to further speculation. In January 2003, Zedo
received a credible message that "The Software Refinery Ltd went into
voluntary liquidation in December 2002." Fortunately that wasn't the end of
the individuals behind Software Refinery - see Upgrade IM below.


2.4 What are the minimum system requirements to run the game?

Microsoft Windows 95 or greater (if using Windows 2000 or XP you may have
difficulty installing - see When installing the game on Windows 2000 or XP I
get a message "not enough free space on target drive" - how do I install?
below; it is also highly recommended that you patch to at least U2.04 to avoid
problems during play with these operating systems); Intel Pentium 166 (or
equivalent); 16Mb memory or greater; 1Mb DirectX 5 compatible video card;
DirectX 5 compatible soundcard; 2X CD-ROM; hard disk with approx 35Mb free
space. It will probably play on a slightly slower processor. Patched versions
U1.0 and U2.0x require Direct X 6 or greater. Certain patch video setting
require video cards with more onboard memory, perhaps as much as 8-16Mb.
Upgrade IM may require considerably better hardware if all new features are
used, plus at least DirectX 9.


2.5 Can I run Hardwar on Linux, BeOS or MacOS?

No. The game relies too heavily on DirectX to handle network play, sound, and
in most cases, graphics. Although having said that, people seem to be having
more success at _almost_ getting Hardwar to run on Linux using WINE, so
perhaps it will eventually be possible.


2.6 What versions/patches are there and what features do they add?

The release version of Hardwar was almost bug-free. The worst bugs related to
3DFX support. Subsequent patches have tended to add further features, and
improve video or multiplayer support. Ian Martin attributes the existence of
these patches to fans: "Without fan sites, without evidence of fan interest,
there would have been NO SR updates." Only a brief summary is given below of
the important changes:

- D1.6: 1998 : Demo version - 20 minutes play in Alpha Crater only (including
the "Dibsey" mission).
- F2.0: 1998 : European release version.
- F2.1: 1998 : North America release version.
- U1.0: 2000 : Added clones; new starter options; improved video performance
and options, although some 3DFX and DirectX support was buggy.
- U2.01: 2001 : Added swallows; further video improvements and bug fixes.
- U2.02: 2001 : Opened the monorail to the public; greatly improved online
multiplayer; added custom moth skins; added Trojan; added 'Dealer' starting
- U2.03: 2001 : Bug fixes from previous patch.
- U2.04: 2001 : Bug fixes from previous patches.

There is no 'Hardwar 3' - sites advertising it are thought to be selling a
standard release version. There was however a U3 under development - see What
happened to U3? below. With the help of a former developer, U3 evolved into
Upgrade IM.


2.7 Where do I get official patches?

Download the latest U2.04 patch from http://zedo.hardwar.org.uk/dexdown.htm .
You do not need to apply older patches first. For the latest unofficial/almost
official patch, see Where can I get U3? and Where can I get UIM? below.


2.8 Are there patches in other languages?

No. However non-English versions of the game can be patched, patching
apparently turns most of the text to English.


2.9 All these different patch versions are confusing. Which is best?

The UIM patches are widely regarded as the best balance of features and
stability. Almost all online games now use UIM. If you want to try only one
patch, I suggest you try UIM (see Upgrade IM below). Once you've got UIM, try
adding UIM Enhanced (see What is UIM Enhanced? below). The last official
patch, U2.04, is perfectly good, however it omits several years worth of
subsequent development. U3 beta 5 combined with HardwarE will add some
interesting features which are not present in UIM or U2.04, however there are
stability and compatibility problems for some users.


2.10 Where can I download the demo?

Try http://www.demo.hardwar.info/ or
http://david.hedbor.org/hardwar/downloads.html .


2.11 Where can I get the game?

The most reliable source of copies is probably eBay, which normally has new
boxed or jewel-cased US release versions available for around $5. The full
game CD ISOs can sometimes found on fan sites, currently http://www.fragile-
dog.co.uk/HardwarISO/ . These ISOs can either be burnt to CDs, or extracted to
your hard drive using utilities such as WinISO or WinImage (from kazymyr).
Alternatively CD copies can be burnt straight from the original disks - there
is no encryption or copy protection.

A lite version of the full game is available at the Underdogs, http://www.the-
underdogs.org/game.php?id=4234 or http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ . This
version has been created by patching the demo and adding missing files to
hardwar.res - videos and music are omitted, but the game is playable. The only
real limitation is the difficulty in following the plot, which relies on
videos to introduce most missions.


2.12 Where can I find the manual?

A PDF version of the original manual can be found at http://www.the-
underdogs.org/game.php?id=4234 . Note that many aspects of the (patched) game
have changed since this manual was produced; so keep reading...


2.13 Will there be a re-release?

Gremlin Interactive's ownership of the name and game transferred to
Infogrames, although sources within Infogrames suggested they no longer owned
it and that nobody did. Infogrames has since reappeared as Atari. Interplay
had marketing and distribution rights in North America. Neither has shown any
interest in re-releasing the game. The developers retained technology
copyright until they went into liquidation - see Where did the Software
Refinery go? above.


2.14 Will there be a Hardwar 2?

It was always unlikely that there would be a Hardwar 2 because the developers
did not own the rights to the name, they only owned the technology. And since
the original game had not been a commercial success, the name itself had
little value. The developers had actively continued to add features to Hardwar
in the form of upgrade patches. They had stated that, "the long term goal for
the game is to have a permanent online internet game running. It won't be
'Hardwar' ... but it will use the Hardwar engine." This aspiration now looks
unlikely - see Where did the Software Refinery go?.

From Anon: "According to one beta tester, there was a concept for subsequent
Hardwar games. The aliens would drop you off on another planet. This would be
a new game using the same basic 3D engine and gameplay, but different ships,
weapons, economics, and politics. And, of course, new places to go. You would
be able to escape this new planet as well and continue to Hardwar 3 and so
forth. The final game would return you to Earth." Ian Martin writes: "We did
have a design for Hardwar2 which was never really pursued. ... it was a
prequel I recall, before the society collapsed."

Luke Warhurst (former Gremlin QA) writes: "During the development of Hardwar,
we actually completed a design document for Hardwar 2 (called Hardwar:
Legacy). The design document was 100% completed and included comprehensive
concept art. ... I still have the complete design document in a dusty drawer
somewhere. ... I don't think that I could share it with anyone because,
technically, it must still be owned by Atari. Besides ... I might want to do
something with it myself in the future. ... All I can say about it is that it
was set on Europa. There were two environments, the watery environment below
the icy surface of the moon and the industrial, lava-filled caverns below
that. Gates provided access between the two. In the watery environment, the
Subs handled like submarines and in the industrial environment they handled
like jet planes. The subs were mostly named after aquatic creatures. There
were a handful of factions. Lazarus and Klamp-G had both collapsed as a result
of the events in Hardwar and amalgamated into one powerful corporation to
survive. I can't remember what the corporation was called now, something like
Laz-G. There were many improvements, such as the ability to hire
wingmen/mercenaries to help you and a variety of new drone-types, such as
attack drones and defence drones which you could set to defend your property.
Ship-to-ship communication was greatly improved too. Basically, the gameplay
way expanded and enhanced in every way."


2.15 What happened to the PlayStation release?

A Sony PlayStation version was originally thought to be in development during
1996. Early in 1997 Gremlin (?) decided to make the game PC only, citing lack
of PlayStation gamer interest.


2.16 Where did everyone go?

The most popular community board remains Captain Zedo's, here:
http://zedo.suddenlaunch3.com/ . On Internet Relay Chat (IRC):
irc.cocytusuk.org:6667 #hardwar .





For things specifically related to U3 or UIM, see Upgrade 3 and Upgrade IM



3.1 Combat

3.1.1 Why do I keep getting killed?

To quote David Hedbor, "When I first started playing Hardwar, I quickly got
very frustrated. I almost returned it to the store twice. Both times I played
it, I gave up after about half an hour of death and mayhem." You are not
alone. You will be attacked either because you have made an enemy of someone,
or because you are carrying a cargo that a pirate wants to take from you. The
starter moth and equipment is not particularly good for combat. Initiating
combat will give you the edge, but finish the fight quickly because the
opposition will probably be better equipped. Do not engage more than one moth
at a time. Avoid the caves initially - Haven and Midway. Avoid attacking
faction (Lazarus or Klamp-G) and gang (Skinner or Scrubber) moths initially.
Make use of tunnels to escape and evade: Computer controlled pilots stop
before entering a tunnel, where you can probably curve into them at full
throttle. Alternatively, find a relatively safe crater, such as Riverside,
trade and run away using countermeasures (such as Chaff) at the first sign of
trouble. Once you upgrade your moth combat will become a lot easier. The new
starter options introduced in U1.0 make Hardwar much easier to survive - see
What differences are there between starting options? below.


3.1.2 Who is killing who?

Titan's politics can initially be somewhat confusing. There are two major
factions, Lazarus and Klamp-G, who are permanently at war with one another.
Faction influence varies across Titan: Lazarus strongholds are Highrise,
Alpha, the western side of Reservoir, and the northern side of Mines; Klamp-G
strongholds are Riverside, Gamma, the eastern side of Reservoir, and the
southern side of Mines. There are also two gangs, Scrubbers and Skinner, who
are also at war with one another. Gangs are less powerful than the factions,
and tend to side with Lazarus (Scrubbers) and Klamp-G (Skinner) respectively.
Attacks against faction/gang moths are taken as an attack against the whole
faction or gang. In the unpatched game, killing a gang moth would often also
make you an enemy of the supporting faction, but in the patched game the links
are less strong. Outside of the faction/gang structure there are various other
minor players, independent pilots, and the Police. The Police will assign a
fine/bounty for unprovoked attacks on non gang/faction moths. Certain
independent pilots are rather gun-ho, notably pirates, who will attack to
steal cargo, taking a bounty in the process. Minor players normally restrict
their combat activities, for example, loan companies will only engage in
combat to collect bad debts.


3.1.3 How do I tell who has a bounty?

Police, faction and gang hangars maintain lists of wanted pilots. Killing them
will pay you a bounty and will clear any record with the group paying the
bounty. Collecting bounties on independent pilots will not lead to any
reprisal, however killing bountied faction and gang moths will upset their
owning faction. Spotting pirates without consulting the list is an art.
Pirates seem to always use medium pods and laser turrets. Pilots carrying
Matter, Trigger or Fusion Parts have normally stolen it from gang transports.
The moths of one faction are always on the wanted list of the other faction.


3.1.4 A faction has asked me to attack a building. How do I do that?

Laser turrets defend some buildings. These become active if you are wanted by
whoever owns the building. The laser turrets can be removed by a few well-
aimed cannon shots at the turret. Attacks on building turrets are counted as
attacks on buildings. You can also attack the buildings themselves by firing
'nukes' at them - they order ConstMat for a while, which depletes their cash.
There are no specific rewards for attacking buildings. (U3 beta 5 developed
this feature, allowing players to damage one another's hangars. It was never
completed and created a bug that could trap a builder's moth in your hangar if
you forgot to pay them for their ConsMat.)


3.1.5 Can I avoid paying fines?

Yes. Once you receive a message from the police that you have been fined do
not visit a police station. If you do the fine (in cash or in kind) will be
taken from you. You now have one Hardwar day to kill another pilot on the
wanted list of whomever you have offended. Killing a wanted pilot will clear
your record, and net you the bounty for the kill. If you delay by more than
one day, you risk having an enforcer sent out after you.


3.1.6 What is an enforcer and how do I get rid of one?

Enforcers are particularly dangerous moth pilots who pilot Police or Deaths
Head moths. They will follow you and attempt to kill you until you or the
enforcer dies. The police will send out an enforcer if your bounty with the
police rises above $2000, or you are credited with killing a member of the
police. Gangs send out enforcers called assassins if you have a bounty of more
than $2000 with that gang. Loan companies send out enforcers in Deaths Head
moths if you fail to replay a loan for 2 days. The first thing to do in most
cases is to try and clear your record. Now stop the current enforcer from
hassling you by using one of: several Groundbase missiles, which aren't
counted as an attack; a single Devastator - the first hit isn't counted as an
attack; bump the enforcer against tunnel walls, or trap them in the exit bay
of a hangar and wait for the hangar to cancel entry/exit clearance - after 7
seconds the hangar defences will destroy the enforcer; disable the enforcer's
engines so it can not follow you around (this is the one case where you should
not bother to clear your record beforehand); evade the enforcer for a few days
- eventually they may forgive and forget. If you are going to kill an enforcer
it is important that you are not registered as killing it. The best way to
deal with enforcers is to not call one out: Ensure that you pay your loans on
time, and clear your record with whoever you have offended by killing another
pilot on their wanted list. If you continue to kill Police enforcers you will
eventually crash the game (see Why does the game crash with "no more police
enforcers can be generated"? below).


3.1.7 How do I get "double amnesty"?

When you kill a faction or gang moth, you get put on their wanted list as an
enemy. In order to clear your name, you need to kill a pilot on the wanted
list of the group you have offended. Since the factions are always at war,
killing a moth of the opposite faction, will get you an amnesty, but will also
add you to the opposing wanted list. Continually swapping between factions'
wanted lists works most of the time. However there are times when it is useful
not to have either faction gunning for you, notably at certain points in the
plot such as the Gang Boy mission. Double amnesty involves simultaneously
clearing your record with both groups. The most common method involves seeking
out the few independent pilots that from time to time appear on faction wanted
lists. Find one using faction A's wanted list and lock them in. Now kill a
moth belonging to faction A (swap wanted lists). Finally kill the independent
pilot, which clears your record with faction A, without upsetting faction B.
There are other more inventive methods. For example (from Narcotron), buy
weapons from a weapons reseller belonging to the other faction. They will
probably send out a transport for supplies. Wait for a pirate to attack the
transport, make sure you kill the transport first (swap wanted list), and then
kill the pirate to clear your record with the first faction.



3.2 Piloting and Equipment

3.2.1 What moths are available?

There are six player moths in the original game, with an additional type added
in U2.01+ versions. Common types can be brought from moth factories,
especially Downtown Moths. Rarer types may need some work first - see How do I
get rare moths (Deaths Head, Police, Swallow)?:

Deaths Head:
- Offensive: High weapons capacity, plus Laser Turret.
- Defensive: Very strong hull, but with huge profile.
- Handling: Slow with a maximum speed below 400 mph. Reasonable turning.
- Availability: Hard to find, and expensive.
- Recommended for: Combat pilots that don't need to escape, but do want a huge
weapons platform.

- Offensive: Average weapons capacity, plus Laser Turret.
- Defensive: Fairly strong hull, with large profile.
- Handling: Average speed, at just above 400 mph, and turns well.
- Availability: Fairly common. Sold at just above average prices.
- Recommended for: Multi-role applications, and things such as scavenging,
where a mix of manoeuvrability, speed and firepower is needed.

Moon Moth:
- Offensive: Slightly below average weapons capacity, plus Laser Turret.
- Defensive: Moderate hull and profile.
- Handling: Below average speed, but with very impressive turning.
- Availability: Fairly common, and cheap.
- Notes: Can carry a passenger. Cannot fit Engine #3.
- Recommended for: Cab drivers, aspiring pilots (it is a reasonable early
upgrade), and skilled pilots that can exploit its turning and make use of its
respectable loadout in combat.

Neo Tiger:
- Offensive: Slightly above average weapons capacity, plus Laser Turret.
- Defensive: Moderate hull, with sleek profile.
- Handling: Fast, at almost 500 mph (fastest moth in the unpatched game), pods
make little difference to handling, but suffers when it comes to turning.
- Availability: Fairly common, at average price.
- Recommended for: Traders, because it can normally escape with cargo, and
combat pilots who can accept the poor turning and use the high top speed.

- Offensive: Slightly below average weapons capacity, plus Laser Turret.
- Defensive: Strong hull, with mid-range profile.
- Handling: Turns on a dime with an above average top speed.
- Availability: Rare, but fairly cheap.
- Notes: Cannot fit rare missiles.
- Recommended for: Dogfighting combat pilots.

- Offensive: Poor weapons capacity, with no Laser Turret.
- Defensive: Weak hull but with slender profile.
- Handling: Lowest top speed.
- Availability: Common (you'll probably start with one of these) and cheap.
- Notes: Cannot fit Engine #2 and #3, Medium, Large and Largest pods, or Pulse
- Recommended for: New pilots - who perhaps don't get the choice - but you
could do worse for a training ship.

- Offensive: Average weapons capacity, but no Laser Turret.
- Defensive: Fairly strong hull, with thin profile.
- Handling: Fastest moth, but with moderate turning.
- Availability: U2.01+. Rare and expensive (unless you steal one).
- Notes: Cannot fit rare missiles.
- Recommended for: Traders, who benefit from the speed even when loaded, and
purist combat pilots, who don't need to use Laser Turrets, but can make use of
the speed and profile.

Ian Martin writes: "The Swallow was originally a remote unpiloted vehicle in a
planned space combat game; the fuselage was modified in 2000 to squeeze a
pilot in."


3.2.2 What equipment is available?

Here is a short summary of moth equipment, excluding plot specific items:

Guns - Offensive, use energy. Buy/fit at weapons factories and weapons
- Laser: Fast firing, moderate energy use, with moderate damage to shields and
hull. Good all-round laser.
- Laser Turret: Less damage than regular Laser, but able to track and fire on
targets as you turn. Useful addition for dogfights.
- Plasma Kannon: Slow firing, but highly damaging against shields. Good combat
opener, but only use later in combat if you specifically want to damage the
opponent's software.
- Pulse Laser: Fast firing with moderate damage, but high energy requirement.
Good for disabling weapons systems once shields are down.

Missiles - Offensive, consumed on use. Buy/fit at weapons factories and
weapons resellers:
- Devastator: One hit kill, if it hits. It is possible to evade,
countermeasure or escape from these. Works well in combination with other
tactics, notably Groundbase, which immobilises the target first.
- Fireburst x10: Damages engines when target has weak shields, making them
good for disabling moths or just slowing them slightly in combat.
- Groundbase x5: Forces the enemy to drop to the ground, which can inflict
collision damage and makes them sitting ducks.
- (Power) Leach x10: Drain energy from target, particularly when their shields
are low.
- Sprat x10: Good damage for the price, with high rate of fire. Easily
countered with Chaff or evaded with skilled piloting.
- Swarm x10: Breaks into several sections on launch, so normally hits in part.
- Underkill x5: Fast fire rate, and first do damage to shields, then to
software. Often regarded as an expensive version of a Plasma Kannon, but
potentially useful if you want to strip shields very fast.

Countermeasures - Defensive, consumed on use:
- Chaff x10: Releases debris which one hopes a missile targeted on you will
hit. Buy/fit at component factories.
- Flares x10: Releases heat source, which may fool a missile targeted on you
to target the flare instead. Flares also light up the surrounding area. Buy
from Chemicals factories, buy/fit at certain weapon resellers and breaker
- Hologram x5: Creates a mirror image of your ship for 5-10 seconds, which
confuses your attacker into firing at it rather than you. Buy/fit at weapons
factories and weapons resellers.
- Trojan x2 (U2.02+): Drops a fake cargo container, which explodes when picked
up. Buy/fit at weapons factories and weapons resellers.

Engines - Engines make your moth move. Bigger engines make your moth move
faster, but don't seem to affect power consumption. Buy/fit at certain breaker
maker and trading posts:
- Silver-Y moths can only fit an Engine #1.
- Moon Moths can only fit Engine #1 or #2.
- Other moths can fit Engine #1, #2 or #3.

Cells - Cells store energy. Influence stall height. Buy/fit at component
factories and breaker makers. Also see What are the differences between power
cells? below.
- Cell #1: Poor (rapid) discharge and poor (slow) recharge. Best avoided.
- Cell #2: Moderate recharge rate, but has huge staying power. Can be a good
choice if you often fight away from Lightwells.
- Cell #3: Good rate of recharge with respectable discharge, making it
arguably the best regular cell.
- Cell #4: Moderate recharge rate, with little staying power. Best avoided.
- Fusion Cell: Permanently charged. Essential acquisition, if you can get it -
see How do I get a fusion cell? below.

Pods - Pods allow cargo to be transported. Larger pods slow your ships down
and make you easier to hit in combat. Buy/fit at certain breaker maker and
trading posts:
- Smallest Pod: 2 different cargoes, up to 10 units each.
- Small Pod: 3 different cargoes, up to 10 units each.
- Medium Pod: 3 different cargoes, up to 20 units each. Cannot fit to Silver-Y
- Large Pod: 4 different cargoes, up to 30 units each. Cannot fit to Silver-Y
- Largest Pod: 5 different cargoes, up to 30 units each. Cannot fit to Silver-
Y moth.

- Afterburner: Increases speed for a short period of time. May only be used
once approximately every 30 seconds. Buy/fit at certain breaker maker and
trading posts.
- Drone: Allows targeted salvage to be recovered and placed in your pod.
Buy/fit at component factories and weapon resellers.
- Star Shells x10: Illuminate a dark area of a crater. Poor pilot's InfraRed
and consumed on use. Buy at Chemicals factories. Buy/fit at weapons resellers.

Software - Adds HUD features and improves equipment performance. Most software
comes as a series of upgrades. Install at software providers:
- Autopilot: Automatically docks you at hangars.
- Flight: Adds bells and whistles to the HUD.
- InfraRed: Adds option to see better in the dark.
- Navigation: Adds options such as crater names on the HUD compass.
- Power: Adds cell monitoring meters to the HUD, and makes cell recharge
- Radar: Improves ability to target objects, for example target salvage.
- Shield: Makes shields sustain more damage.
- Target: Improves munitions accuracy.


3.2.3 How do I dock? Can I speed up docking?

Docking can be done manually or automatically. For manual docking (no
autopilot software fitted), move into the rectangular targeting tunnel that
shows when close to a hangar, point at and then move towards the doors, the
doors will open, drive in and stop just in front of the internal air lock
doors. To dock automatically, fit autopilot software, and then fly into the
rectangular targeting tunnel - the autopilot will do the rest. To speed up
docking, go to a software provider's hangar and remove the autopilot. You will
have to steer your way into each hangar, but if you are skilled you will be
able to dock far quicker than before.


3.2.4 How do you target salvage dropped on Titan's surface? How do you use a

Upgrade your Target software at a software provider's hangar to level 3. You
can then target salvage in the same way as moths and hangars. Drones must
first be armed, then used. This means pressing the drone key (normally "D")
twice to send it to recover salvage. Remember to wait for the drone to return
with the salvage. By releasing the drone while moving, it is often possible to
throw the drone at the salvage, then swop down to recover the drone. This
greatly reduces the time taken to recover salvage.


3.2.5 Why can't I salvage Origin Unknown?

You need a Super-Drone. Psycho Bob will fit one to your moth when the time
comes to liberate some origin unknown from the faction secret bases. Once you
have the Super-Drone fitted, gather all the origin unknown you can - in
original versions it sells for $99,999 at Trading Posts, although this has
been changed by subsequent patches. Do not unload origin unknown in your
hangar - you will not be able to reload it. You can always jettison the origin
unknown and pick it up later without risk of losing it, because you will be
the only pilot on Titan with a Super-Drone.


3.2.6 How do I get power?

All conventional cells are based on solar energy. As you fly around,
particularly as you fire weapons, stored power will decline. Cells can be
recharged by hovering directly under a Lightwell. Note that upgrading Power
software will add a recharge meter to the HUD, which helps to ensure you are
directly under the Lightwell. Fusion Cells do not require recharging in
Lightwells - see How do I get a fusion cell? below.


3.2.7 Where do I repair?

Breaker Makers and a small number of other hangars (for example, Flyers
Retreat in Gamma) offer repair facilities. Each moth system (Hull, CPU,
Weapons, etc) can be repaired in 10% blocks. You need to pay to use public
repair facilities. Private hangars (see How do I buy a hangar? below) come
with repair facilities, that will repair your moth for free, which is one of
the big advantages of private hangars. You can also sell repair services to
other pilots.


3.2.8 Can I change the order weapons cycle?

Yes and no. The order normally reflects the order items were installed in,
although if you remove one item and add another, the new item will tend to
occupy the first available free position, which will probably be the position
the removed item was in. If you have your own hangar, you can remove all the
non-missile weaponry and then fit it again in the desired order, and generally
experiment without any financial penalty. Remember that missiles can't be
removed once installed, so your options with those are more limited.


3.2.9 What differences are there between starting options?

Ultimately it does not matter what career you pick at startup. These choices
don't restrict what you can or cannot do. All they do is equip you with a moth
that favours a certain style of play initially. Patched versions introduce new
startup options, some of which make the early part of the game far easier.
Each option has the following starting conditions, based on U2.04:

Aggressor - Basic pure combat setup:
- Moth: Silver-Y.
- Equipment: Laser, Plasma Kannon, Swarm and Flares.
- Software: Flight 1, Power 2, Shield 2, Navigation, Radar 3, Target 2 and
- Assets: $10,000.
- Starts: Gamma Monorail Depot.

Agitator - U1.0+:
- Moth: Neo Tiger.
- Equipment: Laser, Laser Turret, Afterburner, Fusion Cell, Engine #3,
Hologram, Devastator, Leach, Fireburst, Flares, Chaff and Star Shells.
- Software: Flight 1, Power 2, Shield 2, Navigation, Radar 3, Target 2 and
- Assets: $10,000.
- Starts: Riverside Monorail.

Corrupt Cop - U1.0+:
- Moth: Police.
- Equipment: Laser, Laser Turret, Afterburner, Engine #3, Fusion Cell, Largest
Pod, Drone, Hologram, Swarm and Flares.
- Software: Flight 1, Power 2, Shield 2, Navigation, Radar 3, Target 2 and
- Assets: $10,000.
- Starts: Sewage Control, Downtown.
- Note: Although characterised as a Police defector, your record with the
police starts clean.

Dealer - U2.02+:
- Moth: Moon Moth.
- Equipment: Laser, Medium Pod and Drone.
- Software: Flight 1, Power 2, Shield 2, Navigation, Radar 3, Target 2 and
- Assets: $100,000, and Vacant 0030 with Clone installed and a few low grade
munitions stocked.
- Starts: Vacant 0030, Downtown.
- Note: Starts with enemies, Nelson Column and Clifton Bridge, who will try to
kill you early in the game.

Godfather - U1.0+:
- Moth: Moon Moth.
- Equipment: Laser, Laser Turret, Afterburner, Engine #3, Fusion Cell, Largest
Pod, Drone, Devastators (20 >:) ), Fireburst, Groundbase, Flares, Chaff and
Star Shells.
- Software: Flight 1, Power 2, Shield 2, Navigation, Radar 3, Target 2 and
- Assets: $10,000.
- Starts: Recycling Joint, Highrise.
- Note: This is the only way to get an Engine #3 on a Moon Moth. Remove the
pod and this moth will reach about 450 mph.

Scavenger - Basic collector/multi-role setup:
- Moth: Silver-Y.
- Equipment: Laser, Small Pod, Drone, Flares and Star Shells.
- Software: Flight 1, Power 1, Shield 1, Navigation, Radar 3, Target 2 and
- Assets: $10,000.
- Starts: Conurbation 2, Downtown.

Trader - Basic trading setup:
- Moth: Silver-Y.
- Equipment: Laser, Small Pod, Sprat and Flares.
- Software: Autopilot, Flight 2, Power 1, Shield 1, Navigation, Radar 3,
Target 1 and InfraRed.
- Assets: $10,000.
- Starts: Alpha Trading Post.


3.2.10 What are the differences between power cells?

From Ian Martin (recharge rates assume maximum light):


Cell Max Power Recharge rate/sec Mass
1 2000000 410 10
2 4000000 810 20
3 2000000 1010 40
4 1500000 610 50
Fusion 2000000 Always Full 30



3.3 Hangars

3.3.1 How do I find buildings?

Certain key buildings can be targeted from the local services menu. You can
select target from messages. Alternatively, fly close to the building,
targeting it, and lock the target for future reference. For new pilots,
finding anything in the fog of Titan is difficult, particularly in the larger
craters such as Downtown. Try to remember how a few important buildings relate
to different tunnel mouths. You may find it useful to refer to maps of Titan,
which can be found here: http://www.capsu.org/hardwar/ (or
http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/24605.html ).


3.3.2 What do different hangars do?

Here is a list of important hangar types within the game. Most hangar names
are fairly self explanatory, for example "Downtown Chemicals" is a chemicals
factory, so I have only noted names that are not immediately obvious. All
businesses buy small amounts of Food. Note that faction owned hangars may not
be prepared to trade with independent pilots - this is particularly true of
their weapon and moth production facilities. A full Hangar List is in the

Raw Materials:
- Mines: Supply Ore, Gems, and Constmat.
- Chemical factories (includes AgroChem): Supply Chemicals, Plastics,
Explosives, Flares, and Star Shells.
- Purifiers: Supply Water.
- "Sewage Control": Supply Water and Chemicals.
- Macros (also "Charlie's Pizza"): Supply Food and Furs.
- Conurbations (various housing such as "Hunger City" and "Misery Heights"):
Supply BodyParts.
- "Bill Moritz" and "Scrubber Outpost": Supply Cigars.

Equipment Related:
- Ore Proc (and similar, also "The Ore House"): Produce ExMetal and
Sheetmetal. Buy Ore.
- Recycling (also "Scrubber Xchng" and "Junkyard"): Produce Sheetmetal. Buy
- Component factories: Produce CompComp, MachParts, Cells, Drone, and Chaff.
Buy Water, Chemicals, Gems, ExMetal, Sheetmetal, and Plastics.
- "Techparts": Produces CompComp only. Buy Gems, ExMetal, and Plastics.
- Weapons factories ("...Munitions", "Dr Jobes Weapons", "Klamp-G Arms"):
Produce Sprat, Swarm, Devastator, Leach, Fireburst, Underkill, Groundbase,
Hologram, Laser, Plasmakannon, Laser Turret, and Pulse Laser. Buy Gems,
ExMetal, SheetMetal, CompComp, MachParts, and Explosives.
- Moth factories (also "Highrise Motors"): Produce Moths. Also notionally
produce Pods and Engines, although they do not sell them in all game versions.
Buy Ore, SheetMetal, CompComp, MachParts, Plastics, Cells, and Lasers.

Luxury Related:
- "Waterfront Booze" and "Skinners Outpost": Produce Alcohol. Buy Chemicals
and Water.
- "General Industrial": Produce Narcotics. Buy Chemicals.
- Bars ("The Slum", "The Waterfront", "The After Dark", "The Shanty Inn",
"Jupiter Four", "Flyers Retreat", and "Traders Rest"): Buy/sell Narcotics,
Alcohol, and Cigars.

Service Related:
- Trading Posts (also "Trade Central"): Buy/sell everything (but not as
profitable as supplying other businesses), and contains list of local needs
and sales.
- Weapons resellers ("Psycho Bobs", "Reservoir Central", "...Weapons Shop",
"Special Arms Co"): Buy/sell what weapons factories make, plus Flares, Star
Shells, and Drones. Note that "Special Arms Co" specialises in more expensive
munitions like Leach and Groundbase. They also fit and remove equipment.
- Breaker Maker (also "The Knocking Ship" and "Traders Rest"): Buy/sell
assorted Cells, Engines, Afterburner, Drone, and Pods. They also fit equipment
and repair moths.
- "The Garidge": Repairs moths.
- Builders ("...Construction"): Buy ConstMat. Repair local hangars that get
- Police ("Cops"): Allow fines to be paid and criminals to be targeted.
- Faction and Gang buildings ("...Lazarus...", "...Klamp...",
"...Scrubber...", "...Skinner..."): Normally (but not always) allow their
enemies to be targeted.
- Estate Agents: Allow certain (mostly "Vacant") hangars to be purchased.
- "Clone Farm" (U1.0+): Sells clones, which you can install in your hangar and
use when you die.
- Monorail stations: Allow access to the Monorail. There are a few oddities,
like "Mines Monorail Depot" - MonoRail access is actually via the "Mines
Trading Post".
- Cabs: Base for taxis. Can be called out from any local hangar.
- Loan Agents ("Charlie Wadsworth" and "MisOp Finance"): Provide loans.
- Software: Installs and changes moth software.

The remaining hangars are either bases for individual, faction or gang pilots,
plot related locations, or in a few cases, such as Colony HQ and Flight
Academy, background filling.


3.3.3 How do I buy a hangar?

Visit the estate agent in the same crater as the hangar you want to buy.
Hangars cost about $16,000. Downtown Estates only sells about 20 properties at
a time. This means that you may not be able to purchase a particular hangar in
Downtown until you own several hangars in that crater. The same restriction
applies in online games, which may mean that if a pilot dies his or her hangar
is not immediately available for purchase - it gets put at the 'end of the
queue' (from The Kurgan).


3.3.4 Can I buy pirate/scavenger hangars?

Yes. Kill the current occupant just after 00:00, 06:00, 12:00 or 18:00. Wait
until the start of the next full hour and then go to the estate agent in the
same crater as the hangar. You must reach the estate agent and purchase the
hangar before the next time in the sequence. You cannot buy properties in
Haven or Midway. It is not clear whether properties can always be purchased in
Mines and Reservoir - this may vary by patch. Note that UIM Enhanced allows
hangars in these craters to be purchased via Gamma Estate Agent (see What is
UIM Enhanced? below). Occupying pirate hangars will greatly reduce the number
of pirates in the game - this is the only way to stop the majority of them
'respawning' after you kill them.


3.3.5 Can I get a loan?

Yes. Go to MisOp Finance (Downtown) or Charlie Wadsworth (Riverside), and
arrange one. Three are available: Small ($5000 over 2 days), medium ($10,000
over 3 days), and large ($25,000 over 5 days). Interest rates are 10-20%. You
can take up to one loan from each financier at any one time. This means you
can get up to $60,000 (including starting cash) at the very start of the game.
Taking such a loan is not recommended for new players, however an experienced
trader may be able to use it to gain advantage very quickly. Failing to repay
a loan will eventually bring out an enforcer - see What is an enforcer and how
do I get rid of one? above.



3.4 Economy

3.4.1 How can I find where to buy or sell a particular item?

Use the needs and sales lists available at Trading Posts. Each post lists
nearest and cheapest sales across Titan, and local business needs. Some items
are not manufactured and may eventually run out, see Why can't I buy any
engines or pods when playing online? below.


3.4.2 How does the economy work?

The economy model is based around production and use (often destruction) of
items. The core of the economy is based on equipment production, however there
are also trades for luxuries (Narcotics, Foods, and similar), and "export
goods" (like BodyParts). Raw materials are automatically produced at certain
locations, which are then transported to businesses in other places to be
processed. For example, Ore might be transported from mines in the Mines
crater to Ore Procs in Downtown, where it is processed into SheetMetal and
ExMetal. In most cases multiple commodities are needed for production
processes to work. So, in order to produce a pack of Swarm missiles,
SheetMetal (see above) and Explosives (made from Plastics and Chemicals at
Chemical manufacturers) needs to be taken to a weapons manufacturer. The
finished product may then be transported and sold to a weapons reseller, such
as Psycho Bobs, before being equipped by pilots and used in combat. The
production recipes may use differing proportions of materials. Businesses
often make a variety of products using similar materials: Sometimes in order
for them to produce rarer items you will need to first get them to produce a
full stock of more mundane items. Most businesses have restrictions on how
much stock they can hold or any one item (rarely more than 35, but often less
than 5), and also have limited cash: Don't be surprised when previously
profitable trade routes dry up temporarily due to over-supply. Note that
faction (Lazarus/Klamp-G) facilities will normally not trade with you. A full
list of Non-Moth Production Requirements and Locations is in the appendices.


3.4.3 How do I get rare moths (Deaths Head, Police, Swallow)?

Swallows are only available in U2.01 and later. In U2.0x games you can freely
hop into a Swallows parked at Highrise Construction, Riverside Construction,
Waterfront Booze or Alpha Construction. To produce the rare moths you need to
supply Downtown Moths with: about 2-8 Sheet Metal, 3-9 Plastics, 4-9
MachParts, 2-3 Ore, 1 Laser and 1 Cell. Supply Cell #1 for Swallows, Cell #3
for Deaths Head and Police. Since Downtown Moths will only produce three or
four moths at a time, you will probably need to purchase one or more other
moths before the desired moth appears. Buying whatever moth is in bay #3 may
help. Deaths Head moths will generally appear before Police. Unless you are
lucky, you will need a hangar to store spare moths. You can always remove and
trade the laser on the spare moth, and trade-in some of your spare moths for
the rare moth when it appears for sale. Bargain moths will produce Swallows,
and because it produces fewer other moths, it will tend to produce Swallows
quicker than Downtown Moths. For precise requirements see appendix Moth
Production Requirements Table.


3.4.4 How do I get a fusion cell?

The 'Gang Boy' mission part of the plot will provide you with a fusion cell.
In U2.0x games the free swallows (see How do I get rare moths? above) all come
fitted with fusion cells, which can be removed by fitting a different cell
type. Fusion cells can be manufactured by supplying fusion parts to component
shops - ensure that the component shops are also supplied with Chemicals,
Water, and Plastics. Fusion parts can be pirated from gang transports, taken
from pirates that have done this, or occasionally purchased at Trading Post.
Fusion parts will not appear until after Port crater is closed, specifically
not until you get an email entitled "nuclear ships out". Fusion cells are well
worth producing early in the game.


3.4.5 How do I get rare missiles (Tac Nuke, Big Bob)?

A Tac Nuke is first fitted to your moth by Psycho Bob to destroy one of the
faction secret bases, as part of a plot mission to retrieve Origin Unknown.
Use one Tac Nuke to destroy one of the bases, but do not retrieve the Origin
Unknown. Return to Bob's and he will fit another Tac Nuke to your moth.
Alternatively straight after your first moth has been fitted with a Tac Nuke,
fly it to your hangar, swap to a second moth and return to Bob's to get
another Tac Nuke. Repeat for a third or fourth moth if you wish. A Tac Nuke
will also be fitted to your moth during the Port blockage clearance mission. A
Big Bob missile is fitted to your moth in the following mission. Tac Nukes and
Big Bobs can be made by supplying Dr Jobes, Special Arms Co or Downtown
Munitions with fusion parts. The missiles have little or no use outside of the
plot. Note that Police and Swallows cannot mount rare missiles.


3.4.6 How do I get a Death Ray?

The Death Ray is a cannon that slowly fires deadly white balls of energy,
thought to be fitted to the inside of airlocks, to vaporise trapped ships that
don't leave quick enough. It can only be accessed as weapons by hacking the



3.5 Transport

3.5.1 Can I run my own taxi firm?

A game reviewer seems to have started this rumour. A Gremlin representative
suggested that you could use a Moon Moth to carry passengers on alt.fan.elite.
You can own a taxi (Moon Moth), but you cannot transport passengers or run a
taxi firm in the offline game. You can transport other player characters using
a moon moth in an online game.


3.5.2 Can I ride the monorail?

Only with U2.02 or later. Fly to a monorail station hangar, leave your moth
and walk to the monorail platform. You can press N to see where the monorail
cars are. Routes are:
- Downtown Central Monorail - Highrise Monorail Depot and return: One service
every 3 hours 40 minutes.
- Downtown Central Monorail - Downtown Vacant 0030 - Alpha Depot - Mines
Lazarus Mine and return: One service every 8 hours 45 minutes.
- Downtown Central Monorail - Custom Block/Research Facility - Port Abandoned
Terminal (in some patches it does not stop here) - Mines Trading Post and
return: One service every 5 hours 45 minutes. Plot events will alter how this
service runs.
- Downtown Central Monorail - Gamma Monorail Depot - Mines Klamp-G Mine and
return: One service every 7 hours 55 minutes.
- Riverside Monorail - Reservoir Jupiter Four and return: One service every 3
hours 10 minutes.





This section offers a simple overview of the plot, and addresses specific
problems. For a basic semi-official walkthrough, see Phil Eckford's (one of
Hardwar's testers) walkthrough, http://david.hedbor.org/hardwar/solution.html
or http://www.hardwar.info/plotindex.htm . If you are looking for a detailed
walkthrough with tips and forward planning suggestions, I recommend Zedo's,
http://zedo.hardwar.org.uk/plot.htm . Note that the plot is only available in
the single player game, or to the game's host in a network game. Plot critical
emails are marked with asterisks either side of the subject. Most events
within the plot will only start once the player decides to start them. There
is no need to complete the plot, indeed you can play forever without plot
related changes by ignoring the Port Decoy. The plot can be completed in 21
days, but don't worry if it takes a lot longer. Use spare time between
missions to develop your character (cash, moths, hangars, etc), because
completing the plot using a starter moth will be very hard. If you are playing
a version of the game without the video, you may have problems understanding
what is happening, because key instructions are only given via video sequences
- refer to Arago Fett's Plot Video Transcripts in the appendices.



4.1 Crash

4.1.1 Overview:

- TIMING: After your first significant action is complete (normally making a
sale or killing another pilot).
- EMAIL: "Cover up?", from Hardwarp FM.
- REWARD: None.
- LOCATION: Above Lightwell 3, Downtown.
- EVENT: Alien ship appears in the sky, temporarily disabling your ship once
you get close, before exploding.



4.2 Port Decoy

4.2.1 Overview:

- TIMING: Day after previous sighting and crash.
- EMAIL: "Decoy Required", from Klamp-G HQ. "Good Work" on completion.
- REWARD: $5000 on completion.
- REQUIREMENTS: Any weapon fitted - the starting Laser is adequate. Target 3
software upgrade and any cell upgrade will help.
- EVENT: Fly to Port crater via Mines, shoot at the Mass Driver Part (on the
north side of the crater, near the Mass Driver, close to Laz Repair moth), and
when the sky darkens escape via Mines. The mission finishes when a Klamp-G
moth (which you were providing the decoy for) reaches their HQ in Riverside.
- POLITICS: Makes you an enemy of Lazarus.


4.2.2 How do I target the Mass Driver Part?

Target the Mass Driver initially by selecting Target Subject from the email.
When you are close look for a moth marked "Laz Repair" - the mass driver part
will be on the ground below. Fire at the part close up and you won't need it
targeted to hit. If you wish to target the part you need to have installed
target level 3 software beforehand, which allows objects on the surface to be


4.2.3 What are the garbled messages about?

Around this time you will start to receive email messages from the Abandoned
Terminal, none of which can be read. Save them for now, Xavier Lazarus will
translate them for you much later.



4.3 Mystery Package

4.3.1 Overview:

- TIMING: About 8 days after Port Decoy mission.
- EMAIL: "Important Mission" from Unidentified. Also "Concerned" about a day
- REWARD: Cloaking Device installed on your moth.
- REQUIREMENTS: Pod and Drone fitted. The moth you are flying during this
mission will be fitted with a cloaking device, so consider using a moth that
will benefit from this addition.
- LOCATION: Rock formation near Lightwell, Mines.
- EVENT: Recover package from top of rock formation near the Lightwell in


4.3.2 What does the Cloaking Device do?

When flying below 100 feet, your ship will be masked on radar. This is
indicated by a blinking red margin of your radar HUD.


4.3.3 Can I remove the Cloaking Device?

No. You must be flying the moth you want to fit the device to during this
mission. Consider delaying this mission until you have upgraded to your
preferred moth.


4.3.4 How can I tell I have the Cloaking Device?

Fly below 100 feet, and watch to see if your radar HUD flickers. There will
not be any other indication on your ship.



4.4 Secret Bases

4.4.1 Overview:

- TIMING: Immediately after recovering Mystery Package.
- EMAIL: "Congratulations" from Unidentified.
- REWARD: None.
- REQUIREMENTS: None, but amnesty with both factions will avoid constantly
being attacked whilst searching.
- LOCATIONS: Psycho Bobs 1, Downtown; Lazarus Secret Base, Reservoir, rear of
island with Lightwell on it, western side of crater; Klamp-G Secret Base,
Riverside, towards western side of crater.
- EVENT: Fly to Psycho Bobs 1, then fly to each of the secret bases, target
them and lock their targets.


4.4.2 What do the secret bases look like?

The Lazarus base is set into a cave in a large rock formation, close to water
level. It has a large red Lazarus logo on the door. The Klamp-G base is
probably harder to spot because although out in the open, at first glance it
looks like a set of storage containers. The secret is to look for a series of
large containers running east to west, with a slightly larger structure at the
western end. The larger structure is the base.



4.5 Procure Trigger and Matter

4.5.1 Overview:

- TIMING: Immediately after targeting secret bases. Note that you can collect
Trigger and Matter beforehand - it will start appearing a few days after the
Decoy mission (you may see an email "Nuclear Ships Out" from Hardwarp FM).
- EMAIL: "Good Job" from Psycho Bobs 1.
- REWARD: None, although excess Trigger and Matter you may sell, and Fusion
Parts you can use to get a fusion cell produced - see How do I get a fusion
cell? above.
- REQUIREMENTS: Pod fitted. Other equipment (pirating or scavenging) depending
on method.
- LOCATIONS: Deliver to Psycho Bobs 1, Downtown. Trigger and Matter locations
vary by method, but most likely to be found on routes between the gang bases
(Gamma and Alpha) and the Downtown tunnel to Port.
- EVENT: Return to Psycho Bobs 1. Then find and deliver one unit of Trigger
and one unit of Matter to Psycho Bobs 1. These materials are being traded by
the gangs (Scrubber and Skinner) for BodyParts, using the Customs Block
between Downtown and Port. Recover the cargo by pirating these transports.
Alternatively wait for others to pirate them and then either scavenge, pirate
the pirate, or buy the booty from trading posts pirates/scavengers sell too.
- POLITICS: Depends on method. Attacking gang transports directly will make
you their enemies (pre-U1.0 it will also make you the enemy of their aligned
faction - Scrubber to Lazarus, Skinners to Klamp-G).


4.5.2 Why do the gang transports only ever carry one thing?

If you kill a transport, the next transport that gang sends out will buy the
same (missing) item. Continuous killing of transports may therefore net you a
lot of one of the three cargoes, and none of the other two. When you see a
transport loaded with something you don't need, let it go. Consider protecting
it from other pirates if you are having real problems here. When the moth
comes back for another cargo, it should buy a different item.



4.6 Base Attack

4.6.1 Overview:

- TIMING: About 2 days after delivering Trigger and Matter.
- EMAIL: "New Instructions" from Psycho Bobs 1. "Come on Home" once first unit
of Origin Unknown recovered.
- REWARD: Drone upgraded to Super Drone at start of mission (even if it does
not say that). $99,999 per surplus unit of Unknown Origin (see below).
- REQUIREMENTS: Not flying a Police or Swallow moth (you need to be able to
fire rare missiles, and these moths cannot fit them). Pod and regular Drone
- LOCATIONS: Psycho Bobs 1, Downtown -> Lazarus Secret Base, Reservoir or
Klamp-G Secret Base, Riverside.
- EVENT: Attack either one of the secret bases by firing a Tac-Nuke at it,
which Bob will provide. Entering the Lazarus base is fairly straightforward;
entering the Klamp-G base requires you to fly down through the hole into a
cave, which can be tricky - try flying a corkscrew pattern. Steal at least one
unit of Unknown Origin using the Super Drone, and deliver it to Psycho Bobs 1.
- POLITICS: Makes you an enemy with the owner of whichever base you attack.


4.6.2 Can I attack both bases?

Yes, if you are a little underhand. If you return to Psycho Bobs 1 without
completing the mission, and without a Tac-Nuke, Bob will fit another one. So,
by attacking one base and not recovering anything initially, or by swapping
moths half way through the mission, and then returning to Bob's, you can get
enough Tac-Nukes to enter both bases. Attacking both is clearly harder, but
will give you additional Origin Unknown.


4.6.3 How do I sell surplus Origin Unknown?

All the Origin Unknown you return to Psycho Bobs 1 with will be taken from
you. However, you only need 1 unit to complete the mission. Since Origin
Unknown sells for $99,999 in the original versions, it is worth trying to sell
any excess before completing the mission. Note that recent patches have
changed the value of Origin Unknown to $1 (from Ouch). In the first instance
try to sell to trading posts. Not all will have enough money to buy, and none
are likely to buy more than one unit. Buying a few high price items from a
trading post will give them enough cash to buy the Origin Unknown from you. If
you can't sell all the excess, or don't want to waste time now trading, don't
unload it into your hangar because you won't be able to reload it. Instead
jettison it and pick it up later. You are the only pilot with a Super Drone,
so it should remain where you left it.



4.7 Gang Boy (Optional)

4.7.1 Overview:

- TIMING: Two or three days after the base attack. The events must take place
at the time stated in the email, which you will receive about 36 hours before
the mission starts. Unlike other missions, you cannot delay this, but you can
alternatively ignore it completely.
- EMAIL: "Help", for Gang Boy. "Safe" on arrival at destination, followed by
various other bits of news.
- REWARD: Fusion Cell on completion, replacing your existing cell.
- REQUIREMENTS: None, although amnesty with both factions will make the
mission easy.
- LOCATIONS: Normally Scrubbers HQ, Highrise -> Reservoir -> Klamp-G HQ,
Riverside. However, pay attention because Gang Boy has been noted (by Zedo) to
start at Skinners HQ, Gamma, and travel to Lazarus HQ, Alpha.
- EVENT: Wait outside the starting HQ until the appropriate time (22:00), then
escort Gang Boy's Silver-Y. Once you both reach the destination HQ you will be
fitted with a Fusion Cell, which will replace whatever cell you had before, so
make sure you have a cheap cell fitted when you dock at the HQ ;-) . Gang Boy
won't be attacked, making this a very easy mission if you have amnesty with
both factions.
- POLITICS: None related to you.



4.8 More Trigger or Matter

4.8.1 Overview:

- TIMING: Two or three days after Gang Boy.
- EMAIL: "New Developments", from Psycho Bobs 1. "Reminder" after talking to
- REWARD: None.
- REQUIREMENTS: Pod and Drone. Also note the requirement for the next mission
(Port Clearance with Tac-Nuke), which this leads directly into.
- LOCATION: Psycho Bobs 1, Downtown.
- EVENT: Recover a unit of Trigger or Matter. See Procure Trigger and Matter
above for method. As you recover the first unit, you will receive some bad
news about Bob. Return to Psycho Bobs 1.
- POLITICS: Depends on method.


4.8.2 Can I use Trigger or Matter I have already?

Yes. Indeed this is the safest way to complete the mission. Load up one unit,
jettison it, and then immediately salvage it again. If scavengers cause a
problem, jettison the cargo in a tunnel - AI pilots won't salvage things
dropped in tunnels.



4.9 Port Clearance with Tac-Nuke

4.9.1 Overview:

- TIMING: Immediately after recovering a unit of Trigger or Matter, above.
- EMAIL: "Bad News", from Psycho Bobs 1. "Urgent" following mission failure.
- REWARD: None.
- REQUIREMENTS: Not flying a Police or Swallow moth (you need to be able to
fire rare missiles, and these moths cannot fit them). Note that you do not
need the Trigger or Matter in your hold from the previous mission, but it will
make you an attractive target for pirates and slow you down in the meantime.
- LOCATIONS: Psycho Bobs 1, Downtown -> Mines to Port tunnel.
- EVENT: Bob's assistant will fit a Tac-Nuke, fly to the blockage in the Mines
to Port tunnel, target the blockage, and fire the nuke. The blockage remains,
and you will get a message to return to Psycho Bobs 1. Arrival completes the
(failed) mission.
- POLITICS: Apparently none.



4.10 Port Clearance with Big Bob

Before starting the final series of missions, consider making a backup of your
saved game (copy the .sav file outside of the game). If you complete the plot
the game will end, however you may wish to continue playing as an open-ended
game. Reverting back to this position will give you that option - all you need
do is ignore Psycho Bob. It can be hard to break out of the plot much after
this point, and you should expect to play these final missions as a series of
mad dashes.


4.10.1 Overview:

- TIMING: A day after Port Clearance with Tac-Nuke.
- EMAIL: "New Toy", from Psycho Bobs 1. During the mission, "Investigate"
after the clearance, and "Close Call" after the alien rescue.
- REWARD: None.
- REQUIREMENTS: Not flying a Police or Swallow moth (you need to be able to
fire rare missiles, and these moths cannot fit them). Consider removing
surplus equipment that will slow you down, such as pods.
- LOCATIONS: Psycho Bobs 1, Downtown -> Port, near to Abandoned Terminal (in
the middle of Port crater).
- EVENT: Repeat initial events in Port Clearance with Tac-Nuke, but with a Big
Bob missile, which will clear the blockage. Head towards the Abandoned
Terminal, and look what has landed on it. The sky will darken again, and you
will loss shields and HUD display. Don't panic, the aliens will pick you up
and drop you in the center of Mines crater.
- POLITICS: Makes you an enemy of Lazarus.



4.11 Psycho Bobs Closure

4.11.1 Overview:

- TIMING: Immediately after the aliens rescue you from Port.
- EMAIL: "Close Call" from Psycho Bobs 1. "Hangar Closed" from Lazarus HQ when
trying to enter Psycho Bobs 2.
- REWARD: None.
- LOCATIONS: Psycho Bobs 1, Downtown -> Psycho Bobs 2, Downtown -> Prison
Oubliette, Mines.
- EVENT: Return to Psycho Bobs 1, then head to Psycho Bobs 2 to find Syd.
Psycho Bobs 2 is now closed and the occupants have been arrested. Head towards
the prison complex in the mines.
- POLITICS: None new.



4.12 Rescue Syd and meet Xavier Lazarus

4.12.1 Overview:

- TIMING: An hour after trying to visit Psycho Bobs 2.
- EMAIL: "Rescue Prisoner?" from Psycho Bobs 1.
- REWARD: Syd and possibly some BodyParts.
- LOCATIONS: Prison Oubliette, Mines -> Lazarus Hightower, Downtown (southern
side of crater, high up).
- EVENT: Enter Prison Oubliette and speak to Syd. Now head for Lazarus
Hightower. Talk to Xavier Lazarus, who will reveal a few things of interest,
including translating the garbled messages from the Abandoned Terminal. Now
head to Syd's Workshop to pick up a special moth.


4.12.2 Why do I have a cargo of BodyParts when I leave the Prison?

This only happens if you have a pod fitted. They might be regarded as part of
the story - you may have noticed the weird meat (bodyparts) related humor, and
perhaps this is the last laugh. Krool comments: "I reckon that the body parts
are probably what's left of either Bob, or Syd." Well, I didn't like to say
it... You can, and probably should, jettison them once you launch, because
they will slow you down and attract pirates.


4.12.3 How do I get into Lazarus Hightower?
The hangar is very close to stall level. While all moths can get there
eventually, some, such as poorly equipped Silver-Ys, may struggle. But then,
what are you still doing in a Silver-Y after 20 or more days of play ;-) ? Try
climbing at a very gentle gradient when close to stall level, and when you get
a stall warning nose down slightly, stop, and wait a moment. The important
point is not to actually stall while getting close to the hangar. Take the
whole operation very slowly, climbing in several little steps. Using this
method you can get a Cell #1 Silver-Y to an altitude of 2419 feet without
stalling. You can open the doors to the hangar at this height, but you can't
casually fly in. The trick is to get the doors open, then very rapidly fly
into the hangar, ensuring the stall occurs once your moth is inside the
hangar. Attempting to dock with a Cell #1 Silver-Y is very tricky, so some
level of upgrade is recommended. There is a myth that you need a Fusion Cell
or a certain type of moth for this, which is not true.



4.13 Final Run

4.13.1 Overview:

- TIMING: Immediately after leaving Lazarus Hightower.
- EMAIL: None.
- REWARD: Escaping Titan ("The End", for now at least).
- REQUIREMENTS: None. You will given a special Moon Moth for the final run.
- LOCATIONS: Syd's Workshop, Downtown (south east side of crater, near Central
Monorail) -> Abandoned Terminal, Port.
- EVENT: Head to Syd's Workshop and board the Moon Moth. Now run to the
Abandoned Terminal without being killed. Congratulations. You won. For added
amusement, before you dock at the Abandoned Terminal, stop and watch what
happens to all those moths in pursuit.
- POLITICS: Every other pilot regards you as an enemy during this sequence;
even the Cabs want to rip you.


4.13.2 I keep on dying before I reach Port. Any hints?

Don't waste time leaving Syd's Workshop. Keep at full throttle throughout.
Don't stop to engage your attackers - you don't have any guns anyway. Travel
via Gamma, since the route is shorter and you can skirt round the edge of
Gamma crater to avoid most of your attackers.


4.14.3 Can I use the Monorail to complete the final run?

No. At least not in U2.04. You take the monorail to the Abandoned Terminal,
but nothing then happens.





5.1 What is God Hangar?

God Hangar works in both online and offline games. God Hangar creates a
virtual hangar which you can jump into. Once there you can 'blag' unlimited
cash, fit certain equipment to your moth, jump to a different location, change
your position in the plot and change the speed of the game. God Hangar can be
assigned to a joystick button on the controls tab of the launcher. Hitting the
button in game takes you to the hangar. If you have enabled test/cheat
functions in hardluck.exe (see What is HardLuck.exe and how do I use it?
below), you can enable cheat keys in the Misc tab, and then press G at any
time to enter God Hangar. You can also use the same utility to access the
debug keys.


5.2 What are the startup cheat codes?

In multiplayer online games type Castleford, Fangfoss, Skipton, Scunthorpe, or
Sheffield as the pilot name to start with different types of Moth. In offline
games select trader, then type bond001, bond003, bond004, bond005, or bond006
as the pilot name to start with a different type of Moth. For a fully equipped
Hawk type zmax. Most of these cheats have been removed in U3 and UIM.


5.3 Are there any other hidden features or Easter Eggs?

Yes. You expect me to reveal them all now? ;-) Try naming a pilot 'gandalf'
and you will be asked to type a name that is not inherently sad (David Hedbor
writes: "This came about after Ian Martin had been playing Quake 2 on the web,
and joined a game full of Lord of the Rings fans. When he used a distinctly
un-tolkien like greeting, Bilbo, Gandalf and the rest asked him rather un-
politely to leave. So that is Ian's revenge."). Holding the left hand crtl key
down while the game is loading changes 'initialising world' to 'testing
patience'. The last ten music tracks on the CD are shared with the game
Loaded, except the last music track on disc 2, which on certain European
versions has three Gremlin employees singing along (from sol, who was
singing). Many of the AI pilots are named after characters from the film
"Hackers". One of the assassins introduced in U2.02 (Nelson Column) relates to
the military strategist Horatio Nelson - Nelson's Column is a statue in
London, England. The other, Clifton Bridge, is a little more obscure: 'He'
probably relates to a bridge of the same name over the River Avon near Bristol
(England), which has a reputation as a suicide spot... Upgrade IM adds further
test features which might be used as cheats. From the readme: "If a pilot is
named 'I am a victim' most of the AI pilots attack him. If the pilot is named
'I am a made victim' then he is invulnerable. This was done to test the engine
at its limits, both in terms of display capabilities and control code."





For things specifically related to U3 or UIM, see Upgrade 3 and Upgrade IM



6.1 Gameplay

6.1.1 How do I play online (client)?

Ensure you are using the most recent patch. The online game plays badly with
versions before U2.02. You'll also need to have your client running the same
version as the server - the server will probably be running the latest patch.
Find an existing game - you will need an IP address for the server running the
game. Try looking on http://zedo.suddenlaunch3.com/ to find games. You can
also install Hardnet, which allows lobby chat and organising games (download
http://www.hardwar.co.uk/hardnet_3b_inst.exe and patch
http://www.hardwar.co.uk/hardnet_3b1_patch.exe ). From the Hardwar launcher,
select Launch - Connect to a network game (client) - TCP/IP option for
Internet play - enter the IP of the server you want to connect to - select one
of the games running on the server (there will probably only be one). Hardwar
will now load. Enter a pilot name (you may need to type slowly) and click
Play. If you are connecting across a firewall, see How do I play online across
a firewall/router? What TCP and UDP ports do I need to open/forward? below.
For general online troubleshooting see Why can't I connect to an online game?


6.1.2 Does the online game have a plot?

Only the host's pilot can take a direct part in the plot in a network game.
However certain key events, such as the Port blockage and gang trading of body
parts will affect all pilots. These will affect the availability of items such
as fusion cells.


6.1.3 Is there an online etiquette? Can I kill other players?

This varies from game to game. Often the host will announce certain rules,
such as limited use of God Hangar, or no devastators. In short term or death
match games player vs player combat is common. Players commonly use God Hangar
to equip their moths. In long term games player vs player combat normally only
occurs between consenting players. Killing newbies (players with no hangars,
low financial reserves, and/or few registered kills) is unacceptable. Killing
computer controlled taxis is unacceptable, because Killing too many taxis will
result in a general slow-down of the economy, eventually forcing a new game to
be started (although it is possible for the host to edit taxis back into the
game - see Can taxis be recreated? below). Before logging off, park your moth
in an infrequently used hangar with many spare bays. Logging on as another
player's character is unacceptable, except perhaps to move a moth which is
occupying a bay in an important hangar. For U3 beta 4 games, also see What
should I _not_ do in a U3 beta 4 online game? below.


6.1.4 Why can't I buy any engines or pods when playing online?

Engines, pods, and some other items of equipment such as afterburners, are
manufactured by Moth factories. They are only sold to the public by trading
posts, which don't manufacture them. In long term popular online games it is
common for these items to eventually run out. God Hangar may be used to
restock the main game arena, although some items of equipment can never be
restocked. Engine and pod shortages should be fixed by the introduction of
Shears Yard in Upgrade 3.


6.1.5 Why am I not added to the Police's wanted list when I kill innocent
pilots in an online game?

The feature has been suspended in U2.0x games, possibly to avoid a video being
played when you pay a fine - the video might crash an online game.


6.1.6 I disconnected and now my character is dead. What should I do?

Start a new character. When you disconnect your ship keeps on doing whatever
it was doing before. If you were in flight or in combat (and you probably
were), it is likely that by the time you re-connect, your moth would have
crashed and been destroyed. You need to adopt special tactics for long term
online play. Your priority should be to buy a hangar, and then buy and install
a clone, available from the clone farm. When you die, for whatever reason,
your character is cloned. You lose your moth, cargo, and one clone. It is
advisable to store spare moths and/or a large cash float to deal with online


6.1.7 How do I talk to other pilots?

Press the chat key ("C" by default). Type a pilot callsign at the "to" prompt
and press return. Now type the one line message and press return again to
send. To talk to all human pilots leave the "to" line blank. Note that in U3
and UIM, chat can be sent to a pilot called "System". Chat sent to this
'pilot' is interpreted as a terminal server command - see Terminal Commands
and Scripting in the U3 section.



6.2 Technical Issues

6.2.1 Why can't I connect to an online game?

If you enter an IP address and no games appear, or the game crashes on startup
try: (1) checking with the host that the game hasn't crashed or been taken
down, (2) checking that you and/or your host have configured firewalls and
routers to allow online play (see How do I play online across a
firewall/router? What TCP and UDP ports do I need to open/forward? below), (3)
pinging the host's IP address to check that the connection is reliable (UO
Trace is useful for this - http://www.blackcastlesoft.com/uotrace/ ) - or use
ping.exe and tracert.exe from the DOS/Command prompt, (4) running dxdiag
(usually Drive:\Program Files\directx\setup\DxDiag) and checking the network
tab for errors, or (5) starting a standard offline game to see if the same
problems occurs offline.


6.2.2 How do I play online across a firewall/router? What TCP and UDP ports do
I need to open/forward?

See the following Microsoft knowledge base article 'DirectX: Ports Required to
Play on a Network, Q240429': http://support.microsoft.com/kb/240429 . U2.0x
uses DirectX 7 settings. Jeff writes: "Hardwar UIM.06 ... still uses the
DirectX 7 ports." The first Hardwar client normally uses TCP port 2300 and UDP
port 2350, both incremented by 1 per subsequent client. TCP port 47624 is
needed to start/join a game. Mun writes: "I've forwarded ports 2300 and 2350
on TCP and UDP, and port 47624 on TCP (so 5 ports)." There are some reports of
Hardwar also needing UDP 6073 open (a DirectX 8 setting) - your mileage may
vary. On Windows XP's firewall, Anidem writes: "I had to try to set-up a
network game first. Windows Firewall was not recognizing Directplay from the
joiner side. Once you start your own game you can list Directplay in the
exemptions tab."


6.2.3 In an online game, when I buy and sell, the server crashes. What am I
doing wrong?

You are probably clicking the buy/sell buttons too quickly. This can result in
your moth becoming overstocked. When you sell the overstock the game seems to
suffer a logic flaw and crashes the host game. I believe this is fixed in
Upgrade IM.


6.2.4 The frame rate in online games seems very low. Online games seem to lag
a lot. There are some small graphic corruptions. Is that normal?

In U2.02 and later, the frame rate in online games is clamped to 10 frames per
second (compared to 27 frames per second in offline games). Online games also
suffer lag. Lag is particularly bad when using 56K modems. Lag gets worse the
more players are online. Other small graphics corruptions occur in online
games, for example hangar names are blank and hangar doors are shown as part
open unless you are close to them. Some of these issues were addressed by
later Upgrade 3 versions.


6.2.5 When launching a dedicated server session I get an error message saying
that the VFX COM class is not registered. What should I do?

This appears to be due to a bug in the installer, which turns force feedback
on, even if you have no joystick. Change the controller to mouse in the
standard game launcher. That will clear the greyed-out force feedback
checkmark, which cannot otherwise be changed. Then change the controller
option back to keyboard, close the Hardwar launcher and then start the
dedicated server.



6.3 Hosting

6.3.1 What are the technical requirements for hosting an online game?

The basic computer specification is similar to that for the standard game (see
What are the minimum system requirements to run the game? above). The memory,
sound and video requirements for a dedicated network server are lower (see
What is the difference between a dedicated network server and a network game?
below). Although a network game can be hosted using a 56K modem, the game is
almost unplayable because of lag. Any broadband connection (256kbit/s or
better) should be able to host a game effectively, although such hosts will
not be able to accommodate the maximum of 16 players without problems. Faster
connections and higher specification computers seem to be able to handle games
for more players before experiencing game slowdowns. Jeff writes: "Each U2.04
client seemed to need about 30K upload bandwidth from the host for relatively
little lag. With 128K upload bandwidth four players were good, five was like
molasses, and six was like a slide show." IanMartin writes: "The upload
(client to server) is generally a few bytes per frame. ... The download
(server to client) I think could easily get to about 30Kbits per second, but
with 16 clients, that should be well within the capacity of the kind of server
it was designed for (1Mbps)." The Upgrade IM readme suggests allowing 64Kpbs
per remote player. Note that only UIM allows the number of remote players to
be capped - at between 3 and 16.


6.3.2 What is the difference between a dedicated network server and a network
game? Can I connect to my own dedicated server game?

A network game is one that requires the host to keep a full version of Hardwar
running throughout. The game is started or loaded as 'network game (server)'.
To save the game the host saves their game as if playing offline. U2.02 or
later allows a dedicated network server to be run. This runs Hardwar in a
console window, auto-saving every 10 minutes. This mode does not render the
game world, and only requires 4-5Mb of memory. There is no game specific
requirement for video or sound. If the host wishes to join their own dedicated
network server, use HardLuck (see What is HardLuck.exe and how do I use it?
below) to allow multiple instances to be enabled in the Misc tab of the
launcher. Start a second instance of Hardwar on the same machine, and connect
to the first using address Fragile Dog comments: "When connecting
to your own game you have to set the terminal port [on the second instance of
Hardwar] to 0 to disable it. It can still be open on the server." Note that
each instance of Hardwar will consume additional system resources, so this
approach may not be possible on an older machine.


6.3.3 What should I tell people connecting to my game?

The only thing they absolutely need to know is your IP address (see How do I
tell what my IP address is? below). Since there is currently no standard
version in use, it is important to state the version of the game you are
running (commonly either U2.04, U3 beta 4, U3 beta 5, or Hardwar E
0.9...something). It is useful to state your approximate location in the world
because servers on different continents normally have longer ping times, which
may affect play. You should state the type of game you are running (for
example, short term death match, long term, experimental) since this will
affect who joins and how they play. Also announce any special rules or
conditions, such as the use god hangar, or whether the plot is running. Other
setup conditions such as moth hopping or blood money are less important, since
they are regulated by the game's code and are fairly obvious to players.


6.3.4 I am hosting an online game, but I need to know my IP address to allow
other people to play. How do I tell what my IP address is?

In Windows 9x run winipcfg.exe from the command prompt. In Windows 2000/XP run
ipconfig.exe from the command prompt. Alternatively, if you are behind a
firewall or using a router, try http://checkip.dyndns.org/ or
http://www.dslreports.com/ip/ . Remember that your IP address may change each
time you connect to your ISP.


6.3.5 How do I stop people using God Hangar to cheat in my online game?

The traditional method was to ask them not to. The alternative method is to
download Solidox's Hardwar Hangar Editor (see Are there any editors or
Software Development Kits for Hardwar? below) and use it to edit a savegame
file so that God Hangar menus are disabled. Then load that save game as your
online game. With Upgrade IM or certain U3 versions, God Hangar access can be
turned off from the launcher's Network tab.


6.3.6 Nobody joined my game. Am I wasting my time?

Probably not. Even popular games can be empty for hours at a time. Host as
often as possible, and as long as possible. If your server is available often
and the connection is good, your game will become more popular. You'll rarely
get more than about five players at a time because the game isn't that


6.3.7 Can I automatically restart a dedicated server after it crashes?

Yes. Use PlaguedMind's utility, available here
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/ASROC4.zip or
http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ (this version should work with any version
of Hardwar). PlaguedMind gives instructions for use: "(1) Extract ASROC.exe
and KILL.exe into a directory. (2) Run ASROC.exe. (3) Enter the server type,
OS, HW directory etc. (4) Click Start. The text box with hex values in it
shows the current time in Hardwar and the tickbox next to it shows when ASROC
is monitoring this value. [The utility works by checking the in-game clock -
if the clock is frozen it assumes a crash has occurred, kills the original
process and starts the server again.] Also if you want to change the timeout
delay after you have started Hardwar you need to enter the new delay and push
the reset button next to its textbox. ... The time delay is counted in
milliseconds. So the 1000 default means it will update the time every second."
If multiple instances of Hardwar are being created check that kill.exe is in
the same directory, and consider increasing the timeout delay.


6.3.8 Can taxis be recreated?

Taxis are used to transport AI pilots to moth factories. Without them, the
overall volume of AI-controlled pilots will drop dramatically. In the original
game dead taxis did not respawn. Misopians (see What is Misopians
(Mis[Opian]s)? below) can be used to edit new taxis into the game. Flap
writes: "Get any dead pilot (those in limbo). Choose a moth in a moth dealer.
Have him to board that moth. Change that pilot home to a cab company. Change
its occupation to a cab driver, and there you go. You've got a new cab





For things specifically related to U3 or UIM, see Upgrade 3 and Upgrade IM



7.1 Installation and Patching

7.1.1. When installing the game on Windows 2000 or XP I get a message "not
enough free space on target drive" - how do I install?

This problem often occurs where the free space on the installation drive is
more than a few GB. Mun and PlaguedMind have written a utility that skips the
free space check when installing F2.0 or F2.1:
http://www.aqum35.dsl.pipex.com/hardwar/downloads.html . The best manual
solution for W2K was to temporarily fill the disk until there is less than 2GB
free space - copy some large files a few times and/or change the swap
disk/page file size. Remember to reset the changes after you have installed.
Alternatively partition your disk to make a smaller disk onto which to install
Hardwar. With Windows XP, locate setup.exe on the CD, select properties (right
click), and then turn on 'Compatibility mode for Win98'. Now run setup.exe.
Compatibility mode can also be enabled in W2K - see
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;279792 (thanks
Seamonkey). Alternatively copy the contents of disk 1 to the hard drive and
double click on the hardman icon, then the install button (from sniper). W2K
method should also work with XP.


7.1.2 I have just patched the game and now I cannot reload a save. What is

U1.0 and later, and U2.02 and later will not load save games created using an
earlier game version. Also see Can I load an old saved game? in the UIM


7.1.3 On startup I get an error message saying that the VFX COM class is not
registered. What should I do? How do I disable force feedback - the box is
greyed out?

This appears to be due to a bug in the installer, which turns force feedback
on, even if you have no joystick. Change the controller to mouse in the
standard game launcher. That will clear the greyed-out force feedback
checkmark, which can not otherwise be changed. Anti_trend adds: "If you're
running a non-CD version of Hardwar, in the Audio tab of the setup screen
'Music (CD Audio)' is checked by default. Uncheck it, and you should be able
to play."


7.1.4 Why does the game crash when I enter Hardwarp FM? What about "FixVhID:
Error!" during play?

You are probably using a patched demo of the game that is missing some of the
resource files from the full game. Download and install missingres.exe from
http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ . The "FixVhID: Error" has also been
reported to occur during games played with full installation. It is known to
corrupt save games somehow, but there is no known way to recover such save


7.1.5 After patching, why does the game give a graphics card error?

Check the display settings in the Hardwar launcher. Some patches automatically
change the 3D rendering mode back to 3DFX.



7.2 Video

7.2.1 How do I stop the game crashing when moving the mouse?

This issue affects Windows XP, and may occur when using the navigation screen.
Upgrade to at least U2.04. Turn on the software mouse pointer, by ticking "Use
software mouse pointer" on the Display tab of the Hardwar launcher. Changing
video card drivers may resolve the problem - for Nvidia cards, older drivers
or those made available at http://www.omegadrivers.net/ . Cree suggests:
"Reduce your desktop colour depth to 16bit." SnakeBite writes: "Click
HardWar.exe Properties--Compatibility--Run in 640x480--Disable visual effects.
It worked like a charm in 800x600 mode."


7.2.2 Is OpenGL video mode supported?



7.2.3 How do I stop the game crashing with my video card, particularly on 3DFX
and Voodoo Banshee cards?

Download the latest game patch. You need at least patch U2.01 to solve all
problems. Prior to U1.0 you could solve some of the problems by enabling
HardLuck (see What is HardLuck.exe and how do I use it? below) and running the
game in windowed mode. Some modern video card drivers are buggy, and may cause
the game not to work correctly with the latest game patch/driver/DirectX
version combination. These problems can normally be resolved by experimenting
with different video card driver versions, or using the software render mode.


7.2.4 How do I stop the screen jittering in flight, particularly when using a
Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro joystick?

For MS Sidewinder Precision Pro joystick, try turning off 'use rudder for
pilots head' on the launcher controls tab, or try downloading and installing
Shrekken's setup file: http://mysite.wanadoo-
members.co.uk/shrekkens_hangar/hangarbay_1/Download/HardControl.zip . Poorly
calibrated joysticks can also result in jittering. You cannot set the deadzone
within the game. There may not be a solution other than to try a different


7.2.5 Why does the game crash with "ResOpen - could not find Internal resource
data - the resource has been freed" when trying to play video in the patched

Try upgrading Direct X to version 6 or later. You may also need more recent
sound and video drivers. Also consider reinstalling Hardwar. If that does not
work, try renaming or moving media.txt which should result in no video being
played. In online games, ResOpen errors can indicate the client and server are
using different patch versions.


7.2.6 I don't have a version that includes the video. Why can't I finish the

You can complete the plot without the video, however at some critical plot
moments the screen will momentarily go black, and you won't see the plot
related instructions contained in the video that should have played. Consider
referring to a walkthrough and/or Arago Fett's Plot Video Transcripts in the


7.2.7 How do I take a screenshot?

Pressing CTRL + K will save the screenshot into the main Hardwar directory as
grab0000 (from Husky).


7.2.8 Why have the textures not loaded?

Lord_Solarix writes: "This can happen if Hardwar starts up in a way in which
you click the mouse to skip through the logos, but it minimizes to the taskbar
when you do it. If you fail to click on Hardwar's taskbar button to remaximize
it before the end of 'Testing Patience' [the startup sequence], the textures
will not load." The result is a snow-covered Titan.


7.2.9 When running in Windows 2000 or XP, why does the game window minimize on

Try upgrading to at least patch U2.04. Select "Use software mouse pointer"
from the launcher's Display tab.



7.3 Sound

7.3.1 The sound inside hangars is getting on my nerves. Can I remove it?

Yes. Download hangloop.wav and copy it into the main Hardwar directory. You
can get the file here: http://zedo.hardwar.org.uk/hangarloop.zip .


7.3.2 Why does the music stop playing after I dock for the first time?

This has been reported due to a combination of factors: U2.04 or higher,
Windows XP, and having more than one CD-ROM installed on the machine (commonly
including a CD-burner). The Kurgan writes: "The two 'workarounds' so far are
to have an MP3 player playing your own favourites, or use the Windows audio CD
player to play the Hardwar music. Start the CD player before you start the
game." UIM.01+ has been reported to fix this problem, although Taco notes: "I
took a look at my Sounds and Audio Devices Control Panel. On the Hardware tab
I selected my DVD drive and brought up the properties for it. On the
properties tab is a checkbox for Digital CD Playback - which I have always
enabled since it was available in the OS. Unchecking that box to allow
analogue playback did the trick."



7.4 Gameplay 'Bugs'

7.4.1 My taxi driver is drunk and/or won't get me to my destination. What
should I do?

Sue them for breach of contract ;-) . In U2.04 this often occurs when taking a
taxi to monorail stations, particularly Vacant 0030. The solution is to revert
to an older saved game, or use God Hangar if possible.


7.4.2 Why does the game crash with "no more police enforcers can be

You have killed too many police enforcers - at least 80, although the precise
number seems to vary. You could reload and see What is an enforcer and how do
I get rid of one? above; or just enjoy the 'glory' of having destroyed the


7.4.3 Why do AI moths not explode when killed in a tunnel?

From magrat1: "In my experience, this bug is caused by the AI jettisoning its
cargo, which promptly hangs on their pod preventing the destruction of the
moth. To finish the moth off, just take the stuck cargo and moth explodes."


7.4.4 Why does the game crash to desktop when my pilot dies?

It doesn't crash. The game just ends rather abruptly. There should be a screen
that says "Game Over", but it tends not to display for more than a second.


7.4.5 Why does the autopilot sometimes stop working mid-flight?

Sometimes the autopilot just fails to do anything useful, leaving your ship
motionless. Prophet recommends: "Adjust your throttle with either stop, full
reverse, or full accelerate before pressing 'A' [activating the autopilot].
Don't use a throttle, the accelerate button, or the brake button. Make sure
you're not turning when you press 'A'."


7.4.6 Why, when I remove a loaded pod from my moth, can't refit it?

The cargo carried is associated with the moth, not the pod. This means that
when you remove a loaded pod, the cargo effectively disappears. While it
should be possible to refit the pod and regain the cargo, the game may
calculate that you have insufficient space, and prevent you from refitting any
pod to the moth again (from The Kurgan).






8.1 Setup

8.1.1 Can I run Hardwar without a CDROM?

Maybe, if you are confident about editing the registry - if not, don't do it;
I won't be held responsible for system re-installs caused by reading this
paragraph. This technique does not work for everyone. Install the game as
normal. Download and copy HardLuck.exe into the Hardwar directory (see What is
HardLuck.exe and how do I use it? below). Run HardLuck and tick cheat/test
functions enabled. In the registry, find
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Refinery\hardman\Config and modify the path of
all keys pointing to the CDROM drive to point to the installed directory
instead (probably just the GDVPath set). Now you have two options: (1) run
without the video by deleting or renaming media.txt (a variation on this
involves removing asterisks from the start of each line in media.txt), or (2)
run with video by copying all the video *.GDV files into the install
directory. You will not be able to copy the music. Note that U3 allows all
video to be skipped (see launcher Misc tab).

Alternative suggestions from krool: "Install Demo, and update to 2.04. Copy in
missing textures. OR: Install full version from Disc 1 as normal. Copy all GDV
files from Disc 1 into Hardwar folder (if install was from full version,
they'll already be there). Copy Media.txt file into game folder. Create new
folder (eg "GDV") in game folder, and copy all GDV files from Disc 2 into this
folder. Install HardLuck (I'm not sure this part is necessary, but it can't
hurt.) Fire up Regedit, and open up the key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Refinery\hardman\Config - change the entry
"GDVPath2" to read the disc2 folder, for example, from c:\games\hardwar to
c:\games\hardwar\gdv ."


8.1.2 Can I change the music?

To play audio CDs, follow the steps in Can I run Hardwar without a CDROM?
above, so that the game no longer requires any files on the CDROM drive.
Insert any audio CD into CDROM. The game will now play random tracks from your
chosen CD when you leave hangars. Other audio players can be run in the
background by turning music (CD audio) off on the audio tab.


8.1.3 What does the 'enter attract mode when idle' setting do?

This option can be found on the Misc tab after using HardLuck (see What is
HardLuck.exe and how do I use it? below). Hardwar will enter attract mode when
the game is idle. What is attract mode? Ian Martin writes: "Attract mode is an
old term, usually meaning that a game goes into a self playing demo, to
attract casual observers - if it's running in a shop."


8.1.4 What are MipMaps?

MipMapping merges (blurs and lows the resolution of) pixels on objects in the
distance. This creates a sense of depth, notably with buildings in the
foreground better defined than those in the background. Mipmapping generally
improves visual quality, but requires more texture (video) memory.



8.2 Skins

8.2.1 How do I skin a moth?

You must be using U2.02 or later. On the Moths tab, select user moth skins,
and then select the bitmap you wish to use to skin each moth type. For further
help designing moth skins, see http://www.kronos.org.uk/html/skinning_101.html


8.2.2 Why are my custom moth skins are not working?

Custom moth skins only work offline (custom skins are not visible to other
online players). They do not work when using software rendering. Ensure that
you are using a 24-bit bmp - not a jpeg. You can test moth skins by using
'Hardwar Moth Viewer.exe' (see http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ ) - select
the required skins in the launcher, exit the launcher, and open the viewer.


8.2.3 How do I change the look of craters?

Re-skinning the game world (craters and buildings) involves replacing certain
.spr game files. This is not officially supported, but mostly works, and can
look fantastic. By default these files are contained in the .res files. To
replace these files simply place alternative .spr files in the install
directory and restart the game (the replacements do not need to be in the .res
file). Some sample world skins are available here,
http://www.hardwar.info/worldskin/skin1.htm . To create custom files, first
extract the existing .spr files (see Where can I find the game's
sound/graphics files? below), then convert the .spr files to bitmaps (see How
can I read .spr files? below), edit them in a graphics package, convert them
back to .spr format, and place them in the install directory.


8.2.4 Why can't I change the colour of the moth's tail?

The tail of the Moon Moth is a set colour, and not part of the main moth skin.
Umm Lave writes: "As I recall you must extract from hardwar.res the MT1BULK
.spr file and then convert that to .bmp and edit it, then convert again to
.spr and put the file in your hardwar directory." Also see Where can I find
the game's sound/graphics files? and How can I read .spr files? below.



8.3 Utilities

8.3.1 What is HardLuck.exe and how do I use it?

HardLuck.exe enables test and cheat features. Download it here
http://zedo.hardwar.org.uk/cheats.htm . Close Hardwar, run HardLuck, check
test/cheat functions enabled. Open the Hardwar launcher and examine the new
Misc tab for new options. Enabling cheat keys allows quick access to God
Hangar by pressing G. F12 toggles debug modes, and then F8 to F11 will give
views and information on pilots, and F7 pauses debug mode. Enabling log file
will create a log of any new game.

(The Misc tab can be enabled without hardluck.exe by those that are confident
about editing the registry - in
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Refinery\hardman\Config add a new key named
"KamFong" with the value "ChinHo". And in case you were wondering, Zedo
writes: "This is a reference to an old US cop show called Hawaii Five-0. One
of the minor regulars on the show was Chin Ho played by the actor Kam Fong.")


8.3.2 Are there any modifications to change game balance?

Yes. Modifications specific to U3 betas are detailed later. Most recent
utilities are available here, http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ . A full list
of Modifications can be found in the appendix:

* Mun has written a modification to make the police more common, here:
http://www.aqum35.dsl.pipex.com/hardwar/downloads.html - "The numbers of
police are carefully balanced and they respawn around all the police garrisons
evenly, therefore there is a nice thin spread of them across Titan." U2.04,
U3.00 betas 3 to 5 only. Morglum notes: "After several hours of playing I kept
getting errors saying more police patrols cannot be supported then the game
would crash."

* Wez has written various modifications, including:
- - CellMod to alter cell performance. In U3 beta 4 and 5 the Racemod allows
an alien moth to be blagged and flown: "It uses the DeathHead frame instead so
you can see out and target."
- - RaceMod to rebalance moth weight, engine power and acceleration.

* Many of Max's utilities are relevant to U3, but some can also be used in
- - Afterburner Mod, which creates an afterburner triggered like a StarShell
(rather than a weapon). Fuel and energy based variations are available.
- - Metric, to convert all those feet to metres.
- - NoFog, which extends the far fog distance - most video cards/processors
cannot support it, indeed the rendering engine was probably never designed to
allow no fog.
- - PodMod, which, "extends the variety and capacity of the largest pod."
- - Rapid Fire Mod, which makes the Fireburst, Swarm, Laser, and Laser Turret
fire quicker (for all pilots).


8.3.3 Where can I get the Hardwar font?

Here: http://zedo.hardwar.org.uk/hardfont.zip .


8.3.4 Can I record a video sequence?

Yes, at least as a series of 24 bit bitmap images which then need to be
assembled into a video or movie using other software. This facility was only
made public with the release of UIM, but is thought to exist in some earlier
patches, such as U2.04. Method is from Ian Martin: "To record, set the detail
options for highest speed. You need to be able to record at 12 or 24 frames
per second. Start a single player game, and get to the point where you wish to
start recording. Save the game. For this example, your save is called
"vid1.sav". In the command prompt, go to the Hardwar directory, and enter:
hardwarw.exe /t:load "vid1.sav" /t:recordsave . Act out the scene. A maximum
scene of 30 seconds is recommended. To play back and grab at 24 frames per
second: Set the detail options to maximum. Choose a sensible resolution for
the video. hardwarw.exe /t:load "vid1.sav" /t:recordplaygrab24 . Lots of BMPs
will be created in your Hardwar folder. You can then use these to create a
video. Specify 24 frames per second."


8.3.5 What do the debug keys do?

Debug keys can be enabled using HardLuck - see What is HardLuck.exe and how do
I use it? above. The keys primarily allow you to watch what different AI
pilots are doing. The following keys are available in the original game -
Hardwar E may vary (from Ian Martin):

- F7: Pause/unpause in debugging mode.
- F8: Toggle watch pilot.
- F9: Go to next pilot in who is out in the Hardwar world.
- F10: Go to previous pilot.
- F11: Go to next pilot.
- F12: Go to previous pilot in who is out in the Hardwar world.



8.4 Editors

For further notes to assist hacking the game, see the Hacking appendix.


8.4.1 Are there any editors or Software Development Kits for Hardwar?

Ouch produced a series of unofficial patches which altered prices. These were
not developed for versions after U2.01. Editors for recent Hardwar versions
have been produced by Solidox. Editors are available for items and hangars.
Some can be downloaded here: http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ . These do not
work with U3 betas. Wez started developing a U3 beta hangar editor, which can
be found here. REAxion has developed an editor for U2.04, HardLook.


8.4.2 Where can I find the game's sound/graphics files?

Extract them from the .res files in the hardwar directory using solidox's,
E_Void's, or PlaguedMind's extractors, which are available here:
http://www.hardwar.info/download.htm (PlaguedMind's is also available here,
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/ResEditv1_1.zip ). PlaguedMind's utility
allows files to be added back into the .res file (replacement files can simply
be left in the install directory, and do not need to be added back into the
.res file).


8.4.3 How can I read .spr files?

Yes. PlaguedMind has written a utility to convert .spr files to .bmp and back
again. Download here: http://www.hardwar.info/download.htm or
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/spr2bmpv4.zip . You may also need to edit
the .pal colour tables, in which case use PlaguedMind's PAL Editor (
http://www.hardwar.info/worldskin/pal.zip ).


8.4.4 Can I edit .shp files (moth models)?

PlaguedMind started developing a utility to read .shp files. It is available
here, http://www.geocities.com/blalalaalhahah/SHPEditor2.zip . A 3D studio Max
plugin is under development - http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/SHPimp2.zip
for 3D studio Max 6, or for version 5,
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/SHPimp_3dsmax5.zip . A materials editors
is available http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/HWMaterialEditor.zip , and
an ART file editor ("needed for the positioning of lights, radar on police
moth, etc"), http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/ARTEditor3.zip . "Missing"
DLL files can be found here, http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/Dlls.zip .
The format for SHP files is described here,
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/SHP.htm .


8.4.5 Can I create custom maps?

Yes! Wez and others are developing a utility that allows any existing hangar
designs to be built anywhere on the map. The AddMove utility is available at
http://www.inbox.hardwar.info/ . Current versions of Hardwar Enhanced include
an alternative map - see What is UIM Enhanced? below. Technical information on
file types can be found here, http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/WXP.htm
(WXP) and here, http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/WLD.htm (WLD).


8.4.6 What is Misopians (Mis[Opian]s)?

Misopians is an editor, being developed by flap, that allows scripts to be
written and played out in Hardwar. It provides a framework for developing
storyline and events, for example by creating and controlling NPC pilots, as
well as potentially fixing problems that occur to the game. Misopians can be
downloaded here, http://www.titan-encyclopedia.net/files/ or
http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ . For further (slightly outdated)
documentation see http://membres.lycos.fr/hardwarhacker/Documentation.htm .






9.1 History

9.1.1 What happened to U3?

The U3 patch entered beta testing at the start of April 2002. There were a
total of five U3 beta patches, released to a small number of testers, myself
(timski) included. They introduced a lot of new features, many of which were
never fully added. All of the betas have fundamental problems, such as
joysticks not working, AI getting stuck, plot stalling, and a broken economy.
Development appeared to stop during Summer 2002, and testers heard nothing
more from the Software Refinery. Also see Where did the Software Refinery go?.


9.1.2 Why was U3 released?

U3 was not officially released. Instead the beta patches were made available
by certain former testers. This was primarily in response to certain people
offering to sell them, and the disappearance of the developer. The patches
have not been released with the consent of their authors. Once the patches had
been released, it became important to document them - hence this section. The
patches are beta-quality work in progress only. None of the patches can be
regarded as release quality, and many players may find U2.04 (the last
official patch) to be more playable.


9.1.3 Where can I get U3?

Patches are being made available at http://zedo.hardwar.org.uk/patch.htm and
http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ . Patches require the password
"psychobobs2". After applying patches you may need to reset the video settings
from the launcher. Further modifications may be required, particularly if
using beta 5 - I strongly recommend you read through the Technical Issues and
Modifications section below to familiarise yourself with common problems and
solutions. Also consider downloading and applying fan-made patches and fixes
for U3 beta, see Are there any patches for the U3 betas? What is Hardwar E?


9.1.4 What differences are there between U3 versions?

These are based on Software Refinery's notes to testers.

- BETA 1: Added Terminal Interface (activated using "o") with commands LOOK,
HIDE, HELP; Added require passwords option; Added restrict god hangar option;
Added manufacturing including Central Industrial, Added Shears Yard (makes
pods and engines).

- BETA 2: Bug fixes to stock and manufacturing interface; Boardpass terminal
command no longer works for a moth without a passenger seat; DEPOSIT and
WITHDRAW terminal commands added; CASH terminal command now also shows cash
held in your hangar; Bay numbers made consistent between terminal and hangar
bay browser; Radar now shows your staff in Green; Fixed terminal crash when
AUTOPILOT entered with no parameters; Maximum fog distance increased for 3DFX,
and 3DFX bug fixes; BLAG can now blag moths; HUD now displays autopilot

- BETA 3: Fixed AUTOPILOT command; Syntax of TARGET command changed, for
example to "target downtown moths"; Added THRUST, TELL, SAY, WHO; Fixed bug
which caused in-game terminal interface not to work on a network version;
Added Terminal Server; Added mini-MUD rooms and links between buildings
(limited network); Added ability to run command scripts on startup.

- BETA 4: Notes missing. Around this time Admin and online setup options
improved. Many bug fixes, particularly addressing terminal server/interface
crashes. Manufacturing functions in beta 4, except that AI pilots will not
sell goods to your hangar. I believe some of the non-economy commands and
features shown as implemented in beta 5, were in fact added to beta 4.

- BETA 5: Fixed crashes with pilot related commands such as GREET and WAVE;
'Debriefing Zone' restored; Added a 'create' command to create buildings
(limited use); Added subcommands for HANGAR - LOGO, TYPE and SOFTWARE - for
builders only; Fixed problems with missing linebreaks in PLANS and ORDER
REPORT commands; Added HANGAR STOCK; Improvements to link connection
(slow/fast) modes; Terminal server disabled when joining as a network client;
Added Fumbler, Disabler and Blaster weapons (and added Smart Weapons Corp to
make them); Complete reworking of the way the economy and traders work; Fixed
crashes due to movement in the terminal interface; Downtown-Reservoir tunnel
opened (it was always in the game, just hidden).


9.1.5 Which version is best?

It is hard to answer this question because it varies by users' machine and
what features they are expecting. Later betas are the most feature rich,
generally the most stable, and tend to have solved many of the minor bugs and
crashes that can become annoying in earlier versions. Later versions have
variable joystick (throttle) support - beta 3 and 4 tend to support serial
based joysticks, beta 5 USB based joysticks. Beta 5 has serious problem
related to the economy and reloading games. Beta 4 or 5 seem to be the most
popular. Consider trying multiple beta versions, although you may still de-
patch to the stable U2.04 in the end.



9.2 Terminal Commands and Scripting

9.2.1 What does the Terminal Interface do?

The Terminal Interface (TI) allowed greater control and new features to be
added quickly. It also introduced the Terminal Server - see What does the
Terminal Server do? below. The TI is a command line driven interface. It may
be access by pressing "o", and hidden by typing "hide" or pressing Esc in
later beta versions. For a list of commands, see What terminal commands are
there? below.


9.2.2 What does the Terminal Server do?

The Terminal Server (TS) was introduced in beta 3. It allows the TI (Terminal
Interface) to be accessed through telnet style clients (essentially any text
based client that supports TCP/IP connections), and hence allows any TI
command to be executed from a remote machine with no Hardwar client. TS is
primarily aimed at long-term online games, but can be tested by connecting to
a game hosted on the same machine ( TS must be enabled in the
launcher's network tab, by specifying a terminal port. The default, 0,
disables the TS. 23 (standard telnet port) or 9001 are commonly used. The
terminal server allows everything from basic remote game administration to
playing whilst away from a gaming machine... See How do I connect a telnet
client to the Terminal Server? below for a step-by-step guide to connecting
via telnet. Characters can be created via the Terminal Server (type NEW when
prompted after entering the name), but such characters will start without a
moth. You do not need to log out of the TS - just disconnect from the server
via the telnet client. The same pilot may be both logged in via telnet and a
game client at the same time. The TS is potentially a powerful tool - see Can
I script events and 'bots? below.


9.2.3 How do I connect a telnet client to the Terminal Server?

These instructions assume the use of HyperTerminal. This telnet client is
available on most Windows machines, and has a reasonable user interface,
making it straightforward for those unfamiliar with telnet.

* On the Hardwar launcher Network tab, select a port for the terminal server
to use. "9001" is suggested, although others can be used if your machine is
already using 9001. Port "0" will disable to the terminal server. Start a game
(a dedicated network server game is the easiest to experiment with on a low-
specification machine).

* In HyperTerminal, select File-New Connection, name the connection to
continue, then select TCP/IP from the "Connect using" box, then in "Host name"
type "", and in "Port number" type "9001" (or whatever). If you are
connecting to another machine, replace "" with the IP address of the
other machine.

* Log yourself in, or create a character by typing the pilot name and then
typing NEW at the following prompt.

* The terminal will now function as if you are using the Terminal Interface
within the game. To see what you are typing in HyperTerminal, select File-
Properties-Settings, then ASCII Setup, then tick "Echo typed characters

If you are sending scripts, this can be done in HyperTerminal using Transfer-
Send Text File. Before you send a script file you may need to change your
telnet client's setup so that it sends a delay between lines. If no delay is
set, the Hardwar client/server won't be able to process and respond to each
line before the next arrives, and you'll get a screen full of errors and most
of the script will fail to run. I recommend at least a 100 millisecond delay
between lines, although if you have problems consider increasing this. To do
this in HyperTerminal, select File-Properties-Settings, then ASCII Setup. Now
change the "Line delay" to "100".


9.2.4 What terminal commands are there?

Here is a list, with a short summary of features and usage where usage isn't
obvious. The list is based on beta 5. Earlier versions may miss certain
commands (noted in the list). A few had their syntax changed from earlier
versions (take care if using an earlier beta). I've written commands in
capitals for clarity, but unless noted, they may be typed in any case. Note
that where parameters/arguments are used, typically they take the form command
(space) subcommand (comma) value, with subsequent values or subcommands
separated by commas, for example "hangar stock,Swarm,sell,100":

- AUTOPILOT: Engages autopilot to fly towards a targeted item. Target must be
set before engaging autopilot. Off disengages the autopilot. Usage: AUTOPILOT
[TARGET or OFF]. Note that the SALVAGE option isn't implemented, and may crash
the game.

- BAYS: Reports the moths parked in the current hangar, with pilots.

- BLAG: Allows you to get free cash or moths (restricted by PERMISSIONS).
Usage: BLAG [CASH or MOTH],[value] where value is the amount of cash, or the
moth type: 1 = Moon Moth, 2 = Silver Y, 3 = Neo Tiger, 4 = Hawk, 5 = Deaths
Head, 6 = Police, 7 = Alien, 8 = Swallow.

- BOARD: Board a moth parked in a specific bay in the current hangar as the
pilot. Usage: BOARD [Bay number].

- BOARDPASS: As BOARD, but to board as a passenger (requires Moon Moth).
Usage: BOARDPASS [Bay number].

- BUILD: Allows rooms to be constructed (restricted by PERMISSIONS, beta 3+,
may have other unknown uses). Usage: BUILD [movement direction (see bottom of
this list)],[short name]. When interfacing with an existing hangar, OUT is
used to leave, and HLINK to enter. Also see How do I build rooms?.

- CASH: Reports current cash total. From beta 2, this includes cash in your
hangar if you are in your hangar.

- CREATE: Related to building construction - not fully implemented (restricted
by PERMISSIONS, beta 4). Known functionality: CREATE 0,n,[name] creates a god
hangar style building called [name], which you can TELEPORT into, but which
doesn't physically exist on the map (also note that you can BUILD out of it,
so, for example, you can create two god hangars with a godly walk link between
them). CREATE AAGB,N,[name] (arguments here ARE CASE SENSITIVE) reopens the
location of Vacant 0008 as a hangar (not a hangar one can buy, but it can be
customized using various other Admin commands). CREATE AAGB,P,[name] makes the
same hangar a private hangar (like Colony HQ). It seems that CREATE can only
be used with hangar shapes that exist in the game by default, but are not
assigned as hangars to start with - there are very few of these - the others
are mostly buried half underground. In case you are wondering, the four
character codes that make up the first argument can be worked out by logging
the start of the game, and reading through the world creation part of startup
(thanks to Wez for completing the puzzle).

- DESCRIBE: Change the description of the current location (restricted by
PERMISSIONS, beta 4+). Usage: DESCRIBE [description].

- DEPOSIT: Transfers cash to the current hangar (beta 2+). You do not need to
own the hangar. Usage: DEPOSIT [amount]. A bug allows depositing negative
values, which results in withdrawal of cash. This works at any hangar with
cash. It will deprive the hangar of cash, and so will tend to lead the economy
to slowdown or stall because the hangar can no longer buy anything it needs.

- EXEC: Executes a command as another pilot (restricted by PERMISSIONS unless
a staff member). Usage: EXEC [Pilot name],[Command,subcommand,value,etc]. For
example, "EXEC Fred,BAYS" will get Fred to report the moths parked in the
hangar he is in.

- EXITS or X: List available walk routes - if you are in a moth, the only
option will be "out", as in get out of moth.

- GOODS: Reports current hangar inventory.

- GREET: Sends a greeting :-) (beta 3+).

- GRIN: Grins ;-) (beta 3+).

- HANGAR: Sets custom hangar information. Relates to the hangar you are in at
the moment. Usage: HANGAR [setting,value]. Basic settings are:
* ACCESS - Sets access to PUBLIC or PRIVATE. Possibly bugged.
* NAME - Renames hangar.
* STATUS - With no settings, reports building statistics.
* STOCK - Beta 4+: STOCK,ALL to list. STOCK,[Item name] to list stock for
specific item. STOCK,[Item name],[BUY or SELL or MAXBUY],[Amount] to set the
pricing for a specific item - for example "HANGAR STOCK,Swarm,SELL,100" to set
the sale price of Swarm to 100.
Admin settings (beta 4+, restricted by PERMISSIONS) are:
* DAMAGE - With no value reports current damage. With value sets hangar damage
to an amount between 0 and 16384.
* LOGO - With no value report current logo. With value 0 to 16 sets logo icon.
Values are: 1 = Warp, 2 = MonoRail, 3 = Lazarus, 4 = Klamp-G, 5 = Toxic, 6 =
Skinners, 7 = Hardwar, 8 = Alpha, 9 = Mines, 10 = Port, 11 = Riverside, 12 =
Highrise, 13 = Gamma, 14 = Downtown, 15 = Reservoir, 16 = Scrubbers.
* SOFTWARE - With no value, lists software installed. With values, adds one or
more options, for example "hangar software,cdfr". Prefixing the options with
'-' deinstalls them, for example "hangar software,-ps" removes sales and
purchasing. Known options are: c = collect (player hangar or allow cabs), d =
deliver (player hangar or allow cabs), f = fit, g = god menu, n = no player
trade, m = moth sales, o = moth software changes, p = business will purchase,
u = repair, r = remove, s = business will sell, t = trade list, x = no
monorail (non-functional?), y = sell buildings (like an estate agent), z = buy
buildings. Note that there is a limit on software options of about 7 and
installing more will lead to the game crashing when you access the hangar menu
- take care.
* TYPE - Changes the internal design of the hangar. Values 0 to 5.

- HELP: List commands.

- HIDE: Hides terminal. On later betas Esc does this instead.

- LAUGH: Like "SAY lol"... (beta 3+).

- LAUNCH: Launches moth from hangar. Note that launch doesn't propel you out
of the airlock, so if you launch and do nothing else, eventually your ship
will be destroyed in the airlock.

- LOOK or L: Reports what you can see, MUD style.

- MANFIND: Reports hangars manufacturing the specified item (restricted by
PERMISSIONS, beta 5). Usage: MANFIND [item name]. Also see How are items cited
in the economy commands?.

- ORDER: Sends commands to your staff. Usage: ORDER [Staff
name],[Subcommand],[Value]. For example, "ORDER Hitson,GO,Freds Builders".
Subcommands are:
* BOARD,[Bay number] - Board moth at bay specified.
* BUZZ,[building] - Fly around, but not dock at, the building specified in the
* CLEAR - Cancel last order.
* DISEMBARK - Get out of moth.
* GO,[Building] - Fly to building specified in the value.
* KILL,[pilot name] - Attack another pilot.
* REPORT - Reports current plan (unlikely to be much use at the moment).
* SELLALL,[Building] - Sell all cargo at the building specified.
* STATUS - Report where they are.

- OUT: Get out of moth or leave hangar.

- PERMISSIONS: Transfers permissions between pilots. Permissions transfer from
the Admin pilot. Usage: PERMISSIONS [Pilot name],[options]. Multiple options
may be set at once, but are not comma separated, for example "PERMISSIONS
Fred,bot". Options are: s = set permissions, o = ORDER and EXEC any pilot, b =
use BLAG, p = interact with plans, h = hijack moths and hangars, c = build, t
= teleport, e = economy commands. Full list: "sobphcte".

- PLANS: Lists pilot plans, the instructions to pilots. Primarily useful in
conjunction with EXEC, to see what other pilots are planning.

- PRICEINFO: Lists average price, minimum price, stock, and number required
(restricted by PERMISSIONS, beta 5). List currently exceeds terminal window
size, so only useful via the Terminal Server.

- PRODUCEINFO: Reports production requirements to make the specified item
(restricted by PERMISSIONS, beta 5). Usage: PRODUCEINFO [item name]. Also see
How are items cited in the economy commands?.

- PURCHASEFIND: Reports hangars demanding the specified item (restricted by
PERMISSIONS, beta 5). Usage: PURCHASEFIND [item name]. Also see How are items
cited in the economy commands?.

- RECRUIT: Hires a member of staff. You must be at the same location as the
staff member to hire them. Usage: RECRUIT [Staff name].

- SALEFIND: Reports hangars selling a specific item with prices (restricted by
PERMISSIONS, beta 5). Usage: SALEFIND [item name]. Also see How are items
cited in the economy commands?.

- SAY: Talks to everyone in your current location (beta 3+). Usage: SAY

- STAFF: Lists current your staff by name.

- TARGET: Sets target to the building or ship named. Usage: TARGET [Name of
pilot or building].

- TELEPORT: Jumps to a new location (restricted by PERMISSIONS, beta 4). Must
be on foot. Usage: TELEPORT [hangar name].

- TELL: Whisper to a specific player in a different location (beta 3+). Usage:
TELL [pilot name],[message].

- THRUST: Sets the thrust of your moth, by a specific value, full speed ahead,
or no thrust (beta 3+). Usage: THRUST [value (-16384 to 16384) or MAX or

- WAVE: Waves at pilots at your location (beta 3+).

- WITHDRAW: Transfers cash from a hangar you own to your personal cash (beta
2+). Usage: WITHDRAW [amount].

- WHO: Lists players (beta 3+). The letter after the name indicates the type
of connection - "H" for Hardwar client, "T" for terminal.

- Movement commands are mostly compass based, restricted by tunnels and rooms
available: N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW, IN (enter a hangar), OUT (leave a hangar or
moth), U (up a level), D (down a level) (beta 3+).


9.2.5 How do Admin permissions work?

The first character called "Admin" will automatically be assigned all
permissions to run any command, including commands restricted by PERMISSIONS.
Admin is designed like a root user for a computer: They may copy some or all
of their privileges to other pilots using PERMISSIONS. There can only be one
Admin pilot per game, so don't get it killed ;-) . Both the Admin and the
target character must be logged in to exchange permissions. This can be done
on higher specification machines by enabling HardLuck (see What is
HardLuck.exe and how do I use it? above), enabling multiple instances from the
Misc tab on the launcher, and then running two or more instances on the same
machine. In later betas, the Admin may join the game via the Terminal Server
(see What does the Terminal Server do? above), and exchange permissions with
only one instance of Hardwar open. Beta 3 and earlier Admin must be the name
of the first character created in order for Admin restricted permissions to
exist in the game. Beta 4 and 5 allow Admin to join the game at a later stage.
In beta 5, Admin can log into a single player game via the Terminal Server,
which can be useful when running scripts. Mun has written a utility that
allows admin privileges to be initially assigned to a player not called Admin
- download it here, http://www.aqum35.dsl.pipex.com/hardwar/downloads.html .

Spitfire writes: "There's a trick you can use to give your human pilot
permanent admin permissions. Load up your SP [single-player] save game in the
MP [multi-player] server, fire up Hardwar, create a new player called Admin
and use the permissions-command to give your player all admin powers. Now, as
the MP server saves the game, you can load that save in the SP game and
continue playing like nothing happened."


9.2.6 Can I script events and 'bots? Can I redesign the game world?

In theory yes. Any command lines that may be typed into the TI (Terminal
Interface) may be scripted. There are two methods.

* (1) Add lines to worldinit.txt, which are run when the game starts. This
seems to be restricted by a bug to 200 lines, over which it will crash at
startup (although your mileage may vary). (Comments can be added here, by
starting lines with "// ".)

* (2) Send lines or text files, or run 'bots via the TS (Terminal Server).

Imagine you are the admin typing commands. Each line in the script is like
typing a new command. If you want to do something at a particular location,
you must first TELEPORT to it as one command, then do things there on
subsequent lines. At the time SR suggested third party utilities like ZMud (
http://www.zuggsoft.com/ ) might be used, although the list of programming
possibilities here is almost unlimited. Unfortunately, key commands are
missing from the betas, which currently limit the usefulness of such

When sending text files as scripts you need to setup the telnet client (or
similar) to put a delay in between sending lines of a few hundred
milliseconds, since the Hardwar server needs time to process the command and
send back a confirmation before receiving the next command. Sending with no
delay, even to a Hardwar server on the same machine, normally fails. Also,
ensure you are running scripts from a character with the appropriate
PERMISSIONS - I'd strongly advise running scripts as the Admin. Lastly, before
running scripts that involve TELEPORTing, make sure you are not in a moth -
placing OUT at the top of such a script will achieve this. Also see How do I
build rooms? below.

This works well in single player mode with beta 4 and 5, it just seems to take
a little longer for the Hardwar client to respond to commands than it does
when acting as a server. With beta 3, the player has to be called Admin in
order for admin privileges to exist in the game. Once the game has started,
get the player out of the moth and onto foot. Then log into the terminal
server as Admin, using the password "admin". The terminal screen may lag a
little behind for a while, but should work again after you've typed in a few
random commands. In beta 4 and 5, the admin can log on after a non-admin
player character has started the game.


9.2.7 How do I build rooms?

Beta 3+, rooms can be built by the Admin using the BUILD command. Typically
scripts start with an OUT command (to ensure you are on foot), followed by a
TELEPORT command, to take you to an existing hangar. Room building scripts
then build OUT from the starting hangar to create a new room. The next command
typically moves the admin into that room. From there they can describe the
room, or create other rooms or walk routes. For example, you will see this
quite a lot:

build n,Some Place -- builds Some Place to the north
n -- moves north, to Some Place
describe This is SOME place. -- adds description to Some Place

The important thing to note is that you aren't moved to the newly created
location automatically. Once "Some Place" is created, you can TELEPORT back to
it. Ensure all places you might want to TELEPORT back to have unique sounding
names. Not all rooms need to be uniquely named, just those that you need to
refer back to later in the script. Subsequent rooms may be added using compass
points or "u"/"d" to go up or down. When trying to enter an existing building
from a custom room, BUILD HLINK,[hangar name] is used. Note that you must have
at least two rooms between each existing hangar. I am not aware of any way to
'un-build' a room without starting a new game. Further notes on scripting can
be found here, http://www.capsu.org/hardwar/scripts/ , along with a sample
script to create rooms and links around Reservoir crater.


9.2.8 How do I get market/economy information?

Beta 5 introduces several commands that make understanding the economy
PRICEINFO (see What terminal commands are there? for details). Note that these
are restricted by the PERMISSION 'e'.


9.2.9 What are framesy, newmothsw, and similar?

These refer to moths that are under construction or ready for sale. The final
two characters relate to the moth type - sy for Silver Y, mm for Moon Moth, nt
for Neo Tiger, hk for Hawk, dh for Deaths Head, pl for Police and sw for
Swallow. The frame part is a component part required to build a moth. The
newmoth part is a finished moth awaiting sale.


9.2.10 How are items cited in the economy commands?

Commands such as MANFIND, use the name of the item without spaces in
lowercase, so an Engine 1, becomes simply engine1. Manufacturing machinery is
referred to as manweapons, mancomp, manoreproc, manbooze and mannarcotics.
Moths are described above under What are framesy, newmothsw, and similar?.



9.3 Setup

9.3.1 What does the Persistent Game option do?

From Software Refinery's notes: "This option is intended to be enabled when
you are running a long-term persistent network game. Currently, not much
changes when it is enabled. The main difference is that the startup options
change, so that new players cannot come into the world highly equipped. The
cheats allowing specially equipped moths ('scunthorpe' etc), are also


9.3.2 What is Phil's Ending?

This is now an option on the launcher's Misc tab. It was available in earlier
versions by editing the registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Refinery\hardman\Config\PhilsEnding. The
option means that every ship on Titan tries to attack you during the final
plot run.


9.3.3 What's the difference between high and low speed links?

Later betas, when connecting to online games you will have a choice between
high and low speed links. High speed removes the frame rate clamp, and
corrects many graphical oddities, like half-open hangar doors. High speed is
suited internal networks, and possibly broadband internet. Low speed is suited
to 56k modem and similar.


9.3.4 Can I unpatch U3 betas? Do I have to patch each of them one at a time?

You can revert to an older version by applying the patch for that version. For
example, applying the U3 beta 4 patch to a beta 5 installation will change it
to beta 4. Before applying any U3 beta patches it is recommended that you
patch to U2.04, simply because the U3 betas do not include moth skin files.
There is no need to apply patches sequentially - you can patch straight from
U2.04 to U3 beta 5 if you wish. Save games from one version may not be valid
in another, and any fan-made patches or fixes will need to be re-applied.
Mun's version switcher can be used to rapidly change version. It can be
downloaded here, http://www.aqum35.dsl.pipex.com/hardwar/downloads.html .



9.4 Gameplay

9.4.1 How do I manufacture things?

You will need your own hangar in which to install manufacturing equipment. You
then need to buy the appropriate machinery from Central Industrial. Five types
of machinery are available (so only certain aspects of the economy can
currently be taken in-house): Munitions (missiles and similar - not guns),
Components (MachParts, CompComp, drones and cells), Ore (Sheet Metal and
ExMetal), Distiller (alcohol) and Narcotron (Narcotics). You may need to
supply Central Industrial quite heavily before the desired machinery appears
for sale: They don't produce in volume, particularly early in the game. You
then take the machinery to your hangar and install it (note installation must
be done from your pod, not your stock). Now under Owner Controls - Stock -
Manufacture, you'll be able to set a production level. Next feed the
appropriate raw materials onto your hangar market - see the Non-Moth
Production Requirements and Locations Table appendix for details. Either
deliver them yourself, or set the purchasing options to attract other traders
to deliver them (but see Why don't AI pilots sell to my hangar? below - it can
only be made to work in beta 5). When the raw materials are available, items
will slowly be manufactured. When setting purchasing options, the default
increment values may be annoyingly small - this can be hacked using Max's Xup
patch - see Are there any patches for the U3 betas? What is Hardwar E? below.


9.4.2 Why doesn't Central Industrial make a Narcotron?

It will eventually. Unfortunately, it will make at least three of every other
type of machinery first. You will need to supply it very heavily, and probably
buy several other items of machinery to prevent it running out of cash.


9.4.3 How do I find and hire staff?

You need to be on foot in the same location as unhired staff. Unhired staff
are revealed by LOOKing at the location - they typically use 6 letter names,
and will be standing around (not in moths). Try trading posts, conurbations
and similar housing, Hardwarp FM or Flyers Retreat. Once you have found an
unhired "thug", type RECRUIT [name] in the terminal to hire them. Each hiring
costs you $1000. Once you have hired staff you can start ORDERing them about.
Note that every staff member comes with $10,000 cash by default, so if you
want easy cash, hire all the staff you can find, and have them DEPOSIT their
cash in your hangar. There is a fixed number of thugs in each game.


9.4.4 Can I give staff multiple orders?

No. It would be useful if staff could be given several orders at once, for
example, fly to one hangar, buy something, fly to another hangar, and sell.
Staff ordering was never fully implemented, and consequently a lot of logical
features relating to them are missing.


9.4.5 If I can order my staff to sell, why can't I order them to buy?

The 'buy' feature was never implemented as an order. Two_steping writes: "You
basically have your guys fly to a hangar that you are going to buy from, tell
them to get out and then you get in and do the buying for your self. Then have
them get back in and then tell them to fly wherever you want them to sell


9.4.6 How do I walk around?

In every hangar you can get out of your moth using OUT. Beta 3 and later, in a
few hangars you will then be given further options to walk around. Use LOOK to
look around and movement commands to move - N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW, IN (enter a
hangar), OUT (leave a hangar or moth), U (up a level), D (down a level). There
are no visuals, only text. The experience can feel very MUD-like. Known walk
routes are Alpha Trading Post - Alpha Construction - Craven Components -
Flight Academy; and Trade Central - Software Shack 2/Sentinel 1/Vacant
0037/Psycho Bobs 2 - Downtown Estates. Others may be created - see How do I
build rooms? above.


9.4.7 What are Air Filters, Pleasure Cubes, and Servant Droids, and where can
I get them?

These seem to be items that were never released, but are still lurking in the
game's code. Like Death Rays (see How do I get a Death Ray? above) they can't
be purchased in the game. They appear on PRICEINFO lists, and in your hangar's
purchasing/sales menus.


9.4.8 How do I get Fumblers, Disablers and Blasters?

Beta 5 only. They are produced by Smart Weapons Corp, when appropriately
supplied. Blasters can be used to damage buildings. The repair functions were
never completed, but appear to involve a Builder's moth flying to your hangar
and conducting repairs. However, if you don't pay them their moth becomes
trapped in your hangar.


9.4.9 Where did the Debriefing Zone/Vacant 0006/0007/0008/0038 go?

Vacant 0006 became Shears Yard, a pod and engine production facility. The
Debriefing Zone was first replaced by Central Industrial. In beta 5, the
Debriefing Zone was re-introduced in the hangar formerly occupied by Vacant
0007. Vacant 0038 became the Smart Weapons Corp, a manufacturer of new weapon
types. In beta 5, Vacant 0008 was removed for some form of internal testing -
the hangar itself can be reintroduced using CREATE (see What terminal commands
are there? above), but not as a purchasable hangar.


9.4.10 Who is Brother Kahuna?

In beta 5, Brother Kahuna will launch from the Monastery, fit Blasters, and
then head towards General Industrial and attack it. It seems he does not
approve of Narcotics production ;-) . This is one of those wonderful little
details that was only partly implemented within beta 5.



9.5 Bugs and Modifications

9.5.1 Are there any patches for the U3 betas? What is Hardwar E?

The later betas generally fixed graphical problems and common crashes related
to the use of the Terminal Interface. They also improve online performance.
Beta 5, in particular, introduced a lot of new features, many of which were
very buggy. Overall, the later betas are the most stable, but still have
fundamental problems.

Fortunately several dedicated fans have picked up where the Software Refinery
left off. Max initially produced patches which attempted to address some of
the worst issues in beta 4 and 5. A compendium of Max's patches is available
at http://www.hardwar.info/download.htm (in particular, look for
max030610.zip). This includes:

- Fix for joystick throttles.
- Fix to allow beta 5 games to be reloaded.
- Partial fix for the beta 5 economy.

Some of Max's patches must be setup using command line parameters. If you are
likely to need to apply the patch frequently (for example, if you wish to
switch between different upgrade versions), consider writing a small batch
(.bat) file.

During the later half of 2003, various patches were developed for the game.
These variously fixed problems or tweaked existing features. To avoid
downloading and applying patches separately, Hardwar E (Enhanced) was
developed. Hardwar E contains both beta 5 fixes and changes to gameplay, most
notably an enhanced economy. Hardwar E can be found here -
http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ and http://smurphsworld.150m.com/ . Note
that Hardwar E is still in development - it has known bugs and issues of its
own. Hardwar E subsequently evolved into UIM Enhanced - see What is UIM
Enhanced? below.

The ultimate patch for U3 is now Upgrade IM - see below.


9.5.2 How can I stop beta 5 games crashing after reloading?

Don't save them ;-) . This was a viable solution for some server/network based
games, but was not ideal. The problem related to the occurrence of an error
called "FixBgID", which would appear in log files shortly after the start of a
game, and lead to savegame files being incorrectly read upon reloading. Max
writes: "Pilot data was being loaded out of sync (for pilots in hangars).
Eventually some function would receive an index pointing outside its address
space and crash. The patch basically uses beta4 data to keep 'beta5 FixBgID'
in sync." Max's patch fixes this - see Are there any patches for the U3 betas?
What is Hardwar E? above.


9.5.3 I logged a beta 5 game and I'm running out of disk space. Why?

U3 beta 5 games create a lot of errors, the most infamous of which are
"[pilot] had invalid GoCrater target" (AI pilot forgot what they were doing)
and "[pilot] didn't find enough goods. Reducing requirement" (AI pilot
expected to buy 10,000+ of something, and will reduce requirements one at a
time until the 3 available for sale are found). In essence, large chunks of
the software are continually logging errors, which will create half a MegaByte
of extra log each minute. A full log can ultimately exhaust your machine's
hard drive capacity and crash it. The easiest solution is to disable logging
on the Misc tab. If you do genuinely want to read some of the error messages,
try Doc Beeblebrox's Downtown Log Processing utility, which removes the most
common rubbish, allowing more unusual errors to be found. It is available
here: http://zedo.hardwar.org.uk/logproc.zip .


9.5.4 Why won't my joystick throttle work?

U3 beta 3 and 4 support non-USB joystick throttles, beta 5 supports USB
joystick throttles. Only U3 betas 1 and 2 support both. Max has produced a
patch to fix this - see Are there any patches for the U3 betas? What is
Hardwar E? above.


9.5.5 What is wrong with the beta 5 economy?

Beta 5 attempted to introduce a new economy that placed far greater emphasis
on demand and supply - inflating prices when items were in shortage. The
function of trading posts as middlemen was removed (I believe Software
Refinery were testing some alternative trading post code using Vacant 0008 -
see Where did the Debriefing Zone/Vacant 0006/0007/0008/0038 go? above),
including the needs list (which tend just to show a demand for food).
Unfortunately, the economy started empty, and initial shortages inflated
prices; so much so that some prices 'wrapped' and became negatives. AI pilots
did not respond well to this change. Initially they chased after the most
profitable item, leading to certain goods becoming over-stocked. Once over-
stocked, businesses stopped buying. With no trading posts to dump unwanted
goods, AI pilots got stuck with unwanted cargo nobody could buy. The least
profitable items, such as Sheet Metal, are also the most important for
production. Consequently businesses were unable to produce much early in the
game, because all the AI traders were trying to satisfy 1 unit demands for
Gems, rather than 50 unit demands for Sheet Metal. (The AI sought to maximise
profit per unit, rather than overall profit per trip.) This was complicated
further by the AI attempting to make unrealistic purchases (trying to buy
thousands of one good, with several minutes of extra processing before
anything was actually purchased), and the AI forgetting what they were
planning to do.

In essence, the beta 5 economy is a complete mess after a few days. I wrote
some scripts which stabilised the economy by placing draconian restrictions on
businesses during the first 30 days of play - see
http://www.capsu.org/hardwar/scripts/ . Max produced a patch to force AI
pilots to buy goods immediately, and cap prices to prevent negatives appearing
- see Are there any patches for the U3 betas? What is Hardwar E? above. The
patch is appropriate for use in all games. Neither of these are perfect
solutions, but they should make the game playable. Firefox and Smurph modified
the original economy script to run alongside Max's patch - a version of this
script is available from the previous URL. There are many pricing and
production oddities in the beta 5 economy, some of which can be corrected by
scripting (either via the Terminal Server or by placing lines in
worldinit.txt). For example, Wez suggests these additions to get General
Industrial buying water:

teleport general industrial
hangar stock,water,maxbuy,25
hangar stock,water,buy,340

Further enhancements to the economy are being developed as part of Hardwar E -
see Are there any patches for the U3 betas? What is Hardwar E? above.


9.5.6 Why won't Downtown Moths sell moths? Why won't Shears Yard fit pods?

In beta 5, add to the top of worldinit.txt (may require lines to be placed
immediately below the first commented (//...) section for some reason, also
take care not to leave trailing spaces in) or execute as Admin, these two

teleport downtown moths
hangar software,spm
teleport shears yard
hangar software,fr


9.5.7 How can I get my staff out of limbo?

This may happen when they die. It may be possible to extract them, but it is
very easy to accidentally crash the game in the attempt (this varies by beta
version). With Admin permissions, TELEPORT to limbo!, then BUILD a link out to
another location (see How do I build rooms? above), then ORDER them to walk
out along the path created (from Wez). Note that in some versions, your dead
character can be resurrected in a similar way if logging in via the Terminal
Server. In some beta games (notably beta 4), TELEPORTing to limbo! via the
Terminal Interface may crash the game - use God Hangar to get there instead
and then access the Terminal Interface to build a path out. In beta 4 it is
possible to build a link out of limbo!, but care must be taken or the game
will crash, as Violet sky writes: "Do not:

- give the look command while in the limbo, either as yourself or as a thug,
or the game will crash.
- go back in the limbo (typing "in" while in limboout [a room just outside
limbo!]) either as yourself or as a thug, or the game will crash.
- go in directions you aren't supposed to go, or the game may or may not


9.5.8 Are my thugs supposed to do _that_?

Hired staff occasionally do some interesting things. They are prone to most of
the same glitches associated with regular AI pilots - notably getting stuck in
odd locations. They may be freed again by using the THRUST commands, but
sometimes you physically need to fly out and bump them. When used in combat
they tend to get involved in friendly fire incidents, which can make you new
enemies. Your employees can also end up fighting one another, as Wez comments:
"Don't order 2 thugs to kill the same target... most likely they'll wind up
hitting each other and then turning on each other. I find it best to order one
thug to kill a target: If it gets into a losing situation, I fire a few
careful shots at the target myself to give my thug a little assistance." Thugs
can hijack moths (without specifically having the hijack PERMISSION) - for
example boarding new moths at Downtown Moths. Moths hijacked in this way can
only be piloted by your thugs. Lucifer writes: "Running beta 4, get a thug in
a moon moth's passenger seat, and no-one should attack you. You'll still be
targeted, CPU pilots will still fly as if they were attacking, but they won't
fire a single shot."


9.5.9 Why don't custom hangar names display?

They should work in beta 5. In beta 4 the name affects ORDERs, but does not
display visually outside the hangar.


9.5.10 Why don't AI pilots sell to my hangar?

You can only get AI pilots to sell goods to your hangar in beta 5 - this
feature does not work in beta 4. In beta 5, you must issue the command "hangar
software,p" as Admin. Max's economy patch also fixes this. Wez adds: "Also you
need to set your purchase price higher than your competitors or you'll only
get deliveries if they stop buying."


9.5.11 There is a stack of AI moths waiting to enter a hangar. How can I get
rid of them?

This quirk is particularly common in beta 4, although has been observed in
other beta versions. It is possible for almost all the AI moths to become
stuck in a queue for a hangar.

Spitfire writes: "If moths start to stack outside any hangar, you should first
try to ram the first ship off the queue, so that he'll try to enter the queue
again. Sometimes doing this the whole queue starts moving and the next waiting
moth will enter the hangar normally. ... You must stay there and wait for the
next moth to enter and kill it at the instant it gets stuck. Hang there until
the first moth successfully enters the hangar. ... But if nothing happens
after several tries, this approach will not work: even if you destroy the
first moth on the line, the rest of the queue still remains stuck." Check that
no moth is stuck inside the hangar airlock. If it is, when the doors open push
the moth fully inside so that the doors shut and the moth in the airlock is
destroyed. Sometimes AI moths simply become stuck in the airlock doors, but
not 'stuck enough' for the weaponry inside the airlock to destroy them.

Spitfire continues: "There is one option which has worked for me 100% of the
cases: Load up devastators (as many as there are moths in the queue) and start
destroying the queue one moth at the time. You will have to clear up the whole
queue in order to get queuing working again - if another moth enters the queue
while you are destroying the moths, you will have to kill that one too. When
the whole queue is clear of moths, new moths coming in should be able to enter
the hangar normally. If not, continue destroying them as long as a moth is
able to enter successfully. It will happen eventually."

From smurph: "Use the debug keys (F11, F12) to look for a pilot that is stuck
somewhere in titan that has current orders to go to Downtown Moths and sell
cargo. When you find him either go and kill him, or if you have admin
permissions simply clear his orders." Ouch comments: "Unfortunately Downtown
Moths needs your business to survive as no factions seem to want to buy from
it because it's too far away from them. ... If you see that they are trying to
sell stuff, but the hangar doesn't seem to let them, then the hangar is
probably out of money." Money can be edited into the hangar, or you can
TELEPORT there and buy some moths yourself.

Smurph, citing Max: "The other major cause of queues is stuck moths. Say pilot
A decides to go hangar B, and then gets stuck onto the crater wall or
something, all pilots that subsequently decide to go to building B will form
an orderly queue, patiently waiting for pilot A to get there and dock. Even
though pilot A has not got a queue at order, it will be listed in the hangar
index as first in the queue. Action - kill pilot A or clear pilot A's orders
or use some code or misopians to shuffle the queue order around. HardwarE
currently has some code that shuffles any big queues around and seems to do
the trick except in rare occasions where the stuck moth is trapped on the
doors of hangar B, itself."


9.5.12 Why do AI pilots get stuck in the Alpha-Downtown tunnel?

The 'nodes' used to determine the flight paths seem to have been mixed up in
some of the later betas. This causes AI pilots to start heading down the
tunnel in one direction, then decide it will be quicker to go the other way,
return and decide the opposite, and so on. This problem can be fixed by
editing hardwar.wld, and swapping the following hangars: EGG6 -- AAE5 (midway
pirate and mines air purifier in mines); EGG5 -- AAHK (midway pirate and
prison oubliette); EGG5 -- AA1L (midway pirate and alpha air purifier); EGG3 -
- AA1Q (shanty inn and flight academy). Mun's Building Swapping Util can be
used to swap buildings about (see
http://www.aqum35.dsl.pipex.com/hardwar/downloads.html ). Wez has produced a
replacement hardwar.wld which does this - simply place it in the main hardwar
directory. It is contained in hardwarseasawfix.zip (see
http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ ).


9.5.13 Can faction moths be made to respawn?

Yes. Issue the command "hangar software,cd" at both Lazarus and Klamp-G moth
factories (from smurph). Collect (c) and Deliver (d) should allow cabs to
start ferrying pilots to moth factories, where they board new moths, launch,
and start fighting.


9.5.14 Why won't the plot advance? How do I get Trigger, Matter or Fusion

In some of the earlier betas minor plot related problems were created by the
removal of the Debriefing Zone (which is where many plot related moths go
after their plot events - certain plot moths may get stuck with orders "GoBg
Limbo!" - just ignore them).

In beta 5, alien-related goods (Trigger, Matter, Fusion Parts) do not appear.
There are no gang transports, hence no trading with the aliens, hence no
Trigger, Matter or Fusion Parts. Smurph writes: "In beta 5 when a gang
transport is killed the gang HQ spawns a trader. In my test log 'Darius Sith
replaces Skinner Trans 00'. So no more gang transports after the first two are
killed... Even if you plot jump a beta 5 game to attacks, where the transports
should be doing their bodyparts thing, the gang transports still act like
regular traders." Setting the Research Facility to allow purchases does not
work, so you cannot replace the gang transport directly yourself. This makes
it impossible to advance beyond the mid-part of the plot without hacking.

There are solutions to this problem: Use Wez's Beta Hangar Editor (see Are
there any editors or Software Development Kits for Hardwar? above) to add
Trigger/Matter/Fusion Parts to your hangar. An alternative hack is offered by
smurph (don't try this unless you are confident about hex editing): "This one
allows you to unload bodyparts in a hanger that you own and get them
immediately converted to matter, trigger and fusion parts. Open up a hangar
that you own, or any purchasable hanger with a hex editor - you will see
something like this (this is for downtown 05)":

44 6f 77 6e 74 6f 77 6e 20 30 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 10 1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 78 bc d5 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Change it to:

44 6f 77 6e 74 6f 77 6e 20 30 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 10 1c 00 00 *0d* 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 00
00 01 00 00 00 78 bc d5 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Another option is to restart using Max's Dealer mod, which creates an
alternative Dealer startup career (available from
http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ ). It is a hard start, but will give you
access to alien-related goods.


9.5.15 Can I remove the beta 4/5 negative deposit cheat?

This bug allows negative amounts to be deposited at a hangar, thus creating
credits (from Wez). Max's Economy patch fixes this for beta 5 - see Are there
any patches for the U3 betas? What is Hardwar E? above. A fix is also
available as a separate file for beta 4 - download 304DepositStop.exe from
http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ .


9.5.16 I am experiencing video related crashes. Any hints?

Later beta versions tend to solve many of the early graphics-related glitches
and crashes. 3DFX Voodoo 4/5 support may be broken in all versions, as Lyx
comments: "On betas 1 and 2 an error window pops up: 'TPage failed to fit a
sprite'. Also, Hardman detects different drivers on the (working) 2.04 version
than the U3-betas: In 2.04 you can even choose between 'Glide 2' or 'Glide 3'-
Support... in the U3-betas there just one '3dfx glide'-driver." Software
rendering is buggy in places, notably when accessing the navigation screen.
Switching to Direct 3D mode may solve this issue. Another fix worth trying is
to set your desktop resolution/size to that of the game.


9.5.17 Can I change the password?

Download and use Mun's password changer, available from
http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ and
http://www.aqum35.dsl.pipex.com/hardwar/downloads.html . This only allows
passwords to be changed, not recovered when they are forgotten.


9.5.18 What should I _not_ do in a U3 beta 4 online game?

Here is Lord_Solarix's list of actions guaranteed to crash a U3 beta 4 server
(slightly abridged). This complements Is there an online etiquette? Can I kill
other players? above. Do not:
"- Click rapidly on ANY onscreen buttons, when using in-game menu screens such
as Navigation screen scroll buttons, Messages (reading them AND deleting
them), Hangar management, Enemies Lists, selling or buying cargo, Trading
Posts' Needs and Sales Lists... the list goes on.
- Cab Pilots: Do not kill them. [Taxis do not re-spawn, but certain aspects of
the game rely on them.]
- Issue ORDERs to dead hired thugs.
- Use the EXEC command on your dead hired thugs.
- Target someone with the TI Interface while simultaneously viewing your
Navigation Screen.
- Set Sales System ON in your hangar full of booty... but your Hangar Access
to Private. [Traps AI pilots in a queue outside your hangar.]
- Set Sales System ON in your hangar full of booty, then selling your hangar
to the nearest Estates Agent. [As above, but worse because the hangar may not
be possible to purchase immediately.]"


9.5.19 Why don't construction companies/builders work?

Ouch writes: "The entire construction loop is messed up. If you nuke a
building it gets repaired to 2048 damage and stays there. This means the
construction pilots never stop delivering constmat to the damaged hangar. On
top of that the pilots never stock the construction companies they work for."


9.5.20 Why can I overload my pod with my own production?

TheSpaceMan writes: "If you produce your own stuff [in your hangar], you can
load the cargo with no limit at all." This allows very large profit to be made






10.1 Introduction

10.1.1 IM?

For more than a year after the unofficial release of U3 fans produced patches
to make the betas playable. Then on 31 August 2004, former developer Ian
Martin reappeared on Zedo's forum with the message: "I am totally stunned by
the continued support after 6 years. Having just spent 30 minutes on Hammer's
game, I feel I ought to at least try to help. I cannot release any source, and
don't have the latest Hardwar source anyway, but may be able to patch the
latest patches, as it were. ... I cannot make any major innovations to the
game, but will attempt to cure problems." Later he commented: "I have no
realistic plans to do a Hardwar follow-on, but am enjoying giving 2-3 evenings
each week, to fix and enhance a game that consumed my life for (too long) some
years ago." The result was the nearest thing there will ever be to an official
U3 patch - Upgrade IM ("Upgrade Ian Martin"). Unlike the original Hardwar E
(see Are there any patches for the U3 betas? What is Hardwar E? above), which
is based on U3 beta 5, UIM is based on U3 beta 4. This means UIM will tend to
have slightly fewer features than U3 beta 5, but a lot more stability.


10.1.2 Where can I get UIM?

Try http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/ or http://zedo.hardwar.org.uk/. In
future UIM should also be available from Ian Martin's own server,
http://www.hardwar.org/ . Information on the latest release will normally be
posted on Zedo's boards at http://zedo.suddenlaunch3.com/ . This is worth
checking because host websites tend to lag a little behind in putting patches
online. Development suggestions and bug reports can also be made on that
forum. The patch can be applied to any full version of Hardwar - there is no
need to apply earlier patches first.


10.1.3 What UIM versions are there, and what features do they add?

At the time of writing UIM is very much in development, so don't be surprised
if a more recent UIM version is available than the ones listed here. A full
list of features and changes can be found in the game's readme.txt, which is
updated after installing the patch. A summary is provided below:

- UIM.01: December 2004: Various stability enhancements and bug fixes,
particularly for online/server games. Reservoir-Downtown tunnel opened.
Comprehensive USB joystick support, with new setup options. Graphical
enhancements, including changes to fog depth and explosions.

- UIM.02: December 2004: Added 24/32 bit display mode and textures. Removed
3DFX Glide and Software rendering. Bug fixes.

- UIM.02.01: December 2004: Added embossing, allowed the size of windowed mode
to be specified, and provided further bug fixes.

- UIM.03: December 2004: Bug fixes.

- UIM.04: December 2004: Bug fixes.

- UIM.05: January 2004: Monorail cars return fire... Various bug fixes.

- UIM.06: January 2004: Bug fixes.


10.1.4 What is UIM Enhanced?

UIM Enhanced evolved from Hardwar E (see Are there any patches for the U3
betas? What is Hardwar E? above). Max and smurph have continued to write
patches/addons for UIM. These contain a range of bug fixes and tweaks, such as
AI respawning, hangar queue fixes, and correct hangar names. Ultimately we
hope that many of these features will be implemented within UIM itself. UIM
Enhanced can be downloaded from http://smurphsworld.150m.com/ .



10.2 Gameplay

Many of UIM's "new" gameplay features come from Upgrade 3, and are explained
in that section.


10.2.1 What terminal commands does UIM support?

UIM is based on U3 beta 4, and therefore does not support commands that only
existed in U3 beta 5. Since this is confusing, I've created a list of UIM
terminal commands. This list now also included known UIM Enhanced commands
(see What is UIM Enhanced? above). For details on how to use these commands,
see Terminal Commands and Scripting in the U3 section above. I've written
commands in capitals for clarity, but unless noted, they may be typed in any
case. Note that where parameters/arguments are used, typically they take the
form command (space) subcommand (comma) value, with subsequent values or
subcommands separated by commas, for example "hangar stock,narcotics,buy,10".
Unless otherwise stated, commands listed apply to all UIM versions:

- AUTOPILOT: Engages autopilot to fly towards a targeted item. Target must be
set before engaging autopilot. Off disengages the autopilot. Usage: AUTOPILOT
[TARGET or OFF]. Note that the SALVAGE option isn't implemented, and may crash
the game.

- BAYS: Reports the moths parked in the current hangar, with pilots.

- BLAG: Allows you to get free cash or moths (restricted by PERMISSIONS).
Usage: BLAG [CASH or MOTH],[value] where value is the amount of cash, or the
moth type: 1 = Moon Moth, 2 = Silver Y, 3 = Neo Tiger, 4 = Hawk, 5 = Deaths
Head, 6 = Police, 7 = Alien, 8 = Swallow.

- BOARD: Board a moth parked in a specific bay in the current hangar as the
pilot. Usage: BOARD [Bay number].

- BOARDPASS: As BOARD, but to board as a passenger (requires Moon Moth).
Usage: BOARDPASS [Bay number].

- BUILD: Allows rooms to be constructed (restricted by PERMISSIONS, may have
other unknown uses). Usage: BUILD [movement direction (see bottom of this
list)],[short name]. When interfacing with an existing hangar, OUT is used to
leave, and HLINK to enter. Also see How do I build rooms?.

- CASH: Reports current cash total. This includes cash in your hangar if you
are in your hangar.

- CREATE: Related to building construction - not fully implemented (restricted
by PERMISSIONS). Known functionality: CREATE 0,N,[name] creates a god hangar
style building called [name], which you can TELEPORT into, but which doesn't
physically exist on the map (also note that you can BUILD out of it, so, for
example, you can create two god hangars with a godly walk link between them).
Arguments here ARE CASE SENSITIVE - further examples are contained in the U3
description of this command - at the time of writng, CREATE has no function
within UIM.

- DESCRIBE: Change the description of the current location (restricted by
PERMISSIONS). Usage: DESCRIBE [description].

- DEPOSIT: Transfers cash to the current hangar. You do not need to own the
hangar. Usage: DEPOSIT [amount]. A bug allows depositing negative values,
which results in withdrawal of cash. This works at any hangar with cash.

- EXEC: Executes a command as another pilot (restricted by PERMISSIONS unless
a staff member). Usage: EXEC [Pilot name],[Command,subcommand,value,etc]. For
example, "EXEC Fred,BAYS" will get Fred to report the moths parked in the
hangar he is in.

- EXITS or X: List available walk routes - if you are in a moth, the only
option will be "out", as in get out of moth.

- GOODS: Reports current hangar inventory.

- GREET: Sends a greeting :-) .

- GRIN: Grins ;-) .

- HANGAR: Sets custom hangar information. Relates to the hangar you are in at
the moment. Usage: HANGAR [setting,value]. Basic settings are:
* ACCESS - Sets access to PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
* NAME - Renames hangar.
* STATUS - With no settings, reports building statistics.
* STOCK - STOCK,ALL to list. STOCK,[Item name] to list stock for specific
item. STOCK,[Item name],[BUY or SELL or MAXBUY],[Amount] to set the pricing
for a specific item - for example "HANGAR STOCK,Swarm,SELL,100" to set the
sale price of Swarm to 100.
Admin settings (restricted by PERMISSIONS) are:
* DAMAGE - With no value reports current damage. With value sets hangar damage
to an amount between 0 and 16384.
* LOGO - With no value report current logo. With value 0 to 16 sets logo icon.
Values are: 1 = Warp, 2 = MonoRail, 3 = Lazarus, 4 = Klamp-G, 5 = Toxic, 6 =
Skinners, 7 = Hardwar, 8 = Alpha, 9 = Mines, 10 = Port, 11 = Riverside, 12 =
Highrise, 13 = Gamma, 14 = Downtown, 15 = Reservoir, 16 = Scrubbers.
* SOFTWARE - With no value, lists software installed. With values, adds one or
more options, for example "hangar software,cdfr". Prefixing the options with
'-' deinstalls them, for example "hangar software,-ps" removes sales and
purchasing. Known options are: c = collect (player hangar or allow cabs), d =
deliver (player hangar or allow cabs), f = fit, g = god menu, n = no player
trade, m = moth sales, o = moth software changes, p = business will purchase,
u = repair, r = remove, s = business will sell, t = trade list, x = no
monorail (non-functional?), y = sell buildings (like an estate agent), z = buy
buildings. Note that there is a limit on software options of about 7 and
installing more will lead to the game crashing when you access the hangar menu
- take care.
* TYPE - Changes the internal design of the hangar. Values 0 to 5.

- HELP: List commands.

- LAUGH: Like "SAY lol"...

- LAUNCH: Launches moth from hangar. Note that launch doesn't propel you out
of the airlock, so if you launch and do nothing else, eventually your ship
will be destroyed in the airlock.

- LOOK or L: Reports what you can see, MUD style.

- OWNER: Report hangar owner. Usage: OWNER [hangar name]. UIM.06 Enhanced 2+

- ORDER: Sends commands to your staff. Usage: ORDER [Staff
name],[Subcommand],[Value]. For example, "ORDER Hitson,GO,Freds Builders".
Subcommands are:
* BOARD,[Bay number] - Board moth at bay specified.
* BUZZ,[building] - Fly around, but not dock at, the building specified in the
* CLEAR - Cancel last order.
* DISEMBARK - Get out of moth.
* GO,[Building] - Fly to building specified in the value.
* KILL,[pilot name] - Attack another pilot.
* NAME,[new name] - Rename staff. UIM.06 Enhanced 2+ ONLY.
* PROTECT,[pilot_name] - Protect another pilot. To cancel, use: ORDER [staff
name],PROTECT. UIM.06 Enhanced 2+ ONLY.
* REPORT - Reports current plan (unlikely to be much use at the moment).
* SELLALL,[Building] - Sell all cargo at the building specified.
* STATUS - Report where they are.
* SUPPLY,[hangar name] - Supply a player-owned hangar. Refer to UIM Enhanced
documentation for detail. UIM.06 Enhanced 2+ ONLY.

- OUT: Get out of moth or leave hangar.

- PERMISSIONS: Transfers permissions between pilots. Permissions transfer from
the Admin pilot. Usage: PERMISSIONS [Pilot name],[options]. Multiple options
may be set at once, but are not comma separated, for example "PERMISSIONS
Fred,bot". Options are: s = set permissions, o = ORDER and EXEC any pilot, b =
use BLAG, p = interact with plans, h = hijack moths and hangars, c = build, t
= teleport, e = economy commands. Full list: "sobphcte".

- PLANS: Lists pilot plans, the instructions to pilots. Primarily useful in
conjunction with EXEC, to see what other pilots are planning.

- PROPERTY: List hangars owned by pilot. Usage: PROPERTY [pilot name]. UIM.06
Enhanced 2+ ONLY.

- RECRUIT: Hires a member of staff. You must be at the same location as the
staff member to hire them. Usage: RECRUIT [Staff name].

- REPORT: Lists rankings and cheat monitoring data. Format (from readme):
"Player name, player cash, player kills, names of hangars owned (+ cash held,
and clones held in each hangar), number of each moth type owned by the player,
and the hardwar day the pilot was last logged in." UIM.06 Enhanced 2+ ONLY.

- REPOSSESS: Resets hangar ownership and clears stock/cash (restricted to
ADMINS). Intended to allows Admins to clear dormant or ill-gotten hangars.
Usage: REPOSSESS [hangar name]. UIM.06 Enhanced 2+ ONLY.

- SAY: Talks to everyone in your current location. Usage: SAY [message].

- STAFF: Lists current your staff by name.

- TARGET: Sets target to the building or ship named. Usage: TARGET [Name of
pilot or building].

- TELEPORT: Jumps to a new location (restricted by PERMISSIONS). Must be on
foot. Usage: TELEPORT [hangar name].

- TELL: Whisper to a specific player in a different location. Usage: TELL
[pilot name],[message].

- THRUST: Sets the thrust of your moth, by a specific value, full speed ahead,
or no thrust. Usage: THRUST [value (-16384 to 16384) or MAX or STOP].

- WAVE: Waves at pilots at your location.

- WITHDRAW: Transfers cash from a hangar you own to your personal cash. Usage:
WITHDRAW [amount].

- WHO: Lists players. The letter after the name indicates the type of
connection - "H" for Hardwar client, "T" for terminal.

- Movement commands are mostly compass based, restricted by tunnels and rooms
available: N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW, IN (enter a hangar), OUT (leave a hangar or
moth), U (up a level), D (down a level).



10.3 Technical

10.3.1 Can I load an old saved game?

Check the game's readme.txt for precise compatibility, since this may vary by
patch. Generally UIM will load games saved by earlier UIM versions or U3 beta
4. Network games often require client and server to be running the same UIM


10.3.2 After patching [something] stopped working, or I get the message
Hardwar not installed. Why?

Check all the settings in the launcher. Where an option has been changed by
the patch, such as the joystick throttle or graphics, older settings may not
have been applied correctly.


10.3.3 Must I use DirectX? Must I use a Direct3D compatible 3D accelerator
(video) card?

Yes, if using UIM.02+. UIM.01 was the last version to allow 3DFX Glide or
software rendering. 3DFX card users should (from the readme), "select
Direct3D. Users of an old 3DFX pass-through card should select Secondary
Display." UIM requires at least DirectX 9.


10.3.4 What do all these display options do? How can I improve visual

UIM adds various graphical features. It tries to retain backward compatibility
for older machines by allowing many of these features to be toggled on and
off. If you are running Hardwar on a machine built before 2002/3, you may need
to alter the settings for certain additional features to make the game run

- 24/32 Bit Display (UIM.02+): Renders Hardwar in greater colour depth. Colour
depth is a measure of the number of distinct colours used. This option
increases the number of colours to over 16 million, making the game visually
richer, but potentially degrading video performance.

- 32 Bit Textures (UIM.02+): Allows in-game objects to be coloured using more
colours - over 16 million. Requires 64Mb or more texture (i.e. video) memory.

- Embossed Texture Detail (UIM.02.01+): Creates 'bumpy' texturing on crater
walls, and hangar and tunnel floors. Surprisingly impressive. Visual
preference. MipMaps must be enabled.

- Explosions [Original] (UIM.01+): Default uses new 256x256 24 bit colour
explosion graphics. Use only on 1998-era machines, or where the things going
boom go boom too slow.

- Fog Colour [Original] (UIM.02+): Renders the fog the colour traditionally
used by Hardwar. Visual preference only.

- Fog Depth (even greater depth allowed by UIM.01+): Sets the distance between
you and the edge of the fog, allowing more/less of each crater to be visible.
The farthest setting is reported to need approximately a 2Ghz processor or
better to run smoothly.

- W-Buffering (UIM.01+): Corrects graphical glitches, such as disappearing
monorail tracks in tunnels. Use unless option is unavailable (not supported by





11.1 Introduction

When former developer Ian Martin resurfaced in 2004, Zedo created a special
forum board at http://zedo.suddenlaunch3.com/ to allow players to ask
questions about the game and to make suggestions for future upgrades. I think
the suggestions are best left on that forum, however some of the questions
have yielded little gems of information that should not be lost. Hence this
section. Answers are from Ian Martin unless stated.


11.2 What happened to the Software Refinery?

"I don't have any contact with anyone involved in the project. ... I left the
games industry behind a couple of years ago [written in 2004]."


11.3 What about the source code?

"The source code would have been owned by SR, and that ownership would
presumably have passed to the liquidator. ... I cannot release any source, and
don't have the latest Hardwar source anyway."


11.4 How long did it take to develop Hardwar?

"It started in Summer 1995, 18 months intended development. It started as a
DOS game of course, but in 1997 along came PowerVR, 3DFX, Direct3D and the
need to do a Windows 95 version - eventually of course the DOS version was
dropped. The testing process lasted from March to July 1998, when the game was

A later opinion by Luke Warhurst (former Gremlin QA), is quite revealing:
"There was a general lack of support for Hardwar and it sometimes seemed that
the only people in Gremlin who actually cared about the game were our QA team.
We had to work closely with the SR guys at times because the Dev department
didn't seem to be much help - the initial design document was written and then
seemingly abandoned. It was missing essential pieces of information and it was
left to SR and our QA team to fill in the missing pieces and fix up the
unworkable elements."


11.5 Why don't moths roll more than 45 degrees?

"Hardwar should not be a flight sim - there are too many world limits to allow
that anyway. The moths may be regarded as transport helicopters, perhaps not
the best thing to do barrel rolls in."


11.6 Does the AI learn?

"There's an easy answer to that - no! The AI can sometimes amaze me (and I am
heavily to blame) with its brilliance and its stupidity!"


11.7 Where do the pilot names come from?

"There was a creative (or not) chap working for Gremlin who came up with these
names. We called him Dr Derivative, because some of his 'creative' stuff was
rather too obviously lifted, including virtually the whole script from a
popular 'cult' movie. Some of the other names are conversions of the
developers and testers - I'm sure this fact is well known. Luke Warhurst for
example becomes Zrook Warburst. Smokie China and Max Barrow were in-office
jokes from around 2000. We had a chap working for us in 2000, called Matt. My
son mis-pronounced his name as Max, and as he is from Barrow, the name rather
stuck. A discussion about a TV programme about the dreadful 70s group Smokie
touring China led to their tour being immortalised in Hardwar. Some pilot
names are generated using random forename and surnames, and to make it more
interesting we threw in some silly words, hence Discoblade etc."


11.8 Why is the water blue when the sky is pink?

"The water was originally a similar colour to the sky - technically correct of
course but not obvious that it was H2O, so blue it became."


11.9 Why was the Downtown-Reservoir tunnel originally shut?

"The tunnel was added late into the testing process in mid 1998, and was
blocked for fear that it may upset some of the AI mission related stuff."


11.10 Why wasn't Hardwar marketed?

Opinion of Luke Warhurst: "To put it bluntly, Gremlin's marketing department
was terrible. I can't remember any game that they marketed well. Hardwar would
have really benefited from better marketting too because it is a strong game.
I know that the game suffered from a long development period and I did get the
impression that Gremlin were becoming increasingly impatient to get it out and
on the shelves."





12.1 What's the deal with BodyParts?

The gangs are almost obsessed with BodyParts once they start trading with the
aliens via the Research Facility. You cannot trade with the aliens, but you
can sell BodyParts to the gangs. Most of the hangars between Port tunnel in
Downtown and Alpha or Gamma (along routes used by gang transports) can be used
to sell BodyParts at $1500 or $2000 each, more than twice what you can buy
them for. Some have reported they will sell for as much as $2800. RoadDemon
and others suggest Gamma H3 and Hangar A3 in Alpha. Some of the Downtown
hangars work too, but not all. Simply buy one or more of these hangars,
purchase and ship in a few loads of BodyParts from a nearby conurbation, and
open the hangar up to sales.


12.2 Origin Unknown

At different stages in the plot Origin Unknown may be seen. In the original
game it sells for $99,999 a piece, although you may need to work to get
trading posts to buy from you. You cannot recover Origin Unknown until part
way through the plot, which would seem to prevent you getting your hands on
half of it. But it is still possible to recover and sell all the Origin
Unknown in the game, you just need to be creative. Based on the notes of Axe
and Ashlocke: For the first 3 units (initial alien crash), attack the ships
that pick it up as they pass through tunnels, where they cannot recover it.
For the second three units (Klamp Port decoy), attack the Klamp transport
until it jettisons the cargo, but don't kill the transport otherwise the plot
will stall. The next two sets of Origin Unknown are in the secret bases (see
Can I attack both bases? in the walkthrough). There are a further three units
of Origin Unknown available (from Fedor von Bock): You need to kill the alien
that rescues you from Port after the Port Clearance with Big Bob (see above).
One cannot target alien ships, and if you get too close, your controls are
lost. Fedor von Bock's method involves attacking whilst remaining just outside
of the range at which the controls are lost. Once the alien's shields go down,
it will attempt to get repairs at the Knocking Ship, at which point destroy it
with lasers.


12.3 It's art, mate

There are some strange features on Titan. Downtown Recycling would seem to be
at the heart of some kind of "stone" circle. But the most important hangar in
the centre of the design is empty. The Lazarus Ore Proc, in the Mines,
displays the Lazarus corporate logo when viewed from above. Big ego; anyone?


12.4 Fooling the AI

Humans can, with practice, fly into tunnels without so much as dropping the
throttle. AI pilots can't, and are forced to stop dead at the tunnel mouth and
at bends in the tunnel. When attacked in there they get rather lost. And they
refuse to pick up salvage dropped in tunnels. Want to get your own back at
pirates without continually having to kill them? Just buy up almost all of
their hangars. Titan suddenly becomes a lot safer when you own 40 hangars. Of
course, not everyone wants Titan to be safer.


12.5 Final tip

Occupations should reflect circumstances, not always the choice of the pilot.
If you see a potential booty, become a pirate for a minute. If you spot a
cargo on the ground, become a scavenger for a minute. If you find a highly
profitable trade run, become a trader for a minute. Hardwar is not just fast
paced in combat, it is fast paced in everything. Don't hang about for long.


12.6 The last word

I'll give the last word to Ian Martin, writing in 2004: "Hardwar was a bit of
a slog to finish, and may or may not have been a great game (I probably speak
to an appreciative audience) but it was a commercial flop. A bit like
Concorde, only not so famous. Or fast."






A. Hangar List

Codes for crater, owner and business type, and notes are given at the bottom
of the table.


Hangar | er |er |ness|Note
Abandoned Terminal | Po | a | MR |
Acid Hangar | Dt | p | |
Agrochem | Ah | | CH |
Air Puifier M | Mn | | |
Air Purifier A | Ah | | |
Air Purifier D | Dt | | |
Air Purifier G | Ga | | |
Alpha Cabs | Ah | | TX |
Alpha Construction | Ah | | BD |
Alpha Depot | Ah | | MR |
Alpha Depot II | Ah | | |
Alpha Estate Agent | Ah | | EA |
Alpha Police Station | Ah | c | PS |
Alpha Trading Post | Ah | | TP |
Bargain Moths | Dt | | MF |
Bill Moritz | Re | | CG |
Blackeye's Hangar | Ri | p | |
Blue Repository | Hi | p | |
Breaker Maker 1 | Dt | | BM |
Breaker Maker 2 | Dt | | BM |
Breaker Maker 3 | Ah | | BM |
Breaker Maker 4 | Hi | | BM |
Breaker Maker 5 | Ga | | BM |
Central Industrial | Dt | | MM | 1
Central Monorail | Dt | | MR |
Charlie Wadsworth | Ri | | LA |
Charlies Pizza | Ri | | FF |
Clone Farm | Dt | | CL | 2
Colony HQ | Dt | | |
Concealed Hideout | Mn | p | |
Conurbation 1 | Dt | | HO |
Conurbation 2 | Dt | | HO |
Conurbation 3 | Dt | | HO |
Conurbation Two | Ga | | HO |
Crash Hangar | Ga | p | |
Craven Components | Ah | | CP |
Customs Block | Dt | a | |
Darkbase | Hi | p | |
Defriefing Zone | Dt | | | 3
Derelict Factory | Ri | e | |
Derelict Warehouse | Ri | e | |
Downtown 05 | Dt | e | |
Downtown Builders | Dt | | BD |
Downtown Chemicals | Dt | | CH |
Downtown Components | Dt | | CP |
Downtown Estates | Dt | | EA |
Downtown Moths | Dt | | MF |
Downtown Munitions | Dt | | WM |
Downtown Outpost | Dt | l | |
Downtown Recycling | Dt | | RC |
Dr Jobes Weapons | Ga | | WM |
Dunroamin | Dt | p | |
Empty Complex | Ri | e | |
Flight Academy | Ah | | |
Flyers Retreat | Ga | | BR | 9
Freds Builders | Mn | | BD |
Gamma Cabs | Ga | | TX |
Gamma Estate Agent | Ga | | EA |
Gamma H3 | Ga | e | |
Gamma Monorail Depot | Ga | | MR |
Gamma Police Garrison | Ga | c | PS |
Gamma Trading Post | Ga | | TP |
General Industrial | Ri | | NC |
Groover's Hangar | Ah | p | |
Hangar A1 | Ah | e | |
Hangar A2 | Ah | p | |
Hangar A3 | Ah | e | |
Hangar A4 | Ah | p | |
Hardwarp FM | Dt | | |
Hideout 1 | Hv | p | |
Hideout 2 | Hv | p | |
Hideout 4 | Md | p | |
Hideout 5 | Md | p | |
Hideout 6 | Md | p | |
Highrise Cabs | Hi | | TX |
Highrise Construction | Hi | | BD |
Highrise Estates | Hi | | EA |
Highrise Motors | Hi | | MF |
Highrise Police Station | Hi | c | PS |
Highrise Trading Post | Hi | | TP |
Home Base | Dt | p | |
Hr Conurbation 1 | Hi | | HO |
Hr Vacant 1 | Hi | e | |
Hr Vacant 2 | Hi | e | |
Hr Vacant Tower | Hi | e | |
Hunger City | Ga | | HO |
Island Garrison | Re | l | |
Junkyard | Ri | | RC |
Jupiter Four | Re | | BR |
Klamp Macro 1 | Ri | k | FF |
Klamp Macro 2 | Ri | k | FF |
Klamp Macro 3 | Ri | k | FF |
Klamp-G Arms | Ga | k | WM |
Klamp-G Chemicals | Ga | k | CH |
Klamp-G Components | Ga | k | CP |
Klamp-G FacDef | Ga | k | |
Klamp-G Fe-Mill | Ga | k | OP |
Klamp-G HQ | Ri | k | |
Klamp-G HQ Garrison | Ri | k | |
Klamp-G Medical | Ri | k | |
Klamp-G Mine | Mn | k | MN | 10
Klamp-G Moth Factory | Ga | k | MF |
Klamp-G Purifier 1 | Re | k | WA |
Klamp-G Purifier 2 | Re | k | WA |
Klamp-G Purifier 3 | Re | k | WA |
Klamp-G Purifier 4 | Re | k | WA |
Klamp-G Purifier 5 | Re | k | WA |
Klamp-G Purifier 6 | Re | k | WA |
Klamp-G Secret Base | Ri | k | |
Klamp-G Weapons Shop | Ri | k | WS |
Lazarus Alpha | Ah | l | |
Lazarus Chemicals | Ah | l | CH |
Lazarus Components | Ah | l | CP |
Lazarus Hightower | Dt | l | |
Lazarus HQ | Hi | l | |
Lazarus HQ Garrison | Hi | l | |
Lazarus Macro 1 | Re | l | FF |
Lazarus Macro 2 | Re | l | FF |
Lazarus Macro 3 | Re | l | FF |
Lazarus Macro 4 | Re | l | FF |
Lazarus Macro 5 | Re | l | FF |
Lazarus Macro 6 | Re | l | FF |
Lazarus Macro 7 | Re | l | FF |
Lazarus Mine | Mn | l | MN | 10
Lazarus Mine Garrison | Mn | l | |
Lazarus Mine OreProc | Mn | l | OP |
Lazarus Moths | Ah | l | MF |
Lazarus Munitions | Ah | l | WM |
Lazarus Ore Proc | Ah | l | OP |
Lazarus Purifier | Re | l | WA |
Lazarus Secret Base | Re | l | |
Lazarus Weapons Shop | Hi | l | WS |
LightWell 01 | Dt | | LW |
LightWell 02 | Dt | | LW |
LightWell 03 | Dt | | LW |
LightWell 04 | Hi | | LW |
LightWell 05 | Ah | | LW |
LightWell 06 | Ri | | LW |
LightWell 07 | Re | | LW |
LightWell 08 | Ga | | LW |
LightWell 09 | Mn | | LW |
Lord Nicon's Hangar | Ri | p | |
Mass Driver 1 | Po | | |
Mass Driver 2 | Po | | |
Mines Cabs | Mn | | TX |
Mines Monorail Depot | Mn | | |
Mines Trading Post | Mn | | TP | 10
Mis Op Cabs | Dt | | TX |
Misery Heights | Hi | | HO |
MisOp Finance | Dt | | LA |
Monastery | Dt | | |
Monorail Depot | Hi | | MR |
Ore Proc 2 | Dt | | OP |
Ore Processing | Dt | | OP |
Paranoidopolis | Ga | | HO |
Pirates Nest | Hi | p | |
Police Garrison | Dt | c | |
Police HQ | Dt | c | PS |
Prison Mine | Mn | | MN |
Prison Oubliette | Mn | | |
Psycho Bobs 1 | Dt | | WS |
Psycho Bobs 2 | Dt | | WS |
Purpledrome | Ga | p | |
Recycle Joint | Hi | | RC |
Research Facility | Dt | a | |
Reservoir Cabs | Re | | TX |
Reservoir Central | Re | | WS |
Reservoir Def 1 | Re | k | |
Reservoir Def 2 | Re | k | |
Reservoir Trading | Re | | TP |
Restricted Area | Dt | | |
Riverside Cabs | Ri | | TX |
Riverside Chemicals | Ri | | CH |
Riverside Construction | Ri | | BD |
Riverside Cops | Ri | c | PS |
Riverside Estates | Ri | | EA |
Riverside Monorail | Ri | | MR |
Riverside Parts | Ri | | CP |
Scrubber Hngr | Hi | u | |
Scrubber Outpost | Ah | u | CG |
Scrubber Xchng | Hi | u | RC |
Scrubbers Alpha | Ah | u | |
Scrubbers HQ | Hi | u | |
Secluded Residence | Re | p | |
Sentinel 1 | Dt | | |
Sentinel 2 | Dt | | |
Sentinel 3 | Dt | | |
Sewage Control | Dt | | WA | 11
Sewage Control | Ri | | |
Shears Yard | Dt | | PE | 1
Sith Manor | Mn | p | |
Skinners HQ | Ah | s | |
Skinners Outpost | Ga | s | DS |
Smart Weapons Corp | Dt | | WM | 4
Software Refinery | Ri | | SW |
Software Shack 1 | Dt | | SW |
Software Shack 2 | Dt | | SW |
Special Arms Co | Hi | | WS |
Syd's Workshop | Dt | | |
Tarquin's Hangar | Ah | p | |
Techparts | Dt | | CP | 12
Terraformer | Dt | | |
Terror-rise | Ga | | HO |
The After Dark | Dt | | BR |
The Belfry | Hi | | |
The Garidge | Hi | u | BM | 13
The Knocking Ship | Mn | | BM |
The Morgue | Dt | | |
The Ore House | Ri | | OP |
The Pit | Re | p | |
The Shanty Inn | Hv | | BR |
The Slum | Ri | | BR |
The Squat | Hi | | HO |
The Waterfront | Ri | | BR |
Thunderbase | Dt | p | |
Titan University | Ri | | |
Trade Central | Dt | | TP |
Traders Rest | Hi | | BR | 14
Vacant 0006 | Dt | e | | 5
Vacant 0007 | Dt | e | | 6
Vacant 0008 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0009 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0010 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0011 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0012 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0013 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0014 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0015 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0016 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0017 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0018 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0019 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0020 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0021 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0022 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0023 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0024 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0025 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0026 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0027 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0028 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0029 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0030 | Dt | e | | 10
Vacant 0031 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0032 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0033 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0034 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0035 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0036 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0037 | Dt | e | |
Vacant 0038 | Dt | e | | 7
Vacant 0039 | Dt | e | | 8
Vacant Unit | Ri | e | |
Waterfront Booze | Ri | | DS |
Zero Cool's Hangar | Ah | p | |
* Ah - Alpha
* Dt - Downtown
* Ga - Gamma
* Hv - Haven
* Hi - Highrise
* Md - Midway
* Mn - Mines
* Po - Port
* Re - Reservoir
* Ri - Riverside

* a - Aliens
* c - Police (cops)
* e - Empty, but purchasable
* k - Klamp-G
* l - Lazarus
* p - Independent Pirate/Scavenger
* s - Skinner
* u - Scrubber

* BD - Builders
* BM - Breaker Maker
* BR - Bar
* CG - Cigar Producer
* DS - Distiller (Alcohol)
* CH - Chemicals Factory
* CL - Clone Producer
* CP - Component Factory
* EA - Estate Agent
* FF - Food and Fur Farm
* HO - Housing (BodyParts)
* LA - Loan Agent
* LW - Lightwell
* MF - Moth Factory
* MM - Machinery Manufacturing
* MN - Mine
* MR - MonoRail Station
* NC - Narcotics Factory
* OP - Ore Processor
* PE - Pod and Engine Factory
* PS - Police Station
* RC - Metal Recycling
* SW - Software Installer
* TP - Trading Post
* TX - Taxi/Cab Base
* WA - Water Treatment
* WM - Weapons Manufacturer
* WS - Weapons Reseller

* 1 - U3 only.
* 2 - U1.0+. Originally Vacant 0039.
* 3 - Replaced by Central Industrial in U3 beta 1. Reintroduced at the
location of Vacant 0007 in U3 beta 5.
* 4 - U3 beta 5 only.
* 5 - Replaced by Shears Yard in U3.
* 6 - Replaced by Debriefing Zone in U3 beta 5.
* 7 - Replaced by Smart Weapons Corp in U3 beta 5.
* 8 - Replaced by Clone Farm in U1.0.
* 9 - Also offers repairs.
* 10 - Also MonoRail station.
* 11 - Also supplies Chemicals.
* 12 - Only produces CompComp.
* 13 - Repair services available. Other services unknown.
* 14 - Also offers certain Breaker Maker products, but not including repairs.



B. Non-Moth Production Requirements and Locations Table

The number of items required in production is based on U3 beta 5, however is
thought to apply to all versions. Production locations are based on U2.04
unless the item is specific to U3. Note that U3 has modified a number of
production locations, including adding locations for previously non-producible
items. Faction specific production is ignored, since most of the time trade is
impossible. Faction facilities work on a similar basis to public businesses of
with similar sounding names.


| | | | | |F| | | | | | | |
Items | | | | | |u| | | | | | | |
Required | | | | |E|s| | | | |S|S| |
for | |C| | |x|i| |M| | |c|h| |
Production | |h|C| |p|o| |a| |P|r|e| |
| |e|o|E|l|n| |c| |l|a|e| |
__________ | |m|m|x|o| | |h| |a|p|t| |
\ |N|i|p|M|s|P| |P| |s|M|M|W|
\ |o|c|C|e|i|a|G|a| |t|e|e|a|
Item \ |t|a|o|t|v|r|e|r|O|i|t|t|t|
Made \ |e|l|m|a|e|t|m|t|r|c|a|a|e| Produced At
Afterburner | | | | |4| | | | | | |1| |
Alcohol | |1| | | | | | | | | | |1|Waterfront Booze, Skinners Outpost
Big Bob |P| | | |1|2| | | | | |3| |Dr Jobes, DT Munitions
Blaster |A| |2|1|6| | | | | | |1| |Smart Weapons Corp
BodyParts |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |Conurbations and similar housing
Cell #1 | |1| | | | | | | |1| | |1|DT and Craven Comp, Riverside Parts
Cell #2 | |1| | | | | | | |2| | |1|DT and Craven Comp, Riverside Parts
Cell #3 | |2| | | | | | | |2| | |2|DT and Craven Comp, Riverside Parts
Cell #4 | |2| | | | | | | |3| | |3|DT and Craven Comp, Riverside Parts
Chaff | | | | | | | | | | | |1| |DT and Craven Comp, Riverside Parts
Chemicals |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |DT & Riv Chem, AgroChem, Sewage Ctrl
Cigars |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |Bill Moritz, Scrubber Outpost
Clone |B| | | | | | | | | | | | |Clone Farm
CompComp | | | |1| | |1| | |1| | | |DT & Craven Comp, R Parts, Techparts
Component Mach |C| |2| | | | |6| |2| |6| |Central Industrial
Constmat |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |Prison Mine
Devastator | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Disabler |A| | | | | | | | | | | | |Smart Weapons Corp
Distiller |C| | | | | | | | | | | | |Central Industrial
Drone | | | | | | | | | |1| |2| |DT and Craven Comp, Riverside Parts
Engine #1 | | | | | | | |2|2|2| | | |
Engine #2 | | | | | | | |3|2|2| | | |
Engine #3 | | | | | | | |3|3|3| | | |
ExMetal | | | | | | | | |1| | | | |Ore Processing, Ore Proc2, Ore House
Explosives |O|2| | | | | | | |1| | | |DT and Riverside Chemicals, AgroChem
FireBurst | | |3|3|3| |3| | | | |3| |Dr Jobes, DT Munitions
Flares |O|4| | | | | | | |1| | | |DT and Riverside Chemicals, AgroChem
Food |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |Klamp and Laz Macros, Charlies Pizza
Fumbler |A| |2|1|1| | |1| | | |1| |Smart Weapons Corp
Furs |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |Klamp and Laz Macros
Fusion Cell |P|1| | | |1| | | |1| | |1|DT and Craven Comp, Riverside Parts
Fusion Parts |P| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Gems |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |Prison Mine
GroundBase | | |3|3|3| |3| | | | |3| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Hologram | | |6| | | |1|1| | | |1| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Large Pod | | |2| | | | |2| |3| |4| |
Largest Pod | | |2| | | | |2| |3| |5| |
Laser | | |1|1| | |1|1| | | |1| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Laser Turret | | |2|3| | |1|2| | | |2| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
MachParts | | | | | | | | | | | |1| |DT and Craven Comp, Riverside Parts
Matter |P| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Medium Pod | | |2| | | | |2| |2| |3| |
Narcotics | |1| | | | | | | | | | | |General Industrial
Narcotron |C| |3| | | | |6| |3| |5| |Central Industrial
Ore |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |Prison Mine
Ore Processor |C| |2| | | | |6| |2| |5| |Central Industrial
Plasmakannon | | |1|3| | |1|2| | | |2| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Plastics |O|2| | | | | | | | | | | |DT and Riverside Chemicals, AgroChem
Power Leach | | | | |2| | | | | | |4| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Pulse Laser | | |1|3| | |2|3| | | |3| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
ScrapMetal |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |
SheetMetal |X| | | | | | | |1| | | | |Ore Processing, Ore Proc2, Ore House
SheetMetal |X| | | | | | | | | |1| | |Junkyard, DT Recyc, Scrub X, Recyc J
Small Pod | | |1| | | | |2| |2| |2| |
Smallest Pod | | |1| | | | |1| |1| |1| |
Sprat | | | | |1| | | | | | |2| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Starshells |O|4| | | | | | | |1| | | |DT and Riverside Chemicals, AgroChem
Swarm | | | | |1| | | | | | |4| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Tac-Nuke |P| | | |1|1| | | | | |3| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Trigger |P| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Trojan |D| |1| |1| | | | | | |4| |
UnderKill | | |3|3|3| |3| | | | |3| |Dr Jobes, Downtown Munitions
Water |R| | | | | | | | | | | | |Klamp and Laz Purifiers, Sewage Ctrl
Weapons Mach |C| |2| | | | |6| |2| |7| |Central Industrial
Item / |o|h|o|x|x|u|e|a|r|l|c|h|a| Produced At
Made / |t|e|m|M|p|s|m|c|e|a|r|e|t|
/ |e|m|p|e|l|i|s|h| |s|a|e|e|
__________/ |s|i|C|t|o|o| |P| |t|p|t|r|
| |c|o|a|s|n| |a| |i|M|M| |
| |a|m|l|i| | |r| |c|e|e| |
Items | |l|p| |v|P| |t| |s|t|t| |
Required | |s| | |e|a| |s| | |a|a| |
for | | | | |s|r| | | | |l|l| |
Production | | | | | |t| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |s| | | | | | | |
A - U3 beta 5+
B - U1.0+
C - U3
D - U2.02+
O - Although this has production requirements, all are permanently available
at the point of production, making these seem like raw materials.
P - Only producible after certain plot events.
R - Raw Material.
S - Production process involves internal sub-component manufacture. This sub-
manufacturing is not obvious to players so is aggregated in the figures shown.
X - Alternative production requirement depending on method of production.



C. Moth Production Requirements Table

The number of items required in production is based on U3 beta 5, however is
thought to apply to all versions. Moths require various sub-components to be
manufactured first. Some of these - frames and engines - are manufactured as
internal production at the Moth factory. In order to produce a moth, items
listed under "Aggregate Production" need to be supplied. Full requirements are
shown to assist planning deliveries.


---------------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + ----------------------------
|D| | | |P| | | | Internal Sub-Production
|e| | | |o| | | | -------------------+-+-+-+-+
|a| |M|N|l| | | | | | | |S|
Moth |t| |o|e|i|S| | | Items |M| | |h|
Made |h| |o|o|c|i|S| | Required |a| |P|e|
|s| |n| |e|l|w| | for |c| |l|e|
| | | |T| |v|a| | Production |h| |a|t|
____________ |H|H|M|i|M|e|l| | _______________ |P| |s|M|
\ |e|a|o|g|o|r|l| | \ |a| |t|e|
Requirements \ |a|w|t|e|t|-|o| | Item \ |r|O|i|t|
\|d|k|h|r|h|Y|w| | Made \ |t|r|c|a|
---------------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | \|s|e|s|l|
Internal Production | -------------------+-+-+-+-+
---------------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Deaths Head Frame |2| |2|3|
Cell #1 | | |1| | |1|1| | Engine #1 |2|2|2| |
Cell #2 | | | |1| | | | | Engine #2 |3|2|2| |
Cell #3 |1|1| | |1| | | | Engine #3 |3|3|3| |
Deaths H Frame |1| | | | | | | | Hawk Frame |2| |3|2|
Engine #1 | | |1| | |1|1| | Moon Moth Frame |2| |1|2|
Engine #2 | |1| |1| | | | | Neo Tiger Frame |6| |4|7|
Engine #3 |1| | | |1| | | | Police Moth Frame |6| |6|8|
Hawk Frame | |1| | | | | | | Silver-Y Frame |2| |1|2|
Laser |1|1|1|1|1|1|1| + -------------------+-+-+-+-+
Moon M Frame | | |1| | | | |
Neo T Frame | | | |1| | | |
Police M Frame | | | | |1| | |
Silver-Y Frame | | | | | |1|1|
Aggregate Production
Cell #1 | | |1| | |1|1|
Cell #2 | | | |1| | | |
Cell #3 |1|1| | |1| | |
Laser |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|
MachParts |5|5|4|9|9|4|4|
Ore |3|2|2|2|3|2|2|
Plastics |5|5|3|6|9|3|3|
SheetMetal |3|2|2|7|8|2|2|



D. Plot Video Transcripts

This appendix was written by Arago Fett (Peter Veness) -
http://www.geocities.com/dr_skywalker2000/ , and placed here with his
permission. The transcripts should be particularly useful for anyone trying to
play using one of the lite versions of the game that does not contain the


The Intro Movie

(*Note: The Hardwar Veteran is played by the same actor who plays Psycho Bob.
That's all really.* Starts off with a pounding sound, like hitting a drum with
a soft-head beater [music isn't my forte]. All you can see is Hardwar
Veteran's hand. He lights a cigarette. You hear him puff on it. He flexes his
hand; his knuckles are red raw from the cold. The camera moves to his face.)
I had a girl once.
(A girl is seen in front of a camera. You hear her speak in {}, and bullets
are fired.)
She's gone. {Suck on that, space boy!}
(The image of his girl repeats on the screen, like a broken record. Friendly
dog barks are heard.)
I had a dog too.
(A B&W photo of the dog is seen. It's a Jack Russell.)
He didn't understand.
(The dog barks turn angry.)
He bit me one time.
(He motions to a scar just in front and above of his right temple, and the
barks stop.)
I knew. I had a ship.
(A thin, sleek police moth manoeuvres around a moon moth in what appears to be
a large hangar, with a ceiling and floor, three walls, but with a large open
side. Think airlocks like Star Trek or Star Wars.)
That's when it all started.
(The moths fly away from the building and it explodes.)
There's no good, or bad.
(You see a room full of missiles. The room is flashing in a Red Alert way and
there's a siren. It's a very quick scene.)
You don't ask no questions.
(You see the Police Uber-Clerk through the Police video format.)
PUC: Hardcase are we sir? Everything you've ever known, is gone. Leave it.
Walk away.
(As he continues, a small montage shows radioactive barrels, and the sun
rising on Titan.)
Fractions, equations, right, wrong, Heaven, Hell. Forget it.
(A missile flies towards a building. A turret aims towards it.)
Forget everything.
(The missile hits the building and explodes.)
There's no yesterday, or tomorrow.
(A black screen says, "Titan. Territory: [Misplaced] Optimism. Population:
20,000" and the number scrolls down rapidly.)
All you want's a piece of the action.
(He cocks his laser pistol. It hums as it loads.)
And everyone wants a piece of you.
(A skeleton in a space suit flies through space.)
And what are they gonna say when all this is all over.
(A guy gets beaten up on the floor, elsewhere.)
You think they like you? You think they want to be your friend?
(The PUC briefly appears on screen.)
You can't trust anyone. 'Cause they don't trust you.
(Jason Lazarus rotates on his chair.)
They don't understand when you do something wrong. They want you to pay for
(You see a cam move through a corridor. A white light passes over a grated
floor; the camera is beneath the floor.)
The future used to be something to look forward to.
(A building explodes. The camera is very close to HV's face.)
It's a crock a' shit. There's a war going on out there.
(The word 'War' flies in from the right with a metallic clunk.)
And it ain't easy.
(The word 'Hard' flies in from the left with a metallic clunk. A moon-moth
shoots out from Titan's atmosphere, and Titan turns red and volcanic.
'HardWar' appears on the screen and the rest goes blank. The Future Is Greedy
is burned in green under it, and the [] on top of the a is locked on.)


Lazarus: An Apology

(Lazarus logo. Jason Lazarus sits in a egg-shell shaped chair. His back is to
the camera.)
The Lazarus Family wish to apologise to aviators caught up in the turbulence
created by the Lazarus test ships. Unfortunately,
(He rotates in the chair to face the camera.)
individuals killed or injured due to such activities, are not likely to
receive compensation. This also applies to any vehicular or structural damage.
These tests are of long term benefit to the entire city. Thank you.
(He turns away from the camera. Lazarus logo: The future is something to look
forward to...)


Lazarus: New Measures

(Lazarus logo. Brief shot of construction workers working. Jason Lazarus shows
his profile to the camera)
Recently, an air of... antagonism has swept over the city.
(Shot of workers. Jason turns his head to the camera.)
Further to the upsetting behaviour of other forces, the Lazarus Family has
engaged in a limited measure of nuclear strikes. An effort, to prevent more
bloodshed on our part. Thank you.
(Jason Lazarus turns back to profile view. Lazarus logo: Your troubles are our


Klamp-G: Denial

(Klamp logo. Klamp-G spokesperson is sitting, and looking directly at camera.)
Klamp-G have no nuclear transport capabilities. These reports are rumours
generated by opponents and competitors with little regard for our citizens.
(Close up on top half of head; eyes and nose.)
Action is being taken to ensure Klamp airspace is not violated again.
(Close up on her left eye.)
This is a warning.
(Klamp logo.)


Klamp-G: Response

(Klamp logo. As in Denial, but camera further zoomed out.)
Conflict within the city has reached a new ceiling of stupidity. With regard
to such carnage, Klamp are employing the phrase;
(Zoom on left eye.)
an eye for an eye.
(Return to original zoom.)
Thank you for your continued support in these desperate times.
(Klamp logo.)


Psycho Bob: After *Congratulations*

(Psycho Bob logo. Psycho Bob appears, sitting. He leans forward.)
By a process of natural selection, it appears that you are the best operative
for this assignment. Now, I need you to sniff out the locations of where
Klamp-G, and Lazarus, are keeping their nuclear test ships.
(Camera switches to overhead, grainy, black and white.)
I don't know if you read the reports,
(Normal camera)
but radiation levels north of Reservoir, and west of Riverside seem to
indicate that these are the best places to look right now.
(He sniffs. Very brief overhead B&W cam, before normal camera. Camera closes
on his face.)
Keep below a hundred feet, and you'll achieve radar invisibility. Your display
unit will indicate this by colour change. But be warned, folks will still be
able to spot you visually.
(Zoom in on mouth.)
And this we do not want. You bring ANY disturbance back here, and I will not
be a happy man.
(Normal camera.)
But do this thing right, and I'm sure I can find you some more work.
(He puffs his cigar. Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: After *Good Job*

(Psycho Bob logo. Psycho Bob is talking into his headset communicator.)
Listen! I order, you deliver! That's the system! That's the way it works you
dumb fuck! If I have to come down there again, I will personally blow-torch
random individuals!
(Overhead B&W cam.)
That kind of attitude really burns my ass. You must of heard about the
bombing. Shoot,
(Normal cam.)
you might even have helped with a few. It don't matter a shit to me, either
way. But if you were involved, you might have some idea of how we can get our
hands on some goodies. I need triggers, and radioactive materials. Try looking
in and around the locations we've squirted into your navigation system. We
gotta have those components, asap. While there's still a city, to be miserable
(He laughs. Overhead B&W cam. Bob stands, and looks at the B&W cam.)
Bob out.
(He presses a button on his wrist-comp. Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: After obtaining Trigger and Matter

(Psycho Bob logo. B&W cam in a corridor. Bob talks with his assistant. *Not
quite sure what Bob says here, it's not very clear. But here goes.*)
Bob: Hey, there's nothing wrong with those rat suits.
Assistant: Bob, they date back to the colonial years!
(Cam crackles - moves to head close-ups)
Bob: I'll do 'em myself.
Assistant: Okay, forget it.
(Assistant walks off. Camera keeps switching between zooms. Final zoom goes to
Bob's head.)
Am I a one man operation here or what?
(Camera switch to assistant, walking off. Goes back to colour, in front of
You're a credit to us all flier. Give me a couple of days to take a look at
what you found. Then I'll get back to you. You won't be disappointed.
(Camera zoom on wrist-comp. Bob presses buttons. Zoom back to Bob's face.)
Bob out.
(Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: After *New Instructions*

(Psycho Bob logo. Overhead B&W cam. Bob's looking at B&W cam. A doctor is
continually examining Bob.)
Feeling... a little rough today flier. Yeah, guess it's something I ate.
(Normal cam. You can now see Bob has lesions and spots on parts of his face.)
Doc figures it's a little fault getting into the food chain, after those MAD
(He coughs.)
We're fitting your ship with our own prototype rocket, as we speak. It's a
Psycho Bobs special! It's not as big as theirs, but the next batch... will be.
You think you could get into one of those bases belonging to the factions, and
get one of those wrecked fusion ships? I put the co-ordinates into your
navigation system, just to be on the safe side. This could be the break we've
been waiting for. Come back here if you succeed, or, if you need more ammo.
(Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: After Come On Home

(Psycho Bob logo. Bob is concealed by a lack of light. You can make out part
of his head, bathed in red light.)
Way to go man. Got yourself a crate of beer for that one.
(He leans forward. His entire face is covered in boils and other deformities.
His voice sounds very grating.)
We'll get this analysed. But in the mean time, keep your ears open... for a
new transmission from us.
(He pulls back into the darkness, and laughs almost undetectably. Psycho Bob


Psycho Bob: After Unknown Origin Analysis

(Psycho Bob logo. Bob is lying on a grey bed, the camera overhead at about 20
degrees. There is no uninfected skin on his face. There is a rhythmic black
shadow passing over Bob; like a fan is above him. He's speech is slowed.)
We ran a whole... battery of tests... on that unknown cargo... The results are
pretty dark, my friend... It appears to be... some kind of... carbon-based
machine... as far as we can work out.
(Zoom to face on 'DNA')
But get this... it's made from human... DNA. Some Frankenstein is making
machines... out of our own people... down there in the Port district. Klamp-
G... and Lazarus... are giving them... exactly... what they want... And in
return... they get weapons... and fusion powered ships.
(Normal camera. There is a long pause as Bob struggles to light a cigar. His
hand shakes as he moves the lighter to the end of the cigar. After taking the
first puff, he coughs. The camera slowly zooms until it reaches the eyes/nose
position at the end.)

Ain't life cheap? That Gangbanger was right after all... No wonder Charlie's
Secret Pizza... went out of business yesterday... This is Psycho Bob...
leaning to the left... Transmission... over...
(The screen slowly fades to black. No logo.)


Psycho Bob: After the Apprentice's Message

(Psycho Bob logo. Bob's apprentice is directly in front of the camera, but
solemnly avoids looking at the camera. Bob has died from his illness.)
It's a sad day for all of us. Bob did some inspired work.
(She looks at the camera.)
He wouldn't want us to give up fighting now. We have one more nuclear device.
It's being fitted to your ship right now. Take it to the tunnel linking the
Mine and Port craters and see if you can open the place up.
(Close-up cam.)
Bob was certain that Lazarus or Klamp were hiding something in there. Come
back when you've finished. Good luck, aviator.
(She looks down and touches a control off-screen. Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: After Failing to Destroy the Port Blockage

(Psycho Bob logo. Camera as in Port Block 1.)
We need to get a better look at what the corporations are sitting on in the
port area. We need to create a bigger bang. We've got the raw materials thanks
to a lucky windfall during the convoy raids. With enough distraction, we can
build the mother of all warheads. You must keep the gangs and factions
preoccupied. Fly carefully.
(Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: After Normal Action Period

(Psycho Bob logo. Camera as in Port Block 1. She talks into a hand-held
communicator for a moment.)
Are we ready?
(Her eyes dart back and forth as she listens to the response. Zoom to face.)
A couple of techs are fitting a missile to your ship. We think the
corporations are hiding an escape route from this dirtball situated in the
back of Port district. You are going to go in, and open it up. If e really
does equal mc squared, then this missile is going to open up that rear-
entrance like a nuclear laxative. Good luck.
(Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: After the Port Storm Rescue

(Psycho Bob logo. Normal camera as in Port Block 1, starts out as zoomed to
Still in one piece flier?
(Normal camera.)
From that experience in the Port area, it seems you need better shields. A
Fusion Drive is an exotic item, but it's the only thing powerful enough to
soup up your defence system.
(Zoom to face.)
You could try the convoys on coming back from their body drops at Port. If and
when you acquire one, drop it off here and I'll give you further instructions.
(She pauses.)
Your carcass is probably one of the most sought after in the city. Watch
yourself out there.
(She turns back to her typing. Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: After obtaining a Fusion Cell

(Psycho Bob logo. The Apprentice walks in from the left (your left) in the
same corridor as seen in After Obtaining Trigger and Matter. She is holding a
So you got the Fusion Drive? You're full of surprises aviator.
(Slight zoom out.)
There's an operative over at Bob 2. He can wire up the engine to your shield.
Syd is the only engineer in the city who knows the correct procedure. Once
fitted, you should be able to find out exactly what's happening in the Port
area. Get over there now, there's no time to lose.
(Normal cam. She walks away from the camera, eventually off to the right of
the screen.)
Don't blow it now, flier. We're too close.
(Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: After going to Bob 2/Prison Oubliette

(Psycho Bob logo. Camera as in Port Block 1. The Apprentice runs in from the
left. The room is filling with smoke, an alarm can be heard in the distance.)
The whole things been blown open, the factions are onto us! You're on your own
now flier! Good luck on the outside...
(A loud popping noise can be heard. The Apprentice reacts, and runs off to the
right. Three men wearing gas masks, entirely dressed in black, run in from the
left. They are each holding some sort of pipe. They start smashing everything
around. One of the men starts to run off to the right, but notices the camera.
He swings his pipe at it, and the transmission ends in static.)


Xavier Lazarus: First Meeting

(Lazarus logo. Xavier, an old man, is lying on some sort of bed, with a
reflective screen above him. He holds a small remote control with a joystick
on it in his right hand.)
Ah... a visitor. One with a face... I'd offer you some tea but for our rude
means of communication... You probably don't remember tea. I see you have
received them too. Please, allow me to translate.
(He twiddles with the joystick and it beeps.)
It has taken me a while. In time, anything can be solved.
(He twiddles with the joystick again.)
There... the results have been loaded into your mail system.
(A typewriter noise is heard, probably displaying the message to Xavier. He
looks offscreen.)
Ah... interesting. Yes... Time... Call again when you have more transmissions.
I look forward to it. Farewell, Flier.
(Lazarus logo.)


Xavier Lazarus: Second Meeting

(Lazarus logo.)
So, you return. You have more transmissions from our friends in Port? We'll
have those translated eh?
(He twiddles with the joystick.)
Call again, Flier.
(Lazarus logo.)


Xavier Lazarus: Third Meeting (Recurring)

(Lazarus logo.)
You have more communications for our friends in Port?
(He twiddles with the joystick.)
Call again, Flier.
(Lazarus logo.)


Xavier Lazarus: Fourth Meeting - After Klamp's Warning

(Camera starts out looking at Xavier. It moves to the reflective screen with
'I wish'.)
Ah... still alive eh? I wish I could say the same for myself.
(Switch to Xavier's face. It slowly zooms out.)
Soon, it will all be over. Not much left for you here flier. Up here, I can
intercept the transmissions of the entire city.
(Reflective view.)
Mundane, mostly. However, your escapades have made my Winter most
(Zoomed out view, zooming in to his face.)
They will kill you, eventually, of course. They always do. That is why you
must leave. They should have been our friends, you know.
(Reflective view, zooming into the mirror.)
That could not be so. Syd, that unfortunate young man. His information has led
to the creation of a prototype craft.
(Zooms out from mirror.)
The vessel is unarmed, but it will allow an individual to safely enter the
Port area. Escape is your only chance. I have taken the liberty of informing
your ship computer of it's location. They will be leaving soon. If I were in
your position, I would take the invitation seriously.
(Quick zoom to face, then reflective.)
One other thing; I understand that it is not your favoured mode of travel, but
the cab or monorail would not betray your identity as easily as your moth.
(Normal, slow zooming out camera.)
Farewell, flier. To the next life...
(Lazarus logo.)


Gang Boy: After completion of Help!

(No logo. There are three main cameras; Standard front view, a very clear
below view with little + in the four corners of the screen, and a close B&W
cam near Gang Boy's belt.)
Oh you're good.
(+ cam, switches to B&W at the end of the sentence as he sheathes his knife.)
Beats me why you aren't working for a gang already.
(Normal cam.)
But hey, I'm glad you're not. Or I might have been part of that cargo myself.
(+ cam.)
Oh yeah. Klamp-G and the Lazarus Family have been shipping their bodies out to
(Normal cam.)
Oh, that's right. Stiffs. Why? Beats the shit outta me.
(Camera switches between many different views as he arms himself.)
Look, as soon as food production went through the roof a few weeks back, more
and more pork has been going through the door. Hmm?
(Normal cam.)
Now we never used to take the bodies all the way out there. We just recycled
the poor bastards in the towers where they died.
(More quick cam switching.)
Yeah alright, I'm outta here. Or they'll be looking for me, hmm? Hey, one
thing I learned as a kid; you wanna disappear in this place, you go on foot.
(+ cam. He looks around.)
The Fusion Engine...
(Normal cam.)
It's yours. You know what doesn't make any sense?
(Close up, then normal cam.)
Bodies go there. Bombs come back. Crazy planet we live on, ain't it? And watch
your E numbers.
(Message closes.)


Gang Boy: Press release at Hardwarp FM

(Hardwarp FM logo. The Gang Defector [quite an old man] walks in, to be
blinded by the flashes of cameras. They die down and he talks. The camera
consistently shifts to different angles, some of them B&W. *His first line is
impossible to understand. I hope I got it right.*)
Can't do this no more. Pain o' death is their incentive. I can't function
under those conditions! I forget how many... we took so many... Bodies, down
to the Port district. Old people. Women. Children. Heh, it doesn't matter to
them as long as the machinery keeps turning! Whatever's happening down there,
it's using up more and more of the city's population! Someone's got to put a
stop to this madness! The factions shouldn't be allowed to do this. Take
normal people like me. Take bodies down there and bring dangerous radioactive
cargo back! And for what? For the honour of becoming radiation shielding
myself one day! My brother disappeared last week. My own brother! Do you
understand? Do ya? Bodies? Radioactives? Garbled Messages? Xavier...! Old man
Lazarus. Him! He knows.
(He taps his forehead and gestures pointing up. Hardwarp logo.)


Prison Oubliette: Klamp's Warning

(Prison logo. Camera is central, and the Warden is standing on the left. He
approaches the center of the screen. Note: All text in {} is spoken by the
Persistance has it own rewards, pilot. On this occasion, I have no other
choice. Should I give you what you want, I wonder...
(Close-up cam.)
Can you handle what you're buying into? Code 101 activated {Code 1} Access is
{Accepted} granted.
(The Warden storms off to the right. The screen goes blank for a few seconds.
Then it reappears, looking directly at a beaten and battered Syd. He's
standing, but stumbles frequently. The camera is very grainy, and constantly
changes colour, moving from colour to monochrome.)
They can go anywhere now... even into the Port crater. I worked a way to wire
a moth's shield into one of those weird... fusion engines. They're more
powerful than... ever.
(The door slides open off screen. Footsteps approach.)
Get... to Hightower. Xavier... Lazarus...
(Laser shots are fired. Syd grunts, and falls to the floor, off screen. The
Klamp-G spokesperson walks on from the right, smiling.)
What a waste. Of ammunition I mean.
(Camera switches to Syd, dead on the floor.)
He was doomed, quite naturally.
(Camera back to Klamp person.)
And here you are. The aviator. You could have enjoyed the pleasures and
benefits of a career with Klamp. If this city is to drag itself out of the
cesspool we need to eradicate the scum. Not that you're any worse than most.
Misplaced Optimism is full of the maverick breed. At least you can console
yourself with the fact you won't be the first. Or indeed the last. Enjoy your
future aviator. It's short, but very bright.
(No logo.)


The Final Cutscene

Since this cutscene has no speech, I can explain it without the parentheses.
The whole cutscene is played out to the song Dome Epais (The Flower Duet) by
Leo Delibes. If you don't know what it sounds like, there's a midi here,
http://www.geocities.com/dr_skywalker2000/domeepais.mid . The first 10 seconds
aren't played, but the rest is. It's also played much slower, and has the
opera singers in it (it's called a duet for a reason.) It's worth pointing out
that all the buildings are pre-rendered here. They never use in-game graphics
for cutscenes. Makes it look that little bit nicer.
It starts out with a zoom to Xavier Lazarus. He's holding a new remote and
clutching it to his chest. The Alien Mothership blasts off from the Abandoned
Terminal, as the East Mass Driver explodes. As it shoots through the
atmosphere, a blue energy bolt shoots out of it, and pulls your moth up with
it. There's a brief close-up of your moon-moth. The Mothership continues to
ascend, pulling your moth closer and closer to it.
It switches to a side-shot of Xavier, starting with the hand. You can clearly
see a small red button on the remote. The camera turns to look at Xavier. The
camera then switches again; to Police Chief Saffle, typing away; to Jason
Lazarus, sitting in his chair; to the second gang-defector, smiling grimly
with a bottle of something; to the Gang Boy, raising his hands in surrender
and turning to face whoever is off-screen. There is a building exploding in
the background.
The blue energy beam has turned into some kind of appendage, and it closes up
around your moth. Then the appendage is absorbed back into the Mothership, and
it's rate of ascent becomes even more rapid. Back to Xavier. The camera moves
down to a side-shot of the remote, slowly moving down and fading between
angles, getting closer, and closer. At the maximum zoom, Xavier firmly pushes
down on the red button.
A building explodes (it might be the Lazarus HQ building, I'll check). The
Mothership rockets through the atmosphere. Chief Saffle looks up from his
typing. The Klamp-G spokesperson looks very frightened in a flashing-red
corridor. Jason Lazarus turns his head to the camera. Chief Saffle's
electronic monocle falls out. The building continues to explode.
The bottom of the Mothership is now completely white from sheer engine power.
It smashes it's way through the atmosphere. The Gang Boy moves his hands down
and draws his laser pistols, firing at the unseen enemy. The Mothership is
almost free from the atmosphere. The second Gang Defector looks at the large
monitor behind him, playing some film, and keeps smiling. The camera zooms out
from Xavier, showing an image of Syd, and then the Apprentice at half opacity.
There's a close-up shot of the Apprentice from an earlier cutscene, then a
close-up of Psycho Bob from an early cutscene.
The Mothership flashes red as it escapes the planet. In the same view, the
entire surface of Titan instantly turns red and volcanic. The Mothership
shoots through space, and Titan explodes in a turquoise blast. The Mothership
outruns the turquoise shockwave, and as the shockwave dissipates, the
Mothership flies off, and becomes another glinting light among the stars. Fade
to black.



E. Non-Plot Video Transcripts

This appendix was written by Arago Fett (Peter Veness) -
http://www.geocities.com/dr_skywalker2000/ , and placed here with his
permission. The transcripts should be particularly useful for anyone trying to
play using one of the lite versions of the game that does not contain the


Lazarus: Third Message

(Lazarus logo. The camera looks directly at Jason, and slowly zooms in.)
The Lazarus Family have no comment concerning the speculation and... rumours
surrounding our operations within the Port district. Everything we do is in
the interest of the citizen. Thank you.
(Lazarus logo.)


Lazarus: Fourth Message

(Lazarus logo. Jason is sitting with his chair about 120 degrees away from the
A special announcement for a friend out there.
(He rotates to face the camera.)
The Lazarus Family will not tolerate thieves or liars. Return what belongs to
us and no further action will be taken.
(He starts to turn back around, then pauses.)
Thank you.
(He finishes turning. Lazarus logo.)


Klamp-G: Third Message

(Klamp logo. Camera as in Klamp Response.)
We know who you are. We will find out where you are.
(Close to shoulders and head.)
The theft of our cargo is a matter beyond formal announcement.
(Close to top half of head.)
Lie low, flier.
(Klamp logo.)


Klamp-G: Fourth Message

(Klamp logo. Camera as in Klamp Response.)
Klamp-G answer to no-one. Situations change. This one doesn't. Anyone caught
interfering with important research activity in the Port area will be hunted,
and terminated.
(Klamp logo.)


Police Fine - Chief Saffle 1

(Police logo. Chief Saffle walks on from the left.)
Think of it as saving for that rainy day sir.
(Close up on face.)
After all, you never know what's going to happen... out there. So much...
safer world with us around the corner. Steady as she goes sir.
(Normal camera. Saffle walks off to the left. Police logo: You serve, we


Police Fine - Chief Saffle 2

(Police logo. Close up on Saffle's face.)
At ease flier.
(Camera distorts.)
I recognise a gentleman of this kind when I see one. A payment in time, saves
nine, as they say. Keep up the good work.
(Saffle walks off to the left. Police logo: You serve, we protect.)


Police Fine - Chief Saffle 3

(Police logo. Saffle moves in from the left. There is a very slight picture
bending in the middle of the screen.)
Thank you very much sir. It's all part of the service.
(Close up on face.)
(Saffle walks off to the left. Police logo: You serve, we protect.)


Police Fine - Police Uber Clerk 1

(Police logo. Front shot of the Uber Clerk. The camera has extreme distortion,
that ripples with change that ranges from colour distortion, to bending, to
pixelation. In the top corner, the words 'Link Unstable' are printed.)
There, that wasn't too painful. We're similar to waiters; we like our tips.
The police are here to protect and to serve. You serve, and we protect. It
wouldn't be nice if anything were to happen to you, out there.
(Police logo: You serve, we protect.)


Police Fine - Police Uber Clerk 2

(Police logo. Camera as in PUC 1.)
In a world without taxes,
('Link Unstable' becomes 'Transmission Secure'. The camera becomes clear, with
some slight static occasionally.)
It's implaudible to channel money back into the system. At least with us
you'll always know what the time is. Have a safe flight sir.
('Transmission Secure' becomes 'Link Unstable' The camera turns all super-
coloured. Police logo: You serve, we protect.)


Police Fine - Police Uber Clerk 3

(Police logo. The PUC walks up to the camera.)
What the eye never sees, the heart never grieves. Thank you for your
generosity sir.
(Police logo: You serve, we protect.)


Police: Ship Impounded - Chief Saffle 4

(Police logo. Saffle is sitting at a desk. He takes out his monocle. Two
masked techs are working behind him. He looks off to his right. An offscreen
officer replies.)
Is there really no-one else able to take this transmission? Officer: Sorry
sir, working on another case right now sir. Absolute bloody shower the lot of
(He looks at the camera. Close up on shoulders and head.)
So, just what do you hope to achieve by this? I think some kind of punative
action is in order, what? If there is a next time, I suggest you become a
trifle more generous.
(He stamps his book.)
Ship impounded, over and out roger. Roger... yes...
(Police logo: SHIP IMPOUNDED.)


Police: Ship Impounded - Chief Saffle 5

(Police logo. Scene as in Saffle 4.)
Sorry sir. Examples are an imperative when discouraging such... abominable
behaviour. Well, I suppose that's your lot then. No remission.
(He stamps his book. Close up on face.)
Ship impounded. There.
(Police logo: SHIP IMPOUNDED.)


Police: Ship Impounded - Chief Saffle 6

(Police logo. Saffle is at the desk, and there are four crying convict
children next to him, dressed in red t-shirts.)
Now now then, no tears. I pilfered a few candy bars when I was a youngster.
Only I was never caught. Get them out of here. Look alive man! Child: HATE
(The children are escorted off to the left.)
One really ought to take police fines more seriously sir. Too late now though.
What a pity.
(He stamps his book.)
Ship impounded.
(He picks up a newspaper.)
A little parental guidance, that's all it takes.
(Police logo: SHIP IMPOUNDED.)


Police: Ship Impounded - Police Uber Clerk 4

(Police logo. Camera as in Uber 3.)
Security and insurance are exotic around here sir. This payoff is the best
indemnity you'll find.
(The PUC looks to his right as someone gets beaten up. The camera switches to
see vague shots of the person getting beaten up. The camera switches back to
the PUC, but the punching sounds continue.)
Relax. You're in safe hands.
(Police logo: SHIP IMPOUNDED.)


Ship Impounded - Police Uber Clerk 5

(Police logo. The camera angle is the same as Uber 3, but the screen is
distorted, the bottom third of the screen has rolled over to become the top
You've made a terrible mistake flier. Call me old fashioned, but I think
you're going to regret this deeply. Good luck, outside.
(Police logo: SHIP IMPOUNDED.)


Psycho Bob: Forgot to target Secret HQs

(Psycho Bob logo. Bob's Apprentice is off-screen. The camera is looking
directly at the pizza. *Note* At 'do that job' the camera switches to a close
zoom, and looks really badly blended, like the sentence was put together from
two seperate takes of the scene. Not really relevant, but an interesting piece
of trivia.)
Charlie's Secret Pizza.
(Camera looks at Bob.)
Fast food, fast taste. Yes sir. Apprentice: Bob you're eating rubbish! Mmm,
seems good to me. Hmm, I wonder what's the secret.
(Camera zooms to the pizza, entering Bob's mouth.)
Apprentice: You don't want to know.
(Camera back to Bob.)
No, heh-heh-heh, maybe not.
(He looks at the camera.)
Look pal, our relationship can not progress until you do that job for me.
(Switch to face.)
I've invested time and equipment, and if you're serious, I expect you to do
the same.
(Zoom to Bob's mouth.)
Come back when you've targetted the locations of those bases.
(He puts another piece of pizza in his mouth.)
See ya.
(Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: Forgot to bring both trigger and matter

(Psycho Bob logo. Bob is lying on the floor. The camera starts out on his
torso, and moves up to his head. He is wearing an eye protecter and mouth mask
while welding. He pulls off the mask and coughs.)
Hey, c'mon man. I need those triggers and radioactives. One is no goddamned
good without the other! Look, I consider it a real favour. I'm up to my eyes
at the mo. I'm losing ya, neighbour.
(He replaces the mask, then removes it again.)
Where's my wrench?
(He coughs and replaces the mask. Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob: Need more nukes

(Psycho Bob logo. Normal Bob cam, Bob has spots over his face similar to
previous messages.)
That was a brave attempt, fella, but I'm afraid it's of no real use.
(Zoom to face.)
If we don't do something real soon, and get to the bottom of what is going on
around here, there is always the possibility that this may be our last day in
(He pauses.)
Take another missile.
(Zoom even closer.)
It's replay time.
(Psycho Bob logo.)


Psycho Bob 2 - Syd 1

(Psycho Bob 2 logo [has a different animation to the Bob 1 logo, but it's the
same image]. The camera starts off with 100% static, then activates to an
empty room, but Syd walks on from the right and sits at the desk, behind a
Hello? Syd here. Welcome to Psycho Bob... 2, weaponsmith for the discerning.
(The screen goes blank with static then returns to normal.)
Oh. Sorry flier, you're at the wrong address. You're supposed to be at Psycho
Bob 1. Apologies for any inconvenience.
(He leans forward onto the mic and it gives way. He falls forward. No logo.)


Psycho Bob 2 - Syd 2

(Psycho Bob 2 logo. Same scene as Syd 1. The camera has bending distortion
effect all the way through.)
Hi, I'm Syd. Welcome to Psycho Bob 2, weaponsmith... no, Bob's not here,
you'll have to contact him at Psycho Bob 1. The main concern here is weapons
(The camera turns to 100% static for a second, then returns to normal. *Note*
This is to disguise the re-take for the second part. Having Benjamin Shepherd
act the scene then fall off the desk perfectly in the same take probably
proved difficult.)
Sorry flier.
(He smiles, leans on the desk with his elbow, but it gives way. He falls over.
No logo.)


Psycho Bob 2 - Syd 3

(Psycho Bob 2 logo. Scene as in Syd 1. Syd is wearing a mouth mask.)
This is Sy...
(He removes the mask and it slips down over his neck.)
This is Syd at Psycho Bob 2. Sorry, you're expected at Psycho Bob 1. You'll
have to fly over there.
(He begins to lean back in his chair.)
Travel safely.
(The chair gives way. The scene cuts out before he falls any great distance.
No logo.)


Prison Oubliette: Warning 1

(Prison Oubliette logo. The camera starts out at torso level then lifts up to
the Warden's face. There is a heavy echo whenever the Warden speaks.)
You have no business here pilot, this is a place of internment, a place of...
atonement. The Chosen, are here for a purpose; The consideration of right and
wrong. The understanding of good,
(He raises his stick, and the top glows orange. The camera switches to the top
right (his right) part of his head, then back to normal.)
and evil. Time has no place here. Promises and platitudes are needless. There
can be no interruptions.
(Prison Oubliette logo.)


Prison Oubliette: Warning 2

(Prison Oubliette logo. Close zoom to the Warden's face.)
This is a restricted area. Visitation is for the privileged few, a reward for
the faithful. Leave us!
(Prison Oubliette logo.)


Prison Oubliette: Warning 3

(Prison Oubliette logo. Zoomed out view of the Warden.)
The rules are simple. To understand the soul one must understand the flesh.
(Zoomed in view.)
If you are Chosen, pray that I forget your face.
(Prison Oubliette logo.)



F. Modifications

This appendix lists modifications, editors, unofficial patches, and assorted
other files created for Hardwar. Skins and things not directly related to the
game (such as icons) have been excluded. Sites known to be hosting the file
are indicated thus:

* Hardwar.Info - http://www.downloads.hardwar.info/
* Mun - http://www.aqum35.dsl.pipex.com/hardwar/downloads.html
* Zedo - http://zedo.hardwar.org.uk/dexdown.htm

Modifications have been grouped into:

* Fixes - modifications to directly address bugs.
* Gameplay - small, optional changes to gameplay balance or features.
* Editors - tools for those making major changes to the game.

Hardwar E (Enhanced) contains a single set of fixes and gameplay changes. It
is available from Hardwar.info and http://smurphsworld.150m.com/ .



- Alien Moth cockpit fix, by PlaguedMind. File: alienjet.zip. Sites:
Hardwar.Info. For: U3 betas. Extract into Hardwar folder. BLAG moth as Admin -
the fix allows you to see where you are going. A similar file by SnakeBite can
be found here, http://highex.250free.com/hardwar.htm .

- Beta 5 Economy Patch, by Max. File: b5econ.exe, contained in max030610.zip.
Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U3 beta 5. Stabilises game economy - forces AI
pilots to buy immediately and limits prices (avoiding negatives).

- Beta 5 Fixes, by timski. File: beta5_fixes.zip. Sites:
http://www.capsu.org/hardwar/scripts/ . For: U3 beta 5. Scripts intended to
stabilise the economy (partly replaced by Max's patch).

- FixBgID fix, by Max. File: b5fixbgid.exe, contained in beta_p2.zip and
max030610.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U3 beta 5. Allows U3 beta 5 games to
be reloaded correctly ("FixBgID" is the error that is otherwise evoked, that
leads to the game crashing on reload).

- Free disk space check skipping util, by Mun. File: diskspace_skip.exe.
Sites: Hardwar.Info, Mun. For: F2.0 and F2.1 installers. Fixes incorrect disk
space check during installation.

- Hardwar.wld, by Wez. File: hardwarseasawfix.exe (hardwardefaultwld.exe to
return to default). Sites: Hardwar.Info. Fixes problem with AI moths in the
tunnel between Alpha and Downtown.

- Throttle patch, by Max. File: thrusb3b.exe, contained in beta_p2.zip and
max030610.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U3 beta 3/4/5. Fixes throttle on USB
joysticks in U3 beta 3/4, and fixes throttle on non-USB sticks in most cases
for beta 5.



- Admin Powers (Always Admin), by Mun. File: always_admin.exe. Sites
Hardwar.Info, Mun. For: U3 betas. Gives admin powers by default.

- Afterburner mod, by Max. File: as listed below, contained in max030610.zip.
Sites: Hardwar.Info. Creates afterburner that functions like StarShells, not
as a weapon. Custom sound files can be used called "after.wav". Specific
- - abemod.exe = U3 beta 5, energy based afterburner
- - abfmod.exe = U3 beta 5, fuel-based afterburner
- - afbmod.exe = U2.04 and U3 beta 4/5, 'afterburner-on-demand'

- CellMod, by Wez. File: CellMod-R3a.exe (also similarly named older
versions). Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U2.04, U3 beta 4/5. Changes cell capacity
and recharge.

- Dealer mod, by Max. File: dealermod.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U3 betas
4 and 5. Alternative offline "Dealer" startup, which also provides enough
trigger/matter/fusion to complete the plot.

- Hardluck, by Software Refinery. File: hardluck.exe. Sites: Hardwar.Info,
Zedo. Enables "Misc" tab on launcher, with access to debug information, cheat
keys, etc.

- Hardnet, by Ninechars. File/site:
http://www.hardwar.co.uk/hardnet_3b_inst.exe and patch
www.hardwar.co.uk/hardnet_3b1_patch.exe . Helps organise and manage online

- Metric, by Max. File: metric3b4.exe (metric3b4.zip). Sites: Hardwar.Info.
For: U3 beta 4. "Enables SR [Software Refinery] metric units conversion."

- Net mod, by Max. File: netmod.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U3 beta 5. Adds
a small pod to starting ship in network games.

- NoFog, by Max. File: nofog.exe (nofog.zip). Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U2.04,
U3 beta 4/5. Extends 'far fog' depth (but may cause graphics problems).

- Ouch's patches. Various files. For: F2.0 and F2.1. Sites: Zedo. Includes
utility to change base prices. Outdated.

- PodMod, by Max. File: podmod.exe (podmod.zip). Sites: Hardwar.Info. For:
U2.04, U3 beta 4/5. "Extends the variety and capacity of the largest pod."

- Police Enabling Util, by Mun. File: police_fix.exe. Sites: Hardwar.Info,
Mun. For: U2.04, U3.00 betas 3 to 5 (alternative file is available for Hardwar
E). Makes police respawn.

- RaceMod, by Wez. File: RaceMod2.exe (also similarly named older versions).
Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U2.04, U3 beta 4/5. Alters moth weight and engine

- Rapid Fire Mod, by Max. File: rfmod.exe (rfmod.zip). Sites: Hardwar.Info.
For: U2.04, U3 beta 4/5. Fireburst, Swarm, Laser, and LaserTurret fire

- Server restarter, by PlaguedMind. File: asroc.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info and
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/ASROC4.zip . For: U2.04, U3 beta 4/5.
Restarts server games automatically when they crash.

- UIM Bonus Features, by smurph. File: UIM0201 (E.01).zip. Sites: Harwar.info.
For: UIM.02.01. Replaces dead cabs, police active throughout game, semi-
randomizes AI moth types.

- Version switcher, by Mun. File: version_switcher.zip (or similar). Sites:
Harwar.info, Mun. For: All. Switches between "any" version of Hardwar,
including automatic completion of passwords and correcting unexpected
rendering changes.

- Video Skipping Util, by Mun. File: vid_skip.exe. Sites: Hardwar.Info, Mun.
For: F2.0, U2.04, U3. Disables opening video.

- XUp, by Max. File: xup3b34 (U3 beta 3/4) or xup3b5 (U3 beta 5), contained in
beta_p2.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U3 beta 3/4/5. "Increases purchase
manufacture max up values" - increments can be changed from 1 to larger
numbers, making it less time consuming to setup manufacturing hangars that buy
in goods.



- AddMove hangar location editor, by Wez. File: addmove100.zip. Sites:
Hardwar.Info. For: UIM. "To allow tiny buildings (e.g rocks, etc) to be
converted into purchasable hangars."

- ART file editor, by PlaguedMind. File: ARTEditor3.zip. Sites:
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/ARTEditor3.zip . "Needed for the
positioning of lights, radar on police moth, etc." Use in conjuction with SHP

- Beta Hangar Editor, by Wez. File: BetaHangarRev9a.exe (and similar), and see
buildings.txt for a list of building codes. Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U3
betas. Allows hangars to be edited in U3, including changes to name, status,
credits, software, stock, and manufacturing.

- Building Swapping Util, by Mun. File: buildings_swapper.zip. Sites:
Hardwar.Info, Mun. Swaps the map location of pairs of buildings.

- Downtown Log Processing, by Doc Beeblebrox. File: logproc.zip. Sites: Zedo.
For: U3 beta 5. Removes rubbish from log files (for example "invalid goCrater
target"), allowing other error messages to be seen.

- Extractor, by E_Void. File: extsetup.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. Extracts
files from .res files (which contain graphics, models, etc) - with GUI.

- HardEdit, by solidox. File: hardedit204.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U2.x.
Allows base price of items to be changed.

- HardExtract, by solidox. File: hardextract.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info.
Extracts files from .res files (which contain graphics, models, etc) - command
line driven.

- HardHangar, by solidox. File: hardhangar204a.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. For:
U2.02 - may work with U2.04, but not U3. Allows hangars to be edited,
including changes to name, status, credits, stock, and moths.

- HardLook, by REAxion. File: Various, HardLookv___.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info.
For: U2.04 and U3 beta 4. Generic game editor, still under development.

- Material editors, by PlaguedMind. File: HWMaterialEditor.zip. Sites:
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/HWMaterialEditor.zip . "Used to make
custom materials for any new SHP files made." Use in conjuction with SHP

- Misopians, by Flap. File: Various, Misopians_...zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info.
Allows events to be scripted and edits to be made to a live game, notably to
fix problems that occur with AI pilots.

- Moth Viewer, by Software Refinery. File: "Hardwar Moth Viewer.exe". Sites:
Hardwar.Info. View current skins on moth models (Hardwar launcher may need to
be restarted when changing skins).

- PAL Editor, by PlaguedMind. File: pal.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. Open,
modifies and resaves Hardwar .pal files (colour tables).

- Password changer, by Mun. File: password_changer.exe. Sites: Hardwar.Info,
Mun. For U3 betas. Allows pilot passwords to be changed.

- ResEdit, by PlaguedMind. File: resedit.zip. Sites Hardwar.Info,
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/ResEditv1_1.zip . Extracts and recompiles
.res files (which contain graphics, models, etc).

- Server save patch, by Max. File: srvrsv.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info. For: U3
beta 4 (only?). Sets dedicated server to save every minute instead of every

- ShpEditor (original), by PlaguedMind. File: SHPEditor2.zip. Sites:
http://www.geocities.com/blalalaalhahah/SHPEditor2.zip , Hardwar.Info.
Incomplete .shp (moth model) file editor - allows files to be extracted, but
not placed back into the game.

- SHP plugin for 3D Studio Max 6, by PlaguedMind. File: SHPimp2.zip. Sites:
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/SHPimp2.zip (or
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/SHPimp_3dsmax5.zip for 3D Studio Max 5).
Experimental plugin to allow SHP files to be modified. May require DLLs -
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/Dlls.zip .

- Spr2Bmp, by PlaguedMind. File: spr2bmpv4.zip. Sites: Hardwar.Info,
http://www.plaguedmind.dsl.pipex.com/spr2bmpv4.zip . Converts sprite (texture)
files to bmp and back again.



G. Hacking

This section contains various slightly random notes intended to assist people
that wish to hex edit and 'hack' the game. Everything here is entirely at your
own risk - I strongly suggest you copy anything you intend to change...


U2.04 Memory Address Map, based on the writings of flap:

"In this note, I explain where the game stores its data while the game is
running." A full text could be found at Zedo's old forum, but that source is
no longer available. I've edited this down to critical game-specific
information. Note this is relevant to U2.04, and incomplete. All values can
theoretically be edited without crashing the game, unless indicated as "***".

Fixed Addresses:

00 54 71 E4 : The player address (the value gives the player address).
00 55 60 04 : The day.
00 55 66 80 : The time (00 00 00 00 means it is 00.00).
00 4F 30 70 : The fog depth (from 0 to 2).
00 55 55 80 *** : Downtown trader address (first trader in memory).
00 53 E9 B8 (or is it 00 53 E9 BC ?) *** : Limbo! address (first building in
00 54 5E 6C : Pause state (1 = pause, 0 = the game is playing).
00 53 EA 34 : State of the chat box (0 = The box is not on the screen, 1 = The
box is on the screen, you are filling the 'To' field, 2 = The box is on the
screen, you are filling the text field).
00 4F 63 28 : Where the 'To' is stored in memory.
00 4F 63 0C : Where the 'To' is stored in memory.
00 53 EA 20 : Title of the text box (you are allowed 19 signs).
00 53 EA 38 : Text of the text box (you are allowed 33 signs).

Pilot Addresses:

"Consider that 0 is the base address of the pilot. For the player, it is for
example the one given at 00 54 71 E4. Add the value to address to go to the
address you want:" (values are decimals)

- 12 *** : Pilot signature (always A0 00 03 54).
+ 0 : Pilot name.
+ 20 : Pilot location (1 = in a moth, 2 = in a building, 3 = in a monorail, 4
= in a monorail hall, and maybe 0 = dead).
+ 24 *** : Vehicle or building address where the pilot is: (1) Monorail
example: ?? ?? 00 01 = Central-Alpha-Mines. (2) Monorail Hall example: ?? ??
00 01 = Alpha Depot.
+ 36 : Cash.
+ 40 : Pilot kind: 1 = player; 3 = Special (alien or plot); 4 = Trader; 5 =
guard, attack, cop; 6 = Taxi; 7 = faction trader; 8 = Pirate; A = Scavenger; B
= Police Patrol; C = Builder; E = Enforcer.
+ 112 : Address of the last message on the message board .
+ 248 : First command (see below).
+ 608 : Home Address (building).
+ 616 : Address of the first building in memory (add 4 to go to next building.
Up to 20 buildings).
+ 716 : Address of the first pilot in memory (add 4 to go to the next pilot.
Up to 10 pilots).
+ 768 *** : Address of the next pilot in the game (the last one as 00 00 00 00

Command Addresses:

"One command is made of 6 Dwords (D for double - a word is made of two bytes),
the first one tells what command it is. The commands follow each other. I
don't know how many you can have." ("-" means it doesn't matter.) (Also see
Duncan's AI Plans/Orders notes.)

Buy : 00 00 00 08, goods ref, - , - , number of goods, building address
Sell : 00 00 00 09, goods ref, - , - , number of goods, building address
Order (get for free for factions) : 00 00 00 0B, goods ref, - , - , number of
goods, building address
Deliver (give for free for factions) : 00 00 00 0C, goods ref, - , - , number
of goods, building address
Dock hangar *** : 00 00 00 7A, - , - , - , - , -
Leave Airlock *** : 00 00 00 7B, - , - , - , - , -
Go Crater *** : 00 00 00 7C, crater ref , - , - , - , -
Fly nodes *** : 00 00 00 7D, node ref, - , - , - , -
Go Hangar : 00 00 00 02, building address, - , - , - , -
Wait : 00 00 00 01, I don't remember after
Hunt : 00 00 00 10, building address, - , - , - , -
Rob Vh : 00 00 00 11, vehicle address, - , - , - , -
Kill Vh : 00 00 00 03, vehicle address, - , - , - , -
Scanvenge : 00 00 00 18, building address, - , - , - , -
Get cargo : 00 00 00 12, cargo address, - , - , - , -
Flypath *** : 00 00 00 82, ?
Queue at *** : 00 00 00 23, building address, - , - , - , -
Fit weapon : 00 00 00 13, equip ref, - , - , - , building address
Unknown (probably sells everything) : 00 00 00 19, ?
Get new moth *** : 00 00 00 0F, ?
Unknown (wait until player is getting close ) : 00 00 00 1B, - , - , - , - , -
Unknown (commits suicide) : 00 00 00 14, - , - , - , - , -

Goods Addresses: (all *** )

00 00 00 00 : Ore
00 00 00 01 : Water
00 00 00 02 : Chemicals
00 00 00 03 : Scrap metal
00 00 00 04 : Food
00 00 00 05 : Body parts
00 00 00 06 : Gems
00 00 00 07 : Ex metal
00 00 00 08 : Sheet metal
00 00 00 09 : ConstMat
00 00 00 0A : CompComp
00 00 00 0B : MachParts
00 00 00 0C : Plastics
00 00 00 0D : Explosives
00 00 00 0E : Fusion parts
00 00 00 0F : Trigger
00 00 00 10 : Matter
00 00 00 11 : Engine #1
00 00 00 12 : Engine #2
00 00 00 13 : Engine #3
00 00 00 14 : Cell #1
00 00 00 15 : Cell #2
00 00 00 16 : Cell #3
00 00 00 17 : Cell #4
00 00 00 18 : Fusion cell
00 00 00 19 : After burner
00 00 00 1A : Smallest pod
00 00 00 1B : Small pod
00 00 00 1C : Medium pod
00 00 00 1D : Large pod
00 00 00 1E : Largest pod
00 00 00 1F : Salvage drone
00 00 00 20 : Super drone
00 00 00 28 : Sprat*10
00 00 00 29 : Swarm*10
00 00 00 2A : Devastator
00 00 00 2B : Leach*10
00 00 00 2C : Flares*10
00 00 00 2D : Chaff*10
00 00 00 2E : Starchell*10
00 00 00 2F : Tac-nuke
00 00 00 30 : Big bob
00 00 00 31 : Fireburst
00 00 00 34 : Underkills*5
00 00 00 35 : Ground base*5
00 00 00 37 : Hologramms*5
00 00 00 38 : Laser
00 00 00 39 : Plasma kanon
00 00 00 3A : Laser turret
00 00 00 3B : Pulse laser
00 00 00 3C : Death ray
00 00 00 43 : Origin Unknown
00 00 00 44 : Mass driver part
00 00 00 45 : Mystery package
00 00 00 46 : Black box
00 00 00 47 : Minerals
00 00 00 48 : Air filters
00 00 00 49 : Pleasure cubes
00 00 00 4A : Alcohol
00 00 00 4B : Textiles
00 00 00 4C : Furs
00 00 00 4D : Huskar cigars
00 00 00 4E : Servant droids
00 00 00 4D : Narcotics
00 00 00 50 : Cloning device

Crater Addresses: (all *** )

00 00 00 01 : Riverside
00 00 00 02 : Reservoir
00 00 00 03 : Highrise
00 00 00 04 : Downtown
00 00 00 05 : Gamma
00 00 00 06 : Alpha
00 00 00 07 : Port
00 00 00 08 : Mine

Weapon Addresses:

- 12 *** : Vehicle signature (always A0 00 04 54).
+ 472 : Owner address (pilot).
+ 480 : Power (max is 4000 in decimal).
+ 496 : Targetted vehicle .
+ 540 : First weapon (cannon, missile, or afterburner, from goods ref, 7F FF
if nothing, +4 for next weapon, at most 10. 9 = Tac-Nuke, 10 = Big Bob).
+ 580 : Munitions (+4 for the next weapon).
+ 660 : Shield status (+4 for the next weapon).
+ 664 : Engine status (+4 for the next weapon).
+ 668 : Structure status (+4 for the next weapon).
+ 672 : CPU status (+4 for the next weapon).
+ 676 : Power status (+4 for the next weapon).
+ 680 : Weapon status (+4 for the next weapon).

Buildings Addresses:

- 12 *** : Building signature (?).
+ 12 : Building name.
+ 68 : Owner address (pilot of HQ for factions).
+ 84 : First object in stock (goods ref 00 00 00 00 = Ore. Next object, + 4 :
00 00 00 01 = pure water).
+ 86 : Price (if sold by the player).
+ 768 : Money.
+ 796 : Vehicle in Building at bay 0 (+ 4 for next).
+ 892 *** : Next building address (the last building, tunnel blockage has 00
00 00 00).

Laser Turret: (precise location unknown)

+ 0 : Coordinate 1 (1 foot = 55 in decimal).
+ 4 : Height.
+ 8 : Coordinate 2.
+ 38 : Status (1 = here, 0 = destroyed).
+ 56 : Weapon type (see goods ref - but it doesn't aim).
+ 60 : Building address (don't know if it can change).


U3 Beta 4 Savegame Format, from Duncan:

"In order of appearance:

* Supply lists - It seems that every Trading Post has its own supply list. The
section that contains these lists also has some coding that involves dependent
traders and builders.

* Hangars - [see notes by Wez].

* Hangar ID list - Compilation of the Hangar IDs.

* MUD - Text describing hangars and building walkways.

* Messages - Your messages are just in between the MUD section and the pilots
section. Each message occupies one line, one line contains 40 bytes.

* Pilots - Already described elsewhere.

* Pilot ID list - Compiled list of pilot IDs.

* Pod contents - Between the pilot ID list and the Mines section is a section
that holds the contents of the pods. This is some sort of dump. The contents
of all pods in the game are stored here (only the contents, so not when a pod
is empty). Forgot to look at the linewidth, but one line contains the type of
Good, the quantity and the ship its in. Contents are not ordered per pod.

* Monorail - Monorail text plus coding.

* Demands list - After the monorail text you find the demands. Thought it has
a linewidth of 40. This list does not only contain the hangar and the good it
wants, there is some additional code. Could be priority tags and/or tags to
show up in demand lists of the Trading Posts etc.

* Moth Position, Orientation - If a moth is airborne it appears here. It holds
the position, the orientation, speed, flight direction.

* Blank - I don't know the function of this, but it sure is an incredible
amount of 00."


AI Occupation notes, based on the writings of smurph:

"AI 'profession' is encoded by a single byte in the save game file. Open up
the save game in a hexeditor, and search for the pilot name as an ANSI string.
About 45 bytes from the start of the pilot name you will see the following set
of bytes ab,cd,00,00,xy where xy codes for the 'profession'. If you edit a
save made right at the start of day 1 ab,cd is 10,27. The codes (xy) for
pilots in existance at the start of the game in b4 are:"

00 - limbo
01 - human pilot
03 - plot moths (e.g. laz-research x2)
04 - trader
05 - edit - laz attak, klamp guard, police guard, scrubber guard
06 - cab
07 - faction trans
08 - pirate
0A - scavenger
0B - edit - police patrol, klamp patrol, laz patrol
0C - builder
0D - gang trans
0E - enforcer
10 - thug
11 - brother kahuna

"Codes 05 and 0B can be interchanged with no problems and some interesting
effects. 0B pilots are more active (i.e always hunting for enemies) in the
game (at least in b5)."

Unfortunately, changing careers does not automatically change the 'plans' for
pilots - Duncan writes: "Pilots with new professions but behaving like their
old days still have their old plans list. Clearing this list won't help,
because as soon as no order is finished anymore, no new ones are going to get
in. Normal beta 4 game example: Start as Admin as a dealer. Fly around a
little, soon 2 shady pilots will target you and fire their devastators in your
bud. If you are killed you will end up on foot in your hangar. Blag a moth,
board and launch. You will notice that the bloke responsible for your early
death is still hanging around doing nothing. When you look at the savegame you
will notice the lack of plans. By the way these pilots have the profession 0F
- it's missing in smurph's list, and 20 Devastators. This could of course also
be the 0F order module not generating new plans."


AI Equipment notes, based on the writings of Eight:

Shown as address - hex dec - item:


50CBD - 1C 28 - medium pod
50CC9 - 1F 31 - drone
50CEB - 28 40 - sprats (missile1)
50CF2 - 31 49 - fireburst (missile2)
50CF9 - 34 52 - underkill (missile3)
50D00 - 35 53 - groundbase (missile4)
50D0C - 3A 58 - laser turret
50D18 - 38 56 - laser
50D2F - 12 18 - engine 2


50D89 - 1A 26 - smallest pod
50D95 - 1F 31 - drone
50DA1 - 2C 44 - flares
50DAD - 38 56 - laser


50E06 - 1E 30 - largest pod
50E12 - 1F 31 - drone
50E1E - 2C 44 - flares
50E2A - 28 40 - sprats
50E36 - 38 56 - laser
50E42 - 13 19 - engine 3
50E4E - 39 57 - plasma kannon


50B3C - 3A 58 - laser turret
50B48 - 39 57 - plasma kannon
50B54 - 31 49 - fireburst
50B60 - 29 41 - swarm
50B77 - 12 18 - engine 2

List of items (hex dec item)


00 0 ore
01 1 pure water
02 2 chemicals
03 3 scrap metal
04 4 food
05 5 body parts
06 6 gems
07 7 ex metal
08 8 sheetmetal
09 9 const mat
0A 10 comp comp
0B 11 mach parts
0C 12 plastics
0D 13 explosives
0E 14 fusion parts
0F 15 trigger
10 16 matter
11 17 engine 1
12 18 engine 2
13 19 engine 3
14 20 cell#1
15 21 cell#2
16 22 cell#3
17 23 cell#4
18 24 fusion cell
19 25 afterburner
1A 26 smallest pod
1B 27 small pod
1C 28 medium pod
1D 29 large pod
1E 30 largest pod
1F 31 drone
20 32 superdrone
21 33 frameMM
22 34 frameSY
23 35 FrameNT
24 36 FrameHK
25 37 FrameDH
26 38 FramePL
27 39 FrameAL
28 40 Sprat
29 41 Swarm
2A 42 Devastator
2B 43 Leach
2C 44 Flares
2D 45 Chaff
2E 46 Star Shells
2F 47 Tac Nuke
30 48 Big Bob
31 49 fireburst
32 50 fireburst sub
33 51 swarm sub
34 52 underkill
35 53 groundbase
36 54 groundbase sub
37 55 hologram
38 56 laser
39 57 plasmakanon
3A 58 laserturret
3B 59 pulse laser
3C 60 deathray
3D 61 NewMothNT
3E 62 NewMothHK
3F 63 NewMothDH
40 64 NewMothMM
41 65 NewMothSY
42 66 NewMothPL
43 67 Unknown Origin
44 68 MassDriver Part
45 69 Mystery Package
46 70 Blackbox
47 71 Minerals
48 72 Airfilters
49 73 Pleasure Cubes
4A 74 Alcohol
4B 75 Textiles
4C 76 Furs
4D 77 Huskar Cigars
4E 78 Servant Droids
4F 79 Narcotics
50 80 Clone
51 81 FrameSW
52 82 Trojan
53 83 NewmothSW
54 84 ManMunitions
55 85 ManComponent
56 86 ManOreProc
57 87 Distiller
58 88 Narcotron
59 89 Fumbler
5A 90 Disabler
5B 91 Blaster

Max notes: "Start of ~'case block' 0x50996 - first item assignment, end


U3 Beta 5 AI Starting Gear notes, based on the writings of Nazgutek:

"Open up the exe [hardwarW.exe] and starting at the following addresses,
replace the 5 bytes with 0x90 (that's 90 HEX, not 90 decimal). These will
remove various items from starting NPC types:"

50CC3 - no pod
50CCF - no drone (has no effect)
50D06 - no missile *
50D12 - no laser turret

50D8F - no pod
50D9B - no drone (has no effect)
50DA7 - no flares

50E24 - no flares
50E30 - no sprat

"Example: We wish to remove the pirates' laser turrets, so we would go to file
offset 50D12 (which is in hex), and change the byte there and the next four to

* Pirate Missile Note: The code seems to randomly choose either Sprats,
Groundbase, Underkill or Fireburst. The hack address above will remove any
missile install. If you feel adventurous, you can not apply the above hack,
and instead change the four missile entries to other items: just before the
above no missile hack address, you will find BA28000000, BA31000000,
BA34000000, BA35000000. Keep the BA there, but the next four bytes are the
item ID (stored in little endian format, as per all intel asm). To make them
only have sprats, change the 31/34/35 to 28.

I noticed that pirates (and to an extent the faction patrol/guard moths) that
don't have a laser turret exhibit some strange behaviour... upon entering a
crater where their Kill/Rob target is, they'll sit there, pointing at it until
the target either docks or enters a tunnel to another crater. If the target
didn't dock, the 'hunter' will continue this impotent behaviour.

I'm concluding that the AI isn't coded to purchase upgrades for the moth,
except for a few items, namely flares, sprats and plasmakannons."


AI Plan/Orders notes, based on the writings of Duncan:

"There are Pilot IDs in the game, the Hangar ID in the game and the place to
find the destination of the pilot. These IDs change (sometimes) each time you
start Hardwar. To make this a little more trackable I will use a relative byte
position. Therefore I will call the bytes E8 03 byte 0 and 1. E8 03 is a few
bytes before the bytes coding for the name of the pilot. Example: 78 FC 5F 02.

Some 72 bytes before E8, directly before the whole bunch of FFFFs, that seem
to separate each pilots block, is the ID of that pilot. It's 3 bytes, always
followed by 02. With Hangars also an ID can be found, if you take the E8 03
before a hangar's name and you go back some 44 bytes you will find the code
for that hangar. Example D4 4B C3 02. These bytes are preceded by FF 7F 00

Based on 'Downtown Trader 3' in U3 beta 4: "The byte E8 (in E8 03) is used as
the reference position and numbered 0.

starting at pos.4 - name of the pilot

pos.-72 = Pilot ID 1.
pos.-20 = Pilot ID 2 of Zero Cool, note that it is repeated. Something with
pos.+48 = Pilot ID 2, occurs in multiple regions of the savegame file.
pos.+64 = Pilot's profession (posted by Smurph).
pos.600 = Home hangar.

Starting at pos.+300 are the orders/plans of the pilot. A row of 24 bytes
stands for 1 order. The first byte identifies the order.

7D = FlyNodes.
7C = GoCrater.
02 = GoBg - go to hangar.
08 = B: - buy.
09 = S: - sell.

In this case Downtown Trader will go to the Mines crater, fly to Prison Mine,
buy in total 16 units of ore and sell 8 units at Bargain Moths and 8 units at
Shears Yard."

Other plans codes (plans as they appear in the terminal using exec

00 n.o.
01 Wait
02 GoBg
03 KillVh
04 n.o.
05 n.o.
06 n.o.
07 KillPil - Police Force
08 B: - buy
09 S: - sell
0A Passenger Wait - Cab
0B C: - collect
0C D: - deliver
0D n.o.
0E Board vehicle
0F Get New Moth
10 Hunt
11 RobVh
12 GetCargo
13 Fit F:
14 self destruct - E.T.
15 CordonArea - Police Patrol
16 GetCargoPos
17 GuardCargo - e.g. what Laz-Attak 909, Laz Repair 004, Laz Guard X1 and X2
18 Scavenge
19 unknown - Trader
1A RepairBg - Repair hangar
1B Unknown - Freeze until player gets near then next plan - E.T.
1C Unknown - Fly towards player and dance + freeze thrusters - E.T.
1D Unknown - Not restricted to E.T. also Laz-Research X1
1E n.o.
1F n.o.
20 BuzBg
21 AttackBg - attack hangar
22 Guard Area
23 Q at - queue
24 n.o.
25 n.o.
26 Get All - goods, sort of scavenging
78 Need pod
79 ReqBg - a request prior to docking
7A DockBg
7B LeaveAirlock
7C GoCrater
7D FlyNodes
7E n.o.
7F Recharge
80 Repair
81 n.o.
82 FlyPos

n.o. = not observed in savegame file.
E.T. = Extra Titanian.
E.T./Police/Trader = typical command with typical pilot professions.

"A limited number of syntaxes are used for the plans rows. There's a syntax
for doing something with a hangar - like 02 and 10. Something with goods like
buy, sell, collect and dump. And something with coordinates - like FlyPos.
Furthermore there are codes that are only present in these orders which
function I do not know. They're not obligatory if you command a pilot.

Basically, if you want to command another pilot, you have to start a plan row
with the necesary command, and add the basic requirements being e.g. the
hangar to fly to or the type and amount and place to buy/sell/collect/dump

Coordinate system example:
82 00 00 00 { 9B 92 86 *02* 52 B8 09 *00* 22 01 A7 *02* 03 } 00 00 00 2B 36 C8

82 - FlyPos
This position is coded between the brackets. 2B36C80F can be left out. The
stared (*) bytes separate the Y,Z and X coordinate (in that order). The three
bytes that code for a coordinate are combined to form one hexadecimal number.
Attention: start reading from the right. So 86929B and 09B852 and A70122. If
you increase the X coordinate say from 00 00 90 to 22 01 A7 then the position
is further in the North (or direction heading 000). If you increase Y - more

Got the altitude more accurately now, studied a couple:
090000 1208 ft (thats 00 00 09 in the file)
0A0000 1343 ft
0B0000 1477 ft
0C0000 1611 ft
0D0000 1745 ft
0E0000 1880 ft
0F0000 2014 ft
All with an accuracy of +/- 1 ft.

This is not the entire altitude range of course. If you want to intrapolate or
extrapolate you can recalculate the hexadecimal numbers to decimal and make a
linear regression. Use the function for the line to calculate the decimal
number and convert it back to hexadecimal."


Hangar header notes, based on the writings of smurph:

"Here is the structure of the first 3 lines (at line width of 24 bytes) of the
hangar entries for the betas (and probably for 2.04 as well)."


aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 bb bb 00 00 cc 00 00 00 dd 00 00 00 ee ee 00 00
ff 00 00 00 gg 00 00 00 hh hh hh hh ii 00 00 00 jj 00 00 00 kk 00 00 00

aa - Hangar name.

bb - Hangar software.

cc - I will call attribute 1. Known codes are:
- 01 Faction HQ
- 02 Trade Centre
- 03 Faction Garrison
- 04 Cabs
- 05 Factory
- 09 Produces Bodyparts
- 0A Reseller
- 0B Estate Engine
- 0D Bodyparts/Nuclear Stuff
- 0E Loan Shark
- 0F Abandoned Terminal
- 10 Misc. Colony Hangers
- 11 Make clones

dd - I will call attribute 2. This sets the type of business in combination
with attribute 1. For attribute 1 05, attribute 2 values are:
- 00 - Weapons makers.
- 01 - Component Shops.
- 02 - Chemical factories
- 03 - Moth Factories.
- 04 - Ore processors.
- 05 - Mines.
- 06 - Food Factories.
- 07 - Purifiers.
- 08 - Recyclers.
- 09 - Cigar makers.
- 0A - Booze makers.
- 0B - Narcotics Fcctories.
- 0C - Sewage control.
- 0D - Techparts.
- 0E - Bargain Moths
- 0F - Central Industrial
- 10 - Shears Yard

For attribute 1 0A, attrbute 2 values are:
- 00 - Weapon resellers
- 01 - Breaker Makers
- 02 - Bars
- 03 - Builders

ee - Some kind of hangar index. It runs from 0010, through to 8310, increasing
by 1 in the order the hangars appear in the game save file. Not all hangars
have this set, but it seems essential to have a hangar index for several of
the above attributes to work.

ff - Not sure about this one - player hangars are all 12, faction owned
hangars always have this set, but the value is different between beta 4 and
beta 5.

gg - Not for sale, 01 is purchasable (if not currently owned), 02 is common to
all faction owned hangars.

hh - Owner ID.

ii - Set access. 00 is public, 01 is private.

jj and kk - Only set on faction, gang, and Police HQs."

Solidox notes: "From memory, jj and kk are lighting and turrets thus why it
only appears on faction buildings. There are two private/public fields, one is
a bitmask inside the menu options field. The other, ii, is a hard lock which
overrides the other one, it is used in the Abandoned Terminal and also is the
reason you can't get into Colony HQ when you've purchased it."


U3 Beta Hangar notes, based on the writings of Wez:

Hex edit a savegame. The header block for each hangar can be identified from a
four-character code followed by the full current name of the hangar. The four
letter codes never change. They are:


AAWL Abandoned Terminal
AAV1 Acid Hangar
AAHY Agrochem
AA1L Air Purifier A
AAAX Air Purifier D
AAN7 Air Purifier G
AAE5 Air Purifier M
AAH9 Alpha Cabs
AAIA Alpha Construction
AASM Alpha Depot
AAH7 Alpha Depot II
AAIZ Alpha Estate Agent
AAUG Alpha Police Station
AAIC Alpha Trading Post
AAAO Bargain Moths
AAC9 Bill Moritz
AAV7 Blackeye's Hangar
AAF2 Blue Repository
AAG2 Breaker Maker 1
AAC2 Breaker Maker 2
AAH5 Breaker Maker 3
AAFL Breaker Maker 4
AAOC Breaker Maker 5
AACZ Central Industrial
AAWB Central Monorail
AAFJ Charlie Wadsworth
AAEU Charlie's Pizza
AACU Clone Farm
TEST Colony HQ
AAVX Concealed Hideout
KWIK Conurbation 1
AAEF Conurbation 2
AABE Conurbation 3
AAPU Conurbation Two
AAV4 Crash Hangar
AAIB Craven Components
AAUD Customs Block
AAV3 Darkbase
AAEX Derelict Factory
AAF4 Derelict Warehouse
NEWP Downtown 05
AABN Downtown Builders
AABS Downtown Chemicals
AACW Downtown Components
AAAH Downtown Estates
AAEB Downtown Moths
AABQ Downtown Munitions
AAC4 Downtown Outpost
AADG Downtown Recycling
AAOH Dr Jobes Weapons
AACI Dunroamin
AAFX Empty Complex
AA1U Empty Hangar A1
AAUF Empty Hangar A2
AA1S Empty Hangar A3
AA1T Empty Hangar A4
AA1Q Flight Academy
AAPX Flyers Retreat
AAOL Freds Builders
AAPG Gamma Cabs
AAPE Gamma Estate Agent
AAPC Gamma H3
AAPZ Gamma Monorail Depot
AAPY Gamma Police Garrison
AAOE Gamma Trading Post
AAEW General Industrial
AA1M Groover's Hangar
AAAD Hardwarp FM
EGG1 Hideout 1
EGG2 Hideout 2
EGG4 Hideout 4
EGG5 Hideout 5
EGG6 Hideout 6
AASI Highrise Cabs
AAFZ Highrise Construction
AAEM Highrise Estates
AASK Highrise Motors
AAES Highrise Police Station
AAF5 Highrise Trading Post
AAHE Home Base
AAEQ HR Conurbation 1
AAEO HR Vacant 1
AAEP HR Vacant 2
AAEN HR Vacant Tower
AAPT Hunger City
AAP3 Island Garrison
AACG Junkyard
AAR0 Jupiter Four
AAU5 Klamp Macro 1
AAU6 Klamp Macro 2
AAU7 Klamp Macro 3
CTOP Klamp Secret Base
AAN5 Klamp-G Arms
AAPF Klamp-G Chemicals
AAN6 Klamp-G Components
AAUI Klamp-G FacDef
AAOG Klamp-G Fe-Mill
AAC7 Klamp-G Garrison
KLAM klamp-G HQ
AAE4 Klamp-G Medical
AAE7 Klamp-G Mine
AAOF Klamp-G Moth Factory
AAHR Klamp-G Purifier 1
AAHS Klamp-G Purifier 2
AAHN Klamp-G Purifier 3
AAHO Klamp-G Purifier 4
AAHP Klamp-G Purifier 5
AAHQ Klamp-G Purifier 6
AAFY Klamp-G Weapons Shop
AAHX Lazarus Alpha
AAHZ Lazarus Chemicals
AAHW Lazarus Components
AAT7 Lazarus Hightower
LAZA Lazarus HQ
AAFP Lazarus HQ Garrison
AAA1 Lazarus Macro 1
AAA3 Lazarus Macro 2
AAAJ Lazarus Macro 3
AAEH Lazarus Macro 4
AAEG Lazarus Macro 5
AAAP Lazarus Macro 6
AAEI Lazarus Macro 7
AAFC Lazarus Mine
AAFE Lazarus Mine Garrison
AAFA Lazarus Mine OreProc
AAHV Lazarus Moths
AAHT Lazarus Munitions
AAHU Lazarus Ore Proc
AAPN Lazarus Purifier
DOOR Lazarus Secret Base
AAF7 Lazarus Weapons Shop
LW01 LightWell 01
LW02 LightWell 02
LW03 LightWell 03
LW04 LightWell 04
LW05 LightWell 05
LW06 LightWell 06
LW06 LightWell 07
LW08 LightWell 08
LW09 LightWell 09
AAV6 Lord Nicon's Hangar
MAS2 Mass Driver 1
AAVV Mines Cabs
AAVU Mines Monorail Depot
AAOM Mines Trading Post
MOND Mis Op Cabs
AAEV Misery Heights
AADZ MisOp Finance
AAB4 Monastery
AAFR Monorail Depot
AABH Ore Proc 2
AACO Ore Processing
AAPV Paranoidopolis
AAV2 Pirates Nest
PIG2 Police Garrison
PIGS Police HQ
AABV Prison Mine
AAHK Prison Oubliette
AAA5 Psycho Bobs 1
AAGC Psycho Bobs 2
AAV5 Purpledrome
AAF8 Recycle Joint
AARC Reservoir Cabs
AASH Reservoir Central
AARA Reservoir Def 1
AAU9 Reservoir Def 2
AAU4 Reservoir Trading
AAG5 Restricted Area
AAFI Riverside Cabs
AAE3 Riverside Chemicals
AAEZ Riverside Construction
AAFU Riverside Cops
AAFS Riverside Estates
AAP6 Riverside Monorail
AAN4 Riverside Parts
AAEJ Scrubber Hngr
AA1X Scrubber Outpost
AAP0 Scrubber Xchng
AAIY Scrubbers Alpha
AAEK Scrubbers HQ
AAV9 Secluded Residence
AAC1 Sentinel 1
AAAZ Sentinel 2
AACJ Sentinel 3
AACQ Sewage Control
AAF0 Sewage Control
AABT Shears Yard
AAVW Sith Manor
AAH6 Skinners HQ
AAPO Skinners Outpost
AAE2 Software Refinery
AAG8 Software Shack 1
AAB0 Software Shack 2
AAP1 Special Arms Co
AAAF Syd's Workshop
AAVZ Tarquin's Hangar
AAAL TechParts
AAB7 Terraformer
AAPW Terror-rise
AAGS The After Dark
AAER The Belfry
AAFN The Garidge
AAVB The Knocking Ship
AAG9 The Morgue
AAFV The Ore House
AAV8 The Pit
EGG3 The Shanty Inn
AAFT The Slum
AAIG The Squat
AAE0 The Waterfront
AAV0 Thunderbase
AAEY Titan University
AABI Trade Central
AAEL Traders Rest
BLOC Tunnel Blockage
AABA Vacant 0007
AAGB Vacant 0008
AAED Vacant 0009
AAD2 Vacant 0010
AAD4 Vacant 0011
AAD8 Vacant 0012
AAGI Vacant 0013
AACA Vacant 0014
AACB Vacant 0015
AAGL Vacant 0016
AAGO Vacant 0017
AAGW Vacant 0018
AAAU Vacant 0019
AAAW Vacant 0020
AADE Vacant 0021
AADI Vacant 0022
AADS Vacant 0023
AADV Vacant 0024
AADX Vacant 0025
AAB9 Vacant 0026
AADO Vacant 0027
AAGZ Vacant 0028
AAG1 Vacant 0029
AAAB Vacant 0030
AAAM Vacant 0031
MUN1 Vacant 0032
AABC Vacant 0033
ARSE Vacant 0034
AABK Vacant 0035
AABK Vacant 0036
AACN Vacant 0037
AACS Vacant 0038
AAFW Vacant Unit
AAN3 Waterfront Booze
AAVY Zero Cool's Hangar

Below the header is a series of data for each item. Each cell is 1 hex byte,
so 4 bytes are used per property (long integer). The format is:


HEX Stock Sell Price Buy price Max buy Unknown Produce Qty

Item codes follow the same order as listed in Eight's AI Equipment notes
above, except that Wez appears to starts the list at 1 rather than 0.

The footer block takes the form:


?? ?? ?? ??|?? ?? ?? ??|?? ?? ?? ??|hangar cash|?? ?? ?? ??|?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ??|?? ?? ?? ??|?? ?? ?? ??|?? ?? ?? ??|moth @ bay1|moth @ bay2
moth @ bay3|moth @ bay4|moth @ bay5|moth @ bay6|



H. CD Music Track Listing

From Kenny Johnson, reposted by Ade, ammended by themitch (shown: track
number, artist, name, album):

1: Game CDROM track.
2: Black Dog - Raxmus (Spanners)
3: Black Dog - Chase The Manhattan (Spanners)
4: LFO - Tied Up (Advance)
5: LFO - Shut Down (Advance)
6: Autechre - Second Bad Vilbel (Anvil Vapre)
7 - 17: Short clips (about 50 seconds each) of music for the game.

1: Game CDROM track.
2: RAC - Nine (Double Jointed)
3: Autechre - Second Scepe (Anvil Vapre)
4: Autechre - Clipper (Tri Repetae)
5: Squarepusher - Chin Hippy (Hard Normal Daddy)
6: LFO - Tied Up (Advance)
7 - 17: Same clips as on CD1.
18: Sol and friends - "It's, like, 3 in the morning and we've, like, finally
finished the final version."


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