Turok: Evolution

Turok: Evolution

15.10.2013 20:02:10
Turok: Evolution (X-box)
By Tye 'Tyrlan' Arnett
Version: 1.0
Latest revision: November 25, 2002
This document Copyright 2002 by Tye Arnett.

1) Introduction
2) Version History
3) Setup
4.1) Weapons
4.2) Good Guys
4.3) Bad Guys
4.4) Guys that Just get in the way
5) Single Player Walkthrough
6) Multiplayer Tips
7) Links

1) Introduction:
This is a guild for the game Turok: Evolution for the X-box. Now
I even rented the Gamecube version and there is NOTHING different other
then the controls and a slightly better loading time on the X-box
version. As for people playing the game, it isn't a FPS that will have
you gasping at how great the puzzles are and the gameplay that is just
out of this world. But what it is is good old fashion Turok fun with
updated graphics. Also do NOT judge this game based on the first 2
levels. They look okay, but there are a few big graphical parts that I
would love to kick the dev's for putting into the game. After these
few parts the rest of the game is a great old fashion Turok romp. So
go out and enjoy. Any further questions that are not answered in this
guild, or if you have anything you feel I should add please e-mail me
at tyrlan@pacbell.net.

2) Version History:
1.0: Walkthrough finished, and checked on both X-box and GC systems.
Next update (Sometime in the next 2 weeks) will include Multiplayer
tips, where to find the nuke, Cheat codes, and an extended bad guy
section, and setup.
0.5: Not released to public. Had guild done through chapter 9 a long
time ago, and then I went on a business trip. After my nice flight I
tried firing up my laptop only to find that the entire HD was now
blank, and thus we learned about always backing up work RIGHT after we
finish it.

3) Setup:
For now, just look in the Manual. It's the same style as Halo.

4) To be added next week. I will have detailed descriptions of all
weapons, single and multi player in here. Along with descriptions and
tactics on enemies. Also you can find a listing of most weapons in the

5) Single Player Walkthrough:

Now before we start you have to understand how the level system
works. There are 15 levels total, but each of these are separated into
smaller levels. Each of these smaller levels will be in a different
paragraph's in the walkthrough and weapons found in each section will
be listed before it. Also sometimes starting out levels you will not
have EVERY weapons you had the last level. This is something they did.
Don't ask me why, but it's in there and you have to deal with it.

Chapter 1:
Into the Jungle:
Weapons: Pistol
Welcome to the wonderful world of Turok. This is the forth game
in the Turok series and by far the best looking one, you will have to
decide which one you like better for story line yourself. To start off
you only have a club and a bow. Get used to the controls and then head
up the dirt path. As you go along the path you will be attacked by
some little compies (see Jurassic park movie ^_^), so after dispatching
them keep along the path. After the path takes a 180 degree turn, you
will run into a Sleg soldier. Take him out and go into the clearing
for a great little site up ahead. Walk up to the big rock ahead and
look to the right to see another soldier standing on a rock by the
pool. Grab the arrows from behind the rock and then go over and kill
the soldier. There is a pathway (large health at the start) leading up
to the top of the rocks circling the huge rock to your right. Now go
up the pathway until you reach the top to get a pistol, and then jump
across to the rock where you kill the soldier and get the Tarkeen key.
See where the door opened? Now you want to head to it. Fall down off
the rock and follow the path to the left of the pool again. Kill the 3
soldier that appear and grab the loot before exiting.

Jungle Hunter:
Weapons: Pistol, Tek Bow
Head through the cave and exit out into the jungle again. Beware the
raptors that are around here. Head along the path killing the 4
raptors and then go along into the water. Now proceed forwards and up
to the left side at the branching path. Go until the end and grab the
pistol. Now head back to the branch in the water and go to the right
and pick up the Tek Bow at the end. Head all the way back to the start
of the water and then use the raised ledge on the left to jump across
onto the fallen log. Go to the land mass that meets the end of the log
to get the poison arrows and then use the log to jump across the way
onto the next raised part of land. Kill the 3 guards that are along
this pathway and then CROUCH to get through the log and exit the level.

Hunters Peril:
Weapons: Pistol, Tek Bow
Head along the path to the river and if you need it grab the health
behind the waterfall, otherwise head to the right along the river.
Kill the 5 alligators that try to take you out and then head around the
bank to the left. Kill the 3 guards waiting there (practice your
sniping with the tek bow if you want), and grab the tek bow from behind
the third rock. Now proceed down the pathway following the river.
Jump into the water and swim to the other side of the Brachiosaurus and
climb up the vines on the wall. (There are 4 health kits along the
vines so you can see them easier. Head along the path and ready your
club again. Jump onto the platforms and once you hit the second one a
bunch of baboons will attack. After they are dead, head up the
platforms again and at the top one jump up to grab the second key.
This also opens a new pathway in the water pool you just came from, so
head back there. Go underwater and follow the passageway until you
reach the next pool. Snipe the 2 guards on the shore and then head up
that way. Kill the snipers up top and across the pool and then climb
up to the first ledge, head over to the right (kill the sniper) and
then climb up to the next ledge. Now go forward through the pathway
and check out the view at the end and then head up the next set of
vines to the left. Take out all the soldiers at the top here, and
across the way, and then use the vines to get across the gap. (You
look up and jump up to grab them, then press forwards to go across)
Now head to the left and up the walkway there. Head across the water
and kill all the guys in the distance (watch out behind you) and then
proceed forwards, jumping over the pit and going across the bridge. If
you need another tek bow and pistol you can do a little platform
jumping to the right, if you don't want to, head forwards and go around
the left side of the rock to meet up with Glenn.

Chapter 2:
Now we come to the big hate/love section of this Turok game, the
flying section. People either love or hate it... hopefully you are one
of the love people, because you will have to do a bit to get through
this chapter and latter on you will revisit your aerial skills. The
first few parts are where Glenn explains how to fly and fight, so just
go along. There aren't too many flying levels, since your just going
along a pathway for the most part. If you run into something hard... you
will die. Head along the canyon, and just stay out in the open, shoot
down any enemies that you can. Watch out for the cannons on the ruins
and try to take them out as soon as you see them. Hanging to the right
side of the canyon is the best way to go for the most part, and soon
you will be done with the level.

Stretching Your Wings:
Head along the cave and out into the open again. Hang around to the
left side of the canyon and then head out over the small pond. There
is a big floating sphere in the center of the air, so hit it and refill
your health. Now keep going and it's time to play around in the trees.
When prompted there is a shortcut to the left. Basically just head in
low and pull up to the left, after the small tunnel do a sharp turn to
the left and exit the level. There's also a rocket pack in the cave.

Dam the Defenses:
Now grab the rockets and health if you need it and head up the
canyon. Stay to the right side and go very slow until after the rocks
fall, then proceed through the cave. Now you have to take out a ship
that is circling the area. First take out the flyers that are shooting
at you, and then head to the other side of the arch to take out the
transport ship. After that's done, go to the far side of the canyon
and take out the 2 turrets and their bases to open up the dam. Now
drab what health you need and have fun with the speed diving section.
Watch out for all the hazards and at the bottom you are done.

Ground Assault:
Head straight ahead and kill what guys you can, if you can't just
worry about dodging the overhangs and cliffs. At the very narrow
section of the cliff you will need to turn sideways (X or B) to get
through. Head over the bridge and grab the health/rockets right before
you get into the big open area. Head in low and take out all the
ground tanks and the 5 command tents. After they are all gone, fly
into the large pipe at the end to finish the level. Note that there is
an overdrive in the middle of the area, that makes your guns a lot

Mine Fields:
This level adds more fun to flying. You have to avoid and shoot out
the balloons with mines on them. So follow the path slowly and take
out everything you can, while avoiding the rest. If you want, try and
grab the health and rockets near the end, but remember to stay low when
you're told too. Flying up to the vines at the end of the level with
beat it.

Ancient Runes:
Now you get a kind of boss fight. Go around the area and note where
the health and rocket pick ups are, also take out any turrets you want
to since it makes life a little easier. Soon enough a drop ship will
appear for you to destroy. Staying behind it out of the way and just
unloading with everything you've got seems to work the best. Try to
take out the turrets on its bottom to make life a little easier. Go
down below for health and rocket ammo if you want, they regenerate.
After the Airship is destroyed, you will get a nice little cut scene,
and that's the end of flying for a while.

Chapter 3:

Mountain Ascent:
Weapons: Pistol, Sniper Scope.
Mountain Ascent:
After a small cut scene, you will start your climb. Head forwards
and go up on the right side where there is a rock with bushes around
it. On top is a sniper score for your pistol. Now head forwards to
the open area and take out the compies (Note: you don't have to kill
them, but once you kill one, they will attack you). Get the pistol and
any ammo you need before continuing down the pathway to the left.
Anyway, keep following the pathway as it bends around to the right and
then jump over the small gap and keep going forwards to hit the first
switch. Drop down off the ledge your on and hit the switch on the left
side of the big open area to open the doorway. Head through the open
doorway (head), and grab the pistol/scope if you need it, then slowly
go forwards picking off the Sleg soldier that inhabit the Cliffside.
Basically all you can do is follow this pathway. As you head up use
the shield for cover and kill anything that shoots at you. Using your
tek bow to snipe guys before they see you can help a lot. Once you
reach a dead stegosaurus you will almost be at the end of the level, so
head up a little further and the end will come as your walking along a
narrow section of the pathway.

Summit Battle:
Weapons: Shotgun, Rocket Launcher.
Now switch to your tek bow and pull out those explosive arrows. Go
around the corner and shoot the T-rex as fast as you can with them. It
took me 8 arrows average hitting him in the chest/legs area. I hear
you can do it with only 5 if you hit him in the head. Once you fire
the first arrow the rex will charge you, so keep firing as you strafe
out of his way. After killing him, grab both the large health kits if
you need them and then proceed past the dead dino. Now snipe the Sleg
troops across the river from you and head to the waterfall to get more
health/ammo. Now head down to where the dam is slowly to watch the
slegs blow it up and charge you. After you have killed these guys off,
follow the river down and once you see a bridge try and snipe any guys
that are running across it. Once they are gone, head through the cave
on the left and down the narrow pathway there. Snipe any guys you come
across and once you come to a sharp right hand turn wait for the drop
ship. Fire some explosive arrows into it (3-4) and then take out the
snipers across the way. Now continue down the pathway and around
behind the waterfall. After the waterfall take out the guys and then
head into the cave on the right. At the end to left and jump across
onto the ledge to get the shotgun. Now look out into the canyon, and
down is a ledge with a large health on it. Run out and land on the
large health (you will take damage from the fall but this health will
heal it right afterwards. Now head down the pathway on the side of the
hill and get some more explosive arrow and end up in the water. Now
head downstream (follow the current of the water) until you come to a
dead Brontosaurus that has things feeding on it. Kill them off and
then head up the ladder at the other side of the room. Now snipe what
guys you can on the other side of the room at the top and then head up
the pathway. Jump across to the other side and then watch out for
landslides as you work your way up. The shotgun comes in VERY handy
here. Once you pull a 180 through a small cave you will be on the
final pathway up. You will see three drop ships fly by, so stay in
cover and after they have gone past head up the hill in a hurry. Take
out any guys in your way as you go. Once you get into a clearing with
the drop ship dropping off guys, hang a hard right and kill the guy
manning the turret. Then turn it around and blow away everyone in the
clearing, and those crossing the bridge. Once they are all gone head
out onto the bridge. Once you see a drop ship coming from the right go
back to the gun and use it too take out the ship. Now head across the
bridge and head to the left staying right on the path. When you get to
the edge drop down onto the small ledge and then jump across to the
vines on the other side. Climb up them and grab the rocket launcher
before climbing up another set of vines. Then head into the caves to
exit the level.

Weapons: Rocket Launcher:
Head straight through the cave until the end tunnel. All the side
tunnels have cats in them, but there's also ammo for all your weapons,
so you might as well take out all the cats. 8 pistol shots each seems
to be the easiest way that I have found. At the end of the tunnel,
instead of going left out into the open area, keep going in the tunnel
to get a rocket launcher, and then go back and head out of the tunnel.
Once you are out in daylight again, pick off the snipers before
continuing along the pathway. Head forwards and follow the pathway
down to the left. Use the rocks for cover as guys charge you and then
keep going. At the bottom of the first path there is a 90 degree left
hand turn by a tree, head that way and kill everyone there. Now run to
the gun emplacement on the other side of the area you are at and use it
to sweep the guys that come from the left and right passageways. After
bad guys stop coming, jump off the gun and restock on ammo/health.
Then head down the left passageway. At the end, by the wooden gate,
you will run into a boss. This is an Ankylosaurus Tank, so use your
grenades and rocket launcher to put him in his place, while avoiding
his missiles. It's a very simple fight. After he is dead, head to the
gate and exit the level.

Chapter 4:
Weapons: Spider Mine, Flechette Gun:
Now this is a stealth mission, so take your time and pick off
enemies/lights with sniper shots. Remember to aim for the head. If
the are alerted to you being there... a TON of guards will come out and
you will have a real firefight on your hands. Now to start take out
the guards that you can see with headshots and then take out their
lights. Now move forwards towards the compound. You can go either
left or right to get in. Taking the right is faster, but easier to get
spotted, so take the left. Climb up onto the big tree ahead of you and
snipe what other guards/lights you can see. As you get to the top of
the tree, check to make sure all the guards you can get are gone and
then jump over the wall and pick up the Flechette gun. Head to your
left and circle around the inside of the compound. When you get to the
gate there is a switch to the right side of it, after you hit it the
gate will open. Once through the doorway you want to move as quickly
as possible to make sure the alarm doesn't go off. So head to the
right to snipe all the things you can in the distance and then head
back to the left and circle around the compound. At the end you might
have to dash across into the bushes. If you are seen, just wait and
take out anyone that tries to get you. After a bit the alarm will turn
off. After it's clear, hit the switch to open the end gate and exit
the level.

Compound Wall:
Weapons: Flechette gun, Spider Mine, Flame Thrower:
Head forwards and grab the arrows before heading up the rest of the
ramp. Head into the alleyway behind the building in front of you and
head up the bridge after the sharp left. At the top is another switch
to open the doorway. Sniper everyone you can and then keep heading to
the left. Head down the ramp onto the barge and get an upgrade for
your shotgun and now you get to make a choice. If you want the
flamethrower, after that heading back up the ramp and head to the
right, otherwise sneak around to the left and exit through the far
wall. Once you go right you have to fight your way up that side, but
there is a lot of health and ammo. The last guy you will fight has a
flamethrower and after you kill him will drop an armory key. Use the
key to go into the armory and fight your way to the back where you will
get your own flamethrower. It's to the left. You can sneak in and
then back out before most of the guards knew you where there. After
exiting, head to the right and through the main door to exit the level.

Weapons: Flechette Gun, Shotgun upgrade, flame thrower, Dark Matter
cube, Spider Mine.
The bridge has a lot of guards on it, so you want to head to the
right and up the hill there. The Flechette gun is RIGHT here before
you go on. Follow the wall around the whole yard and you will come to
a cave on your right. If you need a shotgun upgrade, head to the left
tunnel once inside, otherwise head to the right for fewer guards to
kill. Once up the right pathway a little, take the left branch and
grab and flame thrower and lots of ammo. Then go back to the main
tunnel, and head up it some more. Once you get to the opening, head to
the left into a smaller tunnel and then climb up a small ladder to
trigger a rockslide. You will get a dark matter cube up here. Now
head back down and exit the cave. Head up the pathway to the left
picking off as many guards as you can. Now at the top of the bridge
you can either just go across, kill the boss and snipers and then climb
the ladders to hit the switches and exit the level. OR you can circle
around under the bridge, and explore down here. Going through the cave
will take you to a large health and a spider mine. Afterwards, just
exit the level.

Entering the Base:
Weapons: Flame Thrower, Dark Matter Cube, Spider mine.
Head in and sneak around following the wall to the right. You now
have to snipe guards, or sprint across and head for the far
wall/corner. There is a small cave to hide in while you take out the
guards that followed you and wait for the alert to be canceled. After
that hit the door and wait for the second one to open. After it is
open head to the left and follow the wall and get behind the building
on the far side. Jump down into the waterway and swim to the far end
and up a tunnel to get a spider mine and more ammo. Afterwards head
out the doorway and sprint across the courtyard and through the doorway
with the double torches outside it. Take out the guards and use the
switch in the next room to free your friends. After that head back
out, but take the right doorway instead of the left, that you came in.
Now sprint across the compound again and through the doorway with the
single torch by it. Kill the 4 guards on the roof in the next room and
the 2 raptors before they get you. After you are done, go through the
next doorway and head around to the right. You will see another
doorway with 2 torches on it across the courtyard. After you get
through this doorway kill the sleeping slegs and then exit the other
side of the room. There is a Dark Matter cube around the building to
the left, and there is another Dark Matter cube for you to pick up in
an alleyway to the right, but then come back here and head to the
building on the right. Head through the doorway and kill everyone
inside. Once you go up the stairs blow the armored guy away with your
shotgun and then grab health before heading up the ladder at the top of
the stairs. Jump onto the box's and use your hand over hand to get
across the courtyard. Once on the other side... kill the 1 guard and
then head up the ramp to exit the level.

Level 5:
The Sleg Fortress:
Weapons: None.
Okay now first off stock up on ammo from all the creates. This area
is shaped like a t and you have to fight through each part before you
can exit. So head forwards and take out the guards, this will trigger
the right door to open. Kill everyone coming out of here; how you do
it is up to you... but having them group and use mines is always fun.
After the last one dies, the doors on the right side of this branch
will open with more guards. Kill them and the doors on the left side
(behind you if you're in the right branch) will open with even more
guys. If you want to have some fun, leave one guy alive (shoot until
he drops his wep) and then lay traps, and then kill him. Doing it this
way you can even kill the whole set of guys without being fired on.
After this wave is killed, the far doorway in the main hallway opens up
(to your right if you're leaving the right section). Go in and kill
everyone in here. Once they are all dead the commander comes in and
you have to fight him. He is a damn good fighter, so don't worry about
using your big guns on him. After he's dead there is a machine that
call's new troops into the area that you need to destroy. So go in and
destroy it fast, before more guys come in. After this is all done,
head to the left side of the main hallway and head up the ramp on the
right side to exit the level.

Sweep The Halls:
Weapons: Mini Gun Upgrade:
Head up the stairs, circling to the left and then use whatever you
want to take out the group of guards in the big room at the top. Now
head up the spiral staircase at the side of the room and go all the way
down the corridor. There is a switch at the end, so hit it and then
head across to the other side of this upper part of the room to hit the
other switch. This will bring up the mini gun upgrade for your
Flechette gun, so drop down and grab it. Kill all the enemies that
come in. Now head into the side hallways (both lead to the same place)
and follow the ramp down into the next room. The Doors will close
behind you trapping you in, so go into the little alcove and kill the
shot gun guard to be able to hit the switch and open the doorway.
Before going through this doorway, head up the small ladder in the
room, kill the 2 guards and then grab all the ammo up here. Drop down
onto the create with the small health to avoid taking damage from the
fall. Now head through the doorway. Go into the cage on the right and
clear it out, grab goodies and then head down and do the same in the
next cage on the right. After they are both clear there is an ambush
waiting on the other side of the last doorway. So use the box's to get
up above them and then jump down over the fence to surprise the guards
here. After taking them out leave through the far doorway to exit the

The Search Continues:
Head down the tunnel and take out the guards. Now you get to fight a
new teleporting enemy. So be careful and take your time taking them
out. Note: They can't teleport into the fountain/water, so hiding in
there and sniping them is a good way to do it. Also you can run in,
and then run back into the tunnel to bait a few to follow you at a
time. After they are dead head out to the right. Once you can, take
the first left and then grab the key. After you do, more monks will
come in, so take them out again, and then grab the key that appears
there. Grab what ammo and health you need and then head out through
the right corridor (same one you came down) Now BE CAREFUL, as there
is a rocket launcher guy at the end of the corridor. Either charge him
and strafe out of the way of his rockets. Or you can stay back and
have him blow away his own guys and then use grenades to carefully take
him down without getting hit. After he's dead, grab the health and go
down the corridor until you take a right. Once you enter the room with
the statue and water it will close off and you have to fight more
monks. Watch out for their fireballs and take them all out to open the
doorway underwater. Swim into the next room and take out all the monks
to be able to hit the switch and open the doorway in the last room.
Now swim back, kill the guard and exit the level through the doorway.
You can also just run past him.

The Bowels of the Base:
Weapons: Flechette Gun.
Now to get past the first trap, run right after the 2 pieces clamp
together, before the fire. Afterwards go to the left and pick up some
arrows, then creep back into the hallway and sniper the minigunner at
the end. Now go past the next trap just like the first one. Grab the
health/ammo and head to the left. Kill the 4 guards and then take the
first right. Head all the way down to the end, watching out for the
guards that come out of the sides, and then take a right and go into
that room there. Hit the two switches on the far wall and then head
back into the corridor you came down the first time. Now head down the
new corridor to your right, and then at the end of it you have to make
a choice. If you want to just go on with the level you go left and
follow the next set of directions. If you want a secret (rocket and
some ammo, and fighting) head to the right. Hit the switch on top of
the creates (on the ceiling) to open a new corridor with the
ammo/rocket/guards. If you don't do the secret, just go left and head
down to the end of the hallway. Turn right (2 rocket guards around the
corner) and then right again into a big room. Head around to the left
side of the cage in the middle of the room and take out the minigunner
on the other side. After he's dead hit the switch and while you wait
for the lift go behind the big creates to get more ammo/weapons/health.
Get on the left to exit the level.

Reactor Core:
Weapons: Flame Thrower.
Now the objective of this level is to take out the 6 terminals.
Start by heading to the middle of the room where there is one terminal
and then circle around the center structure to destroy a second
terminal. Now head back towards where you started and follow the left
wall. Destroy the spawner that is inside the newly opened room and hit
the switch at the end of the room. The newly opened doorway in on the
other side of the main room from you, so head across it and head into
the doorway on the right. Follow the hallway to the left and head up
the ramp to a new room. Kill the guards and then hit the switch in the
far left hand corner of the room. After that more guards will come
into the room so kill them and then head back towards the doorway you
entered from. If you need it there is health and ammo on top of the
creates, just jump up there. From the entranceway head to the right
through the newly opened doorway and through the hallways until the
next big room. Kill the guards that are in there and go to the other
side of the 2 big generators to find a ladder to climb. At the top is
another terminal to destroy and a switch. Hit both and then go down
and through the newly opened door on the right hand wall. Head through
the doorway and then up the ladder on the right hand side. Sprint for
the next ladder on the wall right in front of you and then take out all
the enemies up there. More will come up the ladder, so wait at the top
for easy head shots. After they are all dead, sniper any more that are
down below and then go to the corridor behind you and destroy the
terminal. (Large health by it) Now go back down the ladder and head to
the ladder on the other side. Go up it and kill the guard/terminal now
head back down the ladder and out into the center of the big platform.
(Swirling light is coming from it) Kill the last terminal on the other
side and watch the doorway open. You can snipe the big guy from the
top with arrows until he's dead and then jump over the railing onto the
grates (small health/steam coming up sometimes) to avoid taking lots of
damage. Now run for the doorway so that you don't waste ammo and exit
the level.

Weapons: None:
Now you get to have fun running. The whole place is blowing up, so
run for it! Use the box's on your left to go through the vent onto the
other side of the doorway. Now jump down and keep moving forwards,
don't really worry about killing anything that isn't in your way. Head
through the doorway on the right and then down the long hallway once
you reach a large health pack take a right and keep going down an even
longer hallway, at the end take another right and then keep going. At
the end of this hallway take a right into a dead end room and grab the
large health, and then go back across the hallway into another big
room. There are two spawners in this room. So shoot them as much as
you can and head to the left or right side rooms to get more
ammo/health when you need it. After they are both destroyed, head out
the open doorway (after grabbing any ammo that's left) and head through
this room until the other side. Head up the hallway/ramp to the left
and dispatch any enemy's that meet you in there. Head through the
doorway on the left and then circle around the center object to get to
a ramp leading down. Go down it, kill the guards, and then go to the
center of the room to get the war plans. Now turn around, and get in
the elevator to exit the level.

Weapons: Rocket Launcher.
Now you get to one of the annoying fights. Duck into the room and
take out the sniper in the distance, and then use the pillars to the
left and right as cover to take out the wave of 15 guards that comes at
you. Remember to grab the rockets and rocket launcher right by the
starting doorway. After the room is clear, head through the open doors
on the other side. These are actually rooms you came through before...
but now they are all trashed and filled with bad guys again. This next
room has a few powerful guards that it's best to use your new rockets
on. Then head through the doorway on the far side of the room. Head
to the right and go down the hallway until you get to a large room with
3 powerful slegs. Kill them off to open the doorway on the far side of
the room. Now you have to be careful, because there are 2 sets of the
same traps here and they are far deadlier then the soldiers. Okay, the
blades go down 6 times and then shoot back up, so on the fifth one,
jump over it, and don't go too far because there is a battering ram
that gets triggered. Creep forwards and trigger it, and then it's safe
to go by and jump over the next set of blades. After that is done,
listen to what the guards have to say and then head to the right and
repeat how you just got past the last set of traps. Head down the
tunnel to the right afterwards to exit the level.

Rescue the Wise Father:
Weapons: Rocket launcher.
Head out of the tunnel and kill the guards and restock on
ammo/health. Now when your ready head to the far right hand corner of
the room and duck into the small tunnel there. Crawl around in the
tunnel under the prison cells until you meet the wise father and then
circle around to the right and into another set of tunnels that looks
like the ones you just came through. Go to the far tunnel to get the
rocket launcher and exit into a room with more guards. Kill them and
then hit the switch by the door to open it. Now you hear new music and
this only means more enemies. So pull out something with splash damage
and go into the room to take out the guards. It's best to fire a
weapon with splash damage at the doorway right as it's opening to let
more guards into the room. This will take out as many as you can
without wasting ammo. You will hear load noises from a door when it's
about to open. Once all the doors are open, head into the elevator in
the middle and destroy the 4 terminals to open the cells. Now head
back down stairs and open the cell with the wise father in it. Now
head back out the door you came in the first time (before the big
firefight), and through the back door that opened. Follow the pathway
and then once you come to an intersection with a big guard, kill him
and then turn to the right. Then once you come to the room with the
elevator enter it to exit the level.

Weapons: Gravity Disruptor.
Run around picking up the power ups and then go to the door on the
far side of the room where you will get the Gravity Disruptor.
Basically all you have to do is make a B line for the exit. This is
again the same room you ran through earlier, but this time you don't
have to worry about opening door. Just run straight ahead and kill
anything that gets in your way.

This is just purely a cut scene.

Chapter 6:
Shadowed Lands:
Weapons: None.
Head out through the forest to find the keys now. Head towards the
right wall and then when you see two pillars use the trunk on the right
to jump over and see that they are a trap. Keep following the right
wall and you will circle around a stegosaurus to come to a bring wall.
Jump on the platform until you are at the highest part you can get to,
and then look left to see some hanging vines on another piece of the
brick wall. Jump onto these to climb up. Now kill the raptor that
attacks you and then follow the wall out until you come to a pathway on
the left. Follow the pathway and get the first key (keep going for a
large health), and then turn around and go back to where you jumped up.
Head forwards and go between the wall and the tree root to get to the
next section of the level. Head forwards until the edge of the cliff.
(Watch out for the trap) Now head to the left and towards the tree
stump with the key floating above it, and kill the compies that are
here. Now go to the edge of the cliff and look down to see a small
platform (it's got a few plants on it), you need to jump down onto the
platform and crouch into the small tunnel, which will lead to a ladder
that will let you get the key. Now go straight away from the ledge and
back around to the first wall you climbed. Hang to the right and you
will go into the forest. Kill the raptors that come at you, and watch
out for the claw trap on the buildings to the right. Watch for where
the raptors trigger the traps as you proceed forwards into the forest.
Once you get to the gate that's almost all the way down, turn around
180 degrees and look for a hole in a tree by the wall that you can
crawl through to get the final key. After getting it, crawl back out
and go through the now open gate. Kill the Saber tooth tigers and
monks that are guarding the doors and then go through them to exit.
There is a secret area to the left side of the temple that has health
and a little ammo, look behind (jump) the tree.

Ruined city:
Weapons: Plasma Cannon.
Head down the corridor and then out the exit on the left, turning
left follow the wall back down until you come to an injured man. Let
him kill the raptors that attack (just stay out of the way) and then go
through the passageway he opens. Either drop down and kill the
baboons, or jump over and get more ammo/health. Head up the ramp and
leave the single baboon sitting there alone. Head right and down this
hallway at the end take a left and another left after the baboons
attack. Kill them all and then head up the ladder on the left hand
wall. Follow the wall and jump across the small gap to get the first
key and some health/grenades. Head all the way back to the start
(where the injured guy was) and then head left. Grab the key that is
on the stand there. (Don't shoot the dinosaurs unless you want them to
attack you) Now head to the left (away from where you started,
following the right hand wall) and go until the end of the area. There
will be a temple with a key in it, so grab the key and then circle
around behind the temple. Jump onto the switch back there (it's inside
the plants) and activate the moving column by where you started. Go
back to where you started and use the moving rock to get on top of the
temple and get the Plasma Cannon. Now head back to where you found the
third key and hang a right this time into the other set of temple
ruins. Now is a little maze, so go left and left, and then crouch
through a small opening to the right, and go out the maze on the other
side. Kill the raptor and then follow the left hand wall, if you need
health follow the right hand wall around itself and then come back and
proceed forwards. Kill the 3 big birds (more health on the right hand
wall) and then head up the dirt to get over the left hand wall. Hang a
right to exit the level.

Weapons: Flechette Gun, Plasma Cannon.
Now you get to have fun with new enemies. Anyway, head forwards into
the jungle and once you hit the wall follow the left hand wall deeper
into the jungle. If you want, just run ahead of the raptors and
compies, because you will past there poles that won't let them past.
At the end of the long run you will turn right and do another shorter
run and turn right and go past another set of poles. Now head to the
far right (past the statues) and grab the key that's around to the left
at the end. Kill all the new enemies and then head all the way to the
left of where you entered the area to grab another key. Now head back
to the middle passageway and go into it to reach the third key that you
can just see from the start. Watch out for enemies as you go. Another
doorway will open so proceed forwards and hang a left until you've past
it. Now there is a big canyon that has a lot of guys trying to snipe
you from the top, and a few raptors. After you are through it there is
another big temple with a Flechette gun in front of it. To get the
plasma cannon, just circle around to the left side of the temple and
around back behind it. Climb the ladder and then walk on the ledge to
get to the other side and the cannon. Also grab the large health and
ammo if you need it. After you are done here, go up the tree root to
jump up onto the ledge. Follow this pathway back to a ladder which you
will climb and reach another temple entrance Go inside and take out the
monks that greet you. After that is done, hit both the switches and go
through the open doorway onto the elevator. Once it reaches the
bottom, go forwards to exit the level.

Death From the Deep:
Weapons: Plasma Cannon.
Snipe the guard that you can see and then dive into the water and
swim to the right, and climb up the ladder to get the first key. Now
snipe the next guard and swim to the little island. Snipe the next
guard you can see and then swim to the second key along the right hand
wall on the platform. Now swim to the next island. See the little
walkway connecting the islands? Well take it to the right (sniping the
guards first) and then dive into the water and use the ladder to get to
the cave on the far wall. Now the right side of the tunnel has a few
pickups, the left has a key. Once you grab the key you will be back in
the water, so head to the islands again. The next key is on the boat,
and then you can see the next one after that on a platform that the
boat points at. From here you should snipe any guard that you can see,
and then head back to the island. The next key is to the left on
another platform (it's a double one) and the last key (7 total) is on a
platform to the left. Once all the stones are in place you can swim
over to them and use them to jump up to the top of the level. If you
need a plasma cannon or ammo head into the underwater cave, you will
loose health, but there is a large health in there also so you
shouldn't die unless you go in there with really low health. After you
are at the top of the stone you just need to turn left to exit the

Dinosaur Graveyard:
Weapons: Flechette Gun, Plasma Cannon.
Now you get to go through a graveyard... and you can bet that you'll be
adding to the pile on the way. Head out of the tunnel and up the
ladder first. Now first off, you can ignore any animals that are
feeding on a dead body. Unless you shoot them they usually won't
bother you. Head up through the jungle path, taking out the raptors
and birds until you hit a small cut scene. Grab the plasma cannon, and
seeker lens upgrade you saw in the cut scene and then take out the
guards on the other side of the big rock. After going under the
archway, there is a bunch of rock shields with guys behind them. Take
out all these guards and then continue along the pathway. Follow the
left hand wall and sweep around the outside of the big rock at the end
of the pathway. Keep following the left hand wall and work your way
along the rest of the pathway. Use the little pathway on the left hand
side to get above your enemies and snipe any guys you can see. Then
head back down and continue along the pathway through the bone yard.
Follow the right hand wall for a plasma charge if you need it, go
around and get more powerups. If you don't, just hang a left at the
entrance to the graveyard and follow the pathway. Once you get to the
end there is a switch that you need to hit. Doing so opens the doorway
and releases some compies. Go into the right hand tunnel to exit the

The Bridge:
Weapons: None.
Head out of the tunnel and drop down into the clearing. It's best to
get onto higher ground after this because more compies will come at
you. After they are all head a few raptors will come at you. Now
after they are all dead you have to hit the switch inside the giant
mouth. After this, you will see a little cut scene. So go back in the
mouth, hit the switch, and run for the now opening doorway to your
right. After your inside wait for it to close and then hit the switch
inside there. This will open the doorway on the far side of the main
room. Run out of the room you are in, run to the left of the pillars,
jumping the ones you can, and then get through the far doorway before
it closes. Now head down the pathway before you. Head to the left up
a small dirt pathway and then up a ladder on the side there. At the
top stop and snipe any baboons that you can before going along the
ledge any more. Now line yourself up and jump across to where all the
baboons were, and then go around the rocks to the other side and make
another long jump to a new pathway. Head up this pathway and go to the
left and behind the tree is a swarm bore attachment for your rocket
launcher, along with some rockets, and then head up the ladder on the
right hand wall. Slowly head up the bridge, and watch out for the
falling/exploding things as you work your way across it. To exit the

Chapter 7

Back into the skies:
Weapons: Birdie.
Okay, now the deal with this is the same as the levels before... except
there is a TON more stuff shooting at you. The first power up balloon
has an overdrive that you will want to get, and make sure to use your
turn buttons along with your directional stick. Also a lot of the rock
columns can be shot down so that you can save your rockets for the
transports and some of the pesky enemies. Now at the first split, head
to the right for less enemies, but a little harder flying. At the next
one you can go left for a shortcut, but it's trickier to fly through.
Keep going along the pathway until you come to a transport. Try to
shoot it down if you can, and then move onwards to the cave. You have
to dive and then pull up to make it into the cave, but once you are in,
stay low and grab the power ups. At the end of the cave you have to
pull back and climb up out of it. Once out there is one last choice of
direction, left or right, the right is safer, and the left is a tricky
shortcut. You are at the end of the level now.

Combat Run:
Weapons: Birdie.
Grab the power ups that are here, and then head along the pathway.
Once you have a choice left or right, left is trickier to fly, but has
FAR less enemies. So the choice is up to you. After you are out, and
back on the pathway you will head into a cave. Watch out for all the
natural hazards and then when things start falling apart with speed
through, or go slowly to avoid getting hit and dieing. When the
tremors start head up and to the left through a small passageway to
avoid all the rocks, or go down if you want more power ups, but easier
to get hit by the falling rockets. After you exit the cave there is a
short stint in the canyon and then you are home free. Watch out for
the side turrets as there aren't many power ups/health along here.

Raining Fury:
Weapons: Birdie.
Last flying level for now. Now in this level you have to take out
the enemy's generators and then the base core. This time you want to
start by flying fast past the drop ships and once you reach the but
structure in the open area, head for the left for more health and
rockets. Keep flying forwards and you will reach another split. The
left path is harder to navigate, but a LOT shorter then the right, so
pick which ever you want. You will reach another large open area with
a lot of enemies. It's best to fly around the outside grabbing health
and rockets as you need them and taking out all the enemies shooting at
you. Once they are mostly gone head for the generators and after a few
rockets each you will have them turned to scrap. There is also an
overdrive on the roof of the sleg base. After the generators are
destroyed, head down the center of the structure and shoot the pink
power core in the center. When it's destroyed, you will be able to
exit the level.

Chapter 8:

Weapons: Rocket Launcher.
Now you have crashed/landed in a chasm to help the defenders that are
under siege. First off grab the health pack in front of you and then
go up the pathway/canyon to meet up with some guys on your side. It's
always best to hang back and let them take the brunt of the attack.
This saves you ammo and health, so after the way is clear head up the
pathway some more to the cliffs and climb up the two ladders that are
there. Head to the right and grab the rocket launcher before heading
further down the pathway. Here you will see more allies fighting with
the enemy, so let them take out the big turret and then head up the
pathway into the small outpost. After heading right up the ramp, take
a left at the top and kill any guards in here. When you see the 2
doors, sneak up to them and snipe anyone that you can see in the
distance. Afterwards, go into the doorway and kill the chain gun guard
on the other side. Snipe anyone you can after the transport drops them
out and then jump from the bridge onto the platform in front of you,
and the next 2 after that. After you are down on the ground head
forwards along the canyon until you come to another building with 2
turrets in front of it. Use your rockets to take them out, and then
head through the doorway that opened in between them to exit the level.

City Breach:
Weapons: None.
First off go into the right hand hallway to get some ammo and health
and then head back and go down the left hand hallway to reach an
elevator. At the top take out the 3 soldiers, then use the turret (if
it's still there) to take out the ships and more guys along the bridge.
Afterwards activate the control panel and head back down the elevator
to the big doors that are now at the bottom. You can either wait in
this room and pick off the troops that are charging at you, or you can
go out onto the bridge to fight them. After they are mostly dead, head
out onto the bridge, and work your way until the middle part. When you
see any of the 3 turrets at the other end of the bridge use your
rockets and arrows to take them out so that you don't have to worry
about them shooting back. This level is all about explosive weapons,
so use them (lots of rocket ammo around the bridge) and once you're at
the other end you will be able to exit the level.

Enter The City:
Weapons: None.
Now use your grenades on the columns up ahead and restock with the
grenade piles at the start of the level. After the door opens, just
hang to the side and let your 3 soldiers do all the killing. Whenever
they don't have anything to shoot at, just move forwards a little bit
and let them do the rest. Once you reach the big right hand turn in
the street be careful. Stay to the right hand side and after all the
enemies are dead, creep up the hill and use your tek bow to take out
the sleg at the turret. Now man the turret and take out the wave of
enemies that come at you. After your safe and everything is dead, head
back down the street and hang a right. On the right will be an open
alleyway (if it's not open, there's still a guy alive somewhere, so go
find him) and then go down the alleyway to exit the level.

Street Combat:
Weapons: None.
Head up the ramp inside this room and take out the 3 guards at the
top. Then snipe as many guys as you can from this window before
dropping down out of it. Hang a right and head all the way down the
street. Try to stick to cover and get the drop on your enemies. In
the middle of the street is a LARGE pile of debris with some guys on
the left hand side. Go up on top of it and shoot out the manhole cover
to get a lot of treats down there, and then head up the ladder at the
other end. Now break out a big gun and take down the wave of enemies
coming at you. Afterwards 3 spawners will drop from the sky that you
want to take out as fast as you can. Once they are destroyed a marine
will open the door by where you came out of the sewers for you to go
through. Head up the ramp and let the marines take the force of the
assault that meets you as you go through the doorway at the top. After
you circle around, you will come to a room with a fountain and more
guards. Take them out and then head up the stairs and take a left. In
the next room more guys will Para shoot into the room so fire a few
rocket in there or grenades and that will take care of most of them.
Restock in the room before you and then head out through the doorway on
the right side of the room to exit the level.

Sniper Hunting:
Weapons: None.
You must take out all 10 snipers to proceed through this level. Now
this level you need to take your time on. So head through the doorway
and scope out where you are. Now head to the right through the
doorway. Take out the guard before he can run for help and then head
the way he was running. Take out all the guards in this corridor and
then hang a left into the next room. Kill the 2 guards and approach
the doorway slowly. Once it's open look at the sniper on the far side
of the bridge and snipe him with your arrows (Stick to the left side of
the doorway to avoid him shooting at you). Now head across the bridge
and Head up the ramp. If you want you can go down to the very bottom
and get a swamp bore, but if you don't need it just head up. Go
through the doorway instead of going up the ladder and kill everything
in the room. (The Sniper from the bridge is/was here) If you need it,
jump out onto the bridge from the window and get the gravity disruptor,
if not head out the doorway on the left. Turn left and kill the guard
in the hallway and then head right at the end, killing the next guard.
Once you get to the end of this section, don't go around but throw a
few grenades into the room using the wall to bounce them. This should
kill the second sniper and most of the guards in here. Go in and
finish off the big minigunner and grab everything you can take. If you
didn't kill the sniper you can see him through the broken doorway, make
sure it say's there is only 8 left before you go back out of the room.
Now go back to the ladder and head up it onto the roof. Kill the
guards up here and then take out the sniper that is sitting on the
ledge. Head to the left and then take out all the guards coming down
the hallway that leads off to the right from here. Once you think
everyone's dead head down the hallway and head up the first ladder on
the right. Kill the sniper that's waiting up here and then head back
down the ladder to the hallway. Now go down to the second ladder on
the right and head up that one. Go to the far end of the roof and head
left to kill the next sniper. After he is dead turn to the left and
kill everyone down there. After they are gone, head down the ladder
there, pick up the powerups and then head into the elevator shaft.
There is a large health here before you drop down into the elevator
car. You want to bounce a few grenades out the bottom of the car and
then head down there yourself to mop up any remaining guys. Going left
or right is up to you, as they both lead the same way, but left seems
to have weaker guys and better powerups. Kill the big guard at the end
of the room and head out the doorway to the left. This looks just like
the bridge you crossed earlier so either snipe the sniper or run across
and kill the guards. After you are across and in the room after the
bridge, head out the only other doorway. If you need rockets head
down, if not head up the ramp and through the doorway here. Kill the
mob of guards and the sniper (if you didn't already) and then head
through the doorway on the left side of the room. Use the same
strategies as before and kill everything here. After that head through
the doorway at the end of the hallways and kill the sniper that is out
here. Now go all the way back to the ramps and head up the ladder at
the top of them. Throw a grenade up the ladder before going up and
then head up and kill the 4 guards up here, and the sniper that is
lying on the ground. After that head through the tunnel to the left of
the ladder. Now kill the heavy guard and his friends and another
sniper who is lying on the ground. There should only be 1 left now.
Head up the ladder on your right and kill the final sniper. Your
friends will advance and now it's your turn. Head back down the ramp
ALL the way to the bottom and out the now open doorway. Head out the
doorway on the right and hang a right to exit the level.

Weapons: Swamp bore upgrade, Dark Matter cube, and Nuke upgrade.
Okay, now you get a real boss fight. Stock up on all the ammo in
front of you and head out the double doors into the arena. First you
have to kill all the minions/guards that inhabit the place. You will
have friends to help you but if you need health/ammo, head to the left
or right side rooms and break open the raptor box's to get more
health/ammo. Guards will be all over the arena and dropping in from
the sky, but once they are dead you get to fight the steracosaurus
boss. His most common attack is just to charge you and head butt you.
When he's doing this just run backwards and try to dodge to the side,
but if/when you are hit, it's pretty easy to find health laying around.
Keep unloading into him with your weapons like the mini gun to cause
him to fall down. Once he falls down 3 times it's all over with. Once
he is dead, head up the center structure to claim your nuke and then go
down the ladders and out the tunnels on the far side of the arena to
exit the level. (These are on the opposite side from the one you
entered from.

Chapter 9:

Weapons: None
Start by sniping the sniper in the middle top and then snipe everyone
else you can see. After they are all dead, head out and kill the last
2 guards on your left and right. After that head forward along the
left side, and watch out for the sludge. After you have cleared it a
few guys will run through the doorways at your. Kill them and then use
the doorways as cover to take out the groups of guys in the next room
through the doorway on the right hand side of the room. Cross the
first bridge on the left and then head along the left hand wall. Keep
following the wall and don't use the bridges anymore since you need to
hit 2 consoles to open the final doorway. After following the left
hand wall around to the left you will come to the first console, hit it
and then turn around and follow the pathway on the left to the next
console. After hitting this one go out the doorway on the left and one
you reach the next left hand turn creep around the corner and snipe as
many guys as you can. After they are all dead go across the little
bridge and snipe any more you can. After that head through the doorway
and kill the heavy gunner here before going down the left hand side of
the room. Once you get to the end you will have the last doorway open
before you (if you've killed everyone) and 3 guys will be in there.
Take them out and run to the end to finish the level.

Beneath the Streets:
Weapons: None.
This level you can either gun through it or you can avoid a lot of
fighting by being a little sneaky. I'm writing the sneaky way for
those of you low on health and ammo. The non sneaky way is pretty much
just going straight and following the pathway. Go up to the doorway to
open it and nail the sniper on the upper level of the room. Take out
any other guys you see before entering and heading across the first
walkway to the right. Next go past the slug and kill the guys down
below, grab the health and ammo it you need it, and then go to the top
of the ramp you went down and jump up to the broken ladder. Kill the
guys and go across the walkway to the left side of the room. Go up to
the box's before the doorway and then jump on them to get to a small
walkway in the middle with a ladder on it. Go up the ladder and into
the pipes above it. If you mess up in this area, you will be sent back
to the big pipe at the bottom of the ramp. Now you just have to go
through this part with the right timing to avoid being swept away. Go
to the left and stop right where the pipe closes in front of you. Let
it close and then when it opens go in and head to the left. Take the
first right and wait in this bright section with pick ups. When you
are ready to go you should head forwards and again take a left and the
first right to get to the next safe section. Wait here for the pipe to
cycle closed and then when it opens go in and take a right and run down
to the first left to get to the next safe section. At the end of this
you will come to a balcony that you should use to snipe the guards that
you can from. After they are dead, head down the ladder and go to the
right. Go into the tunnel on the right and hang a left and another
left and then a right once you are out of it. Go up to the doorway
that is in front of you and it will open. You don't have to hit
anything in here... so you can either kill everything or just run through
it. Exit out the only other doorway (leads to the other side from
where you were before) and then Jump across the little break in the
walkway when the slug stops and keep running. Jump to the little ledge
and then jump again to reach the final walkway with another sewer vent
on the right. Enter this vent on the right to exit the level.

Maintenance Tunnels:
Weapons: Flechette Gun
Start off by going to the hole in front of you and throwing down a
grenade to kill the guys below you. Hop down onto the box's and then
head to the right killing all the guards there. Head to the right of
the ramp and head to the left before the doorway on the lower level
here. Kill the guy with the flamethrower and then go to the end and go
through the doorway on the right. Kill all the guards and head up the
ramp and kill the 2 snipers up here. Hit the switch on the far side of
the room to open the doorway at the far end of the hallway you started
in. Go out the door on the upper level and then head down the ramp.
More guards will come out of the doorways on the right, so either kill
them and then hit the switch again when you want to go through, or run
past them and get to the doorway at the very end. When you get on the
elevator it will start going down. Exit the elevator and head up the
ladder on the left. Throw some grenades to kill the guys down below
and then grab the grenades before dropping down. Head to the next
ladder on the left and go up it. Grab and health and ammo and again
kill the guards down below before dropping down. If you want to go up
the third ladder for some more ammo/health, if not head around the end
of the hallway to the right and kill the guards and the guy with the
flame thrower. Now use your tek bow to snipe guards at the far end of
the turning gears and then the one right above where you come out.
After that's done follow the walkway to the far end where you will go
through a doorway and up a small elevator to the next level of the
gears. Go out the doorway and follow the walkway again (crouch under
the gears) until you come back to the other side of the room. Go in
and ride up another elevator to the third level of the gears. Now just
walk onto them and across each gear to reach the next one, at the end,
go through the doorway and up the ramp to the left. Kill all the
guards and take the elevator leading down. Go down the hallway and get
the grenades before exiting out the doorway to the left. Now sometimes
there are 4/5 really tough guys in here... but others there's nobody to
fight. If your luck and don't have to fight them, grab the powerups
and head up the ladder on the opposite side of the middle structure.
Go all the way around to the other side and then go in the open doorway
there and drop down. Head over to the other side of this inside room
and up a small ladder to get on an elevator and exit the level. If
they are there... fight them and then do the above process to exit the

The Library:
Weapons: Plasma Cannon, gravity disruptor.
Exit out the elevator and head to the right. Go up the ladder and
then out the doorway on the left. Head to the right and around the
corner of the building to go up another ladder. Now snipe the 2
snipers right below you and the guard manning the mounted gun below.
Grab the plasma cannon and jump down to street level carefully. Go
other to the humans and talk with them and then head to man the turret.
Aim it at the doorway to the left of the humans and once they are done
talking it will open. Use the turret to mow down anyone that comes
through. After you feel it's safe to go on, leave the turret and go
through the open doorway. Join up with the marines and help them press
down the street to the left. Use a grenade on the tank that's firing
at you to help kill a lot of guards in that area. It's best to stay
down in the middle or the place you entered (There is a supply drop
down on this end around 1/2 way through the fight), and just take out the
balloons as they drop in more guys. After about 2-3 waves of guys you
will get a note saying the library is open. Head down and through the
open door on the left side of the street. Going either left or right
will take you around to the same place, so it doesn't matter as long as
you kill both the guards. Work your way around the building to the
library, and go down the ramp into it. Head to the right and circle
around the outside of all the bookcases until you're on the other side.
Now go into the center from here and there will be a bookcase end with
a ladder on it. Climb up this ladder and work your way around the red
carpeted area to the next ladder. Do this same thing for the next 2
ladders and once you reach the top with the dome, go around the ledge
until you come to a box that lets you hope out through a crack in the
dome to exit the level.

Weapons: Gravity Disruptor.
Head around to the right and circle around the dome before
dropping down onto the streets. Wait back here while the marines take
out all the enemies and equip your rocket launch once they are all
gone. Go forwards a bit and a tank will come out, use your rocket
launcher on it, about 3-4 shots) and watch out for the blast. After
the tank is destroyed a giant shell thing drops in the end, near where
you came from the dome, and a giant guy gets out of it. Take him down
and then two spawners will drop, one at each end of the corridor. Kill
the spawners and the door that the tank came threw will open and a few
guys will come out, after killing them off head up to the open doorway.
I find the best way to do this is to snipe the guys for a distance, and
then go through. Some people like to just charge in and kill
everything though, so it's up to you. Head to the left and follow the
wall until you go up a ramp to the right, killing the guards at the
top, go to the right at the top of the ramp and jump out across the
rocks to where you see a giant stone hand. Head up the hand and
through the passageway on the left taking a right at the end of it.
Head straight ahead and at the end take the forced right. Jump onto
the rocks (grab the health in the little nock if you need it) and head
straight up them. At the top head to the right first and take out the
sniper there. Now sneak around the rocks and take out the other 2
snipers. Now head towards the center of the building and take out the
sniper on the other side. After this is done you need to look to the
left and see a blown up section of the monument that you can jump into.
Make this jump and then head to the right along the blown out pathway
and across the ladder. Once on the other side, jump to the ledge and
follow the wall until you see an elevator on the right hand side. Go
up this elevator and hang a right to take out the next set of guards.
After this is done, grab the large health pack and then head into the
doorway to exit the level

Chapter 10:

Halls of Battle:
Weapons: Flechette Gun.
Head up to the doorway to open it and dispose of the guards in the
room that are at the floor level, and then head up top to take out the
upper guards. Once up the ramps head around to directly over the
doorway you entered and hit the console that is there to open the
doorway on the opposite side of the room. Now head in and help the
marines, but don't go charging too far ahead as two big minigunners
will come out at the top of each ramp. After everything is dead pick
up your spoils and head up the right ramp. After the hallway you will
come to a big ramp leading down. Snipe a few of the guys below and
then head down the ramp. Kill everyone at the bottom and head to the
other side by the three doors, and turn around. There is a short
elevator that you need to ride up. Now enemies will be coming out of
these doors latter... so place a new spiked mines by them and then head
up the ramp. Hit the console at the top and then head back down the
ramp, kill everything here and then kill the guard in the left hand
room that is now open. Go down and hit the switch to open the room on
the right and then hit the switch in there to open the middle room
(stairs leading to it). Now go up there and kill the guards, go
through the doors right in front of you if you want a large health,
otherwise hang a right and head out the doorway to help some marines.
Help them if you want, but once the enemies are dead or almost dead you
will find out that the turrets have been turned on. Now hide behind
the pillars to avoid getting hit by the snipers or the turrets. Use
whatever you want to take out the snipers first, and then dodge/run
between the pillars to get in position to take out each of the turret
generators. They take about 2 rockets each. After they are dead the
far door will open, so grab some health and rockets and go through it
to exit the level.

The Senate Chambers:
Weapons: None.
Head threw the door in front of you, and kill the enemies that are
fighting the marines. Once they are dead a cut scene will start.
After it's done head around the chamber and up the elevator on the left
hand side. Now follow the guard until you come to a room with lots of
skylights. Once you get to the other end of the room bad guys will
burst in through the roof and you must kill them all before the doorway
opens. Once they are all dead, follow the guard again. The doorway
will be locked, so watch the broken window to the right. Kill any
guards that try to rush you and then head across to where they were
coming from. Follow the pathway to the ramp at the end and go down it.
Now head to the right at the bottom of the ramp and head down another
ramp. Go to the left this time and left again to enter a hanger with a
tank. Kill the guards that come out of the doorway and go in there and
into the doorway on the left. Kill these guards and then hit the
switch. Now there is a ton of guys where you just cleared a path. So
head all the way back to the broken window that you first went through,
killing everything in your way or just running through them. Now hang
a right and go through the doorway that was opened. Use 2 rockets to
kill the drop ship and then head up the ramps to the right. Kill the
sniper and head through the doorway on the left. Clear the room of
guys and then use the elevator on the far side of the room to get to
the next console. This will lower the bridge, so go across it and take
out the flamers on the other side. Go through the double doorway and
forwards until there's a small drop on the left. Use the ladder the
guys try to climb up to your advantage and take them all out. After
they are gone, hop down and hit the switch that is on the wall under
the ladder the guys were trying to climb up, now grab the health/ammo,
and stay on the bottom level. Head along the pathway and hit the
switch in the middle of the room, then go up the ladder and hit the
switch right above it, then go back down and hit the final switch on
the furthest wall. The end is now open, so go there and be careful of
the rocket guard at the end. Jump on the Elevator to end the level.

Perilous Skies:
Weapons: None.
Head out of the elevator and through the doorway to start. Hang a
right and go out the door, now you will have to use the shields on
either side as cover and take out all the enemies that are in this big
room. Cross the bridge to the end and hit either of the 2 consoles.
This will unlock the doorway (You just pasted it on the bridge) on the
opposite side of the bridge from it. Planting some mines in front of
the doorway before you open it is a good idea. Go into each of these
rooms and hit the switch to extend one half of the bridge. Make sure
to only hit one at a time since they both spawn more guys. After this
is done, go across the new bridge. Now head up to the left or right,
both lead to panels that need to be pushed to extend the next part of
the bridge. After you've hit both panels, go back to the center of the
bridge and go through the doorway. Use some explosives to take out the
guys in this room and then use either the left or right doorway as they
both lead the same place, go left just to be safe. Kill the drop ship
with your rockets and then head down the center ramp. Pull out your
rockets and give this big guy a taste of them. After he's dead, grab
some rockets to refill and then get on the elevator. Grab whatever
ammo you need and then jump onto the tram and hit the switch to make it
move. Watch out for the ships that try to hit you while your on this
thing(You can shoot them down with the mini gun and Rocket launcher if
you want, and it's advised), but once it reaches the end, just exit and
take a right and head up the ramp to exit the level.

The Great Hall:
Weapons: None.
Head to the left out the door and snipe what guys you can. There
will be a switch to the left so hit it and turn back around to face the
door you came in. Now there is a ramp leading down into the hole in
front of you, so go down it and hit the next switch, which will call
another ramp for you to go down and deactivate the first force field.
Snipe what guys you can from here and then go back up the ramps. Kill
the guards in front of you and then head that way and go to the right.
Now repeat the same switch process you used for the first force field
here. After that's done head to the center again and hang a right to
repeat the third time. After the third force field is down go back to
the center and hang another right. The only thing changed for this
forth time is that there is a switch to the right at the very start of
this walkway, instead of on the left. After you hit it proceed with
hitting the other switches and taking down the last force field. Go to
the center of the structure and onto the now open lift to exit the

Weapons: None.
Now it's time to finish what you started. Kill the two guards to
the left right from the start and then watch the cut scene. Head into
the lift that lowered and kill the 4 guards at the top once the door
opens. Now stock up on ammo/health from all corners of this small room
and then we get another ride on a tram. Again they will try to kill
you with ships, so take them down or dodge, it's your choice. As soon
as the gate opens cross onto the new platform and use your minigun to
greet the guys that come out the doorway in front of you. After they
are dead, grab the powerups and then head into the doorway which the
guards opened. Now ride the short elevator up and you will see two
turrets. You will now have to use these turrets to shoot a LOT of
guys. Basically start with the left turret and kill everything you
can, including the ships, and then jump into the right turret and kill
the things the left turret couldn't reach. Now you just have to swap
back and forth for a minute or two and you'll be done when nothing else
comes for you to kill. Make sure to grab the health if you need it.
Once you can't kill anymore the bridge will extend for you to cross.
Remember to jump in the center as not to fall threw. Now hit both the
tether switches (in the two doorways that the enemy's were coming out
of before in the turret segment. Now you have close to 120 seconds (2
minutes) to escape. Which means plowing through a lot of bad guys at a
dead run. You need to reach the top of the place you saw in the cut
scene, so basically just run and only shoot guys that get in your way.
Escaping is a LOT more important that killing everyone this time. The
Gravity disrupter seems to be made just for this part as you can launch
guys off the edge. Also make sure if anything to kill the bigger
minigunners as you run past them... since they seem to cause people a lot
of trouble.

Chapter 11:

Chaos in the Skies:
Weapons: Back to the birdies.
Well we've got another set of flying levels and boy these ones are
fun. The whole city is collapsing around you, and you have to fly your
way out between the falling buildings, enemies, and more. In these
flying levels you want to avoid slowing down, since the building are
falling all around you. Now go under the first bridge to get a powerup
and then go to the left of the first falling building to get a gun
power up. Now take the turn to the right and then after that you want
to stay to the left hand side for more health and ammo. Just keep
going and you will come to the docking bay that you enter to exit the

The Shuttle Bay:
Weapons: Birdie style.
Now you have to take out the six generators to stop the sleggs
from escaping. First you have to take out the three generators at the
top. The opening to them rotates between them, and is a VERY tricky
shot. You will only get 1 or 2 missiles at it per run, so make them
count. After the four up here are destroyed you can go down below and
destroy the remaining three. These are easier to hit, so you shouldn't
have much problems with them. The health is in a weird place at the
bottom of the bay, so you probably want to have a bit of health left
when going to get it since you might hit the wall. It's down in the
middle by the turrets and what looks like a beltway. After all six of
the generators are destroyed, the doorway you went in will open and you
have to fly out of it to exit the level.

The City Falls:
Weapons: Tweet, tweet.
This is a straight forwards path so just go for it. Speed is a
good thing and you just want to avoid as much fire as you can, not to
mention buildings. At the end of the level you will feel/see the air
going down, so dive and head into the tunnels to exit the level.

Weapons: More birdie goodness.
Now you are trapped, so you need to take out the valve heads to
release the way you need to go. It takes about 4 rockets per valve,
and there are 4 of them. So circle around like you did on the shuttle
bay and take out the valves. If you need it health and rockets are up
near the middle by the center of the map, so don't be afraid to go up
and get them. I found 2 of the valves are best hit when circling
clockwise, and the other two are easy to hit when circling counter
clockwise, so once you've taken out 2 if you are having problems with
the next 2 turn around and try it that way.

The Nick Of Time:
Weapons: Who needs weapons?!?
The whole city is about to come crushing down on you. This level
is all about speed and fast reflexes. There will be flames coming from
behind you which you need to swerve to the sides to avoid, and
steam/flames in front of you which you will need to dodge. You will
arrive at a more open area with some health, so grab it and then keep
going forwards into the grayish pipes. Once here you can slow down and
head low to let the flames pass you by. This will make the gray pipes
a LOT easier. Watch the cool cut scene and then it's onto the next

Juggernaut Approach:
Weapons: Birdie again :)
Duck down and grab the powerup and then just fly through the
valley as good/fast as you can. You can NOT turn around in the big
open areas; if you try you will just be stuck in a WORSE place for
entering the next canyon. At the end of the second canyon you will
arrive on the Juggernaut. Dive down and get the overdrive if you want
it, otherwise fly onwards to finish the level

Chapter 13:

The Belly of the Beast:
Weapons: None.
Head out the door and hit the mini-gunner from behind, then pick
up all the ammo you can and head to the other side of the room. Hit
the console and it will open a door behind you and to the left. Go
through it (You can't come back here after you have) and get ready for
some fun. In this level you will have to be a little sneaky, and at the
same time set off alarms to bring in guards. You will also have to
turn off said alarms before TOO many guards come in. Kill the two
guards in here and then run forwards and turn off the alarm. Now go
into the room on the side to fill up your ammo and then go back to
where the alarm is and look up. Hit the vent with your axe (jump) and
it will open for you to crawl into. Crouch into the vent and go
forwards, drop down, follow the vent around to the right and then to
the left again. Once you stand up, you then have to climb the ladder
that is here. Crouch again and go forwards to the next ladder. Head
up it and go to the end where you will pick up some grenades. Knock
open the vent with your axe and then use the grenades on the guys down
below, then drop down into the room. Head right up the ramp that is
there and kill the guards in the next room. Then turn off the alarm to
prevent any more guards from showing up. Watch out for the pink strips
as they will hurt you also. Head out the doorway that is by the alarm
and along the pathway there. Head down the ramp at the end of the
pathway (you can jump down onto the ledge and then onto the box's if
you wish), kill the 2 guards on the stairs and the minigunner at the
bottom. The alarm will be back on so go into the door that is on the
right wall and turn off the alarm that is in there. Wait in here a
little bit until the extra guards come in and you can deal with them
easily. Head out the doorway you entered from and head to the right.
Pull out your mini gun and deal with the guards with miniguns to your
right. Head around this way killing more of these guards until you are
at the back or the room and there is a few box's stacked up. Go behind
these and turn off the alarm AND pick up the key that is here. Head
back out from behind the box's and go on the left side. There will be
some more boxes and a doorway leading to a console which will unlock
the port cannon. Now head out and hang a left and go through the door
on the other side of the boxes in the main room. Head to the left and
into the port cannon room (There are RED LIGHTS showing you that this
is the port cannon room). You will see the 4 places you need to
destroy in order to get to the cannon. First head to the right and
clear the control room of any guards and then follow the walkway around
to take out the other guard. Now go down and destroy the 4 shield
generators (they explode 2 times each) and then go back to the door you
entered through. Now turn around from the doorway and shoot the
missile while it's being loaded into the cannon, once it explodes, turn
around and run back out the way you came before you get caught in the
explosion. Now head out to the right and go back up the long ramp to
the top of the room. Head through the doorway at the end which is now
unlocked again and out the right doorway. Kill the guards and then
open the vent that is on the right wall at the bottom of the ramp and
go in it. Head to the left and then left again. Climb down the ladder
and then head to the left, towards the ammo pack. Now go into the
first room and restock before hitting the console in here to open up
the starboard cannon. Now go back into the vents and all the way back
around to the main room that lead to the port cannon. From the ramp
just run straight to the end and take a left into the doorway that
leads to the starboard cannon. Once in this room you will go right
into the cannon chamber. Now take out the guard to the right and then
head left this time to take out all the guards inside the control room.
After they are all done, destroy the 4 generators again and then go by
the door and repeat what you did for the port cannon. Now head out the
hallway and stock up on health before going out into the main room.
Head out the main room and hang a right and go through the now open
door in the middle of the wall on your right. (This is opposite the
room you went in to get the computer key) Head up the ramps in here
and plow through or just avoid the enemies as you make your way up. At
the top of the second ramp you will get a cut scene. After it's over
run down the ramp and onto the elevator that Tyrannus went down to exit
the level.

Chapter 14:

The Final Blow:
Weapons: Tweet, Tweet again.
You now get to fly again... yes it's the final time. First you need
to take out the tower above the downed Juggernaut, so fly down and to
the right side until you see a tunnel at the base of the tower. Move
into this tunnel and use your rockets on the 3 pink power generators in
the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel there is a few rocket and health
pick ups, so if you don't get them all the first time (I don't think
you can), just get these and then circle around back into the tunnel.
After all three generators have been destroyed all you have to do it go
out and shoot at the tower. After a while(15-20 missiles) it will fall
and you will exit the level after another 30 seconds.

Canyon Run:
Weapons: Polly wants a rocket launcher.
This is a straight forward path. Kill the enemies, avoid the
rockets, and use those elite skillz you now have to get through it. At
the end make sure to keep your decelerate button pressed while
navigating the cave. Staying low and to the left seems to be the
easiest way through the level.

Canyon Depths:
Weapons: What I wouldn't give for a nice big nuke.
Just trust yourself and your feelings on where to fly in this
level. Once you reach the water you should try to skim right above it
and watch out for the ceiling. To exit the level just fly through the
guys giant mouth. I think the left is the easier way... but my friends
all say the middle and right.

The Battle for Galyanna:
Weapons: Polly wants a .... BOOM.
I'm here to sadly inform you that there are NO more flying levels.
This is the last one, so you must enjoy it while it lasts. This level
is in multiple parts. So start off by flying out and listen to the
messages. Now you have to fly in a circle and hit the three armored
Brachiosauruses. Just aim for the lower target on all three and about
5-7 missiles latter they will go down. After they are all gone head
away from where you entered and fly out through the next cave. Now you
have to hit the convoy before they reach the beach, so get to work.
It's best to just head for the bunkers on the beach first and then the
ships. Then them and the antiaircraft guns out and the convoy will
arrive soon with nowhere to go. Kill the 4 convoy cars and the level
will end.

Chapter 15:

Weapons: A lot of ammo.
Now it's time to set yourself loose against the last boss.
Brunckner still lives, so you must put an end to this. Now head
forwards and meet some marines to start the final battle. Three
spawners will drop down and you must destroy these to have Brunckner
come out on the back of a T-Rex! All the balloon's that are floating
drop health, so shoot them down so you can grab it when you need it.
There are a few ways to beat this guy. Check out the gamefaqs.com
forums if you want to see a few. I found it's just easy to keep your
distance and plug away at him with the minigun. Once the T-rex goes
down you have beaten the game. One of the VERY easy ways is to just
pull out the minigun and get the t-rex to charge up near some trees and
blow those down with the minigun so that they land on the t-rex. 2-3
will kill him... if you need anymore just keep firing with the minigun.
There is a lot of ammo lying around also.

6) Multiplayer Tips
I will be playing a lot of multiplayer this weekend to be able to give
you guys some good map tips here. Look forwards to it.
7) Links
www.gamefaqs.com The Place to get the latest version of this FAQ.
If you wish to post my FAQ send me a mail at tyrlan@pacbell.net to get

This document Copyright 2002 by Tye Arnett. If you want to
Post/print/host/submit/whatever else you would do with a walkthrough
other then just read it. You must e-mail, call, or write me for
permission to host or reprint this in any form. If you have paid money
for this, you have been ripped off and should report it to both the
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15.Октябрь 2013

25.Март 2015

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11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
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01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
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07.Июнь 2019