Wild Arms 3

Wild Arms 3

15.10.2013 21:47:39
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Walkthrough/FAQ Version 0.25 (10/28/02)
Written By Dark Lord Magus
Email:monkeymofomojo@juno.com(Please limit the amount of spam you send me, I'd prefer it if you only ask me if
you're really stuck, even then I may not know the answer.)

Table of Contents:
III:Game Basics
VII:Item List
VIII:Monster List
IX:Side Quests/Secrets

Hello everyone, I'm Dark Lord Magus, and this is the first FAQ I've written for any game, normally I'm the one looking
them up -_-;. So why choose this game? Well for one thing, the Wild Arms series is one of my favorite rpg series of all
time..I love the combination of the old west and sci fi themes, and come on..who doesn't like shooting the crud out of
monsters? Also, I noticed that there aren't many FAQS for this game out, nonetheless for the NA/English version of the
game. So I thought, why not? It sounds like it might be an enjoyable experience. (Side Note:Excuse my crappy ASCII ART :P)
Okay..another thing I should say right here is what I think of the game...well..I think it's great! The graphics have a
very unique style, the story is fairly interesting, the combat system is pretty fun, the music is rather good, and really
fits the mood of the game, and some of the puzzles in the game are rather tough and take some thinking to complete (always
a good sign) Overall I'd give it a 8/10 mainly because the story could have been better but everything else is pretty good.

Alright now for the part of the FAQ noone bothers to read, but if you violate these, I will come after you with some blunt
object. 1:Don't steal from this FAQ. I will hunt you down and beat you with a frozen fish if you do. 2:Don't sell this FAQ.
This is a FREE FAQ, and it's meant to be so in any sense, so sell it and I'll smack you upside the head with a monkey
statue.3:Don't post this faq on your website without asking me first, it's really irritating when you don't ask for
permission, and I'll have to break out the 2X4 in that case. So ask first, mmkay? That's it.

III:Game Basics
Okay...so now that you've got the game...how do you play? Well here's everything (hopefully) you need to know.

III Section A:Combat
Alright, since this will be a major part of your journey through Filgaia, you better know how to fight!

D-Pad or Analog stick:Change selection

Commands in Battle:
When you start a battle you are given a cross menu that has four options which are:

Get Ready:The middle icon resembles a fireball. Allows you to issue commands to your characters.

Auto Battle:The left icon that looks like a megaphone. Turns on AI for all your characters so that the game will fight for

Formation:The right icon that looks like two arrows forming a circle. Allows you to change your characters positions and
action order.

Medium:The upper icon that looks like a glowing stone tablet. Allows you to invoke/equip your mediums and set personal

System:The lower icon that looks like a PS2 controller. Allows you to set various game options.

Commands available after selecting "Get Ready"

Shoot/Attack:The middle icon that looks like a gun or a fist depending on if your ARM is loaded or not. Allows you to either
shoot the enemy with your ARM or attack them physically depending on how many bullets you have left.

Force Ability:The left icon that looks like a glowing person. This allows you to use various force abilities that consume
FP. See section on them later.

Arcana:The right icon that looks like a white light. Allows you to use various magic abilities (arcana) using your mediums.

Item:The upper icon that looks like a yellow sack. Allows you to use various items.

Guard:The lower icon that looks like a red shield with a silver cross and lining. Allows you to reload your ARM and take
lessdamage from attacks.

In Battle:
While fighting you need to be careful with how you plan out your strategy here's some more detailed info about the commands.

Shoot/Attack:This will be your main option for offense, you'll probably find yourself using this a lot. A few things you
should know:Your ARM can't fire infinitely, after so many shots are fired, you have to reload using guard. Some enemies
completely nullify physical attacks, in that case try to use Arcana on them.

Force Ability:This command can save your arse in a battle when used right..here are the various abilities:

Character Specific Force Abilities(These all cost 25 FP to preform):

Virginia: Mystic-Allows your items to effect every ally/enemy. Throughout the game, you'll find
yourself using this in combination with heal berries to keep yourself alive.

Jet:Accelerator-Allows Jet to act first in the turn, no matter what. Hmm..kinda useful, especially if you want to heal
someone before the enemy gets a chance to kill them.

Gallows:Extension-Allows Gallows' Arcana to hit all targets whether ally or foe. Very useful, allows you to use healing
arcana on everyone after painful hit all attacks and attack Arcana on all enemies to end a battle quicker.

Clive:Lock On-Allows Clive to preform a 100% hit rate attack. This is pretty useful considering that Clive is a very
strong shot and doesn't have much ammo, so it conserves it, making sure the bullet will hit..I don't use it that much,
but it's useful nonetheless.

Common to all Characters Force Abilities:

Gatling-Fires several powered up bullets into one enemy. VERY useful, this can end boss battles early in the game quite
fast. Costs SHT Number FP to use.

Summon-Once your characters equip a medium, they can preform a summoning of the guardian dwelling within. The power of
the guardian depends on how much FP you use to summon it. Summons can be done as long as you have FP, but it will consume
all FP when used, and the higher the FP spent, the more damage you can do with it.

Arcana:This command is quite useful, as a lot of the Arcana spells can be used to exploit enemies' weaknesses. Also,
defeating an enemy with Arcana will net you the gem belonging to the element of the Medium you have equipped. These
can either be sold for 100 gella a piece or be used as attack items in a battle. I prefer using them for money, but that's
just me. Check the Medium/Arcana Section for more details on the Arcana of the various mediums.

General Battle Tips:

Don't hesitate to heal:If you're injured pretty badly, don't be afraid to use a heal berry, they're very easy to come by
and a life saver. Using mystic on a heal berry is even better, because then you save on them, as it only consumes one to
heal your entire party.

Try to exploit an enemy's weakness:Always try to use the Arcana an enemy is weak to when you can, since it will net you a
gem and an easy win, most likely.

Don't forget to reload!:Rarely ever does your physical attack do damage that's significant, so if you're out of ammo, guard
and reload. (There is an exception to this, as one of the Personal Skills you can get gives you a very powerful physical
based attack)

If you're fighting a group of three in a boss battle, try to take out one enemy first, since most of these "group" bosses
have painful group attacks.

Try not to waste summons:You never really have that high of an MTC, which is needed to summon, so I'd suggest only using it
when it's absolutely necessary, for instance, on a really tough boss.

Finally, don't obsess too much over losing tough battles,just remain calm, try levelling up, and then fighting whatever
beat you again when you're stronger.

Avoiding Encounters:
Okay in this game, it is possible to avoid random battles altogether. How does it work? Well here's it put simply:
When walking around in a dungeon or on the world occasionally you'll see a exclamation point appear over you characters
head. This symbolizes an enemy encounter. However, you can avoid the battle depending on the color of the exclamation point
if it's white or green, you can cancel the encounter by hitting O, and if it's red, you can't cancel it. So what's the
difference between white and green? Well with a white exclamation point you'll have to expend some of your encounter gauge
to avoid the fight (The encounter gauge is the gauge in the upper left hand corner of the screen) while green exclamation
points do not require any of the encounter gauge to be expended. So how do you make it so you get green exclamation points
instead of white? This is rather simple, you must up your "Migrant Level" which you can do through the use of
"Migrant Badges" which are found in various places. As your Migrant Level goes up, the stronger the enemies are that you
can avoid altogether.

Vitality Gauge:Did you ever notice how there's an orange gauge on the characters' status screen? Well that's your vitality
gauge, which will refill your health after battle. After it reaches 0, you won't recover HP after battles any more, so fill
it back up with either orange crystals or by staying at an inn.

III Section B:Exploration
This is another thing you'll be doing a lot of while wandering the wasteland. So here's how to find your way in even the
darkest dungeon.

Triangle:Bring Up Menu
Square:Use tool/Activate ASK/Activate Search
O:Cancel and Hold to Sneak
X:Accept,Pick up/Throw, Push/Pull, Hang onto grate/Flip up on grate, and Hold to Dash
L1:Shift Camera Angle Left
R1:Shift Camera Angle Right
R2:Hold to rotate character without moving from where they are.

Tools are your friends, You'll need them to get through puzzles and get treasures.

Tinder Crest:Launches a firey card with a crest on it, explodes when it hits a solid object.
It can be used to light torches.

Boomerang:Throws a boomerang that can be guided. Can be used to hit switches.

Freezer Doll:I love this thing! Snowman of doom! Fires a beam of freezing energy using a snowman doll. Can be used to
put out torches with blue flames.

Bombs:Another fun tool..explosions! Mwa ha ha ha! Um...you set them down and they blow stuff up..do I really have to tell
you? Can be used to open passageways and hit certain switches.

Dashing and Sneaking:
In order to avoid certain traps, you must either dash or sneak. Sneaking is useful for getting across places where the floor
isn't solid, and dashing is useful for avoiding spear and spike traps.

Throwing Objects
A lot of the time you'll see crates on the ground. Well these can be thrown to hit switches and find items, I'd suggest
always breaking them for items when you don't have to use them to hit switches.

Pushing/Pulling Objects:
Rather simple, press X in front of a box to grab it and then hold X and hold a directional button to push or pull, you can
use these boxes to keep switches pressed or to make places to cross.

Grates:Sometimes you will see a grate above you, and if you hit X under it you will jump up and hold onto that grate, you
can use this to your advatage so that you can cross areas you couldn't normally, also you can get on top of the grate by
going to an edge and holding X, this helps a lot of the time too.

Crystals:You'll find two types of crystals in dungeons, orange and white, orange crystals restore your vitality gauge,
while white crystals restore you encounter gauge

Rotating Valves:Occasionally you'll encounter valves that you have to turn, in order to do this, press and hold X to grab
onto the valve and then rotate the left analog stick to open it.

Town Exploration Hints:
Always check every barrel and box to find items. Always talk to everyone, and if any green text appears always use the ASK
system by hitting square and selecting the text to get new information. This is normally how you learn of new dungeons and
towns, so be SURE to do it everytime you're in a town

World Map Exploration hints:
Be sure to use search EVERYWHERE, not only do you find locations, but you can also find money and items, which can really
help you out. Remember that horses can jump ravines by dashing from far away at them, so if you're stuck, make sure you
haven't missed something across a ravine. Also, most of the time when you see an odd looking blank spot, there's a location
there..but you may have to find out about it first.


Main Characters:

Virginia Maxwell
Weight 108 lbs
ARMs:Rapier Ex
Banotrain 93R(Twin Pistols)
Description:This is the heroine of the story, you'll be playing the game from her prespective most of the time.
She is a novice drifter who has always dreamt of being a true drifter, wandering the wasteland. She likes to
help people out, even when it causes her more trouble. She seems to be trying to leave behind something in her past;
what, is unknown. Battle wise, Virginia is a pretty balanced character...though she'll seem weak compared to your other
characters intially, she'll get better, becoming a fairly good character. Especially for healing, considering using mystic
on a heal berry will be your main form of group healing for a while.

Jet Enduro
Weight:126 lbs
ARM:Airget-lamh B/V2(Machine Gun)
Description:Jet is a mysterious drifter who is obsessed with finding treasures. He often has a cold, uncaring attitude
toward life, and will only accept a mission if he believes it will bring him some Gella. Noone knows his past..not even
Jet himself...just who is he? Jet is fairly good in a battle, as his ARM starts out with a good ammount of ammo and attack
power,also with accelerator, he can be put to use healing before an enemy has the chance to strike.

Gallows Caradine
Weight:220 lbs
ARM:Modified Coyote M17F (Shotgun)
Description:Gallows is a member of the Baskar Tribe, who worship the Guardians of Filgaia. Until recently, he was scheduled
to become a preist of the Baskar, but his interest in the Ark Scepter ended that path. He searches for the Ark Scepter,
trying to learn it's secrets. Gallows is pretty damn good in a battle...his magic is quite useful, and his attack power
isn't too bad at all, not to mention the fact that with extension he can heal everyone or hurt every enemy...all around
pretty handy, that and he has the freezer doll, which is just cool.

Clive Winslett
Weight:152 lbs
ARM:Gungir HAG35 (Sniper Rifle)
Description:Clive is a noble bounty hunter who tends to take jobs where he can protect people. He is very wise about many
things, but seems to be preoccupied with something...what exactly is on Clive's mind? Oh man..this guy is sweet in combat..
his attack is extremely high and so is his defense..the only real drawback is the fact that his weapon has very little
bullets, but that can be fixed at the ARMs shop fairly easily.

Tesla:Virginia's uncle, takes care of her.
Shalte:Virginia's aunt, takes care of her.
Pike:A boy who's leaving his hometown for the first time.
Shane:Gallows' younger brother, has the ability to forsee the future through dreams
Halle:Gallows' grandmother, the leader of the Baskar people, and a very wise old lady.
Borgnine:The sheriff of a little town who hired Clive to exterminate a monster.
Janus Cascade:A rival drifter who seems to have ulterior motives..what could he be plotting?
Dario:Janus' bearded henchman, is loyal to Janus no matter what and is always with him
Romero:Janus' blonde-haired ninja-like henchman, is loyal to Janus no matter what and is always with him.


Chapter 1:Prologue
Okay I'm taking off from the point where you select the character to play with...you can do this in any order, but I
suggest you do it in the order I say here because It seems a bit easier that way.

Girl in First Class, Virginia:
Items:Tinder Crest (Tool),Revive Fruit,Heal Berryx3,Mini Carrot,400 gella,Gimel Coin,Duplicator,Right Half
Okay...now that you've selected your character you'll be brought to a flashback in Virginia's hometown. You'll see some
Gobs stealing food from Virginia's uncle. It's time to get it back. Okay..after all the dialogue, You'll be in a
mansion-esque house. In the first room merely hit the switch in the northwest corner. Now go through the door you just
opened and you'll have to fight two gobs. They're pretty easy, just shoot both of them, and if you get hurt use a heal
berry on yourself. Anyway, after the battle is over you'll have to fight in random encounters, unless of course you cancel
them (O when you see an exclamation mark over your head. Anyway, head up the stairs and go into the east door. In here go
to the northwest corner of the room, breaking boxes in your way, and get the Tinder Crest from the chest. Also, one of the
boxes here has a Revive Fruit, so be sure to break them all. Now head back into the room with the stairs and the closed
door.Here you need to light the left torch by launching a firecrest at it, then the door will open go through it to the next room. You'll see a treasure
chest here blocked off by some rubble, but don't worry about it, you can get that later. for now head up the stairs to the
right and go through the northren door. In this room you must sneak through by holding down O, go through the northren door
to the next room. In here head north and then left, you'll see a door on the right, but it's locked, so take the door on the
left to the next room. Light the torch to your right with a Tindercrest and then grab the white crystals. On the other side
of the room, there's another torch to light, use your Tindercrest again. Now go into the Northren room and get the Heal
Berry from the chest. Exit the room and then go into the Upper Left Door and get another heal berry. Now leave the room and
go into the room to the far right. Grab the orange crystals here and hit the switch at the bottom of the stairway. Go
through the door you just opened to get a mini carrot and then head back into the room with the stairway. Now enter the
room at the bottom of the stairway. Here you'll want to open the valve to the east of the north door, this'll open the door, which you
should then go through. In this room you'll find the "treasure" the Gobs stole from your uncle. Which consists of a Heal
Berry, 400 gella, a gimel coin (kinda hard to spot, it's in the northeast corner behind some boxes),a Duplicator, and half
of an old picture (a flashback will occur). Okay,now head back into the large room you were just in and stand in front of
the golden door. Open your menu and go into items,select the Duplicator and use it, the door will unlock, go through it.
Head north again. Okay,the Gob boss is here...guess what..boss fight!

Boss:Hobgob Boss
Hp:??? EXP:24 Gella:30 Items:Potion Berry
Okay this boss is extremely easy. (What did you expect?) Just shoot him for the first couple of round until you get the
sequence explaining gatling..after that happens, defend one turn to reload, and then use gatling and he should die.
Unfortunately, Virginia now gets surrounded by Gobs (yeah, yeah...doesn't make much sense..you could take them easily) and
she has to be saved by the villagers. After this she talks with her Aunt and Uncle about leaving to become a drifter.
Virginia then goes to her mother's grave and picks up a flower thus ends her prologue sequence.

Boy Who Broke In, Jet
Items:Heal Berryx2,600 Gella,Mini Carrot, Revive Fruitx2, Gimel Coin
This sequence begins with Jet in front of the "Doomed to Obscurity" ruins..anyway...the door right in front of you is
locked,so go up the stairs to your right first, and then take the next pair of stairs you see to the north, and then the
next pair to the north and walk on the path until you reach a ledge, drop down here and climb the stairs in front of you.
Look for another two pair of stairs here and climb then till you get to the top, here you'll see a barricade which you can
break using your Boomerang tool. After doing so, walk in. Okay, now head for the treasure chest you see. Unfortunately,
you'll drop through the floor (Don't worry you'll get the treasure later). Okay now take the northren stairs and then drop
down on the northern ledge. Go up the stairs, and drop to the north, grab the Heal Berry from the chest here, and take the
stairs to the right of you up and then the northren stairs up. Take the stairs to the right up and grab the 600 Gella from
the chest. Okay now go down the edge to your left and change your direction to fact the switch by holding R2. Then use your
boomerang to activate the switch. This will lower a stone to the north, so go up there and drop down. Go in the door here.
Okay, in this room there's a spear trap, so be sure to dash through it, and then take the door to at the bottom of the
stairs. This room also has a spear trap, so dash again and take the door at the bottom of the stairway again. Jet will now
see 3 people in the middle of the ruins, they ask Jet to find a lost boy from their village for 200 Gella, but Jet will
refuse because he's, searching for the crystal flower in the ruins anyway, go in the door in the right part of the current
room. Yet ANOTHER spear trap you know what to do, dash and go in the door at the bottom. The next room is kinda irritating
but if you get used to hanging it's not that hard. Anyway go to the left and stand under the "net" (looks more like a grate
to me) and jump onto it by pressing X. Climb north until you're above some carpeted floor, drop down with O and grab the
Mini Carrot from the chest. Now drop down to the north (avoiding the sqaures with four holes in them, and then head right a
bit until a square gets in your way, then left one square, then north a bit, then a bit right, then south till you get to a
ladder. Climb up and then jump back on the net. This time climb to the stone in the middle of room and drop down onto it. Go
up to the next net you have to jump on and climb until you reach the ledge with the door. Walk in the door and then go down
the stairs, grabbing the orange gems on the way, then enter the door at the bottom of the stairs. More nets...great. Anyway
jump on the one to right and go to the northren edge of it. Press and hold X here to get on top of the net and then jump
onto the next net above you. Go to the right edge of the net and jump up on it. Now drop down to the north onto another net. Now grab onto the net
above you and then get on top of it to get a Heal Berry from the chest now go right and drop down. Go in the door here and
grab the two white crystals, then dash to the bottom to avoid the spear traps and go in the door. This spear trap is hard if
you don't know what you're doing..anyway get up against the southern wall and then dash north through the small passageway.
Grab the Revive fruits and Gimel Coin from the chest and the go down the stairs to the north. Here you'll find the lost boy
from the village (Pike) he'll tell you that a female Drifter already took the crystal flower (DOH!) Anyway Pike will begin
to dig for some kind of treasure and then..it's boss time!

Hp:??? EXP:48 Gella:52 Items:Dragon Fossil
Another easy boss fight, attack it until you get the accelerator command explanation, then use it and then shoot and it
should die.

After the fight try to climb the stairs and there will a cave in. Pike then shows you the "treasure" he wanted to get
which was just some old junk. Pike then open a door in the ruin so that you can leave. Go to the northern most net and
climb onto it. Then get on top ot it and jump on the next net. Get on top of this one too and walk to the end and then drop
down to the left until you get to the lowest net. Go to the ende of this net and jump onto the next one, get on top of it
and then go up and right to the next net. Jump onto it, and then on top of it and climb the ladder to leave the room. In
this next room go to the upper right and jump onto the net. Get on top of it and pass to the next net above you. Get on top
of this one two and then get on the next net above the upper left part of the next you're on. Go to the very right and drop
down. Now throw a boomerang at the northern switch, this will make the net above you extend so that you can jump onto it.
Now throw a boomerang just above the switch to the right and the boomerand will fall, activating the switch. Jump onto the
now extend net above you, then get on top of it and climb the ladder to the next room. Okay, no more net puzzles! Woo!
Go north here and you'll have a conversation with Pike about memories and taking a train. You'll see a sealed door, but
examine it and Pike will open it for you. You'll now be back in the main hall with the villagers, and thus Jet's sequence

A Suspicious Intruder, Gallows
Items:Heal Berryx8, Gimel Coinx4,Freezer Doll(Tool)
Gallows' sequence begins with him reading a paper when he sees an artical about the "Ark Scepter" a scared artifact of the
Baskar (interesting note..the article surrounding the arc scepter is all about call whistles, and the other articles around
it are about breath mints and healing...strange stuff) being delivered to Baskar by train. Gallows then takes out another
Ark Scepter and wonders what it is. Now a flashback will occur and you'll be in Baskar. Here Gallows and his younger
brother, Shane (yes I know he looks like a girl...nevermind that for now) will be speaking about becoming preists and how
Gallows doesn't want that kind of life. He wants to live freely. They also discuss how Gallows is going to go get the Ark
Scepter. When you get outside save at the little mexican robot if you want, and go talk to the lady with the black hair and
red dress. First say "How'd you guess?" then "Yeah. You wanna help me out?" then "I wanna run away and be free" and she'll
give you 5 heal berries and 3 gimel coins. Now go in the house in the lower right corner and search the barrel in the
northeast part to get a heal berry. Now enter the lower left corner house and search barrels at the top of the stairs for
another heal berry. Now enter the big building to the north and talk to Granny. Now that you're done with that, leave here
and go south out of the village. On the world map go south and then west then when you reach a valley go north. In this
little valley, search (square)the eastern half for the Fallen Sanctuary, and then enter. When you enter you'll get an
explanation of your medium and arcana. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, for the pillbugs you encounter here you'll want to
shoot them once and then use the refrigerate arcana to kill them, this will net you ice gems and will make the battles
easier Anyway, go north and hit the switch, don't bother going up the stairs as you can'd do anything there yet. Head north
now through the door at the end. In this room, merely push the block onto the switch (press x and hold x in front of the
block to grab it and then push it foward with either the d-pad or analog stick.) and the door to the north will open. Go in
it to the next room. In this room go to the door to the right of you to get a Heal Berry, the Freezer Doll tool (SNOWMAN
OF DOOM! YES! MWA HA HA HA!) and a Gimel Coin. Then go back into the room you came from and head north until you see a blue
flamed torch. Use your newly aquired Freezer Doll on it to put it out and open the door to the left. Now go through the
newly opened door, in here merely go down the stairs to the next door. There's four blue flame torches here to put out with
your Freezer Doll, so do so to get to the next room. Go down the stairs until you reach a room with two blocks and a switch.
Move the one that doesn't have a symbol on top onto the switch and then step on the symbol to open the door, go in the
newly opened door. You'll see a switch here, but you can't keep it pressed so just go through the northern most door. I
n this room go down the stairs to the next room, there's a lot of torches here that you need to put out with your Freezer
Doll, do so and a new door will open, go through it. You're finally at the scepter! But guess what...it's boss time!

Boss:Kessaran Pasaranx4
Weakness:Water Exp:48 Gella:52 Items:Water Gemx4 (asumming you kill them with pressure)
An easy battle, just attack them until you can use extension, and then extend pressure on them, and they'll die.

Okay,now just head back the way you came until you get to a room where you're stopped by an invisible wall. You'll be stuck
but then your younger brother Shane will appear, use your arc scepter and then talk to him to get out. You'll now be back
were when the sequence began, and then the sequence will end with Gallows going to find the other Ark Scepter.

A Drifter Guardsman, Clive
Items:Heal Berryx5,Gimel Coin,300 Gella
Clive's sequence begins in the lair of a monster he has been hired to eradicate. He is with Borgnine, but Clive wants to do
this mission alone. So now it's time to go kill us a monster! You'll now be in control of Clive at the Den of the Miasma.
Talk to Borgnine three times to get three Heal Berries and then head north to until you get to a door, go in. Head north
through the next door. Grab the Heal Berry from the chest here and then head north again And then check the right wall for
an oddly colored sliver of wall, once you find it place a bomb in front of it to open up a new door. Go in the door and then
bomb the rocks to east, then head west and go in the door there. You'll see some red things launching puffs of smoke here
and a treasure chest. In order to get the chest bomb the red things to temporarily deflate them, walk over them and get the
Revive Fruit from the chest, and then bomb them again to get back. Head back into the room you had to blow the rocks up in
and go in the eastern door, go north in this area, being careful not to fall off and enter the door you see at the top of
the screen. Go north a little in this room and you will see blue versions of the smoke blowing things you saw before. Do
the same thing you did to the red ones to them (the only difference is that they won't come back) and enter the door to the
north (if you need them, grab the white crystals). Go north here to the next room. More blue things to destroy here, just
blow them up and get the Gimel Coin from the chest, then enter the door on the right wall. North of right where you start
there's a fake wall to blow up, so do so and go in the hole it creates. Get the heal berry and the 300 Gella from the chests
here. If you're wondering what that glowing sphere is, it's a sealed monster, which you can fight much later in the game.
Anyway, go back from where you came and now blow up the rocks and blue things and go in the northern door. When you enter
the door Clive will sense some "miasma" and that the keeper of the cave is near. Anyway go north and guess what..boss time!

Exp:64 Gella:60 Items:Potion Berry, Gimel Coin
Just shoot it several times until it takes to the air, then use lock on and fire. The battle will end..but the boss isn't
dead yet.

Okay..now you're poisoned..yes it sucks, anyway, cancel all battles you can because the poison is much worse in battle. Head
up to find a fake wall to blow up, do so and go through it. now you're in a room with a ton of blue and red things...destroy
all the blue things and head north. A big boulder will drop from the sky, but you can still blow it up..just put a bunch of
bombs at its base. The boulder will blow up and now you can go through the door. Now drop down and then head north past the
red things to another door, go through it and you'll be on a winding path, go through it to the next door, being careful not
to fall. Go down here past the destroyed blue things to the door at the end and go through it. You'll be on another winding
path, go to the end and go through the door there. In this room go north a bit until you see a door to your left. Go in it.
Now head north again and go through the door at the end of the corridor on your right. in here go north until you reach a
door, go through it and you'll be at the beginning, Borgnine will then take you back to town and you'll be give some tea
made with antidotes,and be cured of his poison. Well it turns out that by destroying the lair of the Goldrake, the villagers
doomed themselves...guess what...Boss fight!

Exp:72 Gella:80 Items:Antidote
Time to kill it for good, now that you have an antidote, you can fight it safely. Well the battle itself is pretty easy.
Just use the antidote after it poisons you and then attack it until you can use lock on, then lock onto it and shoot it.
After two of these, it'll die.
After the battle Clive's sequence ends and that's it for the prologue.

Chapter 1
Enemies:Beast Slug,Balloon,Gob
Okay now you're past the prologue and everyone is sitting around the treasure chest with their respective ARMs pointing at
each other. A sudden explosion occurs on the roof and so you go up there. Only 5 minutes into Chapter 1 and already a boss!
Get ready, this one's a bit tougher than the previous ones

Exp:56 Gella:200 Items:Heal Berryx2, Mini Carrot
Okay I said a "bit" harder..anyway I'd focus on shooting Dario to start out with, using shoot, gatling, and maybe the
occasional a rcana spell. Multiblast is an attack you may have to watch out for...it does quite a bit of damage, and heretic
stab hurts pretty badly too..but that's what mystic/heal berries are for. You shouldn't have too much trouble winning in
the end.
After the fight the robbers end up escaping off another train and the train you're on stops. You gain a new mission, that
is, deliver the Ark Scepter to Baskar. Once you're in control of your characters again go to the valley to the west and
go north past the fallen sanctuary. When you can't go north any more, go east a bit and then south to Baskar.

The Village of Guardian Worshippers, Baskar
Items:1200 Gella
When you enter the village your party will talk a bit about how the Baskar are some ofthe only people who still believe in
the power of guardians and then Clive will ask Gallows to take him to Halle, Gallows refuses because he ran away three
months ago and doesn't want any trouble. Just then, Shane will run up and you'll be taken to Halle, she'll give you
1200 Gella, and a new mission, to gather the power of the guardians..it's time to go to the fallen sanctuary again!

Shrine of Guardians, Fallen Sanctuary
When you enter here, go up the stairs in the middle of the room to get to an outside area. In this place you have to fight
four bosses, the various guardians. You should do it in the order Halle said, Earth, Wind,Water, Fire. So examine the stone
just north of you to fight Grudiev, the guardian of earth.

Exp:34 Gella:0 Items:None
Pretty Easy, just use shoot, and if you can use it, gatling. Heal with Mystic/Heal berries if needed. Note:He will counter
with megasmash but it hardly ever hits so don't worry.

After you win you gain the Terra Roar medium, which I would suggest you invoke on Virginia for now. Now go to the southern
stone and search it to fight Fengalon, the guardian of wind.

Exp:34 Gella:0 Items:None
Fairly easy,just use petrify and shoot/gatling on him and he'll go down in no time.

You will get the Gale Claw medium after the fight,which you should equip on Gallows, now examine the left stone to fight
Schturdark, the guardian of water.

Exp:34 Gella:0 Items:None
Another easy guardian fight, all you have to do is cast inspire and use shoot/gatling.

After the battle, you'll get the REAL Aqua Wisp which I suggest equipping on Clive for now, now go to the only remaining
guardian, the stone to the right. You'll now fight Moor Gault, the guardian of fire.

Boss:Moor Gault
Exp:34 Gella:0 Items:None
Also easy, just use refrigerate and shoot/gatling.

After the battle you'll get the Fiery Rage medium, equip it on Clive and then equip Shturdark on Jet. Now leave the ruin
and head back toward the Baskar Colony

Baskar Again
Go talk to Halle and she'll power up your mediums so that they have Status
Changes (they up certain statistics) and have personal skills and Personal Skills, after my mediums were powered up, I
personally equipped them in the following way: Virginia:Grudiev Clive:Moor Gault Jet:Schturdark Gallows:Fengalon. I did
it like this because I felt they fit each character's strengths/weaknesses well, for instance, Virginia has bad defense
and HP, so Grudiev works well on her. Anyway, now that that's done, leave the altar building and go talk to the shop
guy in the middle of the town. Choose "Chat" to learn about the town of Jolly Roger, your new destination. Okay, now
leave Baskar and head west then south past the Fallen Sanctuary. Cross the railroad tracks, then cross the stone bridge,
the head west a bit to the beach and search. You'll reveal Jolly Roger so go in.

Run Down Port Town,Jolly Roger
Items:Migrant Seal,Heal Berry, Mini Carrot, Gimel Coin
Here your characters will have a conversation about what to do next and will decide to go to the saloon for information and
to eat/drink. Before that though,Bomb the front of the crate near the entrance for a Migrant Seal.
it's time to upgrade your ARMs, so go in the second building to the ARM Smith. If you chat with the owner here she'll
mention that she'll give you a sand craft for 15 Dragon Fossils, which you obviously don't have. So just remember this
location for later in the game. Upgrade your ARMs now, preferably increasing Virginia's SHT and Clive's BLT. Then leave the
ARM Smith and head for the saloon to the right of it. First, check the barrel to the left of the saloon keeper for a Gimel
Coin. Then go up the stairs here and then search the Barrel to the left to get a Heal Berry. Now go north through the door
and search the upper barrel for a Mini Carrot. Now head back and go downstairs. Talk to the Saloon keeper here and say
"Chat" and pay for the information she offers to get the story going again. Alright, after the story sequence leave the
saloon to find out that Janus and his lackies are in town! You talk with him for a bit, call him a scoundrel, he'll then ask
you to coopearate with him again, you refuse and then he tells you about the Ruins of Memory and then leaves. Now go in the
leftmost house and talk to the girl inside to find out that the Ruins of Memory are southeast of the town, so leave the
town. Okay, when you get back on the world map go a bit left and then when you can, a bit northwest, and search to find the
Ruins of Memory.

Ancient Museum of Artifacts,Ruins of Memory
Items:Heal Berry,1500 Gella,Gella Card,Lucky Card, Dragon Fossil,Gimel Coin,Memo Pen,Growth Egg,Name Tagx3
Enemies:Annaberge,Blue Book,Spartoi
Okay, when you enter just head north twice to get to a room with a sequence between yourself and Janus. You end up deciding
to work with him to find the Eternal Sparkle. Which surprises the rest of your team; you believe, however that you shouldn't
hold grudges.(Virginia is a bit naive, no?) Anyway, when the sequence is over go in the door in the northeast part of the
room. Go in the southren door here if you want to replenish your Encounter Gauge, otherwise just climb the stairs. At the
top, dash into the glass surrounding the switch to break it, and then press the switch to open the door to the right. Enter
the newly opened door, in this room, hit the switch in the upper right hand corner of the room with Jet's Boomerang to open
the next door. Go in the now open door. Once in this room put out the four blue torches with Gallows' Freezer Doll to open
the next door. In the next room break all the glass, starting with the left one to get a Heal Berry from the chest. Now
break the two remaining glass protectors to free a block that you need to push on the switch in this room. Doing so will
open the next door, so go through it. In here break the glass to your left to get 1500 Gella from the chest, then head down
the stairs. Go through the northeast door if you need to replenish your encounter guage but otherwise simply go through
the west door. In this room break the glass in front of you to get a Gella Card from the chest. Then head to the right and
grab the orange crystals to restore your Vitality Gauge. Then go down the stairs and go through the northern door. Grab the
Lucky Card,Dragon Fossil, and Gimel Coins from the chests. Now go back from where you came and go in the door on the right
wall. The door will close behind you in here, and you'll be trapped in, so in order to open both doors bomb the Upper-Left
most statue (it has only one arm) to reveal a switch. Step on it and both doors will open. Go through the northern one to
progress. Go right here, up the stairs to find some orange gems and a switch behind some glass. Break the glass and throw
the switch to lower to wall to the left. This makes it so it's easier to exit later. Anyway, go back down the stairs and
into the room at the end of the hallway. In here bomb the fake wall in north part of the room to access a new area. In this
room grab the Memo Pen and Growth Egg from the brown chests and leave the golden one alone for now. Now stand just north of
the golden chest and throw your boomerang,guiding it to the right behind the pillar in order to hit a switch to unlock the
next door. Once opened, go in the door and put out the blue flamed torch with Gallows' Freezer Doll in order to lower the
platform. Now get on the platform and fire a Tinder Crest at the torch you just put out to make the platform rise again. Now
go in the door to see a sequence with Janus taking the first shield(which breaks the seal)...it's that time again...
Boss fight!

Boss:Janus,Romero,and Dario
Exp:112 Gella:250 Items:Duplicator
This one is a bit tougher than your previous fight, because they have a nasty "Trinity Attack" which does major damage. But
it can only be preformed when all three are alive, so the simple solution is to take one out. The person you have to take
out first is Janus, as he'll heal ALL damage done to his comrades. Then take out Dario, because he has pretty high attack
Then take out Romero. Attack wise, just use shoot for a while and then Summon..or if you'd prefer, gatling, either way they
shouldn't be too difficult. Just remember to Heal when you need to.

Now you'll be outside of the ruins, however I'd suggest going back in and using your duplicator key on the chest you passed.
Once you get the Name Tags from the chest, leave the ruins and head back to Jolly Roger.

Jolly Roger, Again
Once you get back into town, talk to the guy with the red bandana to learn about the train station. Well..that's your next
destination, so leave town and head for the tracks. Though before you leave you may want to upgrade your ARMs and stay at
the saloon, it's up to you. Anyway, when you do leave town search near the tunnel to the northwest to find the midland

Midland Station
Buy some tickets here at the booth to your left and then get on the train that appears to be taken to Westwood.

Westwood Station
Talk to the ticket seller here to learn about Claiborne, your next destination. In order to get to find Claiborne, merely
head north until you see some train tracks, and search near the bend in the tracks

Items:Revive Fruitx2,Pinwheel,Heal Berry,Gimel Coin,Duplicator
Start out by going into the left house (the ARMs Smith) and checking Barrel near the Entrance for a Revive Fruit. Now go
behind the right house and pick up the left-most crate and throw it for another Revive Fruit. Now go into the right house
and get the Pinwheel form the barrel in between the two cabinets. Now head behind the large building (the Saloon) through
the right alley and check the Barrel for a Heal Berry. Now go to the house to the right of the stables (which is the
building right of the Saloon) and check the barrel to the left of the entrance for a Gimel Coin. Now go down the stairs
to get inside the stables. Here you can buy horses if you have 2000 gella. But you don't really need them yet, so don't
worry if you don't have the money.Now go into the door above the stairs and check the box of hay for a Duplicator, then go
back and go through the door to the north to get to an outside area where you'll find Pike, who'll rename whoever is in
the lead. Also, if you chat with him while Jet is in the lead, you'll get a little extra dialogue from him. Anyway, leave
the stables now and go into the Saloon. Talk to the Green Hooded-Blonde girl here, and then to the saloon owner. Now, leave
the saloon (unless you need to rest..if you do, then do so first by all means) and talk to the girl with the cowboy hat and
long hair tied with a big pink ribbon. She'll tell you about some ruins to the east...and you know what that means..that's
our new destination! Leave town and head north and search the area left of the tunnel to find the Serpent's Coils Ruins.

Ancient Mysterious Ruins, the Serpent's Coils
Items:Gella Cardx2,2000 Gella,Lucky Cardx3,Gimel Coin,Migrant Seal,Clear Chime,Nectar,Duplicator
Enemies:Jelly Blob
Quick Note:The Jelly Blobs here can only be hurt by arcana, so keep that in mind when fighting them.
Head North as soon as you enter then go into the right door. Grab the vitality gems here if you need them, then go down
the stairs and through the door at the bottom. Go northwest a bit here to find a switch. Flip it and a door will open. Go
in and get the Gella Cardx2 and 2000 Gella from the chests, and flip the switch to activate the Navigation System. Now head
back to the left and go in the door in the upper left hand corner. Go left in this room until you get to the end of the
hall and then head south through the door. Go in the northern room here to find that someone has already taken some of the
treausure and then head back south. Now go in the door opposite of you and go north. Fall down and hit the switch here.
Suddenly a blonde haired woman will appear with a blonde haired boy,guy with an afro and what appears to be a sword, and
a strange cat like creature. Viriginia will call them thugs (What's with her and assuming all other drifters are evil?)
But the strange group will ignore her and talk about something responding on the radar. Then the leader of the group will
ask what you're doing in the ruins. But then answers the question herself by saying you must be there for the shield. She'll
then insult you, and walk off. The blonde haired kid then apologizes and leaves. Now that that's over go through the door
to the north and climb the stairs, at the top of them go into the right door and go into the room at the bottom of the
stairs. Go into the room at the top of the stairs to your right, and then through the door to the north. Go north again, in
the next room hit the switch to lower the stone slab and then grab the Lucky Cardx3 and Gimel Coin from the chest. Now
proceed into the door to your left. In this room hit the switch to your north so that you can leave the dungeon faster
later, and then go in the door on the right wall and go down the stairs, then into the room to the north at the bottom. In
here get a Migrant Seal and Clear Chime from the Normal chest and then use your duplicator to get a Nectar. Now go back up
the stairs into the room with the switch and then go in the door up the stairs on the left wall. As you try to get across
here the Blonde Haired Girl will kick the switch so you can't cross. Jump down and hit the switch again. Then go in the
door in the Northwest corner. Now go back into the left door and cross (don't worry, she won't hit the switch again). Grab
the vitality gems here if you need them, and then go down the stairs and into the door at the bottom. In this room,
defrost the switch with your Tinder Crest, pull it, and then freeze it again with your Freezer Doll
(you'll see why in a second). The Blonde Haired Girl will try to kick the switch, but can't since it's frozen. Now save
your game with a Gimel Coin because a boss fight's coming up. Anyway, go north through the door you just opened now. The
Blonde Haired Girl is waiting for you here. And she'll challenge you to a fight.

Boss:Blonde, Timid Boy, Afro, Cat?
Exp:184 Gella:200 Items:Potion Berry,Gimel Coin
This fight is a bit tougher than previous battles but is still pretty easy. I'd suggest taking the Afro at first, as he
is very strong and can confuse you. Then take out the Cat,as his elemental attacks do decent damage.
If you have your FP to 50 or more now, summon with everyone. After you've done that, take out the Timid Boy, and
finally the Blonde.

After the fight the Blonde Haired Girl holds up a book and says she can defeat you with it, but then the Timid Boy interupts
here, saying that the team ahead of them is making its move. She then says that her name is Maya and she's part of the
"renowned" Schroedinger family. Save with a Gimel Coin if you want to, then go north Go up the stairs and down the corridors
on either side to get a Duplicator and Gimel Coin from the chests. Now head north through the door you haven't been in
(marked by a circle that is not filled in). In this room you'll find the shield, but unfortunately you can't reach it.
Janus then appears and talks about his philosophy in life and how he's not really evil, he just outwits people. Anyway, you
change his title from "thug" to "scumbag" and then it's time to fight him.

Boss:Janus, Dario, and Romero
Exp:150 Gella:328 Items:Mini Carrot
Fortunately this time Janus doesn't heal his friends when you hit him, so kill Dario first (pretty high attack),then Romero,
then Janus. Just use shot attacks and maybe a gatling or a summon...Not a hard fight, really. Just remember to heal with
a heal berry should the need arise.

After the fight the Schroedinger's cat creature (which can apparently fly) grabs the shield and Maya gloats about how easy
it was to get the shield from both of you (Your team and Janus'). Janus then mentions a tower southwest of Claiborne
(which is your next destination, obviously) But before you go there, there's a few things you should do. First of all, the
Serpent's Coils is a GREAT place to get your MTC up, as you can build up your force on the enemies here without hurting
them, and since they're weak to all elements, a level 1 force bar summon may be enough to kill them. This will also net you
a ton of gems, which can be sold for 100 Gella each, making this a good way to get money too. Anyway, after you're done with
that (or if you don't want to) go back to Claiborne and sell all your gems. Buy the horses now, as you'll need them soon.
Also get any ARM upgrades you can afford. Then head for the saloon and talk to the owner to find out Martina has left. Now
go to the Westwood station to meet up with Martina again. She'll explain why she left, and say she's alright. Now it's time
to go to Ka Dingel, which you can find a bit north (until you can go to the right) and then east down a strip of land.

Mysterious Tower That Holds The Seal, Ka Dingel
Items:Lucky Cardx2,Duplicator, Gimel Coinx2, Gella Cardx3,Heal Berry,Revive Fruitx2,Blue Bracer, Booster Kit,Mini Carrot
After you enter, go up the middle staircase and into the large door. In this room, move the two blocks on the ground in
between the platform you entered on and the one above it. Then move the block on top of the plat form to the space in
between the platform you're on, and the right platform. Get the Lucky Cardx2 from the chest, then move the block in between
the space between the middle and left platforms. Now go through the door on the left platform. Now climb the stairs and
enter the door at the top. In this room you first need to step on the switch to lower the platform, then rotate the wheel
on the platform to make it rise again. Now drop down to the left and go in the door to get the Duplicator, Gimel Coin, and
Gella Cardx3 from the chests. Now go back from where you came and drop down to the south. Step on the switch again to lower
the platform, then rotate the wheel to get back up. Now drop down to the north and rotate the wheel to raise the platform.
Do the same to the platform to the left. Cross over to the left and enter the door on the north wall. Climb the stairs here
and enter the door at the top. Save your game if you want, because there's a boss fight in this room.

Exp:250 Gella:1500 Items:Moonstone
Trask needs to have his shell broken before you can even hurt him decently, so do that first by using a fire spell (cremate)
and then an ice spell (refrigerate) this will break his shell, after which you can either just use shoot and gatling. It'll
do high damage, so the battle won't last too much longer.

After you beat Trask, ignore the glowing sphere and go up the stairs to the north to get to the next room. Climb the stairs
and go into the room at the top. Climb the ladder you see in this room and then jump onto the net at the top. Now climb
over to the northeast corner and drop down, then drop down to the ledge with the treasure chest and get the Heal Berry from
the chest. Now drop down and go back up the ladder. Jump back onto the net, and go into the northwest corner again and drop
down. Now jump onto the next net and climb to the very end, then drop down, now go up to the next net, jump on it and climb
to the northeast corner and drop down. Get the Revive Fruitx2 from the chest then jump back onto the net. Now get on top of
the net and go in the right door. Go down the stairs and enter the door at the bottom. Get the Blue Bracer from the regular
chest and then use a duplicator to get a Booster Kit from the other chest. Now leave the room, climb the stairs, go through
the door, and then go through the left door. Climb the stairs here and go in the door at the top. In this room you'll notice
two blue torches but DON'T put them out yet. What you need to do is get on the same tile as the second torch and put out
only the first one, then go as far as you can to the right, and put out the second torch. Drop down and climb the stairs to
get to a new area. Climb the stairs and go in the door at the top, you've done it so many times before..why would now be
different? Well anyway in the next room get the Mini Carrot and Gimel Coin from the chests, then save, because a boss
fight is coming up soon. Anyway, go north to see a short scene, and then hit the switch to take the elevator to the top.
Here you'll see the Schroedingers defeated by Janus and his minions. Janus then asks for the Andro Shield so that he'll
spare your lives. And so you, being the naive person you are, hand it over to him. To which he promptly laughs in your
face(can't say I blame him, Virginia is REALLY stupid sometimes). Janus then begins to rant about how immortality doesn't
exist and that he'll make himself immortal by making himself memorable. He intends to use the "Eternal Sparkle" to do this
it appears as if the Eternal Sparkle is something very different from what you thought (not "you", you, but rather Virginia)
Anyway, Janus now uses the shields to unseal the Eternal Sparkle. And Maya asks you why you gave him the shield. You tell
her that it was to save her life. Now Dario and Romero will be picked up by the wind and a strange looking object will begin
to fly toward Janus. It turns out that the Eternal Sparkle is actually an ancient evil weapon called the "Dark Spear". A
dramatic scene will occur, and then Janus fights you.

Exp:310 Gella:380 Items:Mini Carrot
Whoo..he's tougher now, even without his minions. But the same old strategy works on him..shoot for a while, and then summon
or use gatling on him. He may be a bit irritating to kill, especially with attacks like Rising Nova and the fact that he
counters everything with either a multiblast or his Sniper Shark XR. But he'll go down before too long.

After the fight, Ka Dingel begins to crumble, and you have to run away fast, other things happen, but I'd be spoiling a
major part of the game if I said what here...Chapter 1 is over now.

VI Mediums/Arcana:

Name:Aqua Wisp
Summon:Assault Tide (Water Elemental Attack VS. All, power depends on remaining FP)
Personal Skills:
Water Ward:Lessens Water Damage
Ice Ward:Lessens Ice Damage
ATT Blocker:Sometimes negates physical damage
Status Changes:+19 HP +7 MAG
Pressure:Water Attack(good against fire), squishes enemy in water ball.
Refrigerate:Ice Attack(good against fire), encases the enemy in ice.
Heal:Healing spell. Looks like a shining light.
Analyze:Scanning spell. Lists various monster statistics. Looks like a green grid.

Name:Terra Roar
Guardian: Grudiev
Summon:Planet Breaker (Earth Elemental Attack VS. All, power depends on remaining FP)
Personal Skills:
Earth Ward:Lessens Earth Damage
Status Ward(Disease):Lessens the % you get inflicted with disease
Defender:Guards another character with your own body.
Status Changes:+39 HP, +6 DEF
Petrify:Earth attack(good against flying/wind), turns the enemy to stone (not a status effect, it does damage)
Shield:Protection spell against physical attacks
Protect:Protection spell against magic attacks
Decelerate lowers an enemy's RFX

Name:Gale Claw
Guardian:Fengalon(Wind Elemental Attack VS. All, power depends on remaining FP)
Summon:Hi-Speed Ripper
Personal Skills:
Wind Ward:Lessens Wind Damage
Thunder Ward:Lessens Thunder Damage
Counterattack:Counter the enemy's attack with a physical attack
Status Changes:+10 RFX
Vortex:Wind attack(good against earth), creates a mini tornado
Inspire:Thunder attack (good against water), strikes the enemy with purple energy
Turbulence:Raises EVA
Quicken:Raises RFX

Name:Fiery Rage
Guardian:Moor Gault
Summon:Vapor Blast(Fire Elemental Attack VS. All, power depends on remaining FP)
Personal Skills:
Fire Ward:Lessens Fire Damage
Status Ward(Poison):Lessens the % you get inflicted with poison
Critical Hit:Raises Critical Hit %
Status Changes:+12 ATT
Cremate:Fire attack (good against ice and water), burns enemy alive
Devastate:Non-Elemental Attack, implodes the enemy
Fragile:Lowers enemy's DEF
Revive:Brings Comrade back to life

VII:Item List
Heal Berry:Healing Item, Heals 300 HP
Potion Berry:Healing Item, Heals 1000 HP
Gimel Coin:Unique Use Item, Saves your game when used, and allows you to continue if you die in a battle.
Mini Carrot:Healing Item, Recovers 25 FP
Toy Hammer:Status Recovery Item, Removes amnesia.
Antidote:Status Recovery Item, Removes poison.
Medicine:Status Recovery Item, Removes disease.
Peppy Acorn:Status Recovery Item, Removes misery.
Breath Mint:Status Recovery Item, Removes sleep.
Pinwheel:Status Recovery Item, Removes confusion
Magicleanser:Status Recovery Item, Removes bronze statue
Pixie Dust:Status Recovery Item, Removes paralysis
Seed Powder:Status Recovery Item, Removes glass
Revive Fruit:Healing Item/Status Recovery Item, Ressurects character.

Memo Pen-Personal Skill:Status Ward(Amnesia)
Moon Stone-Personal Skill:Status Ward(Poison)
Hazel Sprig-Personal Skill:Status Ward(Disease)
Heart Leaf-Personal Skill:Status Ward(Misery)
Alarm Clock-Personal Skill:Status Ward(Sleep)
Clear Chime-Personal Skill:Status Ward(Confusion)
Ankh-Personal Skill:Status Ward(Bronze Statue)
Blue Bracer-Personal Skill:Status Ward(Paralysis)
Soul Feather-Personal Skill:Status Ward(Glass)
Holy Grail-Personal Skill:Death Ward

VIII Monster List:
Items:Heal Berry

Items:Heal Berry

Items:Heal Berry
Halves:All But Light and Dark

Items:Heal Berry

Items:Heal Berry

Items:Heal Berry
Halves:All But Light and Dark

Name:Beast Slug
Items:Heal Berry


Name:Blue Book
Items:Mini Carrot
Halves:All But Fire

Items:Toy Hammer,Memo Pen

Items:Gimel Coin

Name:Jelly Blob
Items:Gimel Coin,Pinwheel,Mini Carrot

Items:Medicine,Hazel Sprig

Items:Pixie Dust

Name:Axe Beak


IX Secrets/Side Quests:
Martina:You can find this Blonde Haired, Hood Wearing girl several places, and if you find her everytime, she'll give
you an EX File Key. You first find her in Claiborne, then after the the serpent's coils, Westwood Station.
Easy MTC Buildup:
In the serpent's coil ruins there is an enemy called Jelly Blob that is completely immune to physical attacks, but very
weak to all magical attacks..so what's my point? You can use them as beating sticks for you summons. I got 5 MTC on every
characte except virginia, who got 7 in two hours using this method. The great thing about them is you can build up force
on them without killing them, and they come in large groups, so it's easy to rack up MTC quite quickly
(I'll add onto this section for each chapter I do..this is about the only side quest you have access to at this point
in the game and the MTC trick is about the only thing I've found secrets wise in chapter 1..next version will probably
have a lot more.)

X Credits:
My good friend J.R. for introducing me to the Wild Arms series
ZephyrJK for letting me use some information from his Japanese version FAQ
The people at the Gamefaqs WA3 message boards for encouraging me to write this
Media Vision for making this great game
CJayC:For posting this FAQ, and running one of the best sites on the net.

Copyright 2002 Tim Kleinschmidt

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