Dungeon Siege

Dungeon Siege

17.10.2013 19:01:31
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/ \ "B E S T o f t h e B E S T" \ /
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/ \ by Nubedad \ /
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| version 1.0 - September 15, 2002 |
| Copyright to me, all rights reserved. |
| If you want to use this guide on your website please just ask. |
| If you make any money from it, give me a cut. |

I have written this 'guide' to hopefully add to the body of knowledge about Dungeon Siege.
It is a great game that I have enjoyed playing, and even more enjoyed "figuring out" _some_
it's secrets. Hopefully you will get something out of this too.

Everyone is looking for better weapons, armor, spells, etc. There are multiplayer games on
ZoneMatch where you can trade for better items. You can even find Dungeon Siege items
FOR-SALE on Ebay! Wouldn't you like to know what is the BEST ?

Well, read on and you will learn the "best of the best". This is not a comprehensive list
in fact only a small percentage of items are covered here. Why bother with anything else
when you can have the best ?!

Some will wonder, where in the game can these items be found? I don't want to spoil all the
fun though, so you'll have to figure that out for yourself. However, once you find something
you can check it against this list and when it matches, you'll know your long search is over
and anything else you find can just be left behind or sold/traded.

I am "NubeDad" for 2 reasons. One is I have a new child. The other is I am new to RPG's.
When you have a child you start spending a lot of time at home, so I decided to revisit an
old childhood hobby: RPG's. I think the last game I played all the way through was Ultima
in the 80's. So, that's my excuse, in case I have made a mistake or broken any "etiquette"
rules with this list.

One final caveat - - M A J O R S P O I L E R S B E L O W ! !
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


C O N T E N T S :
Section 0 - Introduction & Contents
Section 1 - Best Items (weapons, armor, etc.)
Section 2 - Best Modifiers (prefixes & suffixes)
Section 3 - Experience & Levels
Section 4 - Health & Mana
Section 5 - Inventory
Section 6 - Hacking a.k.a Cheating
Section 7 - Multiplayer World
- Town Stones
- Displacers
- Levels for HUB
Section 8 - Chicken Level
Section 9 - Contact

{ Section 1 - BEST ITEMS }

These are the best "legally achievable" BASE items in the entire game (version 1.0 - I will
check v1.1 in near future to see if any better were added.)
Note you do not need a hacked up 'mod' such as the "Samurai set" !
[ see, for example - http://www.dungeonsiegecenter.com/downloads/modsindex.phtml ]
Great items can be found in the game! Now, often you can find a "magical item" with additional
benefits & power. When you add a magical prefix and/or suffix, then you have an even more
item. More on magical items in section 2.

Again, these are the best BASE items in version 1.0.

Best Armor
Battle Plate
defense = 659
strength = 77
template = bd_bp_f_g_c_avg
variation = o_mag
modifier range = 34-47

2 honorable mentions for better chance of magical properties...
You would probably look for the first one for an archer and the second one for a mage.
Thin Plate
defense = 341
strength = 20
template = bd_fp_m_g_o_mag
modifier range = 63-87

Compact Brigadine
defense = 145
strength = 14
template = bd_ra_br_m_g_o_fin
variation = c_mag
modifier range = 26-97

Best Boots
Full Plate Greaves
defense = 69
strength = 77
template = bo_gr_fp_f_g_c_avg
variation = o_mag
modifier range = 17-24

Honorable mention for better chance of magical properties...
Molten Boots
defense = 57
strength = 52
template = bo_un_bo_ro_m_molten
modifier range = 5-42

Best Gloves
Full Plate Gauntlets
defense = 60
strength = 77
template = gl_ga_fp_f_g_c_avg
variation = o_mag
modifier range = 17-24

Honorable mention for better chance of magical properties...
Chief Gauntlets
defense = 55
strength = 71
template = gl_ra_ga_fp_f_g_o_avg
variation = o_str
modifier range = 15-112

Best Helmet
Sightless Helm
defense = 57
strength = 58
template = he_fu_pl_knight_fin_03
modifier range = 12-17

2 honorable mentions for better chance of magical properties...
Warlock Hat
defense = 8
template = he_un_ca_ro_warlock
modifier range = 2-100

Bloody Helm
defense = 53
strength = 53
template = he_ra_fu_pl_knight_fin_02
modifier range = 6-87

Best Shield
Savior Shield
defense = 104
bonus = 35% chance to Block Melee & Ranged attacks.
(You wouldn't be able to tell without knowing where to look,
but I think the actual ranged-block value is really only 20%.
I think there is a typo in version 1.0 of the program.)
strength = 75
template = sh_ra_w_g_o_t_l_avg
variation = c_mag
modifier range = 14-101

Best Amulets
Gold Sniffer's
bonus = +2 Dexterity
template = amulet_horseshoe

Elder Wood Amulet
bonus = Adds 3 Mana per hit
template = amulet_keeper

All others are made up of modifiers below.
Best chance of magical properties comes with either of these:
template = amulet_common
variation = g_o_mag
modifier range = 150-500

template = amulet_ra_common
variation = s_o_fin
modifier range = 150-500

Best Rings
Lloyd's Ring
bonus = +3 Armor
template = ring_lloyd

Signet Ring of the Utraean Protectors
bonus = +3 Armor
template = ring_utraean

All others are made up of modifiers below.
Best chance of magical properties comes with either of these:
template = ring_common
variation = g_o_mag
modifier range = 150-500

template = ring_ra_common
variation = g_o_fin
modifier range = 150-500

Best Spell-Book
Spell Book
bonus = +1 Intelligence
template = book_glb_magic_Tas

All others are made up of modifiers below.
Best chance of magical properties comes with:
Spell Book (Rusted?)
intelligence = 70
template = book_glb_magic_27
pcontent_level = 240
modifier range = 1-24

Best Spells
Which spells are the best is debatable and depends on whether you like to see things
burned, zapped, blown up, etc. Also, spell preference may depend on fighting style
and terrain -- do you creep up and pick off enemies 1 by 1, or rush in and take them
on en-mass? Therefore, the highest level spells are listed, plus a few lower ones I
think are notable. Keep in mind that Combat Magic is better for - guess what - combat.
On the other hand, Nature Magic is better for protection, healing, and increased abilities,
but fortunately there are also a couple of good NM spells for fighting.

===> Combat Magic <===

Tremor "Calls forth a violent earthquake, shaking apart Enemies caught within.";
damage = 370-502 up to 411-557
damage radius = 10
range = 12
reload delay = 1
mana = 1250 up to 1389
required level = 108
template = spell_tremor

Meteor Storm "Calls forth (4) Meteors from the sky and smashes them into the target area."
damage = 313-425 up to 367-497
damage radius = 7
range = 15
reload delay = 5
mana = 1849 up to 2174
required level = 102
velocity = 20
template = spell_meteor_storm

Dragon Fire "Invokes a searing gout of Flame to rake the Enemy."
damage = 302-409 up to 348-470 per second
range = 8
duration = 1
reload delay = 1
mana = 192 up to 221
required level = 104
template = spell_dragon_fire

Bombard "Catapults several exploding balls of fire towards the Enemy."
damage = 191-260 up to 225-305
damage radius = 2
range = 13
reload delay = 1
mana = 163 up to 192
required level = 100
template = spell_bombard

Cyclone Of Fire "Calls forth a massive cyclone of fire from the sky
that incinerates Enemies caught in its path."
(...a personal favorite...)
damage = 399-540 up to 530-715 per second
range = 12
duration = 20
reload delay = 3
mana = 335 up to 445
required level = 90
template = spell_fire_cyclone

Summon Fire Elemental "Summons a Fire Elemental to guard the Caster."
damage = 206-252
health = 3780-4032
range = 10
duration = 240
mana = 1589 up to 1694
required level = 105
template = spell_summon_fire_elemental

Fireshot Armor "Adds 15-23 to Armor and blasts a Fireshot
back at attacking Enemies."
damage = 62-68 up to 90-99
range = 8
duration = 147 up to 210
mana = 504 up to 744
required level = 63
template = spell_fireshot_armor

===> Nature Magic <===

Killing Fist "Strikes the Target with a titanic force of pure will."
damage = 436-483 up to 513-567
range = 13
reload delay = 1
mana = 269 up to 317
required level = 102
velocity = 20
template = spell_killing_fist

Chain Lighting "Arcs a powerful bolt of lightning through up to four Enemies at once."
(...a much lower level spell, but fairly useful in my opinion...)
damage = 154-190 up to 210-257
range = 10 (1st enemy)
jump radius = 15 | falls off by 0.5 for each jump, I think.
reload delay = 1
mana = 80 up to 109
required level = 60
template = spell_chain_lightning

Summon Rock Beast "Summons a Rock Beast to guard the Caster."
damage = 396-484 up to 427-521
health = 3074 up to 3280
range = 10
duration = 120
mana = 1801 up to 1920
required_level = 105
template = spell_summon_rock_beast

Shock Armor "Envelops the Target in a cloak of electricity, adding (12-30)
to Armor and causing electrical damage to attackers."
damage = 39-44 up to 100-111
range = 8
duration = 120 up to 257
mana = 157 up to 395
required level = 34
template = spell_shock_armor

Stone Skin "Surrounds the Party with a shell of magical energy,
adding 13-63 to Armor."
range = 8
duration = 180 up to 619
mana = 194 up to 750
required level = 28
template = spell_stone_skin

Shared Pain "Reflects 50% of damage back to the attacker."
range = 14
duration = 30 up to 42
mana = 351 up to 489
required level = 50
template = spell_shared_pain

Merik's Windfall "Greatly enhances the capabilities of the entire Party,
adding 3-4 to Strength, 5-6 to Dexterity
and 4-5 to Intelligence."
range = 10
radius = 20
duration = 100 to 120
mana = 1235 up to 1583
required level = 70
template = spell_meriks_windfall

Major Heal "Restores up to __ Health to a single Party Member."
range = 12
mana = depends
required level = 32
template = spell_major_heal

Nurture "Heals the entire Party by 37-86 Health per second."
range = 14
duration = 10
mana = 639 up to 1523
required level = 46
template = spell_nurture

Harmony "Combines the resonant power of Life and Mana,
balanced between all Party Members."
range = 15
duration = 80 up to 95
mana = 749 up to 980
required level = 80
template = spell_harmony

Full Resurrect "Grants the power to raise the dead and
restore them to full Health. Mana cost
dependent on power of the Target."
range = 5
required level = 40
template = spell_full_resurrect

Best Melee Weapons
Leg Cleaver
damage = 246-738
strength = 64
template = sd_ra_g_o_st_2h_avg
variation = c_mag
modifier range = 98-112

Axe of Kill Kill Carnage (spelling error with double word?)
damage = 342-421
range = 0.5
reload delay = 0.3
strength = 78
template = ax_carnage
modifier range = 1-100

Serrated Sword - *2 handed*
damage = 306-414
strength = 73
template = sd_un_big_2h_d_serrated
modifier range = 31-77

Dragon Wing Sword - *1 handed*
damage = 247-334
strength = 74
template = sd_un_g_1h_wing
modifier range = 47-81

Wound Mallet
damage = 292-412
range = 0.5
strength = 50
template = hm_ra_g_c_2h1m_fin
variation = c_mag
modifier range = 1-370

Wing Staff
damage = 223-335
bonus = 10% Chance to Block Melee Attack
intelligence = 70
template = st_un_b_wing
modifier range = 38-67

Best Ranged Weapons
Long Crossbow
damage = 214-262
range = 15
velocity = 75
reload delay = 0.7
strength = 31
dexterity = 63
template = cw_g_c_l_p_avg
variation = o_mag
modifier range = 53-73

Long Backed Bow
damage = 280-328
range = 13
velocity = 14.0
reload delay = 0.3
strength = 30
dexterity = 59
template = bw_g_c_c_l_4_avg
variation = o_mag
modifier range = 49-67

Chicken Gun
(Not my choice for best - velocity too slow.)
damage = 200-350
range = 10
velocity = 5
reload delay = 0.5
strength = 25
dexterity = 25
template = chicken_gun
modifier range = n/a


As mentioned in section 1, you have a BASE item, and then with luck (or hacking) there will
be items with magical benefits, a.k.a prefixes and suffixes, a.k.a modifiers - added on to
an item. These are either more expensive to buy, or rarer to find. When you kill a mini-boss,
they drop a couple of cool items. If you go back and replay the scene, you might find the
item is slightly different. This is part of the fun.

Do not confuse "modifiers" with "enchantments". Modifiers add benefits to a base item with
prefixes or suffixes. Enchantments are magical qualities held within the BASE item. This
why the fairly 'low level' spell book above is the best - because the base item has an
enchantment of +1 intelligence. All other spell books are merely combinations of modifiers
listed below.

You can read elsewhere how to hack into the game and cheat, and add whatever modifiers
you want in almost any combination. Minako and Jericho wrote a nice guide on this called
[ http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/27336.html ]
Or, see section 7.

However, most people feel a more "pure" way to play, is to get the items legitimately through
playing the game. If you do so, the enhancements are added via some "rules" the game uses
to assign them.

Here is my understanding of the rules...

(1) Each modifier has a certain "power" assigned to it. The higher the power, the better
the enhancement. The power levels were assigned by the game designer(s), so, there is a
factor of personal opinion. YOU might prefer a lower powered modifier more than a higher
one, especially with the "combos". It depends on what weaknesses your character has, among
other things. I am not going to bother listing the power level for each modifier below.
Suffice it to say they are all high - - in the range of >70 up to the highest -
"ofattainment" - at 208. You can find a detailed list at:
[ http://www.dsnetguide.com/items/modifiers-prefixes.php ]
[ http://www.dsnetguide.com/items/modifiers-suffixes.php ]

(2) Each base item has a predetermined modifier/power range - min & max, and this controls
the power level of enhancements that might be assigned to the item.

(3) Finally, certain modifiers are assigned only to certain base items. For example, an
enhancement related to magic or intelligence might only be "allowed" to be assigned to a
spell book, rings or amulet. Another example might be an enhancement to melee damage -
obviously this will only be assigned to a melee weapon.

Therefore, when an item pops out of a chest, or when you kill the mini-boss, the game
somewhat randomly assignes the magical enhamcements, a.k.a modifiers, a.k.a. prefixes &
suffixes, according to the above rules. I believe you can break these rules if you
hack & cheat.

I may have this all wrong because I am making some educated guesses. If it's wrong then
all I've done is confuse the issue by sounding like I know it all, when in fact I don't.
At this point I'll play the "Nubedad" card one more time.

Also, Nivisec wrote probably THE definitive guide on this at:
[ http://ds.nivisec.com/tutorials.php ]

Here are the best modifiers:



[ofcolossus] Adds 11 to Strength
[oftheeffortless] Adds 11 to Dexterity
[ofomniscience] Adds 11 to Intelligence
Combos related to strength...

[majestic] Adds 3 to Strength, 2 Health Stolen Per Hit,
+5% Chance to Block Magic Attacks,
+4% Chance to Hit Enemy with a Melee Weapon,
+7% Chance to Hit Enemy with a Ranged Weapon

[immense] Adds 3 to Strength, Adds 5 to Melee Skill,
Adds 7 to 16 Piercing Damage, and Magic Damage Reduced by 5%

[offortitude] Adds 3 to Strength, Adds 1 to Dexterity, Adds 1 to Intelligence

[unfathomable] Adds 2 to Strength, 1 Health Stolen Per Hit,
+5% Chance to Dodge Melee Attack,
3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy,
and Adds 2 to Intelligence

[ofprivilege] Adds 2 to Strength, 1 Health Stolen Per Hit

[oftheforgiven] Adds 2 to Strength, Adds 3 Health Per Hit,
Adds 1 to 4 Piercing Damage, and Adds 2 to Max Damage

[ofaspiration] Adds 2 to Strength, Adds 33 to Health, Adds 71 to Mana

[ofemphasis] Adds 2 to Strength, Adds 1 to Intelligence, Adds 163 to Health
and 6% of Damage Reflected to Enemy

[admired] Adds 1 to Strength, Adds 3 Health Per Hit,
4 Mana Stolen Per Hit, Piercing Damage Reduced by 16%,
and 10% of Damage Reflected to Enemy
Combos related to dexterity...

[sacred] Adds 6 to Dexterity, Adds 2 to Melee Skill,
Ranged Damage Reduced by 12%, and
3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy

[utmost] Adds 2 to Strength, Adds 3 to Dexterity,
Adds 1 to Intelligence, and Adds 50 to Armor

[respected] Adds 1 to Strength, Adds 2 to Dexterity,
Melee Damage Reduced by 9%,
and 3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy

[ofcourage] Adds 1 to Strength, Adds 2 to Dexterity, Adds 1 to Intelligence

[ofrisk] Adds 2 to Dexterity, +3% Chance to Inflict a Piercing Hit,
and Adds 1 to Min Damage
Combos related to intelligence...

[praised] Adds 4 to Intelligence, Adds 3 Health Per Hit,
Adds 223 to Mana, and Adds 1 to Ranged Skill

[distinguished] Adds 4 to Intelligence, Adds 79 to Mana,
Adds 1 to Nature Magic Min Damage,
and Adds 2 to 6 Combat Magic Damage

[valued] Adds 3 to Intelligence, Adds 47 to Health, 1 Mana Stolen Per Hit,
and +7% Chance to Hit Enemy with a Ranged Weapon

[supreme] Adds 2 to Intelligence, +6% Chance to Hit Enemy with a Melee Weapon,
Adds 3 to 5 Lightning Damage, and Adds 2 to Strength

[ofthebanished] Adds 2 to Intelligence, Adds 17 to Mana, Adds 22 to Health

[ofpatience] Adds 2 to Intelligence, Adds 46 to Mana,
Adds 1 to Max Combat Magic Damage

[ofvalor] Adds 1 to Strength, Adds 29 to Health, Adds 2 to Intelligence

[ofconfidence] Adds 2 Health Per Hit, 5% of Damage Reflected to Enemy,
and Adds 2 to Intelligence

[ofcontempt] Adds 2 to Intelligence, 1 Mana Stolen Per Hit,
and 1 Health Stolen Per Hit

[ofsecrecy] Adds 2 to Intelligence, +8% Chance to Hit Enemy with a Melee Weapon,
and Adds 22 to Health



[eradicating] Adds 10 to Melee Skill
[propelling] Adds 11 to Ranged Skill
[refined] Adds 9 to Nature Magic Skill
[warring] Adds 9 to Combat Magic Skill



[ofthelion] Adds 529 to Health
[ofperjury] 6 Health Stolen Per Hit
[ofbounty] Adds 11 Health Per Hit
[elevated] Adds 163 to Health, +7 to armor, +11% chance to dodge ranged attacks
and +3% chance to hit with melee weapon.

[ofinvigoration] Adds 541 to Mana
[oftheslayer] 16 Mana Stolen Per Hit
[ofdawn] Adds 17 Mana Per Hit
[praised] Adds 223 to Mana, Adds 4 to Intelligence,
Adds 3 Health Per Hit, and Adds 1 to Ranged Skill

[hulking] Adds 150 to Armor
[tenacious] Piercing Damage Reduced by 20%
[ofvindication] 18% of Damage Reflected to Enemy



[offangs] Adds 35 to 82 Piercing Damage, MELEE
[ofthedestructive] Adds 120 to Max Damage, MELEE
[ofpestilence] Adds 85 to Maximum Damage, MELEE
[ofagony] Adds 84 to 140 Damage, MELEE
[offire] Adds 65 to 133 Fire Damage, MELEE
[ofthezapped] Adds 105 to 124 Lightning Damage, MELEE
[ofwinter] +15% Chance to Freeze and Adds 29 to 50 Cold Damage, MELEE
[offrostbite] +10% Chance to Freeze and Adds 47 to 82 Cold Damage, MELEE
[ofice] +5% Chance to Freeze and Adds 56 to 99 Cold Damage, MELEE
[ofintent] +12% Chance to Inflict a Piercing Hit, MELEE
[ofexcellence] +20% Chance to Hit Enemy with a Melee Weapon
[defiant] Melee Damage Reduced by 20%
[wiley] +15% Chance to Dodge Melee Attack
[uncompromising] +16% Chance to Block Melee Attack



[ofvelocity] Adds 30 to 70 Piercing Damage, RANGED
[oftheeagle] Adds 67 to Max Damage, RANGED
[ofepidemic] Adds 60 to Maximum Damage, RANGED
[ofattainment] Adds 15 to 218 Damage, RANGED
[oftranscendence] Adds 45 to 104 Damage, RANGED
[ofignition] Adds 46 to 93 Fire Damage, RANGED
[oflightning] Adds 74 to 87 Lightning Damage, RANGED
[ofhail] +7% Chance to Freeze and Adds 18 to 32 Cold Damage, RANGED
[ofblizzards] +5% Chance to Freeze and Adds 31 to 51 Cold Damage, RANGED
[ofglaciers] +3% Chance to Freeze and Adds 45 to 76 Cold Damage, RANGED
[ofpremeditation] +12% Chance to Inflict a Piercing Hit, RANGED
[ofremoteness] +20% Chance to Hit Enemy with a Ranged Weapon
[impeding] Ranged Damage Reduced by 20%
[recoiling] +15% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attack
[cunning] +20% Chance to Block Ranged Attack



[merciless] Magic Damage Reduced by 25%
[unwavering] +15% Chance to Block Magic Attacks
[ofmagnitude] Adds 25 to Max Nature Magic Damage
[ofzeal] Adds 23 to 70 Nature Magic Damage
[ofhostility] Adds 25 to Max Combat Magic Damage
[ofantagonism] Adds 23 to 70 Combat Magic Damage

There is a typo in the description that shows up in the game, for antagonism.
It says "Nature" but it actually increases "Combat" magic damage.



[unsurpassed] 6 Mana Stolen Per Hit, Adds 3 to Combat Magic Skill,
Adds 25 to Armor, Piercing Damage Reduced by 13%,
and Adds 3 to Max Combat Magic Damage

[unparalleled] +8% Chance to Block Melee Attack,
+13% Chance to Block Magic Attacks,
and Melee Damage Reduced by 11%

[spectacular] 2 Health Stolen Per Hit, 5 Mana Stolen Per Hit,
Adds 2 to Melee Skill, Adds 3 to Combat Magic Skill,
Ranged Damage Reduced by 8%

[celebrated] Adds 4 to Nature Magic Skill, Adds 4 to Ranged Skill,
Adds 23 to Armor, and +2% Chance to Block Melee Attack

[treasured] Adds 6 Mana Per Hit, Adds 1 to Melee Skill,
Adds 28 to Armor, +2% Chance to Block Melee Attack,
and +5% Chance to Dodge Melee Attack

{ Section 3 - EXPERIENCE & LEVELS }

To be the "best of the best" you need to achieve high levels, preferably in all skills
& stats. Having a "well-rounded" character is very difficult to achieve as you will
see below.

How the levels work is probably explained better in other guides, such as in Tom Church's
very thorough FAQ/walk-through. But here is my 2 cents on how your character levels up.
First I will define terms:
SKILLS = melee, ranged, combat magic, nature magic
STATS = strength, dexterity, intelligence
UBER = overall character level or XP
(does anyone know what "uber" literally means ? - it looks German?)
XP = experience
LEVEL = self explanatory

When you attack an enemy and do damage, this adds to your XP in whichever skill you are
using. If you hit with a melee weapon, your melee XP goes up. Ranged weapons add to
ranged XP, and magic adds XP to whichever form you are casting, nature or combat.
Casting "non-combat" spells also *does* add to your magic XP - each spell has a formula
for how much XP it adds.

SKILL levels start at level 0. As XP in each skill increases, the level increases along
with it. The game uses something of a log scale so that it is increasingly harder to get
to each succeeding level. In the later levels, above ~80, each level requires about
1.2 times more XP than the previous. Here is the full table:

Level XP Level XP Level XP
----- ------ ----- -------- ----- ------------
0 0
1 70 51 11263782 101 126731805919
2 650 52 13066188 102 155243764829
3 1450 53 15156978 103 190170914494
4 2350 54 17582294 104 232956672834
5 3350 55 20395661 105 285369226800
6 4650 56 23659167 106 349574605408
7 6650 57 27444833 107 428226194203
8 9450 58 31836207 108 524574390477
9 12950 59 36930200 109 642600930913
10 17100 60 42839232 110 787183442946
11 22000 61 49780637 111 964297020188
12 27800 62 58283859 112 1181261152309
13 34300 63 68700306 113 1447042214156
14 41300 64 81460453 114 1772624014920
15 49191 65 97091634 115 2171461720855
16 58327 66 116239830 116 2660037910626
17 68882 67 139696370 117 3258543743095
18 81054 68 168430631 118 3991713387870
19 95071 69 203630102 119 4889846202719
20 111190 70 246749453 120 5990058900910
21 129706 71 299570658 121 7337819456193
22 150954 72 364276635 122 8988826136414
23 175317 73 443541456 123 11011309319686
24 203567 74 540640862 124 13488851219194
25 236338 75 659587634 125 16523840046091
26 274352 76 805297430 126 20241701359039
27 318449 77 983791930 127 24796081467402
28 369600 78 1202447693 128 30375197100145
29 428936 79 1470301002 129 37209613750256
30 497766 80 1798421306 130 45581774146643
31 577609 81 2200368678 131 55837670632215
32 670226 82 2692754209 132 68401143827042
33 777662 83 3295926485 133 83791398490705
34 902288 84 4034812522 134 102644460453692
35 1046855 85 4939947918 135 125739461358351
36 1214551 86 6048738778 136 154030837466559
37 1409080 87 7407007581 137 188687773199113
38 1634732 88 9070886865 138 231142519471492
39 1896489 89 11109138988 139 283149583655156
40 2200128 90 13605997839 140 346858237280144
41 2552348 91 16664649931 141 424901337970755
42 2960924 92 20411498744 142 520504136316754
43 3434872 93 25001388540 143 637617564290602
44 3984651 94 30624003540 144 781081513558566
45 4622395 95 37511706915 145 956824851411821
46 5362179 96 45949143550 146 1172110440282060
47 6220327 97 56285003427 147 1435835286648100
48 7215779 98 68946431776 148 1758898223446500
49 8370504 99 84456681504 149 2154650321024540
50 9709985 100 103456737421 150 2639446640557650

You have to waste a bunch of baddies to get to level 150 ! "In-between" levels, you can
view your progress accurate to 2 decimal places by rolling the pointer over the
weapon/spell icon. Or you can view the bar within the inventory screen. As your skill
increases, among other things you get a better chance to hit (melee), higher accuracy
(ranged), or more powerful spells (magics).

Now, how STATS work is more complicated. STATS start at XP=0, but level 10. UBER level
and XP both start at 0. As your skills increase in XP, you are also adding the same amount
of XP to your uber XP. (Side point: skill *levels* do NOT have anything to do with uber
*level*.) The uber-XP is the sum of the 4 skills' XP's. Then, to determine your uber
LEVEL, you look up the uber-XP in the same table of levels above. Your uber level is the
amount of "points" you have to divide up between the 3 stats.

As your uber-level creeps up, the uber-level points are divided up among the 3 stats
depending on which skill you are using. This is how & why the stats' levels also creep up.
The uber-level points are divided up as follows:

Melee Ranged C-Magic N-Magic
----- ------ ------- -------
Strength 64% 25% 13% 9%
Dexterity 27% 62% 17% 18%
Intelligence 9% 13% 70% 73%

Let's say you start the game and only use your knife for the first few minutes. You kill
a few Krug, and accumulate exactly 70 XP. Here is how the whole picture would look:

melee level = 1.00
melee XP = 70.00
ranged level = 0
ranged XP = 0
combat magic level = 0
combat magic XP = 0
nature magic level = 0
nature magic XP = 0
strength level = 10.64
strength XP = 44.80 ---> (64% of 70)
dexterity level = 10.27
dexterity XP = 18.90 ---> (27% of 70)
intelligence level = 10.09
intelligence XP = 6.30 ---> ( 9% of 70)
uber level = 1.00
uber XP = 70.00

Why the game also assigns you XP in each of the 3 stats, I don't know - it seems unnecessary.
(Think "Nubedad" again.)

OK, now suppose you switch to your bow, and get another 70 XP, this time in your ranged skill.
While you've achieved level 1 in ranged, you are only (140-70)/(650-70)=0.12069 or ~12% of
the way towards uber-level 2. These 0.12 uber level points are split up between the 3 stats
according to the %'s above (ranged). For dexterity, the stat most affected, you get
0.12069*0.62 = 0.07483 added to your DEX level. Use the same logic for the other 2 stats.
Then finally for stat-XP's, let's take strength for example... (STR-10)=0.67017, so you
are ~67% of the way to the next level, or ~67%*(70-0)=46.9119 would be your STR-XP.

Anyway, here is the picture after leveling up 1 in ranged...

melee level = 1.00
melee XP = 70.00
ranged level = 1.00
ranged XP = 70.00
combat magic level = 0
combat magic XP = 0
nature magic level = 0
nature magic XP = 0
strength level = 10.67017
strength XP = 46.9119
dexterity level = 10.34483
dexterity XP = 24.1381
intelligence level = 10.10569
intelligence XP = 7.3983
uber level = 1.12069
uber XP = 140.00

As pointed out in other guides, it is VERY HARD, especially later in the game, to level up
your character in all 3 stats ! Credit where it's due - - I will basically 'parrot' here
what Tom Church teaches in his guide, with a few more specifics.

For example, let's say you achieved level 50 in both melee and ranged, but you haven't yet
used any spells. Now, let's suppose you want to start rounding out your character in magic
skill and increase your intelligence by exactly 1.00. Here is how that would work...

Your uber XP would be 2*9709985=19419970, and uber-level is therefore ~54. If you want
to know exactly, it's 54+(19419970-17582294)/(20395661-17582294)= 54.6532. To increase
your intelligence level by exactly 1.00, using combat magic spells, you would have to
increase your uber-level by 1.00/0.70=1.4286. To achieve this you need to get to
uber-level 56.0818. The uber-XP required for this level is 23659167+ 0.0818*
(27444833-23659167) =23968834. That's a difference of 4548864 XP you need to accumulate
using combat magic. If you start at skill level 0 in combat magic, you would have to
almost reach skill level 45 before you would earn that much XP and get the 1.00 point
in intelligence. And remember you would be starting with the measly fireshot
level 0 spell !

Again, 'Nubedad' had to make some educated guesses on the formulas. I finally wrote
an Excel spreadsheet to figure this out - at least the way I think it works. Then after
those untold hours, I found almost the exact same thing on the web at:
[ http://www.dsnetguide.com/downloads/statcalc.php ]

However, really the only reason you need to know this many specifics is so you can hack & cheat.

Another way to cheat a bit less blatantly is to use one of the mod's that are out on
the Internet. I like Reaper's XP mods, if you lean this way.
[ http://www.dsnetguide.com/siegelets/siegelets.php?id=61 ]

{ Section 4 - HEALTH & MANA }

This is a short section to help explain how health and mana "level up" during the game.

Max HEALTH is defined according to the formula:
= [ (STR-9) * 29.4 ] + [ (DEX-9) * 9.8 ] + [ (INT-9) * 9.8 ]

Max MANA formula:
= [ (STR-9) ] + [ (DEX-9) * 4 ] + [ (INT-9) * 25 ]

If you remember the %'s above, (for example, melee: 0.64, 0.27, 0.09) then you can
calculate that for each 1.00 increase in UBER level (while using melee), your health
will increase 18.816+ 2.646+ 0.882 =22.344

[What, so simple ? Come on GPG, you could have atleast used Fourier transforms or something!]

Why, you say, is this important ? Well it's really not but I'm on a geek-roll here.
Let's say you find two rings, one "of Colossus", and one "of the Lion", and you wanted
to keep the better one and sell/trade the other. You would know by the formula that
the STR+11 will give you only 323.4 additional health, vs. the 529 from the other ring.
(I am ignoring the other benefits of STR such as increase in melee damage.)

BTW - does anyone know the formulas for STR/DEX/INT vs. melee/ranged damage?
It looks to me like...
delta melee damage (min) = delta STR * 2.0625
delta melee damage (max) = delta STR * 2.125

{ Section 5 - INVENTORY }

This section is written to help you figure out where your stuff is in your inventory.
An item's location is defined by one or more of 3 things: (1) equipment slot,
(2) inventory location, (3) grid X & Y. For the items you are carrying "on your body",
(1) and (2) are shown below, whereas (3) does not apply.

equip_slot = inv_location =
------------ --------------
Armor es_chest il_main
Helmet es_head "
Gloves es_forearms "
Boots es_feet "
Amulet es_amulet "
Spell Book es_spellbook "
Rings es_ring_0 "
es_ring_1 "
es_ring_2 "
es_ring_3 "
Melee weapon (n/a) il_active_melee_weapon
Ranged Weapon (n/a) il_active_ranged_weapon
Shield (n/a) il_shield

For other items you are carrying "in your pack", the inventory location is always "il_main",
except for spells carried inside a spell book. Then a grid location is specified via X & Y.
I am not sure if the grid numbers change (for example, depending on screen resolution?).
I decoded the grid on my installation as follows:

| X |
Y | 255 | 287 | 319 | 351 |
============================== As you can see
30 | | | | | it is a grid
------------------------------ 4 squares wide
62 | | | | | and 13 squares
------------------------------ high. Each
94 | | | | | square is
------------------------------ 32 x 32 units
126 | | | | | (pixels?).
158 | | | | | The location of
------------------------------ large items is
190 | | | | | determined by
------------------------------ specifying
222 | | | | | the grid location
------------------------------ of the upper left
254 | | | | | corner of the
------------------------------ item.
286 | | | | |
------------------------------ For example a 2x3
318 | | | | | crossbow in the
------------------------------ extreme lower
350 | | | *CB | CB | right corner
------------------------------ would be assigned
382 | | | CB | CB | "grid_x = 319" and
------------------------------ "grid_y = 350".
414 | | | CB | CB |

If you use one of the "back-pack" mods, then you just expand the 32x32 grid accordingly.
This type of mod is very useful and since it only allows you to carry more, its sort of
not cheating, in my opinion. If you're going to get one, might as well get the BEST !
This would be the biggest - -
[ http://www.geocities.com/gamers554/ds.htm ]
The above does require a screen res of 1024x768. Otherwise you need one of the smaller
ones such as:
[ http://www.dungeonsiegecenter.com/downloads/mods.phtml?id=138347 ]
[ http://www.dsnetguide.com/siegelets/siegelets.php?id=4 ]

{ Section 6 - HACKING }

Using the above info, if you are an unabashed hacker you should now be able to give
yourself whatever items you want, with the highest level of magical enhancements
possible. You will first need the Tank Viewer and Tank Creater programs available from:
[ http://www.game-editing.net/ ]
[ http://www.dsnetguide.com/downloads/modtools.php ]

! - ! - ! - ! - !
NOTE - Some published FAQ's/guides instruct that you can edit your single-player files
(*.dssave). In my experience this does not work. If you want to do play a hacked
character in the single player map, you could play the Kingdom of Ehb
campaign from within the multiplayer menus.
! - ! - ! - ! - !

Example - - suppose you want to fight with a devastating crossbow. Just hack into your
*.dsparty file and edit the resulting "party.gas" file. Find whatever ranged weapon
you have currently, and change it to:
gold_value = 9999999;
inv_location = il_active_ranged_weapon;
modifier_prefix_name = sacred;
modifier_suffix_name = oflightning;
template_name = cw_g_c_l_p_avg;
variation_name = o_mag;

You can do this with any of the items and modifiers listed above. Finding it hard to
stick to your "pure ethics" of game playing ? VERY tempting isn't it? You can resist
though - just pray harder.

Of course, you can give yourself lots of gold too. Obviously the first thing to do is
edit your overall gold amount. Another trick to "store" even more extra gold is to hack
the sell-value of any potions or other small & expendable items you own, to 9999999, and
then if you run low on gold you can sell one.

Finally, if you know the template name(s) of any unique items you want (such as
Town-stones, the Fury's Eye, books, knife, etc.) - you can just place them in an
empty spot (grid) in your pack.

A note for more dedicated hackers - - if you know where to look you can find
the base file that determines how much damage the crossbow does (or defense
for armor, etc.) and change these values too.


Section 7-a... Town Stones

In case you dont feel like getting your 30-50 bucks out of the game, you can hack and just
yourself all the items needed to complete the game. These are the 8 town-stones, plus the
"Ten Stone" you need to complete the last Dungeon. Once you have the 8, the last one is given
you in Hiroth. To put them in your inventory, again, hack the character *.dsparty file,
and type in lines such as the example below:

grid_x = ___;
grid_y = ___;
inv_location = il_main;
template_name = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;

A L L 9 S T O N E S
template_name = stone_glb_elldim_01; all of these are size = 1x1
template_name = stone_glb_crystwind_01;
template_name = stone_glb_fallraen_01;
template_name = stone_glb_meren_01;
template_name = stone_glb_lang_01;
template_name = stone_glb_quillrabe_01;
template_name = stone_glb_hiroth_01;
template_name = stone_glb_grescal_01;

plus the one you need in the last Dungeon...
template_name = tenstone_glb; this one is size = 2x2

Section 7-b... DISPLACERS

In multiplayer, after doing it once, I hate having to go back again and find the forward displacer
to "calibrate it". There are mods you can download to fix this such as:
[ http://www.dsnetguide.com/siegelets/siegelets.php?id=84 ]

However, with versions >1.1, you can also do this from within your character "party.gas"
file !! :) Simply add a section called "QUESTBITS" and include whichever displacers
you want turned on. The section goes near the end, just before "SKILLS". Make sure "QUESTBITS"
lines up with "SKILLS" (same number of tabs) and be sure to include all sub-sections using
tabs & { } . Each displacer (I think) requires 2 sections to turn it on. Not totally sure
about this but it works. You might get away with only one or the other, but I haven't felt
spending the time to test this.

Let's suppose you want to turn on the first displacer, the one outside
of Elddim just before the Crypt. The syntax within your "pary.gas" file would be:

_key = "multiplayer_world";
_key = "2w_teleport_river_forest_path2crypts_active";
_value = "true";
_key = "teleport_river_forest_path2crypts_active";
_value = "true";

You must add additional sections, numbered [2], [3], [4], etc., for each of the remaining "keys":

_key = "2w_teleport_river_forest_path2crypts_active";
_key = "teleport_river_forest_path2crypts_active";

_key = "teleport_river_forest_path2mines_active";
_key = "2w_teleport_river_forest_path2mines_active";

_key = "2w_teleporter_mine_town_mines2_active";
_key = "teleporter_mine_town_mines2_active";

_key = "teleporter_snow_town_sno_r1_active";
_key = "2w_teleporter_snow_town_sno_r1_active";

_key = "2w_teleporter_snow_town_sf_r2_active";
_key = "teleporter_snow_town_sf_r2_active";

_key = "2w_teleport_ocean_dark_forest_active";
_key = "teleport_ocean_dark_forest_active";

_key = "2w_teleporter_swamp_town_gi_a_r2_active";
_key = "teleporter_swamp_town_gi_a_r2_active";

_key = "teleporter_swamp_town_of_r1_active";
_key = "2w_teleporter_swamp_town_of_r1_active";


_key = "2w_teleport_castle_town_desert_active";
_key = "teleport_castle_town_desert_active";


!*!*} - - Be careful because many displacers set you down in the midst of a deadly battle.

Section 7-c... LEVELS needed for the HUB's

You must achieve the levels below to use the HUB transporters
(through the basilicus) to move from town to town.

Regular Veteran Elite
------- ------- -------
Elddim 1 54 83
Crystwind 5 56 87
Fallrean 9 59 90
Meren 18 64 96
Lang 25 75 99
Quillrabe 42 77 103
Hiroth 46 79 105
Grescal 50 80 106

{ Section 8 - CHICKEN LEVEL }

"Climb to the sky on the sunbaked mesa
Give to the moon with the treble stones
Place down the eye of the crystal temple
Gift of the steel from a virgin hand
The final piece within your grasp
A leap of faith convenes his trial."

There are published guides, such as Michael Wu's, for the chicken level, so I won't
repeat all of the instructions here.
[ http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/27336.html ]

However, my small contribution is the following:

===================== ======================================

Eye of the Crystal Temple: fury_eye (size 2x2)
(The Fury's Eye)

Note - You get this item in the Kingdom of Ehd campaign. The above guide advises you
to start in Jeriah's Cabin. I'm not sure about this. I don't think you can
go "backwards" from there into the Alpine Caverns. Instead, I recommend starting
in Glacern and go forwards to the Alpine Caverns. You can skip the mini-dungeon
on the right that is on the way. Once in the Alpine Caverns, you need to find 3 or 4
'shrines'. The eye is in the last shrine. They are sort-of hard to find - go
through narrow passage-ways on the right as you go through the dungeon. Sometimes
it will be "up a ramp" which will be hard to see. You will go "up", and outside
of dungeon/cave to each shrine. Use the pressure plates to assemble the bridge
to the last shrine. If you grab the eye during the single player campaign, you have to
carry the useless thing around for a very long time until you finally finish multi-player!

Virgin Blade: dg_g_d_1h_fun (size 1x2)
(The knife your 'nube' character has at the start of the game, level 0.)

Piece within your grasp: book_glb_lore_riddle (size 1x2)
(The book in the first room of the Hiroth dungeon, in the
Utraean Peninsula map. Must collect all eight town-stones to get this.)

Or you can download the items here (one of many mod's for these items):
[ http://www.dsnetguide.com/siegelets/siegelets.php?id=386 ]

{ Section 9 - CONTACT }

I am interested in what kind of feedback I might receive. I'll give it a try for
a while but if I get a lot of BS pouring in, I'll just yank the email account
I have set up for this.

I very much welcome sincere corrections, additions, other ideas, etc.
BS will be ignored and blocked.

\ ______________________
=======\ | |
========\ Contact me at | dsbest@charter.net |
========/ |______________________|

If you're playing a pirated game please go buy the real thing - - to encourage
GPG & Microsoft to make more great games like Dungeon Siege !

Thanks for reading.

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Megatrainer (für v1.11.1486)

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Comprehensive Prefix and Suffix Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl- FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
(für v1.1)

11.Октябрь 2013
Dieses Programm ist für die Leute geschrieben, deren hart erspielter Charakter von irgendwelchen Multiplayer-Cheatern online zerstört wurde.

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Hinweise im UHS-Format

17.Октябрь 2013
Autor: Tom Church
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Character FAQ by Chickenfingers
Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Autor: Mr. Dubbers
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Charakter mit Level 899

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
FAQ über den Chicken Level
Engl. Hinweise

17.Октябрь 2013
Mana- und Gesundheitstrainer

15.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
07.Июнь 2019