Rainbow Six: Lone Wolf

Rainbow Six: Lone Wolf

16.10.2013 10:34:01


06 - 07 - 2002

UP DATED - 22 December 2002

UP DATED NEW MAP - 15 January 2003

Rainbow 6 lone wolf faq and walkthrough
written Pamela Bianca Loreine (pambianca@yahoo.com)

1.About Me
3.Game Overview
Operation 01:Operation artic phoenix - solhier, norway
Operation 02:Operation silent shelter - solhier, norway
Operation 03:Opreration rapid fox - north of solhier, norway
Operation 04:Operation stone father - west of solhier, norway
Operation 05:Operation cold talon - east of solhier, norway


1. About Me

Hi gamers my names Pamela Bianca Loreine, I'm 25 years old, I'm college student
at University of Indonesia at Faculty of law and now I'm on 8th semester
and I'm born in Jakarta on July-29th-1977 I live in Pesona Khayangan BLOK
DQ No.2/16431-Depok (If u want to ask me about anything my walkthrough, or
if u stuck in this game or you want to inform me about anything else just
write me a letter or send an email that u can see the address in the above
or bottom of the page) but…My mother is half sundanese and half dutch but
My Father is originaly from Indonesia. Before you all out there read my
walkthrough I just want you to know me a little bit about me, because it's
important that you all know that this is my first time writting faq and
walkthrough. I like playing with my playstation and play all the cool PS 1
game why? Because if I start to play it I've forgot all of my problem
away,....so when I was play I use to get stuck and then I search for
walkthrough so I can finish the game and I think all of the walkthrough
there I used to read it's give me an idea to try to write walkthrough to
and help others gamers.

Hi for all u gamers out there I've try 2 up dated my walkthrough twice so u can
see the map easly,…..so this is my new version up dated map.

So you know that this is my first faq and walkthrough and I'll try to make the
best of it so I've been up dated the walktrough so I hope you'll forgive me
if I've made a little bit of mistake in my writting or typing ok. If you've
any critics, suggestion, comment and thing to add so dont you hesitate to
email me at pambianca@yahoo.com.
And if you find your self stuck dont hesitate to send me a question to my email
ok I promisse I'll answer it as fast as I can to help u ok!
You also know that I'm very busy with my paper at my campus so please your
understanding that and updates may very slow.
One more thing, this fan is protected by international copyright law so if
there's anyone want to post this fan to her or his site, YOU'VE TO GET MY
I've heard and read many stories about plagiarizing other people faq to make
money and what that MAKE ME VERY ANGRY TO JUST HERE IT! Because what that’s
make me angry,….because I know that writing fan or walkthrough it's not
easy as they look believe me ,…I KNOW HOW HARD IT IS,…SO DON’T TRY ANYTHING
AN EMAIL AT pambianca@yahoo.com AND THANK U.


3.Game Overview

In this Game not like the first Rainbow six, that in the first Rainbow six you
fighting with your team but in this Rainbow Six Lone Wolf you fighting out
there alone As Ding Chavez,….Ding Chavez is Rainbow six agent he is a
highly qualified for this operation so you work as him.
In Rainbow Six You can see that there are Briefing, Intel, Kit Select and a Map
in Briefing you can know what is the exact mission, in Intel there Jhon and
Cark your Boss in Rainbow Six they both told you what to do in this
operation, in Kit Select you can choose what type of weapon that you want
to use for the operation, & Map you can choose from where do you want to
start your operation.
And in this game you've to play it carefully because you don’t have a med kit or
something to heal your wound if you're hit by your enemy and then please
you've always to be ready for anything in this game because 1). DON’T GIVE
YOUR ENEMY A CHANCE TO SHOOT YOU why?because if in the first shot your
enemy badly wound you then you may end up dead so, if you're hit by your
enemy you've pay attention to your heart pulse in left corner of your tv
monitor!(If the pulse yellow you still makeit, but if your pulse red as a
FIRST OPERATION,you've always to be on alert!!!
Oh yeah I think I almost forgot to write about this and I think U should know
the instruction to use your joy stick in this game: R1:Shoot Ä:To
change weapon
R2:Move to right Î:To reload ammo
X:To open the door
L2:Move to left
?:To move up and down(or if you want move quitly)
And if you do the game exactly like I said first play very carefull and always
on alert you should finish it in no time!



You play as Ding Chavez and I can't say pretty much about him so you've to see
for your self I just can say a little bit about him that he quit handsome
for a rainbow six agent…!I think that’s all about him.



In here I like to explain about Kit Selest ,…In Kit Select:

Primary:1). 5,56mm m4 AR
A compact version of the m-16, the m 4 cabine is commonly used when the fire
power of an assult rifle is needed, but the weight and size isn't
it's commonly use by US & ISRAEL special forces it come standart with a single &
full auto trigger group
2). 10mm mp5
10A2 SMG : The preferred sub machine gun of counter terrorist operatives
around the world, heckler&koch's mp5 is know for reability&acciracy even
when firing full automatic. Rainbow uses the 9mm mp5A4, fitted with single,
triple & full auto trigger group.
3). 10mm mp5
SD10 SMG : Terrorist through out the world fear heckler&kochs mp5 SD
4). 12G SPA S-12G : Is fully automatic combat shotgun capable of emptying it 9
round clip in 2,25 second.
5). 7,62mm PSG-1
SR : Arguably thed most accurate of the shelf sniper rifle available.
Secondary:1) 0,45 CAL m23
The special designed sound & flash supre SD pistol ss or on this mk23 virtually
eliminates muzzle flash&promdes more then 35 DB of sound reduction.
2). 9mm 92FS Pistol : The baretta model 92f is rainbow 's 9mm pistol of choice.
Slot 1:1). Flash bang, 2nd magazine
Slot 2:1). Frag granade, primary magazine


6.Map /-----------------\__
/|___ ________ __/ |
| |__|-------\/ |__________ | |
/ |_____| \___
\___ | \_
\ | |
\ _ _ | |
| |_| 2|_| | |---|_____ ___ _ /
\_____________/\_____||______|------------ ___|_| | |___|
|__________| | 1 |
| _ |
_____/ /

First of all I want to make an explanation so u can easly read the map and
follow the direction that I told you to: _
1|_| : If u See square follow with number it's mean
your starting point
|_| : If you see this mark this is your destination

In the first&2nd Operation you going to use the same map that's why I don't want
to draw the same map for both operation because it's the same! The only
different in the drawing is the starting point, in the first operation you
should start from the green square that I mark it whit the first symbol
(you can know it very easy)& in the 2nd Operation you should start from the
green square that I marked it with the second symbol.

| |_|---|
| _ |_
| |_| |
| |
| | |------------| |--|
| | | |_ /-| |
| \_ | |----| | |------\ / |/-----
/ \ | | | | | \_/ _
| | |---|_/--| | | | | _/- /--|
3|_| |
| | |- |_ | | |_ |/ / |___
| | | /--| | | | |_________| |_ |--
| |______|- / |_ |/ | |____/--|
\ / |_________/
|__ /--\__/--/

in the 3rd Operation you can easely see where your starting point is!(not like
the 1st and 2nd Operation in the first and secod operation there's are 2 or
3 starting point so you've to choose it wisely or not I'll guarentee

/ _ \_______
/-------/ |_| \
/ |_
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ /\/-------------------------------/\____________/----------\ \
/ _ / \__\ \
/ |_|4 / \ \
/ \ \

In this 4rt Operation there are 2 starting point and you should start from the
left side of the map because there are the safe place so you can kill your
enemy without they knowing you first.

| |
| |
/---------------------------------------------------------/ \___
| \
| \
| \
/ |
| |
|_ _ |
| | |_| |
| | \_____________________/ |
\ \ _ /
\ \________________________/ 5|_| /

in this operation I'm not going to explain it again like before I'm sure
you know how to read this map if you forgot just remember the instruction
like I told you before in the map before this ok.


Operation 01:Operation artic phoenix - Solhier, Norway.

In your fisrt assingment your objectives is locate access path and infiltrate
Xander cabin
before you go to do the mission if you want(it's important to read a little
your mission briefing so you know what is exactly your operation is),
you can read the briefing and for this mission the briefing is; Jan
25,2001 operation artic phoenix apreviously convicted terrorist, Xander
thiessan contacted us at, 07:00 hours claming to have information on
recen weapon imports in to Russia, his current location is solhier a
small mountain resort town.

And after you read the briefing the second important things is choose your
weapon combat, for this operation I highly recommand you to use 10mm
mp5 SD10 SMG - for primary and 9mm 92fs pistol for secondary weapon and
don’t forget to bring extra bullets so for slot 1 don’t forget to bring
the bullets for your primary weapon and slot 2 the bullets for
secondary gun.

In all operation in this game don’t forget to on your night vision so you
can see clearly ok let start your mission like you see on the FISRT MAP
FOR THIS FIRST OPERATION, you should start from the right side of the
street and when the game is start the operation took place in the
middle of the night with the snow falling down from the sky then as
soon as you on your infra red you can see the an patrol guard in front
of you as soon as he turn his back on you shoot it after that walk a
few step a head then you could see threes an enemy standing at the
upper ground shoot it (oh yeah I almost forgot to told you that you
shouldn't be afraid with your enemy because the target in this game is
move automatically to your enemy)and after that just follow the path in
front of you move a minner step and then poiting your gun to the back
of upper ground in your left because theres an enemy hide behind it as
soon as you can see the head shoot it.after that just keep slowly
follow the path infront of you and when you see the big yard in front
of you stop why I told you to stop because if you walk just about it
you'll end up resart the game hehehe,…so from the way you stand look
theres a house seround you know from the way you stand move a little
bit to the front until you can see theres a man guarding in the right
corner (but the trick is when you move a little bit to front until you
can see your enemy I mean is not a whole body of your enemy just a half
of him so he won't knowtest you)then kill him bang…bang…don't move yet
look in front of you theres a long house now in that long house theres
a man patrolling inside it take your position pointing your target to
that man and shoot him to no…no..instead of moving a head stay put
there's still an enemy in the left do the same thing like I told you
before move a little bit to the right until you can see a half of him
shoot it……now the cost is clear so move move move ……go a head into the
long house and walk a long the hall after a few step you can see from
far a away that’s a man guarding that access path so shoot him!Go a
head to that access path ,…there's a door press X and open it after
that quitly go inside then you can see there's an enemy infront of you
shoot him and you find a door again open it then you see there's a man
in the fountain shoot him ,…just stay the way you are because there's
still an enemy around you and then just take a pick into the right
theres a man guarding infront of the house shoot him before he shoot
you,…then move to the right until you see a man standing in outside
balcony then shoot his head ! then back to the door but don’t open it
and from that spot walk slowly to the front until you can see a man
standing from far away then you know what to do bang,..bang,…and walk
ahead to the man you kill then you know there's a house in both side of
you and Xander cabin is in your right side go and open the door and go
inside ,…..you go to next objectives!


Operation 02:Operation silent shelter - Solhier, Norway.

still same operation but your objectives is change: retreat to extraction
point and rendez-vous with Xander's use the same weapon that u use in
your last mission ……you play in day day light but you should on your
infra red so you could see clearly(believe me)!If you read my map you
know from where you should start but when you the game start you find
your self out side the house and go back inside to the last house in
your last mission and after you' already inside the house don’t' forget
on the night vision and you see there's an alarm with laser system
inside the house just don’t go near to the laser you'll be safe. before
you walk press square in your stick so you walk quitly then from the
way you stand go to the right side of the room but slowly(if you walk
slowly the enemy want knowtest you)now walk slowly to the right side of
the room but while you move there the enemy see you and he shout "Hey
you….!" don’t get panic just stay cool and keep moving there and when
you arrive you see there's 2 or maybe 3 windows in that room and from
that windows u can see a house & from the left windows u can see
there's an enemy standing beside the house a head you so shoot
him!Beside that room there's 2 room on your right ,..but first go to
the room on the left you see only 1 windows in that room and theres an
enemy hide outside in that room you'll see from the window so move your
body as closer as u can to the window and shoot your enemy shoulder
bang,…bang….until he die!Then keep moving to the next room (if in the
next room you'll find an alarm laser don't forget to duck down or
you'll alert the alarm ok) and from there you can see your enemy
standing out there shoot him!!!Before u open the door there's a man out
side in the left so instead u standing keep your body down so be ready
open the door and shoot the man in the left!Believe me that’s not you
last enemy in that area so keep alert ok,…from there keep moving a head
and stop in the corner of the house and you'll see beside the house
there's a house from there take a pick there a man standing out there
and shoot him after that don’t turn right keep moving a head (small
road behind the house) pass that house you'll be arrive in the next
house don’t go out side yet because there's an enemy standing infront
of the house in the right side so take a position where your enemy
can't see u and shoot bang,..bang,..bang,...and there's still 2 enemy
outside and the first one standing infront of the access path and the
2nd guarding the outside access path so be ready go out side and kill
him before he kill u and(the 2nd he standing not far from the access
path door SO BE READY WHILE U OPEN THE DOOR) then open the door & as
fast as u can after u open the door shoot him!Go outside the access
path and moving to the next Operation.


Operation 03:Operation rapid fox - North of solhier, Norway.

Im not going to explain where u should start from this operation&next
operation to because u could easly see it from the map ok!
In this Operation your objectives is:Locate&free Xander so be
carefull!!!(Don’t forget to on the night vision)Oh yeah Im sorry Im
forgot to explain if u want to on the infra red press start&if you want
to multiply the bullets from your weapon press select.
Ok in this operation will be short and there isn't much enemy to ,…there's a
few box and pass it and there's a junction but first turn right from
far u see your enemy and shoot him!after that turn left and slowly pass
the box and stop point your target to the whole and shoot the enemy
down there after the cost is clear step down and just follow the path
after wacth out there's an enemy a head shoot him,….then keep moving
and be ready again there's 2 enemy out there so first take out the
enemy infront of u first after that take a minner step and duck down so
he won't see u ,…from there u see there's and enemy hide behind the
rock and he duck down to so shoot his head! Next,….u going to find to
right and left turn but they end up in the same place but If I were u I
choose to take the left turn ,…ok take the left turn walk slowly duck
down and after u arrive don’t go out side because Xander is in there
and well guarded by the enemy ok first stay put and from there u see
there's a crates inside there and then there's an enemy infront of you
and u can see the head and shoot him after u shoot him take a little 2
or 3 step until u can see there's a man standing in the right side of
the big crates so shoot him ,..the cost is clear go inside
move,..move..move free Xander,..


Operation 04:Operation stone father - West of solhier, Norway.

In this Operation u going to rescue Dander's brother, the objectives is:
locate theissan cabin&free Xander's brother. In this operation you'll
need to extra carefull and don’t make anything suspicious them or
don’t' make loud sound,…so the perfect weapon 4 this operation if I
were u I use 7,62mm PSG-1 SR&0,45 CAL M23 SD PISTIOL! (On the night
U going to start in the big open cave where u can see a houses from there
so,..when the game start don’t go anywhere just wait a few second &
you'll see a guard coming from both direction so take the guard on
front of u first and then on the left Bang..bang!next walk to the dead
guard in front of u and stop you'll see there's a man standing beside
the cabin shoot him!after that back the way u came and walk to the dead
guard in the left pass the house and the little snow man and stop
there's an enemy a head ok shoot him!Back the way u came and then walk
to the path when u kill the first guard but don’t walk to the center of
the area just follow the path right side of the wall u pass 2 small
house then stop in the 3rd house so,..take your porition because an few
second there'll be a patrol guard pass in fron on u shoot him! Ok keep
moving follow the right wall passing a few cabin after u arrive in the
last cabin stop u see there's a man standing from far away shoot him
to! after that back the way u came walk along the wall and then now
walk a long the left wall after u pass 4 cabins and then stop in 5th
cabin you'll see there's a 2 cabin a head so pay attention in to that
direction because in a second there's apatrol guard passing through
there and shoot him!!Back the way u came again now follow the first
path in the right and then after u arrive in the last cabin stop then
go slowly near the house then take a pick u see there's a man out there
shoot him ! you know that from the map Theissan cabin is the long one
in front of u but don’t go there's yet isn't safe so walk slowly to
Theissan cabin and on a way there ,…there'll be a guard coming out so
shoot him before he shoot u! We don’t' want the guard inside the
theissan cabin know that u coming so go around the Theissan cabin and
then before u open the door duck down and open it,..go inside then stop
take a pick to the left then shoot the enemy and free Xander's brother


Opearation 05:Operation cold talon - east of solhier, Norway

This is your last operation!In this operation you have to choose the right
weapon so you can finish the operation,..there's 2 option for primary
weapon you can choose 10mm mp5 SD10 SMG or you can use sniper rifle
7,62mm PSG-1 SR and for the secondary weapon if I were u I use 0,45 CAL
m23 and for slot 1 don’t forget to bring flash bang and for slot 2 u
can bring primary magazine.
In this operation you've to little bit faster then your last operation
because if you play it to slow, you'll see your self end up dead kill
by those guard and is important in this operation don’t let the enemy
see u first. Ok if you see my map you know from where you should start
(if you saw my map and follow from where u should start so when the
game start you going to find that you standing behind a great long wall
my suggestion is from the way you start just walk near that wall so the
enemy infront of you can't see you),…ok when it start don’t forget to
on your infra red. when it start be ready to walk a few step after a
few step first take out the guard that you see standing far from
you,..after that point your weapon to the upper clif wait a few second
and when the patrol guard come back shoot to kill!!! Next take the
right turn but just a few step and stop now, the target will
automaticly point to your enemy that stand infront of the left house so
shoot it,..after that take a 2 or 3 step a head then take a pick to
the left if you see your left foot of your enemy shoot it till he die!
After that take just a minner step a head then wait a few second, when
you see the enemy walking in front of you shoot him to! ok next move
your body until you see there's 2 house in you left so turn you body
facing to those house and then you see there's and alley in the middle
wait there's a guard in the middle of those house so,..just take a
pick until you can see a bit of your enemy body and shoot him (why I
told you to do this because this is the safe way to kill your enemy)!
Then turn your body to the back so you can see there's a some kind of
barn and walk a little bit closer till you see the enemy infront of you
shoot him to!! Next,..walk a long the two house whrere you kill the
enemy in the alley and walk facing your weapon to opposite house so
when you arrive at the corner of the house and you see your enemy you
can shoot him first before he shot you! After that walk to house in
the left (the house is infront of the two house you can't miss it) open
the door press X then before you walk press so you can duck down
(you've to walk silently) walk a head after that turn right passing the
open door then before you get to the corner turn your body 1800 facing
opposite you and continue take a few step until you see there's a room
and be quite there's an enemy inside just take a pick until you can see
your enemy left foot and shoot to die!! After that walk to the only 1
open door in the hall you see there's a stairs and there's a room in
the left but don’t go there's yet! You see there's a few boxes there
and there's an open door in your left inside of the room you'll see a
few boxes and theres an enemy hiding behind that box you can see from
the head shoot the head!after that don’t go to up stairs yet but go to
the next room there you won't miss it,..but don’t go inside yet
because there's a guard inside so, stop infront of the open door and
you can see there's a sofa so throw the flash bang into the sofa after
you throw it avoiding the explotion after the explotion move inside and
prepare to shoot the enemy! Ok then go upstairs but when you just on
the way to the up there'll be a guard coming down before he knowtes you
shot him! Then after you in the 2nd floor don’t go to the room yet but
take apick in the hall in your right theres an enemy in the hall way
shoot him! Next go to the room infront of you ,….after that

I like to dedicate this walkthrough for my LOVING BROTHER'S MARIO he's the
best brother in the whole world he always take care of me & he always
stood beside me when ever I'm in happy or worst and he really love
playing PS1 and I don’t know what I'm going to do with out him.

I love you My both parents ,…..I love them so much.

Specially I like to thank to my Mom ,..she always give me a support to witte
this walkthrough.

Ubi Soft Entertainment for creating such an impressive,captivating&cool game.

this faq is copyright 2002 by Pamela Bianca Loreine.

This work is supposed to appear only on this websites:

>. http.www.psxcodex.com
>. http.www.gamefaqs.com
>. http.www.cheatplanet.com
>. http.www.cheatcc.com

This FAQ is not supposed to appear in any other places or websites
other than those listed above. This FAQ is not to be edited, altered or
changed in any way without the author's permission.
Lastly, any further questions, comments, critics, suggestions and
additional info should be forwarded to pambianca@yahoo.com

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FAQ / Walkthrough

16.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
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