

16.10.2013 18:29:38
Walkthrough/FAQ Version: 0.2
Copyright: (c) 2002-2003 Trunkz0r (timber@wctc.net)
Date: 1/18/03

This document can only be reproduced with express permission by me,
and with email consent. If you do reproduce it, you must give credit
to me. (Blah, Blah)

This document is best viewed at 800x600

Table of Contents

Chapter I -- Introduction
Chapter II -- History
Chapter III -- Basics
Chapter IV -- Characters
Chapter V -- Levels
Chapter VI -- Items
Chapter VII -- Weapons
Chapter VIII -- Armor
Chapter IX -- Credits

Chapter I -- Introduction

Hi Everyone. This is my first attempt at writing a guide so stay with me.
Helbreath is a rather new Online RPG. A vast war is going on in the world of
Helbreath. The Eldiniel and Aresien, two cities which emerge from the rubble
while, the rest are in ruin. The two cities begin to conflict and a violent
war rages out. Choose which city you are to join; your choice may sway the war
in one direction or the other.

Chapter II -- History

Version 0.2 -- Updated (1/18/03)

It's been awhile since ive updated this game, hopefully I'll continue to make updates in the

Version 0.1 -- First started (6/24/02)

Chapter III -- Basics

Basic Commands

Let's start with your basic commands, hot keys, and other stuff alike.

Your basic chat colors are white, blue, red, dark green, gray, and light green.

White -- Normal Chat -- Only the people on your screen can view this
Blue -- Ally Chat -- Only your allies or people in your town can see
Red -- Global Chat -- Everyone in both cities can see this chat.
Dark Green -- Guild Chat -- Guildmembers can only see this chat.
Gray -- Whisper -- Color of chat when someone whispers you.
Light Green -- GM Chat -- When a GM needs to say something. All servers can see this.

NOTE: All chat modes except normal and whisper chat use a small amount stamina
points or SP.

Chat mode prefixes:

none -- normal chat mode.
~ -- ally chat mode and uses 5SP.
! -- global chat mode and uses 3SP.
@ -- guild chat mode and uses 3SP.
^ -- Global guild chat mode.
$ -- Party chat mode, uses 3SP.
/to (name) -- whispers to target (name).
# -- chat in normal mode, while in whisper mode.

Chat commands:

/exclude (name) -- exclude (name) from all chat modes.
/fi (name) -- tells you if (name) is connected.
/free -- release a summoned monster from hold.
/hold -- holds a summoned monster in place.
/pf (name) -- view the info of (name)
/rep- (name) -- give (name) a bad evaluation.
/rep+ (name) -- give (name) a good evaluation.
/setpf -- set info of your character.
/tgt (name) -- commands summoned monster to attack (name).
/who -- show how many players are online.


F1 -- Help
F2 -- Execute quick slot action
F3 -- Execute quick slot action
F4 -- cast spell that you last casted
F5 -- show character stats
F6 -- Inventory
F7 -- Spell list
F8 -- Skill list
F9 -- Chat History
F11 -- Toggle transparent windows
F12 -- Options Menu
Tab -- attack/peace mode
Home -- Safe Mode toggle
End -- repeat last message
Ins -- drink health potion
Del -- drink mana potion
PgUp -- Use Special Ability
Prt Scr -- Screenshot
Ctrl+F2 -- Assign to quick slot
Ctrl+F3 -- Assing to quick slot
Ctrl+Mouse1 -- Forced attack
Ctrl+T -- whisper mode with person you are highlighted over
Ctrl+S -- sound toggle
Ctrl+M -- map
Ctrl+D -- detail level toggle
Shift+Ctrl+Mouse1 -- Dash attack
Alt+Mouse1 -- Special attack

CHAPTER IV -- Characters


Number of hit points (HP) -- VIT*3 + Level*2 + STR/2
Number of magic points (MP) -- MAG*2 + Level*2 + INT/2
Number of stamina points (SP) -- STR*2 + Level*2
Maximum weight -- STR*5 + Level*5

How to raise a skill:

To raise a skill between 20% - 50% Current Skill% + 2
To raise a skill between 51% - 100% (Current Skill% + 1)*(Current Skill% + 1) /


To Raise the dagger skill from 4 to 5, you need to hit a monster 6 times to
raise it to 5
Calculation: 5 = (4+2)
Calculation: y = (x+2)

To Raise the dagger skill from 60 to 61, you need to hit a monster 372 times to
raise it to 61.
Calculation: 61 = (61*61)/10
Calculation: y = ((x+1)*(x+1))/10


STR -- Strength -- Equipment have STR restrictions. STR increases attack
speed your weapons and adds damage (2% per 10 in STR)

VIT -- Vitality -- Increases HP and speeds up HP regeneration.

DEX -- Dexterity -- Increases defensive value and your chance to hit.

INT -- Intelligence -- Required to learn magic. Increases success ratio of
casting spells.

MAG -- Magic -- Increases MP and MP regenration rate. Increases spell
damage (3% per 10 in magic)

CHR -- Charisma -- lowers prices in shops. 20 Charisma is required to start
a guild.

Combat/Magic Skills

Hand Attack
Max % -- STR*2
How To Raise -- Attack with Fists

Short Sword
Max % -- DEX*2
How To Raise -- Attack with Short Sword

Max % -- DEX*2
How To Raise -- Attack with Fencing type weapon

Long Sword
Max % -- DEX*2
How To Raise -- Attack with Long Sword

Max % -- DEX*2
How To Raise -- Attack with Axe

Max % -- DEX*2
How To Raise -- Attack with Shield Equiped

Max % -- MAG*2
How To Raise -- Cast Spells

Spell Resist
Max % -- Level*2
How To Raise -- Get Hit with Magic

Poison Resist
Max % -- VIT*2
How To Raise -- Get hit with poison

Max % -- MAG*2
How To Raise -- Hit enemy with staff

Pretend Corpse
Max % -- INT*2
How To Raise -- In Skill Menu, click on "Pretend Corpse"

Max % -- DEX*2
How To Raise -- Use fishing rod on water

Max % -- STR*2
How To Raise -- Use pick axe in a dungeon

Max % -- INT*2
How To Raise -- Requires Alchemy Bowl; double click bowl to insert ingredients

Max % -- STR*2
How To Raise -- Requires an Anvil; double click anvil to start forging

Chapter V -- Levels

Level Experience Next Level
1 50 100
2 150 150
3 300 200
4 500 250
5 750 300
6 1,050 350
7 1,400 400
8 1,800 450
9 2,250 500
10 2,750 550
11 3,330 600
12 3,900 650
13 4,550 700
14 5,250 750
15 6,000 800
16 6,800 1,140
17 7,940 1,225
18 9,165 1,310
19 10,475 1,400
20 11,875

Chapter VI -- Items

--Recovery Items--

Item: Red Potion (small)
Price: 10
Description: recovers a small amount of HP.

Item: Red Potion (large)
Price: 70
Description: recovers a large amount of HP.

Item: Blue Potion (small)
Price: 10
Description: recovers a small amount of mana.

Item: Blue Potion (large)
Price: 70
Description: recovers a large amount of mana.

Item: Green Potion (small)
Price: 10
Description: recovers a small amount of stamina and cures poison.

Item: Green Potion (large)
Price: 70
Description: recovers a large amount of stamina and cures poison.

Item: Dilution Potion
Price: 100
Description: gain 20% poison resist.

--Jewelry Items--

Item: Silver Ring
Price: 350
Description: ?

Item: Gold Ring
Price: 700
Description: ?

Item: Silver Necklace
Price: 500
Description: ?

Item: Gold Necklace
Price: 1000
Description: ?


Item: Alchemy Manual
Price: 100
Description: learn alchemy skill.

Item: Arrow Manual
Price: 100
Description: learn arrow attack skill.

Item: Axe Manual
Price: 100
Description: learn axe attack skill.

Item: Fencing Manual
Price: 100
Description: learn fencing skill.

Item: Fishing Manual
Price: 100
Description: learn fishing skill.

Item: Hand Attack Manual
Price: 100
Description: learn fist attack skills.

Item: Long Sword Manual
Price: 100
Description: learn long sword skill.

Item: Manufacturing Manual
Price: 100
Description: use to learn manufacturing skill.

Item: Mining Manual
Price: 100
Description: learn mining skill.

Item: Pretend Corpse Manual
Price: 100
Description: learn pretend corpse skill.

Item: Staff Manual
Price: 100
Description: use to learn staff skill.

Item: Shield Skill
Price: 100
Description: learn shield skill.

Item: Short Sword Skill
Price: 100
Description: use to learn short sword skill.

--Skill Items--

Item: Alchemy Bowl
Price: 1000
Description: use to mix alchemy ingredients.

Item: Anvil
Price: 1500
Description: use to create manufacturing items.

Item: Pick Axe
Price: 500
Description: use to mine minerals.

Item: Fishing Rod
Price: 100
Description: used for fishing.


Item: Recall Scroll
Price: 100
Description: cast recall spell.

Item: Invisibility Scroll
Price: 550
Description: cast invisibility spell.

Item: Detect Invisibility Scroll
Price: 330
Description: cast detect invisibility spell.

Chapter VII -- Weapons

--Short Swords--

Item: Dagger
Requirements: str(2)
Damage: 1d4

Item: Short Sword
Requirements: str(8)
Damage: 1d6

Item: Main Gauche
Requirements: str(8)
Damage: 1d6

Item: Gradius
Requirements: str(8)
Damage: 1d6

Item: Dagger+1
Requirements: str(2), lvl(10)
Damage: 1d4+1

Item: Short Sword+1
Requirements: str(8), lvl(10)
Damage: 1d6+1

Item: Main Gauche+1
Requirements: str(8), lvl(15)
Damage: 1d6+1

Item: Gradius+1
Requirements: str(8), lvl(20)
Damage: 1d6+1

--Fencing Swords--

Item: Esterk
Requirements: str(12)
Damage: 1d7

Item: Rapier
Requirements: str(11)
Damage: 1d7

Item: Esterk+1
Requirements: str(12), lvl(20)
Damage: 1d7+1

Item: Rapier+1
Requirements: str(12), lvl(30)
Damage: 1d7+1

Item: Knight Rapier
Requirements: str(11), lvl(100)
Damage: 1d7+2

--Long Swords--

Item: Savor
Requirements: str(12)
Damage: 1d8

Item: Long Sword
Requirements: str(14)
Damage: 1d8

Item: Scimitar
Requirements: str(16)
Damage: 1d8

Item: Falchion
Requirements: str(22)
Damage: 1d8

Item: Broad Sword
Requirements: str(28)
Damage: 1d10

Item: Bastard Sword
Requirements: str(33)
Damage: 2d5

Item: Claymore
Requirements: str(40)
Damage: 2d6

Item: Great Sword
Requirements: str(52)
Damage: 2d8

Item: Flamberg
Requirements: str(60)
Damage: 2d10

Item: Savor+1
Requirements: str(12), lvl(20)
Damage: 1d8+1

Item: Long Sword+1
Requirements: str(14), lvl(40)
Damage: 1d8+1

Item: Scimitar+1
Requirements: str(18), lvl(30)
Damage: 1d8+1

Item: Falchion+1
Requirements: str(22), lvl(35)
Damage: 1d8+1

Item: Broad Sword+1
Requirements: str(28), lvl(30)
Damage: 1d10+1

Item: Bastard Sword+1
Requirements: str(33), lvl(35)
Damage: 2d5+1

Item: Claymore+1
Requirements: str(40), lvl(40)
Damage: 2d6+1

Item: Great Sword+1
Requirements: str(52), lvl(50)
Damage: 2d8+1

Item: Flamberg+1
Requirements: str(60), lvl(60)
Damage: 2d10+1

Item: Knight Great Sword
Requirements: str(52), lvl(85)
Damage: 2d8+2

Item: Knight Flamberg
Requirements: str(60), lvl(100)
Damage: 2d10+2

Item: Giant Sword
Requirements: str(130), lvl(100)
Damage: 2d10+3


Item: Light Axe
Requirements: str(14)
Damage: 1d6

Item: Tomahawk
Requirements: str(17)
Damage: 2d3

Item: Sexon Axe
Requirements: str(20)
Damage: 1d6

Item: Double Axe
Requirements: str(33)
Damage: 3d3

Item: War Axe
Requirements: str(44)
Damage: 2d6

Item: Battle Axe
Requirements: str(90)
Damage: 3d8

Item: Light Axe+1
Requirements: str(14),lvl(10)
Damage: 1d6+1

Item: Tomahawk+1
Requirements: str(17),lvl(20)

Item: Sexon Axe+1
Requirements: str(20),lvl(30)
Damage: 1d6+1

Item: Double Axe+1
Requirements: str(33),lvl(40)
Damage: 3d3+1

Item: War Axe+1
Requirements: str(44),lvl(60)
Damage: 2d6+1

Item: Battle Axe+1
Requirements: str(90),lvl(110)
Damage: 3d8+1

Item: Knight War Axe
Requirements: str(44),lvl(85)
Damage: 2d6+2

Chapter VIII -- Armor

Item: Shirt
Price: 10
Weight: 1
Armor Class: 1

Item: Tunic (male only)
Price: 40
Weight: 5
Armor Class: 3

Item: Trousers
Price: 100
Weight: 1
Armor Class: 1

Item: Knee Trousers
Price: 20
Weight: 1
Armor Class: 1

Item: Shoes
Price: 20
Weight: 2
Armor Class: 1

Item: Boots
Price: 100
Weight: 5
Armor Class: 1

Item: Chemise (female only)
Price: 20
Weight: 1
Armor Class: 1

Item: Bodice (female only)
Price: 150
Weight: 2
Armor Class: 1

Item: Long Bodice (female only)
Price: 180
Weight: 2
Armor Class: 1

Item: Skirt (female only)
Price: 200
Weight: 1
Armor Class: 1

Chapter IX -- Credits

www.helbreath.com -- For making a great online RPG and for calculations.

2002 (c) Trunkz0r (timber@wctc.net)

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