State of Emergency

State of Emergency

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State of Emergency
Full Walkthrough/Strategy Guide
By: Steve Kamnik ~ Codewiz11

Version 2.5
Friday, May 10, 2002

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You are currently reading Version 2.5.

Version 1.0: (Thursday, February 21, 2002)
This is the very first version of this FAQ. The Missions are done for the

Version 1.5: (Tuesday, February 26, 2002)
This is the second version. The Chinatown missions are halfway done.
Progression Table added.

Version 2.0: (Monday, May 6, 2002)
Here's the third version. The Chinatown missions finished.

-Version 2.5: (Friday, May 10, 2002)
This is the fourth version. All of the East Side Missions are Done...right
on time like I told you. It's Friday night and I have...10 minutes to spare.

Future Updates:

*Next update* - Expected Time: By Monday the 13th
All missions for Corporation Central will be completed.
And that means that this FAQ will be complete. :)


I-------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------I

Part *1: We are declaring a State Of Emergency!
1.1: Introduction
1.2: The Story
1.3: More Guides/Info

Part *2: Basic Controls
2.1: Controls

Part *3: Missions
3.1: The Mall Missions (Done)
3.2: Chinatown Missions (Done)
3.3: East Side Missions (Done)
3.4: Corporation Central Missions (Not Started)

Part *4: Codes/Cheats
4.1: Codes During Play

Part *5: Closing Statements
5.1: Legal Notice




Welcome, you are about to set out into the rioting and disrupted
world of State of Emergency. You will be fighting the Corporation in a
full-scale riot, taking place on the streets of Capital City. You have
to kill, smash, and break everything in site to stay alive and save
your city. So what are you waiting for? Go play it! Oh, here's how...

The Corporation is clamping down on organized resistance and
restricting movement across the city to counter the spread of revolt.
It is up to you to attack the Corporation and its minions, ultimately
to destabilize and destroy them.

Beginning in the Capital City Mall, you play as one of five
civilians caught in the middle of the riot. Approached by a Freedom
Fighter from the underground resistance movement, Freedom, you decide
to join this organized resistance and, using whatever weapons you can
find, fight back against the Corporation security forces. Only by
mastering both hand-to-hand combat and more lethal weaponry will you
succeed in overthrowing the Corporation, and restoring democracy.

Choose to play through 175 missions set across four areas of the
city in Revolution Mode, or play Chaos Mode where the aim is to score
and the best way to score is to smash, destroy and kill. Success in
these modes unlocks new levels, playable characters and game modes.
-SOE instruction booklet


*The official story of the Corporation's rise to power*

2010: We accepted that the only way the global economy could
successfully sustain growth through a period of environmental
deterioration was to give more power to big business.

2015: It was learned that there was no longer a need for elections and
that for years the democratic process had given us only a weak

2019: The media was nationalized to ensure that productivity and
happiness were promoted by appropriate reporting of events.

2023: Opposition to authority was liquidated permanently, and the
corporation took complete control. This period saw sustained growth or
our economy. The people were happy and they knew it. Business
flourished, and despite many environmental problems, our economy grew

2029: An attempt by work-shy non-believers to rebel was crushed by the
security forces. The people rejoiced, for they knew they were being
taken care of better than they could take care of themselves.

Now, in 2035: More weak and ignorant lowlifes are attempting to
challenge the authority of the corporation. A state of emergency has
been declared and they will learn the error of their ways. They must
not be allowed to stand in the way of progress.
-SOE instruction booklet




Chaos mode is a fast and furious mode of play, where there are no
missions to complete, and the primary objective is to score points.

You are awarded points for:

-Killing Corporation forces and gang members.
-Destroying property: Buildings, cars and street furniture.
-Successfully completing objectives.

You cannot save a game midway through in chaos mode. If you quit then
the game is over. If you manage to achieve a high score in any of the
chaos modes then you get a chance to enter your name and have it added
to the high score tables. Achieving target scores in each of the chaos
modes unlocks new levels, and game modes.


In kaos mode, a countdown timer is constantly running and must be
topped up by completing stages and collecting time pickups. If this
time runs out, or your health reaches zero the game will end, your
final score will be calculated, and you will have the opportunity to
enter your name on high score table if your score is good enough.

Fixed Time Games
Fixed time games play exactly like kaos mode games, except there are
no time pickups in the levels, and you play for a fixed time only-
Either 3 minutes or 5 minutes. There are no objectives in times games.
Achieving level goals in fixed time games unlocks new modes of chaos

Unlimited Time
This mode is not available from the start and must be unlocked for
all levels by completing every level in kaos mode. Unlimited time plays
exactly like kaos mode, except there is no timer or time pickups - You
can play for as long as your health holds out. Unlimited time has a
higher level of difficulty that the previous modes.

Last Clone Standing
The Corporation has created clones of their genetically modified
enforcers, and released them into the streets of capital city. These
creatures are half man, half robot, but 100% evil. The citizens of
capital city have locked themselves indoors as protection against the
hundreds of clones that have taken over the streets. Luckily these
horrific mutations are not yet armed, so now is the time for action!

This mode is not available from the start and must be unlocked for
each level by achieving level goal scores in timed games for that
level. In this unique game, you must try and kill all of the clones in
the level in the fastest time possible. The timer on the game display
counts up from zero, while a separate counter indicates the number of
opponents remaining. When you have only ten clones remaining, radar
will appear on the game display to help you find the last few. This
radar will become more 'hot' {I.E. Red and Flashing} the closer you are
to an opponent. The game ends when you kill the last opponent and if
you have achieved a fast time, you have the opportunity to enter your
name on the last clone standing table.


The revolution game features 175 unique missions spread over four
levels. As you complete missions, you will unlock new ones, while
completing all the missions in a level will unlock new levels and
playable characters.


-*Revolution Mode Progress Table*-

-Character Progression-

MacNeil - From start
Libra - From start
Spanky - After completing the Mall in mission mode
Freak - After completing Chinatown in mission mode
Bull - After completing East Side in mission mode

-Map Progression-

Capitol City Mall - From start
Chinatown - After completing the Mall in Revolution mode
East Side - After completing Chinatown in Revolution mode
Corporation Central - After completing East Side in Revolution mode

-*Kaos Mode Progression Table*-

-Character Progression-

MacNeil - From start
Libra - From start
Spanky - After completing the Mall in Revolution mode
Freak - After completing Chinatown in Revolution mode
Bull - After completing East Side in Revolution mode

-Map Progression-

Capitol City Mall - From start - Need 250,000 points
Chinatown - After completing the Mall in Kaos mode - Need 500,000
East Side - After completing Chinatown in Kaos mode - Need 1,000,000
Corporation Central - After completing East Side in Kaos mode - Need
1,500,000 points

-Unlocking Last Clone Standing (3-Minute Games)-

Capitol City Mall - From start - Need 100,000 points
Chinatown - After completing the Mall in Kaos mode - Need 150,000
East Side - After completing Chinatown in Kaos mode - Need 200,000
Corporation Central - After completing East Side in Kaos mode - Need
250,000 points

-Unlocking Last Clone Standing (5-Minute Games)-

Capitol City Mall - From start - Need 150,000 points
Chinatown - After completing the Mall in Kaos mode - Need 200,000
East Side - After completing Chinatown in Kaos mode - Need 250,000
Corporation Central - After completing East Side in Kaos mode - Need
300,000 points

-Bonus Game Progression-

Last Clone Standing - In each map when both timed games for that map
have been completed
Unlimited Time - When Arcade Mode has been completed in all maps

-Official SOE Strategy Guide


The groups are:

Freedom Movement
The Corporation

The gangs are:

The Mall Rats
3rd Street Killaz
Muerte 13
Jade Hill Gang



Killing Corporation officers and gang members rewards you with green
and white health pickups. In addition, health is rewarded for
successful completion of a mission. Occasionally health is also spawned
within a mission. If your health falls to zero, you will die and be
returned to the entrance to the level with your mission progress
reverting to the last saved point.


The mission arrow always point towards your next goal in the mission
you are playing. It automatically updates as the mission situation
changes, and follows moving targets. Be careful, however, as the arrow
points to objectives 'as the crow flies' which is not necessarily the
shortest, most direct route. You will need to familiarize yourself with
the layout of each level to complete certain, time-critical missions.
The mission arrow is color coded to match the color of the chapter you
are playing and the mission giver who gave you the objectives, and will
usually return you to that agent., unless you have completed that


There are several varied types of missions in the game, including:
-In kill missions you must hunt and kill one or more targets. Some kill
missions must be completed quickly before the targets flee to safety.
-In steal missions you must find and steal an important item from the
Corporation and return it to friendly agents, or your safe-house base.
-Escort missions involve you escorting and protecting a friendly agent
as they complete objectives.
-Protect missions involve protecting one or more friendly characters or
defending a building from invasion. You will fail these missions if the
character(s) are killed or Corporation agents enter the building.
-In rescue missions you must rescue a friendly agent or civilian from
the Corporation, and usually escort them to safety.
-Destroy missions involve attacking and destroying a building, often a
key Corporation building.


During revolution game play, critical characters and objects are
marked with color-coded targets:
-Red indicates a target, building or object you must kill or destroy to
achieve an objective.
-Blue indicates a friendly target, building or object. You must usually
protect or defend these as part of the objective of the mission.
-Yellow indicates a neutral character or object.


Any opponent that has seen you and decided to attack you is
indicated in the game by a red triangle appearing above their head.
During the game, you can avoid patrolling Corporation officers by
staying out of their line of vision, but if they see you then a threat
identifier will appear above them.


Some missions require you to steal important items as documents or
medicine from the corporation and return them to friendly agents. These
items are usually carried by corporation agents and are dropped when
the agent is killed. They can then be picked up, simply by running over
them, whereupon an icon will appear on the game display. When you
return to the resistance agent, the item will automatically be handed
over, and the icon will disappear from the display.


In some missions you must obtain larger objects such as crates of
weapons. These objects are indicated by a target, and you can pick them
up by pressing the Circle button and drop them by pressing the Circle
button again. When you return a mission object to the agent who needs
it, it is automatically removed form your hands. Be careful, as mission
objects can be destroyed by enemies- In which case you will usually
fail the mission. Some mission objects must be stolen from stores by
smashing a window, whereupon the object flies out of it and can then be
picked up.


Handheld Weapons
Handheld weapons vary in effectiveness, from club type weapons such
as batons and baseball bats to more lethal bladed weapons such as meat
cleavers and swords.

Low on power, this semi-automatic pistol is useful against
individuals, but less effective when faced with a group of armed
corporation officers.

A small, light submachine gun, with rapid firing, the Uzi packs a
punch at close range, but only delivers limited damage.

AK47 Kalashnikov
This Russian built assault rifle has shorter range than M16, but can
be powerful against groups of opponents.

With a large cone of fire, but a short range, the shotgun is best
used against groups of charging opponents.

M16 Assault Rifle
The assault rifle of choice, the M16 can be used to pick off enemies
at a distance or as a powerful machine gun for strafing maneuvers.

Normally seen mounted on the front of helicopter gunships, the
impressive range and awesome firepower of this modified mini-gun will
literally carve through groups of adversaries.

Grenade Launcher
Whilst requiring practice to master the lobbing action, the grenade
launcher can quickly lat down volleys of grenades, bringing explosive
destruction to everything in its path.

Rocket Launcher
The ultimate explosive weapon, the aw-inspiring destructive power of
this anti-tank missile launcher will reduce buildings to rubble and
cars to burning hulks. Be careful with aiming, however, as rockets are
designed to explode on contact.

Tear Gas Launcher
Similar in technique to firing the grenade launcher, this lobs gear
gas grenades, which will soon fill the streets with debilitating smoke.
Be aware, though, that tear gas will also affect your character, and
many of the corporation troops wear gas masks.

The ultimate close combat weapon, the flame-thrower emits a huge
spout of liquid fire, covering anyone or anything that gets caught in
its deadly discharge.

Careful aiming and good timing are required to maximize the
effectiveness of these single use grenades.

Molotov cocktails
Whilst less powerful than grenades, Molotov cocktails require less
accuracy and can be used to cover a group of opponents in blazing

Like a cattle prod with extra oomph, the high voltage touch of the
tazer will leave adversaries on the ground, writhing in agony.

Pepper Spray
Originally developed for self-defense purposes, the toxicity of the
noxious gas in this aerosol has been increased to lethal proportions.

Street Furniture
As well as the varied arsenal of weaponry at your disposal, many
items of street furniture in state of emergency can also be used with
deadly force. Trashcans, debris, signs, park benches, even traffic
cones- If it isn't nailed down, it can probably be thrown or used to


Roy Mac Neil - A.K.A "Mack"
A disgruntled ex-cop who refused to carry out the Corporation's
brutal enforcement methods.

Anna Price - A.K.A "Libra"
A lawyer who hates the Corporation for their efforts to get her to
sell out her liberty clients.

Hector Soldado - A.K.A "Spanky"
A charismatic ex-gang member who has tired of the Corporation's
treatment of innocents.

Ricky Trang - A.K.A "Freak"
Orphaned in high school when his parents were arrested as political
dissidents by Corporation security.

Eddy Raymonds - A.K.A "Bull"
Ex-sports star who refused to participate in Corporation-sponsored
match fixing.





Walk, Run: Move your character around using the left analog stick;
push it slightly to walk and fully to run.

Sprint: You can also sprint around by pressing either the L1 or L2
button while running.

*Camera Control*

Pan Camera: Pan the camera around your character with the right analog

Center Camera: Center the camera behind your character by tapping the
L1, L2, R1, or R2 button.

*Pick up/Drop/Throw*

Pick up: Position your character next to a weapon or object; a yellow
circle will appear if it can be picked up. Then press the Circle button
to pick it up.

Discard: When carrying a weapon or object press the Circle button to
drop it. You will automatically discard weapons when they are out of

Throw: All carried objects can be thrown, as can lobbed weapons
(Molotov cocktails and grenades). When carrying an object or lobbed
weapon press the X button to throw. The harder you press the X button
the further you will throw the object.

*Hand to Hand Combat*

Punch: Press the X button while unarmed to punch. Press the X button
repeatedly to perform a four-punch combo.

Kick: Press the Square button to kick. Press the Square button
repeatedly to perform a four-kick combo. You can also perform kick
attacks while holding weapons and guns.

Quick Combos: While unarmed press the X button then the X button then
the Square button for quick combo A.
While unarmed press the Square button then the Square button then the
X button for quick combo B.

Back Attack: While unarmed, press the X button or the Square button
and push the left analog stick in the opposite direction to the way
your character is facing to perform a back attack.

Attack Prone Enemy: You can attack enemies when they are knocked down,
prone on the ground. Position yourself over them then press the X
button to punch down on them or the Square button to stomp on them.

360 Degree Attack: While unarmed, press the Triangle button to perform
the 360degree attack. This will knock back all enemies around you, but
barely damages them.

Grab Attack: While unarmed press the X button and the Square button
and push the left analog stick towards an opponent to grab them, then
repeatedly tap the X button for grab attack A or Square button for grab
attack B.

Dash Tackle: While unarmed and dashing (Press either the L2 or R2
button) press the Square button to perform a dash tackle. This will
knock opponents down and disarm them.

Quick Recovery: When knocked down, quickly tap the X button repeatedly
to get to your feet quickly.

Recovery Attack: When knocked down, and an opponent is near, quickly
tap the Square button repeatedly to perform a recovery attack and get
to your feet quickly.

Shake Free: When an opponent has grabbed you, press the X button or
the Square button repeatedly to shake free.



3.1 -THE MALL-
There are 35 missions in The Mall.

Let's get started.

Red Mission
-*Eliminate the gang members*-

When you get the mission, you must follow the arrow to the two gang
members that you must kill. There's no time limit here, so if you want
to look around a little and check things out, then that's cool. When
you get to the gang members, you have to kill them. When that is done,
then go back to your boss. The arrow will show you the way.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve detonators from Big Dollar*-

When you get the mission, follow the arrow to Big Dollar. Always be
prepared to fight, especially when you get in the area with the
detonators. Smash the window of the Big Dollar and grab the detonators.

Red Mission
-*Bring detonators to Autoshack*-

The AutoShack it right there, so you don't have to go far. Just
follow the arrow if you do have trouble.

Red Mission
-*Return to Base*-

Maxi's (your base) is just around the corner, but you might have
some confrontation from the corporation or some gangs.

Red Mission
-*Rendezvous with saboteur*-

Follow the arrow and go to the Saboteur. He'll be waiting by the
AutoShack. When you get to him, you'll get your new missions.

Red Mission
-*Escort saboteur to security station*-
-*Defend security station while saboteur plants explosives*-

Go to the Security Station with the Saboteur, where he'll go inside.
You have to fight a lot of corporation officers on the way. Keep the
Saboteur behind you and use whatever mean necessary to get away. When
the Saboteur goes into the Security Station, you have to do the next
mission, which is to defend the Security Station. You will have to take
down the corporate officers that attack, and after the attack is done
you'll get your next mission.

Red Mission
-*Escort saboteur to safety*-
-*Return to Base*-

You have to escort the Saboteur to safety. He will follow behind you
as you go. There will be some corporate officers that will come after
him, so watch out. Return to base when you're done.

Yellow Mission
-*Retrieve security plans*-
-*Return the plans to Maxi's*-

You have to go and chase a corporation guy and steal his documents
before he slips out the back door. Be careful, because you will have to
battle your way through plenty of corporation officers in this mission.

Yellow Mission
-*Deliver plans to book store*-

Just follow the arrow and deliver the plans with as little
confrontations with the corporation as possible.

Yellow Mission
-*Protect the bookshop*-
-*Return to Base*-

You have to protect the bookstore with any means necessary and not
let any corporation officers get inside the bookshop. You will get an
Uzi from your boss for this mission. It will certainly help mow down
the corporation's opposition. When you are done, just return to where
you got the mission.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve security pass*-
-*Return pass to Maxi's*-

For this mission, you have to go and kill a corporation member for
his security pass. There will be plenty of corporation officers to get
in your way, so be quick and then return the pass to Maxi's.

Red Mission
-*Rendezvous with hacker at candy girl*-
-*Protect hacker*-
-*Defend phone exchange*-
-*Escort hacker to safety*-
-*Return to base*-

First, go to Candy Girl's and the hacker will be waiting there. You
have to protect the hacker during the whole mission, so be aware of
what's going on around you. When you get to the phone exchange and the
hacker goes inside, protect it with your life. Members of the
corporation will come from each side of you at a time, starting with
the right, left and then finally the right again. Once you've done your
job and the hacker has done his, escort his safely back to Candy Girl's
place and then head back to base.

Red Mission
-*Wait for the mole to hand over the list and then silence him*-

There looks like there's a mole in your group, but you're not sure.
Follow the guy and see if he hands over a list and if he does, then
kill him so he never talks again.

Red Mission
-*Stop the executive*-
-*Retrieve list*-
-*Eliminate executive*-
-*Deliver the list to Maxi's*-

Follow the arrow to where you have to go and with enough firepower,
get rid of any enemies and pick up the list that is left behind. Take
the list back to Maxi's and you're done.

Yellow Mission
-*Retrieve medical ID card*-
-*Return card to Maxi's*-

This is like any of the other missions where you go kill some guy
and then return to Maxi's. Follow your arrow to the guy who you need to
get the card off of and then kill him and get the card. Be careful,
there will be guard protecting him so it won't be too easy.

Yellow Mission
-*Kill the corporate doctors*-

Pick up the Uzi that your boss gives you, then follow the arrow to
the second floor and get past the corporation guards there. When you
get through, then just go up to the three doctors in the corner and
blow them away.

Yellow Mission
-*Rendezvous with technician*-
-*Defend technician from attack*-

Follow the arrow to get to the technician and protect him from the
attacking Mad Bombers. The mad bombers are loaded with explosives, so
shoot them as soon as you see them so that you won't get hurt when they
explode. There will be three mad bombers coming. The first two from the
sides and the third one will come right in front of you.

Yellow Mission
-*Escort technician to Candy Girl*-
-*Return to base*-

Now take the technician to Candy Girl's, but watch out for the last
mad bomber at will start running at you as you get close to Candy
Girl's place. After you drop off the technician, return to base.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve barrel from Scooters*-
-*Deliver barrel to AutoShack*-
-*Return to base*-

Ok, go to Scooters to get the beer barrel. Be careful, there will be
a group of gang members there to slow you down. Kill the gang members
and break the last window at Scooters to get the barrel. Take the
barrel, and as quickly as you can, take it to AutoShack and try to
avoid gang members. After you drop off the barrel, return to base.

Red Mission
-*Pick up bomb from AutoShack*-
-*Deliver the bomb to Macgruder's*-
-*Protect Reggie*-
-*Return to base*-

The bomb from the last mission is now ready, so go to AutoShack to
pick it up. Now take the bomb to Macgruder's and put it down in the
front of the place. Now go down to Reggie. The bomb's detonator is not
working so you will have to buy him some time and protect him from some
guards. Once you kill enough guards, Reggie will have fixed the
detonator. Then you will have to go back to base and MacGruder's will
be blown to pieces.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve medical supplies*-
-*Deliver medical supplies to Maxi's*-

Follow the arrow to Westco Drugs. Bash any guard that tries to get
in your way. Smash the window there and get the medical supplies. When
you get the supplies, start running and avoid as many guards as you
can. Now just take the supplies to Maxi's.

Red Mission
-*Rescue Freedom operative*-
-*Escort operative to Candy Girl*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow to a big group of enemies and mow then down with
any gun your carrying. This will free the operative and then you just
have to take him to Candy Girl's place and then finally return to base.

Yellow Mission
-*Rendezvous with Mad Willy*-
-*Retrieve Willy's sword*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow to Willy's and he will fill you in on the rest of
the mission. You have to recover his sword that the Mall Rats have.
Follow the arrow to Scooter's and get ready for a big battle. Kill the
waves of Mall Rats by any means possible. Pick up the sword and take it
to Willy's place. After you've returned the sword, go back to base.

Yellow Mission
-*Protect the gun store*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow to Willy's place and get the Ak47 (one of my
favorite weapons), and protect the gun store from the swarms of
attacking enemies. Don't let any of the guards to enter the store.
After the attack, return to base.

Red Mission
-*Escort Freedom operative from movie theater*-
-*Stop corporation interrogators from escaping*-
-*Defend the movie theater*-
-*Escort Freedom agents to Candy Girl*-

Follow the arrow up to the Movie Theater. Kill any and all guards at
or around the theater. After the operative goes into the movie theater,
tear gas will explode all over. You won't be able to hold a weapon in
the smoke, so try to stay just out of the clouds so you can hold a
weapon and just mow down the corporation interrogators.

Red Mission
-*Escort Freedom agents to Candy Girl*-
-*Escort Freedom agents to Blossoms*-
-*Return to base*-

Ok, now you have to escort the freedom agents to Candy Girl's place.
Take out any guard who gets in your way. Then another freedom agent
wants to go to Blossoms so escort him there. Watch out for the guards
on the way, be careful with them and just run away if you need to.

Red Mission
-*Defend Candy Girl*-
-*Return to base*-

Go to Candy Girl's place and pick up the Uzi there. You will need
it! A swarm of guard will come around and mow them down like usual.
Another, tougher, group will come next and use the Uzi and even your
fists. Take weapons off of them if you need them. The last swarm will
be those darn Mad Bombers. Blow them up before they get too close. Then
return the base when that's over. But be careful of one mad bomber that
is still running around. Be ready for him.

Red Mission
-*Stop the corporation clean-up squad*-
-*Return to base*-

Here's a big all-out brawl. Just do anything and I mean anything to
kill the two groups of corporation enemies that you can. Once you have
killed them all, return to base.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve corporation itinerary*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow to the target guy who has the itinerary. Don't mess
with the guards too much if you can help it, they're tough dudes. Get
the itinerary and get out of there. Run back to the base with as little
confrontation as possible.

Red Mission
-*Silence corporation executive*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow to the car park that has just opened up. The
executive is it the far back, so I would just make a run for the
executive and kill him. Now, after you kill the executive, run back to

Yellow Mission
-*Rendezvous with hacker by payphones*-
-*Protect hacker*-
-*Escort hacker to safety*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow to the hacker and protect him as he hacks into
corporation files. Tons of corporation guards will try and get past
you, but you must stop them before they get to the hacker. After the
attack, escort the hacker to Candy Girl's place and watch out for the
guards that will threaten you. Then return to base when that's done.

Yellow Mission
-*Protect agents in bank during robbery*-
-*Escort agents to jewelry store*-
-*Return to Blossoms*-

Follow the arrow and join your gang. Head over to the bank and fight
against the security guards there. Your gang will go into the bank and
you have to protect them on the outside. After they rob the bank, take
them to the jewelry store and be ready to fight at all times. Once your
gang is safe, return to Blossoms.

Yellow Mission
-*Deliver money to arms dealer*-
-*Pick up weapons*-
-*Bring weapons back to Maxi's*-

Follow the arrow up to the Arms Dealer. Watch out for guards on your
way. Get the weapons from the dealer but you will need to fight the
guards that come at you. When you think you have a shot at getting out
of there, grab the box and run as fast as you can. There will be guards
with shotguns and everything out there. Run the box to Maxi's.

Yellow Mission
-*Stop the corporation reinforcements*-
-*Return to base*-

This is an all-out war now. There's a big pack of the corporation's
reinforcements that you need to stop. There's an AK47 above Maxi's
place, but there's a grenade launcher, which would be better, that is
at Willy's shop. Follow the arrow to the groups and fire way. Good

Yellow Mission
-*Destroy key corporation-supported shops*-

Here it is. The final mission for the Mall! You have to destroy
corporation-supported shops. You have three shots to destroy each shop.
The best way is just take the Molotov cocktails that you need to use
and run like crazy. Make sure you throw the Molotov cocktail inside the
building and not just hit the sidewall or it will be wasted and you
could get burned. Just follow the arrow to all of the stores and don't
stop for anything. Avoid the guards and run, run, run. The little shops
are: the Rocket Burger, Clothes Pour Homme, Clothes Pour Femme, the
Bank, the Antique Store, and Westco Drugs. The last place to destroy
though is the Corporation Government Office. You will use the rocket
launcher for this one and you have to really watch out for the guards
now, more than ever.

That's it. If you beat that mission, then it's over for the Mall. You
liberated the Mall. Congratulations!


There are 50 missions in Chinatown.

Let's go.

Red Mission
-*Protect Ms. Grant*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow to Mrs. Grant. Protect Mrs. Grant from any
attacking thug. Once you have killed all of the attackers, return to

Yellow Mission
-*Retrieve medical crate from behind Beerhut*-

Follow the arrow to the back of Beerhut. You will have to fight
plenty of guards on the way. Pick up the crate and take it to the drop-
off point and that's it. Eliminate any guard who gets in your way.

Yellow Mission
-*Meet the informant behind the bank*-
-*Neutralize the informant*-

Follow the arrow to the informant, and you will be ordered to kill
him. Teargas will break out so you will not be able to hold weapons.
You will soon be crowded with guards so just kill the informant with
any way you can but hurry. Once the job is done, get out of there and
return to your boss.

Yellow Mission
-*Steal lab data from scientist*-
-*Return to base with lab report*-

Follow the arrow to the scientist. Avoid the guards protecting him
and kill him however you can. When you kill the scientist, take the lab
data and return it to base.

Yellow Mission
-*Take on the guards in front of Westco Drugs*-
-*Meet informant behind AutoShack*-
-*Destroy Westco Drugs*-

Follow the arrow to Westco Drugs and kill the guards out front.
Eliminate any guards in the area. Go behind the AutoShack to meet the
informant. Take one of the bombs there; watch out for the guards that
will shoot at you and just run to Westco Drugs. Throw the bomb in the
window and mission complete.

Green Mission
-*Protect Freedom leader*-

Follow the arrow and meet up with the Freedom leader. Escort him to
the Temple. There will be guards on the way that will start with you,
but nothing much other than a guard with a shotgun who you want to
avoid at all costs. Once the leader is in the Temple, then you have
completed the mission.

Green Mission
-*Protect Washington*-
-*Cover the Temple entrance while Mr. Washington escapes*-
-*Return to base*-

Following the arrow, hurry your way to the Temple in time to meet
with the leader. Protect the leader and the Temple from the approaching
enemies. Once the first line is eliminated, you will have to defend the
Temple while the guy escapes. Then return to base, watching out for any
guards still out for you.

Red Mission
-*Rescue the fireworks shop owner*-
-*Escort him to safety*-

Follow the arrow to where the shop owner is being hassled. Kill the
attackers and escort the shop owner to the safe house.

Red Mission
-*Lead Freedom forces to take back safe house*-
-*Return to base*-

Take your boys to the safe house any kill any and all Killaz there.
Don't stop until you're sure that they are all dead. Then return to

Blue Mission
-*Meet with Sgt. Buckland outside Homeland*-
-*Follow and protect Sgt. Buckland*-
-*Escort Buckland to safety*-

Follow the arrow to Homeworld. After the instructions and follow the
sergeant to the parking garage. Then you have to escort him to safety.
This will be though because of the guards attacking from anywhere. Just
protect the sergeant as best as you can, and don't pick any fights.
Just escort the sergeant tom the safe house while still protecting him.

Blue Mission
-*Neutralize the Corporation banker*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow and kill all of the guards that get in your way.
Once you have gotten through all of the defending guards, just kill the
scared little banker in the corner.

Blue Mission
-*Lead your team to Gant Cable*-
-*Protect Gant Cable*-
-*Escort team to safety*-

Take your guys to Gant Cable. Protect your guys with you life,
because if even one of your guys dies, the mission is failed. When you
get to Gant Cable, the guys will go inside and you will have to protect
the place. Just don't let any guards go inside. Then take the guys back
to base. One of your guys will be killed on the way back, so you will
have to pick up the disk and run back to base.

Green Mission
-*Retrieve bomb from Fireworks Shop*-
-*Plant bomb in front of bank*-
-*Return to base*-

Jus follow the arrow to the Fireworks Shop and pick up the crate
there. Don't stop to fight anyone. Take the crate to the bank and drop
it there. Then just get the heck out of there and return to base. Stay
out of trouble during this mission.

Yellow Mission
-*Escort Church to safety*-
-*Escape from Trap!*-

Follow the arrow until you find out that the whole thing is a trap.
Don't stand around long after the gang of guards surrounds you unless
you want to make it hard on yourself. Just get back to base no matter
if you kill some guards or just run away.

Yellow Mission
-*Follow Bishop*-
-*Eliminate Bishop and executive*-

Follow the arrow to Bishop who will have guards around him. Kill the
Bishop before he gets away, while you try to avoid getting killed by
the guards. After you kill Bishop, you will have to kill the executive
too. Just run as fast as you can, following your arrow and intercept
the executive. Kill him and you're done.

Yellow Mission
-*Defend the Laundry*-
-*Secure the Laundry*-
-*Rescue Washington*-

Follow the arrow to the Laundry. Protect the Laundry and kill any
attacking guards. As soon as that is done, run as fast as you can to
rescue Washington. Then just escort him to the safe house.

Yellow Mission
-*Use teargas to rescue Washington from Temple*-
-*Escort Washington to safety*-

Take the Teargas launcher and follow the arrow to the Temple. Shoot
out some teargas and go in the clouds and start fighting. Kill the
guards and Washington will appear. Then escort Washington to the safe

Purple Mission
-*Rendezvous with Gibson at the west gate*-
-*Escort him to the safe house*-

Follow the arrow to the West Gate and kill the guards there. Then
take Gibson and escort him to the sage house. Watch out for the guards
on the way to the safe house and stay near Gibson.

Purple Mission
-*Retrieve security pass from foreign delegate*-
-*Return pass to base*-

Follow the arrow to the foreign delegate. Eliminate him and his
guards and take his pass back to base.

Purple Mission
-*Escort Gibson to the hotel*-
-*Divert the guards outside the hotel*-
-*Escort Gibson to safety*-

Follow the arrow to Gibson who is next to the Laundry. Take Gibson
to the hotel around the corner where you will have to take out some
guards. After that, you will just have to escort Gibson to safety.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve security order*-
-*Return to base*-

Just follow the arrow to where the security agent. Watch out, there
will be a whole swarm of guards around him, so don't go after them,
just the agent. Once he is dead, you will be told that you can return
to base, so run back to base.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve medical notes*-

Follow the arrow to where the assistant is and get around the guards
there. He will be in the corner so beat him up and steal his notes.
Then return the notes back to base.

Red Mission
-*Lead your team to corporation headquarters*-
-*Eliminate the corporation Chief*-

Take your troops and follow the arrow to the new Shock Troops. Open
fire on them and don't stop until they're all dead. Make sure the Chief
is dead, and then you can return to base.

Red Mission
-*Wait for the informant to get document*-
-*Retrieve document from informant*-
-*Don't kill informant*-
-*Return document to base*-

Follow the informant to the HQ and let him go inside. When he comes
out, hit him once and don't kill him. You are only trying to make it
look like you are mugging him so he can give you some documents. He's
helping out your side so don't kill him. Just 'mug' him and 'steal' the
documents and run, run back to base.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve Mr. Clark from the coffee shop*-
-*Escort Clark to safety*-

Follow the arrow to the coffee shop to find Mr. Clark. Fight the
guards that will be around and escort Mr. Clark to the safe house.

Red Mission
-*Rescue the corporation prisoner*-
-*Escort the prisoner to safety*-

Follow the arrow to the bank where you will find the prisoner
surrounded by guards. Kill the guards and take the prisoner to the
Laundry. Watch out for guards on the way to the Laundry.

Red Mission
-*Neutralize 3 corporation death squads*-

This is just an all-out battle. Use whatever force necessary to
defend your ground from the 3 corporation death squads. Once you've
killed them all, you're done.

Yellow Mission
-*Retrieve experimental rifle*-
-*Return weapons crate to base*-

Follow the arrow to Protech. You will have to fight a group of
guards, pick up the weapons crate, and return the crate to base.

Yellow Mission
-*Follow corporation enforcer at Rocket Burger*-
-*Find the source of the modified weapons*-
-*Kill the enforcer*-
-*Get back to base*-

Follow the enforcer around, staying out of fights. Once the enforcer
gets to where he's been going to, you will have to kill him. Kill him
and then find your way back to base.

Yellow Mission
-*Destroy weapons shipment behind AutoShack*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow behind Autoshack. You will have a lot of resistance
from the guards in this mission. Just find your way to the crates,
destroy them, and get yourself back to base in one piece.

Blue Mission
-*Follow the Jade Hill Boyz behind Beerhut*-
-*Rescue kidnapped agent*-
-*Escort agent to safety*-

Follow the Jade Hill Boyz behind Beerhut. You will find the
kidnapped agent, but you have to kill the corporation guards first.
Then you will finally get to the agent, but you will have to blast
through a small group of Jade Hill Boyz. Take the agent back to the
safe house, watching out for more guards.

Blue Mission
-*Neutralize 5 corporation agents*-
-*Destroy backups*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the map around and find all five of the agents. The agents
will all be apart from each other. As you find them, kill them. Once
you've killed all five agents, you will get a message telling you about
more agents that you have to fight. Kill them all, and then return to

Blue Mission
-*Destroy the Jade Hill Boyz*-

Follow the arrow to Blossoms and kill all of the Jade Hill Boyz that
attack you. There will be a lot of them, but once you've killed them
all, you're done the mission.

Green Mission
-*Eliminate the Killaz near Macgruders*-
-*Lead some Jade Hill Boyz to Macgruders*-
-*Eliminate the Jade Hill Boyz*-

Follow the arrow to Macgruders and raise hell against the Killaz.
Kill them all. Go find some Jade Hill Boyz and get their attention by
shooting at them a little, then run back to Macgruders with them
following you. When you get back to Macgruders, you will get the "ok"
and you just have to take them all out and the mission in over.

Green Mission
-*Eliminate the Jade Hill Boyz in the main square*-

Simply follow the arrow to the Jade Hill Boyz, kill them all, and
then return to base.

Green Mission
-*Meet the leader of the Jade Hill Boyz*-
-*Destroy the record shop*-

Follow the arrow to the record shop where there will be a group of
Killaz. Gun them down, then wait for the next wave of them and kill
them too. Once you killed the Killaz, run back to base to pick up a
Petrol Bomb. Then runback to the record shop, throw the bomb into the
store and watch the fireworks!

Green Mission
-*Meet with the Jade Hill Boyz*-
-*Help the Jade Hillz destroy the Killaz*-

Follow the arrow to the Jade Hill Boyz. Follow them to the Killaz
and destroy them all.

Purple Mission
-*Rescue Freedom prisoner*-
-*Escort prisoner to safety*-

Follow the arrow to the Temple. Kill any and all guards you meet and
rescue the prisoner. Take the prisoner back to the safe house.

Purple Mission
-*Meet the informant outside Homeworld*-
-*Escort him back to the safe house*-
-*Eliminate the informant*-

Follow the arrow to Homeworld and meet with the informant. Take him
back to the safe house and a message will tell you to kill him. Do it
and the mission is complete.

Purple Mission
-*Report to the bank*-
-*Locate the Subsonic Transmitter*-
-*Return the disk to base*-

Follow the arrow to the bank. You will get a message telling you to
get the Subsonic Transmitter. Kill any guard you see, and chase the guy
that tries to make a run for it. Kill him and take his disk. Then take
the disk back to base.

Purple Mission
-*Eliminate 3 corporation scientists*-
-*Report to the Pawn Shop*-
-*Destroy the temple*-

Follow the arrow to the Temple and kill the scientists. Watch out
for the guards that will try to get in your way. After you kill the
scientists, you get instructions to destroy the Temple. Follow the
arrow over to the Pawn Shop to get a rocket launcher. Use the rocket
launcher to destroy the temple and the mission is complete.

Red Mission
-*Steal a PC from Joypad*-

Follow the arrow to Joypad and take out the guards there. Steal the
PC and run it back to base.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve access codes from corporation Tech at TJ Sports*-

Use the map or whatever you want, just track down the hacker. Take
the data disk from him and run it back to base.

Red Mission
-*Escort and protect the hacker*-
-*Escort hacker to phone 2*-
-*Phone 3*-
-*Phone 4*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow right over to the hacker and follow him to the
first phone. While he's on the phone, you have to protect him from
attacking guards. When he's done at the first phone, it's not over. You
must follow him to phone two and watch his back there too. After that,
there's another phone. Phone three is near Big Dollar. Now you must
follow him to the last phone, phone four. Once he is done with the last
phone, you will be called back to base and the mission is over.

Red Mission
-*Confront the corporation executive at the East Gate*-

Follow the arrow to the East Gate and kill the guards there. Follow
the group of guards with the executive. Catch up to the executive
before he gets to his HQ and kill him. When you kill him, return to

Red Mission
-*Retrieve disk from the corporation doctor*-
-*Return the disk to the safe house*-
-*Return to base*-

Follow the arrow and catch up to the doctor near the Temple. Kill
him and take his disk. Take the disk back to the safe house and you're

Red Mission
-*Meet the hacker at Rocket Burger*-
-*Protect the hacker*-
-*Escort hacker to safe house*-

Follow the arrow to Rocket Burger and meet up with the hacker. Run
with him and protect him with your life. You need to protect him long
enough so he gets to HQ alive. Once he gets there, you will be given
the ok to escort him back to the safe house.

Red Mission
-*Lead the corporation guards to the Ambush outside the Laundry*-

Follow the arrow to tanker truck near the West Gate. Get the
attention of the guards there and then run back to base for the ambush.
Grab a gun and kill the guards.

Red Mission
-*Clear the guards from the parking lot of the corporation HQ*-

Follow the arrow to the HQ car park. Kill all of the guards that you
see. Gibson will go inside and plant a bomb. Once he's done, escort
Gibson back to the safe house.

Blue Mission
-*Weaken and destroy HQ*-

Ok, here's the last mission for Chinatown. Do whatever you can to
get to the HQ with the grenade launcher and once you are there, shoot
some grenades into the door. Sweetness! Chinatown is liberated!

**Well, those are all of the missions for Chinatown!
Now get ready for East Side.


There are 48 missions in East Side.

Let's begin.

Yellow Mission
-*Meet Mr. Adams outside the Theater*-
-*Escort him to Safety*-

Follow the arrow to the Theater to meet Mr. Adams. Once you are
there, kill the guards before they kill Mr. Adams. Now escort Mr. Adams
to the Safe House. You will run into some trouble on the way to the
Safe House, but just be sure to protect Mr. Adams. Once he is at the
Safe House, the first mission in East Side is complete.

Yellow Mission
-*Follow the Corporation Hit Squad to Mrs. Adams*-
-*Protect Mrs. Adams*-
-*Escort Mrs. Adams to Safety*-

Go to Scooters, following the arrow. Spot the assassins and follow
them as they walk down the street. When you get the message that says
that you've found Mrs. Adams, take out the assassins before they kill
Mrs. Adams. Once you successfully protect Mrs. Adams, escort her to the
Safe House.

Yellow Mission
-*Retrieve Hit List from Corporation Hit Man at TJ Sports*-
-*Return Hit List to base*-

Go to TJ Sports where you have to kill a group of guards standing
around. Once you kill the guy with the Hit List, take the List to the
Safe House. In your way, you will have to get through a lot of
resistance from corporation guards. Get the List to the Safe House
anyway you can.

Yellow Mission
-*Stop Corporation Hit Squad Leader at Bus Station*-

Go to the Bus Depot and make your way through the guards protecting
the Leader. Kill the Hit Squad Leader and then get back to Base.

Yellow Mission
-*Use grenades to destroy Bail Bonds Office*-

Get some weapons for protection and then follow the arrow. Watch out
for guards that will be in the way of you and your destination. Grab
grenades and run to the Bail Bonds Office. Toss a grenade into the
window of the Bail Bonds Office and watch the flames. After that, the
mission will be over.

Blue Mission
-*Intercept Safe House List at Gas Station*-
-*Return list to Hector, the Blue Mission Giver*-

Run your way over to the Gas Station where you will find a guy. He
will have the Safe House List, so kill him and any other guards in your
way. Then take the List to the Safe House.

Blue Mission
-*Protect the Video Store Informant*-

Hurry to the Video Store and pick up the Uzi there. Protect yourself
and the Informant from the waves of enemies. If you both survive, then
the mission will be a success.

Blue Mission
-*Retrieve Muerte 13 Map from the North Gate*-
-*Destroy El Coco's with grenades*-
-*Return to Base*-

Go to the North Gate with all of the firepower and guts you've got
and kill all of the Muerte 13s that are there. Once they are all slain,
you will get a new objective. Go to the Coffee Shop, I'll take a black
coffee, uh, lots of sugar! Actually you can drink later, now pick up
some grenades there. Go to El Coco's and throw a grenade in there. What
the light show and the mission is over.

Green Mission
-*Rescue Pierce from North Gate*-
-*Escort Pierce to Safe House*-

Use your Map to track down Pierce. Once you find him, free him from
the guards. Let Pierce escape and kill the guards. Once that's done,
catch up to Pierce again and then go to the Safe House.

Green Mission
-*Protect Pierce's Daughter at Macgruders*-
-*Escort her to Safety*-

Go to Macgruders and separate the guards and Pierce's daughter. Make
sure you don't kill Pierce's Daughter. Once the guards are dead, just
escort Pierce's daughter to the Safe House.

Green Mission
-*Cover Pierce while he seeks Vengeance*-
-*Escort him to his Daughter*-

Go to the Safe House and escort Pierce to the Bank. Kill any guards
that you can while he is doing his business too. When the executive
comes out of the Bank, kill him. Now escort Pierce to the South Gate to
get his daughter. When you kill all of the attacking guards, the
mission is done.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve Corporation Documents*-

Use the Map to track down the Agent and kill him. Take the
Corporation Documents that he is carrying and take them back to Base.

Red Mission
-*Escort Agent Cole to the Theater*-

Go to the Theater and kill all of the guards there so that it will
be easy for the Agent to go into the Theater. Once the front of the
Theater is cleared, you can go and get Agent Cole and take him to the

Red Mission
-*Clear out the Guards in front of the Theater*-
-*Place the Bomb outside the Theater*-
-*Go to Scooters*-

Go to the theater and you will come to a group of guards. Agent Cole
is in the middle of the group, so don't just open fire or you might
kill him and fail the mission. Kill all of the guards and go across the
street to pick up a bomb. Drop the bomb off in front of the Theater and
then go to Scooters.

Red Mission
-*Intercept Corporation orders near Prism Auto*-

Go attack the Corporation guards near Prism Autos. There will be an
executive there that will try to run away, so kill him first and try no
to mess with the other guards too much. Just take the Corporation
Orders from the executive and take them back to base.

Red Mission
-*Protect Agent Cole*-
-*Get Agent Cole to Safe House*-

You need to protect Agent Cole in this mission. It's easier to kill
the guards and then meet with the Agent, so find the guards using the
map and kill them. Once they are all dead, go meet with Agent Cole.
Then escort Agent Cole to the Safe House.

Red Mission
-*Neutralize the Corporation Bomb Squad*-
-*Retrieve Corporation Smartcard*-
-*Return Corporation Smartcard to Base*-

Go over near Scooters and run into the Bomb Squad. Kill them and
take the Smartcard from the one guy. Then run the Smartcard back to

Red Mission
-*Sweep the Blast Site for Corporation Survivors*-
-*Return to Base*-

Find the Corporation guys that will be right near you and kill them
all. It's simple. Once they are all dead, return to base.

Purple Mission
-*Intercept Security Orders*-
-*Return orders to Base*-

Go over to Beerhut and kill the soldiers there. You need to kill the
Security Officer that runs out of the Beerhut and take the Security
Orders from him. You will have a real hard time with the guards though,
so do whatever you can. Once you get then Security Orders, return them
to Base.

Purple Mission
-*Report to Candy Girl for Further Orders*-
-*Rescue Hostages near Bus Depot*-

Go to Candy Girl. Then you have to go to the Bus Depot where you
will have to fight a big group of Corporation guards. The Corporation
guards are holding some Hostages. You need to rescue only some of them
and let them escape. Once done, return to Base.

Purple Mission
-*Stop the Corporation Shock Troops*-

Grab the Ak-47 and go towards the Corporation Shock Troops near the
Bus Depot. Follow your map to all of the Troops and destroy them and
the mission is over.

Yellow Mission
-*Protect the Hacker*-
-*Escort the Hacker to Safe House after Virus Upload*-

Go and pick up the Hacker. Take him to the Bank and make sure you
protect him. When you get to the ATM, protect the Hacker as he uploads
the Virus. Once the Hacker is done, get him back to the Safe House

Yellow Mission
-*Extract Freedom Agents from Bank*-
-*Escort Bank Team to Safe House*-
-*Return to Base*-

Go over to the Bank and Kill the entire group of Corporation guards.
When the whole group is dead, the Team in the Bank will come out and
have to escort them to the Safe House. Once they are safe, return to

Blue Mission
-*Protect Record Shop Owner*-
-*Protect the Record Store*-

Take the Ak-47 and head over to the Record Shop where you will meet
the Record Shop Owner. You will be told to protect the Record Shop now.
Groups of Skinz will attack the Shop and the Owner, but use the Ak-47
to stop them in their tracks.

Blue Mission
-*Attack the Skinz at the Rail Bridge*-

Go to the Rail Bridge and kill the Skinz there. Some Corporation
fools will come attack you too. Just kill them and then make your way
back to Base.

Blue Mission
-*Eliminate the Skinz and Corporation Agents outside Candy Store*-

Go to the Candy Girl and kill the Skinz there. Take their weapons
and use them on the Corporation guards that you need to kill now. Once
the Skinz and Corporation guards are dead, the mission I over.

Blue Mission
-*Attack the Skinz at Premiere Pizza*-

Go to Premiere Pizza and kill all of the Skinz there. Skins will
keep coming out of the Pizza place so just keep killing them until they
are all dead.

Yellow Mission
-*Escort Prism Auto Informant to Safety*-

Go to Prism Auto and meet with the Informant. Once you meet him, you
need to take out some Corporation thugs. Once they're dead, escort the
Informant to the Safe House.

Yellow Mission
-*Escort the Freedom Team to Tax Office*-
-*Protect Team*-
-*Escort Team to Candy Girl*-
-*Retrieve stolen cash and Return to Base*-

Go to Candy Girl and get your team. Take the Freedom Team to the Tax
Office and kill all of the guards there. Protect the Freedom Team while
they are inside the Tax Office. Take them to Candy Girl and when things
turn sour, grab the money and run it Back to Base.

Yellow Mission
-*Rescue the Defectors leaving Maxi's Bistro*-
-*Escort Defectors to Safety*-

Head over to Maxi's Bistro and kill the guards. Don't kill the
Defectors. Once the guards are gone, escort the Defectors to the Safe
House and you're done.

Yellow Mission
-*Cover the Freedom Team*-
-*Destroy the Revenue Office*-

Grab the Rocket Launcher and head over to the Safe House where
you'll find your team. Take them to the Tax Office (Revenue Office) and
destroy it with your Rocket Launcher.

Red Mission
-*Retrieve Building Plans from the Construction Workers*-
-*Kill all of the Construction Workers*-

Use the Map to track down the Construction Workers and kill them.
When you kill them, take the Building Plans from them.

Red Mission
-*Distract Corporation Guard at Westco Drugs*-
-*Don't Destroy Medical Crates*-
-*Stand clear and wait for Hunter*-
-*Don't let Dr, Hunter Escape*-

Go up to Westco Drugs. Kill the guards there, but don't destroy the
Medical Crates. Stay there and wait for Dr. Hunter. When Dr. Hunter
arrives, kill him. When he's dead, the mission is over.

Red Mission
-*Kidnap Dr. Wilson at the West Gate*-
-*Escort Dr. Wilson to Safety*-

Grab the Ak-47 and go over to the West Gate. Kill the guards there
and meet Dr. Wilson. Now just Escort Dr. Wilson to the Safe House and
you're done.

Purple Mission
-*Rendezvous with Agent Price outside the Furniture Shop*-
-*Protect Agent Price*-

Go to the Furniture Shop to meet with Agent Price. Take out the guys
in suits and all of their backup. Then go meet with Agent Price. You
will get instructions to escort her. So now escort Agent Price to the
Jazz Club. You shouldn't have any trouble.

Purple Mission
-*Retrieve Report from Agent at Bank*-
-*Deliver Report to Jazz Club*-

Make your way to the Bank to meet an Agent. On your way there, the
Agent will die. Sorry, but you can't do anything about it. That's just
how it goes down. Get there and pick up the Report. Don't waste any
time getting it to the Jazz Club. Once it's delivered, the mission is

Purple Mission
-*Defend the Jazz Club*-
-*Escort Washington and Price to Candy Girl*-

Get the Ak-47 and get to the Jazz Club. Make sure no one gets
inside. Once you get the next message, go to the Safe House and escort
Washington and Agent Price to Candy Girl. You will experience some tear
gas, but don't let it slow you up.

Purple Mission
-*Clear out the Corporation outside the Jazz Club*-

Grab an Ak-47 and take your own little team to a gunfight at the
Jazz Club. Take out the Corporation there and the mission is complete.

Blue Mission
-*Protect the Hacker*-
-*Eliminate the Skinz guarding the Pay Phones*-

Kill the Skinz on your back and then escort the Hacker to the Pay
Phone. Once at the Pay Phone, protect the Hacker with your life and
when he's done, escort him to the Safe House.

Blue Mission
-*Escort Agent Cole to the Corporation Meeting*-
-*Eliminate any Skinz in the Area*-
-*Protect Agent Cole*-
-*Escort Agent Cole to Safety*-

Go and eliminate the Skinz in your face. Once that's taken care of,
escort Agent Cole from Prism Auto to the bank for the Corporation
Meeting. Once the meeting is over, escort Agent Cole to the Safe House.

Blue Mission
-*Protect the Explosives Expert*-
-*Provide Cover for the Explosives Expert*-
-*Escort Freedom Agent to Safety*-

Grab the AK-47 and head over to Techtown to meet with the Explosives
Expert. Protect the expert as he runs to the Gas Station. Guard the Gas
Station as the guy is inside. Once he is finished his work, escort him
to the Safe House.

Blue Mission
-*Wait for the Corporation to Arrive at the Gas Station*-
-*Destroy Gas Station*-
-*Return to Base*-

Get to the Gas Station where the Corporation will attack you. Get a
Petrol Bomb and throw it in the window of the Gas Station, destroying
it. After that's done, return to Base.

Blue Mission
-*Lead Skinz to Muerte 13 turf near the Video Shop*-
-*Eliminate the Skinz*-

Use the arrow and the map to get to the Prism Dealership. Destroy
all of the Skinz and the mission is over.

Red Mission
-*Attack the Corporation guards at Gate 2*-

Grab the Ak-47 and head over to Gate 2 where you will meet the first
group of Corporation guards. Take them out and get their weapons for
use on the next group. The next group will have some flamethrowers so
keep a good distance unless you want to end up cooked well done. Kill
that second group and the next third group and you're done.

Red Mission
-*Stop the guards Protecting Corporation Headquarters*-
-*Protect Freedom Agents*-
-*Return to Base*-

Take the Ak-47 and go to the Corporation HQ. Take out the guards
there and then a group of your allies will move in and you will be
done. When that's over, just return to Base.

Red Mission
-*Extract the Freedom Agent*-
-*Escort Agent to Safety*-

Get the M-16 and take out the guards at the HQ. Once they are down,
escort the Freedom Agent to the Safe House.

Red Mission
-*Defend the Freedom Base*-

Use the Ak-47 to protect your Base. There will be four waves of
opposition attacking, so get set and ready to fight for the sake of
your Base.

Yellow Mission
-*Join the Assault on the Corporation's HQ*-
-*Lead Assault on Corporation HQ*-
-*Use Rocket Launcher to Destroy Corporation HQ*-

Here is the last East Side mission. Make your way over to the
Corporation Head Quarters. Make your way through the heavy fighting to
the doors of the Corporation HQ where you will get a Rocket Launcher.
Use the Rocket Launcher to destroy the HQ and your days in the East
Side are past. Congratulations, you've beaten East Side!

Now get ready for Corporation Central! (The Last Area)


**The missions for the Corporation Central will be put up as soon as

The State of Emergency Official Strategy Guide By BradyGames was a
tremendous help in this section.




L1, L2, R1, R2, X
By: Cooter Mcgrooter

-Infinite Ammo-
L1, L2, R1, R2, Triangle, Square
can't be holding a weapon though
By: FC Dragon

-Looting on the rise-
L1, R2, L2, Triangle, R1, L1, R2, L2, Triangle
By: Bob K

-Tiny Sized Player-
R1, R2, L1, L2, X
By: Bob K

-Big Sized Player-
R1, R2, L1, L2, Triangle
By: Glacialeye

-Normal Sized Player-
R1, R2, L1, L2, Circle
By: Bob K

-Punches Decapitate-
L1, L2, R1, R2, Square
By: Cooter Mcgrooter

-Infinite Time-
L1, L2, R1, R2, Circle
By: Cooter Mcgrooter

-Unlock Bull-
Right(4), X
By: Pat

-Unlock Spanky-
Right(4), Triangle
By: Pat

-Unlock Freak-
Right(4), Circle
By: Pat

-Pass Current Mission-
Left(4), Triangle
By: Codewiz11




This FAQ was made by and is from codewiz11 (codewiz14)-(Stephen
Kamnik). Copyright 2002 Stephen Kamnik. No one should in any way use
this FAQ as their own. These places have permission directly from me,
codewiz11, to use this FAQ on their site.

**If you see this FAQ on a board or site not on this list, then please
IM me. AIM: Codewiz15

No one is to use this as their own.
No one is to use this on their board or site without direct permission
from me, codewiz11.

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about games like GTA3 & SOE.

Hellrazor's E-fed. The FWF!!

State of Emergency Walkthrough/FAQ
Friday, May 10, 2002
Version 2.5
Copyright 2002 Stephen Kamnik ~ Codewiz11
AIM: Codewiz15

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18.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Gesundheit, Munition und Zeit

15.Октябрь 2013
Alles freischalten

16.Октябрь 2013
Alle Level, Alle Spieler und alle Chaos Level sind freigeschaltet.

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
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30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
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