

15.10.2013 20:51:51
By Rare Coin-It
Published by TRADEWEST
Copyright 1991 All rights reserved
Dzzy Strategies #6
By James Dziezynski or
Version 1.0-1/13/01= Everything but the walkthroughs for the warp-bypass
Version 1.2-3/13/01= A perfect 2 months later!! Added the missing
walkthroughs; I only need to figure out a few minor details on bad guy
names and the whole thing will be in the final version!!

Table of Contents

I-The Battletoads Story
A-Cast of Characters
II-Tips N' Tricks
A-The Five Toad Code
B-Warp Zones
C-Little Oddities

Level 1-Ragnarok's Canyon
Level 2-Wookie Hole(Impact Crater)
Level 3-Turbo Tunnel
Level 4-Arctic Caverns
Level 5-Surf City*
Level 6-Karanth's Lair**
Level 7-Volkmire's Inferno*
Level 8-Intruder Excluder
Level 9-Terra Tubes
Level 10-Rat Race
Level 11-Clinger Wingers
Level 12-the Revolution

*= Included at end of WALKTHROUGH due to use of warps.
**=Included until warp zone in normal WALKTHROUGH; full strategy at
the end of the WALKTHROUGH.

IV-Appedixes of FUN!
A-Talkin' Trash with the DARK QUEEN: List of Insults
B-Why I love the Dark Queen
C-Observations and Comments
D-FAQ's (once they start coming in)
E-MINI-SPOILER: Thoughts on the Ending.
F-Final Thoughts

Picture it: 1991. Nirvana was changing the way we looked at music, the
Simpsons celebrated their first year on television as a series, and a
couple of clever Brits by the name of Chris and Tim Stamper decided to
make a tongue-in-cheek adventure game ala Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
These two brothers had founded RARE, the same company later responsible
for Donkey Kong Country, Goldeneye, and Perfect Dark. A few games existed
for the NES by RARE before Battletoads (RC PRO-AM, Cobra Triangle,
Wizards and Warriors, to name a few) but it was the three outrageous
toads named after various skin ailments that put RARE on the map of elite
Combining super-smooth game play, humorous and witty dialogue, zany
characters, a super hot villain, and enough challenge to cause the
snapping in half of many an NES controller, Battletoads is easily one of
the best adventure/actions games ever made on the 8 bit platform. Its
elaborate stages and high-reflex challenges continue to stymie gamers to
this day! That's why I'm here you lucky gamer, to give sense to the
madness ;). So, without further ADIEU....
I-The Battletoads Story
In a galaxy very far away, the fair and lovely Princess Angelica is
out for a cruise with Pimple. Your first thought may be, "What kind of
girl would want to hang out with a guy named after a puss-filled skin
blemish?" Well, he's not only named Pimple but he's a hulking man frog,
so our conclusion would be Angelica likes Eccentric fellows. As they
float about space in their 1957 Space Shuttle, their vehicle is swallowed
up by the Gargantua, a huge space station commanded by the voluptuous and
thoroughly foxxy Dark Evil Queen. Man, is she hot! With that raven-black
hair, fine figure, sexy leather...umm, er, I mean uh she's just a video
game character. She has kidnapped the Frog/girl couple and dares
Professor Bird Guy and his troop of toads to rescue them. Pimple's
brothers, Rash and Zitz, are up for the challenge and the game is on!!

A-Cast of Characters


PROFESSOR BIRD GUY: This Einstein-esque vulture is the commander of
the Battletoads and spends most of his time waving his arms frantically
about and looking at a computer screen with horrible reception. He's a
little harsh on the toads but he gives them tips about upcoming levels
from the comfort of his space ship, the SS Vulture.

RASH: Rash is the toad you will command when using player one. He
looks identical to his brother Zitz, both of whom are considerably
smaller than Pimple. The only difference is Rash is green and Zitz is
brown. He wears sunglasses in the game art, making him the wisecracking
bad-ass of the group I suppose.

ZITZ: Technically, Zitz would be the only TOAD in the group; Rash
and Pimple's green skin imply a certain FROGGINESS while we all know most
toads are brown. But who am I to trifle with details? He is the toad you
get when you play as player 2.

PIMPLE: You never actually play as Pimple, all the same is an
official Battletoad. Since he is the biggest and tallest; of course he
gets the girl (even though she is no where as NEAR as hot as the Dark
Evil Queen!) You have to rescue his warty hide by defeating the Hot

ANGELICA: The fair-haired princess who was abducted with Pimple.
She certainly doesn't appear much in the game, other than to be the token
damsel in distress. It's just as well; I'd rather look at the Dark Evil


THE DARK EVIL QUEEN- Who ever knew such evilness could look so
good?! The Dark Evil Queen is not only fox-a-rific but can talk trash
like no one else. With her skimpy outfit and stiletto-heeled boots, she
constantly berates the frogs with a variety of taunts. I would like to
marry her someday.

ROBO-MANUS: One of the Dark Queen's two henchman, you do battle
with this cyborg at the top of level 8. He's a giant metal fiend who is
lucky to be in the good graces of the babe-a-licious Dark Queen.

BIG BLARG: A hideous rat in overalls, Blarg guards the water
caverns of level 5, Surf City. He is the complete opposite of the Dark
Queen as far as looks are concerned. Why does she hang around with such
losers anyway? Oh yeah, cause she's evil...

I'm not sure of all their real names, so I improvised where I
didn't know. Don't send hate mail if you know their real names and I


Psyco Pigs-The standard beat 'em up fodder, Psyco Pigs come in two
flavors: Red and Silver. Both wield axes. The Silver Pig is slightly
tougher than the Red. Be careful not to get trapped in between two or
more of them!

Walker: A metal walking device whose brutal attack is kicking your
toad in the shins. Well, the sound effects in the game make it sound
worse than it is! Once you break the walker apart, you can use his head
as a throwing projectile and his leg as a baseball bat.

Dragon-A flying, compact, red fiend who can be ridden after he is
stunned. He's not too hard to defeat, simply line up your toad with his
shadow and throw punches or a headbutt. Be wary, fair frog, for if he
knocks you down there is a chance he will pick you up and body slam you,
killing your toad deader than doorknob and much less useful.

Tall Walker-The boss of level 1. When you get to it, it switches to
"WALKER VIEW". Hit him with three of the rocks he fires and he'll be
smashed to smithereens!

Flies-Ok, they AREN'T enemies but they are in level 1. Eat these
yummy insects to restore one life block of life to your toad.

Level 2

Saturn Toad Traps-Cousin of the Venus Fly traps, these plants come
in two assorted varieties: Yellow and Green. The green seems slightly
tougher, but both are push overs for giant toad feet or a toad wrecking

Raven-A simple black bird who swoops down to annoy our heroes.
After knocking one out, continue pounding him for big points and an
eventual one up!

Razor Raven-Similar to a raven but with a giant beak just itching
to cut your rappel cable! Kill them then use their beaks as a sword; the
beak-sword makes getting one-ups from the ravens and razor ravens much

Evil Electric AM Radio-Ok what would you call them? These hovering
boxes break through the walls and shoot beams of electricity at the
toads. One well placed toad-wrecking ball will knock them out of
commission. The silver one is quicker then the blue one.

Electric Beams-These transistors spread across the screen with a
deadly charge of electricity dancing between them; they are easily
avoided if you rappel down at the very bottom-middle of the screen.


Rat Pack-While they resemble taxi-drivers, these greasy rodents are
pretty easy to kill by pounding them into the soft organic floor of the
turbo tunnel and booting them in the head until they are sailing into the
stratosphere! Be careful though, if you let them get a hit in it IS gonna

Life Invaders-Pink and Green Space Invaders enter the game Monty-
Python style to rob you of your life bricks. Remember to touch any life
block they've stolen to put it back into your health meter.


Frosty the Hit Man-This smug snowman hurls snow balls at the toads.
Isn't that kind of cannibalistic? Look for the break in his pattern and
knock him into a pile of snowballs. Look out though; if you are too close
and make contact with his icy fist, you'll be next week's eighth grade
dissection project.

Porcupine Birthday Cakes-All these guys do is bounce back and forth
between two points. Even though they don't have any special attacks,
their presence will keep your toads on their toes!


More walkers and life Invaders!

BIG BLARG-The greasiest rat in town, he's a cross between a rat,
the devil, and Elvis Presley. Once you have his pattern down he's not
tough but beware of his hefty girth; one stomp flattens your frog into an
amphibious frisbee.


Karanth is the fancy Dungeons and Dragons name for a giant snake.
He's not really an enemy per say, but his crazy angular movements can
cause your toad to bite it on any of the floating spikes.


More rats, along with some fireballs and rockets!


Electric Zingers-Zingers push out two shocks of electricity in
rhythmic pulses. You can touch them without sustaining damage so you only
have to dodge the bolts for the easy kill.

Slime Toupees-Students of the Metroid, these slimy wigs will fuse
themselves to your head and drain your life. Your only course of action
is to pound the B button until you toss them off screen.

Robo-Manus-At the top of the elevator shaft (which, ironically, is
strangely devoid of an elevator) you'll meet up with Robo Manus. He has a
very predictable pattern and he'll either try to gun you down or stomp
you into a two-dimensional toad. For tips on how to beat him, read the


Armor-dillo-These guys are the first baddies you meet up in the
Terra Tubes. They shoot out a single blast of electricity like the
zingers. If you run into one it will self-destruct taking your toad to
the afterlife with it! Wait for a break in the electricity bullets then

Giant Gears-These imports from Mega Man are on a seek and destroy
mission to crush the toads. Run through the corridors to avoid them
keeping mind they DO defy the laws of physics: they always go the same
speed whether it be uphill, sideways, downwards, or in water.

Electric Eel-These eels come in a handsome yellow and austere
silver. They move somewhat randomly and can usually be avoided; if they
get too close for comfort pound em!

Hammer Fish-Where's that blasted goldfish? Right here! This tiny
orange fellow packs quite a punch and can send your toad careening into
the spikes if you aren't careful. These fishies are best left alone.

Sharky-A snippy fellow with a zig-zag approach, his clamping jaws
have a tendency to send your frog headlong into spikes. Don't
underestimate how annoying he can be.

Steel Beak-A rubber duck that has sold his tiny rubber soul to
Satan. If you get in the first punch, you can usually knock him silly but
if HE gets in the first attack, he'll spazz out and annihilate your toad!


More Zingers!

Spazz the Racing Rat-Another suspender wearing rodent, he is your
opponent in a race to three bombs. I'm not sure why the Queen put bombs
in her own ship and YOU have to diffuse them, but it makes for a good
level. He is bigger, faster, more agile then Rash and Zitz but he isn't
too keen on picking the fastest way to the bomb.

General Steerhorns-The meaty boss of level 10 charges about,
lowering his horns and juggling the toads until they are in that big pond
in the sky. Avoid his charges and attack him from behind.


Hypno-Orb-Why you don't fight the orb at the beginning of the level
is beyond me! This destructive pin wheel pursues you while on the Clinger
Winger then challenges you to a brawl once you have made it through the
obstacle course.


Rhino (yellow)- This cheersome fellow charges you with a smile on
his face. His headbutt is strong, but after an encounter or two you'll
have his pattern down. If you deal him a death blow with a special toad
attack, he'll throw up his arms in horror as he is spun down the tower!

Rhino (red)- Looking more liked a stuffed animal then a fearsome
frog eating machine, this fiend has an appetite for destruction! His
gaping maw means an instant, if humorous death for our heroes. Headbutt
him after he shuts his big mouth.

Cloud Kids-Come in three types:

GREEN-This guy takes a frustratingly long time to defeat. Headbutts
or sticks work best to make quick work of this Wizards and Warriors
import. He can only hurt you when his mouth is agape.

RED-More dangerous then his green counterpart, the Red Cloud shoots
a ringlet of poison gas that will have your toad gagging and doing his
best little orphan Annie eyes impression. Best avoided.

YELLOW-Near the summit of the Queen's Tower you'll meet up with the
Yellow Cloud. He's invincible and only serves to blow your toad from the
small platforms en route to her foxxy evilness herself.

Papa Cloud-A giant red cloud who can't be touched; your only chance
for survival is to cling to one of the flagpoles on the side of the
revolving tower. After he huffs N' puffs, he floats harmlessly away.

Her Royal Hottness, the Evil Dark Queen-The sexxiest kidnapper
ever, you'll battle the Queen and her spinning stiletto heels at the apex
of the revolving tower. She has won the Ms. Bruplex honor 10 years in a

Level 1:
B=Attack, Snare Flies, Grab and use weapons
Tap twice fast=Run
while running then B=headbutt

**These above are the default controls**

WHEN ON DRAGON: A=Jump, charge, fly B=Fire
AT BOSS: A=jump, B=pick up/throw rock

Level 2:
Go to side wait,then B=Toad Wrecking Ball

Level 3:

Level 4:
PLUS B=Grab and throw Snowball

Levels: 5-8

Level: 9
PLUS Tap A to Swim


PLUS CONTROL PAD=Steer Clinger Winger


II-Tips N' Tricks

A-The Five Toad Code-Don't even try to play through Battletoads
without using this code. Those two extra toads in reserve make a world of
PRESS A, B, DOWN and START at the same time when you begin the
game. All five of your heart-life indicators should be filled in. Make
sure to repeat this code when you continue as well.

B-Warp Zones-There are several warp zones in Battletoads, though
none after level 6. Here they are:

LEVEL 1-Right after your toad rappels down from the S.S. Vulture,
quickly headbutt the two psyco pigs that appear from the yellow nails.
It's easiest if you headbutt the one on the left first then charge the
one to the right. After you knock them out, run up to the platform to the
right where you should see the warp zone pulsing above. Use it to warp to
level three, the turbo bikes. I usually avoid this warp because levels
one and two are good for gaining a bunch of extra lives.

LEVEL 3-When you reach the fifth course in the turbo tunnel, the
walls will come at you very quickly, so fast they won't even blink. The
warp zone appears on the bottom in front of the eighth wall. Count them
out then drive as if you purposely wanted to crash into it. You'll be
warped to level 5, Surf City. This is another warp I generally avoid.

Level 4-In the final section of the Ice World ( the one after the
flurry of snowballs comes in three high and one low to break the wall)
there is a brown platform that drops down when you stand on and floats up
when you unweight it. Ride it about halfway down until you see the
shimmering white balls of the warp zone above you; jump rapidly to cruise
to level 6, the snakes. It generally takes about 4 jumps to reach the
warp in the midst of its second pulse.

Level 6-After clearing the first section and leaping through the
exit, a yellow and red Ronald McDonaldesque snake will dart straight up
at the beginning of the second section. Jump on his head and as soon as
he turns sharply to the right leap from his head, careful to avoid the
floating spikes, and guide your toad to the right and onto solid ground.
The warp zone will be fluctuating in the far right corner. Use it to warp
to level 8, Intruder Excluder.

C-Little Oddities

Feel free to send in any you may find while playing the toads.

Turbo Bike Trick-Simply jump over the bikes to walk around to the
right of the starting bar. Not even a little bit useful!

Two player toss-There are several places where you can pick up your
brother and throw him in some weird places; experiment!!

Toad Baseball-When you break apart a walker, have one toad grab a
leg and have the pitcher pick up the dismantled head and voila! Toad

Snowball fight-pound each other to death in the Arctic Caverns with
the piles of snowballs! Fun but sort of counter productive.

The Horrible Truth! Winners can be losers-Level 10, Rat race-Though
it rarely happens, if you beat the rat in the third and most difficult
race and diffuse the bomb just as he is above you in the electric
barrier, you will kick the bomb away but the rat will never fall down!
Your only option is to reset; a horrific glitch!

Extra rope-Level 9- When the toads grab the flying beanie-copters,
you can see the black shadow of the rappel cables in their webbed hands!

Send in any other weird things you may find to share with your
fellow toaders!! (
III-The Walkthrough

Ok, this is what you've been waiting for! A few things to keep in
mind before playing Battletoads:

? If you don't use the five toad code the game will be doubly as
frustrating. Amongst hard core 'toaders its not even considered
cheating, so don't be shy!
? Many of the levels will seem utterly impossible upon first try. Trust
me, they CAN all be beat. I like to think of the levels like a rock
climbing problem: you have to link together a series of moves over
many tries to nail the right sequence. You will get a hang of them
after a while; in fact the more you play levels like the turbo tunnel
will seem like piece of cake once you've mastered it! It just requires
patience and a little dedication!
? Battletoads can seem frustrating at times, but as previously mentioned
it can be beat! Even with three continues and the five toad code,
there are a lot of cheap places to die. Don't get discouraged, that's
just the nature of a challenging game!
? The two player mode is a nice novelty, but to play through requires
two VERY skilled players who have no doubt played through the game on
1P mode first. With a new comer don't expect to get past level 3!

Once you are physically and mentally prepared, turn on the power of your
NES, enjoy the rocking intro music and enter the world of the

NOTE***- This walkthrough uses the warp zones to give you the path of
least resistance to the Dark Queen. For walkthroughs for the skipped
levels, check out the end of the Walkthrough (this applies to levels 5, 6
and 7).

LEVEL 1 Ragnarok's Canyon (Please insert your GWAR CD NOW)

Battletoads begins with the Frantic Professor hovering the S.S Vulture in
the night sky and your toads rappelling down to the surface of the
Queen's mysterious planet. As you swerve to the surface, you detach your
umbilical cord and stand ready for action. Two psyco pigs appear from
yellow nails in the ground. They are easy to defeat, just be sure not to
get caught between the two of them. If you expediently headbutt them, you
can access a warp zone to the ledge to the right but it's not worth it.
Take your time and kill the pigs.

Scroll to the right and a walker will materialize in the middle of the
screen. Wait until he is fully formed then attack! This will probably be
your first taste of the toads comical finishing moves: the giant fist,
the big boot, the princess Leia horns, etc. If you want to grab the leg
of the walker once it is defeated, feel free. Just know that you will
receive less points for hitting enemies with the stick instead of using
your normal finishing toad moves. A few more red pigs will bust through
the walls. Dispose of them. Fight one more walker, then scroll to the
right. Get ready to rumble with the stronger silver pig. He's not too
much harder, but he will require a few more shots to knock out.

Two flies appear, each one capable of replenishing one brick of health.
Your frog will extend his tongue instead of attacking; with that in mind
don't scroll too far over or you'll prompt a silver pig who will beat up
on you while you try to snare the fly. Also note to grab the fly on the
top, you'll have to jump. If you stay flat footed your toad will flail
his tongue in vein but never catch the fly! After defeating the
aforementioned silver pig, who will bust out from behind the wall,
continue to the right.

When the screen stops scrolling, a hovering dragon will be poised for
attack on the upper part of the screen. The key to beating him is to line
yourself up with his shadow, then knock him down with either punches or a
headbutt. While he is stunned you can jump on his back and ride him,
using A to jump/fly and B to shoot fire from his mouth! I generally just
headbutt him, then finish him off with a big boot, but the choice is
yours! Be careful he doesn't knock you down while he is flying up near
you. If he picks you up and body slams you it's all over!

After beating the first one, a second one will appear. A well timed
headbutt will send him harmlessly into the crevasse to the right, just
make sure you don't miss or you will be the one splatting!! Speaking of
the crevasse, don't make jumping it harder then you have to. Go up to the
top of the screen as high as you can ( near the waterfall ) and jump the
smallest gap. After clearing the span, run up to the right and make it so
your back is to the wall towards the top of the screen. Two red pigs will
appear, followed shortly thereafter by a third. Even if you take a few
chops, staying up here will prevent you from being knocked into the
crevasse and killed in one fell swoop.

When the coast is clear, keep going to the right. A fleet of four flies
will appear; eat them if you need 'em. Before blindly leaping to off the
ledge to the right, scroll over slowly to see the one up. Your instinct
will be to go high and grab it, but don't be so hasty. To get this one up
you must be lined up with the SHADOW. To do this, go to the middle of the
ledge and jump from there. If you are still having trouble, use this
trick: Go to the hole where the pig broke out and tap down quickly 6
times. This will line you up with the precious one up leap!

After attaining the one up, walk on. Your toads jaw will drop to a
supernatural level at the site of a walker so big, all you see is the
approaching leg! Boss fight time!!
Once you reach the Tall Walker, the screen will turn crimson and you will
watch your magenta-and-pink toad from the enemy's point of view. If you
watch the guns aim, the arrows to the right will correspond to the
movement and button icon will blink when the gun is firing; nice touch!
Maneuver your toad away from the cross hairs when the guns unload. The
last thing to come out of the guns will be a puffy rock, which resembles
a giant pink Cocoa-Puff. Pick this up and hurl it at the machine. To some
degree you can direct where your toss goes. The first two hits will crack
the glass windshield and the third will destroy the walker and grant you
clearance to stage two. Just remember, when the guns stop moving they are
going to fire. A simple leap to the left usually will keep you out of
harm's way. Once the Tall Walker is reduced to rubble, collect your
10,000 points and head to the Wookie Hole!

Level 2-Wookie Hole

I'm not sure how any Wookie could fashion a hole of such depth, but it
looks as though the mile deep cavern is the only way to go. With enough
practice, level two can become your greatest resource of 1-ups. I feel it
has been a bad run if I don't come up with at least four one ups from
repeatedly whacking the ravens, though at first aim for one or two. My
record is 11! Using your "turbo cables", your toads drop down into the

Before starting, a couple things to note about play control. Your special
attacks are now BIG FOOT and SUPER FIST, but your best quick-killer is to
go to either side of the cavern until your toad starts morphing from his
normal self to a wrecking ball. Tap B to
unleash the wrecking ball! This attack is especially useful against the
Saturn Toad Traps and the AM Radios.

INTO THE HOLE-The first enemies you encounter will be four ravens, two
adorning each side of the hole. Get used to using your feet and notice
that when you hit the bird carcasses on the way down, they increase in
points until after the 7th hit ( after scoring 10,000 points) you'll be
rewarded with a one up! Admittedly, these particular birds are tough to
score the one ups with, but they'll give you the general idea. Next
you'll see a few of the famous Saturn toad Traps; a series of four of
them will appear. This is the perfect place to try out your toad wrecking
ball move!! After whacking the four of them there comes a small squadron
of two flies. Snack as you see fit.

Next to come up from the depths is the first of many Razor Ravens. They
resemble normal ravens except they have long pointy beaks. If they cross
paths with your turbo cable, it will snap it, sending your toad to a
premature doom! Knock the one on the left out quickly and catch the sword
he leaves behind. Now you are ready to become a one-up machine!! The next
razor appears to the right. Whack him and start bouncing him off the
wall. It takes a while to get used to the physics of getting the one ups,
so don't feel bad if you don't get it at first. I like to stay right at
the middle of the screen and line myself up with where the Razor raven
stops as he comes up from the bottom. The reason I stay high is to chop
away at the dead razor Raven; if another one floats up I'll be in a good
place to knock out the new one while continuing to hit the dead one. In
fact, when the second one arises on the right, you can test this idea! Be
careful, the next razor raven comes up from the left. It's possible to
make a quick turn while you are whacking the dead Razor, kill the
newcomer, then resume bouncing the dead one off the wall. This sequence
ends with a VERY good opportunity to get a one up. The last razor raven
of this group comes up from the right. Hit him and line up in the middle
of the screen and quickly go as far down the screen as you can. If you
are bouncing the dead Razor raven off the wall when the screen stops
scrolling, it will be much easier to score a one up.

The reason the screen stops scrolling is because one of the "AM Electric
Radios" explodes through the background wall. However, if you are at the
bottom of the screen, he will not attack. This is a safe spot to Bounce
the defeated Razor Raven. Once you have your one-up, go to the bottom
left, become the toad-wrecking ball and thrash the AM Radio in one hit.
Two more Radios will bust out from behind the walls; use the same
wrecking-ball tactic to defeat them. As a reward, a batch of four flies
appears to replenish your health.

Next, you'll encounter a group of three ravens. Kill the first two and
let them drop (unless you are a pro at getting one ups; in that case go
for it!) Use the same technique you used on the razor raven on this third
bird; kill him and get to the very bottom, middle screen. A sequence of
two electric beams will appear, but as long as you are in the middle
bottom you have nothing to worry about AND, if you have the dead raven
lined up right, an easy one up chance.

After the two beams be careful though, a Razor Raven flies up to the
right. If you can get him in a similar position for bouncing off the
wall, maneuver to the middle bottom again and whack him while you scroll
down past two more electric beams.

After the beams, a lone Razor flies up, then you fight a troop of 4
ravens. Beat them, then encounter a group of three ravens. Kill the first
two and leave the third. A pair of flies will appear. Eat them or ignore
them, but wait until they are gone to kill the raven. Kill the raven, and
assume your normal-in-the-middle bouncing position, but stay towards the
top half of the screen. In a minute the screen stops scrolling because of
a pair of Saturn Toad Traps, one yellow, one green, on the right. Bounce
the defeated bird off the left wall. Yet another 1-up chance comes with
the raven waiting on the lower left, who you simply have to line up with
the left wall and bounce seven times. This one is probably one of the
easiest to get, since the screen won't scroll unless you defeat the
Saturn Toad Traps. After trying for the Raven one-ups, use the wrecking
ball to knock out the Saturn traps.

A dense crowd of five ravens awaits you at the next scroll point. In most
cases, there are too many to attempt a one-up hit but if you do try and
get injured, there will be three more flies coming up after the raven
group. After the flies, go to the left wall and become the wrecking ball.
A faster Gray AM Radio will bust out but much like his Blue cousin, will
die with one swing of the toad wrecking ball. Finally, a sequence of four
Saturn traps appears, alternating yellow and green. Line up your wrecking
ball to knock out two at once! After the four of them are gone, two
razors fly up. Kill the one on the left first, then bounce the one on the
right. The final razor flies up to the right so if you are already
pounding the dead razor when he comes you should be able to knock out the
new one right after getting the one-up.

That single razor is good to bounce at the bottom middle as you go
through the final sequence of electric beams. Again, your safe spot is
the bottom-most middle so park your self there and if you were able to
start a razor-bouncing sequence, safely earn your points until you pass
the fifth electric beam. That is the end of the stage.

NOTE** I make getting the one ups sound a lot easier then it actually is,
but I wanted to mark good places to attempt to earn them. Realistically,
if you can get two or three in one trip down that's pretty dang good!!
With time, you should be able to get quite a few in this area, making
your overall game much easier (or at least giving you more chances!)
Level 3-Turbo Tunnel or; Frog's Necks were made fer breakin'
A quick thought for residents of N.Y.C; am I the only person who thought
also have a Throg's Neck Library!!

Well here it is, the piece de resistance of Battletoads, the famous Turbo
Tunnel. From talking to gamers, this is the stage most likely to
frustrate people into never playing Battletoads again. I credit Rare for
their use of Parallax scrolling and the use of tension music; these
details add to the intensity of the speeder bike section of tunnel. But
first things first, you have the rat patrol to take out first!

You exit the Wookie Hole and find yourself in some sort of soft, organic
cavern. Perhaps this is a huge intestinal tract? If that IS the case, I
really don't want to know what the Wookie Hole is! In any case you aren't
alone. The first enemies you will battle will be a pair of greasy rats. A
cool part of this stage is getting to see your toad use the OVERHEAD SLAM
and pound the rats into the cushy turf, where you will proceed to throw a
few short kicks then wind up for the big boot!! Oddly enough, even if you
headbutt the rats, they will end up buried to the neck in the ground. My
guess is that they are wearing some sort of strange Swedish Ergonomic
Underwear that disperses energy in some unique fashion. While you can
rack up some good points kicking the rats before the big boot, if you run
up to the grounded rat and tap B you'll automatically do the Big Boot
right away. This helps save time when you are fighting two at once.

When jumping from platform to platform here, try to stay lined up in the
middle. Use your circular shadow as an indicator to where you are. Though
it's not common, it's possible to miss an easy jump if you don't line it
up! Your next adversaries are the mono-tone Life Invaders!! The Life
Invaders might seem quite peculiar at first but they aren't much trouble.
Knock out the one to the left first. Let the other two get your life
bricks then smash them as they try to escape to the bottom of the screen.
Make sure to grab your floating health units before they go off the

After the alien invasion is over, battle two more rats. Don't let one of
the rats sneak up on you from behind while booting his brother! The rats
don't hit often but when they do they can drain your toad of his entire
life bar in one shot! Your reward for beating the krunk out of these
rodents are a pair of yummy flies. Regain any health you may have lost,
then continue to the right. You will have two battles on two separate
platforms with the last of the Rat Patrol. Do not let your momentum throw
you off the platform when dealing the big boot. As a general rule, I kick
the first platform rat to the right, the second one to the left.

A few swift jumps more and a pair of speeder bikes stand before you! As a
little quirk, you can jump over them to the right of the starting line.
This is a useless trick, but if you haven't attempted the Turbo Tunnel
consider it graciously giving your toad a little more time on this mortal
coil. Hop on the bike of your choice and prepare for one of THE coolest
stages on all of video gamedom!


Pink Walls: In all section except the fifth, the pink walls will flash
before they solidify, giving you advance warning to dodge them. If you
smash into them, your toad will slump into the shattered mess so unless
you hate your toad, stay away from them.

Low Walls (referred to as JUMP walls): A simple tap of the A button will
propel your bike into the air for a short time, enabling you to clear
these low pink obstacles.

Ramps: Ramps send your frog sailing through the air with a comically
extreme face on his warty face! Most ramps appear right in the middle of
the screen, though some appear towards the bottom as well. To hit the
jumps, simply ride over them. There is no need to hit any buttons to
launch off of them.

Floater: A nasty trick that has crushed many a toad, the floating wall is
blue. The trick to getting by it is to simply do NOTHING, just ride right
under it.

Floating Ramp: Same thing as the RAMP, but floating! All that means is
you have to jump up to reach it. Your most spectacular jumps will come
courtesy of the floating ramps.

Rat Walls: The Rocket Rats will drop a low wall to try to trip up your
toad. You can easily avoid them by lining up yourself away from their
shadow or by leaping over them.

Ketchup Rockets: A posse of blue Ketchup Rockets appear towards the end
of the tunnel. If you hit them you will blow up!


Joypad-Moves toad forward, back, up, and down.

A-Executes a Jump

B-Not Used

SECTION 1: The first part of the speeder bike section gives you time to
get used to the controls and is not too hard. The pink walls will flash a
few times before appearing, so do what you can to avoid them. There are
also a few JUMP walls to leap over. While it's not hard, here is a
summary of the sequence in section 1:

High Wall, Low Wall, High Wall, Low Wall // High Wall, Low Wall, Low
Wall, High Wall, High Wall, Jump Wall, Low Wall, High Wall, Jump Wall,
Jump Wall, Jump Wall, High Wall, Low Wall, High Wall

Section 2: Made it to section 2? Good job! Section two opens up with your
first ramp. Remember to hit it without pressing the A button! This stage
will test your jumping skills and your ability to hit the ramps with
precision. It also goes a little faster than section 1.

WARNING!!! Watch out for the blue floater at the end of section 2. Your
instinct will be to jump over it but hold back! You do NOTHING when you
reach floater walls, just ride under them. The floater wall appears after
the final two jump walls.

Here's the section 2 sequence:

Ramp, Jump Wall, Ramp, Jump Wall, Jump Wall, Ramp, High Wall, Low Wall,
High Wall, Ramp, High Wall, Low Wall, High Wall, Low Wall, High Wall, Low
Wall, Ramp, Jump, Jump, FLOATER!!**(see warning)

Section 3: Got sweaty palms yet? Section three starts putting the high
and low walls up much faster and introduces the Jump-Ramp as well as the
Rocket Rats. Don't get nervous when you see the Rocket Rats; just check
out where their shadows are and move out of the way. In a worst case
scenario, you can also jump over the single tiny Jump Wall the Rocket
Rats Drop.

WARNING!!! Rare does something REALLY mean at the end of section 3: the
infamous Middle Wall. It is the only one in the whole level. After the
second Jump-Ramp, there is a Jump Wall then you will see the oddly placed
Pink Wall flashing dead center of the tunnel! It is easy to avoid by
going all the way up or all the way down, but be ready for it! It is the
last obstacle in section 3.

The Section 3 sequence is as such:

High Wall, Low Wall, High Wall, Low Wall // (these next walls come a bit
faster be ready!) High Wall, Low Wall, High Wall, Low Wall, Jump Wall,
Jump Wall, Jump Wall, Floating Wall, Jump-Ramp, Rat 1(drops high), Rat 2
(drops low), Rat 3 (drops low), Jump Wall, Rat 4 (drops high), Rat 5
(drops low), Jump-Ramp, Jump Wall, and the tricky Middle Wall (dodge high
or low).

Section 4: If you have made it this far, you are getting a good handle on
the controls! Section 4 has the best leaps, including one that sends your
toad clear off the screen for a few seconds! It's a very fast stage and
it may take a few tries to wire it completely, but here's a few tips:
? After the first 3 ramps and 2 jump walls, the ramp will appear at the
lower part of the screen. Make sure to hit this ramp low!! Got it?

? The Ketchup Rockets appear half way through. The easiest way to pass
them is to sneak by the first three ships highand to the right, then
wait high until the last rocket appears; you should easily pass them.
As they fade away, get your toad back to the left of the screen and
get ready for some tough jumps!
? After the Ketchup bottles, you will hit one ramp then a big white
exclamation point will appear on the screen! This indicates there are
no ramps for the next four platforms and you must manually leap from
each to the next. This is actually kind of tough. My advice is to get
your toad in the middle of the platform and push forward(right) when
you leap. Try to get your shadow in the middle of the next platform
and pull back left to give you enough time to tap A and repeat the
maneuver. After four jumps, you'll be on the home stretch!

Here's the level 4 Sequence: (note: Listening to DRAGULA right now!)

Ramp, Ramp, Ramp, Jump Wall, Jump Wall, LOW RAMP, Floater Wall, Floater
Wall, Jump-Ramp (yee ha!!), 4 Ketchup Rockets(pass high), ramp, FREE
JUMP, FREE JUMP, FREE JUMP, FREE JUMP, Rocket Rat(high drop).

Section 5: Zen and the Art of Battletoads; that's what will get you
through the final section of the Turbo Tunnel. It is a very fast stage
and if you pull it off, is quickly done and over. The stage opens up with
the walls appearing, without warning, in a rhythmic HIGH-LOW pattern.
There are either 18 or 20 overall, they go to fast for me to count! Since
I use the NES ADVANTAGE controller, I concentrate more on the UP-DOWN
tapping of the controller then actually focusing on the screen. Stay near
the middle and nudge out of the way of the fiercely flying walls! There
is a WARP at the 8th wall (low) that will bring you to stage 5: Surf City
but I suggest avoiding it.

Once you zoom by the High and Low Walls, you should be home free. There
are two Jump Walls and a final Rocket Rat duo that drop a Brick high and
Low! Simply jump over their little walls and you'll have completed one of
the most feared stages in gaming! With time, you'll be able to cruise
through with one toad, you'll see!

Section 5, Final Section, Sequence:

VERY FAST High-Low Wall pattern (18-20), Jump Wall, Jump Wall, Twin
Rocket Rats (drop High and Low, leap over) Done and Done!!

Level 4-Arctic Caverns: On to plan B!
Welcome to Plan B, the next three stages of the Battletoads Agenda! The
first level you'll face are the Icy Arctic Caverns. This is a stage of
precision jumps, well timed ducks, and a little bit of luck! Let's start,
shall we?

Section 1: You begin the stage by sliding down a ramp where you will be
greeted by three icicles. You can either dash by them or prompt them to
fall then run to the left. Continue to the right where a large ice block
will be bouncing back and forth. The easiest way to avoid getting knocked
over by it is to run to the right until you see the wall; run back down
to the level and leap over the block as it careens to and fro. It will
eventually build up enough speed to knock out the wall and get you to the
first continue point! You can also punch the ice block to "stun" it then
pick it up and bust the wall down that way, but you risk the chance the
block hitting you as it reflects off the wall.

Section 2: Move down and to the right, where you will encounter your
first snowman. He throws three snow balls in a high, high, low pattern;
you can either charge him with a toad attack or beat him the fun way:
whacking him with a snowball from the pile at your feet! After defeated,
he will turn into a pile of snowballs himself! I bet Frosty never saw
that coming! Drop to the left and snare the fly. Drop to the right and
you will encounter another snowman. This one will be a little closer than
the first, but you can use the same tactics. Once you knock him down, it
will prompt an ice block to come ricocheting down the corridors. If you
can outrun the ice block, do so! If you jump over it as it shoots past it
will scroll down beyond the screen and bounce back and forth below you.
It is nearly impossible to time the jump and not get hit when you can't
see it; thus it is to your advantage to get to the bottom first. Let the
block bounce off the wall a few times, leaping over it as it comes back
to you. Run through the continue point.

Section 3: A huge icicle will be hanging like the Sword of Damocles,
waiting to drop down on your unwary wartbody ( to use the Queen's words.)
Like the others, you can either dash past it or prompt it then run away.
To your left will be a snowman. Rush at him, running, and headbutt him
then move quickly up the platforms to the right. A fly will appear; if
you don't need it ignore it and move to the right. By now, snowballs will
start falling down the zig-zagging ramps, getting larger with each inch
of ground they cover. The easiest way to avoid them is to jump to the
ramp they were just on as they cross the gap between you and the platform
you want to get to. In other words, jump over them as they come at you
and land safely on the platform higher then the one you were just on. At
the top is the culprit responsible for rolling the snowballs at you: a
Frosty the Hitman! The safest way to dispose of him is to crack him with
a headbutt, which will kill him instantly even if your toad doesn't make
the ram-horns. If you punch him, it will take two rounds to kill him.
That leaves you dangerously close to his Snow-Punch of death, which can
kill you in one hit! After turning this ice demon into a slush puppy,
hurl his snowballs to the wall on the left until it breaks. Go through it
and onto section 4.

Section 4: This is a fairly easy section to pass. On your left is a
Spiked Birthday Cake bouncing between two walls with a menacing spike-
ball hanging overhead. Stay to the right and jump over him where you have
the ceiling clearance. Run down to the left and be careful of the ice
block, which follows you in speedy pursuit. Dash to the right ignoring
the snowman to your left. You need him alive! There will be a slight
depression in the ground after running by the area with the Snowman and
the furiously bouncing Ice Block. All you need to do now is stand there
and let the snowman take out the wall with an errant snowball. After a
few, it will be destroyed and you will have clearance to pass!

Section 5: After the wall is destroyed move to the right and hop on the
yellow-brown platform, which is not as slippery as the ice floors. Make
sure you DUCK to dodge a random snowball coming in from the right (my
guess is that there was a snowman there at some point of the programming,
but they removed him.) Be careful jumping to the right, the jump is
slightly trickier then it seems. Against the wall is the way down but yet
another icicle hangs above you and the red spikes are dangerously close
to the platform you are jumping for. Tap A lightly to execute a mid-level
jump then fall down to the right, veering to the left once you clear the
red spikes to the left. As soon as you land, DUCK! Three snowballs will
come at you in a definite pattern (In 4/4 music time, CAPS meaning
snowball is thrown, ONE two THREE FOUR). Jump over the pillars and DUCK
between the snowballs until you reach the snowman. Cream him with a
headbutt, then move cautiously to the left. Snowballs will be hurled in a
high/low pattern. To make it to the snowman, you have to avoid the
snowballs and duck-slide under a spike between two pillars. Time this so
that you duck the spike as you also duck a high snowball. Leap out of
from the pillars quickly and smash the snowman. Go left to the continue

Section 6: Run to the left and drop down; get ready to dodge another ice
block which is stalking you down the zig-zag ramps. Get to the level
bottom section and jump over the block as it blasts by you. Wait until
you see the yellow-brown platform to the right and leap on it, being
mindful to duck the Brown spike in the middle. There is a one up that is
easy to snag as you jump from the lower platform to the higher one; again
make sure to duck so the spike doesn't knock you off. To your right will
be a Birthday Cake, clobbering itself between two pillars. He isn't hard
to avoid, but when you jump down to the right there will be a similar
scene with the birthday cake moving much faster. Keep your cool ( haha! )
and jump over him, being always mindful of the perilous spikes. Drop to
the left, and clear the third Birthday Cake. You should be on the right
hand side of the screen, with a series of "stairs" heading down to the
left. Wait patiently on the first level platform, making sure not to
scroll the screen over to the left. An ice block will creep up the
slopes. A simple punch will stun it so that you can pick it up; do so and
move over to the left until you are right against the pillar. Quickly
throw the block to the left; if you were close to the pillar, the block
should be slamming between the wall and the pillar and you should be
safely on top of said pillar. The reason you grab the block to the right
is so the birthday cake doesn't knock you over while you are trying to
pick up the ice block. The Birthday Cake will be prompted shortly after
you start heading up the "stairs" after the level, lowest point. If you
grab the ice block before he appears, your life will be much easier,
*=(I'm sure I spelled that wrong!)

Section 7: In my opinion, this is toughest part of level 4. It starts off
innocently enough, with a mere birthday cake and then a couple of flies.
Be careful not to hit the spikes as you shoot your tongue out for the
airborne munchies.
Ok, take a deep breath..

*Innnnnn---- Ouuuuuuuuuttt*

Good; ok get ready to move! As soon as you drop down to the left, a
snowball will drip down and grow as it rolls down the ramp you are on.
Hustle down to the right and get ready to make a tough jump. The key to
NOT hitting the spikes is to lightly tap A when you are at the very
bottom of the ramp. This may take some practice; but after you make the
jump get ready to smash a snowman. He takes two rounds of attacks so be
careful about not getting too close. I know the jump can be horribly
frustrating and admittedly I miss it myself from time to time, but if you
wait a millisecond later then you would normally instinctively jump,
you'll make it. There will be a moving platform and a fatty 5000 points
in the air above it; if you are low on lives just aim for the platform
and leave the points. Make sure to duck one more time and jump off the
platform. As soon as you hit the wall, DUCK!! A flurry ( ha HO!) of three
high snowballs and one low snowball (which you have to jump over) will
pummel the wall. After 10 hits the wall will break and you can move over
to the continue point!

Section 8: To warp or not to warp? As far as this walkthrough is
concerned, we'll assume you are going to warp but if you choose not to,
go ahead and read the rest of this little section. Section 8 is the last
part of stage 4 and there is not too much to it after the warp. But I get
ahead of myself.

To get the warp, hop over to the sinking platform to the right. You'll
notice it begins to float up if you take your weight off it. To activate
the warp zone, sink down slowly, hopping to keep the platform from
dropping down. You should be able to see the white sparks of the warp
zone at the top of the tunnel (where you first jumped on the platform)
when you get about midway down. The warp appears right about when you
would have it knocked off your field of vision at the top; it will take
four or five hops to reach the zone as it in between its second and third
pulses. Off to the snakes with you!!! If you miss the warp zone, its
worth dying to try again. This is a useful warp and will bring you to
stage 6.

**IF YOU WANT TO COMPLETE STAGE 4-Well here's how! Drop down the platform
you would normally use for a Warp, leaping off at the last second before
it is smashed into the spikes. Go left where a Blue Birthday Cake will
bounce back and forth, opening a gate that looks like a lumpy turd (
sorry!) when he strikes it. You can't jump over the gates, so you have to
wait for the birthday cake to open it. The first one is easy; the second
one to the left requires waiting right against the wall, hopping the
Birthday Cake when he comes over, then running through the gate before it
closes. Hop up the two platforms to the left and head right. You have
another blue Birthday cake to dodge; use the same tactics to sneak in the
turd Doors as he opens them. Finally you will see a platform that sinks
down near the first gap you leapt over in this section. Be not afraid!
Let it drop down past the ice platforms and hop off it right before it
smashes into the spikes. Use the flutter jump ( lightly tap A) if you are
uncertain of where the drop ends. Hop to the right, collect 5000 points
and stage 4 is fini!
Level 6-Karanth's Lair-Snakes Ahoy!!
Luckily, you won't have to worry much about this stage. Your goal is to
warp out quick and easy! Again, if you want to play Au Natural, check out
the level Strategies at the end of the Walkthrough, k? Right!

Now, to the matter at hand: the Snakes. To reach the warp you need only
complete the first section, which is easy because it is impossible to die
here! The snakes slither out of the holes and into another one; from
there you have to hop a new snake to get where you want to go. There are
four main areas with snakes.

Section 1: Easy as pie! There is nothing to kill you, so get used to
riding the snakes around. The first one is Red and Blue; ride him to his
tunnel and jump up off him and he burrows in. Wait until you see the
spiked tail to leap; you will land on a Red and Gray Snake, who travels
to the left. Finally, a Blue and Light Blue snake will carry you to the

Class Question: Do you think the snakes are wearing sunglasses? Explain
your reasoning.

Section 2: Only one snake to hop here! I like to call him Ronald McDonald
snake due to his red and yellow pattern. Your goal is to reach the warp
zone which is off to the far bottom right. To do this, climb on the
snake's back. As soon as he sharply turns to the right, jump on (or near)
his head and leap to the right, pushing right the whole time. Your jump
is dangerously framed by spikes, so be careful. If you miss it a few
times, that's ok. Pause the screen and get an idea where the blind spikes
are for the next time you try it. When you make the jump, you will be on
solid ground and the warp zone will be throbbing to the right against the
wall. Run into it and off you go to level 8!!

Level 7-Volkmire's Inferno-You guessed it! CONSULT THE END OF THE
LEVEL 8-Intruder Excluder-Do it up, Duder!

This level features some nice details, including the parallax scrolling
on the sides of the elevator shaft. It has been many stages since you
fought an actual boss, but Robo-Manus will be waiting for you at the top
of the whole thing! Like any other Battletoads stage, this one will seem
like a major pain in the posterior until you get it wired.

A note of warning: the Gassers and Suckas will kill you instantly if they
get you. The gasser turns you into Little Orphan Froggy while the Suckas
grind you into pieces (maybe to be in Pink Floyd video?)

Ok, from the bottom up!

The bottom floor offers you a chance to walk softly and carry a big
stick, so grab it! You'll see the first of many Electric Zingers above
you. They shoot out a pulse of electricity at regular intervals, which
your toad can duck. In fact, you can actually touch the Zingers without
getting damage as long as they aren't firing. Thwack the glorified bug
zapper and leap through the moving "brown gap". Hop up through two more
brown gaps and you'll get your first chance to try out the spring. The
trick is to leap when the spring is compressed, thus launching your toad
high in the air.

Your first Electric Gap follows the spring. They are the same as the
Brown gaps but charge with electricity at regular intervals. Don't rush
and you'll have no problem leaping through them. After the Electric Gap,
you have another chance to pick up a stick if you dropped or neglected
the first one. Your next obstacle are the endless rounds of snotballs
coming out of the hole ala Donkey Kong. You can bash them with your stick
if you like, but it's better to just jump over them and carry on. Another
electric gap, then a 3 spring sequence with a one-up to the left await
you. To get the one up, hop onto the third spring and through the brown
gap, but be careful not to go too high-- you want to make sure the little
nub of a platform that the 1-up is on is still visible. Drop down through
the brown gap and fall to the left. The hop back to the high spring is
easier then it looks, as the brown gap platform won't hinder you.
You'll jump up through a brown gap, an electric gap, a brown gap, then
another electric gap. Above you will be a Zinger; the easiest way to
defeat him is to leap towards him as you jump over one of his electrical
shocks. If you still have your stick, he will be an easy kill. Hopping up
to the left, you'll encounter the Mucus toupees! If you have your stick
use it, otherwise they can munch on your head and drain your life ala
Metroid. I like to set my B button to Turbo, in case one of these buggers
lands on my head. With the Turbo turned up, I can usually throw them off
without sustaining any damage. Once they are out of your way, tactfully
dodge the Zinger ( I don't even bother killing this one.) Hop up through
a brown gap, electric gap, brown gap and congrats! You're at the continue
There are two Zingers to be dealt with here; jump over the electric
shocks and pound them both. If you have made it from the bottom, the two
flies that appear after beating them could be useful. As always, eat them
at your discretion. Now things get interesting! To the left is a poison
gas gun, which will instantly choke your toad if the blast touches him.
Jump on the spring and stay on the right half of it; the mist will not
hit you and it will give you a chance to see the Sucka up ahead. Wait
until the Sucka is done blowing and move quickly past it. A zinger waits
for you on the next level but if you move fast, you should be able to
knock it out with no trouble. It's all matter of timing. Above that is
another spring and a red metal platform. If you jump up on it blindly,
wait to the right. There is a gas jet on this level, but it can't reach
you if you are to the right. Take note of the Zinger above you; when you
feel the time is right, run to the right after the gas jet shoots and
leap up to the level with the Zinger, making sure to duck as soon as you
get on the platform.
Go up, through a brown gap and an electric gap. You are now at the
trickiest part of the stage. A gas jet guards the spring you need to jump
on; before attempting this jump on the platform below it on the far right
as many times are you can to expose the deadly Suckas above, who are now
INHALING air. The best way to time this is to leap on the spring and head
towards the Sucka platform just as it is finishing blowing. Quickly jump
up to the right, grab the one up and land on the far right of the lower
Sucka platform. If you have enough distance, you should be able to nudge
walk ( not RUN)* away from the deadly blades. When it stops, hop up to
the safe platform to reveal two more inhaling Suckas to the right. Jump
up to the lower one right as it finishes blowing and you will be ok.

Remember that great surf Song Walk, Don't Run by the Ventures?

Another spring, another brown gap, and you'll be at a fast shooting gas
jet and a fast moving brown gap above it. Just time it so you make the
jump when the gas jet finishes bellowing. If you don't have the upper
brown gap lined up, just jump down and try it again. Avoid the gas jet at
all costs. There's one last spring and an electric gap; clear those and
you'll come to a bit of a strange thing. There are two platforms leading
up to a series of gaps; the one on the left seems considerably more
dangerous than the one on the right because it has a gas jet.
TRUST ME HERE: go up to the left. You don't HAVE to do it right here, but
make a point of making your way to the left. You'll see why in a minute.
Take your time and work up through the brown gap and four electric gaps.
After the fourth one, your toad will go into AUTOHOP mode. Time for a
boss fight!!!
BOSS FIGHT: Robo-Manus
I hope you are not on the right when you approach Robo-Manus because he
will instantly flatten you and you'll lose a life before the battle even
starts. This is why you stayed to the left like I told you to when going
through the gaps below, see? Good! now onto beating Robo-Manus...
Despite being twice as big as Rash (or Zitz), Robo-Manus isn't that hard.
There are two things to note:
? Don't get under him when he jumps. You'll be instantly flattened!
? Duck his gunshots and get in your punches and kicks when he stops;
watch out when he does a little short leap! He'll fire faster then.

The headbutt works well against him, especially if you can nail him as he
comes down from the air. Stay low, and as he gets faster play it more
conservative. If you whack him after firing, you only have to avoid him
stomping you into Toad Patte. Once you have the pattern down, Robo Manus
is a pushover, though if you have five or so lives the first time you get
to him you should get a good learning curve! Bash the metallic menace and
get ready to head to the Steel Spaghetti!!
Level 9-Terra Tubes

The Terra Tubes level is the make-or-break stage in Battletoads. It has a
lot of blind drops which must be memorized, as well as some very tough
swimming areas. Add to that a few violent living-bath-toys, and you got
yourself a tough level! Let's get it on!

Section 1:You'll start off in the ducts, facing right. Get ready to duck,
as an Armor-dillo is waiting for you. He shoots electric bolts similar to
the Zingers, but only in one direction. The easiest way to dispose of
these snout-nosed villains is to give them a running head-butt BUT be
very careful! If you in any way touch the Armor-Dillo (other than
attacks), it will self-destruct taking your Toad with it to the
afterlife. The safest way to "rough him up", Mobster style, is by bashing
him against the ceiling a few times then finishing him off with a Big
Fist. Head down and to the left where you will fight another Armor-Dillo.
Be careful to keep an eye on him when he comes through the pipe segment;
defeat him and head left to the Beenie-Copters. To descend safely, dodge
spikes left then right and dismount. Now you fight another Armor-Dillo,
this time in waist-deep water. Since you can't run in water, just use
your normal B button attack. Above that is an Armor-dillo who shoots
bolts out faster than the ones you've already faced. Take your time and
duck his shots, then close in to knock him out. Up and to the left is one
more Armor-Dillo; beat him and head up-right. There will be another set
of Beenie Copters; this time the spikes come dangerously close to your
toad as he ascends! You have to dodge them by going right, left, then
finally right. The last set of spikes always come close but you will
usually miss them as long as you are thinking to dodge right as soon as
you pass the spikes that you dodge to the left. Walk to the right and
pass the continue point.

Section 2: "The Dry Gears"
In this section, the challenge is to sprint away from four oversized
gears that will rumble to life and pursue your toad. It is nearly
impossible to get through this section without dying a few times your
first time through, but once you have the patterns down it's a piece of
cake! There are four gears in all:
Gear 1: The easiest to dodge just RUN LIKE MAD!! There are no spikes to
worry about, so run Right, Down, then left. If you fall in the water,
promptly jump out and stand against the gray pillar to the left. Wait
there for the gear to fall into the water and explode.
Gear 2: This gear isn't hard to beat, but now there are spikes at the
bottom of some of the drops. The key is to "hug" the walls as you drop
down the corridors to ensure a safe landing. In this case, hug the right
wall on your first drop, then hug the left, and finally hug the right.
Sprint down the corridor and wait for the gear at the end. Leap straight
up when it rolls towards you; it will hit the wall and explode, granting
you passage to the next challenge.
Gear 3: When you jump up so that the gear is just to your upper-left but
not moving, get ready and RUN under it!! As soon you pass it, RUN and
JUMP up to the right until you are in the water current. The gear is now
in hot pursuit, so you better be on top of you leaping game. There is a
series of left, right, left jumps you must make in the plummeting water.
Your toad will move a little slower when he jumps in water; that means
you MUST make each jump on the first attempt. It's not hard, but the
pressure of the incoming gear could break your concentration. When at the
top, head left and wait against the wall for the gear to fall into the
water and blow up.
Gear 4: The Final Gear (for now at least!) This gear puts the pressure on
early, but is easy to outrun after you make the first few drops. In the
first corridor, hug the right wall then at the second drop hug the left
wall. This will put your toad in a dry area where he can dash for a short
distance. Do this to put some space between the gear and yourself, then
hug right, hug left, hug right and jump into the right-most section of
the cross-shaped tunnel at the end of the run. The gear will drop down
the corridor; after it explodes head down after it to the continue point!
Section 3: Take the Nestea Plunge into the drink and head left. This will
be the first of many spiked sections you have to pass using precise
tapping. As you rise up into the larger tank, you'll see an electric eel
swimming about. While you can usually avoid him, if he gets too close for
comfort, pound him! When you get into the narrow channel heading up,
"hug" the left wall as far as you can, then simply press A to swim up.
You'll be close to the column of spikes, but you won't hit them; lining
up your toad in the channel makes jumping over the spikes above water
much easier.
It can be tricky to understand the physics of leaping out of water. When
you are near the filmy top of the water, hit and HOLD the A button as
your toad breaks the surface. If you were close enough to the surface, he
should jump normally. Use this trick to clear the first spike, then swim
over to the left and jump up to clear another stack of spikes. As you
emerge from the water for a second, it is imperative you get through this
dry section as fast as you can! There will be an Armor-Dillo blocking the
corridor; head-butt him and leap far to the left into the tank of water.
The reason you want to get through this section quickly is because in the
tank you are now in, small vents will supply dangerous amounts of
hammerhead goldfish. If you get through quickly, they won't have time to
get out! Once in the tank, paddle down right, to the middle (deftly
avoiding the spikes) and drop down. If you were quick enough, the two
goldfish won't follow you down; in fact you may hear them quarreling
amongst themselves above you! Now the shaft goes to the right. A single
Goldfish waits for you; wait between the two pink pipe segments until the
Goldfish "hugs" the floor. This is your chance to swim by him and leap
out of the water. Like the section you just cleared, speed is important
in the next bit! Drop into another tank and cautiously avoid the spikes
and drift to the right, down then left. If you were fast enough, there
will be no enemies here. If you were too slow, you'll have a band of eels
to contend with. Cruise on to the left; when you reach the level pipe
segment, wait for the gray eel to approach and knock him out! Take the
lower path out, and when you come to the next pipe segment another gray
eel will appear; repeat your attack in the level section to smush him.
Swim low then head up to a large tank with a few Sharkys in it. Be
careful the Sharkys don't snip you into the spikes! When you must
confront them, make sure you are above them when you attack and your back
is to a surface that won't kill you if they knock you into it. There is a
Sharky at the bottom, then one in the middle. Knock them down and
hurriedly snag the one up at the top of the tank and head into the
corridor (and continue point!) to the left.
Section 4: Aqua Gears- This is probably one of the most troublesome
sections of this level, despite the fact you have to outrun only two
gears. Before getting into the actual art of dodging, here's a few quick
? When dropping down the corridors, you can usually come closer to the
spikes than you think! Wait until you start heading in the direction
you want before stroking; otherwise you will annoyingly float up and
get crushed by the gear!
? Don't give up even if you are low on lives! The next section has some
good extra life opportunities!
Gear 1: This is the "easy" gear, though chances are if will flatten you a
few times before you have the hang of it! Drop down the corridor to
prompt the gear; as you drop you will have to swim right over spikes-wait
until your toad is drifting below the ceiling to paddle! (see tip above!)
When you see the wall to the left, drop down above the spikes and wait
for the gear to veer into the wall and break the way to Gear 2.
SUPER BRUPLEX TIP!!! When you have found a safe spot to float away from
the gear it can be very hard to time your paddles to stay between the
spikes below and the rushing gear above. A good way to stay put in a safe
spot is to punch like mad! Your toad will stand in the water and you
won't have to worry above drifting up too high and getting leveled by the
gear. You're welcome ;)
Gear 2: The "hard" gear! This segment is hard because it tests your
ability to drop down corridors and avoid floor spikes while also
challenging you to make a hard leap out of the water to escape the gear!
Your first drop will be to the right. If you don't make it into the right
passage cleanly, consider yourself a frog in the gears (haha- get it? Cog
in the gears? FROG in the gears? Weeeee my $80,000 dollar education was
worth every cent!!) Uh-umm (clears throat) Ok, anyway...When you get to
the right corridor, paddle your heart out! To the right, the tubes turn
up and out of the water. This can be a tricky jump to make to clear the
water. Make sure you are close to the surface and hit and HOLD the A
button to jump high out of the water. This is another spot where, even
though I have played through the level many times, I still occasionally
get smushed. With practice, you'll increase your odds of safely making it
out though. Once you leap out and over the little wall, hug left. You'll
have a short but very vital opportunity to run! Dash to the left and drop
into the water. You'll have to head right (over spikes!) down, then right
over spikes again. You should have some good distance between you and the
gear now, but don't get too complacent! Hustle to the right, then head
up! You'll notice the gear is a little closer then you thought! At the
top of the corridor go right. You'll see the wall to the far right and a
small notch before it with spikes on the ground. You want to get into the
notch; that's your safe spot when the gear crashes into the wall. It is
very difficult to try to wade between the gear and spikes, so use the
SUPER BRUPLEX trick! As soon as you drop into the notch, wait until you
get just above the spikes and start wailing away on the B button! This
will make your toad start punching and more importantly keep him in one
place! Sure, it defies the laws of physics but who cares, it's keeping
your toad alive! Using this tip, the gear should pass harmlessly above
you and its a few easy strokes to the right to the continue point!
Section 5: The final section. Thank goodness there is a one up right at
the outset of this section! To claim it, dodge the Sharky and leap the
spikes to snag the 1-up. If you are desperate need of lives, you can jump
back over the spike and start punching on the surface until you clobber
the Sharky down. Quickly swim back to the starting point to the left, and
wail away on the Sharky! You can hit him 8 times for a total of 16,000
points. Since you get a free life for every 100,000 points (even after
you get 999,999!) it may be worth your time to snare these extra points.
And if you die, it's no big deal because you got the 1-up!
After getting the one up, jump to the Beenie Copters waiting to the
right. Dodge left, right, left and drop down into the tunnel with the
cute rubber ducky. This adorable aviary is the Steelbeak and boy does he
ever have a fowl (HAHAH-HEEEYY OOO!) temper! If you get too close to
Steelbeak, he has a violent spazz attack that will kill your toad with
one hit!! The key to beating Steel beak is to get in the first hit; this
will turn him around and give you license to beat him up. When you
finally deal your strong attack it won't kill Steelbeak, it will merely
flip him upside down. He'll only be stunned for a few seconds so move
past him with haste. Head down right and face another SteelBeak. Use the
same caution in approaching him slowly, then flip him upside down. After
upsetting the first Steelbeak, you'll come across a second one. Your
safest bet is to punch him once to turn him around and jump over him as
he reaches the stairs up to the right.
NOTE: If for some reason Steelbeak hits you only once, you won't lose
energy. This will sometimes happen when you are on the platform above the
third Steelbeak. It's a rare occurrence, but the moral is don't give up
even if the Steelbeak starts his spazz attack.
Ok one more deep breath: almost there! In the narrow corridor, there are
two spike patches on the ground that you can pass by tapping the A button
once. When you are in between the two patches, wait and watch. To the
right, a hammerhead goldfish will appear. If you can lure him to the
floor and swim over him, he'll be out of your way for the rest of the
level. If he floats up and off the screen, he'll be out of your way for
now but remember he is still lurking. In either case wait for him to do
one of these two options before swimming over the second set of spikes
and heading up and to the left. After a narrow squeeze to the left,
you'll head straight up. There will now be a Sharky in hot pursuit! He
has a habit of biting you and sending you into spikes, so deal with him
now! Get through the opening (where the circle thing is in the
background) and put your back to the wall on the left. Wait for the
Sharky to come up and pound him down! If he bites you, it will only send
you into the wall, not into spikes! Remember though, he is only stunned
so move quickly up and to the right. When you are in between the narrow
columns of spikes, wait for Sharky to come up again. If you start
punching when he rises from the bottom, you should get the drop on him
and send him shooting downward. You may have to dodge a hammerhead
goldfish here if you let him float up and off the screen when you fist
entered the tank. Hopefully, you won't have to though! Drop down and
paddle to the right and start heading up! You're almost there and you
don't want to rush anything! At the surface is a guardian Steelbeak. Wait
until he is to the far left and jump right, landing on the skinny wall.
If, while you are waiting, the Sharky comes up, take care of him before
attempting your jump. Now you are on the skinny wall with a pair of
Beenie Copters to your right.
Take one final Deep breath, relaaaaaaxx. You are almost there, and after
all this hard work you don't want to blow it. Hop onto the Beenie Copter,
staying towards the middle. You don't want to go all the way to the walls
when you dodge; in any case dodge, left, right, left, right, left, then
push hard to the right and you'll have finished the stage! Even if you
miss the final right corridor it IS possible to beat the stage while you
die, it's just a little less dignified.
Level 10-The Rat Race

I have a little saying for this stage: Don't go out like a sucker. Your
goal is to race the rat and diffuse the bomb ( I think his name was
Spazz)(the rat, not the bomb- I think the bomb's name was Steve.) There
are a total of three races. The first two are pretty easy; the third one
is quite difficult. Before the start of each race are a few petty
obstacles; gas jets, Zingers and snot balls. This is what I mean when I
say "Don't go out like a sucker"; take your time and get by these
obstacles so you have a chance to race everytime.
RACE 1: This race is easily won and will give you an idea of the physics
of the race. Before heading to the actual race, there are a trio of
Zingers to dispose of. After that, there will be four gas jets. You'll be
safe as long as you stand on the far side of the beam then run down in
between bursts of gas. At the third gas jet, you'll see Spazz start to
materialize. Don't let him distract you from dodging the fourth gas jet.
After the fourth jet, your toad will be in permanent speed mode, meaning
you won't have to tap twice to make him run. Your only job is to get down
as fast as possible. It may seem like Spazz is going to beat you with
ease, but don't let his zippiness un-nerve you. Though he falls and runs
faster than you, you have a big advantage when falling through the
staggered gaps (aim for the middle.) This is an easy race and you should
give the bomb the big boot long before Spazz is even in sight.

Race 2: Race two isn't that much harder than the first, but the approach
is a little trickier. There are two Zingers to deal with, then a pair of
gas jets with a Sucka below them. since you have no time limit (yet!)
don't rush past these jets. Carefully time them and veer right. As you
fall right, you'll see Spazz materialize-- Make sure to move quick enough
to dodge the third gas jet and the race is on!! There is a section of
brown gaps which will help you make up big time if you get through them
properly. Wiggle your toad in the middle of them and get to the bomb
first! Onto race three!!
Race 3: Race three starts off with snotballs pouring out of the wall to
the left. Jump over them as they roll at you; as soon as the source-hole
is off the screen they'll stop coming. Now there is a matter of four gas
jets on the opposing side of the walls to contend with. They won't reach
the far wall so as soon as you drop run away from the burst. As you stand
ready to dodge the fourth blast (which will be coming from the right)get
ready to run! This last race gives you little room for error and you want
to take any advantage you can. Drop straight down through the girders and
hustle to the left. Your toad won't be in permanent speed mode until
Spazz fully forms, so make sure to tap twice to boost your toad. When you
land on the first moving brown gap, make sure you tap twice there as
The race is on! You want to make as few nudging errors as possible; if
you try to run of the end of one of the long girders and push in the
opposite direction too early ( and don't drop down) you are most likely
hosed. As a desperate last chance, you can try punching Spazz, which will
send him dashing in the opposite direction and buy you a little time.
Make sure you are solid as you plummet through the brown gaps and the
staggered girders. When you make it to the bottom there are some bad
things that could happen. The first is the electric gap that guards the
bomb. If it is not charged, you'll have no problem dropping down and
kicking the bomb. If it is charged, even if you've beaten Spazz, you are
at a disadvantage because Spazz isn't affected by the beam. In this case,
you should try to punch Spazz to prevent him from dropping down before
you and start your kick in the air before reaching the ground.
The other thing that can happen, but VERY rarely does is: you will make
it to the bomb first, kick it, and..... that's it! Spazz never falls and
nothing else happens-- the only thing to do is reset the game. I've only
had this happen once and I'm not sure what causes it (I never play with
Game Genies or on Emulators; it was the normal NES Cart). Chances are it
won't happen but MAN it is frustrating when it does.
With practice, you'll be able to beat Spazz almost everytime! Before you
pat yourself on the back, there's still a little matter of a boss to take
care of...
I'm sure that isn't his name and I'm sure I'll get dozens of bitter e-
mails from responsible people who haven't lost their instruction books!
To them I say PAH! I haven't lost mine, it's 2200 miles away in
Connecticut -- and I'm in Colorado. So there! In any case, we'll call
this guy Steerhorns, ok?
It is quite possible to beat this guy with one toad, IF you know how.
When you first drop down, he'll be waiting for you on the right. If you
headbutt him once, he'll turn and face the corner like a kid who just got
in trouble. Oddly enough you can pound him while he stands still for a
while. The safest way to do this is to headbutt him, but make sure you
hit everytime-- if you miss he'll toss your toad on his horns and kill
you! A good rule of thumb is to headbutt later than earlier to ensure a
hit. Eventually one of your headbutts will make Ram Horns and the General
will shoot up in the air. He'll start off walking slowly back and forth.
Make sure to attack him ONLY from behind; you can't hurt him while facing
him. It's easy to get in hits; jump over him and punch or kick him.
Gradually he starts getting faster until it's quite hard to hit him. Now
it's time to switch to plan B. When he hits the wall and hops up HEADBUTT
HIM!! He'll soar straight up, but stay right where you are (against the
wall). As he descends, he'll float towards the middle of the screen--if
you get scared and move, you could end up under his hulking mass and wind
up flatter than a grape under Oprah. Continue the headbutt procedure
until Steerhorns is a thing of the past.
Level 11-Clinger Wingers

Deep in the confines of my altruistic soul, I wish I could do more to
help gamers get by Clinger Wingers, but alas there isn't much I can do.
The premise is basic, simply push your controller whatever way the arrows
are pointing. You don't even use the buttons! You have to stay ahead of
the Hypno-Orb or else you'll be knocked off and have to start from the
beginning. There are no continue points until you get to the boss fight
(there's a boss fight too?!!!) so you have to have a steady hand and a
good memory. I like to use the NES Advantage controller because the
joystick is a little more responsive than a joypad. In fact, I often have
the hardest problems staying steady on straight-aways! The orb is faster
then you on straight sections so your only hope to make up time is
accurate cornering. There is a great section to make up time where the
path dips down, right, up, right and repeats for three times.
Even though your memory is a better guide than anything else, here is a
summary of the directions of the path:
right-up-right-up-right-up-right-down-(quick notch, left down)-down-left-
Got it? I'm sure it's easier to just memorize it yourself, but if you
need help, there it is. You'll get it with some practice!! And when you
do get ready for..
It's not enough that the freakin' orb tailgates you through the whole
stage, but you have to fight him at the end! What a pain--He's not that
hard though--He'll begin by floating around and landing to the left. Wait
for him and punch him as he gets close. If you accidentally pick up the
orb, throw it to the right and swiftly headbutt it in the air.
After a while the orb will get mad and start bouncing violently up and
off the screen. He always aims for where your toad is standing, so if you
deftly move to the side as he comes down, you'll be able to get in your
punches. Otherwise stay on the ground and throw punches as he moves
towards you. Don't walk into him or get squashed from above! Remember, if
you MUST throw the orb, throw it into open areas, not corners. Try to
spend as little time in the air as possible!
Level 12-The Revolution
You are so close to the dark queen you can smell her sweet perfume! This
stage features a unique scrolling theme; the whole screen rotates around
your toad while he, more or less, stays stationary. While this isn't the
first NES game to use this technology, it is clearly the best. The first
game to feature this rotation was a game called Castilion. Castilion was
revolutionary (hehe!) but the WHOLE GAME used the rotating effect and it
got old after a while.
Battletoads reserves the best for last! This stage requires a lot of
practice to wire it and link the whole process. Let's start at the
Section one lets you get used to the somewhat tricky playcontrol of the
tower. The first floor introduces you to the yellow rhino, a fiend you'll
encounter several times on your way up the tower. He'll charge at you
then pause; use that pause to smash him! If you beat him with a special
attack, he'll throw his arms up in horror as he orbits down the tower to
his utter demise. I actually end up feeling a little bad for him; kill
him anyway! After beating him you can grab the flag pole if you want and
use it as a weapon. The next floor has a speedy spike revolving around
it. Jump over it and scroll the tower until you see the blinking green
platforms. They only appear for a couple seconds, so jump on the lowest
one and leap left as soon as they appear. If you get to the top one and
the highest platform isn't there, just wait. It'll appear with enough
time for you to leap off the platform you are on. The third floor has
another yellow rhino; beat him and move up to a sequence of springboards.
They will pop you highest when they are fully extended, unlike the
springs of level 8 which shot you highest when they are compressed.
Take your time when you are on the springboard just before the next
platform. Nudge jump up a little to reveal an erratically bouncing spike
ball. Now that you see it, time your jump to avoid it and head right to
the platforms. Hop up to the next level and battle another Yellow rhino.
Up one more floor and you'll have to fight the green cloud. He's not
particularly hard, just make sure to attack him when his mouth is closed.
If he starts spinning around the tower either: time a headbutt to smash
into him or stand in one place and throw punches. If you still have the
stick (flagpole) bash him with it about 5 times and he'll be out of your
way. Beat him and hop up to section 2!
Section 2: Look out for the red rhino on this level; his gaping maw can
swallow you in one bite. You can punch him out or deal him a headbutt
after he closes his mouth and is sitting there with a belly full of air.
This is the continue point, so after knocking him out take a breath and
relax. There will be a colored springboard above you, jump high and true
to the next platform; You only have one chance to make it! Once up on
safe ground, you'll have another Red Rhino to battle. Going up once more,
you'll see a red cloud blowing a puff of wind out. Avoid the ring of wind
because it is the equivalent of the poison gas! This cloud is stationary
but his gusts of wind are aimed right at the platform you need to jump on
to get up to the next floor. Get behind him and punch him; he should turn
around and start blowing wind the other way. This clears you to get up to
the next floor. A red cloud is speeding around the floor. You CANNOT DUCK
HIS WIND!! I always forget this and end up losing a toad! Rather, you
have to leap over him as he spirals around. Hop over him and get up to
the next floor. AS SOON AS YOU GET UP THERE, STAND STILL!! A pair of red
clouds will be dropping poison wind rings. If you stand still, the first
pair will miss you and give you a chance to run to the right and get up
onto the platforms to the next floor. This floor is close to the top of
the screen. If a green wind doesn't immediately appear, walk over to the
left and jump up a few times to prompt him. If you jump where you first
get on the floor he'll come up under you and knock you over. Use the same
headbutt strategy here to dispose of him. Next you'll have a high jump up
to a floor with a fast spike on it. Time your jump carefully and get up
to a sequence of spring boards. When you reach the top on, lightly tap A
to nudge jump and slowly scroll the screen. A super-fast spike will be
right below the platform you need to reach. As long as you can see it,
you should be able to time it with ease.
You are almost to the continue point! You'll see a few flag poles above
you. It is in your best interest to grab them because Papa Wind is
comin'! The giant red cloud will attempt to blow you off the tower and
will succeed unless you are holding onto one of the poles. Your toad will
make some pretty funny faces, but don't press any buttons, just wait for
the Red Cloud to blow and leave. Time the flashing green platforms up to
the next level and you will be at the final section of the tower!!!
**A NOTE ON ROTATING PLATFORMS-When going between floors, you will
encounter revolving platforms. These aren't too hard as long as you
remember that when you are standing on one that is rotating, you have to
nudge a little the opposite of the way you are facing to land on the next
platform. Practice makes perfect!!
SECTION 3: Almost there!! On your left will be four green platforms
disappearing and reappearing in a vertical formation. To get up them,
jump so that the lowest platform appears under you while you are in mid-
air. After that hop up as quick as you can to get to the next floor. If
you try to time the fourth platform from the third you'll hardly ever
make it. Just go FAST! You'll be on a rather innocent looking floor. Be
careful here; nudge jump up until you see a couple flagpoles up in your
score at the top of the screen. Don't scroll up too far until you can
jump on the spring and grab the flagpoles! This will prompt the second
Papa Red Cloud!! Just sit there until he is done. The screen will be cut
off on the bottom, but a yellow rotating platform will have appeared on
the tower. Press DOWN to grab the flagpole and time your drop just as the
platform lines up to the right of your toad (or slightly before). From
there, hop up another floor to battle the last Yellow rhino. Bounce up to
the next floor and you'll fight a green cloud. You will most likely have
a flag pole in your hand, so it should be easy work to clobber him out of
the sky. After beating him, repeat the nudge jump to reveal the flagpoles
high in the screen (going too fast will prompt the Papa Cloud and make
getting to the poles MUCH harder!) As a note, you CAN grab the flagpoles
while you have one in your hand. one of them just mysteriously
disappears. Hold on tight as the third Papa Cloud exhales on your frantic
frog! When he's done you'll have to press DOWN and land on a rotating
spring board which will appear below you. As soon as you land on it get
ready to hop up to yet another flagpole! Do this quickly before the
fourth (and final) Papa Red Cloud appears! Once he is gone, the platform
you expected to appear DOESN'T! Instead you have to time a drop onto the
spring board you just came from. It will be coming from the left so press
down when the rotating spring is a little short of halfway in the middle
of the tower. Once on the spring, hop up to the next floor.
You will see a yellow cloud blowing all about. He can't hurt you directly
and likewise you can't hurt him. His breath won't poison you but it WILL
knock you off the platforms. I consider him the Queen's personal guardian
because he is the last fiend between you and the final battle. When he
drifts over to the right side of the screen start hopping fast n' furious
to the left. Don't stop for anything, just go as fast as you can to the
left. Hop high and blast your way up until you are on steady ground. The
yellow cloud will have pursued you all the way up. The last challenge is
to get up the platforms that go left, right, left while the wind blows. I
like to wait until he is behind the tower and MOVE FAST!!! After you get
on the third spring, hop up-- The screen will explode and the Evil
Beauty, the Dark Queen will challenge you to the final fight!!!
The best thing about the Dark Queen, besides her fancy clothes, is the
fact that if you run out of lives and still have continues left, you will
start right here at the final battle! It's the only break you get in the
whole game!!
I'll contain my comments here and give you some useful ideas for beating
the Dark Queen. She's actually not too hard. She attacks you in two ways:
tornado attack and with her black leather stiletto heeled boots! Freudian
complications aside, attacking the queen is best done with head-butts.
After you score hits, she will fly up in a yellow tornado. As long as you
don't jump around, she won't hit you. Smash her with a headbutt as she
comes down and run away, otherwise she will jab you with her knees
(unless you're into that sort of thing.) Be patient and get in your hits
when she drops out of her tornado. When she is defeated, unfortunately
you don't get to marry her or even get her phone number. You do get the
so-so silver medal of Angelica and the Shameful Bronze of Pimple. Or do
you?!!! ;)
This last section of the walkthrough will cover the stages skipped by
warps in the normal walkthrough. Come on, you're not TOO WIMPY to play
without warps, are ya?!
Stage 4:Surf City!!!
SECTION 1: The watery wackiness starts off when you grab your, Surfboard..and head out into the perilous underground
river!! One of the good things about this first section is that your
board can whack a log and you won't die! You will lose 3 health though
and the next log you smack will send you to the briny deep. The logs in
this section are easily avoided; dodge up, down, then up and stay either
high or low. Even if the log is dead in front you, you can time your
skips to occasionally hop over one without damage! At the waterfall, line
up in the middle and push forward to snare a hovering one-up. The
whirlpools in the lower section of the river are avoided in the same
manner as the logs; if the whirlpool is high, dodge low and vice-versa.
After the first three or four, stay high and you will avoid the rest.

SECTION 2: Hop onto the logs and begin the ground battle. A couple green
and pink life invaders will emerge and try to steal your health blocks.
Knock them out early if you can; only 2 of them will float down after
grabbing your precious life(giving you a chance to win your life bricks
back.) The others will drift off the screen. After the Extra terrestrial
encounter, you will battle two very leggy walkers! They are no harder
than their shorter counterparts and you are advised to pick up a leg to
wield as a weapon. After the second walker, scroll slowly to the right so
that you can gobble up the two flies that appear. If you go to fast you
will prompt the Mini-Boss, Big Blarg. Your gaping maw will freeze you and
allow the flies to zoom off! And they say they fly right in your mouth if
you keep it open; so much for THAT little bit of folklore. Bah!

Blarg isn't too tough as long as you don't let him get in the first hit.
Let him leap and when he lands, sneak behind him and throw punches or a
headbutt. If you still have your walker stick, it is a good way to get in
some smashes without the normal flurry of punches. When he is close to
death he will leap clear off the screen in an attempt to flatten the
toads. Use his shadow as an indication to his landing point, dodge and
finish him off!! One last section of surf to navigate and you're done!

SECTION 3: The surfing gets a little speedier here. The mines that drift
in your path must be avoided at all costs, which is OK because they
aren't too hard to parry. I prefer to stay at the very top here. When you
see the ramps, line up in the middle and clear the big waterfalls (don't
worry, RARE fans, they are no where as NEAR as hard as those damn
waterfalls in COBRA TRIANGLE!!) After the jump there are more mines,
which are best dodged by staying low; there's another big jump coming up.
On this one, push forward in the middle to grab the one up, then push
back and resume your normal high/low pattern to dodge the mines. One more
super big jump, a final flurry of mines, and you are off to the Snake
Stage 5: Karnath's Lair
This stupid stage is the reason I can't make this the FINAL version of
the FAQ: not because it is too hard, but because I forget if it is
KARNATH or KARANTH. I'll say Karnath, even though my scratchy writing in
my notes seems to say K~*&Y(GHR. There are four sections in this stage
and you won't have to throw a single punch to get through it! Getting
through requires a good memory and skill in tapping the A button light
enough so you don't launch your toad into the perilous spikes overhead.
Let's walkthrough, shall we?

SECTION 1: No need to write anything special here; you CAN'T die here not
matter how hard you try. Despite the Dark Queen's observation that snakes
eats frogs, these cool reptiles seem more interested in cruising around
with their sunglasses on. I know what you are saying, snakes don't even
have EYELIDS, why do they need shades? Perhaps their dark lenses prevent
them from seeing the toads and thus they don't eat them; sounds
reasonable eh? In any case, get used to the physics of riding the snakes,
hop out the exit for a cool 5000 points and get ready for the real

SECTION 2: Things start getting a little hairy as spikes are introduced
into the fray. Your first snake is Yellow and Red; I like to call him
Ronald McDonald. Hop on Ronald and either jump to the right as if you
were going to warp ( when he reaches his highest point) or run in place
until you hear the swish of his turning below you. Drop down onto his
back, jump the spike and ride him as he sucks into the wall. Next up is a
pine and red snake who comes straight up from the floor. Hop on his back,
jump one spike ball, and ride him to the next snake which is red and
mustard colored. There is a tricky part as this snake coils to the right;
stay on the snake is almost gone (watch for the spiked tail). Instead of
jumping over the spike he curves around below you, dash off his back and
onto his head. If you jump there's a good chance you'll clip your head on
the spikes. Next a yellow and mustard snake appears; hop over the three
spikes are you ride him to the left. When he goes into the wall, a lemon
lime snake will veer out to the right. Like the other snake, you'll want
to stay on him as long as possible then move forward onto the snake, leap
the spikes, and make it to the wall. Your final snake of this section is
a red and black snake who zips out of his hole with great speed! Don't
panic! Hop on him, cruise to the exit, and head to section 3.

SECTION 3: The stakes are higher in this section! There is no safe ground
so you MUST be on a snake at all times. The first snake your get onto is
red and pink. Run in place till you are at his tail, moving right to
clear the spikes with well timed leaps. Be careful not to run into the
spike in the wall here. Instead, hold out on the end of the snake as long
as you can and jump up high as he finishes up into the wall. You'll land
on a peach colored snake. Stay in place as he coils about, deftly jump
the spike (being wary of the spikes overhead--either tap A or project
your jump diagnally left), and get ready for the next snake. Jump up to a
lemom limey and run in place till he is almost all out. He will circle
back and you can ride him up. Jump two spikes and then jump up tp a
lightning fast black and green snake. Leap the one spike, and stay calm.
Even those these snakes really haul, this part isn't too hard if you keep
your cool. A mustard and black snake will blast out equally as fast as
the green and black one. This snake is a free ride: nothing to duck or
hop over. Ride him to the right--and get ready to jump up! A purple and
black snake will challenge you to make two fast jumps; make the first one
then immediately make the second while holding to the left. The snake's
momentum will give you the inertia you need to clear the single spike
while avoiding the ceiling. Leap up to the final silver and black snake,
hop one spike and voila! Onto the final section.

SECTION 4: THE FINAL SECTION! A purple snake is your first guide through
this long and twisty maze of spikes. As a common courtesy, hop your warty
hide off of his scaly skin and get onto the platforms of solid ground.
Quickly jump from the highest one to the left to two similar platforms
and catch up to your snake as he curls into the wall.

the fourth platform to the left and wait-- for a LONG TIME!! Eventually
the Mulberry and Black snake will curl down around the spike above you.
If you are can time it, leap up onto his back and get ready to head for
home-- he is the last snake in the lair!!

Anyhow, for the more ACTION inclined gamer, hop up and let the silver
snake burrow out under you. Ride him to the right but don't rush! There
is a single spike against the wall where he crawls in; stay on him to the
very end and leap straight up. A blue-grey snake will magically appear
under your webbed feet! Ride to the red and yellow reptile (Ronald). As
Ronald winds right and up, stay on him as long as you can. He curves up
into a series of spikes that will slash your frog off his back like
cheese in a cheese grater. Instead stay on the level until his tail head
upward. Hop on and press left to fall off as close to the spikes as you
can get without hitting them. You should fall on the front part of
Ronald. Jump up to a fast Blue snake, on whose back you have to leap two
spikes. A green and black snake is next, darting to the left. Jump a few
spikes, and you have made it to the final snake, the mulberry and black
snake. This is same one you will encounter is you wait down below. He has
only one tricky move; as he comes out keep running left towards the wall,
then at the last minute nudge right and land on his back between two
spikes! This takes some practice. Be warned to jump as soon as you land
to clear the spike to the right. Ride him up and out and you've done it--
Stage 7 Volkmire's Inferno
Volkmire's Inferno is similar to the Turbo Tunnel but quite a bit easier.
The coolest part of this stage is the fact the dark brown rats get
smashed with a super hit in one blow!! At the start of the stage you'll
encounter these "punching bag rats" and leap a couple gaps. After the
second gap, fight the rats and jump right and back to prompt the log in
bewteen the next gap to appear. Do this again for the next gap and when
you are on solid ground get to the right with haste! A flurry of rocket
rats will fly at you; use their shadows as a guide and avoid them.
Jumping usually just gets you knocked over so stay on good ol terra
firma. A rougue squadron of Life Invaders will then try to steal your
life bricks, followed by another round of rocket rats. Luckily a gaggle
of flies appears after all this madness. Along the way are a few more log
jumps but if you have made it this far, they will be no problem. If you
used GAME SHARK to get here you are a big fat cheater and deserve to die!
(Well, not YOU personally, but your toad familiar). As you get to the end
of the stage surprise!! The background morphs into a wall of flame! In
front of you are two of those little jets you see on the kiddie rides at
amusement parks. Hop on and get ready for Volkmire's Inferno!!!

SECTION 1: Before you start cursing the game for giving you another
course as challenging as the Turbo Tunnel, relax-- the Volkmire Tunnel is
much easier and even has two one-ups to snare along the way. The first
part requires you to weave through electrical barriers; the gaps appear
in this order: high, middle, middle, high, low, high, low, high, middle,
high, low, middle, then stay back as a gate opens high. Stay back as
three gates open in sucession low, low, then high. Press right after this
high gate and get ready to zoom through closing gates middle, high and
middle-low. One more closing high and you made it check point number one!

SECTION 2: This section hurls spitballs at you from the right. They are
easily avoided by staying back to the left and moving up and down and
perhaps a nudge forward to miss them. Try to stay lined up in the middle
because a one up floats there waiting to be rescued. That is all!

SECTION 3: Rockets shoot over to the left below you and then drop from
above. Again, this stage isn't too hard as long as you concentrate. Stay
middle high (in the flames) as the rockets go up, then get into the
purple below the background flames as they drop down. There is a high one
up at the very end if you are sneaky enough to get it!

SECTION 4: More barriers! The precede as follows: Middle, middle, middle;
middle, high, middle; low, middle, high; 3 middle opens (stay back); 3
middle closers (go right), one more middle open, one middle closer and
done!! Fast but not too hard.

SECTION 5: The final segment features gapped barriers that beep to let
you know where the opening will be. They start off middle, high, then
swoop up and down like a big W. It is a very natural motion to swerve
through the gates. After the W, a few more barriers appear which you can
line up pretty easily and then WHOOMP! you are done! Kudos on defeating
the least-often seen stage in all of Battletoads!!!
A-Talkin' Trash With The Dark Queen: List of Insults


Not only is she gorgeous and swell dresser, but the Dark Queen is
also tough. In fact she has the lexicon of a New York Cab Driver or a
Merchant Marine. She can talk trash with the best of them, that nasty
girl!! Here's the list of insults I've collected:
(referring to both the Battletoads and Professor Bird Guy)
Feathered Freak
Booby (hehe)
Swamp Scum
Pond Patrol
Battlebarf (my favorite)
Warty Bottoms
Quaggy Croakers
Green Friends (she must not be referring to Zitz, he's brown!)
Wart bodies

-If I missed any, let me know. I'll add em! I know she calls the Bird guy
a Beaked something.

It's true: the bad girls in movies are always hotter than the hero-good-
girl. Maybe it's my partiality to Dark Hair, or the fact bad girls
usually invest in leather outfits (ex. James Bond, the One with the
Russian Lady who crushes people with her legs-- she's my favorite!) The
Dark Queen is no exception. With Her sharp tongue, full thick blue hair,
and scandalous outfits she wins the Bruplex Ms. NES award!

It's never made clear WHY she is evil; I mean if she is evil for
kidnapping a frog then a LOT of teenage boys would be considered the
spawns of Satan (well ok, some of them are!) But come on, give her royal
loveliness a break-- who hasn't played a round of Frog tennis or tested
the explosion threshold of the pond dwellers with assorted fireworks?

And how about the sassy way she puts her elbow on her hip when she talks
trash to the toads! Right off the catwalk and into my heart! And that
fangy sneer? OH!

In closing, The Dark Queen makes Jennifer Aniston and Brittney Spears
look like pond scum. Thank you.
C-Observations and Comments
I'll write em in when you send em to me!
Add your two cents here!
Once you start askin' em, I'll start answering 'em.
E-MINI SPOILER: Thoughts on the Ending
I'm glad you don't kill the Dark Queen!
I wish there were credits!
F-FINAL THOUGHTS-Well there ya go kiddies, everything you need to know to
beat Battletoads. Yeah it's hard, but you can win with enough practice. I
hope you enjoyed this FAQ-- Feel free to send any comments or suggestions
Thanks to: Jody Pratt-For watching patiently while I took notes and for
dubbing the spike guys in the Arctic Caverns "Birthday Cakes".

Marc and David Dziezynski-My ever-gaming cousins who played a ton of
toads with me over the holidays of 2000!

Jeff Veasey- For hosting FAQS at Gamefaqs.

THE DARK QUEEN- For being there
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