Adventure Island

Adventure Island

17.10.2013 03:30:25
Adventure Island FAQ Walkthrough V1.0
Copyright (C) 2001 by Dalez (
Last Updated 02/28/2001 @ 03:40 AM

The latest version of this FAQ can ALWAYS be found at...
VG Strategies @

Goodies (and not-so-goodies)
Other Obstacles
Pot Bonus Locations
Closing Notes

Greetings, and welcome to my guide for 'Adventure Island' for the Nintendo
Entertainment System. The goal of this guide is to provide you with as much
information as possible about the game, in hopes to aid those who are stuck,
need a few pieces of advice, or want to get more out of their experience with
the game. I don't feel there's a need to bore you to death with a bunch of
background information about the game, so let's dive right on in to the good
stuff. Enjoy! ^_^

##### Controls ###############################################################

The Controls are very simple. Use the Left and Right controller buttons
to move Master Higgins left or right. The B button allows you to throw your
axe or rocks (assuming you have them), and the A button makes Master Higgins
jump. You can jump higher when walking (or when simply holding down the B
button), and can run faster if you hold down the B button as you walk. The
Start button pauses the game.

You can also continue your game should you lose all your lives by holding
down "Right" on the control pad and pressing Start when on the Title Screen.
However, this only works if you have found the Hudson Bee. Look in the 'Goodies'
section as well as the Walkthrough for Area 1, Round 1 for more details on the
Hudson Bee.

##### Characters #############################################################

Master Higgins: Our Hero, Master Higgins, is an easy-going kind of guy.
An island native, he has a passion for fruit, milk, and his girlfriend,
Tina. It is your job to get Master Higgins through the 8 areas of the
island and defeat the evil Witch Doctor in order to save Tina!

Tina: Master Higgins' sweetheart, Tina, has been kidnapped by the evil
Witch Doctor. It's your job to save her!

Witch Doctor: The evil Witch Doctor appears at the end of each area,
becoming increasingly powerful as the game progresses. His only weak
spot is his head, which changes with each form he takes. He will surely
try to prevent Master Higgins from rescuing Tina with his evil magic!

##### Goodies (and not-so-goodies) ###########################################

There are various goodies scattered about the levels that will give you
a boost or make it easier for you to complete your task. Look for them and
pick 'em up whenever possible!

Food: Master Higgins has a limited health supply, which is replenished when
he eats the various foods that appear on the Island. When the Health Bar
runs out, Master Higgins will lose a life, so it is very important to
always try to grab up all the food items that you see!

Apple (50 Points)
Banana (50 Points)
Tomato (100 Points)
Carrot (100 Points)
Pot of Gold (200 Points)

Egg: Eggs are scattered about the island, some out in the open, others
hidden. Eggs usually contain weapons or other power-ups that will
be useful to you!
*NOTE* If you open an egg that normally contains a weapon, and you already
have a weapon, the egg will contain a Flower instead. Eggs with Skateboards,
Milk, or Eggplants inside will always contain those items whether you have
a weapon or not.
To find hidden eggs, continually throw your weapon... if it appears to
stop in mid-air, there may be a hidden egg nearby. Stand over the suspecting
spot and jump to uncover the egg!
To open an egg, just run into it and Master Higgins will kick it. When
it lands it will break, reveaing the item. Eggs can also be broken using
your weapon.. the first hit will crack it, the second will open it.
*NOTE* There is a pattern to what appears in the Hidden Eggs. The first
hidden egg you open will contain Rocks, the next Red Milk, then the next
3 will be Rings. Finally, the next egg you open will be a Baby Higgins
Doll! Then the cycle will repeat (Red Milk, 3 Rings, Doll).
However, if you die, this cycle will be reset!

Axe: A crude stone axe that Master Higgins can be used as a weapon. Press
B and Master Higgins will throw it out in front of him. It can defeat
most enemies, but cannot destroy rocks or boulders.

Rocks: A more powerful weapon, Rocks can only be found in hidden eggs.
Rocks can defeat enemies, as well as destroy rocks and boulders.

Skateboard: Found in eggs, this item will give you the power to move much
faster, but the only problem is that you cannot stop, nor go backwards!!
Pressing Left on the control pad will make you slow down, but it is very
inconvenient not being able to stop. If you run into an enemy, you won't
die, but the skateboard will disappear. If you complete the stage with
a Skateboard, you will receive a point bonus!

Milk: It does a body good, and Master Higgins is no exception! Milk completely
fills up your life meter. It comes in two colors, white and red... the
only difference being that red milk can only be found in hidden eggs.

Ring: Rings award you with 2,000 points, and can only be found in hidden
eggs. If you collect enough of those before losing a life, the next hidden
egg will contain a 1-up!!

1-up: The Baby Higgins doll will award you with an extra life. These are
very hard to come by, as they can only be found in hidden eggs after a
certain number of rings have been obtained.

Honey Girl: Honey Girl the Fairy can be found trapped in some eggs, and
when released, Master Higgins will become invincible! Dash through your
enemies and obstacles to defeat them... the more enemies you defeat while
invincible, the more bonus points you'll get! You stay invincible as long
as Honey Girl is on the screen... when the music stops she will fly away,
and you'll be vulnerable once again.

Eggplant: Eggplant is Master Higgins' least favorite food. It will follow
him around indefinitely, draining his health away, only leaving when Master
Higgins has around 2 or 3 sticks of life remaining (or until you complete
the stage, in which you will get a bonus ("Eggplant Bonus" as I call it ;)).
Avoid breaking an egg with the Eggplant inside at all costs!

Pot Bonus: The Pot Bonus will double the bonus points you receive at the end
of the stage. There is one in every stage, though they are not always where
you can see them... some are very well hidden indeed!

Key: Keys will allow you to access a special bonus stage, where all food
items are worth 500 points! After getting the key, there will usually be
a nearby platform, which when jumped upon, will whisk you away up to the top
of the screen, where the bonus stage is!!

Flower: The Flower will double the point value of all food items (does not
apply to bonus stages, however).

NES Controller: These only appear if you manage to defeat a Coyote from
behind (i.e jumping over it as it passes under you then throwing axes or
rocks at its back). It is a symbol of cleverness on your part, and will
award you with 1,000 bonus points when obtained.

Hudson Bee: The Hudson Bee can be found in the very first stage, and when
obtained will allow you to continue your game should you lose all your
lives. To continue, hold "Right" on the Control Pad and press the Start
button on the Title Screen.

##### Baddies ################################################################

There are also an assortment of baddies who are out to make Master Higgins'
task as difficult as possible. Baddies can be defeated with an axe or rocks,
but if you have no weapon you must avoid them!

Sneil: Sneil, as you might expect, resembles your basic Snail. They're
as slow as a... well, snail, and if you stand and let them inch towards you,
chances are you'll die of starvation before they can reach you. Jump over
them or hit them with your weapon to be rid of them. (10 Points)

Cobra: Cobra is a fire-breathing snake who likes to hang out behind rocks.
Cobras hate loud noises, and if you bounce an axe off of a rock, boulder, or
even an egg, Cobra will breathe tongue-shaped fire at you. Aim carefully to
avoid hitting the rock or use Rocks of your own to destroy them. (100 Points)

Pooter: These little pigs move aimlessly from right to left, in attempt
to plow over you. Jump over them or throw a weapon at them. (100 Points)

Skeleton: These skulls have tiny fireballs rotating around them, and
although they stay in one place, can float in the air. If you touch them,
Master Higgins will go up in flames, so either jump over them or get rid of
them with a weapon. (10 Points)

Basser: These bats normally hang out in caves, usually hanging up near the
ceiling until Master Higgins approaches, when they swoop down and fly to the left
towards you. If you have no weapon, inch forward and wait for them to swoop
down, then jump over them. (50 Points)

Cavas: These small brown birds usually come in large groups, so either
rapidly toss your weapon to take them out, or jump over them. (100 Points)

Zigmo: These spiders usually live in the dark forests at the end of each
area, and will bob up and down on their threads. Take them out with a weapon, or
carefully jump over (or run under) them. (50 Points)

Kello: One of the most dangerous baddies in the game is Kello, who resembles
a frog. There are two types... Green and Brown. Brown Kellos will leap towards
you, so carefully jump over them. It will take two hits with your weapon to
defeat Kello, and note that Green Kellos will turn Brown after sustaining one
hit. (200 Points)

Ice: These icicles hang from the top of the icy caverns on the island,
dropping down upon Master Higgins when he approaches. Since they appear in
icy areas, you may have a tough time turning around to avoid them before they
turn you into a human icicle, so proceed slowly. If you are high enough off
the ground, you may also shatter them with a weapon. (20 Points)

Oct: These octopi hang out in the ocean areas, periodically jumping out
of the water to incredible heights. There are two types, Red and Blue... the
only "difference" being Blue Octs turn Red when hit with a weapon (and can
then be treated as Red Octs). To avoid them, either jump over them as they
pass below you, or jump under them as they reach the height of their jumps.
(100 Points)

Waler: These dolphins also inhabit the water, and leap out of the water
towards you. They can leap rather high, so either get rid of them with a
weapon, or jump over them as they descend back into the water. (100 Points)

Coyote: These annoying animals are very quick, and dash from the left
side of the screen in an attempt to ambush you from behind. The presence
of Coyotes is marked by a Flower (not to be confused with the Flower that you
can pick up)... if you see a Flower on the ground, there's a Coyote coming
soon. In the later levels, Coyotes can jump, and I do mean JUMP! (500 Points)
It will take two hits with your weapon to get rid of a Coyote. You can
simply turn around and attack it from the front, but if you jump and let
it pass under you, and defeat it from behind, an NES controller will appear,
which gives you 1,000 bonus points when obtained!

##### Other Obstacles ########################################################

In addition, there are a few other obstacles scattered about that you
should keep an eye out for...

Rock: These rocks do what most other rocks do... just sit there. They
can be destroyed with Rocks, but Axes merely bounce off them. If you run into
a rock, Master Higgins will lose a few sticks of health and will stumble
forward a few steps. Though they themselves are fairly un-deadly, stumbling
into a baddie or down a pit isn't exactly good for your health.
Note that later in the game some Rocks are actually cleverly-disguised Pot
Bonuses! By running into them, you will still trip, but you won't lose any
health, and the Rock will then turn into the Pot Bonus! Unfortunately they
are otherwise indistinguishable from normal Rocks, so the only way to
uncover them is trial and error...

Boulder: These LARGE rocks typically come rolling down hills or through
caves, typically bouncing if they drop off a ledge. These can also be destroyed
with Rocks of your own, but Axes are useless against them. If you see one
of these coming, do your best to jump over it.

Fire: Campfires are also scattered about, and they are un-removable. To
avoid a hot-foot, you'll have to jump over them.

##### Walkthrough ############################################################

##### Area 1, Round 1 ######################################################

Type: Light Forest

1: Move to the right and kick the egg you come across to receive an Axe.
Continue right and defeat the Sneils with your axe, and jump over the
Rocks in your path.
2: Kick open the next egg you reach to find a Skateboard, then continue
right. There is a hidden egg just before you reach the Cavas, which
contains some Rocks! Then continue right and you'll come out of the
forest area.
3: Jump over the Campfire, and note the Totem Poles in the background.
If you stand still in between the last two totems, a hidden platform
will take you up to a Bonus Stage, which dumps you down to Section 4.
Continue to the right and up the hill, but watch out for the Boulders
that come rolling down. Kick the egg open to free Honey Girl, then
dash to the right.
4: Jump over the Fire and Pit, and continue right until you reach the
Spring. Stand on the edge of the ledge and jump to find a hidden
egg, then jump onto the spring and vault up to the Pot Bonus. Defeat
the Kello, then jump across the platforms. Once you reach the final
ledge, stand its far left side and jump to uncover the egg which
contains the Hudson Bee! Make sure you get it, (if you want to be able
to continue, that is) then proceed to the Goal.

##### Area 1, Round 2 ######################################################

Type: Ocean I

1: Jump onto the cloud, then down onto the island. The egg contains a
Skateboard -- very dangerous on a stage like this, so try to avoid it.
Continue across the clouds, and when you reach the next island stand
on its far right side and jump to uncover a hidden egg. Continue
across some more clouds to reach the next section.
2: All you have to do here is defeat or avoid the Octs as you make your
way across the clouds.
3: Kick open the egg to free Honey Girl, then plow through the Octs and
Pooters to rack up some points. Continue across the clouds and watch
out for the Waler, and you'll come to a series of descending clouds.
Jump upon one as it floats down, then down onto the island.
4: Continue across the clouds and pick up the Pot Bonus as you jump along.
When you reach the series of ascending clouds, just jump on one and
continue right... just watch out for the very last cloud, as it drops
out from underneath you as you jump upon it!

##### Area 1, Round 3 ######################################################

Type: Frozen Caves

1: Run right and pick up the Skateboard if you wish, then continue, making
sure to watch out for the Bassers that swoop down from the ceiling.
A few Boulders will come from the right just before you reach Section
2, so watch out.
2: Free Honey Girl from the egg, then plow to the right through the
Skulls and Rocks. Jump up onto the brick area, and look for a hidden
egg containing a Key just before you cross over into the Ice Area.
Once you get it, jump onto the nearby platform and you'll be whisked
up to a Bonus Stage, which drops you down to Section 3 (not very far).
3: The first Egg you come to contains a Flower, so grab it then drop
down. Carefully move right, watching out for the Icicles that drop
down from above. DON'T open the next egg as it contains an Eggplant,
but there is a hidden egg cleverly placed just to the left of the
visible egg. Grab it's contents then jump over the Eggplant. Continue
right and you'll soon reach Section 4.
4: Move to the right, making sure to watch out for a boulder or two as
you go, and soon you'll exit the frozen area. Avoid the next egg
if you can (Skateboard), then quickly onto the descending platform,
then jump back off to the left, to the platform you came from. As
you do, a boulder will roll along the lower platform and drop into
the pit. Now wait for the next platform and ride it down just low
enough to get the Pot Bonus, then jump to the ledge on the right.
Move right along the final stretch, looking out for the several
Bassers that are "guarding" the finish line.

##### Area 1, Round 4 ######################################################

Type: Dark Forest

1: Head right, either avoiding or defeating the Zigmos as you go, and
collect the Pot Bonus (so early?). Then just continue right, past
the fire, rocks, Zigmos, and a couple of Cavas'. The egg just before
Section 2 contains some Milk!
2: The flower you see is the signal of a Coyote, so as you move right,
keep an eye out for it. Remember, if you defeat it from behind an
NES Controller (1000 bonus points) will appear! Shortly afterwards
you can find another hidden egg (situated near a campfire). Grab
it, then continue right, past the Kello (careful), and onto Section 3.
3: Keep on going, and once you come out of the forest look out for
another incoming Coyote. From there it's just a short walk to
Section 4.
4: Go up the hill (watch out for 2 Boulders that come down), and once
you go down the other side, look in between the two rocks for another
Hidden Egg. (If you haven't lost any lives yet and found all the
Hidden Eggs so far, you'll find your first Baby Higgins Doll here!!)
Then move a short ways right to reach the Boss' area!

Boss: This boss is really slow and rather simple to defeat. Just stand
near the left side of the screen and jump into the air (make sure
to hold B as you jump to get higher off the ground) and throw
weapons at his head. If he throws a fireball, just jump over it
then continue as before. After taking 8 hits his head will fall
off (ouch?), and his second form will appear and run off towards
the next area. Area 1 is complete!!

##### Area 2, Round 1 ######################################################

Type: Ocean II

1: Open up the egg just near the start to find a Flower, move to
the right past the Sneils, then start cloud-hopping as you did in
Area 1-2. The last cloud before you reach the next island drops
out, so be careful. Note that on the long island just before you
reach Section 2, a hidden egg can be found!
2: Move quickly to the right across the next few clouds, then kick the
egg on the next island to free Honey Girl. Dash to the right through
the army of Pooters (yikes!) and you'll reach Section 3 before you
know it.
3: Get rid of the Kello, then continue across the next few small islands.
The slightly larger island houses another hidden egg (found near it's
right edge). Head across the moving clouds and grab the Pot Bonus,
and move onto the next section.
4: As you jump onto the first cloud, watch out for a Waler that comes
from the right. Continue to the right, avoiding one more Waler, and
do one last little bit of cloud-hopping to reach the Goal!

##### Area 2, Round 2 ######################################################

Type: Underground Temple

1: Break open the egg to find a flower ripe for picking, then move right
past the rocks and hordes of Bassers. Jump over the fires and look
out for a few incoming Boulders just before you reach Section 2.
2: Get the Skateboard in the next egg (if you're feeling bold that is),
then jump onto the hovering platform. Wait for a boulder to roll down
from the platform above, then jump up there to enter the brick area.
Head to the right and get rid of the Kello, then spring up to the
ledge above, grabbing the Pot Bonus along the way. Move to the right
to reach the next section...
3: As you make your way up the 'steps' watch for an incoming boulder,
then jump onto the pair of platforms. They will rise up as you do,
giving you access to the ledge above. Continue to the right and
soon you'll reach Section 4.
4: Break the egg here to obtain some Milk, then move right (beware the
falling platform), and look for a hidden egg just after the blue
background suddenly stops. Get rid of the Kello and continue right
to come back to the cave area once more. Board the platform then
scoot right past the skulls to reach the Goal!

##### Area 2, Round 3 ######################################################

Type: Underground Building

1: Once again, start off by picking up the Flower in the egg, then
continue right. The platforms will move once you board them, so
wait for them to carry you across the pits rather than trying to
make the jumps.
2: Jump onto the platform, then to the ledge above, and get the
Skateboard if you wish. Once you enter the temple area, be careful
as you jump onto the platforms as a few of them will drop out from
under you. You'll be greeted by two Kellos and some Pooters before
you reach Section 3... deal with them accordingly.
3: Most of this section is a series of platforms you must jump across
(somewhat like the cloud-hopping of the ocean levels). There's not
much to note here, just beware the final platform, as it drops out.
4: Move to the right and you'll soon come to another platform-hopping
area. Be careful when you reach the next ledge, as two Kellos are
there waiting for you! Move to the right, hopping along a few
more platforms (and be sure to grab the Pot Bonus too!), and you'll
soon reach the Goal.

##### Area 2, Round 4 ######################################################

Type: Dark Forest (Mirror of X-4)

1: Move right, jumping over the Fire as you go, and take out (or, if you
have no weapon, jump in between) the Zigmos. Just continue right, past
all the enemies (there are quite a few of them). Break open the egg
just before you reach section 2 to obtain a Flower!
2: Watch for 2 Coyotes as you continue to the right, then move to the
right through the mostly-quiet section. Defeat the Kellos (there are
two this time), then move onward. Just after the springboard, there
will be a lone rock just before the beginning of Section 3. Run into
it (yes, trust me on this one) and it will turn into the Pot Bonus!!
3: Look out for a Coyote near the beginning of this section, then continue
right past the many Zigmos. Watch for another Coyote shortly before
you come to Section 4.
4: Go up the hill (watch out for the 2 Boulders that come down), and look
out for the rocks as you go down the other side (no hidden egg this time).
The Boss' area is just a short distance to the right!

Boss: This time around, the Boss is a bit faster, and he will take 10
hits with your weapon to defeat rather than 8. Regardless, all
you have to do is use the same strategy you used last time... stand
near the left side of the screen, jump up and throw your weapons
at his head (and jump over any fireballs he throws, of course).
Once he is defeated again, his third form will appear and he will
retreat to the next area. Area 2 is complete!!

##### Area 3, Round 1 ######################################################

Type: Temple

1: This is one of the hardest levels in the game... not so much now but
when it recurs later in the game it will become excruciatingly difficult.
Break open the egg to find a Skateboard (should you choose to use it),
then continue right past the rocks. Continue to the right past a
couple of Kellos, and you'll see a suspicious-looking rock under the
elevating platforms. Run into it (yes, trust me again) and it
will turn into the Pot Bonus! Grab it then board the platform, and
ride up to the ledge above. Watch out for the pair of Bassers as you
move onto Section 2.
2: Watch out for the sinking platform and break the egg (don't kick it
lest it fall down into the pit!) and pick the Flower, then walk onto
the platform and it will rise up. Likewise the other platform will
begin to move downward. Make your way across to the ledge on the
right, then take out the Kellos on your way down the steps. Once you
reach the bottom, sit still for a few seconds and a platform will take
you up to a bonus stage that drops you down to Section 3!
3: Open up the egg to obtain some ever-useful Milk, then jump onto the
moving platform. This next part is a bit tricky as you will have to
jump from platform to platform, all of which are moving (some at
different speeds!). Once you manage to make it across, breathe a
sigh of relief and continue to Section 4.
4: Jump over the fire and watch out for a boulder on your way up the steps.
Now get ready for another tricky part. You will have to jump from
platform to platform again, but every other platform will drop out!
Barrel through at full speed, timing your jumps on the dropping
platforms carefully, and you'll be able to make it across to the Goal.

##### Area 3, Round 2 ######################################################

Type: Mountains

1: Break open the egg to get a Skateboard, then run up the hill. Beware
the Cavas' at the top. Just continue along, making sure to watch out
for the boulders along the way, and you'll soon reach Section 2.
2: Kick open the egg to receive a Flower, then run uphill once more.
Watch out for the fires on your way back down, and the Cobras on your
way back up again.
3: You'll find another Skateboard here if you wish to use it. Beware the
2 Coyotes that appear as you go down the hill, then continue right.
You'll soon notice a Kello that is facing in the opposite direction!
DON'T kill it... instead jump over it and run like heck as it will
start chasing you! Run down the hill and it will continue chasing
you, but after leaping four times it will suddenly change into the
Pot Bonus! Snatch it up, and continue down the hill.
4: Kick open the egg to free Honey Girl, then barrel through the rest
of the stage, racking up scores of points along the way!

##### Area 3, Round 3 ######################################################

Type: Ocean I (Mirror of 1-2)

1: Jump onto the cloud (beware, as it drops out), then down onto the island.
Kick open the egg to obtain a Flower then do some cloud-hopping to
the right. You'll soon reach the next section. Note that just before
the Signpost that reads "2", there is a hidden egg!
2: This section is rather simple... just defeat or avoid the Octs as you
hop across the clouds. When you reach the large island, look for
another hidden egg a few steps inward!
3: Break open the egg to free Honey Girl, then run like heck through the
Rocks, Octs, Pooters, and everything else that gets in your way. If
you're quick enough, you can make through the entire section before your
invincibility wears off.
4: Continue across the clouds, and soon you will come to the Pot Bonus,
amongst a series of ascending clouds. As soon as a cloud emerges from
the bottom, run over onto it, hopefully picking up the Pot Bonus on your
way down. Then ride the cloud up, and over onto the next cloud. Watch
out for a couple of Cavas' as you head along the final stretch!

##### Area 3, Round 4 ######################################################

Type: Dark Forest (Mirror of X-4)

1: You'll soon find there are many more Zigmos in this stage than there
have been before. Move to the right, defeating or avoiding them as
per usual. After you pass the fire pits, beware of a large flock of
Cavas' that come flying in from the right. Kick open the egg just
before the signpost to receive a Flower!
2: Take out the Coyote near the beginning of this section, then move
to the right. Get rid of the green Kello, then as you move right
you'll notice more of them (three this time). Defeat or jump over
them, then continue to the right. The egg just past the springboard
is an Eggplant, so avoid it!
3: There are several Coyotes in this section, so keep on your toes.
Move to the right, past two of them, and get rid of the Zigmos in
your way. Bypass another Coyote (and some more Zigmos) to exit the
forest area, where one more Coyote is waiting. Jump over the fires
and continue onto Section 4.
4: Run into the first Rock you see to uncover the Pot Bonus, then run
up the hill, watching out for the rest of the Rocks (and boulders).
After a short walk you'll reach the Boss' Area!

Boss: First, be careful as you jump across the platforms leading to the
Boss... from now on the first platform will drop out once you jump
upon it. Once again the Boss is slightly faster than before,
and also throws fireballs more often, so make sure to avoid those
as you jump and strike at his head. If he starts getting too close,
stand still a while and let his fireballs pass over your head, and
wait for him to back up a bit before resuming your attack pattern.
This time it will take 12 strikes with your weapon to take him down.
Once he is defeated, his fourth form will appear and retreat to the
next area. Area 3 is now complete!!

##### Area 4, Round 1 ######################################################

Type: Light Forest (Mirror of 1-1)

1: This is a mirror of the first stage, but things aren't exactly as you
remember them! Head right past the Cobras and kick open the egg to
free Honey Girl. Plow through the Sneils and obstacles in your path,
and you'll soon reach Section 2!
2: Open the egg to obtain a skateboard, then move to the right, past the
myriad rocks in your way. Fight your way past the flocks of Cavas'
that fly in from the right, and once you exit the forest area, you'll
reach Section 3.
3: Move to the right (no bonus stage in between the totems this time),
then run up the hill, watching out for the many boulders that come
tumbling down. Kick open the egg for a Flower, then make your way
past the group of Cobras to Section 4.
4: Continue along until you reach a group of three rocks. The rock on
the far right is actually the Pot Bonus but you will have to be
careful not to A) Accidentally destroy the rock, B) Stumble into
the Sneils, or C) Hit one of the other rocks instead. Grab it, then
use the Springboard to clear the large gap. Get rid of the Kellos
and jump across the last few platforms to the Goal!

##### Area 4, Round 2 ######################################################

Type: Wasteland

1: This is another very hard type of stage, as food can be quite scarce
at times, meaning you will have to be quick in getting through the
stage. Move to the right and up the "steps", watching out for the
Boulder that comes down, and kick the egg open to obtain a Flower.
Continue upwards past a Sneil and some Cavas', as well as boulders
and Kellos once you near the top.
2: There is no food whatsoever in this section so move quickly! Run
right and up the steps, and search in between the fires for a
hidden egg. Continue up and trip the Rock at the top for the
Pot Bonus, then run down the other side. You'll soon reach
Section 3.
3: There is still no food around, so hurry! After a bit of walking
you'll reach an egg containing some milk.. so GRAB IT! The food
supply returns at this point, so relax a bit. Continue past the
fires and rocks to reach the final stretch of this area.
4: Some Cavas' and even some Bassers (outside?) will attempt to ambush
you as you head along the final stretch, but nothing much to worry
about. If you made it this far, you're pretty much home-free, only
a short distance to the finish line. =)

##### Area 4, Round 3 ######################################################

Type: Ice Temple

1: This entire stage is iced over, so you have to worry about both the
horrible traction of the ground, as well as the Icicles who want to
drop in on you. Kick open the egg to find the routine Flower, then
continue to the right past the skulls and (of course) Icicles.
2: Continue to the right, jumping over a few fires and as always, dodging
Icicles. Break open the egg to obtain some (likely frozen) Milk, and
do a _walking_ jump over the next pit to avoid being speared by the
cleverly-placed Icicle on the other side. Continue to the right across
a couple of frozen platforms, and you'll soon reach section 3.
3: Trip the rock on your way up the steps to uncover the Pot Bonus, then
jump across the frozen platforms. Do a walking jump off the final
platform as to once again dodge a cleverly-placed incoming Icicle.
Continue along and jump across several small ledges, but stop once
the Cavas comes into view. On this platform you'll find a hidden
egg containing a Key, which activates the platform just to the right,
whisking you up to a Bonus Stage! You'll be dropped off right at
the start of Section 4.
4: Move right, past a bunch of annoying Skulls, and on your way back up
watch out for some Zigmos and a Kello. Hop across a couple more ledges
a few moving frozen platforms, and you'll find yourself at the finish
line. Goal!!

##### Area 4, Round 4 ######################################################

Type: Dark Forest (Mirror of X-4)

1: Head to the right past the hordes of Zigmos, then hop your way over
the fires and rocks. Continue right, past more Zigmos and a few
Cavas', and crack open the egg near the signpost to receive a
2: Take out the Coyote near the beginning of this section, then move
to the right. You'll soon meet a group of Kellos (four this time...
noticing a trend here?) -- defeat or jump over them as usual, and
be sure to look for a hidden egg shortly after the last Kello. Use
the springboard to vault up to the Pot Bonus (out in the open this
time...?), just watch out for the Fires on your way back down!
3: Crack open the egg nearby to free Honey Girl, and then dash like
mad through the hordes of Zigmos and Pooters. If you're quick
enough, you can make it all the way through the section, getting
rid of those last three Kellos with your final seconds of
4: Run up the hill, avoiding rocks and boulders as usual. There is a
hidden egg in between some rocks just before you reach the boss,
so be sure to look for it. Then, continue onto the Boss area!

Boss: Once again... the Boss is faster than before, and this time will
take 14 strikes with a weapon to defeat. Defeat him the same
way you defeated the last boss... just continually jump up and
strike his head, jumping over or ducking under the periodic
fireball he throws. When he moves in close, sit still for a few
seconds, wait for him to back up a bit, then resume your attack.
Once he is defeated, his next form will appear as always, and
he'll flee to the next area. Area 4 is complete!

##### Area 5, Round 1 ######################################################

Type: Ocean II (Mirror of 2-1)

1: Open up the egg just near the start to find a Flower, move to
the right past the Sneils. Run into the very last Sneil to uncover the
Pot Bonus (yes, they are hidden in ENEMIES now), and look for a hidden egg
right near the far-right edge of the island... it contains a Key! Grab
it, then head to the right across a few clouds, and the bluer-colored
one will whisk you up to the Bonus Stage. You'll then be dropped off
at Section 2.
2: Move to the right across the clouds (most of them drop out), and kick
open the egg once you reach the next island to find a Skateboard.
Fight your way past the Pooters and watch out for a stray boulder (?)
as well. Watch out for the Cavas' as you jump over the fire pits.
3: Get rid of the pair of Kellos, then continue to the right. Be sure
to look for a hidden egg on the edge of the island just past the Kellos.
Head right across several smaller islands and you'll soon reach Section 4.
4: Watch for a few incoming Walers as you hop across the clouds in the final
stretch. There is one last hidden egg just before the Signpost, so be
sure to grab it before you cross the finish line!

##### Area 5, Round 2 ######################################################

Type: Underground Building (Mirror of 2-3)

1: Kick open the egg to find the routine Flower, then head onto the right,
past Bassers and Boulders. Look out for the Kello hiding behind the rock,
and as you jump onto the next platform, watch for an incoming pair of
Cavas before you leap over the campfire.
2: Get the Skateboard if you wish, then run past the Cobras and across the
platforms. Continue past a pair of Kellos, and run into the first of the
incoming Pooters to find the Pot Bonus.
3: Just jump across the various platforms and ledges in this section... not
much to note here...
4: Move right and you'll hit another platform-hopping area (most of which
move around). Again, be careful when you reach the next ledge, as two
Kellos are waiting for you! Hop across the few last platforms (some
Bassers are here to annoy you this time around), and you'll reach the

##### Area 5, Round 3 ######################################################

Type: Temple (Mirror of 3-1)

1: This is a much harder version of Round 3-1, so prepare yourself, because
it only gets worse from here. Grab the Skateboard in the egg (or not),
then jump across the rocks, and take out the Cavas, Pooter, and Basser.
Hop over the fires and across the platform, then start down the steps.
Avoid the egg (Eggplant) as well as the Kellos as you make your way down.
Once you reach the bottom, head past the Cobra and trio of Bassers, and
ride the platform up to the ledge above. Watch for a Kello and a few
more Bassers before you reach Section 2.
2: Look out for the egg (Skateboard), and jump across the elevating platforms
to the other ledge. Go down the steps, looking out for more Kellos along
the way, and before you drop down to the area with the platform, look for
a hidden egg on the right edge of the ledge above. Ride the platform up,
and leap across the springs. The middle of the three rocks is the Pot
Bonus, so trip it and collect your prize before moving on.
3: Grab the Milk inside the egg, then jump across the series of moving
platforms, watching out for those annoying Bassers as you go. Take your
time on this part, as many of the platforms move at different speeds.
4: Jump over the fire and watch out for the boulders as you make your way
up the steps. Now brace yourself for the (very hard) final stretch.
This time ALL the platforms drop out (as opposed to every other one in
3-1), so barrel across, staying on each platform as you long as you can
before jumping to the next. Once you manage to make it safely across,
you can take a breather before crossing the goal line.

##### Area 5, Round 4 ######################################################

Type: Dark Forest (Mirror of X-4)

1: There are tons of Zigmos in the first part of this area, so move cautiously.
Jump over the fire pit and rock, then run right past a few more Zigmos.
Look out for a pair of Cavas' and a Cobra, and kick the egg over into
Section 2 to receive some Milk.
2: Take out the Coyote near the beginning of this section, then move
to the right. Hop the rocks and fire pits, then brave the group of
Kellos (five this time, strange that!). Then proceed onto Section 3.
3: A Kello facing in the other direction will greet you near the beginning
of this section, as in Round 3-2. Defeat him if you can, but if you have
no weapon you'll have to run to the right whilst he chases you down!
Continue past the next Zigmo area, and look out for an incoming Coyote as
you exit out into the open. Trip the suspicious-looking Sneil just before
Section 4 to receive your Pot Bonus!
4: Look for a hidden egg shortly after the marker, then run up the hill,
watching for some Boulders and a Kello as you go. Run down the other
side and continue on to reach the Boss area!

Boss: Have we done this before? As expected, this boss functions just as
all the others have, albeit more quickly. Use the same old strategy
(jump, throw weapons, -yawn-, repeat), and after 16 hits his sixth
form will appear and escape. On to Area 6!!

##### Area 6, Round 1 #######################################################

Type: Ocean I (Mirror of 1-2/3-3)

1: Make a BIG jump across the first gap, but try not to hit the egg as you
land, lest a very-cruelly placed Eggplant drain all of your health away.
Then start cloud-hopping as normal, defeating or avoiding the hordes of
Octs along the way. Look out for a Rock and some Sneils once you reach
the next island, then hop across a few more clouds (most of which move)
to reach the next section...
2: After another bit of cloud-hopping you'll reach an island with a very
suspicious-looking Cobra on it. Run on into him to receive your Pot
Bonus, then take out the Pooter and proceed onward.
3: Kick the egg on the next island to find a Skateboard, then move right
past the rocks, Octs, and boulders, while watching out for the incoming
Coyote (ick). Once that's out of the way, get rid of the Kello and
Pooter group, and search for a hidden egg just near the edge of the
island. Watch for a Waler as you do the next bit of cloud-hopping,
as well as a stray boulder as you reach the island before section 4.
4: Continue across the clouds as per usual, dodging the Octs and Walers
that come at you, and look out for a small flock of Cavas' just before
you reach the Goal. Once they're out of the way you can proceed onto
the finish line!

##### Area 6, Round 2 #######################################################

Type: Frozen Caves (Mirror of 1-3)

1: Get the Skateboard if you so wish, then move on to the right. There are
a lot of Bassers waiting for you, so be careful. When you come to the
lone rock in the path, position yourself a short way to the right of it
and sit still for a few seconds, and you'll be taken up to a Bonus Stage!
You'll be delivered to the beginning of Section 2 afterwards.
2: Head right past another Skateboard, and after you pass the flaming skulls,
look out for a boulder that will come charging from behind you. Once you
reach the brick area get rid of the Kello, and look for a hidden egg on
the bottom ledge, just before you cross over into the frozen area.
3: If you have a weapon, be sure to get rid of the Kello facing to the right,
lest he will chase you through the better part of this section! Kick the
egg to find a Flower, then move right. Use the springboard to grab the
Pot Bonus, and avoid the next egg as you did in 1-3, as it contains an
4: Watch out for incoming boulders from both sides as you climb the stairs,
and avoiding the next egg once you come back into the cave area would be
a good idea, as it contains a skateboard. Make a large jump back down
into the cave area, then move onward past the flock of Bassers to the Goal!

##### Area 6, Round 3 #######################################################

Type: Wasteland (Mirror of 4-2)

1: Chances are you're not too happy to see this level again. Head up the
steps and break the egg to find a Flower, then continue onward and upward,
past the large flock of Cavas'. Beware the Kello once you reach the top...
he's in a pretty advantageous position to jump down atop you. Bypass two
more Kellos and some Cobras to reach the next section.
2: The lack of food will hit you hard in this section, so move through as
fast as you can. Head up the steps past the cruelly-placed skulls and
boulder, and jump over the trio of fire pits near the top. Continue
upwards a line of skulls (you have no choice but to get rid of these it
would seem), and down the other side past a couple of Kellos. Dispatch
all the Cobras and Pooters, and continue downwards to reach Section 3.
3: There's still no food around for a bit, so keep the pace up. Kick open
the egg to free Honey Girl, then dash through the next area filled with Skulls
and Rocks. The Campfire at the end of it contains the Pot Bonus, so be
sure to trip it (even if Honey Girl is still around the Pot Bonus will
appear). Avoid the next egg -- it's an Eggplant, which is a heartless
killer in a stage like this -- but note there is a hidden egg directly to
the right of it. Pick it up if you wish, then continue to the final section.
4: Use the series of springboards to safely vault across the pits, and kick
open the egg to find some much-needed Milk. Continue across the next
springboard but do your best not to land on the next egg -- it's _another_
Eggplant. In case you're curious, yes it is possible to have two
Eggplants torturing you at the same time. Continue downwards past the
skulls, and beware a boulder just as you reach the Goal.

##### Area 6, Round 4 #######################################################

Type: Dark Forest (Mirror of X-4)

1: Considering this is our sixth time through it, one would ought to have this
stage memorized by now. Move right past the Zigmos and jump over the fire
pits as per usual. A small group of Cavas' and a Cobra will greet you
before you reach the next section, but not much to worry about. Be sure
to open the egg... it contains a Flower, or Milk if you kick it over into
Section 2.
2: Get rid of the Coyote at the beginning of this section, then continue past
the campfires and rocks. Once you reach the routine group of Kellos, you
can find a hidden egg (look for it in front of where the first Kello is
sitting). After defeating or dodging all of them (six, as you could have
guessed), take out the Zigmos and use the Springboard to vault over the
rocks and campfire. Collide with the wandering Pooter to receive your
Pot Bonus, then proceed onto section 3.
3: After bypassing another small army of Zigmos, you'll come out into the
open, as you always have at this point in the stage. Dash past the
Zigmo formation (you'll have to leap over or defeat the last two), and
get rid of the Coyote that charges up behind you.
4: Run up the hill past rocks and boulders, and leap over the several fire
pits as you reach the top. Look out for a Kello as you land, then proceed
onward to the boss!

Boss: Once again, it's your friendly neighborhood Witch Doctor, only this time
faster and more powerful than before. First note that from now on BOTH
platforms leading up to the boss will drop out from underneath you, so
be quick as you jump across (i.e don't fall). Once you meet up with him,
perform the normal strategy (you should know it by now ;). After 18 hits
with your weapon, his seventh form will appear, and retreat. Onward to
Area 7!

##### Area 7, Round 1 #######################################################

Type: Ice Temple (Mirror of 4-3)

1: If Area 4-3 wasn't hard enough for you, here's a more difficult version of it.
Move to the right as always, and break open the egg to find a Flower. Proceed
past the flaming skulls and Icicles (they make such a great pair, eh?), but
after you leap over the campfire, look out for a boulder that decides it wants
to bowl you over. Avoid it, and proceed onto section 2.
2: Get rid of the Kello (as annoying as ever), and watch out for two more of them
once you reach the bottom platform (and with Icicles falling down from above..
great). Leap over the fire pits and then the series of rocks, and then be
careful of an oddly-placed Zigmo. There is also a hidden egg somewhere around
here, but I'm not sure exactly where. Anyway, continue onward to reach
section 3.
3: Leap over the rocks as you climb up the "steps", as well as the fire pit at
the top. Note that just past the fire pit is a hidden egg should you wish to
snag its contents. Traverse the moving platforms, but look out for a few
Zigmos who are out to make things (more) difficult. Once you come to the
series of small platforms, carefully jump across avoiding yet more Zigmos,
and you'll reach a springboard. This next part is rather cruel, as you'll
have to do a running jump onto the springboard to get the Pot Bonus and land
safely on the other side, but there is an Eggplant waiting for you, which
you will most likely land on if you try for the Pot Bonus. Caveat Emptor.
However if you're really good, you can get the Pot Bonus, then land on the
very edge of the platform, and quickly jump again to clear the egg. It's a
difficult maneuver, but it can be done. Then proceed on to section 4.
4: Head down the steps past the Bassers and Skulls, as well as several Kellos
on your way back up. Look for a hidden egg once you reach the top, then
jump across the last few moving platforms to reach the Goal!!

##### Area 7, Round 2 #######################################################

Type: Ocean II (Mirror of 2-1/5-1)

1: Kick open the egg to find a Flower, then run along the island past numerous
Sneils and Octs. Be sure to look for a hidden egg near the edge of the
island as well. After a bit of cloud-hopping you'll reach the next island
where there is a backwards Kello waiting to chase you into Section 2. If
you have a weapon, get rid of him now to save yourself the trouble.
2: Quickly jump across the three clouds (all of which fall out.. be careful),
then in between the fire pits onto the next island. The egg contains a
Skateboard, should you wish to use it. The first incoming Pooter is
actually the Pot Bonus, but considering the circumstances it could be
a bit difficult to trip her and not get either fried or bitten by the
Oct in the process. Continue along the island past many Pooters and a few
boulders, and watch for a few Cavas' as you leap over the fire pits.
3: Get rid of the three Kellos near the beginning of this section, and look
for a hidden egg at the very edge of the island. Then all you have to do
is hop across the next few islands to reach the final section. If you
have a weapon, you can stand on the clouds and pick off the Octs that are
hanging around each island to make things easier.
4: Watch for a couple of incoming Walers as you hop across the clouds here,
and once you reach the series of elevating clouds, wait for a pair to
descend, then quickly jump onto the bottom cloud, up to the top cloud,
then over to the ledge above. Then just make a leap down onto the last
island to reach the finish line!

##### Area 7, Round 3 #######################################################

Type: Underground Building (Mirror of 2-3/5-2)

1: OK, who turned off all the color? This cavern looks very... well, grey,
but at least you'll have no problem seeing where you're going. Open up
the egg to find a Flower, then move to the right past a few Bassers and
a boulder. Continue onward past a Kello and a Coyote, and before leaping
over the fire pit, look out for a flock of Cavas' incoming from the right.
Then you can safely proceed onward to section 2.
2: Open the egg to find a Skateboard, then proceed past the pair of Cobras
(and boulders). Hop across the next few ledges, taking out the skulls and
occassional Cobra that get in your way, and once you reach the lone rock,
watch out for a pair of Kellos just behind it. Go past the next rock and
Pooter group to reach Section 3.
3: As before, the object of this section is to hop across the various platforms.
All you'll need to do is make sure you avoid the obstacles as you jump from
platform to platform. You can find the Pot Bonus at the end of this section,
as well. First stand on the next-to-last platform (the one just left of the
Pot Bonus), and inch forward until a Boulder rolls in from the right and off
the ledge. Then, jump to the next platform and it will drop. Stay on it
long enough to grab the Pot Bonus, then jump to the next ledge. Then proceed
to the final section.
4: Hop across a few ledges to reach a series of moving platforms in which some
Bassers and Cavas' will attempt to ambush you. Take it slowly and you should
be able to avoid them easily enough. Head past the group of Kellos once you
reach the next ledge, and hop across a few more moving platforms (once again,
watch out for the Bassers) to reach the Goal!

##### Area 7, Round 4 #######################################################

Type: Dark Forest (Mirror of X-4)

1: This stage should have been laid to rest a long time ago, yet here it is
again in it's seventh incarnation. As always, move right past the army of
Zigmos (without a weapon this will indeed be quite difficult). When you
reach a pair of Rocks, look out for a few incoming Cavas', then exterminate
the backwards Kello to avoid having him chase you into the next section.
Kick the egg into Section 2 to receive some Milk and continue.
2: A Coyote appears once again at the beginning of this section, so avoid or
defeat him, then head past the rocks and fire pits. Jump over a pair of
fire pits, and get ready to face down the Kellos as usual (you guessed
it -- seven of them this time). Use the springboards to get you across
the campfires and rocks, but don't open the egg as it's an eggplant. Icky.
3: In Section 3, first get rid of another large group of Zigmos, and you'll
come out into the open. Dash past the line of Zigmos (once again, leap
over the last two), and get rid of the incoming Coyote once you pass.
Three Pooters will move in from the right... the last one moves a bit
slower than the others, making it look a tad suspicious. You guessed it,
it's the Pot Bonus. Collide with it and grab your prize, then proceed
onto Section 4.
4: Rocks and boulders litter the path as you climb the hill, so look out for
them as well as pair of Pooters as you near the top. Jump over the three
fire pits and note a hidden egg located directly to the right of the last
campfire. Bypass one last Kello and four rocks, and proceed onto the
Boss's lair!

Boss: For the seventh time, you must face down the Witch Doctor. For the
seventh time, he is tougher and faster then before. And for the
seventh time, all you have to do is use the same old strategy.
Jump and fire your weapons at his head, stopping every now and then
to leap over a fireball he throws. Surely nothing you haven't done
before. After taking 20 hits, his final form will appear and run
off to the final area. Now only Area 8 remains...

##### Area 8, Round 1 #######################################################

Type: Wasteland (Mirror of 4-2/6-3)

1: Area 8 starts in full force as this torturous level appears... again.
Move right and climb the steps, watching out for a boulder that tumbles down.
Kick open the egg for a flower, then proceed upwards past a horde of baddies.
About halfway up you can find a hidden egg... be sure to look for it. Look
out for more baddies (particularly Kellos) as you near the top. At the top
you'll cross over in Section 2.
2: You'll have to shift into high gear again as there is absolutely no food in
this area. Head up the steps past the pairs of Skulls and Kellos, and
incoming boulders will make things even more difficult. Kellos galore will
greet you as you go down the other side... just jump over them. At the
bottom is another hidden egg.. if you have a good amount of health remaining
be sure to look around for it.
3: You can find another hidden egg just after a marker should you wish to get
it, then run to the right. The egg contains some ever-useful Milk... drink
it up for a health recharge. Descend down the "steps" past all kinds of
rocks and Skulls, and when you reach a pair of rocks atop a raised platform,
trip the one on the right to find the Pot Bonus. If you sit still on the
steps before you reach the group of Bassers (not too far from the Pot Bonus),
you can ride up to a Bonus Stage!
4: Use the springboards to vault over the fire pits, and kick open the egg
for some more Milk. Do a running jump onto the springboard, and you can
clear the rocks and egg at the bottom (Eggplant) as well as the Kello.
Continue onward past a few more Skulls and Kellos to reach the finish
line. Phew!!

##### Area 8, Round 2 #######################################################

Type: Ocean I (Mirror of 1-2/3-3/6-1)

1: Here in 8-2 the Ocean stage suddenly gets very rough. First make a BIG jump
down to the island below (no Eggplant this time, thankfully), then start
cloud-hopping to the right past hordes of Octs and Walers (yes, Walers will
come at you almost non-stop during this stage. Erk.). Make another large
jump onto the next island, then continue cloud-hopping past a few more
Walers. You'll soon reach Section 2!
2: Start your cloud-hopping escapade once again, still watching for those Octs
and ultra-annoying Walers. Once you manage to make it to the next island,
search in front of the palm tree for a hidden egg. Get rid of the lone
Pooter and proceed to Section 3.
3: Jump to the next island and kick open the egg to free Honey Girl! Dash
like mad through anything and everything that gets in your path, and with
any luck you will be able to make it all the way to the final section before
your invincibility wears off.
4: Search at the edge of the island for a hidden egg, then start cloud-hopping
across the final section. Walers and Octs galore are here to greet you
as always, so proceed with caution. Be sure to grab the Pot Bonus as you
hop along the clouds, and look out for a couple of Cavas' after you pass
by the elevating clouds. Make one last jump across the last two clouds,
and cross the finish line!

##### Area 8, Round 3 #######################################################

Type: Temple (Mirror of 3-1/5-3)

1: I told you it was coming, and here it is. 8-3 is by far the hardest stage
in the game, as you'll soon see. Grab the Skateboard if you wish (not
recommended), then move right past the rocks and fire pits. Make sure to
avoid both the Kellos and the egg on the way down the steps (it's an
Eggplant, which you certainly don't need), and use the platforms to ride
up to the ledge above. Take out the Basser as you drop down, then move
onto Section 2.
2: Open the egg to find yet another Skateboard (or just kick it off the ledge
and be gone with it), then use the platforms to jump up to the ledge above.
Look for a hidden egg at the top of the steps, then move downwards past
Skulls, Kellos, and boulders. Use the elevating platform to jump up to
the ledge above, then clear the springboards to reach Section 3.
3: Kick open the egg to receive some milk. Jump across the moving platforms,
while watching out for the Bassers that swoop down upon you. This part
isn't fun at all, especially if you don't have a weapon. Look for a hidden
egg on the very edge of the ledge once you make it across, then proceed
onto the last section.
4: Jump over the fire pits and boulders as you climb the steps, then when
you reach the top, inch forward until the fire pit on the left passes
out of sight. Now get ready for the hardest section in the entire game.
If you'll remember from 5-3, all the platforms will drop out, so you
will have to go at full speed, but this time you also have Bassers to
worry about!! All I can say is... good luck. When you do finally manage
to make it across, trip the fire pit on the final platform to obtain the
Pot Bonus, and cross the finish line!

##### Area 8, Round 4 #######################################################

Type: Dark Forest (Mirror of X-4)

1: This is it... the final stage, even though we've seen it seven times
already. Head to the right past the hordes of Zigmos (note that you
can find a hidden egg just under the first very Zigmo), as well as a
couple of out-of-place Kellos. As before, look out for some Cavas'
as you jump across the rocks during the final part of this section, and
kick the egg into Section 2 to receive some Milk!
2: Dispatch the incoming Coyote and continue right. Note that just before
the first rock another hidden egg can be found. Jump over the rocks
(be careful not to hit any or else you will trip almost continuously
across them!), then jump over a few fire pits to reach the stage's
sect of Kellos (eight of them, as expected). As always, use the
springboard to vault over the obstacles, then take out the backwards
Kello to be rid of the nuisance.
3: Move right past more hordes of Zigmos, but avoid the egg -- it's an
Eggplant. Look for a hidden egg shortly afterwards (there sure are
a lot of those around here, aren't there?), then continue onward to
come out into the open. Dash past the line of Zigmos, but jump over
the last two, as always, then get rid of the Kello before dealing
with the Coyote.
4: Watch for a couple of rocks and boulders as you climb up the hill and
note that the very first fire pit at the top of the hill is the final Pot
Bonus. Make sure you are facing LEFT when you trip it, else you will
trip right into the other fire pits! Get it, then leap the remaining
fire pits and dispatch one last Kello. Destroy the line of rocks and
proceed onto the final battle with the Witch Doctor!

Boss: There's nowhere for the Witch Doctor to run this time. He is now in
his most powerful form, meaning he is extremely fast and can take many
hits (??) before dying, but unfortunately his pattern is exactly the
same as the previous bosses. Therefore, treat him as such, and use
the normal boss strategy on him. Hopefully you've had enough practice
fighting bosses up to this point that he won't be all that tough to
defeat. ;)

Once the Witch Doctor is defeated once and for all, you'll see the very
generic ending in which Master Higgins saves his sweetheart, Tina.
Congratulations, you've finished the game! Now Master Higgins and Tina can
live happily ever after... or at least until Adventure Island 2 that is! ^_^

******** END OF WALKTHROUGH ********

##### Pot Bonus Locations ####################################################

This section is a compilation of the locations of the Pot Bonuses in each
of the 32 stages. You can refer to this list if you just want to find the
Bonuses without having to resort to the full-blown walkthrough.

1-1: Section 4, visible near the end of the stage. Use the springboards
to vault up to it.
1-2: Visible among the clouds in Section 4.
1-3: Visible near the very end of the stage. Use the platform to ride down
to it, grab it, then quickly jump onto the final ledge.
1-4: Visible among the Zigmos near the very beginning of the stage.

2-1: Visible in Section 3, among the clouds.
2-2: Visible in Section 2... use the Springboard to vault up to it.
2-3: Visible among the final few moving platforms in Section 4, near the
end of the stage.
2-4: Hidden in the lone rock just before the beginning of Section 3.

3-1: Hidden in the rock against the tall ledge near the end of Section 1.
3-2: In Section 3 there is a Kello facing to the right. Jump over it and
run, and it will chase you down. After leaping four times it will
suddenly change into the Pot Bonus!
3-3: Visible in Section 4, near the bottom of the screen. Drop down to it
as soon as a cloud platform elevates from the bottom.
3-4: Hidden in the first rock you come to in Section 4.

4-1: Hidden among a group of three rocks near the beginning of Section 4.
The Pot Bonus is inside the rock on the far right.
4-2: Hidden in a rock at the top of the 'mountain' in Section 2.
4-3: Hidden in a rock on the way of the 'stairs' at the beginning of Section
4-4: Visible near the end of Section 2. Use the Springboard to vault up to

5-1: Hidden in the very last Sneil on the first island.
5-2: Hidden in the first of a group of Pooters near the end of Section 2.
5-3: Hidden among a group of three rocks after crossing the springboards at
the end of Section 2. The Pot Bonus is inside the middle rock.
5-4: Hidden in the suspicious-looking Sneil just before the entrance to
Section 4.

6-1: Hidden in the lone Cobra near the end of Section 2.
6-2: Visible in Section 3... use the springboard to vault up to it.
6-3: Hidden in a campfire shortly after the egg containing Honey Girl.
6-4: Hidden in a wandering Pooter just before Section 3.

7-1: Visible in Section 3... you'll need to do a very careful springboard
jump in order to get it. (See 7-1 Walkthrough for full details)
7-2: Hidden in the first Pooter during Section 2.
7-3: Visible near the end of Section 3. Ride the platform down and grab
the Pot Bonus, then quickly jump over to the next ledge.
7-4: Hidden in the slow-moving Pooter just before Section 4.

8-1: Hidden among a group of two rocks on a raised platform just before the
group of Bassers in Section 3. The rock on the right contains the Pot
8-2: Visible in Section 4, among the clouds.
8-3: Hidden in the campfire on the very last platform.
8-4: Hidden in the far-left campfire atop the hill in Section 4. Be
sure to be facing left when you hit it, as there are other fires nearby.

##### Closing Notes ##########################################################

This ends my guide for Adventure Island. If you have any questions,
comments, suggestions, or anything else pertaining to the guide or the game,
feel free to E-mail me at "". I certainly hope that this
guide was able to be of some of use to you. Farewell!!

This Adventure Island FAQ Copyright (C) 2001 by Dalez. This FAQ may
be distributed freely, placed on sites, etc, AS LONG AS it remains in
its full and original form and the author is given proper credit for
his work. It is intended for private and personal use only, and is NOT
licensed for commercial purposes. Individuals wishing to use any part
of this guide in any guide or compilation of their own must first obtain
permission from the author to do so.
The game itself is Copyright (C) 1987 by Hudson Soft.

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