Fifa 2001

FIFA 2001

16.10.2013 11:42:19
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Game: FIFA 2001
System: PSX & PC
Written by: Orochi K
E-mail: kartelkertra caramail com
Final Version - Last Revised: April 29, 2002


Webmasters, if you're interested in posting this FAQ on your site, mail me
first. It must remain in its original form, no banners or advertisements,
your site must be free. If you are interested to put some info from this FAQ
in your own, please mail me before doing anything. Remember, plagiarism is
a crime punishable by law. This document is protected by US Copyright Law,
and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. And don't claim this FAQ to be

This FIFA 2001 FAQ is Copyright 2001-2002, Ashvin 'Orochi K' Sawmynaden.
FIFA 2001 is Copyright EA Sports, America and FIFA, Europe.

This FAQ may be viewed only at the following sites:


Version 1.0 on June 7, 2001.
- Created FAQ.

Version 1.1 on June 15, 2001.
- Corrected a few typos. (Sorry for these).

Version 1.2 on July 6, 2001.
- Added ASCII art. (How d'ya find it!?)
- Fixed stuff.

Final Version on July 16, 2001.
- Final Version, revised.
- Added quote (see end of FAQ).

Final Version on April 29, 2002.
- E-mail change.


If you already know me, welcome back. If not, well, hello to you all. This
FIFA 2001 FAQ is mainly as a guide to you since some people do find it
difficult. Some buttons have more than one function and you do need to know
them all to be able to play the game well. For any contributions or additional
info, just em-mail me but read the e-mail policy first!

Well since this is the last version of this FAQ, no need to send me
contributions as they won't see the light of day! Other type of mails like
criticism and queries are still welcome though!


This is a list of the e-mails which I will accept and those which I will
delete. Also, keep in mind that you need to put the game name in the subject
line as this isn't my only FAQ. 'FIFA 2001' is well enough!

E-mails I will accept:
- Contributions.
- Corrections.
- Comments.
- Positive/Negative feedback.
- Webmasters who wish to post this FAQ on their site.
- Your mail must be in text only, no executables.

E-mails I will not accept:
- People asking me for cheats for this game. There are sites and message
boards for this.
- People asking me to send them this FAQ.
- Nonsense e-mails like 'I think I love you' or 'Where can I find this game
in my country?'.
- E-mails that are all in CAPS.
- Chainletters.
- Spams.
- Info already stated in this FAQ.


1. Menu Controls

2. Game Features
a) Play Now
b) Game Modes
c) Options
d) Inside EA SPORTS

3. Getting started
a) League/Cup Menu
b) Team Management

4. Game Controls
a) Attack
b) Defend
c) Air Ball
d) Dead Ball
e) Defend Dead Ball

5. Pause Menu

6. Hints and Tips


These are the controls when you are at the menu screens. These apply for each

Directional Buttons - Moves highlight through buttons
START - Moves forward to next screen
SELECT - Moves back to previous screen
CROSS - Selects buttons and icons
CIRCLE - Moves highlight between button and icon groups
TRIANGLE - Activates/De-activates Help Text

Game Features

This is what you'll see on the first screen.

-------> PLAY NOW
-------> GAME MODES
-------> OPTIONS


This makes you pick a quick match for 1 or 2 players. You can choose any
team whether it is an English club or the German Selection. To change Team
Category, simply highlight the first green square (you start on it anyway)
and press right or left to toggle between the categories. To change the Team
itself, press Down once and press left or right to toggle between the different


As the name itself, you can play a friendly match. It's just the same as
'Play Now'.

You play a season in one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, MLS(the US League),
Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden.
The choice is all yours. But note that, depending on the club you chose, you'll
play Cup matches at the same time. As examples, Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga
(German Season) will have to play the Champions League and the German Cup too,
Liverpool in the Premiership(English Season) will have to play the AXA FA Cup
and the UEFA Cup.

You take part in a tournament. The tournaments available are the World Cup,
The EFA Trophy (a.k.a. UEFA Cup), the ECC (a.k.a. the Champions League, but
the qualifying matches are necessary even if you choose a club like Manchester
United or Real Madrid).
Tournaments take place a lot quicker than a Season but also require saving.
The time length of each cup is different though with the World Cup being
greater followed by the ECC and the EFA Trophy.

Create your own tournament/cup.

--------> Cup Name: Give a name to your cup.

--------> Cup Format: League/Knock-out or Knock-out only
In League/Knock-out, you play group matches first and then
access the knock-out phase

--------> Types of Teams: Club or International

--------> Number of Teams: 4, 8, 16, 24, 32

--------> Number of groups: this changes depending on the number of clubs

--------> Matches v each group team: 1, 2 or 4

--------> Teams advancing from each group: depends on number of clubs and groups

--------> Legs v each knock-out opponent: 1 or 2
Choosing 2 means you'll have home and away fixtures

--------> Legs v opponent in final: 1 or 2
Same here

--------> Month to begin cup: all 12

Train here. You have to choose your team first. Choose attack or defence.
Options will change depending on which you chose.


--------> Penalties: Take penalties. CIRCLE to shoot, SQUARE to make your
player change side.

--------> Set Pieces: Free Kicks, Corners, Throw-ins
You choose whether there's a keeper or not. You can
choose any spot for the free kicks and throw-ins.
Corners can be on either side.

--------> Training Match: Choose number of players for attack and defence,
whether there is a keeper and play a quick match.

--------> Options: Set your Difficulty Level and the Game Speed.

--------> Quit Training: Return to Menu Screen.


This is divided into 4 parts: Match Options, Gameplay Options, Visual Options
and Audio Options.


--------> Half Length: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, or 45 mins
If 4 mins is chosen, the whole match will last 8 mins.

--------> Language: English, US English, Deutsch, Espanol, Svenska, Nederlands
Sets the language in the game.

--------> Weather: Clear, Hot, Rain, Snow, Random
Sets the weather when you play. Choosing Random will pick one in
each match.

--------> Substitutions: 3, 5 or Unlimited
Determines how many players you can substitute in a match.

--------> Fatigue: On or Off
Sets whether players get tired or not

--------> Clock Type: Continuous or Out of Play

--------> Day/Night: Day, Dusk or Night
Sets the time at which the match will be played, A 'Random' feature
would be most welcome here.


--------> Difficulty Level: Amateur, Professional, World Class
Set your level here.

--------> Game Speed: Normal, Fast, Faster, Fastest
This is where you set your speed. However, you need to keep in
mind that the speed is different depending on the difficulty level.
Thus, a World Class match at Fast will be much more fast than an
Amateur match at the same speed!

--------> Referee Strictness: Defined or Random
Set referee strictness here. If you choose defined, you will have
to define it yourself. If you pick Random, it'll change each match.

--------> Define Strictness: - ------- +
You get this only if you set the Referee Strictness as Defined. It's
all up to you here. Putting it at maximum makes the referee really
mean. Just a push and you'll be carded!

--------> Bookings: On or Off
Choose whether the referee will take out his cards or not.

--------> Offside: On or Off
Here, you choose whether the linesmen will signal offsides or not.

--------> Injuries: On or Off
Set whether the players can take injuries or not.

--------> Vibration: On or Off
Obviously, this is meant only if you are playing with the Analog pad.
The pad tends to vibrate a lot, I strongly advise you to switch it off.


--------> Camera: Tower, Tele, End to End, Action
You select your view here. Here's how each camera works;
Tower - The camera is located on a 'tower'. You have a good range
of vision with this but it is kinda slow and sometimes, it doesn't
focus well on the action. Moreover, the angle never changes.
Tele - As seen on TV. It will follow the action just as if you're
watching the match LIVE and is closer to the pitch. The best IMO.
End to End- As seen from behind the net. Bad angle and doesn't
provide you with a close look enough. Avoid!
Action: Follows the ball. Quite good but some are the angles are
weird and you may even lose track of the action.

--------> Auto Replay: On or Off
Set whether you'll get auto replay here. Auto replay is present
only for goals.

--------> Time Display: On or Off
This sets whether you'll have a time display on the screen. Setting
ON is way better since you'll always know how much time is left before
the match ends. Suppose you're back 2-5, by looking at the display,
you will quickly know how much time is left and you'll know what
attitude to adopt. If there are about 25 mins left, you can go for it
and try to equalize. If there are 15 mins left, you can fool around
and start pulling out horrendous tackles or scoring own goals out of
anger :) Useful, eh!?

--------> Score Display: On or Off
Same as above, it lets you decide which strategy to adopt and what
to do during the remaining time, i.e. pass the ball around to preserve
your advantage or try to score more and concede goals on the counter ^-^

--------> Radar: On or Off
Although this may sound a great option, it is not useful. Don't bother
setting it ON. It will just spoil your fun as it takes quite much of the

--------> Visual Indicators: On or Off
This is a very useful option. It gives you indications of your other
players' positions and tells you whether they're marked or not. Put
this ON all the time!

--------> Player Names: On or Off
As the name itself, the players' names will be written on the pitch
(it's at their feet!).


--------> Music Volume: 0 - 100%
Set the music volume here. Note that there is music only at the
menus. There is NO music during the matches.

--------> Commentary Volume: 0 - 100%
Set the commentary volume.

--------> Game SFX Volume: 0 - 100%
Set Game SFX. Examples of Game SFX are the crowd and players' noises
when they are brought down.

--------> Menu SFX Volume: 0 - 100%
Increase/Decrease Menu SFX. Menu SFX are done when you select options
and change screens.


--------> CREDITS: View the game's credits.

--------> MOVIES: View the movies.

Getting Started

OK, you must set your options beforehand and SAVE them so that you don't have
to do it again all over each time.

Now, choose your team and what type of competition you want to play (league
or cup). The following are to help you undertand what each feature does.
Playing FIFA isn't just about going on the pitch and playing, you also need
to keep certain things in mind. Read the following before playing your first
match. Remember, a badly set-up team makes a losing team!


Now, the first screen you'll see after that is the League/Cup Menu.
There isn't much to be done here as the only keys you'll be using here are
the Directional Buttons to view your progress.

Options here are accessed by pressing the CIRCLE button. Doing so highlights
the icon groups.

Below is the description of the icon groups from the first to the last (thus,
from right to left, on the screen!).

-----> FORWARD
Moves you to the next screen.

-----> QUIT
Makes you quite game and return to title screen.

-----> SAVE GAME
Please note that this game doesn't have autosave options. Use this
often if you don't want to start everything all over again.

-----> OPTIONS
Takes you to the options. Note that once you start a tournament or
a league, some options are saved and cannot be changed.

Lets you manage your team. More on this in the Team Management Section.

Lets you buy and sell players. You can build a better team here and even
better, make your team just as in real life, with all your new players.

Enables you to view the best scorers and those with the most cards both
overall and in respective clubs.

Lets you view when and at what time all the next matches will take place.
Also lets you view the scores of past matches.

-----> CUP
Lets you view your cup progression (if you are in one!).


Once you access this option, you'll see the following:

- Season / Cup -


- Starting Lineup -


- Kick Takers -

-----> Starting Lineup: Use this to determine which players will begin the
Players which are in the starting lineup will
have a 'Start' status.
Players which will be on the bench and which CAN be
substituted will have a 'Subst' status.
Players which CANNOT even be substituted will have
a 'Rsrvs' status.
Set your team here and go on to IGM.

-----> IGM: IGM is divided into 2 distinct parts - Formation and Strategy.
Here's a brief explanation of how each works.

FORMATION - Set your IGM, you can choose between 3.
- Set your formation.
- Set your attack.
- Set your midfield.
- Set your defence.
- Set your style.

STRATEGY - Set your attacking style.
- Set your marking preference.
- Set your defensive style.
- Set your marking style.

Below is how you should plan things to have a good team with
sensible strategies:

- Choose a different style for each IGM. As an example, IGM1 should
be fully attacking. IGM2 should be defending. IGM3 should be
neutral. This will make things easier.

- Don't try putting a team with too many attackers or too many
defenders, these things never work and you'll end up losing each

- Set different attacking, defensive and marking styles for each IGM.

- Make sure you have at least one with Counterattack as attacking
style. This can be very useful again certain teams and it'll help
you out when you need to score goals.

- You should have at least one long and one short passing preference.

- You must have at least one defensive style.

- And finally, make sure everything is correct before moving on as
the changes will be saved automatically. Of course, you can come
back later and change things again if you're not yet satisfied.
Note that all these set-ups are not needed for a friendly match but
they're essential if ou plan on playing a whole season or a

-----> KICK TAKERS: Here, you can choose who will take the left corner, the
right corner, free kicks and spot kick takers, and your
first 5 penalty kick takers. Note that you cannot make
a single player take all 5 penalty kicks!! Darn, no
Effenberg each time :D

OK, now that you're finished, let's head over to the matches themselves.
To win or to lose, this isn't even a thought!! So, will you be able to take
on the best clubs in the world!? o_O


These are the controls of the game when you'll be playing the matches. It's
in smaller sections since the lay-out changes depending on the situation.
Well, that's what football is about!

< ATTACK > ----> DIRECTIONS - Move PLayer
CIRCLE - Shoot
CROSS - Pass
START - Pause Game
L1 - Through Pass
L2 - Hurdle
R1 - Shielding
R2 - 360 Spin

< DEFEND > ----> DIRECTIONS - Move PLayer
CIRCLE - Conservative Tackle
CROSS - Switch Player
SQUARE - Aggressive Tackle
START - Pause Game

< AIR BALL > ----> DIRECTIONS - Move PLayer
CIRCLE - Header Shot/Diving Header
CROSS - Header Pass
SQUARE - Header Lob
START - Pause Game
2*CIRCLE - Bicycle Kick

< DEAD BALL > ----> DIRECTIONS - Move PLayer
CIRCLE - Icon Attack
CROSS - Kick/Throw Ball
SQUARE - Icon Attack
TRIANGLE - Icon Attack
SELECT - Set Piece
START - Pause Game
L1 - Add Ballspin Left
R2 - Add Ballspin Right

CIRCLE - Icon Attack
CROSS - Switch Player
SQUARE - Icon Attack
TRIANGLE - Icon Attack
SELECT - Set Piece
START - Pause Game


By pressing start, you will be shown the Pause Menu which gives you various
options. This is what the Pause Menu enables:

-----> Resume Match: Continue current match

-----> Instant Replay: View the replay of the last action. You can switch
camera during the replay and you can also view it
in slow motion

-----> Team Management: This is where you make your substitutions. You can
also change IGM here and change kick takers.

-----> Side Select: Choose your team. Weird option if you ask me as it enables
you to choose the other team whenever you want. Basically,
if you were losing by 5 goals, you can just use this option
to play as the winning team and score own goals to make
team win! What did EA put this for!?

-----> Options: Lets you access the options. Note that not all options can
be changed here.

-----> Match Facts: This will give you the score, the total shots, number of
shots on target, corners, bookings and possessions.

-----> Score Summary: List of those who've scored in the match and when.

-----> Booking Summary: Same as Score Summary but for yellow and red cards
this time. Booking Time/Player/Team.

-----> Restart match: Yup, restart the match and kick them if you had just been
losing. But it spoils the fun in league or cup matches.

-----> Quit match: Quit match and return to League/Cup screen.


This section concerns those facts which you need to bear in match when you
are playing the matches. There's also a handful of hints and tips to make
your life easier and to make you enjoy the game even more.

- Make sure you have a consistent starting lineup with a good formation and

- Use the quick IGM option (by pressing SELECT) to your advantage. Here is
an example of how you should play.
Let's say you have 3 IGMs. Well, you should have 3. Normally, you should
have a very attacking one and a very defensive one, the last one being
either neutral or any other type that you had set up. When you have the ball
in your possession, quickly choose the attacking one to move more players
forward and to increase your chance of scoring goals. On the other hand,
if you happen to lose the ball and have to deal with a counter (note: some
teams are darn good with counters, eg. Hamburg in the German League, they
score most of their goals on counters), just switch to the defensive formation
to deal with it. Use the third one in other situations.

- Substitute an injured player as soon as possible. Injured players will only
wobble like a sick tortoise and you will lose possession if you have to
control them. Put the ball out of play if there is the need to do so.
Another thing you need to know is that injured players may still be out
for the next match. Check your starting lineup to see if this is the case.

- At half time, check you player's stats and substitute those who are still
too tired. A good choice would be to take out those who have less than 50%.
Keep in mind that you have only 3 substitutions though.

- Don't substitute your players for no apparent reason or just because you're
not scoring goals. The only reason you're not scoring goals is because you're
playing badly, the players are not at fault. Keep these 3 substitutions as
you'll need them. Your players may get injured or you may have to take them
out to prevent them from being carded.

- Remember that players who take 3 yellow cards or more (it depends on the
country and competition) miss a match. Keep making changes to your starting
lineup to avoid this problem.

- Make sure you buy and sell the same number of players. There is NO use in
buying more players than needed and in selling all your reserves.

- Concerning free kicks, it is way hard to score directly from these unless
you're very good at this game and you eat, drink and sleep FIFA... The best
choice is to pass the ball and have a shot on goal. The same thing applies
to corners.

- When taking penalties, don't just rush out and push the buttons too much. Your
shot will be off target and the commentators will be quick in making you feel
stupid! Wait for the referee to blow the whistle and take all your time (but not
too much). There is no need to be quick. Right, Carboni? :P

- Practice the different scenarios well, specially the free kicks and corners.

- Don't play harsh, the conservative tackle actually has more chance of working
and this way, you'll concede less free kicks.

- Don't abuse the SPRINT button, it makes your players tire more quickly and
a player with a fatigue of less than 60% is useless.

- Watch real football matches, there's nothing like the real thing. Ah, the joy
of saying Bayern Munich lift the Champions' League after that dreaded night
in Barcelona. Yes Sir, I'm not afraid to say it, I cried that day.

- Play the real sport even if you're not good at it. You won't believe the fun
you can have, playing a football match and laughing at your own mistakes. And
sport keeps you healthy.

Well, that's it, I guess! It's been great writing this FAQ. But then, maybe that's
because I really like football (no soccer, football's the real name!). And sorry
if I've been talking of unrelated stuff but this season's been a memorable one in
terms of this great sport, one I will never forget.


Electronic Arts
- For making this game.

- For his great site and for posting my guides.

Bayern Munich LOL
- Like Kuffour, I kept praying for days. Our prayer's been heard this year :)

'Let's Kick Racism Out Of Football'

Copyright 2001-2002, Ashvin 'Orochi K' Sawmynaden.All rights reserved.

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