SSX Tricky

SSX Tricky

17.10.2013 11:22:03
SSX Tricky Uber Trick Guide
by Jay Higa (
If you wish to contribute to this, mail with the phrase
"Uber FAQ" in the subject line.
If you wish to make corrections, put "Uber Error" in the subject. It will be
investigated. You will not be credited if I have reasonable proof against your

[Table of Contents]

1. Table of Contents
2. Updates
3. Overview
- What is an Uber trick?
- How do I fill the Tricky meter?
- How do I know when my character is ready to execute an Uber trick?
- What does the "tricky" above the circle mean?
- How do I execute an Uber trick?
- How do I land an Uber trick?
4. Board-Specific Uber Tricks
- Freestyle Tricks
- Boardercross (BX) Tricks
- Alpine Tricks
5. Character Uber Tricks
- Eddie
- Elise
- Marisol
- Seeiah
- Luther
- JP
- Zoe
- Moby
- Mac
- Kaori
- Psymon
- Brodi
6. Uber Trick List/Point Values
- By Name
- By Value
- By Difficulty
7. Credits/Notes

v1.1 - Added "Fastest Uber", "Highest Point Uber", and ratings of each
character in terms of speed.
- Marisol's moves for her BX and Alpine boards were transposed. I saw
it, but thanks to "toph" and Brenna Koch
for reminding me.
- Kaori was incorrectly listed as having the Cliffhanger in the board-
specific trick section. I found this mistake by myself.
v1.0 - Added an Overview, Board Trick List,
Character Trick List, Trick List/Point Values.


What is an Uber trick?

An Uber trick is a special bindings-ignoring, gravity-defying trick that your
character can execute once their speed boost "Tricky" meter is filled.

How do I fill the Tricky meter?

If you land successful tricks, those will fill up your boost. If you screw up
a trick, bump into objects, press select, or fall, you will lose some of the
boost. You can completely fill the Tricky meter instantly by scoring a
knockdown on someone during the race.

How do I know when my character is ready to execute an Uber trick?

There is a circle above the speed boost meter on the right side of the screen.
If the circle is shaded grey, your meter hasn't been filled yet. If it is red
and rotating, your character can execute an Uber trick any time they're in the
air (key word: execute). Your circle will remain red and your character will
be Uber-ready for a while, and can be kept that way be executing successful
Uber tricks or regular tricks that put your meter over the top. You will lose
ability to do Uber tricks immediately if you:

1. Take too long without doing tricks to fill your meter.
2. Take too long to do an Uber.
3. Unsuccessfully complete an Uber and fall.
4. Do any stunt with a grab and fall.
5. Do a high-spin/rotation jump and fall.
(note: you can botch up small rotations as long as you don't grab)
6. Fall off a cliff/into water.
7. Press select.

You cannot lose your ability to do Ubers by slamming into obstacles or being
pushed down. Your Tricky meter, however, will still drop.

What does the "tricky" above the circle mean?

A letter of the "tricky" turns red every time you land a successful Uber. If
all the letters are red (i.e. you complete 6 successful Uber tricks), then you
have unlimited speed boost AND ability to do Ubers for the rest of the
race/run. This status cannot be undone no matter how many times you fall,
screw up Ubers, press select, or otherwise.
However, this cannot be carried to the next heat or venue. Keep in mind that
a letter counts for each INDIVIDUAL successful Uber. If you do two Uber
tricks in one jump, you will get two letters of the "tricky" highlighted, not
just one. This helps in big air situations like the air vents in Tokyo
Megaplex or Alaska.

How do I execute an Uber trick?

You first have to jump, preferably over a ramp or a place where you can get
good air time (there is no such thing as a ground Uber). While in the air you
can either perform one of four generic tricks that your character shares with
others, or perform their special character-only trick. To execute a general
trick, hold only one shoulder (L1, L2, R1, R2) button, and then press the
square button. Your character will immediately start doing the Uber trick. To
execute a character-specific trick, hold R1+R2 if you're playing as Eddie,
Marisol, Seeiah, Luther, JP, Moby, Mac, Kaori, or Psymon. If you're playing as
Elise, Zoe, or Brodi, hold L1+L2 instead. There is a catch, you cannot execute
a character's special Uber if you're not using their preferred board type (e.g.
You can't do Elise's La La La Lock Step on a freestyle or alpine board). You
do not have to hold the shoulder or square button as they are executing the

How do I land an Uber trick?

That's the hard part. Uber tricks require a longer time to execute because you
can't interrupt or pull out in the middle of them. Uber tricks require their
animation to finish before they can be landed. Some Uber tricks take longer
than others to execute, and as a whole, character-specific Ubers take longer to
execute than most general Ubers.

[Board-Specific Uber Tricks]

No trick can be done on more than one type of board. It is impossible to do a
trick normally found on a freestyle board on an alpine or boardercross board,
and so forth (e.g. Can Cans can only be done on a freestyle, and not on a
boardercross or alpine).

Ed - Eddie, El - Elise, Ma - Marisol, Se - Seeiah, Lu - Luther, Jp - JP,
Zo - Zoe, Mo - Moby, Mc - Mac, Ka - Kaori, Ps - Psymon, Br - Brodi
Freestyle Tricks | Who Can Do Them
Body Board - El, Se, Zo, Ka, Br
Can Can - Se, Zo, Mo, Ka, Ps, Br
CliffHanger - El, Lu, Zo, Mo, Ps
Gut Buster - Ed, Lu, Jp
Hand In Hand - Ed, El, Se, Jp, Mo, Mc, Ka
Heel Clicker - Ma, Lu, Zo
Magician - Ps, Br
Paddle Wheel - Jp, Mc, Ka
Proper Propellor - Ed, Ma, Se, Br
Sad Sack - El, Ma, Mc
Scooter - Ma, Mc
SuperMan - Ed, Lu, Jp, Mo, Ps
Headspin2Poseur* - Jp
Pirouette Grind* - Ka
Soul Grind* - Se
Walking The Dog* - Mc
Worm* - Ed

*character-specific Uber

Boardercross Tricks | Who Can Do Them
Bar Hop - El, Zo, Mo
Benihana - Ma, Se, Jp, Mc
Blender - Ma, Se, Mc
Footloose - Ed, Mc, Ka
FrogHop - Lu, Mo, Ps
Indian - Ed, Ma, Se, Zo
Judo - El, Jp, Mc, Ka, Br
Nac Nac - Ed, El, Zo, Mo, Ps, Br
Near Miss - Ed, El, Zo, Mo
Nothing - Lu, Ka, Ps, Br
The Rake - Lu, Jp, Ka
Torpedo - Ma, Se, Lu, Jp, Ps, Br
Bronco Buster* - Lu
Guillotine* - Ps
La La La Lock Step* - El
Pommel Me* - Zo
SuperMan BarSpin* - Mo

*character-specific Uber

Alpine Tricks | Who Can Do Them
Airwalk - Ma, Se, Ka, Ps, Br
Coffin Roll - Ed, Se, Jp
Cordova - El, Ma, Lu, Zo, Mo, Ka, Br
Dervish - Ma, Se, Mc, Ka
FloorBoard - Ed, Lu, Jp, Mc
Hart Attack - El, Zo, Mo
Iron Cross - Lu, Zo, Mc, Ps, Br
LazyBoy - Ed, El, Lu, Jp
Madonna - Ed, Jp, Mc
Mulisha - El, Ma, Mo, Ka
StuntMan - Zo, Mo, Ps, Br
Triple H - Se, Ps
Aerial Spock 540* - Ma
Hang 10 Backflip* - Br

*character-specific Uber

[Character Uber Tricks]

Each character has 13 different Ubers that they can execute. There are 4
general Ubers that can be performed on each of the 3 types of boards, and
1 Uber that only that character can execute on their preferred type of board.
Each general Uber is assigned to one shoulder button (as labeled in the top row
of each table). The character specific Uber is listed with the two-button
combination that needs to be pressed in the row above.

The number under each Uber is the point value.

|Eddie | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | R1+R2 |
|Freestyle |Gut Buster| SuperMan | Proper | Hand in | Worm |
| | | | Propellor| Hand | |
| | 17240 | 13390 | 19260 | 14310 | 21360 |
|BX | Nac Nac | Near Miss| Footloose| Indian | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 13390 | 17240 | 13940 | 13760 | |
|Alpine | Madonna | LazyBoy | Coffin |Floorboard| none |
| | | | Roll | | |
| | 13390 | 13390 | 13940 | 15410 | |

|Elise | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | L1+L2 |
|Freestyle | Sad Sack |Body Board| Cliff | Hand in | none |
| | | | Hanger | Hand | |
| | 13390 | 16870 | 13390 | 14310 | |
|BX | Nac Nac | Near Miss| Bar Hop | Judo | La La La |
| | | | | | LockStep |
| | 13390 | 17240 | 14490 | 13760 | 22380 |
|Alpine | Cordova | LazyBoy | Mulisha | Hart | none |
| | | | | Attack | |
| | 13390 | 13390 | 13390 | 13390 | |

|Marisol | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | R1+R2 |
|Freestyle | Proper | Heel | Sad Sack | Scooter | none |
| | Propellor| Clicker | | | |
| | 19260 | 13390 | 13390 | 13390 | |
|BX | Torpedo | Indian | Blender | Benihana | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 16510 | 13760 | 13210 | 13210 | |
|Alpine | Mulisha | Airwalk | Cordova | Dervish | Aerial |
| | | | | | Spock 540|
| | 13390 | 13390 | 13390 | 13390 | |

|Seeiah | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | R1+R2 |
|Freestyle | Can Can |Body Board| Proper | Hand in |Soul Grind|
| | | | Propellor| Hand | |
| | 14310 | 16870 | 19260 | 14310 | 21770 |
|BX | Blender | Benihana | Torpedo | Indian | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 13210 | 13210 | 16510 | 13760 | |
|Alpine | Triple H | Dervish | Coffin | Airwalk | none |
| | | | Roll | | |
| | 15220 | 13390 | 13940 | 13390 | |

|Luther | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | R1+R2 |
|Freestyle | Cliff | Heel | Gut | SuperMan | none |
| | Hanger | Clicker | Buster | | |
| | 13390 | 13390 | 17240 | 13390 | |
|BX | Torpedo | FrogHop | The Rake | Nothing | Bronco |
| | | | | | Buster |
| | 16510 | 16140 | 16140 | 13390 | 22380 |
|Alpine | Iron |FloorBoard| Cordova | LazyBoy | none |
| | Cross | | | | |
| | 14120 | 15410 | 13390 | 13390 | |

|JP | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | R1+R2 |
|Freestyle |GutBuster | SuperMan | Paddle | Hand in | Headspin |
| | | | Wheel | Hand | 2 Poseur |
| | 17240 | 13390 | 13760 | 14310 | 21770 |
|BX | The Rake | Benihana | Torpedo | Judo | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 16140 | 13210 | 16510 | 13760 | |
|Alpine | Madonna | LazyBoy | Coffin |FloorBoard| none |
| | | | Roll | | |
| | 13390 | 13390 | 13940 | 15410 | |

|Zoe | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | L1+L2 |
|Freestyle | Cliff | Heel | Can Can |Body Board| none |
| | Hanger | Clicker | | | |
| | 13390 | 13390 | 14310 | 16870 | |
|BX | Bar Hop | Indian | Nac Nac |Near Miss |Pommel Me |
| | | | | | |
| | 14490 | 13760 | 13390 | 17240 | 22580 |
|Alpine |Iron Cross| Hart | Cordova | Stuntman | none |
| | | Attack | | | |
| | 14120 | 13390 | 13390 | 16140 | |

|Moby | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | R1+R2 |
|Freestyle | Can Can | SuperMan | Cliff | Heel | none |
| | | | Hanger | Clicker | |
| | 14310 | 13390 | 13390 | 13390 | |
|BX | Nac Nac | Nothing | Bar Hop | FrogHop | SuperMan |
| | | | | | BarSpin |
| | 13390 | 13390 | 14490 | 16140 | 22580 |
|Alpine | Cordova | StuntMan | Mulisha | Hart | none |
| | | | | Attack | |
| | 13390 | 16140 | 13390 | 13390 | |

|Mac | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | R1+R2 |
|Freestyle | Paddle | Hand in | Sad Sack | Scooter | Walking |
| | Wheel | Hand | | | The Dog |
| | 13760 | 14310 | 13390 | 13760 | 20960 |
|BX |Footloose | Judo | Blender | Benihana | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 13940 | 13760 | 13210 | 13210 | |
|Alpine |Iron Cross|FloorBoard| Madonna | Dervish | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 14120 | 15410 | 13390 | 13390 | |

|Kaori | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | R1+R2 |
|Freestyle | Paddle | Hand in | Can Can |Body Board|Pirouette |
| | Wheel | Hand | | | Grind |
| | 13760 | 14310 | 14310 | 16870 | 17290 |
|BX |Footloose | Judo | The Rake | Nothing | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 13940 | 13760 | 16140 | 13390 | |
|Alpine | Mulisha | Airwalk | Cordova | Dervish | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 13390 | 13390 | 13390 | 13390 | |

|Psymon | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | R1+R2 |
|Freestyle | Cliff | Magician | Can Can | SuperMan | none |
| | Hanger | | | | |
| | 13390 | 19990 | 14310 | 13390 | |
|BX | Torpedo | FrogHop | Nac Nac | Nothing |Guillotine|
| | | | | | |
| | 16510 | 16140 | 13390 | 13390 | 20750 |
|Alpine |Iron Cross| Airwalk | Triple H | StuntMan | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 14120 | 13390 | 15220 | 16140 | |

|Brodi | L1 | L2 | R1 | R2 | L1+L2 |
|Freestyle | Proper | Magician | Can Can |BodyBoard | none |
| |Propellor | | | | |
| | 19260 | 19990 | 14310 | 16870 | |
|BX | Torpedo | Judo | Nac Nac | Nothing | none |
| | | | | | |
| | 16510 | 13760 | 13390 | 13390 | |
|Alpine |Iron Cross| Airwalk | Cordova | StuntMan | Hang 10 |
| | | | | | Backflip |
| | 14120 | 13390 | 13390 | 16140 | 17290 |

[Uber Trick List/Point Values]

(F) - freestyle board trick
(B) - boardercross (BX) board trick
(A) - alpine board trick

By Name
(A) Airwalk - 13390
(B) Bar Hop - 14490
(B) Benihana - 13210
(B) Blender - 13210
(F) BodyBoard - 16870
(F) Can Can - 14310
(F) CliffHanger - 13390
(A) Coffin Roll - 13940
(A) Cordova - 13390
(A) Dervish - 13390
(A) FloorBoard - 15410
(B) Footloose - 13940
(B) FrogHop - 16140
(F) GutBuster - 17240
(F) Hand in Hand - 14310
(A) Hart Attack - 13390
(F) Heel Clicker - 13390
(B) Indian - 13760
(A) Iron Cross - 14120
(B) Judo - 13760
(A) LazyBoy - 13390
(A) Madonna - 13390
(F) Magician - 19990
(A) Mulisha - 13390
(B) Nac Nac - 13390
(B) Near Miss - 17240
(B) Nothing - 13390
(F) Paddle Wheel - 13760
(F) Proper Propellor - 19260
(F) Sad Sack - 13390
(F) Scooter - 13760
(A) StuntMan - 16140
(F) SuperMan - 13390
(B) Torpedo - 16510
(B) The Rake - 16140
(A) Triple H - 15220

(A) Aerial Spock 540* - 17900
(B) Bronco Buster* - 22380
(B) Guillotine* - 20750
(F) Headspin2Poseur* - 21770
(A) Hang 10 Backflip* - 17290
(B) La La La Lock Step* - 22380
(F) Pirouette Grind* - 17290
(B) Pommel Me* - 22580
(F) Soul Grind* - 21770
(B) SuperMan BarSpin* - 22580
(F) Walking The Dog* - 20960
(F) Worm* - 21360

*character-specific Uber

By Value
(B) Benihana - 13210
(B) Blender - 13210
(A) Airwalk - 13390
(F) CliffHanger - 13390
(A) Cordova - 13390
(A) Dervish - 13390
(A) Hart Attack - 13390
(F) Heel Clicker - 13390
(A) LazyBoy - 13390
(A) Madonna - 13390
(A) Mulisha - 13390
(B) Nac Nac - 13390
(B) Nothing - 13390
(F) Sad Sack - 13390
(F) SuperMan - 13390
(B) Indian - 13760
(B) Judo - 13760
(F) Paddle Wheel - 13760
(F) Scooter - 13760
(A) Coffin Roll - 13940
(B) Footloose - 13940
(A) Iron Cross - 14120
(F) Can Can - 14310
(F) Hand in Hand - 14310
(B) Bar Hop - 14490
(A) Triple H - 15220
(A) FloorBoard - 15410
(B) FrogHop - 16140
(A) StuntMan - 16140
(B) The Rake - 16140
(B) Torpedo - 16510
(F) BodyBoard - 16870
(F) GutBuster - 17240
(B) Near Miss - 17240
(A) Hang 10 Backflip* - 17290
(F) Pirouette Grind* - 17290
(A) Aerial Spock 540* - 17900
(F) Proper Propellor - 19260
(F) Magician - 19990
(B) Guillotine* - 20750
(F) Walking The Dog* - 20960
(F) Worm* - 21360
(F) Headspin2Poseur* - 21770
(F) Soul Grind* - 21770
(B) Bronco Buster* - 22380
(B) La La La Lock Step* - 22380
(B) Pommel Me* - 22580
(B) SuperMan BarSpin* - 22580

*character-specific Uber

Point values were obtained by immediately doing a Uber trick immediately upon
jumping. All of these point values have no spins, flips, or added grabs.

Point values and the time it takes to execute an Uber seems to be independent
of a character's or board's stats.

By "Difficulty" (scale 1-10)
1.0 - (B) Benihana, (B) Blender
1.2 - (A) Airwalk, (F) CliffHanger, (A) Cordova, (A) Dervish,
(A) Hart Attack, (F) Heel Clicker, (A) LazyBoy, (A) Madonna,
(A) Mulisha, (B) Nac Nac, (B) Nothing, (F) Sad Sack, (F) SuperMan
1.5 - (B) Indian, (B) Judo, (F) Paddle Wheel, (F) Scooter
1.7 - (A) Coffin Roll, (B) Footloose
1.9 - (A) Iron Cross
2.1 - (F) Can Can, (F) Hand in Hand
2.2 - (B) Bar Hop
2.9 - (A) Triple H
3.1 - (A) FloorBoard
3.8 - (B) FrogHop, (A) StuntMan, (B) The Rake
4.2 - (B) Torpedo
4.5 - (F) BodyBoard
4.9 - (F) GutBuster, (B) Near Miss, (A) Hang 10 Backflip*,
(F) Pirouette Grind*
5.5 - (A) Aerial Spock 540*
6.8 - (F) Proper Propellor
7.5 - (F) Magician
8.2 - (B) Guillotine*
8.4 - (F) Walking The Dog*
8.8 - (F) Worm*
9.2 - (F) Headspin2Poseur*, (F) Soul Grind*
9.8 - (B) Bronco Buster* , (B) La La La Lock Step*
10.0 - (B) Pommel Me*, (B) SuperMan BarSpin*

*character-specific Uber

Generally, the longer it takes to do an Uber, the more difficult it is, and the
more points it gives. I'm not 100% sure if a higher point Uber indicates that
its animation is longer than a lower point Uber, but that seems to be the
general trend.
The difficulties are all relative to each other. I came up with the difficulty
ratings by subtracting the lowest point Uber from the highest point Uber and
dividing that difference by nine (so (22580-13210)/9=1041 1/9). To get the
difficulty rating of an Uber, I subtracted the lowest point Uber from its point
value, and then divided that by the scale factor (1041 1/9) and added that to 1.


This FAQ is copyright 2001 by Jay Higa. SSX Tricky is copyright 2001 by EA
Sports Big. This FAQ is not associated with or endorsed by EA Sports Big. This
FAQ was originally made to be posted on, and only and has permission to publish this FAQ. You may not alter/repost this
FAQ or parts of this FAQ in any way which I am not credited. You may not credit
this FAQ as your own work.

Error finders:
Brenna Koch

- All work was done using the Playstation 2 version of SSX Tricky.
- This is my first ever FAQ. I made this because a great game such
as SSX Tricky doesn't deserve to go so long without any FAQ.
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