Baldur's Gate

Baldur's Gate

17.10.2013 21:52:23

- Copyright Tazar -
* 2002 *
- Version 1.1 -
* January 12th, 2002 *
- -
* *

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This guide will tell you the details to help you choose how to create
your character at the beginning of the game. This is my first guide so it
could have some flaws. Email me at to give me
suggestions on what to put in this faq. Also email me there to give me any
information that needs to be added etc. Label the subject BG CC so I know
what it is about. Other than that there is really nothing except just email
me about the game or faq.


A-Experience Points
B-Profiency Points
C-Prime Requisite
D-Specialist Mage
10)Appearance & Name
12)Legal Disclaimer


Version 1.1- Filled out the Experience Chart. Fixed things here and there.
Date- January 12, 2002

Version 1.0- First release. Has all main information.
Date- December 26, 2001


Once your into the character screen, the following choices will be available.
You can only do them the order they are in.

Gender- This is of no importance so choose whatever gender you want and then
pick from the options of pictures. This doesn't matter about gameplay.

Race- Races are a pretty imporatant part of your character. Some races have
bonuses, but come with cons to. Such as: Elves gain a max of dexterity of 19
and a constitution of 17. All statistics have a max of 18. The races are:
Human, Elves, Halfling, Half-elves, Gnome, and Dwarves.

Class- Here is an important part of your character. This is like if you are
are a magic user, healer, or a warrior to be general.

Alignment- This is how good your character is. If they are good, then they
will want the realms at peace. Neutrals believe in both good and evil. To
see a full list of selections see the Alignment section.

Abilities- These are the stats of your character. The Strength and
Intelligence are examples. You can reroll over and over until you get what
you want.

Skills- Here you select your profiency points. They are how skilled your
character is with that group of weapons. Every class gets a different number
of profiency points. The max for starting is 4.
If you are a mage you also pick your starting spells. Then after you
pick them them spells then you get to choose which ones you want to memorize
for the beginning of the game. This also goes for specialist mages too.

Appearance- This doesn't matter to gameplay either. Here you get to choose
the look of your character when they are just walking around. You also choose
what they sound like.

Name- Just name your character and your done with it. After this you are
ready to start playing the game.

Here are other definitions that you will want to know. They will be more
thouroughly explained later on in the walkthrough.

Experience- This is what levels you up throughout the game. The more levels
you gain the higher your thaco is. Your HP also increases. You gain
experience from several ways. The most common ways are killing monsters and
helping out civilians.

Profiency Points- Each Class gets a different number of profiency points.
They gain more skill with their weapons. Depending on your class you can be
more skilled with weapons, for example a fighter would have more skill than a
mage would. You can place a max of 5 in one weapon category.

Prime Requisite- This is your characters most important stat. This is
mostly just logic. A full list of Prime Requisites is in the class section.

Dual Class- Only humans have this skill. Once you reach level 2 you can
become skilled in another class. This is almost equivalent to multi-classing.

Reputation- This is how people react to you. I also effects how the prices
will be for you in the shops.

THACO- This is your defense rate. Your dexterity helps determine this. The
base score is 20 and the lower it gets the better.

5) -RACE-

The six types of characters will be covered here. It will tell you what
classes they qualify for, ability bonuses, and Racial bonuses.

Here is a graph of their ability bonuses.
|----------| Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Wisdom |
Charisma |
|Humans | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 |
|Elves | 0 | +1 | -1 | 0 | 0 |
0 |
|Half-Elves| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 |
|Gnomes | 0 | 0 | 0 | +1 | -1 |
0 |
|Halflings | 0 | +1 | 0 | 0 | -1 |
0 |
|Dwarves | 0 | -1 | +1 | 0 | 0 | -
2 |
Some Races have resistances to certain magic.
Humans -None
Elves -Charm and Sleep Magic
Half-Elves -Limited Resistance to Charm and Sleep Magic
Gnome -Resistance to all Magic
Halflings -They are very resistant to Poison and magic
Dwarves -They have a moderate resistance to poison and magic.

Some Races have infravision which allows them to see in the dark.
Humans -No
Elves -Yes
Half-Elves -Yes
Gnomes -Yes
Halflings -No
Dwarves -Yes

As you notice humans have no special abilities and are probably wondering why.
This is because at level 2 or more they can "dual class" into a different
class and stop gaining experience in their old class. See the sub-section
Dual classing in the class section for more information.

|---------| Fighter | Ranger | Paladin | Cleric | Druid | Mage | Thief | Bard
|Human | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
|Elf | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No
|Half-Elf | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
|Gnome | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | No
|Halfling | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | No
|Dwarf | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | No

Everyone except Humans can be in multi-class except humans because of their
dual classing ability.
The multi-class combinations are not valid to all races. This is because
say that a dwarf wants to be a Fighter-Mage. This is not valid because a
Dwarf can be a fighter but he can not be a mage. So in other words you have
to be able to be both of them so this combination is valid. To see a full
list of what combinations and who can be them see the CLASS Section.
The Specialist Mage will also be shown in the CLASS section.

Thief/Race Bonuses

6) -CLASS-

Classes are important to your character. This is if you are a
Rogue,Warrior, Mage etc. Here is a list of all the possible classes.


A- Experience
These are the eight regular classes. Each of these level up at a
different rate. Here is a list of what experience it takes to level them up.
This can also be an important part of your decision.

---------| Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 |
|Fighter | 2000 | 4000 | 8000 | 16000 | 32000 |
|Ranger | 2250 | 4500 | 9000 | 18000 | 36000 |
|Paladin | 2250 | 4500 | 9000 | 18000 | 36000 |
|Cleric | 1500 | 3000 | 6000 | 13000 | 27500 |
|Druid | 2000 | 4000 | 7500 | 12500 | 20000 |
|Mage | 2500 | 5000 | 10000 | 20000 | 40000 |
|Thief | 1250 | 2500 | 5000 | 10000 | 20000 |
|Bard | 1250 | 2500 | 5000 | 10000 | 20000 |
I would like to thank Martin Lindskog a.k.a. Asimov III for helping me fill
this in.

B- Profiency points

Each character has a set number of profiency points according to their class.
Here is a graph.
---------------------|Profiency points |
|Fighter | 4 |
|Ranger | 4 |
|Paladin | 4 |
|Cleric | 2 |
|Druid | 2 |
|Mage | 1 |
|Thief | 2 |
|Bard | 2 |
|Fighter/Thief | 4 |
|Fighter/Cleric | 4 |
|Fighter/Mage | 4 |
|Mage/Thief | 2 |
|Cleric/Mage | 2 |
|Cleric/Thief | 2 |
|Fighter/Druid | 4 |
|Cleric/Ranger | 4 |
|Fighter/Mage/Thief | 4 |
|Fighter/Mage/Cleric | 4 |

Profiency Points are how skilled you are with a certain weapon. You can
only add profiency points to weapons which your class' ethos allows. It will
Highlight what is allowed in your ethos. You can only put a max of five
profiency points to a single weapon class. At the beginning though you can
only put a max of half of your total profiency points to a weapon. You gain
more profiency points as you level up.

C- Prime Requisites

Prime Requisites are the main stat of your character which you want to be
high. This table lists what you should have high. This is important also for
Dual-Classing becuase your character's prime requisite must be 15 and the
class you are moving to must be 17.

|Fighter |Strength |
|Ranger |Constitution |
|Paladin |Charisma |
|Cleric |Wisdom |
|Druid |Wisdom |
|Mage |Intelligence |
|Thief |Dexterity |
D- Specialist Mage
The Sub-Class Specialist Mage is not really much different from the
regular mage. One major difference is that a specialist mage may learn one
more spell at a level up then a normal mage. But the drawback is that they
can not learn a certain class of spells such as a divination. But personally
I believe these specialist mages are better than the regular mages. The
specialist mages are:


Other than that there isn't really much to know about specialist mages.

E- Multi-Classes

Multi-classes are when a character is two classes at once. There are
only 10 diferent valid Multi-class Combinations. They are:


The con of being a multi-classmen is that you gain experience points much
slower than if you were only a single class. If you had a party of six, and
only one was a multi-class(of two classes) then the experience would be
divided through seven people instead of 6. So the more multi or dual classed
characters you have, the slower they level up.

F- Dual-Classing
Dual classing plays an important part for you if you are going to be a
Only humans can dual class and they can not be a bard or paladin. This also
means that you can not dual-class into a paladin or a bard.

The dual-class technique has many rules though.

1) The combination must be a valid multi-class combination.
2) The alignment must be agree-able. ( i.e. If you are changing to a Thief
then you must not be lawful good because thieves cannot be lawful good.)
3) The race must be valid for that class.
4) In the class you are currently in your prime requisite must be at least
5) In the class you wish to convert to the prime requisite must be at least
17. You will want to keep that in mind when creating your character.
6) Your character must be at level 2 or more.
7) They cannot be at thier exp. cap.(Correct me if I'm wrong I'm not sure
about that).

Once you have finished dual-classing you are a level 1 of your other
class. Now you must level up to one more level higher than your last class.
For example if you were a LV 5 thief and had dual classed into a mage, you
must level up to six and you would gain back the skills of your thief. So now
you are a LV: 5 thief and LV:6 mage. You gain exp only for a mage now.


Alignment is if your character believes in good or bad. If you have a
party consisting of all goods or bads, they will all get along well. Neutrals
believe in both good and evil, so they get along with both. If you have a
good and evil in your party for too long they may start attacking each other
and as far as I am concerned no way to stop it. Until one dies they attack
each other.
Some of the classes cannot be certain alignments. Such as Paladin can
only be True Neutral. There are a total of 9 different alignments, three for
good, three for neutral, three for evil. This isn't one of the most important
decisions but it does matter.
Your alignment also affects your reputation. Reputation affects the
price for all the items at the shop. If your reputation goes below six, then
every gaurd you see will attack you. Here is a full list of the alignments.

Lawful Good
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral
True Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil

So overall I prefer going with a Neutral character because this way I
start with a good reputation and I get along with the NPC's. But it is fun to
try the game in different ways so try all of them for different reactions.


This is probably the most important part of your character and might
require patience to get good stats. This is the stats of your character,
which is very important. The most you can get in any category is 18 except
for the racial bonuses, which I will list here.

|----------| Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Wisdom |
Charisma |
|Humans | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 |
|Elves | 0 | +1 | -1 | 0 | 0 |
0 |
|Half-Elves| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 |
|Gnomes | 0 | 0 | 0 | +1 | -1 |
0 |
|Halflings | 0 | +1 | 0 | 0 | -1 |
0 |
|Dwarves | 0 | -1 | +1 | 0 | 0 | -
2 |
Some categories are more important to one class to another so you will
edit your stats to fit your class. You will want the stats to be almost or
maxed in your prime requisite, which is in the class section, and charisma is
pretty important. Charisma determines the price of things in the game along
with your reputation. In some cases it will be OK to let your dexterity go
down, because in the gnoll stronghold you will find the bracers of dexterity
which set you dexterity at 18. But don't let it go to low because you will
have to fight to get them.
Wisdom and intelligence determine your lore, which is your chance of
identifying an item by examining it without a spell or scroll. Dexterity
determines how good your thieving skills are for a thief and also how often
you hit an enemy most of the time. Strength not only is how strong you are
but also how much weight you can carry. Constitution you will want to keep
high because this deterimines your HP. What class you are in also determines
your HP.


Here you select what weapons you will be skilled with with your profiency
points, select your mage spells, and determine your beginning thieving skills.
Of course them last two depend on if you are a mage or thief.
Your profiency points, in my opinion, should be used on mostly missile
and bows. Distance weapons will help you tremondously. I usually equip
everybody that can with bows, then the mages or druids etc. with slings.
The thieving skills I recommend putting on open locks and pickpocketing,
but dont slack out to much on find trap and stealth. That is what I usually
The mage or priest spells, or maybe both, I usually pick magic missle,
maybe identify,or chromatic orb, but it is up to you. The priest spells make
sure you pick Cure Light Wounds because that will be very helpful.


Select what your character looks like. I usually color code my classes
so it is easier to tell which characters are which. i.e. I make all mages
totally white, rangers green, thieves red, fighters black, healers teal, etc.
This makes it much easier throughout the game. After that you pick what the
character sounds like. Just pick whatever is appealing to you.
For the name just type in your name and press accept and the game will


A big thanks goes out to Dallas and Astro Blue's Guide on how to make
walkthrough/faq. The site is They have a variety
of guides to pick from there.
Asimov III for helping me finish the Experience Point Table, extra
information on Profiency points, and the Thief/Race bonuses.


Copyright Tazar 2001. Do not distrubute, reproduce, or use to make
money in any way. You may not use this guide without promptly acknowledging
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Creature List
Engl. Hinweise

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