

16.10.2013 23:01:43

Walkthrough by JemyM

Started in December 2001
Version - 1.2 (Second Update)
Copyright ((c)) 2001. All Rights Reserved

Whenever this FAQ is updated, it will be uploaded to:

Gothic - Insomnia

I only smoke weed when I need to,
And I need to make some tests, yo
I confess, I spent a night on anothers mattress,
Yes, yes, it was me, I play guilty,
And on the count of three I opened up the chest,
Make my way to the depth,
One candle stick inside, no lie
Not even bread, ham,
Then the guard above my head went bam!
I won't sleep, something's all over me,
Gothic, insomnia please release me,
And let me dream about Scavengers on the cliff,
Tearing off wolfs their teeth.
But there's no relief,
I'm wide awake with my mouse,
It's dark and I'm lonely,
Oh, if I could only get some sleep,
Speaker noises make my skin creep,
I need to get some sleep,
I can't get no sleep....


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1. CONTENTS // ~~ ~~ | ~~ ~ \
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1. Contents

2. Disclaimer & Credits

3. History

4. Introduction

5. Known Bugs in Gothic 1.08j (English Version)

6. Controls

7. General Guidelines and Tips

8. Gothic Rules
- Attributes
- Skills
- Magic Circles

9. Classes
- Warrior
- Mage
- Ranger

10. Learning the Art of Combat
- Lesson One:
The Left-Right-Left Technique
- Lesson Two:
Advancing Forward
- Lesson Three:
- Lesson Four:
The Spinattack & The Double Swing

11. Art of Sorcery
- Learn how to get away quickly
- The first levels
- Getting the Bow
- Getting the Hammer
- The Scrolls
- Scroll Table
- The spells
- Spell Table
- First Circle Tips & Combos
- Second Circle Tips & Combos
- Third Circle Tips & Combos
- Fourth Circle Tips & Combos
- Fifth Circle Tips & Combos
- Sixth Circle Tips & Combos

12. Story in Gothic

13. Walkthrough Light
- Getting the most out of the first Chapter
1. Old Camp
2. New Camp
3. Sect Camp
4. The choice

14. Complete Walkthrough
- Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Colony
- Chapter 2 - The Mine Crawlers Nest
- Chapter 3 - Artifacts of Ancient Power
- Chapter 4 - Xardas
- Chapter 5 - Guardians of the Portal
- Chapter 6 - The temple of the Sleeper

15. The Stranger (Chromanin)

16. Armor's in Gothic
- Beginners Armor
- Old Camp Armor
- New Camp Armor
- Sect Camp Armor
- Robes
- Late Chapters Armor
Complete List

17. Weapons in Gothic
- Special Weapons
- One Handed Weapons
- Two Handed Weapons
- Bows
- Crossbows

18. Monsters in Gothic
- List

19. Cheats & Console
- Cheat codes, except "marvin"
- Marvin-Mode
- Quickbuttons (Marvin)
- Simple Console Commands (Marvin)
- Insert Command
- Monsters & Characters
- Special Weapons
- One Handed Weapons
- Two Handed Weapons
- Bows & Crossbows
- Armor
- Runes
- Scrolls
- Quest Items

20. Links

21. Final Words


2. Disclaimer & Credits \ /
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Every document has to be accompanied with a disclaimer. So here it goes.
THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED in a "AS IS" basis. The author has done his best
to ensure that every information in this document is as
accurate as possible. No warranty shall be implied for any damage
caused whatsoever from using/reading this document.
All right, that's all! You can reproduce,
upload it to your website so long you protect its contents . .
and you MUST inform me if you want to put it up in your website!


Gothic are created by Piranha-Bytes

Give them the applause for an excellent contribution to the
Rpg's hall of fame.
If you like this FAQ, be sure to grab a ORIGINAL of this great game.

My thanks goes out to them.

Thanks to people at the Gothic forum for helping me out with a
few things I hadnt discovered without you. =)

Thanks to the Germans that created, even if the
site is in german its the best Gothic site out there.

Thanks for the ASCII Artists who's work I have used in this document.

Thanks to Jerome Cukier that wrote the first english FAQ

Thanks to Xandrius/Ragnar for sorting out who "Quientin" was.

Thanks to DABhand for lots of nice tips

Thanks to txiabxyooj & Llama for filling me in on Sect Camp armor & titles.

Thanks to jon for your input

Thanks to Darian Jenkins for your tips

Thanks to Moralin for your tips & input

Special thanks to Gorath for helping me strighting out of my questions.

Thanks to Ruslan Ismailov for tips & input

Thanks to Geir Gunderssen for tips & input

Thanks to Darian for the Gor Na Drak schedule

Thanks to Marco Rolandi for tips & input


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3. History \ a time..| //
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1.0 First release of this document

1.1 First Update
- You dont need to use skillpoints to impress Fingers (Chapter 1)
- Bloodfly information in "Jumping" (Controls)
- Info about Radeon 8500 on Win9x (Bugs)
- Info about entering "_" in Gothic (Console & Cheats)
- Added mirror site (Links)
- Added info about 2handed training at Lee's (Skills)
- Added tip about crashes when fighting multiple enemies (Bugs)
- Cheat typo, its Garrett, not Garret
- The collect food quest needed 5 apples (sorry :( )

1.2 Second Update
- Added Neo Seeker as a mirror site
- Added DLH as a mirror site
- Updated "Horatio" (You cannot gain +5 if you reached 100)
- Sharing the bottles for Lefty is worh +100 xp
- More info about being a guard & fire mage "the same time"
- Added info about sleeping (Controls)
- Updated information about Acrobatics (Controls)
- Added info about Fisk's +3 dexterity potion
- Added info about 2 +3 strength potions in the inner old camp
- Added info about Baal Lukor
- Added extra tips about the Orchish Figurine (Chapter 5)
- Added info about hidden area close to the Old Mine (before old mine)
- Added tactic for the spell "sleep"
- Added tactics for taking out Kharim
- Lefty & Shrike cannot be killed with arrows the first time you attack
- Added the Jacko & Quientin connection
- Alternatives to Orc Hammer description
- Exploring Orc Lands as a Orc Dog
- Added tip about killing your own summoned monsters
- Added help how to remove spikes close to Varrag-Unhilt
- Added missing weaponry in the lists
- Added info about finding a Horn in Orc Camp
- Added a new bug that can be used as a money-cheat
- Added Darian's "scheme" for Gor Na Draks journey (sect camp - Mine)
- Added info about how to avoid Lefty
- Added info about the bug involving Lester
- Added tip of what to do after the Stonehenge quest
- Added Armor tip for the Orc Cemetary mission
- Added tips of entering the New Camp bar


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4. Introduction \ / \ ~~~~~~~~ \
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What makes Gothic so great?

I think Gothic is a game that hopefully will change the ways we look upon
a RPG on computers, only once before I have felt a so complete freedom in
a computer roleplaying game and that is the game "Fallout 2" by
Black Isle, rumoured by many to be the best RPG in existence.

In Gothic you can walk anywhere you want, no locked door will stop you,
no guards that tells you that you cannot go inside, no walls that keeps
you out... The Colony is a huge area, and takes a lot of time to explore.
Since there are no 'walls' that tries to 'lead your way' or
'lock you into chapter 1' you will feel free like a bird, going wherever
you wish, doing whatever you want to.

The game is full of interactivity. Nearly everything can be used, just
like in reality. You can sit down, pump the Ore Oven, fry your raw meat
into fried meat etc.

The NPCs walk around, sit around the campfire, talk to eachother, and
they seem to have a life on their own. The sun goes up and down...

Its a Gothic world. After just an hour of play you will be sucked in,
and you want get out until you breached the barrier...

This is a "FAQ" for thoose that wants to play Gothic and get as much as
possible from the game.

It contains numerous things that might spoil your experience with the
game, so whatever you do with this material its up to you.

Since I am from Sweden, my english grammar might not be so correct at all
times, but I think you can bare with this.


5. Known Bugs in Gothic 1.08j (English Version)

Ok, not a fun chapter, but it can be good to know how to avoid the
bugs in Gothic.

Sound Cards

There are loads of problems with Live Soundcards for
Windows XP. Go to to update your sounddrivers.

Graphic Cards

There are lots of graphic problems with older NVidia drivers for
GeForce cards. Update to at least Detonator 23.11 from NVidias website.

To fix problems with Voodoo 5500, activate 2xFSAA

To fix problems with Radeon 8500 (Win98/SE/ME),
try to force dual monitor operation.

General Crash When Fighting Multiple Enemies

If you are experiencing crashes when fighting multiple enemies, try
changing your sound options to "DirectSound HW".

Known bugs

Major rule:
Do not enter 'locked areas until you get a quest telling you to go there.

There is a known bug with the Winch that opens up the way to the
MineCrawlers nest. To avoid this bug, make sure to save your game after
grabbing the two-three templars to the gate-guard BEFORE speaking to him.
Then speak to him, and try the winch, if its stuck, reload.
If you still cant get the gate to open you have to cheat =(
Press the key you have set to look at your Status Screen
(with all your attributes/abilities), default "S".
Then press "S" again (or the key you set).
"MARVIN-MODE" should pop up to the top left of the screen.
Now stand in front of the gate and press "K" once. Your character
will take one huge step forward, passing through the gate. Repeat this
when you go out again. *WARNING* Even if this might be neccessary,
take care, you wont get help from the Templars if you do this, but
you have to, so you must live with it.

The other bug is that when Skeleton Mage's summon more Skeletons
there is a slight chance that you will be cought by a "Violation"
bug that crashes the entire game and give you a major error-window.

There is one particulary buggy Rogue Guard that is as irretating
as Mud if you accidently get to close to him. He will stop you
quickly and tell you that you dont reach Lares once you joined
the old camp. The only way to "escape" is to try to move yourself
out of the area, one small bit per time. You can also draw your
weapon to avoid this bug (will give you time to move yourself out
of his sight). To avoid this bug forever, you can either kill him
permanently, or jump up on the first hut in the lower section
(behind Baal Kagan).

Another bug is that Baal Pervez sometimes stops to be available
as a guide to the sect camp. To avoid this, dont talk to him until
you really need him, and save first.

Not a bug, but a way to destroy your chances of finishing the game...
If you accidently ending up killing a few of the named Templars
down the mine, you have spoiled the chance of finishing the game
without cheating.

There is a known bug with Gorn starting to attack you in the
attack on the Free Mine. After killing of half the mine, tell him
to guard the doorway, and you will get him out of the way.

There is a bug with Horatio, the blacksmith peasent, that can make
you LOOSE strength instead of earning it. Read more about him in
the info about new camp.

There is a bug with thoose that use Soundblaster Audigy that might
cause a crash to the desktop. To avoid this, set your preferences
from surround to 4 speakers.

There is a bug in the game, that might cause Lester to 'stuck' if you
take him as guide, and then leave him before letting him return.
In this state he refuses to speak to you, wich is bad since you are
unable to solve the game.

Another bug, is that you can hold down your right/left key while
jumping down from a height that would kill your character, and go
away without harm. This is a great way to speed up the time it
takes to go somewhere, so its not really a "bad bug".

When you forge more than one weapon at a time (from raw steel) at
blacksmith try to press 'USE' as fast as you can. This presses the
capabilities of Gothic and somehow the game "forgots" to take your
metal for it... In this way you can quickly spawn LOADS of swords,
and sell them off... For no cost...
- Thanks to Konstantin Kuznetsov for the bug AND the neat trick...

When using potions in combat, and get hit while using it, you might
get stuck with the potion in your hand instead of in your stomach,
an animation bug.

Sometimes bloodflies ends up beneath water (surface) and cannot
get up, since the surface is considered to be a roof.

An infinite Experience bug - Do the orc castle crystal mission
before you are supposed to do it, and when Saturas send you on
the quest, give him the crystal again and again and again.

There are many meatbugs in the game. *HAA HAA HAA*

Hopefully theese bugs will be fixed with a upcoming patch.


6. Controls

Gothic is played with a mouse and a keyboard.
It might be a bit difficult to learn the controls in the beginning, but
once you learned how to do it, they will feel like the
backside of your hand.

General Controls
Go figure

Left Control (Use) + Up Arrow
This is the combination that will do most of the things in gothic.
Its used to pick up stuff, to interact with things in the world, to fight
wich is about everything you need. It also helps you to climb ladders, and
open chests/doors.

Space = Ready Weapon/Spell
An anonymous visitor to the forum wrote the following:
If you use the spacebar to draw your last weapon, you can hold it
down and use the arrow keys to switch between magic and your
equipped sword (never had a bow at the end when i stumbled on
this). If you hold for the magic - it shows all your quick slot
runes floating in a circle around your character, and you can
use the left right arrow keys to pick which you want to use.
Not really handy, but it is there

'0' key (Look Around)
Holding down this key lets you look around in the world in 3rd person

ALT (jump) + Up = Jump forward
This button helps you to jump, forwards mostly, when pressing the Up key.

An anonymous person told me:
As for jumping I have found I can used a bloodfly scroll on occasion
to get access to higher places. I made it all the way to the top of
the broken down tower close to Castle Mountain where it goes down
into orc territory.

Acrobatics is automaticly used when jumping,
as long as you bought the skill.

ALT (Jump) + Up = Climb
It also let you climb up on things. Stand in front of a wall, and jump,
the character will grab the edge on top of the wall (as long as the wall
isnt to tall) and crawl up on it.

Alt (Jump) + Down = Climb Down
Go figure

Shift (Walk) + forward
Lets you walk, like running, but slower ;)
But at least you wont fall of walls when doing this.

A (Sneak) = Sneak
This can only be used when you have learned to sneak (its a skill)
This can be used to surprise opponents or sneak into huts.

S (Status Screen) = Status Screen
Here you can see your current level, your amount of experience, the
amount required to reach the next level, and other statistics.

L (Logbook) = Current Missions
Once you see the message "note written" on screen your logbook is
updated. Be sure to check it often so you dont have any unfinished
quests or reicived important info that you would otherwise miss.

Mouse controls
In the game, Left Mouse Button substitutes the Use button.
The Right Mouse Button substitutes "ESC".

Right Hand Controls
Most people in the forums play Gothic with alternative controls.
Left hand on the keyboard, right hand on the mouse.
In this case almost all movement and combat controls can be
reached without repositioning the left hand.
The right hand is used for the more sensitive stuff like aiming.
In most opinions, default controls suck for righthanded people.
Gothic was intended to be played keyboard-only.
Mouse support was (reportedly) only added aftersome advice
by a print mag.
- Thanks for Gorath for the info

If you press the TAB key during the game, a column will pop up to the
right showing your inventory.

Move right - left to browse through your inventory. There is one column
for Weapons, Armor, Artifacts, Magic (scrolls & runes), Food & Drinks,
Potions & Miscellaneous.

To equip or use something in the inventory, activate the inventory (duh),
then use the mousewheel or the arrow keys to select your inventory item.
Then use the item (Left Control (Use) + Up Arrow).
Potions/food will be eaten, rings/necklaces will be worn, weapons will be
readied and spells will be placed in one of your free quickslots.

To drop an item, press the Left Control (Use) + down.

Oh, yeah, here you can place things in quickslots.
Melee weapons are by default placed as 1, while Ranged weapons are placed
as 2. Spells can be put in 4-0.
When you are not into the inventory, you can use theese quickslots
(press 1-0 on the keyboard) to ready whatever you had in the slot.

So what is 3?
That is your last used spell.

In the inventory lists, Armor and Weapons are autosorted. Best on top.
Bows/Crossbows are sorted separatly.

You need to reach a certain amount of strength to use some melee weapons,
once reached however, you can use both 1h and 2h weapons, even if you dont
know how to use them correctly. Untrained you CAN hurt enemies, but wont
do it with style, so the hits will be fewer, your clumsiness will probably
hurt you and you cannot do as many critical hits and combinations.

You need to reach a certain amount of Dexterity to use some long range
weapons. Once reached however, you can use both Bows and crossbows,
even if you dont know how to use them correctly. Untrained you can
hurt enemies, but will fire arrows slow and inneffective.
You will shoot fewer arrows in longer time, you will miss more often,
and you wont do as many critical hits.

You need to reach a certain Circle of Magic to use some of the runes.
Without Circles you may still use scrolls, but they are wasted after one
use. Teleport runes can be used by everyone, but they still need mana.

The game dont tell you, but you have a hurting neck, and all rings are
thumbrings. This means that you may only use two rings and one necklace
in the same time. Choose wisely. Read in the Classes selection to reicive
tips on Artefacts.

Grabbing stuff from a Container
Stand in front of the container, hold down Left Control (Use) and press forward.
You will see the container in a left column.
Mark objects in the left column, and hold down Left Control (Use)
and press Right. You can put back things into the container using
Left Control (Use) and press Left.

If you want to move multiple items, try this:
use + left/right turn = 1 item per click
use + left/right strafe = 10 items per click
use + left/right turn + shift = 100 items per click

While trading you will see another two columns in the middle of the screen.
Now, when moving things right/left they will be placed into the middle
columns. You will see a number on top of the columns that will tell you
the total value. Offer as much as you wich, and get as much as you wish.
If your value is total or greater than the sellers total, then you can
do the transaction with using enter and selecting "Accept".

If you want to move multiple items, try this:
use + left/right turn = 1 item per click
use + left/right strafe = 10 items per click
use + left/right turn + shift = 100 items per click

To lockpick a chest, stand in front of it, then save.
Now press the use button, the character will kneel in front of
the chest. Now use your left-right arrow to try out the combination.
When you do right, you will hear a 'click'
When you do wrong, you will reicive a message about failing,
and probably your picklock will break.
Keep trying. Some locks have 4 digit codes, a few have 3 or 6.
Once you know the code (or are out of lockpicks) load your game.
When you know the code and loaded the game, unlock the chest.

To sleep, you just have to go to a bed, have it right in front of you
and "use" it.
You can sleep everywhere in any hut, in any camp, if you are quick enough.
If you run to the bed and click quickly enough, noone will mug you in your
sleep. (thanks for Moralin for pointing that out).

A few swimming lessons...
Get into the water. =)
The first thing about water is that when hostile enemies are near, you
wont move as quick as you normally would as long as your legs are under
water... Dont let them take you in this position...

To dive you must be 'floating'.
To dive, or to swim beneath the water, press the right mouse button.
As long as you press the mouse button you will swim forward, and you
control your direction with the mouse. To get up to the surface, swim
upwards until your head pops up above the surface, then release the right
mouse button.

To be able to just swim quickly on the surface, do not touch the right
mouse button! Just press forward on the keyboard and choose your direction
with moving the mouse.


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7. General Guidelines and Tips __ : .---. : __
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* Whenever you save or load a game, the game will start in the first save
position, so you must scroll up/down to reach the next/previous saveslot.
This is encumbering, so the tip is to call the first Saveslot
"Quicksave". Then use the Quicksave to quickly save/load your
current game, and then the other slots to save in more important places.

* By solving quests you can earn lots of experience, thus gaining Levels
AND skillpoints while being "safe" from harm.
Sooner or later, you must kill stuff to earn more experience.
The beginning in gothic is probably the part that takes most time,
since you die all the time, fighting scavengers and other 'newbie
monsters'. The quickest way to learn how to quickly kill monsters
is to play Ranger, but it does have its disadvantages later on
(check out the Classes below).

* Grab all the plants/fruits/whatever you can in the wilderness.
They can be eaten to heal yourself and there are enough to keep
you healthy all the time.

* To get a major load of money and, picklock all chests in the
entire camp. (or everyone you can). Save first, then test the
combination, once solving the combination, reload and use the
right combination. That way you dont need too much lockpick
skill, but get your reward "for free".

* To continue to have *LOTS OF MONEY*, buy the hunting skills
from the pair of rangers you met on the way to the Old Camp.
The money spent will be returned by the double, triple...
No wait, you will get more money than you need in the
entire game...

* There are no shortage of supplies within Gothic. Dont hesitate
to use what you find. The exeption is the permanently stat
increasing potions that you might hold onto until you have
trained up to 100 in your attribute. (100 is the trained max)

* Even if you cannot train to reach more than 100 in your attribute
you can still use potions to raise your stats above 100.
If you hold on to your potions until you have reached 100 you can
get higher attributes than you normally would.
Some have reported that you can reach over 230 strength in the
end by doing this.

* There are many usefull scrolls in the game with spells that
cannot be bought as Runes. Most of theese are transform scrolls.
Theese will help you explore otherwise unaccessible areas,
breath under water etc.

* Once good enough you can beat up whoever you wish and take
their stuff. Dont kill them thou, unless you really want to,
and can do it in a 'hidden place'.

* Got lab flasks? Go to the alchemy lab in the sect camp and use
the apartus there, you will get potions for free.
- Tip by DABhand

* To quickly solve a quest later on in the game, start collecting
theese items from the beginning:
5 Apples, 2 Rice Schnapps, 5 beer, 3 bread, 2 Cheese & 2 Grapes.
Be particulary sure to not eat the Grapes since they are extremely
rare. Theese can be used with a mercenary that guards the free
mine. You are not given much for it, but at least its worth 300
Grapes can be bought from Wolf (new camp), Rice Schnapps can be
bought from the bartender (one for free at Jeremiah) (both new camp).
Cheese, Beer, Apples & Bread is easiest found by picklocking chests
in the old camp.

* When you have joined a camp you can buy heavier armor. Remember
to save a few thousand Ore to when you join a camp so you can
buy it as soon as you can.

* Never ever try to enter a locked area without having a quest to
go there. Chances are larger than you think, that you break plots
that are critical to solve the game.

* Even if you are a Mage or Warrior, you need to carry a bow and
a few arrows. There is quests that requires you to have them.

* Some NPC's are invulnerable. They will continue to be
invulnerable until you enter a certain chapter in wich you are free
to kill them. They must make their "Plot-critical scene" before they
can be taken out.

* If you dont want to waste points on 1h weapons to use 2h weapons,
you can learn 2h weapons without masterizing 1h first, as long as
you train with Lee (New Camp).

* Some doors/chests cannot be opened with lockpicking, you need the key.
Except for thoose few, virtually every door/chest can be picked, opened
or circumvented.

* A bug, is that you can hold down your right/left key while
jumping down from a height that would kill your character, and go
away without harm. This is a great way to speed up the time it
takes to go somewhere, so its not really a "bad bug".

* If you are caught within a 3d bug, and get stuck with your character,
try the combination ctrl+alt+F8 to escape out of narrow cracks
in the rock I found that if you stand at about 90 degrees to many
non-vertical, but steep rock walls and use the key combo your player
will climb way up onto the mountains.
- Thanks to Darian about that information

* Activate more Gore in Gothic
I believe this is rather useful, since you can follow the
blood flowing from hurted enemies... Open up the text
GOTHIC.INI (in the "System" folder) there and find the line:
Change this line to:
Then Gothic will be even more fun to play.

* Activate the Console
The Console can be reached with "F2" after activating the
Marvin Mode.
(see the Cheats & Console section)

* Making the game 'adult'
Ok, not for kids, but fun =o)
The American version of Gothic was censored, but you can
easily make the game 'Mature' again. Find the file
beneath the "Data" folder. Remove the "VDF" part
(You can rename it to textures_bikini.VDF- if you wish,
or why not textures_bikini.BAK). Or you can just delete
the file if you dont want to keep it.
Now the game will contain nudity... =o)

A Bow helps you to take out one stronger monsters from safe
distance, thus earning more xp than usual for monsters you shouldnt
be able to kill so early in the game.
To get a free bow and a +5 dexterity ring early in the game
do the following:
Enter the Mine, walk down to the melt-oven
(with the working Orc Slave).
Here you have two caves leading to minecrawlers. Lure the crawlers
in the left cave into the workers area, and they will be quickly killed
by the guards & templars. You wont get your experience for them by
doing this, but its worth it.
Walk into that cave, search, and you will find what you need.
The bone bow lies next to a skeleton in the bottom. To reach
the ring, climb the ladders.
With this "bone bow" early in the game you can advance in
levels very quickly. The bow requires 18 in dexterity, wich you should
have by now if you followed my earlier tips.
Be VERY sure that none of the templars OR named NPC's die in
this fight. It will make it impossible to finish the game!

* If you would like a set of Diggers Dress for free, hold
yourself until you reach the free mine. There tell "Swiney"
that you want to become a scraper.

* You can summon monsters and kill them, they wont fight back, and
you get the xp!

* Not really a Guideline or a tip, just fun information.
In the German version there was a song-number with a
song created by the group "In Extremo".

Its unconfirmed, but the gig was probably cut out
because the international license was too expensive.
Nowadays In Extremo is pretty big in Germany,
their new CDs go straight into the top 10.
The song was in some old language, so no translation was
necessary. It must have taken weeks to animate the band
in such a spectacular and still realistic way.
One of the highlights of the german version.

If you would like to listen to the original song, it might
still be available here:
Its named "Herr Mannelig"

In Extremo's website:

- Thanks to Gorath for the Info.


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8. Gothic Rules /: \___\ / . /\
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Gaining Levels
To gain levels you need to collect experience points by solving quests or
defeating monsters. After collecting enough experience points you
will gain a Level.

Each time you level up, you gain 10 skillpoints, and some extra life.
Your hard earned skillpoints can be used to rise your attributes and
buy skills. Theese are used to get further into the game. Its up to you
what you would like to play, have a look at the chapter "Classes" if youd
like to know more about ways to play Gothic.


1 Skillpoint for 1 Strength

You may teach up to 100 Strength,
but increase it with potions and artifacts.

Learned at:
Diego (Old Camp)
Thorus - After becoming Guard (Old Camp)
Lares (New Camp)
Lee - After becoming a mercenary (New Camp)
Gor Na Toth (Sect Camp)
Cor Angar - After becoming a Templar (Sect Camp)

Strength is the primary attribute for a Warrior.
It improves the damage done by close range Melee weapons and
lets you use heavier weapons.

Strength have direct influence on damage.
If you add +1 strength, it will be just like your weapon did
1 extra damage.

1 Skillpoint for 1 Dexterity

You may teach up to 100 Dexterity,
but increase it with potions and artifacts.

Learned at:
Diego (Old Camp)
Throus - After becoming Guard (Old Camp)
Lares (New Camp)
Lee - After becoming a mercenary (New Camp)
Gor Na Toth (Sect Camp)
Cor Angar - After becoming a Templar (Sect Camp)

Dexterity is the primary attribute for a Ranger. It improves
the damage done by long range weapons and lets you use better
bows/crossbows. Also it makes you fire more arrows in a shorter time.

1 Skillpoint for 1 Mana

You may teach up to 100 Mana, but increase it with potions and artifacts.

Learned at:
Torrez (Old Camp)
Chronos (New Camp)
Gor Na Toth (Sect Camp)
Baal Cadar (Sect Camp)

Mana is the primary attribute for a Mage. It increases the amount
of manapoints you can 'load up' before the combat begins.
The more mana you have, the less chance it is that you run out
of mana when the combat begins.


No maximum, you can also increase it with potions and artifacts.

Learned at:
Life improves for each level you gain, there are also potions
scattered around the colony that increase it permanently.

The more life you have, the more hits you can take before you die.
When gaining levels, you may dare to go against tougher enemies,
since you can take their blows and still survive.



1h Melee
Level 1 = 10 Skillpoints / Level 2 = 20 Skillpoints

Maximum: Level 2

Learned at:
Scatty (Old Camp)
Corc (New Camp)
Gor Na Toth (Sect Camp)

The better you are in 1h Melee weapons, the faster you will
strike, the less chance is it that you accidently make lethal pauses
in your attacks. Also, you will do more critical hits.

2h Melee
Level 1 = 30 Skillpoints / Level 2 = 40 Skillpoints

Maximum: Level 2

Learned at:
Thorus - After becoming a guard (Old Camp)
Lee - After becoming a mercenary (New Camp
Cor Angar - After becoming a Templar (Sect Camp)

The better you are in 2h Melee weapons, the faster you will strike,
the less chance is it that you accidently make lethal pauses in your
attacks. Also, you will do more critical hits.
2h Weapons does more damage than 1h weapons,
also they reach longer wich is neccessary to hold opponents at range.


Ranged Weapons

Level 1 = 10 Skillpoints / Level 2 = 20 Skillpoints

Maximum: Level 2

Learned at:
Wolf (New Camp)

A bow lets you take out enemies from safe distance.
Better levels let you fire more arrows in shorter time, and also lets
you do more shots in less time.
The advantage with a bow is that you can fire arrows very quickly,
wich makes it a better choice if you want to take out
multiple targets on range.

Level 1 = 10 Skillpoints / Level 2 = 20 Skillpoints

Maximum: Level 2

Learned at:
Scorpio (As guard, or after the Old Camp have closed down)

A crossbow lets you take out enemies from safe distance.
Better levels let you fire more arrows in shorter time,
and also lets you do more shots in less time.
The advantage with a crossbow is that you can do more
damage than with bows, the disadvantage is that its slower.
Crossbow is a better choice if you want to take out one
stronger target on range. or when you are standing on a
position where multiple targets cannot reach you.

Thief Skills

Level 1 = 10 Skillpoints / Level 2 = 20 Skillpoints

Maximum: Level 2

Learned at:
Finger (Old Camp)
Wedge (New Camp)

The better you are in Lockpicking the fewer lockpicks
you will break when unlocking chests.
Lockpicking is fairly useless. If you want to lockpick,
save before trying to unlocking a chest, when you know the right code,
load your saved game.
To lockpick a chest, stand in front of it, then save.
Now press the use button, the character will kneel in front of
the chest. Now use your left-right arrow to try out the combination.
When you do right, you will hear a 'click'
When you do wrong, you will reicive a message about failing,
and probably your picklock will break.
Keep trying. Some locks have 4 digit codes, a few have 3 or 6.
Once you know the code (or are out of lockpicks) load your game.
When you know the code and loaded the game, unlock the chest.
Some doors/chests cannot be opened with lockpicking, you need the key.
Except for thoose few, virtually every door/chest can be picked, opened
or circumvented.

Level 1 = 10 Skillpoints / Level 2 = 20 Skillpoints

Maximum: Level 2

Learned at:
Finger (Old Camp)
Wedge (New Camp)

The better you are in pickpocketing, the lesser is the
chance that you fail. Pickpocketing is useless since you can
beat up people and rob them from all their stuff
without anyone caring about it.

Misc Skills

10 Skillpoints

Maximum: This skill doesnt need extra levels.

Learned at:
Buster (New Camp)

The better you are in Acrobatics, the longer you can jump,
and you will take less damage from falling from heights.
I think Acrobatics is fun but rather useless since it
doesnt award you with anything special,
and in my opionion - jumping twice without acrobatics
is quicker than one jump with acrobatics.

Moralin writes:
The acrobatics jumps I've found to be actually a considerably
faster way to travel than non-acrobatic jumps. Yes, I know that
most of the time taking an acrobatic jump while _running_
is disappointing. Try taking a jump while standing still instead.
Better yet, just stick a finger in the jump key, and then one in
the forward key, and keep both pressed as needed. Uphill it's as
fast as normal running, down an easy slope it's at least twice the
speed of running. Just be careful not to do this on steep slopes,
like the one stairs to the sect's temple, because you can end up
falling a long way.
(Thanks to Moralin for this info! Now Acrobatics sounds better!)

10 Skillpoints

Maximum: This skill doesnt need extra levels.

Learned at:
Wedge (New Camp)
Cavalorn (On the road between Old & New Camp)

Sneaking lets you sneak past people, do things
while avoiding getting caught. It helps you to sneak past tougher enemies.
Overall, Sneaking is rather useless unless you
want to impress fingers.

Hunting Skills
1 Skillpoint each (5 in total)
Some of them costs Ore.

Maximum: Theese skills doesnt need extra levels.

Learned at:
Skin Reptiles - Drax
(First Ranger you meet when first going to the old camp)
- Aidan
(Ranger on the way to new camp)
Take Furs - Drax & Aidan
Take Teeth - Drax & Aidan
Take Claws - Drax & Aidan
Take Mandibles - Templar, top level in the mine
* Take Mandibles - Gor Na Drak (free cost)
(Wanders from Old Camp Mine to Sect Camp)
+ First Sect Member you meet in the Mine
* Take Horns/Tounges/Troll Hides/Swampshark Teeth
- Tarrok (Free Mine) - Later on in the game
* Take Bloodfly Stingers
- Chronos (Buy the book about Bloodflies)
* Take Crawler Shells
- Wolf - Later on in the game (New Camp)
(* = No cost)

While Lockpicking is the fastest way to get
loads of money, Hunting Skills is in longer
run the best alternative to be money independent.
One round in the forest, and you can easily
gather enough Ore to get you everything you
need in the stores. I reccomend to get theese
skills as quickly as possible, specially before
you start to kill stuff.

Magic Circles

Level 1 = 10
Level 2 = 15
Level 3 = 20
Level 4 = 25
Level 5 = 30 (Not for sect members)
Level 6 = 40 (Not for sect members)

(Runes needs to be bought, and costs ore)

Maximum: Level 4 for Sect Members,
Level 6 for Fire/Water mage

Learned at:
When you have the option to update from shadow to guard,
you may also choose "Fire Mage". Then you can be tought by Corristo,
the Fire Mage.
When you have the option to update from Fire Mage or
Mercenary to Water Mage, you can be tought by Saturas.
If you decide to join the Sect Camp you can learn up to
Circle 4 from Baal Cadar.

To play the game as a mage gives Gothic a new perspective
if you only played as a Warrior before. Magick is more
powerful than weapons, but require that you
teach yourself a few combinations and what spell is best
against what monster. While one monster is very sensitive
against fire, another might be invulnerable to your flames.


* Dont choose the Sect if you like to become a mage.

* The quickest way to become a mage is to join the
firemages in the old camp, if you do, you can switch
to watermages later on.

* You will be rather weak in the beginning,
but once reaching the 4th circle you can
do alot of damage.


9. Classes

In Gothic you must make up your mind about one thing, what would YOU
like to play. You can play as a Warrior, Mage or Ranger. Once you made up
your mind, you can check out the following hints of where to spend your
hard earned experience.
Feel free to play 'mixtures' of different skills, but if you
would like to be sure to be a 'specialized master' check theese out.

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Playing warrior in Gothic is the "safest" way for glory.
You will master the skills of using close range weapons, dealing
deadly blows with your equipped axe, sword or club. The first
thing to spend your points in is in strength. Always strength,
however, you also need to learn to master your skill in
1h & 2h melee weapons. They costs ALOT of points, but are worth it,
and you WILL get enough points to reach maximum in everything you
need, so dont fear learning everything you can about melee.
Dexterity is fairly needed. You can use it in 2nd hand just to be
able to take out tough monsters from distance with bows/crossbows,
but you dont need dexterity to fight at close range.
Read the GREAT tip in the hints section about how to grab a decent
bow quickly in the game.
Grab the best strength bonus rings/necklace you can find.
You need a bow with you to solve one of the plot-critical quests.
Also you will need to use a few scrolls, even if you are a warrior.
There are many useful Transformation scrolls in the game.
Thoose might help you explore otherwise unaccessible areas,
breath under water etc.

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Playing as a Mage is a path that is more difficult at the
beginning, but more awarding later on. While the warriors
constant hit-hit-hit tends to be boring you can learn lots
of fun spells as a mage, learning how to combine spells for
a even greater power. You need to learn monsters different
'weaknessess' by trying different types of spells against
different monsters.
Unfortunate, you have one problem. You cannot get magic
right away, so you still have to be able to kill monsters with
at least using a bow (see info about the mine below)...
But save as much skillpoints as you can. Once you can become a
mage its good to have lots of skillpoints saved
(preferably about 70 to be exact, and that just includes the
mage-levels, not the mana you need to use the spells...).
There are two weapons that will help you out when playing as
a mage that dont need you to spend to much points on
Strength/Dexterity. Read the tip in the hints section
about grabbing a decent bow quickly in the game,
but if you'd like to get a "shortcut" to a superb
melee weapon (only one you need as a Mage) check out the
Art of Magic section.
Grab the best protection bonus rings/necklace you can find.
And one more thing - DO NOT JOIN THE SECT CAMP
I would reccomend joining the Old Camp, since its the quickest
way to become a mage and lets you go all the way up to a
master sorceror.
You need a bow with you to solve one of the plot-critical quests.
There are many useful transformation scrolls in the game with
spells that cannot be bought as Runes. This help you explore
otherwise unaccessible areas, breath under water etc.

------ (
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Unfortunate, the authors havnt supported people
that would like to play this game as a ranger. There is two
specific monsters that *might* be a problem as a ranger,
since they require to be taken out in ways where a bow isnt enough.
There are just two in the entire game (dont counting the 'stone'guys).
I wont give away wich monsters I mean, becouse it would spoil things,
but once you defeated thoose two you can convert into a Warrior,
decent enough to finish the game. (this is just a really small portion
of the game really, so dont hesitate to play a ranger if you wish
to do it).

If you choose this path, once you maximized your dexterity,
bow and crossbow, start to save to 70 skillpoints. You need to
spend theese in the end of Chapter 5. You will then know why and
what to spend them on.

A ranger can take out monsters at long range pretty quickly, from a
safe distance. He will use his bow to take out multiple targets, and a
crossbow to quicker take out single targets. The first thing ou need to
do is to grab the damn bow im talking about all the time (read the hints section),
then you can start to rock. Spend all the skillpoints you earn
into Dexterity. Also grab the best dexterity bonus rings/necklace
you can find.

Remember, that the Crossbow is slower, but do more damage.
You need both bow and crossbow, but dont worry, in just 16 levels
you can be a supreme master of both... And can spend the rest levels
(about the double) on anything you like.
If you play as a Ranger you cannot beat up others to steal their stuff.
Arrows kills... If you want to rob people of their stuff, you therefore
needs to learn yourself pickpocketing.
I would reccomend the 'rest of the skillpoints' to be put on strength.
See the small disclaimer above.

Also you will need to use a few scrolls, even if you are a Ranger.
There are many useful transformation scrolls in the game.
Thoose might help you explore otherwise unaccessible areas,
breath under water etc.


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10. Learning the Art of Combat | | | |______________
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While it helps to increase your strength, it helps alot to learn yourself
how you, as a player, can become better in melee fights.
It all have to do with perfect timing, when to strike, and when not to strike.

First rule of gothic combat:
Dont be to quick. Take it slower. Learn how to plan your next movement.
Timing does everything.

Lesson One:
The Left-Right-Left Technique

If you quickly press left than right you will miss the right swing.
If you wait until your sword is on the characters right side,
then press right, you will make a fluid right-swing, thus making two
attacks pretty quickly.

You can continue to practice left - right - left - right for awhile.

Lesson Two:
Advancing Forward

Now try to do an advance forward. Instead of pressing left after a
left-right swing, press forward. The character will take one step
forward with a upper swing, resting his weapon on his shoulder.
When you see the weapon resting on his shoulder, press forward again
and he will take another step forward and his sword goes back down
to his left.

When his sword is to the left, press right again, and you will note
that the character swings his sword to the left again in a fluid motion,
just like lesson one. Press right and you will return to the basic
position again (your weapon to the right).
Continue following the Lesson One technique by pressing left again...

left, right, left, right, forward, forward, right, left, right, left...
Feel the blade going a fluid motion while you advance forward.
Practice to always keep the sword in motion so it doesnt stop,
even if you advance.

Without breaks you are not allowing your foe to get near you.
With advancing forward you make sure to push the enemy backwards
and this gives you control over him, and he doesnt have control over you.

You may also use this technique to push larger beasts into a wall,
and when they cannot flee anymore you can start to whipe them
left - right -left - right
(since they cannot escaoe backwards they are trapped)
until they are dead. I killed the Troll at level 5-8 by using
this technique. Only critical hits hurted the Troll,
but the important thing was that the Troll couldnt hurt me.
I also tried the same technique against Swampsharks and it
proved to work very well. I defeated all the swampsharks on shapter 2 by
pushing them up against walls.

Lesson Three:

While the first two lessons is enough to take out most
enemies in the game, you have one problem, multiple enemies.
A novice will take a few hits, but a master can learn the
skill of evasion. To evade is a technique that can cannot be
teached, but have to be practiced until it comes as a reflex.
You must learn how to be able to make a minor break in your attacks,
while strafing to the right, or the left.
After strafing you must learn how to be able to continue
your fluid motion as teached in lesson one and two.
When fighting multiple enemies, try to take one step
backward after your left/right strafe, and then make a forward
attack. If it hits, good, if it doesnt, dont worry.
Retreat backwards, strafe around, and as soon as you feel a
wall coming up behind you JUMP forward...
With acrobatics this is even easier.
Jump forward, trying to jump between the enemies,
ending up behind them. Run or jump once more forward before
spinning around.

Then continue, strafe left - retreat - forward attack
- retreat - strafe right - retreat - forward attack - retreat...

Lesson Four:
The Spinattack & The Double Swing

Now, there is one more thing to learn. This can be done
in the same fluid movements as above, it only uses a different

Think of this, you wave the sword
right - left - right - left - forward - forward - left - right
- left - forward - forward. Just like lesson one and two.

You can go on that way forever, forwarding against the enemy.
Its enough to take out most enemies in the game.

But try this one out, when you have pressed forwards twice,
press forward again! Your character will spin around in a
spinning attack! Do it ONCE more for a final left-right doubleswing.

Thus - Forward - Forward - Forward - Forward...

In the end of this sequence your sword will be to the right again,
so you can just continue in the same fluid motion by pressing
left - right - left right again... Always keep waving, never stop...

Get it?

This last technique might only be available to "master" skilled people.
If this is true you are stuck with the first lessons, for now.


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11. Art of Sorcery \_\_\. /
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The art of Sorcery require you to learn how to combine your magic powers,
and also important - how to run like hell.

You need a bow with you to solve one of the plot-critical quests.

Learn how to get away quickly
Since running probably will be what you need to learn first, since you
wont be able to use the better circles for awhile, I would like to
teach you how to quickly outrun an enemy.
What I have noted, is that jumping, specially in slopes, can get you
forward much quicker than just running. Each time you jump you will
slow down a bit thou,
so dont double jump, let yourself to come up in running speed before
jumping again.

The slowdown of one jump is not enough to make jumping slower
than running.

The first levels
It takes awhile until you can start learning spells. So what can we do
until then?
I would reccomend you to use up at least the first 20 skillpoints or so
in reaching at least 22 in Strength & 13 Dexterity. The remaining points
can be used to things like lockpicking & sneaking, and 1-2 Levels
in bows...

Then start to save points... Magic costs a bit, and the best thing you
can do is to have at least 70 saved skillpoints once you reach the inner
section of the camp. If you can save even more (another 10-20 points),
then its great but not required.
If you have 70 points you can instantly learn up to the fourth circle,
wich gives you the ability to use Storm of Fire as soon as you find it,
thats first really cool attack spell.

Getting the Bow:
This is a spoiler, but it will makes things alot easier in your
first levels...
The bow requires 18 in dexterity, but you will find it next to a
ring that gives you +5...
Enter the Mine, walk down to the melt-oven (with the working Orc Slave).
Here you have two caves leading to minecrawlers. Lure the crawlers
in the left cave into the workers area, and they will be quickly killed
by the guards & templars. You wont get your experience for them by
doing this, but its worth it.
Walk into that cave, search, and you will find what you need.
The bone bow lies next to a skeleton in the bottom. To reach
the ring, climb the ladders.
With this "bone bow" early in the game you can advance in
levels very quickly. The bow requires 18 in dexterity, wich you should
have by now if you followed my earlier tips.
Be VERY sure that none of the templars OR named NPC's die in
this fight. It will make it impossible to finish the game!

Getting the Hammer:

I have reicived lots of comments about the Orc Hammer, many
people have told me that there are lots of better hammers in
the game, such as the "Gods Hammer" that can be bought by the
smith in the Sect Camp. Also, the Orc Hammer is not a real
quest item, but you must have at least one hammer to solve
the game. What differs the Orc Hammer from the rest, is that
you can grab it in the first chapter, and its without costs.
*end of note*

There is a Hammer in the game, that does 50 damage but doesnt
require more than 22 in strength. It really helps you alot in the
beginning while collecting points for your mage.
To obtain this hammer, you will need to get past a few nasty
bloodhounds that can be a pain, but its not impossible to get
past them once you gained a few levels.
However, I got this hammer early becouse I am a patient idiot.
So you need to tell yourself:

"I am a patient idiot that does this so early in the game"

After you have told you that, read on.
If you dont want to say that out loud, dont do this.

At early levels this will take awhile, so be patient, it is
awarding to have a weapon that does 2,5 times the damage other
weapons do for a ridicilously low strength requirement.
Get the map from Graham so you can follow it with my directions.
See the swamp to the right? There is a way leading up from the camp
that takes off to the right, to the left there is a bridge.
Ignore that bridge, but take a look upwards the slope. You will note a
load of reptiles up there. You can take them out if you wish
(should be possible by the time you done all the quests in all the
camps and spent enough points to rise your strength to 22).
Follow the mountain-edge at top of this slope and you will see
a small cliff-edge. Up there you will meet a monster that you will
learn to hate pretty quickly. Its called the BloodHound.
There are about 6-7 of them (at least thats a load of xp and
probably 1-2 levels for you). Take them out one by one
(luring them one by one to be attracted by your smell... Or something).
If its just too impossible to defeat them,
update your dexterity a bit so you do more damage with bows.
(bows is more rewarding than Melee weapons anyway,
if you are a mage that is).
I tried this out, and without gaining a single level, using nothing
but the bonebow and a +10 ring (thus, having a total of 20 in dexterity)
I could NEARLY take one out...
Now go up there, the area seems to be "dead" (except the few bloodhounds).
The grass are grey and the treas are dead.
You will have an option to go to the right and the left. To the right
there is a bridge, with a ugly fella standing on it (thou, you can
kill him when you got your hammer). Go to the right instead, kill a few
more hounds. To your left there will be a ‘cave‘ with a door.
Open the door. There inside you will find a chest with your best
mage melee weapon in the entire game... It will be enough to take out
even minecrawlers at your current level...

The Scrolls

There are many useful transformation scrolls in the game that are not
available as runes. Theese might help you explore otherwise unaccessible
areas, breath under water etc.

Scroll Mana
---------------------------------- ----
Army of Darkness 25
Rage 10
Shrink Monster 5
Summon Demon 20
Summon Golem 15
Summon Skeletons 10
Teleport to the Magicians of Fire 5
Teleport to the Magicians of Water 5
Teleport to the Necromancer 5
Orc Teleport Spell 5
Teleport to the Swamp Camp 5
Transform Into Blood Fly 10
Transform Into Minecrawler 20
Transform Into Lurker 15
Transform Into Meat Bug 5
Transform Into Molerat 5
Transform Into Orc Dog 20
Transform Into Scavenger 5
Transform Into Shadow Beast 25
Transform Into Snapper 25
Transform Into Lizard 15
Transform Into Wolf 10

The spells

School Name Circle Mana Damage Value
----------- ---------------------- ------ ---- ------ -----
Common Light 1 1 - 300
Common Healing 2 Inv. 10+ 500
Fire Fire Bolt 1 1 30 300
Fire Fireball 3 5 30 700
Fire Storm of Fire 4 10 50 1100
Fire Rain of Fire 5 15 100 1300
Water Ice Bolt 1 1 20
Water Ball Lightning 3 5 20
Water Ice Block 3 3 50 700
Water Chain Lightning 4 Inv. 25 700
Water Wave of Ice 5 8 50 1100
Water Breath of Death 6 5 100 1500
Sleeper Sleep 2 3 - 200
Sleeper The Fist of Wind 2 3 10 500
Sleeper Charm 3 5 - 200
Sleeper Pyrokinesis 3 Inv. 20 500
Sleeper Telekinesis 3 1 -
Sleeper Storm Fist 4 8 15
Sleeper Control 4 ? - 900
Necromancy Death to the Undead 4 5 9999 1100
Necromancy Uzariel's Wave of Death 6 10 200 10000

Inv. = Investment spell. You use it as long as you wish, and it will cost
mana while you use it.

? = Control doesnt list its Mana requirement (bug probably).

Teleports (Costs 5)
Teleport to the Magicians of Fire
Teleport to the Magicians of Water
Teleport to the Necromancer
Teleport to the Swamp Camp

In the beginning you wont have many spells, so you have to stick
to what you have. You may feel that this sucks a bit, and I agree.
Spells until Level 4 is not as powerful that you would espect,
but as usual in RPG‘s you will become very powerful as a Mage later on in
the game (In Gothic - The Fourth Circle).

You will note that you dont need to stick to Firemagic when you are a
Fire Magician, and you dont need to stick to Watermagic when you practice
Water Sorcery. Grab all spells you find, and be sure to check out the
Sect Magic too, they have at least two really good and useful spells.

You can obtain most spells in shops around the colony,
but you also find a few hidden away in chests/killed
enemies during the game.

First Circle Tips & Combos

The first two spells are Ice Bolt and Fire Bolt.
Ice Bolt is practically useless since Fire Bolt can take out
most simple enemies in one-two shots. In first circle you also get
light, wich is useful in a couple of places in wich Light is required.
Light doesnt cost much, and have the same effect as a normal torch,
except the fact that you have both hands free.
Thus you can attack with sword or bow without loosing your lightsource.

Second Circle Tips & Combos

The second spells are only one, Healing. Its up to you if you wish
to use Heal, I rather use plants & berries than wasting my mana.
You can also grab Sleep down at the Sect Camp. If you find any use for
this spell, tell me. I find it slow and inneffective.

Geir Gundersen writes:
Sleep is useful if you want to attack people that stand beside a
powerful NPC. Simply cast sleep on the strongest one, then slay/beat
up the others while the NPC sleeps. The NPC don't know whats been going on,
so you can still be friends.
I used it mainly to kill people without the invincible NPCs attacking me.
Thanks for the tip Geir!

Third Circle Tips & Combos

The Fireball in Gothic was a dissapointment. It takes time to load up,
wich is often enough for enemies to reach you - bye bye.
Same goes with the Ice Block, wich also have the inhabit to "miss"
the running monsters. =( The Ball Lightning stops enemies for a short
while, wich is enough to load up another one. It can be used next to
Fireball to take out enemies that the fireball have no effect upon.
This is all you will have in the beginning of the game, so you have to
stick with theese for now. As soon as you can buy fourth circle spells
you will become much more powerful. Charm is as good as Sleep...
Slow and ineffective. Try it out if you wish.

Fourth Circle Tips & Combos

Now we are talking... The Storm of Fire spell will probably be the
spell you use the most from now on. Except doing lots of damage,
it also burns several targets (that stops up when burning).
Like both the previous Ball's it requires a bit of "loading up"
to do damage when thrown. In my opinion Chainlightning is rather weak,
and it will take almost to the final end of the game
until you get it... :(
Stormfist, on the other hand, is a really good spell combined with
Wave of Ice (5th Circle). Grab it, and play around with it,
save the rune until you have reached the fifth circle
(and can buy the Ice Wave).
Control is like Sleep & Charm, it difficult to suceed with it,
so damage-making spells are more effective.

Fifth Circle Tips & Combos

In my opionion Rain of Fire is useless.
It doesnt to the damage the Firestorm does, so you will
probably stick yourself to Firestorm... However, the Wave of Ice
is one of the best spells in the game (next to Firestorm).
Wave of Ice turns everyone standing around you into ice.
After making them into Icq you can use other spells to take them out.
Be sure to repeat the wave after a couple of damage-giving spells so
the enemies remain frozen.
Combining Wave of Ice and Firestorm is very good against minecrawlers
and human targets, but also try out the Icewave + Stormfist
against Razors.

Sixth Circle Tips & Combos

I wont go into what the sixth circle does... Once you know,
you will say "WOW" and you wont need my help there. ;)


12. Story in Gothic

This text is grabbed from the first FAQ by Jerome Cukier

Many years ago, in a faraway country, there was a land called Myrtana.
It was a thriving kingdom. Year after year, the granaries were full and
the mines gave good copper, iron and Ore. No one wanted or needed.
The priests of the gods had great power and influence, and the gods
were keen to the people. The greatest was Innos, the god of the Sun
and the Law. He was revered as the first and highest god and his priests
were the Fire Mages. The priests of the god Adanos, who held the scales
between good and evil, were the mages of the circle of water.
There were no priests to serve Beliar, god of the death, for his might
was pure darkness.
The blooming cities were also centers of knowledge where magic, astronomy
or geography were studied. But joy and peace were soon replaced by want
and mistrust. So it happened that the neighboring empires became jealous
and wanted Myrtanas's treasures for themselves, and none more than Varant.
Armies of knights gathered on the hills of the Empire and ships made of
dark woods were seen on the horizon, raising frightening standards of war.
The armies of Myrtana were summoned to protect what was their homeland.
It was war.

The King's Armada sank ship after ship, but suffered great losses.
On the land, the first battles were easily won, but then
both sides altered victories. Despite the many battles won by Myrtana,
the Knights of Varant progressed in the land. The
war, which Myrtana thought would be short, lasted many moons,
skirmish after skirmish, battle after battle. And many,
who wanted to make a name for themselves, earn fortunes at war or
just protect their homeland, soon ended on the
battlefield. By thousands they came, and by thousands they died.
King Rhotbar did not only try to protect the borders of the kindgom,
but with his men he fought to reconquer villages and
counties deep into his country. And what he could not reconquer,
he destroyed. The war had already last more than four
seasons. But his strategic science, that of his generals, and the
alliance of army and magic allowed him, on a fine
spring morning, to stand in front of the doors of the Varant capital.
As if they woke up from a dream, the people of Varant
saw the army camping in front of their city and quickly surrendered.
The doors were opened, the weapons sheathed, and King Rhotbar and
his knights rode into town as true victors. The city was
not plundered, the people not made prisoners. The King executed the
leader of Varant, then appointed a regent and a council,
who were to rule the Empire from now on, and returned to Myrtana.
He had won the war, but the price was high.
Many men, sons, fathers and brothers had gave their life for the Empire.
Furthermore, the supplies were low and winter was
near. In many places there was hunger and distress.
During this winter, weakened by his wounds of war, King Rhotbar died.
His son, Rothbar II, accessed the throne without ceremony. He summoned
his priests, his advisors and his sages. Together,
they developped plans to bring back the Empire to the state of
prosperity that his father once knew.
Although the dreadful winter was over, another danger lurked upon
the kingdom. Orcish hordes from the North crossed the
border and plundered hamlets and manors. The king sent once again
his armies to the border. Countless battles took once
more many lives. It was just a short combat with no clear victor.
But King Rhotbar knew that the Orcs had become strong
enough to wage a war against Myrtana. Still, his own army was weak,
diminished and poorly equipped. In order to craft new
weapons, he needed Ore. The situation was overall bad, and worse in
the mining cities. Thieves and deserters ran galore and
many prisoners had fled from the mines.
The city of Khorinis, one of the main suppliers of Ore, was too
important for the King not to act. It was because, in the
mines of Khorinis, the prisoners extracted a special,
rare kind of Ore - Magical Ore.
This Ore, if rightly melted, could make a blade undestructible,
with an edge so sharp that no armor could resist it.
The King called the twelve most powerful Mages of the empire,
six from the circle of Water, and six from the circle of Fire.
He ordered them to create a magical barrier around the mining
city of Khorinis, in order to prevent the prisoners from
escaping. A Barrier, which could let living creatures enter,
but not escape. Together, the twelve mages started writing
a magical formula to invoke the barrier. As the formula was completed,
with the help of five magical focuses, which they
laid in a ritual pattern, they united their magical strength and
spoke the words of power.
The skies were torn asunder, and in deafening sounds of thunder,
it was there. The barrier stood there as a huge dome over
the land, covering a gigantic area - much bigger as planned. The
confused mages soon found out that they too were trapped
within the barrier. And the prisoners killed the guards, who were
trapped with them by the magical dome.
The mages and the prisoners did not join force, as the mages feared
their weapons, and the prisoners quickly understood
that without the mages, they did not stand a chance of escaping
this magical jail.
In the watchtowers gathered the prisoners, and at their head was
Gomez, who lead the resistance. The joy of victory was
soon replaced by concern about food and survival. The prisoner
knew that for goods and wares they depended heavily on the
outside world. The King needed Ore, as well.
So they came up with a plan to satisfy both parties.
The King will pay supplies of Ore with food and other goods, so the
prisoners could survive. But all of the prisoners were not interested
in working for the king. One of them was Lee. He left
the town and many followed him. They founded a new camp, next to
another mine, which came to be known as the New City.
The Water Mages joined his side as well. They were looking for a
solution to destroy the barrier. For their magical
researches, they needed the ore of Lee's mine. Their goal was to
use it to find a way out.
The Fire Mages stayed with Gomez in the Old City. The installments
paid by the Empire guaranteed the survival of the
prisoners. Gomez enlisted the strongest of them as his personal
guard. Soon he ruled a small empire. Although all were
prisoners, while some were toiling in the mine, Gomez was asking
for more and more in exchange of the Ore, and soon
good wine, fine food and magical books abounded in his Castle.
After many moons, a man in the colony began to tell others about
his visions of freedom. He called himself Y'Berion, the
Illuminated. His words were deep and persuasive, and he attracted
many followers, with which he retreated in the Swamps
to found his own city. And soon there were rumors of strange powers,
magic and summonings that were even unknown to the
mages. And this city did florish. They lived from the culture of
Swampherb, which smell was coveted, for a smoke of herb
gave the men pleasant dreams. They traded the herb with the
Old City and soon they lived still rather meagerly, but
The Empire recovered slowly from the wounds of the past.
Wheat grew in the fields and new trade routes were opened. Only
the Barrier reminded of a time of war.
And then came the orcs.
Like a storm rages over the land, they stroke the armies of the
king and killed every man who tried to resist them. So
Rothbar II readied his troops once more for war and every
available man was sent to the border.
In these times anyone who commited a crime, no matter small,
was sent to the Colony of Khorinis. The fire of the smithies
burned day and night and the hammers of the artisans were
constantly beating.

Another man will be judged guilty today and sent to the mine.
You are this man. Just another prisoner who will work for the
rest of his life in the barrier. So they think anyway...


13. Walkthrough Light

If you'd like to go through the first chapter without doing mistakes
(thus reducing your options of choices, or make things unneccessary difficult)
I have written a shorter not-so-spoily walkthrough here. It will only help you
to get on your feet in Gothic, and dont do anything *dumb* on the way.

Getting the most out of the first Chapter

* NOTE *

I would reccomend saving as many skillpoints you can during your
journey through this part of the walkthrough. If you do, and then
save before selecting your camp you will have a very nice save
to continue on when you want to replay the game
(testing other camps/classes) without having to remake the boring
part. You should be able to do most of this with only spending
about 10-20 skillpoints, or not even that...


1. Old Camp

Go to Old Camp

Speak to everyone, tell Diego you'd like to join and do
everything you can except the following:

- Dont do Thorus Mission without reading "2"
- Dont follow the Baal at the campfire (read on)
- Do Diego's "Test of Faith" if you wish, but DONT give Diego the
list (read on). The best thing of going to the mine so early in the
game is to get the bow (see the tips above).

2. New Camp

Convince Thorus that you are skilled enough to do him a favor.
When you get Thorus mission:

- Dont kill Mordrag, instead warn him about his danger.
Then follow Mordrag to the new camp.

On the way you will meet Cavalorn (Fingers told you about him).
Learn sneak if you have skillpoints (10 points).
To be honest, a rather useless ability, but required to get Fingers vote.

In the new camp - do everything you can. Solve all the quests you can.
Tell them you'd like to join... Talk to everyone.

When you only have the "must betray old camp" left to do,
you can go back to the old camp.

3. Sect Camp

Now find the Baal at the Campfire. Follow the Baal to the Sect Camp.
There, tell them you'd like to join. Do everything you can there,
get all Baals votes. Also make sure to picklock Cor Khalam's left chest
and grab his reicipe (you can do this while his helper is asleep at night).

When you CAN (dont do it now) join the Sect, you are done here.

4. The choice

* NOTE *

I would reccomend to do a MAJOR save here, since it will let
you replay the game without doing the *REALLY BORING STUFF* again.
Specially if you have saved lots of skillpoints.


Ok, so we have the Old Camp with a load of guards that abuse their
rights as much as they can and force people to work for them (blackmail).
We have the New Camp with a load of anarch bullies and a unforgiving
rice lord that is forcing the people to become slaves for him.
We have the sect camp with a bunch of weed smoking religious whackos...

What would you like to join?
Your choice doesnt matter, unless you would like to play as a Mage (see above).
The advantages/disadvantages of each camp wont affect you much.
Join what you feel for.
You will find out sooner or later who the "good" ones are anyway.


14. Complete Walkthrough

This is the full walkthrough to Gothic. I have tried to add as many things
as possible, and hopefully havnt forgotten any part of it. I have played
the game through as an Old Camp guy, but dont fear to select any of
the other camps since the game is rather linear after you solved
the first part (wich is longer than the rest together).

I would reccomend saving as many skillpoints you can during your journey
through this part of the walkthrough. If you do, and then save before
selecting your camp you will have a very nice save to continue on when
you want to replay the game (testing other camps/classes) without
having to remake the boring part.

* *
* Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Colony *
* *

* NOTE *

I would reccomend saving as many skillpoints you can during your
journey through this part of the walkthrough. If you do, and then
save before selecting your camp you will have a very nice save
to continue on when you want to replay the game
(testing other camps/classes) without having to remake the boring
part. You should be able to do most of this with only spending
about 10-20 skillpoints, or not even that...


Welcome to Gothic. Your goals is to get out of this Colony, hopefully
before your beard is longer than father christmas.
In your hand you have a letter to the 'Fire Mages' that is supposed to
live inside the barrier... However, you have no clue upon how to reach
them for now...

So there you are... Weak, dressed in nothing but grey peasent clothing,
armed with nothing more than your wit, and as soon as you reach inside
the barrier people starts to harrassing you.

Well, at least you are luckier than others, since you find a friend
without being here for more than a couple of minutes. Say hello to Diego.

By now, he's all you got (ALL you got), so listen to him, trying to
squeeze as much from him as possible.

You will learn about the Old Camp. The Old Camp was the Camp created by
the first prisoners that set themselves free inside the barrier, and is
ruled by this guy "Gomez".
This guy "Gomez" will probably be the best to ask for help, so lets
talk to him. He is probably in the Old Camp, so your mission starts there.

Your way to the Old Camp is not far, there are a couple of Scavengers on
the way (your average oversized version of unfeathered bird) and even a
close encounter with a molerat (your average oversized version of a
hairless rat, even thou they look like your average shell-less turtle)...
This means extra xp and some objects that will help
you when you reach the camp, such as Ore, Healing fruits, a rusty sword
and a pickaxe.

However, if you dont think hairless rats, unfeathered birds, some xp
and stuff are fun, then you may as well follow Diego. He will kill
everything on the way for you, and you earn the experince for monsters
he kill.

Since I am the 'rock hard - dont miss anything' rpg guy I didnt follow
Diego. First examine the bridge. You will find your first piece of
Ore and a beer there. Fun, but not the right time for a party.
Keep the beer, since you will use it pretty soon.
If you like to, kill yourself while walking into the barrier and
put out your missery. (its possible here, I did that, by mistake)

I suppose you rather get out of here, than kill yourself,
so start walking down the road.
You will see a gate up ahead with two guards standing there.
You can go up and talk to them if you wish.

The first wild-life you will meet is MeatBugs. Hoo Hoo Hoo.
You can kill them if you wish. If you do, grab their meat, since thats
the only reason to kill them now (10 xp wont do much good).
Dont eat the meat thou, since it can be used to solve a quest.
Also open up the chest, and grab everything on the way.
When you see a wooden bridge above the path you can go up there. Grab the
pickaxe outside the abandoned mine. Congratulations - your first weapon!
Equip it. Beyond the bridge there is your first REAL wildlife - A molerat.


Whack him good with your trusty pickaxe and grab his meat.
In this area you will find a rusty sword - your second weapon!
Dont you feel like a warrior already?
Equip it.

Now you have two options. One is to find a hidden area, the other is to
ignore the hidden area. The Hidden Area is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL so dont
worry if you cant reach it. You may return when you have mastered the
controls and your jumping skills.

If you want to find the hidden area (Couple of molerats, Scavengers,
equipment and your first goblin) you need to find the 'mountain bridge'
Not the wooden one, but before that there was a archway of the mountain
leading above the path. Get up on it. You can reach it by jumping from
the place you met the Molerat.

Go over.


Here's the tricky part - you need to follow the mountain wall
to the left. You will need to take a great jump (and probably die
a couple of times trying) to reach the other side, so save here.
Once you reach the other side, continue to follow the mountain wall
and try to climb up as long as you can on the mountain.

When you see a grassy area up on the mountain, you are sucessful.

A anonymous visitor to the forum told me:
You don't have to to all that amazing jumping stuff
(even though that's how I got up there first =) )
Just examine the cliff face next to the bridge.
You should be able to work your way up there by just making a
series of jump-and-pull-yourself-up steps. You will find some
serephis on your way up if you're in the right place.


Kill everything you see, including your first goblin, grab everything
you see. Then jump down to the path you came from again.

Now I will go a bit quicker, from now on have theese things in mind:

* Save often, in different saveslots.
* Grab everything you see.
* Try to kill every animal you see.

Follow the path down the mountain, killing whatever stands in the way,
grabbing whatever you find. You will come by two 'rangers' in
blue dresses to the right. Talk to them.

Drax will ask you for a beer. Luckily we found one up on the bridge.

Now, I have to agree to one of theese guys, first his idea of taking
out a Scavenger is excellent and really works well.
Second, he's really right about learning his teachings as
quick as you can, since it will really make you earn loads of money.

The "Jouvenile Scavengers" you met so far is just children. The
real scavengers (looks the same, but named Scavengers) are stronger,
faster and... you get the point.

However, you lack both skillpoints and money for that right now...
So go on. You see the huge castle to the left across the bridge?

Thats your goal!

The first encounter you meet here is the bridge guards.
Talk to them, or ignore them. They give you some newbie info but
most of the guards without names have the same things to say.

The second encounter will be the gate guards.
Tell them that Diego sent you, and dont let them fool you of your
money. Walk inside.

The Old Camp

Now, its a bit difficult to give you "go here, go here"
instructions in finding people in the camp. Therefore I will
try to give you descriptions about the people you find here,
and what you can do for them.

A couple of notes might be appropiate before we begin.

Note #1 - Talk to everybody!

The most important rule here is to - Talk to everybody!
The first one you should talk to, is diego. Tell him you'd like to
join and he will forward you to Thorus. Talk to Thorus, and you will
be sent back to Diego. Here your quest for respect begins.

At night people are in their huts, sleeping or having a time on their
own. That means that the area locations of the NPCs isnt correct at

The absolute first one you should talk to is probably Thorus...
He's the guy dressed up in a HUGE armor standing just outside the
inner gate.

Note #2 - Keep your options open

This is the Old Camp. There are three camps that
are happy to accept you as one of their own, so dont decide
that Old Camp is your best choice for now, even if you tell
them that you would like to join.
You will make this decision later in the game, and the
decision is up to you, depending of what you feel is right.

Personally, I choosed the Old camp becouse I felt in
"Debt" to Diego for helping me, but thats just me.

Even if you shall not join any camp for now, you shall earn
respect in the three camps, starting in the old camp.
Once you earned enough respect you can join them, and when
you have that option its time to go on to the next camp and
get as much respect there.

The reason to get respect in all the camps are simple = Experience
You want to learn who you dealing with, and you will learn lots
of free experience while doing it.

Note #3 - Laws among Criminals

There are a few laws among theese criminals. All theese laws
can be broken when you are not seen doing it.

* At first, you are not allowed to go into others huts.
If you want to do it, you must try to go into a hut when
noone sees you.

* At second, dont draw weapons within the camp. It make
people feel threatened, and you dont want that.
At least not now.

* The stronger rules. If stronger people harrass you,
let them. If you are stronger than others, feel free
to beat them up, others wont interfear.
If you beat someone to the ground, you can rob him
of all his stuff. If the guards start firing bolts
at you, quickly run from the place and return after
a minute or two - then everyone have calmed down.
If you beat someone down, he will be unconcious
for a moment, then stand up again. He wont be to
upset for you for beating him up. He will sometimes
curse you, threaten you, or tell you it was a good
fight, but he wont remember it for long.
If you use bolts/arrows/magic on someone they will
die. If you beat someone down, stand in front of him
press the left button and up, you will do the
"coup the grace" and kill him.
Dont kill people so far, and when you want to start
killing people - make sure noone sees you.
You can assassinate them in their huts, or while others
look away, but dont let anyone see you when doing it!
Some NPC's are invulnerable. They will continue to be
invulnerable until you enter a certain chapter in wich
you are free to kill them. They must make their
"Plot-critical scene" before they can be taken out.


* Tip *

To quickly solve a quest later on in the game, start collecting
theese items from the beginning:
5 Apples, 2 Rice Schnapps, 5 beer, 3 bread, 2 Cheese & 2 Grapes.
Be particulary sure to not eat the Grapes since they are extremely
rare. Theese can be used with a mercenary that guards the free
mine. You are not given much for it, but at least you get 300

* End of Tip *

After talking to Diego you will have a quest open that
says "admission to the Old Camp", and thats what you are
up to right now. To be accepted in the Old Camp.

Walk around, talk to everyone, do their quests.
Here is a list of people to talk to, and how to solve
all their quests... If you follow the guide in order you
should go counter-clockwise around the 'fortress'. Then the
NPC's should pop up in the correct order.

I should tell you, that I have tested everything I teach about
here. I have tried to everything in the following chapters without
spending a single experience point, and guess what? Its possible...
Except for defeating Shrike and the Dam Lurker I solved all the
quests, gaining a total of 5 levels without any tough struggle. :)

* General

All places have theese commoners. You can talk to whoever
you like, at least the first time you reach this place,
since they will give you more insight about the place they
live/work in.

- Diggers
The diggers live in peace inside the Old Camp, as long as
they pay Ore to the guards. You recognize them pretty
quickly in their brown peasent-like clothing. They are
often armed with nothing but a pickaxe, or a club. That
doesnt mean that you should mess with them yet.

- Shadows
The Shadows are the 'novice guards'. Diego is the leader
of the shadows. They have real armor in red fabric.
Most of them are armed with crude swords and bows.

- Guards
The guards is thoose who have taken one step longer than
the shadows and becomed real guards. They have a bit
stronger armor, real swords and crossbows. Their position
among the guards make them feel supperior, one thing you
will note when talking to them.

- Heavy Armor Guards
There are a few of theese, armored in a really heavy armor
with something that reminds of a monstrous face on its front
plate. They are the supreme guards that watches over everyone
inside the camp. Most of the Heavy Armor Guards are Gomez
closest bodyguards, and also have real names. They are often
armored with even better swords and crossbows.

- Gate Guards
The gate guards makes sure no one gets in that should be
inside the walls, or get out that shouldnt get out.
Something that you will note if attacking them is that
one in each gate cannot be hurt. Probably becouse they
play an important role later on in the game.

- Bridge Guards
The bridge guards is your first encounter with the Old Camp.
Why they are guarding that particular bridge is a question
that I have no answer to. There seems to be alot more reason
to guard the ‘right‘ and ‘back‘ area of the Old Camp since
the other camps are located in that direction.

It could be becouse of Quientin and his gang of thugs that
lives up in the mountains - Geir

- Orc Land Guards
Theese guards are your last warning before entering the
Orc Lands. Thank them, becouse if you walk into orcs right
now you will be torn to pieces faster than you can scream "ORC!".
You find them outside the camp, guarding various paths leading
to the right direction.

If you want to explore the Orc Lands, use a Transformation to
Orc Dog scroll =o)
- Thanks to Geir Gundersen for the tip

* Old Camp, Outer Ring, front gate

The first thing you will note is the huge gate. Inside are
the Fire Magicians that you want to talk with, however, you
are not yet accepted into the Old Camp, so you must prove
yourself worthy to go there. This will be your first problem
in Gothic. You will note a guy in a particulary huge armor
up there at the inner gates. That one is Thorus... You should
talk to him before speaking to anyone else.

- Thorus
First time you speak to Thorus he will tell you that its not
to easy to reach the fire mages... If you talked to diego
(wich you did the first time you entered the game) you can
tell him that Diego thinks you are ok. Thorus will tell you
to talk to Diego, and there we go... The quest of respect...
If you speak to Thorus after you talked to Diego and really
try to convince him that you are competent doing whatever he
asks he will tell you to take out a guy for him named "Mordrag".
This is your first ticket to the new camp (dont do anything bad
to "Mordrag" when you meet him, you will still complete his quest).
If you complete his quest, he will vote for you.
You can bribe yourself into the castle by paying 1000 Ore...
This is useless, since you will still not be able to enter
chapter 2 without joining a camp. You can deliver the message,
earn 200 experience but you wont get anywhere from that.
Thorus will be the one that promotes you to Shadow later on,
if you have reached Level 5. He will also promote you to guard,
after doing the camp a huge favor (a later chapter).
Instead of becoming a guard you can choose to become a
fire magician.
Once you are a Guard he will teach you 2h fighting,
Strength & Dexterity.

- Diego
Diego is your first friend within the colony. He will request
you to do a "Quest of Faith" that needs you to go to the mine.
Warning thou, you are free to go forth with almost the entire
quest, including grabbing the List at the mine, but dont give
it to Diego after visiting New Camp and Sect Camp.
Once you do, you may no longer be able to join the New Camp.
Diego is your first tutor of Strength & Dexterity.
He will be your friend during the entire game, so trust him

- Grim
When you first meet Grim, he will be an equal to you. He will
tell you who he met so far, giving you some tips of who you
should talk to to get respect in the Old Camp.
If you dont pay bloodwyn, Grim will later on lure you out on
a mission, then trying to beat you down. Its up to you how
you deal with this.

- Baal Taran
Baal Taran is probably your first encounter with the Sect Camp
He is close to the entrance of the Old Camp and will be happy
to tell you about the Sect and the Sleeper. Listen to him to
get a idea who the Sect Camp is, and the diety they are begging
to release them from the barrier.

* Old Camp, Outer Ring, Upper path to the right

The Old Camp have a "upper section" and a "inner section" of the
outer ring. This part will explain the encounters you do if you go
on the upper section first. Bloodwyn is the guard of duty in this

- Bloodwyn
Bloodwyn would do nothing but blackmailing you for Ore.
Pay him for now, its best so. Later on you can take him out
and you can grab all your Ore back.
If you dont pay him, he will hire people to attack you...
Feel free to take him out if you wish. once you are skilled
enough, lure him inside one of the huts and assassinate him.
Or let his continue his ‘job‘ in peace.

- Graham
Graham is one of the five traders in the Old Camp.
Graham makes maps that you can buy from him. When you get
the quest from Diego you will be able to get one map from him
for free if you insist on "Diego says I could get it for free"

- Herek
Herek is one of the Old Camp largest mouths and jackasses. Talk to
him if you wish, you can probably teach him a lesson later on.
He deserves spankning. If you dont pay Bloodwyn or talk to him
nicely he will attack you.
Like Bloodwyn, feel free to teach him a lesson. Once you got the
diggers discipline you should be able to attack him from behind,
give him enough strikes to render him unconsious. After grabbing
all his stuff (his weapon) he wont do any more harm to you.

- Kyle
Poor Kyle, he built his hut in the middle of the road, and everyone
is passing through his hut when they want to go to the other side of
it... You cant do much for him, so leave him alone in his misery.

- Dusty
Dusty is tired of the Old Camp and would like to join the
Sect Camp. After meeting his buddy in the sect camp (Melvin)
you can take him with you there, thus solving one of the
Baal quests. See the Sect Camp for this later on.

- Sly
Sly's friend is gone, and he's not to happy about it. If you
find what happened to his friend Nek, he will vote for you.
There are two other people involved here, so I will continue
this quest in the description of Fletcher and Snaf the Chef.

* Old Camp, Outer Ring, Lower path to the right (Campfire)

The lower part of this section have a cozy campfire where people
seems to meet and talk about everything.

- Gravo
Gravo is found next to a 'pool of water' close to the gate
to the inner section.
Gravo is a kind of "lawyer" within the camp. If you screw up,
he can help you, but with a very high price. I can tip you to
talk to him, but you better avoid arguments with the fellas he's
dealing with, since you better use your Ore for other people.

- Whistler
Whistler like to buy a sword from Fisk, but Fisk refuses to sell
it to him. He will give you 100 ore for the sword. Fisk have
rised his price for the sword. Either pay him 110 ore, or go ask
Whistler for more Ore. If you solve his quest he will vote for you.

- Fisk
Fisk is one of the five traders in the Old Camp.
He will sell you lots of stuff, including a rather nice sword
named "Diggers Discipline". This sword is a nice tool when your
strength is still 10... Grab it, it will be one of your closest
friends for awhile. Read the section about fingers to know how
to afford it. Also, you may buy your first Armor from Fisk.
The Armor sucks, but its all you can get now, so buy it if
you want...

"Light Diggers Trousers" - 250 Ore
Weapons 10 Fire 5

"Diggers Trousers" - 500 Ore
Weapons 15 Fire 5

Again, check the info on Finger to find out how to get money...
* BUT! *
If you would like a set of Diggers Dress for free, hold
yourself until you reach the free mine. There tell "Swiney"
that you want to become a scraper and you will get a complete
set for free! Theese have 10 protection against weapons.
* BUT 2! *
If you still would like to buy the Peasent Trousers here,
you might also want to know that you can buy a robe down the
sect camp that does the same protection, but with a little
more fire damage protection. You wont have much use of that
extra protection since you will be instantly killed of any
fire breathing monster you meet right now (and you wont meet
any in a long long time either). But if you rather would
like a robe than a couple of pants, then you'd better wait.

"Lion Cloth" - 500 Ore
Weapons 15 Fire 10

And oh... Btw... In the hut close to fisk there is a chest
that contains a permanent +3 dexterity potion.

- Baal Parvez
There is rumoured to be a bug around Parvez that makes him
'unuseable' as the guide he is supposed to be. If you want
to be sure, dont talk to him now, and when you talk to him
later, be sure to save first.
*End of Warning*
Around the Campfire you will get a close encounter with a
sect member. This fella will happily guide you to the sect camp.
Dont follow him right now, but be sure to keep the alternative
open since we will use for that purpose later on.

- Dexter
Dexter is one of the five traders in the Old Camp.
He will also ask you to do a favor for him, stealing
a reicipy in the Sect Camp. This is one of the quests you cannot
solve now, so remember it until later. (I will explain how to
solve this quest once you reached the Sect Camp).
After solving his quest he will vote for you.

* Old Camp, Outer Ring, Back gate (or the fallen tower)

You will note that one of the towers have caved in, and fallen
down here. You will also see the exit of the back gate.
Jackal is the guard on duty in this section.

- Jackal
Jackal is the heavy-armoured guard of the back gate.
He dont do much, except having the same job as
Bloodwyn - To make sure you pay. Do it, or dont do it
its up to you. If you payed Bloodwyn, Jackal dont want your Ore.
If you wish, you can beat him up later on for a very nice Crossbow.

- Mordrag
Mordrag is one of the five traders in the Old Camp.
You will recognize him by his bluish clothes and his
bow over his shoulder.
Mordrag is the person Thorus told you to "chase away".
If you warn him about this, he will be your best ticket
to the new camp. Do this by telling hom
"You have a problem".
Doing this will also solve Thorus quest without having to
pay in blood for it. If you beat him up Fisk will stop to
sell you items...
In short - Dont Try To Beat Him Up
After completing everything else here in the Old Camp,
follow Mordrag. Mordrag will kill everything in your way,
and you will earn the experience.
You can drop by at Cavalorn on the way, learning "Sneak"
wich will earn you the vote from Fingers.
When getting closer to the New Camp he will give you a ring
that you should take to Larus, his leader.
This is your free ticket inside the new camp.

- Meatbugs
Theese small critters inhabitate a defenitly abandoned hut
(without roof). You will hear them by their small creaky
noise. Kill them and get their meat. It will soon be helpful.

* Old Camp, Outer Ring, outside of the Arena (upper section)

Most of the diggers have their huts here, and you will also
get your own hut here (with furs hanging on your walls).
Here you also find the blacksmith and the men working for him.
Fletcher have taken over the guard-position here since the old
guard havnt been seen for awhile.

- Fletcher
Fletcher is the poor guy that have to take over from Nek, taking
his shift. He is not to happy about it, and ask you to find Nek
for him (you may have to speak to Sly first if you havnt done so).
However, he have no clue where Nek is, so read on...
The nest clue to this quest is found in the description of
Snaf the Chef.

- Huno the Blacksmith
The Blacksmith is one of the five traders in the Old Camp.
The blacksmith can teach you how to forge swords. Forging swords
may be fun, and award you with almost free swords, but they
require 20 in strength, and do as much damage as the Diggers
Discipline. Picklock his chest, steal all the iron, and sell it off...
Thats the best you can do. Try forging a weapon if you wish, just
for fun. If you think you have all the time in the world, forge
ALL the iron into swords, THEN sell them. Will earn you an extra
10 Ore per rod.

- Guy
Guy will teach you about the camps, and give you insight in good
and bad reasons for all three camps. He also shows you the way to
your own home within the Old Camp.

* Old Camp, Outer Ring, inside the Arena (lower section)

This small section is inhabitated by the gladiators that
fight inside the arena, and the arena owner. Scatty.
There is a grindwheel here that is used to forge weapons
and that wheel is often used by one of the gladiators
when you pass by. Behind Scatty's hut you will find a hut
next to the castle wall, there you will find Fingers, the thief.

- Scatty
Scatty the Arena Master can teach you how to use 1h weapons.
This is good if you want to play a Warrior, and can also be
useful if you believe you can afford it as a mage.
When upgrading your weaponskill you will fight more effectivly,
strike quicker, and do more critical hits and learn more combos.
Scatty is one of the people that will vote for you, if you prove
your bravery with Kharim... (check the part about Kharim).

- Kharim
Kharim is a gladiator from the New Camp. You can challenge him,
and defeat him, but you can also challenge him and loose, and
still get Scatty impressed...
If you tell him bad things about the new camp
"You are only here to kiss Gomez ass"
he will agree to fight you in the arena.
Follow him to the Arena, but before you enter the inner
circle take off into one of the small/dark rooms that are close
to the openening. There, drop all your ore.
Enter the arena, get beaten down (or win).
If you loose, Kharim will mention that you dont even have ore,
then leaves. Go get your Ore.
Now talk to Scatty, and he will be very impressed and vote for
you, even if you loosed.
Seen the movie gladiator? You are free to ‘soften him up‘ before
entering the arena. Not required, just say that you are able to.

Beat Kharim tactic by Ruslan Ismalov:
So, 30 strength, rusty sword, 8th level, diggers trousers,
nek"s neklace (+5 armor), ring of protection, brought in sect
camp and ring of str brought in New camp -- and Kharim is easily
beaten (150 exp)!

Beat Kharim tactic by Geir Gunderssen
You could ofcause beat him and gain experienc and glory :)
This is not to difficult to do with a Orc weapon.
Get one by luring a Orc down to the guards that tell you to
go no futher. When the orc dies he'll most likley drop the
Krush Pach (50 damage 30 str req 2H).
Or get the Orc hammer, but with the Krush Pach you'll have a
longer reach. If the orc happen to kill a guard you can also
pick up a light crossbow and a Guards Sword. You can also get the
Light crossbow by luring some Orc dogs to Pacho.

- Kirgo
Kirgo is the Old Camp gladiator here in Old Camp. You can challenge
him if you want to, or he will give you a beer for friendship.
I would reccomend to hold on until much later before challenging him
since you will only be beaten up now, and you cannot challenge him
again. If you beat him up, and spare his life, he will like you alot.
Seen the movie gladiator? You are free to ‘soften him up‘ before
entering the arena. Not required, just say that you are able to.

- Manis
Manis is the Sect Camp gladiator, mostly here as a missionary and
not really into fighting. Talk to him about the Sect Camp, you can
not challenge him.

- Fingers
Fingers is the Camp's Thief. He lives in a 'hidden' hut between
two other huts (behind Scatty's place).
Fingers can teach you three things, Pickpocketing, Lockpicking,
and the path to Cavalorn "The Sneaker". If you teach yourself
basic lockpicking and how to Sneak, Fingers will vote for you.
Ask him if he can teach you to sneak, then ask him how to find
to Cavalorn.

I have noted that if you dont speak to FINGERS FIRST and ask him
about Cavalorn, and then go to Cavalorn and teach yourself sneaking,
BEFORE learning about him from fingers, you cannot get Fingers vote...
Probably since you did the quest in the incorrect order.

Once you have basic lockpicking you will open up the first way
to be almost money independent and buy everything possible in the
Old Camp. It takes an hour or so, but in each hut there is one-two
locked chests. You can use lockpicks to open theese chests.
To lockpick a chest, stand in front of it, then save.
Now press the use button, the character will kneel in front of
the chest. Now use your left-right arrow to try out the combination.
When you do right, you will hear a 'click'
When you do wrong, you will reicive a message about failing,
and probably your picklock will break.
Keep trying. Some locks have 4 digit codes, a few have 3 or 6.
Once you know the code (or are out of lockpicks) load your game.
When you know the code and loaded the game, unlock the chest.
In this way you can unlock all the chests in the entire camp
as long as you can sneak into the huts unseen, while still
saving your lockpicks. You will earn about 2000 Ore or so, wich is
enough to buy the heaviest stuff available to you in the entire
Old Camp.
Some doors/chests cannot be opened with lockpicking, you need the key.
Except for thoose few, virtually every door/chest can be picked, opened
or circumvented.

An anonymous person told me:
I found that you do not need to use any skill points for thief at all.
Fingers will consider your stealing the recipe for Dexter an increase
in thiefing abiltiy. I have opened every chest I have come across
without any lockpick skills.

* Old Camp, Outer Ring, Left of the main gate.

The center of this 'minor' area would be Chef's fireplace
(with a pot boling on it).

- Snaf the Chef
Snaf the Chef have another quest for you, to get a couple of
mushrooms and the meat of meatbugs. Talk to him further, and
he will tell you how to find the mushrooms. He will also tell
you that he sent another guy to find mushrooms before you that
havnt returned. Guess who?
Well, Meatbugs can be found in a trashed hut next to the fallen
tower in the outer ring.
Hell Mushrooms can be found just outside the back gate of the
Old Camp... So get the Meatbugs and run out of the Back Gate.
There you will find a load of Hell Mushrooms but you will also
see a cave with some Mugrats. Kill them one by one.
Inside the Cave you will find a body of... Guess who?
Grab his stuff. Return to Snaf, then Fletcher, then Sly.
Give the necklace to Sly and he will vote for you.
After returning the ingredients to Snaf, he will give you
a daily ration of three bowl of meatbug ragu...
Thats free health, useful while you are still young, when
you grow older you will have to eat lot more to satisfy
your stomach ;)

- Mud
Ok, Mud is by far the most irretating thing in Gothic, but
rather funny if you ask me. He reminds me of a certain
other guy in Baldurs Gate...
Deciding what to do with mud is up to you. When you are tired
of him, beat him down once, and he will leave you alone.

Mud is really a internal joke, his look and character are
similiar to a former TV host/moderator on Viva2, "Niels Ruf"
Check out his website here:
Doesnt he look like mud? =)

- Thanks to Gorath for the info

* Outside the walls

Theese people will be found close to the Old Camp. You can learn
about them by talking to people inside the Old Camp, or exploring
the close surroundings.

- Exiled Diggers
Not to far from the front gate there is two diggers resting close to
a chest. They havnt been able to pay Ore for being inside the
Old Camp. A living reminder of what happens to thoose who dont pay
(or have brawns enough to avoid it). You can beat em up and grab
the content of their chest if you want to. They own little of value.

- Drax & Ralford
You meet theese people on your first way to the Old Camp
Drax will teach you some skills you should earn as quickly as
possible since they award you with lots of money.
I would tip you to do this after Level 3-4

- Pacho
Pacho isnt found inside the camp, instead, if you follow the road out
through the back gate, and then take on to your second right, he will
sit there, and warn you about going further.
(Thats the way to the Orc Lands)

If you want to explore the Orc Lands, use a Transformation to
Orc Dog scroll =o)
- Thanks to Geir Gundersen for the tip

- Nek
In a cave not far from the back gate you will find the body of Nek,
the old guard that was replaced by Fletcher. Nek have fallen victim
to the rats that inhabitated this cave. You need his necklace to solve
the quest about him.

- Gilbert
Finding Gilbert is the tricky part, and will award you with some
experience. Not to far, right, of the cave you found Nek in there
is a set of climb-able 'steps' in the mountain. If you jump up on
them you will find a cave, with one lonely man named Gilbert. He is
exiled from the Old Camp and now lives here. He have a chest that you
may rob if you wish.

- Gor Na Drak
Not neccessary close to the Old Camp, but you might encounter them
while being outside of it, on your way to the Old Mine, or to the
Sect Camp. He and his Templar Buddy are wandering across the Colony,
delivering Crawler Mandibles to the Sect Camp. You can teach yourself
to get Mandibles from him if you wish to. This is reccomended since
the skill is free if you get it from Gor Na Drak.

Darian writes:
I have been researching Gor Na Drak and the Templer who
travel between the Sect Camp and Old Mine.
Old Mine 17:02 - 6:00
Old Camp's Southgate 7:38
Sect Camp 9:02 - 14:00
Old Camp's Southgate 15:25
I think it takes them about 30 min to travel along the
south side of the Old Camp.
- Thanks to Darian for the info

- Aidon
Aidon is found on the way to the New Camp. He can teach you more about
hunting, much the way Drax can.

- Cavalorn
You will find this guy by following the guidelines given to
you by Fingers. You can check him out when following Mordrag
to the new camp.

Except talking to everyone, you can try to take out as many animals
as possible outside the Old Camp. As soon as you get the hunting
skills you can take their hides/furs/teeth/Claws wich will earn you
Ore for your effort. You should have reached a couple of levels by now.
I reccomend you to update your Dexterity to at least 13 before leaving.
Strength is up to you.

Quick list of the 'respect' missions:

Diego - "Test of Faith"
Ask Graham to give you the map.
Go to the free mine, get the list from Ian.
Give Diego the list (if you do you wont be able
to join the New Camp).

Thorus - Go to Mordrag, tell him "You have a problem" and
follow him to the New Camp. Then return to Thorus
and tell him that he wont see Mordrag again.

Sly - Talk to Fletcher and Snaf the Chef
Do the mission for Snaf the Chef
Close to the Hell Mushrooms you will see a cave
with Molerats. Kill them. find the body within the
cave and return the necklace to Sly.

Whistler - Get 100 ore from Whistler. Ask fisk about
"A sword, something ornamental"
Go back to Whistler to get another 10 ore
Buy the sword, and give it to whistler.

Scatty - Challenge Kharim
Drop your Ore somewhere
Get beaten up on the Arena
Grab your Ore
Talk to Scatty again

Fingers - Talk to Fingers about learning sneak and how to find
Cavalorn. Go to Cavalorn and learn how to sneak.
You might be forced to buy picklocking too. Ask
him if he want to vote for you.

Dexter - Go to the Sect Camp. Picklock Cor Kalom's left chest
while his helper isnt there. Return the Reiciphy to

Ok, you should have solved all missions except the following:

- Baal Pervez that helps you to the Sect Camp
- Helping Dusty to find to the Sect Camp
- Following Mordrag to the New Camp
- Solving the "Quest of Faith" for Diego
- Getting the Reicipy for Dexter

Its now time to visit the Mine. Dont go there at night, sleep
and wait until the day again and it will be easier.

Kill animals on the way, if you wish. Take whatever you can from the
bodies. Experience is great.

Follow Graham's map to the Mine. Its through the forest, through a cave,
and up in 'the mountains'. You will see a couple of wooden towers in
distance when you near it.
You will encounter bloodflies, rats, and also a few wolves on the way.
Wolves one by one should be possible to take out, but in packs they are
best avoided.

There is a secret area close to the Old Mine.
Its behind a waterfall in the river, 'guarded' by three goblins. Kill em
off and swim in.
- Thanks to Ruslan Ismalov

The Mine
Your objectives inside the mine is to:

* Learn how to take Minecrawler Mandibles (optional, for money)
* Get a list from Ian
* Finding a magical ring and a free bow.

The first person you meet inside the mine is Drake. He tells you about
the directions within the mine. Across the bridge you will meet a
over-confident shop-owner. Buy anything if youd like. Close to him there
is a sect member. He will fill you in on the situation, and you can
learn to take Minecrawler Mandibles from him. Then you can start
exploring the mine.

* General

As usual, you will find a load of commoners here. They will mostly
say the same things, but the first time you come here, you can talk
to them once to get a more insight about the place they are working
in (the Mine).

- Guards
The guards around here can tell you about the mine, and the people
working here. They also say one or two things about minecrawlers.

- Diggers
The diggers in the mine tells you about their hard work and

- Templars
The Templars present in the cave tells you a bit more about
minecrawlers and why members of the sect is present.

- Orc Slaves
Down in the mine you will have the first encounter with the Orcs.
The Orc Slaves have little of importance for you, except being
"the first orcs you see". Have a good look at them if you wish, you
will have more close encounters with their brothers later on.

- Mine Crawlers
A note about crawlers... They are lethal if they catch you right now,
so stay away from them. After grabbing the bow you can take them out
one by one at distance for extra xp. You can also lure them to the
guards that will help you to take them out.

* Top Section

The first you will see inside the mine is a bridge, a man standing on
the bridge, and a 'shop' built in wood (with red banners hanging from
it). There is not much to do here, except talking to a few NPC's and
then progress down the mine.

- Drake
The first person you meet in the mine.
Fills you in on the situation, if you give him a beer.
If you only have one beer, save it, you have better use for it
within the mine.

- Santino
Santino is the first of the three traders within the Mine. This guy is
convinced that he have everything you need. Although I do not agree,
you can check out what he have to offer. At least Arrows is useful at
the moment, since you will use up a few in the Mine.

- "Templar"
Next to Santiago's "store" there is a Templar. This specific templar
can teach you how to take mandibles from MineCrawlers. If you like to
know how to do that, he will teach you for no Ore, but it still costs
one skillpoint.
Its up to you if you want to waste one skillpoint to him, since you
can get this skill for free if you get it from Gor Na Drak.

* 2nd Cave

After walking down a ladder you can reach the 2nd part of the Cave
(walk through the tunnel here).
This part contains little of value now, except for Aleph that will help
you to solve a quest later on, so you might as well skip this part until
you have visited Ulbert on the Middle Section.

- Aleph
This guy is a lazy digger that keeps his friends working for him while
he is resting behind a rock as long as the guards cannot see him.
Aleph carry a key, that you will find out about in the description of
Ulbert. You can also buy information from him
(I didnt think the information where worth the Ore, you make up your own
mind about that).

- Ashgan
There is little need of the 1st guard of the 2nd Cave. You can complain
to Aleph to him, it doesnt really matter, except that Aleph will be less
helpful if you do. (You can do it after getting all you need from Aleph,
check the description of Ulbert).

* Small Sub-section

On your way down to the Middle section you will have an "encounter".

- Snipes
You will recognize Snipes quickly, he is a Sniper sitting by his own
with a guard not far from him. He have an offer for you. If you lure
away the guard you can have 10 Ore. Well, read about this in 'Aaron's

- Aaron
Aarons only concern is to not let anyone touch his chest. Specially not
snipes. However, tell him that Ian wants to speak to him, but that you
dont know what Ian wanted to say. Aaron will go away. Talk to Snipes
again and you will gain 10 Ore, but also buy a key from him for 30 Ore.
Well, do it, unlock Aarons chest, and grab everything inside. Later on
you will meet Aaron again in the Middle section. He will be angry of you
but you can sell his key back to him for 20 Ore.

* Middle Section

The middle section contains a small storeroom (inside a wooden hut) and
another 'store' instantly recognized by its red banners.

- Ulbert
Inside the small wooden hut stands a guy named Ulbert.
Ulberts role in life is to guard the chests, but he does enjoy beer
and parties. Ask him about the chests, hand him a beer, then tell him
that the others are having a party down below. He mumbles something
about "Aleph" having the key.
Run all way back to Aleph (2nd Cave) and ask him about this, and you
will get the key for 30 Ore. Then grab everything you can get inside the
chests in the hut.
You will meet Ulbert close to where you meet Aaron the 2nd time, he will
also be angry on you, but its ok.

- Grimes
Grimes is one of the veterans in the mine, and the entire Colony. He will
say a couple of things from his experienced heart, however, you dont
listen very well to what he have to say.

- Ian
In front of the "Store" stands a man named Ian. By talking to everyone
you probably know that Ian is the boss around here. He is also the one
that gives you the list that will solve Diego's "Quest of Faith".
Much later on there is a deal with him and a cogwheel, but I will
describe that in a later chapter.

- Alberto
Alberto is the second Trader of three inside the mine. Not as confident
as Santino, but have about the same things in his small 'shop'.

* Bottom of the Cave

The bottom of the mine have a huge wheel that a Orc Slave is pushing
around. Next to a oven you will see Viper that pump air into the oven.
There are a couple of templars sitting around a campfire here, and at
least three exits, two minor caves and a way down to the Lower Section.
The two minor caves leads to spaces filled with minecrawlers.

* Tip *

To get a free bow and a +5 dexterity ring early in the game
do the following:
Here you have two caves leading to minecrawlers. Lure the crawlers
in the left cave into the workers area, and they will be quickly killed
by the guards & templars. You wont get your experience for them by
doing this, but its worth it.
Walk into that cave, search, and you will find what you need.
The bone bow lies next to a skeleton in the bottom. To reach
the ring, climb the ladders.
With this "bone bow" early in the game you can advance in
levels very quickly. The bow requires 18 in dexterity, wich you should
have by now if you followed my earlier tips.
Be VERY sure that none of the templars OR named NPC's die in
this fight. It will make it impossible to finish the game!

* End Tip *

- Garp
Garp is usually killed if you let the minecrawlers attack the guards...
Somehow it seems like he 'starts' his position within that cave
where you try to fool the minecrawlers out from...
If he doesnt die you can ask him about the Orc Slaves, wich isnt
required (it doesnt matter if he gets killed).

- Gor Na Bar, Gor Na Vid, Gor Na Kosh
There are three templars with names in the cave. They will fight against
minecrawlers if they attack the miners, but will do nothing else of value
for you right now. Much later on, you will ask them to accompany you in
a 'major fight', but Ill explain that in a later chapter.

- Viper
The guy at the Melt-Oven is named Viper. He carry alot of Ore that he
will hand over to you if you can give him something in return.
Give him all your garbage and take the Ore instead.
Ore takes up lesser space in your inventory than
10-20 words/skins/whatever

* Lower Section

The lowest section is inhabitaded by a huge (but broken) masher.
You will see that the Orc Slave have nothing to do.

- Brandick
Brandick is the last of the people you find down in the cave. Brandick
have important role in a quest you will reicive later on, but that will
be explained in another chapter. One warning thou, Brendin is a buggy
character. Do not touch the wheel behind him, and I think its safest
to not even speak to him right now. Just in case.
And do not even walk near the winch, there is a known bug about that
winch that might stop you from being able to solving a quest without

* Outside

- Gor Na Drak
Not neccessary close to the Mine, but you might encounter them
while being outside of it, on your way to the Old Mine, or to the
Sect Camp. He and his Templar Buddy are wandering across the Colony,
delivering Crawler Mandibles to the Sect Camp. You can teach yourself
to get Mandibles from him if you wish to. This is reccomended since
the skill is free if you get it from Gor Na Drak.

Darian writes:
I have been researching Gor Na Drak and the Templer who
travel between the Sect Camp and Old Mine.
Old Mine 17:02 - 6:00
Old Camp's Southgate 7:38
Sect Camp 9:02 - 14:00
Old Camp's Southgate 15:25
I think it takes them about 30 min to travel along the
south side of the Old Camp.
- Thanks to Darian for the info

The New Camp


I must be honest with you. When I write the majority of this FAQ I still
havnt tried to play this game as a pure New Camper. This leads to some
shortened down descriptions of the characters in this section.
Hopefully the information provided is as accurate as possible.
If you are a rabid New Camper and like to fill me in on missing material,
please do!


The walkthrough of the New Camp is no different from the one given to
you in the Old Camp. Ironically, there is not much difference between
the old and the new camp. The workers still works for "free", and there
are still thoose that harrass newcomers. Some workers even had better
down at the old camp...

* General

You are getting used to this now. Commoners. Like the Old Camp and the
Mine you find them scattered all over the place. Talk to them to get
some more insight about the place.

- Peasents
The peasents in the New Camp spend their day in working at the
Rice Field. When asked, you will discover that they arent so
happy about the New Camp that the advertisement says.
The peasents look like the diggers back in the old camp,
but have some more variations of the color in their clothing.

- Thugs
The Thugs that guards the Rice Field is some of the real 'evil' people
in this game. Specially Lefty...

- Rogues
Rogues are the ones that works up to become mercenaries. You recognize
them by their blue cloak around their shoulders. Their armor is
generally smaller than the Mercenaries.

- Mercenaries
Mercenaries keep things in order within the camp. They have a thicker
armor, many of them armed with huge axes. Their shoulders of their
armor is covered in fur. They have a general "dont mess with me"
look, but tends to be rather handsome when spoken to.

- Water Mages
This will be your first encounter with a mage in Gothic, namely Cronos
down at the Ore Mound. More about him later.

* The Rice Field

The first area you encounter inside the New Camp is the Rice Field.
There are a load of peasents here that works for the Rice Lord, the
guy that provides the entire New Camp with food (rice) wich is about
the only thing the people in the New Camp eats... :P

- Pock
Pock is one of the first peasents that you talk to once you reach the
New Camp. He fills you in on what the New Camp is about, and are always
happy to see you. However, somehow you quickly note that he have a
*VERY* bad memory :)

- Rufus
Rufus isnt too happy about being here. Lefty, one of the thugs, have
forced him to work on the Rice Fields since day one. He gives you his
opinion about the REAL "New Camp" and their so called freedom.

- Horatio
Horatio is a man that ended up here by pure accident. He really have a
sad tale to tell if you like to listen to it. If you can come up with a
good reason why Horatio should teach you a bit about muscle, then he
will award you with a free +5 strength, wich is very useful this early
in the game. But remember that you have 100 points strength as maximum
training value... If you solve his "quiz" after reaching 100 points you
will not reicive any extra points! So do this early!
To be able to give a good reason for him to teach you, talk to Jeremiah
the brewer (located in the bar) and ask Jeremiah about the Rice Lord,
then return and talk to Horatio again.

Moraelin warns about a nasty bug here:
I've already said before that he can't teach you str past 100.
What I've missed before is an even more dangerous problem there.
Last time I already had 103 str when I talked to him, and he made
my str go DOWN to 100. It's NOT funny.
- Thanks Moraelin for the info

- Rice Lord
The Rice Lord is a bloated meanie. He stands there all day, watching the
ricefield, dressed in an orange chaperon. You learn to hate him as
soon as you talked to a few of the peasents, or his lakey Lefty.
The Rice Lord is armed with a 2 handed blade, and are pretty strong
too, but if you wish you can take him out later on (and noone will care).
However, as always when killing someone, you must do it hidden.
Just lure him inside the house and you can assassinate him.
For now, if you talk to him, he will only forward you to Lefty, or
hand you out water to the peasents after "accepting" Lefty‘s mission.

- Lefty
You have few options to deal with this man. Once you walk by he will stop
you, and whatever you say to him will force you to work for him and the
ricelord. To do his mission you have to return here once per day and hand
out water to the peasents.
Actually you dont need to share more than one bottle of water for Lefty
to stay off your back...
But if you share all 12 bottles and then talk to Lefty or the Ricelord you
earn +100 xp.
However, you will probably ‘forget‘ this task pretty quickly.
Once you did, he will attack you when you reach this area again.
Only way to get rid of him is to beat him up. Feel free to take him out,
I sucessfully took him down with just using the Short Bow found in
Fisk's storeroom, and the +5 ring from the mine...
(This, without boosting Dexterity! I had 10 dex =) )
By using the games sometimes failing AI you can get him stuck on one
of the "steps" while safely standing below him, firing arrow after
arrow on him until he drops. It could be becouse I had so
little dexterity, but my arrows didnt kill him, it just rendered
him unconsious. Take this time to run up, grab all his stuff
(especially his bow).
When he wake up, talk to him. Tell him that he can deliver his water for
himself in the future, and you will get about 200 experience.
Later on, just as the rice lord, feel free to take him out forever
by luring him inside the house and assassinate him.

Lefty cannot be killed by arrows, since its a part of your quest to take
him out once - Thanks to Geir for that info

Marco Rolandi writes the following about avoiding Lefty
The first time you go to the new camp, the last thing you wanna hear
is that lousy Lefty and its stupid mission. In order to avoid the guy
and its task (I've succesfully enrolled into the new camp without
talking to him once) you can simply stop on the first terrace of the
rice fields. Turn right and you'll see the rightmost slope is not as
straight as it should be. In fact, sometimes with a little help from
your jumping abilities, you can easly climb it up and reach the passage
to the dam, without going through the main road and therefore meeting
Lefty. You can even go along the fields and talk to everybody as long as
you're a little far from him (I got my +5 in strenght avoiding lefty).
Going down it's the same and you'll also testify a strange bug that
occurs when you jump down the passage into the rice fields: whatever
your direction, the jump would always be perpendicular to the terrace,
sometimes making you jump sideways.
- Thanks to Marco Rolandi for that info.

* The Gate and the Dam

The real entrance to the New Camp is behind the Rice Field. Here you will
be stopped by Jarvis that tells you a final warning before entering the
New Camp. I never found the inhabitants to the New Camp much of a threat,
not more than the Old Camp, so carry on.

Note by Geir Gundersen:
After going through the "real" entrace notice the winch on your right.
By turning this you close the gate. Good, if you want to have a slaughter
feast and don't want anyone to escape :>

On something that first look like a wooden bridge, but is then discovered
to be a dam, you meet Homer that will grant you with a quest.
More about theese people later. Just want to give you a eye of what we
are looking on here. Here, up in the mountains, there is a small sea with
an island on the middle. On the island you will see the bar where
New Campers can rest themselves after a day of work (or laziness,
depends upon how you see it). From here you will glimpse the HUGE
cave that inhabitates the real New Camp.
To the right, just behind the front gate is the peasents hut.
If you have a good eye, you will note a few huts at the bottom of the sea.
What exactly they do down there is a mystery to me. Feel free to check them

- Jarvis
Jarvis is one of the mercenaries that watches the gate into the new camp.
He will tell you a bit about what you will experience inside theese walls,
and warns you that the New Camp isnt like the sizzy Old Camp.

- Homer
Homer built the dam that holds the water from flowing down over the
Rice Fields. He have problems with the wildlife thou, since a Lurker
that inhabitates the area, likes to sharpens its teeth upon his creation.
You can help him out if you wish to.

- Dam Lurker
The Dam Lurker is found behind the sea to the right. Follow the wall
between this area and the rice fields, past the peasents hut, following
the mountain wall. The Lurker is standing on a mound close to the sea.
Kill it, and then tell Homer about your deed. Remember that Lurkers are
stronger than your average reptile, so if you are weak you might have to
return later.
I took this one out using a unboosted 10 dexterity + mordrags ring
+ the +5 ring from the mine, and the Bone Bow from the mine. If I could
do that, you could too...

- Cord
Cord is one of Gorns closest men. He can teach you 1 handed sword.
At days he trains Mercenaries on a small cliff right across the sea
where you found the Lurker.

* The Bar

Located on an island in the sea, reached by a small bridge, is the
New Camp bar. Since you arent from the New Camp you are not invited
to go there. There isnt much inside thou, and you dont need to go
there. You can solve a couple of optional quests by going there thou.

- Bouncers
The Bouncers are the only ones standing in your way inside the bar.
They can be bribed by handing over a hundred ore to them. If you have
the ore, give it to them, if you dont, wait until later.
(Sell something to the store owners to collect some extra money...)
In my opinion, if you followed the walkthrough this far, you SHOULD
have more than enough to hand him his bribe =o)

The bar can also be entered with using the "Charm" spell, or wearing
the diggers armor.

If you have joined the sect camp, you can offer them weed to let you in.

If you are a mage you can scare them by saying:
"Are you going to try to stop me?"

- Scrapers
Inside the Bar you will encounter your first diggers of the Free Mine.
Theese fellas are called the Scrapers, and can say a thing or two about
working in the free mine.

- Senyan
Senyan is one of the scrapers at the bar. You can ask him if he works
in the mine, but thats all...

- Mordrag
If you followed Mordrag to this place you will find him inside the bar,
having a chat with his friends, drinking rice schnapps with the others.
You will forward a mission to him, given to you by Lares later on, so
its good to know he's here.

- Cipher
Cipher is usually found at the bar. He is one of the traders here.
He will start selling you stuff as soon as you are told he can sell
you stuff.
You will learn this by Balor, one of the members of the sect camp.
Balor will share this knowledge with you if you propose a business
deal with him. You will get the chance, only by doing the Baal quests
in the Sect Camp.

- Baal Isidro
This drunken fella isnt really doing what he is supposed to do in the
New Camp. Instead of selling weed, he spends his days with drinking
Rice Schnapps at the bar. You can try to tell him you two can work
together with it, but he wont trust you. After talking to Baal Kagan
however, he will be forced to do it anyway. After taking his weed, you
can give him his 'earned' Ore for some extra experience.
The best thing with this one ;) He is drunk! Sell him back the weed
again for 200 ore, and you will still have weed left to sell to others
=) =) =)
To find out more about the effects of weed, read the introduction to
the sect camp.

- Silas
The bartender at this rice-stinking place is Silas. He can tell you
a thing or two about the New Camp, and also sell you some schnapps.
Ask him about a drink to be able to trade with him.
You will get a free Rice Schnapps by Jeremiah behind the bar, but you
should buy yourself a second one (so you have at least two).
This will be used in the "food quest" in the free mine.

- Jeremiah
Jeremiah is responsible for the Rice Schnapps in the colony. He have
a destillery inside the bar, where he produces this brew. Talk to him
and you will get one for free. Ask him about the Rice Lord to reicive
a tip what to tell Horatio (the peasent on the Rice Field).

* The Cave in general

So far I have described the sea, the island, the dam, the gate and the
rice fields. Now its time to describe the real part of this cave.
Standing there, watching from side to side you will see the Rogue area
on the left. One upper, and one lower section. To the right you see the
smaller Mercenary sections, also one upper and lower section. The lower
section is nothing but two huts and a campfire, the upper section have
a pot boiling over a fireplace, and there is also a blacksmith wheel
there. Above the upper Mercenary Section is a cave that is inhabitated
by Lee, the ruler of the Mercenaries. To the top middle you will see
a place you cannot reach yet, namely the Water Mages.
In the middle of all this you have one round-shaped middle section,
inhabitated by one single Magician (the first one youll see in Gothic)
named Cronos. He guards the shiny-blue Ore Mound (below the ground).

* The Lower Rogue Section

The entire left section of this cave is inhabitated with Rogues.
Talk to them if you wish, or sell them weed. You will find a few
noteworthy people here, in both the upper and the lower step.
I will first begin to describe noteworthy people in the lower
section, then continue with the upper section.

- Baal Kagan
The other Baal at the New Camp is sent here to fill up this 'district'
with drugs. He will tell you, that the Sect only wants one deliverer up
here, so that Isidro fella in the bar might soon have to leave.
After talking to Baal Kagan you can "tell" Baal Isidro about his
situation, then cooperating with Isidro to deal his weed for him.
You will also be given a quest by Lares to grab his weed, but you can
just give Lares 400 Ore instead. Alot easier.
Baal Kagan is important in solving the Baal quests down in the sect
camp, so you might as well try to help him now...
You can make a deal with Baal Kagan to hand out his weed to the
people at the new camp. Go to campers and ask them if they want to have,
and you will earn about 100 Ore that you can keep, then you can claim an
reward from the Baal. One thing you can ask for is for his vote to join
the sect camp, and he will give you an item that you need. Get it.

To find out more about the effects of weed, read the introduction to
the sect camp.

- Wedge
Wedge is the New Camp version of Fingers. He can teach you how to
lockpick, pickpocket and how to sneak. He will also give you a
warning about "Butch" that is harrassing newcomers at New Camp.

- Butch
There is not much involving Butch. Wedge warns you for him.
If you talk to him and not belonging to new camp he will
only tell you to get lost. If you become a New Camp he
will title you more nicely.

- Wolf
Wolf is one of the particulary noteworthy fellas of this section.
He will be the one that provides you with Rogue Armor when you are
a Rogue, later on he will be able to build you a specialized armor
too. Right now he can teach you how to use Bows, and trade with you.
Wolf can also sell you the grapes required for the 'collect food'
quest in the free mine. Buy at least two whenever you can.
(Dont eat them).

* The Upper Rogue Section

One step up from the lower section starts with Lares place and
all his guards watching his hut, then it leads upwards and ends
behind Wolf's hut.

- Buggy Rogue Guard
There is one particulary buggy Rogue Guard that is as irretating
as Mud if you accidently get to close to him. He will stop you
quickly and tell you that you dont reach Lares once you joined
the old camp. The only way to "escape" is to try to move yourself
out of the area, one small bit per time. You can also draw your
weapon to avoid this bug (will give you time to move yourself out
of his sight). To avoid this bug forever, you can either kill him
permanently, or jump up on the first hut in the lower section
(behind Baal Kagan).
First time you reach this area thou, the same guy will stop you
and ask you if you know where you are going. He will tell you that
Lares probably doesnt want to talk to me. You can assure him that
he wants to, and get past him.

- Roscoe
Another guard will stand in your way before you reach Lares.
You can convince him too that you are welcomed at Lares.
If you have Mordrags ring it will be really easy to get past him.

- Lares
Finally you meet the leader of the Rogues, Lares.
First thing here, dont touch any of his stuff. Then you will
be spanked... However, if you have Mordrags Ring he will
welcome you to do tests to join the New Camp.
Before returning Mordrags ring to him, you can use the ring
to kill the dam lurker that is harrassing Homer. Read about
it in "The Gate and the Dam" above. You can probably also
use it to take down both Lefty and Shrike!
At lares you can learn yourself strength and dexterity,
even if you are a member of one of the other camps.
Good to remember...
(as long as you can get past his guards).

* Your quests for Lares involves stealing weed from
Baal Isidro, sell them, and give Lares the 400 Ore.
You can easily just pay him 400 Ore, so do that now.
(if you wish)
After getting this mission you can strike a deal with
Baal Isidro, becoming his partner in the weed business.
Will earn you a few experience points.

* Second, Lares also wants you to tell Mordrag that a Spy needs
to be sent to the Sect Camp to find out what they are up to.
Tell Mordrag, he will just tell you that things will solve
themselves, however, you still get the experience for
telling him. You find him at the bar.

* The final mission is to betray the old camp. You do this
by giving him the list you should return to Diego.
However, dont do this now, since you still want to go to
the sect camp to get the final overview of what camp
you like to join. Also, if you give Lares the list you
have defenitly spoiled your chanses of joining the Old Camp.

Lares will promote you to Rogue if you wish,
(if you have reached Level 5).
To be promoted to Mercenary you need to speak with Lee.

- Sharky
Sharky is one of the traders here in the New Camp.
Buy whatever you need.

- Bruce

***** CHECK! *****

- Buster
As soon as you come near Buster he will tell you that he can teach
you how to be more agile, thus learning yourself the art of
acrobatics. In my opinion, acrobatics is a rather useless skill,
but its up to you if you want it.
(read the skills section of this FAQ).

* The Ore Mound

In the middle of the New Camp is the Ore Mound. You will
see it as glowing Ore beneath a round-shaped gate.

- Cronos
Cronos, the Water Mage guards the Ore Mound. He will play a
important role several times in the New Camp. He will later
on be your ticket to reach the Water Mages, but for now he
can only teach you Mana and sell you magic items/artifacts.

* The Lower Mercenary Section (Campfire)

I call the area around the right campfire the
"Lower Mercenary Section". There are a couple of mercenaries
here, particulary one noteworthy person.

- Gorn
Gorn is a noteworthy face in the New Camp. Have a good hand
with him, he will be one of the best friends you will have in
the New Camp. For now, he will tell you how to get a home,
by kicking out 'Shrike' from the middle hut (in front of the
Ore Mound). If you do this, and return, you will get some XP.

- Shrike
Shrike wont be much of a talker. Actually he tells you to beat
it. So beat him up, and tell him to leave. Then you can
return to Gorn for some experience.
I sucessfully took him down with just using the Short Bow found in Fisk's
storeroom, and the +5 ring from the mine...
(This, without boosting Dexterity! I had 10 dex =) )
It could be becouse I had so little dexterity, but my arrows didnt
kill him, it just rendered him unconsious.
Take this time to run up, grab all his stuff (especially his weapons).
When he wake up, talk to him and tell him to get lost.
Then speak to Gorn again for some experience.

His hut will be your home from now on, next to your place in
the Old Camp. However, if you like to stack items somewhere
(wich is useless, since you have a unlimited backpack) then
you should choose to stack them here rather than in the
Old Camp. The reason for that will be obvious later on.

Shrike cannot be killed by arrows, since its a part of your quest to take
him out once - Thanks to Geir for that info

* The Upper Mercenary Section

The upper Mercenary Section is one step up from the Campfire
around a grindwheel.

This area also includes a few huts to the left.

- Thorlof
Thorlof is one of Gorn‘s men. He will give you a few tips
about convincing Lares about your membership.
After becoming a New Camp member he will give you tips
upon how to become a Mercenary.

- Orik

***** CHECK! *****

- Blade
Blade fears that if the Rogues keeps attacking the convoys
to the old camp, the old campers will sooner or later come
up here, and that wont be funny.
Someone told me that Blade is probably pointing on Quentin
and his gang. That quest was cut out from the game due to
financial reasons.

- Lee's Mercenaries
Lee have a couple of mercenaries guarding his cave. They
will warn you about harrassing Lee. Dont mind them, Lee
isnt that bad really.

- Lee
Lee is the leader of the Mercenaries that protects the
water mages. He isnt that bad really. Later on you will
learn the true story about him, but right now he have
little of value for you. If you wish to (optional) you
can beat him up and grab his axe. Its the third best
2h weapons in the entire game.
Lee will later on promote you to become a mercenary.
Once you have becomed a Mercenary he will teach you
2h melee, strength & dexterity.

A IMPORTANT thing is that Lee will teach you 2handed
weapons, even if you havnt masterized 1h first!

- Mage's Mercenaries
There are a couple of guards that watches over the
mercenaries. Much later you will get a password that
lets you through, for now, you dont need to go there
anyway, so dont harrass them.

* Outside

There are a few people outside of the New Camp.
No really important ones, but I mention them anyway.

- Jacko & The Weed Mixers
In a cave, close to the main gate (not the one
between the ricefield/Inner Camp, but the outmost
gate) you find Jacko and his Weed Mixers.
As a Old Camper you dont need to interract with
them, and they will only attack you if you get to
close. As a New Camper I dont know if they play any
special role for you... However, as a sect member,
your first mission is to take out their Weed
Production! DRUGWAR!!! Its simple really, just
threaten them, and they will go up to Quentin and
his gang up in the mountains.

If you join the New Camp you can get free weed from
them, so dont hurt them...

- Aidan
Aidon is found on the way to the New Camp. He can teach you more about
hunting, much the way Drax from the Old Camp can.

- Quentin
Although Quentin doesnt belong to the New Camp, and is on another
place in the colony, he and his 'Thugs' are located close to one
of the focus stones that will play a major role later on in the game.
To be specific, the one guarded by a 3ton monster.
Quentin have the same clothing as the Rogues of the New Camp, but
I dont know if any quests in the New Camp or the Sect Camp involves
him and his gang.
*Thanks to Xandrius/Ragnar/Gorath for the information below*
Rumours are, that this camp had something to do about the "raids"
Blade fears about. This part was cut out due to financial reasons.

Jacko & the Weed Mixers end up with Quentin after you have threatened
them to leave... Thanks to Geir Gundersen for this info.

Thats the New Camp...

After doing anything, you should have earned a few xp. Before you
carry on I want you to be sure you got that Prepared Weed from
Baal Kagan, so you dont need to run all the way back here to get it
when solving the baal quests.

After talking to everyone, and solving all quests except handing Lares
the list, you can as well check out the Free Mine. The major reason
for going there is free Armor, and some exta experience if you have
the following objects in your inventory:
5 Apples, 2 Rice Schnapps, 5 beer, 3 bread, 2 Cheese & 2 Grapes.
It will give you an extra 300 experience.
Grapes can be bought from Wolf, Rice Schnapps can be bought from the
bartender (one for free at Jeremiah).

Otherwise you can return to the Old Camp now.

To find the Free Mine, you should follow a path up in the mountains.
This path starts on the right side of the huge cave. Follow this path
through molerats, scavengers, a wolf, a cave etc, and you will sooner
or later encounter a Mercenary. Then you know you are at the Free Mine.

Free Mine

The Free Mine is unfortunally locked for your entrance, but you
can talk to some of the people here, get a set of free Armor,
and solve a quest that requires you to collect some food to one
of the guards.

* General

Just like any other place in the Colony this place is inhabitated
by some commoners.

- Mercenaries
The Mercenaries in the Free Mine (or, the outer section) doesnt
differs much from the ones back in the New Camp.

- Rogues
The Rogues, just like the Mercenaries, is no different from the
Rogues of the New Camp.

- Scrapers
The 'Free Mine' version of the diggers back in the Old Camp.
Talk to them about working there. They feel better about their
work than the diggers of the Old Camp do.

* Entrance & Middle section

The mine have three sections. I will count the section you reach
first as the "upper middle section".

- 1st Mercenary
The first encounter you will make when reaching the Free Mine
is a Mercenary that ask you about your business here.
Whatever you tell him, you will be able to go down into the
outer area of the Free Mine.

- Okyl
The upper man of this section is Okyl. He doesnt have much to
say, and is mostly disturbed by your prescence here.

* Upper Most Section

By walking up a ladder you will reach the top section, where you
will find Balorn in the end.

- Balorn
Balorn will tell you he have a impressive weapon to give you, if
you find him some objects.
5 Apples, 2 Rice Schnapps, 5 beer, 3 bread, 2 Cheese & 2 Grapes.
As you might guess, he will fool you, but at least you get 300
experience for the trouble.
Grapes can be bought from Wolf (new camp), Rice Schnapps can be
bought from the bartender (one for free at Jeremiah) (both new camp).
Cheese, Beer, Apples & Bread is easiest found by picklocking chests
in the old camp.

* Lower middle Section

The lower step of the middle section have the one guy that you
came all the way here to meet.

- Swiney
Swiney is the leader of the Scrapers, and you can convince him
that you can work as a Scraper. This will give you a set of
Diggers Dress YAY! Now you are have a Title, lucky Scraper ;)

* Lowest most section

Deep down there, is the gate of the mine. Its locked for you,
and you wont be able to reach the inner section until much later.

- Gate Mercenaries
Theese guys are just here to make sure you wont get into the gate.

- Door Mercenaries
There are two mercenaries guarding a door. They are there to
make sure you dont get any ideas. If you defenitly want to get
in you will probably have to walk through the guards, and you
will find nothing more than a jammed winch...
Remember all the Winchbugs... So dont touch it!

There, now you have done everything you can here up in the mountains.
Its time to return to the Old Camp, and from there take off to the
Sect Camp.

The Sect Camp AKA Swamp Camp

This is also a good time to speak to Thorus and tell him
that he will never see Mordrag again. (If you havnt done so

To reach the Sect Camp the easiest way, find Baal Pervez at the

Tell him you are interested to see the Swamp, and he will
take you there, killing all monsters in the way (and you get the

Single note about drugs...
There are many different types of weed's in Gothic. Whenever
you smoke a new type of weed you will get a small bonus for it.
You can only get one reward per weed type, so dont smoke more
than one of each type (if you dont want to).
Also remember, that you can only train up to 100 mana, but you
can use theese weeds to rise the mana even further if you save
them to you trained up to 100...

Green Novice - Experience +5
Northern Dark - Experience +10
Dreamcall - Mana +2

Before I start to describe the sect camp, I like to tell you a
bit about its architecture. The camp looks like it was built with
one hut first, than others have started to build their houses next
to the others huts with a bridge connecting the two huts. Then people
have started to add more huts added to thoose huts. The outcome is
that there is no real "order" of the huts in the camp, huts are
everywhere, and if that wasnt enough, some bright guy spawned the idea
to start building a upper section to this 'archeological nightmare'.

This leads to that you, the player, can easily get lost within the camp,
also it makes it very difficult for me, the writer, to describe how to
find areas within the sectcamp. As sooner you find a map, the better.

I reccomend to you, that as soon as you reach this place, run around
in about 10 minutes or so, trying to get a hand of the lower area in
the Swamp.

I will try to make a guide for the Swamp area. Then dont tell me I didnt try!


Its required that you follow this guide during the daylight, on nights
people are at sleep, and you will miss them.

* Tour De La Swamp Camp *

Welcome to Tour De La Swampcamp. Remember to keep your sword sheated at
all times, dont talk to the villagers if you can avoid it, and thoose
who get lost will get no refound.

Ok, the first you meet is a guard that tells you what your business is
here. Tell him that you are interested to join the camp.

He will offer you to buy a small armor. This armor is better than the
Peasent Trousers (added a small protection to fire). Since you wont meet
ANYTHING that will attack you with fire, that you will survive, its useless
for you now, unless you think its funny to be dressed up in a robe instead of
thick green trousers.

"Lion Cloth" - 500 Ore
Weapons 15 Fire 10

Once you reach inside the gates, you will se a huge 'stump' of a tree,
that someone have built a home inside. You also see a person carrying a
long robe called "Baal Namib".
This is one of the five gurus inside the sect camp.
You cannot talk to him becouse of sect rules. More about that later.
Next to him is Lester, carrying a Novice dress. Ignore both for now
(Dont talk to anyone during the guide. If they talk to you, then read
about them below so you dont do something dumb). There is a bridge,
leading all away around the stump
(and a hut that someone built behind it), but at least there are two
ways leading out of there.

The one to the right, is if you follow the bridge. The one to the left
ends up becoming a pathway on solid ground.

Ignore the one to the left for now, and take the right path. Run under a
couple of roots/fallen trees and you will note two-three novices sitting
on the ground to the left. Theese guys have less clothing than the
novice you met inside the gate. There is a templar there too.
Templars is the real warriors in the sect camp, dressed up in heavy armor.
Follow the bridge until it ends and you will see another of the clothed
novices to the right, his name is Nyras.

- "Weed Mashing Place" + "Inner Harvest Area"

Continue forward, and you will end up to what I call the "Weed Mashing Place".
You will see three Novices, mashing plants into smoke-able weed.
There is a Baal Orun watching over them.

If you ever find raw swampweed you can transform it to joints here.

Take a look out in the swamp. If you look enough you should be able to
see a few people out there in the swamp. Theese people are at what I
call the "Inner Harvest Area".

This is the only thing you need to find by choosing
the "right path", so return until you reach the back of the stump again
(close to the gate).

- "Right Path"

Now take left instead, onto the solid ground. Follow the path.
Your first encounter here will be a Novice that tutors three newcomers sitting
in front of him. This guy is named Joru. One of his Novices is
named Melvin. Theese encounters is described as the "right path".

The 4-way crossing is one of the more confusing ones in the beginning,
so try to remember the directions in this one. The path splits up into
three directions.
One left, middle and right. The right most ends up in a hut,
so ignore that one.
The left leads to the temple grounds, where you have no business
right now.

- "The Scene", "Training Arena"

Follow the middle path. It turns left at two ladders, so follow it to
the left. The path ends up in splitting up into one left, one right
path. In front of youthere is a short bridge that will almost directly
split up into 4 directions.

Still standing in this position, take a look to the right. You will see a
"scene" there, with red banners hanging from each side. On top of the roof you can see people swinging swords. I will call the lower section
"The Scene" and the upper section the "training arena".
You see alot of ladders here that leads up to the Training Arena.

Since we have no business on the upper floor right now, we can ignore the upper section, but the only thing I would like to mention, that on the
other side of that HUGE falled three to the right, is the
"weed mashing place" that you have already visited by now.
The quickest way to reach that from here, is by going up on the 2nd floor,
and then down again on the other side.

The Guru that trains his Novices beneath the Training Arena is named
Baal Cadar. He is extra important, since he is the shop owner that
have all the sect magic runes!
However, you cannot buy anything from him right now.

You are still standing on a four way cross. To the left you have a
bridge that leads up to the 2nd floor. The right way leads past the
'Scene', and in front you have the bridge that leads you both forward
and to the left.

- "Swamp Bridge" + "Outer Harvest Area"

Ignore the bridge for now, take off to the right instead, past the scene.
It will be replaced by a bridge. Fallow the bridge.
You see a lonely templar here.
I call this place the "Swamp Bridge". The templars name is "Gor Na Ban".

Take a look out in the swamp. You cannot see them now,
but you need to believe me.
To the far left you have the "Outer Harvest Area",
and if you use this bridge as your starting point it will be easier to
reach that area without to many monsters in your way.

If you continue on, following the bridge, you will sooner or later
either find the "Weed Mashing Place" again, or get totally lost.
We dont want that now, so return back to the scene, then walk out
on the bridge we ignored before.
See the bridge as two crosses, bound together.
You are standing in the middle of the first cross. Turn yourself so
you can see the middle of the second, with the scene
in your back. Now, to the left is the path that you came from when you
first saw this area. To your back is the scene. Forward is the next cross.

- "Wooden Arena"

To the right you can see another Arena, with a roof created by fabric.
I call that area the "Wooden Arena". On it you see another of the Gurus,
Baal Tondral,
that tutors a few students. we have no business there,
so walk over to the second cross that is a "Y" cross.

- "The Blacksmith"

Now, to the right we have the BlackSmith. The BlackSmith doesnt
interest us now, so continue forward.

When you stand on solid ground again, I would just like to repeat the
section you just passed. Turn around.
The first way to the left = Blacksmith
The second way to the left = Wooden Arena
Continuing forward = The 'Scene' beneath the Training Arena.
Taking off to the right = Leads to the Swamp Bridge.

Got it? Ok, I knew it would be difficult to explain ;)

However, there is just one area left to explain on the lower grounds.

- "Weed Store" + "Cor Kalom's Tree House"

So you have left the bridge, continue on the path. Note the ladder to the
right! That ladder leads up to "Cor Kalom's Tree House".
He is the second highest leader of the camp!

Continue upwards. You will see a guy standing behind a stand, looking
like just the guy you need to talk to. Dont do that now, however.
That guy is "Fortuno",
the weed seller. You will get weed for free here, three per day.
In front of him there is a guy named Marlok that spends his entire day smoking
on that water pipe.

- "Temple Grounds"

So I lied, there is one more place to go to, but you have probably
wanted to go there all the time. Well continue to follow this path
and you will end up on the Temple Grounds.
Here you will see lots of people, but only two important ones.
The tutor that stands on the mound there is Baal Tyon, the last of the Gurus. Also on the templeground you will find Talas that have nothing to
say at the moment.

There are three ways leading from the Temple Grounds. The leftmost
leads to the Weed Store. The two right ones, both leads to the 4-way
cross we before called the "Right Path".

Well, that ends this guided tour. Now you are free to look around for yourself,
talking to everyone you want.

* General

- Novices
If you talk to the Novices you will learn quickly that they are
mostly here to smoke weed and have a good time. They are dressed both
in a light armor or showing off their muscles with no upper
body clothing.

- Templars
The templars are a bit more disciplined than the Novices. They have
real armor and huge 2handed swords on their backs. They have proven
themselves to be worthy, and are among the best fighters in the game.

- Gurus - "Baals"
The five Baals of the sect camp are easily discovered by their robes.
More about them later.

* Lower section

By the guide you should have learned most about the Lower Section.
Think upon it as a 'wheel' and learn how to follow it, and when to
take off. If you dont know where to take off, you can run around in
circles having many difficulties to find what you need in this area.

* Lower section - Entrance

The entrance, and right inside.

- Gate Guards
Theese people will stop you as soon as you reach the camp.
Tell them that you are interested to join. You can buy armor from
them, but in my opinion, if you already have the Peasent Trousers,
you dont need this armor (if you dont think its cool to carry a
robe). The bonus in anti-fire doesnt matter, since you will not
meet any firedamage giving monsters in a long time, and if you do,
you are automaticly toast even with this armor.
"Loin Cloth"
Weapons 15 Fire 10

- Lester
Inside the Gate you will see Lester talking to Baal Namib. Lester
will play a great role in Gothic. He will help you in later chapters
but right now he can be used both to solve a quest, and to have another
guide through the camp. He can tell you lots of things about the
surroundings, about the sleeper, his real reason to be here etc, etc.
I will describe his involvement in the Baal quest in the end of the
Swamp Camp walkthrough.

There is a bug in the game, that might cause Lester to 'stuck' if you
take him as guide, and then leave him before letting him return.
In this state he refuses to speak to you, wich is bad since you are
unable to solve the game.
- Thanks to Marco for pointing that out

- Baal Namib
You cannot talk to Namib. He will just mumble at you. This is the
sect camp rules... No outsiders can talk to the Baals. To prove
yourself worthy to speak to them involves making good deeds that
catches their attention. Lester will help you with Namib, but I will
describe that part in the end of the Swamp Camp walkthrough.
Baal Namib will be the one that grants you with a Heavy Novice
armor once you joined.

* Lower Section - Weed Mashing Place

If you remember the tour, if you took the right path and followed it
to the end, you would find three novices that mashes weed in pots.
In front of them are one of the other gurus here.

If you ever find raw swampweed you can transform it to joints here.
Just use them in a pot.

- Nyras
Just before you reach this place you will see another person that
carry the same type of Armor Lester have. His name is Nyras.
Nyras have alot to say about the Sect Camp, so you can talk to him
if you want to.

- Baal Orun
Like the other Gurus you cannot talk to him. You must prove yourself
worthy. I will describe how to impress all the Baals in the end of
the Swamp Camp walkthrough.

- Ghorim
Ghorim, one of the mashers, will play a great role in impressing
Baal Orun. You may talk to him now if you wish to get that quest.
I will still explain the exact procedure in the end of the Swamp
Camp walkthrough.

* Lower Section - Right Path

Taking the Right Path lead you to a 4 way cross, where you found
Joru and his students.

- Joru
Joru teaches newcomers that reached the sect and wish to join.
He tests "new substances" (drugs) that Cor Kalom creates for
him. He is rather over-confident and asking him if he have
ever seen the sleeper only gives you hints about how fooled
he is. =) Anyway, you can take his quest to grab a daily ration
from Fortuno, and give it to him. As thanks he helps you how to
impress Baal Cadar/Namib. He also tells you that Cadar sells
the magic here in the Sect Camp.

- Melvin
Melvin sits in front of Joru. Remember Dusty in the old camp?
Melvin plays a role in how to impress Baal Tondral, so talk
to him right now, and tell him about dusty. More about this
will be explained in the Baal Section
(the end of the sect camp walkthrough)

* Lower Section - The Scene

If you remember the guide, if you took the middle path from Joru
you would end up in an area that let you reach the Scene and the
Training Arena that lies above it.

- Baal Cadar
Baal Cadar sells the magic in the Sect Camp, but you cannot talk to
him until after you have impressed him.
I will describe how to impress all the Baals in the end of
the Swamp Camp walkthrough.
Once joined the sect he will be the one that can teach you
magic circles, but he teaches members of all camps how to
improve your mana.

* Lower Section - Swamp Bridge

This bridge is found behind the "scene", following the path.

- Gor Na Ban
"Gor Na Ban begs to be eaten" is the general opinion on the forum.
I can agree to that, if you want a 2h sword early in the game,
you can lure one of the swampsharks to him, and let it attack him.
If the swampshark win, you can take his stuff (including the sword).

* Lower Section - Wooden Arena

The Wooden Arena is ofcourse built in wood, and have a roof of fabric
hanging above it. There you see Baal Tondral, educating his students.

- Baal Tondral
Baal Tondral educats his students on the Wooden Arena.
Unlike the other Gurus you CAN talk to him, but like the others
you must prove yourself worthy for him. His quest involves Dusty
back in the Old Camp.
I will describe how to impress all the Baals in the end of the
Swamp Camp walkthrough.

* Lower Section - Blacksmith

The Blacksmith lies close to the Wooden Arena, with only a hut
between them.

- Darrion (The Blacksmith)
Darrion have some things to sell, he is one of the few shops in the
Sect Camp.

* Lower Section - Weed Store

Between the BlackSmith and the Weed Store you find the ladder that
leads up to Cor Kalom. You note a guy standing behind a stand, thats
Fortuno, that will give you free stuff (but also sells stuff).
In front of the shop you see Marlok, a lazy novice that spends his
days here, smoking on the Water Pipe.

- Fortuno
Fortuno, the weed shop owner, will hand you three 'joints' per day,
and also sells extra to you if you need more. After reiciving your
daily ration, you can give it to Joru to learn about Cadar's

- Marlok
Marlok spends his days here, smoking on the water pipe. He plays
an important role in impressing Baal Orun, and as always, you can
read about it in the end of this Walkthrough.

* Temple Grounds

The temple is innacessible until you have a mission there. However,
you can still visit the grounds outside the Temple. The Guru that
stands here is Baal Tyon. You can also find Talas here.

- Baal Tyon
Like the other Gurus you cannot talk to him. You must prove yourself
worthy. I will describe how to impress all the Baals in the end of
the Swamp Camp walkthrough.

- Talas
Talas is rather useless right now. There is a quest later on that
involves him as a guide. Ignore him for now.

* Upper Section

The upper section of the Sect Camp contains only two important areas,
and thoose are simple to find if you learn from where from the
lower section you can climb up to them.

* Upper Section - Training Arena

The training area is full of training templars. Two stronger templars
watching their progress.

- Gor Na Tooth
In my opinion Gor Na Tooth is rather funny. speak to him and ask
about Cor Angar. After you have spoken to Cor Angar he will be
surprised that Cor Angar have spoken to you and ask you what
he said. To say that he is unworthy will make him attack you,
but select the swampshark thing for a funny line ;)
If you become a member of the sect, he will teach you 1h weapons,
dexterity, strength & Mana.
He will also be the one that gives you Templar Armor once you
reached that title.

- Cor Angar
Cor Angar is the leader of the Templars. He will play an important
role during chapter two, and also he can teach you 2h sword fighting
once you become a templar. Cor Angar will also teach you
Strength & Dexterity.

* Upper Section - Cor Kalom's Tree House

Cor Kalom lives here... And its here you find the reiciphy to give
Dexter back in the old camp. Kalom keeps this Reiciphy inside one
of the two chests in his house. You can picklock this chest and steal
the reiciphy while he isnt here.

- Kalom's Bodyguard
Watching day and night, Kalom's Bodyguard is probably rather tired,
since he doesnt seem to care what you do inside Kalom's tree house.

- Caine
Caine is Cor Kaloms closest helper. He wont be much use for you,
but you can talk to him if you wish.
His only existence in the game is to stop you from grabbing the
reiciphy from Cor Kaloms chest. Wait until he is asleep to do
that (during the night).

- Cor Kalom
Cor Kalom is one of the major V.I.P's in the sect camp. Next under
the overpriest Y'Berion, Cor Kalom rules the entire camp. He deals
alot with alchemy, finding new drugs for the Novices.
You can call him the Druglord if you want ;)
Cor Kalom is the one that will take you in as a Novice, once you
proven yourself worthy to the Baal's. He will also play an important
role later on, when you are supposed to grab loads of
crawler-secretion for him. There are lots of other quests involving
him, but you will find out more about this soon enough.

* Swamp

The camp is built in a swamp, but there are still parts of the swamp
that dont contain any huts. The only reason to go there, is to find
the harvesters for one of the Baal quests.

There is a strange shrine in the swamp... Unfortunate, noone have
figured out a way to use it... :(

- Swampsharks
The Swampsharks are massive worms that inhabits the swamp. Ignore them
for now, they will kill you rather quickly. Try them out later on,
when you feel ready for it.

- Shral
There are one lonely sect member out in the swamp (in a small hut,
surrounded by swampsharks). Shral may follow you as a NPC if you
wish, and are the only NPC that will follow you until you request
him to leave. If you ask him to leave, he will eventually end up
here again. (or die/get lost on the way)

* Swamp - "Inner Harvest Area"

The inner harvest area is easily found if you start out at the
weed mashers. Next (right) of the weed mashers are two huts.
Walk around them and you will see a short stone bridge.
Walk out on it, and dive in. Walk stright across the water and you
will see a guy standing there named Baal NetBek.
The rest of the people is not far from here.

- Baal NetBek
This total whacko is the Baal of the Swamp...
He's funny, no less, no more.

Baal NetBek is really a internal joke, referring to "Joe Nettelbeck",
an editor of the now closed game magazine "Power Play".
- Thanks to Gorath for the info

- Balor
Balor is one of the two Harvesters that you must talk to to collect
weed to Cor Kalom (Baal Orun's quest, read about it in the end of this
Balor can also offer you information that will open up Cipher (New Camp)
as a trader.

Note, after doing the Baal Orun quest, you can get 50 Weed per day
from him =) !

* Swamp - "Outer Harvest Area"

The outer harvest is a bit more difficult to find, but not impossible.
Go to Gor Na Bar, the watcher of the swamp. Stand right in front of him
and look into the swamp. I like you to temporary enter your preferences
and turn up your visual range to 300%. See the mountain tops?
Take a look stright at the final top before the mountain goes down into
the sea. Now, go stright forward into the swamp. You will avoid
swampsharks but there are a few bloodflies in your way.
(you are free to reduce the visual range if you want to).

- Viran
Viran is the second of the two harvesters in the swamp.
He plays an important role in convincing Baal Orun, so you will
read more about him in the Baal Quests.

Note, after doing the Baal Orun quest, you can get 50 Weed per day
from him =) !

* Outside

- Gor Na Drak
Not neccessary close to the Sect Camp, but you might encounter them
while being outside of it, on your way to the Old Mine, or to the
Sect Camp. He and his Templar Buddy are wandering across the Colony,
delivering Crawler Mandibles to the Sect Camp. You can teach yourself
to get Mandibles from him if you wish to. This is reccomended since
the skill is free if you get it from Gor Na Drak.

Darian writes:
I have been researching Gor Na Drak and the Templer who
travel between the Sect Camp and Old Mine.
Old Mine 17:02 - 6:00
Old Camp's Southgate 7:38
Sect Camp 9:02 - 14:00
Old Camp's Southgate 15:25
I think it takes them about 30 min to travel along the
south side of the Old Camp.
- Thanks to Darian for the info

* The Baals Quests *

To earn respect within the Camp (to be able to join it, or just get a
load of extra experience) you need to do something for each one of the
five Baals around the camp. (Baal NetBek isnt included ;) )
After impressing all five of them, (or four) you can go up to Cor Kalom
and ask him if you can join. (Requires a Robe).

- Baal Namib

The first Baal you meet in the camp is Baal Namib.

#1 Talk to Lester, ask him everything you can.
After asking him everything, ask him to show you to the temple.
As soon as you are out of sight from Namib, ask him how to impress
his master.
Tell him that you changed your mind about going to the temple.
(he will return to the entrance)

There is a bug in the game, that might cause Lester to 'stuck' if you
take him as guide, and then leave him before letting him return.
In this state he refuses to speak to you, wich is bad since you are
unable to solve the game.
- Thanks to Marco for pointing that out

#2 Return to the entrance. Lester will speak to you loudly.
Say to him that you have renounced your old gods.

#3 Go and stand directly in front of Namib. He will then tell you
that you seem to be worthy and ask him if you want to join.
Tell him that you want to join.

- Baal Orun

The longest of the Baal quests involve Baal Orun, but he also
awards you with an item you need to impress Cadar, and give you
the most experience.
Baal Orun is the one that guards the working Novices that mashes
weed on the "Weed Mashing Place".

#1 Talk to Ghorim, one of Orun's novices.
(Stand in front of him, and he will stand up, then you can
talk to him).

#2 Go to Marlok at the Weed Store.
Tell him to get over to his job.
When Marlok sits down, go up to his back, draw your weapon,
quickly beat him unconcious. When he stands up, tell him
to go to work again, and follow him.
If Marlok seems to strong for you, you can drop your Ore next
to him, then try to take him out even if he strikes you down
a couple of times (just eat yourself up to full again).
Noone will steal your ore, so when you have striked him down
you can pick your ore up again.
Personally I took him out on my first try, with a Withered Axe
and 10 in strength.

#3 When Marlok have returned to his job, Orun will speak to you
if you stand right in front of him.

#4 Go to the Inner Harvest Area:
Next (right) of the weed mashers are two huts. Walk around them
and you will see a short stone bridge. Walk out on it, and dive in.
Walk stright across the water and you will see a guy standing there
named Baal NetBek. The rest of the people is not far from here.

Here, talk to Balorn
Also, ask Balorn who to sell to. Give him his requested Ore.
(This will open up Cipher as a trader in New Camp)

#5 Go to the Outer Harvest Area:
Go to Gor Na Bar, the watcher of the swamp.
(You will find him, if you only follow the edge of the swamp a bit)
Stand right in front of him and look into the swamp.
I like you to temporary enter your preferences
and turn up your visual range to 300%. See the mountain tops?
Take a look stright at the final top before the mountain goes
down into the sea. Now, go stright forward into the swamp.
You will avoid swampsharks but there are a few bloodflies
in your way.
(you are free to reduce the visual range if you want to).

Here, talk to Viron
Kill all the bloodflies around here for him, and talk to him
again. Tell him you dont see any bloodflies.

Note, after doing this once, you can do it each day for 100 Weed!

#6 Deliver the weed to Cor Kalom
Go back and stand in front of Orun. After he have talked to you
its important that you talk to him again and tell him about the
weed delivery (even if he seemed to get it before you told him)
This will gain you a sleep scroll that you will use on the
Baal Cadar quest.

- Baal Cadar

Baal Cadar is the Baal that stands on the scene beneath the training
arena. He will also become a shop after solving his mission.

#1 Use the scroll you got from Orun on one of his students.
Thats all...

- Baal Tyon

Baal Tyon stands on the Temple Field. Solving his quest requires you
to solve Baal Kagan's mission up in the New Camp.

#1 Talk to Baal Kagan in the New Camp
Ask him if you can share his weed.
Give all 10 weed to different rogues (earning 100 ore)
Then talk to him again, telling him that you have shared the
weed. Request his award to be "Help me to join the Brotherhood".
Now you will get a "Prepared Weed" from him.

#2 Give Baal Tyon the prepared weed.
(Talk to him, select "give prepared weed")

- Baal Tondral

Baal Tondral have a wooden arena with a roof made out of fabric.
There he stands all day tutoring his students.
Solving his mission require a trip to the Old Camp, or even two
if you forgot to talk to Dusty Earlier.

#1 Talk to Dusty in the Old Camp, he will tell you about a friend
who joined the brotherhood named "Melvin".

#2 Stand in front of Baal Tondral and he will speak to you.
Ask if its ok to speak to him.
Ask him about Loyalty

#3 Find Melvin, that sits in front of Joru ("Right Path") and tell
him you met his friend Dusty.

#4 This is a great time to return the Reicipy for Dexter, so
be sure to get it from Cor Kalom's left chest (wait until his
co-worker is out of the hut, and then picklock it).

This is also a good time to speak to Thorus and tell him
that he will never see Mordrag again. (If you havnt done so

Now go all the way back to the Old Camp and talk to Dusty.
You need 100 Ore to bribe the back guards, and if you have,
Dusty will follow you. Now save!
This part can be a bit tricky, and if you are unlucky Dusty
may "get lost" behind your back, so keep him in sight.
Go all the way back to Baal Tyon, and keep sure that Dusty
is with you.

There is btw, a known trick called the "hunting with dusty"
trick. Dusty is immortal, and can be taken anywhere on the
map. Let him attack the monsters (and take their concentration
away from you) and you can pick them from behind, with range
weaponry, or with the help of Dusty. Keep on until you get
tired of it. ;)

#5 Talk to Baal Tondral again when Dusty is next to you,
and tell him you have a new student for him.
Then tell Tondral that you would like to join the Brotherhood.

Ok, you have returned the reiciphy... And you have impressed the
baals enough to be able to join the sect. Its now time for a

The Choice

So now you have three choices. What you choose is up to you.
This guide is made by an author that have solved the game
as a Old Camper, but you are still free to join any camp
you wish. Each camp require you to be Level 5 before you join.

Personally I was Level 14 before I joined my camp, and I had
explored alot of the surroundings. This helped me alot since
all the upcoming missions was easy with a so experienced character.

You can beat up everyone you like to, as long as you dont kill
them. Some NPC's are invulnerable. They will continue to be
invulnerable until you enter a certain chapter in wich you are
free to kill them. They must make their "Plot-critical scene"
before they can be taken out.
Some people CAN be killed, but I would reccomend against killing
npcs just like that.

Feel free to explore the world before you decide to join. Kill
all monsters you think you can defeat, and collect skillpoints
that will help you quickly buy the things you can buy once
you joined. Everything important you kill will respawn after
you joined a camp (Chapter:2 is soon after that) but be sure
to keep all objects that seems important. As for weapons, if you
encounter the Orc Hammer, NEVER sell it! Its a needed quest item.

I have reicived lots of comments about the Orc Hammer, many
people have told me that there are lots of better hammers in
the game, such as the "Gods Hammer" that can be bought by the
smith in the Sect Camp. Also, the Orc Hammer is not a real
quest item, but you must have at least one hammer to solve
the game. What differs the Orc Hammer from the rest, is that
you can grab it in the first chapter, and its without costs.
*end of note*

And! Even more important!!!
Never, ever try to enter a locked area without having a quest to
go there!

You need to be Level 5 to join any camp, wich shouldnt be a problem.
I ran through all the quests that I described here without killing
a single monster (that I didnt need to) and reached Level 6 without
spending a single skillpoint...

You can remain neutral for awhile, and still enter chapter 2...
You wont get as good armor if you do that, but its up to you.
If enough people have voted for you in Old Camp you can enter
the inner section once you reached Level 5... If you pay 1000
Ore you can bribe yourself in. This is useless really, since you
will only earn 200 experience by handing over the letter but will
still not be able to enter Chapter 2 without joining a camp...
And if you walk down to Gomez he will kill you.

When you have joined a camp you can buy heavier armor. Remember
to save a few thousand Ore to when you join a camp so you can
buy it as soon as you can.

One tip for replay value is to make a decent save here, specially
if you have collected many not-used skillpoints, since then you
will be able to replay the game without having to do all the
"hard work" all over again.

* Old Camp:

- General
While Gomez and his men are rather satisfied with the barrier,
theese people are the 'rulers' within the Colony. They have most
job-privelegues if you compare them with the others.

- Advantages
You will have everything available to you when it comes
to learning new skills.

Its the quickest way to reach Magic if you want to reach the
highest circles and become a master mage.

You will later on be able to switch camp (when time is ready)

- Disadvantages
The negative part with Old Camp is that you wont get as
good armor from them as you get from other camps.

Gomez is a rude jackass that deserves spanking

You will later on be able to switch camp to New Camp (GREAT)

- Armors

Shadow's Dress - Free
Weapons 30 Arrows 5 Fire 15

Shadow's Armor - 1200 Ore
Weapons 40 Arrows 5 Fire 20

- Walktrough

#1 Speak to Diego & Give List
#2 Speak to Thorus

Read the end of the part "Inside the Walls" for a full
walkthrough of everything you need to do to reach the position
as a shadow, and where to go next until you can enter
chapter 2.

* New Camp:

- General
Your greatest wish is to get out of the barrier, and theese
people seems to have the most sane idea upon how to escape.
The New Camp is also more free, and more friendly than the
Old Camp.

- Advantages
As a rogue you can freely enter huts in the new camp
without people stopping you. You can get almost as much
training as in the Old Camp.

You will eat lots of rice

- Disadvantages
New Camp is not a good career if you would like to become
a magician. You wont be able to join the water mages until
very late in the game.

You will eat lots of rice

- Armors

Light Rogues Dress
Weapons 30 Arrrows 5 Fire 15

Bandits Armor - 1050 Ore
Weapons 35 Arrows 5 Fire 15

Heavy Bandits Armor - 1200 Ore
Weapons 40 Arrows 5 Fire 20

- Walktrough

#1 Give list to Lares (He will edit it)
The final point is "Is that enough?, if you say that
you are transformed into a Rogue.
"Light Rogues Dress"
Weapons 30 Arrrows 5 Fire 15

#2 Ask Lares "And what am I supposed to do now?"

#3 Go and talk to Cronos, ask him about a message to Fire Mages

#4 Go and talk to Wolf, and ask about Armor, he will sell to you now:
"Bandits Armor" - 1050 Ore
Weapons 35 Arrows 5 Fire 15
"Heavy Bandits Armor" - 1200 Ore
Weapons 40 Arrows 5 Fire 20

#5 Talk to Mordrag about the Sect

#6 Give the list to Diego

#7 Talk to Thorus

#8 Back in the New Camp, talk to Lares, then Gorn!

Read the end of the part "Inside the Walls" for a full
walkthrough of everything you need to do to enter
chapter 2.

* Sect Camp

- General
The Sect Camp might be a bit wierd to some, but they are overall
the most protective and 'honourable' among the camps.
They have a way that MIGHT help you to get out of here...
And their armors look cool, dont they?

- Advantages
Templars are very strong warriors, and you can add some magic
next to your warrior abilities. The Sect Camp is the most
"friendly" camp to their members.

You will not be redeemed by the Sleeper when he awakens.
(Just kidding)

You will smoke lots of weed
(No kidding)

- Disadvantages
By joining the Sect Camp you say no to a sucessful career in Magic.
You can never reach higher circles than level 4 by joining the
sect camp, wich is required to solve the game as a mage.

You will smoke lots of weed

- Armors

Light Novice Armor - Free
Weapons 30 Arrows 15

- Walktrough

#1 Speak to Diego & Give List

#2 Speak to Thorus

Read the end of the part "Inside the Walls" for a full
walkthrough of everything you need to do to reach your "Novice"
status, there I will also describe all you must do as Sect member,
and when you read it, you are ready for chapter 2.

Inside the walls

Ok, its now time to give you a presentation of everyone you will meet
inside the walls.

In the end of the "Inside the Walls" introduction to all the NPC's I will
give you a walkthrough upon how to solve all you need for each camp
so you may:

a) Enter the camp you want to join
b) Enter the castle with that camp
c) Reach chapter 2
d) Solve all missions you will get once you reach that camp

* Castle Courtyard

Ok, follow the walkthrough upon how to reach the inner courtyard.

The first people you will talk to after speaking to Thorus is a pair of
gate guards. You will just tell them that you have Thorus permission,
then we are in.

You will see a hanged skeleton in the middle. Just a reminder upon what
they do to people that isnt careful inside the walls.
To the left we have the barrack, and the Blacksmith.
To the right we have the Ore Barons House, and the Temple

- Scorpio
Scorpio is standing in front of a couple of guards that wave their
weapons. He is the trainer of the guards. Once you joined as a Guard
he will teach you how to use crossbows.
He will also train crossbows to anyone in Chapter 5...

Behind Scorpio's training ground you will find some ore stone's...
Lead the way down in the basement, it ends up in a skeleton with
arrows in it... Well, at least you got some ore for the trouble.

- Cutter
The Heavy Armored guard in front of the barrack can tells you a thing
or two about the castle and the uprising.

- Rodriguez
One of the firemages, Rodriguez, will give you nothing more than a
cold shoulder... :P

- Torrez
Another firemage...
If you ask Torrez about magic he can sell you magic stuff, like runes,
scrolls potions etc. He will be the one that gives you your award after
speaking to Milton (read below)

- Milton
Milton is the one you will finally deliver your message to. If you are
a Rogue you will also give your water mage message to him. Milton will
be one of your closest friends later on, so take care of him ok?
Once you have returned the message and its time for your reward,
choose Mana Potion. Its the only "permanent" award you get,
the rest of the stuff will either be used up, or replaced.

* The Barrack

To the first left is the Barrack. There are no valuable NPC's there,
but loadsand loads of chests to lockpick. I recomend to take the
contents of theese chests, since they will really keep you money
independent for the rest of the game. In the Barrack you find the
pathway down to the dungeon, but there is nothing to do down there now.
You will also find Bullit here, and if you are strong enough you can
take him out if noone else sees you.

Also there should be at least one +3 strength (permanent) potion around...
If you enter to the Barrack (where Bullit is), there is a door to the left
- enter and turn 90 degrees to the left. There you see a chest.
It contains another the potion.
- Thanks to Ruslan Ismalov for the info

- Bullit
Remember him? He's the one that welcomed you with a punch to your face.
Feel free to take him out with whatever you carry. I lured him to
get stuck behind that bookshelf behind him, standing below the step,
firing arrows at him. Then I killed him. I could have just teached
him a lesson, but I wasnt satisfied with that. Feel free to do
whatever you wish with him. =)
Make sure the guards doesnt see you thou, else youre screwed...

* The Blacksmith

The blacksmith is located to the top left of the courtyard.

Also there should be at least one +3 strength (permanent) potion around...
There is two chests near the Stone (the smith). In one of them is the potion
and some other stuff, the other contains 3 rusty two-handed swords.
You can lockpick them without disturbance.
- Thanks to Ruslan Ismalov for the info

- Stone
Stone is the blacksmith here. He doesnt have anything to offer right
now, but he will defenilty offer you something BIG later on in the game.

- Skip
Skip is the trader of arms inside the castle walls. He will also hand
out armor to thoose who can pay. However, he doesnt deal with nothing
else but guards, and since you are not a guard, you are not
welcome yet...

* The Temple

To the top right you find the Fire Mage's temple.
The temple is inaccessible to you at this point... You only know that
Corristo, the firemage leader is inside. You will only be granted to
enter if you become a Fire Mage yourself, wich you wont become until
later. There are just two mages inside, Drago, and Dramarak, that have
nothing to say to you anyway.

* Ore Barons House

To the bottom right you find the Ore Barons House, guarded by two real
tough-looking guards. The Ore Barons House contains loads and loads of
chests on the upper floor that you are deeply reccomended to picklock.
Specially if you are a Mage since you will find one of the best protection
amulets up there.
Also you can get access to the tower with even more loads of chests
to picklock, and a GREAT view if you reach the top. =)

- Guards
If you dont have permission by Thorus to be here, you will be killed by
the guards... So I hope you have. ;)

- Raven
The first one you will meet inside the House is Gomez right hand called
Raven. This pumped up beefcake will be the one that you report to about
your progress as a old camp man. Raven will also be the first one to
speak to if you deliver weed to Gomez as a Sect Camper.

- Balam
Balam is one of the Chef's for Gomez. He doesnt sound to happy with
his job...

- Omid
Omid is the other of Gomez's chefs, not either to happy about it...

- Syra
Probably the first girl you encounter in gothic, Syra lies on the
floor all days trying to clean it up... She (like all other girls
in gothic) is not allowed to talk to you
(or as they say, you are not allowed to speak to them, ever =( )

- Barthalo
Barthalo is the Bard, and the Supply Fixer for Gomez... He will be the
one that accepts your Weed from the Sect Camp.
Besides that he is the leader of the chef's, and btw, he is invulnerable
right now, so even if you instantly think about sharpening your blade
against his throat you got to wait :P

Btw, if, or when you can beat him down, you can get his lute. It can
be used, but doesnt do anything special.

- Scar
One of Gomez closest men, with an urge to be beaten up. Yep, an urge...
Since he is carrying two of the games best weapons he defenitly WANTS
to be beaten up =)
Scar's Blade is a 1h weapon doing 85 points of damage, and his crossbow
"Crossbow of War" does 100 damage... Once you have the Orc Hammer and
about 30-50 strength you should be able to take him out.

- Arto
Arto is another one of Gomez closest men. He doesnt have anything
important to say to you...

- Seraphia
Probably the second girl you meet in gothic. Like Syra she tells you that
you are not allowed to speak to her... Notice the german accent to
her voice?
Bet Piranha-Bytes didnt want to pay a real voice actress,
thats why there is only one single line from a woman in all Gothic...

- Gomez
So this is Gomez, the Ore Baron...
He is bloated up, and rude... And you will hate him... =)
But you cannot go up on him right now... If you want to become a
shadow you shall talk to him, and tell him you know everyone
except Y'Berion (if you say Y'Berion he will kill you).
Read more about it in the walkthrough in the bottom of the NPC's
in "Inside the Walls".

- Velaya
Also known as the Bathtub Lady is found on the second floor behind the
middle door. Velaya takes a bath from time to time, undressing...
If you have uncensored the game (removed the bikini texture) she is
nude... But she wont say more to you than any other woman does...

* Walkthroughs for the camps

Ok, here is a walkthrough upon how to get your title and how to solve
your first mission for each of the three camps...

- Old Camp Member, Final Walkthrough for Chapter 1

#1 Go inside the Ore Barons House
Speak to Gomez
Tell him you have Contacts, and say everyone EXCEPT Y'Berion
(If you say Y'Berion he will kill you)

The final point is "Does that mean I'm in?", if you say that
you are transformed into a shadow.

#2 Speak to Raven
You will get an Armor and your first mission
"Shadow's Dress"
Weapons 30 Arrows 5 Fire 15

#3 Talk to Diego
You can buy a new Armor from him
"Shadow's Armor" - 1200 Ore
Weapons 40 Arrows 5 Fire 20

#4 Talk to Milton
Give him the Water Mages Message
Give him the Fire Mages Message

#5 Talk to Torrez and ask for "Mana Potion" as reward
(That will be valuable to you whatever Class you play, and the
other rewards will be stuff that you wont have permanent use for)

#6 Go and talk to Lester in the Sect Camp

WHAM - Chapter 2!

#7 See next chapter in this faq

- New Camp, Final Walkthrough for Chapter 1

#1 Talk to Milton
Give him the Water Mages Message
Give him the Fire Mages Message

#2 Talk to Torrez and ask for "Mana Potion" as reward
(That will be valuable to you whatever Class you play, and the
other rewards will be stuff that you wont have permanent use for)

#3 Talk to Cronos and tell him you delivered the message

#4 Go to the Sect Camp and talk to Lester

WHAM - Chapter 2!

#5 See next chapter in this faq

- Sect Camp, Final Walkthrough for Chapter 1

#1 Go inside the Ore Barons House
Speak to Gomez
Tell him you have Contacts, and say everyone EXCEPT Y'Berion
(If you say Y'Berion he will kill you)

DONT say "Does that mean that I am in?" instead choose END

#2 Talk to Milton
Give him the Fire Mages Message

#3 Talk to Torrez and ask for "Mana Potion" as reward
(That will be valuable to you whatever Class you play, and the
other rewards will be stuff that you wont have permanent use for)

#4 Talk to Cor Kalom
Tell him that the Baals like you
Ask him if that was all (Gives you 30 weed and entrance to the castle)
This gives you a new armor:
"Light Novice Armor"
Weapons 30 Arrows 15

#5 Lester will stop you on the way out

- WHAM - Chapter 2! But read on, there are still some things we should do
before we speak to Y'Berion (and I let you go to the next chapter in
this walkthrough)

#6 Talk to Thorus, twll him that you will deliver weed

#7 Talk to Raven

#8 Talk to Bartholo

#9 Find Jacko in the New Camp (his cave is located next to the fisher huts
outside the main gate)
- What is this information worth to you = 95 Ore / 500 Xp
- Templars is coming = 500 xp
- Put an end to the business = 80x30 AND YOU WONT SOLVE THE QUEST!!! (BUG)

If you 'ally' with him, you can reach him at Quientins camp up in the
mountains (where he will also be if you threatened him).
Thanks to Geir Gundersen for the info.

#10 With the first and second option above, talk to Cor Kalom for 750 xp

#11 See next chapter in this faq

* *
* Chapter 2 - The Mine Crawlers Nest *
* *

So you made it this far. Now you have completed the part
of gothic that is the 'non-linear' part, from here on it
doesnt really matter what you have choosen, it will still
be the same. Regardless what camp youve choosen you have the
permission to speak to Y'Berion, the leader of the sect camp.

You wont be able to train as a Magician yet (if you havnt selected
Sect Camp, wich are useless as mages anyway) but after this chapter
you will, if you joined the Old Camp.

* The Temple

Ok, this is one of the final presentations of new NPC's in the game,
and its very short... You should be able to find to the temple, and
the guards will let you in if you tell them Lester sent you.

- Chant
Chant is Y'Berions living fan, she is standing there all day, waving
over him with a feather duster... Keeping him cool...
Like all other girls she wont speak to you...

- Natalia
Unfortunate, the last girl in gothic, stays in one of Y'Berions rooms.
Like all other girls she wont speak to you either...

- Y'Berion
So this is Y'Berion, the legendary. The one that will open the path
to your destiny as the saviour of the colony...

Y'Berion want to wake up the sleeper, and he needs you to find a magical
item, a focus stone. The previous one that he sent for the stone "Nydas"
havnt returned. You get a map from him so you can find the focus altar
up on the mountain above the sect camp.

So go there, kill whatever you want in your way.

When you see the altar, save...

Once you reached the Altar you will also meet Nydas that is completely
out of his mind and needs to be spanked before you can get your hands
on the focus. So give him a good beating, and take everything he have on
him. You dont need to kill him if you dont want to.

Take the focus back to Y'Berion and you will reicive your second mission,
to go and do Cor Kalom a favor...

So go over to Cor Kalom

Cor Kalom is a man with a plan. By getting enough secretion from minecrawlers
he can mix up potions of them that will enhance the spirits of his
novices, wich will help them to contact the sleeper.
This will help them to break the barrier, so it sounds right, doesnt it?

If you play as a Ranger, you should know that the queen is rather resistant
against arrows. If you want to take her quickly, you need a amount of
damage spell scrolls or a decent melee weapon for this mission.
To find a great 1h weapon that only requires 22 in strength follow
this guide... It should be enough to take out the monster in close range.

---- Orc Hammer ----

I have reicived lots of comments about the Orc Hammer, many
people have told me that there are lots of better hammers in
the game, such as the "Gods Hammer" that can be bought by the
smith in the Sect Camp. Also, the Orc Hammer is not a real
quest item, but you must have at least one hammer to solve
the game. What differs the Orc Hammer from the rest, is that
you can grab it in the first chapter, and its without costs.
*end of note*

Get the map from Graham so you can follow it with my directions.
See the swamp to the right? There is a way leading up from the camp
that takes off to the right, to the left there is a bridge.

Ignore that bridge, but take a look upwards the slope. You will note a
load of reptiles up there. You can take them out if you wish
(should be possible by the time you done all the quests in all the
camps and spent enough points to rise your strength to 22).
Follow the mountain-edge at top of this slope and you will see
a small cliff-edge. Up there you will meet a monster that you will
learn to hate pretty quickly. Its called the BloodHound.

There are about 6-7 of them (at least thats a load of xp and
probably 1-2 levels for you). Take them out one by one
(luring them one by one to be attracted by your smell... Or something).

If its just too impossible to defeat them,
update your dexterity a bit so you do more damage with bows.

I tried this out, and without gaining a single level, using nothing
but the bonebow and a +10 ring (thus, having a total of 20 in dexterity)
I could NEARLY take one out...
Now go up there, the area seems to be "dead" (except the few bloodhounds).
The grass are grey and the treas are dead.

You will have an option to go to the right and the left. To the left
there is a bridge, with a ugly fella standing on it (thou, you can
kill him when you got your hammer). Go to the left instead, kill a few
more hounds. To your left there will be a ‘cave‘ with a door.
Open the door. There inside you will find a chest with your best
ranger/mage melee weapon in the entire game...
---- Orc Hammer ----

Get back to the mine...

Ok, by now you should be competent enough to take out minecrawlers...
If not, you will have difficulties with this mission... Try your
skill on some of the first crawlers you encounter. Inside that cave
(with two templars outside) you will find a magic ring.

On your way down you will pass the cave that leads to a smaller cave
with some wooden architecture (an old masher) and three crawlers.
Take them out, and grab the cogwheel on the ground.

Go up and speak to Ian about the wheel, and give it to him. Explain
your mission, and he will give you a password.

Go down to the bottom cave. Remember when you grabbed the Bone Bow?
There is another cave here, enter it, and cleanse it from minecrawlers.
Grab the decent club you find on the ground.

Go down to the deepest part of the cave, and up to Ashgan, the guard
of the gate. Give him the password, but he wont open the door unless
there are templars nearby. DONT TOUCH THE WINCH, and SAVE BIGTIME!

There is a bug here that might force you to cheat go get past this
part of the game... And we dont want that do we?

Now go and talk to each of the three Cor's in the three templars
in the mine Gor Na Bar, Gor Na Vid, Gor Na Kosh. Tell each one that
they should come and help you. One of them want a healthpotion, but
give him that and he will join too.
Then return and speak to Asghan. Here is the point where things might
screw up... If he opens up the gate, then save again. If he doesnt,
try the winch... If its jammed, reload...

If all else fails, then you will need to cheat past this... Check
the bugs chapter to learn how.

If the gate does open we are ready to go...
Let the Templars do their job, feel free to attract minecrawlers down
to them, they will pay in blood and you will get the experience for it.

When you are through with everything you will end up with the queen.

If you are a Mage, torch it, if you are a Ranger, use the scrolls or
lots of arrows, if you are a Warrior, whack her up.
Grab the eggs and get out of there.

Talk to the Templars, talk to Asgahn and Ian... exit the mine and
speak to Cor Kalom.

If you have joined the Old City, you can now report to Thorus to be
promoted as a guard. As a guard you can get a updated armor from Stone,
Learn 2-handed combat from Thorus, Crossbow from Scorpio
and buy things from Skip.
Ask if you can become a fire mage first, then end the conversation.
Now go straight to Coristo, the head fire mage, and talk to him.
(If you became a guard before speaking to Coristo, you will never get
the option to become a fire mage!) Say you want to be a fire mage,
take his test, then let him go up the stairs, and DON'T follow.
Go back to Torus _now_ and say you want to be a guard.
Get your guard armour, train whatever guard skills you want (like crossbows)...
No you can change your mind any time you wish and still become a fire mage!
(go back to Coristo on the upper floor with the pentagram to become a Fire Mage)

(Thanks to Moralin for the in-depth description of this procedure).

Light Guard Armor
Weapons 45 Arrows 5 Fire 20

Fire Mage!
See the information about Guard above to get the advantages of being
a guard even if you become a fire-mage.
You may also request to become a Fire Mage, then you will meet
Corristo that will take your oath of becoming a Fire Mage.
I hope you have saved loads of experience by now, buy as many
circles you can (preferably all four (70 points)).
Buy all the runes you can from Torrez (Old Camp), Cronos (New Camp)
and Baal Cadar (Sect Camp). You can probably buy about 10 in Mana
now if you have skillpoints left, but then its time to start saving
again, becouse we need another 30 points for the next circle and then
another 40 for the next circle beyond that. From now on you may
learn Mana from Corristo and access the Temple, so go ahead and rob
the chests on the first floor. Heheheheh....

Fire Robe - Free (Corristo)
Weapons 40 Arrows 5 Fire 2 Magic 10

Cor Kalom lets you choose your award. Again, the best option is
probably a mana potion, since its the only permanent award you
can get, and is useful for all classes.

You can now become a Templar if you joined the Brotherhood.
Speak to Cor Angar, if you reached Level 10.

You can from here update to Medium Templar Armor at Level 15 and
Heavy Templar Armor at level 20, but theese requires you to reach
a certain chapter.
Talk to Gor Na Tooth for new Armor.

Light Templar Armor - Free (Chapter 3)
Weapons 45 Arrows 5 Fire 20

- Thanks to txiabxyooj & Llama for filling me in on Sect Camp
armor & titles.

Now Cor Kalom wants you to get a small red book, an Almenach
that one of his novices failed to return. This Almenach is needed
in the invocation of the Sleeper, so you must get it.

You can start out with speaking to Talas, you can find him on the
Temple Grounds. Talas will help you to find the bridge that leads
you into a Goblin Cave. This part is rather tricky, even if you
are a decent hero at this time. You need to take out loads of goblins
and there are also a particulary nasty bug that will quit your game
if you have certain soundcards (read about it in the bug section).

Once you managed to kill them all, you can go into the cave and rob
all chests you find. This includes to find the book you need.
Give it to Cor Kalom, and the invocation will begin.

Right... Go down to the temple, and there will be a video showing
you the invocation...

* *
* Chapter 3 - Artifacts of Ancient Power *
* *

After the ceremony there will be total chaos...
Y'Berion falls down, and you will be sent by Cor Angar on a mission
to find an old "Orc Cemetary" where you will hopefully and find
out whatever happened...

Ok, you can now update your Armor, probably whatever camp you
choosed (this is defenitly true at the Old Camp for both Guard
and Fire Mage). Dont expect you to be able to buy Heavy Guards Armor
thou :P

Old Camp: Stone
Guard's Armor - 1650 Ore (Chapter 3)
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25

Sect Camp: Cor Na Tooth
Templar Armor - 1650 Ore (Chapter 3)
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25

More tips about armor from Moraelin:
- The Orc Hunters and Orc Scouts do exactly zero damage to you in the
orc cemetery mission, if you've upgraded your armour, got the armour
amulet from the baron's house, and a couple of +5 protection rings.
(And even without the rings, they don't hurt you TOO much.)
The only npc that could even scratch me in that mission was the
Orc Warrior in the last room.
- Thanks for the tip!

Read on for New Camp...

Talas, your old friend, will show you there, so go speak to him...

I think this is a good time to present you to the Orcs...

Orcs in gothic comes in a couple of tastes ( = how difficult they
are to kill) and right now its time for the apertif.
Even if this isnt main course, do not try to go up against more
than one orc at a time. You should, however, be able to take them
out one and one, as a warrior mage, or ranger. Mage at this point
is probably the most difficult, so there will be lots of running...
But the running as a mage is soon over (promise).

Ok, when you come over the bridge (that you are led to by Talas)
you will first encounter a few Biters, that shouldnt be any
problem to you at this time. However, the Orc Hunters that are
coming up might be more difficult. Try to lure one by one to
yourself and then take them out with your best you can do.

Now, there is a winch there somewhere, not far from the
'skull entrance'. In normal fashion when you see a winch
SAVE FIRST then use... And beg to god it works.

If it does, enter the cave. If it doesnt, well, you have to cheat
again :P

Now you will meet a couple of more Orcs, and see lots of mummies
of old dead orcs. You can loot theese mummies, they have loads of
potions on them. =)

Carry on, and you will meet up with Baal Lukor, the last survivor
of the first sect members that got here. Help him out and he will
join you.

Some people tell me, then Ball Lukor doesn"t following them to the
certain place! (it"s a bug, I think). But there is a solution:
if you transform into monster he attack.
- Thanks to Ruslan Ismailov for this info

Ok, now you are standing in a room with four exits (including the
one you came from. The left gate will be the last one you should
enter, and the other two leads to what seems to be "Dead ends".

Exit #1
There is a iron gate here and Baal Lukor stops you, telling you that
there must be something here. Lit a torch and walk into the small
cave next to the iron gate and you will find a switch there...
Push it!
Return and you see that the gate is opening up. Walk in there, and
you will find a half-torn document. Give this to Baal Lukor and
he will tell you that there must be another piece.

Return to the main room and take the other exit...

Exit #2
This room have a hole in the floor, and some skeletons scattered
around. Next to one of the skeletons is your second piece. Give
it to Baal Lukor. He still cant get what the document means...

Return to the main room, and suddenly Baal Lukor understands
what the document is... Its a Orcish Teleportation scroll.
He gives it to you. It must be used in a certain place he
tells you...

Lets go to that certain place... Enter the last doorway.

You will end up in a larger section with four pillars in the
middle of the room. See the Orc there? That is a Orc Warrior,
a bit tougher than your average Orc, but you gotta get past him
like the rest, so just ready your weapon and get on with it.

When the battle is over, go and stand yourself in the middle
of the room (between the four pillars).

Baal Lukor will mumble some stuff, and then go and stand next to
the wall. Take a look at the wall, it looks like a huge gate...

Stand right in front of it and use the orcish teleport spell.

First time I tried this, I tought nothing happened, but you have
to do this: Ready the spell so you see the glowing in your hand,
then hold down the use button and press forward, dont stop pressing
forward until you are teleported. It takes a couple of seconds...

On the next side of the wall there is a winch that opens up the
gate and lets Baal Lukor to pass. Talk to him again...

Save and continue down the corridor.

When you reached "the end" Baal Lukor will loose his mind, starting
to attack you. Beat him up, and rob him of his stuff. You dont need
to kill him if you dont want to. Grab the sword on the altar if you
want, its worth a bit.

Now run all the way back to Cor Angor and talk to him. He will update
you on the situation - Y'Berion doesnt feel very good... You need to
collect a number of healing herbs (5) from the swamp.

If you dont have them already, go over there, grab them, and then return.

However, its to late. =( Y'Berion have met his sleeper, and will sleep,

Talk to Cor Angar, and he will send you to the Water Mages with the
Almenach and the Focus Stone (found in Cor Kaloms Right chest)
He will also grant you with a teleport rune that will send you back
to the sect camp any time.

If you are a member of the Old Camp, its now a good time to report
back to Raven. Once you did it, or if you are a member of any other
camp, go to the New Camp.

If you are a New Camper you can now become a mercenary if you talk
to Lee. He can teach you 2-handed combat, and you will update your
armor. Note that you dont need 1-handed skills to learn 2h from Lee!

Mercenary's Armor - Free (Lee)
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25

Talk to Cronos. Give him a insight in what happened and you will get
the password you need to talk to the Water Mages, specifically Saturas,
the leader.

* The Water Mages

There are a few new NPCs I like to present you to, and theese are the
last ones you will meet in this game. Or, uhm... Well. =)

The Water Mages place have a couple of huts, to the left to the two
guards we find Merdarion in his hut. The mage we see in the middle is
Nefarius. To the right of him we have Myxir and the Library.
To the left most of the library we find Riordian - The Alchemist.
Saturas, the leader, might be found behind the archway in the end of the
cave. In Saturas room there is a way down to the Ore Mound. Noone whines
if you just go down there and grab a few Orestones...

- Merdarion
This guy doesnt have anything to say to you.

- Nefarius
Nefarius, the guy in the middle, can tip you about the way to
Saturas, and how to become a water mage. Nothing useful thou.

- Myxir
Myxir is found in a hut right of Nefarius. He doesnt have more
to say than Merdarion had. Next to his place is the library.
You can enter and take all the books if you want.

- Riordian
To the leftmost of this area is Riordians hut. Riordian is the
alchemist. He can sell you potions, and will hand you a few rewards
for stuff you done for Saturas.

- Saturas
The leader of the Water Mages is Saturas. You find him in the inner
chamber, next to a pentagram on the floor. He shouldnt be disturbed
unless its something important. Well, if it wasnt important, you
wouldnt be here...
You can walk stright past him, down to the Ore mound and grab a few
rocks if you want to. I know you want to...

As you know by now the Water Mages have another solution to the barrier.
Saturas will explain it to you, it involves 5 magic focus stones.

Since you are the omnipotent hero in this game, you will get the
important task to find theese focus stones, and you will be given a map
to find each one of them. You have one Focus with you, and the
required Almenach, so hand them over.

The four upcoming focusstones that you are about to collect is each
guarded by particulary nasty monsters, however, a friend will help you
on each one of them, so dont fear.

Check the map, you can see that there are a focus stone on five places on
the island, and combined they form a pentagram.

The south-West one is a Stonehenge. There you will be helped by an
magic-using old friend to take out a undead warden.

The North-West one is the place where you will get help by your best
friend to take out a three ton monster.

The North-East is an old Cloister Ruin where you need both brawns and
brains (or this FAQ) to suceed, and as always you will get helped by
one of your friends.

The Middle-East one is the first focus, that you already found.

The South-East one is the Mountain Fortress, where you will take out a
number of flying bitches.

The order you pick them up is up to you. I have chosen to take this
order since Stonehenge is the closest one to New Camp, and its not
to easy to get from Stonehenge to the Mountain Fortress without wading
through hordes of Orcs... However, its in the Mountain Fortress you find
the best melee weapon for Mage's and Rangers, namely the "Orc Hammer"...
1Handed Hammer, Strength 22, Damage 50...

I have reicived lots of comments about the Orc Hammer, many
people have told me that there are lots of better hammers in
the game, such as the "Gods Hammer" that can be bought by the
smith in the Sect Camp. Also, the Orc Hammer is not a real
quest item, but you must have at least one hammer to solve
the game. What differs the Orc Hammer from the rest, is that
you can grab it in the first chapter, and its without costs.
*end of note*

Stonehenge (South-West)

Finding the Stonehenge is easy, from the exit of the New Camp, (the
outer gate) there is a path leading up to the mountains (to the left
of the opening). Follow it, all the way. Watch out for the Blood-Hound
within the cave...

In the end of the path you will meet an old friend, and you will directly
see who he is becouse you have talked to him a couple of times in your
past. This guy searches for a Orc Talisman that is worn by a really nasty
undead being. He will hand you a scroll that you shall use for taking out
that monster. Hold on to that scroll! And before entering the cave SAVE!
Its really important that you use the scroll on the right monster and
nothing else, but to be honest, running around to find another is not
fun. So start with taking out the skeletons, then when everything is
double-dead, use the scroll on the 'warden'.
Now loot the warden's body, and the chests. Should be enough to have the
stone and make your friend happy.

Moraelin writes:
- Stonehenge focus stone mission: after quickly looting the chests, run
after your friend and follow him all the way to his cave.
(It helps if you lockpicked the left chest before looting the dead guardian.)
IF you're with him, he'll fight all the orcs and orc hounds in his way.
And he's immortal. You won't get xp for his kills, BUT he draws all attention
to himself so you can attack them from behind, kill them and get the xp.
This isn't just free xp now, it will also mean far less orcs and orc hounds
for you to fight alone later, when you you get sent to find Xardas the
necromancer. For that matter, feel free to draw more orcs to him,
which he would have otherwise avoided on his own.
- Thanks to Moraelin for the tip!

The Canyon (North-West)

The easiest way to find the Troll Canyon is to find the two rangers you
met when you first took the road from the starting point to the Old Camp.
Walk through the fence where you once met a load of Scavengers (I guess
you killed them by now, else they will probably be a easy prey).
Continue, following the mountainwall to the right, and you will reach a
slope filled with Snappers. Theese are particulary nasty lizards, to
have extreme precaution among them. As a Ranger you wont have any problem
at all. As Mage, try taking out one and one with fireballs, and as a
warrior... Well... Good luck. =)

Continue up the slope and you will be able to go left and right. To the
right you find a bunch of bandits (you should see their look-out tower
from here) with a leader named Quientin. Theese where once created for an
quest that where cut out from the game. You are free to kill them all if
you wish, they will attack you as soon as they see you... However, thats
not the reason why you are here.

Standing on the left path is one of the most known faces in Gothic.
Dont be shy, talk to him. He will tell you that he will help you out,
but there is a problem in the way. A three ton problem.

Note the skeleton lying here? There is a scroll close to it. Grab it.

Now you have a shrink monster scroll, that will make that three ton
beast a piece of cake, unfortunate, he have a fanclub with him.
Let your friend do his job, if he can take out the goblins, you are
in luck, else take them out one by one (hopefully the big one will
go for him instead of you). When they are annihilated, use the scroll
on the huge one, and you will instead have a small one. Easy prey...

Now try the winch in the end of the Canyon. Its stuck. Your friend
will help you... Its now time to enter the Cave, where you will meet
some bitches on wings. They are not nice, so give them what you have.
In the end you find the stone you want on an altar.

Go down again and say goodbye to your friend.

Cloister Ruin (North-East)

One of the more combat intensive part of the five focus stones.

The Cloister Ruin is located on the far north-east of the map,
to the east of your starting point. The area is filled up with
snappers enough to give you a real headache if you are not prepared
for them. Luckily, like the other focus stones, you will have a
friend with you, this one the best warrior among your buddies.

Your friend wants to cover your back first, wich means taking
out a cave of snappers. Just follow him, and let him do his job.
Rob the chests in the end, and get back up. Use the fallen tree
to pass the chasm, and take out the rest of the snappers.

Your friend will mention something about "only thoose critters
seem to be able to enter"... And thats the only clue you have
to get inside.

In your inventory you should have a Meatbug Transformation scroll.
Use it, and crawl under the wall. On the other side, press enter
to get back to your human form, then use the winch to open the gate.

Take out the snappers...

Get into the cave where you meet a Shadow Beast. Do not fear,
your friend is near.

In the end you will find a little room that contains a chest
with the focus stone. On the way out you will encounter a
young troll. Take him out like the rest.

Now, there is an optional thing here. You see the tower?
To the left of it there is a couple of steps in the mountain
wall. Use them to reach a place with a column and some kind
of chest on the other side. There is also another Troll there.
If you have ranged weaponry or magic you can take him out.
I even found that two handed weapons can reach him...

If you have acrobatics you only need to jump across the chasm,
if you havnt, you must stand close to the column and push it
from the right direction.

Nothing particular in the chest, but the satisfaction that you
solved another problem will keep you going.

The First Focus (Middle-East)

You already have this one, or left it to Saturnas. If you dont,
its located in the right chest in Cor Kalom's hut. You will get the
key from Cor Angar.

Mountain Fortress (South-East)

This mission involves your first use of a Telekinesis spellscroll,
and the all mighty Orc Hammer, a must-have weapon. For Mage's and
Ranger's its probably the best melee-weapon you find, for Warriors
its required to take out some specific monsters that can only be
hurt with this hammer.

I have reicived lots of comments about the Orc Hammer, many
people have told me that there are lots of better hammers in
the game, such as the "Gods Hammer" that can be bought by the
smith in the Sect Camp. Also, the Orc Hammer is not a real
quest item, but you must have at least one hammer to solve
the game. What differs the Orc Hammer from the rest, is that
you can grab it in the first chapter, and its without costs.
*end of note*

Check the map, see the swamp to the right?
There is a way leading up from the camp that takes off to the right,
to the left there is a bridge (where you found the nastly goblin family)

Ignore that bridge, but take a look upwards the slope. You will note a
load of reptiles up there (if you havnt killed them by now.
You can take them out if you wish, by now it should be easy.

Follow the mountain-edge at top of this slope and you will see
a small cliff-edge. Up there you will meet a monster that you will
learn to hate pretty quickly if you arent strong enough.
Its called the BloodHound.
There are about 6-7 of them. Take them out...

Now go up there, the area seems to be "dead" (except the few bloodhounds).
The grass are grey and the treas are dead.
You will have an option to go to the right and the left. To the left
there is a bridge, with a ugly fella standing on it (thou, you can
kill him when you got your hammer). Go to the right instead, kill a few
more hounds. To your left there will be a ‘cave‘ with a door.
Open the door. There inside you will find a chest with your best
mage/ranger melee weapon in the entire game...
Remember to keep this weapon even if you are a warrior, since its the

only weapon that can kill a particular monster (that you will soon

Go back to the bridge. Feel free to try anything you want against that
monster, nothing will hurt it, except for the Orc Hammer, that will
send it into a pile of stone with a couple of blows.

On the other side you meet up with another of your friends. He will
tell you that he want a document located in the fortress up there.

He will help you out with the flying bitches that have made the
mountain fortress their haven. Take them all out. Inside the castle,
on the first floor, you will find a lever somewhere. Its optional
to find it, but it will open up a secret room with some nice potions
and some not-so-nice skeletons inside. In this room there will also
be a bunch of chests, open them up since in one of them there will
be a key that you need to solve this part.

When you reach the first ladder inside the fortress Lester will tell
you that he would like to go up there. You are free to follow him, but
continue to mess with the inhabitants of the fortress. After you have
taken them all out, and explored all floors, you should have found a
chest that cannot be unlocked, but now you should also found the key
you need to unlock it.

Open it up, give your friend what he wants, and he will give you a
scroll off telekinesis.

Activate it, stand on the edge, so you can see the focus down there.
You will see that the Telekinesis will 'sense' the focus stone on
the altar (its name will pop up). As you remember from the Teleport
scroll it takes awhile to use it, so hold down use, press forward,
when the scroll is used up, the focus will be inside your hand
(or dropped down on the first floor where you can go down and grab it)

Btw, you can use Acrobatics to get there...
- Thanks to jon for pointing that out.

You will meet up with your friend again, talk to him, and get out of

The Return

Before you return to Saturas, make sure you dont have anything else
to do back in the old camp. If you have, you should fix it right now
since it will be closed soon. Take your time, rob the remaining of
the chests (particulary gomez chests, and even more if you are a
mage since you will find some great protection amulets there).

When you are ready, return to Saturas and give him the stones.
You will get enough experience for this to rise another Level =)

Since you are the oh so mighty hero of this game you will
be given another quest, to find the other mages on the island.
No big deal, just about going down to the Fire Mages and get them
for him.

* *
* Chapter 4 - Xardas *
* *

If you are a ranger, and if you have maximized
Dexterity / Bow / Crossbow I reccomend you to start
saving 70 skillpoints now, or as soon as you can...
Additional skillpoints can be used on other things.
I wIll explain later why.

If you joined the Sect Camp you can now update to

Heavy Templar Armor - 2100 Ore (Gor Na Tooth)
Weapons 70 Arrows 10 Fire 35

If you havnt done so yet, you can probably update to:

Heavy Mercenary's Armor - 2100 Ore (Lee)
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25

Now things will change in Gothic.

Check out Cronos new stock on your way down, specially as a mage.
I think he have Storm of Fire by now, the best Fire Rune in the
entire game. It is the first Rune that will really tell you how
incredibly cool it is to play a mage. You can also pick up
Wave of Ice while you are at it, even if you cannot use it yet.

On the Dam you meet Lee that gives you a new insight of who he
really is. Continue down the Mountain and you will discover the
first strange thing at Cavalorns place. Scorpio is here, and
are now selling you stuff. If you havnt taken out Scar you can
buy the best buy-able 1h weapon from him, namely the
"Berserkers Sword". Also check out Cavalorns stuff, WOW!
Grab that Death Bow now if you are a ranger. Also check out
the rings.

Now, depending of what exit you choose to enter the new camp
you will find one of your friends telling you what happened.

Worst thing imaginable, the entire cabal of Fire Mages are
assassinated, Gomez have locked himself up within the castle
and you are exiled. They are looking for the other two of
their "inner circle".

Before returning with the bad news, you can go past the Sect
Camp and check out Baal Cadar's stock if you want. If you are
a mage he have some nice jewelry for you. Also check the
Mountain Fortress again, you will find your friend studying
books in the library. Update him on the events.

Now return to Saturas with the bad news.

Before explaining your next actions, you are now free to
join the New Camp if you once joined the Old Camp.
Join as a Mercenary if you are a Guard, and Water Mages
if you are a Fire Magician. If you are going for the
Mage path you are in luck, since you will now get one
of the best and most useable runes you can get, the Circle 5
Wave of Ice. If you folled my advice and saved 30 experience,
update NOW! This one is very useful in your next mission...
Now its time to start saving 40 points for Circle 6 btw
(that is required to finish the game later on, so dont ignore
the power of... uhm. Yep).

If you joined the Sect, you can still teach yourself magic here,
and if you joined the New Camp you can now update from Mercenary
to Water Mage (wich seems a bit dumb, since it costs a total of
140 skillpoints to reach the 6th circle, and you need another
20-30 points spent in Mana to be good in magic...)

Whatever path you have taken you can grab some better armor.

Mercenary's Armor - Free (Lee)
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25

Heavy Mercenary's Armor - 2100 Ore (Lee)
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25

Water Robe
Weapons 65 Arrows 5 Fire 40 Magic 15

Heavy Robe of Water - 2100 Ore
Weapons 70 Arrows 10 Fire 45 Magic 20

For your great deeds you will be granted a rune that can
be used to reach the water mages any time.

Desperate times needs desperate actions. You are sent out
to find the long-lost 13th mage Xardas, that turned his back
against the others to study the black arts of magic.

Like all black magicians he lives in a tall black tower in
the middle of a unfriendly place, namely the Orc Lands.

I hope by your sake, that you are strong enough to take
out Orc Warriors by now, since now you will go into that
god-forsaken lands of the Orcs.

Before you leave its REQUIRED to end up at Cronos and
grab scrolls if you are not playing as a Mage. Buy
10-15 of Ice Bolts and Fire Bolts. That should be enough,
and as the intelligent person you are you still have the
Orc Hammer (or any other hammer) in your inventory
(else, you are screwed).

Once you reached the Orc Lands, there are loads of both
Orc Warriors, Orc Dogs, Fire Lizards, Razors and Biters here,
so I really hope you are prepared.

Best way to deal with Orcs as mage is probably the
Storm of Fire spell. With Mage I found Wave of Ice plus
Storm Fist a very useful combination against Razors.
You havnt forgot to buy all sleeper runes from
Baal Cadar have you?

If you are as mighty as I was when I reached this part
(both as mage and warrior), feel free to take out everything
you see, including the entire Orc Village.

The quickest way to reach the Orc Lands is to take the same
way you used to reach the stonehenge, and then continue
onwards, through a lonely shadowbeast.

You wont have a map for
this area, so you only way point will be the tower.
You will see a large black tower up there, and there is only
one way to reach it, through three guardians, that if you are
prepared shouldnt be any difficulties at all, but if you are
unprepared (didnt follow my advice) impossible.

The first encounter, made of stone, will be killed just like
his brother from the bridge, using the same weapon.
After killing it, grab its heart.

The second encounter, made out of ice, will be killed by using
fire magic. After killing it, grab its heart and the ice block.

The third encounter, made out of fire, will be killed by using
water magic. After killing it, grab its heart.

Enter the tower, check out the chests, then speak to the flying
demon. Give him the three hearts and you will get a rune to
reach the upper tower.

Here you will find the last NPC you meet in Gothic (ok, I lied
before, sue me ;) ). Xardas was the 13th mage that summoned the
barrier. His opinions are not like the others. He know the
reasons behind the failure of the barrier, he know the way out,
he probably know even more, but he dont tell you anything.

Since he's the only chance you have, you must do what he says.

As a Mage you can grab his "Death to the Undead" rune here, before
going back on the road.

The problem is to get back down. I have heard some ways to reach the
"ground" again. Some teleport themselves to the water mages, but
you are also supposed to be able to divejump into that pool of mud
that is located on one side of the tower, if you can jump that far.

Chromanin Book One (Optional)
I think its time for you to experience the optional quest
"Chromanin" before we go and help that Orc Shaman.

If you have explored the island, you have probably encountered
the tower next to a beach with a wrecked ship. Go there,
and enter the tower. With your warrior might, ranger skill or
Mage "Death to the Undead" you wont have to much problem with
the skeletons that inhabit this area. Somewhere in the caves
you will find your first Skeleton Mage.

Skeleton mage... Hold there...

Its now time to learn a "cheat" as some call it... I would call
it strategy, and practice.
However, this action can be a bit dangerous since there is a
really nasty bug that will boot you to windows if you are unlucky.

I reccomend you to first save your game, and then save your game
again into a new save slot.

When the Skeleton Mage starts using a Red spell, it will summon
three Skeletons. Together they are worth about 600-900 experience
per wave. Turn this to your advantage, and make sure to collect
as many points as possible. Sometimes, when you are really unlucky,
a spawning error will cause the entire Gothic to Crash...

Hope you saved in a new save slot. ;)

Sooner or later the Skeleton Mage runs out of summonings, and only
throw ice bolts at you. Then you just whack its head as a thanks for
the great experience.

You can just kill the mage, grab the summoning scrolls, summon the
skeletons yourself, and they wont fight back, and you still get the
experience for them.
- Thanks to Geir Gunderhaagen for pointing it out.

Loot the body, and you will find a book named "Chromanin", read it.


He who is willing to
renounce all depravity
and wanders on the path
of righteousness, shall
know where the source
of my power lies
hidden. So that he might
use it to break the chains
of this world and prove
worthy to reicive

The Wise One sees to
having a general
overview before he
dedicates himself to his
next mission.

Now you will get the "Stranger Quest". The Chromanin quest is a
quest to find 4 lost books spread out all over the Colony. Each
time you find a new book, and read it, the next book will spawn in
the next place. I will mark out when its time to grab the next book
so you can pick them up on your Journey, but if you like to either
skip this quest, or figure it out on your own, you can skip them.

The Shaman
Perhaps you have seen it by now, there is a ruin located on top of
a high mountain. You can reach it with a bridge not far from the
place where you found the Orc Hammer. You can also reach it from
a path not to far from Xandars tower.

Here you see a couple of particular strong Orcs fighting a magic
using Orc Shaman. Help him out. This is Ur-Shak, a new friend.
Ur-Shak will give you a insight in the real story about the Sleeper.

Now he will give you a quest, that in my opinion is a long extra run
but have to be made anyway :P You need to find someone that can creates
an object that lets you pass the orc village unharmed. By this time you
have probably killed off the entire Orc Population there...

Well, whatever, lets do it for the massive amount of experience you get
from this quest.

Chromanin Book Two (Optional)

See the tower here in the Ruin? Thats a look out point.


Carried from the tides
of time, Chromanin's
visions have opened my
eyes. No price could be
high enough to ever
renounce my faith in
them, for it touched my
heart to intensely.

What is divided will be
reuineted, after being
massively separated
for a short time.

The Not-So-Free Mine

Return to Xardas and report to him. Then go to Saturas
and talk to him. Riordan is here and says that Gorn asked for you.
You can find him on the way to the Free Mine. Talk to Gorn, and agree
(I think you get more experience by saying that you want to help him
clean out the place, instead of saying that you had business there
anyway). When you start running towards the Mine, Gorn will stop you
and tell you to speak to Wolf before you leave.
Well, talk to him... Wolf have an offer that you defenitly want to take...
Now return to Gorn.

Run with Gorn all the way up to the Free Mine. Feel free to loot the
bodies if you want to. At the bottom of the area you will ancounter
Jackal with his co-workers. This time, remember that you must kill each
person you knock...

There is a winch in the house next to the gate. Go there, and as all
other winches, save before you use it.

Also, save before entering the Mine. You will directly be attacked by
a heavy guarded guard and lots of crossbow using guards. This fight
can be rather difficult, even for experienced close-range fighters.
Its easier as a Mage or a Ranger.

When running around in the mine have a couple of things in mind:

1) Pick up EVERYTHING you find, be sure to search every corner for
stuff. Eventually you will find a niche with a book and a strange
potion, keep this potion, its a required quest item.

2) Whenever you kill one of the heavy minecrawlers here, pick up
its shell. You need to kill a total of 8 crawlers to have enough
plates for Wolf's armor (and I know you want it).

3) Every guard you knock down require you to kill them before you
leave them, even if you have stolen their weapon.

4) There is a known bug here, involving Gorn getting crazy...
If he does, just tell him to wait in the entrance to keep him off
your back.

When everything in the Cave is annihilated you have probably
encountered the lonely Orc Slave sitting in the deepest
part of the cave.

Talk to him.

New mission, to collect Items for an Ulu-Mulu, a Orc icon of
friendship. If you carry that weapon, orcs wont attack you.

The four items required are
* Teeth of a SwampShark
* The Tounge of a Fire Lizard
* The Horn of a Shadow Beast
* The Skin of a Troll

So lets go out and get them... You will probably note that your
teleports doesnt work inside caves, so you have to go out from
here. You will meet Gorn outside, talk to him.

Now its time to find the monsters required.

At first, you can return the items to Wolf, and he will start
working. Right.

Chromanin Book Three (Optional)

The third book is the most difficult one to find...
Remember when you first arrived here? You walked down a pathway
and then you saw a river to your left side that you later on
passed with a bridge? In this river, there is a small island,
with a huge rock. The book is located on the east side of that
rock (if you go by the map).


Oh, Ancient Gods. How
can it be that a man like
me, simple and unworthy,
may reicive such a great a
legacy. I feel great
fear to lose all of it
again by a slight
faliering in word or

The wise fisherman
occasionally tries to get
lucky on the other side
of the lake.

Chromanin Book Four (Optional)

There are fishermen huts just outside the New Camp's front gates.


I dare not hope to be in
the presence of
Chromanin one day. Gone
are the days of wasting
and wailing. So easy it
will be to achieve
absolute perfection. I'm
not far from it.

Long forgotten are the
deeds of those who once
where aboard.

The Hunt

Then we go out on a real hunt (Drax, you keep your Scavengers ;) )

- Swampshark

Theese fellas are found in the swamp. It doesnt matter if you
killed them in a earlier chapter, they have respawned, so
you can go back and kill them all over again. Have fun.

- Shadowbeast

The easiest way to find a Shadowbeast is to return to the back gate
of the old camp. Now focus on the Swamp Camp, and stay on the first
bridge you have to cross (close behind the wrecked ruins of a wooden
house)... Stand on the bridge, and look at the forest. Now think
"Swamp Camp", and then go stright into the forest...
There you should find a Shadowbeast. Good luck.
There was also a couple of horns in Gomez chests so check your
inventory first...

- Troll

You find a new troll where you find the Focus Stone in the
Troll Canyon.

- Fire Lizards

Theese ones are found both beneath Xardas tower, and on the
beach where you found the shipwreck...
Ok, one thing, even at Level 35 their breath are lethal, so
take out them on range, or swiftly with melee weapons.

While down at the beach you can as well finish the rest
of the Chromanin quest:

Chromanin Book Five (Optional)

There are only one shipwreck


But I shall not walk this
path alone. This honor is
mine. I must accept to
share the power within
myself with the worthy
ones who are to come and
find me. I hope they're
coming soon...

You will find me where
it all began.

Solving the Strangers Quest (Optional)
Return to where you found the first book, and you will get a


Lone sailor with
power of Chromanin.
Fate brought you here
with so much knowledge.
Fate took you away.
Lost to this world is
Chromanin, following
your soul into heaven.

The seeker of Chromanin
will seek in vain.

- JemyM

Return to Tarrok

Once having all the components, return to Tarrok again, and hand
everything over. There you go, an Ulu-Mulu. Hm. =)

Leave the Mine again, and Gorn will talk to you...


* *
* Chapter 5 - Guardians of the Portal *
* *

Ok, begin with dropping by at Wolf to grab your new armor. Nice
one eh?

Crawler Plate Armor - 15 Crawler Plates (Wolf, Chapter 5)
Weapons 80 Arrows 15 Fire 45 Magic 15

Also check out Cronos stock. I think he have Rain of Fire now,
even if I didnt found that Rune particulary powerful.

If you are a Mage, grab some strength rings and a strength
necklace. You will only need them once during the upcoming

As both Warrior or Mage you need a bow/crossbow before leaving,
(and a few arrows) that is needed on this mission.

If you are a ranger, I hope you have maximized
dexterity / bow / crossbow by now... But its now time to start
saving yourself 70 experience points. Also try to buy the best
strength rings you can find. Ill explain later why.

Ok, now its time to either use your Ulu-Mulu, or kill the rest
of the Orcs. Before the bridge you meet Ur-Shak again.

He gives you two tips upon how to enter the temple, one requiring
a Orcish Teleport Scroll, and one requiring Telekinesis.

Walk inside, and you can now open the gate with the winch.
(save first).

Note: There is a Horn (musical instrument) in one of the chair's.
It can be used, but doesnt seem to do anything.
- Thanks to Geir Gundersen for the tip.

Here you will find more Orcs. Well, either walk past them with
the Ulu-Mulu or beat em up for some good experience.

Keep caution about the Temple Orc Guards, they are much tougher
and hit harder than the rest of the Orcs. Also the Orc Shamans
is very irretating once they started to throw fireballs at you.
Either take them out quick, or use long range weapons against them.

Loot all the chests and you will probably find both telekinesis
and the Orc Teleportation scroll. I had both when I finished that
part, perhaps I had saved a few Telekinesis scrolls from earlier,
I dont remember.

*tip for the pacifist*
There is an option to grab orcish figurine and not to start a
combat: if you climb up to mountains, then you could find a
place from where telekinesis scroll would work nicely.
- Thanks to Ruslan Ismailov for this one

The options is to either walk to the gate and teleport yourself
inside, or you use telekinesis on the Ikon on top of the Totem
pillar. Grab it and use it on the switch to open the gate.

Now enter the temple...

The Temple's First Section

Ok, remember Ur-Shak's story? There are five undead shamans within
theese walls. All five are heartless (really), and probably smell
bad to.

They are companied by lots of Skeleton Mage's, skeletons, undead
orcs (really tough) and even some of Cor Kalom's fanclub.

You can deal with whatever the way you like, and even use the
Skeleton Mage tip from the Fog Tower (remember to keep a separate
save if you do).

Ok, the first room contains a huge chasm, and a broken pillar that
lies above it. Either jump, or use the pillar to cross. Then you
will end up in a huge room with skeletons and a skeleton Mage.

You will note a few locked gates here. Between the gates are
three small pictures in different colors.

Orange, White and Purple.

Next to one of the gates (to the left) is a switch. press it.
Save, prepare a weapon, and walk inside.

WHAM! The door will shut behind you, and you will be attacked by
two skeletons.

After dealing with them you will find two switches. Press both
and you can enter the next room. Here you will find three switches
that looks like boulders of rock. See the paintings on the floor?
Use them in the right order. Before using the Purple, save.
(Just in case).

Orange, White and Purple

Note down where the three was located (in wich direction).

Nice view, the gates are opening. This sequence might fail (bug),
and if it did to you, reload.

Ok, go forward. A new room with lots of ways out of here.

Go into the leftmost door, and you will meet your first undead
orc. They are not quick, but their punches do a hellofalot damage
to take it easy. Search for loot, and press the switch.

Ok, trapped again. This time you need to use the right switch.
The left switch will kill you, so take the right one. Thats right.

About the lowering roof in the orc temple
if you use the left switch, the roof comes down. This doesn't
need to kill you. Just go into the small caveren in the back
of the room. Then wait for the roof to come and go.
- Thanks to Geir Gundersen

The front doorway is open, and pillars have risen wich will allow
you to climb up to the right later on, but now we will enter the
front door. Save before you do, and ready your weapon.

Shaman One - Varrag Hashor
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Here you will meet the first Undead Shaman, named Varrag Hashor...
He is high on Pyrokinesis... If you keep punching/shooting on him
he will soon fall down. As a Mage I reccomend using his own
medicine back on him (Pyrokinesis).

When he is finished, loot his body. You will find a old and unuseable
sword on him. Theese swords are required to finish the game.

Piercing the stones

You will find more of theese, near the exit is a odd shaped stone
in the floor.

You can just face the stone so it lights up, and press use and the up
arrow. At that point the hero will automatically pick the right shaman
sword and pierce the stone.

Up and go

Now exit the tomb of Varrag Hashor, and jump up on the pillars. Save
and enter the doorway (not the cave to the left).

Shaman Two - Varrag-Unhilt
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Not more beautiful than the first, but with a sharper spell. I found
this one difficult as a mage, but in the same time very awarding.
As a ranger or warrior, just use whatever you have, and smack/shoot
him down. As a Mage, run forward and enter the room behind him. The
gate will close down, wich is good, becouse now you can stand on
distance taking him out with long-range spells.

After finished, go to the gate in the floor, stand on it, and jump
up to the next level. The gate will open. Note that there are spikes
below. They will dissappear after awhile, then you can jump down
(if they dont, you can jump down anyway, they dont do much damage
if you are quick, just save and heal yourself first).

* Update *
About the spikes in the floor at Varrag-Unhilt
These can be disabled by using a bow and fireing while facing the
wall opposite the now closed door. Notice the markings on the walls
that display archers shooting at a box.
Here a bow is nessecary, as it will auto-aim. The crossbow does not.
- Thanks to Geir Gundersen for the info

Down there you will find a sarchophagus. After looting everything
here (including the mummies) press the green button on the
sarcophagus. Jump up again and the door is open.

Loot the body of Varrag-Unhilt, take his sword. YAY! Chain Lightning!
I was not too impressed by Chain Lightning thou... It felt kind of
weak compared to what you already have, but there are occasions its

Grab his sword, and use it in the stone.

Cave of death

Now you can jump down in the tunnel below. Here you will meet
more tough minecrawlers. Check out the floor for goods, use light
or torch if you want to be sure to get everything.

Follow to the right and jump up there. Now you will find yourself
in a room that are not unlike the first room, with three
switches. However, this time they are not marked, so you need
to remember wich order you used the switches in the first room.

You might want to search the place for loot before you begin.

A nice demon will appear after you used the first two switches,
kill them...


Shaman Three - Varrag-Kasorg
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After using the third switch you meet the third shaman. This one
was particulary tough as a mage, but I have noted that he is
really easy to take out if you still have your Orc Hammer and
some strength to that. Activate the Strength-stuff I told you
about earlier, and whack him good. Rangers and Fighters do as
usual. No problem for them.

Grab his sword, and use it in the stone.

Target Practice

Ok, return to the dark cave again and take the other path.
Here you will see a man guarding a gate and a couple of
Crawlers. Take out the Crawlers first.

I have found a particulary great strategy with Templars.
Use wave of Ice to freeze them, throw one maximum loaded
Storm of Fire, then use another wave of ice, and throw
another storm of Fire... Repeat until dead.

Warrior and Rangers use their usual tactics. As a Warrior
you have probably found how great it is to bought
mastership 2handed by now, its nearly impossible to even
reach templars with 1handed weapons.

The Bloody Floor With Holes

This room look nasty.

Find a switch, and press it.

Equip a bow, stand outside the gate that leads to the
tunnel (not the room where you met the templar).

Note that the character will automaticly aim at a grey
stone on the wall. Shoot it.

You will see why you shouldnt stand inside the room ;)

Now you will note a part of the room that is very dark.
You can lit a torch, fire something in there, or use a
light spell if you want, but you will just see that there
is a second target in there. Fire a arrow into the darkness
and you will see a new 'video' when the other gates opens

Three switches, three colors.

Each time you do this wrong, a demon will be summoned.

If you want, level up a couple of times if you want...
I killed demons enough for two levels myself ;)

An awarding trap ;)

When you are to tired to continue, use them in the right

Orange, White and Purple

The gate where the templar stood will open up.


The Middle Section

Ok, now you will hack down a bunch of Templars,
Orc Guards and Skeletons.

After the fight, let me tell you a bit about this area
since it might be a bit confusing at first, but I shall try
to give you a hint on how to find in this area.

The first little room you enter have two exits, both
leads to a larger room with four exits, however, the
left exit also leads to a underground corridor with archways.
This corridor will 'connect' most of the areas.

Also the middle room will connect to most of the important
places down here.

- The Middle Room

Here you killed a few Orc Guards. You will note two
statues on one part of the the room, and there are four
exits from here.

* There are two huge statues on one of the walls and a
doorway between them. The corridor there contains a
spiketrap driven by duracel batteries
(and its going, and going, and going).
"The Island in the Sea of Lava"

* There are two arches that leads to a small room with
a 'bridge' that is in fact a arch leading over a
corridor. You might note Mine Crawlers down there.
"The Corridor"

* The cave-like exit leads to a huge room with lots of
gates on one side, and pillars in a pool of lava on
the other side. "Pillars in the pool of Lava".

* Then there is a doorway with a short slope that leads
back to the small room you came from.

You are reccomended to start with the 'cave-like' exit
that leads to a room with a couple of pillars that goes
up from a pool of lava, and gates on the right side.

- Pillars in the pool of Lava

This large room have a couple of noteworthy gates on one
side and lots of pillars going up from a pool of lava
on the other. Its difficult to get back up once you have
started to jump down on the pillars, therefore we start

* The cave that leads back to the Middle Room.

* Across the Pool (must jump the pillars) "The Corridor"

* An Elevator (See below)

* A couple of locked doors that will lead you further
after you finished the business in
"The Island in the Sea of Lava"

Jump down the pillars until you reach the center of the
room. You will see that there is a switch here. Use it...

When you are on the "bottom floor", reach the room in
the end. Here you have two switches. The left one drops
down a couple of minecrawlers and then opens the door.
The right one just opens the door. Its up to you if you
want the extra experience.

Exit the room, and use the switch to the upper floor.
The gates are now open, but we shall continue into the
cave on the other side "The Corridor".

- "The Corridor"

This Corridor leads through the entire complex.
Its inhabitated with a couple of Crawlers, and you are
also able to find their nest from this corridor.

Exits from start to end:

* The "Pillars in the pool of Lava" room. Not very useful
since you cannot get back up to the doorways from here.

* You can jump up to the "Middle Room" somewhere on the
middle of the corridor.

* The "Crawlers Nest"

* "The "Island in the Sea of Lava" ends the corridor.

When you reach the cave to the right, save, and walk down.
Kill a few crawlers. I have noted that this area is a bit
close to the Lava, so the game might bug you so you die
in flames... :P
Kill the crawlers. In the first room you encounter you will
find a small room that where once the final haven of a
bigger that escaped the orcs. You can read his book, and
rob his chest.
When you return, choose the right exit and you will end
up in a small nest with a couple of eggs, potions etc.
Grab it all and return...
Now go forward to the "Island in the Sea of Lava"

- "Island in the Sea of Lava"

You will instantly notice something that looks like a
temple or something on a island in a sea of lava. To reach
it you can either jump to it with acrobatics, or do the
experience-rewarding way. Follow the path to the right,
enter each one of the three rooms, kill the demons inside
and use the switch.

The bridge will let you cross now, so go over. Do not use
the main entrance, since you will get killed. Instead walk
around the edge to the right. Save and jump inside the

Shaman Four - Varrag-Ruushk
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Fourth Shaman is in your way, so spank him with whatever
you like. Take his sword as usual, but note the sword on the
altar. Grab it and KEEP it!

Now you can exit the window again, and take the second bridge
into the small corridor with spikes. Pass them and you will
end up in the room we called "Middle Room" again...

The Circle is Complete... =)

The End Section

From the "Middle Room" take the cave-way to the
"Pillars in the pool of Lava". Now the gates are opened.
In one of the new rooms you will find a nice 2h weapon that
is probably the best one you will find without beating someone
up for it, the "Troll Fist".

In the other room you will find a load of Demons again.
Pass trough the room. On the other side you will see a long
bridge. Pass it.

Shaman Five - Grash-Varrag-Urshat
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Invulnerable, but try!

Thats all there is for now... The fifth shaman is really
invulnerable, but to find out you have to hit him a couple of
times until you hear the well-known scratching in your
notebook. Run away from there. He have a particulary bad
breath that you dont want to smell on.

Now exit the temple... Lots of monsters have spawned in your
way, but you shouldnt have to much problems with them now.

And return to Xardas.

Unfinished Business

Xardas will tell you that the sword is the magical Uriziel
that needs to be activated. While he is messing with it
you can go to his old tower and loot it.

Sounds like fun isnt it?

Sunken Tower
You might have been there already, the sunken tower next to
the old orc-ruins... Dive in and enter the tower.

There are heaps of skeletons and zombies here, including a
Skeleton Mage. Do the experience hunt if you want. Then
loot all the chests you find.

Here you find two really cool items:

* Ore Armor - Free (Sunken Castle, Chapter 5)
Weapons 95 Arrows 25 Fire 40 Magic 10

* Teleport to the Magicians of Fire

You dont need to exit the tower. Just use the teleport
to Xardas and he tells you that its time to activate the
sword (wich will give you some new enemies =o( )

Activating Uriziel

Before doing this, you might finish everything you need
to do in the New Camp. Check out Cronos stock, practice
everything you need at the teachers... etc... etc...

If you are a ranger and have heaps of skillpoints left, you
might want to learn yourself 2 handed sword now...
You are unfortunally destined to use Uriziel now :(

Then go to Saturas. Milten is here. Talk to him. He will help
you with the ritual. Go down in the cave behind Saturas and
you will reicive a Full-Motion Video Sequence...

* *
* Chapter 6 - The temple of the Sleeper *
* *

Milten is right. You defenitly made some enemies this time,
so teleport yourself out of there, directly to Xardas.

Xardas is impressed alright. The charger Uriziel have the
following stats:

Strength 30
Damage 120 + 30 Magical damage

As a ranger, I am sorry, but you must use this blade to
finish the game.

As a Mage, now its time to spend thoose 40 skillpoints on
Circle 6 if you havnt done so... =o)

Robe of the Dark Arts - Free (Xardas, Circle 6)
Weapons 90 Arrows 20 Fire 60 Magic 30

As a Warrior/Ranger you can keep the blade. As a Mage you
transform it into a rune... YAY! Wave of Death... Cool huh? =)

Taking out the trash

Before returning to the Temple, now is the best time to
visit Gomez and friends. Kill whatever you like, but
specially Barthalo and Gomez.

You now have keys to unlock:

* Gomez chests in the room where you met his bathing slave

* The cellar behind the place where Scorpio used to train
his men.

* The four door in the dungeon, rescuing Stone the Blacksmith
As a reward, ask him to update your Armor YAY!!!

Improved Ore Armor - Free (Rescue Stone, Chapter 5)
Weapons 100 Arrows 30 Fire 45 Magic 15

The Final Showdown

Armed with the best weapons and armor in the game, you can
finish this thing.

Before you leave, you should see if you can find some summoning
spells in the stores. I dont know with you, but at this time
Saturas and his buddies have calmed down, so check out Cronos
store. Buy as many you can, you have no more use for Ore in
this game...

Walk down into the temple again.

Ranger, have no dispair, there are help for you soon...
Only two tough fights really.

Go to the fifth Shaman and try out Uriziel or wave
of death on him...
Loot his body.

Sweet! Breath of Death, your last rune =o)
Equip it as a mage.

Go up the stairs and you meet a Templar.
Use Uriziel on him, or breath of death if you are mage.

Now you will reach a room with five of the odd stones
on the floor. It doesnt really matter what sword you have
active in your Inventory, just 'use' them all five.

In the next door you will find Xardas again, he will fall

Now its christmas time

In two of the doorways you will find mummies. Even if they
doesnt have names, they can be looted for loads and loads
of permanent boosting potions. The Ranger can thus finish
the game even with a 2 handed blade, and the rest will be
better than ever.

Do Not Awaken The Sleeper

Walk down of any of the other corridors, whack down the
Templar in your way (one in each corridor). Jump across
the glowing chasms and enter the Sleepers Inner Sanctum.

Whack the Templars, and have a good look at that ugly
fella down there, and I am not speaking of the Sleeper ;)

Cor Kalom and his buddies are the last thing that stands
in your path...

As Mage this part is easier than a childs play. Stand in the
stairs, and use wave of death, just out of reach of Cor Kalom.
Two is enough to take out all the Novices. Four-Five takes
out Cor Kalom...

As Ranger or Warrior you can ease up this fight with
summoning lots of monsters (scrolls) that will help you in
the fight.

Tactic by Geir Gundersen:
One tip is to stand at the to of the stairs and use a
bow or crossbow to enrage one templar at the time.
Shoot one and just stay put and take him out when he gets
to you, or on the way, depending on your fighting style.

After you are done, do not attack the sleeper. If you wake
him up you will probably fall asleep and he will throw
fireballs at you. Instead note the five boulders around him.
On each one there is a stone that can be opened, and if you
do the Hero will pierce the heart inside with the five
Shaman blades. Each time you do this (except the last) a
Demon Lord will appear.

You might want to save here, if you want a souveneir...
Later on that save can be used if you want to leave the
temple and mess up the world with cheats...

The last one will finish the game...


15. The Stranger d8~~988P~~988b
**************** 9b,,d88,,,d8888
d888 '88KHW8P
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The optional quest within Gothic, named "The Stranger" AKA "Chromanin"
have bothered many people. Here are some additional hints upon how to
find theese books.

Remember that you must read each book before you can find the next one.

The first book is found on the Skeleton Mage in the Fog Tower
(The tower, next to the beach with the shipwreck).

Chromanin Book one


He who is willing to
renounce all depravity
and wanders on the path
of righteousness, shall
know where the source
of my power lies
hidden. So that he might
use it to break the chains
of this world and prove
worthy to reicive

The Wise One sees to
having a general
overview before he
dedicates himself to his
next mission.

- There are two really high watchtowers in the game.
One is Gomez castle, the other is in a old ruin with
a spooky mood.

Chromanin Book two


Carried from the tides
of time, Chromanin's
visions have opened my
eyes. No price could be
high enough to ever
renounce my faith in
them, for it touched my
heart to intensely.

What is divided will be
reuineted, after being
massively separated
for a short time.

- A river is divided, but not for long.

Chromanin Book three


Oh, Ancient Gods. How
can it be that a man like
me, simple and unworthy,
may reicive such a great a
legacy. I feel great
fear to lose all of it
again by a slight
faliering in word or

The wise fisherman
occasionally tries to get
lucky on the other side
of the lake.

- Their huts where built on pillars
that sunk down in the mud.

Chromanin Book four


I dare not hope to be in
the presence of
Chromanin one day. Gone
are the days of wasting
and wailing. So easy it
will be to achieve
absolute perfection. I'm
not far from it.

Long forgotten are the
deeds of those who once
where aboard.

- The stranger was once a sailor

Chromanin Book five


But I shall not walk this
path alone. This honor is
mine. I must accept to
share the power within
myself with the worthy
ones who are to come and
find me. I hope they're
coming soon...

You will find me where
it all began.

- The circle is now complete

Chromanin Book six


Lone sailor with
power of Chromanin.
Fate brought you here
with so much knowledge.
Fate took you away.
Lost to this world is
Chromanin, following
your soul into heaven.

The seeker of Chromanin
will seek in vain.

- JemyM

- I wrote that ;)


16. Armor's in Gothic

Theese are the Armor's you will get in your adventure.

Beginners armor:
Diggers Dress - Free (Swiney, Free Mine)
Weapons 10 Fire 5

Light Diggers Trousers - 250 Ore (Fisk)
Weapons 10 Fire 5

Diggers Trousers - 500 Ore (Fisk)
Weapons 15 Fire 5

Lioncloth - 500 Ore (Sect Camp Guard)
Weapons 15 Fire 10

Old Camp Armor
Shadow's Dress - Free (Diego, Chapter 1)
Weapons 30 Arrows 5 Fire 15

Shadow's Armor - 1200 Ore (Diego, Chapter 1)
Weapons 40 Arrows 5 Fire 20

Light Guard's Armor - Free (Stone, Chapter 2)
Weapons 40 Arrows 10 Fire 25

Guard's Armor - 1650 Ore (Stone Chapter 3)
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25

Heavy Guard's Armor - 1650 Ore ( Never =( )
Weapons 70 Arrows 10 Fire 35

New Camp Armor
Light Rogues Dress - Free (Lares)
Weapons 30 Arrrows 5 Fire 15

Bandits Armor - 1050 Ore (Wolf, Chapter 1/2)
Weapons 35 Arrows 5 Fire 15

Heavy Bandits Armor - 1200 Ore (Wolf, Chapter 2)
Weapons 40 Arrows 5 Fire 20

Mercenary's Armor - Free (Lee, Chapter 3)
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25

Heavy Mercenary's Armor - 2100 Ore (Lee, Chapter 4)
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25

Sect Camp Armor
Light Novice's Armor - Free (Cor Kalom)
Weapons 30 Fire 15

Novice's Armor
Weapons 40 Fire 15

Light Templar Armor - Free (Gor Na Tooth, Chapter 2)
Weapons 45 Arrows 5 Fire 20

Templar Armor
Weapons 55 Arrows 10 Fire 25 (Gor Na Tooth, Chapter 3)

Heavy Templar Armor
Weapons 70 Arrows 10 Fire 35 (Gor Na Tooth, Chapter 4)

Fire Robe - Free (Corristo, Chapter 2)
Weapons 40 Arrows 5 Fire 2 Magic 10

High Robe of Fire - 1500 (Corristo, Chapter 3)
Weapons 50 Arrows 5 Fire 30 Magic 10

Water Robe - Free (Saturas, Chapter 4)
Weapons 65 Arrows 5 Fire 40 Magic 15

High Robe of Water - 2100 Ore (Saturas, Chapter 2)
Weapons 70 Arrows 10 Fire 45 Magic 20

Robe of the Dark Arts - Free (Xardas, Circle 6, Chapter 5)
Weapons 90 Arrows 20 Fire 60 Magic 30

Late Chapters Armor
Crawler Plate Armor - 15 Crawler Plates (Wolf, Chapter 5)
Weapons 80 Arrows 15 Fire 45 Magic 15

Ore Armor - Free (Sunken Castle, Chapter 5)
Weapons 95 Arrows 25 Fire 40 Magic 10

Improved Ore Armor - Free (Rescue Stone, Chapter 5)
Weapons 100 Arrows 30 Fire 45 Magic 15

Armors, Complete list

There are Armor's you never get in Gothic, but here are a complete
list including thoose that cannot be bought/found.

Item Wea. Arr. Fir. Mag. Value
----------------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----
Light Diggers Trousers 10 5 - - 250
Diggers Trousers 15 5 - - 500
Shadow's Dress 30 5 15 - 750
Shadow's Armor 40 5 20 - 1200
Light Guard's Armor 45 5 20 - 1350
Guard's Armor 55 10 25 - 1650
Heavy Guard's Armor 70 10 35 - 2100
Royal Guard's Armor 50 5 25 1 1500
Robe of State 72 7 26 3 2160
Gomez Armor 85 9 42 3 2550
Heavy Ore Baron's Armor 80 8 40 3 2400
Diggers Dress 10 - 5 - 250
Light Rogue's Dress 30 5 15 - 750
Rogue's Dress 35 5 15 - 1050
Heavy Rogue's Dress 40 5 20 - 1200
Light Mercenary's Armor 45 5 20 - 1350
Mercenary's Armor 55 10 35 - 1650
Heavy Mercenary's Armor 70 10 35 - 2100
Novice's Lion Cloth 15 - 10 - 500
Light Novice's Armor 30 - 15 - 750
Novice's Armor 40 5 20 - 1200
Light Templars Armor 45 5 20 - 1350
Templars Armor 55 10 25 - 1650
Heavy Templars Armor 70 10 35 - 2100
Guru's Robe 71 7 35 3 2130
High Robe of the Gurus 82 8 41 4 2460
Fire Robe 40 5 25 5 1200
High Robe of Fire 50 5 30 10 1500
Water Robe 65 6 40 15 1950
High Robe of Water 70 10 45 20 2100
Robe of the Dark Arts 90 20 60 30 2700
Crawler Plate Armor 80 5 30 5 2400
Ancient Ore Armor 95 25 40 10 5700
Improvec Ore Armor 100 30 45 15 6000

Wea. = Protection agsinst Weapons
Arr. = Protection against Arrows
Fir. = Protection against Fire
Mag. = Protection against Magic


17. Weapons in Gothic

There are probably more weapons in Gothic than any other game...
To bad you find the really good ones so quickly :)

Special Weapons

Item Type Damage Req. Value
----------------- ---- ------ ---- -----
Innos Rage 2h 110 90 570
Ulu-mulu 2h 35 30 1000
Whistlers Sword 1h 20 15 110
Thorus Sword 2h 90 75 460
Scars Sword 1h 85 70 460
Lesters Mediator 1h 60 40 340
Lee's Axe 2h 105 95 560
Red Wind 2h 105 80 570
Artos Sword 1h 65 50 360
Diegos Bow Bow 70 45 390
Sila's Axe 1h 55 40 290
Thorlof Axe 2h 99 85 550
Cord's Clefter 1h 60 50 310
Oriks Axe 2h 95 90 540
Namibs Club 1h 50 40 300
Wolfs Bow Bow 5 35 200
Uriziel 2h 90 30 900
Uriziel Updated 2h 120+30 30 10.000

*Added by Geir Gundersen*
Paw's Punch 1H 55 40 300
Fortuno's Club 1H 20 15 110
Raven's Right 1H 70 55 400
Kalom's Sword 1H 70 55 400
Orun's Club 1H 60 50 330

Req. = Requirement
1h = One Handed
2h = Two Handed

One Handed Weapons

Item Damage Req. Value
----------------------- ------ ---- -----
Axe 29 12 320
Scullclefter 53 24 1020
Bonebreaker 54 25 1160
Mace 23 10 55
Sting Mace 25 11 65
Blood Fly Sting 26 11 75
Steel Tongue 29 11 85
Morning Star 35 14 125
Steel Mace 36 15 132
Stone Crusher 37 16 139
Heart Breaker 39 17 600
Crude Sword 20 20 100
Judgement Sword 30 12 97
Guard's Sword 32 12 104
Battle Sword 33 13 111
War Sword 34 14 472
Rusty Bastard Sword 45 31 200
Butcher 64 32 1660
Executor 65 33 1720
Berserker's Word 66 35 1760
Broad Sword 55 26 1240
Warrior's Verdict 57 27 1300
Storm Whisper 58 28 1360
Guard's Hand 59 29 1400
Long Sword 40 17 640
Sword of Fear 42 18 620
Sword of Hate 44 19 800
Sword of Victory 46 20 860
Sword of Death 48 21 920
Short Sword 12 6 44
Farmer's Defence 14 7 64
Lurker's Bite 16 8 88
Thorn of Wounds 18 9 120
Diggers Discipline 20 10 160
Orc Hammer 50 22 1000
War Hammer 51 23 1040
God's Hammer 52 23 1080
Smith's Hammer 10 5 5
Pick Axe 7 5 4

*Added by Geir Gundersen*
Light Guard's Sword 22 20 75
Crude Sword 20 20 100
Cutter 15 8 25
Old Sword 12 10 12
Nail Club 11 5 13
Rusty Sword 10 5 10
Hand Axe 9 5 6
Club 8 5 5
Sickle 7 5 4
Poker 6 5 3

Two Handed Weapons

Item Damage Req. Value
---------------------- ------ ---- -----
Krush Pach 50 30 35
Krush UrRok 55 35 38
Krush Agash 60 40 40
Krush BrokDar 65 45 43
Rusty Two-Hander 61 30 1480
War Axe 94 72 3660
Warrior's Voice 96 74 3860
Barbarian's Fist 98 76 4060
Troll Fist 100 78 4360
Light Battle Axe 77 52 2400
Thunderstrike 79 54 2440
Smash 80 56 2520
Two Hander 84 58 2600
Hero's Blade 83 60 2760
Blood Blade 85 62 2840
Heavy Two-Hander 86 64 2920
Rage Steel 88 66 3040
Wrath Steel 90 68 3260
Revenge Steel 92 70 3440
Light Two-Hander 70 42 1900
Custodian's Blade 71 44 1950
Mercenary's Blade 73 46 2000
King's Blade 74 48 2200
Demonic Blade 76 50 2320

*Added by Geir Gundersen*
Blood Harvester 68 38 1840
Old Battle Axe 67 36 1800
Barbarian's Fist 98 76 4060
Scepter (Rice Lord) 26 20 150
Judgment Staff 19 10 72
Pickaxe 7 5 4

These are Orc Shaman Staffs. No req what-so-ever.
They handles like a 2 handed weapon.
Seem to do respectable damage.



Item Damage Req. Value
---------------------- ------ ---- -----
Longbow 40 20 240
Hedge Bow 44 22 280
Willow Bow 48 24 320
Oak Bow 52 26 360
Wolf Shredder 56 28 440
Wind Breaker 60 30 480
Army Bow 64 32 520
Horn Bow 68 34 560
Nimrod Bow 72 36 600
Short Bow 20 10 40
Rider's Bow 24 12 80
Field Bow 28 14 120
Hunting Bow 32 16 160
Bone Bow 36 18 200

*Added by Geir Gundersen*
War Bow 76 38 640
Orc Chaseer 79 40 680
Demon Bow 85 44 760
Storm Bow 85 42 720
Bow of Death 88 50 1000


Item Damage Req. Value
---------------------- ------ ---- -----
Light Crossbow 50 25 180
Crossbow 85 42 780
Heavy Crossbow 90 45 1000
Crossbow of War 100 55 1300


18. Monsters in Gothic

Here is a list of the monsters you encounter in Gothic and their
attributes / protection.

Monster Str Dex Man Lif PA:Wea Arr Fir Mag
--------------------- --- --- --- --- ------ --- --- ---
Meat Bug 1 1 0 10 0 0 100 0
Jouvenile Scavenger 6 6 0 35 8 5 0 0
Scavenger 8 8 0 40 9 5 0 0
Jouvenile Molerat 5 5 0 40 8 5 5 0
Molerat 8 8 0 40 8 5 5 0
Blood Fly 30 30 0 50 15 8 0 0
Wolf 40 40 0 80 20 10 10 0
Lizard 40 40 0 80 20 20 20 0
Fire Lizard 80 80 0 200 40 20 9999 0
Lurker 50 50 0 90 50 20 50 0
Black Goblin 55 20 0 80 40 10 20 0
Goblin Warrior 90 20 0 105 50 10 20 0
Mine Crawler 65 30 0 102 50 10 20 0
Mine Crawler Warrior 130 70 0 200 120 35 50 50
Snapper 80 80 0 160 40 20 20 0
Razor 110 110 0 200 100 30 80 0
Blood Hound 90 90 0 160 55 0 0 0
Shadow Beast 110 110 0 200 100 50 50 50
Biter 80 80 0 80 40 20 20 0
Orc Dog 80 80 0 160 60 30 30 0
Orc Hunter 40 40 0 200 50 25 25 0
Orc Shaman 10 10 5 40 0 0 0 0
Orc Warrior (1) 55 50 0 210 60 30 30 30
Orc Warrior (2) 60 50 0 230 70 35 35 30
Orc Warrior (3) 65 50 0 250 80 40 40 30
Orc Warrior (4) 75 50 0 300 100 45 45 30
Skeleton 90 30 200 300 35 100 35 35
Skeleton Scout 90 30 200 300 35 100 35 35
Skeleton Warrior 130 30 200 300 35 100 35 35
Skeleton Mage 80 30 200 300 50 50 50 50
Swamp Shark 140 140 0 300 130 70 50 40
Zombie 140 140 0 250 130 9999 100 100
Harpy 85 85 0 200 50 10 0 50
Lesser Demon 75 75 0 300 100 35 100 35
Stone Golem 150 150 0 600 75 9999 9999 9999
Fire Golem 50 150 0 150 9999 9999 9999 0
Ice Golem 150 150 0 600 75 9999 9999 9999
Jouvenile Troll 120 30 0 600 120 9999 9999 9999
Troll 160 20 0 1000 150 9999 110 100
Sleeper 500 500 500 1000 500 1000 1000 500

Str = Strength
Dex = Dexterity
Man = Mana
Lif = Life
PA = Protection Against
Wea = Weapons
Arr = Arrows
Fir = Fire
Mag = Magic


19. Cheats & Console

After solving the game once, you might want to give yourself a quicker
start when you replay the game the second time. Perhaps you want to see
the armor you never could carry? See hidden stuff?

This chapter is for you!

Jumping from any height

While falling, hold down the right-arrow key.

Loads of money by exploiting 'Crude Swords' bug

Konstantin Kuznetsov writes:

I found a nice bug which allows to get big amount of money
at the beginnning of the game and never have financial problems.
When you forge more than one weapon at a time (from raw steel)
at blacksmith try to press 'USE' as fast as you can.
Such pressing forces Gothic to bug :)
In the end of all procedures you would get more swords than you initially
forge from steel. For example, I bought 30 raw steel from Huno and after
all I discovered that I forged about 50 (!) swords,
so the profit was: 50*5-30*4=1300 ore.
- Thanks to Konstantin Kuznetsov for the tip!

Cheat codes, except "marvin"

While you are in the Character Window (looking at your stats)
write any of the following code's

Code Effect
---------------- ---------------------------------------
42 Resets all the following
clock Show a clock on the top right
godzilla All the other creatures becomes larger
southpark The character moves faster
taki Refills your health & mana
garrett +1000 Ore
sodom +1000 Ore
guardian God Mode
eowyn All the NPCs goes in slow motion
clerks The character runs in slow motion
melville It start to rain
garfield Makes all NPCs fat
maitai Wireframe Mode
caipirinha Removes all textures
ticktock Lots of rain
grommit Pancake mode
thequeenmustdie Kills Mud
convenant Intro Sequence FMV
knokator Summoning of the sleeper FMV
pixies Loading up the Uriziel FMV


To activate the real cheats, and the console,
you need to activate the marvin mode.

Enter your Status screen (character screen) so you can see your
skills & attributes.

On the keyboard, type "marvin".

Exit your Status Screen again, and make sure "marvin-mode" is written in
the top left corner.

Now you have activated the Marvin-Mode and the Console.
This make hundreds of options open to you.

The first one you will note, is probably, that when you are running,
and pressing down your draw-weapon key, that you will start to run
with double the speed.

_ _ _ _ !!!

If you want to write "_" in Gothic, hold down Shift and press the key left of
the Right shift...

Here are the lists:

Quickbuttons (Marvin)

Key Effect
--- ---------------------------------------------
F2 Opens the Console
F3 Changes between window/fullscreen
F4 Sets the game to "Image Mode"
F5 Freezes the Camera
F6 Makes the camera mobile
F7 Move the camera to different sections
F8 Fills up the energy and mana
HOME Returns to the Character
K Teleport the character forward (very useful)
O Take over the body of a selected creature
H Reduces the health of your character

Simple Console Commands (Marvin)

Note about the console, this game is created with german keyboard,
so z is replaced with y and the opposite.

If you want to write "_" in Gothic, hold down Shift and press the
key left of the Right shift...

F2 = Console (marvin required)

Code Effect
----------------- --------------------------------------------------
toggle frame Show Frame Rate
cheat god God Mode
cheat full Refills health & mana
edit abilities makes it possible to edit your character
hero export NAME Saves your character with the name you given
hero import NAME Import the saved character with the name you gave
set time Changes wich time it is in the game
insert Inserts an selected item (see the lists)

Insert Command

In the console, type: insert
where is replaced with any of the following:

Monsters & Characters

Code's Result
---------------------- -----------------------------
meatbug Meat Bug
molerat Molerat
babe, babe2-7 Babes
swampshark Swampshark
troll Troll
stonegolem Stone Golem
icegolem Ice Golem
firegolem Fire Golem
sleeper The Sleeper
harpie Harpie
scavenger Scavenger
snapper Snapper
demon Demon (Lesser)
shadowbeast Shadow Beast
minecrawlerqueen Mine Crawler Queen
waran Lizard
youngtroll Jouvenile Troll
bridgegolem Bridge Golem (Stone Golem)
firewaran Fire Lizard
bloodfly Blood Fly
bloodhound Blood Hound
razor Razor
lurker Lurker
dammlurker Dam Lurker
yscavenger Jouvenile Scavenger
ymolerat Jouvenile Molerat
hurtswampshark Hurted Swampshark
minecrawler Minecrawler
minecrawlerwarrior Minecrawler Warrior
shaman_rockefeller Shaman
udshaman_rockefeller Undead Shaman
freemineorc Ork Slave
wolf Wolf
skeleton Skeleton
skeletonwarrior Skeleton Warrior
skeletonscout Skeleton Scout
skeletonmage Skeleton Mage
orcdog Orc Dog
orcbiter Biter
xardasdemon Xardas Demon
bathbabe Gomez Female Slave
testmodell In Extremo flameblower (German Version)
babe_rockefeller A general babe

Insert (Special Weapons)

Code Item Type Damage Req. Value
------------------ ----------------- ---- ------ ---- -----
innos_zorn Innos Rage 2h 110 90 570
ulumulu Ulu-mulu 2h 35 30 1000
whistlers_schwert Whistlers Sword 1h 20 15 110
thorus_schwert Thorus Sword 2h 90 75 460
scars_schwert Scars Sword 1h 85 70 460
streitschlichter Lesters Mediator 1h 60 40 340
lees_axt Lee's Axe 2h 105 95 560
roter_wind Red Wind 2h 105 80 570
artos_schwert Artos Sword 1h 65 50 360
diegos_bogen Diegos Bow Bow 70 45 390
silas_axt Silas Axe 1h 55 40 290
torlofs_axt Thorlof Axe 2h 99 85 550
cords_spalter Cords Clefter 1h 60 50 310
oriks_axt Oriks Axe 2h 95 90 540
namibs_keule Namibs Club 1h 50 40 300
wolfs_bogen Wolfs Bow Bow 5 35 200
MYTHRILKLINGE01 Uriziel 2h 90 30 900
MYTHRILKLINGE02 Uriziel Updated 2h 120+30 30 10.000

Req. = Requirement
1h = One Handed
2h = Two Handed

Insert (One Handed Weapons)

Code Item Damage Req. Value
------------------------- ---------------- ------ ---- -----
ITMW_1H_AXE_01 Axe 29 12 320
ITMW_1H_AXE_02 Skullclefter 53 24 1020
ITMW_1H_AXE_03 Bonebreaker 54 25 1160
ITMW_1H_MACE_01 Mace 23 10 55
ITMW_1H_MACE_02 Sting Mace 25 11 65
ITMW_1H_MACE_03 Blood Fly Sting 26 11 75
ITMW_1H_MACE_04 Steel Tongue 29 11 85
ITMW_1H_MACE_WAR_01 Morning Star 35 14 125
ITMW_1H_MACE_WAR_02 Steel Mace 36 15 132
ITMW_1H_MACE_WAR_03 Stone Crusher 37 16 139
ITMW_1H_MACE_WAR_04 Heart Breaker 39 17 600
ITMW_1H_SWORD_01 Crude Sword 20 20 100
ITMW_1H_SWORD_02 Judgement Sword 30 12 97
ITMW_1H_SWORD_03 Guard's Sword 32 12 104
ITMW_1H_SWORD_04 Battle Sword 33 13 111
ITMW_1H_SWORD_05 War Sword 34 14 472
ITMW_1H_SWORD_BASTARD_01 Rusty Bastard Sword 45 31 200
ITMW_1H_SWORD_BASTARD_02 Butcher 64 32 1660
ITMW_1H_SWORD_BASTARD_03 Executor 65 33 1720
ITMW_1H_SWORD_BASTARD_04 Berserker's Sword 66 35 1760
ITMW_1H_SWORD_BROAD_01 Broad Sword 55 26 1240
ITMW_1H_SWORD_BROAD_02 Warrior's Verdict 57 27 1300
ITMW_1H_SWORD_BROAD_03 Storm Whisper 58 28 1360
ITMW_1H_SWORD_BROAD_04 Guard's Hand 59 29 1400
ITMW_1H_SWORD_LONG_01 Long Sword 40 17 640
ITMW_1H_SWORD_LONG_02 Sword of Fear 42 18 620
ITMW_1H_SWORD_LONG_03 Sword of Hate 44 19 800
ITMW_1H_SWORD_LONG_04 Sword of Victory 46 20 860
ITMW_1H_SWORD_LONG_05 Sword of Death 48 21 920
ITMW_1H_SWORD_SHORT_01 Short Sword 12 6 44
ITMW_1H_SWORD_SHORT_02 Farmer's Defence 14 7 64
ITMW_1H_SWORD_SHORT_03 Lurker's Bite 16 8 88
ITMW_1H_SWORD_SHORT_04 Thorn of Wounds 18 9 120
ITMW_1H_SWORD_SHORT_05 Diggers Discipline 20 10 160
ITMW_1H_WARHAMMER_01 Orc Hammer 50 22 1000
ITMW_1H_WARHAMMER_02 War Hammer 51 23 1040
ITMW_1H_WARHAMMER_03 God's Hammer 52 23 1080
ITMW_1H_SLEDGEHAMMER_01 Smith's Hammer 10 5 5
ITMWPICKAXE Pick Axe 7 5 4

Insert (Two Handed Weapons)

Code Item Damage Req. Value
----------------------- ------------------ ------ ---- -----
ITMW2HORCAXE01 Krush Pach 50 30 35
ITMW2HORCAXE02 Krush UrRok 55 35 38
ITMW2HORCAXE03 Krush Agash 60 40 40
ITMW2HORCAXE04 Krush BrokDar 65 45 43
ITMW_2H_SWORD_OLD_01 Rusty Two-Hander 61 30 1480
ITMW_2H_AXE_HEAVY_01 War Axe 94 72 3660
ITMW_2H_AXE_HEAVY_02 Warrior's Voice 96 74 3860
ITMW_2H_AXE_HEAVY_03 Barbarian's Fist 98 76 4060
ITMW_2H_AXE_HEAVY_04 Troll Fist 100 78 4360
ITMW_2H_AXE_LIGHT_01 Light Battle Axe 77 52 2400
ITMW_2H_AXE_LIGHT_02 Thunderstrike 79 54 2440
ITMW_2H_AXE_LIGHT_03 Smash 80 56 2520
ITMW_2H_SWORD_01 Two Hander 84 58 2600
ITMW_2H_SWORD_02 Hero's Blade 83 60 2760
ITMW_2H_SWORD_03 Blood Blade 85 62 2840
ITMW_2H_SWORD_HEAVY_01 Heavy Two-Hander 86 64 2920
ITMW_2H_SWORD_HEAVY_02 Rage Steel 88 66 3040
ITMW_2H_SWORD_HEAVY_03 Wrath Steel 90 68 3260
ITMW_2H_SWORD_HEAVY_04 Revenge Steel 92 70 3440
ITMW_2H_SWORD_LIGHT_01 Light Two-Hander 70 42 1900
ITMW_2H_SWORD_LIGHT_02 Lustodian's Blade 71 44 1950
ITMW_2H_SWORD_LIGHT_03 Mercenary's Blade 73 46 2000
ITMW_2H_SWORD_LIGHT_04 King's Blade 74 48 2200
ITMW_2H_SWORD_LIGHT_05 Demonic Blade 76 50 2320

Insert (Bows & Crossbows)

Code Item Damage Req. Value
------------------ ----------------------- ------ ---- -----
ITRW_BOW_LONG_01 Longbow 40 20 240
ITRW_BOW_LONG_02 Hedge Bow 44 22 280
ITRW_BOW_LONG_03 Willow Bow 48 24 320
ITRW_BOW_LONG_04 Oak Bow 52 26 360
ITRW_BOW_LONG_05 Wolf Shredder 56 28 440
ITRW_BOW_LONG_06 Wind Breaker 60 30 480
ITRW_BOW_LONG_07 Army Bow 64 32 520
ITRW_BOW_LONG_08 Horn Bow 68 34 560
ITRW_BOW_LONG_09 Nimrod Bow 72 36 600
ITRW_BOW_SMALL_01 Short Bow 20 10 40
ITRW_BOW_SMALL_02 Rider's Bow 24 12 80
ITRW_BOW_SMALL_03 Field Bow 28 14 120
ITRW_BOW_SMALL_04 Hunting Bow 32 16 160
ITRW_BOW_SMALL_05 Bone Bow 36 18 200
ITRW_CROSSBOW_01 Light Crossbow 50 25 180
ITRW_CROSSBOW_02 Crossbow 85 42 780
ITRW_CROSSBOW_03 Heavy Crossbow 90 45 1000
ITRW_CROSSBOW_04 Crossbow of War 100 55 1300

Insert (Armor)

Code Item Wea. Arr. Fir. Mag. Value
----------- ----------------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----
vlk_armor_l Light Diggers Trousers 10 5 - - 250
vlk_armor_m Diggers Trousers 15 5 - - 500
stt_armor_m Shadow's Dress 30 5 15 - 750
stt_armor_h Shadow's Armor 40 5 20 - 1200
grd_armor_l Light Guard's Armor 45 5 20 - 1350
grd_armor_m Guard's Armor 55 10 25 - 1650
grd_armor_h Heavy Guard's Armor 70 10 35 - 2100
grd_armor_i Royal Guard's Armor 50 5 25 1 1500
ebr_armor_m Robe of State 72 7 26 3 2160
ebr_armor_h Gomez Armor 85 9 42 3 2550
ebr_armor_h2 Heavy Ore Baron's Armor 80 8 40 3 2400
sfb_armor_l Diggers Dress 10 - 5 - 250
org_armor_l Light Rogue's Dress 30 5 15 - 750
org_armor_m Rogue's Dress 35 5 15 - 1050
org_armor_h Heavy Rogue's Dress 40 5 20 - 1200
sld_armor_l Light Mercenary's Armor 45 5 20 - 1350
sld_armor_m Mercenary's Armor 55 10 35 - 1650
sld_armor_h Heavy Mercenary's Armor 70 10 35 - 2100
nov_armor_l Novice's Lion Cloth 15 - 10 - 500
nov_armor_m Light Novice's Armor 30 - 15 - 750
nov_armor_h Novice's Armor 40 5 20 - 1200
tpl_armor_l Light Templars Armor 45 5 20 - 1350
tpl_armor_m Templars Armor 55 10 25 - 1650
tpl_armor_h Heavy Templars Armor 70 10 35 - 2100
gur_armor_m Guru's Robe 71 7 35 3 2130
gur_armor_h High Robe of the Gurus 82 8 41 4 2460
kdf_armor_l Fire Robe 40 5 25 5 1200
kdf_armor_h High Robe of Fire 50 5 30 10 1500
kdw_armor_l Water Robe 65 6 40 15 1950
kdw_armor_h High Robe of Water 70 10 45 20 2100
dmb_armor_h Robe of the Dark Arts 90 20 60 30 2700
crw_armor_h Crawler Plate Armor 80 5 30 5 2400
ore_armor_m Ancient Ore Armor 95 25 40 10 5700
ore_armor_h Improvec Ore Armor 100 30 45 15 6000
lam_armor Supposed to be the Judge - - - - ?

Wea. = Protection agsinst Weapons
Arr. = Protection against Arrows
Fir. = Protection against Fire
Mag. = Protection against Magic

Insert (Runes)

(See the table in "Art of Sorcery" for more information)

Code Item
-------------------------- ----------------------------------
itarrunebreathofdeath Breath of Death
itarrunechainlightning Chain Lightning
itarrunecharm Charm
itarrunecontrol Control
itarrunedestroyundead Death to the Undead
itarrunefireball Fireball
itarrunefirebolt Fire Bolt
itarrunefirerain Rain of Fire
itarrunefirestorm Storm of Fire
itarruneheal Healing
itarruneicecube Ice Block
itarruneicewave Wave of Ice
itarrunelight Light
itarrunepyrokinesis Pyrokinesis
itarrunesleep Sleep
itarrunestormfist Storm Fist
itarrunetelekinesis Telekinesis
itarruneteleport1 Teleport to the Magicians of Fire
itarruneteleport2 Teleport to the Magicians of Water
itarruneteleport3 Teleport to the Necromancer
itarruneteleport5 Teleport to the Swamp Camp
itarrunethunderball Ball Lightning
itarrunethunderbolt Ice Bolt
itarrunewindfist Fist of Wind
urizielrune Uzariel's Wave of Death

Insert (Scrolls)

Code Item
-------------------------- ----------------------------------
itarscrollarmyofdarkness Army of Darkness
itarscrollberzerk Rage
itarscrollchainlightning Chain Lightning
itarscrollcharm Charm
itarscrollcontrol Control
itarscrolldestroyundead Death to the Undead
itarscrollfear Fear
itarscrollfireball Fire Ball
itarscrollfirebolt Fire Bolt
itarscrollfirerain Rain of Fire
itarscrollfirestorm Storm of Fire
itarscrollheal Heal
itarscrollicecube Ice Block
itarscrollicewave Ice Wave
itarscrolllight Light
itarscrollpyrokinesis Pyrokinesis
itarscrollshrink Shrink Monster
itarscrollsleep Sleep
itarscrollstormfist The Fist of Wind
itarscrollsummondemon Summon Demon
itarscrollsummongolem Summon Golem
itarscrollsummonskeletons Summon Skeletons
itarscrolltelekinesis Telekinesis
itarscrollteleport1 Teleport to the Magicians of Fire
itarscrollteleport2 Teleport to the Magicians of Water
itarscrollteleport3 Teleport to the Necromancer
itarscrollteleport4 Orc Teleport Spell
itarscrollteleport5 Teleport to the Swamp Camp
itarscrollthunderball Thunderball
itarscrollthunderbolt Thunderbolt
itarscrollwindfist Fist of Wind
itarscrolltrfbloodfly Transform Into Blood Fly
itarscrolltrfcrawler Transform Into Minecrawler
itarscrolltrflurker Transform Into Lurker
itarscrolltrfmeatbug Transform Into Meat Bug
itarscrolltrfmolerat Transform Into Molerat
itarscrolltrforcdog Transform Into Orc Dog
itarscrolltrfscavenger Transform Into Scavenger
itarscrolltrfshadowbeast Transform Into Shadow Beast
itarscrolltrfsnapper Transform Into Snapper
itarscrolltrfwaran Transform Into Lizard
itarscrolltrfwolf Transform Into Wolf

Insert (Quest Items)

Code Item
-------------------------- -------------------------------------
all Allmighty Warrior (Haa Haa Haa)
elementare_arcanei Elementary Arcanum (Book: Value 100)
astronomie Astronomy (Book: Value 100)
mordragsring Mordrags Ring
neks_amulett Nek's Amulet
healthwater A healing potion to Y'Berion
orcmedicine The Orc Medicine
kampfkunst The Art of Fighting (Book: Value 100)
cronos_brief The letter from Cronos
dungeonkey The Dungeon Key (Old Camp)
Bannklinge One of the Orc Shaman's Sword's
Daemonenstreich One of the Orc Shaman's Sword's
Zeilenklinge One of the Orc Shaman's Sword's
Weltenspalter One of the Orc Shaman's Sword's
Lichtbringer One of the Orc Shaman's Sword's
PINUP Hmmm....


20. Links | \
********* |___ /

Official Gothic Links:

Piranha Bytes (makers of Gothic) webSite (German)

Piranha Bytes (makers of Gothic) English Site

Official Website (German)

Official English Website

Gomp Forum (Mostly German)

RPGDot Forum (Reccomended for English Speaking Players)

Popular Fansites:

Gomp (German, use to translate)

World of Gothic (German, use to translate)

Gothic@RPGDot (Largest English Site)


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The end of this document, the start of your adventure!

Good luck on your quest, keep the hitpoints high and the monster
population low. Enjoy this game!

~By JemyM

This document Copyright 2001 JemyM

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