Monkey Hero

Monkey Hero

30.09.2013 07:41:12
Monkey Hero
Version 0.3
Last Updated: Jan.23th, 2002
Full Walkthrough (Not completed yet)


Jan.23th, 2002 - Version 0.3 -- It isn't as big of an
update as I wanted it to be but anyway. I'll add a
bigger update in 2-5 days.

Jan.11th, 2002 - Version 0.25 -- Sup? Nothing big
here. Just finished the library and boss battle. Oh,
and I added a two new tips. I haven't been playing
much. I've been addicted to Lunar 2: Enternal Blue
since I got it for Christmas. I'll probably not update
until a few weeks but once I do it'll be a bigger one.

Jan.5th, 2002 - Version 0.2 -- Updated sooner then
expected. Walkthrough started. Beware of this game PS2
only users -- this game only works on the original
Playstation and PSOne console. Hopefully I can submit
this version correctly.

Jan.4th, 2002 - Version 0.1 -- This is my first
faq. I just got Monkey Hero today (traded friend Ball
Breakers for it) and I saw Monkey Hero on the request
list. Even though I haven't even played the game at
all yet, my friend said it is pretty easy, so as I
progress, I'll add accurate date to the Walkthrough
section. So far all I have added is information from
the instruction booklet.


Table of Contents:

Chapter I: Story
1.) The Past
2.) The Present
3.) The Future
Chapter II: Basic Gameplay
1.) Monkey Moves
2.) Staying Alive
3.) Using Items you find
4.) The World Around You
5.) Enemies
Chapter III: Tips
1.) Instructions Tips
2.) My Tips (Not Complete)
Chapter IV: Walkthrough
1.) Cave
2.) Outside
3.) Library
4.) Outside (2)
5.) Secret Mine
6.) Outside (3)

Chapter I: Story (From Instruction Book) --

Monkey, listen closely, for this is your destiny.
(Told by Master Sage)
The Past
Long ago, there existed not one, but three worlds...
the Dream World, the Waking World, and the Nightmare
World. These three worlds remained in balance, each
serving its purpose in the lives of all creatures...
The main reason this balance was kept was The Magic
Storybook of Dreams. This book kept the people of the
waking world safe from the constant invasion of the
Nightmare King. The Nightmare King, determined to
destroy the order of the worlds, knew that if he stole
this book, he could fill the Waking World with evil
nightmares and create total chaos. Having anticipated
this attack, the Dream King fashioned a hero out of
stone and sent him to the Waking World for the sake of
the good people. This hero was found by a pair of
kindly villagers who raised him until he was ready for
his dangerous quest.

The Present
Monkey, you have spent many years under my guidance
and teaching. The time has come for me to tell you of
your destiny... I have been training you for a great
journey, you are the Monkey Hero that the Dream King
created to defeat the evil Nightmare King! You must
retrieve The Magic Storybook of Dreams from the
Nightmare King to restore balance to the three worlds.
I hope I have taught you everything you will need to
complete the upcoming challenges... I know not all of
what you will be facing, or what paths you will need
to take, but I have written down everything I think
you will need to know in this book. I hope it proves

The Future
Harmony must be restored. It is up to you to find the
missing eight pages of the magic story book and defeat
all the Nightmare Lords. The events to come will no
doubt test each and every ability I have taught you.
You will need to be strong and always keep a clear
focus on your goal. You will be faced with many
difficult puzzles and enemies, but no matter how hard
it becomes you must never give up. You are our only
hope, Monkey...


Chapter II: Basic Gameplay (Told by Master Sage)

Monkey Moves

You will need to travel and explore many different
areas of the three worlds. You'll be faced with many
different puzzles and situations that you will need to
figure out and overcome. I hope you remember all that
I have taught you Monkey.

Moving Around the Screen -- Use the Directional
Buttons or the Left Analog Stick to move yourself
around the screen. You will move in any direction you
press the Directional Buttons or the Left Analog
Stick. You must be close to an object to interact with

Pushing Objects -- Throughout your quest you will need
to move certain objects around to uncover certain
items and areas. You can do this by moving next to the
desired object, when you are close enough to it, press
the Directional Buttons or Left Analog Stick in the
desired direction and you will lean against the object
and either push it over or slide it across the ground
to where you wish. To stop pushing the object, either
stop moving or move in the opposite direction.

Pulling Objects -- Pulling objects is much like
pushing objects. To pull and object, move next to the
object, and then press and hold the "O" button. You
can then pull it in the direction, you press the
Directional Buttons or Left Analog Stick. Note: Not
all objects can be pushed or pulled. You must
experiment with what is around you to find out what
best fits the situation.

Picking up and throwing objects -- There are many
objects in the world that can be picked up and used as
weapons by throwing them, you may also find valuable
items inside these objects after they break. To pick
up an object such as a plant, move next to the desired
object and press the "O" button to lift it over your
head. While carrying the object, you can still move
around using the directional buttons or analog stick.
To throw the item you are carrying, press the "O"
button again. You will always through the object in
the direction you are facing so you must position
yourself facing the direction you want to throw.

Opening Chests -- Throughout your adventure you'll
come across many chests containing important items.
There are two different kinds of chests, small and
large. Small chests can be opened by moving next to
the chest, and pressing the "O" button. Once the chest
is open you will automatically pick up the item and
put it in your inventory. Large chests are opened the
same way as small ones, the only difference is, a gold
key is required to be in your inventory to can access
to the chest.

Conversation -- There are certain characters in the
game that you can talk to, many of which have valuable
information for you. To talk to a character, move next
to the desired person and press the "O" button, press
the "O" button again to continue the conversation and
end it.

Hovering Technique -- Once you find the "Hover
Scroll", you are capable of using your staff to hover
over chasms and places where normal walking is not
possible. Your hovering power (the amount of time in
which you can stay in the air) is determined by the
kind of staff you are using. In other words, the more
powerful the staff, the more hover power you have. You
can perform this maneuver by holding the "X" button
until the staff charges, when fully charged, you will
twirl the staff, creating lift. You control your hover
direction the same as if you were walking, press the
Directional Buttons or Left Analog Stick in the
direction you wish to move.

Staff Attack -- Your Standard attack. Once you find a
staff you can press the "X" button to swing your staff
directly in front of you. You can use this attack as
many times as you wish. You should practice the
correct distance you need to be away from the enemies
to hit them. Also, you can perform a charge attack by
pressing and holding the "O" button for 1 second. To
stop running, press the directional buttons or left
analog stick in the opposite direction. Although your
main attack is with your staff, you will find other
objects in the world that may be useful as weapons, so

Staying Alive

In order to fulfill your destiny of defeating
Nightmare King, you are going to have to stay in good
shape. I feel as if you are my own soon and it would
break my heart to see you die. Here is all I can teach
you about staying alive....

The amount of health you have is shown with peaches,
which are displayed in a row on the tip of the action
screen. Every time you take damage you lose either a
half or whole peach, if you run out of peaches, and
have no mushrooms, you die.

Small Peach: Restore 1 peach of life and are
automatically used when picked up.

Magic Big Peach: Restores full peaches and adds 1 to
your maximum.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms, when obtained, will restore all
of your life if you happen to lose all of your
peaches. Mushrooms can be obtained from Fontunes.

Using Items you find

You will find many useful items along the way. These
items will allow you to gain access to new areas and
give you new abilities. Most of these items will be
very well hidden or held by foes you will encounter.
You must try your best to locate them, for they will
prove to be a great help. I have even heard of an item
that will give you telepathic powers so that I may
better help you in the later stages of your quest.
Either way, here are some of the important items that
I know about...

Equipable Items

Equipable Items are selected from the inventory
screen. Press the "Triangle" button to access the
inventory screen. Use the directional buttons or left
analog stick to move to the desired item, press
"Triangle" again to select the item and return to the
game. Once back in the game, you can also use the R1
and L1 buttons to so a quick switch between all
avaliable equipable items. Once you have selected an
item you can press "Square" to use it. The usable
items I know are:

Gourd -- Can be used to suck in and hold fireflies
that you will find flying around. To capture
fireflies, select the Gourd as your equipped item and
hold "Square" down. You can now walk around and
capture fireflies if you want. You can release then by
pressing "Square" whenever you want.

Grapple -- Allows you to gain altitude by grappling on
to objects. Effective against flying enemies and hard
to reach spots.

Magic Statues -- Statues have different abilities when
used, depending on their type. Because of their
strength they consume coins every time you use them.

Candle -- Has a couple of uses, but mostly as a source
of light. It must by lit by a torch to use. When you
get hit, the flame will go out.

Spears -- Long range attack. You will come across a
variety of spears in your travels. You can throw your
spear in the direction you are facing at any time by
pressing the "Square" button.

Firecrackers -- These little explosive buggers can be
used as both a weapon and for causing destruction to
certain objects. When selected as your equipped item,
you will drop a firecracker every time you press the
"square" button. You can then pick it up by pressing
the "O" button, and then throw it by pressing the "O"
button again. It will explode 3 seconds after you 1st
dropped it.

Hammer -- Can be used to smash your enemies to a pulp,
but is also used to pound other objects.

Auto-use items
These types of items, once picked up, will give you
special abilities and other attributes. Once you have
the Hover Scroll, for example, you are able to hover
from then on. These are the auto-use items I know

Mega Bracelet -- Allows you to pull and push heavier

Pie Tin -- Allows you to store peach pie slices for
later use

World Map -- Lets Monkey see a map of the world.
Pressing the select button will bring up this map.

Hover Scroll -- Gives you the ability to use your
staff hover across chasms and hard to reach spots.

The World Around You

You have a long and dangerous trip ahead of you. I'm
sure at times you will get lost and confused as where
to go or what to do next. Don't fear little one, I
will help you as best as I can. Here is some
information that you should find interesting.
(Remember, this dude is not me, it is Master Sage, a
character in the game. I don't want 50 e-mails saying
I sound like a retard)

World Map
The Over World Map is accessed when you press the
Select button when not in a dungeon. If you are inside
a house, the map will not come up. You must first find
the map in which you are in. The map will show your
whereabouts and the location of any dungeons or other
special places that people have told you about.

Clouds & Cloud Pedestals -- The combination of Clouds
and Cloud Pedestals allow you to teleport throughout
the world. There are 8 Cloud Pedestals with a cloud
graphic on them sprinkled through the game. You have
to activate these pedestals with the "O" button.
Activated Cloud Pedestals will become a destination on
the World Map. Once you collect the cloud icon, use it
in your inventory like any other object (such as a
hammer) and you'll be lifted up and sent to the World
Map where yellow blinking dots will show Cloud
Pedestal points. If you have set any landing points
you can warp to them (when you get the cloud, you'll
get the first landing point automatically.).


When I was a young adventurer, I came across many of
the evil creatures you will be facing. I know that
there are much bigger and powerful bosses, and I am
sorry I don't know more about them. I will tell you
what I remember though, hopefully it will be useful.

Dive Bomber - These two headed flying pests swoop
down and try to peck you to death. Use the grapple on
them to dispose them quickly.

Jellies - Leftovers from the Nightmare King's dinner
table. They shake a few times before jumping on you.

Rockheads - Armless but deadly. These creatures are
fontones serving the Nightmare King.

Tai Toads - Their jumping ability makes them able to
get over barriers you can't get over.

Fire Elementals - You can light your candle on their


Chapter III: Tips

Instructions Tips
1.) Be sure to save your game at the beginning of
every dungeon and after collecting a Book Page.

2.) There is no way to retreat to if you can trap an
enemy to the corner. Once that happens, strike quickly
with your staff and bid the Nightmare King drone good

3.) Whenever you're low on health, spears, money, or
firecrackers, be sure to check all of the crates and
jars in that area. Remember, you can always walk out
of the room and back in to restore those smashable

4.) When dealing with Knife-Throwing Nightmare guards,
stand to the left or right of its line of fire and
approach it until it's backed into a wall or object.
Once trapped, you should be standing diagonal to it
and will easily defeat it with a few swift swings from
your trusty staff.

5.) Once you've obtained the Mushroom Bag from the
Fortunes, you should visit the Shop Keeper in the
south-west of the Fortune Village and buy more
mushrooms. It's always a good idea to carry at least
three mushrooms.

6.) Before entering a dungeon to retrieve a lost book
page, be sure to visit Ma Baker and stock up on some
Peach Pue Slices! A tasty pie slice halfway through a
dungeon will revive your health meter.

My Tips
1.) If you don't know where to go explore the bottom a
little bit -- sometimes there is a room to enter
there, you just can't see it from the bad camera

2.) Make sure you use your Mushrooms when low on

3.) Make sure when you are finished you go to Save and
Quit. I had to start over two times now for forgetting
to do this.


Chapter IV: Walkthrough

Here is my walkthrough for Monkey Hero. It contains a
lot of spoilers so BEWARE.

Key Items -- Bamboo Staff
After a small earth quake, you fall down a well and
into a cave. Make your way left, you can destroy the
worm enemy if you want. Just press "O" to to pick up a
box, and then "O" again at the worm. The enemy is
destroyed. It could have a peach life or donut. Make
your way to the room far east. You enter a room filled
with crate. Pick up the crates and throw them out of
your way so you can make your way through. Run into a
barrel to destroy a few worms. Destroy all of the
other worms using the tactics above and then make your
way into another room. Get there by going North and
then West. You'll get there in another room. Talk to
the man and avoid the other for now and enter the door
-- you can't unlock the treasure chest in this room
just yet so go ahead and enter the other room. There
is a small treasure chest in this room. This is the
key for the big treasure chest. To open it, just press
the "O" button. You get a Bamboo Staff! Enter the room
you were in before. The statues move out of your way.
You can now destroy the worms with your Bamboo Staff
just by pressing "X". Make your way into the next room
east. You are outside. Well sort off. Don't fall off
the ledge or else you'll lose a peach. Go up the
stairs, push the barrel into the worm. Advance left,
destroy some worms, and then enter the next room. The
room has a moving crate on Railroad tracks. To get by,
you must go as far to the left without falling off the
ledge, and then down and left again through the
railroad tracks when the crate goes as far right as it
can go. The confusing camera angle doesn't give you an
angle to the next door, just go down the other rail
road. This leads you outside.

Key Items -- Head Band
Talk to Master Sage. The Nightmare King as already
started his attack and now you must head south to the
Library. After talking with Master Sage, he gives you
a head band. Now, Master Sage can talk to you
telepathicley! Head a little east, then south. You'll
encounter two new creatures that can be destroyed with
two swings of the Bamboo Staff. Keep going south, and
then west. Talk to fonty (the guy with the weird hair)
and he'll tell you he's a fonotune and will lead you
to the library. Attack the one guy with the weird
looking weapon, continue west, and then enter the

Key Items -- World Map, Hover Magic, Big Peach, Magic
Storybook Page #1
Destroy all the enemies and the Libirian comes up!
Talk to her by pressing "O". After you listen to her
short speech, the passage unlocks as the books
blocking your path move out of the way.Go North. You
enter a room with shelves of books. Knock down the
ones West and East to collect 2 donuts and peaches.
Knock down the shelves of books north. Press "O" at
the fountain. You'll get all of your peaches back if
you do so. Go east. Destroy some monsters to clear a
path. Keep knocking down the shelves of books to the
far east and you'll eventually get to a treasure chest
with a key inside. Press the switch by walking up to
it, and then enter the next door. Bash down all of the
monsters and then the librian reappears. She talks
about the world map and says she lost the key to the
treasure chest that has the World Map in it. Don't
worry though -- you've all ready found it in the past
room (if you did what I said to do). The door north is
locked so make your way south. There is a door there
-- you just can't see it. Get the boxes out of your
way and then unlock the treasure chest. You've found
the World Map! Now when you press select outside
you'll see an overview of Waking World. Go back to the
other room. Talk to the Libirian again. After the
conversation, the north door unlocks. Press the north
switch to unlock the next door. Defeat the first two
monsters and then head east. Knock down the barrels to
destroy the rest of the enemies. Hit the switch. A
treasure chest appears and the door opens. Get the
silver key from the chest and then proceed to the easy
door. Avoid everything and continue easy to a new
door. Knock down a few book shelves -- eventually
you'll come to a treasure chest with a gold key.Go
back to the previous room. Pick up the box in the
middle of the room. Destroy the 3 enemies in there
with your staff and the door north opens. Jump down,
then go up the stairs, use the key you got from
before, and the big chest unlocks. Inside is Magic
that lets you Hover! Without falling, go far off to
the ledge, then hold "X" and then let go of "X". Once
the stars turn to light blue you can hover your jump.
Hover your way back into the other. Then go east
again. Continue your way east and go to the next room.
Avoid the toads, you can't kill them. Go between the
two statues and use your hover jump to make your way
into the next room. Go ahead and knock down every
single barrel to the south -- you'll destroy all of
the enemies that way. You can't do any thing here yet
so make your way south and then west into the next
room. Push the peach shaped statue north so you can
proceed. Destroy the two enemies and then enter the
next room. Throw a block out of your way so you can
make your way south. Avoid the toad and climb up the
stairs. If you want, go as North-West as you can
without falling off the ledge. Use your hover across
the next platform. Pull the switch and a small
tressure chest pops out with 20 donuts. Destroy a few
enemies and then go to the next room. Push the peach
shaped statue north. Go south, then east, and destroy
an enemy. Then push that peach shaped statue east. A
small treasure chest pops up. Jump down the stairs and
open the chest. You get a Silver Key to advance to the
next door! In the next room, climb up the stairs to
the south. Pull the switch and then go to the north
stairs. Look familiar? Hover your way across to the
small treasure chest. If you fall, you have to do this
all over again. Unlock the chest and get a toad.
Hover your way back to the room you just came from. Go
West, and then down. There is a door there. It took me
awhile to figure it out because of the camera angle.
In there, destroy a few worms. The door southwest is
locked so hover across the starts to where the other
worm is. It is real hard to see because the screen is
real dark. If you fall you lose a peach. Hover below
and flip the switch. Open the treasure chest to get 5
coins. Pull the peach statue on the switch then enter
the next room. Pull the statue by the two treasure
chests out of your way. Open them to find a gold key
and 10 donuts. Go to the previous room. Pull the
statue on the switch again and enter the east room.
Hover east and then go up the stairs. Use your key to
enter the next room. Go up, then right when you see
four crates. Throw them out of your way and open the
treasure chest to get a big peach. Now you have five
peach lives instead of four. Enter the north room.
Throw the crates out of your way and then hover west.
Throw a crate southwest and then hover across again.
Hover eastward, flip the switch, and then enter the
next room.Push the peaches to the west+east switches.
Don't worry about the one in the middle -- it just
sends up a few enemies. Enter the next room. Destroy
all of the enemies and then enter the next room west.
Jump down. Push the north statue west and then into
the next room. Run up to the Magic Storybook and then
you'll end up in a conversation. Next thing you know
you fall to the platform below. Your up against your
first boss battle.

Nightmare King

This guy is real easy. Attack him after he does his
wind attack with the staff. To make his attack not
work, run the opposite direction the wind blows.
Destroy the purple enemies he sends out. They only
take one hit to kill. Next thing you know he is
defeated. Grab the book. Nightmare King has scattered
all of the pages all around the world leaving you to
find them all. Talk to the Iiberian. She gives you
your first book page! And next thing you know you are
back outside.

Outside (2)

Go ahead and explore the world around you a bit.When
you are ready, go North and then West. Talk with
Master Sage and then enter the entrance. Immidialy go
east and push the peach statue. You'll get your first
magic crystal of 20. Enter the 1st house you see and
Master Sage appears in mid-air. Talk with him. He'll
tell you about the 20 crystals. Once you collect all
20, return back to this house. Then, after the
conversation, he gives you a big peach. Go to the
other house a small ways north. Talk to the instructer
and then say yes to his question. Press *Square* to
drop a fire cracker, then press "O" to pick it up, and
then "O" again to throw the firecracker at the
enemies.After you complete is somewhat difficult task,
you can now use fire crackers. He now gives you five
firecrackers to start out with. Go north to the next
screen and then enter the huge house. Talk to the two
people in there. One tells your next location and
where a hammer is found. Leave the whole area. Outside
of the area, head a little east, then north. Then go
North-East and you'll find the secret mine with a
hammer in it.

Secret Mine
Key Items: Hammer

Hover your way north through the two jumps. Enter the
next room. Fight off the two never-before-seen
enemies. In the next room, you'll see a moving crate.
You must go up the small ramp, then once you see the
crate move toward your area, run onto it to get to the
next platform. Go west and then south to enter a
little door. Open the treasure chest to get a gold
key. Ignore the moving crate for a minute, and hover
to the other platform. Keep doing this until you come
upon a switch. Press the switch and then go back to
the crate. Do the same thing you did with the other
crate, and enter the next room. Go around the cart
tracks until you find an open platform. Open up the
treasure chest and inside is the hammer. Equip it, and
then head out of the secret mine and back outside.

Outside (3)
Key Items: Power Staff

Keep going south about three or four screen loads and
then you'll eventually come to a broken bridge. Hover
across it and enter the area south. Immidialy enter
the first house you see and accept the girl's favor.
Go as south as possible, then a little west to enter a
little ship. Destroy the first enemy, and then roll
the barrel out of your way. A few of them don't move,
so your going to have to try a few. Pick up some boxes
west and throw them out of your way. Move a little
block with an attack by the hammer and then open up
the treasure chest. Inside is yet another big peach
life and a little map. The monkey guy talks about
memorizing the "X" spot on the map. Go all the way
back to Trixies house right by the main entrance.
After you talk with her, hunt her sister down. Just go
a little south, then keep head west to another load
screen. Then just head west until you come upon her
house. Keep saying "No" to all of her questions and
she'll get a little frusterated and tell you to go
back to Trixies house. Go back to Trixies and talk
with her. She'll give you a new stronger staff!.

More Coming In Next Update!!!

(C) Copyright 2002 FFXTIDUSFFX (Steven Dunbar)
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10.Октябрь 2013

30.Сентябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

28.Сентябрь 2013
End of Game Save.

05.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

05.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
30.Июнь 2014