

17.10.2013 23:32:22
x182ways' Mordor Faq v.1.0
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|_________________| |________________|
:The Depths of Dejenol

-Contacting Me
-General Tips
-Race Info
-Guild Info
-Spell Info


| How To contact Me |

You can email me at, if you have something
to either contribute or if your requesting to put my faq up on
your site.
Some E-Mail rules
-Include Mordor in you subject
-Make information understandable
-No attachments
-General Courtesy
-If you're contributing something, please give me what you would
like to be acknowledged as, otherwise I'll use your email.

This Faq is in its early stages.
So any contributions would be greatly appreciated.


| History |

Version 1.0
-The foundation for my Mordor faq. Some of the beginning stuff.
I'll try to get screen shots for the levels I have fully
explored posted. For your reference, I'm using the full version
of Mordor 1.1. Maybe it's cause I'm lazy, but I have the info
for some of the later stuff, but don't feel like adding it atm.


| Comments |

Mordor:the depths of dejenol is a 15 level FpRPG (first person role
playing game). You might remember playing games like these, but
what sets Mordor apart is the actual gameplay, you don't have do
manually attack if you don't want to. You don't camp, you go to the
city. You have an automap, so throw away that graph paper,
(although on occasion when you hit a teleporter you can get lost
and the automap remains useless untill you "find" yourself). You
can open fallen monster's chests and take the goods to the General
store to sell, hell, charm the monsters and sell THEM as well!
Mordor is an ADDICTING FpRPG that I am proud to say I am addicted
to. It gives endless hours of fun, as well as endless possiblities.

If you need a shareware version of Mordor, I can very well post it
(which I hope doesn't violate any shareware laws). I will NOT post
or send the full version to anyone, so don't email me about it.
Although I will possibly post my characters (remember to back up
YOUR files, hopefully this to is legal for me to do).


| General Tips |

-I'm pretty sure there is a maximum of 9 characters, which means
you cant make more than 9 characters at a time.
-You can have 4 characters in your party, or less.
-When you start gaining spells, put them in your buffer
you can use shift+buffer# to quick cast you frequently used

Starting Off
-Buy all the cheap equipment (Bronze Dagger, Leather Armor, Leather
cap, Leather boots, etc).
-Everything, save the cheap stuff, will be exceedingly expensive,
don't worry, eventually you'll be gaining a fortune (esp. when
you encounter dragons.)
-Start Exploring the Dungeon, try to stay near the stairs.
-Level Up at the guild immediatly when you can, the guild A/D and
abilities you get will help you while your still weak.
-The automap is the best tool you could have possibly been given.
Use it!!!
-Try to hold off from joining other guilds untill your lv 30, I'll
explain this later in the faq.

-You'll probably find all the equipment you need in the dungeon,
seeing as the dungeon is the only source of any items/gold.
-Yes, the General Store is a source of Items, but not a self
renewing source. It'll just take the items you sell to them and
resell them.
-Tomes are good, potions are better. The latter don't age you
4 weeks. Both give you 1 stat increment per use in their
respective attribute.
-Things that raise your constitution (Tome of Endurance, Potion
of Fitness) come rarer than the other stat raising items.
-Aard of Being raise all stats by 1
-All stat raising items requre 10 Wisdom and 10 Intelligence
-You can't raise stats more than 5 above the natural maximum
for that race.
-Unless you find a better amulet, use an amulet of ultravision,
they'll allow you to see the "invisible" monsters.

-I can't think of any yet

The "Character" tab
-[Sex] [Race] (Alignment)
-Title Given By Guild (Guild Level)
-Spells (points)
-Spell Level (~1 per 2 Guild levels gained)
-Hits (points)
-Gold (currently on the character)

-Pretty much self explanitory

-Comp = Companions With this Character
-Stats Nat(Mod) Your natural stats, and the amount Modified by
-Total Exp (From all your guilds)
-Total Gold (Including the amount in the bank)
-Guild A/D
-Stats A/D
-Item A/D (as your stats A/D increases, this decreases, that's
why guild A/D is so important!)

-Shows what guilds you've Joined, and your abilities gained.
Note: Guild abilites dont "combine" the strongest one is used.

-Basically shows what characters are in the current room or in
the city.

-A way of adding quick keys to your spells. Drag your spell to
the desired buffer# and then shift+buffer# to use it in the

-Shows the info, when you want it on items/monsters.

The City
-General Store
-Here you can buy items, identify/sell items, realign (n-g etc),
combine, and uncurse cursed items.
-When you buy items, make sure that it's of an alignment
you can use.
-When you identify/sell items, if the identify price is
higher than the sell price, just sell it, you make more money
that way, trust me.

-Pretty much the same as the general store, except you're
dealing in the slavery of monsters.

-Place to revive your characters.
-Hire rescuers (you need general coodinates ex:(15,3,2)).

-Generally useless, he never worked (find anything correctly)
for me.

-Place to store your money/items
-Pool/Deposit pools your money on hand to that character and
he/she deposits it.
-Party Pool/Deposit pools all money, including in the bank, and
then he/she deposits it.

-Place to level up
-Join other guilds
-Visiting the library (very useful, contains all known items
and monsters with all the information known about them.)

-Another self-explanitory thing.

-Yet another self-explanitory thing.

| Race Info |
Legend: | Large Characters are Harder
# / # - X ##% | To kill, Small Characters
min/max none Aligns resistance% | are harder to hit.

Humans are something you, as a player, can relate to. They have
no natural resistances, but are the most versatile of all races
and are allowed in every guild. They have the shortest life span,
but are the quickest learners.

Age Exp Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex G N E
100 3 4\17 4\18 4\18 6\17 5\18 6\18 X X X

Size Fire Cold Elec Mind Dises Psn Magc Stne Parlys Drain Acid
Normal - - - - - - - - - - -

Elves are the magic users of the game. Tall and slender, most
Elves become either Mages, Sorcerers, Healers or Wizards. They
are excellent spell casters and can live longer than any other
race. They are not, however, very good at fighting with weapons
and have a low constitution. Elves also have a natural resistance
to Magical and Mind attacks. Because of their lack of physical
strength, there are some items (which require great strength)
that Elves can never use.

Age Exp Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex G N E
400 7 3\15 7\20 7\20 3\16 3\18 3\18 X X X

Size Fire Cold Elec Mind Dises Psn Magc Stne Parlys Drain Acid
Small - - - 50% - - 80% - - - -

Giants live for one thing - slicing a monster in two with one
blow. Known for their brutal ways and having the advantage of
being over eight feet tall, they make the best Warriors one can
find. The only guilds to accept them are the Nomad, Seeker and
Warrior guilds. Because of their size and bulk, Giants are
resistant to most forms of attack, including Fire, Cold and
Electrical. Poison and Disease don’t seriously affect them

Age Exp Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex G N E
225 7 12\25 4\17 3\17 9\19 2\16 3\18 X

Size Fire Cold Elec Mind Dises Psn Magc Stne Parlys Drain Acid
XLarge 50% 50% 50% - 50% 50% - 25% 50% 50% -

Being very charismatic and possessing a slight resistance to Mind
attacks, Gnomes make excellent Mages. Mostly good by nature,
Gnomes are usually found in the Mage, Healer and Paladin guilds.

Age Exp Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex G N E
300 7 4\17 7\19 5\19 3\17 9\22 6\18 X X X

Size Fire Cold Elec Mind Dises Psn Magc Stne Parlys Drain Acid
Normal - - - 40% - - - - - - -

Dwarves are very curious, always poking at chests, injured
characters, and carcasses. Neutral in nature and stockier than
most races, Dwarves are found in quite a number of guilds,
ranging from Warriors to Wizards. They are also fairly resistant
to the elements (fire, cold, etc.).

Age Exp Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex G N E
275 5 3\18 3\18 7\19 3\19 3\17 5\18 X

Size Fire Cold Elec Mind Dises Psn Magc Stne Parlys Drain Acid
Small 45% 80% - - 50% 50% - 40% 50% 90% -

Somewhat dim-witted, Ogres are bulky and hairy, and make good
Warriors and Scavengers. Since their constitution and resistances
to such elements as Fire and Cold are so high, they are very hard
to kill, but their low intelligence is quite often their downfall.

Age Exp Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex G N E
265 6 9\20 3\16 3\16 9\21 3\18 5\17 X X X

Size Fire Cold Elec Mind Dises Psn Magc Stne Parlys Drain Acid
Large 75% 75% - - 50% - - 50% 75% 75% 15%

Morlochs are huge masses of walking fur and muscle. Possessing a
great deal of natural magic, they make excellent magic-users.
However, because they are so ugly, they cannot easily charm some
monsters, and their life span is almost as short as a humans. They
also have a pretty good resistance to certain forms of monster
attacks ( e.g. poison, disease).

Age Exp Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex G N E
175 4 6\20 3\17 5\19 3\15 2\14 5\20 X X

Size Fire Cold Elec Mind Dises Psn Magc Stne Parlys Drain Acid
Normal 35% 53% 35% 50% - - 40% - 95% 65% 50%

Osiris, which are distant relatives of the elves that have shifted
to a more human-like race, are extremely dexterous and are mostly
found in the Thief and Scavenger guilds. They also make marginal
spell casters and are almost completely resistant to Electrical
and Mind attacks.

Age Exp Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex G N E
325 8 5\17 3\18 3\17 7\19 3\18 10\22 X

Size Fire Cold Elec Mind Dises Psn Magc Stne Parlys Drain Acid
Normal - - 90% 90% - - - 90% - - 90%

A cross between an Ogre and an Elf, Trolls are strong and swift
creatures that possess a few natural resistances. Making excellent
Ninjas and Scavengers, they are quick to take up sides (either
Good or Evil), but can sometimes be found as Neutral. Due to the
aggressiveness in relation to their alignment, many guilds will
not allow them.

Age Exp Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex G N E
285 9 6\20 3\18 3\18 6\19 3\17 6\20 X X X

Size Fire Cold Elec Mind Dises Psn Magc Stne Parlys Drain Acid
Normal - - - - 45% 45% - - 45% 65% 25%

| Guild Info |

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| One a lv
Legend: Avg Average | Max Max Lv at which | has been
Hits Hits Per Lv | Lv Avg Hits are gained | reached in
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | one guild
Avg Avg Hits gained | Exp % of Exp | Qst % of a | it will
Hit2 After Max Lv | % per lev | % quest at lv | affect all
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | guild's
X Allowed | * less than one or none at all | avg hits.

Nomads are very quick learners, even though they do not try to
learn many different abilities. Being good fighters and moderate
thieves, Nomads are often found roaming the upper levels of the

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
5 30 1 8 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
5 * * * 7 5

Warriors could care less about spells, but are unmatched in brute
fighting ability. Being the quickest to learn how to Critically
hit their opponent, they are very good fighters and alone can use
the best weapons found in the dungeon.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
6 28 2 16 20 14 7 5 10 3 8 X X X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
2 * 9 5 12 2

Ninjas are weapons masters and can use almost all weapons
including their hands. Since a Ninja desires quickness, they are
very specific about the items they use. Ninjas are not allowed to
wear most types of armor and other items. However, having access
to special weapons that only they can use, Ninjas posses the
skills of Critically hitting and Backstabbing their opponents,
along with moderate thieving skills.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
4 25 2 21 35 13 11 7 9 3 15 X X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
7 2 5 8 10 6

Thieves are the best at collecting treasure, although the guild
makes sure to get a fair share. Very devoted to stealing, Thieves
often lack fighting skill, but make up for it with their
treacherous backstabbing. Thieves also have the best magical
ability to open any type of sealed or locked container.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
3 21 2 15 15 8 12 8 6 5 17 X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
9 9 * * 6 3

Though they lack the destructive powers of a Sorcerer, Mages makes
up for it by having the ability to control powerful monsters to
act as companions. They are also fairly adept at killing monsters
with a small blade and curing players, though putting a corpse
back together is beyond their abilities.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
3 27 2 27 15 6 11 13 8 10 14 X X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
2 * * * 5 3

A Sorcerer lacks the fine mental control and deep concentration
of a Mage while in combat, and therefore, their spells tend to
blast monsters against the walls instead of charming them.
Outside of combat, a Sorcerer can muster up some useful player
protection spells, but lacks access to any types of healing spells.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
2 28 2 27 10 6 14 13 11 5 8 X X X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
2 * * * 5 2

Healers are very good at putting characters and companions back
together again after a rough day in the dungeon. The best at
curing, they are also fairly good at killing monsters with a wide
variety of damage spells. Healers are valued members of any party
since they can fix almost any physical problem, including death.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
2 28 2 32 15 8 14 14 8 7 14 X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
2 * * * 5 2

Wizards are very good at teleporting parties around the dungeon,
although they cannot always tell where they are going to land.
They also have damage spells equivalent to a Healer and protection
spells on par with a Sorcerer.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
2 41 2 30 15 8 18 18 13 6 14 X X X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
2 * * * 5 2

A Scavenger is a cross between a Warrior and a Thief, fighting a
little worse than the former and stealing a little worse than the
latter. A Scavenger can backstab like a Thief, can be other than
neutrally aligned, and can use a few more items than a Thief.
They are also fairly good at collecting treasure and have access
to some of the Thief’s magical spells for opening containers.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
4 24 2 18 20 11 8 8 9 4 14 X X X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
7.5 5 * 1 7 3

Seekers are very good at moving through the dungeon, being able
to levitate, locate other characters, and teleport. They can’t
directly kill monsters with their magical abilities, but a Seeker
does well with a weapon in hand. They are also the best at mapping
the dungeon and detecting any types of ‘anomalies’ they may
encounter in the depths.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
4 27 2 18 20 10 13 13 11 5 13 X X X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
3.5 * 3* * 9 9

Paladins think of themselves as the heroes of the dungeon,
blundering about killing monsters and somewhat successfully
healing themselves. Possessing good fighting skills and the
ability to critically hit their enemies (though not nearly at the
level of a Warrior), one doesn’t have to be too smart to be a
Paladin, they just have to look good doing it.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
5 29 2 19 25 14 9 9 10 16 15 X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
2 * 5 2 10 3

Villains are fallen Thieves, having strayed from the magical and
equipment restrictions of the Thief’s guild and gone their own
way. While working on various poisons, the Villains learned or
stole some of the secrets of healing. They also have the ability
to Critically hit and Backstab their opponents and aren’t bad
at collecting treasure.

Avg Max Avg Exp Qst Str Int Wis Con Cha Dex Allows
Hits Lv Hit2 % % Req Req Req Req Req Req G N E
4 26 2 21 25 15 14 14 11 6 16 X

Theiving Backstab Critical Multiple-Swing Fighting Perception
6 4 1 3 8 4

| Spell Info |


| Items |


| Credits |

Some of the Charts were modified from the mordor help file
VB Designs for making Mordor (I think they changed their name)

This Faq is Copyright ©2001 by x182ways

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